lokapriya · 10 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.lokapriya.com/detecting-and-regulating-deepfake-technology-the-challenges-part-ii/
Detecting and Regulating Deepfake Technology: The Challenges! Part II
The Challenges of Detecting and Regulating Deepfake Technology
The current state of deepfake detection and regulation is still evolving and faces many challenges. Some of the reasons why it is difficult to identify and prevent deepfake content from spreading online are:
1. Advancement and Ease of Access
The quality and realism of deepfake content are improving as the artificial neural networks that generate them become more sophisticated and trained on larger and more diverse datasets. The availability and affordability of deepfake software and services are also increasing, making it easier for anyone to create and share deepfake content online.
2. Non-Scalability and Unreliability of Detection Methods:
The existing methods for detecting deepfake content rely on analyzing various features or artifacts of the images, videos, or audio, such as facial expressions, eye movements, skin texture, lighting, shadows, or background noise. However, these methods are not always accurate or consistent, especially when the deepfake content is low-quality, compressed, or edited. Moreover, these methods are not scalable or efficient, as they require a lot of computational resources and time to process large amounts of data.
3. Complex and Controversial Regulations:
The legal and ethical issues surrounding deepfake content are not clear-cut or uniform across different jurisdictions, contexts, and purposes. For example, deepfake content may implicate various rights and interests, such as intellectual property rights, privacy rights, defamation rights, contract rights, freedom of expression rights, and public interest. However, these rights and interests may conflict or overlap with each other, creating dilemmas and trade-offs for lawmakers and regulators.
Furthermore, the enforcement and oversight of deepfake regulation may face practical and technical difficulties, such as identifying the creators and distributors of deepfake content, establishing their liability and accountability, and imposing appropriate sanctions or remedies.
Current and Future Strategies and Solutions to Detect, Prevent, and Combat Deepfake Technology
1.  Social Media Platforms’ Policies:
Social media platforms can implement policies, guidelines, and standards to regulate the creation and dissemination of deepfake content on their platforms, by banning or labeling harmful or deceptive deepfakes, or by requiring users to disclose the use of deepfake technology. This strategy can be effective in reducing the exposure and spread of harmful or deceptive deepfakes on popular and influential platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Deepfake detection and verification tools, such as digital watermarks, blockchain-based provenance systems, or reverse image search engines can also be deployed to guide against the upload of any deepfake. These platforms can also collaborate with other stakeholders, such as fact-checkers, researchers, or civil society groups, to monitor and counter deepfake content. However, these solutions may face challenges such as scalability, accuracy, transparency, and accountability.
2. Detection Algorithms:
Detection algorithms can use machine learning and computer vision techniques to analyze the features and characteristics of deepfake content, such as facial expressions, eye movements, lighting, or audio quality, and identify inconsistencies or anomalies that indicate manipulation. Researchers can develop and improve deepfake detection and verification technologies, such as artificial neural networks, computer vision algorithms, or biometric authentication systems to improve detection algorithms.
They can also create and share datasets and benchmarks for evaluating deepfake detection and verification methods, and conduct interdisciplinary studies on the social and ethical implications of deepfake technology. This strategy can be effective in the analysis of features by identifying inconsistencies or anomalies that indicate manipulation. However, these solutions may face challenges such as data availability, quality, and privacy, as well as ethical dilemmas and dual-use risk.
3. Internet Reaction:
This refers to the collective response of online users and communities to deepfake content, such as by flagging, reporting, debunking, or criticizing suspicious or harmful deepfakes, or by creating counter-narratives or parodies to expose or ridicule them. Users can adopt critical thinking and media literacy skills to identify and verify deepfake content, and can also use deepfake detection and verification tools, such as browser extensions, mobile apps, or online platforms to sniff out deepfakes they encounter on social media or other platforms, which they can report or flag as deepfake content. The internet reaction strategy can be effective in mobilizing the collective response of online users and communities to deepfake content. However, these solutions may face challenges such as cognitive biases, information overload, digital divide, and trust issues.
4. Legal Response:
This is the application of existing or new laws and regulations to address the legal and ethical issues raised by deepfake technology, such as by protecting the rights and interests of the victims of deepfake abuse, or by holding the perpetrators accountable for their actions. Governments can enact laws and regulations that prohibit or restrict the creation and dissemination of harmful deepfake content, such as non-consensual pornography, defamation, or election interference. They can also support research and development of deepfake detection and verification technologies, as well as public education and awareness campaigns.
Some laws address deepfake technology in different countries, but they are not very comprehensive or consistent.
For example:
In the U.S, The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to issue an annual report on deepfakes and their potential harm. The Identifying Outputs of Generative Adversarial Networks Act requires the National Science Foundation (NSC) and the National Institute of Standards (NIS) and Technology to research deepfake technology and authenticity measures. However, there is no federal law that explicitly bans or regulates deepfake technology.
In China, a new law requires that manipulated material have the subject’s consent and bear digital signatures or watermarks and that deepfake service providers offer ways to “refute rumors”. However, some people worry that the government could use the law to curtail free speech or censor dissenting voices.
In India, there is no explicit law banning deepfakes, but some existing laws such as the Information Technology Act or the Indian Penal Code may be applicable in cases of defamation, fraud, or obscenity involving deepfakes.
In the UK, there is no specific law on deepfakes either, but some legal doctrines such as privacy, data protection, intellectual property, or passing off may be relevant in disputes concerning an unwanted deepfake or manipulated video.
Legal responses can be an effective strategy in fighting the dubiousness of deepfakes. However, these solutions may face challenges such as balancing free speech and privacy rights, enforcing cross-border jurisdiction, and adapting to fast-changing technology.
Recommendations and Directions for Future Research or Action on Deepfake Technology
DeepFake technology is still on the rise and rapidly evolving to better and more realistic versions every day. This calls for a need to be more proactive in tackling the menace that may accompany this technology. Below are some of the actions that I believe can be implemented to mitigate its negative impact:
Verification and Authentication of Content: Consumers should always check the source and authenticity of the content they encounter or create, by using reverse image or video search, blockchain-based verification systems, or digital watermarking techniques.
Multiple and Reliable Sources of Information: Consumers of digital media should always seek out multiple and reliable sources of information to corroborate or refute the content they encounter or create, by consulting reputable media outlets, fact-checkers, or experts.
Development of Rapid, Robust and Adaptive Detection Algorithms and Tools for Verification and Attribution: There should be more focus on developing more robust and adaptive detection algorithms that can cope with the increasing realism and diversity of deepfake content, such as by using multi modal or cross-domain approaches, incorporating human feedback, or leveraging adversarial learning. New tools and methods for verification and attribution of digital content should be explored, such as by using blockchain-based verification systems, digital watermarking techniques, or reverse image or video search and more research is needed to develop and improve deepfake detection and verification technologies, as well as to understand and address the social and ethical implications of deepfake technology.
Establishment of Ethical and Legal Frameworks and Standards for Deepfake Technology: More research should be made to create ethical and legal frameworks and standards for deepfake technology, such as by defining the rights and responsibilities of the creators and consumers of deepfake content, setting the boundaries and criteria for legitimate and illegitimate uses of deepfake technology, or enforcing laws and regulations to protect the victims and punish the perpetrators of deepfake abuse. More legal action is needed to enact and enforce laws and regulations that protect the rights and interests of the victims and targets of harmful deepfake content, such as non-consensual pornography, defamation, or election interference.
Actions should be coordinated, consistent, and adaptable, taking into account the cross-border nature of deepfake content and the fast-changing nature of deepfake technology, and should be balanced, proportionate, and respectful, taking into account the free speech and privacy rights of the creators and consumers of deepfake content.
Promotion of Education and Awareness about Deepfake Technology: Future research or action on deepfake technology should promote education and awareness about deepfake technology among various stakeholders, such as by providing training and guidance for journalists, fact-checkers, educators, policymakers, and the general public on how to create, consume, and respond to deepfake content responsibly and critically.
Report or Flag Suspicious or Harmful Content: Consumers should be aware of the existence and prevalence of deepfake content and should use critical thinking and media literacy skills to identify and verify it. They should be fast in reporting or flagging deepfake content that they encounter on social media or other platforms, by using the reporting tools or mechanisms provided by social media platforms, law enforcement agencies, or civil society organizations.
Respect the Rights and Interests of Others: Producers of digital media should always respect the rights and interests of others when creating or sharing content that involves deepfake technology, by obtaining consent, disclosing the use of deepfake technology, or avoiding malicious or deceptive purposes. They should be aware of the potential harms and benefits of deepfake technology and should use it responsibly and ethically, following the principles of consent, integrity, and accountability.
Deepfake technology has the potential to create false or misleading content that can harm individuals or groups in various ways. However, deepfake technology can also have positive uses for entertainment, media, politics, education, art, healthcare, and accessibility. Therefore, it is important to balance the risks and benefits of deepfake technology and to develop effective and ethical ways to detect, prevent, and regulate it.
To achieve this goal, governments, platforms, researchers, and users need to collaborate and coordinate their efforts, as well as raise their awareness and responsibility. By doing so, we can harness the power and potential benefits of deepfake technology, while minimizing its harm.
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snailspell · 9 months
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come together
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ivo3d · 7 months
So my previous post went to the void, it is ok, since I have already hesitated a lot to post here our next show at Kollab during the Lighthouse association exhibition '12Hz' at Mammut I.3th floor (yes a synthetic post-capitalist non-place called 'plaza'/meaning: shopping mall/ on next Friday, 02.23.2024. from 19:00 called ’GEN.X' with dance/performance, live electronic music and video-projection.
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
Re: XG - on their TGIF posts I saw a number of comments complaining about how ugly the clothing is because it doesn’t make them look “pretty,” I assume in the way that kpop styling does generic pretty these days. Meanwhile I was so excited that xg is just going full speed with their concepts regardless of conventional beauty standards - it’s 100x more interesting and fun! They’ve been killing it all year tbh.
and those people are COWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!
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goodpix2021 · 9 months
Thinking, Always Thinking
Maybe I should stop thinking. I’d hoped to force a week of Mardi Gras into an already crowded schedule, but the universe said no. With new COVID infections reaching a million a day and deaths hitting 1,000 a day, I didn’t think being in crowds on the streets with 100,000 of my best friends was a good idea. So, I decided to make my own Mardi Gras using Generative AI. You can see the results,…
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eclipsecrowned · 2 months
old fandom: actually [thing i endured but they don't know that] isn't that bad and when this character carried out that act it it was complicated so it's not actually evil, and like if you're going to be so sensitive why read horror at all? the character didn't do anything wrong, he's so daddy. if you're uncomfortable with content i am comfortable with then you don't belong here. new fandom: yeah he serves the narrative and all but also i think this character's victims should beat him to death live on screen.
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sirenemale · 1 year
I think it'd rule to eat one of the synthetic cunts in alien with the goopy white artificial flesh. Like idk that baby chestburster looked like it was living it up you could go evangelion style robot guts cannibalization on it. Milk teeth milk flesh whatever
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cyberianlife · 1 year
A scammer has managed to sell multiple leaked Frank Ocean tracks for thousands of dollars, except the tracks were made with A.I. and sold as leaked tracks on a bustling underground community of music collectors.
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reineyday · 2 years
yall ever notice the weird sort of sticky, melty quality of ai art in the details that give it away as ai? like when you count fingers and notice the window frames are weirdly angled and there's an extra leg on that table, because the computer cannot visually tell where things should begin and end. it reminds me of dystopian scifi media where the ai robot malfunctions and goes melty as it gets revealed that what we thought was human wasnt quite so human after all, and yknow what, i dont really like that for society lol. dont like when things from dystopian fiction start becoming true. big nope from me, thanks.
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lokapriya · 10 months
New Post has been published on Lokapriya.com
New Post has been published on https://www.lokapriya.com/deepfake-technology-the-potential-risks-of-future-part-i/
DeepFake Technology: The Potential Risks of Future! Part I
Imagine you are watching a video of your favorite celebrity giving a speech. You are impressed by their eloquence and charisma, and you agree with their message. But then you find out that the video was not real. It was a deep fake, a synthetic media created by AI “(Artificial Intelligence) that can manipulate the appearance and voice of anyone. You feel deceived and confused.
This is no longer a hypothetical scenario; this is now real. There are several deepfakes of prominent actors, celebrities, politicians, and influencers circulating the internet. Some include deepfakes of Film Actors like Tom Cruise and Keanu Reeves on TikTok, among others. Even Indian PM Narendra Modi’s deepfake edited video was made.
In simple terms, Deepfakes are AI-generated videos and images that can alter or fabricate the reality of people, events, and objects. This technology is a type of artificial intelligence that can create or manipulate images, videos, and audio that look and sound realistic but are not authentic. Deepfake technology is becoming more sophisticated and accessible every day. It can be used for various purposes, such as in entertainment, education, research, or art. However, it can also pose serious risks to individuals and society, such as spreading misinformation, violating privacy, damaging reputation, impersonating identity, and influencing public opinion.
In this article, I will be exploring the dangers of deep fake technology and how we can protect ourselves from its potential harm.
How is Deepfake Technology a Potential Threat to Society?
Deepfake technology is a potential threat to society because it can:
Spread misinformation and fake news that can influence public opinion, undermine democracy, and cause social unrest.
Violate privacy and consent by using personal data without permission, and creating image-based sexual abuse, blackmail, or harassment.
Damage reputation and credibility by impersonating or defaming individuals, organizations, or brands.
Create security risks by enabling identity theft, fraud, or cyber attacks.
Deepfake technology can also erode trust and confidence in the digital ecosystem, making it harder to verify the authenticity and source of information.
The Dangers and Negative Uses of Deepfake Technology
As much as there may be some positives to deepfake technology, the negatives easily overwhelm the positives in our growing society. Some of the negative uses of deepfakes include:
Deepfakes can be used to create fake adult material featuring celebrities or regular people without their consent, violating their privacy and dignity. Because it has become very easy for a face to be replaced with another and a voice changed in a video. Surprising, but true.
Deepfakes can be used to spread misinformation and fake news that can deceive or manipulate the public. Deepfakes can be used to create hoax material, such as fake speeches, interviews, or events, involving politicians, celebrities, or other influential figures.
Since face swaps and voice changes can be carried out with the deepfake technology, it can be used to undermine democracy and social stability by influencing public opinion, inciting violence, or disrupting elections.
False propaganda can be created, fake voice messages and videos that are very hard to tell are unreal and can be used to influence public opinions, cause slander, or blackmail involving political candidates, parties, or leaders.
Deepfakes can be used to damage reputation and credibility by impersonating or defaming individuals, organizations, or brands. Imagine being able to get the deepfake of Keanu Reeves on TikTok creating fake reviews, testimonials, or endorsements involving customers, employees, or competitors.
For people who do not know, they are easy to convince and in an instance where something goes wrong, it can lead to damage in reputation and loss of belief in the actor.
Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Deepfake Technology
Ethical Implications
Deepfake technology can violate the moral rights and dignity of the people whose images or voices are used without their consent, such as creating fake pornographic material, slanderous material, or identity theft involving celebrities or regular people. Deepfake technology can also undermine the values of truth, trust, and accountability in society when used to spread misinformation, fake news, or propaganda that can deceive or manipulate the public.
Legal Implications
Deepfake technology can pose challenges to the existing legal frameworks and regulations that protect intellectual property rights, defamation rights, and contract rights, as it can infringe on the copyright, trademark, or publicity rights of the people whose images or voices are used without their permission.
Deepfake technology can violate the privacy rights of the people whose personal data are used without their consent. It can defame the reputation or character of the people who are falsely portrayed in a negative or harmful way.
Social Implications
Deepfake technology can have negative impacts on the social well-being and cohesion of individuals and groups, as it can cause psychological, emotional, or financial harm to the victims of deepfake manipulation, who may suffer from distress, anxiety, depression, or loss of income. It can also create social divisions and conflicts among different groups or communities, inciting violence, hatred, or discrimination against certain groups based on their race, gender, religion, or political affiliation.
Imagine having deepfake videos of world leaders declaring war, making false confessions, or endorsing extremist ideologies. That could be very detrimental to the world at large.
I am afraid that in the future, deepfake technology could be used to create more sophisticated and malicious forms of disinformation and propaganda if not controlled. It could also be used to create fake evidence of crimes, scandals, or corruption involving political opponents or activists or to create fake testimonials, endorsements, or reviews involving customers, employees, or competitors.
Read More: Detecting and Regulating Deepfake Technology: The Challenges! Part II
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kenyatta · 2 years
The Oxford Synthetic Media Forum (OSFM) brings together experts from academia, industry, government, and journalism to grapple with the future of generative AI and synthetic media.
The Forum begins with panel discussions that focus on critical challenges of our time: from how the law treats revenge porn and deepfakes to the future of art, online trust and communication, and industry use cases in the generative AI space. 
Leading experts will then present lightning talks, followed by a Q&A panel centered on what is needed to embrace synthetic media’s potential, while addressing consequences such as misinformation.
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ivo3d · 7 months
I hesitated a lot about sharing it here, but: 23.02.2024 at Kollab during the Lighthouse association exhibition '12Hz' there going to be a performance called 'GEN.-X' with dance, live electronic music and video-projection.
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snekdood · 3 months
i miss the old internet
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goodpix2021 · 5 months
Rock lizard. Music is magic, some say. This proves it. Or, maybe making music is a nightmare. I keep experimenting with Generative AI mostly out of self defense especially since an expert, no less than Adobe — those fine developers of Photoshop and Lightroom — said that using their version of AI is the next evolutionary step in photography, making cameras obsolete and no longer needed. I knew…
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ippnoida · 6 months
Cosmo Synthetic Paper's new brands for diverse print media
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With focus on durability, printability, and sustainability, Cosmo Synthetic Paper (CSP) – a vertical of Cosmo Films – has announced eight brands to address the myriad requirements of the printing business and provide cutting-edge solutions. 
These new brands are being touted as an alternative to traditional paper in applications where durability and longevity are desired, such as commercial printing, tags & labels, retail & packaging, identification & credentials, and outdoor applications. 
Speaking about the range of Cosmo Synthetic Paper, Kulbhushan Malik, global business head, Cosmo Films said, “These latest ranges under the Cosmo Synthetic Paper provides numerous solutions for various end users in the printing industry and is compatible with diverse print media. Our synthetic paper is an increasingly popular choice among businesses looking for innovative, cost-effective, durable, and sustainable paper-based solutions. We are confident the segmentation and branding of our offering will assist our buyers make the right choice in choosing the right paper and improving our client base.”
Cosmo Synthetic Paper’s wide range of synthetic paper are:
CSP Classic [CSPR-2 (M)]: Uncoated, water-resistant synthetic substrate suitable for commercial printing applications. 
CSP Unicoat [CSPR-2 (M) TC]: Coated printable surface on Top side, ideal for vibrant printing applications.
CSP Dualcoat [CSPR-2 (M) BTC]: Both sides coated printable surface, ideal for applications demanding high-quality printing. 
CSP FlexoTuff [CSPR-2 (M) FLEXI]: Both sides coated high tear-resistant synthetic film.
CSP DigiLux [CSPR-2 (M) HR BTC]: Tailored for digital/laser printing.
CSP DigiLux – MW [CSPR-2 (MW) BTC]: Both sides coated synthetic paper with enhanced whiteness, designed for digital/laser printing.
CSP Indigo [HP Indigo]: Compatible with HP Indigo presses.
CSP Graphic [CSPR-2 (M) BTC]:  Ideal for producing large-format graphics like posters, banners, billboards, and signage.
Pushing the boundaries of possibilities, Cosmo Synthetic Paper is leading the pack in synthetic paper manufacturing, with a commitment to excellence and innovation.  Cosmo Films is a global name in specialty films for packaging, lamination, labeling, and synthetic paper. Cosmo Films partners with leading F&B and personal care brands and packaging & printing converters to enhance the end consumer experience.
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nimcj-institute · 6 months
What Is Synthetic Media
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Synthetic media refers to any media content, such as images, video, audio, or text, that is partially or fully generated by artificial intelligence algorithms rather than being captured or created by humans. The goal is to produce realistic and convincing media that mimics authentic content.
Types of Synthetic Media
Deepfakes: Fake videos created using deep learning to swap faces, manipulate expressions, or generate entirely synthetic videos that closely resemble real ones. Deepfakes pose risks of spreading disinformation, manipulating public opinion, committing fraud, or blackmail.
Synthetic text: AI-generated text, such as poetry, created by neural networks trained on large datasets. Applications include content creation and information storage in synthetic macromolecules.
Synthetic speech: Text-to-speech systems that generate human-like synthetic voices for applications like dubbing, announcing, and narration. Deep learning has made these systems more accurate and accessible.
Synthetic drugs: While not media per se, synthetic drugs are an emerging concern, with a reported shift from natural to synthetic drug consumption.
Key Characteristics of Synthetic Media
Artificially Generated: Synthetic media refers to content like images, videos, audio, or text that is partially or fully generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, rather than being captured or created by humans.
Mimics Real Content: The goal of synthetic media is to produce realistic and convincing content that closely mimics authentic media created by humans. Advanced AI models are trained on large datasets of real media to learn to generate highly realistic synthetic versions.
Spans Multiple Formats: Synthetic media technologies can generate various types of media formats including images, videos, audio recordings, written text, and more.
Blends Real and Artificial: In addition to fully synthetic content, there is also semi-synthetic media which blends real captured media with AI-generated elements. For example, inserting an AI character into a real video.
Customizable Composition: For some applications like biomedical research, synthetic media can be generated with customized compositions tailored for specific needs, such as varying nutrient levels or additives in synthetic growth media for cultivating microorganisms.
Potential for Misuse: While synthetic media has creative and research applications, it also raises concerns about the potential for spreading misinformation, deception, and misuse if the artificial nature is not properly disclosed.
Requires Authentication: As synthetic media becomes more advanced and difficult to distinguish from real media, developing techniques to authenticate the origin and integrity of media content is an important challenge.
Interesting Isn't it?
Continue reading from here: What Is Synthetic Media
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