#t-bone's killer
bottlepiecemuses · 1 year
Even Though He Killed T-Bone, You Just Gotta Feel For This Guy
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It’s not just greed as Tsuru says but a better chance at life for many people who have been neglected by a government that could give two shits about them. And even though the marines have more noble members it is also staffed by shitty people who are total bullies and scumbag like Captain Morgan, Captain Nezumi, and Ratel. 
Also for this guy I want to know his story because someone has to be driven to desperate measures to kill someone who is supposed to be protectors of the world. And seen right here he would do anything for his family. And ironically T-Bone was one of those marines who actually lived up to the spirit instead of just the letter. It’s all around tragic in so many ways how someone like him resorted to killing and it had to be one of the marines that did care. 
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foolishfoolsgold · 5 months
Immune system go brr
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A few designs I’ve done since I had this mutated brainchild back in October. I have others like eosinophil and dendritic but I wanna redraw them. I was still learning the way of the cell creature back then lol. Image IDs under the cut
[Start ID: The first image shows the AU design for U-1146. The background is white with a gray triangle pattern. He’s wearing his usual uniform, but he has a rounded, noseless snout, long ears without holes, and his one eye that is showing has black sclera and a round silver iris. His skin, turned cell membrane, is pure white with faint gray striped that resemble the markings of a raccoon. He has a tail with the same colors, it’s long, skinny, and has multiple lobes on it. Who on the very end, and a few dorsal lobes along its length. Again, like a raccoon, the tail has those faint stripes on it. He’s standing and staring at the viewer with his one visible eye, with his left hand in a fist, and the other gripping a silver knife. There’s some text next to his head that reads: “Only has one eye, and it can’t un-dilate so he always has that big sauger pupil we see in the media.” Another text box reads “Some raccoon inspiration because the official art makes it look like he has an eye mask.” There’s a piece of this official art in the top left corner of the image for comparison, and in the bottom right, there’s my watermark.
The second image shows Killer T Cell’s design. The background has an orange-yellow triangle design. He’s standing with his usual uniform, head turned and arms crossed. He doesn’t have bones, though, so his arms look more like they’re tied in a knot. He keeps his canon skin tone and hair style, but his membrane has dark blue markings that make him resemble a peregrine falcon. He shares the basic physical features with U-1146, except his tail is thinner and only has two small lobes on the end. His tail is yellow, like his hair, and has an arrow pointing from it to a picture of a banana flavored Snack Pack pudding package, noting that his tail looks a lot like banana pudding by humorously noting “Is it worth it?” Unlike 46, T’s hazel eyes are made up of multiple pupils that coalesce like a lava lamp, and this is true for all future entries as well. Again, there’s my watermark and an actual picture of killer t for reference.
The third image shows Macrophage’s design, and a cream-colored triangle background. Macrophage has large, frilled ears, and a darker cell membrane that looks almost like light coffee. She’s wearing her normal ruffled dress, but instead of legs, she has long tentacles without suckers, built almost like Ursula. She’s covered in white patterns with ripple-like stripes and spots, resembling a cuttlefish. With her right arm and one of her tentacles, she’s holding her signature cleaver, dripping with red blood, which also stained another tentacle and parts of her dress, and the other arm is held up to her face in an “I didn’t do that!” pose. She’s accompanied by a picture of anime Macrophage and a microscope photo of a real macrophage, reaching out with its “arms” to some bacteria. There’s a text box under it that reads: “like come on I HAD to make her a sea monster, have you seen real macrophages? Look at this bitch.” Another box reads: “lots of cephalopod inspiration, octopus-like build with cuttlefish markings and frills.” A final humorous box says “it’s ok she just had to refill the ketchup at McDonald’s,” referring to the blood.
The fourth image featured NK’s design with a green patterned background, as are the following images. She keeps her skin tone and clothes for the most part, but she has a centaur-like build. Her black tank top is extended to cover her chest and has short sleeves for her first set of legs, and ends with a belt around her midsection to her green shorts. She has green boots on all four of her feet, and her tail is black with green splotches, and has lots of lobes, almost like that of a leafy sea dragon. She has army-green spots resembling a cheetah, and she’s smiling and looking confident, with her left hand in a fist. She has her saber in a sheath on her back, and a brown bag secured to her belt like a saddlebag. There’s an arrow pointing to the photo of anime NK from a text box that says “there is something about this SPECIFIC png of NK that cracks me up sm and I don’t fucking know what it is.”
The fifth image shows Helper T, who shares many basic traits with Killer T such as bipedalism and a two-loved tail. While he still has the creature features like the big ears and rounded snout, he’s race-swapped as a black man, and has dark stripes along his arms and face like a peacock. His eyes are blue, and he’s holding a cup of green tea, dropping a cookie in it. There’s a small figure showing that his hair (flagella) are each coiled rather than straight.
The final image shows B cell’s design, which has a lot of bird inspiration. He has a longer snout, plumed tail and ears, and big flat lobes along his arms that look like wings. His eyes are silver md his stripes are brown and green, patterned like that of a blue jay. He’s also holding his antibody gun. A text box reads: “Bird boy! B cells were first discovered in birds and are named after the bursa of fabrics, a thymus-like organ for B cells that only birds have.” There’s also a note that says “face shape inspired by the Hilda bird because look at him,” accompanied by a screenshot of the raven from the Netflix series Hilda. He has a simple, completely black design with a rounded face, stick-figure legs and small wings. End ID.]
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radroller · 11 months
Kawamatsu firmly placed in my I Just Think He’s Neat box of One Piece characters.
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lovverletters · 1 year
👉👈 yandere serial killer...??? Maybe?? Like just this big scary dude with a mask and a big fuck all weapon like a butcher's knife or something and hes so big and scary but he sees his darling as he's just head over heels in love and obssessed and stalks them and makes sure they are safe.
Maybe leaves gifts as a way to try and court his darling even (trial and error style)
So like he leaves maybe a dead animal like a fucking cat cause he's this kinda survival guy and he's trying to provide food but darling is freaked out, so he tries again with something else maybe bones. Doesn't work. Tries to figure out what they like and tries again with their favorite flower or something.
Like he's out of touch with society cause again big serial killer who likely lives out in the woods, kills people who get to close to his home etc so he's really trying to win over his darling who lives closer to the town/city or something.
Just.... I just love big scary man who is so scary and mean but is ONLY nice and soft to his darling and tries to be so gentle, especially if his darling is much smaller than him.
No pressure if you dont wanna do this! Just!!! Giving out some ideas!
Yandere! Serial Killer
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A/N : thank you for requesting! I changed a few things if you don't mind💖 this is like an intro for him? I'll write more if people like this dude
T/W : Obsessive behaviour, murder, mentions of dead animal.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"─yet another body has been discovered near a park at Heartfelt Avenue this morning. The police were alerted to the scene after a man who was walking his dog stumbled upon the deceased body covered with deep cuts that were shaped into a heart. This marks the twelfth victim of the serial killer, 'Lovelorn' that has left communities in fear──"
The news forecaster were cutted off as [Name] switch the television off. Their stomach churned with uneasiness at the reports of the new killing. With the serial killer still on the loose, god knows who'll be next?
It could be them.
It's a terrifying thought but a probable possibility. All of the bodies were found near their place of living, meaning that the killer is not far from their area. Moving away is not a choice for them, they could barely make enough money to stay afloat.
[Name] will have to put up with the murderous maniac's antics until they were caught and placed behind bars.
"Shit── I forgot I have to cover for Stacey today!" They cursed out, hurriedly changing into their horrendous work uniform.
Working a late shift at a cafe wasn't exactly their choice. [Name] usually worked the day shift── stressful but far better than being all alone at night when there's a lunatic who's going around stabbing people. Their coworker Stacey had an emergency today and had practically begged [Name] to cover for her shift as no one would take up on it.
[Name] don't blame them, no one in their right mind would voluntarily throw themselves in a situation where they would ended up in a news headline.
However, adulting is hard and it drains your sanity slowly and [Name] already lost theirs a long time ago. Plus, they really need more money otherwise they'll have to live off cup noodles.
What ever could go wrong? The killer had just slain a person today, they couldn't possibly attempt to do it again could they?
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Everything went wrong.
It had been mind numbingly boring shift, the cafe were deserted at night with only a few people coming in and getting out as soon as they got their drinks.
[Name] were tempted to just sleep through their shift in the break room. Their boss won't care──probably.
"Can't something interesting happens right now? I'm bored out of my mind──" On cue, the lights suddenly begun flickering before shutting off.
Fuck. They're not bored anymore.
[Name] jolted in their place when the main door slammed to a close and their heart stopping momentarily as they saw a figure running towards the backdoor entrance.
They raced towards the exit──there's no way they're going to investigate it! They value their life more than this store they worked at──and try to pry the door open but discovered to their horror that it has been jammed!
Before they could attempt to break the glass door with a steel chair, they heard a noise from their former place behind the counter. [Name] eyes widened in fear at the sight of the figure they'd seen running earlier.
The man was muscular and had a red horned mask on, in his hand was a large butcher knife that serial killers loves wielding. Had their life not being in danger, [Name] would've laughed at how cliché this situation they're in.
"H─hey buddy, that's a nice looking knife you got there" [Name] says as they held onto the steel chair tighter, ready to wield it as a weapon if needed to.
The killer only stalked further in silence, ignoring [Name]'s remarks. He only stopped once they reached a good distance from each other and [Name] were confused, is he fucking with them?
Their confusion only furthers when the killer drops a fucking dead rabbit in front of them. Horrified beyond belief, [Name] looked at the horned masked man who stared at them as if he's waiting for a praise.
"Wh──wha..?" They could only croaked out timidly.
"It's for you" The killer spoke in his deep voice, elaborating no further.
Their eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as he dropped a human heart next to the dead rabbit. [Name] felt their knees weakened as they fell on the ground, disturbed at the sight before them.
Mustering whatever courage they have left within them, they asked the killer that's towering over them.
"Wha──what are these f──for?" Stumbling over their words from how terrified they were.
The killer, holding a flower in his hand──they looked freshly cut from the stem──lowered to their level of ground and spoke in his gravely voice that's strangely laced with a certain gentleness and love.
"M' courting you cause' I love you"
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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prongsx · 15 days
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warnings: fluff, kisses, female reader. English its not my first language and this is the first time I have had the courage to post something.
Jason loves you. Simple and pure. You are all he thinks about when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep. It's like your name is engraved in his bones. The problem is that you love him too. He can see it in your puppy dog ​​eyes, in the softest touch anyone has ever had with him, in the kisses as if his life was at risk with every breath.
He is fine with loving you, with being devoted to you, with protecting you. But you loving him? He can't accept that, he doesn't deserve the love of someone so sweet and perfect. His killer hands don't deserve to be held and caressed by someone like you.
He wants to say he loves you, he really does, but something inside him wants to deserve it by saying it, wants to fight to deserve your love. The problem is that you seem desperate to say those three magic words, it seems so simple to you. But he won't let you say it first, no, you deserve more than that.
His apartment smells like Italian food, grilled chicken in the pan and pasta cooking as he stirs the special sauce Alfred taught him. He was really trying to impress you.
"It smells delicious, Jay," you hummed, sitting on the counter as you admired your boyfriend's back, his shirt exposing his muscular arms flexed constantly as he tended to the pans.
"I hope it tastes good too." he said, turning and kissing your cheek, one hand resting on your thigh, his blue eyes shining in the low light of the kitchen.
You both stayed silent, with those stupid smiles of lovers, your hands coming up to caress his jaw. Then it happened, he almost felt it happening, your eyes getting softer, your lower lip trembling, the touch more intimate. He'd always been good at reading people, especially you.
"Jay, I lo.." You were brutally abruptly interrupted when Jason shoved a spoonful of the warm sauce into your mouth, making your eyes widen in surprise.
"Is the salt okay? A lot of pepper?" He asked, trying hard to look innocent. There was no way he would let you admit it first, he didn't deserve this pure love you offered him.The disguise was enough for you to forget, at least for now.
The second time, the relationship had been going strong for months enough for both of you to sleep at each other's houses. You spent most of the nights at Jason's safe house, but there was always a storage problem. Jason was too methodical with his own things, there was only enough space for his things.
"I thought about ordering Japanese" You said to Jason, as you entered his room, a toiletry bag in your hands. Then you froze.
There was a new piece of furniture in your boyfriend's room. A white dresser with a mirror, similar to a vanity. You looked at your boyfriend questioningly when he entered the room and he had the decency to look embarrassed.
"Oh, about that. Well, you always have to leave early to get your things from your place and you always complain about doing your makeup in the bathroom. So. Well." He said, his hands scratching the back of his neck, a little anxious. Maybe he was too exaggerated? Did you think he was taking the relationship too far?
The doubts dissipated when he felt your arms wrap around him and your face hidden in his chest, he hugged you back, his hands wrapping around your waist.
"Honey?" He called softly.
"You're adorable." You whispered against his chest. He smiled, grateful that you couldn't see the redness in his cheeks, he felt like a damn teenager. Then again, he felt his body tense up as you lifted your head and stared at him with your adoring eyes, he could almost feel the loving vibration of it.
"I lov..." His hands quickly left your waist and cupped your face, his lips pressing against yours, slowly running his tongue over your lower lip, using the techniques he knew left you too confused to think about.
And when you tried to speak again, he pushed you against the wall, his hands returning to your waist. And he made sure to try hard to make you forget your initial intention.
Almost there, he was almost there to finally speak.
The third time you tried, he was half ready to speak, but you chose a moment he hated. The Waynes' dance. You looked beautiful, of course, the red dress did something to his heart. But he wouldn't let you say such sacred words in the midst of people he hated in part.
It was a soft song, his hands resting on your waist, your hands on his chest, your head raised looking at him as you danced to the rhythm of the music. Jason was beautiful, in your eyes, of course, he had that half-scowl look he always had at heartthrob dances but always softened when he looked at you.
"Who knew you could dance?" You teased, reaching out to fix his red tie, a loving smile on your lips. He let out a playful sigh but didn't respond, too focused on admiring you.
He almost rolled his eyes when you once again had that soft look in your eyes. For the love of God, how could someone be so absurdly loving and determined to express love?
Before you could open your mouth, he spun you around, changing the rhythm of the dance, the surprise making you forget what you wanted to say. There was no way he would let you share those words in a place full of people who didn't even deserve to look at you.
Weeks later, on a Friday night, you arrived at Jason's house tired. It was a friend's birthday party and you had gone out to a bar. You weren't drunk, just slightly cheerful and with flushed cheeks. You had worked all day and partied all night, your body taking its toll from the fatigue. When you staggered into Jason's living room, he gently picked you up.
"Fun night, honey?" He asked, a small smile.
"Yeah. But I'm so sleepy," you mumbled, leaning against him, your eyes closing.
You let him take care of you, sit you down on the bed and gently take off your dirty clothes, sliding one of his shirts over your body. He used one of those wet cloths he knew you used to take off your makeup and removed the pins from your hair, so gently that he was surprised himself. The same hands that had already killed people were now caressing your skin, taking care of you while all you did was babble and cuddle against him.
So when you two lay down, with him hugging you from behind and putting his hand on your belly, he whispered in your ear.
"I love you." He felt the slightest movement from you, but too tired to form words, it made him laugh at the thought of how furious you must be that he chose this particular moment. "I don't know if I'm ready to be loved. But I love you. With everything that I am." He says and kisses your cheek, closing his eyes as he cuddles into you.
Because Jason loves you and slowly learned to be loved back.
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whatswrongwithblue · 3 months
In The Night, In The Dark
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Edited screenshot and beta'ing done by my dearlest love, @inuhalfdemon
Summary: Alastor x afab Reader x Shadow smut. Easily read as a stand-alone, there's no other context needed to enjoy this instalment, but it is technically Part 5 of my "Girl Talk" series. Part 1, Part 2, and Part 4 are all dirty humor and Part 3 is also easily stand-alone smut of the "filthiest" kind.
TW's: Slight dub-con at the very beginning, voyeurism, masturbation, vaginal fingering, anal, biting, threesome, double penetration, squirting, creampie. 8,271 words of romance and debauchery lay before the "Read More." MDNI and plan on a shower afterwards.
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Before the Hazbin Hotel . . .
Before you met Angel Dust . . .
Before the seven loneliest years of your life . . .
You had found yourself in the beginnings of a wonderful and complicated romance with The Radio Demon.
You had known him for a while, prior to becoming intimate, and had seen Alastor in a variety of moods.
He could be charming, enthusiastic, charismatic, downright funny, and the life of the party. He could sing and dance the night away, sweep you off your feet, all while being outright goofy. This was the side of him that, over a considerable amount of time, you had fallen in love with.
He could be terrifying; a monster (quite literally), a murderous psychopath, a sadistic and twisted killer who made strangers flee from him and far unluckier souls kneel to him. The kind of man who took what he wanted, regardless - or sometimes because - of who it hurt. This was the side of him that had initially caught your eye and ignited the flame of your darkest fantasies. Heaven help you, there a was a reason you were down there in Hell with men like him. While it had taken you a long while to realize he was the man of your dreams, it had taken you even longer to get his attention.
But now that you had it . . .
You were realizing there was a secret, third side to his personality; one you had only seen glimpses of so far. A distant and cold version of Alastor, where he couldn’t stand to be touched, forwent his chivalry, and yet, in a very twisted sense of the idea, let his guard down. These dark moods settled on him whenever something or someone got under his skin and he had no real outlet for his frustrations. No form of violence or vengeance would settle him, and he couldn’t exactly lash out at you because of it. He felt the new and unnerving need for you in these moments but was also desperate for distance.
It seemed tonight he had finally figured out a solution to this problem.
You had just fallen into the first stages of sleep, where the drowsy fog still kept your faculties from you, but you were also halfway aware of what was happening to you.
Pleasantly cool fingers ghosted across your skin, tickling your hips bones and dipping lower to your thighs, lifting you from your dreams. Still half asleep, you automatically assumed it was Alastor, and in your hazy stupor, didn’t question it. It wasn’t the first time he had snuck into your apartment, your room, your bed in the middle of the night. You even encouraged it. So, there wasn’t an ounce of doubt or concern in your mind as you kept your eyes shut and shifted more onto your back, parting your legs just enough to let the familiar long and tender fingers begin stroking over your panties.
Your breath came in quicker, louder pants as he worked you up. Long, slow, torturous touches that burned you up on the inside and left you wet and swollen on the outside.
By the time you fully awoke, you had already soaked through your panties – simple little cotton things that didn’t even match the t-shirt you had put on before bed. It’s not like you had been expecting company, and Alastor – well he didn’t find sexual appeal in anything you wore anyway.
Still with your eyes closed, you turned your head and reached an arm out to the other side of the bed, wanting to reciprocate the delicious foreplay he was pampering you with.
“Hmmm . . . Al’,” you breathed his name, still reaching for his body but when you finally heard his voice, it didn’t come from where you expected it to.
“I’m here.”
But he wasn’t.
Here was right next to you in bed but his voice was coming from there. From somewhere past the foot of the bed and much too far away to be connected to the hand that had just slid itself under the elastic band of your underwear and was finally giving your pussy the direct contact it had been begging for.
You opened your eyes and true to what the flutter in your heart had told you, Alastor was not what was lying next to you in bed.
It was just darkness.
A deep black mass of a thing that vaguely resembled your lover. The only part of it that had any detail was the forearm and hand that was still doing rather pleasant things to your body, though your mind was ringing with alarm bells.
“It’s alright, my dear,” Alastor’s voice assured you and your head whipped around to face him, your ears triangulating easily on the direction of his voice now that you were awake and alert. “It’s me . . . well,” he chuckled without humor, “mostly me.”
It dawned on you then just exactly what was happening. In the simplest of terms, Alastor was having his shadow finger-fuck you in bed . . . while he watched. The realization left you feeling shy and unsure of yourself in a way you hadn’t felt in very long time.
You looked Alastor in the eyes, trying to gage if this was really what he wanted, but only found a quiet, deep rage in those beautiful ruby orbs of his. It unsettled you but it also really turned you on.
“I want this,” he said, his words assuring you, though his tone was commanding. “But if it’s too much for you . . .”
He trailed off and looked away and as he did so, the shadow pulled away from you. The brevity of its departure made it more obvious that you had indeed been enjoying its touch and your walls clenched longingly at the thought of its return.
‘I’m okay with it,” you replied quickly. Maybe too quickly, if Alastor’s raised eyebrow was any indication. “I mean . . .” You hesitated, being more careful in your word choice. Even if your answer disappointed Alastor, you would only upset him more if he ever found out you weren’t explicitly honest with him. “I’d like to keep trying. If you’re really okay with it, that is.”
“I wouldn’t even let it look at you if I wasn’t, let alone fuck you like I intend it to,” he replied with a deadly low tone.
You swallowed.
“And if I say stop?”
“Then we’ll stop. Of course.” He nodded, his eyes softening for just a fraction of a second, letting slip that sliver of decency he still kept close to his heart when it came to you.
“Okay,” you agreed. Alastor stood and walked over to you.
“That’s my girl,” he whispered, letting his eyes roam over you sprawled out on top of your sheets, the damp spot visible on your underwear, even in the darkness of the room. “Now, let’s have a better view of you going forward, shall we?”
He pulled your panties slowly down your legs, letting the pads of his fingers dance across your flesh, leaving goosebumps in their wake that his claws gently raked against.
It was the last direct touch he gave you until after his shadow had shown you what it could really do.
Alastor walked back to his chair that was leaned against the opposite wall of your bed. A chair that you didn’t own or had ever seen before. Which meant he had materialized it just for this.
Your eyes about bugged out of your head as he undid his buckle and his trousers and pulled his already hard and throbbing erection free before taking his seat. He sat like a King on his throne, legs wide apart, shoulders straight and confident, and one hand gripping the armrest while the other took hold of the base of his cock. Meanwhile his eyes stayed locked on you.
As if a silent command had been issued, the swirling mass of shadows next to you began to thicken, reaching for you once more. This time you were ready for it and kept your legs wide and raised your hips up as the ghostly dark hand found your heated center. It explored you thoroughly, running multiple fingers over and between your folds, toying with your clit and the sensitive line of eager flesh that led from it to the very center of your weeping cunt. You got the distinct impression it was like an eager student, who had been watching and observing its master, and was now ready for its own hands-on learning.
The shadow shifted, moving closer to you and you tensed a little as you expected it to crawl over you, but then it . . . disappeared?
It went beneath you.
You watched, fascinated, as it slipped itself between your body and the sheets and then you felt it, lifting you away from the mattress by barely an inch. It felt almost like a thin layer of water between you and the bed, not so solid that it didn’t give into the natural swells of your body but definitely solid enough to feel.
There was the slightest tickling at your neck that then began to intensify, and you blinked in wonder as the darkness morphed into a face next to yours. One that looked very much like Alastor’s, but far less detailed. Those eyes though, although green rather than red, were very much the eyes you knew so well and adored.
Even in the haze of arousal that the hand working your pussy was clouding your judgement with, you came to understand the relationship between Alastor and his shadow in an intimate way that no other act but this could bring you.
While it had a mind of its own, a body of its own, Alastor and it were inexplicably connected to each other. Your real lover, the man watching you from the chair a few feet away, could see through those green eyes and could feel what those hands felt. It was Alastor’s mouth and his shadow’s mouth that bit down on tender flesh where your neck met your shoulders, teasing the skin there until it was marked and bruised, but never breaking skin.
This was how Alastor could find comfort in you without pushing the limits of his own touch-adverse body when he fell victim to his darkest moods.
You let a moan slip from your lips as the shadow’s fingers found a perfect rhythm of strokes from clit to center and felt every bit of reservation ease from your body as you gave in to this strange and unique form of sex.
Another hand materialized on your other side, snaking its way up beneath your t-shirt, tickling your ribs and cupping the bottom swell of your breast. You moaned again, arching your back, and felt it pinching your nipple. It squeezed and rolled it, stimulating it until it was peaked and taught.
You felt your pleasure building, increasing at a rapid pace you didn’t know you had in you, brought on by the delicious exoticness of the silky coolness of the shadow’s flesh against yours. Desperate for more contact, you turned your face into it, nuzzling the side of the head next to yours and felt something similar to hair but it floated softly through the air as if underwater.
Then you remembered Alastor and your eyes shot to him but rather than meeting his gaze, you locked onto the throbbing member in his grasp and the way he was slowly pumping himself as he watched you. His tip was red and swollen, almost as tense and angry as his dark expression, and even in the dim light of the room, you could see the bit of precum glistening at the top, ready to spill over and run down his shaft.
And still his hand was slow and methodical on himself, just a causal rise and fall along his entire length, purposefully drawing out his own pleasure.
Just as the wave of your first orgasm began to crest, the shadow slipped its fingers inside you, at last giving you some sensation of being filled as it curled what felt like two long and slender digits up and into the spongey sweet spot. You cried out and threw your head back as it rubbed its palm against your clit and pumped into your depths. The wet squelching noise it pulled from your body was drowned out as you voiced your ecstasy. You came with shaking legs and an arched back and you had never felt closer to the man who was ironically across the room.
As you came down from your orgasm, a kind of blissed out clarity overwhelmed you. Now you felt truly free to love and adore and desire every aspect of Alastor, even his darkest most detached part of his soul. He would feel it, he would understand it, and he wanted it.
The shadow didn’t stop its task as your orgasm came to a close, but it did slow its pace with an expert understanding of how your body worked. Letting up on the pressure of its palm against your clit, it ever so gently worked your inner walls, keeping you from the overwhelming sensation of overstimulation – at least for now – and letting your pleasure rebuild upon itself, riding the cascading wave of your last orgasm to quickly reach a new and second high.
At first you merely panted. Open-mouthed and head thrown back into the strange and thin shoulder supporting you from beneath, you were dazed into feeling nothing but the tantalizing fingers working their magic on you. But then it quickened its pace, knowing just the moment when your body was ready for more and you whimpered, a pathetic wanton little sound, that almost sounded like a response to pain.
The pressure of the shadowy palm returned to your clit and surprisingly sharp claws dug into your breast. You stared at Alastor, eyes roaming between his face and his lap. He was not meeting your eyes, not when his own was so clearly locked onto what was happening between your legs, truly enthralled by the scene of his shadow’s hand fucking your pussy, the view from his vantage point perfect for such voyeurism. His cock was positively weeping at this point and your mouth watered at the sight of the single stream of salty liquid that spilled from his tip and without breaking rhythm, he coated his entire length with a thin layer of it. You wanted to take him in your mouth, feel the weight of him on your tongue, let the musky taste of him overwhelm your senses and mix your saliva with his own fluids to increase his own pleasure. But he didn’t move a muscle towards you, and you were fixed to the bed, helpless to pull away from the shadow that had you in its grip from beneath.
You came again, lost in the thought of pleasuring Alastor in return for what he was doing to you now. This orgasm was longer and more intense than the first and your cries filled the room but this time you kept Alastor within your view and didn’t miss his smile widen in approval as he watched your hips rocking with reckless abandon into his shadow.
Feeling spent, you let your body melt into the dark and fluid body beneath yours, thinking it might be over now.
But then you heard the distinct tsk that often came from Alastor whenever he teasingly disapproved of something you had said or done and your eyes shot back open when you realized, he still hadn’t come.
You weren’t sure you had much more in you and trusted Alastor when he had said all you had to say was “stop” and he would, but your twisted curiosity wanted to see where he would take this if you allowed it. So, you said nothing as you met his gaze, seeing his cock in your peripherals still being worked by that hand as steady as a metronome.
“That was just some foreplay, my dear,” Alastor said and then tilted his head at you, as if considering something. “Tell me you haven’t grown curious as to what its cock would feel like inside of you.”
Your cunt ached at his words, unearthing a level of desire in you that you didn’t know existed up until then.
“Well, I certainly am now,” you say, feeling more and more like your usual confident self with every passing second.
You felt the shadow beneath you thicken, lifting your hips just a fraction higher, and you bent your knees slightly, pressing the bottoms of your feet into the mattress, catching on quickly to the position his shadow was putting you in.
“That’s it,” Alastor said, a mix of pride and authority in his voice as he appraised you. “Good girl, just like that.”
You felt the tip of something wider than the fingers at your entrance, teasing and undulating the shallowest parts of your walls and you bore down, helping to guide it in until it was fully sheathed within you, the angle of penetration not allowing for anything deeper.
With black arms and hands wrapped around your torso, the shadow that was an odd mix of two and three dimensions began thrusting up into you, and you leaned your weight of your back into it, embracing its hold on you as it fucked you from beneath.
It must have been quite the show for Alastor; your legs spread wide, your pussy on full display, as its dark and pulsing shaft came up from underneath you and penetrated your most intimate of places, all the while its hands roamed beneath your t-shirt, groping and teasing at your belly, your ribs, your breast, and your hard and aching nipples.
For a while, it was mostly silent in the room. Just the sounds of your soft moans and heavy breath were enough to dominate the air, though in-between the gentle, lusty notes of your voice, more carnal sounds were heard. The squeaking of the bed frame, the wet, slippery sound of the infernal, inhuman cock pounding into your core, and the very subtle, hardly there at all sound of Alastor’s fist working his own member and the occasional hard intake of breath from him.
He was finally getting close, though he was clearly desperately holding out for more time.
Eager to see his release, that moment when he would lose control, you began meeting the shadow’s rhythm with a more active enthusiasm than you had been showing.
You took one of the hands from beneath your shirt and guided it slowly back down between your legs, and it did as directed, meeting your clit with eager and quick circles that had you immediately moaning and crying out. You were going to come again and soon and you craned your head forward to get a good look at Alastor.
“Oh fuck, this feels so good,” you said, your words affected by the shakiness of your breath and the ever-present steady rocking of the shadow beneath you. “Can you feel it?”
His answer was simple, direct, and still you could hear how close he was in that one quick word.
“Mmmm,” you moaned, squeezing your eyes tight for a moment. “I’m so close.”
You heard him breath harshly through his nose, your affect on him undeniable. You didn’t often dirty talk like this with him but if it was a show he wanted, a show he would get.
Biting your lip, you grasped at the wrist resting on your pelvic mound, directing Alastor’s view back towards your sex. Then you looked down at yourself, at the shadowy hand that blurred around the edges but circled your swollen clit with a perfect, rapid motion and the darkness beneath it that was glistening with your slickness as it pumped in and out of you.
You twitched and clenched at the sight of it all, edging ever closer to your next orgasm, and wondered at how Alastor had lasted as long as he had.
“I’m gonna come,” you said desperately, looking back at Alastor with your neediest expression. “But I need – I need . . .”
“You need what, darling?” he asked, impatiently. You noticed his speed quicken as he pumped his cock though you were sure it was an unconscious decision on his part. Suddenly you felt like you were the one in control of the situation and let the next words flow from your lips, certain of the affect they would have on him.
“You,” you breathed. “Come for me, Alastor. I want to see it.”
The motion of the cock inside of you matched that of Alastor’s hand on his own member as the two quickened the pace in perfect sync with each other. His eyes narrowed, possibly feeling conflicted at his own loss of control but succumbing to his own desire nonetheless.
“Yes,” you sighed, giving into the sensations as well, as you moved your hips back and forth to meet the shadow that was filling you up.
You felt your body tense, felt the swelling and constricting of all your lower muscles and organs, and you thought for a second you had lost, that you were going to come once again without Alastor, but then you heard the deep, masculine grunt from your lover and looked in time to see his cock twitching in his hand, the first milky rope of his cum spurting out over his tightened fist and your orgasm hit your body like a ton of bricks.
It was a lucky thing you were in Hell because whatever noises tore from your throat were not meant to be made in Heaven. A rush of blood went to your core, your pussy clenching impossible tight on the wide shaft that still had your legs spread wide, urging even more wetness from you that coated your inner thighs and ran down your ass to pool in the sheets below you. All the while you couldn’t peel your eyes away from the wonderous sight of Alastor coming undone in front of you, spilling his seed for you and making a creamy mess all over his hand, torso, and trousers.
In the silence afterwards, it was all you could do to lay flat on your back as you felt the shadow finally retreating from your body, and you blinked up at the ceiling above, positively lost in the thoughtless post-orgasmic bliss you were experiencing.
As if from a great distance, you heard the shuffling of clothes and knew Alastor had stood and had begun undressing himself, but he didn’t approach you.
“Finish undressing her,” you heard him say, “and have your way with her.”
Excuse the fuck out of me, you thought.
He was talking to his shadow as if you weren’t even there, as if you weren’t an active participant in this, and that just wouldn’t do. Alastor may have been The Radio Demon, Hell’s most powerful and prominent Overlord, but he hadn’t fallen for you because you were the type of soul to just . . .  take things lying down, so to speak.
If he still wanted you and his shadow to go at it another round, it would be on your terms.
Those shadowy limbs reached for you again but you sat up, meeting its green eyes with a steel gaze, hard enough to halt its approach.
It solidified completely for the first time that evening, collecting its darkness into the same size and shape as Alastor’s body, and you weren’t sure if it was in acceptance of what it was reading in your expression, or as a challenge. Either way, you were ready.
You braced your hands on its shoulders and swung one leg over its hips, feeling the press of its hardness between your bodies, pinned against its stomach and your mound. Reaching between yourselves, you took the erection that was uniquely as dark as night but also as hard and velvety as the other one you knew so well, and lifted yourself up on your knees enough to line its tip up with your entrance. With a boldness that was encouraged by the sheer offense you had taken at Alastor’s words, you bore your gaze into those wide green eyes as you slowly sank yourself down, feeling every inch of it as you took in its length and bottomed out. There was a pressure, deep in your gut, as its swollen tip pressed against the very end of your deep and tight walls, and you let yourself groan as you knew Alastor would be able to feel just how completely his shadow was filling you up now that you had shifted positions.
Looking over your shoulder, you saw him standing frozen in place, his hands paused on the buttons of his shirt, and though he looked surprised, you could see him processing this change in you. There was something new in his expression, a kind of anticipation, as if he couldn’t wait to see where this new plot twist would lead him. He hadn’t expected this of you, but he wasn’t about to step in and interfere.
Before you had turned back around, you felt the shadow’s hands with those unnaturally long and slender fingers grasping at your hips and reaching around to squeeze the swell of your ass and pull you closer. Still looking at Alastor, you did as the shadow encouraged and rocked your hips; just once but in an exaggerated, slow and hard way that was clearly just a prologue to the rough and hard way you were about to ride his shadow. You could see Alastor’s jaw tense in response and smiled.
Oh, he could definitely still feel everything his shadow did.
You turned back to the shadow and leaned away from the torso that was pressed against you just enough to be able to cross your arms in front of yourself, grip the edges of your t-shirt, and slowly raise it up, giving it a good long and torturous show of exposing your mid-drift. The hem of your shirt caught on the bottom swell of your tits, pulling them up with the fabric before you lifted your arms more, letting them bounce free, your nipples reaching into hard little rosy peaks as they were exposed for the first time to the cooler air of the room. Then your shirt was up over your head and tossed to the floor, utterly forgotten as your arms came back down and wrapped around the shadow’s neck.
You could finish undressing yourself, thank you very much.
You rocked your hips again and then a second time, as slowly and teasingly as before.
“Alastor likes me on top more than he’d ever admit,” you said to the shadow, taking your turn to talk to it as if Alastor wasn’t in the room. “Likes the way I ride his cock hard and fast. Is that the way you want me to fuck you?”
Alastor said your name from behind you, almost warning you, but you ignored him, instinctually knowing he still wasn’t going to interfere.
The shadow remained silent, unable to speak, but you felt it twitch inside your cunt.
You began in earnest, bouncing yourself up and down its shaft, holding tightly to its neck and shoulders.
“Like this?” you asked again and the shadow pulled your face closer to it until your foreheads touched, its glowing eyes looking at you with such open need and adoration that words weren’t necessary. “Hmmm, yeah, just like this,” you agreed. “You feel so good. Just like him. But right now . . . ” you trailed off, digging your own demonic claws into its neck and feeling not quite flesh but something of its essence did give way beneath your talons. Still riding it, never once losing your pace, you kept eye contact as you continued, “. . . right now your cock is the one I need.” 
The shadow pulled you roughly to it then, holding your body tightly against its own, just enough to let you continue rolling your hips, letting you lift yourself up just a few inches off its length before gliding back down, continuing the devilishly rapid pace that you had set, pumping yourself up and down its cock over and over and over again.
You lost yourself then, thinking only of the shadow inside of you, beneath you, wrapped around you. It felt like it was everywhere at once, teasing and nipping at your skin, touching and stroking your body inside and out. The full-bodied man behind you was almost forgotten, but not completely. In the back of your mind, you stayed aware of his presence, his eyes on you as you took command of your own pleasure and used his shadow for yourself. And you never forgot who this shadow was a manifestation of and who was really feeling the way your body was pressed against it.
Indeed, the very thought of this new and exciting being that you had accepted into your bed still being a part of Alastor just fueled your passion. Made you cling to it a little tighter, clench your aching and dripping pussy down harder, and roll your hips a little more sensually.
You had started with a brutal pace, as if to prove a point that you weren’t to just be ordered around and used, but the longer you went, the more minutes passed by, the more the mood shifted.
The way the shadow was looking at you, as if you were giving it a gift it could never have conceived of, as if it truly appreciated the way you had embraced it, reached deep into your heart.
This was supposed to just be a senseless fucking. A reprieve for Alastor, to strip away and be done with whatever had put him in such a sour mood. And you knew that it had simply been expected of you to go along with it. You were already a much more physical person than he was and had already proved to him that you could take anything he could throw at you when it came to intercourse.
It had been one thing to let his shadow fuck you and for him to watch. It was even better that you had enjoyed it; he and his shadow had both wanted that. To watch you and feel you come for it, multiple times.
But then to want more of it, to not only accept but embrace this darkest, most malevolent part of his essence, his very soul, turned this night into something else entirely.
You were beyond just “okay” with all of this; you desired every bit of this shadow entity, would let it do anything it wanted to you, all because of how deeply and desperately you loved Alastor.
And there was something even kinkier to that, somehow. That two fucked up people, who had maimed and murdered and devoured others, had ended up together and brought each other’s walls down, saw the absolute worst and most vile sides of each other .  . . and liked what they found. You adored this darkness, reached for it, wanted it all around you and inside of you, to let it fill you up until there was nothing left but you and the man you loved.
The change didn’t happen all at once but rather over the course of several minutes but eventually you found yourself not fucking this shadow with wild and raunchy abandon, but properly and passionately making love to it.
There was a sweetness to the way you rolled your hips now, a tenderness in the way your hands roamed over its body, an acceptance in how your chest pressed against its own until it could feel the steady beat of your undead heart reverberating against it. It left you impossibly wetter than before and you leaned into this new sensual expression of your desire, daring now to even press gentle kisses along its neck.
Then there were fingers tangling in your hair, pulling your face towards it, and in with the most foreign of sensations, you realized it was kissing you. Dry but liquid lips crashed against your own, the ghost of a tongue lapped and danced its way into your mouth, but those teeth were very familiar. Their sharp sting a reminder of who this really was as it bit and sucked on your lower lip, just the way Alastor liked to do.
All at once you came, before you had any kind of warning. You cried out and panted, open-mouthed and slack jawed against the shadows lips as your body tensed, the lovely roll of your hips turning into rapid, unsteady jerks you had little control over. Alastor’s shadow held you close as you rode it out, continuing to grind against it as wave after wave hit you deep in your core, and it kissed and sucked on your neck and shoulders as your orgasm went on and on. Its kisses were strange, soothing and soft, but didn’t leave the same kind of cool, wet spots on your skin afterwards like you were used to. Its mouth had been the silkiest, smoothest texture your tongue had ever tasted but not heated and moist like Alastor’s. The mix of differences and similarities prolonged your pleasure into the longest, most stimulating orgasm you had ever experienced.
When it finally ended, you smiled against the shadow’s mouth, and its permanent grin widened in response. You nuzzled your nose against it, and it cradled the back of your head, taking the moment to enjoy this newfound intimacy. Its body was steady against yours even as you still fought to catch your breath and you laughed softly at the irony of having such a sweet and loving moment with one of Hell’s most deadly entities.
Hands gripped your shoulders from behind and pulled you away.
“My turn,” Alastor said as he forced you onto your back and crawled on top of you.
There was a second where you felt surprised and disoriented, but you recaptured your senses quickly and spread your legs to accommodate him, bringing your arms up and around his shoulders as his lips crashed hungrily against yours.
It didn’t take you but a few seconds to realize this was Alastor, completely stripped bare, both literally and figuratively. Free of all clothes and reservations, this was the lover you knew best, and he was finally ready to have close, direct contact with you.
He lingered at your mouth for a moment, demanding entrance, his tongue hot and rough against yours as he reclaimed your body for himself. Then he shifted, biting as often as he kissed, as he left a trail of marks along your jawline, throat, collar bone, and breasts.
“Touch me,” he asked, his tone guttural and full of static, almost pleading with you, before he took one of your nipples in his mouth, letting its peak slide between his teeth and then coming back down for another painful suck.
You started by running your fingers through his hair, letting your fingertips massage the tension you could feel in his scalp, before you turned your attention to his ears. You rubbed them first at the base and ran a hand up each of their sides, feeling the thick leathery skin beneath the short and dense fur. You circled the pad of your thumb against each tip, earning yourself a moan from your lover who was still intently sucking at your breasts, and then moved your hands to the base of his antlers. Pressing your fingers down, you stroked the flesh of his scalp where the antlers protruded from, having learned months ago that they became unbearably itchy whenever Alastor was irritated.
“Oh, my love,” you whispered to him. “I’m here. It’s okay now. I love you.”
He shuddered at your words, his breath coming out in hot pants that tickled your chest and gave you goosebumps, despite the heat.
“I love you,” he replied, lifting his head and moving his body back up until you lined up perfectly.
Without needing any other words to continue, he found what he was looking for in your expression and guided himself into you. You relaxed your tired muscles as his cock filled you up, welcoming the embrace of his true self and the more familiar, solid body you were used to.
You both sighed as he bottomed out and a second later, when he began to move within you, your lips met once more.
You returned his passion, letting your hands wander up and down the expanse of his back, feeling his lean and slender muscles waver between taught and relaxed at your attention. Letting your reach extend lower, you cupped his ass, pulling him tighter to you, encouraging deeper, more meaningful thrusts out of him. Then you found his upright tail, with an erect ridge of fur along its bottom length that you caressed and ran your fingers through, holding back a giggle as you felt it wag from side to side within your grip.
How you loved his tail; the most expressive, innocent part of his anatomy. It was no wonder he hid it from the world. It was positively adorable and always gave his true feelings away, but you were happy to keep its existence to yourself. It was your little secret you kept just between the two of you; a part of him he saved for your enjoyment alone.
At this point, you were getting a little sore, but you persevered, enjoying the sweet pain of being taken so many times. You were still plenty wet, more than enough to have to lean on the aid of lubricant, and the longer Alastor continued his slow and steady pace, the more you became ready for more. It was like his cock was dragging the last reserves of your desire out from within, inch by inch, stoking your pleasure from a smoldering ember into a refreshed, raging fire.
And you knew what you would need to push you over that final edge.
He had his face buried into the crook of your neck, completely absorbed in the feeling of you beneath him, but when you whispered his name, he lifted himself up enough to look into your eyes.
“I want both of you,” you said with a husky, strained voice. “All of you.”
He slowed his pace but didn’t stop completely as he grinned at you in understanding.
“So greedy,” he teased.
“Only because I want you so much.”
“And what a monster I have created,” he agreed.
The sensation of the shadow beneath you returned, where it had been when this whole thing had begun. From between your back and the sheets, you felt yourself rising up, but unlike before, there was much more than just a single layer of blackness beneath you, with only hands and a face reaching up from the sides. This time it was as real and completely solid as when you had been riding it from on top, and you felt yourself pressed between two very corporeal, masculine bodies.
The shadow wasted no time in reacquainting its hands with your body and reached between you and Alastor to begin rubbing and circling your clit, while the other arm caressed every inch of your body it could reach.
Something pressed itself between your lower cheeks and you felt the silky touch of it against your ass. Not quite a finger; it didn’t feel exactly like how Alastor occasionally touched you there, but it wasn’t wide enough to be the shadow’s cock either. A tendril, toying and caressing your tight and sensitive hole, playing with the flesh there just how you liked. The slender tentacle wormed its way into your entrance, swirling and stretching you just the slightest, giving you a shallow, pulsing feeling down there that added to your pleasure in a new and tingling way.
The shadow’s face appeared at the side of your head, and as Alastor dipped his mouth to your pulse point, yours met the shadow’s. Your fingers scratched into Alastor’s scalp and your tongue sought out his shadow’s. Wet and hot flesh danced against silky coolness. A warm body above and inside you and a misty, dark embrace took you from behind and below, and you had never felt so complete.
The tendril of shadow playing at your ass began to spread and widened and your eyes flew open as you felt the familiar, rounded tip of a cock nestled just within your entrance. It began to slide in further, easily and smoothly, as if already lubed up, but you tensed up between your two lovers.
“I don’t think- ” you gasped, knowing Alastor would feel what was happening without you having to explain. “I don’t think I can take it all.”
Alastor let go of his biting task at your neck and met your worried gaze, and you noticed he had a trace of your blood glistening on his lower lip as he smiled warmly at you. Each cock had stilled within you, one fully buried to its hilt in your pussy, and the other just a few inches inside.
“I think you can, sweetheart,” Alastor said, and his eyes darted over to his shadows for a second, before returning to yours. You felt the shadows lips on the other side of your neck, as if to sooth your worries with its touch, and Alastor continued to speak. “We can stop whenever you say the words,” his voice dropped a little lower, and his eyes shined brighter for a moment, “but you’re the one who asked for more.”
The darkness in his gaze did as he intended, and you felt your cunt gushing with desire and you willed the muscles around your ass to relax as well. You felt the slick affects of Alastor’s words dripping out of you, coating the base of his cock, and slipping down further to soak the hole the shadow was now continuing to push into.
Alastor pulled away first, then slid his length back in with an easy grace, and as his tip reached its end inside you, the shadow from beneath pulled away. Back and forth they went, in perfect, unnaturally well-done synchronicity, pumping and stroking and filling you up beyond what you thought your body capable of accepting.
And those fingers between you and Alastor, never stopping, working your clit with circles that seemed to complete a single rotation with every thrust of cock inside of you.
Now it was Alastor that was kissing you, as his shadow licked a trail from shoulder to jawline, cradling a breast in one hand, its thumb rubbing and pressing against a nipple in time with the action of the other hand against your throbbing bundle of nerves at the peak of your sex.
It was so much, all at once, and you could hardly move, pinned as you were between the two bodies. You were completely at their mercy as they fucked you together, two halves of one entity, working in tandem to draw out every sigh and moan of pleasure from your lips.
The deep intense pressure of it, of being penetrated so completely, of having two utterly gorgeous bodies worshipping yours and taking turns to move within you, was sheer, Hellish bliss. It ached and burned and stung and stretched you out and it was fucking amazing.
There was a rising tide within you, like a looming tsunami on the horizon, much more intense than even the last orgasm. It felt like you were pulling away from yourself, being dragged deep within, where nothing else existed but the two sets of lips on your flesh, the four hands caressing your body, the two cocks diving into you harder and harder with every passing second. Every desperate gasp of air you took in the only motion you seemed capable of making until those last few seconds.
One of your hands gripped at the shadow arm around your waist, nails digging in desperately, as you arched yourself forward and bit onto Alastor’s shoulder, and the massive wave of pleasure rocked your body like a freight train and something released inside of you.
You felt the rush of fluid from inside and out as your orgasm exploded out of you. The heat of it trickled down your thighs, soaking all three of your bodies where they were joined. Now the sound of Alastor’s thrusts, him and his shadows, took on an even wetter, more lewd noise and before you had processed what had happened, before the shaking of your body subsided, and at the very tail end of your own orgasm, Alastor found his own release.
His seed filled you up, hitting your cervix and coating every inch of your inner walls, as if to replace the essence of yourself you had just squirted all over him with his own. To mark you from deep within, just as he had done to your flesh when he first climbed on top of you.
And then the greatest surprise of the evening came when you watched as his shadow slithered out from beneath you and into Alastor; melting into him like two pictures being molded into one.
It shouldn’t have shocked you as you had seen this happen with your own eyes on countless of occasions but still, in the heat of the moment – or, well, technically the heat of the last hour or so – had made you forget that Alastor and his shadow spent more time as one than they did apart.
Alastor had literally split himself in two in order to experience what you two had just done and the realization of it made a fit of laughter burst out of you.
You covered your mouth in shock, your eyes widening as you looked up at him, but as he titled his head, those large deer ears of his flopping a little to the side at his confusion, you laughed even harder.
He was still inside of you, already softening, but his eyes were growing harder as they stared down at you in growing irritation. But you couldn’t help yourself, the absurdity and debauchery of the whole evening left you not knowing what else to do with yourself but laugh.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you gasped through your laughter and he rolled his eyes and grunted as he pulled out of you and laid on his side, still watching you.
You had just about composed yourself when you took in the sight of him, perched up on one elbow, an eyebrow raised at you, his dick soft and flopping on full display for you, and you snorted with laughter again, burying your face in the bed beneath you.
“I had anticipated many reactions from you, but this was not one of them,” he deadpanned.
You choked back more laughter, sighing as you rolled onto your back for a moment, catching your breath. With one last little chuckle, you turned your head back towards him.
“Blame it on the endorphins.”
“Endor- what?” he asked, more confused and irritated than ever.
“Endorphins. They’re produced when you have sex. And you just ripped five fucking orgasms from me and made me squirt – which I’ve never done before. You fucked me silly, Al’. Deal with the consequences.” And you giggled some more, drunk and giddy on the rush of hormones and love you were feeling at the moment.
His whole body softened then and he reached forward and took your hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
“I suppose after the day I’ve had, your laughter is the best medicine I could have asked for.”
You snuggled closer to him, pressing your body into his, and curled up into his longer form.
“Stay with me tonight? Please?”
He kissed your forehead.
“But of course,” he said softly.
You heard the soft snap of his fingers and with a poof felt the bedding beneath you change into freshly clean and soft sheets that weren’t soiled by sex, sweat, and a variety of other bodily fluids. The sticky mess between your legs also disappeared . . . almost. You felt a thick wetness still deep within you and suspected Alastor had purposefully left just a bit of his cum in you, a little secret to keep you marked as his.  
A few minutes went by and as you dozed back to sleep, you noticed the change in rhythm of his breathing, and the slackness in his expression, and knew he had fallen asleep before you had.
You sat up halfway, studying his sleeping form, noting that his ever-present smile had disappeared. It wasn’t the first time you had slept in the same bed as him but you always fell asleep first and he always woke before you. This was the first time you had been treated to the site of Alastor’s sleeping form and you took a minute to marvel at how beautiful he was like this.
Then you leaned forward and pressed your lips between his eyes, where that mysterious “x” often showed itself when his more demonic forms came forward.
“I love you. Both of you,” you whispered and then settled into his arms, drifting off into dreams of shadow and darkness.
Part 6
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fcthots · 8 months
This is a sick fic for my beloved @edi-storm and them ONLY <3 <3 <3
You add another blanket to your now three layers of blankets. Somehow, you were still cold. Cold and alone because your cruel boyfriend just HAD to patrol (you insisted he go despite him offering to stay with you). The world is evil and cruel and mean. The cold seeping into your bones on the couch after hours of being alone.
That is until Red Hood comes knocking on your window. On one hand, you felt relief that he came back. On the other hand, that knocking sound gave you a killer headache. He can get in just fine, he was merely alerting you of his presence. What was usually a nice gesture is now annoying the shit out of you. So you tuck your head under the blankets and stick out your arm to flip him off. You hear the window unlatch and his modulated laugh as he climbs through.
“You still feel like shit?” He starts removing the outer layer of his gear.
“Cleary.” Your voice is muffled from the stack of blankets over your face. You hear the light switch flickering under his fingers, darkening the room. You move the blankets slightly to look at him.
“Better?” He asks. He finally makes it to his kevlar layers, peeling them away with practiced grace.
“Yeah.” You stare at his freshly freed tits. Lovely specimen. It unfortunately doesn’t last long. He slides into an old comfy looking t-shirt. Soon enough he’s in full pajamas.
“When’s the last time you had something to eat?” His footsteps towards the kitchen are loud.
You shrug before remembering that he can’t see you. It’s the headache’s fault. “I don’t know.”
“We’ll have to fix that. Do you want pasta?” His voice carries from the other room.
The promise of pasta rises you from your cushion-y grave. “Thank youuuu.”
“Yeah yeah yeah. Don’t mention it.”
You can hear him opening cabinets and drawers before he steps back into the living room. You look up upon his entry and he gives your forehead a quick kiss before putting some linden tea down on the coffee table along with some medication for your headache. “You’re burning up. Take these. Your noodles are boiling.”
Immediately going for the tea, you look up at him with reverence and awe. “I would die for you.”
He smiles. “Please don’t. Dying isn’t as fun as it’s hyped up to be.” He takes one of your hands in his to quickly squeeze before heading back to the kitchen to stir the pasta.
When he leaves the room, the blankets begin to feel warmer and then hot. They become annoying and sweaty so you peel them off of you.
Jason quickly walks back into the living room. You decide the funniest and best course of action would be to throw the final blanket over his head.
You were right, it is funny. He doesn’t take it off immediately, just turns his head to look at you as if to say Seriously? This is your humor?
He pulls the blanket off his head and his hair stands in all directions. He folds the blanket and puts it over the back of an armchair before turning to you. He does a quick double take. “Are you wearing my shirt?”
“Shut up.”
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ozzgin · 5 months
Yandere! Bad Guy x Reader
I am currently in my Natural Born Killers nostalgia, and so I'm borrowing its vibes and bringing you this: a bad-to-the-bone, rock-and-roll attitude yandere who constantly makes you question your own morality. Featuring an old OC!
Content: gender neutral reader, violence, murder, male yandere
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He fell in love with you at first sight. A goody two shoes, quiet and obedient. Shy. Oh, terribly shy. You couldn't even meet his eyes. He knew you were the kind others would step on, take advantage of. But there was more to it, much more to uncover.
Who was it? A relative, a friend, a coworker? You know, that person holding you back, keeping you in your place. The one who'd always make you feel small and insignificant. The one who would always find something to criticize. How did it feel when you found them on the ground, bashed in and bloodied up? He was standing above the lifeless body, catching his breath, a cocky smile plastered on his face. His way of courting you.
He looked so tall in that moment, towering above your hesitant self, his gaze of a confidence and intensity you'd never known before. "Well? What are you waiting for? Get in", he said, gesturing towards a convertible he most likely stole earlier that day. What possessed you in that moment to join him without delay? Was it his charisma? Or did you know in the depth of your soul that he wouldn't take no for an answer?
You see, he's known it from the beginning. Someone like you needs someone like him. You’re a sweet little lamb lost among the wolves. The world would eat you right up if you were left by yourself. But now you have him. And he won't let his precious prey get away. Oh, dear, no. If he wants something, he gets it. And he's never wanted anything more than you.
"You didn't...even tell me your name", you sheepishly spoke up from the passenger seat, trying to keep your mind away from the crime you'd just witnessed. "Just call me Tig", he said casually with a yawn, speeding away. "Won't you be in trouble, Tig? Why would you even kill-" you tried to reason. "What kinda question is that? They treated you like shit and it pissed me off." He glanced at you with a frown, taking another drag off his cigarette. "You're mine now, so whatever happens to you is my business. Got it?" You just stared. Was that his way of asking you out?
Tig lives by his own rules, as you quickly learned from becoming his companion. Always on the run, indifferent to the world. For the most part, to your surprise, he's well-behaved. If people don't mess with him, he doesn't mess with them. Simple as that.
Anything involving you, however, sets him off terribly. Like a rabid, ferocious guard dog, he's ready to pounce on whoever approaches you the wrong way. Last week you stopped at a highway diner for coffee, and on your way back to your table, you jokingly pulled a clumsy dance move to the song playing from the speakers. Tig observed you with an amused smile, sipping from his cup. A passerby joined you, resting his arm on your waist flirtatiously. Tig's smile dropped in an instant, and next thing you knew, the whole place was splattered in blood. No one made it out.
"I didn't even finish my coffee", you whined, already used to the occasional massacre. The man hopped behind the counter and threw on a bloodied cap. "What will it be, sir/ma'am?" he pretended, dangling a takeaway cup and starting the espresso machine. "I never told you, but I used to be a barista", he declared proudly. An entirely different person from the unhinged killer you witnessed minutes ago. "What? You said you were a mechanic", you questioned with raised brows. "That's also true. I'm a jack of all trades, I suppose. You know what I'm best at, though?" He lowered himself until his forehead touched yours. "Pleasing you."
The man is romantic in his own way. He twists the key, and the engine stops. You follow him out of the car in confusion. "Why did we stop here?" He briefly lifts himself up onto the tall fence securing the bridge, and inhales deeply. "Isn't it a nice view?" he says, nodding ahead. It is a scenic sight, sure. The river slithers along the lush valley, and the setting sun gives everything a dramatic tint. "Give me your hand", he suddenly demands as he goes to grab it himself. Before you can ask for an explanation, he quickly drags a blade across your palm, and you wince in pain. He repeats the gesture with his own hand, locking his fingers with yours over the rail. You watch as fresh blood trails along your skin, eventually falling into droplets and vanishing into the river. "Now we're going to be everywhere", he remarks playfully. "Okay, but what was the point?" you insist, a little baffled.
"Isn't it obvious? Maybe this will help", he continues, procuring a ring from his pocket. "I'm saying I want to marry you, (Y/N)."
You open your mouth to answer, but he already slides it up your finger, eyes glimmering in excitement.
"You're never getting away from me, love."
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shapard · 6 months
Albino Snake🐍
Lucifer x Human!fem!reader
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Alastor kinda reminds me of Dr. Facilier
A/n: I want to cry. I accidentally posted this🥲
You found a cute little albino snake. You named him Apple.
Soft Lucifer
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Part 1 > Part 2
You love your home New Orleans.
The streets are filled with jazz and Happy people dancing around. It brought a smile up of your face.
It’s been so long when the streets were this filled. A big number of murders started to rise in New Orleans. Everybody stayed at home, especially you. 
News spread quickly that the Series Killer got killed by a hunter. The Hunter thought he was a deer and gave him a shot right in the middle of his skull.
The days that were cold and dull started to gain color again. And your live just became more stressful. 
Back to two jobs and a small apartment.
You worked in two Restaurants only to fulfill your dream. You want to live that dream you and you father talked about from morning to dawn. Sadly, he’ll not be able to see you reach this dream.
You’re almost there, just a couple more shifts. Just a few weeks of hard work.
You groaned when your alarm clock started ringing in your ear. Exhausted you pressed your hand onto the alarm.
You yawned and stretched your body; a small cracking sound emits from your bone, and you sigh in relief. 
“Next shift here I come!” 
As usual people side eyed you when you past them with a tray of food. Working in gastronomy is hard.
Terrible chef, terrible co-workers and even worse the customers. Your chief always tormented you that you'll never reach that dream. That it was useless. You are born poor and you stay poor, especially for a woman.
But that never lets you down. Then you'll be the first woman who'll reach the top without marrying off to a rich man.
The ring bell tuned, and your rich friend Charlotte and her father walked happily into the small business.
Charlotte smiled brightly at you when she saw you. “Y/n! There you are! I have an important question to ask you.” You laughed softly at her antics. she always was always so outgoing and a bright soul. 
“Of course.” Charlotte squealed and was quick to grab her father's purse. “Do you think you can make some beignets? You’ll get paid off, of course.” Without even waiting for your answer, she pushed couple hundred dollars into your chest and ran out of the store without even touching the beignets. 
Charlotte already paid and it wasn't rare that this happens. All your attention was now on the money in your hand. 
With this money it’s more than enough to buy the restaurant you and your father always dreamed about.
Soft tears pearled down on your face and your boss mouth was wide open in shock. “Huh… Wait… WHAT?!” 
When you shift was done you were quick to make a visit to the former sugar farmhouse.
The house was pretty worn down but that didn’t hold you back. You swung around the house humming a soft tune as you imagined how the place will look in the future.
"I'm almost there~..."
A soft clink echoed through the hollow place, bringing you back to reality. Scared you looked around you. Maybe a mouse?
Following the clinking sound, you saw a small snake hurt in a water cup. The snake looked up to you with soft red eyes. The white scales reminded you of pure untouched snow.
The snake was probably an albino. 
You spread out your hand and took the little injured creator in your hand. Your heart swelled when the little snake slithered up to your wrist embracing it softly.
Its red eyes never left yours and you patted his head slightly. 
The Snake watches as you walked stressed out up and down through your little room. A small bandage adorned its little tummy and a small bow tie was around his head. 
To say he was embarrassed was an understatement. But the way how happy you applied the little bowtie on his head was giving him pure joy. So, he didn't protest.
When you finally looked at the small clock that was on your room wall you gasp at the time. You grabbed your little purse and the beignets for the little costume party.
Theme: Kingdom.
The snake you named apple slithered up to your neck. It looked like a designer necklace, and you loved it. 
You stood unmoving in one of the stands from the party. The landlord of the place where you found him was informing you that someone pays way more than you do.
Your whole body feels like it's going to crumble. You were so close to that dream. You were so close to making your father proud.
All those years for nothing?
Apple looked up to you and he saw the face of pure despair and sadness. His heart broke when you ran towards the landlord in despair. Tears were pouring down your face as you shouted the landlord’s name. 
You were close to a panic attack. Apple rested softly on your neck like a scarf. He tried to comfort you in any way.
A woman with a wine glass in her hand accidentally pours the wine onto your dress and Apple hissed at the sudden wetness.
When you turned to look for the landlord he was nowhere to be found. And for the first time you really felt defeated.
Your legs under you gave up and everything around you started to mix in one black hole.
Charlotte hugged you from behind when she saw your broken state. Charlotte dragged you along with her when she looked at the damage on your dress. 
She gave you a new dress your mother had designed for her.
A gorgeous flowing dress that beats every physics. A little Tiana was on your head and the color matched perfect with your skin color. 
Apple watched with an immense blush on his scales.
You look so pretty in this dress. 
You plumped softly onto the bed where apple was laying. He laid under your chin cuddling into your heat. "Oh Apple. I don't know what to do." You whined as soon as those words left you.
“I can help.” As soon as you heard Apple talk you shot up, falling with full force onto the hard floor. 
Red mist covered the whole room and in front of you stood a man with white skin, red eyes and royalty looking clothes.
His smirk was large, and he held an apple cane in one of his hand. “Do you trust me princess?”
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A/n: I'm obsessed with Tyla's new album.
@i-have-no-life-charlie @sirenetheblogger @concentratedconcrete
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itsokguysimquirky · 25 days
❥ clingy and drunk 🛏️🍻🌡
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❥ lip gallagher x reader, no use of y/n, college!au, fluffy nonsense, like one (1) whole sex joke, established relationship, fem!reader (as in, it's mentioned you have tits)
❥ after waking up with a fever, a headache, and everything else people hate about being sick, you decided to stay in for the night instead of going out with Lip to a party. You planned on having a quiet night in, but your boyfriend had other plans.
❥ a/n: kind of want to do a part two where the reader's the clingy and drunk one, while Lip gets to be the sober one appreciating the sight. i'd say I'll write it if there's interest but i gotta be fr I'll probably write it anyways.
❥ w/c -> 1026 words
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It was a quiet knock to your door that broke the brain fog flooding your sleepy, fever-addled brain. It was a second, much more needy knock that forced you onto your feet and towards your dorm’s door. When your boyfriend, clearly inebriated, was revealed to be the knocker on the other side, it was hard not to glare at him. Well, it was hard to glare at Lip. You tried your best to, but the yawn that overtook you didn’t exactly make you seem all that intimidating. 
“Thought you were at a party?” You asked, dressed minimally in just sleep shorts and a large t-shirt that was definitely Lip's first, the optimal sick outfit. You were meant to be at said party with him, but after waking up with far too high a temperature and a killer headache, along with skipping all of your lectures for the day, partying seemed out of the question. Lip offered to stay in with you, but you had reassured him that if you didn’t get to go out, he would have to go to make up for it.
Lip smiled at you, all big and dopey and without any of the walls his sober self kept up. He was quick to wrap his arms around you, hands resting on your lower back as he struggled in his drunken state to push the door shut with his foot. “Hm, missed you… Party sucked without you.” He tugged you towards him, his words whispered into your ear.
“I was tryin’ to sleep…” You mumbled, yawning again. Your breath was hot against his neck, and clearly tickling him if the giggle-like laughter that escaped him was any indicator.
He pressed you closer to him, ducking his head down to press a sloppy kiss to your cheek, “Sorry to wake up my sleeping beauty-” You laugh, pushing him away, “Hey, hey. No, c’mon…” He whines, quick to slip his grip to your waist and pull you back to him. Your hip bones press against each through the fabric of your pajama shorts and his jeans.
You smile, hands moving down to fiddle with his belt, undoing the buckle, “Your breath stinks.”
“‘M sorry…” Lip pouts, letting his head drop to rest on your chest- well your tits, he was always fond of those. “Beer stinks.”
A laugh bubbles out of you, “Yeah. Yeah, it does.” You tug at his belt, pulling him by it as you shuffle back towards your bed. It’s a little hard to, your fever left you uncoordinated and Lip’s hands refused to loosen, unlike his belt which was actively loosening as you pulled at it. “You’re so clingy…”
He hummed against your sleep shirt, nipping at the fabric. Your legs pushed against your bed frame, and Lip was quick to lift you up and deposit you on top of it. He’s next to you just as fast, slipping one leg between yours as he begins to plant a series of chaste kisses to your neck. His jeans had been abandoned to your floor somewhere in the motions, you weren’t quite sure when.
“Down boy.” You teased, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look up at you. The pure look of adoration and desire in his puppy-dog eyes made letting him do whatever he wanted oh-so-tempting, but considering your bones already ached from the effort of getting out of bed and back into it, you doubted fulfilling his desires would do much to beat the fever plaguing you. Your boyfriend’s dick wasn’t what the doctor ordered, though maybe if the doctor saw what he could do with it they would change their mind.
Whining at the refusal, Lip’s pout returned to make up a rather sulky face. Soaking up your touch a moment longer, Lip eventually broke free to rest his head on your chest once again.
“Wanna watch a movie..?” You asked, carding a hand through his hair. “Somethin’ old, ‘m thinkin’ Disney.”
Lip's hazed eyes met yours, a drink-induced film glazed over them, “Thought you were tryna sleep?”
You shook your head, “Nah, nah, I'm awake now. Don't think I can sleep for another bit.” Your arm reached for the space between your bed and drawer, knowing that’s where you shoved your laptop earlier.
“Oh… ‘M sorry…” Lip seemed genuinely upset, the glaze coating his eyes looking alarmingly like tears. You could say with certainty that you had never seen a sober Lip cry before, it was rare to even see him look close to it. Drunk Lip was mostly the same story, at least when others were around, but something about it being just the two of you got your boy surprisingly teary-eyed when inebriated.
You pressed a kiss to the crown of his head, his curls tickling your face. “Shhh, you're fine. I like the company, missed you.” You cooed, abandoning your laptop to comfort him.
“Missed you too…” He hiccuped, tilting his head up to get a better look at you. His chin was digging into the skin right above your chest, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him to move.
“I know baby, you already said.” You smiled, pecking either of his temples between your words.
“Baby..?” He mumbled, “I’m your baby?” Lip’s eyes were wide and looking at yours like they were the most magical thing he had ever seen, like you were the most magical thing he had ever seen, and you would be lying if you blamed your newly watery eyes on your fever.
You could only hum in response, nodding your head. You knew if you tried to speak, the sheer adorableness of his reaction would take over and you didn’t want him regretting the vulnerability the next morning when his head sobered up. With a smile, Lip yawned, nestling further against your chest, “Good. I’mma go sleep now, ‘kay..?” His eyes were already slipping shut, a sudden sleepiness overcoming him.
Nodding again, you murmured a quiet, “Okay, baby…” Planting a goodnight kiss to his forehead. You definitely were still too awake to try to sleep too, but cuddling with your asleep boyfriend wasn’t too shabby of an alternative.
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whatlovelybones-if · 5 months
Hey this might be a silly question but how do you decide on the kind of MC you want to use for the edits, also the ROs. I love your game btw, I play it religiously and pray for an update soon 😭
it’s not a silly question, don’t worry. i get the MC ideas from my friends on discord, along with the ROs they want it to be with! i also take into account some of my readers’ requests in my tumblr inbox. editing is just something which motivates me to write and it also helps that it helps add visuals to the story, alongside meeting the MCs that everyone has created.
thank you so much for your support, bonnie! i promise i’m working on updates but additional projects + my final year of uni is really kicking my ass 💀 updates will get regular when i’m finally done with my undergraduate degree for good tho so that’s something to look forward to
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coryosbaby · 11 months
top adam x bottom fem reader? tumblr is lacking 💔
—ᴀᴠᴀ ᴀᴅᴏʀᴇ !
Adam Stanheight x fem! Bimbo! Reader
✯ Content Warning . semi public sex (in an alley), club scene, choking, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, mild anal, p n v, degradation & praise, creampie, a lil bit of punk Adam with nipple piercings <33
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Staring off across the room could not have been as helpful as it is right now.
A man’s hands are grabbing your hair, pressing you between his warm body and a brick wall behind you. He smells good, like some cheap cologne and soap but in the best way possible. He’s got some kind of eyeliner on his lower lashline and a curve hugging t shirt that makes you swoon. You had watched him from across the room under the strobe lights. He had saw you, approached, talked. His name is Adam.
You don’t know him— not really. You know who he is, thanks to a news article you read a few months ago. You know what had happened to him, after he had escaped a viscous serial killer and somehow got out alive. You know that taking a girl in an alleyway is probably his way of blowing off steam. But he was nice enough to strike up conversation before he jumped your bones— even asked to take your picture.
“Trying to remember the scene,” he had said, chuckling nervously. “especially you. You’re the prettiest view here.”
And after that, you had both somehow made your way to the back alley and he had set his camera down and sooner or later you had shoved your tongue down his throat. And okay, so this seems a little trashy, but so what? You would’ve fucked him either way, whether it be at home or at his apartment. And besides— something about this boy has you willing to be fucked like a cheap slut in the middle of an alleyway. And who can blame you, honestly.
If you didn’t know any better, you would ask Adam out.
But you don’t think about that possibility right now— can’t think about that. His crotch is grinding up against yours, his lips consuming you until he pulls away.
“Are you sure this is okay?” He asks. He wants you, but he wants to make sure that being fucked in an alleyway is something you’re into.
Nodding, you ignore the pain in your heels as you lift on your tippy toes in your stilettos. Biting teasingly at his neck, you let out a small breath of air.
“‘S perfect. Now why don’t you shut up and fuck me?”
His eyes are glazed with lust, and his hand reaches down to grab the flesh of your ass.
“Yeah?” He mutters. “Right here?”
At your nod, he shakes his head and chuckles.
“Never met a chick like you before.”
He dives back in for another taste of your lips. His tongue strokes your bottom lip, wet and filthy and oh so delicious. You run your hands up his shirt, feeling the warm skin and the light patch of hair on his chest. Running your hands over his chest, you’re met with the sensation of cold metal.
Nipple rings.
“Been wanting some of these,” you mention to him, and he grins against you.
“Hurt like a bitch. Wouldn’t recommend if you have a low pain tolerance.” Getting shot’ll do that to you— make a needle going through your most sensitive parts seem like child’s play.
You continue to kiss him again, this time flicking over his nipples and playing with the barbells. It drives him crazy, and he becomes more sex crazed and desperate. After a moment he pulls your face away from him. Without warning, he turns you around and shoves your face against the wall. Letting out a tiny gasp, your pussy aches as he pushes your legs apart with one of his own and moves down to his knees. He kneads your ass with his hands, lifting up your pink latex dress to expose your soft ass to him. Groaning, he takes notice of the tiny black thong that’s settling in between your cheeks.
“Shit,” he whispers solely to himself. You smirk. You knew that the lace would come in handy if you got laid tonight.
“Like it?” You say, amused. His hands move up to spread your cheeks. The slightly chilled night air makes your eyes scrunch shut in pleasure.
“So fucking sexy.” Adam praises, and he leans in, using his thumb to move away the thong’s string. Watching your dripping pussy from this angle, his cock is so hard that it hurts. Your little clit is settled between two swollen lips, hole clenching and unclenching. Adam takes sight of you under the street lamp a distance away that serves as your only source of light. He thinks you’re beautiful.
He brings his lips to your clit; pressing a soft kiss there, he lets out a small mewl. He kisses all over you, moving up to the globes of your ass to leave wet ones in a trail. And unexpectedly, his finger finds your puckered asshole, running it along on it. He slips his thumb in, gentle, and with his other hand he reaches around to play with your aching pussy. He finds your hole and he probes it with the tip of his tongue, while his finger slides inside your ass. He thrusts one, in, out, in, out, and it’s not long before he adds a second as he begins to devour your cunt like a man starved. Groaning against you, he makes sure to get your pussy nice and wet, makes sure to drool and spit on it as much as he can. You like boys like this; boys that are desperate and messy but still manage to somehow make you submit. Because this whole time, your mouth is spewing so many vulgar phrases, begging, pleading.
“Please! ‘S good, Adam, it’s so good, wanna be good for you…”
“Want you to make me cum, want your cock…”
And Adam’s got this hunger as he hears these words, as your hole feeds him your delicious arousal. He wants to fuck you until you stop breathing.
It’s not long before he presses down on your clit and rubs while his tongue is still probing your walls. Instantly, white hot heat licks up your spine and you can’t help but cum all over Adam’s pretty mouth. You shove your wrist in your mouth to keep quiet but it’s so hard. You haven’t had your pussy ate like this in a while.
Wiping his mouth, Adam grins from behind you as he lifts himself back up to his feet. He begins to undo his belt, the skull shaped buckle glinting in front of his eyes. He unzips his fly, pulling out his hard cock. He strokes himself as he watches your ass grind back desperately against him.
“Still so needy…” He grunts. “God, you’re a slut, aren’t you?”
You mewl, hands reaching behind to spread your cheeks and present yourself to him again. You’re like a bitch in heat for this perfect stranger. He takes notice, instantly shoving his cock against your clit and tapping a few times. He’s being such a tease.
“Adam, cmon..” you whine, trying to adjust your hips so his mushroomed head can catch on your dripping seam. He just shakes his head, rubbing his cock up and down your folds.
“Beg for it,” he whispers against your neck. “Beg for this cock.”
“Please,” you instantly moan out. “Please fill me up. My pussy needs your cock so bad…”
And Adam isn’t a patient guy, so of course he gives into your demands and slides his throbbing cockhead into your entrance. He tilts his head back, mouth falling open, as he enters your warm canal. You mewl against him. He’s big, not too much that its incredibly painful but just enough to give you that delicious stretch.
Adam’s face buries itself into your neck, small sounds leaving his throat as he finally sinks in to the hilt.
“Fuck,” he moans. “Are you always this tight?”
“Mhmmmm,” you say, feeling confident. Your hands reach behind you to run through his dark hair. “Been needing a cock inside me for weeks.”
He thrusts into you a bit harsher now, nipping at your jugular with his teeth.
“Yeah?” He breathes. “Should’ve met me sooner baby,” and then, with a much darker tone, “Could fill up this pussy every day if you’d let me.”
And now you know you need to ask for his number. Because you’ve never felt this needy and this hot for another human being in your life. Maybe it’s love at first sight— or fuck at first sight. It doesn’t matter. He’s beginning to pummel your guts like you’re a fuck doll, grunting into your ear as his hips slap loudly against yours. His hands wrap around your hair and he pulls you back towards his awaiting thrusts.
“Clenching so tight. Making my dick so wet, baby, fuck.”
Squirming in his grasp, you let out a squeak when he bites down on your neck harshly. Like a fucking vampire, the boy begins to suckle up the blood into his mouth. As he pulls away, his pace speeds up impossibly quick.
“Who’s making you feel this good?” He coos. “Who’s fucking this cute little pussy this good?”
“You!” You gasp. “All you, Adam, ‘m yours— shit!”
You’re about to cum embarrassingly fast once again. Just one little flick to your clit and you’ll be spilling all over his cock. Adam takes your ass in his palms and spreads you again so he can watch as you take him.
“Such a good girl,” he breathes. “Such a good, pretty slut. Gonna make you cum so fuckin’ hard on me.”
Your eyes roll back, and he reaches around to rub your clit with his fingers. You seize up, letting out a choked sound, as you cum all over him. He whimpers as he feels your pussy spasm around him, and his fingers on your hips become bruising. You can’t help but have the desire to be filled up with his spend; it doesn’t matter if he might leave you after this, you want him to leave you used and dripping in his cum. You press your hand to his lower stomach from behind you, working your hips hard against him.
“Cum inside me,” You plead, overstimulated. “Need your cum to fill me up. Please, I need it—“
“Shit!” His hips begin to stutter, and with one last stroke he’s cumming.
He rides out his high until his cum is dripping down his balls, his eyes shut and a montage of delicious praises spilling out of him.
When he finishes he gently pulls out of your gaping pussy. Tucking himself back into his pants, he pulls your underwear up with gentle hands. He turns you around, fixing the straps on your dress.
“Okay?” He asks, and you smile as if you’re doped out and nod.
“Never better.”
He laughs, a light flush caking his cheeks now.
“Good,” he says, then chuckles awkwardly. “Uhm— thanks. For..”
He gestures to your body, fumbling with his hands.
“No problem.” You reply. “It’s late. I should be getting home.”
“I can walk you to your car,” Adam says quickly.“I mean, if you want.”
Something tugs in your chest, wondering how the once rough boy is so shy now. You lean up to him, planting a kiss to his cheek.
“I would love that, Adam. Thank you.”
Adam grins, helping you balance on your shoes as you wobble towards the parking lot.
“So… I was wondering if I could get your number?”
You’re relieved that he asked first. You look up at him, his neck caked in hickeys and bites from your own kiss bitten lips.
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jintaka-hane · 2 months
The Date
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Summary: You and Heat have your first task together: buying provisions in the village where you've just docked. To get the job done, you decide to wear a beautiful, light summer dress, something that will reveal your companion to be quite the gentleman and charmer. Notes: I'll be honest. The amount of time it has taken me to write this fic is not normal XDD Word Count: 2700+
"Someday, I'll take out a girl like that," said a young Heat, hidden in an alley, hungrily biting into a stolen loaf of bread as he observed elegantly dressed girls pass by.
"Don't tell me!" mocked one of his friends. "And let me guess! You'd treat her to ice cream?"
"Of course I'd treat her to ice cream," he replied proudly, prompting his group of friends to erupt in laughter.
The years passed, and with them came the street gangs, the violent fights, and the Glasgow smile, causing this memory to fade from his mind.
That day was resupply day in the village. 
After the shout on deck announcing that you had just docked in the harbor, you hurried to get ready in your cabin, assuming Heat was probably already prepared. It was the first time you had been assigned a task together, and you didn't want to keep him waiting.
Your fingers began to sift through the different hangers in the flung wide open wardrobe in search of something light to wear. Summer had arrived on the islands, bringing with it hot, sunny days, so you needed something cooler than your usual outfit.
Discarding the leather jacket—too hot despite being sleeveless—along with the set of gothic corsets and harnesses, and the collection of dark t-shirts with spiked dog collars, your fingers halted on a hanger holding a much more delicate garment.
A few weeks earlier, Quincy had convinced you to buy a summer dress from a store that sold everything at half price. Lavender in color, with a sweetheart neckline and tiny embroidered flowers on the skirt, it was a garment you had never worn, partly out of embarrassment and partly because it wasn't the most suitable attire for the strict life at sea.
Holding it between your hands, you thought it was a shame for it to hang there unused. What if you wore it that afternoon? Oh, the crew would surely laugh at you when they saw you, but... it was cool and airy, perfect for high temperatures... and besides, the village seemed so peaceful and tranquil, with little risk of having to face a street fight. When else would you have such an opportunity to wear it?
You chuckled to yourself at the realization that you were making excuses to wear it, and slipped it on without further thought, completing the outfit with a pair of matching heeled sandals instead of your usual black leather boots.
As you stepped out onto the deck, everyone stopped what they were doing to look at you. Everyone except Heat, who appeared absorbed in reviewing the shopping list over and over again, seemingly unaware of the catcalls and wolf whistles that started to fill the air.
Slightly embarrassed, you hurried over, snatched the berry bag that Killer handed you, and turned to Heat, lifting your chin to meet his gaze, suddenly aware of how tall he was.
"Shall we go?" you asked, eager to disembark as quickly as possible.
The pirate with bluish locks lifted his gaze from the paper and blinked several times before looking you up and down. His face flushed pink, and before he could stammer a word, the shopping list slipped from his hands, falling to the ground right by your feet. Grunting, he bent down to retrieve it, unable to prevent his eyes from flicking a quick glance at the straps of your sandals, admiring how delicately they encircled your ankle bones.
"Uh, y-yes, let's go," he stammered, straightening up and brushing back the hair that had fallen across his face in cascades, his cheeks still tinged with a deep blush.
As he looked back at you, you were already descending the gangplank, teetering slightly in your heels. He slipped a hand into his pocket, discretely counted his allowance, then hurried to catch up with you.
"Behave yourself, Heat!" someone shouted from behind both of you.
The port turned out to be a lively and pleasant place, and Heat, once over the initial shock, seemed more animated than ever. He chatted incessantly, his bright eyes fixed on you, gesturing emphatically with his hands, and constantly making you laugh with his antics.
You moved through the picturesque streets, going from shop to shop, oblivious to how the passersby crossed to the other side of the street at the sight of him.
Your companion was constantly attentive to you, always gallantly holding the door open at every shop and insisting on carrying all the shopping bags himself.
On a couple of occasions, unaccustomed as you were to wearing heels, you stumbled on the shop's entrance step, and Heat caught you mid-air as laughter bubbled between you. The shopkeepers watched with curiosity, puzzled by the unusual pair you made.
Once you had finished all the groceries Killer had instructed, you moved on to the list of personal requests. You giggled together as you read items such as a can of blue paint, nail polishes, a trident sharpener, and a special shampoo that Heat eventually confessed was for himself.
It didn't take long to gather everything, but not wanting to return to the ship so soon, Heat suggested taking a leisurely stroll through the heart of the village to explore.
"Doesn't it bother you? You're loaded down with bags," you asked, concerned as you saw his fingers, white under the handles.
"No, not at all!" he chuckled carelessly.
You walked without haste, chatting more calmly after the earlier excitement of the day.
The village boasted a wide array of peculiar products you had never seen before, and each time you paused to observe them in the windows of closed shops, Heat took the opportunity to admire the reflection on your face, filled with curiosity.
Heat wished the evening would never end, but before you both knew it, the sun descended from the sky, signaling it was time to return to the ship.
Walking side by side and enjoying the tranquility of the streets in comfortable silence, you made your way back.
You could already see the harbor, the masts of the moored ships jutting out in the distance, when your crewmate halted silently, a smile touching his scarred lips. 
"Heat?" You stopped next to him, peering at him inquisitively.
Following his gaze, you saw a modest ice cream parlor at the end of the street. It was small, with a limited selection of flavors displayed at the entrance.
He looked at you, a small blush creeping up his cheeks once more.
"Do you want ice cream?"
A radiant smile lit up your face, like that of a little girl. 
"Let's go." He patted one of his pockets to double-check his allowance. "I'll treat you."
"Really? No need, Heat, I can—"
"Let me treat you, please."
You beamed at him, somewhat surprised by his sudden generosity. 
"Thank you so much!" 
As you approached the ice cream flavors display, the vendor greeted you with a friendly gesture, his smile quickly vanishing when he saw your companion coming up behind you. 
There weren't many flavors to choose from, but the ones available looked delightful. Your eyes scanned the different options, hesitating over which would be the best.
"Psst, hey miss..." the vendor whispered in a voice only audible to you, watching warily as your companion bent down to eye the mint flavor. "Are you in danger?" 
You lifted your gaze and saw the man discreetly gesture toward Heat. Then, you bursted into laughter, amused as you watched your friend smile and point at the creamy, greenish ice cream with chocolate chips.
"Oh, no, no, he's with me."
Once each of you had your ice cream scoops nestled in a waffle cone, you slowly made your way back to the ship.
Since his hands were occupied with the bags, you carried both ice creams, pausing now and then to give him his, bringing it close to his lips while placing your other hand underneath to prevent spills—somehow, the ice cream seemed to melt remarkably fast near him.
This strategy worked the first few times, but eventually, it became impossible to avoid making a mess.
As you brought the cone to his lips, several treacherous drops fell from the corner of his mouth and rolled down to his chin. Without thinking, you swiftly used your thumb to catch them, briefly sliding it along the seam of his scarred lips, feeling the indentations of his scars. He jerked back, involuntarily withdrawing his head with an abrupt movement, surprising both of you.
Immediately, you pulled your hand away, embarrassed for touching him without permission and realizing it was the first time you had touched his scars. How foolish of you; perhaps it hurt him, or perhaps he found it unpleasant for someone else to touch them...
“F-forgive me, I didn’t mean to-” you began, visibly ashamed.
"It’s okay," he cut you off, cursing himself for his own reaction and for scaring you away.
You both continued walking in silence, the only sounds on the street being the rustle of your dress, and the click of your heels against the pavement.
Heat's thoughts were consumed by the gentle brush of your fingers against his scars, the sensation of your touch replaying in his mind over and over again.
"Heat…" you decided to break the silence. 
The pirate glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, seeing how you hesitantly held out your waffle cone toward him.
"Do you want to try mine?"
He halted beside you, his fists gripping the handles just a bit too tightly. 
"Um... yes."
As he bent down and your hand approached his mouth, his heart started racing. His lower lip trembled as he tasted the sweet flavor you offered him, and his gaze drifted to your fingers, observing how they carefully cradled the ice cream. How had he never noticed before how delicate they were? He studied them, noting the shape of your nails, barely maintained due to your lifestyle, yet still elegant and beautiful.
"Do you like it?" you asked.
He remained lost in your hands, his eyes admiring the smooth, velvety skin of your wrists, so close to his lips that he could almost kiss them…
"Heat! Can you hear me?" you laughed, giving him a friendly tap on the chest to get his attention. "Do you like it?"
It was already nightfall when you returned to the ship. 
After climbing the ship's staircase, you headed to the pantry, which was warmly lit, echoing with the voices of your crewmates from outside. 
“Welcome back!” They greeted you cheerfully.
Heat dropped the heavy bags on the table, grabbed a few bottles of booze, and turned to stow them in a cupboard.
"Well..." Quincy began, glancing sideways at your dress while pretending to inspect the groceries, "how was the date?"
Heat's back muscles tensed, his hands freezing with the bottles held mid-air, as he listened attentively to the conversation behind him.
"The date?” You laughed, grabbing a couple of apples and placing them in the fruit bowl. “I haven't had any dates. I can't remember the last time I had one."
Quincy hummed, her eyes moving from the tense, motionless posture of the tattooed pirate to the vivid color in your cheeks.
"Well, that's a shame... you're gorgeous. And you look especially lovely tonight," she added, raising her voice to make sure everyone could hear.
"Oh, Quincy, stop it! You're going to make me blush even more."
"But you really are!" she pulled you into a hug from the side. 
You returned the hug, then focused on organizing the provisions, working in silence while your friends chatted around you.
Back in your cabin, you sat on your bed reflecting on how the day had gone.
It hadn't been bad; you had quite enjoyed yourself.
Surprisingly so, considering it was just a day of shopping.
You lifted your feet to untie the straps of your sandals and rotated your ankles, stiff from the forced position of the heels. Barefoot, you rose from the bed and stretched your arms above your head to reach the zipper that fastened the dress at your back.
Knock, knock, knock.
A soft tapping on your door caught your attention, so faint that you mistook it for the usual creaking of the ship’s wood.
You grumbled, trying to make the zipper budge when the tapping came again, this time with more determination.
Knock, knock, knock.
With your dress half-open, you walked to the door and opened it, revealing the towering figure of Heat standing on the other side.
"Hey, Heat?" You greeted him.
The pirate looked at you in silence, his shyness causing his eyes to drop to the floor, landing on your bare feet. He quickly looked back up, a rosy hue spreading across his cheeks.
"Heat, do you need something?"
"I had a great time today," he blurted out.
You smiled. 
"I did too."
He ran a hand through the wild, untamed waves of his bluish hair.
"A-and I was wondering if you… well, it's completely understandable if you don't want to. It's fine, really, if your answer is no, but…” He propped his tattooed elbow on the door frame, trying to strike a seductive pose, “would you like to go back to town tonight?"
“Oh!” you exclaimed. "Did we forget to buy something from the list? But Heat, the shops are closed now."
He blinked at you, his heart sinking like a dead weight into the depths of the sea. 
“No, no, we didn't forget anything,” he assured you.
You looked up at him. "Then?"
"It's just that... I was thinking…” he began to fidget with the laces of his vest, “maybe we could go to town to have… dinner?" 
He ended the sentence with a questioning tone, wincing at how awkward he sounded.
"Dinner?” Your face lit up, suddenly realizing how hungry you were. “I could have dinner! When do we leave? Are the others ready?"
Heat couldn’t believe how difficult this was turning out to be.
"The others? No, no, the others wouldn’t be coming."
"...oh," you said awkwardly. "...OH.”
He kept his gaze fixed on you, studying your reaction as it all clicked into place for you.
"... so," you began carefully, wanting to make sure you were understanding correctly. "It would just be you and me? Like—"
"A date, yes," he confirmed, unable to bear the suspense any longer.
A warm, thrilled smile spread across your face.
"Yes! Of course I'll go! I'd love to go back to town with you!"
His face lit up with the most radiant smile you had ever seen.
“Just..." you remarked as you realized you were barefoot and with the dress halfway off, "...give me a moment to get ready, okay?"
"Okay," he nodded.
The moment you closed the door, Heat punched the air in quiet triumph. Then, with a satisfied grin stretching from ear to ear, he made his way to the deck, where he would wait for you for the second time that day.
Perhaps, if the evening unfolded well, he might gather the courage to hold you in his arms... and perhaps, if you allowed him, he could show you how much he had loved the feel of your skin against his scars.
Taglist: @fanaticsnail <3
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
Heyy! Hope you are doing well!!!
Had a really weird/scary experience this morning driving to work where this guy got agrressive and punched my car door (while i was still in the car). The only damage is a dent in my car door buttt that got me thinking … Could you please write a fic of either Aaron and/or the BAU comforting reader after she had a bad morning on her way to work and she walks inside in shock?
Thank you!!!
close calls
that's so so scary i'm so sorry :( cw; bau!reader, fluff and comfort, minor self-depreciating thoughts
your presence didn't go unnoticed the second you entered the bullpen, as aaron was conveniently just leaving the small kitchen besides said door, cup of coffee in hand. however, you walked past him without much less of a glance. you were on complete autopilot, and so his welcoming greeting flew past you completely.
naturally he was taken aback, as it was very unlike your normal self. you were always quick to give him your bright smile and return an enthusiastic good morning. he considered it a crucial part of his daily routine.
worry instantly rippled through his chest.
something was clearly wrong.
aaron tried again, calling out your name and succeeding to grab your attention. his voice pulled you out of the trance you were in, and you turned to meet his eyes. his concern only heightened when he met your gaze, your expression similar to a deer frozen within headlights.
"oh," you stopped a bit too suddenly, having to regain slight balance as your feet were already one step ahead. you merely blinked, as if you were just now processing his presence, or reminding yourself where you were to begin with. "i'm sorry i'm late."
just like your mind, you sounded far away, too.
"no, no. i don't care about that." aaron's heart dropped at the anguish in your tone, especially when you took a step back, like you were expecting him to scold you. "are you alright?"
you opened your mouth to respond, but fell short, heat filling your cheeks as the gears in your head turned on and on about something. "it's- um, silly."
a frown pulled at his lips; it was a reoccurring habit of yours since you joined the bau, dismissing your feelings and everything else that fell in between. a bad morning compared to the wrath of serial killers? compared to what defenseless victims faced? your emotions meant nothing in comparison- were meaningless even. things could always be worse, so bad should be tolerable, right?
wrong. and aaron would continue to try and convince you otherwise.
true to his word, "i can assure you, whatever it is, it's far from silly."
aaron's eyes were warm, inviting. and for the first time that morning, you felt safe. then again, you always did with him, and you couldn’t not open up to him.
"just... some guy nearly t-boned my car, on the way in." at your admission tears swarmed your eyes, ready and daring to escape. however you were faster, raising your sleeve to blot them before they managed to do so. “he sped away after.”
aaron's eyes widened and his jaw instantly tightened. but his first order of business- making sure you were in fact all in one piece. he scanned you quickly and once he was positive you weren't hiding any injuries, he asked again, with a bit more urgency this time. "are you alright?"
"fine, he just missed me." your statement was far from the truth; you weren’t fine and aaron knew it. your eyes began to water more profusely this time around, and you took a a deep, shaky breath. "just freaked me out a bit, y'know."
"of course." aaron was quick to validate, and he immediately placed his coffee down, long forgotten. "what do you need?"
"what?" you looked at him with glassy eyes, your voice so small you barely recognized it yourself.
aaron's hands carefully found yours, his fingertips just barely grazing yours- instantly comforting you at the touch. he was still fearful of any hidden wounds (yes, he checked again) and his actions were subtle enough to go unnoticed by any potential bystanders. he didn't dare to care about anyone else other than you. "what do you need?"
what could he do?
with a shrug, you all but whimpered, "have a shoulder to cry on?"
"absolutely." he didn't hesitate, his hand finding the small of your back and ready to take you into the privacy of his office.
you nodded, grateful.
"and once you're ready, let me know the intersection this happened at. i'll have garcia pull cams, and we'll get a license plate. i'll make sure whoever did this, is up to their elbows in traffic violations."
"thanks aaron," you sniffled softly, allowing him to guide you. you found yourself leaning against him for support- you were sure you would topple over from the weight of the morning’s events if you didn't. his arm wrapped around you further, holding you securely in place at his side. “you're the best."
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could you write a Hannibal one-shot (platonic), where he somehow becomes friends (FBI work) with a teenager, who has a dark sense of humor and overall quite to his liking, but is harmless?
Hannibal X Platonic!Reader: The friends we make along the way
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Warnings: murder, death, talks of trauma, crime scenes, teenagers being teenagers, Hannibal being annoyed by you, no use of y/n, not proofread, gn reader.
Word count: 1K
“What can you tell me about the person in the picture?”
“Well, they’re dead.”
Hannibal closed his eyes, his hand moving to put pressure on his brow bone. He knew you were being annoying on purpose. He didn't know why he expected for you to be different from any other teenager he’d ever met. Perhaps the fact that you'd been through a traumatic event. But then again who hadn't. 
All though he was sure usual people's traumatic events weren't anything like yours. Normal people don't find themselves in a situation where they have to stab their best friend to death. When he’d first met you you’d been covered in blood. Your eyes were wide and you had a knife in your hand. You stuttered something out but Hannibal hadn't quite understood what you were saying. It was only later, on the drive to the FBI, that he’d realized you had said: I didn’t want to.
They’d been trying to catch the killers for days and you've managed to kill him with a kitchen knife. The whole experience sent you into a bad place mentally. You’d never hurt anyone before and finding out your best friend of ten years had been killing people who matched your appearance as a tribute to you was difficult to process. The FBI ruled it off as self defense and they let you go but not without suggesting you seek therapy. Hannibal had been of great comfort to you so it was only neutral you requested him as your physiatrist.
Hannibal tapped on the images on the table.
“I’m serious. You want to become an agent, you need to be able to find the clues.”
“Hannibal no offense but I doubt this is going to help me get into the academy.”
You walked over to his ladder, hanging yourself on it with one hand.
“Plus wouldn't it be better if Will was helping me with this. Since, you know, he works for the FBI.”
“Will works for the FBI because his condition gives him something they consider valuable he-”
“Can go into the killers mind. Yeah yeah I know. You’ve only told me that about a thousand times.”
Hannibal steeled himself. Gosh he did not have patience for children. He sat down on his desk watching you continue to swing on his ladder.
“Be careful you’ll end up hurting yourself.
“Okay Dad.”
The annoyance was clear in your voice. You hopped off the ladder landing on the floor with a dramatic flair.
“See i’m fine.”
Hannibal watched you walk over to his drawings taking them in. You’d always liked art and Hannibal was quite good. Since your first session Hannibal noticed you had trouble staying still. He didn;t mind it as long as you managed to focus. Something that was proving rather difficult at the moment.
“Did you always wanna be a psychiatrist?”
“No. I was a surgeon before.”
“What made you stop? Did you kill someone or something?”
An uneasy silence filled the room. You had a morbid sense of humor which often made people uncomfortable but Hannibal had never seemed to mind it. So when you felt the atmosphere shift upon your words you could tell you’d said something that had upset him. You turned around, catching the sullen look in Hannibal's eyes.
“Shit Hannibal. I’m sorry i shouldn’t have joked-”
“It’s fine. You didn;t know. And it was a long time ago.”
You fiddled with your hands, suddenly feeling on edge. You knew you had to change the topic. 
“It’s the bite marks.”
Hannibal raised his head, giving you a curious look.
“I beg your pardon?”
“That's how they caught the killer.”
You walked over to the opposite side of the desk. You leaned over the various crime scene photos until you found the one you wanted. You raised the picture up so that Hannibal could see it. Your finger moved to point out the clear bite mark in one of the victims legs.
“He didn;t let himself bite the other ones but he lost control with this one. He let the animal take over and that was his mistake.”
Hannibal gave you a proud smile.
“Well done.”
“I’m smarter than I look.”
“Well then you must be quite the genius.”
You beamed at him taking in his words as a complement. 
“Coming from you that high praise.”
“Only telling the truth.”
You helped Hannibal gather the pictures off his desk, placing them neatly inside a folder. Jack had allowed Hannibal to borrow the evidence so he could work it out with you but he needed to give it back. Even though the case had been closed it was still FBI property. You glanced at the clock seeing the time. 
“Well my ride should be here any minute. Walk me out?”
“Of course.”
Hannibal walked behind you, both of you moving towards the door. He opened it for you and you gave him an exaggerated bow of thanks. Hannibal watched you pick up your bag from one of the chairs. 
“We still on for dinner with Will next week?”
“You sure you don’t want me to bring anything.”
“Your company is more than enough.”
“Well that's going to go straight to my ego.”
You laughed causing Hannibal to smile. You thought about it for a second before moving forward and giving Hannibal a hug. Despite the slight surprise Hannibal wound his arms around you returning the gesture. He caressed your head for a moment before you pulled away. You gave him one last smile before turning to go out the door.
“See you later alligator.”
Your foot was out the door and Hannibal remained silent. You turned to face him, using your hip to keep the door open.
“Come on! You’re not gonna leave me hanging are you?”
Hannibal let out a deep sigh, shaking his head briefly before looking at you.
“After a while, crocodile.” 
You grinned at him.
“See that wasn’t so hard.”
A honk came from outside telling you your ride was here. You gave Hannibal a small wave as you exited. He watched the door close behind you. He’d never expected to become friends with a teenager but you’d surprised him. And in a positive way at that.
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A/N: as requested by @yukizaldi. Sorry it’s kind of shit. I haven’t written in a bit and I feel like I’ve forgotten how words work. warnings: smut. **** It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that every committed boyfriend, must, sooner or later, have the period routine down. And Matty fancied himself an expert. As much of an expert as a heterosexual man who has never had a period can be, anyway. He took pride in his system. He kept track. He remembered the flowers and the chocolate. He refilled hot water bottles without being asked, kept the pain killers on hand, happily drove to the drugstore, or ice cream shop, to get tampons and sugary desserts. His strategy was always to get ahead of things before they could happen. Have everything she could possibly need within her reach, so she’d never feel the need to even ask. All that left is the cuddles and Lowe stomach rubs. That part wasn’t restricted to bad period days, though. Matty always eagerly  provided that. 
But, one thing he learned the hard way was that, even for a biological reoccurrence that took place every month for decades of a woman’s life, a  menstrual cycle can, not only be unpredictable, but make her unpredictable, too. 
“Take off your pants.” She panted, into his mouth, kissing him, and biting his lip. 
He mewled, softly, his hands fumbling with the buttons of his jeans. He didn’t get very far before  his hands were crushed by the weight of her hips rolled against his, pushing him against the wall. 
“B-baby….s-slow down.” 
“Shush, Matty. Please. No talking. Just fucking. Okay? I- I’ve been waiting for you all day.”
And how could he not be flattered that his girlfriend wants to jump his bones the very second that he walks through the door?
She got down on her knees, her hands pushing his out of the way and pulling down his waist hugging pants. 
She rubbed his clothed, half hardened cock, listening for his hissing and reveling in the slight bucking of his hips. She felt her mouth watering at the prospect of having him between her lips. 
“Gonna take you out now…”
Matty nodded, eager, cursing, hotly, under his breath. “Christ.”
Slowly, her hand wrapped around him, working him with deft flicks of her wrist, until he was stiff, ready to burst against his own stomach. 
She took him in her mouth, her tongue rubbing the underside of his tip while her hand tugged lightly on his balls. 
“FUCK!” Matty’s legs shook; his palm slammed against the wall in an attempt to steady himself, his hips reflexively. Thrusting into her mouth. “Sh-shit. Sorry…”
She didn’t seem to mind, though, her lips smiles around his cock. The sight so sinful it almost undid him right then and there. Encouraged by his moans, she moved faster, sucking him harder, to the rhythm of his flustered cries and the contracting and relaxing of the muscles in his stomach. 
“No, no, no- stop, stop.” Matty begged, frantic. “If- if you don’t stop, I’m- not gonna make it to the bedroom.” His face turned red. 
Matty winced, feeling her grind into his lap. Their lips crashed together, needily, as his hands felt around for the hem of her top. She let him remove her t shirt; his arm snaked around her back to unclasp her bra. The discomfort she felt when the underwire slid from underneath her breasts  sounded a warning in the back of her mind; but she promptly dismissed it, her desire for him outweighing any and all other feelings. 
Matty’s hand cupped her breast, his thumb swiping over her nipple. She jolted, her body tensing up, and not in good way. Waiting for the worst of the pain to pass, she leaned into him again, her lips finding his neck. 
Matty’s hands roamed her body, cradling her back at first, then resting at her neck, before sliding, slowly, down her sides, his fingers tracing her skin. He squeezed her hips, his body instinctively rolling into hers. She felt a wave of cramps hit her, interrupting the needy pleasure of being entangled with him and yanking her out of the moment. She moaned, in a way that sounded closer to pain than pleasure, giving Matty a brief moment of pause. His eyes reluctantly pulled open, watching her searchingly. When she showed no signs of slowly down, he dismissed his doubts, giving himself back to her, his hands reaching for her again, cupping her breasts, squeezing them slightly. his thumb pinch her right nipple. 
She winced loudly. “Ow no- ouch!”
“Sorry- fuck- was that not…”
“No, no. It’s fine.”  She looked down at her breasts. 
“Okay, I’m no mind reader but it was decidedly not fine. It did not sound like the ‘ouch’ of a fine person. Sounded like the ‘ouch’ of someone in pain.”
Her hands cupped his face, attempting to pull him in seductively. Another wave of cramps hit her, and despite her best attempt to stay calm, he could see it in the way that she squeezed her eyes. 
“Baby, no- hang on a minute- no.” As much as he loved being kissed by her, he wouldn’t budge. 
She groaned. Mumbling something under her breath and laying her head on him. 
unexpectedly, he felt a strange dampness against his chest. His brows furrowed, looking down, “babe?”
The sob she’d been holding escaped her lips. She burst into tears. 
“Oh my- fuck! What’s happened? Are you alright?” Matty panicked, his hand tilting her face up to meet her eyes. “What is it? What’s going on?”
“No-nothing.” She sniffled, rolling her eyes. Both at his concern, and her own dramatic tears. “I’m just- I ….want…” she wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. “I’m so fuckin horny. I want to cum so bad.”
“So- you’re crying?”
“No, genius!” She hit his forehead against his chest as if against a walll. “I wanna fuck you so bad but also- I feel so - my tits are so sore. And….I feel so gross and bloated. I’m tired. My legs- feel like I’ve run a marathon. And then a 10K. And then walked up a mountain. But I’m just….so- “
“So. Fuckin. Horny.” She whined. 
As if her words had flipped a switch within him, Matty’s entire demeanor shifted, wasting no time in providing her with comfort. His hands rubbed her lower stomach as she rambled on about the various, sometimes conflicting, symptoms of periods, expressing in graphic detail all the things that she wished she could do to him if it weren’t for the alarm levels of exhaustion that she’d been plagued with. Matty did his best to be a listener. But he was never good at hiding his amusement, letting his giggling get away from him occasionally. 
“I’m sorry, darling.” He whispered in her ear. “Wish you’d said something sooner.” 
“I don’t- I don’t want the cutesy stuff.” She stated defensively. 
“I- know what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna try to make me feel better and feed me chocolate and watch a romcom and get me a hot water bottle….i don’t want that.”
Matty frown. “Hey! I thought you liked when I did that!”
“I did- I do….sometimes. Just- not right now.”
“Right.” He nodded. “Well, what- what do you need right now?”
“Need to cum.”
“I can-“
“But I don’t feel sexy.”
Matty scratched his head. “May I ask….what- how do you feel?”
“Sweaty and huge and like my feelings are half my body weight and also hungry.”
He giggled, taking her in his arms and kissing her. “Very well. I can work with that. I think.”
Matty emerged out of their master bathroom, smelling, nauseatingly of a strong mix of essential oils, like the local Lush store had exploded on him. 
“Warm bubble bath should be ready any minute, m’lady.”
She rolled her eyes, hiding her blushing face. “M’lady? Really?”
“Can I get you anything to drink? Something to take into the bath with you perhaps?”
She shook her head. 
“Very well then.” He glanced at his wristwatch. “That give us about…well, I’ll have to do my best work, but I’m up for a challenge.” He grinned at her suggestively. 
“What-“ before the realization dawned on her, he’d picked her up in his arms, tossing her playful back onto the bed. “We’re gonna need a towel for this. Spread your legs for me.” 
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