#synergy ias
easternmind · 1 month
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Junko Kubota joined the team at Synergy Inc. shortly after graduating from Tama University in 1993. After her debut interactive CD-Rom Four-Sight was released in 1995, she began developing another project expanding on the concept of cryptic geometry and optical illusions titled アベラシオン (ABERRATIONS). Planned for release in 1997, the only known screenshot can be found in the Synergy catalogue included with Zeddas: Horror Tour 2. Several mentions are made in the archived versions of the Synergy website, as well. The project was probably cancelled as the company merged with Tsukuda around this time, shifting its line of business strictly to publishing PC software.
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Very little is known about her work afterwards. In the early-to-mid 2000s, she kept a website for her design label, Iconographician. In her blog, MneMe Fragments, she describes herself as an independent 3DCG designer. She updated it until 2014, mostly with posts about her favourite music albums and movies.
It is important for me to highlight the fact that I only became aware of this page because Haruhiko Shono shared it with me. Regrettably, only fragments have been archived at IA.
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Another reference is a shared blog, also hosted at Jugem, apparently from a 3DCG class that she taught. Some posts refer to her as 'professor', and mention how keen she was when it came to providing film suggestions to her class. The above renders can be found there.
I am currently pursuing a few other leads and will update this post in the event that I am able to find any additional noteworthy information.
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Elevating Efficiency: AI-RPA Synergy!
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The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has catalyzed a transformative shift in the landscape of business automation, leading to the emergence of Intelligent Automation (IA). As organizations increasingly seek innovative solutions to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and deliver superior customer experiences, the synergy between AI and RPA has become instrumental in achieving these objectives. By combining the cognitive capabilities of AI with the rule-based automation of RPA, IA offers a powerful framework for automating complex processes, optimizing decision-making, and driving digital transformation across industries. This integration empowers businesses to leverage advanced technologies to augment human capabilities, unlock new levels of productivity, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.
Explore how AI and RPA can work together here!
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mohammed44c · 1 year
Edge Computing, Real-Time Data Processing, and Intelligent Automation
In the dynamic landscape of the power industry, staying ahead of the curve requires a fusion of cutting-edge technologies and strategic operations. With over four years of experience in the field, our journey has been marked by innovation, efficiency, and resilience. In this article, we explore how the convergence of edge computing, real-time data processing, predictive fault diagnosis, and intelligent automation is revolutionizing the energy sector.
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Edge Computing: A Powerhouse at the Edge
Edge computing is the bedrock upon which modern utility IT operations are built. By processing data closer to the source, we've reduced latency and increased responsiveness. This real-time capability has enabled us to make critical decisions swiftly, optimizing grid operations and minimizing downtime. The result? A more reliable and efficient energy distribution system.
Real-Time Data Processing: Harnessing the Flow
The ability to handle vast volumes of real-time data has unlocked new possibilities for the power industry. We've implemented advanced data analytics to monitor and control grid assets proactively. Predictive fault diagnosis and anomaly detection algorithms have become our allies in preventing potential failures, thus averting costly disruptions.
Predictive Fault Diagnosis: Proactive Maintenance
Predictive fault diagnosis is a game-changer in the energy industry. By leveraging historical data and machine learning models, we've gained the capability to predict equipment failures before they occur. This predictive maintenance approach has not only extended the lifespan of critical assets but has also significantly reduced operational costs.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Streamlining Operations
RPA has automated routine tasks, freeing up human resources for more complex problem-solving. In the power sector, this has led to improved efficiency in billing, customer service, and administrative functions. It's allowed us to allocate resources strategically and ensure a seamless experience for customers.
Intelligent Automation (IA): Powering the Future
Intelligent Automation (IA) goes beyond RPA, integrating AI and machine learning to make autonomous decisions. IA systems continuously learn from data, optimizing grid operations in real-time. It's a crucial component in our journey toward a smart grid, where energy generation, distribution, and consumption are finely tuned to meet demand efficiently.
In conclusion, the synergy of edge computing, real-time data processing, predictive fault diagnosis, RPA, and IA has transformed the power industry. We are no longer just energy providers; we are orchestrators of a reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy ecosystem. As we look to the future, our commitment to innovation remains unwavering, ensuring that the lights stay on and the power flows seamlessly for generations to come.
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eorzeashan · 2 years
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Force almighty, fine, I'll talk about this, since I can't just beam my thoughts directly to my followers' heads.
Cipher Eight AU (and key differences)
‣ I need to make it clear this is not the main timeline for this character, though if we're moots you probably already know. As a hard distinction I will call him Eight here, both for story reasons and to separate him from his original self, Nine.
‣ "But wait a minute! Eight is the name of his Chiss mentor!" That's right. Let's dial it back a bit. The original Cipher Eight, Inan'osta'nuruodo or Nosta for short, runs her spy career into the ground much faster in this timeline, forcing her into untenable circumstances where she must accept the protection of House Miurani and cease all espionage activities as well as permanently erase herself from the public and private eye. Essentially, she gets burned. Disavowed. She makes no argument to this deal, preferring to live out the rest of her days in hiding and to raise a family with the Aristocra rather than be crucified by her enemies, but it's upsetting to her: she hasn't finished her mission. She must pass it onto another. Her legacy cannot die.
‣ His Nine self suppresses a lot of his personality in general to become an unfeeling weapon, but as Eight, he just...stole who Nosta was so he could achieve her desires in the exact way she would. A mask within a mask. It's both a facade and a deflection that keeps him safe and focused on the mission at all times, but it wildly changes how the IA story goes because of this difference. He doesn't flirt with Shara knowing there is no future here, but he's much wittier this time around and a little comedic, and it makes her smile when he sneaks in a joke amidst the stiffness of Imp Int meetings. He'll always be fond of her, no matter the universe. His Nine self still regrets that she never understood him, either.
‣ Kaliyo's agreeing with him a lot more this time around, though he has no intention of repeating what he did with her as Nine. Namely, letting her hit so she could stop bothering him in some kind of messy reward system. He's also a bit dirtier this time, so I feel like she senses that and they have better synergy with him as Eight. His loyalty and duty to one woman rather than any faction means he doesn't care so much about the Empire this time around. He has a mission to allow someone who saved his life finally live theirs. No war will ever be greater than that to him, and because of that simple goal, he no longer has to lie down and take so much of the suffering the Empire inflicted on him as Nine. He finally has purpose.
‣ But his bond with Jadus...oooh. This is another drastic change. It struck me as odd how he quite literally fills the IA with his own power as a "vessel" and it never goes anywhere in the story, so i'll be focusing more on that this time around. I want to see how their dynamic develops since this time Eight is more curious and far more willful than his fearful Nine self. It's true that there's almost no fighting back against Jadus, but I want to see my agent try; it is part of his mission to get inside his circle and earn his trust even if this is an unexpected fork in the road.
‣ Warning for Jadorre if you've already read my first snippet of a fic. I'm interested in that Sith Lord, who remains so out of reach and impossible to understand. I want to see him be outdone by the person he least expects, and for there to be more than just a Sith and their bullied underling. He does have a modicum of respect for the agent. He gives you free reign, and a choice at the end, even if its cloaked in the intent to isolate you from your fellows. I think this could evolve into more-- a symbiotic relationship between agent and master, and that's where the meat of this AU lies. Perhaps they'll change each other, for better or for much worse. We never see what happens to Jadus after all is said and done. I want to be the first to tell that story.
‣ Because of his connection to Jadus, I imagine Eight takes a much different route with his previous companions. Whether this makes him even lonelier than his Nine self we'll have to see. But he's no longer so afraid to take risks and see the world when death is at his doorstep and inside his mind, and I think that certain knowledge frees him a little. He won't romance Theron this time, but maybe they'll be friends or at the very least, workaholic partners. I imagine Theron this time is both vaguely horrified but insatiably interested in him, so they get to have a clashing dynamic that makes him question what he knows about the world. Eight is loose and slippery like water, and far too strange not to want to keep an eye on. That sense of danger and risk is appealing to Theron, but he knows it's out of his reach in some way. Doesn't stop him from trying.
‣ I'm excited to see how this'll change things with Lana as well. Before it was a boss and her subordinate who rarely ever complained, now it's an independent and a Sith who feels a little unnerved by this mercenary of a spy. Still, now that he doesn't reject the Force and all its users so much this time around, maybe they'll have more of a relationship, rather than the professional distance they developed in the main timeline.
‣ Eight is also written without much support when Nine had a lot of my friends' OCs with him, so I guess this makes him more open to others now.
‣ I don't know how things with Zhorrid will pan out. I'm hoping I can think of some way for Eight to help her, because he thinks that unpredictable front she puts up is exactly that; a way to look bigger than she actually is when she is frequently thrown around by others. It'd take a lot of stubbornness and time. He has it, this time without so much disdain for her and what she represents.
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nitiemily · 8 days
The Future of RPA Development Services and Their Business Impacts
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As businesses continue to evolve in the fast-paced digital era, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is rapidly transforming how operations are handled. For those looking to stay ahead, understanding the future of RPA development services and their potential impacts on business is crucial. Here’s a glimpse into what lies ahead and how it might reshape the business landscape.
The Rise of Intelligent Automation
Intelligent Automation (IA) is set to revolutionize the RPA field. While traditional RPA focuses on automating repetitive tasks, IA integrates Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning to enhance these capabilities. This synergy allows for more complex decision-making and adaptability. Imagine a system that doesn’t just follow predefined rules but learns from data and adjusts its processes accordingly. This advancement means businesses can expect more efficient and intelligent systems that reduce human error and increase productivity.
Enhanced Integration Capabilities
Future RPA solutions will increasingly offer seamless integration with existing enterprise systems. As organizations deploy a variety of software tools, integrating RPA with these systems will become more streamlined. This means businesses can automate processes across different platforms without the need for extensive customization. Enhanced integration not only simplifies deployment but also ensures a smoother workflow across departments, ultimately leading to greater operational efficiency.
Increased Focus on Data Security
With the growing reliance on RPA, data security will become a paramount concern. Future RPA services will need to address this by incorporating advanced security measures. Expect more robust encryption techniques and compliance with stringent data protection regulations. Enhanced security features will help mitigate risks associated with data breaches and ensure that automated processes do not become a vulnerability point.
Customization and Scalability
One of the future trends in RPA development is the emphasis on customization and scalability. Businesses of all sizes will benefit from solutions that can be tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s a small-scale operation or a large enterprise, RPA services will offer scalable solutions that can grow with the business. This flexibility ensures that companies can start with basic automation and expand their capabilities as their needs evolve, avoiding the pitfalls of one-size-fits-all solutions.
Greater Use of Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics is poised to become a key component of future RPA services. By leveraging historical data and advanced algorithms, businesses will be able to anticipate trends and make proactive decisions. RPA systems equipped with predictive capabilities can forecast demand, identify potential issues before they arise, and optimize processes based on predictive insights. This proactive approach will not only enhance efficiency but also provide a competitive edge in the marketplace.
Enhanced User Experience and User Interface
The user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) of RPA tools will see significant improvements. Future RPA solutions will focus on making interfaces more intuitive and user-friendly. Enhanced UX/UI design will reduce the learning curve for employees and facilitate smoother interactions with automation tools. Expect features such as drag-and-drop functionalities, customizable dashboards, and real-time analytics to become standard, making it easier for businesses to deploy and manage RPA solutions.
Broader Application Across Industries
RPA's impact will be felt across a diverse range of industries. From finance and healthcare to manufacturing and retail, businesses will leverage RPA to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences. For instance, in healthcare, RPA can automate patient scheduling and claims processing, while in finance, it can handle routine transactions and compliance checks. The versatility of RPA makes it applicable to virtually any industry, providing tailored solutions that address specific operational challenges.
Collaboration Between Humans and Robots
The future of RPA isn’t about replacing human workers but rather enhancing their capabilities. Collaborative RPA systems will work alongside employees, handling repetitive and mundane tasks while allowing humans to focus on higher-value activities. This collaboration can lead to improved job satisfaction, as employees are freed from monotonous tasks and can engage in more meaningful work. Additionally, it fosters a more productive work environment where automation and human intelligence complement each other.
Cost Efficiency and Return on Investment
As RPA technology advances, the cost of implementation is expected to decrease. This reduction in costs, combined with the increased efficiency and productivity gains, will make RPA an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. The return on investment (ROI) for RPA services will continue to improve as automation becomes more sophisticated and cost-effective. Companies that adopt RPA early will be better positioned to reap the financial benefits and achieve a competitive advantage.
Embracing the Future of RPA
The future of RPA development services is bright, with advancements poised to significantly impact business operations. By embracing intelligent automation, focusing on data security, and leveraging predictive analytics, businesses can unlock new levels of efficiency and innovation. As RPA continues to evolve, staying informed about these trends and adopting the right solutions will be crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and driving growth.
In conclusion, the future of RPA is set to transform how businesses operate, offering new opportunities for automation, efficiency, and growth. By understanding these trends and preparing for the changes ahead, businesses can harness the full potential of RPA and navigate the evolving landscape with confidence.
To Know More About RPA development services
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techkrunsh · 1 month
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gopaltarunias01 · 2 months
JFSL Share Price: Key Factors Driving Market Performance
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Jio Financial Services Limited (JFSL), formerly known as Reliance Strategic Investments Limited, has witnessed a significant surge in its share price since its listing.This article delves into the key factors driving the market performance of JFSL share price and provides insights for investors.  
Understanding the JFSL Business Model
Before analyzing the share price, it's crucial to understand JFSL's business model. The company aims to be a comprehensive financial services player, offering a wide range of products and services, including lending, insurance, payments, and wealth management. The company's strategic partnerships, such as the one with BlackRock, are expected to play a pivotal role in its growth trajectory.  
Key Factors Driving JFSL Share Price
Several factors have contributed to the fluctuations in JFSL's share price:
Market Sentiment: The overall market sentiment towards financial services stocks has a significant impact on JFSL share price. Positive investor sentiment, driven by economic growth and financial stability, can lead to increased demand for the stock.
Reliance Group Synergy: As a subsidiary of Reliance Industries, JFSL benefits from the group's strong brand image and extensive customer base. Positive developments within the Reliance Group can positively influence JFSL's share price.
Regulatory Environment: The financial services sector is heavily regulated. Changes in government policies and regulations can impact the profitability and growth prospects of JFSL, thereby affecting its share price.
Competitive Landscape: The financial services industry is highly competitive. The ability of JFSL to differentiate its offerings and gain market share will be crucial for its long-term success.
Financial Performance: The company's financial performance, including revenue growth, profitability, and asset quality, will be closely watched by investors. Strong financial results are likely to boost investor confidence and drive up the share price.  
Investor Expectations: The market's expectations for JFSL's future performance play a significant role in determining the share price. If the company manages to meet or exceed investor expectations, the share price is likely to rise.
Challenges and Opportunities
While JFSL has shown promising growth, it also faces challenges. Building a strong brand identity, expanding its customer base, and managing competition will be crucial for its success. However, the company also has immense opportunities to capitalize on the growing financial services market in India.
Investor Outlook
Investors should conduct thorough research and analysis before investing in JFSL. While the company's growth prospects appear promising, the financial services sector is subject to market risks and regulatory uncertainties. Diversification of investment portfolios is essential to manage risk.  
It is important to note that this analysis is based on available information up to this point. Market conditions and company performance can change over time. Investors should stay updated on the latest developments and consult with financial advisors before making investment decisions
The JFSL share price is influenced by a combination of factors, including market sentiment, economic conditions, company performance, regulatory environment, and investor expectations. While the company holds significant potential, investors should approach it with caution and conduct thorough due diligence before making investment decisions.
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goyountokki · 2 months
Go Younjung "I'm happy with my acting praised for the first time through <Moving>, and <Law School> is my turning point in acting"
Interview by Roh Yiseul from Sports W | 2023.10.10
After fourth year since her acting debut, actress Go Younjung has finally won her first Best New Actress Award at The 2023 Asia Contets Awards & Global OTT Awards
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<Moving>, which won Go Younjung the Best New Actress Award, ia a human action series about children and parents with superpowers and past secrets who face enormous dangers that transcend time and generations. Not only has it recorded the highest ratings among all Disney Plus Korean contents, it has also received unprecedented rave reviews overseas, such as "the best superhero film in existence" (Rolling Stone).
Go Younjung first encountered <Moving> through an audition while filming the drama <Law School>. She had no prior knowledge of the original work, and auditioned right away with a script received on site. "I didn't know anything (about the work). I heard about it almost a day before the audition and went during the filming of <Law School>. I (usually) find impromptu readings really difficult. (because) I don't know the beginning and the end, and it's hard to understand the characters and their speech. That's why I get anxious. But <Moving> was surprisingly easy to read. While I was auditioning, I thought to myself, 'I really hope I can pass the audition'"
Unlike other auditions, the reason why it was easy to read despite being the first script she received was probably because Go Younjung and character Jang Huisoo share similarities. In reality, Go Younjung is someone who is liked by everyone, from her pretty appearance to her easygoing personality. Go Younjung revealed that her synchronization with Jang Huisoo was 99%. "When I first the internal preview, I thought the synchronization was 99%. There were parts where I approached it thinking that way. Like the way of speaking, the tone of voice, and the posture. After watching it 4-5 times, I could see the differences. She resembles me, but she seems a little more affectionate, warmer, and a little more alive, and strong. I think it's because she's played both the role of a mother (replacing the role of her mother who had died) and a daughter since she was young. And I think, later, these characteristics of her are maximized because she met Bongseok."
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Jang Huisoo, played by Go Younjung, ia a high school student who has the same infinite regeneration ability as her father, Jang Juwon (played by actor Ryu Seungryong), but wants to live an ordinary life while hiding her ability. After transferring to Jeongwon High School, Jang Huisoo receives an offer to enter a physical education college and prepares for the entrance exam every day. In reality, Go Younjung did ballet from age 5 to 14, and also learned figure skating and swimming. Go Younjung, who basically likes to exercise actually attend a physical education college entrance exam academy. "I couldn't increase my physical strength in a short period of time, so I received lessons that focused more on posture and attitude when training since it need to be recorded on camera."
Go Younjung received favorable reviews for her acting and action scenes in <Moving>. Among them, the 17 vs 1 mud action scene that reveals the fact that Jang Huisoo has superpowers is considered one of the best action scene in <Moving> following the 1 vs 100 motel scene by her father Jang Juwon. However, Go Younjung expressed regret, saying, "I couldn't do it as planned. I thought about ad-libs from expressing emotions to lines, but I couldn't perfectly coordinate with the action team because it went against my plan. There was nothing i could do because it was muddy. Sometimes, there are unforeseen synergies on set. That's why it came out more realistic. I think the improvisational aspects came out because of the action. It's one of the scene that I'm most satisfied with and proud of because it came out so well (laughs)."
When asked about what ad-libs she prepared, she said, "In the latter half, Huisoo swears. She only says one word. In the beginning, she didn't say a word, but I thought she needed a taste. I thought of swearing because I wanted to create a character who would swear when she's angry or in an emotional situation. It wasn't the word I expected, but she did it."
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She acted with senior actor, Ryu Seungryong, as father and daughter. In <Moving>, Ryu Seungryong's character (Jang Juwon) gave up everything and hid to live a normal life with his daughter who has the same ability as him, taking responsibility for the housework, and showing fatherly love by protecting his daughter. When asked about how she felt about actng with Ryu Seungryong, she said, "Senior Ryu Seungryong is very playful. He is so cheerful that you can't tell the difference when he's joking or serious. He takes care of me so well. At first, I thought it would be difficult because he is a great senior. But I was touched when he gave me a flower bouquet when we first met, he also personally chose the meaning of the flower."
The charm of <Moving> that Go Younjung star in is that "the superpowers looked realistic and the innocent children looked fantastic" The three newcomers, Go Younjung (Jang Huisoo), Lee Jungha (Kim Bongseok), and Kim Dohoon (Lee Kanghoon), were in charge of the opening the first part of the series. It may be an adventure for newcomers to decorate a 65 billion won masterpiece at Jeongwon High School. Go Younjung said, "I didn't receive any direction from the director while filming. It's not because I'm good at it, but because he trusted us and entrusted me with the part where he thought no one would know Huisoo better than me. There was also a part where he acknowledged the Huisoo I studied, so I was able to film very comfortably."
The three rookie actors (Go Younjung, Lee Jungha, and Kim Dohoon), who were called the Jeongwon High Trio, became closer than anyone else because they filmed <Moving> for a year while staying at a motel in Gangwon-do. Kim Do-hoon and Lee Jung-ha are also friends in real life. Go Younjung shared, "One day, we finished filming earlier than expected. It was past midnight, and it was raining and we were hungry. So we all walked to the convenience store with one umbrella. Bongseok was the most scared among us. So we decided to go there as a test of courage. I remember we were walking while surprising each other. Dohoon is really talented. He has the ability to make people laugh out loud. He's good at imitating voices and dancing. He's a real mood maker. We were able to film without getting tired. Bongseok makes people laugh without making a sound. When I saw him struggling, his eyes were smiling. They're both actors who make people feel good. Our chemistry was so good that it felt like our chemistry (on the screen) was more lacking. We were considerate of each other when there were difficult scenes, and we filmed them in a fun way."
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Go Younjung perfectly blended in with the high school student transformation without looking awkward, also the charm of Go Younjung's low-pitched voice met with Jang Huisoo's easygoing and bright energy creates a synergy. When asked about what kind of work will <Moving> be for her, Go Younjung answers, "After filming for a year, I thought that it was finally ending. Since I was filming in my school uniform and filmed the graduation ceremony two weeks before the end, it really felt like graduating school. We filmed at a remodeled abandoned school in Hoengseong. After that, while filming <Alchemy of Souls : Light and Shadow> my expectations for <Moving> grew even more. I'm wondering what my seniors would do when it's released. And after it was released, I'm so excited, thrilled, and grateful every day. I feel new emotions because I'm getting so many good responses from people around me."
Recently, Go Younjung has confirmed her next project, <Resident Playbook>, which is as a spin-off drama of <Hospital Playlist'>. The series will be produced by Creative Studio Egg is Coming and were written by Kim Songhee and will be directed by Lee Minsoo. When asked about what is the secret to appearing in a series of blockbusters and building a more solid filmography than any other rookie actor? Go Younjung said, "I think my timing was good. As an actor that the director and writer like, I didn't have any projects during that period, and I think it's because I did well in the audition."
Nevertheless, in 'Sweet Home', which made her face known to the public, there were voices complaining about her acting ability, in contrast to praise for her looks. Go Yoon-jung said, "'Sweet Home' finished filming before I could become close with anyone or get used to the set. I wasn't a member who was there for a long time. So I think I didn't really know how to have fun. I just tried to work hard and felt a lot of pressure, and I think that made me not relaxed."
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Go Younjung shared that the turning point in her acting was when she filmed <Law School>. "<Law School> is about law school's student and professor. There, I became close with Kim Bum oppa and Hyeyoung unnie. The director creates such situations (where the casts became close with each other). It's impossible for us not to become close (laughs). The director say chemistry is vital. He said it's better to act comfortably than to act well. I think that's when I felt that the set was a little more comfortable and fun. During <Law School>, I realized that I needed to become comfortable on set and close with the actors to act comfortably and create synergy, so I tried to become close with them quickly. In <Alchemy of Souls> Actor Lee Jaewook is around the same age as me. He was born in 1998, so the filming was very comfortable. I'm so thankful to him because even though he have no obligation to help me, he actually helped me a lot (during filming) and were very considerate. That's why I think it was a fun set to film. It was a set where I received a lot of consideration."
Go Younjung, who is receiving favorable reviews for <Moving>, said, "I'm so happy these days. It's not the first time, but this is the first time I've received so much praise for my acting. I feel dazed and doubtful whether I really did well. I'm also looking forward to the sets of my next projects. I think the words 'I'm a good actor' are the best and most touching thing."
Her role model is Ryu Seungryong. "I recently read an interview of senior Lee Byung-hun, and I remember the headline saying, 'We must not lose our innocence.' I've been acting for about 4 years. I still don't have a views about acting. But I really sympathized with that. I thought that the scenes I saw while admiring the works that I enjoyed were scenes that the actors acted purely. When we were filming <Moving>, the director asked me to say the line, 'We're just a little different and special' plainly. He said it would resonate more that way. I felt that it was the hardest to express it purely rather than trying to move people or express my emotions. Senior Ryu Seungryong showed me all that on set. I want to be like that (laughs)."
Read the article here
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elatre456 · 3 months
Building a Logical Flow: Information Architecture for Engaging Blog Posts
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We bloggers pour our hearts into crafting compelling content, meticulously researching topics, and sharing our unique perspectives. But what about the unseen forces that shape how readers experience our work? Enter the unsung heroes of blogging: typography, information architecture, and title tags. While often overlooked, these elements play a crucial role in transforming our content from a collection of words into an engaging and impactful blog.
1. The Art of Speaking Volumes: Typography’s Silent Power
Imagine a captivating story whispered in a monotone. While the content itself might be interesting, the delivery falls flat. Typography, similar to vocal inflection, adds depth and meaning to your written content. The right font choice can:
Set the Tone: A playful script can create a lighthearted atmosphere, while a bold serif conveys authority.
Enhance Readability: Easy-to-read fonts with appropriate size and spacing prevent reader fatigue.
Guide the Reader’s Eye: Using different font styles for headings, subheadings, and body text creates a visual hierarchy that guides readers through your content.
2. Building a Mental Map: Information Architecture for Clarity
Information architecture (IA) is the architect within you, meticulously designing the layout of your blog to optimize user experience. Strong IA ensures a smooth reading journey by:
Creating a Clear Navigation: A well-organized menu with logical categories and subcategories allows readers to easily find the information they seek.
Structuring Content Logically: Imagine a recipe instructing you to frost a cake before mixing the batter. A logical flow within blog posts keeps readers engaged and prevents confusion.
Internal Linking: Connecting related posts within your blog keeps readers engaged, allows them to explore further, and improves SEO.
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Title tags are the first impression your blog posts make on search engines and readers alike. They’re like the catchy headlines of a newspaper that entice you to delve deeper. A compelling title tag should:
Be Keyword-Rich: Include relevant keywords that people might search for, but avoid keyword stuffing that sounds unnatural.
Offer Clarity: Clearly reflect the content of your post, accurately setting reader expectations.
Spark Curiosity: Intrigue readers with a hint of what they will learn, prompting them to click and discover more.
The Synergy of Success
These unsung heroes, when working together, weave magic on your blog. Typography draws readers in, IA guides them through your content, and title tags act as the initial pull. When all three elements work in harmony, your blog becomes a well-designed space that fosters engagement, clarity, and ultimately, a loyal readership. So, the next time you sit down to create a blog post, don’t just focus on the content itself. Remember the power of typography, information architecture, and title tags. By wielding these unsung heroes strategically, you can transform your blog into a powerhouse of reader engagement and success.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Pascal Bornet, Author of IRREPLACEABLE & Intelligent Automation – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/pascal-bornet-author-of-irreplaceable-intelligent-automation-interview-series/
Pascal Bornet, Author of IRREPLACEABLE & Intelligent Automation – Interview Series
Pascal Bornet is a pioneer in Intelligent Automation (IA) and the author of the best-seller book “Intelligent Automation.” He is regularly ranked as one of the top 10 global experts in Artificial Intelligence and Automation. He is a member of the Forbes Technology Council.
Bornet is also a senior executive with 20+ years of experience leading digital transformations for corporates. He is the founder and former leader of the “AI and Automation” practices at McKinsey and Ernst & Young (EY). 
He is also releasing a new book titled:  IRREPLACEABLE: The Art of Standing Out in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.
When did you first discover AI and realize how disruptive it would be?
My journey with AI began over 20 years ago when I started working on AI and automation projects at leading consulting firms. Even in those early days, I could sense the immense potential of this technology to transform businesses and society.
However, the real turning point for me was around 2015-2016, when AI started making headline news with breakthroughs like AlphaGo defeating the world champion in the complex game of Go. It was a powerful demonstration of how far AI had come and how it was starting to surpass human capabilities in certain domains.
This was also the time when I saw a significant uptick in interest from businesses across various industries wanting to explore AI. They were realizing that this wasn’t just hype anymore – AI was becoming a real game-changer. Companies that had been skeptical or on the fence were now scrambling to understand and adopt the technology.
Seeing this shift in mindset and the accelerating pace of AI advancements, it became clear to me that we were on the cusp of a major disruption. AI wasn’t just going to change a few processes here and there; it was going to fundamentally reshape how we work, live, and interact with one another. This realization was both exciting and sobering, and it drove me to focus my research and work on helping individuals and organizations navigate this transformation.
You are known for emphasizing how empowering AI is, but most people fear losing their jobs. What are the skills that humans need to reinforce in order to not be replaced by AI?
It’s true that the specter of job losses due to AI automation is a real fear for many. However, I firmly believe that AI is ultimately empowering, not threatening, to human potential – if we approach it in the right way.
The key is to focus on cultivating and reinforcing the abilities that are uniquely human and difficult for AI to replicate. In my book, I refer to these as the “Humics” – genuine creativity, critical thinking, and social authenticity.
Genuine creativity is about generating original ideas, solutions, and artistic expressions that draw on our uniquely human subjective experiences, emotions, and intuition. While AI can recombine existing elements in novel ways, it lacks the authenticity of the human experience, and the human spark of imagination that leads to truly groundbreaking innovations.
Critical thinking involves analyzing information, questioning assumptions, and making ethical judgments based on our values and understanding of context. AI can process data and identify patterns, but it doesn’t have the human capacity for discernment, skepticism, and moral reasoning.
Social authenticity encompasses our ability to build deep, trust-based relationships, communicate with empathy, and lead and inspire others. These interpersonal skills are rooted in our emotional intelligence and self-awareness, which AI cannot fully simulate.
By developing these Humics and learning to create synergies with AI, individuals can provide value that is distinctly human and highly prized. It’s about leveraging AI to automate routine tasks, while doubling down on our humanity for high-value, creative, and interpersonal work.
Becoming irreplaceable also means being AI-ready, mastering the skills to work effectively alongside AI, and “change-ready”, developing the resilience and adaptability to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. By cultivating these three competencies, individuals can navigate the AI era with confidence and create their own irreplaceable value proposition.
How can organizations ensure that AI tools are augmenting rather than replacing human workers?
For organizations to ensure that AI augments rather than replaces human workers, they need to take a human-centric approach to AI implementation. This means putting people at the heart of their AI strategies and focusing on how the technology can empower and enhance human capabilities.
One key aspect is job design. As organizations introduce AI, they need to re-imagine roles and responsibilities to focus on the uniquely human skills that AI can’t replace. This might involve redefining job descriptions to emphasize tasks that require creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and complex problem-solving.
For example, a customer service representative’s role could evolve from handling routine inquiries (which can be automated) to managing more complex, emotionally charged situations that require empathy and judgment. An accountant might spend less time on data entry and more on interpreting insights and providing strategic advice.
Organizations also need to invest in upskilling and reskilling their workforce to prepare them for these new roles. This includes providing training not just on how to use AI tools, but also on how to develop and apply the “Humics” in a business context.
Another critical factor is to involve employees in the AI implementation process. Rather than imposing AI solutions from the top down, organizations should engage workers in identifying areas where AI can assist them and designing the human-machine collaboration. This not only helps ensure that AI is augmenting in a way that benefits employees, but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptability.
Leadership also plays a crucial role. Leaders need to set a clear vision for how AI will augment and empower the workforce, and consistently communicate and model this perspective. They must also be proactive in addressing concerns around job security and creating a psychologically safe environment for employees to experiment, learn, and adapt.
Ultimately, the goal should be to create a symbiotic relationship between humans and AI, where each focuses on what they do best. By designing jobs and organizations around this principle, we can harness the power of AI to enhance rather than diminish human potential and value.
You’ve previously stated that service industries are the most likely to benefit from Generative AI, can you give some examples of this?
Service industries, which rely heavily on human interaction and creative problem-solving, stand to gain significantly from Generative AI. This technology, which can create new content (text, images, audio, etc.) based on patterns learned from existing data, has immense potential to augment and amplify human capabilities in service roles.
One prime example is in customer service. Generative AI can be used to create highly personalized and context-relevant responses to customer inquiries, drawing from a vast knowledge base. This could enable customer service representatives to provide faster, more accurate, and more tailored support. At the same time, the AI could handle routine queries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex, emotionally sensitive situations that require empathy and judgment.
In creative fields like design and advertising, Generative AI could serve as a powerful ideation and brainstorming tool. For instance, a graphic designer could use AI to generate a wide variety of design elements or layouts based on a set of parameters, which they could then refine and curate based on their creative vision and understanding of the client’s needs. This synergy of AI-generated ideas and human curation could lead to more innovative and impactful designs.
In education and training, Generative AI could be used to create personalized learning content and assessments adapted to each learner’s needs, goals, and progress. Teachers could use AI to generate targeted practice problems, explanations, and feedback, allowing them to provide more individualized support at scale. At the same time, the AI could free teachers from routine tasks like grading, enabling them to focus on higher-value activities like mentoring, coaching, and fostering critical thinking skills.
In healthcare, Generative AI has exciting applications in areas like patient education and engagement. For example, AI could generate personalized health advice, reminders, and motivational content based on a patient’s specific condition, lifestyle, and preferences. This could augment the work of healthcare professionals by reinforcing key messages, answering common questions, and keeping patients on track with their treatment plans.
The common thread across these examples is that Generative AI is not replacing the human service provider, but rather augmenting their capabilities. It’s taking on the more routine, data-driven aspects of the role, allowing the human to focus on the high-touch, high-value activities that require creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.
By embracing this augmentation mindset, service industries can harness Generative AI to provide more personalized, responsive, and innovative services, ultimately enhancing the value and impact of their human workforce.
Could you share some specific examples of how AI is transforming industries like finance or healthcare?
AI is driving transformative changes across various industries, and finance and healthcare are two prime examples where the impact is particularly profound.
In finance, AI is revolutionizing the way financial institutions operate, from front-office customer service to back-office risk management. For instance, many banks now use AI-powered chatbots to handle customer inquiries, providing 24/7 support and freeing up human agents to focus on more complex issues. These chatbots can understand natural language, access account information, and even make personalized recommendations, greatly enhancing the customer experience.
AI is also transforming fraud detection and risk management in finance. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of transaction data in real-time, identifying patterns and anomalies that might indicate fraudulent activity. This enables banks to detect and prevent fraud more effectively, reducing losses and protecting customers.
In investment and trading, AI is being used to make more informed and timely decisions. Algorithms can analyze market data, news sentiment, and social media trends to predict stock prices and optimize portfolio allocation. Some AI-driven hedge funds are even outperforming traditional funds managed by human traders.
In healthcare, AI is making significant strides in areas like diagnosis, drug discovery, and personalized medicine. For example, AI algorithms can analyze medical images like X-rays and MRIs to detect signs of diseases such as cancer, often with a level of accuracy that matches or surpasses human radiologists. This can lead to earlier detection and better patient outcomes.
AI is also accelerating drug discovery by predicting how molecules will behave and interact, reducing the time and cost of developing new medicines. In 2020, the first AI-designed drug entered clinical trials, marking a major milestone in this field.
Personalized medicine is another exciting frontier where AI is making an impact. By analyzing a patient’s genetic data, lifestyle factors, and medical history, AI can predict their risk of certain diseases and recommend tailored preventive measures or treatments. This shift towards proactive, individualized care has the potential to greatly improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
AI is also being used to enhance remote monitoring and telemedicine. Wearable devices and smartphone apps can collect health data in real-time, which AI can then analyze to detect early signs of health issues and alert healthcare providers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants played a crucial role in triaging patients, providing information, and reducing the burden on overwhelmed healthcare systems.
These are just a few examples of how AI is transforming finance and healthcare. What’s important to note is that in each case, AI is not replacing human professionals but augmenting their capabilities. It’s taking on the more routine, data-intensive tasks, allowing humans to focus on the complex, judgment-based aspects of their roles.
As these industries continue to adopt and integrate AI, we can expect to see even more innovative applications that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and personalization, ultimately leading to better outcomes for businesses and consumers alike. The key will be to manage this transformation in a way that empowers rather than displaces human workers, harnessing the power of human-machine collaboration.
With the increasing use of AI in business, data security, privacy, and governance have become critical issues. How should companies address these concerns to maintain trust with their customers?
As businesses increasingly rely on AI and data-driven decision making, the issues of data security, privacy, and governance have indeed come to the forefront. These are not just technical challenges, but fundamental matters of trust between companies and their customers. As I discussed in a recent webinar hosted by data protection company Clumio, with the rise of deepfakes, growing concerns around AI biases, and of course, the colossal problem of data breaches, businesses need to focus on trust now more than ever.
To address these concerns and maintain trust, companies need to take a proactive, transparent, and ethical approach to data management and AI governance. Here are some key steps they should consider:
Firstly, companies need to prioritize data security at every stage of the data lifecycle. This means implementing robust cybersecurity measures to protect against data breaches, hacks, and unauthorized access. It includes techniques like data encryption, secure authentication protocols, and regular security audits. Companies should also have clear policies and procedures in place for handling and reporting any security incidents.
Secondly, companies must be transparent about their data collection and usage practices. They should provide clear, easy-to-understand privacy policies that inform customers about what data is being collected, how it will be used, and with whom it may be shared. Customers should have control over their data, with the ability to access, update, or delete their information as needed.
In the context of AI specifically, companies should be transparent about where and how AI is being used, and what impact it may have on customers’ experiences or decisions. If an AI system is making significant decisions that affect customers, such as approving a loan or determining insurance premiums, companies should be able to explain how these decisions are made and provide avenues for customers to appeal or seek human review.
Thirdly, companies need to establish strong data governance frameworks. This involves defining clear policies and procedures for how data is collected, stored, accessed, and used within the organization. It should include guidelines for data quality, data integration, and data security, as well as defining roles and responsibilities for data management.
In the context of AI, data governance also extends to model governance. Companies should have mechanisms in place to ensure that their AI models are fair, unbiased, and aligned with ethical principles. This may involve techniques like “model explainability” and fairness testing, as well as having human oversight and accountability for AI-driven decisions.
Fourthly, companies should give customers more control over their data. This includes providing easy ways for customers to opt-out of data collection, or to specify how their data can be used. Some companies are also exploring concepts like “data trusts” or “data cooperatives”, where customers can voluntarily pool their data for specific purposes in a secure and transparent manner.
Finally, building trust in the age of AI requires a fundamental shift in corporate culture and leadership. Companies need to embed principles of responsible AI and data ethics into their core values and decision-making processes. They should educate and train all employees on these principles, and hold leadership accountable for upholding them.
By taking these steps – prioritizing security, being transparent, governing data responsibly, empowering customers, and fostering an ethical culture – companies can build and maintain trust in the age of AI. It’s not just about compliance; it’s about actively demonstrating to customers that their data and their trust are valued and protected.
In an era where data is the new oil and AI is the new engine of growth, trust is the ultimate currency. As I observed during the Clumio webinar, the winners in an AI-driven world won’t be the companies with the most complex datasets or the largest datasets, but the ones that are able to build an unshakable foundation of trust underpinning their digital ecosystems.
Bias in AI models is a significant concern. What best practices do you recommend for organizations to identify and mitigate biases in their AI systems?
Bias in AI is indeed a critical issue. AI systems learn from the data they are trained on, and if that data reflects historical biases or skewed representations, those biases can become amplified and perpetuated in the AI’s decisions and outputs. This can lead to unfair, discriminatory, or even harmful outcomes, eroding trust in AI and causing real harm to individuals and society.
To identify and mitigate these biases, I recommend organizations adopt the following best practices:
Firstly, be aware of the various types of bias that can creep into AI systems. Everyone should read about the 188 cognitive biases that any human possesses. Go on wikipedia and search for “cognitive biases”. As you will notice, some common ones include:
Selection bias: when the data used to train the AI is not representative of the real-world population it will be applied to.
Historical bias: when the data reflects historical societal biases, such as racial or gender discrimination.
Measurement bias: when the way data is collected or labeled introduces bias, such as using subjective or inconsistent criteria.
Algorithmic bias: when the AI model itself introduces bias, such as overfitting to certain features or magnifying small differences.
By understanding these different types of bias, organizations can be more proactive in detecting and addressing them.
Secondly, establish diverse and inclusive teams to work on AI projects. Having team members with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can help identify biases that might otherwise go unnoticed. It’s also important to involve domain experts and stakeholders who understand the context in which the AI will be used.
Thirdly, conduct rigorous data audits. Before training an AI model, carefully examine the data for potential biases or skews. Check for representativeness, accuracy, and completeness. Consider techniques like stratified sampling to ensure fair representation of different groups.
Fourthly, use techniques like adversarial debiasing during the model training process. This involves intentionally trying to “fool” the model with biased data and then adjusting the model to be more resistant to these biases. There are also various algorithmic techniques for bias reduction, such as regularization, constraint optimization, and post-processing adjustments.
Fifthly, test extensively for fairness and bias. This should involve testing the model on diverse, real-world datasets and scenarios, not just the training data. Use quantitative metrics to assess fairness, such as demographic parity (ensuring the model’s decisions are independent of sensitive attributes like race or gender) and equal opportunity (ensuring the model performs equally well for different groups).
Sixthly, provide transparency and explainability for AI decisions. Use techniques like SHAP values or LIME to explain how the model is making its decisions, and make these explanations available to users or stakeholders. This transparency can help identify biases and build trust.
Seventhly, establish clear accountability and governance structures. Designate roles and responsibilities for managing bias and fairness in AI, and establish processes for regular auditing, reporting, and mitigation. Ensure there are channels for users or stakeholders to raise concerns or seek recourse if they believe they have been unfairly impacted by an AI system.
Finally, foster an organizational culture of responsible and ethical AI. Regularly train and educate all staff on AI ethics and bias mitigation. Encourage open discussion and reporting of bias concerns. Make ethical AI a core value and a key performance metric for the organization.
By adopting these best practices, organizations can proactively identify and mitigate biases in their AI systems. However, it’s important to recognize that bias elimination is an ongoing process, not a one-time fix. As AI systems evolve and are applied in new contexts, new biases may emerge. Organizations must commit to continuous monitoring, learning, and improvement.
Ultimately, addressing AI bias is not just a technical challenge, but a social and ethical imperative. It’s about ensuring that, as we increasingly rely on AI to make decisions that affect people’s lives, we are doing so in a way that is fair and transparent.
Looking ahead, what do you see as the future role of AI in the workplace?
Looking ahead, I see AI fundamentally transforming the nature of work, not replacing humans, but augmenting and elevating human capabilities.
Routine, repetitive tasks will increasingly be automated, freeing humans to focus on higher-value activities requiring creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and complex problem-solving. AI will serve as a powerful tool for ideation, analysis, and decision support, enhancing human judgment and expertise.
We’ll see more human-AI collaboration, with AI handling data-intensive aspects while humans provide nuanced understanding and ethical oversight. Jobs will be redesigned around this synergy, emphasizing uniquely human skills.
AI will also enable more personalized, responsive, and predictive services, from customer support to healthcare delivery. It will drive innovation, uncover new insights, and create new forms of value.
However, this transition will require significant reskilling and upskilling of the workforce. The role of education and training will be crucial in preparing people to work effectively alongside AI.
Ultimately, the future of AI in the workplace is about augmentation, not replacement. It’s about creating a symbiotic relationship where humans and machines each play to their strengths, enhancing efficiency, innovation, and human potential. The organizations that master this balance will be the ones to thrive.
How can businesses prepare now for the changes AI is likely to bring in the next five to ten years?
To prepare for the AI-driven changes in the next decade, businesses should:
Develop an AI strategy aligned with business goals, identifying key areas for AI application and investment.
Build AI literacy across the organization, ensuring all employees understand AI basics and implications for their roles.
Invest in data infrastructure and governance, ensuring data quality, security, and ethical handling.
Experiment with AI in controlled environments, starting small and scaling successes.
Redesign jobs and processes around human-AI collaboration, focusing on augmenting rather than replacing human capabilities.
Invest heavily in employee reskilling and upskilling, focusing on developing the “Humics” – creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.
Establish cross-functional AI governance structures to manage bias, fairness, transparency, and accountability.
Engage in scenario planning to anticipate and adapt to AI’s disruptive impacts on markets, business models, and the workforce.
Collaborate with industry peers, academia, and policymakers to shape the responsible development and deployment of AI.
Cultivate an agile, learning-oriented culture that embraces change and experimentation.
The key is to approach AI not as a one-time project, but as a continuous journey of learning, adaptation, and transformation. Businesses that start now, investing in both technological and human capabilities, will be best positioned to harness AI’s potential and navigate its challenges in the years ahead.
In September 2024, you’re publishing your second book, IRREPLACEABLE: The Art of Standing Out in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, can you tell us more about this upcoming book and what we should expect from it?
In my upcoming book, IRREPLACEABLE: The Art of Standing Out in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, I dive deep into what it means to thrive in an era increasingly shaped by AI.
In a world increasingly driven by AI, how do we ensure we remain indispensable? How do you protect your job, your business, and your children from the challenges posed by this transformative technology? And collectively, how do we protect our humanity?
In IRREPLACEABLE, I offer a framework for not just surviving, but thriving in the age of AI.
Drawing on over 20 years of pioneering AI research and practical experience, I reveal the secrets to living in harmony with AI and cultivating the uniquely human qualities that no machine can replicate. I guide the reader on a journey to master the Three Competencies of the Future: becoming AI-Ready, Human-Ready, and Change-Ready.
Through engaging stories, practical strategies, and thought-provoking insights, IRREPLACEABLE equips you to:
Harness the power of AI to augment your life, work, and business
Protect yourself and your family from AI’s potential pitfalls
Develop the skills that will make you indispensable in an AI-driven world
Transform your company into an IRREPLACEABLE business
Raise children who can thrive alongside AI
Discover your unique purpose in a world redefined by technology
Whether you’re an individual looking to future-proof your career, a parent looking to raise AI-ready children, or a business leader striving to navigate technological disruption, IRREPLACEABLE is your essential guide. It’s not just about adapting to change; it’s about harnessing the power of AI to become the best version of yourself.
AI is not the destination; it’s the vehicle that takes us to a more human future. This book is your GPS. Embark on the journey to become IRREPLACEABLE and discover how the AI revolution is not just about technology; it’s about rediscovering the essence of what makes us human.
Thank you for the great interview, I look forward to reading IRREPLACEABLE which is currently available for pre-order, readers may also wish to read Intelligent Automation which is available today.
Reads can also visit the Pascal bornet website to learn more.
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viral-web · 4 months
[ad_1] Nowadays, businesses are considering combining Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), resulting in Intelligent Automation (IA). This article explains the intricacies behind RPA and AI and the idea of Intelligent Automation and provides information on its potential to transform business processes. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) VS Artificial Intelligence (AI) It’s essential to differentiate between RPA and AI to understand their distinct capabilities. RPA uses machines to perform repetitive jobs because virtual assistants are designed to carry out specific tasks. However, AI simulates human intelligence by acquiring, reasoning, and handling complicated processes via natural speech processing and recognition. The article highlights that combining RPA and AI results in an effective synergy known as Intelligent Automation. The most common uses of RPA are: Data entry Extraction of data processing invoices Web scraping The above examples show how RPA can be used to automate routine and repetitive tasks. What Are The Benefits of RPA? Enhanced efficiency: RPA streamlines repetitive tasks, boosting operational speed and reducing manual effort. Error reduction: Automation minimizes human errors, ensuring data entry and processing accuracy. Cost savings: RPA reduces labor costs, allowing organizations to strategically allocate resources. 24/7 availability: Bots operate round-the-clock, accelerating processes and enhancing overall productivity. Scalability: RPA easily adapts to changing workloads, facilitating scalability without significant infrastructure investments. Improved compliance: Automation ensures consistent adherence to regulations and compliance standards. Quick implementation: RPA deployment is swift, delivering rapid results and a faster return on investment. Enhanced employee focus: Automation frees up human resources for more strategic, creative, and customer-centric tasks. Explaining “Intelligent Automation” And How Does It Work Intelligent automation is evidence of the development of business processes by combining the fundamental concepts that underlie Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with the potential to transform Artificial Intelligence (AI). Mentioned below are the three phases in the intelligent automation lifecycle: Identify repetitive and rule-based activities suited for automation. It also requires the involvement of stakeholders and the analysis. Automate Determining the definition of automation, including AI and RPA instruments, and developing process models for intelligent automation. Constantly examine and improve bots to ensure they meet the service’s requirements, focusing on collaboration and communication. Common Myths About Intelligent Automation The common misconceptions about intelligent automation include the belief that IA automatizes all processes and replaces human laborers and that it is not mandatory. It focuses on the advantages of IA, including increased productivity, enhanced reporting and analysis, lower costs, and increased accuracy. Intelligent Automation Benefits Outlining the advantages of intelligent automation, the article emphasizes its contribution to improving productivity by providing sophisticated analytics, helping to reduce costs, and removing human error. Integrating AI insights into RPA information allows companies to streamline processes and make more informed decisions about strategic direction. The Steps You Implement Your IA Strategy If you are a business considering IA implementation, this article provides a strategy: Setting goals and expectations: Define the purpose of IA by defining how it improves effectiveness and ROI.
Create tools library: Creating an effective library of tools to support IA use as technology for automation advances. Start with small steps: Initiate automation by tackling smaller tasks before dealing with complicated workflows and prioritizing time-consuming tasks. Monitors and documents results: Continuous monitoring is essential to ensure that goals are met and to document the achievement of the results and lessons learned to be used in future projects. Conclusion The article highlights that intelligent automation is a transformative factor for companies aiming to achieve digital transformation. Through the synergy of RPA and AI, companies can improve processes, increase efficiency, and make more informed choices. Implementing strategies, dispelling misconceptions, and gaining a better understanding of the advantages are essential to unleashing all the potential in intelligent automation. Visit www.onpassive.com for more tech-related updates. [ad_2] onpassive.com
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eaglebittrader · 4 months
[ad_1] Nowadays, businesses are considering combining Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), resulting in Intelligent Automation (IA). This article explains the intricacies behind RPA and AI and the idea of Intelligent Automation and provides information on its potential to transform business processes. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) VS Artificial Intelligence (AI) It’s essential to differentiate between RPA and AI to understand their distinct capabilities. RPA uses machines to perform repetitive jobs because virtual assistants are designed to carry out specific tasks. However, AI simulates human intelligence by acquiring, reasoning, and handling complicated processes via natural speech processing and recognition. The article highlights that combining RPA and AI results in an effective synergy known as Intelligent Automation. The most common uses of RPA are: Data entry Extraction of data processing invoices Web scraping The above examples show how RPA can be used to automate routine and repetitive tasks. What Are The Benefits of RPA? Enhanced efficiency: RPA streamlines repetitive tasks, boosting operational speed and reducing manual effort. Error reduction: Automation minimizes human errors, ensuring data entry and processing accuracy. Cost savings: RPA reduces labor costs, allowing organizations to strategically allocate resources. 24/7 availability: Bots operate round-the-clock, accelerating processes and enhancing overall productivity. Scalability: RPA easily adapts to changing workloads, facilitating scalability without significant infrastructure investments. Improved compliance: Automation ensures consistent adherence to regulations and compliance standards. Quick implementation: RPA deployment is swift, delivering rapid results and a faster return on investment. Enhanced employee focus: Automation frees up human resources for more strategic, creative, and customer-centric tasks. Explaining “Intelligent Automation” And How Does It Work Intelligent automation is evidence of the development of business processes by combining the fundamental concepts that underlie Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with the potential to transform Artificial Intelligence (AI). Mentioned below are the three phases in the intelligent automation lifecycle: Identify repetitive and rule-based activities suited for automation. It also requires the involvement of stakeholders and the analysis. Automate Determining the definition of automation, including AI and RPA instruments, and developing process models for intelligent automation. Constantly examine and improve bots to ensure they meet the service’s requirements, focusing on collaboration and communication. Common Myths About Intelligent Automation The common misconceptions about intelligent automation include the belief that IA automatizes all processes and replaces human laborers and that it is not mandatory. It focuses on the advantages of IA, including increased productivity, enhanced reporting and analysis, lower costs, and increased accuracy. Intelligent Automation Benefits Outlining the advantages of intelligent automation, the article emphasizes its contribution to improving productivity by providing sophisticated analytics, helping to reduce costs, and removing human error. Integrating AI insights into RPA information allows companies to streamline processes and make more informed decisions about strategic direction. The Steps You Implement Your IA Strategy If you are a business considering IA implementation, this article provides a strategy: Setting goals and expectations: Define the purpose of IA by defining how it improves effectiveness and ROI.
Create tools library: Creating an effective library of tools to support IA use as technology for automation advances. Start with small steps: Initiate automation by tackling smaller tasks before dealing with complicated workflows and prioritizing time-consuming tasks. Monitors and documents results: Continuous monitoring is essential to ensure that goals are met and to document the achievement of the results and lessons learned to be used in future projects. Conclusion The article highlights that intelligent automation is a transformative factor for companies aiming to achieve digital transformation. Through the synergy of RPA and AI, companies can improve processes, increase efficiency, and make more informed choices. Implementing strategies, dispelling misconceptions, and gaining a better understanding of the advantages are essential to unleashing all the potential in intelligent automation. Visit www.onpassive.com for more tech-related updates. [ad_2] onpassive.com
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jingyuanmilkies · 4 months
    fire destruction
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normal mode — super saiyan mode (kek acheron)
(sekedar info : ini semua kitnya author ngarang jadi klo keliatan op banget ya karena author sengaja bikin dia op wkwk, 11/12 meta nyaingi acheron)
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basic atk - pure blood
even akan mengakibatkan fire dmg ke satu musuh berdasarkan 10% atk + 50% hpnya.
skill - cries of the weak
even akan memasuki mode "nightmare" dimana ia akan memberikan buff 30% crit dmg dan 20% crit rate kepada diri sendiri selama 3 giliran, selama memasuki mode "nightmare" basic atk even akan berubah menjadi basic atk "blast" dan even tidak akan bisa menggunakan skill selama durasi "nightmare" berlangsung.
basic atk blast - war in abyss
even akan mengakibatkan fire dmg keseluruh musuh yang ada dalam pertempuran berdasarkan 300% hpnya, dan juga akan memberikan 1 debuff kepada musuh yang terkena serangan ini. jika musuh yang di serang memiliki 1 atau lebih debuff, even akan mengabaikan tipe weakness musuh dan mengurangi toughnessnya serta mengurangi 20% res musuh semua elemen. ketika hanya ada satu musuh yang berada di pertarungan even akan mengakibatkan fire dmg berdasarkan 250% hpnya.
talent (follow up atk) - blood bath
ketika even ataupun karakter lain terkena serangan even akan mengakumulasi "blood bath" maksimal 3 tumpuk, ketika "blood bath" telah mencapai 3 tumpuk atau lebih, even akan melancarkan serangan tambahan yang akan mengakibatkan fire dmg berdasarkan 500% hp dan 50% atknya. jika "blood bath" terakumulasi lewat ultimate maka even akan memperoleh 20% crit dmg tambahan.
ultimate - senex arbore
even akan melepaskan ultimatenya dan mengakibatkan fire dmg sebesar 300% hpnya, dan juga akan mengakumulasi 3 poin "blood bath" dan memulihkan 1 skill point dan mendahulukan 100% aksi even.
technique - eternal war
even akan memanggil kekuatan dari senex arbore, memasuki mode "nightmare" dan membuat 2 atau lebih lawan disekitarnya menyerang satu sama lain dan akan memberikan crit dmg sebesar 30% kepada diri sendiri dan rekan tim, memberikan 1 debuff keseluruh musuh dan juga akan langsung memasuki mode "nightmare" tanpa mengonsumsi skill ketika memasuki pertempuran.
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Team synergies
best team
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hypercarry team
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f2p friendly team
pela, gallagher, tingyun
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sriramsias1 · 6 months
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Optional Subjects that Complement General Studies Paper
Level up your UPSC prep! This post reveals optional subjects that BOOST your General Studies score. Choose wisely & ace the exam
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giftedgift · 6 months
Membuat arus atau Mengikuti arus
Tidak ada yang lebih baik, karena keduanya merupakan fase yang harus dijalani sesuai dengan materi apa yang saat ini perlu kita pelajari maknanya
Sebagai orang yang selalu penuh dengan goal goal specific dari tahun ke tahun sejak memiliki ktp, bahkan sejak menerima rapot sekolah
2023 merupakan tahun pertama dimana saya melangkah tanpa pijakan alur resolusi apapun dalam setahun , bahkan melakukannya dengan keterbalikan dari "normal"nya saya
Mencoba menerapkan "let it flow" dari yang biasanya selalu "make the flow".
Yang didapat?
Tetap penuh .. bahkan banyak sekali achievement yang tak terduga hadir di dinamika yang sungguh pas sekali disiapkan semesta .. masyaallah alhamdulillah
Dalam hal let it flow sebenarnya artinya bukan berlaku pasif seperti yang banyak dikira orang-orang, namun ada kunci dari hal tersebut dapat berlaku efektif
1. Ambil kesempatan selalu untuk belajar
Selama masih selalu ada pertanyaan yang kita cari jawabannya, semesta akan mengarahkannya pada frequensi serupa dan voila! U'll get the answer
2. Fokuskan diri pada segala asumsi positif
Penting sekali untuk berasumsi positif, karena pikiran dan rasa adalah realita sebenarnya yang akan mewujudkan realita dari dunia tipu-tipu kita
3. Eliminasi hal-hal yang tidak merupakan kesenangan sejati (bisa dilihat dari sustainability kesenangannya bikin ngerasa fulfilled ga) ataupun circle yang memang tidak saling butuh
Hal ini biar ga bocor energinya, seringkali kita menghabiskan energi hanya pada kesenangan semu, yang senengnya cuma didapat temporary, abis itu ya abis gitu aja ga bersisa. Ga ada part aktualisasi, boro-boro introspeksi. Circle pun sama temukan yang benar-benar menjadi refleksi agar dapat menjadi rekan pertemuan akan diri
4. Berserah bukan pasrah (beda ya)
Banyak yang salah kaprah tentang let it flow ya ini, dikira semua datang tanpa apapun yang dilakukan.. tidak semudah itu ferguso.. seperti hukum newton 3 tentang aksi reaksi ..ya apapun reaksi yang akan kamu terima ada kan sebanding dengan aksinya .. aksi yg dimaksud ini merupakan synergi ya dari syncronicity apa yang kita pikirkan,rasakan dan lakukan ..setelah synced lalu berserah. Semesta akan memberikan segalanya di waktu yang dia atur terbaik untuk kita. Pov kita masih terlampau sempit untuk mengatur perihal waktu dan plot terbaik (gabole sotoy). Berserah adalah bagian manjanya kita pada tuhan yang membuktikan ketidak-berdayaan kita, dan pada akhirnya atas kasih sayangnya pasti akan diberi semua doa yang kita panjatkan .. Allah akan mengabulkan segala doa .. (i've already proved that in every single even tiny things) ssstttt!karena doa yang kita lakukan juga sebenarnya IA yang sisipkan jadi ga perlu khawatir ga kejadian
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techkrunsh · 1 month
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