#t@gged x fem!reader
enid-rhees · 5 months
amnesia | elisia brown x fem!reader
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summary: you were never the same after Elisia broke up with you for her new boyfriend, and you start to question if she’s even truly happier with him, or if she ever was with you.
warnings: angst but comfort at the end. reader is fr going through it. weed (smoke responsibly!) reader has a bit of an addiction to it.
genre: exes to lovers
Elisia Brown Masterlist
(listen to this song because i am basing this story COMPLETELY around this song. i just added a happy ending for my own personal sanity.)
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“just tell me the truth!” you cried. “why are you breaking up with me? we’re fine. everything is fine. i don’t understand.”
Elisia could only stare at you, but she was holding back her words. your heart started to rip open slowly. “tell me, Elisia.”
“i met someone.” she said quietly, staring down at the ground. your mouth fell open with a silent sob. the final string of your heart had been pulled, and you could only muster up the courage to whisper, “leave.”
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the metal chains of the swing you sat on felt colder than the actual weather. you took your hands off of them and reached into the pockets of your hoodie, pulling out a joint and a lighter. you put the joint between your lips and lit it, immediately inhaling. you closed your eyes at the sensation of the smoke floating down to your lungs, exhaling and watching the smoke fly and disappear into the air.
you opened your eyes and looked over at the empty swing beside you, only moving back and forth slowly with the wind. in a sense, it still felt like Elisia was sitting here next to you. she would be talking about her day or how classes went, and you two would be passing a joint to each other every few minutes. your hands would be intertwined in the middle of the swings you sat on.
you tore your eyes away from the swing, the memories coming back were too much to handle. just being in this park was too much to handle, but you didn’t know where else to go. this is where you went to escape from everything, to be with Elisia and forget about your troubles, but you couldn’t even do that here anymore.
everywhere reminded you of Elisia. the park, your own home, school, everywhere. you wished that you could just forget about all of it, and move on. because clearly, Elisia did. you were a few steps behind on that.
you finished the joint and threw the empty filter to the ground, using your foot to burry it in the mulch. the effects had fully kicked in — you felt weightless. you leaned your head on the chain and continued to swing slowly.
your peace was ended when your phone started to ring. you sighed and pulled it out of your pocket, clicking the green button that illuminated your phone. “hello?” you asked, voice raspy from the joint. “Y/N? it’s Rowan.” her voice came through, and you sat back up. “what’s up?”
“i just… haven’t heard from you in a while. wanted to check up on you.” Rowan said. you sighed and looked down. “i’m fine.” you told her. there was a few moments of silence, and then Rowan said, “you don’t have to lie to me. i’m your friend. i wouldn’t have called if i wasn’t worried.”
“have you seen.. her? how is she?” you asked her, ignoring what she said. you couldn’t even say her name, it hurt too much. “she’s… doing fine.” you could tell Rowan was holding back saying more, but for the sake of you, she wouldn’t say it. “she’s with Ash right now.” you winced at his name and your fingers squeezed your phone tightly. you hummed in response, suddenly getting a tight feeling in your chest. “i gotta go, Rowan.”
“wait-“ you hung up and shoved your phone back in your pocket, squeezing your eyes shut as tears threatened to fall from them. you hated this, it was so stupid.
it’s been a month, and the same question still swarmed your head every minute. what did you do?
you and Elisia were perfect, absolutely perfect. you hadn’t fought, you trusted her wholly and she did the same, you didn’t understand what went wrong, why she decided one day that she didn’t want you anymore. did he make her happier? you broke your back for her, to make her happy even if it was for a minute. were you not enough? why was Ash so much better than you?
you missed Elisia. you missed her voice, her laugh, her hugs, her kisses, the list could go on. all you wanted was her. you just wanted her back. but does she want you back? does she still think about you the way you think about her? probably not, but you still held onto the little hope you had left.
everything suddenly felt like a lie — your entire relationship. Elisia seemed fine with Ash, she looked so happy. was she ever happy with you? how can she be fine? after two years of dating, breaking up didn’t effect her the way it effected you. did Elisia ever… love you? was she just waiting for the right moment to finally break it off?
you tried to shake the thoughts out of your head as quick as possible. the more you kept pondering the same questions, you would never move on.
you didn’t want to move on.
the sky started to slowly darken above you, and that was your sign to start going back home. you hopped off the swing and started to walk away towards the direction of your house.
when you made it back home, the house was dark and quiet. you walked inside your bedroom and flicked your light on so you could see. you opened your dressers and pulled out a loose shirt and shorts, changing into them and turning your light back off.
you fell into your bed and wrapped yourself in your blankets. next to you, on your bedside table, a picture of you and Elisia stared right at you. you never put it away after the breakup, you couldn’t find the strength to.
Elisia was smiling at you in the picture, lipstick marks decorating her face that was obviously done by you. you remember that day so clearly — you, Elisia, Rowan and Hailey were at Hailey’s house for the day and you started to scavenge through her makeup for fun. you applied a bright red lipstick shade to your lips and started attacking Elisia in kisses. Rowan had no choice but to take a photo.
you slammed the photo down so you couldn’t look at it and turned over in your bed — only to be met with the cat plushy Elisia bought you. hesitantly, you reached your hand out and took hold of the plushy, holding it close to your chest. it still smelled like Elisia, and you couldn’t help but bring your head down and sniff it. her scent used to be relaxing — relieving actually. every time she would take you in her arms, you felt safe, but you didn’t feel any of that when you held the plushy.
a single tear fell from your eye as you buried your face into your pillow, hoping the effects from the joint will erase all of this from your memory tomorrow.
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“hey!” you heard a shout, you turned around and shut your locker as Rowan started to run towards you. a small smile made its way to your lips. “hi, Rowan.”
she pulled you into an unexpected hug. “it’s been a bit since i’ve seen you. you don’t even sit at lunch anymore. and you’re so quiet in our classes.” Rowan pouted. you sighed, feeling slightly guilty for shutting everyone out.
“i’m sorry, Ro. i’m just not… feeling that great.” Rowan pulled away but kept a hand on your shoulder. “do you need to talk about it? keeping it in will make it worse. i’m worried for you.” she spoke sincerely. you hesitated, “i’m just… not over her. and i don’t think i will be for a while, no matter how hard i try. i love her. i can’t just… move on the way she did.”
“i mean- everything reminds me of her, Rowan.” you said, voice cracking as you tried to keep it together in the hallway. “and i mean everything. we did everything together and it all had such… meaning. i can’t just forget everything we did. and i’m starting to think with the way she moved on- she never felt what i felt. that she never… loved me.” a few tears slipped from your eyes but you quickly wiped them away.
“don’t say that, Y/N.” Rowan spoke, but you shook your head. “how am i not supposed to think that, Rowan? nothing was wrong between us, we were perfect. i thought she was just as happy as i was, but i was wrong, and she found someone new when we were still together. she doesn’t love me and i don’t think she ever did. and that’s that. i couldn’t make her as happy as he does.” you stated firmly, even though it was getting harder by the second to keep yourself together. vocalizing your thoughts made everything feel more real. you tried to deny it, but now, maybe you were right.
you looked over Rowan’s shoulder, and you froze. Elisia was staring right at you, as if she had just heard everything you said. your throat felt tight as you looked away immediately. “i-i need to go.” you choked out. tears started to flow down your cheeks as you walked off as quickly as you could, ignoring Rowan shouting your name. your hand went over your mouth when you felt your face start to crinkle, on the brink of sobbing in the middle of the hallway.
you managed to find a bathroom and locked yourself in one of the stalls. now that you were alone, the sobs broke free. you couldn’t help the cries that left your lips, and you didn’t have the energy to try and muffle them. you just needed to let everything out. saying everything out loud made it all too real, and now you couldn’t handle it.
after what felt like maybe 20 minutes, you took a few deep breaths and wiped your eyes for a good minute. you left the stall and went to the sink, taking a paper towel and soaking it in water to pat against your face. you stared at your reflection for a moment. anyone who walked past you could easily tell something was wrong just by looking at your bloodshot eyes.
you left the bathroom and found the nearest exit, finally leaving that awful building. the walk home was excruciatingly long as you were only left with your racing thoughts.
when you saw Elisia, that was the first you had seen her in a while — practically since the break up — and of course it had to be when you were talking about her. she looked tired, and her eyes were filled with sadness when you guys locked eyes. seeing her was too much to bare, you couldn’t do it. so you ran. seeing her face brought you back to the night she broke up with you.
as you walked down the street, shouting could be heard from the coffee shop across from you. you stopped in your tracks when you realized who it was. Elisia and Ash. you couldn’t understand what they were yelling about, their voices yelling and mashing into each other. but you could very clearly see Elisia was distressed, while Ash only grew more irritable at her.
is this what she left you for?
you hoped Elisia remembers the countless love letters you’ve written for her, stored away in a box you made just for her. you hope she goes back in that box during times like this, and reads the words you wrote her when he tears her down like that.
there wasn’t anything you could do, so you turned around and began walking back home. their voices faded out the farther you walked, and eventually it was quiet again. it was just you, alone… again.
your house was quiet when you unlocked the door — no surprise to you. you didn’t even bother trying to call out anyone’s names — they weren’t there, they never were anymore. your bag fell to the floor with an echoed thump, and you sunk into your couch cushions.
sleep started to overcome you and your eyes began to slowly droop until they shut completely, and you fell asleep a few moments later.
“y/n.” Elisia stood in front of you. still looking as beautiful as ever.
“i’m sorry.” she said in a whisper, voice cracking and eyes filling with tears. “i- i should’ve never broken up with you like that. it was stupid, i’m still in love with you. i never stopped. please… i just want you back.”
your eyes stared into hers, unsure if you should believe her or not. you wanted to give in right away, to lean in and kiss her for the first time in a month. you wanted to finally feel her soft lips against yours like you would every single day before she ended everything.
“i want to believe you- but-“ Elisia cut you off. “please believe me.” she cried. Elisia took a few steps forward, hands hesitantly reaching to grab yours. your hand flinched under her touch, but you relaxed immediately at the feeling. no matter what, she would never stop having that effect on you.
Elisia leaned forward slowly, lips parting as they got closer to yours. your lips locked, and-
“Y/N!” a shouting voice woke you up, and you looked around before your eyes landed on Rowan. her eyebrows raised in worry, “are you okay?”
“how- how did you get in?” you asked, rubbing the tired out of your eyes. “you left your door unlocked. i called and texted you like a million times and you weren’t answering. so i came here to see if you were okay… and- and you kept mumbling Elisia’s name in your sleep.”
you sighed and put your head in your hands. the couch dipped as Rowan sat down next to you, wrapping her arm around your shoulders. “i saw them fighting today. outside the coffee shop.” you told Rowan, lifting your head back up. she furrowed her eyebrows. “me and Elisia… never fought. not even once. and it seemed like that wasn’t the first time they’ve done that.”
“did you hear what it was about?” Rowan question, but you shook your head. “no… they were yelling so much that their words were just… tangled together. i couldn’t understand what either of them were saying, but i could tell you that Elisia looked heartbroken, and Ash.. he just looked mad. she doesn’t deserve whatever he’s doing to her.”
Rowan pouted, “she doesn’t seem the same anymore. whatever’s going on between them… she’s changed.” you sighed and stood up. “i don’t understand. i don’t understand why she would leave me for this. what did i do wrong?”
“i don’t think you did anything wrong, Y/N. i think Elisia just… thought this is what she wanted. but me and you both know it’s not. we just have to hope that she sees that one day.” you nodded. “i just hope she still has those letters i wrote her. and she rereads them when he says those awful things to her.”
Rowan stood up with you and pulled you into a tight hug. “i know you guys haven’t spoke since the breakup, but i know she still cares so much about you.”
“did she say anything when she you know… overheard me?” Rowan sighed in your hair, “no. but she looked… different. like she was contemplating hard.”
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you were back at the park. despite how much it hurt to be here, you didn’t know where else to go. you stuck another joint between your lips and lit the end of it, sucking in the harsh smoke. it almost hurt your throat, but you got used to it.
you pulled your wired earbuds out of your pocket and plugged them in your ear, raising the volume up as you clicked on a playlist.
your head hit the metal chain you were holding onto. it made your hands freeze, but they slowly warmed up the more you smoked. you closed your eyes and sunk into the music that played through your earbuds. everything around you was finally blacked out from your thoughts, and you felt weightless. finally at some sort of peace.
you planted your feet on the ground and pushed yourself forward, letting yourself start to swing. you didn’t go too high, your feet barely left the ground, but it felt good when your head was fuzzy. the air pushing through your face felt so good.
you suddenly felt the metal bar above you creek, as if someone sat down on the vacant swing next to you. you almost didn’t want to open your eyes, but something forced you to. your eyes slowly opened as you turned your head, and you froze in your place.
“Elisia?” you whispered after a long, silent moment.
“hey.” she said hesitantly, looking down at her hands and fumbling with the bracelets around her wrist. you looked down at them, tears already lining your eyes. she never took off the ones you gave her. you shook your head and rubbed your eyes “what do you want?” you asked, voice going lower.
“to talk.” is all she said. you raised your eyebrows, and Elisia sighed. “to apologize.” she reiterated. “i broke up with Ash.” she told you, and you tried to ignore the jump your heart did. “and… i know you saw what happened yesterday.” she added on quietly.
you didn’t say anything. “i don’t know what i was thinking.” Elisia chuckled to herself. “no one can ever… be as good to me as you were, Y/N.” she said, moving her body so she was facing you entirely. your blank expression didn’t budge, you didn’t want to give into this so quickly.
“me and him… we just fought so much. and it was always because of him. he just- he wasn’t who i thought he was. but you- you were so perfect, so kind, and you treated me so good, i don’t know why i ever thought to hurt you like i did. because i know what it’s doing to you and it’s killing me, Y/N.” the tears came back into your eyes as you avoided eye contact with her. “i’m so sorry, Y/N. and i know that’s not enough, and nothing will be after what i did. but…”
“i’m still in love with you, Y/N. i never stopped loving you, ever. i thought about you every single day, everything i saw reminded me of you. you’re meant to be in my life, and i was so stupid to not see that.”
you sucked in a deep breath, not knowing what to say after that. you’ve spent a month telling yourself that Elisia had never truly loved you after leaving like that, but now Elisia is saying the complete opposite. are you supposed to believe her? you want to, so bad. but you’re scared of getting hurt again.
“i want to believe you, Elisia.” you finally spoke up, voice cracking as you tried not to break. “but i just don’t know what to believe. you left me like it was nothing, you left me so easily and it made me believe that you had never loved me the way i loved you. but now you’re saying all of this… and my head is just spinning.” you admitted, squeezing the metal bars.
“i love you endlessly, Y/N. i don’t know what i was thinking, but i’ll never forgive myself for doing what i did. and it’s completely understandable if you don’t forgive me either, i just needed you to know that i’ve always loved you and have never stopped, and i don’t plan on stopping.”
a teary-eyed smile painted your lips and you looked down at your legs. “i’ve always loved you too, Els.” her smile widened at the use of your nickname for her. she stood up from the swing and walked over to you, and you happily welcomed her to sit on your thighs.
“i’ll do anything to make up for what i did, okay? anything you want.” Elisia promised. “anything?” you asked with a smile. Elisia’s face turned red and she laughed softly, “anything,” she repeated.
“lets start with this.” you smiled, putting a hand on the back of her head and pulled her lips onto yours for the first time in a month. you felt utter bliss with her lips on yours, moving in sync and both of you so desperate to feel each other like this again.
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A/N: hey :) my first time uploading a fic in a few months… and i know it’s not the best, i really haven’t had much time to be on here, but i feel like i abandoned everything and wanted to continue at least one of my drafts.
i still won’t be as active unfortunately, i’m just terribly busy with my job, and i barely have time for myself sometimes. and when i do, i just don’t have the motivation to write. but it’s still my passion, it hurts to not be able to fulfill it the way i want to.
i love you all and thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for still being supportive and liking, rb, and following me. it means so much. i’ll try to be active when i can.
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elisiassideb1tch · 11 months
|Elisia Brown x Gf W/ Piercings|
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♡ Moodboard ♡
20 notes · View notes
tonycries · 4 months
Bad Things (To You)
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Synopsis. Things they just can’t help but do to you in bed that have you feeling too good.
Pairings. Gojo x Reader, Sukuna x Reader, Choso x Reader, Geto x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, bréeding, mating press, oral (female receiving), pússytalking, light pússy-smacking (Toji’s), daddy kínk (Toji’s) cúmplay, squírting, slight exhibitionism (Sukuna’s), bondagé, chokíng, overstím, some HEINOUS things, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 4.4k
A/N. Was fl@gged n taken down, so here ya go PHEWWWWWWWWW. Also yeah Geto’s I said what I said.
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♡ TOJI FUSHIGURO - “Just the tip.” Or?
“T-Toji, I don’t think-”
“Shhh, doll. M’not talking to you…” Toji hums, lips ghosting over your racing pulse. Angling his head just right to watch his aching cock between your legs - red, angry, just teasing your sloppy hole - ramming inside at such a filthy pace. 
Toji really can’t help but drink in your pretty gasps as he edges you closer and closer to- which orgasm was this again? Hell, he can’t even remember, he’s had you on his thighs - on his mouth - on his fingers. Too drunk off of you and those pretty lil’ moans falling from your lips. 
A sinful - flimsy - excuse that had Toji begging to finally put his aching cock in. On his knees, practically with the way he loops two strong arms tighter around your waist. Tight. Reaching down to give your pretty cunt a soft-
“Ah! Hngh, what-”
“M’talking to her.”
And you can do nothing but keen, at both the stretch and the way he increases his pace. Giving you such a  taunting kiss on the cheek before talking - not to you, no - to your poor pussy. 
“Your pretty pussy says she can give cum f’me another time.” he grunts. Still just the tip, but already all sloppy desperation and nonsensical babbles. “I know she can. My good girl, no? Gonna cum on my cock?” 
And shit Toji doesn’t think he’s ever been harder than right now. Because one look at you - all teary and gasping deliciously around him, bucking your hips for- mercy? More? has Toji wanting to cum right here. To just plunge his throbbing cock into you and add to that absolutely filthy pool of precum on the sheets below.
But no. He promised, right?
“S’too much- M’so full please.” you beg, pussy quivering with exhaustion because once Toji gets hooked it’s impossible to escape. And you don’t think you’ll make it out alive. 
“Really?” he hums, reaching down to lick those big fat tears streaming down your cheek. “And this is jus’ the tip? Too much for my baby?”
Positively cooing at how cute you were because you might say you can’t give him another one of your sinful little orgasms - but the way you were milking his cock deliriously, nails digging into his slutty waist to pull him closer, told him what he already knew. “She-” Looking down at your ravaged cunt, “-tells me you can.”
It’s all the confirmation Toji needs before he’s hitting your g-spot. Hard. Eyes widening at the way you gasp out a strangled moan of what sounded like his name. Pussy sucking him up so tight it almost hurt. 
Now, Toji’s had enough of playing nice. And he tells you - a little over twenty times, actually, while he slams into you like a man possessed. That promise of “just the tip” being the last thing on his mind while he fucks into you so dangerously deeper and deeper - inch by fucking inch. 
And fuck he thinks he’s never making that promise again because there was no sight like the one of your snug cunt being split apart on his cock. 
“Ya like that, doll?” he’s groaning, hips stuttering so mindlessly. Barely even thinking about getting himself off because fuck Toji needed to see you cum so bad. “See, now I know you can cum f’me again. And-” Toji throws your legs over his sculpted shoulders, thighs burning at the stretch as he bends down down down- “-that slutty pussy of yours is saying that ‘just the tip’ might jus’ not be enough.”
A mating press. Toji Fushiguro had you in a fucking mating press. He was so unfair. Throwing you around like you were nothing but his lil’ plaything. Hissing so lowly against your lips as he bottoms out. Finally. “N’ I think she might jus’ be right.”
♡ NANAMI KENTO - Good lil’ wife!
There were only two things that had Nanami rushing home after a long day at work - you, and that pretty lil’ pussy of yours. 
The difference? Well, maybe it was the way Nanami had you bent over the kitchen counter, kissing your forehead gently, whispering soft little praises in your ear. His darling wife. 
Miles away from how he’s just pulling your drenched panties to the side - too impatient, too starved to remove them. “Was thinkin’ about this all day, my love” Weeping tip just kissing your sloppy hole. “Wanted to come home jus’ to- fuck- this cute lil’ pussy.”
Unforgiving. Nanami Kento was absolutely unforgiving. 
Because without another word, he’s stuffing your cunt so disrespectfully full. And oh, how he loved this view, loved the way your scramble to grab onto the counter - the shelves -  him. Just anything to get used to the stretch as he fucked into you in quick, mindless little thrusts. Like it killed him to wait.
Yeah, Nanami was sure that this was his favorite part of the day - a little reward when he gets home.
“Kento- ngh-” you keen. “D-did something happen at work?”
Oh. Something did, probably a messed up report or another one of Gojo’s antics - but right now, talking about it was the last thing on Nanami’s mind. Because he was set and fully and completely ruining you.
Which is why he’s pooling some of the stray icing on the counter - were you baking before? It makes some dangerous, carnal part of himself jump at the thought of you making something for him. How adorable.
You gasp as you feel him harden impossibly inside you. So angry and hot as he dragged against your plushy walls. Veins bumping against your plushy walls in a dizzying little bump! bump! bump! Shit, you weren’t making it out alive. “Fuck- Kento you just got-” 
The taste hits you before the realization. Sweet - like icing. Whatever sentence at the tip of your tongue is cut off as Nanami bullies two fingers inside your mouth. 
The way you gag and moan so deliriously around him has all the blood rushing straight to his cock. Fuck, Nanami has to steel himself from painting your slutty pussy white right then and there - that wouldn’t make him too good of a husband now, would it? How dare he even think of cumming before you do.
“Shhh.” he huffs, hot against your ear. Tongue flattening along the skin, licking long, languid stripes up your neck, catching on the stray smudges of icing. His favorite. “Jus’ take it f’me, my girl.”
All your muffled whines have Nanami only slamming into you faster and faster. Your messy pussy was just soaking his aching cock - smearing your sweet juices all over Nanami’s heavy balls, seeping into your apron and- Ah, that apron. How Nanami loved to fuck you in this, such a cute lil’ pink number that had his cock twitching so dangerously inside you. 
Faster. Sloppier.
But it wasn’t enough. 
“Should’ve hah- expected this to happen, huh?” One hand snakes its way down to your throbbing clit, rolling the sensitive bud in just the way he knows will make you squeal and buck your hips onto his cock for more more more- “When you sent me those fucking pictures today?”
Because you weren’t quite the innocent little wife that you loved to pretend to be - no, you knew exactly what you were doing sending those selfies in this apron. And nothing else. 
“Better not pull that shit again, darling.” Nanami grunts at the sheer thought of it. Pressing at the back of your tongue in a way that has you choking and craning your head to look into his darkened gaze. “Wouldn’t want to regret it.”
Such pure pride shining in his eyes at your fucked out state - apron stained with the sticky mixture of your slick and his precum. 
And the one thing you know you won’t regret is the way you’re cumming. And cumming so hard that it almost hurts.
You, all messy and gorgeous cumming all over his cock, that Nanami can’t help but have his hips stuttering. so sloppy as he thrusts once, twice before pumping thick, hot ropes of cum. Tight balls squeezing so painfully as he cums the way he’s been dying to ever since he opened those sinful little messages from you. 
God, he loved coming home. Whispering, so deceivingly gentle against your lips, sounding miles away from your sweet lover. “Now, spread those pretty legs f’me, darling. Wan’ see if something else tastes as sweet..”
♡ GETO SUGURU - Spell my name (and yours)
“What’d that spell, m’girl?”  
Now, Geto always has been told he has a silver tongue - you just never expected he’d use it like this. With you, sat so prettily on his face, eyes watery, swollen lips dropping into a soft oh! as he drags your sloppy pussy all over his mouth. 
You gasp breathlessly, “I-”
Oh? Will you finally get it this time? 
“I don’t know.”
Well, to Geto, that just meant he wasn’t doing his job well enough. And he took that personally. 
You could almost sob in desperation as he pulls away ever-so-slightly, pathetically tugging on his dark locks to pull him closer. Uselessly. 
Because Geto loved this part. Loved spreading your quivering thighs shamefully apart, all the way until you were letting out such cute lil’ moans at the stretch. Loved acting all disappointed as he stopped making out with your pretty pussy to let her drip! drip! drip! your sweet sweet juices down his waiting tongue.
“M’disappointed.” he tuts, mockingly, your frustrated whines going straight to his aching cock. “Thought you’d finally get it this time, beautiful.”
It’s been like this for so long now, Geto teasing you with his mean tongue. Ignoring his angry, achingly hard cock to spell out sinful little words on your dripping cunt - not letting you cum until you got them right. 
Oh it just made you want to cry in desperation - and you’re so drunk off of his hot mouth that you barely even realize when you do. Big fat tears dripping down your cheek as you whimper,  “S-Sugu, please. Jus’ wanna-”
“Cum?” he muses, giving your folds a long, languid lick. So unfairly gorgeous underneath you that it was almost dizzying - so smug in-between your legs, dark hair splayed across your pillow, your slick glossing all over his pretty pink lips. Ones which move as he plows on, “Then tell me what it spells.”
It’s laughable, really. That muffled little warning - if you can even call it that - before Geto’s diving back nose-deep in your pussy. 
Bullying his tongue through your swollen folds - circling your sloppy entrance, dipping in and out in and- It made his cock twitch so painfully to catch the way your mouth drops open in disbelief, torn between trying to catch what he was spelling and bucking up for more more more-
“First two letters?” 
You’re snapped out of your euphoric daze, eyes flitting down to where your boyfriend was devouring you with his eyes as much as he was with his mouth. 
“Uh- Ngh-” you mewl with each flick of his tongue. A warning. A threat. Slurring slightly at the overstimulation, “Is it- ah- G-E?”
At this, Geto lets out a happy groan - one that has white-hot pleasure flashing behind your eyes. Mouth only working faster, tracing out delirious little patterns on your pussy. Starting at the base, working all the way up to roll his tongue over your swollen clit. 
So rough that you wondered whether it hurt - whether his tongue was cramping up, jaw tired. 
“M’alright, sweetheart. Now, next letter.” 
Shit, had you said that out loud? Ah, you don’t get to wonder too long about it, because Geto’s rocking your cunt so messily over his soft mouth. Drinking in your broken whine of, “T! It’s T.”
“Good. Next.”
“C?” you babble, grinding down harshly. Eyes rolling to the back of his head as your clench around his soft tongue. But oh you were so cute that he just had to forgive your little mistake. 
“Nope.” Geto chuckles, popping off your throbbing clit with a lewd pop! “Try again.” Before starting his assault on your poor cunt again. Faster. Harder. Almost like he didn’t want you to get it.
He likes this - loves it even. Lapping up at your juices like it was his favorite taste, like he never wanted to leave. Just lay there and tease you for hours and hours and- 
“Ngh- O. Fuck fuck fuck, it’s O. Geto!” 
That’s right, spelling out his name on his girl’s pretty cunt - his his his- And, well, making you yell out what was to be your own last name soon? That was just a bonus.
It makes his balls squeeze so dangerously at how proud you were at your little victory. Walls fluttering around his tongue in a way that Geto knew meant you were close - too close. It almost makes him feel bad for what happens next. Almost. 
“Now now. Stay still, beautiful. Haven’t spelled out my first and last name jus’ yet.”
♡ CHOSO KAMO - The thirsty
Choso loved you - so much so that it hurt. Everything from that pretty lil’ smile to the way you say his name in bed. And - nobody ever knew this - but he especially loved you when you squirted all over his achingly hard cock, until it was glistening and drenched with you.
The first time it happened was an accident - knuckle-deep in you when he’d hit that one spot just a bit too hard. Watching in awe as you soaked his fingers in your juices, so sloppy and dripping all the way down his wrist. 
An accident. A sinful, dangerously convenient accident. One that had poked such a carnal, primitive part of Choso awake. One that had you here - legs spread so shamefully open, grip tight on your hips, bruising as he fucks you from behind. 
“Cho-” you mewl, tears soaking into your pillow. “I don’ think m’gonna ngh- squirt.”
“No.” he moans, sounding as if his sanity was dancing away from him with each time his twitching balls smacked your ass. So heavy and just aching to cum - but not yet. No, he had more important things to do. “No no no- Fuck- need this so bad- you don’t understand, baby.”
And oh with the desperation of a madman, Choso’s snaking a hand down to toy with your swollen clit. Flashes of white behind your eyes each time he draws quick, maddening little circles on it. 
Faster. Sloppier. Not even circles because Choso thinks he might just go insane if you don’t cum now, all over his fingers and his cock and-
Your eyes snap open, a broken little sob leaving you before you’re cumming all over Choso’s fingers. It barely even feels like it, just a few exhausted tingles that have your vision spotty, tears clinging to your lashes at the pure overstimulation. 
And the haze has barely even cleared up before Choso’s moving again, as if on instinct. No rhyme or reason. So messy with the way he was squeezing his cock into your tight pussy in mindless, sloppy grinds like he couldn’t take it anymore - and he probably couldn’t.
“O-one more.” he groans like a mantra. Slamming his hips hard enough that it would leave marks for tomorrow - his hip on your ass, fingers on your waist. “Jus’ one more- fuck fuck need this need this-”
You just wished you had the energy to turn around and catch whether Choso looked as fucked-out as he sounded. Low moans turning into broken whines like he was begging you. Begging himself. 
Abs rubbing against yours, crushing you with his weight while he tried to milk that last, sweet orgasm out of you. Running only on the thought that this next one would hopefully have him soaked with your sweet sweet juices, dripping off of him. 
“Ngh- baby, do it f’me.” Choso’s babbling in your ear, dark hair tickling your neck. Hoarse little grunts leaving him each time he hit that plushy spot inside you, sending stars behind your eyes. “C’mon I want it. Need it so bad. Fuck fuck fuck-”
“But I don’t know if I can-” that little doubt makes its way out of you, in a soft delirious whine that has Choso twitching so ferally inside you. Close, he was so close. Too close - this had to be the one. 
“You- ah- can, baby.” he latches onto the tender skin at the crook of your neck. Fingers frenzied on your ravaged clit now, matching the time of his hips as he thrusts once. Twice. “You will.”
And you weren’t even sure if your last orgasm had bated before the next one was crashing in. Big fat tears rolling down your cheeks, at the same time your quivering pussy soaks Choso - all of him. Over and over-
Unstopping even when he’s shuddering to a halt, painting your poor pussy white with his cum, forming such a sinful pool on the sheets as you cum and cum and-
And Choso can’t even bring himself to be disgusted - because it doesn’t feel real. He’s here, pure electricity thrumming through his veins, your walls milking him so deliciously good, and just glistening and covered in your sweet juices. It’s all he’s ever wanted. 
Well, for now. Because look at you, exhausted, thighs still shaking with the intensity of your orgasm - so fucking gorgeous - a mean little part of Choso can’t help but think - 
What if he could make you squirt twice?
♡ RYOMEN SUKUNA - To taste, to command
“This what you want, brat?” he grins, grinding his angry, clothed erection on your pussy. Teasing. Torturous. “Wan’ to be split apart on m’cock, huh?”
Now, usually Sukuna would punish you a little more at that delirious little nod you give him - tell you to use your words like a good girl. But right now - shit, he’d never admit it - he’s been dying to get a lil’ taste of your cunt.
Pushing your legs further upwards, bending you in half all the way till your knees reach your tits. Mouth just watering at the way your pretty cunt was all glistening and clenching around nothing for him. At the idea of you crying on his tongue like you’re his favorite meal and-
Knock! Knock! Knock! 
“Master, we have guests. Curses from the far North seeking court.”
Ah, shit. Just when he was getting to the good part. Though, one look at you - and that adorable little pout - has Sukuna wondering - why does he need to stop?
Your head absolutely spins with the fact that Uraume was standing right outside, and Sukuna was still lowering himself back down till he was face-to-face with your dripping cunt. 
“Speak.” he hums, glossy lips latching around your swollen clit and it takes everything in you to not just scream. “I’ve got my mouth full.”
It’s the only thing said before Sukuna’s making out so sloppily with your pussy. Eyes half-lidded, slick glistening down his jaw, no care in the world for whether or not anyone outside would hear the lewd little squelches come from down there. 
You, however, have your thighs squeezing uselessly together, half-hearted protests spilling from your lips about “they’ll know!”
Only to get a muffled, “Who cares?” as he dips his tongue into your messy hole. 
Sukuna didn’t exactly expect you to be able to form a coherent sentence - not with the way you were sprawled so shamelessly on his bed, with him nose-deep in your pretty pussy and only probing deeper. 
But, ah, you always did surprise him - because somehow you manage to blink away those big fat tears in your eyes, hips stuttering as you let out a breathy, “U-um, Kuna isn’t here right now.”
His cock twitches so dangerously at the words spilling from your lips - knowing exactly how to push his buttons just right. He hears Uraume shuffle outside, clearly sensing the traces of his cursed energy - heh, what fun.
“Do you know when…’Kuna’ will be back?”
God, your little nickname sounds so funny on their tongue that Sukuna’s huffing out a little chuckle into your cunt. The vibrations making you jolt and squeeze so sinfully around him. “Shhh, brat.” he cuts off your whine, “M’ ‘not here’, remember?”
With a half-hearted glare you’re pushing the great Sukuna’s head deeper into your sloppy pussy - mainly because you wanted more, but partly because you really needed him to be quiet right about now. And he takes it in stride, lapping up at your sweet juices. 
“He- uh-” you’re cut off with him bullying his tongue inside your sopping entrance. Stretching you out. Circling the ring of muscle. 
Urame sounded rightfully impatient now, “Yes, my liege?”
“He’ll be back later.” you choke out, face flushed at the way you were acting so pathetic and Sukuna was only smirking smugly into your folds. So blissed out as he rolled your clit between two fingers. “Very later. I’ll ah- let you…know.”
And honestly you don’t even hear Uraume’s quick “thank you” - or whether they even manage to make it far enough to miss the sharp yelp of Sukuna’s name as he doubles down on his efforts. 
He knew exactly what you needed. What you craved. Tongue pushing against all the right spots so harshly over and over- Having you choking and sputtering out nonsensical little praises that you’d be absolutely mortified if anyone else heard.
“Kuna-” you gasp breathlessly, hips bucking up for more more more- “Been s’good for you so- ngh- can I cum? Please?”
Hell, if everyone was this trash at his feet begged like this then Sukuna might just be able to call himself a merciful ruler.  Well, not merciful enough to give you what you’ve wanted for so along, apparently. Because immediately, Sukuna’s pulling away, flashing you such a devilish grin. “Buckle up, brat. Because I haven’t cum yet.”
♡ GOJO SATORU - Tied up n’ gorgeous
Of course, the great Gojo Satoru has a whole box full of overpriced blindfolds. Ones a bit silkier than normal, a bit softer on the skin - not for wearing outside, no. Ones that were for times like this.
“Sweetheart, fuck- y’look so gorgeous like this.” he groans, kissing down the thin fabric tying you to the wooden bedpost. Down, down, down until he’s pushing his face in-between the valley of your breasts. “Almost makes me wan’ forgive you for being all mouthy earlier.”
Ah, there was that too - when you were extra sassy with him today, making a few too many comments about how dumb that blindfold looked. Like you just wanted this to happen. And it took only one too many defiant comments until he had you bound to the bed, pretty cunt sucking him up so eagerly. So needy for him.
“Ugh, m’sorry, Toru.” you bat your lashes so deceivingly innocently at him, breath hitching at the way his throbbing cock twitches painfully inside you at that. So easy. “Can you untie me. Please?”
“Hmmm lemme think.” Gojo looks down at you, a dangerous little smile curling his lips. “Nope.” And as if to further prove his point, he lets frustration out through you - stuffing himself into your sloppy pussy as far as it would go. 
Biting his lip at how pretty you were all breathless, pussy bulging so obscenely around him that it was so fucking hard to look too. Too sinful. 
“But-” you whine, “I thought-”
“What that I’d be nice?” your loving boyfriend finishes your sentence for you. And oh his voice had that familiar tone of amusement but his eyes had anything but. Dark and half-lidded, some dangerously smug satisfaction sparking in the as he fucks his hips in quick, shallow little thrusts. “Ya thought wrong, sweetheart~”
So high off the sight of you all cockdrunk and trapped - nowhere to run or hide. Though, you think you’d wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here. 
Feeling so debauched and downright filthy. Groaning at the feeble ring of resistance as he pushes relentlessly.
And you need to spread your legs maybe - breathe - or just claw at Gojo’s back for his fucking massive cock and for showing you no mercy. But you couldn’t, not with his godforsaken blindfolds tied around your wrists, so fucking tight no matter how much you tug.
“Shit shit shit- fuck these ties.” you gasp, thighs and arms both aching as he uses you as he pleases. Body torn between shying away because the stimulation was too fucking much, and just bucking your hips wildly for more. “And fuck you, Toru.”
“Fuck me? Me?” Gojo has the audacity to throw his head back and laugh - laugh. Fingers moving down to toy with your pretty clit, pinching and rolling between his deft fingers in order to shut you up. “Real funny, sweetheart.”
God he almost considers going easy on you at your barely-lucid little squeals. Heavenly pussy squeezing him tighter than ever despite your little act. 
And you know it too - how your facade is crumbling bit by bit. How you’re reeling from both his merciless cadence and the way he was talking to you in such a mean little tone. 
Heart thumping as he swiftly reaches over - hips still unstopping - to grab another blindfold and oh-
“Funny enough that-” Gojo loops the blindfold around your neck, right over your racing pulse. Just lose enough that you can breathe, but tight enough that you’ll have such embarrassing marks to explain tomorrow. “I want to fucking ruin you, my girl.”
“Fuck- yeah- m’sorry, Wan’ it so much. Wan’ you to-”
At this point, you’re cockdrunk and delirious enough that you barely even realize when he’s tightening the blindfolds at your neck. Choking and stuttering at maybe his grip- maybe the way it felt like he was pushing into your lungs.
Gasping into your open mouth. “Fuck- fuck fuck fuck yeah?‘ Teeth tugging at the delicate fabric around your neck, catching on skin. Dangerous. Hips burning now as he licks away at the big, fat tears streaming down your cheek. “Then cum f’me, sweetheart.”
Hard. Violent. 
So it only makes sense that your orgasm was the same. Stars behind your eyes, blood roaring in your ears as you cum harder than you think you ever have.
And oh, it’s so adorable how you try to pull off the blindfolds, scrambling to grab onto Gojo for some- any semblance of sanity as you lay there, breathless and shaking. 
Cunt clenching so intoxicatingly around him that Gojo really can’t help but fill you up with his hot seed. Thick and so filthy. He’s got you in an iron-hold grip, hips moving in unstable, animalistic little movements from such a carnal part of himself. 
Gojo planned to tease you a little longer, but, oh well - might as well just paint your pretty pussy white, right? Might as well fuck his cum deeper and deeper and-
“Hey, sweetheart, can you shittalk my blindfold again? I wanna have more angry sex.”
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A/N. Uraume definitely knew.
Plagiarism not authorized.
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enid-rhees · 7 months
study “break” || elisia brown x fem!reader
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summary: Elisia gets tired of studying, so she comes up with a new idea to waste time with you.
genre: fluff!
warnings: making out
a/n: this came to me in a dream. icons by @elisiassideb1tch ✨
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there was music softly playing from Elisia’s speakers, but that was the only noise that filled her room. you and Elisia both had your noses stuck inside your English class book, trying to remember every single word.
studying was Elisia’s least favorite activity, she always had much better ideas in mind than this. but you were taking it seriously this time as you had a final coming up, and Elisia couldn’t argue with that. she wanted to graduate just as bad as you. so the two of you could finally get away from this shithole of a city.
Elisia watched you from behind her book. you looked so cute while studying, so focused. you bit your pierced lips while focused, you always did that. it was something Elisia caught on before you even started dating. every few seconds, you would take your eyes away from the book to write down what you just read. Elisia was way far behind on notes, only because she couldn’t stop looking at you. but she knew that you wouldn’t hesitate in letting her copy off of you.
Elisia huffed and try to start reading again, but failed as she looked back over at you. you were so intensely focused, you didn’t notice her looking at you. so, she huffed again, this time a bit louder. a few seconds passed, and you slowly looked over to the side to meet eyes with Elisia.
“you okay, baby?” the pet name rolled off your tongue so easily. Elisia loved when you called her baby, she didn’t know why. it only sounded right when it came from you. Elisia shut her book and pushed it aside along with her notebook, causing you to furrow your eyebrows. “no. i hate studying.” Elisia huffed once more, looking at you with a small pout.
“did you want my notes?” you asked, pointing down to your notebook that filled the both front and back of each page. ugh, Elisia hated how sincere you were for her. all it did was make her want to kiss you until neither of you could breathe. Elisia shook her head and pushed your stuff away as well, ignoring your whine as she sat on your lap. “i want you.” she whispered.
your hands softly held her waist as her legs wrapped around your back, bringing the two of you impossibly close to each other. you held her from underneath her shirt, her skin warming up under your touch. “so… what do you want to do, then?” you asked in a whisper, but you think you already knew the answer to that.
without answering, Elisia leaned forward until your lips connected. you kissed back immediately, smiling at the cold touch of her nose ring hitting your top lip. Elisia wrapped her arms around your neck, keeping you trapped in her embrace.
this was already a million times better than studying. nothing was better than your lips on hers, Elisia could kiss you for hours without taking a second to breathe. your lips were always so inviting, with the two lip rings that sat beautifully on each side of your bottom lip.
when Elisia went with you to get those done, the piercer had quickly figured out that you were together and warned Elisia that your lips needed to heal and she couldn’t kiss you as much. ultimately, Elisia acted like she was dying without your kisses. but you’ve never looked hotter.
your lips moved in sync with each others, fitting perfectly like puzzle pieces. Elisia always knew you were the one for her, the universe left too many signs for you not to be. your bodies fit together perfectly as well, like you guys were meant to hold each other for the rest of eternity.
studying was now long forgotten as Elisia unwrapped herself from your body and pushed you down into her bed. your head fell onto her pillow with a small bounce as she pressed you into the mattress and continued to kiss you feverishly. you inhaled her scent, the aura of it calming you. Elisia was an expert at that.
Elisia’s hands ran all over your body, trailing up your thighs, up to your stomach and around your waist, up to your back. she left a burning trail with it. you melted into her touch, completely folding underneath her. she always knew how to make you weak just from kissing you.
your moment was interrupted when the front door opened, and then slammed shut. you looked at Elisia, who dropped her head in your neck and whispered, “fuck.” you giggled and lifted her head back up, “he knows i came over to study. we should probably get back to it.” you told her, a hint of strictness in your voice. Elisia whined, making you laugh adorably at her.
footsteps started to grow closer to Elisia’s bedroom, and both of your guys’ eyes widened. you pushed Elisia off and you both scattered to resume your previous activity, rushing to put your notebooks and English book back in front of you. just in time as Jake opened Elisia’s door.
you both smiled at him innocently. “i uh, just got home from work. you guys doing okay?” Elisia answered for the both of you, “we’re fine. just studying.” Jake didn’t say anything for a moment as he looked at both of you, but then nodded. “okay.” he said, and then awkwardly left, closing the door behind him.
Elisia waited a few seconds before pushing her things away once more and throwing herself on you. “Els!” you laughed, “we need to study.” you tried to say between kisses. “but do we right now?” she asked, placing a few kisses on your neck.
“if we plan on graduating and getting the hell out of here, then yes.” you said, holding her face in place with both of your hands to stop her from kissing you. Elisia couldn’t help but briefly fantasize about the day you guys finally run away.
“okay.” she whispered, even though she would rather keep kissing you than study. you pulled your notebook next to hers, “copy off of me. i’ll wait for you to catch up and then we can study together.” you told her, pressing a single kiss to the corner of her lips.
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enid-rhees · 8 months
good girl || elisia brown x fem!reader
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summary: Elisia takes her frustrations out on you
warnings: fingering, strap-on use, oral, face riding (both receiving) MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY
a/n: this is a request by the amazing @elisiassideb1tch 🫶🏻💙 unfortunately Tumblr decided to not let me work on your actual request, but i still wanted to write this :) hope you enjoy, and ily 🫶🏻 (screenshots of your req will be at the end of the story)
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ever since morning when you picked Elisia up for school, she had been in a bit of a mood. you didn’t try to pressure her into talking about it, you just let her sit in silence in your car while your hand softly held her thigh while the other hand held the steering wheel.
you had different classes in the morning, so you left her with a quick kiss until you were able to see her again. she hadn’t texted you during any of your first few classes, which was unusual. Elisia would always text you about how annoying her teacher was or some meme she found while not paying attention to her class.
before lunch time, you headed to your locker to grab a bag of chips you had bought. before you could unhook your lock from the locker, your arm was roughly gripped. “wha- Elisia?! what are you doing?” she didn’t answer and began to drag you towards the bathroom. she brought you into a stall and pushed you against the wall.
a gasp escaped your lips but she quickly connected her lips to yours. her hands began to wander all over your body, and then they stopped at your jeans and began to unbutton them. you managed to briefly pull away from her lips, “what’s gotten into you?! we’re at school!” you hissed out.
“be quiet.” she deadpanned, finally pulling apart each button on your jeans and reaching her hand in. you gasped when she pushed your panties aside and her fingers immediately started to toy with your clit. you held yourself up by holding onto Elisia’s shoulders, quiet cries leaving your lips.
she pressed her lips to yours again to completely shut you up, moving her fingers down to your already wet entrance. “ready?” Elisia whispered against your lips, and you whimpered in response.
Elisia then pushed two fingers in and kissed you before you could moan. your eyes fluttered shut as your knees went weak. Elisia’s other hand held you waist to keep you up against the wall. her fingers were relentless inside of you and you were struggling to keep quiet.
“fuck.” Elisia whispered, speeding up her movements. you cried out against her lips, “you feel so good, sweetheart.” her words went straight to your core, and it was killing you that you had to be quiet. your throat ached keeping them inside.
footsteps suddenly could be heard and Elisia slapped her hand over your mouth but didn’t stop moving her fingers. the bathroom door opened and both of you froze, and Elisia slowed down her pace, but still didn’t stop. you could feel your orgasm approaching quickly. you tapped her shoulder twice to let her know.
a devilish smirk came across her lips and she resumed her fast pace, causing you to jump in place. the sink turned on briefly, but then the person turned it off and left. Elisia continued to fuck you with her fingers and you cried out against her hand when your orgasm hit you. your legs shook as she rode out your orgasm, pulling her hand out and licking her fingers clean. you breathed heavily as Elisia buttoned your jeans back up for you.
“you’re insane, do you know that?” you asked breathlessly. Elisia still looked just as upset as she did earlier. “i need you.” she practically growled against your lips. you’ve never seen her like this before. “drive us back to my place.”
you couldn’t say no to her, but you couldn’t drive after what she did to you. you pulled your keys out of your bag and handed them to her. Elisia took your hand and dragged you out of the bathroom, towards the nearest exit. your core still ached for her, and you had no idea what she was going to do to you once you got home.
Elisia kept a hand on your thigh the entire ride home, squeezing and kneading the skin every few minutes. you could feel your panties getting wetter by the second. she pulled into the lot of her apartment complex and both of you got out of your car and Elisia took your hand again. luckily, Jake’s truck wasn’t here, which meant he was at work.
when you got inside, Elisia yet again pushed you against the door and connected your lips. you moaned into her mouth and tangled your fingers in her hair. Elisia wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you away from the door and began to take you upstairs, towards her bedroom.
she closed and locked the door when you got in and pushed you down onto her bed. you were already out of breath and Elisia began to tear off your clothes one by one. her lips attached to your neck as she began to leave small marks around your neck and collarbone. whimpers were pulled from your lips at the sensation and you gripped her back from under her shirt, your nails lightly scratching down.
Elisia pulled away and you took the advantage to pull her shirt and bra off. you reached your hand up and grasped one of her breasts, squeezing her nipple between your fingers. Elisia gasped and started to grind her hips into yours.
she pulled your hand away and briefly lifted herself off of you. she reached under her bed and grabbed a box, taking something out and then putting the box back under her bed. you squeezed your thighs together when you saw what she was holding — her strap.
you and Elisia bought that a few weeks ago, and neither of you could get enough of it. Elisia had you in all different types of positions with it, each one almost better than the last. just the sight of it made you wetter. Elisia wrapped the strap around her lower hips and spread your legs wide open. she slowly slid the silicone cock up and down your soaking folds. you couldn’t help but cry out — you could do that now that you weren’t at school and Jake wasn’t home.
Elisia hovered over you and wrapped your legs around her waist, the tip of the cock poking your entrance. another loud whine left your lips. “please, Els.” you whined, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her head down closer to yours. her lips were only millimeters away from yours.
she stared into your eyes, hers were still filled with slight anger, while yours were filled with desperation for her. a scream then left your lips when Elisia roughly thrusted into you with no warning. you held onto her as she began to pick up her pace, your fingers scratching down her back. she thrusted in and out of you relentlessly, reveling in your moans. they were music to Elisia’s ears.
the headboard of her bed constantly hit the wall behind you, indicating how hard Elisia was thrusting into you. her pace was relentless, but you didn’t want it any other way. from the position you were in, your full body was on display for Elisia. your breasts bounced right in front of her face, and it turned Elisia on to no end. your nipples were so hard, aching to be touched, sucked on.
your head was thrown back on the pillow and your eyes were rolled to the back of your head with beautiful sounds leaving your lips, Elisia couldn’t get enough of it. it was the most beautiful sight to her. she couldn’t believe she was the one who got to have you like this nearly every night.
you guys have never ditched school to have sex like this, but Elisia has decided that this is something you need to do more often. when no one is home and you can be as loud as you want for her.
Elisia gripped each side of your waist and pounded harder into you, fucking her frustrations out. all you could do was cry out in utter pleasure. Elisa’s strap was definitely your favorite thing in the world. she knew how to fuck you so well with it.
“oh, Els! i’m- i’m gonna cum. please… let me cum.” you cried out, and Elisia managed to thrust into you even faster. “come on, my good girl. cum for me.” Elisia whispered, and that’s what sent you over the edge. a long, loud moan was pulled from your lips as Elisia fucked you through your orgasm. her strap was covered in your juices, a ring of it forming around the base of it.
Elisia pulled out of you, gently rubbing her soaked cock against your clit. you jumped at the slight overstimulation. she unwrapped the strap from around her waist and pulled you into her arms, kissing down your damp neck as you came down from your orgasm.
“can you take one more for me, sweetheart? can i taste you?” Elisia asked sweetly, sucking a mark into your neck. you gasped, “yes. please.” she let you go and spread your legs once more, getting on her stomach in front of your soaking hole. Elisia was practically drooling at the sight.
she wrapped her arms around your thighs and pulled you closer to her mouth, hanging your legs over her shoulders. Elisia flattened her tongue right against you, and you squeezed your legs around her head as a moan left your lips. her tongue toyed with your clit before she finally inserted her tongue into you. “oh my god.” you moaned out, gripping the bedsheets beneath you.
Elisia knew just to pleasure you, she was an expert at it. she knew all the right places to make you go insane. her tongue licked every crevice inside of you, not missing a single spot. your head was spinning with pleasure, you couldn’t focus on anything but her,
the cold metal of Elisia’s nose ring nudged your puffy clit, causing you to cry out again. you started to slowly rut into her face, and it only made Elisia hold your thighs tighter as her tongue repeatedly fucked into you. she lapped up every last bit of your juices, some of it dripping down her chin. she was eating you out like she hasn’t eaten in days.
so close to your last, you already felt your orgasm approaching once more. one hand left the bedsheets and gripped Elisia’s wavy hair. she moaned into you, and the vibration brought you closer and closer. “i’m close, Els. i’m so close.” you cried out, throwing your head back against the pillow.
Elisia shook her head right to left slightly, her tongue going crazy inside of you. your body couldn’t take it and you screamed out as orgasm washed over you. Elisia pulled her tongue out of you, kissing your clit as you came down from your second orgasm. Elisia was soaking wet, turned on by the way you were moaning for her for the last half hour.
you laid flat on your back on Elisia’s bed, hand over your chest as you caught your breath. Elisia crawled over you slowly, leaning down to kiss your lips sweetly. “it’s your turn to make me feel good, pretty girl.” she hummed. you smiled, and Elisia began to hover over your face. she sunk down, and you happily thrusted your tongue inside of her. Elisia moaned, gripping onto the headboard for support while you held her thighs tightly.
you’ve never heard such pretty sounds come from Elisia, you didn’t want this to end. you wanted to keep hearing Elisia moan for you like this. Elisia started to grind her hips against your mouth, and started to lightly bounce on your tongue. the pleasure was overwhelming, but so addicting to Elisia. one of her hands let go of the headboard and instead grabbed a fistful of your hair.
“mhm, i love you- oh god, Y/N. you’re such a good girl for me, making me feel so good.” Elisia moaned out. you hummed into her in response, sending vibrations up her body. Elisia let out a long, loud moan at that and continued to move back and forth on your tongue. “so… so good to me. my good girl.”
Elisia felt the pressure building up inside of her, and her movements against your tongue started to falter. “i’m close, sweet girl.” she whined, and you couldn’t help but dig your tongue deeper into her somehow. Elisia cried out as she came on your face. you happily licked up every last drop of her, licking your lips and moaning at the taste.
Elisia fell beside you, breathing heavily. it was your turn to crawl over her, leaving sloppy kisses down her neck and down the valley of her breasts. you took one in your hands and sucked on the other, and Elisia moaned quietly. “did i do good?” you asked when you pulled away, your lust filled eyes staring into hers.
“you did so good for me, sweetheart. come here.” she whispered, and you fit yourself into her arms. “why were you so frustrated today, honey?” you asked softly, pressing a kiss to her sweaty neck.
“from the moment i woke up, i needed you so bad. but i knew i had to wait until later, but i needed you. needed to hear you moan for me, and fuck you into my mattress when no one was around so i could hear your pretty sounds.”
you giggled, “you’re always so needy for me.” you told her, quickly kissing her lips. Elisia giggled as well, “how can i not be? when i have the hottest girl i’ve ever seen? i could do this to you every night if i could.” your stomach did flips at that.
“i’m not stopping you.” you hummed, kissing her once more. she did the same against your lips, holding onto your waist. “later, baby. i just want to hold you for now.” you nodded and tucked your head into her neck, closing your eyes in relaxation. you felt Elisia press a kiss to your head and lay her head on yours.
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and here’s the request <3
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enid-rhees · 8 months
can you do an Elisia headcannons with a depressed reader? Please and thank youuuu :)
Elisia Brown Dating Depressed!Reader HDCNS (and how she helps you deal with it)
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warnings: mentions of sh, difficulty with eating, please read at your own discretion if any of these might trigger you!
a/n: thank you for requesting, anon! i hope you, and everyone else enjoys <3 thank you to the amazing, gorgeous and talented @elisiassideb1tch for being a part of this and helping me with this post, please go follow her, she deserves everything and more ✨💙 the pic is also made by her ✨ (ilysm i cant thank you enough 🫶🏻💙)
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oh Elisia my sweet girl who deserves the world and more
she cares for you so much.
Elisia will do anything in her power to make you feel loved
if you struggle with the motivation to get out of bed, Elisia will be there every minute with you.
she’ll sit with you and just talk about anything, like your interests.
when you do finally find the motivation to get out of bed, she’ll never stop telling you how proud she is of you
if you struggle with eating, Elisia takes small steps with you
she’ll give you a small portion of food and just helps you work your way up
Elisia understands almost everything you go through, because she’s been there too. and it hurts her to see someone so special to her go through this as well
she was alone when she was really suffering, so she does everything she can to help you feel loved and cared for.
helping you had started to slowly heal her own self as well
she helps you with your hygiene as well
setting up hot baths for you, or even showering with you
and afterwards, she might even give you a small massage to relax your muscles
if you sh and Elisia finds out about it, she’ll help you gain the courage to throw out your razors.
when you do throw them out, Elisia praises you endlessly. she tells you how proud she is of you and holds you tightly, just mumbling praises to you as she kisses your head
Elisia will kiss every single one of your scars while telling you how brave, and strong you are, she’ll never stop telling you how proud she is of you
Elisia gets you little gifts occasionally !!
perfumes, lotions, candles etc
she just does anything that she knows will bring a smile to your face
Elisia always wants to make sure you’re comfortable in your own clothes and often makes sure you aren’t wearing the same thing for a week straight
she’ll help you clean your clothes and bring you comfier clothes like sweatpants and sweatshirts
^^ she gifts you those fluffy thick socks omg you love those sm you’re always wearing them
you and Elisia sing together. a lot
the way you’re both out of tune with each other will always make you laugh, so she does it as often as possible with you just to hear you laugh and to see you smile
and sometimes she just only sings to you in bed
she’ll hold you close to her chest while you’re nearly falling asleep to her voice
if you have a hard time eating certain things and only want certain things, Elisia will get you everything you want
she understands that you only want certain textures of food and will get you whatever u want
and she’ll always help you eat
Elisia will put on your fav show/movie and will sit and eat with you as well :]
she’ll make small conversations with you and updates you on how all of your friends are doing
you also eat in bed with her a lot and she’ll just cuddle you, and afterwards she’ll take your plate and wash it off for you before coming back to bed and taking you in her arms again
Elisia will ALWAYS have water with her to remind you to drink water
she keeps track of how much you drink and when to give you more
she also lovesss making you tea and her amazing apple pie
your comfort meal fr
after you eat, Elisia will tell you how proud she is of you <3
she’ll kiss your cheeks, nose, lips, eyes, she’ll kiss u ANYWHERE
she’ll hold you close while her hands run down and gently massage your body, she’ll play with your fingers and will just constantly tell you how beautiful you are
Elisia will take you for a walk at least once a day or every few days
you need to get fresh air every once in a while, so she’ll take you on a short walk
and after the walk she’ll plan a small lil picnic right in the grass in front of her house :’)
after a while, when you’re feeling better, Elisia takes you up to the roof of her apartment and the two of lay side by side, staring up the stars
you’ll lay your head on her chest and she’ll kiss your head and start playing with your fingers, and traces little hearts or shapes into your skin
of course Elisia brought snacks, so the two of you just sit with each other, reveling in each others presence
Els also brought her earbuds so you guys listen to music together as well on the roof, she’ll play your favorite artists and sing along with you <3
it’s very peaceful for you
the roof is your place
where you and Elisia go to escape from everything and have nothing but each other bc that’s all you need
Elisia saved you basically, and you could never be more grateful to have her as your girlfriend
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enid-rhees · 10 months
— sick ; elisia brown x fem!reader
— warnings ; none except this is very short
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when Elisia didn’t show up to your first class, you were immediately worried. you texted her, and got no response from her the entire class.
during your next one, there was still no sign of her, and your worries were eating you up. at lunch, you sat next to Rowan. “have you heard from Elisia today?” you asked her, and she shook her head as she had a mouth full of food.
“no. you’re her girlfriend, you haven’t heard from her?” she questioned once she swallowed her food. you sighed and sat back in your chair. “no. i’m getting really worried. i couldn’t even focus in class.”
“skip.” Rowan shrugged. “i’ll make up some excuse to our next teacher. go check up on her.” you thought for a moment, staring down at your hands. you then stood up and walked out the cafeteria without another word, heading straight for the exit door and running across the lot to your car.
when you arrived at her house, Jake’s truck was still in the driveway. that was somewhat of a good sign. you got out of your car and ran up the steps, softly knocking on the door. you rocked back and forth on your feet until the door swung open, and Jake stood there.
“Y/N? shouldn’t you be at school?” he asked you. “is Elisia home? she didn’t come to class and wasn’t answering my texts. i got worried.”
“she has a cold. she’s upstairs sleeping. you can check-“ you pushed passed Jake before he can finish and walked up the stairs to her room. you gently opened her door, pouting at the sight of her curled up in her bed, wearing a (your) thick hoodie with three blankets on top of her.
you placed the back of your hand on her head, she was burning up. and when you removed your hand, her eyes fluttered open. “hey, my sick girl.” you whispered with a smile. her eyes locked on you, and she emerged from all of her blankets. “you should be in class.” she spoke with a raspy voice. you turned around and saw a water bottle on her bedside table, so you handed it to her.
“i got worried. so i skipped and Jake let me in. well, i just kinda walked passed him. but i was really worried when you didn’t show up.” you told her softly, leaning forward to kiss her head. “how are you feeling, honey?”
“terrible.” she groaned, and a few rough coughs left her mouth. “i’m freezing, but i’m burning. my throat hurts, and i feel nauseous.” you couldn’t help but pout again, you hated seeing her like this. “i’ll be right back, hon. lie back down if you need to.”
you went into her bathroom and looked around for a small towel. when you found one, you ran it under the faucet and rang it out. Elisia was lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling when you went back in her room, and you placed the cold towel over her head. “this should hopefully lower your fever.”
“are you hungry? i can find some soup to make for you.” you offered, softly caressing her cheek. she shook her head. “i just want you.” your heart swelled. “can you lay with me?”
“of course, sweetheart. come here.” she curled up into your arms, burying her face into your chest. your arms wrapped tightly around her. you pressed your lips to her head again, but this time you lingered them there for a few moments longer.
“you’re so warm.” she mumbled into your chest, making you chuckle. “is that a good thing?” you asked. “kind of. i can probably sleep like this for hours.”
“well, lets do just that, then.” you wrapped her blankets over the two of you, and she cuddled further into you. you looked down at her with a small smile.
“sleep well, pretty. i’ll be here when you wake up.” you whispered, and you felt her press a weak kiss in the spot her lips were in front of. “i love you.” she mumbled.
“i love you too.” you told her, closing your eyes. and within a few minutes, both of you were asleep in her bed, tangled in each others limbs.
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enid-rhees · 10 months
— i found you ; elisia brown x fem!reader
— summary ; the monkeyman situation tore you guys apart, but brought you and Elisia closer.
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you were tired. but it was over.
that’s what you tried to tell yourself, at least. you couldn’t bring yourself to look at your phone. that fear has paralyzed you. every time it rang, or a message came through, you felt paralyzed by fear.
you couldn’t close your eyes. if you did, everything replayed in your head. the screams, gunshots, crying. everything. you didn’t want to live like this anymore.
after tossing and turning for hours, you’ve had no luck getting to sleep. you wondered if this is how your life would be for the rest of time.
your phone buzzed. it lit up, illuminating part of your room, but you couldn’t turn your head to face it. your heart started to beat impossibly fast. this has to be over, you told yourself. then it buzzed again. and again.
the seconds it took for your hand to reach for your phone were heart-stopping. your finger clicked the on button, showcasing 3 messages.
Elisia 🖤: are u awake?
Elisia 🖤: Jake isn’t home. i don’t wanna be alone
Elisia 🖤: i can’t sleep . i still feel everything
you stared at the messages. your heart was still racing, but not because of your fear, but because Elisia texted you. you couldn’t deny that you fell for her in the midst of everything. your fingers worked quickly to unlock your phone and open her messages.
you: im awake, cant sleep either
you: i’m on my way, i’ll be there soon. 🖤
it didn’t take long for Elisia to respond.
Elisia 🖤: 🖤
you got out of bed and slipped on a pair of jeans before grabbing your keys from your bedside table and crawling through your window. you carefully made your way down the side of your house and ran to your car.
the drive to Elisia’s place wasn’t far from yours, which became a convenience for both of you while you tried to figure out who Monkeyman was, or like tonight, when you or Elisia didn’t want to be alone.
you pulled into the lot of Elisia’s trailer house. her cousin owned it, but he was always out doing something. the door opened when you got out of your car, and Elisia ran down the steps and engulfed you in a hug.
stumbling back against your car, you wrapped your arms around Elisia. you breathed in her scent, immediately feeling safe in her arms. “you’re okay, Els. i’m here.” you whispered. “let’s get inside.”
Elisia took you inside and led you to her room. you’ve been here more than anyone else. you sat on her bed, and she followed. “i don’t really have anything for us to do, i just… i couldn’t be alone. i’m so scared.” Elisia whispered, her voice cracking, and you could feel your heart breaking piece by piece.
“it’s okay. i’m more than happy to stay with you, Els. you know that. i’ll stay here forever if you wanted me to.” Elisia let out a small laugh at that, “only if you could.” she said quietly, barely inaudible. “we’re safe when we’re together. no one can hurt us.” you told her.
she looked up into your eyes. you felt weak just by her gaze. the effect she had on you was insane. “i don’t think i can ever… be away from you any longer.” she suddenly said to you. “everything that happened… we stayed together during everything. and i never want to be separated from you. ever again.”
you took her face in your hands, your thumbs caressing her pink-tinted cheeks. “i’m so glad i found you. maybe not under the best circumstances, but i found you, Elisia. and i don’t think i can be away from you either. ever.”
a few moments of silence went by, and then Elisia slowly leaned forward, and her lips were on yours. you kissed back with force, moving your hands down to her waist, and you pulled her on your lap. the kiss went on for another minute, and then you both pulled away and Elisia rested her forehead on yours as she started to catch her breath. “i love you.” she whispered breathlessly.
you kissed her head, her cheeks, her nose, her neck, her wrists, and her lips again. “i love you too. i’ve never been more sure of something before. i’m in love with you, Els.”
she wrapped her finger around yours. “whatever happens next, if something ever does happen, we will get through it. together.” she vowed.
you nodded, “together.”
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enid-rhees · 1 year
treat you better || elisia brown x fem!reader
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summary: you show Elisia that you can treat her better than Ash ever has.
warnings: bit of arguing, angst, Elisia cheating on Ash, implications that at one point reader had a drug addiction
genre: friends to lovers
a/n: my first Elisia fic! hope you all enjoy! i’m officially adding her to my writing list so feel free to send requests for her 🫶🏻
dedicated to @elisiassideb1tch 💜
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she was with him again.
a week ago, Elisia had told you it was over. that she was done with Ash for good this time. but now, they stood a few feet away from you, his arm over her shoulder while she smiled up at him.
it was an understatement to say that you were pissed. this relationship was anything but good. Elisia didn’t deserve someone like Ash. she deserved someone better. like you.
you never said that to her, of course. it was obvious she wouldn’t reciprocate the feelings you had for her. there was no point, it wasn’t worth it.
Elisia looked over at you, giving you a wave. you weren’t having it, and made that clear. you stood up and turned around on your heels, heading towards your locker.
twisting the numbers on the lock, you pulled it open and took your bag out, swinging it onto your back. “Y/N! wait!” you heard Elisia call out from behind you.
you ignored it and closed your locker, pushing the lock back on it. you started to walk towards the exit door, but Elisia had grabbed onto your hand to stop you.
“stop! why are you ignoring me?” she got in front of you so you couldn’t move. you sighed, “i have to go home, Elisia.” she shook her head, “no, you don’t. why are you ignoring me?” she asked again.
“you really don’t know?” you asked her. her light green eyes stared into yours, confusion laced in her face. you nodded to yourself and huffed, “i’ll see you later, Elisia.”
you moved to the side to walk past her and pushed the exit door open, ignoring the way she shouted your name. you dug through your pockets for your headphones and put them over your ears, pressing shuffle on a random playlist on your phone.
you felt so angry, but you didn’t want to be. Elisia was your best friend, but it was hard when she wouldn’t listen to you. you cared about her safety and her health, but she couldn’t see that.
multiple occasions have proved to you that Ash wasn’t good for her, keeping him in her life wasn’t good for her. months ago, he had just been released from juvie for his drug dealing, and the second he got back, he started all over again like it didn’t even happen.
it deeply upset Elisia and she decided that that was it with him. she was done. you wish you knew what changed.
you tried not to think about it the entire way home. when you made it back, you walked in and upstairs into your room, throwing your backpack across the room.
your headphones continued to blare into your ears as you fell onto your bed, closing your eyes and engulfing yourself in your blankets.
somewhere underneath the blankets, your phone started to vibrate repeatedly. you buried your head into your pillows, forcing yourself to fall asleep.
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when you woke up, it was pitch black in your room. you tore your headphones off and looked outside, the sky was equally as dark. you cursed under your breath and rubbed your eyes. turning on the lamp next to your bed, your room illuminated and all of your posters came into view.
you readjusted the piercing in your nose, already knowing it flipped itself over in your sleep.
your hand reached for your phone and you turned it on, finally seeing all of your missed messages.
Elisia: what did i do?
Elisia: you can’t ignore me like this, Y/N
Elisia: it’s because of Ash, isn’t it?
Elisia: can we please just talk this out?
you stared at the messages, not knowing to say back. your fingers hovered over the letters, but you gave up and threw your phone back down on the bed.
there wasn’t any energy left in your body to argue with her about this. you’ve made your stance clear. you don’t like Ash and never would again.
the day you decided you needed to stop with the drugs, you cut him out of your life and never looked back. you ignored him as much as you could.
thinking about the person you used to be hurt every time, and you knew you couldn’t live like that anymore. that part of your life is over. you don’t even want to acknowledge it.
you started to stand up to leave your bedroom, but your window started to creek open. your eyebrows furrowed and you slowly stepped closer to your window.
before you could peek over, Elisia popped up. you jumped back, “what the fuck are you doing?!” you whisper-yelled. you pulled her in and closed your window. “are you fucking insane?”
Elisia stood up straight and brushed her clothes off. “you weren’t answering my texts, Y/N. and i’m not just going to let this go. we need to talk.”
you sighed, “Elisia, i really don’t want to do this right now. go back home, it’s late.”
“no! i want to know what this is all about! you can’t shut me out!” she yelled, stepping closer to you. “this isn’t fair, Y/N.”
“why did you go back to Ash?” you asked. “did the conversation we have magically disappear from your mind? he’s not good for you, Elisia!”
she stared at you, “so i was right. this is about Ash.” she scoffed. “you told me you were leaving him, Elisia!” you yelled, “he went right back into drug dealing the second he got back from juvie, and you told me you were done. you lied to me twice.”
her eyes looked down at her feet. “i mean- fuck, Elisia. i can’t control what you do because that’s not my right, but Ash is not a good person. you deserve better.”
“i care for you, Els. i just wish you could see that.” you said quietly. “i do.” she responded. “i just- he’s all i have-“
“no, he’s not! you deserve someone who can treat you better than he can. he doesn’t deserve you!”
“really? then who else can? go on, Y/N. tell me.” she said, crossing her arms as she waited for an answer.
you looked her straight in the eyes and took a deep breath, “me.”
Elisia stared at you, “what?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper now, “what do you mean?”
“i mean… i can treat you better than Ash ever has. i can love you better.” you whispered, heart racing like crazy. your hands shook slightly against your leg.
“you… love me?” her voice wavered as she said that. almost not being able to comprehend it at all.
you nodded lightly, “i love you, Elisia. and if you let me, i’ll show you how i can treat you better than Ash.” you stepped closer to her slowly, and she didn’t back away from you.
your hands cupped her face, “can i kiss you?” you asked, your voice quiet as ever. her breath hitched, her eyes focused on your lips now. “yes.”
that was all you needed, and you leaned in, connecting your lips softly. Elisia kissed back almost immediately, holding onto your waist. her hands gripped the fabric of your shirt, keeping you close to her.
the kiss went on for almost a minute. Elisia pulled away to breathe and rested her head on yours. it felt like your heart was about to pound out of your chest. it had been years since you first fell for Elisia, this was something you’ve dreamt about and only thought it would never happen beyond those dreams.
after a few moments of heavy breathing filling your room, Elisia kissed you again first. her lips were desperate against yours, like she couldn’t get enough of you. it felt like a dream. her lips on yours didn’t feel real. she held onto you so tightly but kissed you so softly.
Elisia pulled away once more and moved her arms from your waist to your neck. she wrapped her arms around it, hands tickling the hairs on your neck slightly.
her head dropped onto your shoulder and she closed her eyes. she needed to process what had just happened. she kissed you, while still being with Ash. but she couldn’t ignore the obvious. she liked it.
“Elisia?” you whispered. she opened her eyes and removed her head from your shoulder to face you. she couldn’t believe she hadn’t seen it before.
you were beautiful, and always the one by her side. you were the one that was always there for her, especially when Ash wasn’t.
it was always you.
her eyes trailed down to your lips once more. she couldn’t help but lean in again, taking in the sweet flavor that was on your lips. this alone proved to her that you weren’t lying. you kissed her so passionately.
when your lips disconnected, Elisia smiled against your lips. you mirrored that smile back, “i’ll do whatever it takes to show you how much i care for you.” you whispered again.
“i believe you.” Elisia said. you leaned forward, kissing her head softly. “since you’re already here… wanna stay the night?” she laughed, “of course.”
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enid-rhees · 1 year
Elisia Brown Masterlist
☆ = angst . ♡ = smut .
Treat You Better ☆
Cheer You Up ☆
Do You Love Her? ☆
sk8er girl
i found you
Warm Me Up ♡
matching tattoos
Elisia Brown Dating Depressed!Reader HDCNS (and how she helps you deal with/ it) ☆
good girl ♡
study “break”
amnesia ☆
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enid-rhees · 11 months
— sk8er girl ♡ ; elisia brown x fem!reader
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“what are we doing here?” you asked Elisia with a laugh, looking over all the other people skating over rails and ramps. Elisia looked over at you with a grin, “i’m teaching you how to skate.”
your eyes widened slightly and a nervous laugh left your lips, “what? i did not- i’m not ready!” Elisia playfully rolled her eyes and wrapped one arm around your waist, pulling you with her towards everyone. “yes you are! we’ve been talking about this for weeks!”
Elisia set her skateboard down, “i’ll hold your hand the entire time, okay? i promise, i’ll never let you fall.” you stepped on the board and Enid took your hand in hers. with a deep breath, you looked up at Elisia and nodded, “okay. i trust you.”
she stood on her toes for a short second to press a quick kiss to your pierced lips. “you got this.” she encouraged.
“put your left foot on the ground and push yourself forward slowly, i won’t let go.” Elisia instructed softly. you did what she said, and hesitantly pushed your foot, heart briefly dropping when you started to move forward. Elisia didn’t let up her grip on your hand as she walked with you.
the skateboard moved across the room at a smooth pace, and you could feel the subtle cool breeze flow past you. it felt good, this was fun.
you put your foot back on the ground to stop yourself right in front of a wall, and Elisia smiled widely. “you did it!” she exclaimed, pulling you into her embrace by your waist. Elisia kissed your cheek, “wanna try something a little harder?” she asked with a cheeky smile, and you knew what she was doing. Elisia gave you this smile every time she wanted something from you. and you could never say no to her.
your eyebrows furrowed as you pulled back from her ever so slightly, “and what would that be, Els?” you questioned. she bit her lip, but a nervous smile peeked it’s way through. slowly, she pointed to the ramp not even ten feet away from you.
your jaw dropped slightly and you shook your head repeatedly. “no- no absolutely not.” Elisia whined, “oh, cmon! baby, i’ll be here the entire time. i’ll stay on the other side so incase you stumble or fall, i’ll catch you before you even hit the ground, okay?” 
Elisia hit you with the puppy eyes and you crumbled, “okay, fine. but you owe me something if i fall and you don’t catch me.” you told her, pointing your finger at her. Elisia laughed and put her hands up, “deal.”
you stepped back into the board, “just remember what i said, push your foot, but this time you need to push a bit harder so you have to speed to go over the ramp.” Elisia told you, and you nodded while looking over at the ramp.
“don’t overthink it. just do it. okay?” you nodded once more, and Elisia ran over to to the other side of the ramp. you closed your eyes for a few moment, and inhaled deeply. your eyes fluttered back open, and you planted your foot firmly on the ground, and pushed yourself forward.
the skateboard rolled across the room at a faster pace than before, but you didn’t feel as nervous as you did the first time. you pushed your foot one more time to gain more speed as you got closer to the ramp, and when you finally approached it, you went up a few feet in the air, and then you were brought back down to the ground.
Elisia cheered as you reached your arms out to balance yourself and the board continued to move slowly until it eventually stopped. when it did, Elisa ran over to you and practically pulled you off the board and into a bone-crushing hug.
she pulled away but only to connect your lips. Elisia kissed you so passionately, almost like there weren’t at least twenty people around you. “you did it on your first try! do you know how incredible that is?!” Elisia exclaimed, taking both of your hands in hers.
“i’m so proud of you.” she told you, causing you to smile wide as ever. Elisia placed her hands on your waist, and looked into your eyes with a small smirk.
“you didn’t fall, you owe me something, don’t you think?” she asked with a head tilt. you shook your head with a laugh, “and what were you thinking, Els?”
Elisia briefly looked to the side before locking her eyes with yours again, “make-out at your place?” your head fell into her shoulder with a shy laugh, “you are so…” you said in disbelief, “yeah. lets go.”
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enid-rhees · 9 months
matching tattoos || elisia brown x fem!reader
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summary: you don’t want the night to end after your amazing date with Elisia. Elisia comes up with an idea.
genre: fluff !! just pure fluff 🫶🏻 also pure cheesiness
a/n: this is such an old request that i have been dying to get to, so im finally doing it :] i have 1 tattoo and ive been dying to get another. requested by @elisiassideb1tch 💙 i hope u enjoy 🫶🏻 the Elisia icon is also made by her 🫶🏻
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tonight might’ve been one of the best nights of your life. you haven’t had this much fun in a while, and you knew it was because you spent it with the love of your life.
Elisia looked so beautiful tonight. you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that she was yours. the two of you had just finished your date, you took her out to a restaurant. for a while now, you’ve been saving up money for this moment.
you’ve always wanted to take her out like this, to a restaurant where she can dress up and have the best food. and afterwards, the two of you wander the streets and laugh with each other, ignoring the people that look at you funny as they passed by. they didn’t have what you had.
you took Elisia’s hand in the air and spun her around, when she came back around to face you, she fell into your chest and your lips connected with ease. she rested her hand on your chest, and then slowly brought it up to your neck as the kiss continued.
the night still felt young, you didn’t want to go home yet. you wanted to be out here with Elisia. despite it already being late enough, the sky was dark and cars weren’t littering the streets, you wanted to be out here with her.
“lets find something to do.” you mumbled against her lips. “anything.” Elisia pulled her face away from you, the most beautiful smile growing on her lips. “i have an idea.”
Elisia intertwined her fingers with yours and began to pull you down the sidewalk. you didn’t know where she was taking you, but it only excited you more. you couldn’t help but take out your phone and snap the cheesy picture of Elisia holding your hand in front of you. the pictures from your date sat next to it, one of Elisia looking heavenly across from you at the table, and the other of her kissing your lips behind a menu.
Elisia stopped on the sidewalk and looked up at the building in front of you. you did the same, mouth dropping when you saw the “tattoo shop” on the sign. “you want to get tattoos?” you asked her, almost in disbelief. although, you weren’t really that surprised, Elisia has always talked about getting a tattoo one day.
she rose her finger, “matching tattoos.” she said, her smile growing. “you want to?” you asked. “if you want to.”
you didn’t say another word and you opened the door to the shop and let her walk in first. a man with tattoo sleeves up his arms and legs waved at the two of you, and you guys waved back.
“what can i do for you guys today? my name is Mike. you guys are in here pretty late, usually no one comes in this late.” Mike said, and you spoke up first. “uh, we are looking to get… matching tattoos. preferably small ones on our wrists or finger.” you looked over at Elisia for confirmation, and she nodded.
“matching, eh? you guys married or what?” Mike joked with you, and you laughed lightly. “no no… hopefully one day, though.” Elisia nudged your shoulder and you looked at her with a smile. “what? i’m being serious.”
Mike then pulled out a binder filled with various sketches of tattoos. “these are our ten dollar tattoos, the cheapest you can get. feel free to look through this and let me know when you decide.”
the two of you started to flip through the pages, and then Elisa pointed at one particular heart. “what if we got these right here?” she pulled up your hand and pointed to your finger. the finger she pointed to was the one where you two had - conveniently - matching rings. the rings were a gift from her, she called them promise rings.
“yeah, let’s do it.” you smiled, pressing one quick kiss to her lips. Elisia looked into your eyes with so much love, you’ve never been so sure of wanting to marry someone.
you raised your hand to get Mike’s attention, and he came back to the counter. “have you guys decided?” you both nodded and pointed to the heart, “we’d like to get this heart on our finger.”
“perfect. you guys can have a seat together over there. luckily these are small, so i’ll be able to knock these out in under an hour.” you took Elisia’s hand and walked over to the chair he pointed to.
“i can’t believe we’re doing this.” Elisia whispered. “you nervous?” she shrugged, “a little.” you pressed a kiss to her head. “it’s okay. we got this.”
Mike sat in front of you guys with a clean needle and sketches of the heart. he reached for your hand and wiped your finger down with a wipe and did the same to Elisia. “so, just to let you know, these might hurt a bit. i’m putting the needle directly on the bone basically, so it’s going to hurt.”
Elisia intertwined your other hand with hers. Mike placed the stencil of the heart on your fingers and picked up the needle after it appeared on your skin. he dipped the needle into the ink and began on your finger first.
the first initial touch made you flinch, and Elisia gripped your hand tighter. Mike took a paper towel and wiped off the ink, and then began again. Elisia pulled out her phone and rose it as she opened the camera app. you smiled up at her phone and she took the picture, smiling at it once she put her phone back down. “you’re so cute.”
before you knew it, Mike had finished with your tattoo. he gently wrapped it plastic, “you can take that off about an hour after you get home. if you have any cream like Aquaphor, use it throughout the day for about a week or so. if you have any problems, you can come right back.”
you nodded, and then Mike began to work on Elisia’s finger. she flinched at the first touch, but relaxed when you tangled your fingers with hers.
part of you was still in disbelief that this was happening. you and Elisia were getting matching tattoos. you were always so sure that Elisia would be yours forever, but with your promise rings and now matching tattoos, you’ve practically sealed the deal with her. Elisia is yours, and you’re hers. forever.
Mike finished with her tattoo and did the same as he did to you. you and Elisia lifted your fingers, putting the two tattooed fingers together. “i can’t believe we actually did this.” you giggled. Elisia smiled, “they look so good. i’m so glad we did this.”
she pulled out her phone once more and snapped a photo of your fingers next to each other, with your rings in view as well. the two of you then stood up and walked over to the counter where Mike walked off to. you took out your wallet and handed him two 10s, and then an extra $20 for a tip. “thank you, Mike. you did incredible.”
“you guys were definitely the best customers of the day. don’t forget to invite me to the wedding.” he joked, making you and Elisia both laugh. “will do. thanks again, have a good night!”
when you got out of the shop, Elisia pulled you into a kiss in the middle of the sidewalk. you gripped her waist and kissed back with everything you had. she rested her head on yours when she pulled away, smiling as she looked into your eyes. you got so lost hers immediately.
“i love you so much.” you whispered. “thank you for giving me the best fucking day ever.”
“i love you more.” she hummed. “thank you for dinner, and the tattoos. thank you for being mine.”
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a/n: here’s the request & photo reference! (i chose the 1st one ^_^)
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enid-rhees · 9 months
can we get an Elisia winter smut fic? (nothing specific just this haha) thank you :)
warm me up || elisia brown x fem!reader
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summary: it’s the coldest and snowiest day of the year and you just can’t stop shivering, so Elisia offers to help warm you up.
warnings: fingering - SMUT. MINORS DNI. 18+ ONLY.
a/n: thank you so much for your request, anon! i hope you enjoy! requests are back open, just read rules before requesting! hope you all enjoy 🖤
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the house felt just as cold as outside. it was below zero out there, and the snow was blowing everywhere. no one was able to leave their homes, which meant you were also stuck inside of yours. good news though, Elisia happened to be with you.
while you were covering yourself in multiple sweaters and cardigans and putting the thickest socks over your feet, Elisia was fine. she watched in amusement as you walked around your house trying to find another sweater.
you stopped in your tracks when you noticed her staring and looked over at her with a pout. “stop laughing! i’m cold.” you whined. Elisia walked over to you and wrapped her arms around you, her warmth immediately comforting you.
“how the hell are you so warm?” you asked with shivering teeth. Elisia laughed, “how the hell are you so cold?”
“i don’t know!” you whined again. Elisia continued to hold you, and then an idea popped in her head. a smirk painted her lips and she looked down at you, “i might know how to warm you up.” she spoke, a hint of mischief in her voice. “yeah? and what would that be?” you asked in a sarcastic tone, thinking she was messing with you. “come with me.” she whispered, taking your hand in hers and leading you to your own bedroom.
Elisia started to slowly remove each layer of your sweaters once she got you on the bed, tossing them to the other side of the room. at the last sweater, she began to kiss your neck while sliding it down your arms. shivers ran down your spine with a low moan leaving your lips. “what are you doing?” you whispered.
“warming you up.” Elisia smiled, her hands now working on your sweatpants. she untied the tie and pulled them down your legs. she rubbed her fingers over your clothed clit, reveling in the way you moaned softly. she continued to do that until your panties were soaked.
she pulled them down, smiling at the sight of your dripping hole. “ready, hon?” she asked in a whisper, and you nodded repeatedly. Elisia positioned two fingers at your entrance, and slowly pushed them in. you moaned the entire time she did, up until her fingers couldn’t fit anymore. she felt so warm inside of you.
Elisia then curled her fingers upwards, and you couldn’t help but moan. “move!” you begged, and Elisia knew she couldn’t deny you. she started to move her fingers in and out, admiring how your pretty lips fell open with even prettier sounds leaving them.
she plunged her fingers in and out, and the sounds of your wetness on her fingers began to turn her on to no end. “more… more.” you whined, and Elisia didn’t hesitate to add a third finger. you screamed out and gripped onto the pillow beside your head.
your body was now on fire as her pace didn’t let up. you felt so warm, and so full of Elisia’s fingers. sweat rolled down from your forehead.
a familiar feeling began to build up in your stomach and your moans grew more frequent and louder. “Els… i’m close.” you moaned out. “yeah? then come on, pretty. cum on my fingers.” she whispered, and somehow started to thrust her fingers faster.
you cried out as your orgasm hit you, and Elisia slowed down her fingers, but still continued to move them to ride out your orgasm. as you began to catch your breath, she kissed your neck in the meantime. “how are you feeling now, hm?” Elisia hummed, moving her head up so she could lock eyes with you.
“hot.” you chuckled, and Elisia laughed along. “good.” she mumbled, crawling on top of you so she could connect her lips to yours.
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enid-rhees · 1 year
hey T can you do a story about a protective Elisia/Enid (it doesn't rlly matter which one lol)who is very protective over reader please and thank you! Nothing specific it's all up to you what else happens in the story
hi! tysm for your request! i hope you enjoy 🫶🏻 i did Elisia for this :) it’s a bit short, i hope that’s okay :’)
— warnings: men being creepy (flirting when obviously unwanted)
— a/n: hope you all enjoy! requests are open! i’d you’d like to send one in, read rules in pinned beforehand 🫶🏻!
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if you had to be honest, you hated almost every piece of lunch this school had to offer. everything about it sucked. there was only one decent food they served at least twice a week, and that was their pizza. and even then, it wasn’t that good.
you picked at the soggy piece of broccoli with your fork, losing your appetite just by looking at your plate. Elisia looked up from her phone, “are you gonna eat?”
“does this look edible to you?” you questioned, stabbing the piece of food and holding it up to her. she scrunched her nose and turned away, “no.”
“then no.” you laughed, dropping the fork and pushing your plate away. “can’t we just go to McDonalds? it’s right across the street.” you pouted and gestured your hand towards the window. Elisia shook her head, “and what makes you think their food is better than this shit?”
you shrugged, “it tastes better.”
Elisia laughed, “we’re not going. we have to get back to class soon anyways. we wouldn’t make it back in time. maybe after school on our way home.”
“alright, fi-“ you stopped talking when a boy came over to your table, slipping himself right next to you. Elisia furrowed her eyebrows, “what do you want?”
he smirked, “why so feisty? i’m just here to ask pretty over here if she wants to go to a party with me tonight.” he told Elisia, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
you visibly tensed under his touch, avoiding eye contact by looking down at the ground. Elisia’s face hardened as she stared at him, “she wants nothing to do with you. take your hands off of her.”
he removed his arm and Elisia pulled you closer to her, “don’t touch her like that again, you freak.” she spit out, and you wondered where all of this sudden anger came from. you’ve never seen her like this, not that you were complaining.
“and how do you know she doesn’t want me, eh? you’re the one speaking for her while she just sits here.” he argued back, his demeanor changing as well.
“because she’s my girlfriend, you fucking moron! leave us alone!” she yelled, catching the attention of some others around you.
you looked over at her with wide eyes. as much as you wanted her to be, Elisia wasn’t actually your girlfriend. you’ve spent years hopelessly crushing on her, wondering if it would ever turn into more.
“right, and i’m supposed to believe you, yeah? that’s what this is? you’re clearly just trying to push me awa-” Elisia grabbed your jaw and connected your lips with hers. you kissed back immediately, one of your hands tangling into her hair.
when she pulled away, the man was gone. Elisia smiled proudly, “i knew that would get him to leave.”
you stared at her, dumbfounded. “did you only do that to get him away? or do you actually… you know… like me?” you spoke quietly, although you were scared of her answer.
Elisia smiled once more and pressed her lips to yours briefly, “i actually like you, Y/N.” she told you, “a lot, by the way.” she giggled, pressing another kiss to your nose.
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enid-rhees · 1 year
Alright so I posted a scene of Elisia and Stinger and that scene got me thinking...
So instead of Stinger asking Elisia if she loves Ash, he's asking if she loves the reader right. And instead of Rowan saving Elisia, it's the reader.
And then you take it from there. Just some angst with fluff at the end if ykwim :)
I hope this makes sense lol. Anyway, ily <3
AHHHH i’ve been so excited to start writing this . i really hope u enjoy 🫶🏻💜 and ily2 💜
— warnings: Stinger, guns, shooting, knives, angst.
— a/n: hope you all enjoy! requests are open, if you’d like to request just read pinned for rules 🫶🏻
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you: Elisia?
you: where are you?
you: please text me back so i know you’re safe, wherever you are
you: i love you
staring at the messages that still read delivered under them, you sighed heavily and shut your phone off, pushing it back down into your pocket.
you walked along the streets in the semi-cold air and looked around your surroundings. you knew Elisia was somewhere. she had to be.
your mind started to wander, trying to think of all the places Elisia liked to hide out in. she wasn’t at your house, she would’ve texted you if she was. you pulled your phone out once more and opened your messages, scrolling up to your previous messages from earlier in the day.
Elisia <3: i’ll probably be at Stinger’s, i think he has something to show me, but i’ll come to your place afterwards :)
you stood frozen as you stared at the message. Stinger.
you’ve always had an odd feeling about him, but never verbalized it. you just chose to try and trust him, because maybe he did know what he was doing and could actually help you guys.
you quickly dialed her number, but she never picked up.
“fuck!” you hissed at yourself, shoving your phone into your pocket and running towards the direction of his place. your heart started to race, your thoughts even faster. his place wasn’t far from where you were, so you didn’t bother even trying to get a ride. all you needed was to know that Elisia was okay.
you were out of breath when you finally made it to the suspicious-looking building. you’ve been here before, and almost always felt unsafe just from standing there.
“do you love her?” Stinger asked deeply, slowly taking steps towards Elisia. she backed up, shaking her head. “is Y/N okay? tell me!” she yelled, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
“it doesn’t matter! do you love her?!” he yelled back. Elisia was silent for a moment, and then she took a deep breath. “yes.” she admitted.
Stinger shook his head, reaching to his side to grab a knife off the table next to him. Elisia stumbled back, but he kept slowly moving closer to her.
“who’s King Cobra?” she asked, still trying to keep her distance from him. Stinger laughed, “King Cobra’s just a name.”
“are there more of you?” he smirked, tightening his grip on the knife. “there will always be more of us.”
Elisia hesitated for a moment before trying to make her run for it, but Stinger immediately caught on and blocked her way.
you ran up the stairs, barging into every room to see if Elisia was in one of them. with each empty room, your heart started to race more and more. in the last room you walked into, your foot kicked something heavy.
a gun laid in front of you. when you picked it up, you opened the cartridge. it was fully loaded. you stared at it for a moment before you put the cartridge back in and held it firmly in your hands.
suddenly, a scream echoed throughout the building. you whipped your body around with wide eyes and wasted no time in running towards the sound.
you ran inside a room, just in time to see Stinger holding up a knife to Elisia’s back, getting ready to swing. you didn’t hesitate for a second before shooting at his leg.
Stinger yelled out and fell to the ground, blood pouring from his leg. Elisia gasped and turned around, her frantic eyes finding yours. you set the gun down and ran towards her, and she fell into your arms with sobs leaving her lips.
“oh my god,” you choked out. you pulled away from her, every so gently holding her face in your hands and wiping away the tears from her cheeks with your thumbs. “are you hurt? did he hurt you?” you asked, trying to keep yourself from crying as well.
she shook her head, “i’m okay. did he hurt you?” you copied her, shaking your head. “i’m fine. i just- you’re okay and that’s all that matters. i was so fucking worried, Els.”
you looked down at Stinger writhing in pain on the floor. “lets go.” you ushered her, wrapping your arm over her shoulder protectively and rushing out of the room.
when you made it out of the building, you stopped Elisia and pulled her into another tight hug. the two of you stayed like that for a few moments, just taking in each other’s presence.
you felt Elisia become less tense in your arms, immediately feeling comforted just by your touch. “can we go back to your place?” she whispered in your neck, gripping onto the fabric of your hoodie.
“yeah, yeah let’s go.” you whispered back, pressing a kiss to her head. she pulled away from the hug and instead wrapped her arm around your waist, while you put yours back around her shoulder.
the walk back to your place was quiet, neither of you knew what else to say to each other after that. you pulled your key out of your pocket, unlocking the front door and letting her go in first.
you closed the door and locked it, making sure all of your windows were shut and covered. Elisia had already started to make her way to your bedroom while you did so. you followed her in, and gently took off her jacket for her, throwing it somewhere in the room.
“what do you need?” you asked her softly. she shakily inhaled, “i just want to lay down. please.”
Elisia crawled onto your bed, wrapping herself in your blanket. you got in after her, wrapping your arms around her securely. she rested her head on your chest and closed her eyes.
“thank you for saving me.” she said quietly, almost inaudibly. you looked down at her, “you don’t have to thank me. i’ll do anything for you, Elisia. i would do anything to keep you safe. you’re my everything, i can’t even fathom you getting hurt.”
“i shouldn’t have gone.” she spoke again, this time her voice cracking. you shook your head, “don’t blame yourself, love. you didn’t know. he can’t hurt you anymore, i’ll make sure if it.”
Elisia opened her eyes and looked up at you. she leaned up and connected your lips, holding onto you tighter than before. “i love you,” she whispered when she pulled away, “more than you know.”
“i love you so much, Elisia. so fucking much.” you whispered back, pressing another kiss to her head and cheek. “get some sleep, baby. i’ll be here all night, i wont leave your side.”
she tucked her head back in your neck and inhaled your comforting scent. within a few minutes, she had peacefully fallen asleep in your arms.
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enid-rhees · 1 year
— piercings; elisia brown x fem!reader
— dts; @elisiassideb1tch 🫶🏻
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“take my hand.” Elisia told you softly, holding out her hand. you slipped yours into hers and took a deep breath.
the man in front of you started to cleanse the needle and ready up your piercing design. last night in a burst of energy, Elisia had suggested you get a nose piercing to match hers.
“alright,” the man sighed, turning his chair towards you and moving it closer. “you ready? it will pinch a bit.” he warned, but you nodded. “yeah, i’m ready.”
Elisia quickly pressed a kiss to your head and tightened her grip on your hand. your eyes shut as he placed the needle right in the middle of your nostrils.
tears pricked at your eyes when he poked it through and worked the piercing into your nose. the sting lasted a few seconds, but quickly subsided as he removed the needle. he repositioned the piercing before handing you a mirror, “look good?”
you smiled at your reflection and turned your head left and right to get better looks of it. “it looks incredible.” you told him, “thank you.”
“no problem. you two seem like a really happy couple.” he commented, and your face burned while Elisia's turned bright red.
after Elisia paid - much to your dismay - the two of you walked out of the shop, giggling and laughing like children.
“you seriously look amazing, love. we have matching piercings now!” she shouted excitedly and pulled out her phone, swiping to the camera.
she positioned it in front of you two and you both smiled at the camera. she clicked the button and went to take another one.
before she took the photo, she turned to you and pressed a kiss to your cheek, and then took the photo. “my pretty girl,” she whispered, smiling down at the photo.
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