miradrawz · 2 years
I've seen so many proshippers on this app
Y'all weirdos are nasty asf 🤭💀 Syndrome x Violet shippers fucking dni, y'all gross...
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Little reminder of their ages;
Violet Parr: 14 yo
Syndrome/Buddy Pine: 25 yo
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roleplayallday · 3 months
Thinking about Syndrome again! I’ve been seeing some great fanart recently and it got me thinking about my favorite disney/pixar villain again <3
If anyone’s interested in doing a synlet roleplay, i’d be so happy! I’ve had a few plots way back when
like Violet being nearly 30, having been a therapist for heroes for awhile until learning that the heroes have become somewhat corrupted and don’t really feel pity for any of their actions that harm normal people. She quits her job and tries to bring those supposed heroes to justice, but realizes that means she has to be seen as a villain to the public eye. Knowing she needs to go to the dark side to really help people, she finds Syndrome and recruits him to help her since he’s been a villain longer and knows what he’s doing. But Violet becomes an impressive villain and Syndrome finds himself falling for her.
Alternatively, there’s a plot I’ve had where Violet works to rehabilitate villains. However, as she goes to interview and rehabilitate Syndrome, she learns of a plot to kill him, so she makes it her goal to keep him safe. She beings him home with her and the two end up living together and growing closer as Violet tries to uncover the mastermind behind the plot.
If any of these sound interesting, dm me here or on discord! My discord is kazikuns
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sea-eana · 2 years
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There are no words to describe how much I love this story..... when I say I read fanfic that's what I'm talking about! [MARROW]
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sarahhillips · 1 year
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Me when I see a Synlet post
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Me when I see p0rn art of Violet
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municiberg · 1 month
📌intro post
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Hey, welcome to my blog! My name is Cameron, but I've also gone as Sam in the past.
🦸‍♂️ 25 🦸‍♂️ they/them 🦸‍♂️ previous urls: screensllaver, deav0rs, shelectra 🦸‍♂️ main: @princeproteus 🦸‍♂️ personal carrd 🦸‍♂️ ao3
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I've ran this Incredibles blog since 2018, but I've loved the franchise since 2004! With Incredibles 3 just announced, I thought now was the right time to write a new intro post, since I'll (hopefully) be getting more active.
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I like to post about theories, headcanons, and any and all general Incredibles-related thoughts. I also love getting asks with your thoughts and headcanons about the series. I'd love to talk about the Incredibles with you!
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I have a soft spot for all the characters, but my most beloveds are Voyd and the rest of the wannabes, Mirage, and especially the Deavors! I also love the glory days supers, especially Gazerbeam. I'm definitely a multishipper and Hevelyn, Wingazer/Winsterbeam, and Evelage are some of my faves. I don't have a problem with most ships unless they're incest or adult/minor - Winlet, Synlet, Elastigale, etc.
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I haven't written Incredibles fanfic in a hot minute, but the fics I'm most proud of are:
🦸‍♂️ The Soaring Six & the Queen of Hearts: 130k words, T-rated, general (no pairings), focused on Voyd and the other wannabes as they adjust to life as supers in New Urbem. I wrote this in a fevered haze powered by the strongest hyperfixation I've ever gone through, and it's still the longest thing I've ever written and the only novel-length work I've ever finished! I know it's long and the lack of romance can be a turn-off, but if you decide to give it a shot, please let me know what you think - I'd love to hear it! 🦸‍♂️ Five times Gazerbeam didn't get the joke (plus one time he did): 12k words, T-rated, oneshot, Gazerbeam/Winston Deavor. This pairing only has a flimsy basis in canon, but I love it so so much, and this fic basically encapsulates all the reasons I'm obsessed with them. Winsterbeam you will always be famous.
I've also written several others, so feel free to check them out!
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Since 2018, I've owned Incredibles Antics, a small and tight-knit community server by and for people who love the Incredibles. If you're a fan, please feel free to join us!
I've also tried to keep a tradition of hosting yearly streams to celebrate the anniversaries of I1 and I2, so please keep a lookout for links around the time of the films' release anniversaries. We typically watch the first and second movies along with assorted special features and other related fun videos. All are welcome to join!
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I think that's it for now. Thanks so much for reading!
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jesterwife · 1 year
I really wish we had more stuff for Syndrome that wasn't Synlet. He's actually my favorite character and as someone who is a childhood victim that ship makes me REALLY uncomfortable, and it's one of the reasons I'm terrified to talk about how much I like Syndrome. Your blog was really refreshing to see!
dude i appreciate hearing this so much, it really icks me out that syndrome’s most popular ship in the fandom is literally just p*dophilia and that it’s more often than not portrayed as a cute hero x villain dynamic 😀 he’s just a silly goofy guy don’t ship him with Violet Parr The 14 Year Old what’s wrong with you!!!
i’d love to hear more of your syndrome thoughts if you feel like sharing btw, it’s really hard to find fans of him that aren’t. gross 😭 my dear friend @gamma-gal-24 also makes great syndrome content if you’re interested, you should totally check her out!!! 💞
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 8- Bondage
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Yup. Trying to catch up on more time. Going with my Synlet- Why So Jaded Modern AU. Where Buddy Pine is actually a nick name for Bartholomew Pine, which he "graduated" from "Buddy" to "Barret".
Again, many, many thanks to @starsandskies for sharing kinktober prompts with me.
Kinktober Day 8 Bondage
“So what you do have going on today?” Barret asked his wife over breakfast. 
“I have a class at Lotus that I’m teaching. It’ll take all day.” Violet answered between bites of French toast and strips of bacon. 
But the answer nearly made her husband spit out his morning coffee through his nose which made his wife giggle. Because Lotus was the city’s most luxurious high end nightclub. 
“Teaching what?!” Barret balked. 
“The non-lethal version of my Violet Widow Macrame Act.” Violet answered with a smug smile.
“Why?!” He asked as his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. 
“Eh, they’re making it worth my while. Plus it’ll give the covers of the others more authenticity.” Violet shrugged. 
“Like…how much worth your while?” Barret asked wearily with a frown.
Even though they had agreed that neither would get in the way of each other’s work and often collaborated on a lot of it. At least on Barret’s end. While Barret knew there were lines not to cross with Violet’s work. 
“Same share of ownership of the club that Phillip has and the same amount in royalties because just the hint of it, every performer now has a waiting list for and could be making several thousand dollars per performance.” She answered. 
“Could I come and watch at least?” He asked hopefully. 
“Of course. Who else was I going to use as my practice partner for the class?” She asked as she reached over and squeezed his hand before kissing him sweetly, while also reaching over to swipe a piece of bacon from his plate. 
“Really?” Barret deadpanned when he looked down to see he was now down a piece of bacon on his plate which only got Violet to laugh harder between bites of her stolen slice of bacon. 
Violet was a semi-retired field agent for The Agency that managed Supers because her last gig landed her a spot on the Board of Directors. And while Violet did love the upgrade in pay, clearance up to and beyond Top Secret with the U.S. government. She was still training a small group of proteges to take her place as a secret agent and the most fatal of the “femme fatal”’s. That the Agency could have both on hand and in the field. 
Two years ago, she was literally the best, of the best, of the best that The Agency ever had and had more missions under her belt than most other supers did who were three times her age. Because she could turn herself in visible and literally walk into anywhere she wanted or needed to be and kill with equal stealth. And with Mirage herself being Violet's protege meant Violet had no equal.  
Well, before the very end of her last job that had her saving her husband and her last client from an airplane crash that ended her being bound to a wheelchair for over a year and beating the odds just to stay alive. 
 And while the accident got her out of her contract with that client and still paid out in full. Once she recovered, she found she didn’t want to completely walk away from it all. So she had gone more towards pure office work at Head Quarters and was happy to be "semi-retired".
Plus, there were a few skills that she still had an itch to teach. And after teaching her latest class this particular “skill” she got sweet talked into teaching the “performers” at Lotus the non lethal version of this particular skill. 
“Fine.” Barret sighed in his agreement before they finished breakfast and Violet got dressed and took her bundles of macreme cord for each participant in the “class”. 
She honestly looked like she was going in for a yoga class the way she was dressed and when she came backstage to the “rehearsal” area. All the other performers were dressed similarly while each performer had their partner sitting in chair that specifically had arm rests as Violet put the bundles of cords in the hands of each of her performers while Barret and the other partners sat patiently in the chairs. 
“Good morning and hello everyone. For those that don’t know me. I’m Mrs. Violet Pine. I’ve been trained by some of the greatest macrame artists in the world and I’m here to teach you The Violet Widow. Which should hopefully earn all of you at least 5 to 10 thousand dollars per performance. The performance itself can take anywhere from 3 and a half minutes to as long as you want it to take if you really want to stretch it out. But I’ve done it in less than a minute and a half, provided I was already wearing my macrame cords.” Violet began as she stood in front of the class. 
“Now, the key to the performance, is to actually tie this cord around yourself correctly so that you can then slowly undo sections of it and then apply them to the client, effectively tying them to a chair. But first, we need to learn how to tie this cord around yourselves. And you’ll need roughly three times your body length in cord, plus or minus a few feet depending on how big your client is and how securely you need them restrained to the chair." Violet explained.
"Once you’ve done this a few times, you can make sure to customize your individual cords with the premade knots in the key areas to help make putting the cord on and taking it off that much quicker and more efficient. But before we get to that. We should know the correct way to tie to ourselves. Then the correct way to tie it to the client so we don’t accidentally kill them. Because this does involve putting the cords around both our necks and the necks of our clients and we don’t want to accidentally strangle them.” Violet began as Barret barely contained a snort of laughter because Violet had practically invented this particular set to do just that- make it look like a macreme performance for an audience of one with the conclusion being to strangle the poor bastard tied in the chair and he knew she had killed, literally thousands of her targets this way. It was practically a calling card back when she was an agent on the clandestine part of things. 
So Violet, very patiently went over where and how to tie the particular harness over each of the performers and had them practice on themselves several times before each one could then tie it to themselves without any help or hints on how to do so correctly. 
“Perfect!” Violet praised each one when she fully inspected it on each of the performers. 
“Now, obviously, when we’re done here today, practice, practice practice. Because practice makes perfect.” She encouraged them. 
“But now that we know how to put it on ourselves, now let's learn how to take it off in stages. Because stage one is actually tying down the hands and feet of the client to the chair so that they don’t actually reach up and pull on the cords and accidentally undoing all the hard work we did of tying this stuff to us and can actually ruin quite a bit of the performance of it. And from there, working our way up the arms and legs to the torso- so that only the head and neck is left.” She encouraged them before she had Barret sitting on the side as she immediately straddled his lap while he smiled rather knowingly, if not excitedly up at her which made her blush and smile in return. 
“Ok, step one, remember, the audience is already going to be looking at you in your working attire along with this full body macrame harnes and eager to see it come off. But instead of going from arm to arm, and leg to leg, that part is backwards. So that’s why we are cord heavy on our arms and cord light on our legs. Because the cord on our legs is going to be used to tie the wrists and forearms of our clients to the armrests of the chair. And once we secure those, then we move onto taking the cord off our arms and transfer that to the legs of our client. Then it goes from torso to torso. Your client gets one chance to run their hands- lightly- over your body and the cords themselves. But they can’t pull on them. Just a quick taste before the feast right?” Violet encouraged as Barret had no problems doing as instructed before just as his hands got to her ass. She grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the chair and used her ankles to keep them there. 
“Now, step one, undo the very end of the tie at your ankles and transfer it to the client like this.” Violet demonstrated. 
“And repeat for the other hand.” Violet instructed and watched and waited as everyone followed her lead and copied what she had done. 
“Now, ankles down. Move up so that you’re pelvis for pelvis to pull your lower legs between their arms, through the space between the arm rests and the back of the chair, allowing the criss crossing pattern to peel off your lower legs and onto their arms like a snakeskin.” Violet encouraged. Which actually ended up pulling the criss cross of cord up the arms of the client so that now it simply held the knees to the client’s sides. 
“Now, we are going to anchor ourselves onto the client by crossing our lower legs behind them.” Violet demonstrated. 
“And lean back so that your head hangs between their ankles which is where and how we are going to transfer the cord that is around our wrists to their ankles.” Violet explained while she demonstrated it as Barret had to bite his lip from making and lude or crude noises but it seems the other partners didn’t hold back and there were several hoots among the partners sitting in for the clients which got everyone to laugh a bit. 
“Now performers, remember, while your client is too mesmerized by your proximity and their view, that means that their focus has switched from what they’re feeling to what they're seeing. Which means, as the performers, this is the most important part. You want their focus to stay on your torso so that you can tighten down their legs to the two front feat of the chair without them giving a single fuck.” Violet coached which then got the performers to laugh as they watched her and then copied her movements since her hair was up in a bun and they were able to see what she was doing and how she was doing. 
“Now, we sit up, because remember, now our top portions of our macrame are actually still tied to their knees. So now we- with the rhythm and beat of the music, now loop all those loops that we had had around our chest, over their thighs and the chair.” Violet coached as she did as she demonstrated, keeping her bosom in Barrets face to “distract” him from what she was really doing which was tying his thighs down to the seat of the chair. 
“Now, that we are exposed to our waist. Now it’s time to transfer what’s around our waist to their upper torso. Like this.” Violet said as she “unhooked” the loops that were tied around her back, to retie them around Barret’s chest and the back of the chair. 
“And last loop, you’re going to put around their own neck. Now, if you want to make it extra spicy. You can tie it like a tie around their neck and pull just hard enough to mildly choke them. But chances are, all their blood is going to be rushed to their pants so the brain at this point doesn’t really care to miss the blood flow anyway.” Violet said as she did just so with the last bit of cord. 
“Now, dismount any particular way you want and strut away, leaving your client more frustrated than five rounds of edging every could make them.” Violet licentiously teased before she dismounted and walked away leaving Barret, like all the other partners eager to wriggle against their constraints but couldn’t. In fact because of the “tie” around their neck, they then could start to feel a little light headed before Violet came back to loosen it so Barret wouldn’t actually get too light headed. 
“Ok. Now that’s the hard and fast version. There is one that is more of a “surprise” that the moment you pull on the end of cord, everything beyond their immediate wrists and ankles tightens as tight as a boa constrictor if you want. But it’s also a bit more tricky and if you miss a single tie, you’ll just be pulling string and nothing will get tight and you’ll be getting a ball of cord that’ll look more like a ball of yarn you were trying to knit than anything else. Try this way for at least a few months until you feel like you can do this in your sleep. And you can do it to any song you want and can do it as slow or as fast as you want.” Violet encouraged. 
“And how you untie them. Is you pull the other end of the other cord that is behind the chair. That’ll loosen up the torso, then the legs, then the arms. In the reverse order that we tied it onto them. Like this.” Violet demonstrated as with just a single pull from the complicated but surprisingly simple tie behind his back, she was able to pull it off of him relatively easily. 
“And that’s it for class. What do you guys think? Any of you ready to try it tonight on your first shifts, or give yourselves a few days of practice and use the instructions from the packet that have the step by step instructions to do it as well. Just in case there were those of us who were not the best visual hands on learners.” Violet said as she then passed out a small little manual for how to do it. Complete with simple diagrams and instructions for each part of it. 
“Any questions?” Violet asked. 
“Yeah, do you have any idea how lucky you are Mr. Pine to have her as your wife?” Most of the guys asked Barret who laughed at the teasing question. 
“Yes I do. And yes I do make sure my wife is as happy, content and fulfilled in our marriage as possible.” Barret answered proudly. 
“Which is why I’m happy I could do this today and not a few months from now, because by then, I’d be showing too much by then.” Violet announced as all the performers who knew her, all gasped and suddenly came around her to hug her and congratulate her. 
“How long have you known?” They all asked. 
“Only for couple of months. Still in the first trimester.” Violet answered happily as suddenly her lower belly was palmed by everyone. 
“What are you hoping for?” They asked. 
“Honestly, as long  as it’s a healthy baby and a non complicated pregnancy, I’ll be happy.” Violet answered happily as she seemed to glow with happiness. 
“But what are you hoping for?” They asked.
“A boy.” Violet answered. 
“A girl.” Barret answered at the same exact time. 
“Aww, what names do you have picked out?” The couple was asked. 
“Alexi if it’s a boy and Alexis if it’s a girl.” Barret answered. 
“Aww.” They all cooed. 
“Well, enjoy the rest of your days. If you see me in the club, know that my drinks will, of course be non-alcoholic.” Violet offered. 
“Of course! Congratulations!” They all offered before Violet happily left with her husband. 
“And none of that cord hurt around your abdomen?” Barret asked as he got back into their SUV to drive them back home for the day. 
“Yes. I made sure to tie it loosely and why I had the open circle around it, just in case.” Violet reassured him. 
“Can I get my own private show again later? Like not today if you’re not up for it. But you know, when you are?” Barret asked hopefully. 
“Yes.” Violet giggled happily as she took the folder that had her payment in it from the club’s management still in her hands. 
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To Feast on Tears and Smiles
After the death of Tanaka, Violet muses about her husband's ability to recover, and Buddy finally puts on a show.
Read Here
I had a continuation of the last chapter, Buddy and Violet's reunion continued, but this little bit of fluff got finished first. Absolute harmless sweet nothings, a palette cleanser for once.
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donttouchthefigs · 3 years
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It do be like that some times.
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nerds-and-lairs · 3 years
My Synlet fic just passed the 3,000 hits mark and I just want to thank all the Synners out there. I’ve got a few fanfics out there but this was the one that got me through COVID (which is still a thing folks) and the first time I actually had a clear idea and was able to get my words out in a somewhat orderly fashion. For context, it took me 8 years to complete my Beetlejuice fic, Grave News (60,000+ words) compared to Identity Complex (120,000+ words) in less than five. 
I loved writing those nerds so much that I had to drag it out into a trilogy.
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roleplayallday · 2 years
A new Synlet roleplay idea i’ve been thinking of. If any of this sounds interesting, dm me here or on discord! My discord is Kazikuns
Syndrome was never killed at the end of Incredibles. Almost, but he barely survived and the NSA managed to get ahold of him and put him into custody.
Years later, Violet is working for the NSA. Except she learns very quickly that there’s corruption among them. Plenty of supers are cocky, as they get away with some horrible things despite claiming they’re ‘heroes’, their crimes getting brushed under the rug.
No one listens to Violet, and she can only turn to one person to assist her in getting evidence of the NSA’s corruption and turning them in. Syndrome.
Unfortunately, while she’s interrogating him, something big happens and the NSA is infultrated by villains. So Violet is forced to take Buddy into hiding with her as the people behind the corruption are hunting her down. She and Buddy end up bonding, and falling for each other as they work together to find out who infultrated the NSA and how to stop them.
I really liked this idea, I really hope someone else likes this too and will indulge me in a roleplay!
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sea-eana · 2 years
Eu amo esses dois cara
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Chapters: 19/19 Fandom: Incredibles (Pixar Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Violet Parr/Buddy "Syndrome" Pine, Violet Parr/Original Male Character(s), Invisigirl - Relationship Characters: Violet Parr, Invisigirl - Character, Little Miss Disappear, Buddy Pine, Buddy "Syndrome" Pine, Bartholomew Pine, Original Male Character, Original Male Superhero Character Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Corporate Espionage, Modern AU, Spy Invisigirl, Smut, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Aged up characters, Still, A bit of an age difference, Safe Sane and Consensual, Love Triangle, Assets & Handlers Summary:
Ten years after the events in the movies yet in a modern setting. Violet Parr as Invisigirl, has since disappeared from the public eye several years ago. She became a protégé to none other than Mirage and has had an incredibly successful career still working for The Agency but working as a spy and agent behind the scenes and foiled more Villains without anyone but The Agency ever knowing that she was the one who foiled them. However Superhero Work has it's price- mentally, emotionally and most of all physically and now Invisigirl has to come out of the shadows and work one last job as a public handler for an aristobrat, genius, billionaire, playboy- Mr. Phillip Sebastian who has his own tricks and agenda and requests Invisigirl specifically. Which in turn- put's her back on the radar and put's her under an iron clad contract with not just The Agency but with Mr. Sebastian. And it's this one last job that will be the answer to all of Violet Parr's problems. After this, she can disappear for good and never, ever, be found again. It's a three year contract and she is already a year in and everything is going perfectly. Until- Buddy Pine decides to try his hand at corporate espionage. His target? Phillip Sebastian.
Final chapter! 
Here’s the pictures for the last chapter though. 
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ckatmyla · 6 years
RIP 'No Longer the Villain'
Although it may have been a bit problematic in hindsight, it was the first Synlet fic I read and I still can pictures scenes quite clearly in my mind.
Sadly, it has been taken down at some point by the author. Well, that's their prerogative. I am still saddened by the news, though. That fic represented some good times in my life.
Hope the author is doing well, wherever they are ♡
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sxpxrtxxn · 6 years
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Synlet by Syndrome-Violet on DA. 
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Eight years after the event of Screenslaver, Violet Parr, now Dr. Parr, is attempting to find her footing both in her new career and as a hero, a position she has all but given up. Her family, most active agents of the restored NSA, are busy hunting the vigilante Ultra--a dangerous figure who seems to be taking justice in his own hands by any fatal means necessary but remains totally beyond the reach of both hero and government.
Amidst the hunt, Syndrome returns from the grave, kidnapping Violet to examine her powers in a secret laboratory, but not for his own uses. Both prisoners at the mercy of a mad doctor, victims of a traitor within the ranks of the NSA, they must attempt something like trust to escape and seek their justice. But with Ultra pulling strings behind the scenes and elusive as ever, it becomes a secret race against the clock to hunt down their captor, unmask a traitor and survive infiltrating the very hive of the world’s villainy.
Epilogue: The Days of Elysium
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