#t'challa: now u know what fear is :
astro-rain · 3 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter seventeen - “wouldn’t dream of it”
delicate masterlist
word count: 4.7k
synopsis: reader has a strange dream that ends up bringing on a cascade of various events and feelings.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
A/N: feel free to drop any opinions/thoughts/predictions below (or in my asks if u wanna be anonymous!!)
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She would have woken up from a night's sleep saturated with regret... if she had slept a wink. She spent the night tossing and turning, and at about five in the morning, the pursuit of rest was abandoned.
Forcefully and exasperatedly, she sat straight up, glaring at the clock and letting the blanket pool around her waist. Y/N had her weekly meeting with Shuri at nine o'clock... that meant four hours to kill. More like four more hours of trudging through thoughts, memories, questions, and fears surrounding the previous day. Four more hours of ruminating over Bucky Barnes. This seemed to become a reoccurring activity her life.
She stared at the wall, thinking about how before, there was at least the excuse of being drunk: maybe not completely knowing what she was doing, maybe not remembering something correctly. But they were sober this time... she was sober. And what struck her was that, when it happened, when he kissed her, there was no moment of initial startle. There was no surprise jerk back or woah-what-are-you-doing response. Their bodies just fell into form. She just fell into form. Like it was an instinct. Like they were both used to it, and had done it a number of times before.
She wasn't sure what shocked her more: the fact that he kissed her or the fact that she kissed him back. Was he being bold? Or did she lead him on? Had she been leading him on? He wouldn't have done it on his own account, right? She had a degree of difficulty in believing she was wanted. Truly.
She could've sworn that she wasn't this emotionally invested. She could've sworn that if she couldn't control what she was feeling, she could at least control what she was doing. She rubbed her eyes, wondering where she went so wrong. It probably happened at some point during the isolated time she had been spending with Bucky in a secret corner of the world, not minding the least bit that she had been away from home and work for months whilst working on a project hardly anyone else was even aware of.
Even with all this in mind, she didn't seem to care. She didn't really mind that she hadn't been home in ages, it didn't really bother her that she might be in trouble when she gets back for helping enemy of the state Sharon Carter, runaway fugitive Steve Rogers, or war criminal James Buchanan Barnes. Because every time she thought about the consequences, it just didn't seem to matter more than what was keeping her in Wakanda... Besides, she guessed Bucky would probably be pardoned and after everything settled down, who would pay any attention to her? It's not like she mattered in the grand scheme.
As soon as that very thought arose, she could hear Bucky's voice scolding her in the back of her head. Why was he always there?
Frustrated, she groaned into the air in front of her. Her feelings were so confusing, she wasn't even sure what exactly it was she felt towards Bucky. On one hand, she felt fiercely protective over him: she'd go down fighting before she'd let anyone lay a hand on him, prepared to stay in his corner forever, ready on defense.
But at the same time, she felt this ineffable sense of warmth for him. Like one look at the way his eyes crinkle when he smiled, and she'd turn soft as water. Like being in his vicinity smoothed out the rough around her edges.
And if all this wasn't enough, now she had been touched by him, she had felt his lips and the gentleness in his skin. This brought a cascade of new feelings, ones she knew she had to hide. It... was definitely a problem. She knew, don't get her wrong, she knew it was a problem. As much as she understood this irrefutable fact, the numbness in her lips just wouldn't go away. He had remained with her even hours later. She couldn't get rid of his heartbeat; it was still in her hand. She could still feel him.
Basically, she knew this most recent development was an issue. She knew it was bad, wrong, worrisome, and whatever else. And knowing this, recognizing the very hot water she was in, the only thing she could focus on was trying to ignore the recurrent desire to be near him, to find him and be close to him.
She plopped back down on her back and elected to cast a burning glare at the ceiling until she had to get ready for her meeting.
"I think it might be too hot for this," she complained with a smile on her face.
"It was your idea," he said, a few steps ahead of her, "and we're almost there, so buck up."
She laughed. He smiled at the sound.
"What?" he asked.
"You said buck up. Like Buck... Bucky. Like you."
He just looked at her, amused. Sun kissed and happy.
"It's fitting," she shrugged, grinning.
"Guess so. Hurry up, slow poke. You're gonna fall behind."
"I'm already behind," she huffed . "Your super soldier legs are too fast for me."
"Well," he stopped short and she finally caught up, standing right beside him, "we're here. So worry not."
He looked over at her to find her already looking at him. Funny how their eyes always found each other like that.
"What?" he asked again, not able to help how the corners of his mouth turned up just slightly.
"Nothin.’ Everything," she shrugged. "You."
Perhaps she just liked looking at him. Him and his long hair and light eyes. Was that such a crime? His skin looked caramelized under the sun. She wanted to reach out and touch him.
"You're a real peach, y'know that?" he smirked.
She looked away, pretending to find the grass around them spectacularly interesting while hiding a dopey smile at his compliment.
"Hey, doll face. I'm a lot more fun than the grass, I swear," he teased. "Lemme see my favorite face."
"Hold on." She got an idea.
She reached down beside her and plucked a flower from the soil.
"A little hibiscus," she smiled, tucking the small flower behind his ear. God, he was just so pretty.
She stood back, satisfied with her decor. She sighed, content. How couldn't she be? She was looking at two of the most beautiful things. Flowers and Bucky.
As soon as it was securely in place, Bucky bent down to pick the hibiscus that sat right next to the one Y/N chose. Mirroring her actions, he placed it behind her ear.
"A little hibiscus," he repeated fondly, "for a real peach!"
She didn't dare try to hide the next dopey grin while taking in the sight before her, of Bucky beaming in the sunlight with a flower in his hair. Looking at this, she understood why mankind began to paint. Why there needed to be someway to capture something as precious as this, some method of preserving something so idyllic and beautiful and pure and perfect.
Perfect like the cool, fresh water of the lake. Their lake. Their place. The flowing, breathing water she felt around her waist. They floated around, her and Bucky, as light as air in that lake.
The two were weightless, adoration suspended in animation. The water preserved the feeling of feather light kisses and chests pressed together and hands beginning to roam. If only she could be closer to him. Her fingers in his hair and his palms on either side of her face wasn't enough. She needed more. More, more, more of him.
Skin is so soft and the sun is so warm and soon enough, the water was up to her shoulders as his arms ran up her back. Arms plural, she noticed. He held her with both, protectively enclosing the longing feeling between them.
"Oh, fucking hell!" Y/N sprang up, throwing the blanket off of her.
She must've fallen asleep... and began to dream... She could imagine if her brain was a person, it'd be laughing at her for that.
Why? Why? What was the reason for this? There was no point! How frustrating! How embarrassing that her mind betrayed her with dreams of him.
"God damn it," she swore under her breath.
She wanted to angrily shake her fist in the air like vengeful cartoon character, as she got out of bed and headed towards her wardrobe.
It was 8 a.m. One hour until her meeting with Shuri. She would spend the time changing her outfit until it was distracting enough to draw her attention away from thoughts of that damn lake... and his damn hands...
"My friend!" Shuri greeted in her usual upbeat manner. "How are you? How are things?"
There was absolutely no way to answer this honestly.
"I'm doin' well. Same old, same old. How 'bout you?"
"Good as always," she smiled. "Thank you."
Y/N took a seat at one of the tables in Shuri's lab. "So how is T'Challa doing with Nakia?"
"Oh, who knows these days! He is so awkward, I have no idea!"
They both laughed. Y/N was glad she and Shuri were able to talk like this. They weren't just robotic colleagues who only communicated when they needed to. They were partners, and they worked well together.
The meeting commenced like it did every other week. Updates on Bucky's progress, new ideas or adjustments to treatment or planning, going over scans or data, you name it. But this time, she had something else in mind. Something that a dream reminded her of. She had mentioned maybe getting her hands on a prosthetic for Bucky. She wasn’t familiar with the prosthetics industry in Wakanda, but they could probably make something work.
Was that too much? Did she care too much? Was she showing too much regard for him? Was this too much to ask of her?
"Hey, remember a couple weeks ago when I talked about prosthetics?"
"Of course," Shuri smiled. She genuinely enjoyed her partner - her partner who was intelligent, confident, and articulate but still sometimes sounded shy. "You wanna see what I've been working on?"
"You... you ordered one? I didn't-"
"Oh, no. Not ordered. Just you wait," she said, pulling out a drawer to dig amongst papers. "I've been workin' my magic."
Shuri pulled out a manilla folder that had W.W. - Proj. 1 printed on it.
She dropped the folder in front of the psychologist who sat across from her, gesturing for her to look through it. Y/N opened it to see several pages of prosthetics research, information on cybernetics and various designs for a bionic arm.
"Oh... wow." Y/N marveled.
"What do you think?"
"It's incredible," Y/N shook her head. "I didn't- ... I thought you meant you bought one or something. I didn't know you designed one"
"I didn't just design it. I made it."
"You- what?"
"Yep. First model ready for use. Do you want to see it?"
"I'd love to."
Shuri walked her over to a large, rectangular case in the side of the lab.
"Holy shit," she let slip.
The arm was astounding: a glossy black with ridges etched in a shiny gold. It glimmered, sitting in its casing.
Shuri laughed. Thank you."
"Sorry. Excuse my French. This is... remarkable. Can I give it to him?"
"I suppose so. It hasn't got much use just sitting in my lab."
Excitement grew in her chest. Bucky would be able to have an arm he was in control of, one that wasn't forcefully attached to him and used as a weapon. In a way, he would be gaining a sense of autonomy. God, she wanted to see him right away and tell him the news. She was happy to make Bucky happy.
"Oh," Shuri perked her head up. "And there was something else I wanted to talk to you about."
"Yeah, what's up?"
"You're aware of the trigger words, correct?"
"Of course."
"I'm close to fully deconstructing the mind control, but there's no way to know for sure unless we test it out..."
Oh. The excitement dissipated and her stomach dropped. She didn't mean...
"You don't mean..."
"The effect and response of the words needs to be tested on him."
Oh God. There was no way this would be easy.
"And you need to be the one to do it."
"Me?" she tried to hide her shock, her worry, her now overwhelming urge to protect him. "How come?"
"It seems like he trusts you most out of everyone here. I consulted with the Doras about safety and we think that if something were to go wrong, it'd be safest to happen with you. Of course they'll be nearby, but you'd be the one mostly likely to be able to control him in that state."
Her mouth went dry. Control him? She could never. She would never. She knew, in depth, the anguish he carried in his bones as a result of being trapped as a weapon wielded by other people. The thought of her controlling him made her skin crawl.
She knew how much he feared the Winter Soldier and how he would hate losing touch with himself again. He's been free from this kind of violation for a while now; she had very much rather not take that freedom away.
At the same time, she understood how this test was necessary for a full recovery and rehabilitation. And who knows if the words will even work? Maybe she'll say them and nothing will even happen.
He would have to get over this obstacle in order to make it to the other side clean. She could only imagine how scary this would be for him. But she'd be damned if she wasn't going to be right there with him.
"Okay," she said dryly. "When... when are we gonna do this?"
"Not yet but soon. I'll keep you updated."
The rest of the meeting carried on as usual, but Y/N might as well have not even been there. Her mind was off. Off somewhere trying to think of how to tell Bucky the news. The very last thing in the world she wanted to do was hurt him. She'd take his place if she could.
As soon as she was free from the calm, professional facade she had going with Shuri, she found herself speed walking back to where Bucky was. She needed to get to him. Now.
When his hut was in sight, she was nervous. She was nervous before, she supposed. She just wanted everything to be okay.
"Buck," she called, a few steps away from the entryway. "I need to talk to you!"
When she stepped inside she froze in place, staring blankly at the two super soldiers in front of her instead of the one she expected. Two as in Bucky and Steve.
"Y/N," Bucky stood up. He sounded surprised.
"Oh-uh," she stuttered. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I can come back later."
"That's okay," Steve's voice was gentle. "I'll leave you... to it."
Steve threw Bucky a look she couldn't quite decipher before he left. Bucky just looked panicked.
And soon enough they were alone. They stood directly in front of each other, but with a noticeably awkward amount of space between them. The tiny part of her brain that was still mulling over the dream wanted him closer.
"Hey," he said softly.
"You wanted to talk?"
"Yeah," she breathed. "It's uh... there's kind of a lot."
"Look, about yesterday, I-"
Oh. She completely forgot about that. Well, not completely. There was no way she could forget that. But, at the moment there were more pressing matters on her mind.
"It's not about yesterday."
"No. I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"
"Uh... bad news?"
She took a steady breath in. She wasn't sure exactly how to tell him, she just knew he needed to know. He deserved nothing but the truth.
"So, I was just with Shuri and we discussed the next step in your treatment..."
He said nothing, waiting for the aforementioned "bad news." She continued.
"Apparently, we have to test the trigger words on you..."
His expression dropped and she watched all the color drain from his face.
"I know. I'm sorry. I don't wanna do it, but we have to do it to see if it's really outta your head."
"Yeah, that's the problem," he finally spoke. "What if it's not? Then I hurt someone - or multiple people. There's gotta be some other way to test it."
"You're not going to hurt anyone. Or multiple people."
"How can you say that?"
"It's just gonna be the two of us."
"Shuri thought the safest way of doing this was for me to conduct the test. That way, if things ever got out of hand, which is very unlikely to happen, I'd be the best bet at... handling... that situation. Since you know me the best."
"No way. There's no way. I thought you meant they were gonna strap me down and have some lab tech read them. This is way too unsafe-"
"Strap you down? Bucky, no-"
He still saw himself as an animal that needed to be contained. Muzzled.
"What if I hurt you?" his voice shook just a little.
The fear in his eyes was potent. It made her angry. Angry at Hydra and whoever the fuck else had a hand in this sin against the kind and gentle man who stood before her. The man who was genuinely scared of himself. How dare they make him feel so unsafe within his own mind, within his own body. All she wanted to do was make it better, and suddenly, she could no longer stand for the distance between them. She stepped forward and grasped his hand between both of hers.
"I trust you, Buck," she smiled a small but earnest smile, letting him know that she truly was here for him. "Entirely. I promise. Okay?"
He nodded, still reluctant and entirely scared.
"Do you trust me?" she asked.
"I do. I trust you, I do," he cast his glance downwards, almost in shame. "It's myself I don't trust."
Her chest twisted with an emotion difficult to place. Mostly, it was the desire to take every ounce of pain away. She wished she could just snap her fingers and make it fade into nothing.
"That's okay," she said.
He looked back up at her, confused.
"You don't have to trust yourself. That's hard enough as it is and Hydra didn't make it any easier. You just trust me, alright? I'm the one reading the words, so, even though I'd hate it, if you were to be... activated... you'd be listening to me not trying to fight me," she squeezed his hand. "And I will not let anything happen to you."
"I'm not worried about me..."
She knew. She was not stupid; she knew that Bucky was separate from the Winter Soldier and that theoretically, the Winter Soldier - and only the Winter Soldier - had the potential to hurt her. She wasn't blind to the dangers, but she also wasn't blind to the fact that there was no exact science to brainwashing. Whos to say nothing could ever seep through the programming? She knew what happened with Bucky when he was forced to fight Steve for the first time. How it changed him.
Even though the Winter Soldier was in there, there was more of Bucky. She knew that for sure. And she needed to make sure he knew one thing: even if the Winter Soldier was trying to claw his way back and entire world was against him, she saw Bucky and trusted Bucky and believed in Bucky. She was a constant. And she wouldn’t give up on him.
"What, you're worried about me?" she joked, lightheartedly. She took the hand she was holding and pressed it against her cheek. "This wouldn't hurt me, James Buchanan."
He sighed, feeling the warmth from her face. He did not deserve this kindness and he definitely did not trust himself despite her trust in him. Of course Bucky would never hurt her. But Bucky wasn't the Winter Soldier. And he didn't have the heart to tell her what the Winter Soldier could or would do. He didn't have the stomach to even think about what would happen if the Winter Soldier actually did something.
But there was something about the way she believed in him, the way her conviction was so strong. It made him almost start to doubt these feelings. He could never be sure of everything being okay, but at least he could be sure of her.
"Okay," he whispered.
"I'll do it."
"Alright," she smiled.
She removed his hand from her face, but still held onto it.
"And even if you did try to fight me, I think I could go a couple rounds in the ring with the Winter Soldier. I'm big and tough."
They both laughed knowing she had very minimal fight training.
"You'd definitely kick my ass," Bucky chuckled.
She just smiled. And then her eyes grew wide.
"Oh! You wanna know the good news?"
Bucky watched her briefly disappear through the entryway before returning with a big, rectangular case. He raised an eyebrow.
"That's good news? What is it, a bomb?"
"I don't do bombs... arson only."
The look on his face made her wonder if he actually questioned whether or not she was serious. She fought laughter as she opened the case. It was silent for a moment. Y/N looked at him, waiting for a reaction.
"Is that... for me?"
"All yours, Buck. A favor I asked of Shuri."
She told him about the arm. Told him about Shuri's design, and the features and functionality. She didn't mention what made her think to ask Shuri, but that surely wasn't important.
"It's really cool, and like super sleek and badass. But more importantly, it will make you feel more... I don't wanna say regular 'cause nothing about you is regular," a shy smile slipped. "But more... how you're used to having your body feel and function."
"That's..." he shook his head before looking up and making dauntingly deliberate eye contact. "Thank you. For thinkin' of me. I mean it. I hope it wasn't too much trouble for her to make it."
"Nothin's too much trouble, Bucky. You're worth it."
"You're a real peach, y’know that?"
Suddenly she looked abashed. Did he say something wrong?
"Sorry- I didn't-"
"No, it's okay. I just got a weird sense of déjà vu. Don't worry about it."
He looked at her like he didn't quite believe her, but she tried not to think too hard about it.
"So..." Bucky gestured towards the arm. "...what do we do with this?"
"You wanna try it on?"
His brows shot up. "Oh! I mean- sure- I guess so, yeah."
She tried to pick it up and nearly threw her back out. "Jesus!"
"Woah there, tiger," he withheld a laugh, putting a hand under the vibranium arm to hold most of its weight.
"Okay, sit down," she ordered, both of them fumbling to hold onto the arm. "Shuri told me how to get the arm on. There's some... magnetic thing. I don't even know - it was some complex engineering lingo. Not my field."
After a couple minutes, clumsy hands attempting awkward assembly, and several curse words later... the arm was attached. They both stood as Bucky stuck out the bionic arm, admiring it and Y/N leaned back, admiring him. Wow.
Bucky smiled, holding both his forearms out - palms facing up - to see how they moved. "This is incredible."
He turned to her. "You're incredible. Thank you."
"No problem at all," she stepped forward. "How does it feel?"
Her hands found their way below his, cupping the underneath of them with a feather light touch. "How do you feel?"
"More... balanced," he laughed. "Coordinated?"
She looked up at him. "Confident? More comfortable in your own skin? That's what's most important."
He gripped her hands. "For sure. Thanks to you."
"Glad I could help. Just wanna make you feel more like yourself, you know?"
"I feel the most like myself when I'm with you," he nearly whispered.
He smiled, and then did something... unexpected. He let go of one of her hands and with the other, he twirled her around as if they were dancing. She went along with the movement, body falling in sync it even though she was confused.
"You make me wanna dance again."
With his voice so endearing, and his heart so spirited, the world around them fell quiet. She stepped forward and rested her hand on his shoulder. Then she placed one of his hands on her waist, and held the other out to the side, fingers intertwined with hers. And oh, the feeling of his hands on her; it was nearly overwhelming.
"Then dance."
And they swayed. They swayed to nothing, to the sweet sound of finding comfort in another person. She let her eyes flutter shut, allowed her guard to come down for just a moment. Just this moment. With him.
Bucky broke the silence with a shy question. "So yesterday... what does that mean for-"
"Let's just keep it between us."
"What do you mean?"
"It was a moment - like this one. I think I think too much, and I may have overreacted before. It doesn't have to be some cumbersome ordeal. It's just us."
"We're good then?"
"We're good."
"Good. 'Cause I like this."
She inhaled and smiled at the feeling of him inside her lungs. They continued swaying as they continued talking.
"You were in my dream you know?"
"Was I?"
"You were."
"Could I fly?"
"No," she laughed. "You were - well we, actually, were walking to that lake."
"To swim?"
Not exactly...
"I don't know. It's kinda foggy and didn't make much sense since it was a dream but we were definitely there."
"Did I say anything existentially insightful?" he joked.
"I don't remember much of what we said, but I remember how it felt."
"How... how did it feel?"
There she went again. She could feel herself slipping, but found it hard to care. She closed her eyes, thinking back to hibiscuses and Bucky's arms.
"The water and sun on my skin felt kind of like this," her hands ran up his sides dangerously slow and settled behind his neck, finger tips tangling into the ends of his hair.
His breath faltered. "Is that so?"
Unconsciously, his other hand found her waist and somehow the little space between them grew even smaller.
"Mhm," she hummed. "and the sight of a flower in your hair felt kind of like this."
Her hands moved to cup his face, the soft skin of her palm settling on his jawline.
"It was so pretty," she sighed.
"Yeah... pretty," he agreed. But he wasn't talking about the dream or the flower.
"And... your arms and your hands... felt kind of like this."
Gently, she pulled his face down to hers, though he needed no guidance or encouragement. When their lips met, that feelings of incompletion and longing, which had been prickling the back of her mind since the previous day, finally went away. They dissolved into fingers pressing into her hips, soft stubble tickling her cheek, and the delightfully encompassing presence of him.
She wasn't sure how long it was until they separated and words were spoken again. All she really recognized what that she was out of breath.
"And to think I was going to apologize for yesterday," Bucky smirked.
"I had to return the favor."
"And I gotta make up for lost time"
"Well, please don't let me stop you."
And he didn't. They continued right where they left off, except this time, it felt much too similar to something she had felt before. Hands began to roam just like they did in her dream.
The only thing was, her dream was cut short. She had no idea how it ended. But his hands were everywhere and it was all her senses could register. He was everywhere: her lips, her neck, her collar bones. She was burning.
The air ran out of her chest, and her voice was barely a breathy sigh. "Don't stop."
She could feel his smile on her skin. "Wouldn't dream of it."
The next morning, she awoke entwined in his arms - both of them.
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delicate taglist: @bakugouswh0r3 @thefridgeismybestie @strivingforelegance @ilovespideyyy @xpurpleglitter @bluelakeee @darkacademic2 @nickkie1129 @eclipsedplanet @paradisedixon @crazy-beautiful @coffee--writes @lilithknight1111 @buckybarnesishot310 @softladyhours @alwayssandy @those-sea-green-eyes @hero-ically @devilswaldorf @cc13723things @small-death-and-codeine @avengersgirllorianna @cataves @thatbitchsposts @talktomeaboutthestars @surrealpsycho @headheartbellarke @bubbly-moonwarrior @bluemoon-icecream @buckeyecreates @augustbucky @itsthemaree
115 notes · View notes
marvel-sluts · 4 years
Christmas with the avengers
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pairing: avengers x teen!reader, Peter Parker x reader.
warnings: maybe some swearing?
summary: your first Christmas with both the avengers and with Peter, what could possibly go wrong?
a/n: merry Christmas everyone! this is absolute shit but I wanted to write something Christmassy, I hope you all like it!
you hadn't been part of the avengers long when you started dating Peter, causing this to be your first Christmas with the both of them.
you get dressed in the matching Christmas jumpers you and Peter both had, because apparently it was tradition in the avengers tower to wear Christmas jumpers on Christmas day, so you had both agreed to wear the matching jumpers. (see gif)
you pulled on a pair of jeans and tied your hair up in a ponytail, with a small peice tinsel wrapped around your hairband. you did light makeup with f/c (fave colour) of eyeshadow.
you walk out of your room in the avengers tower and bump into Thor and Loki, heading to the kitchen.
"hello lady y/n, you look ravishing. I love your jumper." Thor said smiling at you.
"thanks Thor, you look good too." you say smiling at him.
"I like the tinsel" Loki muttered to you on the way past. you and him had become quite close over the past few months you have spent at the tower, but it still shocked you that he would say something like that with Thor around. normally he was a lot quieter in the shadow of his older brother.
"thanks loki." you say cheerfully, getting into the lift with them.
when the three of you get to the living room and kitchen you go your separate ways. Thor to the kitchen, no doubt to raid the cupboards of poptarts and you and Loki to the living room. you take a seat next to your boyfriend and smile at him.
"you look amazing" Peter says, looking at you lovingly.
"so do you." you say giggling.
"I know" he said, pretending to do a hair flick. but failing miserably and accidentally hitting himself in the face.
you laugh at him, and he looks at you with those puppy dog eyes that you can never resist. "sorry love" you say before kissing his cheek where he hit himself.
both of you head to the kitchen and after collectively deciding on cereal for breakfast, you go back into the living room with bowls full.
just as you both sat down on the sofa at your previous spots, Tony came in with Morgan trailing behind him, also wearing matching Christmas jumpers. "Merry Christmas everyone!" he says, sitting next to Steve and Bucky on the sofa.
Morgan runs over to you and attemps to scramble onto your lap. after realising what she was trying to do you help her get up and she sits on you happily.
Morgan had begun to like you in the short time you had been here, you were good with kids and would often play with her causing you two to become immediate friends. she was your little partner in crime and the pair of you would often adopt Loki to help prank Tony and Steve.
"I know its Christmas but there is a lot to get done, Pepper, Wanda and Bucky are on cooking duty first and then we will rotate, check this peice of paper that was kindly provided by Bruce for the timetable. everything else should have been done already."
"I can't wait to see what I got from Santa!" Morgan squealed excitedly, eyeing the pile of presents under the tree.
"I'm offended" you say dramatically, "are you not exited to see what I got you?" you asked laughing.
"yep, I'm exited for all the presents!" she said before getting off of your lap and running into the kitchen to 'help' with the cooking.
after half an hour of chatting and crimes cookies Nat decided she was bored.
"who wants to play Christmas games?" she shouts holding up a box. you glance at the box before bursting out laughing.
"o-deer! really?" Sam said, laughing at what happened last time you played it.
"do you remember Rhodes last time, he looked like he was going to take off." Scott said laughing.
"erm, excuse me. but who won?" Rhodes said pointing to himself. "this guy, so don't get ahead of yourselves." he said.
"I personally think I'm gonna win this time" you say sticking your tongue out at Rhodes.
"not gonna happen doll" Bucky called from the kitchen.
"just watch me win" you say.
everyone comes in from the kitchen and takes a break from cooking to play.
you all take turns having the antlers and throwing the hoops, when both you and Peter had finished you both collapsed on the sofa. he put his arm around you and you nestled your face in his chest, breathing in his warm sent.
after Nat announced that the winner was Wanda (everyone thinks she used her powers, although she swears that she didn't) you changed around kitchen duty, next up it was you, Peter and Steve.
Vision had mysteriously disappeared from the cooking rota, despite the fact that Wanda had been helping his cooking skills he couldn't seem to get any better.
you got started on the brussel sprouts, how anyone could eat them was beyond you but apparently some people *cough* Sam *cough* liked them.
Peter had gotten started on the stuffing, making the mixture and rolling it into balls. whenever he would walk past u he would kiss you on the forehead, or whatever part of you that was facing him at the time. Steve was watching this behaviour and wasn't sure to find it cute or disgusting.
Steve was getting busy with the mashed potatoes and checking on the turkey every once in a while.
a gasp echoed through the kitchen as you burnt your hand on the oven attempting to check on the turkey per Steve's request.
"what happe-" pete asked trailing off when he say u nursing your hurt hand, "oh baby, are you okay? did you burn it? don't worry it will be okay. I'll get some ice for it" he said, completely freaking out.
you watching him frantically searching for some ice for a minute before saying "don't worry petey, it's fine. it's only a burn. and it doesn't hurt that badly" you say giggling at how concerned he was.
"but what if it gets infected? or if it swells up?" he asked finally managing to find some ice and putting it on your hand.
"honestly, you kids." Steve says rolling his eyes and chuckling. "are you sure you are alright y/n?" he asks, his eyebrows knitting in concern.
"yeah I'm sure" you say, smiling up at him.
"okay" he says checking on the turkey himself.
you checked the clock "our shift ended five minutes ago! those little fuckers didn't tell us!" you say taking off the apron. you go into the living room and find Morgan and Loki laughing on the sofa.
"I'm truly sorry Lady y/n, it was my shift next and I didn't want to do it." Loki said, smirking at you.
"your not sorry" you say.
"no, your right, I'm not" he said, grinning again.
you roll your eyes and resume your earlier position on the sofa, Peter sitting next to you.
"secret santa!" came a shout from the doorway, you looked up to see that it was Tony. he was carrying the secret santa presents in his arms and Clint and Rhodes were behind him also carrying armfuls of presents.
Morgan jumped up from her seat next to Bruce squealing excitedly.
"don't we have to wait for our special guests to get here?" Pepper asked eyeing Tony.
"oops I forgot, yes we do" Tony said putting down the presents bashfully.
"what special guests?" you ask, having not heard about this at all.
"you will see" Tony said, with a shit eating grin.
about ten minutes later a knock was heard at the door.
Vision gets up to answer it and you soon here a shout from the doorway.
"do not fear, Christmas is saved. for the overrated king of wakanda and his amazing and beautiful genuis sister is here!"
"SHURI!" you and Peter both yell in unison.
"it is I" she said flicking her hair (and actually succeeding) before running to hug the two of you.
"not that anyone has noticed but I'm also here" Doctor Strange says from the doorway.
Tony and Bruce look up from talking to T'Challa and go over to shake hands with Strange.
"presents now?" Morgan asks, tugging on Tony's trouser leg.
"yes sweetie, go over and open some of them." Tony says. patting her on her head and sending her on her way.
everyone gathers around the tree and watches Morgan open her presents from santa. when she has finished you give her a wrapped package with some art supplies in. she jumps up and hugs you with a massive grin on her face.
then someone (you guess Scott but your not sure) yells secret santa.
everyone gets the presents they had gotten for their secret santa, you had gotten Thor and after asking for help from Peter you ended up making him something. when it was time for you to give thor his present you presented a wrapped up package. it was a knitted jumper with tiny hammers and lightning bolts on it.
he opened the present with a massive grin on his face and pulled you into a bone crushing hug.
"thanks you Lady y/n, I couldn't have asked for anything better."
"your welcome Thor" you said, smiling up at him.
when everyone was done with the secret santa, you had received a few scented bath bombs and a silver snake ring from Natasha, some people trickled out to go and help in the kitchen.
you handed Peter a package wrapped in red paper, "here you go Petey" you say.
he takes it and opens it, you had given him a watch with the millennium falcon on the inside of it.
"thanks baby, I love it!" he says hugging you tightly and kissing you square on the lips. "you will get yours tonight" he says with a grin.
not even five minutes had passed when a yell was heard from the kitchen.
"you idiot, you were meant to take out the turkey while we were opening the presents!" Sam yelled.
"well its not my fault that the timer didn't go off!" Clint yelled back.
"FRIDAY, did you set the timer like I asked you to?" Sam asked.
"you never asked me to set a timer sir" FRIDAY replied.
"shit" Sam muttered kicking the table in frustration.
after a few minutes of chaos Steve managed to find a ham in the back of the fridge, everyone decided that the ham was the best thing to have so you cooked it up and it didn't get burnt.
everyone gathered around the table, the food was delicious, and you almost couldn't tell that there wasn't a turkey.
"hey Bucky, could you pass me the potatoes please?" you asked. piling your plate high with good food.
once everyone was done eating you all sat in the living room and put on a Christmas movie.
you and Peter wanted to watch the muppets Christmas Carol but you both were outvoted and you ended up watching the Nightmare before Christmas.
Tony got the movie set up and you curled into Peter. an hour later when the movie was finished you were still in the same position, you were very happy next to Peter with him stroking your hair lovingly. you buried your head further into his chest until you had to upstairs to bed.
Peter offered to carry you and you glad fully accepted, completely worn out from the chaos filled day.
when you had both gotten up to your bedroom he presented a wrapped up gift from his pocket.
"I'm not done with you yet y/n" he says with a grin on his face.
you open the package and inside find a box. upon opening it you find a beautiful silver heart locket. you open up the locket to find that Peter had already put a picture inside, it was a picture of you and him on Valentines day, on the date that he had set up for the two of you.
"omg, Pete I absolutely love it!" you say with a massive grin on your face, "can you put it on me?" you ask.
"turn around" he says, taking the necklace from you and clasping it up. "all done"
he spins you around and you land in his arms, he kisses you passionately and you kiss back just as fiercely. the kiss was filled with passion and promises.
that night you fall asleep in his arms, with a massive grin on your face.
you couldn't have wished for a better Christmas, even if it did include burnt turkey.
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devnicolee · 4 years
The Chosen Ones (7)
A/N: Enjoy! There is one chapter left, which I am really excited about :)
Warnings: Slow burn, verbal abuse (and one mention of physical abuse), angst
Word Count: 6,000 words
Pairings: M’Baku x OC 
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Asha groaned as she felt something nudging her shoulder, assuming it was M'Baku's feeble attempts to wake her up. "Five more minutes," she mumbled, her voice groggy and tired. She shifted on her side, burying her face deeper into his chest, her hand sliding across his midsection to hold onto him tighter. There was no response to her exhausted pleas for more sleep. In fact, she quickly realized that all she could hear were his loud, deep snores. Yet she still felt another more forceful nudge hit her back, forcing her eyes to pop open.
Her eyes trailed up his torso and landed on M’Baku’s face, eyes closed as he continued to sleep. Her lips curved into a content smile as she just stared at him… her boyfriend. It amazed her how far the pair had come in mere weeks… from only existing in quiet, hidden moments to being able to love each other loudly and freely. She decided to lean on his advice, not to dwell on those broader implications, the details they would have to sort out back home. She knew he already gained her sister and brother’s approval, which was all she truly cared about. But the jury was still out on the Council and her mother. Asha already had two strikes against her where the majority of them were concerned. 
It does not matter, she decided. She seceded 25 years to the will and opinion of the Council and her parents, she refused to cower or give them a day more. She worried about the other things and how to be in a successful relationship when she had no experience. But she and M'Baku loved each other and they both had the will and desire to be together. That meant they would climb any walls, weather whatever storm, and extinguish any fires this world threw at them. She finally had the person and love she prayed for every night; she would not let him go without a fight. Her thoughts were interrupted by something hitting her yet again. She frustratingly turned around to come face to face with the same black panther as last night. Inches away from her face, the panther used its nose to nudge her shoulder, a silent demand to start the day.
"Fuck!" she yelped, sitting up abruptly. She, of course, knew it meant her no harm but was also not expecting such a jarring wake up call. Her traveling companion, however, did not have this luxury. Her loud outburst immediately pushed M'Baku out of his restful sleep. Forever the warrior, he leaped out of the sleeping bag, robbing Asha of his warm body heat, and immediately raised his knobkerrie, ready to strike. He examined the cave terrain wildly, searching for an unknown threat.  
"Stand down soldier," Asha chuckled as she ran her hands through the soft, thick black fur of the now resting panther, laying down relaxed after doing their job to wake the couple up. Her heart still thumped loudly against her chest as it tried to return to its resting rate. "It woke me up and I was n-not expecting a Bast wake-up call. Sorry for screaming," she offered before standing up herself.
"Damn panthers," M'Baku mumbled angrily under his breath. But he shook off his annoyance rather quickly as Asha cleared up their makeshift camp. "What time is it?"
Asha fiddled with her beads, immediately distracted by two texts from her brother and sister. "U-u-uh just after 7. But we better get going. Brother called an emergency council meeting 2 hours before the King's Exhibition. We need to find the herbs and get back to the palace before then." The balls of light keeping them warm the night prior bounced around as the two moved about, getting ready to finish the last leg of their journey. Asha raised her hands, each instinctively moving back toward their owner as her skin absorbed them. 
"Why a council meeting?" M'Baku asked as he pulled bags of fruit out of his bag for both to munch on for breakfast and swung it back on his shoulders. 
"Well, we do not need to convince the whole country... just the Mining and Border Tribes. No need to wait for the King's Exhibition if we can avoid it. It is supposed to be a fun and joyous event, believe it or not."
The two emerged from the cave, the Panther waiting for them on the small cliff. They fell in step behind it as it led them back to their original trail. The morning air was crisp and cold, the sun peeked through the swaying tree tops giving them a sliver of light. It still didn’t look like morning on their path though, the thick forest blocked out most of the sun. The mountain had a new layer of fresh, undisturbed snow, which did not remain long as their footprints smashed through it.
"What is the King's Exhibition anyway?" Despite not following the Panther Goddess, all of Wakanda was invited to partake in the celebrations of the week-long Festival of Bast. This was to be the Jabari's first year and he planned on participating to show solidarity. However, M’Baku quickly realized he had no idea what was involved.
"Oh, it is just a show of our King's strength and prowess in battle. Really just a chance for my oh-so-humble brother to show off. He basically fights the Dora, members of the King's Guard and then any challenger from across Wakanda. But unlike Challenge Day, no one is fighting to the death. It is more of a public training session. Everyone loses to him, of course," she added. 
"What is the point of it?" he inquired, knocking some branches out of their path. 
"It shows the strength Bast gives her protector. Her power and by extension, his power to protect all of us. It is quite fun to watch, or so I have heard," she added as a caveat. Snow drifted down lightly around them from the branches and leaves above them, immediately melting to water as it connected with her clothes. 
"You have never been?" 
She chuckled, managing to keep at least some of the bitterness out of her voice. "You would be surprised at the amount of things I have never seen or done. I have not celebrated a Festival of Bast in 15 years. Though, I didn't much care to celebrate her in those later years to be honest." M'Baku glanced over at her and noticed a flicker of shame and regret passing behind her dark brown eyes. 
"Hey," he said gently, pulling on her arm to stop her. "You don't need to feel ashamed about that. You did the best you could. Bast forgives, clearly," he said, gesturing toward the panther that stopped a few feet ahead of them to wait. 
Asha nodded softly, looking up at him to find concern in his big brown eyes… concern and intense love and adoration for her. Love and adoration that made her legs grow weak and the butterflies in her stomach flutter. She couldn’t explain it but it felt like the farther they went on this journey, the easier it became to open her heart and share her soul with this gentle giant beside her. She immediately thought back to what Bast told her, how the journey of loving and accepting herself would make loving others that much easier. Bast is rarely wrong.
"Thank you. I needed to hear that... be reminded of that. T-there is just so much I would have done differently had I known what I know now… you know?" she responded as they broke their eye contact and continued uphill. Asha, being someone who did not train incredibly often, was beginning to feel the strain of this journey as the air grew thinner and the path steeper. M'Baku seemed perfectly capable and fine with the hike but she was starting to grow that uncomfortable stitch in her side that she usually got when she trained with T'Challa. 
"Yes, regrets are the price we pay for living. We all struggle with that… trust me. But it is not about how you lived before, but how you choose to live now. All those things you would do differently, you can do going forward. You have a bright future ahead, Asha. You have to just decide what you want to do with it."
Silence fell over the two; the only sounds were the soft crunch of snow beneath their boots, the random babble of animals moving through the trees around them as she contemplated his words. Asha went from having no real future at all to the one she always dreamed of. However, she now had to apply those dreams to her real life. She was no longer limited, chained in darkness with small fleeting glimpses of the sun. She was fully stepping in the light and she could finally bask in its warmth, serenity, and peace. Now that she was standing in the sun, she was not sure exactly what path she should forge. But she knew, a path without M'Baku was not a viable one. Where the light took her, she was determined to have him by her side loving and affirming her. 
The inner light now flooding Asha's life was only eclipsed by the darkness the forest plunged them in as they trekked farther up the mountainside. It was as ominous as the night before, possibly even more so since they both knew the sun was shining above the thick treetops. The rustles and chatter of the forest seemed to get louder as they went, M'Baku constantly raising his weapon and shielding Asha as if a monster was seconds away from emerging from the trees. Each step seemed to dial up the creepy meter of the whole journey, putting the two on edge. They were not deterred; at the top of this summit laid their destiny, their reason for being. They had no choice but to press forward, stomping out any anxiety or fear that tried to poke through their armor of confidence. 
"Do you like Jabariland?" M'Baku asked out of the blue.
Asha gave him a confused look from the corner of her eye, noting the way his hands fidgeted. Was he nervous? "It is gorgeous... the people were amazing. I felt more at home there... more at peace than I ever had in the Golden City. What is not to like?" 
"Yes, but could you see you-" he started to say before he cut himself off, raising his hand to stop her. The panther leading their way had stopped, halting in front of a break in the trees. Asha walked to stand behind it and saw them.
"Glory to Hanuman," M'Baku whispered, amazed that a childish dream and a hunch led them to this. The only two people in the world who could make it to this promised land. The herbs sat in the middle of the clearing, covered in thick clear ice. But nothing could diminish the distinct and almost magical purple glow of the heart-shaped herb. The purple glow reflected across the white snow as the bright sun shined down on the field, filled with more herbs than either could have dreamed of. 
"Bast... M'Baku, this is it. You were right!" Asha exclaimed, clutching his thick bicep. "W-we can save T’Challa, w-w-we can save the Black Panther." She hadn’t let herself get too attached to the idea that they were right, after all, it was a longshot. But here they were, staring their and Bast’s dreams in the face and it was glorious. 
The moment her foot connected with the hard Earth in the clearing, it started. It was soft initially, like faint distant whispers as several quiet voices invaded her ears. She pushed forward, ignoring them. Nothing would stop her now. With each inch forward, the voices grew louder and more unruly. Asha had no idea what they were saying, what they wanted. She knew it was all in her head but she understood why such a phenomenon would drive people away from this place. It was almost impossible to ignore and it was terrifying. A piercing pain started to spread through her skull as she tried to continue. Soon the pain, the symphony became too loud to ignore.  
"Ah!" she cried out as she fell to her knees, so close that a herb was within arm’s reach.
"Asha!” He had been watching from the tree with the panther and rushed forward when she hit the ground. He was at her side in record speed. He clutched her face, rotating her head in his hands as tears streamed from her eyes. He examined her head and body finding no obvious injury, realizing that the voices they were warned found their next victim. 
She whimpered slightly from the pain, unable to speak as it became too much to handle.  He felt his world crumbling at her pain and distress. He wondered if his hypothesis was wrong. Had he brought her all the way here, pumping her soul with false hope with every mile only to push her into a world of pain? 
"Asha... It's gonna be ok... Go back and I will get the herb. It is ok, you have done more than enough," he whispered, offering more encouraging words as he helped her to her feet. The pain had yet to subside, she was not sure if she had experienced agony such as this before. But as she started to walk back toward safety, the black panther, a casual and quiet guide up until this point, brandished its teeth at her and growled deeply. Its body blocked the way back toward the trees, forcing her to stay there. As if a cue, more panthers emerged from the trees surrounding them, pacing so neither could retreat. M'Baku, deciding that the sooner they had an herb in hand, the sooner they would be allowed to leave, reached to pull one out of the Earth. However, he pulled and pulled but its roots were unmovable. The ice casing around the herb was too thick to break and remove the herb from its flower and the ground was too hard to rip the flower from the soil. He tried everything he had in his arsenal while whatever magical properties inhabiting this mountain brought his all-powerful partner to her knees. 
Asha pushed through her pain and watched him struggle with the plant, a realization dawning on her. There was a reason it was the two of them and no one else. Further proof that their survival depended on each other, that their destinies were intertwined long before they knew of each other's existence. He got them here and now, she had to do her part.
"I-I h-have to melt th-th-the ice, M'Baku. W-we can’t t-take them frozen l-like… this. I c-can do it," she pushed out, her breathing labored as she tried to overcome the pain and channel her powers. 
M'Baku immediately shook his head, "Asha... you were on death's door not even a full 48 hours ago, you are not strong enough to use your powers like this yet." 
Asha shook her head, "I made it up this m-mountain. This is my purpose, I c-cannot.... I w-will not fail.” She crawled closer to the herb and sunk her warm hands into the thick snow around the herb closest to her. 
“Bast, give me strength," she whispered to herself. She closed her eyes and channeled all the fire, the heat in her being down into her palms and fingers. She imagined the field in her mind and pictured projecting that heat outward like a blanket. Her labored breathing grew as she fueled all the power in her body into the ground beneath her. the heat from her internal flame slowly melting the clear ice protecting each herb. 
Asha grew concerned, as she tried to melt all the herbs that she did not have enough energy for this task. She could feel her steam running out. Thankfully, the ice transitioned to water on the last herb just as her body grew cold, void of any flames. As soon as the last herb thawed, Asha's eyes fell closed slowly, her body slumping into the snow as her mind succumbed to the voices and tumbled into her past. 
T'Challa and Asha circled each other on a deep blue training map, the 10-year-old pushing her exhaustion aside to train with her older brother. She and T'Challa went blow for blow for a few minutes, trading hits as they danced across the training floor. She had gotten surprisingly better since they started training together, improving far more in their secret limited sessions than her actual training. She was small and quick, which helped her keep up with him even though he was clearly more skilled and stronger. 
A few minutes of skillful fighting and she found herself on her brother's back, arm around his neck holding him in a chokehold. "Yield!" she demanded playfully. 
"Never," he retorted as he flipped her over his head and forced her to the ground. He did it as slow as possible, as to not actually hurt her. She rolled on her back for a few minutes, catching her breath before standing again and starting the process over. 
Their second fight went similarly. However, Asha suddenly felt different. She felt like another energy source coursing through her veins. She figured it was merely a second wind to help her fight. It propelled her to fight harder than she usually did, forcing T'Challa to up his game. She and T'Challa circled each other before he lunged toward her again. She raised her hand to block his first attempt when he jumped back unexpectedly, dodging with grace toward the side. Bewilderment filled her eyes until she saw a line of fire separating the two siblings. 
"A- Asha... what is going on?" he asked tentatively as he pushed himself to stand.
Asha looked down at her hands to find them covered in flames. "Oh my bast!" She dropped to the ground and tried to stomp them out by banging her hands on the floor, but they wouldn't die. Her hand felt fine, she did not feel the agony of being on fire and yet she was. "T'Challa... what is happening to me??" she cried, panic setting in as she stared at this peculiarity.
"I do not know. But stay calm, I will get baba. It will be alright Asha."
Asha sunk to the ground, tears streaming down her face as she watched her hands and, unbeknownst to her at the time, her future burn right before her eyes. 
The training room dissolved, her father's office replacing it as Asha sat, hands back to normal, next to T'Challa as he tried to calm her down. He rubbed comforting circles into his young and extremely distraught sister's back as they waited for their father to speak. Her father paced by his desk, throwing agitated looks at his daughter every few minutes, making her feel as though she had done something wrong. 
"She is one of them. A mutant," he spat out with disgust. 
"So what do we do?" their mother asked quietly from the other side of the office, keeping a healthy distance from her now dangerous daughter. "You have campaigned against mutants in our borders for years. This will look like hypocrisy." 
"We do nothing," T'Chaka hissed. "We do nothing, we say nothing. No one can know about this." 
T'Challa stood, a look of disbelief painted on his face, "How do you expect to keep this a secret? She is a princess? It is not like you can just hide her away." 
"No, that is exactly what we are going to do. She almost killed you, T'Challa! Her powers are uncontrollable. We will find a way to suppress them until she is old enough to control them. Until then, she will not leave the palace," her father decided resolutely. It was not lost on Asha how they all spoke about her as if she were a mere object and not a person sitting right in front of them. 
She shared a scared look with her brother before the scene changed again. She was now sitting on her brother's bed as he prepared for his 18th birthday party. They had been laughing and joking around, until their father appeared in the doorway. 
"Yes baba?" he asked. 
"You look good, strong. Please finish quickly. It is not good to be late to a party in your honor." Asha wanted to shrink herself or have the floor dissolve her as her father's eyes scanned the room. In the last three years, she found the best way to survive in her home was to simply avoid her father at all cost. At least then, he could not verbally castigate her for merely existing. 
"Asha!" he barked, "What are you doing?" 
Asha hung her head, "I was just helping T'Challa get ready. I will go back to my room." 
He nodded, "Good. We cannot have anyone seeing you wandering around during the party. Go now." 
"Yes, baba." Asha climbed off T'Challa's bed and started to walk toward the door. "Happy Birthday, T." She gave him a tight hug and a wide smile, mainly for his benefit. She did not want him worrying about her on his big birthday and knew he was already concerned about leaving her without her only advocate when he went away for university. That smile carried her until she was out of the view of his door and down the hallway to her own room. 
 Her brother's room disappeared as an intense argument in the royal gardens formed, Asha face to face with Hasani.
“What is the issue? It is just a date outside this Bast forsaken palace?" 
An adult Asha tried to let him down easy, gave all the excuses her father outlined for her and he refused to accept any of them. It was almost as if he wanted to catch her in a lie. "I cannot leave. I would feel more comfortable if we just stayed in." 
"No! I want to go on a real date outside of this palace. Today!" he demanded rudely. Asha scoffed silently. She knew the courting dates were part of the royal deal, her dad's attempt to pawn her off on someone else. However, she did not need to put up with another verbally abusive man in her life, her father was more than enough. 
"Perhaps we should just chat another day? You seem upset, Hasani and I do not wish to upset you further. You know your way out, yes?" she said politely, deciding to deescalate the situation before it grew out of control. She turned away from him slightly, preparing to walk out of the gardens. 
"No!" A hand enclosed around her wrist and yanked her back. His grip was so tight that Asha knew a bruise would blossom on her wrist later. 
"Hasani, you are hurting me! Let me go!" she whispered, trying to avoid a scene as she failed to tug her hand out of his grip. She looked around for a passing Dora, cursing herself for telling Alexis that she did not need to watch over her during this date. She could feel the Panther beating against its cage, determined for release as someone attacked its owner. Even with the rings donning each of her fingers, she knew the flames were growing to uncontrollable levels. "Hasani, I do not want to hurt you, please let me go!" she begged, knowing that this was not headed in any good direction. 
He scoffed, "What could you do to hurt me?" 
As if on cue, sparks flew out of her hands, one hitting him right on his wrist causing him to jump back several feet. Fire shot out of her extended hand, drawing a line between them to protect her. 
"W-w-what the fuck? I-I knew you weren't sick!" he cried, outraged. 
Asha's hands clamped over her mouth in shock as she tried to approach him and make this right. "Hasani, please! I-it is not what it looks like!" But it was too late, he was off, Asha knew, to tell his mother who was meeting with her father in his office. She took off running after him, knowing that whatever happened next... she would certainly pay for this. 
She was back in her father's office, Asha arguing with her father who refused to listen. "But I do not love him, baba! And he doesn’t love me! H-he hates me! H-he treats me horribly. You cannot expect me to marry him!" 
"I don't particularly care if you love him or not. Sometimes arranged marriages are a necessary part of being royalty. You were the fool that showed your… disease to him. These are the consequences."  
Asha threw up her hands, anger causing tears to stream down her face as she defended herself for the 100th time for the incident that thrusted her into this mess. She shared an exasperated glance at her brother and sister, the only two people who were ever on her side. "It was an accident, baba! I swear." 
She knew she messed up, she regretted it everyday but she didn’t deserve this. She especially didn’t deserve the bloodied cut and bruise on her face, the reason her brother dragged her to her father’s office to demand the engagement be called off. It took Asha, Okoye and three other Dora to pull T’Challa off Hasani after he happened to walk in on an argument between the couple right as the back of Hasani’s hand connected with Asha’s cheek. It was the first time he had ever done such a thing and Asha knew it would be last since her brother made it clear he would not live to tell the tale if he touched her like that again. 
"Sometimes I think you are determined to destroy this family and everything I built," he said as he settled behind his desk. "It is like you do not care if this family survives."  
If he had slapped her in the face, that would have been less painful. "How could you say that?" she whispered, the hurt clear in her words. 
"Baba! Please!" T'Challa said, no longer a young boy now but a grown man who refused to let anyone, even his beloved baba, attack his sister. He pushed Asha behind him as if he could act as a physical barrier between her and their father's verbal abuse. He, of course, knew it was too little too late to protect her from him but he tried to mitigate where he could. "Asha is not trying to destroy us by refusing to marry an abusive man. You did not hear the way he spoke to her. Why would you want her to marry a man who cares so little for her? Who is blackmailing our family into it? He has already proven that he has no self-control or respect for her. If you think those bruises were a one-time incident, you are mistaken. These lies have gone far enough, it cannot be worth it anymore." 
"Enough!" King T'Chaka yelled, silencing his disobedient and reckless children. "T'Challa, you will stay out of it. You will be king one day but that is not today. And Asha, you will marry Hasani. You are lucky I was able to find this man for you. He is of royal blood, far better than you could have hoped for. Now, T'Challa and I will be leaving for Sokovia in a week's time. I suggest you take that time to accept this. I will not have this conversation with you again." 
Asha nodded softly, her "Yes baba" so despondent and quiet that it broke T'Challa's heart. She shrugged off his comforting hand from her shoulder and raced out of the room. Asha rarely left her dad's office without tears clouding her vision, today was no different. 
Asha woke among the dirt and swaying grass of the Ancestral Plane. Her second visit was far less confusing, almost as if she expected it. Bast did say she would see her again so she supposed this was that time. And this time, she knew she was not actually dead, which offered a small comfort. 
She stood up and dusted the dirt off the long white dress with gold trim now hanging over her shoulders. Her bare feet sunk into the soft dirt as she walked toward a tree overflowing with black panthers. She did not need prompting, did not need Bast to lead her way. The path, the course forward, who she needed to speak to was as clear as day. She did not get very close before one jumped down from a high branch and landed in front of her. 
Baba, she thought to herself. Sure enough, she watched as the panther quickly turned into a man... her father. 
The two simply stood there, feet apart and stared at each other. He looked smaller than he did in life. He was never a big person, but his presence made up for what he lacked in stature... strong and intimidating. She never got to see the gentle King everyone else adored and worshiped. She had always only gotten the worst of him. She could not deny the small part of her that was filled with the urge to rush forward and hug him, the part that was still desperate for his approval and his love. But the larger part forced her feet to stay planted like a tree firmly in the same spot. She expected there to be more resentment toward him. What once was a burning inferno seemed more like a small contained fire, still present and noticeable but not all consuming.
"Why are you here... again?" he asked. 
"That seems to be a question for Bast, not me... I found a new garden of the Heart-Shaped Herb and when I thawed it, I passed out. And I guess she brought me here." 
"You found a new garden?" He did not even try to hide the surprise in his voice. 
Asha scoffed, bowing her head slightly, turning away from him to study the horizon and the pale yellow and orange sky. "Always a tone of surprise. Apparently, Bast doesn't hate me or my kind as much as you did." 
"I never hated you Asha." 
"Really? You could have fooled me. 15 years... 15 years, you treated me like a prisoner, like I was nothing to you. If you did not hate me, you certainly didn't love me. It does not benefit either of us to pretend otherwise," she added coldly. If she was going to speak to him, it would be rooted in honesty, not historical fiction to sugar coat his actions simply because he died. 
"I did not know how to deal with a child who was more powerful than I. Bast told me you were destined for great things and I refused to believe it. I was so obsessed with the mantle of King that I lost sight of... well, everything. I have had much time to think since being here." 
"Yes, I would imagine death gives you all the time in the world to contemplate your failings," Asha responded, that small fire of resentment showing in her words, regardless of how she tried to contain it. The beautiful and serene terrain of the Planes did nothing to counter the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. She did not know what she expected from a conversation with her father but this was lacking. But she wondered if every conversation would; after all he could not come back from the dead and redo her childhood. His damage was set in stone and no words would fix it. 
"What will you do now?" 
"I will take the herb down the mountain and save your golden son and your tribe from being uprooted. That is all T'Challa and I seem to do lately, save our country from your failures. I will save your country, as Bast destined it. And then, I will find my place in that country, the place you selfishly denied me for decades," Asha responded. 
T'Chaka nodded sadly, "Can you forgive me? I was not perfect in life. I made so many mistakes that forced you and T'Challa down paths that almost led to Wakanda's destruction. If I could go back, if I could have a chance at life anew, I would do so much differently. I did not hate you, I hated your powers and what they represented. But for you, I am sure that distinction means little. I failed you as a father... I failed you as your King and unfortunately, my realizations came too late. I can't fix it; I can't make it up to you. But I can apologize… and I am so sorry. Truly." 
Asha did not hate her father, that was true. She did not know if she loved him either. But she had finally lost almost all the anchors of her past life, this was the final one. No amount of harbored resentment would fix his mistakes. Hating him until the end of her days, refusing to forgive until she was in a tree in the Planes next to him would not give her the life and childhood she desperately had wanted and deserved. She knew she needed to learn how to move on, to stop being weighed down by the past. She did not need to love her father to forgive him. She could not carry this pain, this resentment into her new life. She deserved to be light, not weighed down by someone else's failures and insecurities.
"A king who admits his faults? Quite the rarity." She refused to look at him, still studying the horizon, "You know I used to pray to Bast to take my powers, take my life, take everything so that you could love me. So that you could look at me as you looked at T'Challa and Shuri, with love, adoration, and hope. I wanted that so bad for so long that it almost killed me. Everyday felt like a festering wound that just would not heal. Your ego allowed me to wake up every day without hope, without light. Y-you caused that and, to be honest, I never thought I could forgive you for it. For planting seeds of hatred so deep in my heart that I started to believe them to be my own thoughts, my own insecurities." 
She turned to face him finally, "But I cannot live that way anymore. I have finally started to uproot those weeds and my soul is so light," Asha sighed as tears sprung to her eyes, "that sometimes it feels as though I could fly away. I will never again be weighed down by the hatred you sowed nor the hatred your actions sowed in me for you. I will never feel for you as your other children do, but I do not need to hate you. I appreciate your apology and I forgive you."
 "Thank you. I wish I could be there... to see the new garden," he whispered. "I wish I could be there to right so many wrongs." 
"You are right where you need to be, T'Chaka," an angelic voice interrupted. They both turned to find Bast behind them. T'Chaka bowed slightly, stepping aside so the Goddess could approach. Asha stood tall as Bast stood directly in front of her, her face beaming with pride and joy. 
"So, you solved my riddle?" Bast asked. 
"Yes, but you couldn't have made it easier?" 
"Well... There is just no fun in that. I am so proud of you, Asha. You fulfilled your destiny and Wakanda's future, that was once destroyed, is now like that garden: overflowing and teeming with life and hope. That is because of you and Lord M'Baku. Now I have a few final requests of you before you return to your life, if you do not mind?" 
Asha raised her eyebrow, knowing the only acceptable answer was yes. She just nodded and waited for Bast to proceed. 
"One, keep the Garden where it is. There will be a desire to move them to the Hall of Kings. But that mountain will serve as the bridge that connects the Jabari to Wakanda and the Black Panther. It must stay where it is to thrive. Two, you are learning about your powers, finally understanding and controlling them. Do not let another living soul limit them again. Three, love is overflowing in your life. It has not always felt like it, I know, but I hope you feel it now. Do not lose sight of the love you have, the family you have, as you settle into the mountains with your new one. There is space for it all." 
Asha wrinkled her nose, laughing lightly. "Family in the mountains? M'Baku and I certainly are not there yet. Besides, I still need to find my place here." 
"Of course... your place in Wakanda just may have a bit colder climate than you think, Asha Udaka," Bast mused. "It is time to go now. I expect I will not be seeing you again until your life has run its course, but worry not. You have a long and vibrant life ahead surrounded by those you love and who love you immeasurably." 
Bast wrapped Asha into a hug so loving, so tender that only a Goddess could conjure such a thing. So much waited for her on the other side, and for the first time, she could not wait to get back to them. 
Tag List: @destinio1 @muse-of-mbaku @jellybean531 @skysynclair19 @ashanti-notthesinger @gloriousgam3r @archivistofwakanda @leahnicole1219 @mygirlrenee @dramaqueeenamby
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
Happy Birthday!
Aww thank you! Greatly appreciate it!🤗♥️🎂🎂🎂🎂 30 has arrived and I'm here to see it.🎂🎂🎂🎂
A Black Panther/Gundam Wing crossover? It can work, depending on what the chosen theme is. I did start one a few months ago (but it's extremely violent). Then I ended up thinking about a more lighthearted version.
I do not own these characters. Mixed timelines on purpose. No profit is made in this fanfic crossover short.
The thirty-nine year old woman groaned as she slowly sat up on her bed. The weather forecast had presented a promise for Spring-like warmth, with sunny skies. All the more proof she needed that the Robin sang outside.
With a sigh, she rubbed and opened her eyes, met Dorothy’s petulant smirk, and spotted Zechs and Noin near the doorway, all dressed up.
The Foreign Minister managed a smile. “Good morning. What's going on?”
The group chuckled.
“What's going on? How could you possibly forget? Relena, today is STEM Rewards Day! There's the Science Fair in America right now as we speak.”
“Oh, that's today? I thought it was set for next week.”
Dorothy tried to hold back a chuckle with little success, while Zechs and Noin chimed in.
“Happy Birthday Sis!” they began in sing-song style. Noin continued, “And by the way, those emails you've gotten last month? It has everything to do with today's grand event, located in Oakland, California.”
A concentrated expression landed on her face.
“Wait a moment. Wakanda has opened its borders to the world sometime last year. Around July, which marks the period after King T'Challa reclaimed the throne.”
“That's right, and his younger sister, Princess Shuri, is in charge of the museum.”
Zechs smiled. “I find it quite interesting how she was given the responsibility to handle something like this, the same way responsibility was thrust into your hands during War Time.”
Relena nodded. It's true she took after her late father and discovered a keen interest in politics and public relations. She should've lived out loud like a typical teenager, but due to the circumstances, she's grateful to be in this position now.
“I will get organized, then we'll board the jet.”
A few hours later, The Peacecrafts had arrived in Oakland. A few formalities were exchanged, and unlike some of the people in attendance, Relena and the others greeted the Wakanda Royals with the salute. Queen Ramonda smiled as she invited members of the Sanc Kingdom in.
“It's great to have you here,” the Queen began. “We've heard so much about you.”
“Thanks,” Relena responded. “I was looking forward to seeing how the marginalized communities were doing, years after the war. It's also a great thing the Avengers had brought your children and countless others back.”
The Queen nodded. “Indeed, it is a blessing. It's as if they weren't gone, though - Shuri was quick to pick up the progress of accomplishing this center, while T'Challa collaborated with Thor, The Hulk and Falcon to rebuild and restore the broken parts of Wakanda, where many have evacuated before.”
“That's great to hear,” said Relena. “I was worried at first. Tried to get The Preventers to offer aid, but Commander Une had informed me that superheroes were taking care of that. Speaking of which...”
The Grand Hall of Shuri's Science Center was jam packed with onlookers, a few judges with pens and clipboards, children and youth with their various inventions at separate sections, and The Preventers.
Heero and Quatre were amazed by thirteen-year-old twins who invented an advanced hacker prevention system.
Duo and Hilde had an ongoing conversation with Ayo and Nakia about giving orphans a place to belong.
Wufei, Sally and a handful of attendees, young and old, enjoyed a story time corner hosted by Lord M'Baku's fiancée.
Trowa is seen juggling a ton of objects. Relena tried her hardest not to laugh; he should know that playing with vibranium held a lot of risks. Still, he didn't seem to mind. Five boys and two girls chanted, “More! More!” when W'Kabi tossed another object in Trowa's direction. The young man had no trouble juggling it with the other things.
Two battle knives, one hammer, an iron glove, a beaker, an old hard drive, and one of The Hulk's glass statues. Dorothy recorded this on her phone while the spectacle continued. At some point, the glass statue landed on Trowa's nose; other objects balanced on his arms. His emerald green eyes glanced at the tall warrior, who nodded and picked up his glass statue. A teenage girl who examined Trowa's abilities studied his brain waves and pulse rate on a black screen.
“This guy is good, extra courageous if I might add. There's no indication of fear or panic, just concentration. Should we try another test subject?”
“No!” the group chanted.
The young scientist looked up at Trowa. “I guess they really like you. You're not getting tired though?”
“I never notice such things,” he replied, placing the objects aside. “When I'm getting things done, that's what I'll focus on until it's done.”
“That's one important skill to have,” W'Kabi spoke as a finger tapped his shoulder. He turned to face Okoye.
“As grand as that display was, you are aware of the rules, kunene?”
“Sorry, my love. Be nwabisa.”
Zechs and Noin had taken a liking to a building presentation nearby, by two upcoming architects. “If we wanted to build another Space Colony, this is where we'd be located,” a five year old boy spoke. “Directly outside of Wakanda,” his fifteen year old brother added. “We can show you all the method of transportation we've started building.”
Relena turned to the Queen. “So, where are your children? I'm quite surprised they're not in here.”
“I think I know exactly where. Follow me.”
One block away from the museum, a group of youth were seen playing on the basketball court with Prince N'Jadaka and King T'Challa. Princess Shuri shook her head as she watched on. Her timer would buzz in two more minutes, which meant game time will be over. M'Baku and three Jabari Tribe Warriors carried more jugs of water into the museum. M'Baku paused midstep, and watched as Relena conversed with the Queen Mother.
“Ngubani lowo?” he asked.
“A colonizer,” his trusted assistant spoke. “Don't forget, some colonizers were invited to this event.”
M'Baku nodded. “As long as there's no trouble, I'm good.”
“We'll be fine, Lord M'Baku. I understand how you feel since that incident with Thanos, but things are different now. He no longer exists, so Wakanda - and the world as a whole - will not be threatened again.”
M'Baku smiled. “You're right, though I think it'd be wise to send two Dora with the pair. The King may be tolerant, and the Princess wouldn't mind... But the Prince on the other hand?”
The Jabari Warriors exchanged knowing glances.
“Thumela u khuselo olukhawulezileyo,” Lord M'Baku commanded. Placing the water jugs near the welcome station, the buff men split in search of Dora Milaje. M'Baku stood near the museum entrance and watched the Panther Tribe Royals, in hopes that they - Erik in particular - doesn't start a scene.
Shuri's timer went off.
“One more game, I promise,” said Erik.
“I'm ready to head back,” T'Challa said. “Nine games is enough.”
“It's also time for my speech!” Shuri snapped. Both her brother and cousin froze as the youth group made their way towards the museum (after exchanging high fives with them). Unbeknownst to them, Relena and Queen Ramonda had greeted them as they neared the basketball court.
“There's this thing called, Black Time Syndrome. You should try it.”
T'Challa shot a knowing glance at Erik. “Bad timing, Cuz. You know she never falls for it.”
“I heard that!” Shuri shouted. “Ngoku khawuleza phambi kokuba sibe neentloni.”
“Alright, alright. I hope Tayshall ain't forgot those chill pills.”
Shuri hid her face as T'Challa cocked an eyebrow. “What was that?”
“Last one back loses the bet.”
“What bet? We're supposed to take a break from those.”
“Oh, right. M'Baku never told you. Which means you'll lose!” Erik snatched T'Challa's wallet, leapt over the fence, and darted towards the museum with a hasty, “Hey Auntie,” before he stopped in his tracks. His locs complemented his moves, but his eyes lost their mirth. “Ngubani?” he asked, eyeing Relena with disdain.
“The Foreign Exchange Minister of ESUN.”
“Oh?” Erik crossed his arms. “Hope they don't steal nothing. Otherwise-”
“I'll take my wallet back thank you very much,” T'Challa interrupted as he thrust the object out of Erik's reach. “And the Peacecraft Family are not here to steal anything. They're granting scholarships and bursaries to the many pupils here in Oakland, so they can advance to the best universities of their choice when the time comes.”
“Nah, I have harder questions for later,” Erik said. “Don't trust their motive one bit.”
“Nice meeting you all,” Relena responded, secretly thanking T'Challa for stopping Erik in his tracks.
T'Challa nodded while Erik huffed and turned away. “Shuri, you don't want to be late!”
“I won't!”
Just as the tall men walked on, Shuri expanded her arm and shook Relena's hand. “It's great meeting you here,” she said.
“Likewise,” she said. “I've heard about the project last year and thought about how to introduce your style of Afterschool programs to the colonies.”
“As in the space colonies? Well, it shouldn't be hard if you have a great team of people behind you.”
The three of them walked back.
The Dora Milaje escorted the ladies back when an event coordinator approached Shuri. “Sorry to interrupt you all, but we will need you on stage in ten minutes,” she said.
“No problem,” came the curt response. She refocused on Relena. “Don't forget what I've told you.”
Relena chuckled softly. “I won't. Talking with you is like dealing with a younger version of me... Well, to a certain extent. Most importantly, I want to congratulate you on this project's success.”
“Thanks! I can't wait to see what you have in store for two hundred plus pupils.”
“The pleasure is mine.”
Tagging GW Fans: @softnocturne @kirinjaegeste @vegalume @blacknekojess @seitou @downwarddnaspiral @deejayers @craftssakura @cooking-725 @chemicalcrush @ahsimwithsake @simulacraryn @elduende11 @bryony-rebb @gundam-wing-archivist @fadedsepiascribbles @noirangetrois @offspringchick29 @rhysgalentalcernunnos @lbro009 @jessie-blast-off
Tagging BP Fans: @thehomierobbstark @marvelmaree @muse-of-mbaku @chasingsunlight @3nmxnxt3r @blackpantherreblogs @orionthegay @sickaddiktions @kaiipeace @golddmindd @hi-looo12 @fiercegrace711 @tamara-visuals @85love @abeautifulmindexposed @thisisnajah @ljstraightnochaser @forgottenthoughtsandmemories @chaneajoyyy @mellowjellow6 @maddiestundentwritergaines @blowmymbackout @bidibidibombaclaat @afrobeautii @purple-apricots @supersizemeplz @thadelightfulone @jozigrrl @destinio1
*My apologies in advance if some are missing from this list - user tag limits - but this is for y'all! My personal Birthday present from me to you. I hope this crossover turned out fine. So if you love it, feel free to like, comment, reblog - your choice. Love y'all!*
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t4tnt · 5 years
making my own canon
because i can.
carol collects a lost nebula somewhere in space
after finding out about her homicidal abusive father, she immediately agrees to Not Letting Him Get The Stones
they come right on time
to stop him from murdering the asgardians
badass fight scene with thor, loki, bruce, valkyrie and heimdall getting support from carol and neb
plus all the asgardians still filled with rage from having their home destroyed mere minutes ago
what's enough is enough
it's over for the purple grape when the guardians also pull up
after lots of stabbing courtesy of nebula and gamora
they agree on letting carol handle the power stone
because she's the only remotely functional one with heimdall
Rocket Is A Rabbit And No One Can Tell Thor Otherwise
bruce meets groot and faints
carol has Another Homeless Species to take care of
there are other planets as well????
earth it is. everyone tags along bc apparently no one has a steady job.
(also nebula has totally met this alien race who worships Tony Stark and she maybe wants to meet the man himself) ((partly bc she wants to make sure that he is Not Like the Grape, partly because his tech is like,, Really Good and it hurts less))
carol calls up fury
bc whaddup i've got some refugees for u xoxo ur space bff
(he silently freaks out bc he didn't even know that it wasn't a one way communicator fuck you carol)
fury has a field day explaining that shit to tony and t'challa
bc the accords are a thing??? and he's still technically dead
oh yeah and no one really knows about carol
they arrive
ross is an ass, polotics are complicated
but ultimately the asgardians can stay in norway and the surrounding countries (and get to form their own government etc)
bruce & tony have a cute science bro reunion
thor is e c s t a t i c to see the avengers again
heartbreak over civil war
confusion bc of the new cool memebers
tony immediately adopts another robot science kid
'she looks so sad pepper, and her father was an ass'
he doesn't start planning better parts for her directly after learning about what thanos did to her. he does n o t
it's a lil tricky to convince the un when it comes to loki (but he was mind controlled so as long as he stays in line...)
if you think he doesn't start flirting with tony the second he sees him.
you're w r o n g
rocket is in love with iron man and war machine and almost starts to cry when he's allowed to touch the suits
groot, shuri and peter are the gen z trio we've all been waiting for
t'challa, the guardians and tony quiver in fear. no one is safe
maria, monica and fury are actually able to make carol stay for a while
the compound is actually full again
(rhodey is in the background with pepper and happy next to him and not sure if he's happy or having a mental breakdown)
it's chaos but they have a good time
even the meanest tabloids can't help but fall in love with the newcomers
there is a small aftermath bc some of thanos children escaped
but it's kinda laughable how outpowered they are
new york has seen worse
everyone kind of settles in after that
and while the guardians and carol don't exactly Stay
they stop by often enough
now onto some fun stuff
peter brings mj & ned over to wakanda bc they need to meet shuri, she's soo!! cool!!! and really smart like dude-
shuri is instantly crushing on mj
she's a baby disaster lesbian??? and f u c k
t'challa is a smug bastard about it and never misses a chance to embarrass his sister (finally, for once he isn't the one getting embarrassed)
'did you freeze shuri?' 'f u c k off'
he enjoys his sweet revenge
the dora milaje all know about it and the gossip won't stop
even the queen isn't impressed anymore, just quietly contemplating where she went wrong bc not one child of hers knows how to flirt properly goddamnit
mj is constantly blushing
and one would think that peter & ned were supportive friends
but no
'lmao what happened to miss ice queen only-my-friends-call-me-mj rbf michelle jones????'
she. is. pissed.
(she loves those dorks) ((but they're on thin fucking ice))
yeah, things are fun
0 notes
bolontiku · 7 years
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*not my images*
Avengers A/U
Steve x Bucky
“The Witness”
Part 8
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes is one of the most sought after escorts in the business. After witnessing the murder of one of his clients he is forced into witness protection.
He had been in the escort business since he had been 17 himself. Now almost over a decade or two later at 34 he was done. He was in the back of Thanos Escort Services, some seedy little office they had set up to look legit. Just shit as he could remember emptying out his desk.
He had come for his stash. Over five thousand of hard earned money. Now because that little shit hadnt just died like he was supposed to Rumlow was being asked about.
He bent down under his desk pulling out the chair and reaching the little secret compartment down there. Pushing aside the makeshift little door he stared dumbstruck.
“Looking for something?” Came a voice from above him.
Brock swallowed, he slowly lifted himself from beneath the desk, looking at the heavily tatted hitman. His eyes fell on the small safety box he had been looking for.
He cleared his throat. “Hello Mr. Mendoza,” he backed up looking around. He knew there was no way out though.
“Ah, so you do know who I am. You know what I do then. That you thinking you’re gonna get out of here will be easy?” The man crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow.
Brock swallowed again. He had to try, he made a run for it. He cried out when two large men stepped into the doorway.
Scott smiled as he pushed Hill over into the booth, blocking amy chance of escape. Steve shook his head sitting across from them, T'Challa following.
Hill frowned as Scott scooted closer to her and he yelped when she pinched him below his elbow. “So,” she started, “Rumlow has gone missing, sometime last night he was seen going into his office and then he disappeared his car is still at the building. Thanos-whatever the hell.”
Steve frowned, “thats not good, we believe he set Bucky up.”
“Bucky?” She asked tilting her head to the side slightly as she added sugar to her coffee and took a sip.
Steve nodded as he grabbed his cup drinking it completely black. T'Challa frowned at him and looked away for a moment. “I meant James, Bucky is his nickname.”
Hill frowned slightly. “Don’t fet too chummy there Rogers, he is a witness and,” she sighed, “well. Just don’t get into trouble okay?
“So, what kind of trouble will this present?” T'Challa asked meeting Hills eyes.
“Well this whole thing about Rumlow is news to me. If he manuevered this so that James would be killed by our wonderful little hitman, then it would be attempted murder, Mendoza will probably walk and that means he’ll be gunning for both our guys. I’m sure he’s the reason Rumlow has gone missing.”
Rumlow’s shoulders ached, he couldn’t feel his forearms much less his wrists he had been hanging from all night. He couldn’t answer Freddie’s questions. Which wasn’t good cause that meant he was no good to him.
Said man stepped into the room. “Sure you don’t have anything to give me?”
Rumlow panicked as Freddie looked over his shoulder at the two men that came in with a black bag. “I uh! Those cops have been askimg about James! If I tell them I’ll talk maybe they’ll lead me to the kid!”
Mendoza smirked, he held up a hand to the two other men. “You know why I love fear? It makes men like you talk, and sometimes..you come up with good ideas when your afraid.” He turned around and began to walk out. “Make sure he is breathing when you dump him at the hospital. He’s gonna have to be able to talk.” Freddie Mendoza loved the anguished screams of those suffering.
Hill came back with them. She left her vehicle behind at T'Challa’s behest. She argued with Scott in the back and Steve nearly choked when he heard…
“Get a girlfriend already,” she scoffed and was on her phone. “Yeah Hill here. Fury, no, headed to his private safehouse.”
“Working on it,” Scott answered looking out the window pouting.
She tapped Steve on the shoulder. “They found Rumlow. Apparently he was dropped off at the hospital, nearly dead but asking for me. I was the one handling him remember? Yeah, keep several units on him at all times, do not let anyone in to see him before us. No, yeah I’ll be headed in.”
T'Challa turned the vehicle around, following her directions to the hospital. ‘Finally,’ Steve thought. They would be able to get somewhere with this.
A/N: stories moving along! Let me know what you think? If you wanna be tagged, send me a message or ask, or leave a comment! Thank you as always for reading my bit of insanity!
Taggin my darlins:
@shamvictoria11 @hellkat2 @the-great-irene @mo320 @tessab154 @ryverpenrad @magellan-88 @marveldcmistress @lostinspace33 @wildestdreamsrps @nenyakj @crownie-sr @aquabrie @tamianich @learisa @dustycelt @yknott81 @everybodycriesonce @thecupcakeconsumer @thekayceenicole @musichowler @frenchfrostpudding @thatweirdgaygirl @devildears
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emrystheblue · 8 years
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Okay. So I’ve been stiring on this for a while so I finally decided to take a really good look at what’s actually happening.
I’d like to start off by saying that Steve was pretty much a dick the entire film. I mean I get that he didn’t want to sign the accords but the way he went about it was just so completely wrong. Thing is I completely agree with Tony because he had it right because he knew what was going on. I mean, out of the two of them who actually knows the politics of the 21st century and has worked these sorts of things for decades? Tony.
Tony knew, as soon as the Sokovia Accords were made that he had to sign on. It wasn’t about guilt, although that was part of it. It was about the fact that if they didn’t do it now, it would be much worse later and or done to them and he knew that. (He actually says this in the film.) He also knew that the only way to have ammendments was to prove he was willing to cooperate. As with any new law and it’s affected parties.
Tony knew they needed oversight. Everything has some sort of chain of command. Military. Police. Business. Etc. And Tony knew the value of having that chain.
Steve Rogers on the other hand, doesn’t seem to understand the necessity. Need I remind you that he repeatedly went against that chain and was rewarded for it? Sure, he saved a bunch of people when he went to get Bucky, but that’s not the point. He ignored the chain and there could have been dire consequences (as we see in the future after S.H.I.E.L.D fell)
Another thing. He went after Bucky. Only Bucky. Noone else. It was pure chance that he let those guys out first, but they were used as a distraction so he could get to his main goal. Bucky. We see time and time again that Steve gets tunnel vision when it comes to Bucky.
And in Civil War it escalates to the point where he’s injuring and getting innocent people killed for Bucky. Only Bucky. When it comes to Bucky, everyone and everything else is inconsequential and unimportant as long as Bucky is fine.
Steve did not read the Accords. Fact. He left for Peggy’s funeral while he was skimming. Even if he did read it all, there is no possible way (and Tony Stark would bet his fortune on it) that he understood all of it enough to make an informed opinion. Laws use a lot of big words. Big words that would have been invented in the 70 years Cap was gone. So no, Steve didn’t actually know what the Accords were about.
He probably had no idea what the UN was either. Did you see his notebook in CAWS? Pop culture. 7 decades worth of world history? No, Moon landing, that’s it. Politics? Nope. New laws or government organizations (like the UN)? Nada. I think it’s safe to say that Steve wasn’t really caught up if pop culture is the sort of thing he’s catching up on.
Steve had made his mind up already. And he can’t use the Bucky excuse because by then Bucky wasn’t in the picture yet. Steve never gave a thought to the Accords and then Bucky fueled that fire and made him stubborn to a point beyond stupidity.
So, to sum up here. Tony knew that the Accords were going to happen no matter what and was willing to help make ammendments to suit everyone affected by the law. Steve went “Fuck you, I know better that 117 countries” and got a lot of people hurt and or killed.
Here’s another kicker. Tony convinced Steve to sign the Accords. He was literally about to and then Wanda was brought up, which is another thing.
Okay, a) why the fuck is she an Avenger? She was a HYDRA agent. A willing one, might I add. She and her brother volunteered to be experimented on and then work for them. She was the cause of Ultron.
She did mess with his head, and arguably, because it probably was, it was worse for him. He was alone. He didn’t know she was there, then suddenly he’s shown his worst fears mingled with a shit tonn of major PTSD triggers. He probably didn’t even know Wanda gave him the vision. He has PTSD, he’s probably used to attacks where he sees things.
I mean seriously, Tony has made AI’S before and none of them went bad. (DUM-E, U, JARVIS, then FRIDAY) They (Bruce & Tony) even say in AOU “We’re not even close to an interface yet” which means something jumped the mind stone to hijack the incomplete program.
Then you’ve got to think, an AI is made, with incomplete programming and whatever the mind stone did, and then was instantly thrust into the Internet. No wonder he wanted to kill everything. Information overload much, then attempting to make something of it all.
She had(/has) an illogical and unreasonable hatred for Tony Stark. Sure, the bomb thing was probably traumatizing, but she’s like ~23 now. That’s over a decade since it happened and you’ve got to think, why didn’t the bomb go off?
Stark weapons were brilliant. Top of the line never failing basically. So. Two bombs are dropped, and from the sounds of it, there was no explosion or if there was it was really small. Otherwise how could they be so close to her parents without dying too?
So, this leaves two possibilities. First, was the bomb actually Stark tech? Her home was war torn at the time. I’m sure some sides would like to intimidate their enemies with the idea they have Stark weapons. OR, the bomb was never armed. Again, war torn country. It’s entirely possible the plane carrying it was shot down.
So, unreasonable and illogical. If someone stabs you, who do you blame? The knife, the manufacturer/designer of the knife, or the person who stabbed you? The third one, obviously. So why was Tony Stark to blame? We’ve also got to remember Obadiah was dealing under the table.
b) She is NOT a kid, and I don’t understand why pretty much everyone thinks she is. She’s ~23. She can drink. She can vote. She can drive. She’s killed people. She became HYDRA. In what way is she a child? The way I see it she hadn’t been one in a very long time.
c) back to CW. Steve got all pissy because Tony kept Wanda in the compound (the lap of luxury need I remind you) for her own safety and the safety of those around her. It wasn’t a matter of her starting a fight. If she’d gone out and been attacked and defended herself, the situation would be made so much worse for her. Especially if someone got hurt or dead when she did so.
Now we get to the airport. Tony tries to talk. Steve is dismissive and unwilling to listen. Steve refuses to share vital information that would have helped the situation and the threat they had every reason to believe exists.
Steve starts the fight. His team doesn’t hold back like Tony’s does. They destroy a lot of property and nearly killed T'Challa and Spiderman several times. I mean, fuck you Steve, who just drops a huge heavy walkway create thing on someone who is obviously a teen? And then WALK AWAY while they struggle to hold it up. What if you had overestimated Spiderman’s strength? Congrats, you just killed a kid because once again you show no regard for anyone else besides Bucky.
He leaves his team. They probably knew even less about the situation than he did, because he knew fuck all about the Accords so I can’t imagine the bullshit Scott and Clint were told.
Then fucking Natasha. Ffs, she could have easily either disabled/sabotaged the quinjet or delayed them from leaving. But she didn’t. Then she has the nerve to tell Tony to watch his back after she betrayed him.
Also, Rhodey. Oh my god. Everyone gives Tony shit for point blank shooting Sam, but think about it. If Sam had taken the hit and turned into a glider, Rhodey would be fine. It doesn’t completely make sense, but there was a long moment where Tony was watching Rhodey fall to his death. Sam was a quick way to lash out. He also didn’t hit him that hard, just enough to knock him down.
Zoom ahead, Tony gets evidence that prove Bucky is innocent and admits he was wrong. (About what though I’m not sure, because all he wanted to do was give Bucky mental help and a fair trial but whatever. It’s not like Steve told him about the threat or anything. Because that would have been helpful.)
Clint makes a crack at Rhodey’s condition which is such a dick move. Sam then tells Tony the information he should have been given from the beginning by Mr ‘I-Dont-like-my-team-keeping-things-from-me’ Rogers. Tony heads to Siberia as a friend.
Steve gets a little arrogant cause he’s got this attitude of 'I knew I was right the whole time and I’m glad you’ve finally seen sense’.
Then the video. This pissed me off the most I think.
You’ve just witnessed your parents brutally murdered by the person standing not 10 feet away from you. This reopens unprocessed greif and causes emotional backlash. Then you find out someone you thought of as a friend had known. Known for years. Since CAWS. And never said a thing in an environment where it would have been okay, instead of watching the murder and then being told someone close to you knew the whole time who had done it. (Again because it was Bucky. Bucky is more important than the world, remember?)
And his face. It’s so broken and betrayed. (I’d add a picture of Tumblr would let me) and he attacks, because who wouldn’t?
And then Steve does the worst possible thing he could in that situation. Fight back. When someone is having an emotional breakdown like that, you hold them until they calm down and Steve was well within his power to do so. If he’d tried he probably could have talked Tony down.
Fighting more fighting. Steve starts disabling the suit. To you can no longer fly properly. Then he proceeds to continue to be violent and make it worse and acts like it’s not a justifiable or reasonable reaction for a human to have (especially one with PTSD and a past of horrible things happening when he’s betrayed by someone close to him)
They gang up on him. Then Bucky had him pinned and is trying to rip out the Arc Reactor. Once again, PTSD. Also, need I remind you that he’s only recently had it removed from his chest. That was the only thing keeping him alive for a long time. In the state of mind he was in, he wouldn’t have remembered he no longer needed it to survive, hence blasting off his metal arm.
By this point he seems to have calmed down a bit and isn’t actively going for the kill, he’s just defending himself at this point.
He tells Cap to stay down, because he doesn’t want to fight him, and when he’s momentarily distracted Cap jumps on him and slams him to the ground. Tony barely does anything and then Steve is punching the faceplate. Then he’s smashing it with the sheild.
There’s this moment, you can kinda see it in the 3 secs of gif tumblr would let me use. There’s this moment where Steve is seriously considering decapitation. Tony sees this, is terrified and emotionally unbalanced and covers his face.
Steve slams the sheild into the reactor and leaves it there. Tony goes wide eyed with terror and let’s out a very not good sounding breath. He’s looking at Cap with such fear because he saw what Steve was about to do. Saw him stab him in the back and literally break his heart. (Kept him alive for years, remember?)
There is so much fear and Steve looks at him with no regret for what he just did and twists the sheild out of Tony’s chest and walks away.
When he drops it, his expression is like indulging a child in something stupid.
Then he leaves him there to die basically. Tony can’t fly, the suit is dead. Can’t contact anyone. The suit is dead. Noone knows where he is and T'Challa took Steve and Bucky with him when he left.
Steve Rogers beat Tony to a pulp after he witnessed something truly traumatizing and then left him to die in the middle of nowhere in an old HYDRA base.
They act like it was Tony’s fault for the Raft as well. I mean, they’re powered and dangerous and also criminals. The Raft was a bit much though, I’ll admit. But Tony didn’t put them there. He brought them in because he was following the law like everyone else on the planet should. Because he didn’t think himself above the law the Steve did. (Aka flipping the bird at 117 countries whose people say they’re scared and what someone to oversee the Avengers) and the jacket and collar on Wanda was unethical. I think the collar on its own would have been fine but wearing a straitjacket for too long is really bad for your health.
And then just to put the icing on the cake. The letter. The damn fucking letter. It’s mocking. It’s arrogant. Not once is there an apology or true regret. Other than regretting that they’re now criminals who hurt so many people that is. But mostly just the fact they have to hide when 'they did nothing wrong’. No remorse for anything. Not for Tony, defiantly not. That would be decent. Not for anyone else either.
“I know I hurt you”. That’s not an apology. There was no mention of the destruction he left behind in his quest for saving a single man, who has killed people. A lot of people. By choice or not, it was still his body. His life was not worth the loss of so many innocent lives. There was no acknowledgement of how deeply you hurt Tony. How much you damaged him.
Steve basically says. “I forgive you for being wrong and because I’m such a nice and just person when you see I’m right I’ll be here for you and all will be forgiven. Because we’re still friends/family. Even if you fucked up.”
Argh. Angry ranting at 2am. I’ve probably missed points I wanted to make but my wrists are cramping and I’m tired.
I just… I used to like Steve, but Tony a little more because he always seemed more relatable to me. (And had a more interesting backstory.) And then this movie just made me hate Cap so much. He was such a dick in it and it annoys me that the movie was obviously trying to get you to side with him. Feel free to add anything to this.
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