#tademaru aya
Why you should watch Kemono Jihen
We have:
No social skills demon baby
“What if Bakugo was actually a well-written character”
Gender ™️
Mommy issues
Cause of said Mommy Issues
That Little Freak (affectionate)
Greatest dad on Earth
Martyr complex brother
Sassy science experiment baby
That supernatural entity who lives in my closet (he does not pay rent and will not leave)
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kemojisource · 1 year
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new color spread from kemono jihen chapter 79
stitched together by @plastic-fox
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pcktknife · 2 years
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mspaint kemojis
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plastic-fox · 3 months
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Some Thin alts + Aya and Kon
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adcmans · 11 months
Kemono Jihen
I am gonna talk about my favorite and what I think of it.
Favorite Characters
Kohachi Inugami
His design is my favorite tho simple but honestly my favorite and I love him to much!! I also love his eyes in the Manga a lot.
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2. Kabane Kusaka
Once again simple but the red and black is just so good, I enjoy seeing the father and son duo between Inugami and Kabane
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3. Kaede
I love his personality and his design since it reminds me of the sun, though him destroying things is just bad.
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4. Nobimaru
I love how Mysterious he is and his fashion sense in the Manga, I am just hype to see why he is doing all this.
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5. Mihai Florescu
Mihai I Just Like how funny he can be and also how he just have long toenails and uses them.
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Favorite Duo
1. Inugami and Kabane
I just love all there interaction and how Kabane cares about Inugami basically I really love there Father and Son relationship.
2. Kaede and Akagi
At first it was rocky but once they decided to work together I just love how Kaede gets along with Akagi.
3. Akira and Shiki
I just love the whole Sun shine and Moon personality, I love there friendship.
4. Iyo and Zenkichi
What I love about them is that Zenkichi treats Iyo Different then everyone else but as a friend so I hope we get more of them.
5. Akira and Yui
I gotta add the siblings and I love how we get more of them in the Manga.
I think this is all of this and I am hype to see new characters and I love all of them. Also if anyone has fanarts of Kemono Jihen (since I can’t seem to find any I would love to see them)
I apologize if My description is ass but I hope you understand!!!!
Also Happy Birthday to Mihai or should I say Toe Grippers!!
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findurfuture · 2 years
In the anime/manga Kemono Jihen, Aya (voiced in Japanese by Kaede Hondo and in English by Corina Boettger); is the sister of Shiki Tademaru and is one of the secondary characters. Aya has complicated ties between humans world and kemono; as she was born to be use as a tool, instead of raised as a proper child. She has bubblegum pink hair, tied up in a high ponytail, and purple eyes. Her chosen outfit consists of a burgundy choker collar, a matching tube top, and light blue short-shorts with spider webbing at the bottom. An oversized jacket required that matches her hair, with a gold spiderweb on it alluding to her powers; and the look is finish off with black socks and red high-top sneakers. Collect all the accessories of the Aya Tademaru costume from Kemono Jihen for Halloween and cosplay.
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serialadoptersbracket · 7 months
Round 2, Match 16: Kohachi Inugami vs. The Fix
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Submitted kids:
Kohachi Inugami: Kabane Kusaka, Shiki Tademaru, Aya Tademaru, Kon Ishimori, Akira Iwakiyamayukisatoshironanogojuurokushi (yes, that is his full name)
The Fix: Conrad Schintz, and then he adopted like, an whole orphanage, named Madam Loathings home for wayward interests
Propaganda under the cut! (Spoilers ahead!)
Kohachi Inugami:
“These demon / half demon kids were literally orphans and tossed aside, and while our adopter calls them his employees he clearly has a huge soft spot for them. He's definitely more traditional dad material in the not overly outright throwing his love out there. But this guy is way too obvious, he knows what he's doing he just won't admit it.”
The Fix:
"Ok ok so. Spoilers for mentopolis: First some context that mentopolis is a show that takes place inside one guys brain, all the characters represent something in the brain, and the guy whos brain they are in, named Elias Hodge, is so so very sad.
Ok so, The Fix, the personification of hyper fixation, is like is someone who has spent most of his life working for people, where his job was to 'eliminate distractions' (He kills people, basically). Then one day he is told to eliminate a child. His name is Conrad Schintz (Or the Conscience, due to an accident that happened to the guys who's brain they are in when he was a child- Conrad stopped thing he was useful, aka Elias stopped using his conscience, so his conscience has not grown since the incident, leaving him a small child)
The Fix has never had to hurt a kid before, and he doesn't want to do that, so he instead goes into protecting Conrad. Conrad kind of hates himself though and also kind of thinks he deserves to die so that's not good.
The Fix gave this like, beautiful speech to Conrad once about how hes important, I wont give the whole thing but something along the lines of "There is a butterfly who has a tail that is there for if a bird was to grab on to the tail, it would break off and the butterfly would escape. I don't think you are the tail of the butterfly, I think you are the butterfly." (its better in the actual show). I cry. There is another speech about eagles he gives Conrad when Conrad offers himself, to basically die, but i don't remember it that well.
Other then Conrad though! So There is this orphanage, called Madama Loathings home for wayward interests. Basically its a bunch of kids that represent past interests of Elias. Its run by this women called Madam Loathing (represents Elias' self Loathing)(she is very mean to the kids). The Fix donates a lot of money to this place, and visits a lot, the kids there love him and think he is so so cool. There is this one kid named Ronnie Reptile. He loves reptiles, and The fix gives him reptile facts, its cute. In the first episode, The Fix tells Madam Loathing how any of those kids/interests could be rediscovered by Elias at any time, and madam loathing sort of taunts The Fix, sort of saying how ""Oh I'm sure I can tell the kids they will call be adopted by The Fix soon, but that would be kind of cruel, wouldn't it?"" Implying that that won't happen. (cause, The Fix is hyper fixation, and hyper fixation adopting an interest would be good, you know.).
Note that Conrad used to live at madam loathing's, because he was mis identified as just a simple interest and not Elias' whole sense of conscience, but Corad ran away with his best friend, a dog named Justin. He lived on the streets after that.*
So a bit later on in the series The Fix and Conrad have to go to to madam loathing's together (and another character is with them but he isnt relevant for this). When they get there Madam Loathing asks The fix if he is here to drop of Conrad here, and The immediately is like "Absolutely not, shut the fuck up." (I think that's the direct quote). I just really like that scene.
At the end, end of the series. Some plot stuff happens. The Fix met a women named Pasha N (She represents Passon), and they are in love, The fix proposes to her, its sweet, but then madam Loathing, who got some like, character growth I won't really go into here, and she says to The Fix how, she needs to go on a trip to find herself, and then she offers the entire orphanage to The Fix and Pasha, which is accepted. So in the end of the show, The Fix has basically adopted, that entire orphanage, so thats a lot of kids, along with Pasha, but she isn't in the show as much so I wont submit them as a pair. I didnt mention it before but The Fix is known for knowing a lot of facts and saying "Did you know." before saying a fact, which a lot of the time, it is a fact that is truly terrifying but thats a lot, and The narration at the end of the shows, says how The Fix and Pasha spend their lives with kids around them, constantly saying "Did you know? Did you know?" and it is very sweet. Conrad sort of had his own ending away from The Fix, but I still head cannon that The Fix adopted him too and Conrad comes to the orphanage sometimes. "
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figurecollection · 1 year
You seem to care about this kind of thing/appreciate this feedback so I thought i should warn you off of posting more kemono jihen figures—if there ever was a shounen manga for pedophiles that would be it. The 8-year-old character Aya Tademaru wears a tube top and short-shorts, as well as the sexualization (fetishization) of the 15 year old (he looks much younger) Akira.
It’s up to you; I might be remembering all of this wrong but it was seriously creepy when i read it, and i have a high tolerance for anime bullshit.
I asked a few friends who are into this (ive only watched one episode) and I've heard it deals with some CSA themes quite well but agree it's gross that characters are dressed like that. i'll keep this in mind for the future; i definately don't blame you for being upset by it at all.
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kurozero · 4 years
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"Incredible. Kabane-kun is a ladies man."
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pin-yao · 3 years
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paintalyx · 4 years
Kemono Jihen HCs
my crappy little fanfic draft is becoming a headcanon galore, so allow me to share a few:
akira and yui may look like normal humans, but their body heat is significantly lower
sometimes when shiki is being annoying, akira will touch his neck with freezing cold fingers and he'll let out an embarrassing high-pitched squeak
shiki and akira spontaneously started having prank wars sometime after they started working together. inugami caught them one week in and made them apologise, but instead of stopping, they just keep finding increasingly convoluted and subtle ways to get at each other
i like to think that inugami internally calls the office trio "his kids" (it could slip out if he were to get stressed/worried enough)
shiki has insomnia. unless he's tired to the point where he's out as soon as his head hits the pillow, he'll overthink and fret over stupid things well into the night. he's usually a light sleeper
akira, on the other hand, could sleep through an earthquake
unless he's pulling an all nighter, inugami is usually the first to wake up after kabane, who is an early bird
since kabane is often bored in the morning before everyone else gets up, he learnt how to make coffee for inugami (there's probably at least one fancy coffee machine in that café area)
at first he would just quietly sit and watch his boss drink, but inugami felt bad about it so now they drink together while chatting. sometimes neither has anything interesting to say, so they either sit in silence, or inugami reads his newspaper out loud (we know he's an old fashioned man like that). mornings are their special bonding time
kemono office learns it the hard way that kon and caffeine don't mix well
shiki's hands get clammy easily and he's secretly embarrassed about it
aya and akira eventually become shopping buddies. sometimes they drag their brothers along to carry their bags
shiki is low-key afraid of yui. there's just something about the older boy activates his fight or flight response. he's convinced that, given the chance, yui would snap him like a twig. yui is completely oblivious to this. he just thinks that akira's purple friend is a funky little fellow, if a little jumpy at times
kon accidentally ends up sleeping over at the office once. kabane offers her his hammock while he settles on his usual spot on the floor. when he wakes up, it's only to discover that kon has migrated down overnight and that she is now sleeping soundly, snuggled up to him. he doesn't know if he should move at first, afraid that he'll wake her up, but then he notices that it's easy to hear her heartbeat when they are in such close proximity. he slowly falls asleep to the sound of if
just a few hours later, akira's phone is full of pictures of the two of them looking adorable together
kabane likes to play with kon's hands when they are sitting together. kon notices that he often lets his fingers linger on her pulse, but she doesn't comment on it
shiki and akira read each other's manga. both claim that the other has trash taste and that they are only doing it because they run through their respective stashes way too quickly. this doesn't explain why shiki can quote strawberry first love from memory, nor why akira has such strong opinions about shounen jump's lineup
inugami knows how to braid hair because he's just built different like that. akira will occasionally ask him for help with more complicated updos
kemono office has a family group chat. mihai interacts with it exclusively by liking messages
every once in a while, mihai will remind shiki of his failed gaming channel from middle school
despite claiming to be an "expert in matters of the heart", akira, the local hopeless romantic, is just as oblivious to people flirting with him as his brother is
that's it for now, maybe i'll do more in the future. blame @/plastic_fox_ on twitter for enabling me
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animegadaisukiidesu · 4 years
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solunstell · 3 years
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Aya Tademaru, Kemono Jihen, 2-11-22
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momoirokoibito · 4 years
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adcmans · 11 months
I really wanna write for Kemono Jihen BUT IDK WHAT SINCE I MOSTLY DO LIKE DATING HEADCANON AND REGULAR HEADCANONS TOO (Like especially with the kids I just do a bunch of friend or family type of deal) but since Halloween is coming up so I can do them dressing up for Halloween
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