#tag mini bang 2022
chenria · 2 years
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It’s the 16th... so we can post this, right? I’ve been waiting since May to finally be allowed to share this XD  My contribution to this years TAG Mini Bang ( @tagminibang2022 / @tagminibang ) I got assigned to illustrate one of @womble1′s great fanfics and there was so much to chose from and many brilliant fics! ♥ But that one scene totally brought an instant image to my mind, so I had to illustrate it after I read the little story called “Rest”.
In the sunken seating area, Scott was stretched out across a sofa, head propped up on a cushion, a book in one hand, legs crossed at the ankles.
“That's right little bro,” he [note: Gordon] crouched lower, draping an arm over Alan's shoulder and lowered his voice in his best nature programme voice over impression. “Here we see a very rare sight, for a while it has been thought to be extinct by several scientific communities, it’s a resting Scott Tracy”
Story: “Rest” by @womble1 
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jbarkerstargazer · 2 years
Inspired by @such-a-random-rambler story The Tux, I give you the man from TB2.
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Incase the link doesn't work the story can be found on ao3 under the author name WhatHaveWeDone.
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tippystreasurebox · 2 years
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TAG Mini Bang 2022 art for @gaviiadastra and her amazing AU
Such adorable farm boys XD
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whatgaviiformes · 2 years
Fic: We Tried the World
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Summary: “We tried the world... it wasn’t for us.” John invites a restless Gordon to visit him in Thunderbird Five while he's healing from his injuries. They talk.
Characters: John, Gordon, Virgil (StarFishTank)
Genre:  Hurt/Comfort, General, Family
Rating - T for boys being existential 
Word Count: 8K
For @tagminibang2022 @tagminibang​  and for @lenle-g​
A/N:  This takes place after the events of SOS, part 2.  This was written for TagMiniBang2022, and inspired by Len’s beautiful artwork of John here that will always be one of my favorites. I just hope this piece is ½ as evocative. I wanted to explore John in this artwork, but I also wanted to do the same thing for Gordon but with words. So this turned into 50% character study and 50% letting the boys in my head chat.  I’ve also been obsessed lately with how John and Gordon, though opposites in so many ways, are also the most alike in others. 
The title for this also comes from this artwork which appeared on my tumblr dash one day while I was still writing this, and it was so them I about cried over it. It’s also from a Hozier song called “Jackie and Wilson.”
Len, thank you for your wonderful contributions to this fandom. I hope you enjoy this. 
We Tried the World
Read on Ao3
Within a matter of minutes, his living situation has gone from solitude to chaos.
And it makes no sense.
Three PhD’s and a collection of master’s degrees to his name, and John admits to himself that perhaps it hadn’t been his best idea to invite a cooped up Gordon to join him in Thunderbird Five. He’s not above claiming possession by an outside force because that’s got to be the only logical explanation for suggesting such a thing.
He’s about to call Virgil back, remind him that it is still space and even though they could set the pressure to match the Island's better days, escaping the drop of barometric pressure of the Earth by visiting where there was no atmosphere at all is probably not his most informed decision.
If it's not enough, there's also the fact that John is busy up here. He can't monitor Gordon the same way Virgil can.
And, well, it's Gordon.
Science can only take him so far; and there’s no lab environment, no tests, no brain assessments, that can explain the enigma that is his younger brother.
What's he going to do with him here?
And that is the question isn't it? What he can offer is a bed and white noise and distance. In 24 hours maybe the storm will pass. Both the one called family and the one that's ripping the sky apart atop the villa.
So he waits and stops trying to re-analyze how they got here because what's done is done.
Gordon. On Thunderbird 5.
The cosmos isn't ready.
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lockuptherain · 2 years
My entry for the #tagminibang2022 is inspired by the artwork of @jbarkerstargazer which can be found at the end of the piece. Thanks to @tagminibang for setting this up. So, without further ado:
Roll Call
It had been, John reflected, one hell of a day. It was the sort of day that one couldn’t simply switch off from.
Heh he laughed at himself I’m starting to think like Penny.
After finally seeing his brothers safely home he’d found himself too wired to simply go to bed. The rehydrated meal hadn’t exactly hit the spot either and had left him feeling restless but, unusually for him, with the inability to focus on anything in particular.
EOS hadn’t understood. To her it was another successful mission, everybody returned safe and more or less sound. 
“International Rescue has performed at higher than expected levels” she’d said, confused. “Given the parameters, more people were successfully saved than models anticipated.”
She was so very young.
How could he explain to her that it wasn’t the close call Gordon had, or the shock Alan had faced or even that if Virgil had been even slightly less strong then it all would have gone horribly wrong? The problem was Scott. Scott had blindsided him, appearing on the comm with the little baby girl tucked under his arm. It shouldn’t have gotten to him. International Rescue saved children just like they saved adults. Of course they did. Saving babies was rarer, but John had seen each of his brothers with a youngster or two. He’d even pulled a six month old from the rubble of an old farm house after the twister in Oklahoma.
Perhaps he should have tried to explain, he mused some hours later, instead of blowing EOS’ confusion off. But instead of facing up to the memories and, worse still, the feelings that Scott and the little baby produced, he’d instead opted for a comfort he seldom, if ever, allowed himself on the space station; a long shower, lots of chocolate, his favourite book and, finally, most importantly, normal clothes.
Now he reclined on a long shelf in the gravity wheel, his right hand side pressed against the reinforced glass, as close as he could physically get to the velvet void beyond. With his paperback resting comfortably on his chest he finally felt the inner turmoil ease. Here, in his own personal safe haven, he allowed himself to remember, and for EOS sake, he started speaking out loud.
“It’s been a long time since I last saw Scott with someone so little” he said. Over his shoulder a camera ran quietly along its rail, signifying that EOS was listening. “But, at one point, it was every day. Scott was only ten when our mother died, but Alan was just a baby.”
He could see it clearly in his minds eye. Around him Thunderbird Five faded away to be replaced by the family homestead. Outside the kitchen window rain hammered down, unleashed from heavy dark clouds that had turned the afternoon into a dark and dingy affair. Inside the kitchen John’s only elder brother sat at the table focusing intently on his mathletics homework.
“I know this will be a difficult concept for you EOS but when you’re only nine, your ten year old brother is so much older than you are. We all looked up to Scott, after we lost mom, and I’m ashamed to say it took me longer than I’d like to take on my share of the responsibility. But, at that time, I thought Scott had it all sorted.”
In his mind’s eye the rain worsened and a sudden flash lit up the usually cosy kitchen. Scott and John both looked to the window, each counting before a loud boom rent the air. John jumped, instinctively looking for mom who would tell him that everything was alright; it was just a storm. But, of course, she wasn’t there. Dad was in his office and had told Scott he was not to be disturbed.
“It’s okay Johnny” Scott said. “Just a bit of noise is all.” Another thunderclap sallied forth and John bit his lip. Scott was right, it was just a bit of noise and noise couldn’t hurt you. Upstairs the baby started crying having been rudely awoken from his nap by the terrible sound. Scott didn’t leap up in a panic though. Like it was a completely natural, everyday occurrence, he turned his tablet off and put it aside.
“Hey, can you check on Virgil for me?” He asked. “Maybe prise him away from the window and make sure it’s shut this time?” This made John smile a bit. The last time a storm this big had rolled though Virgil had only been about four and instead of being scared by the storm he’d been fascinated by it. Mom had thought he’d slept through it, only to find her little guy soaked through and almost hanging out his bedroom window. 
At John’s nod Scott left and made his way calmly up to the nursery and a terrified young baby. John didn’t see him again till much later that evening. The storm was still roiling outside and John had just convinced Gordon to go to bed - there was no point with Virgil, he’d be up until the storm died down or he’d put himself to bed if he got tired enough. Little came between him and sleep.
John wandered back to his own room, scolding himself for jumping at the latest boom. Once there he quickly hid under the covers (because it was cold, of course, not because of the storm). A short time later his door cracked open and Scott came in, little Alan balanced under one arm.
“See Allie? John’s not scared of the storm. He’s gone to bed like a good boy. And you saw Gordon, he’s also in bed like a good boy. Shall we check on Virgil now? I bet he’s not scared either” and with that they turned to go, Scott softly pulling the door closed behind them.
John forgot all about it until the next big storm when the same thing happened again. It happened the storm after that too and the one following.
“It became their thing” John explained to his young AI. “Every time there was a big storm, or a power outage or even if more than one of us were sick, Scott would pick Alan up and they’d go round checking their brothers weren’t scared. Alan even carried on once Scott joined USAF, though by that time Alan had to be real careful about just walking into his older brothers rooms in the dead of night unannounced” John laughed. “I guess he finally grew out of it.”
“But I don’t understand, John” the AI said, sounding confused. John new that, whilst her response was instantaneous for him, for EOS she’d held a long pause as she’d thought about what he’d said. “What does that have to do with today?”
John sighed internally, trying to put his feelings into a form the AI would understand.
“I wasn’t expecting it, I suppose” he said. “Seeing the little girl and seeing how Scott just carried on reminded me so sharply of those storms.”
“You were unprepared for the reminiscence” she said, somewhere between a question and a statement.
“I was” John confirmed. Slowly he sat up, dislodging his book and the old photograph he used as a bookmark. He fingered the image carefully so as not to damage it more than age already had. It showed himself and his brothers on a a rare camping trip. They weren’t lined up or smiling for the camera. It was something their father had snapped, capturing a moment. He could just make out himself, up in the beaches of a tree, nose buried in a book. In the background Virgil was chasing Gordon - John didn’t remember why. But the main focus of the photo was a thirteen-year-old Scott with three-year-old Alan tucked under one arm. In Scott’s other hand was a large leaf which is was holding up for Alan to look at.
“ I have prepared the space elevator for you, John” EOS said. John smiled, she may be young but sometimes she was also very astute.
“Thank you EOS” he said. “I think a freshly made breakfast is something we’d all enjoy after that call-out.” 
Thinking only of the best way to whip up pancake batter John descended back to Earth, to his own bed and a surprise for his brothers.
Four months later International Rescue was grounded as a tropical storm swept over Tracy Island. Up in low orbit a subroutine installed by EOS alerted her to late night movement in the house occupied by her father’s family. Quickly she dove through the Ethernet and jumped from camera to camera. There she saw Alan Tracy emerge from his room and move to that of Gordon Tracy. A quick scan proved Gordon to be asleep, something that the youngest member of the family quickly ascertained for himself before moving on to the next eldest brother. Outside Virgil Tracy’s door Alan paused. The door opened from the inside and the eldest Tracy stepped through. Scott and Alan didn’t exchange a word. As EOS watched, Scott slung an arm around Alan’s shoulders and they moved on to the room belonging to Grandma Tracy. EOS followed them as they checked on each family member together before heading to the kitchen. She thought for a moment and then, on the nearest monitor, offered up a live image of a sleeping John so that all members of the family could be properly accounted for.
Down on the island Alan nudge Scott as he noticed John’s image. The eldest brother turned from measuring out coco powder and smiled.
“Thanks EOS” he said. “Another storm and other roll call completed.”
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I was hounoured to write fic for the art of the brilliant @tsarinatorment It was a tough choice, and I started and discarded several things, but I hope you like this little snippet based on this amazing art
https://www.deviantart.com/tsarinatorment/art/Sleepy-Scott-883933811 Thank you @tagminibang2022 @tagminibang for organising!
contains minor unspecified whump 
Scott cracks his dry, gritty eyes open once again, pinching his palm to try and stake awake. There is a flash of alertness before his eyes grow heavy again and his mind starts to drift. He’s been sitting by the bed for close to eighteen hours now, and that was after a full shift, and he’d been reviewing the TI year end reports before that – he didn’t even want to think how long he’d been awake. He’s too tired to think, too tired even to yawn, tired enough that he could probably sleep twelve hours sitting bolt upright.  
Not yet though. Not until his brother has woken up.  
There is a soft sigh from the doorway that jerks Scott from that tempting cushion of half sleep. 
“I thought I told you to get some rest.” Virgil scolds him, walking softly into the room. He checks the monitors, runs a hand through their brother’s hair. He finds nothing amiss, turning the full power of his slightly sad eyes on to Scott. “You look worse than him.” he jerks his head to the still figure in the bed. 
“Ha. Ha.” Scott blinks rapidly a few times against the graininess in the corners of his eyes. He would cross his arms but consideration for the deep bruising across his chest prevents that. He caught only a minor blow, barely worth talking about really, and almost completely hidden by one of Virgil's spare shirts he’d snagged to change into. 
“I’m absolutely serious. You are doing no good sitting here and he’s going to be out for another six hours at least.” Virgil squats down, looking up at Scott instead of towering over him and laying a hand on his wrist. It takes a moment for him to clock that Virgil is taking his pulse. 
“Don’t do that.” Scott snatches his hand back. “It’s not me you should be worried about, he’s the one that -” 
“He’s the one that has several CCG’s, ECG’s and xrays. He’s only asleep because of the sedative. He will fine and only need bed rest for a few days.” Virgil raises an eyebrow. “Do I need to tell you again the consequences of sleep deprivation? I can you know, they’re fresh in my mind, I’ve had the same conversation with John today.” 
Scott’s thoughts are slow as molasses, his eyes drooping, but he catches that. “What? He’s not been taking his downtime again?” 
With a deep sigh and an eyeroll Virgil says “I’ve dealt with it.” 
“Maybe I should - “ 
“How about you review what sleep he’s logged.” Virgil materialises a data pad from somewhere and forces it into Scott’s hands. “While I go see if Grandma wants a coffee.” 
Scott didn’t notice Virgil leave, he was focusing so intently on the screen. Trying to focus. Failing to focus, the disturbingly small numbers in the ‘sleep hours’ column blurring and dancing. He needed to check though. Needed to take care of them. Needed to -  

When Virgil slips back into the room fifteen minutes later Scott is slumped back in the chair, hand dangling and datapad fallen on the floor. He allows himself a small satisfied smile. Scott could never resist the lure of checking up on his brothers, but he never found numbers interesting. He places the pad silently on a table and with one hand under his knees and one behind his back scoops Scott up. Virgil is incredibly grateful there’s not even a murmur of protest; while he’s quite capable of carrying any of his brothers a fair distance if needed, it’s much easier when they don’t wriggle.  
Virgil’d prepared for this so when he reached Scott’s room the lights are already dimmed, the blankets thrown back and the white noise machine filling the room with static. Dumping Scott in the bed and pulling up the covers is managed with ease and unfortunately much practice.  
He shakes his head at the injury just poking from underneath his own flannel. Virgil made sure there was always a couple of his old shirts in the changing rooms – it was very revealing how often one of his brothers would go for his baggy, soft clothing rather than their own. And it was only when they thought they were hiding something. The injury wasn’t serious enough to need urgent treatment, but he’d keep an eye on it, just like always. 
Virgil makes a silent promise to wake Scott in eight hours, make him shower and eat a full breakfast before he allowing him back into that room. The house will have that much peace, at least. 

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alexthefly · 2 years
Under the Painted Sky
This one is for @jbarkerstargazer , inspired by these wonderful drawings of John on a rooftop. They're all gorgeous, so I really hope you like this bit of nonsense they inspired. 😊
Part of @tagminibang2022 .
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Or read it on AO3
The air was warm and full of the sound of rustling wheat.
John blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes as he returned to the world. He’d only meant to read a chapter or two, but the book was a good one - an old favourite - and so the late afternoon light had faded to dusk without him noticing. Now the sun hung low in the sky, and the telephone poles dotted along the landscape cast long shadows across the fields. Over behind the barn, an occasional caw from the big oak tree was now the only sign of the crows he remembered flocking above him about forty pages ago.
He pinched his nose with his fingers, trying to relieve the tension in his eye muscles. He must have been squinting for quite some time without realising it, straining his eyes against the dying of the light.
The sun had not quite dipped entirely below the horizon yet though, and so glancing westwards he was treated to a glorious display of colour across the heavens. Reds, oranges, golds… Letting the hand holding his book drop across him, he reclined back against the pitched farmhouse roof, arm behind his head, and took a moment to let his mind wander as he watched the warm, changing hues gradually creep across the evening sky.
His hair, his baldric, the solar panels on Five…
It seemed strange to him how he could simultaneously think of all these different colours as separate associations, moods, entities, and yet at the same time his physicist brain told him that it was all exactly the same light, filtered through a varying volume of atmospheric particles as the sun’s relative position moved from vertical to horizontal. The rays of light currently spilling fire across the sky were precisely the same rays that glowed blue over the Earth’s horizon several times a day when he was back on Five. Nothing different about it. And yet…
And yet.
For not much reason at all he felt the sudden urge to call Virgil. Stupid - Virgil was at home on the other side of the world, probably elbow-deep in something oily and cahelium-based - but he somehow had an instinct that his artist-come-engineer brother would understand this feeling in a way that the others probably wouldn’t.
The beauty in the science.
He sighed. He should probably go downstairs and have something to eat, and perhaps a nap before the meteor shower started in earnest. (Another thing his physicist brain took issue with; the shower was already in progress - had been for several days - it’s just that the Earth hadn’t spun around quite enough for him to see it yet.)
Napping now would be the most sensible thing to do, but he already knew that he wouldn’t. Deep inside him, his ten-year-old self was hopping up and down like a cricket in a jar: It was Perseids Night; who could sleep?!
A blond head poked out from the upstairs window.
“Hey Johnny, are you still up there, or did you fall off already?”
A quiet chuckle. Right on cue, Allie.
If anybody could sleep through the Perseids, Alan Tracy could. Hell, a chunk of meteorite could literally fall through the house and onto his pillow and he would probably be none the wiser. In fact Alan had already conked out once today, on the sofa right after lunch, although John was generous enough to blame the change in timezones for that one.
His baby brother was just lucky it was only the two of them at the farm for the shower, or else he might have woken up to find Gordon had dyed his hair blue …again.
“I’m still here Allie," John replied, "no safety net required. And don’t call me Johnny,” he added, although he knew it was pointless. Alan and Gordon loved to tease him with that name, and truth be told he didn’t even really mind it any more, it had been so long; the whole thing was more ritual now than anything.
“So are you actually planning on coming up to watch, or did you travel a whole hemisphere just to stay down there all night?”
Alan rolled his eyes. "I'll be there in a minute,” he said. “D'you want me to bring anything up with me? Are you cold? I could bring blankets?”
“That depends. Are you asking for me, or so you can make a nest and fall asleep up here too?”
A baby-faced pout. "Ha ha, hilarious(!) Y'know, one day I’m gonna…" But whatever the rest of that sentence was was rendered unintelligible by an absolutely massive yawn.
John’s lips twitched. “...An excellent point(!)”
Alan looked so much like Scott when he scowled.
John’s face split into a grin. “Come on, Rip Van Winkle, get up here before you miss the show.” Then as an afterthought, “Bring some snacks too.”
There were some scuffling noises (and perhaps the odd word that Grandma wouldn’t approve of) and then his little brother was beside him, holding two large sheet pans.
“I’ll do you one better; I made pizza!” He deflated slightly. “I mean, it’s only frozen, but I figured-”
John smiled warmly. “It’s perfect, Allie.”
The next few minutes were a flurry of slice-grabbing, butt-shuffling and general getting comfortable. By the time they both finally lay back side by side, eyes raised once again to the skies, the sun had ducked down below the treeline, and all the hot colours from before had mellowed into a more delicate, pastel rainbow of purple and rose pink.
“Wow. Pretty," breathed Alan.
John smiled. “Yeah," he said, "Earth’s still pretty amazing sometimes, despite the gravity.”
“Oh yeah? So we haven’t quite lost you to Five yet then?”
John raised an eyebrow and Alan flailed.
“I mean, not ‘lost you’ lost you, but what I mean is-”
“I know what you meant, Allie.” John put a reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder. “And you don’t have to worry. I love being on Five, wouldn’t change it for the world, but down here with you guys will always be home to me.”
In the dimming light, Alan’s eyes glistened.
John cleared his throat.
“And anyway, there’s things I can see here that I can’t see anywhere else. Like tonight for example. Dirtside is the best seat in the house for a meteor shower. And then there’s this.” He motioned towards the glowing pastel sky.
It really was beautiful.
"Actually,” he added slowly, “this is one of my favourite times to be on Earth, when the sky’s like this."
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. The colours are…” He struggled for the right word.
“Right. 'Cos lavender’s your favourite, right?”
John frowned.
“What makes you say that?”
He’d always told people it was gold.
“Your favourite bedspread,” shrugged Alan. “And the mug you like your tea in when you're sick. You always choose lavender when you want to be cosy."
Damn, the kid was observant.
Silence blossomed as a wash of thoughts and feelings flooded John’s brain, threatening to overwhelm him. Nostalgia, happiness, comfort, sorrow… Ever the scientist, he took his time to analyse each one, turning them over and over in his mind, distilling them down into one word:
He breathed.
“You alright?” asked Alan quietly, worried.
He could feel his brother watching him. “About...?”
John ran his hand through his hair, finding words. “Not thinking, really. Remembering. Before you were born; back when it was just Scott, Virgil and me. Dad was away a lot of the time. Space, Mars… y’know?”
Alan nodded.
“Mom did her best, but I was so little, I didn’t understand where Dad had gone. Scott says I wouldn’t sleep back then, that I used to cry a lot, but I don’t really remember any of that. I just remember things feeling…wrong,” he finished lamely.
“Then one evening, a lot like this one, Mom took me outside to look at the sky. She said that Dad was up there, playing with the stars, and that if we looked really carefully, we might see him waving.”
He chuckled softly.
“It was a silly thing, but I believed it. So we went outside in the yard to wait for the stars to come out.”
He sighed.
“It wasn’t cold, but Mom brought a blanket anyway to wrap me up close to her. I remember her warmth, and the smell coming from Mom’s roses by the porch - she loved roses, pink ones especially - and the rustling from the fields, and the colour of that sky. I remember looking up at it and thinking that, just maybe, if Dad really was there amongst the stars, then perhaps he had painted those colours just for us; pink for Mom, and purple for me.
“We probably weren’t actually out there all that long, but it felt like we waited forever to see that first star. But eventually there it was, twinkling away at us. In hindsight it probably wasn’t a star at all - it was probably Venus - but we waved at it anyway, and sent our love to Dad by it.”
He looked over at Alan, who was watching him intently, taking in every word.
“That was the first time I ever went stargazing. After that, Mom and I would often go outside before bedtime so I could say goodnight to Dad. Once in a while I even caught her out there by herself, talking to him, telling him about her day.”
For a moment he couldn’t speak, lost in the image. It felt private to think about, like he was… intruding somehow. He rubbed his eyes, clearing the image, returning to the present. A breath.
“And then Dad came home and things went back to normal. He stayed down here and started Tracy Industries, and I didn’t have to wave to him anymore. But I kept looking up; looking for stars. I never stopped.”
John smiled at his baby brother.
“And then of course you came along, and I had someone else to look at them with.”
Alan returned the smile with a grin of his own, bright in the semi-darkness.
“Nowhere else I’d rather be,” he said, his voice just a little bit raw.
Seconds passed. The wheat fields breathed in the breeze.
“But then,” said Alan, a small frown developing on his brow, “why do you tell everyone that your favourite colour is gold? Where did that come from?”
John laughed. That bit was easy.
“When I first moved up to Five, I wanted to keep something that would remind me of home. Something to keep me grounded, here, on Earth. So I chose gold.”
Alan’s head tilted, quizzical; puppy-like.
“Gold is warm,” explained John. “It’s wheat fields and tropical sands. It’s summer sunshine.”
He smiled gently.
“It’s you guys.”
There was a beat, and then all the air suddenly left John’s lungs as a not-so-tiny brother launched himself into his chest.
“Woah! Allie…” he wheezed as Alan threatened to squeeze the life out of him.
Alan just held on tight.
John smiled.
“...I love you too.”
Far up above them, in the light of the dying sunset, the first shooting star of the night streaked its way across a pink and purple sky.
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tagminibang · 2 years
Thank you all so much!
I know we've still got some more amazing work trickling in and I just want to thank everyone for participating this year!
We went a different route than 2021 and I believe it was a little less stressful?
I'm hoping to do this again next year, but I will always encourge everyone to find inspiration through each other!
If you see a piece of art you love, write a fic for it! Read a fic and get an image in your head, draw it!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Virgil Tracy, Gordon Tracy Additional Tags: Brotherly Bonding, Tag Mini Bang 2022 Series: Part 9 of Fluff Standalones, Part 5 of Tumblr Writing Prompt Challenges Summary:
Gordon and Virgil are just finishing a rescue. Gordon wants to make a quick pit stop. Can he convince Virgil to let him?
Written as a part of the Tag Mini Bang 2022. I was paired with the lovely @godsliltippy/ @tippystreasurebox. Go check out all of her stuff!!!
This particular story was inspired by an image found here.
Tag List: @thundergeek59, @the-original-sineater, @dragonoffantasyandreality,  @janetm74, @gumnut-logic, @tagminibang, @tagminibang2022
“Viiiiiirrrggg…” Virgil rolled his eyes as he stooped to pick the heavy first aid module off the floor of Thunderbird two. He’d only needed a few things from it this time to treat Gordon and he counted that as a win.
The rescue had gone swimmingly, and Virgil gave an internal chuckle as he thought it to himself. Gordon had been the star of the rescue with the captain and crew of a boat that had capsized He’d swam into the rough waters to get the men and women that were desperately trying to stay afloat. Virgil had tended to what he could in the belly of two before taking them all to the nearest hospital for wellness checks and treatment of minor injuries.
He'd had to sit Gordon down when they dropped the crew off and force him to hold still long enough to treat a few cuts and scrapes he had somehow acquired in all of the excitement. Gordon had chattered endlessly in a mix of his excitement of a rescue gone well and the adrenaline still coursing through him. There was at least one moment where Virgil had considered slapping a band-aid over his brother’s mouth just for a moment of blessed silence, but he was far too happy that he’d come out of it with little to show in terms of injuries that the thought was quickly discarded.
“Come on, pleeeeeeeeeeeease?” Gordon wheedled as Virgil made his way back to the area of two where the first aid kit belonged.
“Gordon, there are two major problems with your plan,” Virgil said as he hefted the module. Instinctively Gordon moved to lock it into place for his brother.
“Do tell,” Gordon said. Virgil brushed off his hands and held up a finger.
“One. You have way too much energy right now. I’m not exacerbating the problem by stopping to get you ice cream because it’s only me that’s going to have to deal with you on the flight home,” Virgil said. Gordon folded his arms.
“Ok. But…isn’t that a little subjective?” Gordon asked. Virgil opened his mouth but Gordon continued on. “I mean, I could say that I don’t have enough energy.” Virgil paused as if considering it, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“I mean, you could say that.” There was a glint of hope in Gordon’s eye. “You’d be wrong. But let’s say I did agree with you and your energy level isn’t a factor. My girl is just too big. She can’t get through a drive thru.”
“Awwww come on,” Gordon said. “You can park her in the parking lot and we can go inside, grab the cones and skedaddle.”
“Did you just use the word skedaddle in a sentence?” Virgil asked. Gordon brushed away the question.
“Details,” he said. “Come on…they just released a new flavor this month and I’ve tried all the other ones. It’s a limited run!” Virgil let out a deep sigh.
“If we get ice cream, you aren’t going to eat your dinner,” Virgil said, remembering not for the first time how much he sounded like a mother when it came to his younger brothers. Gordon raised an eyebrow at him.
“Virg…Scott’s been tied up with that business meeting in Kyoto. You’ve been out here with me. John’s still doing clean up and is probably just going to have a bagel when things calm down. Kayo is attending that gala thing with Lady Penelope. That leaves Alan and Grandma as our choices for making dinner,” Gordon said. Virgil grimaced slightly. Alan cooked about as well as a teen boy could be expected to cook, doing very well things like burgers or chicken tenders, but his repertoire was limited. As for Grandma’s cooking…well…he valued his stomach lining a bit too much to chance it.
“Ok…you win,” Virgil said. Gordon pumped a fist in the air.
“Awwwwwww yisss!” he said. Virgil pointed a finger at him.
“But you’re getting something else beside ice cream. Dinner first, then dessert.” Gordon grinned.
“Whatever you say, Virg!”
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mrmustachious · 2 years
@tagminibang // @tagminibang2022
For @seathesilverlinings
Based on this amazing piece of art!
I saw the words ‘sos part 2′ and you know I had to run with it. I hope you like it! It was my first time writing a fic just between these two lovely ladies.
By the time Penelope left the room, Gordon was already falling back to sleep. He didn't even put up a protest when she left, which was a clear sign of how exhausted he was. He had been through a lot.
Penelope took a deep breath and blinked before the tears that had been building over the past few hours could spill. He was okay. She knew he was okay. He was in the best place he could be right now, and the worst of it was over.
Penelope startled, and snapped her head towards the voice. She had thought everyone had left. It wouldn't be a surprise to find that everyone was lingering just outside Gordon's room, but with Grandma Tracy there, she would make sure they all left to get some rest.
However, it wasn't Gordon's brothers or his Grandma who was walking towards her. It was Kayo.
"Hi," Penelope replied as she closed the gap between them. It meant that she could step a little further away from Gordon's room and the pain it brought. "Where are the boys?"
"Grandma Tracy made sure they all went back to Thunderbird 2. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if they were still sitting on the landing pad, not wanting to leave." Kayo had a fond smile on her face, and Penelope could imagine it. None of those boys wanted to be away from each other when one of them was hurt.
"Are you not going with them?"
"I came over in Shadow. I do need to head back to the island, but first I wanted to see how you were."
"Me?" Penelope straightened, crossing her arms. "I'm fine. I wasn't the one who was-"
She broke off as her mind was assaulted by the memories of what she saw, buried under the burning rocks.
She didn't realise she was crying again until a hand landed on her arm and she found her vision swam with tears. There weren't many people she let see her cry, but Kayo was one of them. Which was why she didn't try to hide the way she wiped the tears from her eyes.
Kayo still had a grip on her arm, and she waited patiently until Penelope could look at her again, her vision clearer.
"He's going to be okay. He's even already cracking jokes," Kayo tried to reassure her, but Penelope couldn't get the image of him in that bed out of her head.
"He looked so broken," she muttered without even meaning to. She didn't think she would forget what it was like in the back of FAB 1, when she cradled his head in her lap.
"Hey." Kayo stepped forward and laid both her hands on Penelope's shoulders and gave them a squeeze. It grounded her, and stopped her thoughts from spiralling further. "When has Gordon ever let anything like this get him down?"
Penelope tried to think, but honestly she knew Kayo was right. Any tough situation Gordon had been through, he'd always come out on the other side stronger than before.
"You're right." Penelope nodded, and wiped away the dregs of her tears as they finally stopped spilling.
"I always am," Kayo smiled, but then it fell into a frown a moment later.
"What is it?" Penelope felt her heart rate start to quicken, like Kayo suddenly knew something terrible that she didn't. 
"My uncle." That frown quickly turned into a scowl, and she shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe he would do something like this. I knew he was a terrible man, but I didn't really think he could hurt someone like that. I should have known better."
"No, I am not letting you do this." Now it was Penelope's turn to comfort the other woman. She put her hands on Kayo's arms, whilst the other woman was still holding her shoulders.
The movement seemed to surprise her, like she had been getting lost in her thoughts just like Penelope had done a moment ago. Kayo darted her gaze up to meet Penelope's after it had drifted to the floor.
"We are not going to let the actions of one person make us feel like this. You are not blaming yourself, and Gordon will get better." Suddenly, Penelope finally felt like she could believe Kayo's words from before. Gordon will be okay, and so will they.
Abruptly, Kayo pulled her into a tight hug. Penelope didn't even hold back as she rested her head on Kayo's shoulder and wrapped her arms around the woman, who did the same to her. They held each other for a long moment, which was long enough for them each to compose themselves.
At this point, Penelope didn't know who the hug was for more. She remembered Kayo's words, Gordon would get through this, and she hoped that Kayo had listened to her too.
"We will get him," Kayo whispered, and Penelope couldn't tell if she was saying it to her, or herself. Either way, Penelope couldn't agree more.
"We will."
A fire churned inside her where there was once pain and upset. Now more than ever she wanted to take the Hood down, and she knew they would both take immense joy in that when it happened.
Eventually, they pulled apart and when they did, Penelope saw the beginnings of tears brimming in Kayo's eyes. They were quickly wiped away, and replaced by the smile that Penelope had seen before.
"So," Kayo looped her arm around Penelope's as they turned towards the hospital's exit. They had had enough emotional talk for the day, and it was time for a topic change. "When are you going to ask him out?"
"What?" Penelope stopped in her tracks and forced Kayo to do so too. She shook the shock off quickly and started to walk again before it could be questioned. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Okay, we both know you can lie better than that," Kayo laughed, and Penelope felt her cheeks heat up. "I know you like him. What was that back there? You were in there a little while." Kayo pointed her thumb over her shoulder, in the direction of Gordon's room.
"I just offered him tea, and he said thank you for today. It wasn't anything special."
"Right." Kayo drawled out the word for a long moment, and Penelope's face flushed even more. She couldn't even look at her anymore. "You know he likes you too, right?"
She did. Well, she didn't know completely because he had never actually said it, but she had suspected it. Even if he had never said those words exactly, he had made it pretty obvious, and so had the rest of his family. Even Parker had pointed it out to her, but she was never going to fully believe it. Not until it came from Gordon.
"I can't do anything about it now. He needs to recover." She knew they were just excuses. There were always excuses that she could come up with to avoid her feelings. "After, when he gets better. Then I will..."
Tell him? Ask him out? Avoid the situation even further? Bury her feelings to never think of them again? Even Penelope was annoyed with herself.
"When he's better, you're making a move," Kayo finished for her. "I don't care what it is, or how little it is, but you need to do this. For yourself, because you can't bottle up these feelings forever. Also for my benefit, because there's only so much moping from him that I can take."
Penelope couldn't help but laugh. What Kayo was suggesting was a scary thought, but she had time to wrap her head around the idea. And if she found she couldn't act upon her feelings, then she could always start with tea.
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jbarkerstargazer · 2 years
For @such-a-random-rambler story As Above, So Below I make a front cover. 😁
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This story can be read in several ways. I read it as it appeared on ao3 and was dragged right in.
If the link doesn't work, if can be found on ao3 under the author name WhatHaveWeDone.
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tippystreasurebox · 2 years
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TAG Mini Bang 2022 art for @the-original-sineater for their Legends Never Die AU that I love and hopefully did a decent job on the outfits for XD
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badartmada · 2 years
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for the @starspangledbigbang
my art piece for @sing-the-beginning-of-moana fic: I Didn't Think There Could Be Another Captain America Until I Met You.
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mysterygrl20 · 6 months
My Top 9 albums of 2023
I got tagged by @blmpff. thank you 💕
I listen to mainly kpop. So i guess this is my favorite kpop albums of 2023. And my spotify is heavily tied to stationhead for listening parties so it's very biased and unreliable.
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First off: Ateez and their 3 EPs they released this year stole my heart and overtook SKZ.
Halazia from Ateez's Spin off: From the Witness was a mini EP. This started my year as they literally released it Dec. 30, 2022 so I didn't add the album cover up there in the top 9. I was also still lowkey freaking out as I had got to see them in concert Nov. 2022 and they had Xikers (pre-debut) perform with them. And I watched this music video way too many times.
1. Outlaw - Ateez. This is a no skip album. I love every single one of these. Don't make me choose a favorite.
2. The World EP.FIN: Will - Ateez. I picked one of my favorite group songs off this but their unit songs are amazing: Everything- Jongho and IT's You (Yeosang, San, Wooyoung)
3. Dual - The Rose. I got to see them TWICE this year: Sept & Oct. 2023 and had a BLAST. This album is amazing. Also I really liked the album cover.
4. Rockstar - Stray Kids. Another no skip album. I got to see SKZ in March 2023 for their Maniac tour. And Mr. Bang keeps me delulu on Bubble.
5. 5-STAR - Stray Kids. [hehe fitting] Another no skip album. My number one song was obviously S-Class. Superbowl shook me to my core. And then they made me cry with Youtiful.
6. Deadlock - Xdinary Heroes. They spelled out FUCK YOU in their title song Freakin' Bad.
7. The Name Chapter: Temptation - Tomorrow x Together. I saw TXT in May 2023... It's an EP of 5 great songs.
8. Dark Blood - Enhypen. My vampires. I literally made a BL gifset to the lyrics of their song Bite Me. Another favorite: Chaconne.
9. House of Tricky: Doorbell Ringing - Xikers (and also their other EP: How to Play) I got to shanty (Tricky House) with them pre-debut. I love their concept too. Also Tricky House some how made it in my top 15 songs for 2023.
Honorable Mention:
FML- Seventeen. There's just something about this album I like.
The Name Chapter: Freefall - TXT. Solely for Blue Spring being on it.
SKZ Replay: I also hold this close to my heart as it was a christmas gift from Stray Kids in 2022. So it feels more like a 2023 album. It also has the most whiplash between songs.
Single: Dum Dum - Jeff Satur (and also Steal the Show) but also Macarena - Blitzers and Baggy Jeans - NCT U [which they also added to an album] and the eurovision winner Cha Cha Cha - Käärijä.
or title tracks like: Shalala by Taeyong or Guilty by Taemin that I want to include for reasons.
Favorite OST from 2023: Let's Try from OFTS. I listened to this every Friday waiting for the new episode to be released. And it should have made it into my spotify 2023 playlist. I almost picked MSP's cover of Tilly Bird's Just Being Friendly.
Tagging but no pressure @trashlie, @thatdamngoodlookingbutterfly, @quadruple-agent, @theteatimechronicles @tinytalkingtina @theelast-straw @aceoflights and anyone else who wants to join in.
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dunefandomhub · 4 months
Welcome to Dune Fandom HUB
This page is dedicating to the running of fun and engaging events within the Dune Fandom!
Every year we host the Dune Mini Bang Event as well as several smaller challenges.
Dune Fandom Events Discord Server 18+ only!
Dune Mini Bang 2022 AO3 Collection
Dune Mini Bang 2023 AO3 Collection
Dune Fest 2024 Collection
Duneverse Prompt Meme Collection
Current Events
Dune Mini Bang Sign Up - Writer and Artist Sign Up is now CLOSED.
Sneak Peaks will go live in August! Posting is in September!
Upcoming Events
Autumn Mini Challenge - October 25th to October 31st
Holiday Prompt Exchange - December 14th to December 31st
Tentatively Duneverse E-Zine - 2025
Fic Rec Lists
March 22nd - Atreidaho
March 29th - Feyd X Reader
April 5th - Leto x Jessica
April 12th - Chani x Irulan
April 19th - Feyd x Paul
May 3rd - Mini Bang 2022
May 10th - Mini Bang 2023
May 31st - Paul x Chani
Please feel free to tag this account whenever you post Dune content! Fic, drawings, gifs, moodboards etc... we are happy to spread all the Dune love!
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lcv3lies · 1 year
YOUNGLUV.COM 𓂋 ᧔ enhaha ᧓
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SYNOPSIS ✶ seol yn, member of NEWJEANS runs a popular fan account for ENHYPEN member sim jaeyun. what happens when yn attracts his fellow member, park sunghoon, who’s had a crush on her after seeing her for the first time in a cafe?
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PARK SUNGHOON ( iceprince ) 🐧 021208
— istj , korean , visual , dancer , vocalist
introverted ex mubank mc. ranked 6th on survival show i-land. a hopeless romantic, falls quick and hard!! sees yn for the first time and is instantly in love. he used to be a professional figure skater, which earned him the nickname “ice prince.” he was chosen to be a music bank host alongside with jang wonyoung, and had his last broadcast september 2. 2022.
YANG JUNGWON ( leaderwon ) 🐈‍⬛ 040209
— istj, korean , leader , vocalist , dancer , rapper.
leader jungwon!! ranked 1st in i-land. has an obsession with his pet dog maeumi and will post him whenever and wherever he can! knows taekwondo. jungwon is definitely an all rounder!
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LEE HEESEUNG ( hybeprincefrfr ) 🦌 011015
— istp , korean , center , vocalist , dancer , rapper
ranked 5th on i-land, vocal king heeseung will captivate you with his amazing voice. has an addiction to ramyeon and will eat it anytime he can with jake. is friends with tons of idols in the industry, and is a fan of newjeans!
PARK JONGSEONG ( jongseong ) 🦅 020420
— intp , korean - american , vocalist , dancer , rapper
ranked second in i-land. born in seattle, but lived to korea at age 9. jay is an amazing cook and takes so much pride in it. he also loves fashion. he always looks very expensive and put together, definitely sporting something luxury on him somewhere. he also always smells really really good?
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SIM JAEYUN ( jayla4lyfe ) 🦮 021115
— istj , korean - australian , vocalist , dancer , rapper
born in south korea , jake was raised in australia. he loves playing sports , especially soccer and was known in school to be really smart, excelling in math. only training for 9 months, jakes talent was known to many as he ranked 3rd on i-land. part of aussie line, and he is friends with stray kid’s members bang chan and felix. he knows newjeans has two australian members, and once greeted their whole group at an award show.
KIM SUNOO ( slaynoo ) 🦊 030624
— enfp , korean , vocalist , visual , dancer
sunoo is definitely sunshine! always smiling and laughing and lofts the groups mood up whenever necessary . he’s super sassy and his remarks and faces often go viral. ranked 8th in final episode, he was the producers choice to debut. mint chocolate defender till the end of earth! goes absolutely insane when taking selfies (he’s very photogenic) and has no storage.
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NISHIMURA RIKI ( giantmaknae ) 🐆 051009
— entj , japanese , maknae , dancer , rapper
ranked 4th on i-land, he was a fan favorite due to his amazing dance and performance skills, and for his persistent determination throughout the show at such a young age. this maknae is extremely tall, standing at 183cm and is considered the best dancer not only by the fans but also the members. loves his members dearly and would do anything for them.
ENHYPEN ( 엔하이픈) is the final 7 members of the survival show I-LAND under BE:LIFT Lab, a joint label created by HYBE and CJ E&M entertainment the group consists of heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon, sunoo, jungwon, and ni-ki. ENHYPEN is a mix of an en dash and a hyphen that connects different words to create new meaning, members of ENHYPEN will connect, discover each other, and grow together. ENHYPEN debuted on November 30th, 2020 with their mini-album “BORDER: DAY ONE” and title track “Given-Taken”.
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taglist (open ! cmt or ask to be added , bold can’t b tagged)
@ihrthni @luvhyun3 @urszn @jencthy @https-skzology @l0ve-joy @luvistqrzzz @astrae4 @noiacha @ 15yroldwholikesrockstars @sanriiolino
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