top100k · 10 months
Химчистка салона своими руками drive2 ⏩ https://kahgo.ru/3izKdnK
Эффективное и безопасное устранение каких угодно пятен.
Vclean Spot – отменный помощник дома и реальная палочка-выручалочка для любой домохозяйки. Неповторимое средство без особых проблем очистит абсолютно любые поверхности от въевшейся грязи, даст красивый блеск, обработанные изделия будут выглядеть по завершении обработки как совершенно новые.
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Для ванной комнаты - Ослепительная белизна без усилий.
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Для обуви - Вся ваша обувь станет выглядеть как новенькая.
Для загородного дома и сада - Запросто удалит грязь с любой поверхности и инструментов. Как удалить зеленый налет от воды.
Для салона авто - Салон машины станет сиять как новый. Чем очистить потолок в автомобиле.
Для дисков - Все ваши автомобильные диски обретут новую жизнь. Чистящее средство в домашних условиях.
VCLEAN SPOT заменит абсолютно все ваши средства. Чистящее средство для кухни grass azelit щелочное равновесие.
Отчего VCLEAN SPOT должен находиться у вас?
Устраняет абсолютно любые пятна - Всего-навсего немного движений, и самые непреклонные пятнышки испаряются бесследно. Азелит чистящее средство для духовки.
Умеренный расход - Выкините другие химические средства – они вам не понадобятся. Чудо паста blitz отзывы.
Органический состав - Это средство неядовито, не разъедает и не сушит кожные ткани
Чистит все поверхности - Запросто устраняет трудновыводимые пятна, достигая чудесного результата. Персеус чистящее ср во люкс эффект.
Использовать VCLEAN SPOT нетрудно. Чем отмыть застоявшийся жир.
1 - Растопите концентрированную таблетку в жидкости. Чем очистить потолок в автомобиле. 1 таблетка на 2 л для мойки больших вещей: кастрюлек, сковородок и так далее Или 1 таблетка на 0,5 литра в распылитель для чистки застарелой грязи, въевшихся пятен, коррозии и так далее. Воск для полировки кожи.
2 - Нанесите получившийся раствор на необходимую поверхность. Безопасная жидкость для мытья посуды.
3 - Протрите специально предназначенной губочкой. Нейтральное моющее средство для пола.
4 - Смойте все теплой водой. V clean spot таблетки отзывы.
5 - И дело с концом. Дешевый химия.
Pекламa - Информaция о рекламодaтeлe по ссылкам в oпиcании
Химчистка салона своими руками drive2 #Химчистка #салона #своими #руками #drive2
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samsantala · 2 years
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Synergetics Cyberscale Skin
Concept art for Guild Wars 2.
The brief was to design a skin for the base Skyscale based heavily on Asura technology and aesthetics.
Thanks to the wonderful teams at ArenaNet and Volta for the opportunity to work on this and other skins, it's been really fun taking a crack at one of my favourite games.
Copyright © 2022 ArenaNet. All right reserved. Shared with authorization.
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ratasum · 4 months
Also while I'm thinking about it, before I forget: the three asuran personal story inventions and the three colleges and the fact they actually kind of mirror one another a bit pretty well.
So the three colleges, as we all know, are Synergetics (the "what if" college), Dynamics (the "YOLO" college), and Statics (the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" college).
The three inventions are, in order, the Infinity Ball, the Transatmospheric Converter, and the VAL-A golem.
Looking at each one, they slot in really well with the core tenets of one of the colleges per invention, and I swear I'm not just Pepe Silvia-ing my way through this-
Starting with the Infinity Ball. This strange contraption allows its user to peek into the mists to see other realities, potential futures, and all sorts of other things (it can also tear holes in reality). This ties in neatly with Synergetics. Defined by Word of God as being basically nuclear engineering, Synergetics students are known for speculative science more than anything else. The what ifs, the great mysteries. Blending asuran science and philosophy. And what better gizmo to test such theories than something that lets you view hundreds of outcomes?
Next is the Transatmospheric Converter. This device was intended to control the weather, with the player character specifically making this comment regarding it: "It was pretty rough, but it worked…mostly." Considering the proclivity of the College of Dynamics, described by Word of God as being best compared to chemical engineering students, to seek answers to questions no one's even asking, and their tendency towards highly unstable inventions that may or may not work as intended, this sort of thing falls directly within their purview.
And finally, the VAL-A Golem. Simple, practical. Designed entirely to focus on menial tasks like cooking, cleaning, organization, and more so that the user could focus on their scholarly pursuits, it was a simple but effective creation. Which takes us to the College of Statics, considered similar to civil engineers by Word of God. Tending towards the practical, improving on systems that exist and already work, is the bread and butter of the Statics student, and so a device that serves a practical purpose and allows its user to focus their attention elsewhere? Exactly the sort of thing you'd see from them.
It's fun to roll around, really.
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system-architect · 1 year
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BELATED asura appreciation week #2 (i am slowly working my way thru these ok i spent most of my day at a ren faire) - "Do you have an Inquest OC? How did they end up in the Inquest?"
oh boy. i have a LOT of inquest characters actually! but here's these two because they're my main two, and also because i actually had an old wip i could finish up for this lmao
gunner graduated from synergetics, with a focus in mists research. his theses and projects hinged largely around the insights he gained while in the mists, but for obvious reasons he did not disclose his experiences or the fact he's a rata novan, and as a result a lot of his research ended up getting brushed up as unfounded and unhinged, which made him very bitter. he desperately needed the funding money for his huge ambitions of trying to rip open the mists (and find his dad), so he ended up getting into the inquest, and his ahead-of-its-time style theories combined with his determination made him quickly climb to overseer rank
plex also sort of entered the inquest for dad-related reasons, with his dad having been (being?) an inquest scientist who has been missing for awhile. he hopes to eventually find out why, but... on top of that im gonna be honest plex is also just kind of a gullible nervous loser who falls too easily for men in positions of authority and is a stickler for Rules And Regulations and has been sucked into this huge pyramid scheme so. he was just plain assigned evil minion at birth.
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Thinking about the one asura personal story (I think it was for college of statics) in gw2 that started as your krewe is demonstrating a golem control system that results in one of the members’ minds being merged with the mechanical body, as her thoughts also become more mechanical, and one of the ways to resolve the story is for another krewe member who was in a romantic relationship with the first krewemember to put his mind in a golem as well so they could be together. For no reason at all
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just in case I don't actually get my drabble done before midnight, it's VERY important for you all to know that the only truly functional invention Ruju has ever made for himself was a gyrocycle, which he immediately proceeded to crash into the side of a cargo ship in Rata Sum harbor to cause a multi-ship pileup knocking ALL of them over. this obviously was not intentional, but he still spent the night in a Peacekeeper cell and had to get bailed out by his parents.
... he then promptly got arrested a SECOND time for retrieving the impounded gyrocycle after hours and trying to drive it out of the city, only to crash it into the side of the asura gate and careen wildly off course back into the harbor. knocking over the ships. AGAIN.
this, as it turned out, would be the first in a long string of Ruju managing to crash every vehicle he touches! don't let this guy drive!!
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narnes64 · 2 years
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Amazing art commission I ordered from @itsahat69 on Twitter of my two OC’s, Whitney and Ben, hanging out with Hat Kid
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growing-gems · 6 months
Bad end me
Crystal gems combo
The CGs were messing with some recently uncovered gem tech, unsure of what it was or what it did, it probably wasn't so wise to mess with it so close to Beach City and the civilians. After finding a button, Amethyst pressed it only for it to emit a pink gas in each of their faces.
Turning towards the nearest human, you, they all rushed over. They seemed almost animalistic, desperate for something. In the midst of their fighting, it evolved into them trying to push the others off of you, ending up squishing you between them as they shoved and pushed, not accomplishing anything other than trapping you.
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purplehaired-revenant · 9 months
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I've had covid for a week, so I made a new engineer and have done almost nothing but play the personal story with her ever since.
Her name is Dagrun Emberbraid. She "accidently" ended up being my Snow Leopard Shaman (despite being blessed of Raven). She likes all things mechanical, and likes to make things go boom
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nyxitycatboy · 8 months
i keep thinking about how dbd's apparently supposedly getting a duo hunters like mode at some point and how incredibly good stuff like i came guy and legion would be and oh my god thinking about it legion might unironically be toptier just by their being more survivors arround so its easier to frenzy into down let alone the "keeping all the survivors injured for killers who get damage states easier" aspect actually
legion + plague would compete for "having the other player roleplay an antihealing perk" as a support role, with the benefits of legion's easier instadown competing against plague having contagion and "one of the three aoe attacks in the game", alongside plague being in standard play better >w>
i think cenobite would probably enhance true instadown killers the most, ghostface would probably struggle given so hillybilly, bubba (who already is one of the three aoe hunters), and meyers (if the numbers work out to be longer games infini tier 3 meyers might be really good :3)
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realisaonum · 1 year
Listen/purchase: Sink Or Swim by Young Fathers
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bluebudgie · 2 years
Ever since the "which mount do you primarily use to travel" poll I've been hyper conscious about it in game and man. I have to say. I did not realize before how often I actually use the skimmer on land.
It's just perfect for when you wanna sit your character's butt on a mount but don't actually want to nyooom through the landscape.
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breezycheezyart · 2 years
Happy Birthday Breezy!! ☺️💕🍰🍰🍰🎉🎊🍾🥳
Thank you, Syne!! 💜💜💜
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synergeticsai · 18 days
AI Solutions for Business: Transforming the Future of Operations
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern business, leveraging technology to stay competitive is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, offering businesses innovative solutions to enhance operations, improve decision-making, and drive growth. In this blog, we’ll explore how AI solutions can revolutionize your business and provide practical insights into integrating AI into your operations.
Understanding AI and Its Business Applications
AI encompasses a range of technologies that enable machines to perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence. These include machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), robotics, and data analytics. By harnessing AI, businesses can automate processes, gain deeper insights, and improve overall efficiency. Here are some key areas where AI is making a significant impact:Explore cutting-edge AI solutions for business that drive operational efficiency, improve decision-making, and enhance customer experiences. Discover how integrating AI technology can transform your business and give you a competitive edge.
1. Enhanced Customer Experience
AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are transforming customer service by providing instant, personalized responses to inquiries. These tools use NLP to understand and respond to customer questions, improving response times and freeing up human agents to handle more complex issues. Additionally, AI can analyze customer data to offer personalized recommendations and tailor marketing strategies, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
2. Data-Driven Decision Making
AI excels at analyzing vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, businesses can uncover patterns and trends that might not be apparent through traditional analysis. This enables more informed decision-making, from predicting market trends to optimizing inventory levels. AI-driven insights help businesses make strategic decisions that drive growth and efficiency.
3. Operational Efficiency
Automation is a key benefit of AI. Routine tasks such as data entry, scheduling, and report generation can be automated, reducing the risk of human error and allowing employees to focus on higher-value activities. AI can also streamline supply chain management by predicting demand, optimizing logistics, and managing inventory more effectively.
4. Enhanced Security
AI solutions are playing a crucial role in enhancing cybersecurity. Advanced AI algorithms can detect and respond to potential threats in real-time, identifying unusual patterns and behaviors that may indicate a security breach. This proactive approach helps businesses protect sensitive data and safeguard against cyberattacks.
5. Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics uses AI to forecast future trends based on historical data. This can be particularly valuable in industries such as finance, healthcare, and retail. For instance, predictive models can anticipate customer purchasing behavior, optimize financial investments, and improve patient outcomes by analyzing health data.
Integrating AI Solutions into Your Business
Implementing AI solutions requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some steps to get started:
Identify Key Areas for Improvement: Determine which aspects of your business could benefit most from AI, such as customer service, data analysis, or operational efficiency.
Choose the Right AI Tools: Research and select AI solutions that align with your business needs. Consider factors such as ease of integration, scalability, and cost.
Invest in Training: Ensure your team is equipped to use AI tools effectively. Provide training and resources to help employees adapt to new technologies.
Monitor and Evaluate: Regularly assess the performance of your AI solutions. Monitor key metrics and gather feedback to ensure the technology is delivering the desired results.
Stay Updated: AI is a rapidly evolving field. Stay informed about the latest advancements and best practices to continuously optimize your AI strategy.
AI solutions are revolutionizing the way businesses operate, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, growth, and innovation. By understanding and leveraging these technologies, businesses can gain a competitive edge and drive future success. Whether through enhancing customer experience, improving decision-making, or automating routine tasks, AI is transforming the business landscape. Embrace the power of AI and unlock the full potential of your business today!
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dravidious · 1 month
You're more amazing than a full minute
Werewolves need help but everyone else trying to help them is STUPID and WRONG so I did it better. You're welcome
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Also an artifact that I just had the idea for and kinda sorta supports werewolves if you squint so I gave it Innistrad flavor and threw it in the batch. So there, unique support cards that aid werewolves in their transforming endevors without defaulting to the laziest possible-
"Why not just give werewolves flash?"
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You want flash so bad you can spend 3 mana on it
#asks#custom cards#Pack Loyalty was inspired by the Thunder Junction WU no spells archetype which i realized was really similar to werewolves#but unfortunately no overlapping colors so it'd feel awkward but i figured out a solution#a bunch of these are just figuring out ways to transform while still spending your mana so lots of big flash spells and activated abilities#the whole “stupid and wrong” thing was partly a joke but i do genuinely dislike the attempts i've seen to help werewolves#i've heard a few times “they should give some werewolves flash” or even “they should give MOST werewolves flash”#no. that would make flipping your wolves basically automatic. which would defeat the whole point of the day/night condition#the tension between casting your werewolves and flipping your werewolves is the whole point of the archetype#giving a large portion of them flash would change the archetype to just “flash creatures” with transforming being pointless complexity#and then the other solution was Tovolar which. what the fuck. he's encouraging you to cast MULTIPLE werewolves on your turn?#just completely throws out the entire day/night mechanic to just say “if you're playing werewolves then it's always night”#hey notice how all the “no spells cast from hand” cards in OTJ don't have plot? and only ONE of them has flash#it's because you're supposed to combine them with other cards to make a complete synergetic deck#you don't just throw all the payoffs into a pile and watch them all trigger each other for free#thus why only one werewolf has flash (Oakshade Stalker) and it forces you to spend extra mana to flash it in#thus why i made more non-werewolf cards with flash or activated abilities#the other problem werewolves struggle with is that in high-level play it's easy for the opponent to flip your wolves back#so i also made Twilight Prowler and Heckling Heretic to punish the opponent for doing that#and then Kessig's Shade // Kessig's Bark which doesn't solve any problems i just liked the idea#wait i just realized i made a “no spells cast from hand” card and gave it plot. which is the whole thing i was against. fuck#at least you have to spend an extra mana to plot it and you still need to find something to spend your mana on on the turn you cast it#and it's a cool idea that combines two related archetypes so that's justification enough. maybe#had another idea for a plot card just now and added it to the post#giving werewolves flash is fine because you need to play a support card for it so it's not free. it costs mana#and it's just one card so you still need other support cards to consistently flip your wolves
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lilcommander · 1 year
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ha aha ha
I may have been spurred on by a recent announcement and finally got off my ass to finish this
I want to personally thank whichever Anet employee decided to make each S4 Return To achievement give 250 map currency, that made this headache so much more bearable
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