#t // reunion
parallelfallout · 2 months
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Romy and Michele
All I ever do is use my art for silliness
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critter-tea-rex · 11 months
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Went to the liveshow, what an utterly incredible time so had to draw some of my fav bits.
Jester being Jester.
Cad, The Aro Ace King making his glorious return, saying the funniest possible thing he could have said 10 seconds before a man died.
And my kaiju nerd self's absolute dream manifesting live right before my eyes.
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whiskingskin · 2 months
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fear-no-mort · 10 months
rick and morty seperation anxiety despite being a very real thing is never ever actually done in the show for a few reasons
1. there is basically Never any situations where it’s so dire to the point where they’ve lost eachother and can’t get back . like you have to understand that is only the absolute worst of the worst conditions
2. the only times rick and morty are actually not together physically 100% of the time 24/7 7 days a week 24 hours a day is when they’re having some sort of argument that led to them going their seperate ways usually to prove something to the other
3. its too powerful. if we ever really got a situation where they are truly seperated and can’t get back to eachother and they’re both freaking out about it and they just can’t focus on anything other than how badly they need to be together and neither of them can focus or function without the other the world would cave in on itself it would cause mass hysteria everyone’s nerves would start tangling together before it could be resolved
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how can you stand there, a whisper from me?
yet somehow be so far away?
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this is canon
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aeolianblues · 24 days
if you think you’re having a bad day, I just spent 4:00-5:10 AM in queue for Oasis tickets, was only 900th in the queue, was able to make my selection, proceeded to checkout with two floor tickets, entered my details and almost had them processed all the way only for ticketmaster to refuse to process a Canadian card and continue to throw me out five more times before returning me to the queue of 300,000 people. I was 900th. I had those tickets.
28 August Downsview Park better fucking be real or I’m going to cry
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iero · 5 months
If you literally do not have rat king Gerard Way that was covered in motor oil in your top 5 tour looks he did for the reunion tour, I literally cannot hang!!!
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banana-pancake5 · 3 months
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LS Donnie: fascinated by all of the tech and robot eye
LS Heishi: “What’s with all the scars? Wait! Are you a warrior!? Let’s spar!!”
LS Mikey: bombarding LFMFS Donnie with a million questions
LS Raph: content with his s’more
LFMFS Donnie: Overwhelmed and uncomfortable with all the questions and excited shouting ;-; (He’s okay after a minute of processing and answers all their questions :D)
Little Subjects by @allyheart707!
@tmnt-fandom-family-reunion Cabin 10’s representative and cabin 11!
Here is a version without the background!
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ivyelevast · 2 years
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leilanising · 3 months
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undefeated-attorney · 2 years
Here's something interesting I would like to present to the court... But,
Before I go off, I would like to remind everyone what the magatama does.
3. It allows the user to see/read people's hearts.
2. It automatically reacts to people who have secrets within their hearts.
And 3. Allows its user to visualize(psyche-locks) how closely kept that secret is and how close they are to finding the truth(shown by the psyche-locks breaking)
There is just... One thing that bothers me.
When Pearl explains how to use the magatama, she says something that... Piques my interest.
"You must be careful, though, Mr. Nick. If you make a mistake, it will hurt you. If you don't think you have the proof you need, you must have the courage to stop."
When you present the wrong evidence, it takes one bar off your "health," and this lines of dialogue appear:
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It seems like it actually hurt Phoenix, huh?
It's even more supported by what he says next:
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What does "hurt" mean? Does it mean hurt physically? Mentally? Spiritually?
Here's what I personally think:
Whenever he makes a mistake, his heart gets hurt. In less cryptic words, mentally.
I mean, he is reading someone else's heart. It's only fair if his heart is vulnerable, too, right?
Of course, I have something that backs up my claim pretty nicely.
I would like to present this line of dialogue that you get if you fail enough times:
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"Your soul will shatter?"
Shatter... I wish Pearls had gone into more detail about what that meant. That's bothering me quite a bit...
What I personally think the meaning of this is...
Well, the best way I can describe it is... An equivalent to dying.
To elaborate, I first need to present a few options of what a soul can mean/be. And it can be quite a few things, such as:
an immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life
a spiritual principle embodied in human beings
a person's "total self"
the moral and emotional/sentimental nature of human beings
I personally think, again, starting my sentence with "think" and "personally" because I have no evidence to support this claim—
Pearls refers to the "soul" as the embodiment of someone's emotions and morals.
When it shatters, that person loses all that made them. (A neat fic idea just came to me...)
That would make the most sense. To me, anyway.
Could you imagine? A lawyer trying to get a secret out from you and continuously failing to present evidence that supports his claims. Eventually, that man drops dead. His soul shattered.
I guess that raises the risk and stakes, but...
Sigh. I wish we get to see what a "soul shattering" looks/feels like, but alas, Pearls is always somehow there to stop that from happening. Even when she is not nearby.
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It most definitely has to do with Phoenix's mental state and health. I think this statement Pearls just gave us proves it, yeah?
Y'know, I could also tie this into what I said earlier— about what the "soul" of a person means here— which is the emotions of said person.
I guess I do have evidence to support my claim.
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He seems a little... Panicked? Frustrated here? He's probably leaning more towards frustration.
Well, in any case, afterward, the world fades away and returns to normal.
Going back in straight away starts Phoenix's health at its lowest, and failing again gets you the same dialogue... "Your soul will shatter."
I suppose he needs time to recover. After all, his... Heart? Soul? Sustained a lot of "damage."
...I wonder if "heart" and "soul" are the same thing?
Well, anyway, I wanted more evidence to build my case, so I looked into what Edgeworth says when he fails to break a psyche-lock.
But... It seems like the investigation led me to a dead end. Nothing Edgeworth says implies that he was in pain. Hurt when he presents the wrong evidence.
Failing too many times with Edgeworth gets you the same line shown above, just with a different name— "Mr. Edgeworth...If you push yourself any more, your soul will shatter...Please calm down, collect your thoughts, and try again..."
But a difference response to it. (Blast it...! I've made too many errors...!) However, I don't think I can make any connections with this...
I also looked into other times Phoenix has used the magatama, and again, came back with nothing able to help...
After coming back here with nothing further to add, I had even more questions than before.
Why does this particular line of dialogue stick out like a sore thumb? Did Phoenix just build a pain tolerance after that one? Was this detail forgotten or thrown away?
How does Pearl stop us from going any further? Specifically when she is not nearby... How is her voice still heard?
Are the "magatama sessions" forcefully canceled by her, or did Phoenix and Edgeworth back out on their own after hearing Pearl's words?
(I should note that it is undeniable that Pearls is speaking whenever Phoenix or Edgeworth fails too many times. I also have undeniable proof to back that up, too. "Mr. Nick." There is only one person who calls Phoenix that. Pearls. That is my proof.)
How did she know that Edgeworth had the magatama in his possession(and was currently using it) when Edgeworth had not told her? (Note: See Bridge To The Turnabout)
These are questions I have that I... Cannot answer. Unfortunately. If there are answers to this... I would like to know.
With that, I must end this analysis.
Man... I just don't have enough to go off of...
Oh, well. What do you guys think?
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teayoungg · 7 months
wait if the 4*town poster in inside out 2 said 'back 4 more reunion tour' that means they disbanded at some point right???
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pochqmqri · 1 year
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one game prior...
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chainsawmascara · 8 months
We don't discuss orpheus and kith'rak voss enough.
They were roommates. They were doomed.
The nerve of bg3 fans calling bloodweave old man yaoi when these two are RIGHT. HERE.
On the real, were i not so sleep deprived, i have a great many thoughts and pained feelings about them, their bond, the potential of their story, the way they speak to each other. I'd like to dive deeply into it. I haven't the faintest if anything I've written already carries a vague sense of coherency. Another day, perhaps.
For now. Someone commiserate with me in regards to these gith men, their common goal, the bond they share, and gods know how long they've known each other. They speak as friends. Was voss there the day orpheus was chained? Was voss there and forced to turn traitor? Only to spend eons awaiting his chance to make things right? Was voss there to watch vlaakith subjugate orpheus, knowing he had no power over either? Hopelessly watching? Horrified by what he could not prevent? Eons he's spent seeking ways to free orpheus. Eons. Hiding, lying, mapping his plans in the skies, waiting. How many millennia until he's free again?
Will he remember me?
Will he know i fought for him?
Will he know i would have stopped her had i the power?
Will he know the heights of heresy I've arranged from the depths of our bond?
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Augusnippets, Day 8: Reunion
cw: aftermath of torture
previous // next
for the @augusnippets challenge // word count: 461
Kaius was curled on his side when someone entered the room. The smugglers had cut off his jumper after the interrogation left it soaking wet, but he was still shivering, trying hard not to swallow and spike new pain in his throat. Really, he was trying not to move at all, but when he heard footfall behind him, he couldn't keep himself from flinching, hissing out a wince as his knee and shoulder throbbed.
Harbor? Kaius grit his teeth, trying to find a way to turn around in a way that didn't hurt, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“Don't move. I got it.”
He let himself fall limp, wondering if this was just a dream. He couldn't be so far gone so quickly, could he? No, but it was bizarre to believe that Harbor, of all people, had come to his rescue. He would've sworn the other man would sooner leave him to rot, but here he was, proving the grievances between them were at the least too petty to leave him to die.
Harbor's fingers went to his wrists, working at the knotted rope.
Was he here alone?
“Jer…” Talking hurt, words raking their way up his throat to escape into the air. Kaius grit his teeth. “Jericho? Joy?”
“They went after Ruebin,” Harbor said. “I was s’posed to stay back at the base, but…” He swallowed. “Dunno. I knew something went wrong for your mission. Knew I was the only one who could find you.”
Kaius refused to be touched by the knowledge. The six of them were on the same team. It was foolish to assume even Harbor would abandon him; he was an asset. Anyone else would do the same. He'd do the same for Harbor. It didn't mean anything, and it didn't change anything between them.
His arms soon fell free at his sides, and Harbor moved to work on his ankles.
“Think you can walk? I can see it hurts.”
Anyone could probably see it hurt, but Kaius assumed Harbor was referring to some implant effect. He gave a small shake of his head, deciding honesty was more crucial than pride in the moment.
“Okay. Dunno when they'll be back. We gotta go fast. Try not to scream about it.”
He propped himself into a kneel, scooping Kaius into his arms and banking for the door. The way the motion jostled his injured joints didn't feel wonderful, but Harbor was surprisingly gentle, cradling him like he were something made of glass.
Even merely thinking of speaking again made his throat burn, but Kaius forced the words out anyway. Harbor’d earned that much.
“Thank you.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Kaius almost cracked a tired grin at that. There was the Harbor he knew.
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