#tōka yada
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These are fun
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3-e-headcanons · 7 years
Rollercoasters. This is a scenario, right? Any character(s) I guess. The s/o has the opposite feeling towards the ride as whoever you pick. (Like if someone hates them, the s/o loves them, and vice versa)
I gotcha also I actually googled Japanese roller coasters what is life
(Toka Yada x reader)
Scenario under read more but I can’t see read more on our theme ;o;
-Ghost Senpai
I had never been a big fan of theme parks; the loud noise, the ginormous rides, the crowds, did I mention the loud noise? The only reason I had agreed to this date was for Yada, I’d had a pretty obvious crush on her for a while and now I’d finally hit the jackpot and gotten a date with her, despite the fact that I wasn’t the one who set this up (Rio basically tricked us both into it but no complaints here). 
“What about the Thunder Dolphin?” I’d been refusing to ride anything for the entire time we’d been here (of course the spinning tea cups were an exception), Yada grabbed my right arm while using her other hand to point at the towering ride, oh god. “Oh.. uhm..” I stared up at the roller coaster and back at this ridiculously cute girl stood by me, “Maybe at the end? It looks pretty.. long.” My date looked at me with her quizzical purple eyes, she looked as if she had something to say but then changed her mind before opening her mouth again and speaking, “What about The Dive?” She gave me a pouting expression as she played with one of the straps on her orange tank top, I can’t just say no to that face, but my fear. 
“That could be.. fun…” I gave a smile to the adorable brunette, she continued holding onto my arm and marched us both over to The Dive, “So uhh.. what is this ride?” 
“I think you just relax sat down on the ride but you get to shoot things during it!” 
I just wanted a relaxing time with this cute girl and to get away from shooting things yet here I am, going on a ride that I’ve never heard of and continuing to shoot things. “Y-Yada..”
“Hmm?” She kept marching on, barely taking in anything apart from the ride and keeping her grip on me, “I’m sorry but.. I’m not really a big fan of rides.” I slowly stopped walking and removed my smile off my face as I watched her slow her pace before turning around and looking at me, “Why didn’t you just say so?”
She’s too kind! “A-Ah, I just really wanted to still go on the date.” Yada kept her beaming smile on her face before returning some words, “We could’ve gone somewhere you weren’t scared of..” 
“I didn’t say I’m scared!”
“Are you scared of the rides?”
“Maybe, but that’s not the point,” I began to laugh at our current situation before continuing my train of thought and speech, “I still want to have this date with you.” 
“Let’s go on one ride, just one, ‘kay?” I looked at our supposedly class’ older sister as she winked at me causing me to turn into a blushing mess, “Y-Yeah” Deciding a compromise of one ride would be best for both of us we enjoyed the rest of our day in peace.
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arsonist-tittyfuck · 3 years
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Assclass as opossums thread.
some of these we found online and some we edited ourselves, this was a shitpost idea so apologies in advance mwah <3
Shiota Nagisa:
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Akabane Karma:
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Kayano Kaede (after the Nagisa incident) :
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Yoshida Taisei:
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Muramatsu Takuya:
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Itona Horibe:
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Hazama Kirara:
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Terasaka Ryōma:
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Hara Sumire:
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Kimura Masayoshi (Justice) :
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Takebayashi Kōtarō:
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Nakamura Rio:
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Sugino Tomohito:
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Maehara Hiroto:
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Isogai Yūma:
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Mimura Kōki:
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Okuda Manami:
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Kataoka Megu:
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Okajima Taiga:
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Kurahashi Hinano:
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Yada Tōka:
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Hayami Rinka:
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Chiba Ryūnosuke:
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Okano Hinata: 
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Fuwa Yuzuki:
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Karasuma Tadaomi:
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Irina Jelavić:
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The Reaper:
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thanks to @handy-dandy-headcanons​ for your help!
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skyflyinginaction · 6 years
Assassination classroom: Class E classmates name meanings
In case if you didn’t know if I didn’t add the names its because I didn’t know what kanji with hiragana and katakana to use for there names
Yūma Isogai 磯貝 悠馬 Yuu (悠) means "distant, leisurely,permanence” ma (馬) means “horse” Iso (磯) means “seashore” gai (貝) is an abbreviation of “kai” means “shellfish”
Taiga Okajima 岡島 大河 Tai (大) means large or big and ga (河) is an abbreviation of ka means “river” together means “big river” Oka (岡) means “hill” jima(島) is the abbreviation of shima means “island”
Hinata Okano 岡野 ひなた Oka (岡) means “hill” and no means “an area, field”
Manami Okuda 奥田 愛美 mana (愛) means “love, affection” and mi (美) means "beauty" together means “affectionate love” oku (奥) means “inside,inner depths,one's heart, true feelings, heart, interior” and da (田) means “rice paddy”
Megu Kataoka 片岡 メグ Kata (片) means “one part of a pair” oka (岡) means “hill”.
Yukiko Kanzaki 神崎 有希子 Yu (有) means “possession” ki (希) means “hope” and ko (子) means “child” Kan (神) means “a deity or god” and zaki (崎) the abbreviation of saki means “peninsula; promontory; cape; spit”
Masayoshi Kimura 木村 正義 Masayoshi (正義) means “justice” in kanji his real name Justice so the kanji is used to fit it. Ki (木) means “tree” and mura (村) means “village”
Hinano Kurahashi 倉橋 陽菜乃 Hi (陽) means “the sun”, na (菜) means "vegetables, greens" and no (乃) is “a possessive particle” means “of” Kura (倉) means ”Storehouse”and hashi (橋) means “bridge”
Sōsuke Sugaya 菅谷 創介 So (創) means "genesis, hurt, injury, originate, start, wound" and suke (介) means "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, shellfish”. Suge (菅) means “sedge” and ya (谷) means “valley”.
Tomohito Sugino 杉野 友人 Tomo (友) means “friend” and hito (人) means “person” Sugi (杉) means “a Japanese cedar” and no (野) means “an area, field”
Kōtarō Takebayashi 竹林 孝太郎 Ko (孝) means “filial piety,mourning” and taro (太郎) means “eldest son or strong, heroic, masculine” used at the end of boys names Take (竹) means “bamboo” and bayashi (林) is the is the abbreviation of hayashi means “woods”
Ryūnosuke Chiba 千葉 龍之介 Ryu (龍) means "dragon”,no (之) means “a possessive marker” and suke (介) means "forerunner, herald" Chi (千) means “thousand” and ba (葉) the abbreviation of ha means “leaf” all together means "thousand leaves"
Ryōma Terasaka 寺坂 竜馬 Ryo (竜) means “dragon”, ma (馬) means “horse” together means “Dragon and horse” Tera (寺) means “a Buddhist temple”, saka (坂) means “slope, hill”
Rio Nakamura 中村 莉桜 Ri (莉) means "white jasmine" o (桜) means "cherry blossom" Naka (中) means “middle” and mura (村) means “village”
Kirara Hazama 狭間 綺羅々 Ki (綺) means “thin twilled silk fabric”, ra (羅) means “lightweight fabric” and ra (々) is a repeater of ra Kirara means something that is “like twinkle or something shiny” (キララ) Hazu (狭) means “cramped, narrow, contract, tight” and ma (間) means “space and room”
Rinka Hayami 速水 凛香 Rin (凛) means “dignified,severe, cold” and ka (香) means “a pleasant smell; a scent, a fragrance, an aroma” Haya (速) means “fast, speedy” and mi (水) means “water”
Sumire Hara 原 寿美鈴 Su (寿) means “longevity, long life,congratulations”, mi (美) means “beauty” and re (鈴) means “a bell, chime” Hara (原) means “meadow, plain, field”
Yuzuki Fuwa 不破 優月 Yu means “tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness” and zuki means “moon” together means “Tender moon”. Fu means “un-; non-; negative prefix” and wa means “break,cut”
Hiroto Maehara 前原 陽斗 Hiro means “the sun” and to means “Big Dipper, ten sho (vol), sake dipper, dots and cross radical (no. 68) ” Mae means “the front” and Hara (原) means “meadow, plain, field”
Kōki Mimura 三村 航輝 Ko (航) means “navigate, sail, cruise, fly” and ki (輝) means “radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle” Mi (三) means “three” and mura (村) means “village”
Takuya Muramatsu 村松 拓哉 Taku (拓) means "expand, open, support" and ya (哉) “an exclamation” Mura (村) means “village” and matsu (松) means “a pine tree”
Tōka Yada 矢田 桃花 To means “peach” and ka means “flower” Ya (矢) means “arrow” and da (田) means “rice paddy”
Taisei Yoshida 吉田 大成 Tai (大) means “big or large” and sei (成) means “to become,to do something” Yoshi (吉) means “lucky (or good)” and da (田) means “rice paddy” together means “lucky (or good) rice paddy”
Ritsu 律 Ritsu’s (律) name means “law” her name is taken from Jiritsu (自律) meaning Autonomy
Itona Horibe 堀部 糸成 (イトナ) Ito means “thread” and na (成) means “to become,to do something” Hori means “ditch, canal,moat” and be means “section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine”
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From Afar
From Afar by Emperor Quarter
Tōka couldn't understand why Kataoka couldn't look past Isogai. The two shared a general fondness for each other, but he just didn't feel that way. Logically, it wouldn't happen.
She totally wasn't jealous, just logical.
Words: 974, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Pride Month Oneshots
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kataoka Megu, Touka Yada, Isogai Maehara, Muramatsu Takuya
Relationships: Kataoka Megu/Yada Touka
Additional Tags: Day 4: First Kiss, Onesided Kataoka/Isogai, Lots of mentioned ships
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14873085
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assclass-headcanons · 7 years
Have you seen BNHA? What do you think E classes superpowers ( aka "quirks" ) would be?
I put quite a bit of thought into these, and I skipped the students I had no idea what to do for (if you’d like me to do some more let me know). I’m also bad at coming up with quirk names, so I just described it. This was a super cool request! Thanks to @imagine-assclass for helping out on some of these!
Karma AkabaneKarma can teleport anywhere he can see/imagine clearly. He often would use this power to get up to mischief, such as pranking people and then getting away quickly by teleporting. 
Isogai YuumaIsogai can travel back to any moment in time that he can think of, as long as he knows the date, place, and time. However, he can’t change anything about what happens, only spectate to see exactly what did. 
Manami OkudaOkuda can create explosions out of any chemical she can think of. Smaller explosions don’t take very long, but larger explosions tend to take longer. Creating these can also be quiet energy-sapping, so often after creating a lot she’ll have to rest.
Kaede KayanoKayano has the ability to look like anyone she wants to. She’s already super skilled at acting, so being able to look like other people makes her a super great impersonator! 
Masayoshi KimuraKimura has the ability to get a quick speed boost whenever he needs it. Every ten seconds he can use it, otherwise he’ll collapse of exhaustion. Each burst propels him forward from twenty-fifty feet, depending on how strong he makes it.
Hinano KurahashiHer quirk gives her the ability to communicate with any living thing (any animal, plant, etc). Living things naturally love her, so they’re glad to help her out whenever she needs it. She can only use this power for about thirty minutes at a time, and needs a few minutes of a break in between.
Nagisa ShiotaNagisa can easily instill fear in anyone, simply by looking into their eyes pfft that’s basically true already. Anyone who he targets will feel a terrible fear and panic go through their body, and it’ll make it hard for his opponent to think straight. However, it won’t work if his opponent’s eyes are covered by anything.
Tomohito SuginoSugino has temporary increased strength and speed. It makes him incredibly quick and strong for about thirty seconds, and he must wait another ten before using it again. 
Ryūnosuke ChibaHis eyes can zoom in on anything, similarly to how a camera would. They can also detect any movement in his field of vision (though this takes a little bit), making him a valuable sniper.
Rio NakamuraRio is able to predict people’s next moves in any situation. She is incredibly intelligent, so she can decide what to do next easily. Whether it’s in battle or simply predicting how someone will react to having their face smashed into a pie, she can do it up to five seconds before the event takes place.
Kirara HazamaKirara can make any place darker, and anybody in that space but her would be totally unable to see. She can’t use it often (sometimes only once per day), but the effects last for a few hours.
Rinka HayamiHer forearms have built-in guns, simply by raising her arm and squeezing her hand into a fist she can fire them. They’re not always visible, but are most of the time.
Tōka YadaHer quirk is the ability to convince others of anything. With just a few words or a brief statement by her, you can have people believing that chairs are poison. The effects last an hour, then the people she uses it on will come back to their senses.
Itona HoribeItona can fix anything with the touch of his hand. It takes a while to work, but it’s less work than to hire a mechanic. His hand doesn’t need to be on the object during the process, simply touch it once and it begins to take effect.
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scrivenger-grimgar · 8 years
Assassination Classroom E3|Strike Team Au
This is the full version of what I posted before. Same story.
Striker - a pure attacking force Interrogation - interrogate and gain information Strategist - create plans and modes of attack Tech - operate and construct the nessecery equipment Undercover- perform assassinations secretly Support - heal and create opportunities and openings Reconnaissance - gather information Tactician - combination of Striker and Strategist WBS - combination of Striker and Support Sniper - long range Tactician 2 Roles Maximum
Tadaomi Karasuma BB Aka Tengu / Karasu Tengu Role Tactician
Irina Jelavić GG Aka Eros / Apollos Role Undercover
Karma Akabane E1 BB Aka Lucifer Role Tactician Interrogation Squad Ouroboros
Yuuma Isogai E2 BB Aka Role tactician Squad Ouroboros
Okajima Taiga E3 BB Aka Akapāra (turtle island in Hindu ____|mythology, pun on name ‘Okajima’, ____|‘oka’ with the alternative ____|pronunciation 'kame’ meaning turtle ____|and 'Jima’ or 'shima’ meaning island) Role reconnaissance Squad
Hinata Okano E4 GG Aka Role Squad
Manami Okuda E5 GG Aka Campe Role Support / Tech Squad
Megu Kataoka E6 GG Aka Role Squad
Kaede Kayano E7 GG Aka Medusa Role WBS Squad Ouroboros
Yukiko Kanzaki E8 GG Aka Skuld (future in Nihongo 'sakayuki’, ____|therefore, pun on name 'Yukiko’) Role Squad The Norns
Masayoshi Kimura E9 BB Aka Role Squad
Hinano Kurahashi E10 GG Aka Jorogumo Role support Squad Kitsune
Nagisa Shiota E11 BB Aka Kaliya Nāga Role Tactician Squad Ouroboros
Sōsuke Sugaya E12 BB Aka Role Squad
Tomohito Sugino E13 BB Aka Verdandii (past in Nihongo, 'Sugi’, ____|therefore, pun on the name 'Sugino’) Role Squad The Norns
Kōtarō Takebayashi E14 BB Aka Role Strategist Squad
Ryūnosuke Chiba E15 BB Aka Role Sniper Squad
Ryōma Terasaka E16 BB Aka Minotaur Role Striker Squad Fafnir
Rio Nakamura E17 GG Aka Role Undercover Squad Kitsune
Kirara Hazama E18 GG Aka Litch Role Interrogation Squad Fafnir
Rinka Hayami E19 GG Aka Role Sniper Squad
Sumire Hara E20 GG Aka Krasue Role Traps'n'stuff Squad
Yuzuki Fuwa E21 GG Aka Nogami Neuro Role Undercover strategist Squad Kitsune
Itona Horibe E28 BB Aka Kraken Role Tech WBS Squad Fafnir
Hiroto Maehara E22 BB Aka Bruxsa Role Striker Squad
Kōki Mimura E23 BB Aka Bisclavret Role strategist Reconnaissance Squad
Takuya Muramatsu E24 BB Aka Role Squad Fafnir
Tōka Yada E25 BB Aka Role Undercover strategist Squad Kitsune
Taisei Yoshida E26 BB Aka Role Striker Squad Fafnir
ATFA Ritsu E27 GN Aka Role Tech Strategist Squad All
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So I’m re-reading the manga and I’m on chapter 161 and all I can think is “poor Yada!!” Like these grown ass military men really grabbed her and harassed her. I felt so terrible and uncomfortable reading that part, and while I’m so glad she got saved, I don’t think any girl would brush something off like that so easily?? At least, I wish we saw her taking one of those guys down in the mountain takeover. -🌷
No no i totally agree, i can’t recall that being in the show? tho i haven’t watched it in ages and im only on chap 7 of manga but heck... 
if it’s one thing i really really really wish Matsui would do, its to give other characters a chance to save themselves and be who they are instead of it always being karma nagisa or sometimes terasaka. Like when Irina suddenly came up with the piano plan? boom amazing, it wasnt anything like karma running into the room because “hes best boi he can distract them” so yeah i agree i wish yada took some people down yeah!
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Assclass alignment charts
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Hopefully my crappy memes make up for my inactivity!
Also bad word warning sorry!
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Day 6: Secrets (Kurahashi/Yada)
Hinano Kurahashi.
A girl. A classmate. 
One of my closest friends. One of the prettiest people I know.
Her green eyes meet mine. My heart flutters.
Is this normal?
When she looks at me, my head spins.
When she touches me, I feel electricity.
Her cheerful smile is so bright that I can hardly look at it.
Why is the the only special one?
It’s not as though she’s my only friend. 
I’m friends with most of the girls in my class.
Hinano Kurahashi.
Hearing her name makes my heart flutter.
What is this feeling?
This isn’t love, is it?
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E class kids as songs from Moon’s voca list
Don’t mind that some of these are really edgy, it’s vocaloid. Some are more logical than others, I had to go with what I had lmao. 
please dont judge me if you think some aren’t right, everything is an opinion. 
E-1 Karma Akabane  -> Venom (Kairiki Bear feat. Flower) 
E-2 Yūma Isogai  -> Blessed Messiah and the Tower of Ai (Hitoshizuku-PxYamaΔ feat. several voices)
E-3 Taiga Okajima  -> I Can Take off My Panties (Chom-P feat. Kagamine Rin)
E-4 Hinata Okano  -> Love Trial (40Meter-P feat. Hatsune Miku) 
E-5 Manami Okuda  -> Otome Dissection (DECO*27 feat. Hatsune Miku)
E-6 Megu Kataoka  -> A Realistic Logical Idealist (Goboumen feat. IA)
E-7 Kaede Kayano  -> Liar Dance (DECO*27 feat. Hatsune Miku) 
E-8 Yukiko Kanzaki   -> Chocolate Box (IchiokuenP feat. Kagamine Rin & Len) 
E-9 Masayoshi Kimura   -> Secret Police (Buriru-P feat. Hatsune Miku) 
E-10 Hinano Kurahashi   -> Tears River (MikitoP feat. Hatsune Miku)
E-11 Nagisa Shiota   -> Ghost Rule (DECO*27 feat. Hastune Miku) 
E-12 Sōsuke Sugaya   -> Piece of Art (KIRA feat. GUMI) 
E-13 Tomohito Sugino   -> Just Be Friends (Dixie Flatline feat. Megurine Luka) 
E-14 Kōtarō Takebayashi   -> Maid Factor (YogarasuP feat. Kagamine Rin & Len) 
E-15 Ryūnosuke Chiba   -> Machine Gun (KIRA feat. GUMI) 
E-16 Ryōma Terasaka  -> BRING IT ON (GigaP/Reol feat. Kagamine Rin & Len) 
E-17 Rio Nakamura  -> World is Mine (Ryo feat. Hatsune Miku)          (because she’s a queen)
E-18 Kirara Hazama   -> Ghosts Play to the Audience (PinocchioP feat. Hatsune Miku)
E-19 Rinka Hayami  -> Assassin Princess (Mitchie M feat. Hatsune Miku) 
E-20 Sumire Hara  -> Sweet Magic (Junky feat. Kagamine Rin) 
E-21 Yuzuki Fuwa   -> Libretto of Phantom Thief “f” ~Mystery of Diamond Disappeared (Hitoshizuku feat. several voices)
E-22 Hiroto Maehara   -> Systematic Love (Camellia feat. Hatsune Miku)
E-23 Kōki Mimura  -> Art Block (Egg feat. Hatsune Miku)          (but in a film making way?) 
E-24 Takuya Muramatsu  -> Crepe! Three minute cooking (Fuwari-P feat. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len, Megurine Luka)
E-25 Tōka Yada   -> Narcissism Kawaism (Mitchie M feat. Hatsune Miku)
E-26 Taisei Yoshida  -> Momentary Drive (Taki Yoshimitsu, Ogata Kaiki, Ijima Keisuke feat IA) 
E-27 Ritsu  -> Burenai Ai de (Mitchie M feat. Hatsune Miku)
E-28 Itona Horibe   -> Remote Control (Wonderful*Opportunity feat. Kagamine Rin & Len) 
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what type of yeets do you think class 3E would be?
Karma Akabane: arrogant yeetYūma Isogai: yeets the goldfish from the fairTaiga Okajima: perv yeetHinata Okano: flexible yeetManami Okuda: chemical yeetMegu Kataoka: presidential yeetKaede Kayano: dEcEpTiVe PuDdInG yEeTYukiko Kanzaki: gentle yeet Masayoshi Kimura: very fast yeetHinano Kurahashi: bug yeetNagisa Shiota: male or female yeet?Sōsuke Sugaya: artistic yeetTomohito Sugino: yeets with baseball batKōtarō Takebayashi: needs glasses to yeetRyūnosuke Chiba: stealthy yeetRyōma Terasaka: HEFTY YEETRio Nakamura: yeets in EnglishKirara Hazama: yeet of darkness Rinka Hayami: another stealthy yeetSumire Hara: hungry yeetYuzuki Fuwa: OWO YEET IS SO AMAZING LIKE IN EPISODE 6Hiroto Maehara: flirty yeetKōki Mimura: mushroom yeetTakuya Muramatsu: he yeets loofah And noodles Tōka Yada: Gay yeetTaisei Yoshida: broom broom motorbike yeetRitsu: virtual yeetItona Horibe: monotonous yeet
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