#tabris fam
whoisnotmyname · 1 year
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Kallian Surana and some outfits i’m trying out!
I’m doing an all elf origins world state so if she looks like she could be related to Theron and Threlam,, u are correct lol
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i am once again crying over the Tabris cousins
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moghedien · 2 years
Soris: why does Leliana call you babygirl?
Tabris: how about we stop talking for a little while
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bumblewarden · 2 years
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been? for Novhen 🍵
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
I don't think Novhen has actually been truly calm since he was a child, back before he was a Warden and back before his mother died. It would have been a nondescript day, easy to forget.
Winter was slowly approaching its end. There was the security in knowing what food preserves his family already had would be enough to last them through to spring, and his father had splurged on a fresh salmon that day on his way home from his rotation at the estate. There were no soon-upcoming events that would require preparation or stress. They were free to relax.
After spending the still-scant daylight hours playing in the slush and snow, Novhen was curling up by the paltry fire in his mother's lap to warm up while she told him stories of Elvhenan and dashing rogues. In front of him, Shianni half-listened to the stories while she stared into the flames and let him braid her hair. In the kitchen, Soris dedicated his full attention to Cyrion's careful instructions on how to prepare the fish for everyone to eat and how to best make use of any remaining parts. His family was happy, together, and alive, as they should have remained.
It was a peaceful, happy day, but in the same breath, it was all too easily forgotten and lost to the sands of time
[Ask Game]
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mugplants · 3 months
More Duncan you say? More Valendrian? More Shianni? More Soris and Cyrion and Nelaros and Valora and city elves in general? More ADAIA?? Say no more fam, here it is!!
This is a City Elf origin retelling with a female Tabris!! (It is a WIP, pls be patient w me)
Warden-Commander Duncan has tried to forget the Night Elf he once loved, but with a Blight on the horizon and the Calling beginning to whisper in his veins, Duncan decides he must see her face one last time—even if that's only through meeting the daughter who's outlived her.
Kallian Tabris has spent her adolescence trying to honor her mother's memory, eventually becoming an agent of the People called Shembane. She's known as a smuggler, a brawler, and a good tumble with a sharp knife. Duty has overtaken any dream of her own making, but a strange shem will soon shatter a fundamental belief she has held all her life.
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woodcries · 6 months
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spilledtea123 · 4 years
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“If Vaughn shows up again I wouldn’t be opposed to flogging him with another brick...”
“Don’t worry Shianni. He won’t tell anyone an elven woman took him down!”
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vonspe · 5 years
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back on my bullshit 
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tabrisfam · 5 years
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some teenage mikhel for reference as well as playing around with some ideas and bad coloring
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chocolatepyrusart · 3 years
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its them. power fam
[ID: Digital drawing of Morrigan, Kieran, and a male Tabris from Dragon Age. Morrigan is angry, holding her staff, and shooting magic out of her hand. The Tabris is holding Kieran in one arm, and holding a short sword in front of them. The Tabris has dark skin, a dreadlock ponytail, and a stern face. Kieran is tan and has freckles and slight elf ears. The first picture, they are standing in a swamp and Morrigan has purple magic. The second picture is the same, but they are standing in the fade and she has green magic. Kieran’s eyes are glowing green and the Tabris’ sword has lyrium markings. The Image underneath is a banner promoting ChocolatePyrusArt’s Patreon. End ID]
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helllooooo @queen-tabris. I'm giving you many many kisses and throwing this little story at you! I really was so tooorn, because I wanted to write in your AU, but it's of course so much easier for me to write in my AU because I know all the characters, so I hope this is fineeee <3 I love your boy Ren so muchh
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Ikigai Au
The Uchiha Fam~
2101 words
Ren couldn’t help it really, he was still kind of mad. It wasn’t his natural state of being, blessed with a good natured, calm personality, so it half annoyed him that he was in fact still mad, even three days after they had come home and no matter how often Sarada had tucked on his arm and apologised, her eyes so big behind those thick glasses of hers.
By all accounts he should be fine by now, things were cleared up, Sarada had apologised for the commotions she had caused and they had all gone home together as a family, maybe for the first time in Ren’s memory. Still, he felt the resentment, noticed how his eyes narrowed a little each time Sarada smiled, noted that he often then not fled the warmth of the family table, at least when he could find an excuse to go.
Usually Sarada could wrap him around her little finger in an instant, with one wink, one smile or one “please”. She was everything to him, a little sister to protect and keep safe, a little sister that was to be spared from all the resentment he had gone through with regards to their father when he was young. Sarada was supposed to be carefree and young. Sarada was supposed to enjoy her time as a child, especially for the time that she was at the academy.
In most terms Sarada had it good. She had grown up with her two twin brothers by her side every step of the way, taking care of her and training her and taking her wherever she wanted to go. Clearly, she ruled the household and she was good at that. Ren more so then Takeshi loved doing everything she wanted to do with her, ensuring that her questions about their absent father were kept to a minimum. Sarada shouldn't have noticed that her dad was almost never around and not at her academy entrance ceremony and how he would surely not come to her graduation either. Ren was going to stand in to make sure it would slip by without hurting her.
Still, despite all their best efforts, a week ago there had been a fight between the girl and their mother. What had caused the commotion Ren did not know, but as a result Sarada had declared their mother a fake and decided to leave the village in search of their father, whom she had never really met. Ren had stopped her on the street and held her back. “I saw mom when she carried you,” he said. “It was hard to miss, you know.” But Sarada had dismissed him with a strong shaking of her head. “You were small,” she had argued. “You probably misremembered. Genjutsu could also be possible��”
The next day she was gone, following Uncle Naruto into the forest to find her father. Ren hadn’t noticed she was gone, mostly because he had to deal with the fact that his mother had collapsed and was in need of medical assistance, but once he did he had grabbed his twin brother by the sleeve and said they’d go after her. Not even Takeshi’s dramatically shrugging shoulders could deter him from bringing his sister back.
Maybe that was the problem with his resentment still, even days after they had come back together without any injuries, the fact that Sarada had turned on their mother. Ren could understand hating their father. When has he ever been around for something important happening? According to their mom he came by often at night when the children were already in bed sleeping. He would use his rinnegan teleportation to exchange himself with the little snake on their doorstep and then switch back by morning. At least he was spending time with his wife, but how about spending time with your children too?
Their mother was not to blame for this situation, she was not to blame that Sarada could never see or talk to her father. She was not to blame that their father was a world traveller who was never coming home, Sarada must have known that. But it was easy and convenient to lash out on someone who was already there as opposed to someone who was more a phantom than a father. Teenage years were wild, Ren knew that, but the resentment kept seeping on his inside.
It was only made worse by the fact that his father had now come home with them. Sarada had actually found him shortly before Ren and Takeshi did. Sometimes when Ren had been younger he had imagined himself fighting in front of the father, to show off how well he could use the Uchiha clan techniques he had learned from uncle Itachi, but when it finally happened it seemed almost surreal. The first compliment out of his father’s mouth hit him like a knife to the heart. He didn’t know his father could do such a thing… 
They finished the matter with the fake sharingan to rest as a family and returned to Konoha together, even with their father and while Sarada had apologised for her behaviour to their mother, to Takeshi and double as many times to Ren, he still felt a little bitter about the whole ordeal. How could she have been so offensive to their mother who had worked so hard to make sure they were all well fed and alright and looked after? How could she do this to him personally, after he had taken care of her ever since her first day on this earth?
Ren watched his family eat barbecue together, something his mother only made for special occasions. Sarada was sitting at her father’s side and talking to him about this and that, mostly trying to get him to teach her the fire technique that Ren and Takeshi already could use without issue. Sasuke was laughing in tune with his daughter, promising he’d take her in the morning to teach her. The sight seemed so wrong that Ren needed to avert his eyes. He didn’t want to be envious and mad, not at his little sister that he loved so much, but he couldn’t help it.
He left his food behind half full and faked feeling a little sick to be able to excuse himself from the table. He went upstairs into his own room and sat down at the window sill like he often did when he just wanted to be alone. He was being rude, he knew as much, especially now after the family was all together for the first time ever, but right now all he wanted was to get away from it all. He couldn’t help but think of Obito, how he had travelled cross country for two years to get away from family and find himself. Maybe he should try to do something similar, Ren thought.
There was a knock at the door. How long Ren had stared at the rising moon he did not know, but he also didn’t know anyone that was knocking at his door like this. Takashi never knocked and just opened the door, his mother called him to come outside usually and Sarada’s knock was softer as her fingers were smaller. This was a story, a clear knock like it came from a man. “Come on”, he called and for a moment couldn’t help the surprise when it was his father. 
Sasuke wore black as he so often did, his rinnegan hidden by a long strand of hair on his left. He didn’t look up into his son’s eyes as he entered the room, instead he walked next to himt o also look out of the window. “Very clean room you have in here, Ren,” his father said, the hands folded at his back.
What did he want? Why was he here? Was he trying to be supportive now that Ren had a (albeit fake) stomach issue? Why would he do such a thing? Ren looked at his fathers profile. “Thanks..” he mumbled, because he did not know what else to say to that.
“That brings back memories, you know” Sasuke turned his head to his son and there was a smile on his face. “One night I stood here for about 8 hours while you were half asleep with a fever. Sakura had a night shift and I was around so I took care of you. I did not know what to do with a sick little child like this, so I was panicking a little.” He laughed. “Sakura was coaching me over the phone.”
That seemed hard to believe, that something could make his cool collected father panic and especially that he had been around at all. All night? Just looking after him? Ren didn’t want to believe it. Though he did remember a time when he was about 6, shortly after he had started the academy, when he got sick with a flu that had kept him in bed for the better part of three weeks. His mother had stayed with him for as long as she could before they needed her at work again. That didn’t mean his father wasn’t lying, but… the story seemed at least a little plausible in that regard.
“We got through it together though, you and me,” his father shook his head at the memory, “but I thought to myself that I don’t think I’d be any good as a single parent. Thank god for Sakura.”
Ren couldn’t help himself. “Maybe you should tell her that sometime,” he mumbled and though his father made a “hmm?” Ren was pretty sure he had heard what Ren had said.  He tried to imagine it, his father pacing his room up and down, one phone pressed to his ear, wondering what medicine to give his own son because he never had to do it before. Maybe even a little worried….. Ren shook the scene out of his head.
“Ren,” Sasuke said finally and turned to his son and Ren couldn’t shake the feeling that that was the reason he had come into his room in the first place. “Please don’t let your resentment out on Sarada, she is not to blame for what happened.”
The boy bit his inner lip. So it had been very obvious that he had been struggling to move on. “I don’t know what you mean. Sarada didn’t listen to me and ran away from home into danger. I sure feel like this is her fault.” He sounded like a spoiled child.
His father sighed. Under the strands of his black hair Ren could see the rinnegan gleaming like a bad omen. “Yes she did,” he admitted, “but she did only so, because I have not been a presence in your lifes. Because I didn’t show myself to her often enough. Because I didn’t make my affections clear to her, you, your brother and everyone else. I am at fault for this whole fiasco.”
He paused for a moment, but when Ren didn’t say anything he continued: “I believe you also know this. I think deep down you do blame me, but you have a harder time being actively angry at me, because I’m usually not around to be angry at.”
Oh, Ren thought and hated how much sense that made. He wasn’t different from Sarada in that regard. She had lashed out on their mother, because her mother was available to be lashed out onto. Ren had in some weird sense done the exact same. His father was right, as much as that pained him to admit. 
“Yes. I am mad at you.” Ren spoke as dryly as he could. To his surprise his father leaned over and took a pointer plus middle finger to tap his forehead. “Then go accept your sister’s apology. I think she is really worried about it.”
Ren nodded and pushed himself off the window sill, but before he left his room he hesitated for a second. “Are you not …. I don’t know… bothered that I am angry at you?” Maybe that was an odd question to ask, but it was on Ren’s mind.
Sasuke chuckled, which was not the reply Ren had expected. “You can be as angry at me as you want, Ren. I have many faults as a father after all.” 
He really wanted to ask a follow up question, but then Saradas voice flew in from downstairs and instead he ripped his head away from the image of his father against the rising moon and made his way down the stairs.
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Hi there lovely! For the Dragon Age Origins Character Prompts, 4, 6, and 9 for Noya? Since they're on the brain 👀
[ask game]
Hi! She is indeed On The Brain fsdlds, thank you for the ask!! <3
Noya Tabris
4. Did Tabris have any knowledge or ideas about the Dalish? Did they believe they were real, or a myth?
Tbh i always find it odd that it's said that the existence of Dalish is supposedly not more than a myth, since they do have regular, if limited, contact with human cities. So yeah, she does believe/know they exist! However to her they are very... mythologized, if that makes sense? They're elusive, wondrous people, living the old ways, wild elves free from human oppression, and like this. distant glorified ideal of what it means to be a "True Elf (TM)", rather than Actual Normal People.
6. How did Tabris respond to Vaughn harassing the elven women? To he and his men crashing the wedding?
Not Well. She was furious when they came the first time, and only just held herself back from escalating the situation because she knew how these things went, how they always went, and knew that making a scene was only going to cause much more trouble without solving anything. That's also what made her so angry though, she hates that they can get away with it, and she hates feeling helpless and useless almost more than that. When he came back to crash the wedding and kidnap women though she did not hold back.
9. What was growing up in the alienage like for Tabris? How did they feel about having to leave?
It wasn't an easy life, sure, but it was not a bad life by any means. For all the struggles and injustices, and even though they did not appreciate or even truly notice alienage culture until after they left, they also had a community, a family, and that was not something Noya would have traded for anything. Leaving was. An Experience, for sure. The initial reaction was something between triumph, in a "see, you can't touch me" kind of way, and reluctance. They'd wondered about leaving now and then, but never truly considered it, and only agreed to go with Duncan because of the circumstances.
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miladysatsuki · 3 years
ok my post about talking about 3.0+1.0 kawoshin & kaworus development got a few likes so I’m going to ramble under the cut about mostly kawoshin & kaworu but actually about all of the pilots & the whole movie.
SPOILER WARNING FOR EVANGELION 3.0+1.0 also out of context spoilers for pmmm in the second to last paragraph I’m just comparing the two
So, first of all I’m going to say some general movie thoughts: I liked the movie, I know there are some polarizing opinions. I agree that Asuka and Mari both deserved more development and attention. However Asukas “confession” at the EoE mirrored scene really did not feel romantic to me like it felt very much just accepting that like no I do actually care about you Shinji despite always pushing you away I do want well for you and always have, but I didn’t know how to deal with that truth and my own pain at the same time. Asuka is not tsundere, she does not have romantic feelings for Shinji and never has. I will die on this hill. She may have wanted him to want her to validate herself but, thats a different can of worms.
Mari and Shinji running off together at the end, OBVIOUSLY the implication is they’re together but I feel like they intentionally left it a bit ambiguous for people who didn’t need/want to see Shinji in a romantic relationship. Like they easily could have shown her pregnant or kissing him or something and that would have been very blatant. I think the fact that she is the one who came up to him at the end instead of Asuka Rei or Kaworu is mostly fan service with a dash of letting the other three have room to be their own people separate of Shinji. Rei and Kaworu have never been their own person without their entire worlds revolving around Shinji and I think the visual of the two of them talking together at the end but still on the other side of the train station was a good way of showing like they are still relevant to Shinjis life but they get to explore their own worlds too. Obviously same goes for Asuka because she is the other side of the same coin with Shinji, she deserves to be her own person too. I also like to pretend after running off the train platform together they go to the other side & meet up with the others :)
I think its really interesting that almost every popular fan theory about him got confirmed in this new movie, even ones that had barely any basis in previous movies, and that they also dismissed the main popular homophobic opinion of “he was just using Shinji”. He truly wanted Shinji to be happy, because he wanted that to be enough to make himself happy. & I genuinely think he was aware and fully willing to keep living the loop for Shinji infinitely but Shinji recognizing the loop existing and acknowledging all that Kaworu had done for him already was also extremely releasing. Probably freed him from something he didn’t even know was trapping him at all. Kaji and Kaworus father/son moment was really sweet as well considering Kaworu is his own parents and has never known any kind of family.
I also have read some online takes that Rei and Kaworu are meant to be “together” at the end? but I really dont think standing next to one another constitutes a romantic relationship LOL. They’re definitely still/always siblings in my book. I also would like to think all the pilots kept their memories from the rebuild timeline, Kaworu keeping them from every timeline & Shinji having a blurry understanding of the existence of multiple timelines but not every detail.
I wonder if this implies Kaworu and Rei are fully human, I’m not sure how that works. Maybe he still is Tabris but angels pose no threat without evas anymore so he can just live amongst them like anyone else.
I also wanted to say like PMMM is another one of my dearest animes and something about Shinji pulling the Goddoka card to rewrite the universe without evas (without witches) but Yui facing the burden for him is so sweet. I can’t see it going any better way. Unit 01 obviously was taking as much damage for Shinji all along and her being able to be his final release from that pain is just, I don’t know how it could do any other way. I also don’t think I could handle it if it was exactly the same as PMMM and no one remembered Shinji. Shinji my beautiful baby boy who represents hope for humanity?? Completely forgotten?? thats too much even for me 😩 also this is a side note: I am absolutely in no way a Gendo apologist but I really appreciated him getting his loose ends tied off too, for Shinjis sake mostly. I don’t think Evangelion could have ended without Shinji gaining understanding for his father. Shinji understanding his father is another important aspect of Shinji representing humanity. It probably also allowed him to heal a little from Kaworu being “just like my father” like yeah, we all are, a little bit he’s also just a guy just like you. Gendo is the absolute tail-end of the spectrum of losing your hope and your humanity. The visual of Shinji using the lance of hope and Gendo using despair is obvi a very classic anime trope but I still liked it. Gendo losing Yui and letting it destroy him and Shinji losing Kaworu but using that to move forward and grow and keep Kaworu alive in spirit (also in real life but he didn’t know that at that point obvi). Chefs kiss.
anyways Shinji and Kaworu get a house together and live happily ever after :) idk I haven’t thought much about how they would live on post movie but I feel like the whole group would all be good friends + Toji and fam + Kensuke too of course. I could do a whole nother post about Toji and Kensuke 😫 I have so many feelings for evangelion lmk if u wanna hear LOL
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finchmarie · 2 years
House Keeping
Hello if you’ve stumbled in here! Here are some tags to check out!
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BTVS Art Tag:
Art from BTVS cause I do enough of it now to warrant a tag. Here.
Star Wars the Old Republic
General Tag Here
Charlie Thrasher - Smuggler - She/They
Winter Wren - Jedi Knight - She/Her
Ciri - Bounty Hunter - She/Her
Emer - Sith Juggernaut- She/Her
Codex - Imperial Agent - She/They
Fiadh - Sith Inquisitor- They/Them
Esskelle - Jedi Consular - She/Her
Leyliana - Trooper - She/Her
Isra’fael - Smuggler - She/Her
Mass Effect
General Tag Here
PCs (yes all my Sheps have bird names) I am working through an insanity run for each class using the Sheps below!
Starling Shepard - Vanguard - They/Them
Raven Shepard - Engineer - She/Her
Hawke Shepard - Adept - She/Her
Sparrow Shepard - Soldier - She/They
Peregrine Shepard - Sentinel - She/Her
Lark Shepard - Infiltrator - She/Her
Wren Shepard - Adept - She/Her She's being retired cause I have too many Wrens!!
Dragon Age
General Tag Here
Chelle Lavellan - Mage - She/Her
Caer Tabris - Warrior - She/They
Nell Surana - Mage - She/Her
Ender Hawke - Warrior - They/Them
The Rest
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Izrael Silverspear - She/Her
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I’ll update as I add new fandoms/characters and such!
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myloveisinthewilds · 3 years
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Satinalia and Christmas Celebration with the Cousland-Theirin family, the Tabris-Arainai family, and the Mahariel family!🎄✨
Bonding time with the fam. ❤️ (In photos: Tarasylla Mahariel, Kaeden Mahariel,  Morrigan, Kieran Mahariel, Zevran Arainai, Evangeline Cousland, and Duncan Bryce Cousland-Theirin)
Credits below :>
Reshade 3.0.8 by crosire
Reshade preset: Prismatic TS4 Preset by Whiisker
Eye colors - PurEAly Eyes FP & PurEAly Eyes v2
Elf ears - Pointed Ears by CmarNYC
[Adults’ Clothes]
Basic Turtleneck Sweater by Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla
Holiday21LooseNeck by SimmieV
Snowflake Leggings (+HQ) by Pipco
Madison Skirt by CAMUFLAGE
Unisex Adult Tattoos Dragon Age Origin Human and Mage by Sourwolf
Unisex Adult Tattoos Dragon Age Inquisition Vallaslin ALL by Sourwolf
Unisex Adult Tattoos Dragon Age NPCs ALL by Sourwolf
Tattoo 9 (HQ) by Caroll91
Tattoo pack T01 by K8truman
Hair - Hair05TurquoiseChild by QRsims
[Duncan Bryce]
Clothes - Moose onesie by REDHEADSIMS
Iris hair by Saurus
PS Morina Hoop Earring Trio by Pralinesims
Daenerys hair by Birksche
TSR Diamond Leaf Engagement ring by GlitterberrySims
Vignette Crystal Earrings by Giullieta Sims
Legolas hair by Birksche
Carved wedding band male set by NataliS
Echo hair by Nemesyms
Two-tone male wedding band set by NataliS
Morrigan hair by Kaizoku-gal
PS Morina Hoop Earring Trio by Pralinesims
Asscher Cut Diamond Ring by NataliS
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serphena · 3 years
1. I got into DA thanks to my friend
7. Favorite DA:O backstory? dude... the Tabris fam
11. Best Hawke quote?
Is it brilliant or horrible that you play the Diamondback with my dog?
(I love you sarcastic Hawke)
25. Favorite DA:I place?
there's this one haunted chateu that I love to wander around (Chateu d'Onterre)
53. That One Headcanon that hurts to think about?
we don't talk or think about THOSE at the moment thank you (Hawke staying in the Fade is still my canon...)
61. Favorite NPC?
Krem, Harding & Shianni
73. Favorite OST song(s)?
DAO's Nature of the Beast melody & DAI Trespasser's score for Solas
96. Do you use game mods?
at first I didn't because I was afraid they will mess up my games but now.... 1000%
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