#tadc wobble
s0ckh3adstudios · 11 months
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The end result of the Magma, featuring art from me, @faceeeeee , @mothball-arts , and @adoodleintime ! this might be the fullest Magma I've ever done HAHAHA Thank you to those who joined <3
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cheatsykoopa98 · 5 months
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the wobbly friends
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sm-baby · 5 months
Most exciting part of the trailer for the next TADC episode for you?
More so an Analysis rather than things I'm excited about X3
I watched the sneak peek on loop I can process everything! Waahh!! I'm so excited for episode 2 💞 only a few weeks away! 💕
I wanna get this out of the way, I love Lizzie Freeman and Alex Rochon's Improv work on this promo 😭 they were really put in a booth together, were told to say things to promote episode two, and came up with that 😭 Genius.
The environment work is GORGEOUS! I love the look of everything, the world-building, the colors! It looks like a full-fledged movie guys! Absolutely beautiful and WONDEROUS work from the Glitch team-- it's so beautiful for half a year of work??? God damn!!
Haha! As an in-universe creation, Despite his little gags, Caine is genuinely such a good AI to make something so cool!
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You'll also notice that Ragatha is taking charge of talking with the princess! That would make sense for such fellow beautiful well-mannered women!
More on them later at the end! :3
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Dream sequence theory
Also, we all agree that these ones are all part of a dream right? Pomni is panicked, the strange sort of "slow woozy wobbly" animation exactly like a dream... even the dolly zoom!
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Then she is sent to the cellar with a an abstracted arm, but that shouldn't be the case since Caine could easily fix an abstracted arm with a snap of a finger.
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And then she wakes up, freaked out!!
Wahaha! Shout out to the Showtime server for pointing this out while we were discussing!
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This is either and "end of episode prize" from Caine, or he jumps in mid-episode to hand them a helpful item, ooorr he's telling them that that's their objective for the adventure :3
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also!! people have pointed out that Zooble isn't with the carriage with the others! Either this means that Zooble was given a surprise roll in the adventure, or she's off to have a fun solo adventure with Caine! Ohh! How exciting!
Zooble is a favorite character of Goose's, so to learn more about him and why Goose loves them so much would be so exciting!!
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Whats up with Jax?
hunched down, writing in the sand, hugging his knees, this topped with Goose's two-word description of the next episode to be "I"m nothing"... Oh Jax is gonna have a MOMENT...
We all know that no one likes the dude and he's going to get worse. I'm unsure if this will make me like the guy, but I'm optimistic!
I'm open to understanding and seeing another side of him that would make me like him! I already quite like how this scene is framed, how lonely he looks, the acting in these few seconds already tells me what kind of guy he is.
...despite one of the gummis being tied up in the corner
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If i had to hypothesize, this probably stemmed with Jax acting out, you know, the usual "being a nuisance" to make everyone miserable,
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Then It escalates
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This gets on Ragatha's nerves, first starting out as a silly "haha cute interaction" between them and it escalates while the episode goes on where Ragatha genuinely gets mad at him and tells him to stay put while they do the work.
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Speaking of Ragatha, She seems to be quite fond of the Princess! There is a part of me that wonders if she wants to sort of-- "prove" herself in a way, as a leader or otherwise. Ragatha does give me the "smart yet nice kid in class that everyone copies off of" energy... TwT This poor woman.
I don't know, just the way The Princess bends down and holds her hand, it's sort of sweetly mentorly or motherly in a way. I'm not saying this to infantilize Ragatha, I respect her so much as a mature 30-year-old adult, I say it as a testament to The Princesses' character. Princesses, Queens, and any sort of royalty have been characterized as the sort of "mother/father of all" sort of character type, which is sweet! And would be quite interesting!
I know that people are quick to do the shipping with these two, but I kind of like the idea of Ragatha wanting approval and validation.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Love that you opened requests for TADC!
Could you please do a scenario where Jax pulls a prank on the reader and locks them in a closet, but he has no idea that they have claustrophobia? They end up being found by someone else later, and Jax ends up feeling really bad about it?
(honestly love me some hurt/comfort)
Thank You!
Aftermath of a Prank (Jax x reader w/ claustrophobia)
wasn't sure what to name this since "jax traps you in a closet and feels bad" doesn't roll off the tongue that well LMAO i hope you enjoy this! imma admit, usually when it comes to writing for new characters i read up on others interpretations of them to get a decent handle of them + the canon stuff but i think im gonna wing it this time
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It's not often that Jax genuinely apologizes to someone for something he did. often time he will give a huff and a half hearted sorry, or try to play the entire thing off... but there was something different about the current situation at hand
You see, Jax thought it would be funny to get you stuck in a closet, for one reason or another to push some joke he had in mind. What he did not have in mind, however, was the possibility that you were afraid of tight spaces.
Afraid you were, even more so because the closet was dark as well.
Jax was already long gone, claiming that he was going to run off to do something before departing. You asked him to let you out, thinking that he had simply pretended to leave.
But he truly had.
Discomfort turns into fear. Unsure calls for help turn into yells, which turn into you attempting to punch and kick the door open. Your eyes burned with hot tears.
You couldn't have been in there for more than ten minutes before Gangle opened the door, nearly catching your fist to her mask. It likely would have broken and revealed her tears, had her comedy mask not already been broken. She only squeaks in surprise, too stunned to move out of the way but thankfully you were able to reel yourself back in at the last second.
You muttered a quick apology before pulling yourself from the tight space, trying to steady the wobble in your steps. You and Gangle did not exchange any words, with you making your way to your room.
Word gets out. Gangle tells Kinger what happened. Kinger tells Pomni. Pomni tells Ragatha. Zooble finds out, but they don't care enough to gossip around. Before long Ragatha is telling Jax about it, with her own hunch that the rabbit was the one to blame.
Could you blame her? Jax has a bit of a track record...
Point is, Jax eventually finds out how scared you were through the grapevine and for once he actually feels bad about something. Annoying and spooking someone is one thing, but to instill genuine terror was another thing.
He wants to apologize, but it's such a foreign thing that he keeps putting it off. Days pass, with you now avoiding him, which only make him feel worse.
After another day of you only giving him dry responses he ends up cornering you, finally having enough of the guilt eating him up
Apparently not learning his lesson the first time but I digress
"Look," He said, square pupils fixed on you.
A sigh
"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think you'd flip,"
Not perfect, but it's a start.
"If I knew I wouldn't have, I swear," he added when he was met with silence. From seemingly out of no where, he pulls something out
An object you like, be it a flower a book or something else that he found lying around the circus
You took it, observing, then looked back up at him. He did look remorseful, even if he didn't really say it.
That would have to do, that's the best you're going to get from him. Baby steps
From that day forward, you notice that Jax lightens up around you, pranking you less and generally being a little less annoying when it comes to you
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ccaramel-llow · 11 months
Can I request tadc reader where they're very sweet and nonchalant with people even when they're mean to them?
TADC! Cast x reader
Warnings ; Cussing, Bullying, Jax, Not proof read, Obsessive behavior, Death threats, Holding hands before marriage? smh.
Genre ; Fluff + Romance
Pairings ; Queenie/Reader, Kinger/Reader, Kaufmo/reader, Pomni/Reader, Ragatha/Reader, Zooble/Reader, Caine/Reader, Jax/Reader
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, The competitive x The sweetheart.
, She's overprotective of you and cusses out anyone who's rude to you.
, Beautiful scary guard dog x The kind sweetheart, Literally punches anyone if they made you cry
, She never does it in front of others although, She makes sure your distracted because she doesn't wanna lose you.
, Gets flustered as you boost up her ego if you complimented her when she finished one of caine's bullshitty challenges
, Always gives you a kiss on the forehead and tells you how proud she is of you and how much she loves you after finishing a challenge.
, She likes to hear you rant about stuff you like and nods her head whenever you make a statement
, She adores hugs, Hug her pretty pretty please :3
, Tries to teach you how to defend yourself but fails, And when she does that literally just makes her pull out a resting bitch face.
, She know's when something's up with you. So if your showing any signs of negative behavior, She tries to comfort you by telling you how strong you are.
" You're trying Lovely, But I'm afraid you're also failing. But that's okay, You're perfect to me in all ways possible. Now may i please have a hug from you my dearest? "
, He literally glares at anyone who makes fun of you, He feel's bad for your well being and tries to defend you but fails.
, Drags you to his impenetrable fortress just for him to distract you from negative thoughts when your sad, He distracts you by playing with your hair as he asks you what kind of stuff you like while cuddling
, Hold's your hand when Jax bullies you and when Jax is gone he attempts to try and comfort you.
, He doesn't understand why you're so nice. He always thinks you would get mad and start lashing out but you never do. You just reply with a soft, Kind compliment.
, Stares at you with lovey dovey eyes every time you're near him. He compliments you when you're next to him. He fiddles with his hands while looking at you too.
, Shy loser x Over sweet loser
, Death glare's at anyone who attempts to make fun of you until they go off, He's always pissed when someones mean to you and starts ranting on how you dont deserve such bull shitty treatment.
" (Name), You gotta learn how to fend for yourself!- Yeah you're right actually i suck at fending for myself too. BUT STILL!- You need to actually fight for yourself!... I give up never mind lets just go." drags you to his impenetrable fortress
, Literally says an offensive joke about anyone who bullies you and then it starts a cat fight.
, He asks if your alright all the time after being yelled at, Bullied, Etc.
, Smooches your hand while cuddling in his room to comfort you if you say no.
, He paints you!! He gets flustered when you ask why he drew you. He uses "B-because you're super kind!" As an excuse with a wobbly smile because he knows he sucks shit at lying.
, When he found an exit, He got so excited because he could show you and you'd be so proud of him!! And you were. And you didn't even take it as a joke.
, He loves how you genuinely love his humor, Even if it's dark.
, Definitely doesn't dream about you both getting married.
, Whenever you laugh he starts to get sweaty and nervous, Because your laugh sounds so genuine that it truly makes him happy, It makes him even more in-love with you.
" Wait.... You... Love my humor? R-really? Uhm.... Of course i'll say more jokes!! F-for you!!"
, She's so confused. But she finds you so beautiful.
, Why are you so kind? Are you even real? Are you perhaps an angel sent from heaven to guide her?
, She always freaks out around you and blushes a shit ton.
, Glares at anyone who disrespects you and harsh-fully insults them to the point where the bully bawls their eyes out.
, Asks if you're okay after being insulted and holds your hands as she tells you how great and sweet you are if you say you aren't to reassure you that you're an amazing person.
, She likes to bring you with her while she tries to find a way out the circus, You being her all-time favorite person.
, She drop kicks jax and runs away with you if jax tries to bully you.
, She nods at every statement you say, Not really caring about how stupid your idea is but following it anyways because she's so happy that she gets to be near you.
" (Name), (name)!! Would you like to uh.. Uh!-... COMPLete-! this challenge with me?"
, She's just like you! You're just like her!! You two are basically soulmates sent from heaven.
, Though, She gets mad often and you genuinely are a nonchalant person who's usually calm all the time.
, She defends you from jax and glares at anyone who dares to harshly pick on you.
, Drags you away from the toxic person and asks you whats on you're mind today to distract you from negative thoughts.
, Likes to smooch your cheek after you finish a challenge, Ranting about how proud she is of you.
, Ragatha tends to be passive aggressive when people are being rude to you, For example she says a comment that sounds nice but is extremely offensive to the victims ears.
, Likes to take you to her room so she can braid your hair.
, This Ambiguous fuck attacks ANYBODY who messes wit you.
, They comfort you by ranting angrily at you by saying how pretty, Handsome, Sweet and cool you are.
, Will try to teach you how to fend for yourself. But then fails.
, They like to receive attention from you, For example compliments, Praise, Or hugs.
, Cheer's you on when you do something not giving a dog's ass about what others think of it.
, Shit talks the person who talked smack about you.
, Get's in trouble daily for you.
, They like to drag you to their room so they can rant about stuff as they slowly get flustered on how you look and listen to them so intently.
, They also get nervous around you, Pretending that you dont exist and usually pretends to cough to cover up a compliment, When you ask what they said they just said they coughed.
, Likes to rant about you while your listening.
" (Name), You let that little- you know what...? Come on sweetie were gonna do some defensive training. "
, He literally teases you alot.
, Bullies you but he knows when he goes too far so he stops.
, Bullies the person who talked bullshit about you as if he wanted them dead, because he does.
, Will say death threats to the person who bullied you. Not including himself.
. Can And will throw a fight just because someone criticized you.
, Calls you "Sugar" because of how sweet you are. And also calls you his saint for personal reasons.
, he likes to ask you for a lot of stuff, But plot twist, He asks for kisses, Praise, Etc.
"Hey toots, Mind kissing me right here?~"
, Bitch was confused on why you were so calmed when you first arrived, But soon later developed feelings for you after the first 2 year's you stayed.
, He honestly was surprised you lasted this long but then remembers he shouldn't because Hoo Hah exists.
, Is VERY chatty when your around him. He likes to rant about stuff while you're just there listening to him speak gibberish.
, Glares at anybody who shit talks you and sends them to the cellar with a sheer look of dissapointment.
, When your sad he takes you to your room and your both just cuddling while your sleeping and under big fat soft blankets and he plays with your hair.
" How dare you criticize my dearest you li-"
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Likes + Reblogs are appreciated.
i spent 2 hours on this bitch smh
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cornfanchips · 10 months
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3 AM project 🌟 TADC OC in the art style of the credit song. She looks wobbly but I had fun ☆.
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i was thinking™️ and had a eureka moment, so here’s TADC characters as Lemon Demon songs!
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pomni - spiral of ants. are you gonna look at me and tell me that i’m wrong. no. “the circle rules your life”, “you’ve got no choice but to dance in a spiral of ants”, “you can’t remember where you came from/you’re going”, cmonnnn. pomni-coded.
caine - reagonomics. i don’t know how to explain it but its just—hhhhhh. caine. like i can imagine him singing this or doing a little dance to it. all the lyrics work okay 😭 trust.
jax - eighth wonder. this one i was kinda unsure about, but it’s very laid back while having that air of mystery that reminds me of jax. “i’ll never die, i am a freak” and “thou wilt never know what i am” especially.
ragatha - no eyed girl. the softness of this just screams ragatha to me. from “it’s alright, it’s alright” to the “knowing what we know, knowing what we do not know, this is gonna change our world” reminds me of her usual positive attitude despite being trapped in the digital circus.
gangle - dizziful bliss. soooo anxiety coded like our favorite mask-ribbon…thing. i feel like gangle’s that “got pulled along for the adventure” character. i have this image in my head where the “we're wobbly, staggering, dizzy, confused” part is all the times gangle’s comedy mask has been broken.
zooble - flamingo legs. this song is a lil crazy and has all these descriptive words that sound like different parts that zooble would use.
kinger - amnesia was her name. originally i was thinking soft fuzzy man was a little more kinger-core, but i settled on this one because you can tie it with queenie and—y’know, kinger’s a little crazy.
kaufmo - when he died. the lil intro sounds very funny™️ and could be bros abstracting. the song’s all about what this guy left behind (ex: strange symbols, painting of a clown) and kaufmo’s room is full of things scratched into the wall. the lyric “but gradually her voice began to fade, to nothing, and the Laughing Record played.” bro is haunting the narrative, kinda like this song.
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fanficgirly18 · 11 months
TADC Jax x Fem Chubby Reader| Smut (Top)
"Alright, I feel like spanking you."
You and Jax were standing behind the circus tent's curtain. There was a contrast between you two. He was lanky and lean- where you were  chubby and thick.
Everything had been fine until he said that.
"You're joking," you said.
He got on a knee, like he was ready to propose with a ring, and patted his thin leg.
"Over my knee~"
You were planning to run, even if you really couldn't with all your weight but he must of sensed this because his gloved hand snatched your thick arm.
"Ah-ah, toots," Jax cooed, grabbing your hand- and twisting it behind your back- and since you were in the digital world your arm bent in a  inhumane way. You fell over his knee.
"L-let me go," you stammered.
"Not a chance, dollface," retorted Jax.
SMACK. His hand landed on your behind, causing it to wobble like jello- waves of jiggles over your flesh. 
"You've sure got some cake."
He probably said Cake because if he tried to say anything else it would get bleeped out. Thanks to Caine's doing.
His hand rubbed your behind, where a new handprint mark was. Then his gloved fingers spread your big cheeks, finding your slit, before rubbing down there.
You felt yourself moan aloud.
"Ah, I like those sounds, toots." You felt something poke into your bigger tummy. His erection.
You gripped his pantleg, in submission.
He grinned wider- if that was possible, and then began spanking you.
Pain and pleasure coursed through your behind up to your back, until you felt yourself on the edge.
Suddenly it hit you, and your cum splattered out, just as his palm made contact with your quivering bottom.
"Good girl," he taunted, "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"
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molamola-p · 11 months
Alcoholic Pomni AU - Idea Drabble
901 Words
// AN: I thought it would be funny if Pomni lost it and decided to turn to alcohol. Idk- my brain is wack. I wanted to write for the longest time but I couldn’t bring myself to come up with any fun ideas. Then TADC came out and I decided to write a quick thing about that. This was the first thing I thought of. I’m sorry Pomni lovers _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
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Pomni wasn’t keen on the idea of being trapped in the digital circus with now way out.
What’s really the kicker is that everyone has seemingly given up on finding an exit. Not Pomni though. No. She’s determined to find one!
Unfortunately, dead end after dead end, it starts to dawn on Pomni that maybe she’s on a wild goose chase. Maybe the others were right. Maybe there was no exit.
Pomni sighed. Annoyed at the idea that Jax might be on the winning side of the argument, she busied herself with simply walking along as many walls as possible. Maybe, just maybe, she missed something.
Pomni stoped at a small table. A glass bottle of wine sat atop it, sitting just in the center. Pomni looked around to see if Cain was pulling something again. Or if maybe it was a trigger for another “adventure” of sorts. Didn’t Cain say this show, or world, or whatever was supposed to be “PG?”
Have some
Pomni heard the little voice in her head say. Wait… voice? Maybe she really was losing it. She stood for a moment and thought about it. Maybe a bit of booze would help take the edge off.
Pomni tentatively took the bottle from the table, half expecting some sort of alarm to go off. When it didn’t, she breathed a sigh of relief. A siren is just the type of thing Cain would pull.
Pomni had been missing for a while, and Ragitha was starting to worry.
“Guys shouldn’t we find Pomni?” She suggested to the group.
“She’s probably looking for that exit again” Zooble scoffed.
“Or she obstructed” Everyone took a second to glare at Jax, who in return simply shrugged with a bored look on his face.
A slurred voice that sounded like Pomni traveled through the room.
The group turned to look in that direction. Pomni wobbled into the main room with a big grin on her face and what looked to be an almost empty bottle of wine in her hand.
“You won’t berive dis, hehe…. The wine here? AMAZING! I didn’t evren have ta’ drink the whole fing to get drunk!” Pomni smiled in a drunk daze.
Now Ragitha was even more concerned. Where did Pomni find alcohol? There had never been any before!
“Well she’s wasted… I’m out” before Jax could walk away Kinger who had been uncharacteristically quiet and Gangle who had been shut out of the conversation start freaking out and talking really fast.
“Would ya shut up! She’ll sober up eventually, jeez” Jax felt a headache coming on.
Little did they know Pomni would rarely ever be sober again.
Sure it started innocent enough. Just a little temptation to ease the boredom. Unfortunately for everyone, Pomni didn’t stop at just on temptation. Also unfortunately neither did the digital circus.
Somehow, someway, Pomni would always find alcohol. It got to the point where Ragitha implemented the “Pomni Buddy System” where a someone had to be with Pomni at all times. Still miraculously, Pomni always managed to slip away. Or maybe the group was just not very good at their job.
Cain hadn’t been seen in days, either which made this mess even worse. On top of that drunk Pomni had a knack for getting on both Zooble’s and Ajax’s nerves pretty quick. While Jax played it cool it was obvious he was sick of it. Zooble on the other hand made it clear she was very unhappy.
The breaking point came when during one of drunk Pomni’s episodes,
“******* GUYS! THIS NEEDS TO END” A disheveled looking Jax yelled at everyone. He has been on Pomni duty, his least favorite thing, and he had reached his limit.
“I can’t keep doing this- She’s SO ANNOYING!” Jax cupped his head in his hands.
Pomni, when drunk, had the tendency to ramble about nothings and make random noises that just drove Jax (and Zooble) insane. Kinger and Gangle resigned to make the noises with her to keep their sanity, which only made it worse for everyone else. While Ragitha tried to stay strong and help Pomni through her addiction, even she had to admit this was not going well.
As the group sat in dread, Pomni’s incessant noises in the background, Cain, oh Cain, came in to a very strange scene.
“Uhm… What?” He looked around confused.
To everyone’s surprise it was Ragitha who jumped up and grabbed Cain by the tongue and said with death in her eyes,
Cain looked around nervously and confused. Then it clicked. He easily slipped out of Ragitha grip and adjusted his tie.
“Ohhhhh! That’s what that did! I was working on some new code and I came across a dormant command and thought I’d see what it did!”
Everyone stared in disbelief. All of this, ALL OF THIS, was because Cain got a little curious and decided to push a button!
“U n b e l i v e a b l e” Jax looked like he was on the verge of tears.
“Well lemme fix this real quick” Cain snapped a few times and Pomni poofed back to normal.
“WHERES THE- huh? Oh… I’m not craving it anymore…” Pomni looked around and everyone, and sensing she wasn’t in the best of standing said “sorry?”
“Well that settles that! Now for an adventure!!!”
“ARGHHHHHHH!” -Everyone
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faceeeeee · 6 months
AANZHAMDBAKSKSISI THANK U FOR ANSWERING MY QUESTION I LOVE UR INTERPRETATION AND I LOVE YOUR DRAWINGS if u don't mind me asking more questions- when your rub popped into existence did he went through something like that spooky drawing where it took him a while to process the fact that he had just been born and had no idea what he was supposed to do or did he just went "oh yeah i'm robtop this is my world and i'm in charge whatever" ALSO this one may sound a little weird (u don't have to answer it if u don't want to) but does the real word has any influence over this world? Like- since u said rub it's just a digital representation of the real rob let's just say the real rob decides he no longer likes idk, potbor (just an example) so he deletes him from the game, does that mean your rubrub will just go "yk what, for no apparent reason I don’t like you anymore, so im gonna kill u"?
And a less weird question: do the shopkeepers and guardians need to eat? If so, do they have any favorite foods?
HSDAHDAHG NO PROBLEM and you can ask as many questions as you want!!! It really doesen't bother me at all, in fact I get really excited bout em!!!!
So, to answer the first question: Spooky was the one that had the hardest time at adjusting to his surroundings and he spent a few days still wobbling around till he understood his intended "purpose". Rub on the other hand, as the creator, he knew exactly where he was and what his goals were right off the bat.
For the second question, you hit the nail right in the head :) Any decision or verdict that the real rub makes is immediately passed onto the robo rub in the digital realm (tadc flashbacks are killing me) so yeah he just goes "You're now considered a hindrance to the peace of this realm" and bada pim bada bum poor potbor's gone as well as everyone's memories of him. Though he CAN make decisions without having the real rub make them for him. They're the same person but at the same time they are not (A kind of example might be Severance and the whole 'innie' and 'outie' thing they have going on but if you haven't watched that series....welp im out of examples. If I don't make myself clear please don't be afraid to ask and that way I can formulate a coherent answer the 1000th time :') ).
And to answer the third question: The guardians don't need to eat but can do so if desired. The shopkeeper species on the other hand do need to eat. They are the nearest thing to a human being apart from the players.
Though the shopkeeper's meals are always limited to 2 or three types of foods so there isn't really any variety for them. Thankfully for rub, they aren't really picky and are indifferent about the fact that they eat the same stuff every day on their lunch break.
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lilywily143 · 5 months
Live Blog of TADC Episode 2!! WOO!
hehehe the intro is TADC themed!!
oooo fireworks
huh pomni?
oh gosh this must be a dream, it's wobbly animation
oh gosh....
wake up please pomni sweetie
this music
Aw ragatha; do you sound different?
oh Lord this... is said.
Candy Caier Chaos
ooo this fun
hehe the gummy dinos!!
new au?
by zooble!
woah Jax looks cool
what's larping again?
by cain- ooo the pipe!
"I'm trying to quit" bubble i- huh weird voice
ooo gummy elephant
the music is fun
the colored manniquins!!!
so much waving
heheheh i'm just excited for this
Oh gangle..
the candy princess is cute voiced
aw pomni..
"oo violence" Jax XD
"what time period is this supposed to be?" yeah..
Oh go ragatha!
Jax wants a good horn ehhehe
gangle drive well please
i love candycore things so much
this is a fun vibe episode so far
blue candy cane campfire
hmm interesting gummy dinos
oh stretchy pomni...
shut up Jax.
okay I.. am loosing my love for him....
heheh the little/long arms they have
jax HOW?!
knifes in the headsss
gangle has figurines!!
longgggg rope
oh gosh fluuf in ragatha....
woah lord
chocolate river!!
okay I.. hate Jax a lot.... um
woah the clipping
where the hell???
gummy dino you okay...?
this place is weird.
is this the game dev testing room????
oh gosh...
ths ai is freaked out... [is this dino ai]
the dominant A poses
this music.....
pomni. u ok?
lord this is freaky
oh no sentent ai getting intense
'what am i' ...oh dino....
oh no..... oh God...
dino deep breathes
please pomni spare his the info...
these Choco physics
agustus gloop reference?!
this gloop guy...
The Fudge :3
goodness funny evil guy
oh ragatha is fixed!
licorice Ragatha hair, you made her self conscience Jax >:[
he stole the key!!
aw kinger hid ragatha heheheheheh
back to pomni and the dino..
oh gosh... oh little dino..
dino please..... I'm gonna hug you
pomni you're great
oh gosh....
caine I hope you let the dino stay alive pleaseeee
pomni you are so sweettttttt
please let the dino stayyyyyyyyyyyyy, I'm so worriedddddd
Gummy Goo! Cute name :>
the boxes!!
i love this dou, poni and G.G
oh this music is so prettyyy I can't wait for the next OST!!
jax loves his choas
kinger with bucket
kinger you're adorable
love the fudge's jawbreaker eyes
oh gross throw up again.....
please let the dino stayyyyyyyy i'm nervousssssss
jax.. oh hehheheheh you meanie dork
caine when you come, let the dino stay. i'm gonna cry if this ends 'comidically'
the pretty portal
o-oh no,, the fudge guy.... YOU LET IT IN DISARAY JAX
funerals for the abstracted...
oh kaufmo
...oh ragatha... hugs
this silent little scence
ahh this... is nice right now...
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s0ckh3adstudios · 11 months
Pawnos opinion on
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I love pawno I feel like he would punt wobble
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He is NOT a fan of Wobble
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squidinkedcreative · 11 months
meet a new oc of mine for tadc/the amazing digital circus, mary, short for primary bc she is the primary colors uwu
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she is besties with kinger(new kin) and gangle(also kin), and fairly close with pomni n even tho shes a worry wart like gangle, she tries to keep her poker face on n cheer on her friends.
if u squeeze her hand, or like… her, she honks like clowns do, and she has super wobbly joints which is why she has lil sleeves on her elbows(in her human form, it helped keep them from partially dislocating) so she’s like one of those wacky inflatable guys sometimes lmao
she doesnt exactly love it in the circus, but she loves it more than she remembers enjoying her old life(not that she remembers much of that ofc, just that she always felt alone and in pain and now she doesnt feel alone or in pain anymore). she’s a jax fangirl frfr
uh yeah so thats mary!! hopefully will make new art of her soon <33
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ct-robertson · 10 months
Funny little idea thingy I had (headcannon??) TADC wise was that Caine floats around so much he wouldn’t know how to walk normally at all and when he does he actually needs that cane to stay stable enough to get a least 2 steps in without being wobbly
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hii! Idk if you've ever done something similar, but what do you think about TADC x Skater! Reader? Like, Reader always have their skates on, like it's a part of their digital costume or smth. And i really mean ALWAYS. Someone spilled water on the floor? Reader slips down. They go on an adventure and a part of the floor is inclined? (Like a hill for example) There goes reader down the hill. I think it would be pretty funny lol
Btw, i really love your page, keep it up and don't overwork yourself
TADC cast x rollerskater!reader
Anon I am so so so sorry !! I dont know if I personally got jumbled up or my inbox has been wonky silly goofy or I just got thrown off because of so many people sending stuff in, but I also missed this as well as some other requests 😭😭
This one may be a little short since I've never skated <\3
Written this as more platonic leaning !
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Probably poofs himself his own rollerskates, literally the only time you see him on the ground and it's so weird to look at. You guys both slip and fall because bubble wiped themselves across the floor or something
Obviously leads to bubble getting popped
Honestly seeing caine struggle to keep steady while using the rollerskates is... very funny.. look at his lil legs wobble (tell anyone and he will tilt the ground of the next IHA)
Honestly she would probably slip on the floor too if its wet or has marbles. She looks like she would comically fall over, with her legs flinging straight up into the air before plopping down
Looks at you confused as you visibly try to calculate how fast this one little slope will make you go, she probably forgets you have skater feet in the beginning
Subconsciously tries to grab and stop you when you start rolling, but because shes so small you just drag her with you
Theres that squeaky noise as shes being dragged across the floor
Yk the sound
Throws marbles on the floor as well as other things that can make you stumble or slip... probably soaps up the floor.. thank god hes just a circus rmemeber and not like, a ringmaster... this dude would tolt the floor in so many different angles just to fuck with you... thankfully, he cant do that!
Though in another timeline... perhaps you werent so lucky...
Not much to be said here, with the bit with zooble in the pilot (the arm thing), jax is more than ready to use peoples unique digital qualities to please him or mess with them, and you being his friend only makes you slightly less likely to be messed with
Keeps a hand on your shoulder when she notices the floor is tilted, tends to walk with you while holding your shoulder still. She can only imagine what it's like to be s victim of slopes.. it would drive her nuts.. as long as shes around shes going to do her damndest to make sure you dont roll away or slip... unless jax literally throws marbles in front of you two at the very last second because who can predict that..?
In any case where theres an IHA with a DEEP slope I think she just might resort to carrying you so you dont go FLYING down
Okay you guys might not have the same issues but they can relate to you in the jax department, with him using your qualities to his advantage. Its absolute hell.. I think it would be this shared thing that leads to you guys building a relationship in the first place
That one meme where it's two people at the bar and they overhear each other saying "I hate (x)" then they start making out
Thats you guys ranting about the bunny/j
Offered you some parts before realizing that you cant swap out your limbs like they can
"Ah, bummer"
Has probably asked you why you dont just take them off when you vent to him about jax putting marbles on the floor. Kind of sounds like when people say shit such as "oh you're depressed? Just cheer up!" But like, kinger says it in a genuinely.. not malicious or tone deaf way.. like I dontt think he knows, or perhaps he thinks you're like zooble with detachable limbs and you have another pair of feet hanging around somewhere
Gives a soft "oh.. " when you demonstrate that they are attatched to you
Offers to let you strap pillows to yourself to soften any blows when you fall, let's you have his softest and thickest pillows... what do you mean it throws off your balance...?
You have probably accidentally rammed into her after misjudging how steep a hill on the ground was
Good news! She stopped your momentum!
Bad news, shes all tangled up in your skates (owie!) And her comedy mask is broken (oh no!)
Please be careful getting her out. We don't want her ribbons to tear or get damaged, we cant have our girl start fraying!
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shrimp-moment · 11 months
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design sketch of my tadc oc!!! ill make the full character sheet soon
They're a magic 8 ball, and theyre the fortune teller in the circus! Their little cape turns into their tent, thats why there's light glowing out from underneath it ;3 I still have yet to decide what their full body looks like when theyve set up their cape? any ideas welcome xD
They can pretty much say anything with their 8 ball, and everyone is confused how their icosahedron dice isnt like a set list of things and they can jsut generate new words 💞
when they walk around it sounds like those vintage wobbly apple toys that jingle when they roll around!
Also their resting message is XD
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