#taeyeon funny
witchblade · 10 months
i think the taeyeon v jessica release schedule thing would have been a lot funnier if the actual eps had music in them
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fashionbitchgd · 7 months
damn tumblr really is dead. twitter has been on fire the last 2 days since the gayest aespa member showed up dating a guy but i still haven't seen a word about it here lmao
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exo-s-victory-lap · 2 years
Sm is mid fall off but also is still as a company releasing the most consistantly good music so.
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bewby · 2 years
idk if this is super niche or not but back in 2015-2016 i had the peach app. it's like honestly such a cute app but i just stopped using it and i redownloaded it just now just to check it out and i'm losing my FUCKING mind because i recognize some mutuals i had there and they're ALL GONE FOREVER.... but whta's even worse is the way i fucking TYPED BACK THEN I WAS SO EMBARASSINGJJFBFJJ HOW DID PEOPLE EVEN LIKE ME.... oh my fod......
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
Last night before my mother went to bed we checked out the latest bp solo release, just to kind of get it out of the way. At some point I remarked about how all of the members' solo videos had constant outfit changes. We went back to the beginning of the video and counted about 12 iirc. We ended up playing a fun little game where we watched a solo MV by each member where we just counted the seperate outfits. Solo had upwards of 15, On the Ground less than 10 and Lalisa a little over 10. tbc.
Afterwards we got curious about other female soloists and watched a video each from Hwasa, Sunmi, IU, Taeyeon and Nayeon. With the exception of IU and Taeyeon all videos had a similar outfit change count as the BP videos. Yet, since they were all much more like costumes (and a considerable number were also used on music show stages afterwards), they felt much more purposeful, whereas with BP it had an effect like watching a scene that has too many cuts for no reason. Just wanted to share.
that's kind of a fun experiment! i don't know that i've ever actually bothered to count outfit changes before (except for when i get paid to), but those numbers make sense to me. yg doesn't really give a shit about making cohesive mvs that have logical follow throughs or intention, especially not with bp, so it's not really surprising that you found their solos to not make as much sense.
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artpopbyceleste · 2 years
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girlsgenerati0n · 2 years
ANOTHER soshi tamtam episode 8 fav moment: key from shinee walking in to see taeyeon recording forever 1 & her not recognizing him at first(most likely bc he was wearing a mask) & then key telling tae to just scream the high notes
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klmwonsik · 2 years
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I went through some stuff with Taeyeon there lmao
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kesujo · 2 months
Chapter 1: Miss Personal Trainer
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This year was the year Kang Seojun would get his shit together. He would learn more recipes and eat healthier, he would start working out and craft himself a body of the gods, and he would finally get a girlfriend and lose his virginity. After finally being able to move out of his parent’s house, after enjoying his newfound freedom, he admittedly slacked off—but that would change. With the new year came newly discovered motivation, and that started with the year subscription he purchased to the gym located near his apartment complex.
And boy was Seojun glad he chose to do that, because the personal trainer assigned to him was smoking hot. Seojun had seen his fair share of scantily clad idols, actresses, and models, but they all paled in comparison to her. She had perfect, milky-white skin and a slim physique but by no means was a slacker in the curves department. The way her formfitting gym wear followed the soft curves on her body, accentuating the fullness of her breasts and her hips, was absolutely sinful. He immediately wondered what running his hand across her curvaceous body would feel like, not long after catching himself and chastising his dirty mind for thinking about a woman he just met that way.
She introduced herself as Kim Taeyeon, and despite being about half a head shorter than himself, she gave off an extremely mature, knows-what-she’s-doing aura, which stood in stark contrast to her baby-faced appearance. Was Taeyeon in her thirties already or was she still in her early twenties? Seojun secretly hoped for the former as he wasn’t particularly keen on dating someone more than five years younger than him. Not that he ever stood a chance with her—on a scale of 1 to 10, she was probably an 11 in sexiness, cuteness, and general attractiveness. Seojun figured if he spent a lot of money and tried really hard, he was maybe a 7.
“So, Seojun, what’s your goal with working out?”
Her silvery voice was another thing: it was smooth, like warm butter, the words just seeming to flow out of her mouth like water from a steady creek. It was disarming, dangerously so; Seojun felt like he could listen to it all day. He then wondered what it sounded like moaning his name, shortly after catching himself with the salacious thought—what was with him today? He wasn’t normally like this. Was he that desperate?
“Um, I—” he stopped short, his heart skipping a beat at the delightful sight of Taeyeon giggling for a brief moment.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, please continue.”
Seojun hesitated, briefly wondering if she was laughing at him. “—I just thought that with the new year, that I should actually dedicate myself to working out and get a nice physique.”
“That’s admirable—sorry about earlier, I wasn’t laughing at you, I just suddenly thought of something funny.”
Seojun was perhaps a bit too relieved upon hearing that. “Oh, no worries! I didn’t take it that way.”
“The first thing we should do is create a workout plan accordingly. If you want to bulk up, you need to commit to changing your entire lifestyle. Are you prepared for that?”
He nodded. “Protein shakes, eating meals of only grilled chicken, rice, and steamed broccoli, right? Stuff like that?”
She nodded. “Right, something like that…” It may have just been Seojun, but he swore that a gleam appeared in Taeyeon’s eyes when she trailed off. He felt himself naturally shuddering; as sexy as the expression was, the sensation that passed through him wasn’t of arousal, but more akin to a primal fear. Like Taeyeon was a lion and he, a wounded antelope. “…but that’s all really hard work. There’s another way to achieve that goal, but you’ll have to just trust me.”
Honestly, Seojun was having a hard time focusing solely on his personal trainer’s words: the way she was holding her arms at stomach level meant that they inadvertently pushed her ample chest together and outwards, letting Seojun know that they were bigger than what the outfit initially conveyed. He felt bad for being so distracted by it and was thankfully able to catch most of what Taeyeon said, but the added factor of being completely alone in the building only added to the growing sense of anxiety and resulting self-consciousness he was feeling. When it came time for him to answer, Seojun had to actively wipe his mind from such thoughts, fearing they might leak into his response. “Oh, yeah, I would love to!”
He caught Taeyeon giggling again, a bewildered smile unknowingly forming on his face. “Great! Before we get started, I need to test you to see if you’re eligible. Would you come follow me home?”
Seojun found himself choking on thin air. “Wh—What?”
In the few minutes they spent, Seojun’s mind had already gone wild with fantasies. But not even in the wildest ones would he have dared considering Taeyeon taking him home.
“No? I knew it, it’s too strange to ask a client I just met to follow me home…” the adorable pout adorning her lips and the crestfallen expression on her eyes twisted at Seojun’s heartstrings.
“No! It’s not—” Seojun, with all his might, tried not to get his hopes up. If anything, she just proved herself to have pure intentions. “—it’s not that—well, I mean, it is a little weird, but I still trust you.” Even as disarmingly sexy Taeyeon was, Seojun had his inhibitions. What if she was secretly insane? What if she was just leading him to his doom? Seeing Taeyeon’s elated expression vaporized every last one of thoughts, leaving but one thin strand of doubt and self-preservation lingering. “But, um, what are we going to be doing?”
“Oh, don’t worry! I’m not like a psychopath or a serial killer or anything, it’s just I can’t conduct the test here with what we have.” There was something about her chipper, excited attitude that annihilated that last strand of hesitation. “Oh, and don’t worry about the test, it won’t hurt. In fact, I think you’ll like it quite a bit.”
There it was again. That mysterious, mischievous, sexy gleam in her eyes: a predator eyeing its prey. But as soon as it appeared, so quickly did it disappear, leaving Seojun to wonder if he was just seeing things.
“That sounds great. Are we going right now…?”
She nodded, walking past Seojun, grabbing his hand along the way. His heart skipped another few beats at the feeling of her pillowy, warm hand sliding into his own, her delicate fingers locking around his hand. “Depending on the results of the test, I’ll decide on your training regimen. Did you drive here?”
The question went right over Seojun’s head, too preoccupied with staring at the impossibly smooth hand gripping his. Shortly after, he noticed another more delectable piece of eye candy in the corner of his eyes. His attention summarily shifted towards it: Taeyeon’s softly swaying hips, her shapely butt, molded nicely by the black yoga pants she was wearing, amping up his heartbeat so much he could hear the frantic pumping of the organ in his ears.
Taeyeon’s delightful giggle again reached his ears, Seojun’s concentration breaking, his face turning a deep shade of pink when he looked up to see Taeyeon stopped, head turned around and looking directly at him. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude, I—”
“It’s quite alright.” At this point, Seojun had to be sure it wasn’t just him. That same gleam shone again in her eyes, this time mixed with a bit of a playful sparkle. “Did you like what you see?”
Again, Seojun was left bewildered. Wasn’t Taeyeon about to scream at him for objectifying her? Unless she was attracted to—no, there was no way that was the case.
“Y-Yes,” he admitted, his gaze locked fiercely to the carpeted floor of the empty gym, the tips of his ears undergoing the inferno of his embarrassment and shame. “You have a very nice body.” There was an immense desire to lift his head just a little bit to catch another glimpse of what lay in front of him as they continued walking; it felt as though someone placed a super magnet on his chin and another on the ceiling, but he fought it with every ounce of willpower he had.
This wasn’t like him. Sure, he was a virgin and never had a girlfriend, sure he masturbated regularly to the idols he looked up to, but he was never so disrespectful to a woman when she was right in front of him. What was wrong with him?
“Thank you!” Seojun, again, found himself surprised; Taeyeon’s response of gratitude was so sincere, he almost believed that Taeyeon wasn’t the least bit angry or disgusted or fed up with his behavior. “As I said, did you drive here?”
“No, my apartment is within walking distance.”
Taeyeon nodded in satisfaction, continuing to walk, her hand still firmly linked to his. Seojun let himself get pulled along, his eyes fiercely trained onto the ground, not daring move his eyes up even one millimeter. “We’re taking my car. It’s a bit of a long drive, so I hope you don’t mind.”
“No, I didn’t have any other plans for today.”
“How about tomorrow?”
As often as Taeyeon was catching Seojun off guard, one would’ve thought that there was a point at which he would stop getting surprised. Her follow up question was not that point. “Hm? Tomorrow?” It was only then that Seojun raised his head, making sure to lock his eyes on the silky hair on the back of her head. Wow, it looked so soft, like … no. He wasn’t about to let himself slip down another rabbit hole of fetishization of a woman he met not minutes ago.
“Hmm, never mind~” she sang, pulling the door open, a blast of cold air greeting them. “Let’s just do one thing at a time.”
Hearing his stiff reply, Taeyeon let out a deeper, fuller laugh—jarring to be sure, but equally adorable and endearing. “Why do you sound so professional?” She turned around, Seojun quickly diverting his gaze. She cupped the hand attached to her with her other hand, rubbing it gently. “Did me catching you staring at my butt embarrass you?” To this, Seojun only gave Taeyeon a curt nod, sending her into another explosion of giggles. “There’s no need to be shy about that! There’s nothing wrong with appreciating a fine ass, even I do that from time to time. Come on, my car’s nearby.”
Hearing her hearty reassurance and her genuine smile was all Seojun needed to open back up; although he still struggled with looking at her while in the car, they made light talk in the hour-long drive to Taeyeon’s residence. In that time, Seojun learned that Taeyeon had already experimented with many different jobs (which reassured him that she wasn’t the early-twenty-something he feared her to be) before settling on this one as a personal trainer, and how she liked the job because it gave her the opportunity to work with people from all walks of life. The idea of Taeyeon working with other men unsettled him, which he knew was bizarre since he had no right to be protective over a woman he didn’t even know last week.
Seojun then shared about his job at an IT products company, how the work was rather mundane but interesting in its own little ways. Upon further prompting, he told her about his education, how he majored in engineering, how he had trouble finding a job at first and how he had to live at his parent’s house because of it, and how relieved he was after finally being able to move out and how going to the gym was the first step of his plan to truly grow into adulthood.
Although her attention stayed on the driving, Seojun could tell Taeyeon was listening attentively by the way she occasionally nodded while he talked and how her gaze landed on him whenever they pulled up to a red light. It was nice, so nice that Seojun had to repeatedly remind himself to not get his hopes up, that Taeyeon was just a really kind woman and that these things didn’t mean she was into him. But it was so difficult, every time their eyes accidentally met and she would shoot him a dazzling smile and his heart would just leap out of his chest, he felt his grip on reality slipping further and further away.
Thankfully, they arrived at her residence before that happened, and when they did, Seojun’s jaw dropped. While it was no mansion, it was certainly bigger than most houses he’s seen before, not to mention how large and fenced off area was: the nearest neighbor had to be at least 500 meters away on each side. “Here we are, home sweet home,” she announced, pulling into the garage. Was she rich? It certainly seemed so. Seojun was just happy Taeyeon didn’t seem to mind his blatant sexual harassment from earlier, lest he spend a few years in jail with the power and influence she could probably wield.
Seojun followed the tiny beauty inside, unable to help but notice a distinct lack of furniture. While the dining room had a table and chairs, the kitchen equipped with stools, there seemed to be not much else: it gave off the vibe of being not very much lived in. Another thing Seojun found a little strange was how completely unaffected the frail-looking woman seemed to be by the cold weather despite wearing clothes that exposed her entire midriff, both shoulders Taeyeon stopped at what appeared to be her living room. “Here we are.”
“Um, should I wait here while you get your things?”
“Hmm?” Taeyeon’s eyes bore into him, so much so that a shudder inadvertently traveled down his spine. “Things?”
“I-I mean, your, um, your, uh, testing … stuff.”
Kang Seojun didn’t know why he suddenly unable to speak, nor did he know why he suddenly felt so uncomfortable and hot. To his chagrin, he could feel his erection spring up with life, to which he uncomfortably shifted under the ardent gaze of the older woman, embarrassment flaring back up.
“Hmm, but I have everything I need,” her voice lowered as she closed in on him, Seojun unable to even stumble backwards, his entire body inexplicably frozen. She raised herself on her toes, placing her head right next to his ear, whispering the final two words, “right here.”
This time, a powerful shiver jolted throughout his body like an electric shock, Seojun letting out a barely audible gasp. Taeyeon’s hands made contact with his arms, a jolt of electricity shooting out from the point of contact, a moan escaping the red-faced man’s lips as she transitioned slowly from rubbing his arm to his shoulders back down to his chest where her supple breasts lightly pressed against him.
“T-T-Tae-Taeyeon, what—what are y-you doi-doing?”
“I’m testing you,” she replied in a soft, sultry voice, her eyes never once leaving Seojun’s downcast ones. “You said you thought I had a nice body, didn’t you?”
At this point, Seojun felt like he barely had the ability to speak, hindered by his arousal and excitement and anticipation, but equally so his anxiety and confusion and embarrassment. There’s no way someone like Taeyeon, someone who undoubtedly could take pick of the litter amongst men she wanted to have sex with, would choose an average person, a virgin, like him. So why him? Was she teasing him?
“Tell me, Seojun…” her deep, sultry voice almost seemed to echo inside his head. At the moment, he felt no different than what he imagined an injured antelope would feel trying to hobble away from a ravenous lion. “…do you want to feel it?”
Kang Seojun was awkward around women, he would say, but even he had caught onto the signs of what was happening. Even still, hearing the words coming directly out of Taeyeon’s mouth was a completely different matter. It was only then that Seojun locked eyes with Taeyeon, something that proved to be a fatal mistake.
All it took was the one glance, and he felt completely and utterly hypnotized. The rapid pounding in his ear of his heartbeat, the warm feeling of her hands along his chest, her sizable breasts brushing against his upper body, every sensation he was feeling felt like they had been simultaneously amped up to 11 and dulled down at the same time.
Taeyeon smiled even wider at his response. “What a good boy you are…” she cooed, planting a kiss on his cheek. Seojun flinched, the cheek burning at the point her lips met it, as if someone had poured lava on his face. He didn’t even register that Taeyeon had taken a few steps back until he caught some movement in the corner of his eyes.
Black wings sprouted from her back, unfolding with the sound of a soft flutter, like a bedsheet being unfurled from the dryer, and stretching many arm lengths out on each side. Horns simultaneously sprouted from her head, a thin tail springing out from behind and wound around her legs like a snake. “Mmm,” she groaned, the wings spreading out, following the motion of her outstretched arms, her tail likewise straightening out. When she pulled her arms back in, the wings and tail followed suit. “That’s better.”
In that confusing swirl of emotions he was feeling, fear suddenly joined them. “Wha—Wha—you—your—wings, tail—…are you a demon?”
Taeyeon laughed heartily at Seojun’s completely dumbfounded expression and response. “Mmhm.” Seojun thought he was going to regret making such an accusation and almost tried to take back the words as soon as they left his mouth. What he was not expecting was for Taeyeon to confirm it so quickly. But, despite what he was seeing, despite what was right in front of his eyes, he still couldn’t believe it. “More accurately, a succubus.”
Kang Seojun’s mind spun until he was left light-headed. A succubus? That certainly explained a few things, except for the small detail that they didn’t exist. Succubae were just myths, folklore legends created by lustful men who tried explaining away their infidelity to their wives, or something like that. But they didn’t actually have basis in reality. Right? … But how else was he to explain the body-length, midnight-black wings anchored to Taeyeon’s back, the dark brown horns growing out of her head, and the tail swishing about her feet?
“Come here.”
The way Taeyeon purred the words out struck him; they resonated inside his mind, not so much a suggestion but an order he felt extremely compelled to obey. Seojun felt his feet drag across the floor, his eyes locked onto the winged, tailed, horned woman—demon—before him. He stopped when he felt Taeyeon’s hands reach down to grab his, the tail whipping around and resting on the backside of his legs.
“You smell so sinfully delicious, it was a real stroke of luck that I managed to find you,” Taeyeon cooed while leaning into him, her surprisingly strong tail pulling him forward. The bewildered young man stumbled forward into the seductress’s arms.
Feeling Taeyeon’s breasts more firmly against his body and her hands wrap around his torso went by almost unnoticed by the now properly and utterly terrified man. “Delicious? Wait, you-you’re going to eat me?”
Seeing his wide-eyed reaction, Taeyeon couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. “No, silly. I’m a succubus. When I refer to something smelling ‘delicious’, I mean your semen.”
Hearing the word coming from her was one thing, hearing the provocative way she said was another, but realizing the, in retrospect, obvious implications of it positively blew away any semblance of fear he held, his arousal coming back in full force.
He groaned under his breath, the raw amount of lust he was experiencing overwhelming him all at once. “My-my what?”
“Oh, don’t play innocent with me, boy.” Her tone took upon a more playful attitude, a playful smile teasing at her lips. “You’ve been imaging what it’d be like to fuck me since you first laid your eyes on me.” Seojun was speechless, only feeling his ears burn a shade brighter. “I admit that was me trying to prime you, although I was impressed with your ability to quell your thoughts even after I grabbed your hand. Most men wouldn’t be able to resist at that point to the degree you did, you know. Especially not virgins like you.” Usually, Seojun might’ve taken that word as an insult, but there was a certain way Taeyeon said the word, the way she seemed to treat the word with respect and even seemed to revere it somewhat, that made him think otherwise. “I really tried my best—well, almost tried my best, but the most I could get out of you was a couple of stares. That’s impressive; I haven’t seen anyone with as powerful a resistance to me in five centuries, maybe six.”
Seojun didn’t know what it was with Taeyeon’s words, but the confident way she spoke them while holding about her a dignified maturity, Seojun found himself immediately believing them: that she really induced those out-of-character lustful thoughts (which, honestly, Seojun was all too willing to believe; he was willing to take any explanation if it meant that he indeed was not that desperate), that his resistance really was impressive, and that she was at least a few couple of hundred, if not a couple millennia, years old. That certainly explained the mature sophistication she seemed to exude and the supremely confident body posture she always had, even when standing a half head shorter than him.
“I think you should be rewarded for your hard work, shouldn’t you?” Taeyeon’s suggestive purring was too much; Seojun could barely contain himself. He was so aroused, he didn’t know what to do with himself: his knees were shaking, his heart palpitating, his penis painfully erect, the muscles on him limbs tensed, it was like he wasn’t even in control of his own body anymore. However, somehow, he wasn’t jumping her, and found that it wasn’t his own willpower that was holding him back but Taeyeon herself. Taeyeon, who looked to weigh 15 to 20 kilograms less than himself minus the wings and horn, was holding him in place so tightly he couldn’t move a muscle. “Would you like that? For me to reward you?”
It was this that allowed him to understand that Taeyeon was in complete control, and while Seojun might’ve ordinarily been inappreciative of his first sexual encounter with a woman controlling him so thoroughly, the fact that it was Taeyeon meant the thought barely phased him. “Please.”
A wicked grin befell Taeyeon’s face, this time that predatory gleam shining proudly and clearly in her eyes. The lion had finally sunk its powerful teeth into its prey. “Good answer.” Her tail tugged down his pants and boxers in one motion with the strength of two hands, Seojun’s boner springing free, proudly prodding her cottony frame-hugging pants. He didn’t even think about this until just then, but his insecurity about his size popped up along with his erection.
“Sorry, it’s small…”
“Mmm mm,” Taeyeon replied, patting his cheeks reassuringly, “Size doesn’t matter to a succubus. We adjust to our partner’s size. That way, we can enjoy the dick of any man without qualms.”
Maybe it was the simple fact that Taeyeon was reassuring her, or maybe it was the firm way she did so, but Seojun felt the burden of not being able to please her dissipate. “O-Oh, that’s good.”
He suddenly felt a rush of wind and, in the next blink of an eye, Seojun found himself sitting down on the couch that was previously behind Taeyeon, the succubus kneeling between his legs, her hands firmly placed on his thighs, her face situated a good meter or two away from his manhood. Her wings floated behind her in a more tucked position; definitely less intimidating, and now that he was starting to get used to it, a strangely arousing sight. “Mmm, fuck,” the lyrical moan sent another anticipatory wave of arousal into Seojun’s body, “You smell so good, I can’t wait to feel your hot semen down my throat. You better be prepared, Seojun, because I’m going to wring your balls dry.”
His dick strained even harder against his body in reaction to the filthy words leaving Taeyeon’s shimmering, luscious lips. “Shit,” Seojun muttered, his fists clenching tightly at his sides, seeing her eyes clouded in lust trained fiercely onto his veiny cock. He wanted to do nothing more than to take Taeyeon’s head and shove his dick inside her mouth, but with the strength and speed Taeyeon just demonstrated to him, he wasn’t about to take any chances with her.
“Be a good boy and cum lots for me, ok?”
“Wait!” It was while Taeyeon’s hands were closing in onto the hardened organ between his legs that a thought suddenly occurred to him. She stopped, big eyes peering up at him, her tail swishing around in excitement also freezing in place. “I-I’m not forfeiting my soul for this or anything, am I?”
Taeyeon giggled again, tickled by the overactive imagination of her prey. “No, nothing like that; souls are the territory of other demons. All you’ll lose is some semen, which you’ll have replenished by tomorrow night anyway.”
Seojun nodded, Taeyeon taking that as a go-ahead to continue. Her palm was the first thing to make contact with his engorged member, to which Seojun let out a loud moan, his brows furrowing at the sight of her small hand rubbing the length of his shaft, its delicate fingers gingerly making their way around its circumference. He couldn’t tear his eyes away, his legs tensing and his toes curling as another wicked grin appearing on Taeyeon’s face as both hands firmly grasped his cock and gave it a few pumps. “Fuck,” he moaned, unabashed in the ecstatic pleasure shooting up his spine. All the lonely nights spent by himself paled like the light from a firefly to the blazing afternoon sun in the face of the beautiful seductress kneeling before him, her expert hands inducing an amount of pleasure he didn’t realize was possible.
Taeyeon leaned her head over, her wings casting a shadow on his legs, hovering her mouth just centimeters above the swollen tip of his dick, gathering saliva inside her mouth and dribbling it onto the sensitive sex organ. “Ah, shit,” the moan inadvertently escaped Seojun’s lips, the warm liquid slathering onto his cock sending an electric shock into his entire body. A shudder rolled through up his torso and down his arms and legs, his dick twitching in kind at the sudden contact. Taeyeon smiled in satisfaction at his reaction, using her hands to coat his manhood with the viscous, translucent bodily fluid. Seojun moaned again, throwing his head back in pleasure, his fists tightly clenched at his sides, the ecstasy coalescing into the precum that dribbled out of his dick.
Upon seeing this, Taeyeon’s eyes shone with glee. “Oh, how kind of you; an appetizer, just for me?”
Seojun whipped his gaze back down just in time to see Taeyeon’s head dive down, rubbing her hot tongue across the tip, collecting every last drop of pre-ejaculate onto the pink muscle before planting upon it a quick kiss. Seojun hissed, his body jumping at the sensation, his breaths turning into pants. Taeyeon’s hands never once stopped pumping, gliding along the slick length of Seojun’s cock thanks to the lubrication provided by her mouth, her throat flexing as the first bit of her meal traveled down her throat. Taeyeon’s eyes widened, freezing momentarily, her entire body experiencing a rolling shiver of ecstasy. “Fuck, that’s so much better than I imagined,” she groaned, her voice full of lust and impatience. Her eyes crossed, an even more fierce look of lust clouding her facial expression, her hands resuming its prior task with even more ferocity than before. Seojun let out a surprised yelp, another jolt of electricity caused by another wave of ecstatic pleasure causing his entire body to jump. Tilting her head down again, she reapplied the warm lubricant, Seojun jumping again at the feeling of the warm, viscous liquid coating his cock.
“Mmm, you’re so close, I can feel it,” she cooed, her face drawing closer to the erect member trapped inside her warm hands, gliding along its length with ease. “You want to stuff your veiny cock into my mouth and shoot your seed down my throat, don’t you? Wouldn’t you like to do nothing more than to fill my mouth with your hot cum? I offered you a reward previously, but don’t you want to collect it already?”
“Yes, please…” Seojun half grunted, half moaned, his willpower teetering on the edge of abandoning all notion of ‘rationality’ and ‘self-preservation’ to grab the succubus’s head and force it all the way down his pulsating erection.
“Why don’t you do whatever you want with me then~” the smiling seductress sang, the soft, seductive sound seeming to sway about ceaselessly inside his skull.
Taking the suggestion—or directive, Seojun couldn’t tell at this point—as an indication that he could take the reins, both hands shot out and grabbed fistfuls of her silky, silver hair and pushed her face downwards, directly onto his awaiting penis. “Mmph, fuck—” the initial entrance of his penis into the wet warmth of her tight mouth sent a series of ecstatic shudders of pleasure all throughout his body, his fingers tightening around the silky locks of hair, but soon was amplified at the feeling of her skillful tongue wrapping around his length, that warmth from feeling her saliva dribbled onto his cock now spread across the entire surface area of his penis. Her head obediently bobbed up and down with the rhythm of his thrusts, her wings moving in conjunction with their lust-charged movements. “—fuck, god, you’re so good—” he could feel the familiar sensation of a building orgasm on the horizon, the sensation only pushing him to thrust harder and faster into the lustful demon’s mouth, abandoning all pretense of embarrassment for orgasming so quickly. “Taeyeon, shit, I’m close, I’m so—uugh!”
Letting out something between a yell and a moan, Seojun’s hips pushed his cock as far back into the waiting mouth of the satisfied succubus, ropes of his thick semen depositing directly into the back of her mouth and down her esophagus. Taeyeon’s lips were tightly sealed around the perimeter of his cock, her throat flexing impressively as she gulped down every stream of his seed in stride, making sure not to waste a single drop of the immaculate sustenance. Only after the last of his ejaculate emptied into her mouth did she let go of her vice grip of his dick.
Her breath deepened, her wings flaring out, her entire body burning with life, as if someone had just splashed her with a bucket full of ice-cold water as she was about to doze off, her entire being consumed with an even greater lust and desire. Seojun’s grip on the back of her head loosened, his body slumping against the couch listlessly, grimacing as Taeyeon came up for air and licked the entire surface area of his cock one more time for good measure. “Mmm, I haven’t had such a good feast from a human in so long.”
“I’m glad—w-wait, Taeyeon?”
Seojun’s eyes widened as he watched her snake her way up his body, straddling his waist with her luscious thighs, her hands sneaking under his shirt and, with a firm tug, ripped it clean off his upper body. “I want more,” she whispered. It was only when Seojun felt Taeyeon rub her wetness onto his leg that he realized Taeyeon had already taken off her pants, her tail looping behind her and pulling the last bit of clothing left off her body.
“Oh god…” the words spilled out of his mouth, arousal returning with force upon seeing her perky tits spill out of the restrictive material. The combination of that and feeling her hot, sticky juices rubbing dangerously close to his groin caused his erection to flare back to full tilt. Now that they were naked in front of him, adorned at the peaks with pink, hardened nipples, he found himself unable to tear his eyes away. Of course, he had seen boobs in pictures and videos before, but seeing them in person, and that they were Taeyeon’s, was a completely other story.
“You like them?” She teased, shaking her upper body playfully, the bountiful mounds jiggling deliciously in response. Seojun simply nodded, to which Taeyeon replied, “You can have them after giving me a second helping.”
Without warning, Taeyeon lifted her hips and plunged her vagina down onto Seojun’s cock.
Seojun’s back arched all the way, his head involuntarily thrown back, the loud sound pushed out of his throat as the surge of pleasure overtook his body.
“Congrats on losing your virginity,” Taeyeon whispered to him, cupping his face gently before pulling him into a fierce kiss.
Seojun felt paralyzed by ecstasy, her soft and warm lips smothering him and massaging his own, the tight, hot walls of Taeyeon’s pussy slathering his already slick cock with other bodily fluids, her vaginal lips depositing her fluids onto his crotch with every hot connection of their groins, drenched with the honey of the domineering woman. Taeyeon’s movements were ferocious, her naked tits pressed firmly into the young man’s bare chest, her lips and tongue overpowering his in an instant, her hips propelling her tiny frame up and down the ex-virgin’s dick. Seojun’s hands naturally found themselves cupping her round, shapely ass, an action that only spurred the succubus on more. Taeyeon’s tail crawled up his right arm, softly guiding the fingers of his right hand towards her puckered, unoccupied hole.
Taeyeon broke the kiss, Seojun barely able to see amidst the sea of pleasure and lust he was drowning in. “Are you ready?”
“For—for what?” The split second after he spoke, he felt the two fingers nearing her other entrance melding together, elongating into what he somehow knew was another penis. “What the fuck?”
“What are you waiting for, my ass isn’t going to fuck itself,” Taeyeon quipped, grinning at the adorable, perplexed reaction of the young man below her.
His arousal soon drowned out his sense of reasoning, and the suggestion was all he needed to completely disregard the anomaly of a second penis inexplicably growing from his two fingers. Instead, he quickly found the unattended hole and plunged it inside.
“Shit, shit shit, fuck, oh my god—” Seojun let out a barrage of swears, the added feeling of Taeyeon’s tight asshole joining the already overwhelmingly pleasurable sensation of her pussy clamping on his cock. Taeyeon’s back arched, pushing her voluptuous breasts further against him.
“Mmm, fuck…” Taeyeon’s melodic moans soon joined the chorus of Seojun’s own moans, adding onto the layer of arousal that was starting to overwhelm his body fatigued by the first orgasm. “…do you want the third one to be a pussy or an asshole?”
Before Seojun could ask, the fingers on his left hand similarly started to meld together, elongating into another firmly erect penis. “Uh, um, I-I don’t know…” He could barely process the question, much less dedicate the brainpower needed to make a decision.
“Hmm, another pussy it is.” Again, her tail guided the newly formed cock into the space just above her asshole, soon meeting another pair of flopping wet pussy lips, eagerly awaiting its guest. Without hesitation, Seojun pushed the third member into her third orifice, the resulting explosion of pleasure causing him to blackout for a brief moment.
“Mmm, you like that? Feeling two pussies and an asshole fucking your cock at the same time? Feeling my hot, tight walls on your dick?” Taeyeon’s hot breath heated up his ear, Seojun rendered completely unable to speak from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure assaulting every fiber of his being. “Your cock is hitting my cervix with each stroke, god, fuck, I feel so fucking full with three of your cocks fucking me so hard. Yeah, hmmph, fuck all of my holes harder Seojun, pump your dick deep inside me and fill all three of my slutty holes with your thick cum.”
While Seojun could feel his arms start to give way, he pushed through. The looming feeling of a following orgasm drove his body wild with adrenaline, his arms burning with the strain of pumping so furiously into the wanton woman. His chest heaved with the huge gulps of air his body demanded, Taeyeon’s erect nipples poking firmly at his skin at the apex of each breath. As he neared his orgasm, he could feel both his own and Taeyeon’s movements grow more erratic. The previously cold room now felt blazing hot, the only sound to be heard being the wet sound of skin slapping against skin, the chorus of their combined moans of lust, and the ruffling sound of Taeyeon’s wings moving in conjunction with the movement of the succubus bouncing ferociously on Seojun’s cock. He could only muster a grunt in warning before he exploded all at once, all three holes sucking up the delectable meal at once.
“Uunggh, fuck,” Taeyeon exploded simultaneously, the ecstasy overwhelming her superhuman senses, her hands vacating the back of Seojun’s head and onto the cushiony backrests of the couch she crushed inside her grip, a tsunami of juices flooding out to match the streams of semen flowing into the satisfied succubus. “God, oh my god, fuck, it’s too much…” she panted, even after Seojun’s orgasm subsided, her entire body burning hot with the acquisition of such fine sustenance.
Seojun, on the other hand, was completely and utterly drained—he lost all ability to move, his untransformed arms dropping to his sides and his head onto the backrest of the couch. It was almost scary, how little strength he had left: it felt like he was half-dead, barely having the strength to open his eyes. He never felt this drained after masturbating, what was going on?
“Ah, fuck, Seojun…” Taeyeon remained panting atop the corpse of a man that remained below her, still trying to take in the influx of ecstasy from the consumption of three simultaneous loads of Seojun’s cum. “…ah, god, I’m going to cum again, holy fuuuck!” The panting moan transformed into an ecstatic scream, another tidal wave of lust and pleasure washing over the demon lost in her own desire. Her body vibrated violently against the lifeless man, sending his cock awash with a second tsunami of her nectar.
When her orgasm finally subsided a minute later, Taeyeon collapsed onto the taller man, her head resting on his shoulder. “Oh my god, I haven’t orgasmed so easily in so many centuries, but never before in my millennia of living have I orgasmed twice from one feeding. You should be proud, Seojun.”
When he didn’t respond, Taeyeon lifted her head to see the lifeless, pale expression in his face. “Oh my god! I—I’m so sorry, I forgot you were—oh my god—…”
When Seojun next regained consciousness, he found himself laying on a soft bed, wrapped up in a warm, thick blanket. His consciousness immediately started to drift off again when he realized that something felt wrong: his bed wasn’t this soft.
His eyes opened and he jolted awake, his eyes scanning his environment to find a naked Taeyeon laying beside him, watching him with a bemused expression. “Good morning, Seojun,” her honey warm voice eased the panic in his voice. It wasn’t long before he found his eyes drifting onto her perky tits and the firm, pink nubs sitting atop their peaks, feeling his erection starting to grow once again. Noticing this, Taeyeon giggled, sitting up along with the equally naked man. “You really like my tits, don’t you?”
He blinked, turning his head away, his face red. “Sorry, I-I didn’t mean to—”
“Don’t apologize, you can look at them all you want,” she insisted, her soft hand reaching out and gently caressing his cheek. Seeing Seojun’s eyes close with content like a puppy cuddling up to its owner brought a smile to Taeyeon’s face. “I’ve decided. Why don’t you become my pet?”
The idols that are to appear on this story are something that you can influence! If that is something you're interested in, go to this link and scroll down a little to the 'Foreword' and follow the instructions listed.
Otherwise, lemme know what you thought, and thanks for reading!
Link to next chapter here.
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU toto wolff x fem!kpop idol!reader (fc: kim taeyeon)
side note: the title has literally nothing to do with this... but it is one of snsd's most cuntiest songs
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♡ liked by 374,938 people
tagged: yourusername, voguekorea
f1wag Y/N Y/L/N on the cover of Vogue Korea! Wolff's girlfriend has a past in the K-Pop industry and will return to the music scene coming Feburary. She's been spotted a lot in South Korea with many of her old collegues and friends. Why do you think she's suddenly back into music after a 5 year break?
view all 4,580 comments
user1 how did i not know y/n is a literal kpop idol?
user2 watch me get into kpop because of my girlypop
user3 it's so funny that none of y'all cared enough to look up what y/n's been doing in the past
user4 kpop stans have been knowing about y/n being one of the biggest kpop idols forever ⤷ user5 fr like how are people surprised bffr girls generation is one of the most known groups?
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1, mickschumacher and 937,394 others
yourusername 'INVU' 2022/02/14 6pm (KST)
view all 12,394 comments
user6 mother is coming back
lewishamilton 🙌🏻🙌🏻
user8 i just know if toto had social media he'd go feral in the comments ⤷ user9 we stan a supportive boyfriend
mercedesamgf1 our new anthem 💙🤍
user10 tell a friend to tell a friend SHE'S BAAACK
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♡ liked by choiminho_1209, georgerussell63, tiffanyyoungofficial and 827,938 others
yourusername had the most fun performing for you guys again! thank you so much for welcoming me back with such love 🫶🏻 한국, 사랑해요! (korea, i love you!)
view all 10,384 comments
user11 she was born to be a performer
user12 she has not been on a stage in 5 years and still knows how to perform as if there's no tomorrow. much respect to her!
user13 minho saw you all thirsting for him and came back to y/n's posts lmao ⤷ user14 they actually broke up on a good note. bet they're friends now
tiffanyyoungofficial much much love to you and your new song! i love seeing you back on stage again, right where you belong!! ⤷ yourusername aahh i love you so much tif 🩷
user15 y/n is such a sunshine i love her so much
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♡ liked by georgerussell63, hyoyeon_x_x, mercedesamgf1 and 738,167 others
tagged: mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, georgerussell63
yourusername it's finally race week again!! happy p3 & p4 boys
view all 6,483 comments
user16 she serves so much all the time
user17 love that she's feeding us some toto content because she knows we're starving ⤷ user18 i need her to convince toto to get instagram so bad
user19 the mercedes family is so sweet honestly... i just know everyone there loves y/n to pieces
georgerussell63 let's go up from there! comment liked by yourusername
user20 i need y/n to become my wife i cannot do this any longer
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♡ liked by 515sunnyday, hyoyeon_x_x, tiffanyyoungofficial and 1,023,746 others
tagged: hyoyeon_x_x, yulyulk, 515sunnyday, sooyoungchoi, tiffanyyoungofficial, seojuhyun_s, yoona_lim
yourusername happy 15th anniversary to girl's generation! it's been nothing but fun with my girls and our fans 🫶🏻🩷 as a little present to you guys, we're happy to announce our return for a 7th album! #gg4eva #forever1
view all 11,284 comments
user21 first y/n did a whole solo album, her DEBUT album, and now you're telling me she's coming back with girl's generation??!!
user22 i just know toto has booked front row tickets for the whole mercedes team ⤷ mercedesamgf1 this does not sound like a bad idea...
user23 SO SLAY OMG
user24 the way i cannot fathom y/n has been in the music business for 15 whole years? miss ma'am looks so young i want to know her secret
lewishamilton thanks to you i'm really getting into kpop comment liked by yourusername ⤷ user25 GET IN THERE LEWIS
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coldfanbou · 11 months
If Only You Knew
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Welcome one and all to day 21. Where we see what Minju does as a "job" We have a few guest appearances in this one, too.
Length 2.9K
Minju x Mreader
It was expected that Minju would be a full-time actress, that she would film multiple things and debut quickly. That wasn’t how things were turning out for her currently. You found it funny that people called her jobless online. Minju wasn’t jobless, but she did have a very different job from acting. 
Special arrangements had been made between you, her, and her company. She would be a pivotal piece to your business now that you struggled to get the job done on your own. You first discovered your ability about two years ago when you had sex with the superstar Kim Taeyeon. To finish you off, she had you down her throat. The tip of your cock pressed against it, and you came down her throat. Taeyeon drank it all without complaint, even going as far as giving the tip of your cock a kiss before leaving to perform. When she returned to the green room, she mentioned feeling better than usual while performing; she was more energetic, and her voice didn’t feel as strained. You felt like she jumped to conclusions when she said it was your cum that did it. After all, it sounded absolutely ridiculous. Still, she was sure, and to prove it, she got the rest of Girl's Generation involved. Each member was given a free sample, and each returned after their performance to claim the same thing. News spread quickly in the industry, and companies would do anything to get better performances out of their female idols, so they came calling.
Unfortunately, things were not quite as cracked up as you thought they’d be. Initially, you guessed it meant being able to have sex with all the idols that were allowed to get some, but the companies were strict with a no-sexual-contact rule. They didn’t even let you get close to the idols; soon enough, using a Fleshlight became difficult for you. You could hardly bring yourself to cum after using one for so long. Even if the idols wanted to break the rules and help you, they couldn’t because they were getting their hair or makeup done. That’s where Minju came into play; her company offered to loan her to you in exchange for something. You agreed to the terms, and Minju was now yours to use. Every part of her beautiful body was now meant to stimulate you. She was meant to milk you of every drop of cum.
She was doing her job well so far. Tonight was meant to be a special performance that had a few performers. A deal was worked out for the two of them to be able to share your cum for the night. There was no curtain to hide behind, so that meant Minju would be exposed to them, people she knew well. You undress her quickly, marbling at her fantastic body. You loved it; she had good tits, a toned stomach and great legs.  You run your hands over her body, feeling up her breasts and squeezing her thighs before moving to her slit. You spread her lips apart, noticing that she was already getting wet. You smirk; her body is getting used to your touch and learning. Minju closes her eyes; if she didn’t look at the others in the room, they didn’t exist. You slide your finger along her slit, moving it back and forth until your finger is coated in her sweet nectar, and you push in. Minju’s walls press against your finger as it moves inside her. She can’t help but let out a light, breathy moan. It attracts the attention of one of the performers, her former member Eunbi.
Getting her make-up done, Eunbi can’t look at Minju directed by side-eyes her as best she can. Having had enough teasing, you grab your cock with your left hand, and with your right, your lift one of Minju’s legs. You slide your cock along her slit to coat it in her juices before you drive it into her. You’re excited to get started. Minju’s tight cunt felt amazing, and you loved being inside her. You press the head of your cock against Minju’s cunt and push in. You revel in the feeling; her walls immediately press against your head as you push in. The further you go, the more pleasure you both receive. Minju's moans become louder, attracting everyone else's attention in the room. They watch as you begin to thrust, Minju’s breasts bounce as you slam your cock into her. Her moans are a constant stream, especially now that you’re groping her breasts. Her modest chest was perfect for you; her tits fit perfectly in the palm of your hands. Minju rests her head on your shoulder; she was unused to an experienced partner and was going to cum very soon. “Ah, Minju, you’d be such a good mommy. What if I bred you? You’d like that, wouldn’t you? I just felt your pussy get a little tighter.” You teased Minju in this way; it humiliated her that she got off on the idea, too. The idea of breeding Minju turned you on, you wanted to, but you needed to feed all the idols in the room and couldn’t afford to cum in her tonight. Minju’s tightened cunt clamps down on your cock, massaging every part as she struggles to hold on. “If you want me to breed you, cum right now.” Minju’s body reacts on its own, and she cums; her moans fill the room. Minju’s nectar runs down her legs as her hungry cunt tries to milk you. 
You near your orgasm and tell the others as such. They hurry to your side. With the crowd of idols blocking the line of sight of the make-up artists and managers, Eunbi kneels before you, plopping her breasts out of her top. Jihyo joins her, pulling down her top to reveal her tanned tits. The other members of Twice act like a shield blocking anyone from seeing. You had intended on stroking yourself until completion, but they offer you their tits in replacement. They press their big tits together. Pulling out of Minju and letting her go, she drops to the ground. Your cock smacks against Jihyo and Eunbi’s tits. They hold them apart, letting your cock slide between them before they start pumping your shaft. Their rub against your cock, one pair along your shaft while they use the other to tease the head of your cock. The softness of their tits makes you moan loudly; the pleasure you get from them is unimaginable. Considering the condition, you thought you’d never get any action from the idols, so this was just the cherry on top. They pump your shaft, each woman trying to hold their moans as they feel your hot cock rub their mounds. “I’m cumming, get ready.” You moan. 
A second later, your cum splatters all over their tits, coating them in a thick layer of your seed. A commotion outside gets the staff's attention, and the Twice members help themselves to your cum, licking Jihyo and Eunbi’s tits clean before sharing amongst themselves. Jihyo and Eunbi check themselves before pulling up their tops and thanking you. You return the thanks, saying you appreciate the help. You look over at Minju, kneeling on her side, catching her breath, and having watched all the cum she worked so hard for disappear before her eyes.
Sometime later, it was time to feed some more idols. Minju was in for some more awkwardness as Wonyoung and Yujin would be there to see you fuck her. You had taken a different position with Minju, and when it came time to cum, things were a little different again. Typically idols waited for you to jerk yourself off and spurt your cum into their mouths, but Wonyoung appeared to want to do things differently. She kneeled before you and grabbed your cock, apparently not caring for the rules. She placed the head into her mouth and gently suckled on it, her tongue moving, swirling around the head all the while. You grow weak at the knees. Wonyoung’s innocent face clashed with her lewd action. You desperately wanted to push her head down your cock and press her pretty face against your crotch, but you restrained yourself. She suckles your cock until you cum; she drinks it at first before then letting her mouth fill up. Her cheeks are puffed out as she walks over to Yujin and kisses her; the two share your cum. However, it would be more appropriate to say that Wonyoung gave it all to Yujin, who then went to Yuna to do the same. Yuna held the kiss a bit longer; she got a sense of satisfaction feeling the cum drain into her mouth. The sight made you hard, and you would take it out on Minju once the others had left. 
Your next job was going to be a big one. It was to be one of the year-end award shows. There would be multiple idols, and you needed to consider how to handle them. You rest beside Minju, who is sleeping on the couch, tired after going a few rounds. As you look her body up and down, you get an idea. You get up and place her hand on your cock and shiver at the small amount of pleasure you get from her soft hand. Your idea could work; you just needed one thing. You’d have to request it from her company.
The day had come, and you needed to get down to business. Minju was ready for you; she stood with her arm covering her breasts and the hand covering her crotch. You felt no shame in being naked and grabbed her arms, pulling them away from her body. You place her on the table you had her company set up. It was a small, lazy Susan table set at the center of the room; all of the female idols would be able to glance at Minju in whatever state she happened to be in. The table spun around and would make delivery easier. You spread Minju’s legs and placed your cock between her lips. She was getting wet being watched by so many people. You want to be ready before some idol needs your cum and get straight to business. You impale Minju with your cock. Her walls squeeze you tightly, almost shaping themselves to you. It’s a great feeling you can’t enjoy just yet. You start thrusting quickly; Minju’s moans fill the room and bring the attention of many idols to you two. Some of your previous customers, like Eunbi and the Twice members, smile before returning to their conversations, while others become enamored by the sound and sight and step closer to you.
You lean over Minju and pull on her nipple. She whines, the pleasure and pain of it making her mind melt. Minju’s wall tightens around you, and she babbles about cumming soon. You ignore her for the moment and continue pounding away at her body, the sounds of your flesh smacking hers filling the room. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Minju shouts; she grabs your wrist and squeezes them tightly as she cums. Her pussy clamping down on your cock would make your job easier. “I’m going to breed you tonight, Minju. I’m going to fill you tonight.” You whisper into her ear. Minju wraps her legs around you, excited at the prospect; her body, over time, became yours to control. 
You slam your hips into the small woman a few more times before burying your cock and filling her womb with your seed. You keep thrusting, trying to pump everything into her pussy. Minju’s back rises off the table with her head tilting back as she climaxes. She looks beautiful in that position, her face of pure bliss as she gets her first creampie. Her eyes are shut, and her lips form an O as her low guttural moan fills the room. Her stomach bulges slightly from your cum. That wouldn’t last too long, however. “We need your cum now!” You hear shouted from the other side of the table. It was the Itzy girls. You get Minju’s legs off you and spin the table, delivering her cum filled cunt to them. You move Minu back until her head hangs off the table and place your cock inside her mouth. Her tongue swirls around your shaft while you watch Yeji be the first to get her serving. She crouches down and leans in, pushing her tongue inside Minju’s cunt and scooping it out. Minju’s legs stiffened and forced Yeji to hold them while she ate your cum. Minju’s moans are muffled by your cock but add another layer to the pleasure as you feel the vibrations in her throat. 
You thrust slowly, making sure you stayed hard while staying away from cumming. Once Yeji felt satisfied, Ryujin went next; not wanting to use the same method, she took two fingers and pushed them into Minju before curling them to drag your cum out of her. She fills her mouth and shares with Chaeryeong and Lia. Yuna combined the methods. She crouched down and lapped at Minju’s cunt while teasing her clit. Minju’s moans came more often and louder as the pleasure got to her; she cums on Yuna’s tongue. Gifting Yuna a free drink in addition to your cum. Idols come and go, taking drinks from Minju’s honeypot when it was their time to perform.
When Minju began running low, you got back between her legs, ramming your cock into her womb and filling her again. When the idols returned, some would feel a little more willing to break the rules. It happened to be timed perfectly. There would be a small intermission in the award show; Minju was empty and needed to go to the bathroom. Twice’s Chaeyoung and Ive’s Rei offered to help you. They kneeled before you each woman kissed your cock, the lips never leaving it as they moved along your shaft. You stayed hard, thanks to them. Their dick-sucking lips worked wonders, and they went beyond your cock.  Rei cupped your balls before kissing and lapping at them. You felt like you were going to burst at that moment and called for the next performers.
Somi came over quickly. Rei and Chaeyoung moved to the side to allow Somi to take over. She kneeled in front of you and bobbed her head quickly, her lips tightly wrapped around your cock as she pushed it down her throat. You came a moment later, flooding her throat. Somi drank it all quickly; she continued to bob her head after, staining your cock with her lipstick. Only when someone said her performance was in less than a minute did she stop and go over, wiping her mouth as she did.
The night continued like that, with idols offering you part of their body when Minju wasn’t around Chaeryeong offered to let you grope her ass, while Jihyo and Eunbi let your play with their tits. The chaos in the room gave them the freedom to let these acts happen without a chance of management finding out. When Minju was around, you used her body well, filling her cunt with cum and covering the rest of her body. Once the show was over, everyone started to leave, some taking an extra helping of cum. Sana and Somi are the primary culprits. Then, it came down to you and Minju. You don’t know how many times she or you came, but it seems to have broken her.
She was on the table spreading her lips for you, muttering,” We have to feed everyone. I need more cum.” She was a mess with saliva and cum marking her entire body; her face was painted with it too. Still, she begged for more; her legs were spread, bent at the knee as she offered herself up. You couldn’t resist her, your cock got hard, and you positioned yourself. Minju wraps her legs around your waist and pulls you in, driving your cock back inside. Your cum acted as a lubricant, allowing you to slide deep into her without trouble. You crossed Minju’s arms and pulled on them; it caused her tits to be pushed together. This position kept her from moving as you gave her powerful thrusts. Minju’s tongue hung out of her mouth as she moaned and begged for your cum. “Breed me, Breed me!” She yelled with a face filled with ecstasy. 
Her walls were tight around your cock as she came again, “Give it to me!” She moaned while grinding against your body. A few more thrusts would do it; you slam your cock against her womb. When you were about to burst, you buried your cock inside Minju, pumping your seed into her womb. Minju came right after, her legs tightened around you, and her toes curled as she felt the warmth of your cum fill her. You felt her pussy milk you, clenched tightly around your shaft. Minju’s legs grow weak after and release you, hanging off the side of the table. 
Minju’s actress debut would take a little longer; she would need to learn how to control her urges before she could go out again. That and she would have a little one she needed to hide.
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yeowangies · 1 year
Want You
PAIRING: Vegeta/Reader RATING: Explicit CONTENTS: Explicit sexual content, loss of virginity. WARNINGS: A little questionable behaviour on both parts, mainly Vegeta, but nothing too intense (I guess). WORDCOUNT: 7215
Vegeta looked bewildered when you kissed him, and stunned when you touched him a little lower than usual. You would have associated the blush on his face to his shyness, but now you’re starting to think he isn’t just shy around women. And his kiss had felt… inexperienced. 
No way. Vegeta is a virgin. 
Tumblr found out about virgin!Vegeta, a lot of great fic authors gave their takes, and now it's my turn. Can yall believe this fic was initially 4k words?
I kinda mixed this with Yandere!Vegeta but it's very light, it's just a little questionable but nothing too heavy lmao. This fic technically takes place in the three year gap but I don't think I made the Vegeta during that time period justice, so...
Songs that inspired me: LOL and I Got Love, both by Taeyeon.
@dreadsuitsamus @carnal-lnstinct (and thank you for helping me with a few ideas @vegeta-bananabluish)
Vegeta being Bulma’s new houseguest caught your attention from the very first moment. You don’t judge her at all, but she used to be terrified of the Saiyans when they arrived, first Raditz, then Nappa and Vegeta, so you didn’t expect her to invite one of them to stay over at her house. It also surprised you that he voluntarily stayed. 
Most of the time, he spends his day training in the gravity room Bulma had built, so you rarely even see him when you go to stay at her house. But when he stops his training and actually steps out in public to eat, or for whatever reason, you cannot help but stare a little too long. Are all Saiyans this attractive? Goku certainly is, and so was his brother and even Nappa. But Vegeta has a different kind of charm, like it would hurt to even touch him with his palpable ‘rough around the edges’ attitude. 
It amuses you to no end to watch Bulma tease Vegeta whenever you’re around, because that’s when his walls come down a little. He looks so incredibly flustered when he hears a comment that’s remotely suggestive. Who would have thought that such a regal, proud man would seem like such a prude? Bulma wasn’t even being her most vulgar self most of the time, that would have surely scared him off forever.
You can’t help but want to tease him a little as well whenever you see him, just to see his reaction. And you try to do it, one time when you’re in the kitchen and he just happens to walk in, obviously looking for food to replenish his energy after his training. 
“Hey, Vegeta.” You singsong as soon as you see him. Vegeta only grunts, not even looking your way as he heads towards the fridge. “Whatcha doing?”
“Don’t you have eyes?” He retorts with spite.
“Are you gonna keep training after this?” You ask, ignoring the rudeness in his tone.
“You should relax a little.” Vegeta looks at you then for a brief second before carrying an insane amount of food to the table. He doesn’t actually reply, so you go on. “Your body needs to recover, especially after training as hard as you do.”
He starts eating without acknowledging your words, and you pout angrily. It’s not the first time he ignores you, so you let it go, focusing on watching him eat instead. Being a Saiyan, he eats as if he had been starving for weeks, though he does it with slightly better manners than Goku. It still entertains you enough to watch him gulp down entire plates as if it’s nothing. 
“Why do you keep staring at me, woman?!” Vegeta suddenly yells, startling you. 
“Well, I… You eat as if you haven’t eaten in ten years, and it’s funny…” You offer him a small smile, but he only scoffs in response. “Besides, you’re really handsome too.”
Vegeta visibly tenses, and the tip of his ears get red instantly. You smile, delighted by his instant reaction to such a small, innocent comment. 
“Your race is so distasteful, I can’t stand it.” He mutters mostly to himself, but you heard him loud and clear, and it only makes you giggle. He seems ready to insult you directly when you do it, but he winces suddenly, and you know it’s not because of you. 
“Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?” 
When you stand from your seat and approach Vegeta, reaching your hands towards his shoulder, the place where he seems to be hurting, he slaps your hands away. 
“Don’t touch me.” 
“Vegeta, if you’re hurt, you should really take it easy-”
“What the fuck do you know? If I don’t train, your mudball of a planet is doomed.” He spits before swallowing down the rest of his food in one go. “I don’t need your help.”
You glare at him, but when he hurriedly walks out the kitchen, you let him go.
The next time you see him, he is, for the umpteenth time, resting in one of Bulma’s medical rooms. 
“I told you you should take it easy.” You say when you walk into his room. Vegeta groans when he sees you, obviously not too pleased to hear an ‘I told you so’. “I brought you dinner, by the way.”
You leave the capsule full of food by the nightstand; it is easier to carry an insane amount of food that way. Vegeta doesn’t even look at you when you take a seat by his bed, and he looks nervous that you’re even there, for whatever reason.
“I’m supposed to check on your bandages, you know.”
“I don’t need your help, woman.” You roll your eyes, sitting on the bed this time and startling Vegeta, making him sit up abruptly. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
“I’m gonna change your bandages, idiot!”
“Don’t you dare-”
You’re not really paying attention to his words as you lean over his body, removing the sheets down to his thighs as you reach for the bandages on his torso. Before you can even touch him, his hands wrap around your wrist, tightly, making you wince. 
“I told you not to touch me!”
“Why are you so stubborn?! I need to check your injuries!”
His hold on your arms gets even stronger, and you whine loudly, because it’s starting to actually hurt. Vegeta lets you go, to your surprise, but he doesn’t look any less sorry for hurting you. 
“I’m just trying to help you, Vegeta.” 
You glare at him, and he returns the same look as he locks eyes with you. You attempt to reach for his bandages on his chest again, and he lets you this time, remaining silent as you get rid of the old material and replace it with new bandages. His eyes are fixed on your every move, and it feels like he’s burning holes right through you. 
The next few days, when you check up on Vegeta again, he doesn’t protest when it’s time to change his dressings. What you do notice is his cheeks getting a little pink when your fingers linger a little too long on his abdomen. Your touch is not exactly accidental; you had been ogling him way too much before this incident, and now you could touch him. It’s not like you’re touching anywhere private anyway, so you let your fingertips drag a little down his stomach before pulling away. 
“I know what you’re doing, woman.” Vegeta suddenly says as you finish wrapping up his bandages. 
“Helping you heal?” You remark, snarky.
“Crossing dangerous lines with your hands.”
“Oh?” You smile knowingly, leaning a bit closer to his face.
You’re playing with fire, you know it quite well, especially because this guy could literally obliterate you in a second. But the red color on his cheeks encourage you, especially as he keeps getting redder the more you lean towards him. 
“Should I stop?” You ask him in a low voice, one of your hands slowly trailing down his abdomen. 
Vegeta actually looks frightened, with eyes opened wide when he slaps your hand away, but he doesn’t actually speak. You know you must look surprised yourself that he had pushed you away like that (and harder than you expected him too), but he hasn’t actually told you to stop. 
Your hand reaches for the sheet covering his lap this time, carefully just in case he slaps it away again, which you would take as a definite sign to stop. He doesn’t move at all when you slowly drag the sheet down, and when you look down, you finally understand why he’s so flustered this time. 
He has an erection. Simply because you have touched him. 
It must be obvious how startled you look to find his hard-on straining his boxers, especially because Vegeta pulls at the sheets to cover himself after a moment. You stop him, putting your hand over his as you lock eyes with him again. He’s still very red, but if anything he also looks a little ashamed. It works well for you that he hasn’t tried to kill you yet; but now that you’ve seen this, you can’t deny that you want to have a little taste.
Trying to ease him into the plan you have in mind, you lean closer once again, stopping when your face is only an inch away from his. He doesn’t push you away or even move. Closing the space between you, you press your lips to his in a small, innocent kiss. Vegeta keeps staring at you when you pull away, still taken aback, but no longer ashamed. There’s some kind of dark glint in his eyes that speaks a thousand words about how interested he is in your attention. 
With a sudden hand on the back of your neck, he suddenly pulls you in for another kiss. A hungry, more urgent kiss, albeit a bit sloppy, as he just glides his lips over yours. You cup his cheek, humming when you slip your tongue inside his mouth, pleased when he mimics your moves. 
Breaking the kiss, you pull away a little, giggling when Vegeta leans in again, expecting more. You rest your hands on his hips, slowly trailing them towards the hem of his underwear. 
“I can help you relax, if you want.” You whisper, sliding your fingers down the fabric of his boxers. 
“What a lewd woman you are…” Vegeta replies, his eyes just as intensely fixed on you as they have been the entire time before he captures your lips in another searing kiss, which you return just as hungrily. 
Pushing down his underwear, you reach for his dick. His body tenses when you wrap your hand around it, and you make a surprised noise against his lips. You should have known how big he is with an attitude like that. You take your time stroking him without pulling away from his lips, delighted when he grunts into your mouth. 
As you start pumping him, you pull away, licking your lips as you take in the sight of your hand wrapped around his length. Your fingers don’t even touch from how thick he is. You don’t want to waste any more time, so you shift on the bed to better position yourself before leaning down.
Vegeta practically screams when you wrap your lips around the head of his cock, and for a second you think you actually hurt him if it isn’t for the way his hips jerk upwards. Encouraged by the groans that leave his lips when you swirl your tongue around the tip, you slowly take more of him in, your lips descending around his length as you run your tongue on the underside. He grunts and gasps with every glide of your lips over his dick, and you’re so thrilled to actually hear those noises coming from Vegeta of all people, you can’t help but moan around him. His hips keep snapping into your mouth the more you take him, until finally the tip grazes your throat. 
You try to hold him in place for a second before pulling back, letting him enjoy the wet warmth of your mouth, but his hips keep moving, seeking more friction. You try to speed up, bobbing your head up and down, pressing your tongue against his cock as you move. Vegeta curses under his breath constantly, in between groans, and when he gets louder, you know he’s about to come. Way faster than you expected, actually. 
The head nudges the back of your throat as you eagerly suck, and that’s all it takes for him to come, his dick throbbing in your mouth as he spurts cum down your throat, forcing you to swallow. You do so, a little annoyed he hasn’t actually warned you, but you let him ride out his peak, his dick pumping into you until he suddenly stops. 
Pulling away, you clear your throat, trying not to cough as you straighten up. Vegeta is still blushing, though you know it’s from the strain of your ministrations rather than shyness. His eyes are unfocused, half-lidded, and sweat is adorning his forehead. Your chest swells with pride; you have reduced the Prince of all Saiyans to this flustered mess. 
“Get out.” 
Vegeta’s voice startles you, especially because he’s telling you to leave. You frown, opening your mouth to tell him that after what you’ve done, he should treat you nicely, but he speaks again. 
“Get. Out.”
“You’re such a fucking jerk!” You manage after a minute of staring at each other angrily before getting off his bed and practically sprinting towards the door. 
You feel a little humiliated as you walk away from his room as fast as you can. Your blowjob must have been good by how fast he came, you would have thought he would be nice afterwards. Return the favor, even.
Freezing on your spot in the middle of the hall, you gasp. 
Vegeta looked bewildered when you kissed him, and stunned when you touched him a little lower than usual. You would have associated the blush on his face to his shyness, but now you’re starting to think he isn’t just shy around women. And his kiss had felt… inexperienced. 
No way. Vegeta is a virgin. 
The more you realize that’s surely the case, the more embarrassed you feel. If you had known that before, you would have been a little more delicate about it, though you doubt Vegeta would have wanted to admit he’s in fact a virgin. Moreover, if you confront him about it now, he still probably won’t admit it. You consider apologizing for coming off so strongly, but you don’t want him to get mad at you for implying he’s inexperienced. But why else would he have told you to get out like that, too?
You’re more convinced about it when a couple of days go by and you don’t even see Vegeta. At all. He hasn’t even healed yet, but he’s nowhere to be found inside the house, at least not when you go over to check on him. And the gravity room is turned on, you can hear the vibrating sounds it produces. You would smack him if you could, but you’re pretty sure he’s avoiding you.
To your amusement, he walks by the kitchen when you’re there one time, and he freezes the moment you lock eyes with him. For a second, you assume he’s going to flee, but he walks in, doing his best to ignore your presence. It’s both insulting yet hilarious; he seems like a teenager who’s trying very hard to ignore his crush. You’re not sure he has a crush on you, but he sure acts like he’s incredibly embarrassed about it. 
Your embarrassment and need to apologize fade away pretty quickly with this attitude he has now. 
“Are you gonna ignore me the whole time?” You ask him as he sits by the table to eat. He doesn’t reply. “After I gave you the best blowjob of your life?”
You laugh when he sputters, spitting all the food he had in his mouth. 
“You little vulgar woman!” He retorts, face red from both choking on food and from embarrassment. 
“Oh, shut up, you liked it.”
“I-I- How dare you?!”
“How dare I? After you kicked me out of your room like that?”
“I don’t need to explain myself to a human like you.”
“I suppose you don’t,” You stand up from your seat, a little more angry than you’d like to admit. “But I would assume a prince would be a little more considerate, especially because I wouldn’t mind doing more things like that in the future.”
Vegeta gapes at you as you walk out the kitchen. 
His attitude towards you doesn’t seem to change, he still avoids you whenever you’re at Capsule Corp. And you’re pissed, initially, but as days go by, you simply get used to the idea that he probably didn’t even want what you did to him in that room. Maybe he doesn’t even like you enough. You feel insulted, but you can’t blame him. 
You were expecting more, though, so you do feel a little disappointed. 
You run into Vegeta occasionally, mostly when you’re in the kitchen, and he keeps ignoring you, but you can feel his eyes on you as you move around. Neither of you speak to each other, and you’re getting used to the silence. But his eyes feel like they are burning holes right through you. And the more you get used to that feeling of being constantly watched, you start to feel like that in other moments throughout the day. Like when you’re in Bulma’s garden, or in her lab, helping her with whatever she needs. 
It starts to get a little uncomfortable when you feel it as you walk back to your own house. 
You aren’t sure if what you’re sensing is Vegeta’s eyes on you, but it certainly feels that way; after all, you don’t feel ki like the rest of your friends do. But if this is him you’re feeling nearby, then what the fuck is he doing? 
“Vegeta,” You call for him one day when he walks by the living room in Capsule Corp. He stops in his tracks and looks at you without uttering a single word. “Are you stalking me?”
He freezes in his spot, and he looks at you with wide eyes. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Really? Because I feel your eyes on me wherever I go.” Vegeta frowns, his fists clenching on his side. “If it’s not you, then I guess I have another stalker.”
“Stupid woman…” He mutters, and you roll your eyes. 
“Vegeta, as a woman, I know when someone is following me.”
“What does gender have to do with that?!”
“It’s gonna take a while to explain.” You thinned your lips, looking him over. He looks slightly embarrassed, and you have to remind yourself that he’s an alien. You’re not sure why he would follow you around like that, or if this attitude has anything to do with misogyny. But you’re going to have to drag this out of him, especially if you want to know why. “Vegeta, I’m not mad at you, but… I just wanna know.”
He doesn’t reply, averting his eyes towards the nearest wall. You sigh. Maybe you are a little annoyed. 
“Fine. Whenever you wanna talk, I’m sure you can find me.” You tell him, passing by him as you walk out the room. 
You don’t think he would want to talk to you at all, at least not any time soon. So you’re surprised that night, when you’re about to walk into your own house to hear his voice right behind you, calling your name. You yell instinctively, startled, and turn around to slap your attacker, only to find yourself face to face with Vegeta. 
“Relax, woman, it’s me.” He says, with a little amusement in his voice. Your hand has actually collided with his face, but he seems unfazed. 
“Fuck, why did you scare me like that?! And what is your face made of?!” Your hand tingles; it feels as if you had hit a rock. 
Vegeta chuckles when you hold your hand tightly to your chest. It makes your heart flutter to actually see him entertained by something, even if that something is you being in pain. 
“Are you going to walk in?” He asks after a moment of silence. 
You nod wordlessly, opening your front door before walking in with Vegeta trailing behind you. Your place is not nearly as huge as Bulma’s home, but it’s enough space for you, the living room and kitchen being more than enough for you to feel comfortable if you want to have people over.
“Your house is small.” Vegeta comments.
“More like, Bulma’s place is enormous.” You scoff. Leaving your bag on the couch, you turn to face him, trying not to show that you’re a little mad at his attitude. “Well? Have you or have you not been following me around these last few days?”
His shoulders tense visibly as his gaze connects with yours. 
“I have been… following you.”
Vegeta crosses his arms in front of his chest, but he doesn’t look as arrogant when he does it as he normally would; he actually looks wary. 
“Isn’t that what human women like?” He asks with a slight edge on his voice.
“...What?” You stare at him, confused, as he turns his gaze towards the side, his cheeks flushing a light pink. You’re not exactly sure what he means, so you don’t even know how you should react. 
“I’ve been watching those things you humans have on TV.” He says after a while, still avoiding your eyes. 
“You heard me!” 
“I… I still don’t understand…”
Vegeta growls, brows furrowed and shoulders tensing even more as his eyes finally lock with yours.
“Human females like to be followed around, don’t they?! That’s what the TV showed!”
“I… Hold on, you’ve been following me because you think I like that?!”
Vegeta nods, and you look at him, bewildered and surprised, and a lot of other emotions at once. He has been following because he thought you like that. You have to briefly wonder what kind of shows he's been watching to get to that conclusion, but you also wonder why he would do something that he thought you might like to begin with. 
“Ok, we have a lot to unpack here.” You say, taking a seat by the kitchen table. “I don’t know what you’ve been watching, but… women don’t like stalkers, okay?”
“Then why-”
“I can’t explain the entire human history to you right now, but trust me on this, okay?”
Vegeta looks at you, confused and with his brow still furrowed, but doesn’t argue. You try to organize your thoughts before speaking again. 
“I wasn’t trying to hide my presence when I followed you.” He says, interrupting your thinking process. “That’s why you could feel I was watching you.”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“Maybe to you, but I need you to say it. Especially after you stalked me for days.”
Vegeta groans, fidgeting in his spot and looking around the room to avoid your eyes. 
“I was trying to court you…” His gaze finally meets yours, and you smile.
“Wow, did you like the blowjob I gave you that much?”
“You-you indecent little-”
You snicker when his entire face turns red for the umpteenth time. Half the time you have seen Vegeta, his face seems to be permanently red, and it’s all thanks to you. 
“Vegeta, I told you that if you were nice to me, we could have done something like that again.”
“That-that’s what I was trying to do!”
“Oh…” You can’t help the smile slowly growing on your lips. “So, that was courting for you?”
He nods again, his eyes gauging your demeanor. 
“How do Saiyans court, normally?” When Vegeta looks at you with a knowing gleam in his eyes, you scoff. “Oh, don’t tell me you fight people you wanna have sex with.”
“That’s exactly what we do.”
“I see, I guess that’s why you looked so terrified when I got close to you.”
“You silly woman, I was not terrified of you!”
You snicker when he yells at you, obviously nervous about the tone of this conversation. 
“Then what was it?”
“I had no idea human females were so… forward.”
“Is that bad?”
“...No.” Vegeta seems genuine when he answers, so you don’t question him anymore. “Do you do those kinds of activities with other men?”
“What? No, of course not!” When he keeps staring at you, you feel the need to clarify. “I mean, only with the ones I like…?”
When Vegeta smirks, you feel your face heat up. If how much you were attracted to him wasn’t obvious before, it is now. As if you going down on him wasn’t enough of a sign. You stare at him as he approaches you, freezing on the spot as he leans down and puts his hands on the top rail of your chair, effectively caging you there. You wait for him to get even closer, to kiss you even, but he remains unmoved, his eyes fixed on your face.
“I don’t get it,” You start, licking your lips as you take a quick glance at his. “If fighting is how you pursue someone, then…”
“The fight isn’t always physical.”
“Oh…” You smile, slowly putting your hands on his shoulders. “I should argue harder, then?”
“I do like it when you argue with me.” He says, smirking.
Vegeta kisses you decidedly on the lips, one of his hands reaching for your cheek to cup your face. It surprises you that he would kiss you first, but he did say he has watched some TV shows, and the way his lips are gliding over yours seem enough proof that he had even been paying attention to this as well. This is softer and more sensual than the frantic kisses you exchanged the first time, and it warms your heart that he’s kissing you like this. 
“Vegeta,” You whisper, pulling away to catch your breath. “Is this the first time you’re doing something like this?”
His eyes are dark, but as those words left your lips, he seems annoyed. You confirm it when he suddenly pulls away. 
“Wait,” You grab his arm to keep him in place. “There’s nothing wrong with that! But…”
“But what?” He growls.
“I would have done things differently?”
He keeps his gaze focused on you, and as seconds pass by, you’re pretty sure he’s going to leave. 
“Do you want me, Vegeta?” He doesn’t reply, but he doesn’t pull away from your touch either. Sliding your hand up his arm, you gently stroke his bicep, trying to be as comforting as you can. “I want you. I meant it when I said I want to do this with you.”
You trail your hand down his abdomen, stopping at the hem of his pants to emphasize your point. 
“Tell me you want me… and I’ll show you some things.” 
Vegeta eyes you intensely before he abruptly grabs both of your hands to pull you upwards, making you yelp as you stand up. 
“I want you, you insufferable brat.”
You chuckle quietly as he leans in to capture your lips in a fiery, heated kiss. The more you kiss, the more unabashed he becomes about exploring your mouth and your body, his hands letting go of yours to wrap themselves around your waist. You hum contently, sneaking your arms around his shoulders and kissing him back just as hungrily. 
In a matter of seconds, you feel his erection pressed insistently to your stomach, almost begging for attention. You step backwards a little, his grip on your body not letting you move much, but he seems to understand your reasoning. You guide him as best you can to your room without breaking the kiss, until the back of your knees touch your bed. 
Vegeta pulls away first, practically pushing you down on the mattress as he stares down at you like a predator. You’re not entirely sure how much Vegeta knows about sex, and by the way he reacted before, you’re not going to test your luck and ask him now, not when you’re so close to being able to freely touch and please him. But he’s staring at you like he’s expecting something, so you open your mouth to nicely ask him if he knows what comes next, but he talks first.
“Use your mouth, like you did before.”
“Excuse me?” You quirk an eyebrow, staring at him incredulously. 
“You heard me.” Vegeta says, looking as arrogant as ever. 
“What’s the magic word?” You singsong, grinning widely. When he looks at you, confused, you clarify. “If you say ‘please’, I’ll do it.”
He growls quietly, seemingly considering not even doing it, but to your amusement, he does.
“Please.” He mutters quietly, momentarily glaring at you.
You keep smiling as you reach for his hand, gesturing for him to sit down on the bed next to you. When he does, you kiss him, tugging at his shirt to get it off him, only breaking the kiss when he pulls it up his arms. 
It’s your intention to take things a little slow as compared to that first time, especially knowing that Vegeta is inexperienced when it comes to intimacy. You can show him how nice it is when foreplay is done right, so you aim to please, one of your hands sneaking towards the front of his pants to stroke him. He grunts, hips jerking into your touch as you trail your lips down his neck.
Vegeta is more impatient than you expect, as he suddenly slaps your hand away to pull down his skin tight pants. His dick bounces when he pushes down his underwear, and your conviction wavers; foreplay is important and all, but you want him in your mouth again. You wrap your hand around it, stroking it gently as you lick up his neck, softly nipping at his jaw, pleased to hear him groan when you do it. 
One of his hands finds your shirt, pulling it swiftly off you, leaving you in your bra and pants. He stares at you as you stand up before sinking to the floor right in between his legs, moving your hands over his thighs. He shudders, his eyes threatening to close the closer you get to his erection. He groans loudly when you dart out your tongue and run it up his length before flicking it over the tip. Thrilled by his reaction, you smile cheekily at him before wrapping your lips around the head of his cock. 
Vegeta is loud as you move your mouth and tongue over his dick, just as loud as he was the first time, and it sets fire to your insides knowing that you’re the one making him do all those wonderful noises. It takes you a couple of moves to get him to fully fit inside your mouth, but when the tip hits the back of your throat, he growls almost desperately. One of his hands finds your head, fingers threading through your hair and pushing you down for a moment before he lets you go. You don’t complain, only pulling back before bobbing your head up and down. You write a mental note to remind him not to push you too hard. 
When his hips start snapping with urgency, and his groans get even louder, you recognize that he’s close to an orgasm. Keeping things slow, sliding your lips back towards the tip, you consider pulling away altogether. If he comes now, you’re going to have to wait for your turn. You don’t get to decide when he suddenly thrusts into your mouth, once again the tip grazing your throat, and he comes, gasping and spilling his load, making you swallow. 
You pull away with a wet pop once his hips stop moving, steading yourself with your hands on his thighs. The sight of Vegeta post orgasm is truly something to behold; he’s panting and looking at you almost enamored, which you understand, considering this is only the second time he’s received a blowjob. 
As soon as you stand up to get on the bed, his hands are on your hips, pulling down your pants and underwear in one move. You yelp as he basically throws you on the bed, crawling on top of you less than a second later. He’s staring at you carefully, taking in the sight of your body, and you take the opportunity to do the same. You can’t believe the fact that this man, currently naked on top of you, is going to be intimate for the first time in his life with you. His body looks like it’s been sculpted by Michelangelo himself, with skin surprisingly soft, you notice as you run your hands down his chest, despite his many scars. Surely he must have had plenty of chances to be with whoever he wanted in the past. Though it suddenly dwells on you that he might not even have had the chance, being under the control of a space tyrant and all. 
Pushing your thoughts away, you notice Vegeta is staring at your chest, your bra the only piece of clothing still on your body. You move to take it off just as his hand reaches for one of your breasts, groping it gently once you’re fully naked. You choke back a gasp when his thumb brushes your nipple experimentally. 
“Do you like that?” He asks, genuinely curious. 
Vegeta hums in acknowledgement, once again running his finger over your nipple with a little more pressure. You don’t try to hide your moan this time, arching into his touch when he squeezed your flesh. His hand trails lower then, skimming down your waist and hip, caressing your body until he reaches your thigh. You have spreaded your legs a little to accommodate him when he got on top of you, so he could clearly see your entrance.
Sitting back, his hands spread your legs even more, exposing more of your sex to him, and you have to fight the urge to cover your face. You don’t mind that he looks at you, but this feels scrutinizing the more he stares. He swipes his thumb over your slit, making you flinch when he grazes your clit. He repeats the same action, this time with his eyes lingering on your face as he moves his finger over your sensitive skin, and you gasp when he touches your clit again. 
Smirking as if he has found the secret to immortality, Vegeta runs two fingers up and down your entrance before pressing his thumb to your clit, purposely rubbing it. You can’t help the sounds spilling from your lips as he stimulates you with obvious intent, gripping the sheets tightly to anchor yourself. Your hips stutter when he suddenly presses two fingers, slowly sliding them inside you as you moan loudly. Despite his smug look, he’s handling you with extreme care, carefully gliding his fingers in and out of you. 
For someone who was obviously naive when it comes to intimacy, it sure seems like he knows what he’s doing, especially when he presses his thumb to your clit again, moving it in time with the digits inside you. You only wish he would kiss you, but he looks content, staring down at you with dark hungry eyes as he pleasures you. 
You’re not sure if Vegeta can read your mind, but he leans down, capturing your lips in a sloppy kiss before pressing his lips down your neck. When he nibbles your jaw, you realize he is imitating what you did to him earlier. 
You frown, a little confused, when you hear him taking a deep breath against the skin of your neck.
“Did you just sniff me?” You ask, moaning at the end when his fingers curl inside you. 
“You smell pleasant.” Vegeta murmured into your ear.
“It-it’s the perfume…”
“No, it’s not that artificial scent you put on. You smell pleasant.”
You’re left speechless when his fingers start moving faster inside you. You mewl, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep him close, and you gasp, surprised, when you notice his dick poking your stomach. You weren’t paying attention so you don’t know when he got his renewed erection, but you’re eager to have him inside you now that he’s available. 
“Vegeta…” You moan, holding onto him tighter as he mouths at your neck. “Stop teasing me…”
“Aren’t you enjoying yourself?” He chuckles against your skin. 
“I- Yes, but… I’m ready for you, ah!”
He turns to the side to kiss your lips, swallowing down all your noises as his tongue slides into your mouth. You hum, clinging to him desperately as his fingers keep touching you just right, getting you closer and closer to edge. 
“Vegeta!” You call for him again as your legs start twitching. “If you don’t stop… I’m gonna…”
Pulling away from you, Vegeta watches your face carefully as he keeps up his moves, his digits curling and stroking your insides insistently. You moan, throwing your head back and digging your nails into his shoulders. Your hips move against his hand, seeking more of him as you feel warmth suddenly spreading inside you. You come with a shaky moan, your body trembling underneath him as your mind turns blank. 
As you come down from your high, his fingers slide out of you, and you watch him bring them close to his face. You gasp in horror and embarrassment when he licks your release off his digits, and he stares at you with a smile, obviously amused at your reaction. You don’t dare to say anything, and you’re glad his only response to your surprise is a smirk. 
Vegeta shifts, sitting back to position himself better in between your legs as he guides his cock to your entrance. You put your hands on his shoulders, bracing yourself when you feel the head nudging your skin.
“Slow…” You instruct him, looking down at his impressive length so close to your core. He is big, and you’re not sure if you can handle someone with that size who also happens to be an alien with superhuman strength (who also happens to be a mass murderer, but you don’t want to go there). 
“I will not hurt you.” Vegeta says, glancing at you. His voice is flat, but the look he gives you is comforting enough to know that his words are genuine. 
A strangled groan escapes his lips when he pushes inside you, and if you didn’t know any better, you would assume he’s being tortured. You hiss, the stretch feeling too much at once, and he isn’t even fully sheathed yet. He remains still for a moment before moving again, pushing more inside you. 
“Fuck…” Vegeta grunts, holding onto you so tightly you know there’s gonna be marks on your skin. “You’re so tight…”
Once he’s up to the hilt, you gasp, closing your eyes tightly. You have never felt this full before, and it aches, muscles you have never been aware of stretching to accommodate his cock. He remains surprisingly still as both of you get used to the sensation. It surprises you how considerate he’s being at the moment; he must want to relieve himself, but he’s looking at you, obviously noticing that you’re not fully comfortable yet, so he stays still. 
You reach for him, with a hand on the back of his neck to bring him down for a needy kiss. He grunts into your mouth, kissing you back rather shallowly as you hold him close. Your body soon relaxes, and you tighten your legs around his waist, letting him know that you’re ready for him to move. He pulls away enough to watch as his cock slides out of you before thrusting back in slowly. You moan when the tip hits inside you, filling you up to the hilt once more, and his dark eyes fix on your face, checking your reaction to ensure he hasn’t hurt you. 
Vegeta keeps a surprisingly slow pace, carefully gliding in and out of you, handling you with such care, you would have never thought he’s one of the most powerful beings on the planet. It’s fine at first, you’re also getting used to his cock and the stretch, after a while you need more. 
“Vegeta, you can go a little faster…” You say, locking eyes with him.
He looks at you with curiosity when you move one of your legs to prop it up his shoulder. He seems impressed by your flexibility (though you know being on a bed is what helps), and he smirks in response, one of his hands holding tightly onto your thigh. 
You whimper loudly when he starts thrusting into you with newfound vigor. You know he must be holding back his strength, but damn if it feels like he can already snap you in half with the pace he’s currently setting. The bed is creaking insistently with every move of his hips, the headboard hitting the wall up to the point you think it might break. But you really don’t care if the bed splits in half, or if the wall comes down; all you care about is Vegeta and his wonderful cock currently ramming into you as a tight familiar warmth starts blooming in your lower abdomen again. 
For a long moment, you forget that this is actually Vegeta’s first time, especially with how good it feels to have him inside you. But his body starts to shudder, and with a couple of powerful thrusts that makes pleasure run through your veins, he comes. You get to see his face, fully contorted in bliss, brows furrowed and mouth hanging open as his cock pulses inside you, filling you up to the brim and making you moan. He growls as he pumps into you, riding out his orgasm before he finally comes to a stop. 
He leans over you, burying his face in your neck, panting as he comes down from his peak. Your legs shiver slightly, feeling the weight of his body on top of you and twitching in response; you didn’t get to come this time and it feels a little uncomfortable, but you’re not mad. You take his effort into consideration, and he did make you come before, so you’re content. 
When you run your hands up and down his back soothingly, you feel his muscles tense after a moment. 
“You didn’t finish.” Vegeta says, pulling back to look at your face. 
“...I didn’t, but that’s ok. It’s not always necessary-”
He pulls away from you altogether with an angry grunt, making you hiss when his dick slips out, and for a second you think he might even leave. It startles you when you feel he’s rubbing himself against your lower lips, grazing your clit and making your legs shudder. 
“Are you telling me human men don’t care if their partner finishes?” Vegeta asks, almost annoyed. 
“Well… some of them don’t…” 
“Then what’s the point?”
“Um…” It’s getting harder to think as he keeps stroking himself against you, a few quiet noises escaping you as you try to find the words to speak. “Intimacy, I guess…?”
Vegeta tuts, and you gasp when you feel his cock nudging your entrance in what surely must be a record time. You look down to see for yourself, and you’re still stunned he got hard again, just minutes after he had come. Saiyan stamina sure is something insane. 
“To be clear,” Vegeta starts as he slowly eases himself inside you again. “You will always finish when you’re with me.”
His words sound almost like a threat, but every thought effectively leaves your brain once he’s fully inside you, and you stutter a moan when he starts moving, that heat in your stomach steadily growing back up and turning your brain into jelly. 
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wonryllis · 4 months
idols you see your moots as?
、ㅤ🧳 ⋆ ࣪ 午 MOOTS AS KPOP IDOLS ᵎᵎ
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already did it HERE before so i'll only include the new ones whom i have talked to at least a few times! sorry if i missed you it's probably because we haven't talked much! ( MUTUALS )
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@koishua wendy, red velvet. i have this image of her from all the clips i have seen of her greeting fans and reporters(?) outside sm where she rushes cutely and waves and gives autographs all so sweet .. that's exactly vie
@lheebra chungha, soloist. queen behaviour, mature, iconic, really talented, always comes out with bops. an adult actually adulting vibes. will do what i want to do and will do it successfully vibe.
@isoobie giselle, aespa. just now reason, riri is giselle without any explanation to the last of her core. really pretty and gorgeous and rap omg riri is so rap coded it's confirmed.
@fakeuwus miyeon, g-idle. uwu nic got that fairy princess vibes. delicate, elegant, classy and beautiful. smiles like a rich nepo babygirl but genuinely is so nice and sweet.
@lilyuwon yena, soloist. playful, cute, everyone's lildol friend, smile smile and smile. hyper active and always there to support and always spreading positivity and madness!
@theyluvvaubery eunbi, soloist. got that mature and leader vibes, like she got a presence in the room that's known and that she knows it very well. also has a sort of leader sweetness??
@sainns hanni, new jeans. cute, crazy, cool, deranged. round but got a hot english accent and a funky behavior. always says the most unhinged shit with a smile on her face vibes.
@stwrjvke yoon, stayc. everyone's bright friend who is always there on all trips to make it fun. and she's there during hard moments to remind everyone to smile? that's what i feel like
@jaylaxies irene, red velvet. veteran vibes, leader vibes, queen vibes. just she knows what she's doing and she knows she's relevant. and she knows guys are shit and she's everything. omg i hope that wasn't rude ㅠㅠ
@alvojake chaewon, le sserafim. leader material, smarter baby smarter material. her hips don't lie and i feel like she's a real good dancer and would rock a bob like chae.
@sserasin yujin, ive. bold and cool and hot in a girl's girl way. gives me real "she wears the pants" vibes. command the room vibes fr and that she's some sort of a succubus omg.
@pockettwinzz ryujin, itzy. tomboy types but majorly like a girl's girlfriend and everyone's crush and "treat you better than your boyfriend" vibes. basically ur gf.
@hooniehon sana, twice. hmm quiet? and cute? very reserved but as a friend really outgoing and fun vibes. that video of sana holding a rabbit and going crazy over it, that feels like claire.
@pprodsuga rosé, blackpink. iconic? also aussie vibes and also blonde vibes. josie feels like she came right out of the on the ground mv and that it's embodied in her for some reason.
@intromortal karina, aespa. how do i say this, just intimidating, resting bitch face and mean girl leader image from afar. but once you get to know her she's the sweetest little bean on earth.
@kareyuns mina, twice. sweet and shy and really friendly once you get to know her. has that vibe where you see her in public somewhere and think oh she's so pretty?
@glitterjay taeyeon, girls generation. just got that veteran vibes. like she got experience but also has that really funny side i don't know how to explain >< just like humble downtoearth?
@rk1stars yooa, oh my girl. from what i have seen, you just gimme that youthful vibes from bon voyage solo. like a fairy of the wilderness straight out of a storybook.
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artpopbyceleste · 2 years
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cafemilk-tea · 7 months
❒ pairing - evelyn x grandmother ft dino
❒ word count - 3.0K
❒ synopsis - evelyn’s grandmother calls her with unfortunate news
❒ time - late 2013
🏷️ taglist - @justmochi @ateezjuliet @itzy-eve @cosmicwintr @billboard-singer @kimhyejin3108 @cixrosie @enhacolor @allthings-fandoms @mingis-wrld @kmgfeels @peachyaeger @aysxldea @choihaneul @angie-x3 @alixnsuperstxr
⚠️ - mentions of cancer, evie getting a bruise on her arm from a staff member & food restrictions; angst
Italics = spoken in English
(a/n: tears in my eyes thinking of bby evie & bby dino swinging on swings together T_T)
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School was let out early for Evelyn and Chan and they had found themselves at the little playground by the school on the swings waiting for a few of his older members to come pick them up and walk them to the company. Evelyn kicked her feet back and forth, humming the words to her evaluation song as she watched random cars drive far off in the distance. Chan giggling to himself pulled her back into reality as she glanced over at him curiously.
“What’s funny?”
“You’ve just been humming that all day long,” Chan covered his mouth with his hands laughing. Evelyn internally cringed with knowing how many people’s hands have been on these swing set chains and now here he was pressing those germs all over his face.
“I’ve got solo evaluations coming up and I’ve been slacking off too much I think,” Evelyn pouted her lips at her words. She was given SNSD’s ‘Genie’ to sing and it’s been a challenge for her, even more so since she’s doing Taeyeon’s part in the post-chorus towards the end of the song.
Chan clicked his tongue as he disagreed with her, pushing himself backwards and letting go to swing back and forth, “Nuh-uh, I’ve heard you sing especially that one part in the song and you sound really good!”
A smile crept its way onto her face as her cheeks heated up slightly at his encouragement, “Thanks Channie.”
The two swang in silence, enjoying small talks between the two of them and people watching. Evelyn always found it fascinating to just sit and watch people in their everyday life and how everyone is so different from one another.
“How’s practice going for you,” Evelyn pushes herself on the swing set, gripping the metal chains tightly between her fingers as she swung herself back and forth deciding to change the subject.
“Awful,” Chan pouted his lips out into a hard frown as he stared at the dirt underneath his feet and slowed down his swinging, “Not awful as in bad but more like it’s just so hard sometimes. I like doing it, I really do, but we got in trouble with one of the staff again and it wasn��t even our fault.”
Evelyn frowned in sympathy at his words, knowing exactly what he was going through. Earlier in the week, one of the staff had grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out into the hallway to berate her by saying she wasn’t keeping up with the other trainees and was too busy slacking off again. The slight bruising on her arm from how hard his hand had gripped her is still a clear and visible mark.
“And Soonyoung-hyung can be mean sometimes too. He keeps making us do the same routine over and over again all because Seungkwan-hyung keeps messing up this one step,” He shuffled his foot in the dirt below, scuffing up the bottom of his already worn shoes from practice.
“Channie-,” Evelyn slowed her swing down to barely moving at all, using her foot to twist her seat from side to side. Being a trainee was hard in general. It made her question why she even wanted to do it sometimes.
“I’m sure he doesn’t mean to make you upset-.” She started but was cut off by his outburst.
“He doesn’t care!” He huffed kicking the dirt making dust particles fly into the air. Evelyn couldn’t blame him for getting angry over it. She’s been there once or twice since becoming a trainee. His face turned sour as the frown sank deeper into his face, “Anytime I ask if we can learn something else, he gets mad and storms away and slams the door behind him yelling things like ‘If we get a low score, it’ll be your fault’.”
Evelyn stayed quiet and let him have time to get what he wanted off of his chest. She knows that he can’t blow up like this with his members since they’re all older, and that’s why the two of them are so close with being the only two youngest in the company.
After a moment of silence passed between the two of them, Chan let out a deep breath as he turned towards Evelyn in his seat.
“Eunji, I’m sorry I got angry-,” She looked over at him as he sucked on the inside of his cheek, “It’s just hard and it’s hard to talk to the hyungs about it when they’re all on the same page about most things.”
“It’s okay Channie,” Evelyn looked down at her shoes with a smile, nodding in agreement, “That’s why we have each other! We have to stick together through this right? It’s the only way we can make it through.”
“You’re right!”
“Soonyoung-Oppa is trying his hardest, you all are,” She tried to reason, wanting to keep the topic open to talk Chan through what she was also thinking, “He wants you guys to be so successful one day and I know you guys work really hard and I’m rooting for you to have a great debut in the future.”
Evelyn’s words made a big grin break across Chan’s face, his anger from before seemingly vanished at the mention of his group, “You’re gonna debut so big too! How cool is it that our groups are gonna debut? We’ll have to collab on a stage in the future!”
“That’ll be so much fun!” Evelyn gushed as they went back to swinging, waiting on Chan’s older members to arrive.
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“Ugh I’m starving,” Chan drops his head down as his stomach rumbles with hunger, using his feet to push himself backwards on the swing again before letting himself swing forward, “Where are the hyungs anyway? This is so annoying, they said they’d be here by now.”
“I’m sure they’ll be here soon.” Evelyn tried to sound hopeful even though she was growing quite hungry as well. On the occasion, Chan’s older members would secretly buy the two of them a snack and they ate it on the way to the company, making sure to take the long way back so they had time to finish the food.
Evelyn bit the inside of her cheek as an idea popped into her head, quickly standing up from her seat and crouching down by her backpack. Chan watched curiously as she unzipped the main pocket and dug around for a few moments before grinning back at him. She raised her arm high in the sky and he followed her movements, jumping off of the swing when he noticed the money in her hand.
“Where did you even get that?” His eyes grew in size as she brought her hand down so the two of them could inspect the money closely. It was only a few dollars worth but it was more than she thought she had.
“Minji-Unnie gave me some money for-,” She used her fingers to air quote, mimicking Minji’s lower voice, “-For emergencies only.”
“I consider this a dire emergency.”
“Remember the last time though, the company found out we were eating and scolded us to no end.” Evelyn frowned at the memory. She never liked being in trouble and ever since moving to Korea, it felt like that’s all she seemed to do.
“If we eat it here we should be fine,” Chan tried to reason with her, his stomach rumbling in hunger again and Evelyn’s right after, almost like they were talking to each other. She hesitated at first but nodded her head in agreement. Chan looked behind them, pointing down the street at the convenience store on the corner.
“I can grab us a ramen and we can share it so it won’t be too much food, any requests?”
“Mmm, make it a surprise,” She grinned as she handed the money over to the antsy boy, a laugh falling from her lips as she watched him speed walk down the road to the convenience store.
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Walking back to her seat on the swing set, she rocked back and forth on her heels again, going back to her people and car watching. The sound of her phone ringing broke her out of her trance, reaching over and grabbing her phone. The brightness in her eyes matched the excitement in her voice when she saw who was calling her.
“Hiya Gram,” She pressed the phone to her ear, holding onto the swing by its metal chains with her other hand.
“Hello my Sweet Pea.”
She could honestly cry after hearing her Grandmother’s voice after she hadn’t in such a long time. As trainees, they weren’t given many opportunities to speak to their loved ones and if they were, they were always heavily monitored by the staff. The female trainees were allowed back their phones for having such good evaluations last month so of course she was elated that her grandmother had decided to call now.
“Are you having lunch now? Don’t tell me you snuck out of class to talk to me young lady,” Her motherly tone caused Evelyn to bust out into a fit of giggles picturing the look of concern on her face. Evelyn shook her head even though she knew she couldn’t see it.
“Of course not! School ended early today and Channie and I went to the little playground next door. You remember Lee Chan right? One of the male trainees from my company that’s my age?” Evelyn twisted her head to look down the road to see if Chan was coming back, settling back on the swing when she saw no sight of him.
“I do remember you telling me about him, he’s a little cutie,” Her grandmother hummed on the other side of the line. Evelyn could hear the faintness of water running and knew that she was outside watering her flowers in the back garden. “How has your training been going? Are they treating you well?”
“Good actually! We’ve got our evaluations next week and I’ve been practicing on a song for that and we’ve also been doing a lot of stuff with the group!” Evelyn’s face lit up at mentioning her group. She loves those girls and even though she was the youngest of them, she would do anything and everything for them. She glanced down at her arm and decided to omit the part about the staff grabbing her, knowing that her grandmother would’ve been on the first flight out to Korea to come give them hell.
“I’m glad to hear it,” She could hear her grandmother smile into the phone, the sound of the hose shutting off in the background indicating she was down watering her flowers, “I can’t wait to meet the girls, they sound like such lovely people. Are you excited to be a group?”
“Well, we’re not technically a group yet. New trainees can be added at any time but-,” The memory of the girls meeting for the first time and everyone acting like they had known each other for years and how welcoming everyone was instantly flooded her mind, “Yeah, I am super excited!”
“I was worried about sending you out there by yourself but it seems to me like you’re in good hands,” Her grandmother makes a pause, taking in a deep breath as she gathers up her thoughts, “Sweet Pea, I’ve got to talk to you about something, something really important.”
“Hmm?” Evelyn frowned slightly at the sudden change of her tone. She was always such a cheerful and positive lady that whenever her voice shifted into this more serious side, she knew something had to be up.
“I know you were too young to remember this but a long time ago during one of my doctor appointments, they had found little masses on one of my lungs and I had went through some treatments to have them removed,” She paused to let Evelyn understand what she was saying, “Well, I just came back from an appointment yesterday and I’m going to go ahead and tell you that it was not the best of news.”
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Evelyn’s eyebrows pinched together in confusion, resting her head against the metal chain of the swing trying to process what was being said to her. She dragged her foot back and forth through the dirt waiting on a response back. Her poor white school shoes now the faintest shade of beige.
“Sweet Pea, there’s no easier way to tell you this-,” She hesitated on the other side of the phone, taking in a deep breath and letting it out, “The doctors have discovered a form of cancer growing in my right lung. It’s small but it was big enough that they were able to detect it.”
Tears welled up in Evelyn’s eyes as she bit her bottom lip to stop it from quivering, “D-Do I need to fly home? I-I think if I ask the company they’ll let me-.”
“Don’t you even think about it,” Her grandmother’s voice was soft yet firm, stopping Evelyn from speaking, “You stay there, I’ll be okay here Sweet Pea. The doctor is confident that we can keep it under control with treatment to ensure that I can keep on going like I always have been, okay?”
A single tear traveled down her cheek slowly as she sat in silence, the words from her grandmother sinking in one by one. Her grandmother has….cancer? Why now, why here, why at all? It felt like she was being hit with a thousand bricks all at once with this news.
“B-But you’ll be alone.”
“Sweet Pea, I’ve got plenty of support here,” Her grandmother reasoned with her. Her support system consisted only of her best friend, who Evelyn had grown to call Auntie June, living a few doors down from their house. Evelyn pulled the phone away briefly so she could choke back on a struggling to escape cry, not wanting to worry her grandmother anymore that she probably was. She always hated whenever Evelyn was upset at any point in time no matter what the situation was.
“It’s getting late out here Sweet Pea. It’s the weekend tomorrow right and then you’re off for a few days, I’ll give you a call then okay?” Evelyn could tell that her grandmother was getting tired from the yawning that she was struggling to hold onto, “I love you so much Sweet Pea, to the moon and back again.”
Evelyn hesitated, her bottom lip tucked in between her teeth as she nodded even though she knows that she wouldn’t be able to see it, “I love you too, to the moon and back again.” She managed to sniffle before her finger clicked the line dead and that’s when she dropped her head, clutching her phone to her chest.
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“Eunji, guess who I ran into coming out of the store-,” Chan’s laugh echoed around the stone wall but was cut short when he saw the state of Evelyn. She couldn’t bring herself to look up from where she was staring blankly at the ground when the cluster of boys rushed closer to the swing set. A figure was quick to crouch down in front of her and he hesitated before grabbing her hand in his much larger one.
“Eunji-ah, what’s wrong?” Seungcheol rubbed his thumb gently across the rough skin of her knuckles. She kept her gaze down at the dirt as a shallow breath got caught in her throat, another set of droplets fell from her eyes and splashed down onto the skirt of her uniform.
Seungcheol looked back at where Chan and Jun were off to the side with a slight frown, Chan clutched the grocery bag in his hands, moving his shoulders up into a shrug as the unsettling feeling started to set in. She was all happy and smiley before he had left and now it’s the complete opposite. Jun had moved forward until he was just behind Evelyn, a small touch to her back to let her know that he was there. He didn’t know her to the same lengths that Seungcheol or Chan did, but he cared for her just as much as he did his own members.
A moment of silence passed between the small group, the only sounds being made were those of passing by cars on the road or the subtle sniffles Evelyn was letting out trying her best not to break down. The three boys looked around at each other, Seungcheol looking down at his watch seeing that it was inching closer and closer towards practice time. He went against his brain telling them to start heading towards the company, deciding that this was way more important and he would take the heat later for all of them being late. It wasn’t until a quiet voice broke them out of the silence, bringing their attention back onto Evelyn.
“I wanna go home.”
Seungcheol readjusted the pressure on his knees from crouching, gripping her shaking hand a little tighter, “Eunji-ah? I can take you back to the dorm if-”
But she shook her head quickly, cutting Seungcheol off from speaking any further. Evelyn bit the inside of her cheek as she couldn’t hide the whimper in her voice any longer. The tears streamed freely down her cheeks as she looked up at him for the first time since he had arrived in front of her, watery brown eyes meeting his worried ones.
“I wanna go home Oppa,” Evelyn choked out a sob before falling off the swing and into Seungcheol’s arms, knocking him backwards onto the dirt. She wrapped her hands tightly around his torso before burying her face into the crease of his neck, tears soaking through his shirt. Seungcheol held onto her tight, sharing a look with his members full of concern and worry for what’s happened to her.
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jaelaxies · 10 months
𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞
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fluff; wc: 1 k.
Beomgyu x fem reader!; flower shop au! ; good sugary flower shower fluff; tw:none.
Song recommendation:  Starlight — Taeyeon ft Dean (why)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・
An old beige cardigan met a golden bomber jacket one day, who would’ve thought what could become of that fateful reunion?
Monday. First day of the weekend and without a second hand helping out here, it would also be the loneliest, but ever since Choi Beomgyu started working here part time; the flower shop has been feeling livelier and brighter than usual. It’s a no brainer why he is the favorite to some customers: he can bring a smile to everyone’s faces with a simple joke or even just by greeting you with his big smile; he really is like a blooming flower. I also enjoy his company: his shy but ambitious curiosity is quite the charm and on rainy days like this one, where you crave warmth and some fun…Here he is.
—Careful…— He said, as he placed a cup of freshly brewed tea in front of me. He preferred an expresso but he still made me some tea every single time as he placed his own beverage in front of him. — It’s still hot.
—Thanks, Beom. — It was normal for me to use nicknames on him, but I could never get enough of his expression every time I used one of them: his rose-tinted cheeks and cheeky smile, like he had just won the biggest award. He looked straight out of romance book. — How is your expresso today?
—Oh…— He looked at the cup and then rested his chin on his hand, like it was nothing. A slight hint of red still adorning the nape of his neck that got exposed when he moved— I decided to give tea a shot today… I wanted to taste it for myself before making this one for you.
—It’s delicious! — I said while carefully taking a sip, my chest was feeling funny… like someone was tickling me and I didn’t hate the feeling at all. It was just new. — You did this for…me?
—Why else would I do it?
This time he took a sip of his own cup and smiled for a second, shaking his head and making his chocolate locks move freely to cover some space of his neck and the white button up he had as a uniform. I could feel the small spark of something growing inside of my chest, but for now, all I did was smile with sealed lips and hummed in agreement. Not noticing the adoring stare he gifted me as he analyzed my now, strawberry colored cheeks.
Tuesdays were slow but fun; it was also days were Beomgyu would ask me to teach him the meaning of each flower we had and even in his free time, I found him taking little notes of what he had just learned. Because customer frenzy was in no show today, we could close thirty minutes earlier and work on arrangement requests from customers; he didn’t have to, but Beomgyu participated with a lot of enthusiasm, it energized me too. His little questions or his pout when something didn’t feel right for him, made the experience so much fun. Shoulder to shoulder we worked on arrangements trough the night; sometimes our hands would grace each other, fingers ghosting each other skin and we would just let it happen, ignoring how strong our hands desired to hold each other.
When grabbing a rose, he almost prickled his finger so I backed away and rummaged trough my purse, looking for my band aids; when I made sure every single finger was out of danger, he had pastel colored rings in all of his hands and we both let out a chuckle at how strange yet cool it looked; modeling like they were rings, I was almost crying at his antics but this time, he grabbed my hand carefully and put one of the pink colored band aids that matched with his, on one of my fingers; saying I also needed to be out of danger; still holding my hand, he gifted me a big smile with crinkled eyes that only carried joy in them… but how could I explain to him that once I felt his touch, I never wanted to let him go?
On that Thursday I finally gave in. I let my heart take over as we played some old songs to lift up the mood because we were jam packed with orders; to relieve some stress it was Beomgyu’ s idea to dance to the beat as we wanted to; I didn’t expect to be engulfed in his arms as he sweetly sang to me in my ear and we swayed to the music up until the point it was no longer necessary, because it only mattered that we were closer than ever, so much that I could hear his breathy laugh out of his chest and feel his warmth touch on my own collarbones as he wrapped his arms around me like a blanket and the echoing music became just a tune out of our own bubble.
Friday came in.
When I came into the store, the lights were out and there was no sight of him anywhere; just when I was about to lock everything, I noticed the faint dim light of the storage room creeping out on one of the edges of the door. I reached for the handle with a different type of adrenaline rushing trough my veins; when the door creaked open, Beomgyu turned around so fast I could only catch a glimpse of his notes all over the place and the flower arrangement he was working on.
—Wait, wait, wait! — He said while trying to hide it even though I was already smiling from ear to ear, so this is what he had been working on for hours long. It was a beautiful rose arrangement with red tulips, white camellias and baby’s breath to complete it all. — It’s not finished yet! It needs some touches here…
I didn’t let him finish, I threw myself in his embrace; wrapping my arms around his neck; he was quickly to catch me and hold my waist with ease, surprised by my sudden reaction he just stood there with a shy grin. — You sure fit perfectly in my arms.
—There’s no place I’d rather be, Gyu. — I locked my gaze with his until I felt him starting to come closer and closer and when our lips sealed a pact that was foretold since the beginning, I let myself be consumed by his sweet and caring kiss; now, these lips would be called my own and his arms became my own home. As he softly pecked my lips for the last time tonight; I made I promise with destiny to never let go of someone like Choi Beomgyu, ever.  
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Hello everyone!! (❁´◡`❁)
I'm back and with one of my favorite au's !! how i love a good flower shop fluffy au😭🤍
And this was one like made specially in mind for Beomgyu.. i had to ok he just fit perfectly in the story and also i really wanted to write again for him, it's pretty fun and i adore my boys so much
As always, feedback is really appreciated and I’ll love if you could reblog or comment if your really liked this one!
With love, *°࿐Stella🤍
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