#take a fucking look at what we're complaining about and think for a fucking minute
local-moonbat · 7 months
Absolutely fucking appalled at the discourse on this site recently
0 notes
queers-gambit · 1 year
Curiosity Killed The Cat
prompt: after rescuing you from kidnappers, you overhear your boyfriend-turned-savior complain about how clingy you've become.
pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
collection masterlist: Clingy Baby
word count: 5.1k+
note: author wants things out of her drafts! also don't take this fic too seriously, it's not much at all - just me writing for the fuck of it until i'm ready to focus on my bigger projects.
warnings: modern AU, Mafia AU, obvious cursing, small hurt and comfort, brief depiction of physical violence and self-destruction in the form of: loss of appetite, lack of sleep, other symptoms of depression. NOT edited! author is ashamed because she knows she can give you something better but oh well.
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Your feet planted, jarring you to a halt the moment you heard your name in a conversation you were not apart of.
You heard the hammering of your heart, echoing beats of your blood pumping with harrowing desperation. Hands turned cold and clammy, sweat breaking out on your brow and then freezing, feeling as if your throat had swollen to a new restriction and you were anchored in you in place.
But for now, all you could identify was the paralyzing anxiety that anchored you to your spot and made your heartbeat thunder in your ears. You stood outside the lounge, unable to comprehend relevant thought; still listening to low, docile tones continue their conversation, but you couldn't hear real words.
You were stunned. Panicked, confused, hurt - so very hurt. That seemed to register, too; you were really, really hurt.
This was perhaps why curiosity killed the cat.
You reprimanded yourself for listening in - transporting back to childhood during all the times your parents would scold you for eavesdropping. You knew it was wrong, you knew this was a private conversation meant to be shared between trusting confidants, but you couldn't help it - you heard your name and stopped. It was natural, right? To feel curious regarding a conversation seemingly about you that you, yourself, was not apart of?
Curiosity, indeed.
Blinking rapidly, you remembered the only other time you felt such mounting, pressurized fear, and while it might be dramatic, the only other time you could remember this level of anxiety was from about two months ago...
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"Yes, baby, I got the bacon."
"And the jalapeños?"
"Uh-huh, the biggest they had."
"Cream cheese?"
"Do you know who you're talking to?" You laughed into the phone. "I'm a professional housewife by now, you can relax. I got all you needed for your fancy little dinner experiment."
Bucky laughed down the phone, "Oh, please, like I didn't see you salivating when we watched the segment on Top Chef."
"Hush," you laughed, too. "I'm leaving the store now," you told him, pushing out of the heavy glass doors, "and should be home in, like, 10 minutes?"
"Lemme pick you up."
"I have legs to walk with, so, no thank you."
He sighed, "Well, I'll open the wine to let it breathe. Red's still good?"
"Let's do a white tonight, please."
"Good deal," he mused softly. "Hey, I was thinking earlier - "
"Hang on," you pleaded.
"What's wrong?"
"No, nothing. There's just a van slowing down, I don't want to get hit," you chuckled some, looking up and down the street before crossing. "Sorry, so, what were you thinking?"
"We haven't been to Paris in months."
You smirked, "I'm sure our plants in the apartment are dead by now."
Bucky laughed, "Oh, I am, too. But, look, how 'bout it, Peach? You, me, all the croissants we can consume this weekend. I'll take Monday and Tuesday off, we can leave tomorrow night."
"Oh, that sounds nice," you moaned. "Paris in the spring? Baby, that's so dreamy!"
"So, is that a yes?"
"It's a hell yes," you grinned. "Do you know the weather?"
"Supposed to be nice and sunny, not too warm or cold. Figured this would be ideal," he chuckled. "But does the weather matter if we're in bed the whole time?"
"No, we're not wasting our time!" You laughed. "We're gonna go do shit, okay? Stereotypical tourist-couple shit."
"I'll bring the camera."
"And I was hoping we could have dinner at that little place we love?"
"I wouldn't take you anywhere else," he mused.
"I think it's - FUCK!" Bucky froze when he heard the screeching of tires; a van coming up to a skidding halt, flurry of voices all yelling but he heard yours clearly. "No, no, no, hey, hey, what the hell's happening? Hey! What's this - hey, hey! Don't touch me! Ow, shit! No! Hey! Fuck's sake - oh, my God! Ow! Hey!"
"Baby!? Peach! Hey! The fuck's going on!?"
There was a thudding over the phone, and Bucky listened to more struggling - more fidgeting and fighting - and then the slamming of a car door. Still calling your name, Bucky heard a scrape over the line before a different voice answered your phone, "James Barnes. On behalf of HYDRA, you're overdue on your payment and we warned you there would be consequences. Deliver the full amount of 17 million - "
"It's 15," he growled.
"Two million more for the inconvenience of stalking your woman."
"If you even so much as touch her, I swear to God - "
"17 million at midnight, at the pier, or every minute you're late, she'll receive the brunt end of our frustration."
"Don't hurt her - "
"Midnight, Mr. Barnes, at the pier - you know where. Don't be late, she looks like she won't last long."
The line went dead after he heard your screech of pain, confusion, and fear. The moment the line cut, he dropped his phone and slowly lowered himself to sit on the kitchen floor, shock coloring his system. It wasn't that he didn't have the money, quite the opposite - but he and his men had a plan in motion to take out HYDRA, their org's competition, and this was totally against all they anticipated. After a minute to sit in his own worry, Bucky jumped to his feet, grabbed his phone, keys, wallet, and two handguns; holstering them both before shrugging his suit jacket on.
He made every phone call he could, gathering the men he trusted most to (one of) his warehouse(s).
For hours, you were strung up by your wrists in a joint-pulling position while the Brooklyn Mafia formulated a plan of attack. It was the most pain you've ever known, but then the abuse started and you were blinded by this new pain. You had bruises most places, cuts that wept blood; scars that would never heal, wounds that wouldn't ever close. You were delirious, miserable, confused, just dazed and confused; praying to a God who didn't listen.
"Oh, look at that," your captor mocked, holding a thick-bladed hunting knife in hand, "it's one minute til midnight, and I don't see your loverboy anywhere."
You sniffled, unable to respond.
He stared out the lone window, tisking and narrating, "Nope, I see not a soul - and with how protective he is over you, you'd think he'd want to ensure your safety. Not leave it to chance, huh?"
You whimpered as the clock struck midnight, your heart hammering in heavy-hung worry. You had tears in your eyes, heart nearly beating out of your chest, feeling incredibly nauseous. The desire to scream never lessened, just fearing what was to come; the men in the room making you fear for the state of your life, their knuckles cracking. You only begged, "Please. Don't."
The main captor laughed, "You can do better than that! C'mon, give me the satisfaction of tellin' ol' James you begged for mercy - but it wasn't enough to sway me. I'll lie, for sure, and say it happened but it will be so much sweeter if you actually do it."
"Please," you shook your head, avoiding eye contact. "Just don't do this, please."
"Oh, honey," he mocked, "it's not our fault he's late. Lads! Have at her, but leave her face for now - she's still real pretty."
You listened as he gave commands in Russian, understanding after the years at Bucky's side; whimpering when the first blow landed to your gut and knocked the wind out of you. The minutes drug by and you felt your resolve crumbling, heart still hammering to a never-before-felt speed that made it feel as if it were jumping out of your very body at every single pulse point. You struggled in your restraints, but it was futile by how tight you were bound; unable to protect yourself.
At 12:03 am, the doors blew open in a resounding blast; concrete crumbling and sprinkling the floor. You cried out as the smoke choked you, coughing through the haze; only barely able to make out certain figures to know Bucky had brought his best men. However, despite the sting to your eyes from the swirling dust and smoke, you saw a lone man stalk through the blasted wall, through the fray, and straight up to you.
"Bu-Bucky!" You choked in relief as he reached to untie your feet first. You dangled for only a moment as his metal prosthetic ripped off whatever held your wrists to the torture contraption. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Bucky, holy shit, baby, please, please, please," you rambled as he freed you and instantly caught you on his broad shoulders.
"I got you, Peach, I'm here, I've got you," he promised in your ear, hoisting your legs around his waist so they latched and then wrapping his arms around you securely. "Don't let go and don't look up, okay? Hear me, Peach?"
You nodded into his neck, only able to cry.
Bucky jolted and jerked slightly as he moved through the fight again, but not a minute later, you were stepping outside into the sobering, brisk spring air. This was the moment you understood how dangerous and fleeting life with Bucky could be, making a promise to yourself that if he says take the car, you'll take the fucking car.
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And now, here you were, outside the high-rise apartment's lounge (which was just a converted bedroom), listening to your boyfriend complain about you some 2 months after the whole fiasco. HYDRA had been all but wiped out, and in the weeks since, Bucky's men had gone on smaller missions to eradicate the HYDRA members they heard rumor of being local. Yet you didn't feel safe, yet.
You didn't feel safe if you weren't around Bucky.
Everything made you jump: the beep of the done-dryer, that spritz of the automatic fragrance mister in the bathroom, the "duh-dunnn" of a loaded-up Netflix. Keys jingling, car horns, the barking of the dog in the apartment a floor below you... Everything.
Being around Bucky was just like holding a safety blanket. He would always protect you, and for about a week after your rescue, he laid in bed and around the home with you; being lazy; time off work to simply hold you and assure you were safe. Safe in his arms. Safe in his embrace, his presence.
So now... To hear this... You were devastated.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just sort of happened. It was still earlier in the morning, but Bucky hadn't been in bed beside you and based on the feel of the sheets, his body hadn't been there in a while. So, you made some coffee and then ventured around the home in search of your lover; coming upon the lounge and hearing voices from within.
You knew it was common for Steve Rogers and / or Sam Wilson to stay late or visit early, so, you weren't shocked by that, but did falter in announcing yourself when you heard Sam ask how you were doing since the kidnapping. He used your name specifically, making Bucky sigh, and for your curiosity to peak.
"She's different, man."
"How so?" Sam wondered.
"She doesn't like being without me now," he chuckled without humor. "I'm serious, she won't go to the gym until I do, waits to have meals together, won't leave the house if I'm out, and," he scoffed to himself, "you can forget going to the grocery store or anything - she's even stopped going to work - "
"You told her to stop working, like, two years ago when y'all first moved-in together," Sam deadpanned.
"I know," Bucky shrugged, "but it feels tenfold now that she's so reclusive."
"It's normal," Steve sighed gently.
"Yeah? Is it normal that I can't even go take a shit without promising her I'll be right back?" Bucky snapped in exasperation. "It's that bad, she's that fucking clingy, man. I go in the kitchen to make dinner, she's in there 30 seconds later to 'help' me. I take a shower, she finds a reason to linger in the bedroom, but that was better than before, when she wouldn't even shower by herself. It's just a lot, she's everywhere I look. I'm starting to find new reasons not to come home, man, she's always fucking here - and when I walk in the door, she's on me. I need to fucking breathe, but I can't tell her to stop, she'll get her feelings hurt and then I'm the bad guy."
"Man," Steve laughed, "you can't be the bad guy if you go to her in a calm and collected manner, but it's only been two months. She's still recovering."
"Exactly why if I say anything, no matter how calm and collected, I'm the bad guy. I get she's hurting and tryna recover, but Goddamn, does she have to be in every room I'm in? Do everything with me? How do I tell my traumatized girlfriend to back off? Let me breathe?"
Sam laughed, "You don't! You just said it - she's traumatized! Cut the girl some slack, she's got a lot to fuckin' deal with!"
"I'm not negating from that fact," Bucky argued, "I'm just trying to say, the way she's clinging onto me like she can't function without me is just grating at my nerves. I just need to breathe and recharge, but I can't tell her that - fuck's sake."
"Buck," Steve smirked, "you're worried Peach isn't gonna listen, but that's her literal superpower. Just communicate, she can't read your mind, but you need to remember how traumatic all of that was for her to experience - she's scarred from that kidnapping, man. So, sure, you need to recharge, but she needs the support."
"Is it wrong to ask for a day here and there to do that? To recharge?" Bucky asked quietly.
"If you communicate, it's perfectly reasonable to ask for," Sam assured softly. "And whatever you do, don't tell her you think she's clingy. Chicks hate that, that word is, just, like, taboo or something. Real heavy, negative connotations."
"But she is," Bucky growled quietly, "'s like she's afraid to let go 'cause I'll disappear or something."
"Oh, noooo," Sam mocked, "I'm Bucky and my girlfriend loves me too much and trusts me too much and actually feels safe and dependent on me too much - ohhh noooo!"
There was a thump, Sam's cried, "Ow!", and Bucky telling him to shut up. You slowly backed away from the door, trying to settle your breathing as you made your escape down the hall. When back in the kitchen, you whimpered and let the first tears fall... The first of many you shed in the hour it took you to prepare breakfast for everyone; doing your best to eat as you cooked so you didn't have to linger around the men. You took Bucky's words to heart, and maybe you were too sensitive, maybe you should venture outside again.
So, when the lads came out, you set the table without making eye contact with any of them. "Here," you directed, setting the pancakes down, "I made breakfast, come eat, it's still hot."
"Wow," Sam smiled brightly, "thanks, Peach!"
You hummed, still avoiding their eyes as you just set the abundance of food to the table. "You... Cooked without me?" Bucky asked you with skepticism.
"Mhm," you hummed, setting the coffee pot down to a hot pad, "and I'm going out shopping with Nat, so, eat up, lads, I'll do the dishes when I get home. Love you, boys, bye," you waved them off, snatching your keys and then moving to the door to stuff your feet into your sneakers.
"Woah, woah, woah," Bucky left the table, approaching you urgently, "hey, what do you mean? You're goin' out?"
"Yep, figured I've stayed in too long, might as well get out and remember life doesn't stop just 'cause I'm sad."
"Peach - "
"I'll see you when I get home, Buck, okay?" You mumbled, slinging your purse on your shoulder.
"Well, here, here, hey, wait, hang on," he pulled his wallet out, handing you over a wad of big bills. "Spend it all, okay? Have fun, call or text if you need me, yeah?"
Bucky leaned in to kiss you but you just opened the door, ready to leave. He frowned, watching you, barely managing to call a quick, "Love you!"
You didn't return the sentiment, feeling hallow and all too silly to return the affection. In your purse was your laptop, headphones, chargers, and whatever else, so, instead of meeting your friend, Natasha - being just a ruse to avoid Bucky - you started small and just went to the local café. You used to frequent it back in the day, but times were changed, and yet, they were all the happier to serve you the same as before. Getting cozy in the corner, you set up camp and ordered your favorite coffee basically every other hour - letting the day waste away as you caught up on work emails.
Might've wasted time on Instagram and Facebook and Pinterest. Got shopping done on Amazon. Browsed through Target's online selection. Checked out the sale items at Kate Spade. Perused Fenty Lingerie because you could.
Before you knew it, a message was coming in over your MacBook from Bucky, asking where you were - why had you turned your location off?
You packed up and with a to-go cup, made the short trek back home. When you got back, Bucky was pacing in the living room; staring at his phone and typing, then deleting, retyping, groaning, glancing up, typing again, then doing a double take. "Where've you been, Peach? Huh!?" Bucky demanded. "You're late!"
"Out with Nat," you eased.
He huffed through his nose, nodding slowly, "You have a nice time?"
"It was okay," you answered. "I'm gonna go to bed after I shower."
His brows furrowed, "I have a meeting tonight."
"I know."
"O...kay?" He let you go, wanting to ask why you didn't ask him to join like you had so often in the past few weeks.
And it didn't stop there, in fact, it got worse. When Bucky got home from his meeting, he was actually shocked to see you nestled in the bed; teetering on the edge of the shared space while snuggling a weighted body pillow.
When he tried to give you a snuggle, you stirred to life and pushed him back, muttering, "Too hot."
The following morning, he was relatively surprised to see you up and about before him; barely getting a word in before you were slipping out the door to go on a morning jog. He was confused by how all of a sudden, where you were once everywhere he looked, now, you were disappeared and distant and gone. You worked out alone, cooked alone - but always left him a plate, but long gone were the cute little sticky notes you left for him. You once haunted the apartment by never wanting to leave, and now, ghosted in and out of it on a daily basis.
You never bothered to go far from home. You liked hanging at the coffee shop and luckily, your job let you work from home most days, and the rare time you were due back in the office, it was only about a 20 minute walk. You got better at lying, couldn't even remember the last time you and Bucky had sex, and even now, the last time you had a meal together. You didn't text him about your day; where you once might've told him about an adorable dog you saw on the street, now, you only ever texted him if he asked a direct question.
Food lost appeal, your appetite vanished.
Sleep evaded you, plaguing you with nightmares when you did rest.
Interest dulled, passions were snuffed, and only fearful, confused anger remained. It showed in the way weight seemed to shift around your body, thinning; the lack of sleep creating dark rings and bags under your bloodshot eyes.
After two weeks of this, Bucky grew irritated and short with everyone around him. It reflected in his work, the way he spoke to everyone; even Steve and Sam getting the brunt end of his anger. Without you to assure him, Bucky was off his rocker; losing his cool; his patience stretched far too thin. So much so, the two mates approached an outside associate, Natasha Romanoff, after a particularly snappy meeting to plead for her to talk to Bucky.
"James," Nat greeted as she strode into his office without knocking.
"I know you're my oldest friend, but you don't have that privilege yet," he mused, never looking up.
"Not knocking. What is it, Nat?"
"Just came to check on you, you know, like friends do."
"Hm," he chuckled without humor, "and what did Peach say to you?"
"Nothing, I haven't gotten ahold of her for weeks."
Bucky paused, slowly lifting his head in confusion; brows furrowed and mouth set in a firm, straight line. "What?" He grit.
"Huh?" Nat wondered.
"She's been telling me that she's hanging out with you for the past two weeks," he revealed.
"Nope, not since the incident with HYDRA."
Bucky's (right) flesh hand crushed the pen in his grip, taking a long breath. "All right," he sighed, "so, why come today?"
"What's really going on, Buck?" She worried softly. "Is it really whatever's going on with Peach? You're this pissed off? What'd she even do?"
"She just..." He cut himself off with a long sigh. "It's nothing."
"Bucky," Nat gave a pointed look.
"She's just avoiding me," he muttered. "It's like she's barely home, almost like a ghost."
"Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Yes, and no," Bucky snipped, rolling his neck out. "I'm just worried about her now, she's never not communicated before."
"Something's bothering her," Nat shrugged. "She probably needs you right now, Buck."
"I can't do it all," he whispered. "I can't be who she wants and run this organization at the same time."
"She doesn't need that, she just needs you to be her partner," Natasha spoke softly. "She needs to feel loved and supported, and surely, she maybe felt weird about whatever you were projecting. Instead of taking it out on your men," she smirked, "why don't you just talk to her? 'Cause I hear you're bein' a more-than-usual asshole lately. You need to ease up or get laid, 'cause you're taking it out on good, loyal men, and that's entirely unfair."
"They can take it."
"Sure, but they shouldn't have to," Nat rolled her eyes. "Look, since you won't answer me, I'm assuming the sour mood is in regard to whatever relationship issues you have right now?"
"Sure," he tossed the pen away, opened a skinny drawer to his right and select an identical one.
"Bucky," she growled.
He sighed, "She's lying to me, Nat. Saying she's with you when she's not... Is this an affair? She's gone all the time now."
"No way," Nat laughed. "Baby girl doesn't have the energy to entertain anyone - let alone two men. You're just the exception."
"Why lie, then?"
"Maybe she didn't want you questioning her..."
"No shit."
"Well, did you get into a fight?"
"Any reason she doesn't want to be home?"
He shook his head with a sigh, "Not that I know of."
"You had to do something."
"Honest, I haven't. She was being all clingy, but then one day, a switch flipped."
Nat frowned, "You think... Your girlfriend is being clingy... Because she was kidnapped and beaten up... Because of your fucking job... And is probably scared...out of...her mind...? I get that correct?"
Bucky paused for a long moment, muttering, "Oh, my God."
"Yeah, you asshole. Think of it that way! She's afraid!" Natasha snapped. "And probably picked up on your energy, so, she made herself scarce."
"I didn't mean - "
"I don't care, go home, apologize to that sweet angel - she doesn't deserve this."
Bucky paused, "What is 'this' exactly?"
"James. Focus on the present - your woman. Go make this right. We all know you're this big, bad dude - but it's okay to be a little sensitive towards the woman who loves you without condition!"
Bucky relented, figuring the redheaded Russian mobster was right.
The entire drive home, Bucky considered the ways you had changed in the few, short weeks since he vented to Sam and Steve about your clinginess. You didn't take meals with him, didn't cook, work-out, or do anything you used to do together. Sex? Forget it. Dates? Nope. Cuddling? No, you're always 'too hot'. And when he thought about it, he remembers seeing the wads of cash he'd leave for you stuffed in his sock drawer - surely trying to make him think it was just another emergency fund he had hidden. You never spent his money, feeling humiliated by his choice of words.
You didn't text or call him when he was gone, you hadn't even so much as kissed him in what felt like ages... Well, more like you hadn't initiated any kisses...
His heart weighed in his chest as he realized he hadn't even so much as hugged you in days. You were rarely in the apartment together, and when you were, you were just silent and busy with chores. It was as if you operated on the exact opposite schedule as he did, went to new extents to avoid him, and his heart clenched in his chest.
When he got home, you were caught cooking in the kitchen - being obvious that you weren't expecting him. The door slammed and his baritone voice snapped, "Peach!"
You gulped, holding the sauce-covered wooden spoon to your chest. When he rounded around the corner, he found you and slowed down, sighing in relief. "What's wrong?" You worried in a timid tone.
He panted lightly, relaying, "Needed to find you."
"I'm here."
"I know," he relented, charging up to you and engulfing you in a tight, heavy hug. "I needed to talk to you, Peach," he whispered.
"What's wrong?"
"You. You're what's wrong."
"What the fuck does that - "
"No, no," he pulled back to stare down at you fondly, "I don't mean it like that, just that... You're struggling. I can see that. But you're not alone, I'm here with you, and I got a little caught up in my head when I realized someone was so very dependent on me - it fucking scared me. But then... Then you just shut yourself off and hid away from me, and oh, my God, it's so much worse, baby. Don't do that," he breathed, "okay? Don't ever shut me out - don't stop loving me, don't stop talking to me, don't give up on us. I can't read your mind, you can't read mine, it's not an excuse - but we understand better when we trust each other enough to communicate what's required. I'm so sorry I got caught up in myself, I didn't know what you needed - but I'm here now, I'm here - I'm not leaving you."
You collapsed into his chest, taking a shuddering breath.
"Don't ever stop talking to me, Peach," Bucky whispered, kissing the top of your head; keeping you close. "I'm so sorry, baby, if I - "
"If?" You snapped, pulling back to glare at him through your tears. "I heard you, Bucky. I heard you talking to Sam and Steve, and about how clingy I am."
"I was wrong," he insisted. "I was overwhelmed and tired and just stretched thin, the easiest thing to do is attack those closest to me, and that's you. It's not right, it's the worst I could do to you after all you've been through, and I'm so sorry. I was wrong, you're not the person to take this out on - and I'm so sorry, Peach."
You sighed, "I don't mean to be... I don't mean to cling - "
"Nah," he chuckled, caressing your cheek, "you cling as much as you want. Cling as tight as you want, baby, don't let me go. I'm sorry for what I said and the way it made you feel, it was wrong - so fucking wrong of me, and I see that. When you pulled away from me, I just... I couldn't think. It felt so wrong, and I knew it was my fault." He took your face in both palms, promising, "I'm so sorry, Peach."
You shrugged meekly, "It's okay."
"It's not."
"No, but apologizing is a step in the right direction."
He nodded, "What else can I do?"
"Nothing - "
You paused to think, smiling shyly, "Movie night?"
"Whatever my pretty girl wants," he nodded.
"Hmm... Get a bath with me?"
"All right... Sure, okay..."
"And face masks."
He sighed, "Okay."
"And mani-pedis."
"You said you were making it up to me, right?"
He smirked, "That's right... All right, yeah, sure, fine, we can..." He sighed again, "We can do all that, Peach, whatever you want."
"I just want you," you told him softly. "I didn't mean to be so clingy. I was just afraid... I felt afraid everyday, just so very unsure in this life. You're the only thing that makes sense to me, Buck, and when I heard you, I just... I guess I realized how dependent I'd been and wanted to give you space. Last thing I want is to smother you, to drive you away from me."
"Not ever gonna happen," he promised softly. "I just didn't handle it like I should've. I'm sorry, Peach, but I'm here now - for whatever you need. Want me to take a few days off, just be together? I'll arrange it. Want to get away for a bit? We can go."
"I just need you," you whispered. "Only you and I should be okay - I can be okay if I have you, but feeling like I lost you? Even a fraction? Buck... James, it was such a harrowing feeling, I wasn't sure what to do to move forward. So, I think I just panicked, shut down; thought if I could just get back to normal, you'd love me again..."
"I never stopped loving you," he swore, "I just had a bad lapse in my own judgement. Nothing against you, baby. Nothing."
You nodded again, letting him tuck you into his chest; perfectly snug under his chin as he coiled his arms around you. He let out a long sigh, his guilt swelling to new heights, but for that present moment, everything seemed okay.
Felt okay.
Appeared okay.
And you'd both do whatever it took to remain as okay as you possibly could.
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requesting rules and masterlist
Marvel masterlist
Clingy Baby collection masterlist
9K notes · View notes
maybe a lil fic with steve yk like he thinks you're together but r just thinks that they're just friends cuz she thinks he acts that way with everyone (he doesn't). so when he's like "we're going on that dinner date, right?" and she's just so confused and flabbergasted "since when did we start dating??"
I've missed your writing on my dashboard ily<3
i’m glad someone misses my writing. i hope this is okay🩷
steve harrington x fem!reader (this ended up being long… i’m shocked)
“here comes loverboy.”
your brows pinched together at max’s words. looking over your shoulder to see steve leaving the register, heading back towards your booth with a pastel pink box in hand.
the boy slid into the open seat beside you. shoulder to shoulder and thigh to thigh. his warmth radiating off his body blankets you from the february chill that seeps into the diner’s walls.
“what’s in the box?” robin questioned while making a grab for it. steve quickly slapped- gently tapped- the approaching hand away. robin making a scene for no one.
“not for you, buckley. for my favorite girl.” and steve looked directly at you.
“aw, thanks steve-o.” max fawned. a simple giggle slipped from your mouth while steve rolled his eyes. “not for you either, rugrat. only for my favorite, most special girl.” finally sliding the pastry box in front of you.
steve tapped his fingers against the table top, “they had your go-tos so i got one of each.” your cheeks warmed as you opened the top, “you didn’t have to, stevie.”
“yeah, stevie. what about us?” robin pointed between her and max, a twisted pout to her face.
steve eyed them, “what about you two? get your own stuff.” huffing like they were insane to think steve would do anything of that level for them.
eyeing the different options you grabbed a donut and proceeded to spilt the item into four small bites. handing off two for max and robin, replacing them with another two, one for you and the other for steve. hand waiting for steve, he wrapped his fingers around your wrist delicately as he bites into his awaiting treat. you chuckle at the silliness.
“you too are gross.” robin declared with her mouth full. steve copied her actions, “says you. close your mouth while chewing.” placing his hand over his mouth in after thought.
“so,” speaking up to change the subject, “any nice plans this week?” referring to valentine’s day on wednesday.
“lucas says he’s taking me some place special, which might be the arcade.” max played it cool but you could tell it affected her in a good way.
“band practice is my special valentine. can’t complain too much.” robin punctuated her sentence with a sip of water.
“what’s the dynamic duo gonna do on the day of love?” max teased, batting her lashes while cupping her cheeks.
you shrugged, “don’t think we have plans-“ “yes we do.” steve is quick to fix you misunderstanding.
there was a surprised spark in your eyes, “we do?”
steve’s brows furrowed, “yeah. i told you about the dinner date i scheduled.” now your bows scrunched, “yeah, but i thought you were going on a date.”
steve leaned towards you, “i am. with you.” punctuation on those two words, letting every letter hit you in the face.
you sat shell shocked, eyes focused over steve’s shoulder while robin and max almost jumped from their vinyl seats.
“for real?” “since when were you dating?”
at the word dating you shook away any incoming thoughts and waves away their curiosity. “we’re not dating. we’re just friends. steve’s like this with everyone.” knowing that would end any discussion.
three sets of eyes stared you down, you wanted to shrink into the ground from the attention. “what?” a squeak at their baring eyes.
“steve is only sugary sweet to you. do you not remember five minutes ago? when he bought you treats, without you asking, then told me and max to fuck off.” robin questioned.
“language-“ “i didn’t say that-“
max waved you both off, “whatever. what robin is trying to get at is, you are dating. steve openly flirty banters with you, you reciprocate in a flustered mess, and steve has hearts beaming from his corneas.” max’s palms smack onto the table.
your mouth opened, then closed. open, close, open, close. “i just,” you hands flapped about, “i- i thought he just- you know…”
“no we don’t, but please, tell us.” robin eyed you wolfishly.
anxiously you pinched the skin around your fingers, teeth biting into your bottom lip, eyes darting everywhere not knowing what your next move was.
“alright, enough teasing. let’s just get everyone home.” steve broke the silence. sliding out beside you then holding a waiting hand out, you couldn’t help but just to stare at it, like it might bite you or something.
“it’s alright, sweetheart. we’ll talk later.” soft, kind filled brown eyes watched your movements as you set your palm to his and he help you exit the booth smoothly. steve gave a squeeze before releasing his hold and your chest felt heavy again.
he called you sweetheart. he usually throws pet names about, but this one just felt… different. your brain connected to it differently.
robin and max were silent on the drive to their houses, radio at medium volume, but they kept the backseat of the bmw silent as a church mouse.
you could barely look steve’s way, barely glance at him from your peripheral. he didn’t seem tense from your words just… dejected. a gloomy cloud hanging over his head and it’s because you friend zoned him while he thought you both were together.
no chance he wants to be with you now, blew it for yourself before you even had a proper chance. you wallow in silence.
robin was the first to be dropped off. steve came to a slow stop in front of her tiny house, shifting into park so he could look back with a gentle smile, “call if you need anything. and try not to do anything clumsy.”
robin rolled her eyes in a playful manner, “i’ll try not to dad.” and she left with a comforting squeeze of your bicep.
steve waited until robin waved you off an closed her front door. “okay mayfield, home or someplace else?” he always asked when driving her.
“umm, wheeler’s. please.” yeah, she felt sorry about earlier. her please and thank you’s were a bit sparring.
again silence. you wanted to speak, but with max still in the car you held your tongue. pinching at the material of your jeans while eyeing the scenery passing by in a blur, you couldn’t help flinching at the touch of skin covering your own. you looked down cautiously to see steve’s right hand resting over your fidgeting one, stopping your mindless action.
the fifteen minute drive pasted into two minutes when you saw the big two story home come into view. you saw a couple of bikes laying in the front yard and suspected the boys also were invading the family home.
“thanks for the ride. i’ll be fine to get home later.” shuffling mixed with her words before popping the left back door open. a soft thud followed her exit then she stopped outside your window and lightly tapped.
you rolled it down with concern at her sorrow filled expression. “i’m sorry. about earlier. i wasn’t trying to-“
“max,” cutting her off, “it’s okay. i know you didn’t mean harm and plus, might’ve opened my eyes today.” playing coy with your words.
a smile flickered at her lips while her eyes looked over your shoulder. she left with a pep to her step and you were finally alone with your steve.
“so wanna-“ “did you really think we weren’t dating?”
you could help your light chuckle, “getting straight to the point i see.”
steve sputtered, “i just- it felt like we’ve been on multiple dates. and- and we’re very touchy with each other, always there for each other. i just- i just thought we were dating after the trip to chicago.”
that did turn into a pretty romantic trip now that you thought back on certain scenarios. “i think i’m just blind to romantic advances. didn’t think i was your type.” mumbling the last part.
you’ve seen the girls steve’s been with in the past. all perfect, petite, not quite hair out of place and makeup painted over delicate skin. you weren’t those things, you were messy at times, flyaways sticking up from nonexistent static, stains appearing on your clothes without knowing.
you didn’t deserve steve, he deserved someone-
“hey.” a finger crooked under your chin and moved your head from its slumped position. steve homely brown eyes darted over your face, your imperfections. you wanted to flinch away. he must’ve read your mind since her cupped your cheeks with his warm palms.
“you are none of those things i know your thinking too much about. you are completely deserving of being loved deeply and i’m happy to be that person to pour his soul into yours. if you’ll verbally say yes so we’re on the same page this time.”
your own hands wandered to hold onto steve’s wrist, “that was quite romantic of you. didn’t think of you to be a sap.” deflecting a bit from nerves.
steve smiled brightly, “for you i’ll always be a sap. practically turn into honey for you.” leaning over his console to press a kiss onto the tip of your nose. “so what do you say, wanna give us a proper go?”
you bit into your bottom lip, “i guess i could try.” smiling so wide your cheeks ached as steve dotted kisses over your face, not suppressing your giggles of glee.
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facefullofsadness · 23 days
when succubus!winrina are summoned
g!p demon!jiminjeong x human!reader
smut, 2k wc
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happy extremely belated birthday (like can I even classify this as a bday post anymore?) to the most annoying person I know @aliceiwk because she didn't wanna tell me her bday even though I was gonna find out eventually bc I was gonna post this ANYWAY. is late as FUCK (literally an entire month PLUS late omg) bc of school, travel, other reasons wtv, but that wasn't gonna stop me!!! soooo yes mwah mwah lub u enjoy ur jiminjeong threesome!!
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when yizhuo and aeri had the bright idea of doing a silly little demon summoning session for funsies, you screamed at them in horror. what the actual fuck kind of idea is that? the two girlfriends' justification was simply for shits and giggles! I mean, that shit isn't real anyway, right? there's no ACTUAL fucking shot demons would come to haunt you guys if you tried conjuring em up!
somehow, someway, yall ended up in a circle with some candles, some salt, a shady looking book, and a dark ass room. being in the actual moment sent chills down your spine, the summer nights being quite cold to accompany such a stupid idea you and your friends were going through with. when your last minute effort to back out, stop, and instead watch horror movies to get their spooky fill failed, the two girls begin flipping pages of the book.
"what aboutttt demon of gluttony?" the small girl asks, pondering which demon to summon.
"there's not a lot of things to do with that," the taller girl replies, one arm propped up behind her girlfriend, checking her nails on the other hand.
"demon of wrath?"
"we've all got enough anger combined to need that one."
"demon of sloth!"
"fuck does that even mean?"
"ooohhhh!! y/n desperately needs this one, demon of lust."
"oh, perfect!"
"hey wait what is that supposed to mean?!" you butt in.
"now now, it's okay to badly want head! we're just helping you out!"
aeri raises her hands up and reaches out to pull you into the chair placed in the middle of a pentagram surrounded in candles. you put your face in your hands, shaking your head at the reality of what was currently happening.
"now just sit tight and soon enough you'll stop complaining about your celibacy!"
performing the ritual was goofier than you expected it to be. with the accompaniment of yizhuo's unserious reading of the spell, aeri's cackle everytime her girlfriend stuttered, and forgetting to pause the music, having txt's blue hour playing in the background, it was hard to take anything seriously. having to go through with the summoning ritual twice because the first time was so botched, thinking doing it again would make sure it "worked".
unsurprisingly, nothing happened. ning was disappointed, to which aeri had to kiss away her pout, but you were relieved because what the fuck would have possibly happened if it worked? you sent the girls home after making them clean the stupid ritual up, collapsing on your mattress and passing out.
in the dead of night, two figures emerge from the shadows, the darkness of your room enveloping the strangers. you're completely asleep, your peaceful breathing and spinning ceiling fan the only white noise to mask the echoey voices across the room.
"what are you doing here?"
"I was summoned, I could ask the same question to you."
"why would I purposefully go somewhere you are?"
"it's simple, you're obsessed with me or something."
"not as obsessed as you are with me."
the shadowy figures huff in the darkness before staring back at your slumbering body.
one of them smirks and scoffs, "horny slut must've summoned both of us."
"how fascinating, I was worried it was gonna be a man again," the other figure tilts her head to the side, observing your sleeping face.
"ugh, one thing we can finally agree on, men aren't nearly as fun or tempting as women."
the being observing your face brushes a strand of hair out of your eyes, "girls are just so delicious."
the two look at each other and exchange a sinister smile, almost agreeing to be civil through eye contact.
"then let's have our fun tonight yeah, winter?"
"only if you share, karina."
you were awoken to your body being thrown around, your back sinking into the mattress, wrists pinned on either side of you, eyes shooting open with a gasp, shaking you out of your sleep. foggy sight clearing and eyes adjusting to the darkness slowly as two figures come into view, women (?), or as your mind would rationalize them to be.
two shadowy women with rustic obsidian horns growing through their skulls, dark tails swaying behind them, black leather-like wings spanning out from their backs, and dark red orbs emanating aura from their eyes. you're frozen into place, your eyes doing all the talking as they observe the figures pinning you down with their talon-like claws, skimpy leather outfits hugging the pale women's milky skin.
you want to scream, thrash, do something, but all you can do is stare at them, eyes darting back and forth between the dark-haired and blonde creatures.
"awww, look at her, such an innocent little thing," the blonde coos, her voice reverberating, almost as if she had a filter over it.
the dark haired girl replies, voice heavy with reverb and seduction, "but she's not, she needed to be fucked senseless by two of us, isn't that right?"
you're speechless, mouth opening to answer but no noise escaping. no way... was this a result of that stupid summoning ritual you guys did earlier that night? it... worked? BOTH TIMES???
"can't speak, can you? do humans not understand what consequences of your actions mean? didn't your people come up with that saying?" the darker one pouts, pulling back from your face to straddle one of your legs, knee slotting itself perfectly between your thighs.
the blonde one giggles, her sinister tone sending shivers down your spine, "fuck I cannot wait to consume you, you're extremely enticing."
somehow, you speak, voice heavy with confusion, fear, and exhaustion, "what the fuck are you?"
the two exchange a sly smirk, looking at each before turning back to you, "exactly what you asked for, demons of lust."
succubus, it had clicked in your head as you further observed their features, feeling their nails digging into your skin, the pain confirming you were in fact not dreaming.
"don't worry little one, we'll give you everything you want."
the blonde demon's tail wraps around both of your wrists, the dark-haired demon releasing you from her grip, letting the other pin your hands down and back above you. the blonde settles next to your head, her crotch emanating heat in front of your face. she takes a handful of your hair and grips the back of your head, pulling your face up and lowering herself to meet you, your scalp stinging in her hold.
"be a good fucking whore and let us do what we want with you, you'll enjoy every second of it."
she pushes your cheek against her crotch, her addicting scent filling your nose, feeling her hard appendage press against your face. meanwhile, the dark-haired girl between your thighs digs her knee against your core, whimpering at the pressure, having only worn panties and a t-shirt to bed.
the taller girl's cold hands grip your exposed thighs, digging her nails into your skin, making you hiss. she trails her hands under your shirt, ghosting her fingers over your waist and dragging her claws across your stomach. her hands are greedy, moving at a moderate pace but every touch is so intense and rough, knuckles now rubbing against your soaking underwear, friction brushing against your clit.
everything happens so fast as you swear you black out every few seconds the more their touches advance on your body. before you know it, you're choking on the demon called winter, the other succubus grinding her knee against your bare pussy being karina. you moan against the blonde's cock as she thrusts mercilessly into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat as tears spill from your eyes, the pleasure from the dark-haired girls needy hands on your hips forcing your body to roll against her knee with your panties pushed to the side, cunt leaking with your juices, making the movements slick, your eyes rolling back at the sensation.
"yeah little slut? like that big cock in your throat? can't speak huh? fucking whore," winter degrades above you, holding your head with both of her hands to control just how relentlessly she ruins your throat.
karina chuckles darkly below you, watching her pull away and lower her face to your pulsing core, "she is a whore, just look at how fucking wet this bitch is. she's practically a waterfall of cum."
through blurry, tear-filled eyes, you watch as karina's split tongue circled your hot clit, feeling its unforgiving movements dance across your aching slit as it flicks against your bud and hole simultaneously somehow. not that you question it, falling into an inevitable sub-space, your mind completely broken just as quickly as they had started fucking you.
you feel winter's member so deeply down your throat, it bulges in your neck, her rugged panting and breathing making the onslaught of your body worth it. all your noises are choked and silent however, karina's skillful mouth maneuvering your burning insides and throbbing outsides, the hums from her throat vibrating against your entire pussy. the sensation of winter's creamy cum flowing down your throat makes you roll your eyes back, not needing to swallow as her load slides down your esophagus easily.
"couldn't you be at least a little patient?" an annoyed karina pulls away from your pussy to complain, tugging your limp body up against her chest, winter's cock slipping from your swollen mouth.
the blonde's heavy breathing is accompanied by a reverberating chuckle as she responds, "don't be jealous, you get to taste the bitch's pussy, I should be the aggravated one."
the taller girl replies with a grunt, "fine, but I'm cumming in her cunt first."
"oh no, we're sharing that fucking hole," you feel the other succubus' body heat on your back, pressing her front against you, her still hard monster cock tapping against your ass.
"you are so fucking annoying," karina mumbles before pulling out her hard dick and slipping it between your folds, collecting your slick, pushing into your tight hole as you scream painfully at the intrusion.
she immediately sets an unforgiving pace, mercilessly pounding her throbbing member into your aching heat, holding you against her chest by your waist, your face in her shoulder as you sobbed in pain, the pleasure slowly creeping in. the girl behind you spits on her dick, spreading the saliva before forcing herself in you too, joining karina's relentless thrusting. tears flow from your eyes as bloodcurdling screams escape your already sore throat, the two demons' lengthy and girthy cocks tearing your tight cunt apart, drool leaking from your mouth as your brain abandons consciousness, completely broken and ruined from them fucking you.
winter pants against your ear as her hands sink into your hips, drilling you from behind, "you're gone now, aren't you doll? you've become our little cumslut to treat like a toy, haven't you?"
her words don't process in your fucked out head, nodding mindlessly to her question.
karina against you moans as your pussy squeezes around both of them, pushing in as winter pulls out, "taking us so well, little whore. that's right, be the good fucking slut you are and take it. take all of it."
they continue to absolutely annihilate your insides with their aggressive ramming, never stopping as they used your body like a sextoy, throwing you around like a ragdoll, pounding into you like you were just their property. the sound of wet skin slapping together and their loud, frustrated breathing filled your barely functioning auditory senses as you feel both of them stiffen against you, hot cum filling you, stuffing you full of their seed.
your lifeless body slumps against karina's front, winter holding you up as someone, unsure of who due to your barely conscious state, breathlessly comments against your ear, "we're far from finished, little one."
and they keep their word, not stopping the entire night, their split tongues working in tandem on each of your nipples, lapping at both of your holes as they seep pleasure, their cocks exploring every inch of your greedy orifices, letting you feel every bit of lust they harbor towards your mortal body. they fuck you until you break, until they ruin every part of you, until your begs and pleads grow silent, until time ceases to exist, the only thing in your sorry brain you can possibly process are karina and winter. and maybe when you're free, you'll thank aeri and yizhuo.
a/n: yeah their cocks probably have ridges and stuff but I didn't think about that while writing it, maybe next time <3 #welovemonstercock !!! can this even be classified as a short like this shit is long, oh whale
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kissitbttr · 11 months
cake testing with miguel for the wedding!
a/n: featuring a very possessive miguel
continuation from this!
it has been one of your favorite wedding plans that you always look forward to. When your best friend got married, she took you with her to help her choose which one was the best. The caterer brought six classic flavors and both of your eyes twinkled with excitement. The same goes for your best friend. You and her almost demolished that one special raspberry lemon cake with her, since both of you have a sweet spot for fresh fruits.
You could guess which one ended up at the wedding reception.
And now, getting to do it with your soon to be husband, Miguel, just seems like a dream come true.
"So, Darla isn't gonna be with us since she's got errands to run, her assistant is going to replace her today." You inform your fiancee as he drives.
He squeezes your thigh with his hand as an answer, focusing his eyes on the road. You look up from your phone to watch him drive. A smile graces upon your lips as you think how good he looks while doing it. Furrowed eyebrows in concentration, a small pout on his lips with one hand on the wheel.
Fuck, he looks absolutely delicious.
Miguel senses your gaze on him, causing him to glance at you for a second before a grin spreads across his handsome face.
You shrug. "How do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Look sexy while driving"
He snorts out a laugh before making a turn. "I don't"
it's your turn to snort as you shake your head. "Humbleness is good. But God you're a liar."
"Ah, si? But you do love me, no?"
"Unfortunately" You answer, causing him to pinch the inside of your thigh making you giggle. "If we're not on our way to the boutique, I would hop on that dick right now"
He groans at that, eyes shutting briefly as the thoughts of you riding him in the car fill his mind. And seeing the seductive smirk on your face and how divine you look in that white sundress, it's already hard enough.
''Just say the word and I'll pull over mami." He's dead serious. You could see his hand gripping tightly around the wheel.
"And be late? No can do. Plus, I dressed really nicely for today and I do not want to ruin that."
"We can be quick" He tries again, smirking at you. "20 minutes top."
"Knowing you, it could never be 20 minutes. An hour and a half maybe." You point out, re-applying the gloss on your lips before smacking it. "And that's why I'm always late to work"
"You're killing me here, Y/N." He sighs loudly, pulling over to where the boutique is. "I never hear you complain about you being late when my cock is buried deep in your pussy, anyway."
You feign an offensive look as you slowly turn your head at him, shooting a soft glare. "Excuse me? What happened to getting rid of the first-name basis?!"
Yes. You made it clear from the start of the relationship that you refuse to be called by your first name anymore. It simply just won't cut it. You made sure to give him hell every time he called you that, even if he had done it by accident. Miguel was silently pulling his hair because you can be quite mean about that. Though he won't admit how you driving him insane is sexy. Like, really, fucking sexy.
it's a turn-on for him at this point.
"Shit, my bad" He parks the car as you both get ready to walk out. "Sorry baby." He leans over to peck your lips with his hand still on your thigh. The action makes you smile.
“That’s better”
Miguel gets out first, not allowing you both to walk out at the same time because he wants to be the one who opens the car door for you. Despite you telling him that you're perfectly capable of doing that by yourself, he argues with the fact that gentlemen always open doors for their women. Your heart does a somersault every time. It never goes away.
"Got everything, mi amor?" He asks as he extends his hand which you take, before shutting the door. You nod at him, and the two of you walk into the boutique hand in hand. "Dios... You look so good right now, I might just have to fuck you out here"
You gasp at that, slapping him in the chest, earning a low chuckle from him. "Easy there, tiger. I'm not going anywhere" You scold him but secretly love it when his filter's off
“How can i take it easy when your… Girls look so inviting?” His eyes glances at your breasts being pushed up by the cups of your dress, gulping at the sight. “They want me to play with them” A pout on his lips making your heart melt.
“Ugh, Miggy! please do not call them girls” You whine, shaking your head. “I thought we agreed on ‘tits’? Just tits.”
“Alright, alright fine… You’re no fun sometimes” He jokes, kissing your cheek. “Now, is this it?”
You nod, pushing your sunglasses up to the top of your head. “Darla said we can just walk right in.”
Miguel opens the door before allowing you to walk in first as he follows from behind. Red orbs scanning over the interior of the shop. It’s pretty. Lots of flowers in each corner, the paint is mostly pink and white.
“So is this where you and Darla had done the cake testing?” He asks, hand snaking around your waist.
“Yes! It’s so beautiful isn’t it? It’s like something coming out of fairytale or that ‘Enchanted’ movie we watched the other day. Darla really did amazing with this one. Though i did advice her to fix up the ceilings a bit and enhance the structure on that specific corner there.” You point with your manicured finger. “I offered to redesign and oversee the construction more. Just to help her a bit.”
He hums, squeezing your waist before planting a kiss on top of your head. “Look at you go… My little architect” He mumbles softly.
There’s no doubt on his mind that he’s proud of you. He loves seeing you work and help your friends who are in need. And that smart little brain of your is one of the things that made him fall in love with you in the first time. Jess had introduced you to him one time when he was scouting for a new architect to remodel the Spider Society’s HQ.
He was definitely entranced by your beauty when he saw you walked into his office with Jess by your side. You looked so sophisticated and elegant with glasses and the dress you had on that time. Long hair fixed into a messy bun as you shot him a smile before saying your name.
From that moment on, he was hooked. And made it his mission to make you his.
“Ms. Y/L/N and Mr. O’Hara?” Both of your ears perk at the sound of someone calling your names. You see a man, who’s probably in his late 20s emerging from the back with a smile. No doubt about it that he is quite handsome.
“Hi there! How are you? My name is Cameron, i’m Darla’s assistant. And my my, Darla didn’t say anything about her client being beautiful.” He chuckles as he lets out the joke. “She said you are stopping by for the cakes?” He flashes his toothy smile at you, and only at you.
Miguel frowns, at that. That doesn’t seem professional now, does it?
You choose to ignore that comment before smiling. “Yes, we are actually! I mean, I’ve done it with Darla about two weeks ago but my fiancé haven’t. So I’m bringing him, so he can taste it for himself.” Your hand squeezing your lover’s arm that is still settled around your waist.
The man nods, smiling as his eyes aren’t leaving yours which makes Miguel even more uneasy. And the way he looks at you from head to toe makes his blood boil.
He knows how men think, and he thinks. No, he knows that this asshole is basically undressing you with his eyes.
But Miguel is not the type create a confrontation. At least not anymore now that he’s with you. So he might’ve to push those feelings aside because he knows how much this means to you.
“Well step right here, I’ve prepared it all just for you, Ms. Y/L/N” He winks, gesturing you to follow him to where the cakes have been displayed.
Is he fucking serious?! Miguel thinks.
“So 6 different flavors, yes? Chocolate Lava, Lemon Raspberry, Strawberry Champagne, Red Velvet, Hazelnut Praline, aaand Hawaiian. That one is vegan” He checks off the last one on the list. “Customer’s favorite always been the Praline or Lemon Raspberry. You look like you deserve the latter. The best reserved only for the prettiest”
Again, you ignore his comment. “Oh well i tasted the Strawberry Champagne and it was amazing. But I’m leaving it to my fiancé here, so he can choose” You look up to him and notice there’s a slight frown on his face. “Baby?”
Miguel regains his composure when you call him, snapping him out of the thoughts of him killing Cameron in his mind. “Oh. Yeah yeah. Sure. You know my taste buds don’t matter just as long my woman is happy”
He makes sure to emphasize the words ‘my woman’ just so the guy can get the picture but he doesn’t seem too bothered by it.
“Well, we’re in this together so your taste does matter, as well.” You’re completely oblivious with the soft glare that Miguel throws at Cameron’s direction. Hands softly picking the forks from the table to cut a piece,
“Here. Let’s try the Chocolate—“
“Why don’t you feed it to me, mi amor?” He asks, looking at you with a smile. “One fork for two.”
If he can’t be violent then he’s got to find a way to make sure that this Cameron fellow understands that you’re fucking off limits.
You raise an eyebrow at the suggestion. “Sure, papi” You mirror his expression before cutting the cake, lifting it to feed him,
He takes a bite. Eyes dead set on the man who stands awkwardly from across, gaze looking anywhere but him.
“Hm” He nods. “That one’s good. Dark chocolate is it?”
“Right?” You ask cheerily. “Darla is amazing, i swear i need them all 6.” As you turn to fees yourself with the chocolate cake.
He shrugs, wiping a bit of the frosting from the corner of his mouth. “You’re the bride baby, you can have all 6 for the wedding, i don’t mind. I got the money for it anyway.”
You smile at him, kissing his jaw. “I love you, but we can’t be too greedy now can we?” A giggle escape your lips.
Oh he knows. He just wanted to make sure that son of a bitch gets it through his thick fucking skull that you’re his.
The two of you continue to feed each other’s cakes— more like you feeding it to him to be honest— rating each and every single one. Making sure to put a mental note on whichever you prefer before coming back next week and pick one.
Miguel glances at Cameron every now and then and watches how he stays quiet for the rest of it, letting you and Miguel do your thing. Probably too scared after seeing the intimidating look on his face.
“Gotta say, Strawberry Champagne and Chocolate one are amazing.” Miguel points, rolling the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows. “You sure have a great taste, cariño. Confío en ti con todo.”
“Gracias, mi corazón” you put down the fork back on the table, smiling up at Cameron. “That’d be all i guess, yeah? But i think we’ll be back next week to pick one for sure. Will Darla be here?”
“She hasn’t said anything about it but uh, i-i’ll make sure” He stutters a bit, smiling nervously and trying to avoid Miguel’s death stare.
“Okay then. Well, thank you, Cameron for assisting us today. We have to get going now, still have a lot to work on” You offer a polite smile to his direction. “Shall we get going?”
Miguel nods, eyes still fixated on Cameron. “Yeah sure. But uh.. Can you wait for me by the car? I just need a few words regarding with the cakes with Cameron”
He’s not letting this off easy.
You watch how his eyes trained to the young employee, scrunching your brows as Miguel turns to look at you with a soft gaze. “It’ll be just a minute, baby.” He presses a reassuring kiss on your temple,
“Okay” You nod, smiling softly. waving a hand at Cameron before walking towards the exit. Soon as you’re out of their sight, Miguel turns his gaze back on Cameron. The young man looks like he’s about to piss in his pants.
The two stands in silence for a while as Miguel looks at him up and down.
“You ever gotten your ass kicked, Cameron?”
The question throws him off guard. Eyes widening while his mouth hangs open.
“It’s a question. Yes or no.”
“Well uhm, n-no sir” Cameron shakes his head. “Wha-“
“You do know that me and my girl came as a couple, yes? Or are you fucking blind?” Miguel’s eyebrow raises at him, arms crossed over his chest.
“I see that, Mr. O’Hara. I-i didn’t— I’m sorr-“
“You flirt with every customers? With their soon to be bride? Or is it just my woman you’re after?” He clicks his tongue against his teeth.
“N-no, Mr. O’Hara.”
“No as in what?”
“J-just her, i-i mean your woman.” He nervously confesses,
Miguel lets out a dry chuckle. “Let’s get one fucking thing straight, kid.” He leans forward, balling his fists before resting them on the table
“If you ever flirt with her, look at her or hell, if you even think about her when we come back next week, i will make sure no one remember how you look. And trust me when i say that this is not a threat but it’s a promise. Understood?” His voice laced with venom as he points his finger at Cameron’s chest who gulps,
Nodding quickly, he answers. “Understood.”
“Very well” Miguel retreats, taking a bottle of water from the table. “Stay away from my wife”
With that he walks out of the boutique, breathing out a heavy sigh, unscrewing the bottle cap before taking a gulp.
“How’s the interrogation goes?” You speak up with a playful smirk. “Did you manage to make him piss?”
He looks at you as he walks towards the car, shrugging. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” He replies.
Rolling your eyes, you cross your arms. “I saw you, papi. You almost kill the kid.”
“Again, i don’t know what you’re talking about.” He smiles innocently, both arms snaking around your waist to pull you close. Seems like a good kid. So i didn’t say anything”
A laugh escapes from your lips, one that he loves most—besides your perfect moans— “I know you, O’Hara. Like i said, a bad liar.”
“Alright fine, you caught me” He holds his hands up in defense. “He’s lucky i didn’t punch him.”
“That would be a sight for sore eyes.” You tease. “You know there’s nothing to be afraid of, right? Ain’t any other man could possibly steal my heart like you did three years ago.”
“Yeah well maybe if you stopped looking so fucking beautiful with your big pretty eyes and soft pouty mouth, then maybe men wouldn’t try to chase you off and i wouldn’t have 50+ competitions” He complains. But in reality he doesn’t mind.
“Oh excuse me, Mr? You don’t think i got one too?” You ask him through your lashes since his physique is towering you. “I had to put your ex back in her place at the Gala we attended three months ago, you remember? Slimy bitch.”
He laughs hard at that, head shaking at the memory of you confronting Dana was truly one of the unforgettable moments he has of you. “So, what’s next on the agenda?”
You look back at your phone before replying, ���Seating arrangements on 112th street. Now this, we can use that 20 minutes up for something else since they’re running late.”
Miguel’s eyes harden as your finger running up and down his chest. “You mean—“
“Offer still stands. Want me to ride you while we wait?” You chew on your lower lip, gazing up at him and giving him your best doe eyes.
“Baby, if i ever said no to that question… Please feel free to grab my gun under my desk and shoot me in the head” He states, making you laugh as you throw your head back.
This feels like shit :/ I’m sorry but i need to clear out a few WIPs in my drafts
Though i still hope you all like it!
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rottenaero · 1 year
Part 1
Part 3
Part two to the roommates idea
Whenever the mall ‘burns down’, Eddie is just chilling at home; not doing anything special.
Actually, thats a complete lie. He hadn't seen Steve since he left for his shift the day before, and currently has his band+Wayne scattered in the living room as he paces.
“He may as well be dead, he always calls before staying the night somewhere, and he totally despises that place, so why would he stay after hours?” He comes to a halt infront of Jeff who looks considering. “What?!"
“Maybe, consider, he just forgot to call you." Eddie scoffed, “ ‘Maybe he just forgot’, except you don't know him, Jeff. Steve doesn't forget, tell ‘em Wayne."
Wayne nods from his spot on the lazyboy, “ ‘S true, he'd rather call at 2am than have us worrying.”
Gareth rolls his eyes, “Look Edmund, I get your worried about you boyfriend and all but why did we have to get dragged into this?" He complained, and Eddie began pacing again.
“ Not,my boyfriend, yet, and you’re getting-”
A ringing interrupts him.
The pacing stopped almost as soon as it began, and he darts to the phone. “ Y’hello, it's Eddie talking.” A sharp breath drew from the other end of the line.
“Hey Eds."
Eddie smiled, “Holy shit, Stevie. I thought you died. Wayne and the guys are literally gathered in the living room.” Upon hearing the name, Wayne visibly relaxed, going from hunched over to leaning backwards in seconds.
“Yeah I'm- Well shit not okay but I'm not dead.”In the background there was a noise, barely noticeable but-
“Wait, what? Are those sirens? Are you hurt? What the hell-” Wayne leaned forward again.
“I'm at the mall, there's been, uh, an accident? I don't- they took my keys, I need a ride back home.”
“Who took your keys? Steve you can't just be all ominous and-” The phone line shut off. "Fuck!”
Grant, who hasn't been helpful at all, stood up. "What did he do?”
Eddie groans, running a hand through his greasy hair, “Needs us to pick him up, might be hurt. He's such a- Wayne we're taking my van, you guys coming?”
Turns out the answer is yes.
They arrive at the mall five minutes later, mostly because Eddie was driving like a bat outta hell, to every emergency vehicle you can think of, plus thirty more, surrounding the place.
Eddie roles his window down when a cop signals him. “What are you doing over here?"
The metalhead bites his lip, what the hell, “Uh, I'm here to pick up Steve Harrington? He got involved in whatever's happening.”
The cops nods, "Alright, park your vehicle over there, and go get him.”
He does as he's told, a surprising feat showing just how scared he was, because Steve being hurt could mean so many things.
They get out the car, Wayne being the leading man, and head to where the commotion is.
The mall was totally destroyed, a couple kids he didn't know were sitting around, surrounded by their parents, there's a couple teens too, Nancy Wheeler, Johnny Byers, a girl in a sailor costume, and-
Eddie’s heart stopped and he fucking sped forward. “ Holy shit, what the fuck man." Steve looked like hell, understatement of the century but-
His face was bruised and bloody, his hands wrapped in casts, his hair was flat and gross and he was still in his damn sailor costume.
“Hey Munsons, Gareth, Jeff, Grant. It's the whole Scooby gang, or Smurfs, whoever you prefer.” Eddie grabbed his shoulders, and stared him dead in the eye. “ What. The. Fuck. Are you high too?!”
“Just what the hell did you get yourself into. " Wayne said more than asked, shaking his head.
Steve buzzed his lips, his eyebrows furrowed and he brought a hand to them and-
God they were split, and bleeding now. He looked back up at the long haired man infront of him, ignoring Wayne's question-not-question.
“Nah, just recovering from being drugged. Hey this is rivveting conversation and shit, but like, I wanna go home and sleep in your bed, man. Or the couch, or the floor.”
He let out a loud laugh, “Fuck I am not picky right now, I'll even take the back of the van.”
They don't talk about it, not after Hellfire goes home, not the next morning, not after Steve heals. They just don't, because the news told them all they need to know, that there was a fire. Eddie just assumed when they said he was drugged, that he meant medically.
(He didn't)
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daenysx · 4 months
imagine giving james a skincare sesh where reader is seated comfortably (on his lap ehm) and he lets her put all sorts of moisturizers, face masks and even lip balm on him and he secretly LOVES it and after they eat homemade cookies and watch their comfort show
thank you for requesting!! i had so much fun writing this, it's my skincare routine applied to james. i guess that means he's literally my boyfriend now (support my delusions please <3333) you can send me requests for james!
james potter x fem!reader, fluff
"are you ready?" you say, grinning. you carried most of your skincare essentials to living room, ready to give your tired boyfriend a nice spa day.
"yes." james walks out of the bathroom. "i washed my face."
"with the cleansing jel?"
"yes, baby." he sits on the couch next to you. you place yourself on his lap expertly, his face looks dry and clean. you lean to give him a kiss on his cheek, james settles down on couch with his back to pillows.
"okay." you say, clapping your hands. you're excited to give him a nice treating, he deserves all the best. you've never understood how boys have clear and smooth skin naturally, james certainly doesn't use as many products as you do, but he lets you do anything you want to him. skincare is like a therapy for you, quality minutes you spend on yourself. it's relaxing, taking care of your body without a single thought in your mind, you want james to experience it, too.
"let me just pull your hair back first." you say quietly, using tiny hairclips to secure his curls.
"why are you whispering?" he asks, whispering.
"i wanna create a relaxing ambience for you." you answer. "whispering is a part of it."
"oh." he teases. "okay."
you take your face toner in your hand, pouring some of it on a cotton pad. "close your eyes, jamie." you say, start applying it on his skin.
james relaxes into the pillow, his hands keep you balanced on his thighs. he likes how excited you get to take care of him, he likes being spoiled by you. your fingers are gentle on his face, almost invisible.
"now i'm gonna put on a face mask, handsome." you say, tearing the package of the mask. "it can feel a bit cold."
"that's okay." he mumbles. you place the mask on his skin carefully, adjusting the sides to cover his entire face. "what does this do?"
"um," you read the package. "it's for hydration mostly, and it has vitamin c in it."
"cool." he has no idea what vitamin c does for skin.
"we're gonna wait for 15 minutes." you say. "can i massage your hands while we wait?"
this must be some kind of special heaven for james. he gives you his hands blindly, you put on hand cream on the back of his hands and start rubbing it nicely on his skin.
james sometimes complains about how rough his hands feel, he washes them a lot and always neglects applying moisturizer. the cream feels good, like he has the skin of a baby now. you're being really sweet on him, he likes the way his muscles loosen up under your fingers.
"you're an angel." he says, a deep sound coming from his throat when you press a tight spot between his thumb and forefinger. "my fucking angel."
you smile, giving the same care to his other hand. james feels his hands go numb when you're finished. you clean the remnants of the cream on your hands before taking the mask off his face. "there you go." you put the used mask aside. "feels good?"
"i feel like a baby."
you laugh. "you're gonna be like a baby when i'm done."
it's a nice promise, james likes it very much. "i'm gonna apply some under eye cream now." you whisper. "you have no dark circles, i'm so jealous."
"it's because i actually have a sleeping schedule, lovely girl." he smiles. "something you lack, you know."
you massage his face a little bit before applying some moisturizer. you don't think any more products are needed for james, his skin is already perfect and the mask takes care of a lot of things. you want his face to be relaxed, so you keep your fingers on his cheeks. he smiles a lot, there are little lines on the corners of his lips and eyes that start forming. you can't help yourself, you kiss his lips softly. he immediately reacts but you pull yourself back, focusing on your work.
"what's the point of relaxing if i'm not gonna get a kiss?" james frowns.
"you'll get your kisses." you promise. "when i'm done."
applying moisturizer is so easy, his skin is glowing now. you make sure you cover every little spot on his face. "it smells good." he says. you nod even though his eyes are closed. "it really does." you say.
"and now," you put the cream away. "lip mask."
"lip mask?" james opens his eyes. "how will i kiss you if i have something on my lips?"
you laugh at his dramatics. "it never stopped you before. you always ruin my lipstick, remember?"
"not the same thing."
"come on, be a good boy for once." you tease. james parts his lips in shock. "once? this is a vile accusation."
you stop him, putting on a tiny bit of lip mask on his lips. he presses his lips together clumsily. "it tastes nice. is that strawberry?"
"you're not supposed to eat it!" you laugh. "leave some of it at least."
"mm, okay." he says. you fix his hair, and put a kiss on his cheek. you hand him the remote before leaving his lap. "i'm gonna bring you some cookies, can you pick a show?"
james nods, watches you clean up the mess through sleepy eyes. his skin has never felt this soft, he wants to pinch his own cheeks. he opens up the show you both like as he waits for you.
you come back with a plate full of cookies. james pulls you into his lap again. "i'm gonna eat just one." he says smugly. "i can't ruin my lip mask and i don't want crumbs on my face."
you laugh. "you're getting really good at this skincare thing."
"thanks to my angel." he says, he kisses your cheek three times. "i love you so much."
"i love you, too, baby." you say, your hand in his curls. "i can do it anytime you want."
"good, because i don't think i can go on without this anymore." he says like it's so obvious. "now, i remember i was promised kisses."
you settle down on his lap. "i don't wanna ruin your lip mask."
"it's not ruining, babe." he disagrees. "i'm willingly sharing my lip mask with you."
you laugh until your chest hurts.
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zablife · 8 months
Seamstress, Secretary, Sex-worker, Spy
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John x female reader
Summary: You've been seen with John numerous times and now the Shelby family is getting suspicious. Who are you and what's your true relationship to John?
Author’s Note: This was requested by a lovely anon. Tysm for the idea! I hope you don't mind that I wrote them as headcanons. I haven't had much time for full fics recently.
Warnings: language, mention of smut
🌹The first time someone sees you with John you're collecting the laundry, a large basket at your hip piled high with all his unwashed shirts. "Have we got a new washerwoman in town, Charlie?" Curly asks, scratching his head as he sees you passing on the street.
"Don't look like any washerwoman I ever saw," Charlie says ogling you.
💌The second time, you're in the betting shop, nibbling on the end of a pencil as you think of a clever note to leave on John’s desk. Linda rolls her eyes as she complains, "Perfect, they've sent me another useless idiot who can't do simple maths." When you disappear, she assumes you quit. "Thanks be to Jesus for that," she mutters under her breath.
❤️ The third time your presence is much harder to miss, a sharp cry of pleasure erupting from the snug in the Garrison. "Has John got a whore in there?" Isaiah asked, turning to Finn with a wicked smirk. Their suspicions seemed to be confirmed when you left minutes later, money in hand and a smoldering kiss to send you on your way.
🌹 The mystery of your presence remains in the following days and soon Tommy becomes suspicious as well. “I knew he was spending too much time in Solomons’ territory,” he grumbles, pacing the floor of his office. “What if that dodgy fucker sent her here?"
"A spy?" Polly chuckles as she leans back in her chair.
"Why not use a pretty girl to turn his head?," Tommy reasoned with a huff of frustration. When she rolled her eyes in return he shouted, "Everyone knows John thinks with his cock!"
💌 The family meeting begins without John who appears twenty minutes late, stuffing his shirt into the back of his trousers. Running to the meeting from your arms is difficult enough, but now the entire family is boring holes into him, expecting an explanation. When they begin telling him of their suspicions, his mouth drops open.
"You being serious, Tom?" he asks. "All of you?" he looks around the room aghast. Slowly everyone nods. "Bloody hell..." his voice drops as removes his cap and drops into a chair crestfallen.
❤️ Polly begins to look worried, leaning forward at the table to ask, "John, if this girl is going to be trouble, we need to know."
"Always thinking the worst, ain't ya?" he answers bitterly. Then he shakes his head with a little laugh, which angers Arthur first.
"You fucking laughing at us? Finn and Isaiah saw you pay the little tart! What's that about, eh?" he grumbles, anger contorting his face.
"What the fuck did you call her?" John seethes, lunging for his brother. A scuffle breaks out between them which Tommy and Uncle Charlie have to stop before either of them can land a punch.
🌹 John straightens his clothes as he begins, "Yeah, she's my girl. But she ain't a whore and she ain't a spy for Alfie fucking Solomons either alright? Moved to Saltley two years ago with her mum. I had it checked out....'M not as stupid as everyone thinks." He sniffs and takes a look around the room to see disbelief still hanging in the air. "Why is that so hard for you to believe?"
Polly places a hand on his arm, "We're listening, go on."
💌John's eyes soften as he speaks of you. "She takes care of me, does the laundry and shopping, leaves me kind notes..." Eyes glazing slightly at the memory he turns to Arthur adding, "Sucks me dry, I swear to God. Yesterday I thought--"
"We believe you," Polly interjects with a firm nod. Turning to her other nephew she states, "Tommy, I think this item of business is closed."
❤️ You're invited to the next family dinner as a way to placate John, but also for the others to get to know you. When they do, they adore you instantly and John is rightfully vindicated. "Shouldn't have doubted me," John reminds them.
"I know. I was wrong to say you were only thinking with your cock," Tommy apologizes.
"No, I was thinking with me cock, but for once it was the right decision," John admits with a wink.
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writerswall26 · 7 months
My Sweet Cairo (Part 2)
Synopsis: The Ravens' Soccer team Captain fell in love for Cairo Sweet
Warning: Slight cursing, Student-Teacher relations. Other than that, none that I know of (but feel free to correct me)
Words: 1.7k
Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part
A/N: Thank you for the warm welcome. But I think confusion would start here before the good climax. Happy Reading!
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"Before we start our lesson, we want to congratulate our soccer team’s captain for winning us the semi finals last saturday night." Mr. Miller told the class where they cheered and whistled. Y/N smiling humbly while she saw Cairo clapping with them, a warm smile on her face.
"Told yah we'll bring home the championship this year." Y/N told Mr. Miller who laughed.
"I do hope so. Alright, let's continue!" He clapped and proceeded with their class.
Despite Cairo just sitting prettily in the front row, Y/N did not mind her as she was so engrossed with their lesson.
After their class, Y/N waited for Cairo outside of class patiently and she was out in minutes with Winnie.
"What do you want now, superstar?" Winnie asked in playful annoyance, rolling her eyes.
Y/N rolled her eyes as well. "I'm not here for you, miss creepy girl. I'm here for her." Y/N said, turning to Cairo with a sweet smile.
"To what do I owe you, superstar?" Cairo teased which made Y/N groan as she leaned her head back.
"See what you did there?" She turned to Winnie who raised her hands in surrender which Cairo giggled.
"What is it?" Cairo finally asked, curiously.
"Would you want to have dinner with me? Saturday night?" Y/N asked, fidgeting on the strap of her duffel bag.
"Are you asking me on a date?" The smile on Cairo's face never left.
Y/N shrugged. "If you want to call it that, I'm not complaining." She smiled.
Winnie and Cairo gave each other a look before the shorter girl turned to her.
"I'd take you up on it, but I got something going on saturday, I'm sorry." And that, my friend, hurts like a fucking bitch.
Y/N nodded, her face faltering at the rejection. But she still managed to smile and nodded.
"I see. It's okay." She said, starting to walk back slowly. "I'll see you around, then."
She was not feeling herself after that but she saw this coming as well. It's reaching to say that Cairo's gonna accept immediately after just a small interaction and one game.
"What's with the long face, sweetheart?" Jasmine asked as soon as she sat down in their physics class.
Y/N gave her a small smile as she shook her head, getting the rejection out of her head. "Nothing, just feeling a little under the weather." She said and said nothing more.
She was bummed out until saturday and her mother noticed it.
"What's wrong, darling? You've been looking a little down lately." Y/M/N, her mum, said while putting the lasagna on the table.
Y/N smiled at her mum. "Nothing. Just tired." She said before she stood up.
"Where are you going? We're gonna have lunch soon." Her mother called her but she just continued walking.
"I'm gonna take a breather. Don't wait up. Love you." She said before she took her bike and went for a small ride.
She was feeling the breeze and all that when the rain started pouring.
"Goodness gracious!" She muttered as she went faster to find a place to shelter on. And she did, on a big tree in front of Vanderbilt. She was drying herself up when her gaze fell on two particular people on the porch of the place.
"What the fuck?" She muttered to herself, it's Cairo and Mr. Miller, close to each other, smoking.
Her mind was running a thousand times over. What the fuck is Mr. Miller doing with Cairo outside of class? But then again, both of them are writers, it's a poetry place. She stared for a long time, watching and waiting and praying for nothing to happen. And when nothing did, she let out a small sigh.
She shook her head to get back to her senses before she rode her bike again. An anger about to blow inside her and the more she stays, the more it bubbles. She can't have that. So, she rode, fast on the rough wet road.
"Fuck!" She screamed over and over and over again until her tires bumped into something, causing her to lose her balance and be thrown off her bike a couple of feet away, her body slamming on the rough road causing a few nasty scratches in her left arm and a bump on her head.
She laid there, breathing heavily as she tried to feel her body, her legs, her arms. Thankfully, she's still functioning. So she pushed herself up, groaning as she limped to her bike, she checked on it first and was thankful that it was not wrecked. She sighed before she got on her bike and pushed through despite her entire body aching from the impact.
When she got home, her mum immediately rushed to her, checking her up from head to toe before leading her to the living room couch to sit.
"What happened to you, darling?" Her mum asked worriedly as she got a baskin of hot water and her medical kit.
"Didn't see a rock on the way." She answered quietly as her mother started tending to her.
"Was it pouring hard? You should've taken shelter and waited for it to stop." Her mum said softly while cleaning her scratches on her arm and face.
The two of them were silent while her mum's patching her up. After she was done, she kissed Y/N's forehead and fixed the things she used.
"Go get changed before we have our dinner." Y/M/N said, she did what she was asked to.
Y/N walked up to her room, threw her clothes in the laundry basket and changed. The image in her head was not leaving but she soon blocked it out when her mother called her for dinner.
"The finals is a week away. You should take care of your body if you want to win." Y/M/N told her gently while giving her a portion of her food.
Y/N smiled softly. "I know. I was being reckless, I'm sorry I made you worry."
Y/M/N smiled, patting her hand gently before they started their dinner together.
"Will you be able to watch?" Y/N asked in the middle of their dinner.
Y/M/N grinned beautifully. "Of course. I've already told the hospital I'm taking a leave to watch my wonderful daughter crush the opposing team and win that championship cup!"
Y/N chuckled at her mum's enthusiasm. "That's over reaching, mother." She says but her mum shook her head.
"This is your final game before university and you will, for sure, by no means, win the cup. And I'm so so proud of you."
Y/N's heart warmed at her mother's proud smile. She's been talking non-stop about this championship and how it's gonna look on her university portfolio, so her mother wanted her to do her best to win this championship this season.
On monday when she got to her English class, worried looks were thrown her way when they saw her wounds and the scratch on her face. Even Winnie did not give her the usual flirty attitude she usually gives whenever she sat down beside her.
"What happened to you?" Winnie asked worriedly, checking her up.
Y/N shrugged. "Just some scratches here and there."
"You have an entire bandage on your arm, Y/N. Not to mention, that thing on your face. That's not some scratch." Winnie said, concern laced in her voice.
Y/N gave her a smirk. "You worried now, sweetheart?" She tried but Winnie did not smile one bit.
Y/N sighed and faced her to show her the bandage. "Look, I fell off my bike, okay? But I'm perfectly fine now. My mum made sure of that the entire weekend." She assured the girl.
Winnie stayed quiet for a moment before she nodded. "Sure you're okay though? No broken bones or something?"
Y/N chuckled. Winnie can be adorable when she wants to.
"I'm perfectly fine. No broken bones or something." She assured Winnie who nodded with a smile.
Their class starts with Mr. Miller introducing another quote from a book and they're to make their own interpretation of it and present it in their next class.
After their class, Y/N immediately fixed her things hoping to run away from a certain brunette girl which she failed miserably as she was already in front of Y/N before the taller girl even had the chance to step out.
"What happened to you?" Cairo asked, her voice gentle and worried.
Usually, Y/N would smile and be all giddy but after what she saw last saturday, it's like all the happiness in the world had vanished.
"I fell off my bike. Excuse me." Y/N said, pushing past Cairo who followed her outside.
"Are you really going to be like this?" She heard Cairo saying from behind her.
Y/N groaned, letting her head fall back before she turned to look at the smaller girl. Winnie's even worried while watching.
"Like what, Cairo?" She asked, annoyance evident in her voice.
"This." Cairo said, pointing a hand at her as she walks in front of Y/N. "Are you really going to ignore me? What? Because I said no to you last saturday?"
Y/N's ears tinged at what was being accused of her. She wanted to burst out and say she saw her and Mr. Miller at Vanderbilt together, close and inappropriate. But she refrained herself, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves down.
"I'm not avoiding you. I have physics. And why do I care if you're out somewhere with God knows who? I'm not expecting you to say yes just because we had a small interaction and you watched one of my games. I'm not that shallow." Y/N's voice was restrained, her face red from trying to calm down.
Cairo was shocked to see this. She was not expecting Y/N to have a side like this. The few times she's seen this girl, she's always smiling and laughing. Never this angry.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? Let me make it up to you. Come by to my place, let's have dinner tonight." Cairo said, holding a hand to Y/N's chest and caressing it gently. Her big brown eyes are soft and apologetic.
Y/N stared at her for a moment before she sighed, bowing her head to calm before she gave out a small smile.
"Forget it." Y/N said as she stepped back, letting Cairo's hand fall on her side with a pained look.
"Finals on Saturday night, Winnie. Hope to see you there." Y/N said before she walked back and went to her physics class, not bothering to throw Cairo another glance.
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thebestofoneshots · 1 month
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 7.9 K Warnings: none Prompt: Let's see how Vixen and the boys will fare after the preparations of the prank... This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. Proofread by lovely @aremuslupinsimp
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Chapter 61: Mr. Blue Sky
“Shhhh,” Sirius whispered as Remus opened the door. He was holding your sleepy frame by the waist. Remus had been the one to carry you from the tower back to the common room, but he had accidentally stepped on a wobbly step on the stairs and almost face planted along with you a couple of minutes ago.
Thankfully, Sirius had been quick to sit right in front of the two, breaking most of your fall. The fact that Remus had stretched one of his hands to keep himself up had been of huge help, but it had also made them end up in a rather awkward position. Sirius leaning back against the stairs, you on his chest, sandwiched right in between him and Remus, whose hands were one on the steps, and the other around your waist, respectively.
“They ought to fix that fucking step,” Remus murmured after he cleared his throat. 
Sirius just smiled. “I don’t know, I rather like what it’s done to us,” he retorted. Remus would have probably smacked him if it weren’t for the fact that both of his hands were busy maintaining the structure and stability of the position they’d ended up in. Sirius leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on his temple before he helped him stand back up. 
He was moving you over to him when Remus held his hand up. “Wait, wait,” he whispered. Tentatively leaning on his foot, “shit, no–“ he finished while shaking his head. “Can you take her the rest of the way?” 
“You okay?” Sirius asked with a small frown. Your head was leaning on his shoulder and your breath was almost ticklish against his neck, but he was worried about Remus nonetheless. 
“Yeah, just. Probably a sprain or something,” Moony said as he attempted to lean on his foot again and winced. “Hurts though.” 
“Want me to help you up?” 
“Pads, you’re strong. But there’s no way in hell you carry Vixen and a 90-pound werewolf at the same time.” 
“But I have magic,” Sirius said as he pulled his wand out and raised his eyebrows. Remus gave him a look, something between amused and scared and then shook his head. 
“Just bring her up, it’s not that bad.” 
“If you say so,”  Sirius retorted with a shrug, that he later regretted because you groaned in your sleep. 
“If you wake her up, I’ll hit you.” 
“That’s domestic abuse!” Sirius complained. 
“If anything it’d be animal abuse,” retorted Remus and took a few steps ahead, trying to hide his wince as he stepped on his bad foot. “She probably slept like shit these past few days.” 
Sirius sighed, trying not to think of you alone in that inn, sleeping inside Rem’s jumper near the fire because you missed them both terribly so, but had resulted in staying far, for their sake. “I know,” he sighed and pulled you up bridal style as he walked behind Moony, keeping his eye on the boy’s foot to ensure it wouldn’t give in under his weight.
Once they got to the door, Remus opened it with a spell as Sirius shushed him since you were still stirring in your sleep. Sirius thought it was kind of a miracle that you hadn’t awoken by then since you had rather light sleep, but it was true, you’d had quite a rough day, and he just assumed that was the reason.
Remus pushed on the door and looked inside. “They’re not here yet,” he whispered. “You think they got stuck somewhere? Caught?” 
Sirius shook his head. “They’re probably hiding because of the ghost looking for them. They won’t be back soon, I think.” 
Remus hummed in return, and opened the door fully, allowing Sirius and you to get in. Sirius walked straight towards Remus’ bed and gently dropped you in the middle. 
“I guess we can just share your bed,” Remus said as he took off his jumper and jeans, to change into his pyjamas.  
“Like shit,” Sirius said. “We’re all gonna sleep together.” 
“She’s asleep, we can’t just snuggle up to her!” 
“Like we haven’t done it before?”  Sirius asked with narrowed eyes as he stared at Moony.
“That was different,” Remus said. “You were a dog, she was a fox. I’ve never cuddled her, only Vix.”
“Because she turns into Vixen before invading your bed every single time…” Sirius retorted sarcastically.
Remus sighed, it’s not that he didn’t want to cuddle you, heck he had dreamed of sleeping next to you and Sirius for the longest time, but it was as if he wanted you to want it too. He wanted you to ask him to cuddle you, rather than just impose the cuddles while you were asleep.
“What if she gets upset over it in the morning, huh?” 
“Would you be upset if the two of us jumped into your bed and cuddled you all night?” 
“Of course not! But it’s different, she’s a girl!” 
Sirius tried not to laugh, and he had to cover his mouth to stop the snigger from spreading through the entire room. “Are you for real?”
“And you’ve been dating for longer, I just got here and–” 
“Hey!” Sirius when he noticed Moony was overthinking, leaning closer and placing a hand on his bicep, squeezing gently to get his attention. Moony took a second to focus on the boy’s eyes and Sirius was patient, only speaking again when he was sure Remus was paying attention to him. “We want you with us,” he reassured. “The two of us” -he assented slowly- “we’ve wanted you for a while, we just hadn’t realised it.” 
“Sure she won’t mind?” Remus pressed. Sirius smirked, and kneeled on the floor next to the bed, levelling his head to your sleeping frame. “Wait–” Remus said once he realised what he was about to do. “Sirius wait–” 
But it was too late, Sirius had already placed his hand on your face and pulled some of your hair behind your ear –in a rather similar way to the one he had used when you had been in his arms after that dreadful night– Remus realised. Remembering just how eager you had been to stay on the bed, with him, not as Vixen, but as yourself. Perhaps you really had cuddled before. He was about to stop Sirius with his newfound reasoning, but the boy was already whispering something to you. 
“Hey Starshine,” he said softly, there was a warm smile spreading across his face. “Étoile,” he insisted after not getting a response. 
You open your eyes, sleepily, looking at him and then closing them again. “Yeah?” you mumbled.
“Do you mind if Moony and I cuddle up to you?” 
“But we need to get to the room,” you said, voice sleepy, some words dragging closer to the other. 
Sirius laughed. “We’re already here, we had to carry you,” he said softly. “You fell asleep in the middle of the prank.” 
“No, I didn’t,” you retorted in a mumble. “You were taking too long placing the bombs in the tower.” 
Remus suppressed a laugh when he noticed the small frown that was etched on the boy’s features. “That–” Sirius was about to argue but stopped himself. “Never mind… so, it’s okay if Rem and I cuddle you?” 
You didn’t respond, instead, you extended your hand trying to find him and started pulling him towards you. Sirius smiled and pulled Remus, who had already changed towards himself and changed places with him quickly. That’s when you managed to get a good hold of his arm and pulled him as strongly as your sleepy self managed to. Remus smiled and helped you by pulling the covers and joining you on the bed. Sirius was smiling as he looked at the two and pulled his jacket off. You looked so cute getting all comfortable with each other that he almost didn’t want to go to the bathroom in case he missed anything.
Eventually, Remus had settled on the bed, and you had gotten yourself comfortable on him. Yes, on him. You had half of your body on top of his, much like Vixen did when she cuddled with Remus. “You’re not Sirius,” you mumbled as you dug your head into the crook of his neck, feeling the comforting smell of chocolate and books.  
Remus was taken aback by that, all of a sudden he felt like an intruder, and he started squirming under you. “Sorry,” he rushed out. “Sorry, I’ll call him, wait–” he tried to push you off him.
“No!” you mumbled and pulled him closer again. “I like that it’s you,” you added, your smile tickling the skin of his neck. “You’re really good with cuddles.” 
Remus sighed, a relieved smile curving the tip of his lips upwards. “Yeah?” 
“Mhm,” you confirmed and accommodated yourself further. “Did I ever tell you that you have really nice hands?” you slurred. 
“My hands?” Remus asked as he looked at his palm. “You hadn’t.” 
“Should have,” you said and hummed when you felt one gently running through your back. 
“Thought you said you didn’t want to take advantage of her while she was sleeping,” Sirius said as he stepped out of the bathroom. Remus had to do a double take when he realised Sirius had walked out completely shirtless, and Sirius upon noticing, smirked and pulled his eyebrows up teasingly. “Like what you see?”  
“You’re not sleeping like that,” Remus said as he threw one of his shirts in Sirius’ face. 
“Such a wet blanket,” the boy retorted as he put on Rem’s shirt. It smelled as great as Remus did, but he wasn’t going to let him know that he thought that. In a second he was on the bed as well, opting to lay by your side –technically it was the only available bit– and cuddling up to you, making you end up even closer to Remus than you had been before– if that was even possible. 
“Wait,” Remus said, moving upwards a little and causing you to groan and push him back down. 
“Reeem,” you whined, dragging out the “e” on his name childishly since you were still asleep. Sirius leaned on his elbows just to look at the sort of face his lover had made, he bit his lips, holding back a smirk when he noticed the slight blush creeping up Remus’ neck. If you saying his name made Remus feel anything close to what it made him feel, then dear Moony, might have just gotten himself in a lot of trouble. But the good kind of trouble. 
“Sorry, Luv,” he said as he leaned his head a little closer to yours. “I mean,” he whispered, now trying to look over you and at Sirius, “what if Peter comes? And sees us? Sees me with the two of you…”  
“We’ll just say it’s a dog thing,” Sirius said with a diverted shrug. And then looked towards the boy’s crotch that same smirk now spreading across his lips. “If it’s because of a different kind of problem then–” 
“Oh please,” Remus scoffed.
“Just saying,” Sirius shrugged and allowed himself to lay back on the bed, the smirk on his lips not wavering as he pulled his hands behind his head. “If she were to move that leg just a little to the right–” 
The boy laughed, he had such a beautiful laugh, it was hard for Remus not to want to laugh along with him. “Just saying, I wouldn’t blame you. In fact, I think I could even help you.” 
“Help me? How on earth would you even–” The words died out in his mouth as he realised what Sirius had meant, his blush becoming even more evident now, not that Sirius was looking at it anymore, he had closed his eyes and had a rather satisfied smile on his face. 
“I mean, I’m not sure how it works with boys, but you know I can be very creative,” he added suggestively. “Just the other day, back when you busted in on us, I was doing just that and–”  
“Stop flirting, I’m tired!” You reprimanded, as you pulled one of your hands, searching for Sirius’ mouth and placing it on top of it. 
Sirius mumbled something inaudible and it was Remus’ turn to smirk, “Yeah Sirius, stop trying to get in my pants, Vixen’s trying to sleep.” 
Sirius would have scoffed if your hand hadn’t been on top of his mouth. Instead, he pressed a soft kiss to it and killed the lights with a small wave of his wand. You smiled satisfied at his actions and finally took your hand from his mouth, just sliding it down and allowing it to rest below his jaw, your fingers gently playing with the curly strands from the nape of his neck. 
Sirius smiled and leaned a little closer so your hand had better access to his hair. He wanted to get cuddles from Remus too, but perhaps it was too soon. There was a huge difference between joking about getting on his pants and actually doing it. Especially when he –unlike Remus– had no experience in that realm. He had never held a cock that wasn’t his own. Well, that and James’ but that had been an accident and both of them promised never to talk about it afterwards. 
Remus really, had not been thinking of that last night. In fact, he was so tired after the day he’d had that he had fallen asleep almost instantly. Unlike Sirius who spent way too much time thinking about how things would go around in a boy x boy relationship. He ended up concluding that he’d have to ask someone about it. Luckily, he knew exactly the right person to ask. And no, he had not gone for the logical answer –Remus– but instead he’d gone for the second most logical answer, the only other gay person he knew, Tom Harrow. He’d figured your relationship out already, why not contribute a little further? Besides, Sirius did not want to admit it but he really didn’t want to be the inexperienced one in the relationship. He had never been the inexperienced one and he was not about to start now. 
Regardless of how long it had taken Sirius to fall asleep, he had woken up without an issue, in fact, it was Remus the one that was trying to hide his issue, as you stirred, your leg actually close now. 
“Little Witch,” he muttered as he tried to move you a little to the side. Everyone else was asleep. He could hear Sirius’ soft breaths and Peter’s light snoring from the bed opposite. Least they didn’t get caught, he thought as he remembered Sir Pendragon chasing after them both with all his might.
Now though, he was the one that might get caught, and while you would have probably been understanding, he was certain he wouldn’t live it down if Sirius noticed. Not because he wasn’t understanding, but rather because he definitely wouldn’t miss the opportunity to tease him. Thankfully, he was kind of asleep. Unfortunately, you weren’t all that much. 
“Morning,” you mumbled with a soft smile as you propped your chin over your hand and looked up at him. You had a clear view of his sharp jawline and the very light stubble growing across his neck. You had never realised before that he had one, he probably shaved every day. 
He swallowed and adjusted himself to keep your legs as far from his crotch as it was possible –not that much was possible, not with Sirius still pushing you against him, even as he slept. Heck, he’d swore another Godric-damned person fitted on the space Sirius wasn’t occupying. “Morning,” he retorted, the raspy and slightly deeper undertone he had in the morning was as adorable as you remembered.
You yawned, “Did you really carry me all the way from the tower?” You asked. 
“Mhm,” he responded. You turned your head, it was still pretty dark outside, which meant it was either still the middle of the night, or ridiculously early. 
“It’s 4,” Remus said when he noticed you eyeing the window. You groaned and buried your head on his chest, you grumbled something there too, but it was muffled by his shirt. “You can stay here all you want,” he offered, getting the gist of the complaining mumbles. 
“No, I cannot,” you said as you turned your head. “I’m going to have to fly with Prongs and Puppy.” 
“I doubt either of them will want to wake up.” 
“But we have to,” you insisted. “It’ll be suspicious if we didn’t. They’ll think we might be behind the prank,” you added as you accommodated yourself. You didn’t miss the almost hiss coming from Rem. “Sorry…” you said while you turned to him again. “Want me to get off? I’m not sure what came over me yesterday.” 
“No, don’t worry about it,” he said with a smile, still his voice sounded a little strained. “You were sleepy.” 
“Yeah but– I’ve never been sleepy like that. Only that time with the potion you borrowed, I’d even say it felt like I’d taken something similar,” you said thoughtfully. “By Melin! That’s it! It must have been the Mooncalf milk!” 
“What?” He asked with a confused frown. He’d had dinner with you and he didn’t remember any Mooncalf milk in the Great Hall. In fact, he hadn’t even seen you drink milk. 
“You know how me and the girls had Oreos last night?” you said as you started to draw simple circles over his chest. “Well Lily and Mary were convinced we had to have milk with them, but it was pretty late and I was not about to suggest we sneak out to get some from the kitchen to the sweetest little prefect we have–” 
“Thought that was me,” Remus teased with an eyebrow raised as he turned his gaze back on you. 
You smiled, leaned up to him and pressed a quick kiss to his jaw, “I’m sorry, this is Lily Evans we’re talking about.” 
“Should I be jealous? I mean she’s a redhead…” 
“Nah, she’s taken already,” you replied equally teasingly. He scoffed playfully at that, and after a moment of silence, you knew it was time to continue your tale. “Anyway, I remembered I had a spell for transfiguring water into milk.” 
“Oh, no! You know how hard it is to transfigure food!” 
“It’s not like we were trying to make wine,” you retorted, “just milk.... The first time it was terrible, it was too sour to even drink, so we tried again–” 
“Well, it was good! Lily’s brilliant at transfig.”  
“Well, both Marlene and I agreed that it tasted an awful lot like Mooncalf milk, so maybe there was something off with the spell, I don’t know… Now that I think about it though, Mary and Marlene were soundly sleeping way faster than they would have on a normal basis,” you yawned, your eyes closing down again. “How come every time I’m intoxicated with a potion I end up with you, or thinking about you.” 
“What do you mean every time? It’s only been twice. My painkillers and today…” 
You shook your head as you yawned, perhaps the sleepiness hadn’t worn off entirely. “No, it was three, you missed the horny potion at the Slug Party.” 
“I beg your pardon?” he said, turning to you again. “You’re telling me you stopped James from drinking a horny potion through those snacks?” 
“I’ve saved his ass more times than he can count.” You nodded. “I mean imagine if he had gotten a boner in the middle of the party, Lily would have been outraged, it would have been so inappropriate!” 
Like the one Remus was trying to hide right then? Would you also consider that one inappropriate?
Remus cleared his throat, “Yeah, totally.” 
Which is why it was rather unfortunate for him that you caught the nervous tone in which he had answered almost in an instant. You turned to him. “Oh, don’t tell me you’ve gotten one in the middle of a party.” 
“I won’t,” he said resolutely. 
You huffed. “That kind of just makes me think you have,” you said with a small frown and he chuckled, the rumbling of his chest beneath you making you feel quite at ease. 
He could have gone on and told you it was kind of hard to control sometimes –like for example right at that moment– but you looked way too sleepy for a male anatomy lesson. So instead he leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on the crown of your hair. The familiar smell he had yearned for, doing one too many things for him. “Shouldn’t you start getting up?” 
“No,” you said and clung to him a little more. 
“What about flying?” 
You groaned childishly at that, you knew he was right, you knew you had to get up, but it didn’t make you want to do it any more than you previously did. Remus was warm and big and comforting, you didn’t want to switch it for the bitter cold you’d feel once you were outside flying. Even with warming spells, his cuddles were better. 
“I’m gonna start thinking you want to get rid of me,” you joked with a pout.
“You’re the one that mentioned flying in the first place, not me,” he retorted. “For all I care we stay here and become suspects number one of the prank. I mean, if we all end up in detention together, I win more time with you.” 
“Ugh, that’s so mushy!” 
“Not my fault you fell in love with the mushy werewolf.” 
“It is,” Sirius mumbled, half awake now. “Happens to you because you’re so handsome.” 
You smiled when you noticed Remus’ heart pace increase, even if it was just slightly. And then you heard Peter stir on his bed, remembering he didn’t know yet. “Did you guys put a silencing spell around us?”
“No,” Sirius said with a frown. Rem shook his head. 
You sighed, “And here I thought the werewolf and his best friend would be a lot better at keeping their secrets,” you joked and finally pushed yourself off Remus, the covers sliding almost completely off him as you did, and he was quick as hell when he pulled them back over his mid-drift. But Sirius noticed, to Remus’ later dismay. 
You were now lying right in between the two, Sirius had been forced to scoot over just a bit as you wiggled for some more space. Your wand was somewhere with your coat, so you grabbed Sirius from the table and cast a silencing spell. You yawned and stretched before you sat up on the bed and rubbed your eyes awake. The window was still pretty dark, and it wasn’t helping you become any more resolute to get up, not when your two boyfriends were lying on either side of you, both stupidly cuddleable and warm. 
“Who cares if we get caught,” Sirius mumbled as he tried to pull you towards him by the waist. 
“Well I don’t want to be cleaning the boys’ bathrooms ever again,” you said as you took hold of his hand, pulling it from your waist, but keeping it wrapped in yours. “The smell… sometimes I have nightmares of that,” you added in an overly exaggerated dramatic tone.
“Yeah, sure,” Sirius said as he pulled you by your hand with a lot more strength, causing you to collapse between them again. He leaned to you with a small smile on his face, “Not even if you get all the cuddles in exchange?” 
“Not even then,” you retorted with a smile and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Come on, at least let’s go there for a few minutes, make sure someone sees us being obnoxious in the air, and then we come back to sleep.” 
“You’re so not going to want to come back after flying,” he said with a pout. He knew you well enough, after practice adrenaline was all over your body, you had never once fallen asleep after, except for that one time you had been drugged.
“Come on,” you said as you leaned over yourself and pressed another short kiss to his lips. “Help me out.” 
Sirius huffed but helped you cross over him to get out of bed. He noticed as you walked to the bathroom, Moony’s lingering stare and his shifting his hips again. 
“You alright there, little Moony?” he asked with a smirk, looking at the bathroom door before turning to Remus.
Remus cleared his throat, “Mhm.” 
“Oh, I wasn’t talking to you,” Sirius smirked and nodded towards his lover’s crotch. “Someone woke first, and it was neither you, nor me.” 
Remus’ eyes opened widely when he realised Sirius had figured him out, a sharp, but almost silent intake of breath along with it. Sirius just wiggled his eyebrows, the smile never leaving his face. Remus shut his eyes in a wince and then brought his hands up to cover it. “Please don’t mention it.” 
“Mention what? Your boner?” Sirius said nonchalantly.
“Sirius!” Remus grumbled, his voice muffled by his hands. 
“If it makes you feel better, I think she didn’t notice,” he added. 
Remus just kept shaking his head, drowning in his own embarrassment. Why wouldn’t it just… subdue? 
“And we are going to leave too, so you can take care of it while we’re gone,” Sirius added, the devilish smile on his lips being slapped off by the pillow Remus had thrown at his face. “You’re very aggressive,” he complained. And Remus huffed in return. When you walked out of the bathroom you already had your flying clothes on. Sirius smiled when he noticed you, until he noticed you were walking towards James’ bed, and not towards him. 
“Oi, Prongs, wake up!” you said as you nudged him with your wand. “This time I’ll make it rain instead of snow.” 
 James groaned about you being a terrible friend and threw you a rather disgruntled look when he opened his eyes. “Do you even know what time we got here?” he asked. 
“After us but before now,” you said with a shrug. “You can tell me all about it while we’re doing laps.” James shook his head. “Prongs, it was especially hard to get out of my bed, it was really fucking warm and comfortable–” 
“Bet,” he retorted with a smirk and teasing eyebrow wiggle. He might have been sleepy, but he was always ready to tease. 
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, “I’m not gonna beg, Prongs. You either get out of bed and we go flying, or I go flying, and you become suspect number one. You know I can already imagine Maggie asking me where you were in the morning and me having to feign ignorance by telling her you and Pups stood me up.” 
“Just him,” Sirius said as he stood from the bed. “I’m ready to go.” 
James groaned one more time before he shook the covers off, “I get the feeling this is revenge for the times I’ve woken you early.” 
Sirius stood just behind you with a little smirk. “And she’s got all the right to do so,” he said as he thought of all the times James had hauled him out of bed for practice. Especially in year two when he was determined to make it into the quidditch team and forced Sirius to go flying every single day (including weekends).
James threw him an intimidating look, slightly similar to the one you had done back when you had been polyjuiced into him, and it was almost as terrifying as yours. You were certain it would have made anyone backtrack at least a few centimetres, anyone except for the marauders, at least…
Sirius obviously wasn’t fazed. He just retorted the look with a small pout and then pulled out his tongue. James got up in an instant, thinking perhaps that could intimidate him, but neither you nor him moved an inch. On the other hand, you looked down and pointed towards his boxers, “Nice undies,” you said with a sneaky smile. 
James turned his head downward and realised he’d been wearing the ironic, but ridiculously comfortable snitched-patterned boxers Monty had gotten him for Christmas. 
“Bet Lily would love them,” you added just to tease him further and he turned to you with a mortified expression. 
“I’ll go change,” he said and disappeared into the bathroom.
“You forgot your clothes, loser,” Sirius shouted and picked up some clothes from James’ trunk and threw them his way when he opened the door of the bedroom. 
“Thanks, Padfoot!” he said before he closed the door again. 
Sirius sighed and walked over to his own trunk, pulling some clothes and shamelessly stripping in the middle of the room. It’s not that any of the people in there had never seen him only in his underwear –or without it– but Remus seemed to be rather done with Sirius when he threw his shirt towards his face. You turned to look at Peter’s bed, just to make sure he was still sleeping before you sighed and shook your head. We have to tell him soon, you thought. Your boyfriends were kind of terrible at being discreet.
James was out of the bathroom in a few minutes and the three of you left the room shortly after, you with the cloak, in case anyone saw you walking out of the boy’s common room. Thankfully, as it was with most mornings at 4:30 AM, the Gryffindor Tower Hallways were empty. 
Once you were in the common room you took off the cloak and placed it and folded neatly before placing it in Steve’s closet. Now that most students knew what awaited them inside, it had become the best place to hide things that you didn’t want people to take. Not that you didn’t add a small locking charm on the drawer you placed it in for good measure. 
The three of you walked outside of the common room not without greeting Lady McDougal as if you hadn’t seen her since last night. 
“Morning!” you said with a smile. “How did you sleep?” 
She narrowed her eyes on you. “There were people coming in and out of the common room with invisibility spells,” she responded in a rather accusatory tone. 
“Oh, what a terrible thing,” you replied with a pout. “And the Prefects?” 
She scoffed, “Oh the Prefects. One of those Slytherin prefects was here slandering all the portraits last night, even Nigellus Black was mad at him, and you know how he is with people from his house!” She said, her tone changing from an accusatory to a higher pitched, gossipy one in almost an instant.
“Yeah?” you asked with a smile, leaning closer as if to hear her better. Sirius side-eyed you while James looked genuinely interested –he hadn’t been there. 
“Mhm,” she said with a nod. “He was calling us old, and loud, and all sorts of nasty things. It was that long-haired boy with the disagreeable face, nothing like our beautiful Sirius.” 
Sirius positively beamed at being called beautiful, especially since he had been a “troublemaker” just a couple of hours ago. 
“Snape,” James sneered. He had disliked the boy for a long time, but ever since that time at the Slug Party where he had called Lily a slur (for the second time) his dislike had grown into outright hatred. Not that any of you blamed him for it, Snape really was an asshole most of the time. Even Evan and Barty had something to say for them –and you never in your life, thought you’d be saying something like that. 
“Oh yes, that must be him,” Lady McDougal added. “Terrible I say, he woke every single portrait in the Grand Staircase, some are still trying to regain some of their lost sleep,” she said as she nodded towards an old sailor who was nodding off with a smoke pipe in his mouth.
You shook your head as you stared as if you completely disproved what Snape had done –the hypocrisy of you being the cause had Sirius biting his tongue not to laugh. “Don’t worry Lady McDougal, I’m sure he’ll pay for his transgressions.” 
“Well, I believe Nigellus already went to talk to Professor Slughorn about it, he’s definitely going to get detention for it.” 
“As he should,” James said resolutely, and now it was you the one biting your tongue not to laugh.
Afterwards, the three of you bid your goodbyes to her and walked towards the storage unit at the pitch to get some balls for practice. Your hand was still slightly sore from a couple of days ago so James spared you from doing any of your normal keeper training and instead had you speed flying since you had always been so good at it. 
You had been right, the cold was bitter and it was not nearly as comfortable as cuddling your boyfriends on the bed but it was as exhilarating as it had always been. The sharp wind hitting your face as you cut through the air was like getting recharged. The sleepiness from before dissolving into the very air you were surging through. 
You did a few laps around the Ravenclaw tower, partly because it was the thickest and partly because you knew the Ravenclaws woke up rather early, so there would be more than one witness that the three of you had been out there doing your daily morning flights. James and Sirius were beating a bludger back and forth and even got shouted at by an older Ravenclaw who seemed rather done with their obnoxiousness. 
“Sorry mate,” James said as he shot the bludger away from their tower, Sirius flew towards it and managed to throw it back towards James that had now moved towards the owlery instead. You smiled and decided to fly that way as well. You had some treats for Reese in your pockets and thought it would be a good idea to surprise him in the morning. James turned to you with a confused gaze as you landed on the sill and climbed over the railing. 
“Vixen?” He asked turning to look at you for a second before turning back to look at the bludger that was rather fast, walking towards his face and beating it away.
“Just gonna feed Reese!” you shouted back, now you were behind the railing, and walking inside the small tower. 
You already knew Reese’ spot, so you walked straight towards it and pulled out some treats from your pocket. You had to pull your wand out first, and that’s when you heard a loud shriek. A large white owl, opened its wings and plummeted towards you. Luckily you were quick enough to get out of the way. The owl crashed onto the ground and spun until he managed to get up. Reese’s food had ended up on the floor and a few other owls had now flown to pick it up, but the white owl seemed angry, he was looking at you as he continued to cry, now opening his wings in a rather threatening manner, although he wasn’t flying towards you. 
“Hey,” you said with a conciliating tone. You weren’t particularly good with animals, but you had never been bad either. You remembered Solacis (who was really interested in owls) had once mentioned a bad fall could badly hurt them, and you were scared that your getting out of the way –even if it was to protect yourself– would end up hurting the owl. “Hey,” you repeated, “It’s okay. Do you want some food? Is that it?” you asked as you pulled some food from your pockets. 
The owl leaned closer, and you thought he was a lot calmer until he bit your finger in the most vicious bite you had ever gotten from an owl. “Oi!” you complained as you tried to shake him off, but he seemed relentless. “Please! I mean no harm,” you repeated. Your hand was trembling as you tried to pry him off with the other, but he was using his feet to try and claw at you. Thankfully your protection equipment was thick enough. 
That’s when you noticed whose owl it was. You faltered, as you stared at it. He bit deeper and you allowed him without complaining anymore. “I’m sorry,” you said then, knowing why he had gotten so viciously mad at you. You probably would have too. You closed your eyes and tried to place some images into the small owl head with some inverted legilimency. The same you had used on Arkalis Rosier. 
The owl looked at you confused, his bite finally softening. 
“Desmaius!” James said a bolt of light left his wand. 
“No wait!” you said, but the spell had already hit the owl, and she had fallen, knocked out on the floor. The rest of the owls seemed to be genuinely offended at James’ actions and were now all altered and flying straight towards him. Some were pulling at his hair, making it even messier than normal while others were straight-up clawing at him. He was batting his arms all around himself as he tried to pry them off. The only owls not getting involved were Reese and the Potter’s owl. Even Lily’s owl seemed to be angry at James, but he was just screeching from his spot. 
You sighed, picked up the white owl in your hands and ran towards James as a small owl clawed at his eyebrow. You grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him out, the owls following the two of you. “We need to get out!” you shouted as you handed him his broom and crossed over the railing, white owl still in your hands. 
The owls were just behind, still screeching and following James. “Quick, on your broom, Prongs!” you shouted, and he did as told. You mounted yours right after him and held tight with one hand as you tried to steady the other owl on the other. 
“Why are you bringing that beast with you?” he asked. Your finger was still bleeding from its bite. The blood made the injury seem a lot worse than it actually was. Especially since you had wiped some of it on your hand.  
“Because he’s not bad!” you retorted as the two of you started to fly away, the owls seemed rather insistent on following the two of you. 
Sirius, who was soaring just behind a tower, smiled when he spotted you, “Hey guys, why are you–” he started, and then he noticed the angry flock of birds flying behind the two with determination. He gasped and quickly caught up. 
“What the hell did you do to the owls?” He shouted as he managed to catch up with you. 
“He stunned one of them,” you replied. 
“What the fuck, Prongs?” 
“He was biting her!” He retorted in defence, the three of you picking up the pace as the owls shrieked behind you. The same Ravenclaw dude opened his window to tell you off but shut it immediately when he noticed the angry owls chasing behind you. 
“I had it under control,” you retorted. “Follow me,” you added before Sirius could complain and then took a sharp turn, straight towards the forest, you thought perhaps you could lose them there. The two boys did as told. You shut your eyes and tried to concentrate on those half-transfigurations as you entered the forest. A few owls left before even flying inside the forest, and you managed to lose the rest of them after a few minutes. When you were sure they weren’t following, you slowed down the pace and landed. 
The three of you were panting, Sirius’ hair was a mess of unruly curls, James’ face was badly gashed and your hand was still bleeding. 
“You should have left that beast there!” he said with a frown, which caused him to wince shortly after. 
“She’s hurt!” 
“Is that the one that bit her?” Sirius asked as he noticed his red-stained beak. 
“YES!” James added, exasperated.
“He had a good reason,” you retorted. Both boys looked at you like you were insane. “I–“ you breathed, “I have her master’s wand,” you finished. 
“Nina’s owl,” James said, almost in a whisper. 
You nodded. “She hasn’t seen Nina in days, she’s probably scared and lost, and then she saw me wielding her wand, she must have thought I–” you sighed, “She must have thought I took it from her, by force.”
Sirius gave you an apprehensive look.  
“Her name is Nieve,” you added. “Nina got her as a birthday present last year, she asked me how to say Snow in different languages, and picked the Spanish one. Besides, I think she hurt herself when she tried to attack me and clashed on the floor. It must be her wing.” 
Sirius wished he was surprised that you took the owl even after it bit you, but it was something you would do. “You’ll bring her back to your room?” James asked.
“I think so,” you retorted, thinking if you could get help for it. Taking Nieve to Kettleburn didn’t seem like the best idea, but bothering Pomfrey with an owl didn’t seem too wise either. Not when she would care more about your bitten finger and James’ cheek. “Sirius, could I have your handkerchief?” you asked. 
He handed it over and you quickly wrapped it around your finger. You walked out of the forest and towards the Gryffindor tower. Some of the portraits –the ones that weren’t asleep– threw you some judging looks. And by the time you were in front of Lady McDougal, they were already whispering amongst themselves. And it was probably because the three of you looked like an absolute mess. 
“My goodness, did you three fight with Pixies while you were out flying?” 
“Just owls,” you said as you motioned towards Nieve, still knocked out in your hands. 
She pouted at you, “Password?”
James answered this time around and the three of you were allowed inside the common room. Lily was already awake, and working on some homework with Remus when she spotted you. 
“What the hell?” She asked, approaching you, looking at Sirius’ blood-stained handkerchief and then at James. “Jamie,” she said reproachingly and placed both hands around his face. James leaned down a little bit, clearly basking on her attention. Remus was up and next to the two of you in seconds, only lagging by a small limp that you barely noticed.  
“What the hell happened to you?” 
“We got chased by owls,” you explained with a shrug. Remus stared at the white owl still in your hands.  “We’re fine though.” 
“That does not look fine,” Rem said. You opened your mouth to speak. “If you dare say ‘I’ve had worse’ I will pour Firewhiskey down your gash,” He threatened. 
Sirius smiled at that, took the owl from your hands and created a small pillow nest for him in the middle of the table. 
While he was busy with that, Lily had already sat James down on the sofa and was standing between his legs. She cleaned her wound with some water and cotton, that you had no idea where she’d gotten. All the while Remus was carefully unwrapping Sirius’ handkerchief from your finger. The blood had dried a little and now it was kind of stuck and dry. 
He hissed when he actually saw your wound. “Bloody hell he might as well have bitten your finger off!” 
“She,” you corrected. 
“It was Nieve,” you added as you nodded to the owl. Sirius had already gotten a small bowl with ice-cold water and handed it over for Remus to dip your finger inside of it. 
Remus scoffed, and after your hand was cleaned, he pulled his wand out and pointed at the gush. “This might hurt a little,” he warned and then whispered something. You winced but didn’t make a sound. Your finger was like new in a matter of seconds, not even a scar. “You’ll explain to me why you brought the owl that bit you while we have breakfast,” he said matter of factly. 
“So bossy,” you complained as you curled your finger. 
“Hey, Vix!” James called as he turned his face to yours, you stopped looking at your finger and turned to him. “Lily wants to cure me, but don’t you think I’d look cool with a scar?” 
“You’d look ridiculous,” Lily retorted, almost exasperated. 
“I wouldn’t! Vix thinks Moony’s scars are cool!” 
You smirked. “Oh, they are,” you said reassuringly. “But not everyone’s as handsome as Moony, I’m afraid you can’t pull off the scar look.” 
“Oi!” he complained. “This one looks cool, though!” He added as he pointed at his face.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous, I can’t believe we’re dating,” Lily said exasperatedly and pointed her wand at James’ face. “Ready?” 
“Yeah,” James said with a bit of a pout and got cured by Evans who decided to leave just the faintest of it uncured so he could get an almost invisible scar since she knew James would probably be proud and boastful about it anyway. “Thank you, my heroine,” he said and pursed his lips to get a kiss. 
“What’s this, kiss the nurse?” she asked, diverted. 
“Mhm, to make me feel better. Didn’t you say muggles did that?” 
You smiled, “Yeah, I remember she did.” 
“Don’t you want me to feel better, huh?” James asked with another pout, earning an eye roll, and then a short kiss from Lily. Sirius cheered while Remus whistled. 
“You’re ridiculously childish,” she huffed, looking at the three, including at you who stared at her while you wiggled your eyebrows.
“But you love that about me,” Prongs retorted with a satisfied smile. 
“Come on, let’s get you something to eat,” she said as she pulled him off his seat, and the two of them walked towards the exit. 
“I’ll be expecting that get well soon kiss as well,” you said with a teasing smile as you picked Nieve in your hands, you weren’t sure how you were going to help her, but you were not going to leave her all alone in the common room where she could panic and bite someone else. 
Sirius looked at the empty common room and then at Remus with a knowing look, Remus seemed to understand what he meant perfectly. A second later they were both leaning towards you and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek at the same time. But rather than pulling apart, they both lingered near your neck.
“How is that for a get well soon kiss?” Sirius whispered.
You bit your cheeks in order to keep a smile from spreading. “I don’t know I–”  
Remus had pressed another kiss, but this time just behind your ear, and it was not an innocent peck, he was almost sucking, it made your knees weak.
“You were saying,” Sirius smiled as he kissed the middle of your neck, the spot he already knew made you moan. You felt your knees wanting to buckle underneath you. 
“You coming or what?” James asked as he popped his head back inside. “Oh,” he said when he spotted both Remus and Sirius’ heads buried in your neck, “I guess you might be.” Your eyes shot open as you gasped in disbelief, James snickered. “Just don’t do it in front of the kids,” he added as he nodded towards Nieve. 
Sirius pointed his wand at James and his head disappeared before sparks flew his way.
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manicpixiefelix · 9 months
head, heart, hand. {Felix Catton/Reader/Oliver Quick}
Part 5.
Summary: Reader, Oliver, and the mortifying ordeal of being known. Plus clubbing, costume parties, and Oliver being a fucking tease.
{ masterpost }
Need to Know: They/Them. Explicitly NB Reader. FWB!Reader/Felix. Reader is from a well off family but has pretty much been adopted by the Cattons.
Warnings: drinking/intoxication/drug use
A/N: 3148 words. now we're cooking with gas, folks! i might be too sleepy for a real author's note, but just know, as always, its unedited and i love you. have fun, please let me know what you think!
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"Can I be bold for a minute?" On the roof of one of the dorm buildings, you and Oliver are waiting for Felix. It's twilight, the sky painted lavender by the setting sun and encroaching night, and everything feels a little dreamy.
"If anyone would appreciate boldness, Ollie, it's me," you tell him blithely around the cigarette you're trying to light. Still, he's quiet for this one moment, watching the way you cup your hand around the little flame to shield it from the wind.
"How did you and Farleigh ever get so close, considering how he treats you?"
You're pretty sure you know why he's asking you, considering what few interactions he'd witnessed between yourself and Farleigh, but it's still unexpected coming from him. For a moment, your gaze flicks to him, eyes narrowed, not quite sure what to make of the interaction. When your gaze meets his, he's looking at you with that intent, inquisitive look he got in moments like these, moments he seemed to fish for information without seeming like that was what he was doing. The silence and look that you level at him seem to throw him off guard, and immediately he drops his gaze to his feet, swinging off the edge of the building.
"That is bold," you finally settle on, watching Oliver fidget. His ankles cross, his shoulders slump; again he makes himself as small as possible. You deliberately make your tone lighter when you continue, "what's got you worried 'bout me an Farleigh?"
"I mean, all I'm saying is that he was being nasty to you, but now you're both kind of acting like he wasn't."
It's true; since his apology that Sunday morning Farleigh had been keeping his word about not being too bitter about Oliver to or even around you and Felix. You, in turn, made a special effort to spend time with him, pay him attention, made him feel like your priority on occasion. Both you and Farleigh were well aware of what you were doing, but he always enjoyed your company and attention, so it wasn't like he was going to complain.
"Farleigh and I understand each other."
"He slept with your girlfriend."
"India's not my girlfriend."
"He- he keeps calling you a dog."
That hit a nerve. You hadn't realised he was paying attention to that back at the pub. You swallow hard and look out at the horizon.
"And?" Raising the cigarette to your lips again, you don't look at him as you take a very long drag on it, "there are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy," you breathe out with the smoke.
"Doesn't seem like the way friends should talk about each other is all," Oliver says quietly, notes of apology in his voice; you can see him looking at you again out of the corner of your eye.
"Best friend, actually," you finally sigh, letting the tension drop from your shoulders and the moment. As you look at him over your shoulder, you give a faint smile in the face of his confusion, "we've known each other long enough that we can say pretty much anything we want to each other. Only problem is that Farleigh knows that pushing my buttons also pushes Fi's buttons, which is why he does it so often. He's a shit-stirrer, but you haven't known us long enough to know he doesn't really mean it," you tell him with surprising fondness in your voice.
"I'm sorry for prying," Oliver says earnestly, and you smile wider.
"I'm sorry for being so defensive; I realise how it must look from the outside."
Before anything else can be said, the door to the roof bursts open, and Felix greets you both with a hundred-watt smile and a packet of fish and chips in his hands. You descend on him like a seagull, swapping your cigarette for the hot food, tearing into the paper wrapping and settling by the wall at the edge of the roof near Oliver once more.
There's a beat where Felix is watching you and Oliver, his smile soft and fond and endeared, but there's something in his eyes that's been there since that lunched they'd shared at the pub -
"I shouldn't say -" there's a lot of things Felix shouldn't do that he does anyways. Considering his wealth, he could get away with a lack of self control, "I just genuinely didn't know, I mean I might have guessed- did you know?"
"Know what, Fi?" You're still in his bed, bleary-eyed and desperately wanting to go back to sleep when he'd come back from the pub buzzing instead of tired, as he'd predicted.
He'd spent the better part of the afternoon with his head on your chest, explaining the almost Dickensian tragedy that was Oliver's life. Sure you were listening, but you didn't have much to contribute other than faint noises of interest while your fingers carded through his hair.
There's something about the way Felix recounts all this information to you, the way he finds it salacious and heart-breaking all in one. You can hear in his voice that he'd captivated, that he's endeared by the struggle that has followed Oliver throughout his life. As much as you loved him, you'd watched time and again the way he'd fall for tragic tales and the people who'd recount them; Felix had a saviour complex, and it was the only thing the two of you had ever fought about.
Last year it had been Eddie, the worst of the bunch so far. Like Oliver but in the opposite direction; too much, too loud, too confident to hide his ugly secrets and desperation to be wanted. Eddie had been Icarus, taking for granted the wax wings Felix had given him, the good life, attention, a comrade who almost understood him. But he'd played with fire, played with Venetia too many times, and the wax wings melted. Not that you'd cared; you were the one who spotted them, you were the one that told Farleigh, you were the one who listened to Felix's furious rants every few days for the rest of that Summer. You'd never liked Eddie like Felix liked Eddie.
Oliver was different. You wondered if he was different enough.
Still, as much as you liked Oliver you could see it in Felix's eyes, hear it in his voice; he was already getting himself addicted to the idea of how much better he could make Oliver's life. But Felix had hated it the last time you'd pointed something like that out.
("Then why the fuck would I keep you around? Maybe it's because I don't pick my friends based on whether they're charity cases!")
So you keep your mouth shut. Maybe it's worth it for the way Felix smiles -
"I don't -" Oliver's fidgeting when Felix asks him to tag along to a costume party, "have anything to wear, really," he admits. Immediately Felix is offering to let him borrow something. There's a flicker that looks almost hungry in Oliver's eyes amid the gratefulness, and you wonder if he knows how many people would kill to get into Felix's pants. Still, he's humble, "you don't have to do that."
"I don't have to do anything," Felix shrugs with the easiest smile in the world. Then, in the next sentence, completely glossing over the act of kindness he looks at you, "tell me you aren't still expecting Farleigh to commit to that devil costume with you."
"He told me he'd put effort in this year -"
"He tells you that every year," Felix laughs, and you lean into Oliver's shoulder to explain.
"Me and Farleigh always organise to go to one costume party per year as an angel and a devil -"
"And every year," Felix rolls his eyes with a good-natured exasperation, "Farleigh wears some vulgar t-shirt and two party hats for horns, while Y/N puts weeks of effort in and wins best dressed every time-"
"Not every time," you protested, while Oliver looked faintly impressed, leaning back against you too.
"The only times you haven't won best dressed was if there was no competition to win," Felix points out, before looking past you to Oliver with an amused smile, "so I can't promise you a Y/N-level of costume, but it'll be more than two party hats."
"If you wanna give me two party hats, I'll wear 'em," Oliver says, hands coming up as if to placate the both of you. Instead, you grin wider, throwing an arm around his shoulders.
"We'll make you all pretty, Ollie, don't worry."
Unsurprisingly, on the night of the party, Farleigh showed up to 'get ready' at your dorm, which meant him lazing on your bed, drinking and sharing his coke with you while you put arguably too much effort into your makeup. He, of course, is wearing two party hats, and t-shirt that simply says 'EASY', and though you pretend to be annoyed for all of five minutes, he gives a shit eating grin as you chew him out.
"Fool you once, shame on me, sure; fool you six times, that's on you, Y/N."
You flipped him off with a grin.
"There they are!" India cheers from the sofas where your other friends are gathered when you arrive to the party. Farleigh, on your arm, makes a show of his entrance, "not you, Farleigh, obviously." India rolls her eyes, but thankfully Farleigh wasn't too put out. Instead, he swans towards the group to claim a seat.
"Give us a spin, angel," Annabel insists with a coy smile, and you oblige her to the whistles and cheers of the rest of your friends.
"You outdo yourself," Felix told you fondly as you dropped into a beanbag by the sofa he and Oliver had been occupying.
Felix is looking at you, that kind of dangerous look when he thinks you're especially hot and there's only a thirty percent chance that the two of you will even make it to a dark corner. For just a moment, however, your gaze flicks to Oliver, by his side, and he's watching Felix too, absolutely rapt by the way your best friend looks at you.
"Only in comparison to Farleigh," you shake your head, forcing yourself to be Felix's self restraint, especially so early in the night, "besides, look at you; you've certainly grown into this since I last saw you try it on," and you leaned forward as best you could, looking across the circle of friends to the pretty, redhead in the slinky nurse outfit, "how fucking good does Felix look, Annabel?" You ask pointedly, and you can see Felix give a restrained chuckle before turning his attention to his own not-girlfriend, who seemed glad for the chance to gush about him.
Sitting back, you chance a glance once more at Oliver, and somehow aren't surprised to see him looking back at you. All you do is smirk, well aware of what you were doing.
Felix's clothes are too big on Oliver. The costume, though you're not exactly sure what he's meant to be, kind of wears him instead of the other way around. Felix, of course, looks all kinds of gorgeous as a police officer, while Oliver looked rather like he's wearing his big brother's hand-me-downs. But he's rolls up the sleeves and always looks up at Felix with these blue, doe eyes shining with gratefulness, and no-one else cares enough to comment either way.
You wonder if anyone else has noticed, the way Oliver's personality changes with his focus. It's not in large ways, perhaps others think its like a trick of the light, but the way he looks at others, the way he behaves, it seems to vary from person to person. Tactile, distant, closed off, hesitant, open, honest, warm, skittish, never truly the same with each individual. It's like he watches, figures out what people want to hear, what they want from him, and does his best to give it to them. It's almost painfully familiar.
Oliver gives Felix what he wants in a way you know you never can; Oliver gives him someone to help, someone to feel like he's saving. As long as Felix is happy, you tell yourself, that is enough, and it's easy to like Oliver in your own way. The only problem you've found is that as much as you like Oliver, as intrigued as you are by him, you can't quite get a read on him, what he wants, what your place may be in his life. He's always watching, always searching for something, but you're never sure of what.
So you decide to show him love, show him appreciation the way you know best.
More and more you choose to stay by his side when you're all out, at the pub, at clubs, either of you are not with Felix, or if you're not otherwise occupied by someone requesting your attention, you'll be with Oliver.
Tonight, at the club, a girl from town had been occupying Felix's personal space for the better part of an hour, and by the time he has her against a wall down a dark corridor, Oliver's absconded from the dance floor to get another drink, but hasn't returned. You find him skulking against a wall, half drunk pint in his hand, gazing out through the crowd. When you join him, when you follow his gaze, you can see the silhouette of Felix and the girl, his hand up her shirt through the haze.
"It doesn't bother you?" Oliver asks, loud enough to be heard over the music, but not by anyone else.
"The girls don't bother me," an easy, languid smile spreads across your face, "the girls love me," you amend, smile turning a little smug as you watch Felix and the girl whose name you can't even been be bothered to recall.
"Felix's girls?* Ever-hesitant Oliver, even here and now, sounds carefully demure amongst his curiosity, "do you -?" He makes an awkward gesture, but you read his intentions and laugh dismissively.
"No, no... well," you pause for a moment, "occasionally I have my fun, I suppose, but not like that; girls who are into Felix aren't traditionally into me like that, no," you shake your head with an an missed smile, "but that's why they like me, I'm not a threat, see?"
Even through the haze and flashing lights, you can see Felix's hands on the girl; he's warm and rough and the way he holds always feels so fucking secure -
Looking away sharply, you're surprised by how intently Oliver's watching you. Its genuinely startling, and though he seems to understand this but doesn't look away. For just a moment your breathless, caught up in the night and the jealousy and want for your best friend that you usually have much more control over - your own words echo in your head; I'm not a threat, see? A smug lie, a joke at all those poor girl's expenses since you knew they were never going to last.
Oliver's gaze burns when you finally look him squarely in the eyes; he knows.
"I get the impression people assume a great many things about our Felix," he wets his lips, casting his gaze to darkened hallway, to where you had seen Felix with his mouth on the neck of his girl of the night, but you can't look away from him. Our Felix. "And about you."
"And you?" Your tongue darts out, wetting you lips as you draw Oliver's attention back to you, tone flirty. There's something exhilarating about this man that you can't help but want to tease out.
"Not much to assume," he gives a faint smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes, "I'm more the observant type than one whose observed."
"You make the assumptions."
"I make the assumptions," he actually smirks, a bit of that usual gentle hesitation that he approached the world with slipping for just a moment.
"And what?"
"Do you have a lot of assumptions about Our Felix?" You tease his earlier wording, but once again his gaze drifts to your best friend, if he still is in the crowd. Them, quieter, almost as if you don't mean to you murmur, "or me?"
"Had a lot of assumptions," there's a kind of mischief in his eyes as his tone takes on an air of nonchalance, "'bout him, 'bout you too." As he speaks, you step towards him, hand on his arm, moving steadily higher. He can feel it, you know he can, but all he does is smile wider, refusing to break your gaze.
"Like what, Oliver Quick?"
Leaning in, Oliver takes your face in his hands, bringing you close, sharing breath, lips inches from his.
"Like how they write Odysseys about your kind of loyalty," he mumbled, and you feel like his gaze alone could swallow you whole. There's a aching, yearning that you feel in this moment, when you crush your lips to his. It's quick and desperate, and he pulls back, "like how you show love with every fuckin' bit of that body of yours," this time he pulls you in and it's rougher, it's needy, he bites at your lip and you whimper against his mouth, press yourself against him, "like-" he kisses you quickly, "like- like-" but as you find yourself trailing rough kisses down his jaw, he seems to lose his train of thought.
"Yes?" You prompt with a laugh.
"Like how you're desperate to feel needed."
"Observant," you tell him softly, raising your head, arms still around him. In this moment, his expression is open, watching you, waiting for you to react, "more observant than anyone else."
"You wear it on your sleeve, sweetheart," he says bluntly, but something about being seen, about his unwavering honesty, that sets your heart beating, burning in your chest. Or perhaps it's that he called you sweetheart; it's rare that someone is so sweet to you.
"Then need me, want me."
"I do," this time when he kisses you, it's gentle, full of warmth and unexpected love, and the way he holds you close makes you feel so precious and desired at once, "but not like this, not now." And he's letting you go, despite the way your lips tingle and the damn butterflies in your stomach. You desperately want to cling to him, to ask him what the fuck he means, but he kisses you on the forehead and tells you to get back safe, wearing an almost smug, knowing smile, disappearing into the crowd. You can't even go after him, he's made you damn weak in the knees and all you can do is lean against the wall for support.
Felix and his girl have disappeared.
Your friends are still living it up on the dance floor, you're sure, but you have only one thought on your mind.
Oliver Quick is a fucking tease.
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zxxccx · 19 days
My Roommate's Manipulative Friend
This is a work of fiction. All characters are 18+. Contains male fart fetish content. This is my first story so I hope you enjoy it 🙂
My name is Jeff. One day during junior year of college, I was chilling in my off-campus apartment with my roommate Evan and his friend Matt. I've known Evan since freshman year and we're pretty close. Evan and Matt are childhood friends who grew up and went to high school together. They were both typical surfer/skater bros. I had only met Matt a few times before - his college was kind of far from ours, so he and Evan don't get to hang out as much as they used to. Even though we barely knew each other, I got the sense that he didn't really like me and if we're being honest, the feeling was mutual. On this particular day, there wasn't much going on and we were all pretty bored. Like typical millennials, we were all sitting there separately scrolling on our phones. All of the sudden Matt started chuckling so Evan and I looked up.
E: "What's so funny?”
M: "I was reading through this site that lists random world records and it turns out this guy Bernard Clemens has the record for world's longest fart at 2 minutes and 42 second."
E: "Pfft, I could beat that."
They cracked up. I rolled my eyes and apparently Matt didn't appreciate that.
M: "What's your problem?"
E: "Ignore him, he doesn't think farts are funny."
M: "Are you serious? Farts are fucking hilarious!"
E: "I tried to tell him that, but he's a total prude. I've never even farted in front of him before because I don't want to hear him complain. I just hold in my gas and let it out when he's not around."
M: "That sucks, no man should have to hold in his gas. Everyone should rip loud and proud! One time I even farted in Evan's face."
J: "Gross! Did you puke?"
They both laughed.
E: "Puke? It was only a fart. I swung around and blasted him right back. Don't dish it out if you can't take it."
M: "Ya know Jeff, I'd be happy give you some exposure therapy to help you appreciate farts more."
J: "No thanks. Can we please talk about something else?"
I could tell Matt was enjoying having fun at my expense, but fortunately he relented and changed the subject. He announced that he was starving and that we should all grab food. Evan immediately agreed, but I really wasn't hungry. I was also feeling kind of tired, so I decided to stay back and take a nap.
I woke up and felt like something was off. I tried to move and freaked out when I realized I couldn't. I opened my eyes and saw Evan and Matt staring down at me with huge grins. I tried to say something but I couldn't because there was tape over my mouth.
M: "Heyyyyyy. Enjoy your nap?"
E: "I can't, this is too good."
I took a moment to take in my current position. I was laid out with my head on a couch cushion and my lower body being supported by the coffee table. My legs were taped together and my arms were taped to my side. Again, I tried to protest but was only able to produce muffled sounds.
M: "We got a real treat in store for you. Ya see, I've been thinking more about what Evan said earlier about being able to beat the world record farter and thought it would be fun put his gas to the test. The Taco Bell we had for lunch should be more than enough to fuel this challenge, but I figure we need a judge to make sure it's fair and think your virgin nostrils make you the perfect candidate for the job."
Matt had the biggest grin I've ever seen. I felt annoyed that Evan would go along with this idea, but wasn't entirely surprised. While I know Evan didn't actually care about some dumb world record (I think the three of us all knew that it likely wasn't even possible), he's a really competitive guy who's not one to shy away from a challenge. I'm sure Evan only said he could beat the record earlier as a joke, but that was exactly the fodder Matt needed to take advantage of his competitive nature and turn it against me. Evan and I also never pass up on an opportunity to have a little fun at each other's expense, so I'm sure that only made him easier to manipulate in this case.
M: "Now Evan, to confirm, you've never even so much as farted in the same room as Jeff before, right?"
E: "That is correct."
M: "Wow, so that means his first experience with your gas is gonna point-blank. That's rough. As someone who's been blasted by you before, I can say even at a distance it absolutely reeked. I can't imagine how much worse it'll be at ground zero. Let's just say I'm really glad I'm not in his position."
E: "Yeah this is probably gonna be pretty bad. Honestly, I was a bit hesitant to go through with this. I mean farts are funny, but this is taking things to a whole new level. Does anyone really deserve to be subjected to something this disgusting? I wasn't so sure, but then Matt pointed out that this is only a prank and it's all in good fun. Who knows, it might even help you lighten up a bit. And if you think about it, this really is the opportunity of a lifetime for you. I've farted at people several times before, but I've never fully sat on someone's face and let rip. You're gonna get to fully experience my gas in a way that no one has before and possibly never will again. And of all the people who could possibly receive that honor, I'm kind of glad it's you."
Evan looked down at me with an amused smirk. I knew he was mostly just messing with me, but I couldn't believe how far he and Matt were taking this. Knowing that I was gonna be the first person to "fully experience" his gas and that he was glad about it only increased my frustration.
M: "Alright, enough chit chat. Let's get to it. Evan, your throne awaits!"
Matt motioned towards my face. I knew this was my last chance to put a stop to this. If only I could speak, I was confident I'd be able to talk Evan out of this. Unfortunately, I didn't have that luxury. I put up as much of a fight as I could and let out as many muffled please as possible, but they fell on deaf ears. Evan spun around and hovered his ass above my face. Then slowly and tauntingly, he began to sit down. To add insult to injury, he made sure to maintain eye contact with me until he was fully seated and his board short clad ass completely covered my face, enveloping it in warmth.
E: "Wow, he's actually kind of comfy."
He wiggled a little which caused my nose to sink further into his ass and settle right below his asshole. I can't believe my best friend was actually sitting on my face.
M: "This is so awesome! I can't believe we're actually doing this!"
They both laughed. I could feel Evan's body shake when he laughed. I had been holding my breath up until this point but my lungs felt like the were going to give out so I reluctantly gave in and took a breath. Fortunately, Evan's a pretty hygienic guy so it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it still smelled like ass and wasn't exactly pleasant.
E: "Whoa, that felt weird?"
M: "What?"
E: "He just sniffed my ass."
M: "Nice, bet he's loving it! Got any gas in the tank?"
E: "Yeah, feels like the Taco Bell is fully kicking in so I think I'm ready to let rip."
M: "Do it. Blast him!"
I felt Evan start to bear down and push. I braced myself and wondered what I did to deserve this.
The fart vibrated across my face. I felt Evan let out a sigh and relax. I was afraid to breathe.
M: "Is he sniffing?"
E: "Nah, feels like he's holding his breath."
M: "That's no fun, we'll have to fix that."
Before I had time to process what Matt meant by that, he abruptly pushed down hard on my chest forcing the air out of my lungs through my nose. I was furious at him, but it was short lived. My body involuntary took in air to refill my lungs and, as soon as I took in my first breath of Evan's gas, my mind went blank. I had never smelled something so bad in my life and my body was having trouble processing it. Raw sewage would be jealous of the smell. I gave up on holding my breath and started struggling in my bonds in an attempt to try to get away from Evan's ass, but my struggles were in vain. Of course, Evan and Matt found this hilarious.
M: "I don't think he appreciates the stench of your special brew."
E: "Yeah he really seems to be struggling with it."
M: "I guess that means there's only one thing to do..."
E: "Way ahead of you!"
This one was louder and longer. It felt like my skull was rattling. How could they think this was funny? How could Evan do this to me? It felt like the stench of his gas was fully consuming me. I couldn't imagine how this could get any worse, but apparently Matt had other ideas.
M: "Is it just me, or does it feel like he's not fully appreciating your farts?"
E: "What do you mean? You can't possibly expect him to enjoy this."
M: "Maybe not. I just think that since you worked up all this gas for him, he should really be savoring it. None of this holding his breath business or taking shallow breaths to avoid it."
E: "How could we possibly get him to savor my farts?"
M: "Well...what if I tickle him? Then you can blast him and he'll have no choice but to literally huff your gas."
I was surprised not to hear Evan immediately reject this idea. Instead, it seemed like he was actually considering it. I started to aggressively protest, hoping that I could get through to Evan and make him see that this was crazy. However, evidently he couldn't pass up on an opportunity to mess with me more and decided to intentionally misinterpret my pleas.
E: "I appreciate you weighing in Jeff. I was going to say that you had enough and that we should let you go. But it sounds like you're begging us to go ahead with Matt's idea. Don't you agree Matt?"
M: "Oh yeah, it sounds like he's saying that he really wants to get aquatinted with your gas."
E: "Kind of weird Jeff, but if that's what you want we can definitely do that for you. Just know, that if we do this I'm not gonna hold back at all."
I struggled and screamed as much as I could in order to try to let them know I wasn't okay with this. It was no use though. They were clearly enjoying this too much.
E: "Okay, but remember you asked for this..."
Thus began one of the worst experiences of my life. True to his word, Evan did not hold back. He let out a constant barrage of farts and it felt like each one smelled worse than the last. Thanks to Matt's relentless tickling attack on my feet, I was forced to sniff pretty much all of Evan's gas. And, of course, throughout the entire ordeal my face stayed firmly planted in Evan's ass with my nose right at the source. I felt like my brain was melting. Evan's gas was all I could think of - I couldn't fully comprehend just how much of it I had inhaled. I started to forget that fresh air was even a thing. Finally, after what seemed like hours (but realistically was probably only 10 minutes), there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
E: "Alright, that was pretty funny but I think he's had enough."
M: "Aww, come on man this is too good. We could keep this up forever and he wouldn't be able to do anything to stop us.”
E: "Nah, enough is enough. After all, we don't want to permanently destroy his nose."
Evan laughed at his joke, but after what I had been through I wasn't sure if my nose would ever be the same again. If nothing else, I was definitely a lot more familiar with my best friend’s gas than I ever wanted to be. Evan went to get up, but Matt stopped him.
M: "Okay fine, we can call it quits, but one more thing first. Do you still have any gas left in the tank?"
E: "Yeah...but I really think we should let him up now. He's been down there for a while and this was just supposed to be a prank, not actual torture."
Note to self: Evan and I have very different definitions of what constitutes torture.
M: "Totally fair. We can definitely let him up in a minute, I just think we need a grand finale to help seal the deal and ensure this experience is something he'll never forget."
If I could talk, I would say that we're already wayyyyy past that point, but unfortunately fate prevented me from being the voice of reason. Also, couldn't they have this conversation with Evan standing up? Why was he still sitting on my face? Yeah he wasn't currently farting, but I was still being forced to sniff the remnants of his previous farts that had absorbed into his clothes. And he just said he's still feeling gassy, so I was anxious to get him off of me before anymore of his gas found it's way into my nose. Especially since it sounded like Matt was scheming again...
M: "As a final salvo, I think he should have to sniff a couple unfiltered farts from you."
E: "What do you mean?"
M: "I mean full on bareass. No board shorts and no boxers."
My heart skipped a beat. I can't believe Matt would come up with something so disturbing. There must be something genuinely wrong with him. I was about to freak out again, but then it dawned on me. There's no way Evan would go through with this. Sure he's not shy about things like burps and farts, but he's super reserved when it comes to his body. He won't even walk around the apartment in a towel - he always changes in the bathroom when he showers to avoid any accidental exposure. Same when we go to the campus pool, he puts on his bathing suit before we leave to avoid changing in the locker room. There's no way he'd feel comfortable showing off his bare ass. I was about to get in my first win against Matt. The excitement from that realization almost made up for what I just went through. Ok, it actually wasn't even close, but I was still happy about this small victory I was about to be handed.
E: "Ew, no way man! You know I don't like exposing myself and besides shoving his face in my bare ass seems super unsanitary."
M: "Aww come on! It would only be for a few a seconds. One and done!"
E: "I said no! Stop trying to push me man!"
M: "Wow okay. Guess Jeff's not the only one here who's a prude."
E: "You can't be serious. I just ripped ass all over his face. I'm still sitting on his face as we speak. How can you even say I'm a prude?"
M: "Because you're too afraid to reveal your bare ass for a second just for a prank. Haven't you ever heard of mooning? People do it all the time!"
E: "Why are you pushing so hard on this?"
This argument was music to my ears. I could tell Evan was getting pretty frustrated. Now if only he would stand up...
M: "Look man. You need to remember the main reason we're doing this. Yeah it's really funny, but the whole point is to help Jeff lighten up and break barriers. Before today, he wouldn't dream of putting his face anywhere near someone's ass, but now you've been sitting on it for almost a full half hour. Before today, you couldn't even fart near him and now he's literally huffed your gas directly from the source. If he takes some bareass farts from you, think of how high that would set his tolerance. You'd really be doing him a favor."
E: "I don't know. That all sounds pretty stupid."
I'm not sure where Matt was getting this twisted logic from, but Evan didn't sound as frustrated as he did a moment ago. Was this actually working? There's no way...
M: "It at least makes a little bit of sense. If you get it over with real quick, then it will be done and I'll stop nagging you about it. Come on man! Do it, you won't!"
My heart sank. I can't believe Matt went there. As I said, Evan's not one to back down from a challenge. The phrase "Do it, you won't" is like his kryptonite. I've used it on him plenty of times. He almost always follows through just to prove that he's not a wimp and can do the thing in question. But surely this was a bridge too far, right? After a bit of hesitation, I got my answer...
E: ".......Fine. Okay, I'll do it. But you have to look away and Jeff has to close his eyes. He may have to smell my ass, but that doesn't mean either of you have to see me naked."
M: "Really dude? You're not gonna be naked. It's just gonna be your ass."
E: "You want me to do this, we're gonna do it on my terms."
M: "Alright, fair enough. Let's do it."
I started to struggle and complain again, but Matt wasn't having it.
M: "Enough! I'm tired of your whining. We're doing this and there's nothing you can do about it. So just shut up and take it."
Evan finally stood up, but I knew this ordeal wasn't over yet. He put his hands on the waist of his board shorts.
E: "Okay, Jeff close your eyes and Matt turn around."
Evan looked at us to ensure we complied. I saw Matt turn around. I figured if I kept my eyes open, maybe he wouldn't go through with it.
E: "Come on, close your eyes so we can get this over with."
M: "Jeff if you're gonna be a dick about this and make Evan uncomfortable, then we'll just have him keep his clothes on, sit on your face, and blast you for the rest of the day. Is that what you want?"
Wow, as if I'm somehow the one in the wrong here. But that's definitely not what I wanted. I also didn't want me face shoved in his bare ass though. Still, I wanted this to be over as fast as possible and avoid prolonging it, so I reluctantly complied. I started to brace myself for what was about to happen, but Matt had other plans. All of the sudden, I felt fingers on each of my eyelids and my eyes were pried open. He gave me a look that told me I'd regret it if I said anything so I remained quiet. Unlike the first time Evan sat on my face, he didn't look back at me this time. I guess he was a little embarrassed by what he was about to do and didn't want to see my face. This meant that he was completely unaware of Matt's latest scheme. Interestingly enough, even though he was holding my eyes open, Matt continued facing away from Evan. I guess even though he was determined to make sure I got to see Evan's ass in all its glory, he had no desire to see it himself. Without any fanfare, Evan slowly lowered the back of his board shorts and boxers, and there it was: his bare ass. He definitely had quite the bubble butt. Aside from a thin layer of fuzz, his ass was mostly hairless.
M: "Don't forget to spread your cheeks so you can get him in their nice and deep."
Evan complied. His crack was slightly hairier than his cheeks and his asshole was now staring back at me. Then, he started to sit down. This seemed impossible on today of all days, but I really felt that I had sunk to a new low. When Matt heard Evan start to sit, he removed his fingers from my eyelids. I closed my eyes but the damage was done. I couldn't believe I'd been forced to see my best friend's ass and asshole against both our wills. The image would be forever burned into my brain and no one could take this moment back for me. I was temporarily distracted though when I felt Evan settle onto my face. He let go of his cheeks and they closed around mine. My nose was touching his asshole.
E: "I don't like this. I can feel his nose touching my hole."
M: "Bet it's not great on his end either. Jeff, do me a favor and take a nice big sniff of Evan's asshole."
I told him that wasn't gonna happen as best I could through the gag. He seemed to get the message.
M: "Do it or I'll press down on Evan's shoulders and send you even deeper into his ass."
I definitely didn't want that to happen. My nose was already touching his asshole, I didn't need to be any deeper. So, I gave in and took a big sniff. The minute I did, I regretted it. Unsurprisingly, it smelled like shit. I started gagging and struggling. Matt laughed.
M: "Yeah, I bet it smells pretty bad down there. Sucks to be you!"
E: "Could we get this over with already?"
M: "Ok yeah, sure. Now Jeff, here's how this is gonna work. You're gonna breathe out fully and then I'm gonna count backwards from five. When I get to one, Evan's gonna let rip and you're gonna start inhaling as hard as you can. And you better keep inhaling for the full duration of the fart. And before you start freaking out again, you should know that I took some pics of Evan sitting on your face before when he still had his clothes on. If you refuse to do this, I will post those pics online and tell everyone you begged to sniff Evan's farts. Evan will back me up, so no one will believe you if you try to say I'm lying. Right Evan?”
I tried to plead with Evan as best I could.
E: “Sorry Jeff. I feel like this is super weird for both of us, but you're just gonna have to do it. You’ve made me do some gross things in the past - remember when you dared me to eat that box of freeze dried crickets? Think of this as payback for that. I know it's not fully equivalent, but we all have to do things we don't wanna do from time to time. Besides, I have a real whopper brewing right now and I kind of want you to take it.”
M: “Then it's settled. Deep breath out Jeff.”
Feeling like I had no other choice, I did what I was told.
M: “Ok, ready? Breathe in on one. 5…4…3…2…1…”
Evan was right. This one was a whopper. I felt his asshole vibrating against my nose. I lost count of how long it lasted…but I do know it ended with a silent his. And I inhaled the whole thing. As soon as I finished inhaling, my body started shaking. This was by far the worst thing I had ever experienced. I felt defiled. Matt was besides himself with laughter and even Evan was cracking up a bit.
M: “Dude that was sick! I can't believe he just huffed a fart out of your bare asshole.”
E: “Yeah that was definitely disgusting. Are we done now?”
M: “One more and then we let him up. Sound good?”
E: “Fineeeee.”
I was numb at this point and just ready for this whole thing to be over. What's one more fart? It's not like it can be any worse than anything I'd already endured. Unfortunately, I spoke to soon. I should have known better than to tempt fate. This time, when Evan farted, we both got more than we bargained for and I felt a little something squirt out onto my nose. That's right, this last fart was wet. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I was done. I immediately started convulsing and going back and forth between screaming and gagging. Evan immediately realized what happened too. He jumped up, pulled up his shorts and boxers to cover his ass, and ran to the bathroom. Matt turned around and looked confused. He called out to Evan in the bathroom.
M: “What happened?”
E: “I accidentally sharted…”
M: “You sharted on his nose? That's the best thing I ever heard!”
Evan returned from the bathroom.
E: “Seriously dude? I can't believe that happened.”
M: “Are you sure it was a shart?”
E: “Dude, I'm telling you that fart was wet.”
M: “I know, but look at his face. There's nothing on his nose. It's not brown.”
E: “Really? That's odd, when I went to clean up in the bathroom, the toilet paper was clean too…”
M: “Damn, that means it wasn't a shart then, just a wet fart. Probably just sweat or generic ass juice.”
E: “Well that's a relief!”
M: “Yeah I guess…”
E: “Why do you sound disappointed? You actually would have preferred if I did shart on him?”
M: “Yeah man. That would have been fucking hilarious! Icing on the cake.”
E: “You're sick man! Whatever let's just get this tape off him. This has gone far enough!”
Right as Evan was about to start untaping me, his phone vibrated.
E: “Damn it! I totally forgot that I committed to meeting my lab partner today to finish our physics lab.”
M: “Can't it wait?”
E: “I wish, but today's the only day we both have free to work on it before it's due. Sorry to do this to you guys, but I really need to get this done. Can you take care of freeing him?”
M: “Yeah sure!”
E: “Ok cool. Thanks for being such a good sport Jeff. Once you're out you can get cleaned up and then we can hang later and put this whole thing behind us. I'll be back in a few hours.”
And with that Evan left and I was alone with Matt.
M: “Well I think we both know I have no intention of letting you go now that Evan's gone. Not when your face looks so comfy. Plus, I ate Taco Bell too and haven't had a chance to release my gas.”
I tried to tell him off but it wasn't very effective.
M: “Thanks for reminding me. We need to do something about your gag. Your pathetic complaining is getting annoying.”
Matt walked away and came back later with something in his hand.
M: “Earlier when we decided to gag you, I wanted to stuff something in your mouth. Evan thought that was too far so we just used tape and left your mouth empty. But…Evan's not here now and I think I found the perfect thing. This sock was buried in Evan's hamper and smells pretty gnarly. Here take a whiff.”
He turned it inside out and pressed it against my nose. I hesitantly took a whiff and it smelled awful - like old cheese. Matt was very amused by my reaction.
M: “Yeah it's pretty bad isn't it. Bet it tastes worse…”
With that he ripped the tape off my mouth and I breathed through my mouth for the first time in ages. I knew I had to reason with him.”
J: “Please Matt, can't you just let me go? Haven't I suffered enough?”
M: “No chance! I'm not gonna waste this prime opportunity.”
J: “But…why? Why are you doing this to me?”
M: “Because I can. And because it's fucking funny. Now enough talking, open wide and get ready to taste Evan's gross sock!”
I clamped my mouth shut but Matt was unphased. He simply pinched my nostrils shut. Soon my need for air overcame me and I had to open my mouth to breathe. As soon as that happened, Matt shoved the inside-out sock in my mouth and taped it shut again. Evan's sock tasted awful. This was the worst! In one day I not only got more acquainted with his ass than I ever could have imagined but I also learned what his foot tastes like. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to look at him the same way again.
M: “Yeah suck on that sock. I bet it tastes awful! Now that that's taken care of, it's time to get down to business. I'm not as nice as Evan, so I hope you're ready for a rough ride.”
Without any further ado, Matt pulled down the back of his board shorts and boxers and slammed his bare ass onto my face. He spread his cheeks and wiggled around to get me as deep as possible. My nose actually slipped inside his asshole. The smell was unbearable. His ass was hairier than Evan's and smelled stronger too.
M: “Perfect. Got you right where I want you. The Taco Bell is hitting hard, so you're in for a good time!”
He started farting nonstop. I was in hell. This torture went on for so long that I lost track of time. Apparently Matt did too, because when Evan got back a few hours later, Matt was still sitting on my face. Evan was pissed and they got into a heated argument. Evan let me go and I slinked away and took the longest shower of my life.
After I got out, Evan apologized profusely to me. He said he knows they took things too far and that if I was willing to forgive him, he'd never do anything like this again and go back to holding in his farts around me. Today aside, Evan was genuinely a good friend and I knew this whole thing was mostly Matt's fault. So, I decided to forgive him. I also told him that he didn't have to hold in his gas around me anymore. After what I went through today, I could tolerate the occasional fart here and there as long as my face was nowhere near his ass when it happened.
I asked where Matt was and apparently he decided to go back to his dorm after their argument. Him and Evan did eventually make up, but he never apologized for what he put me through. I was happy to have things relatively go back to normal with Evan though. Sure I noticed his ass a lot more than I used to. And anytime he did fart, the smell brought back flashbacks of this awful day. But the worst was behind me now…or so I thought. Turns out that Matt wasn't done with me. He had gotten a taste of using Evan to torture me and was hungry for more. I didn't know it now, but Matt was going to make sure that I was more familiar with my best friend's body than any one person should be. If I thought Evan's farts were bad, I had another thing coming…
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reidmania · 1 month
hello!! ok so, i was wondering if i could request a fic that is based around autumn/ october/ halloween because spencer loves spooky season and i fuck with that, anyway, so could you tie that detail into smth kinda like your “everywhere everything” fic fluff wise because i went feral for that one lmao. feel free to ignore if youre not up to it, but i’d love to read what youve got if you do write this. 💙
part one, part two
summary; spending the week before halloween & going to the pumpkin patch with Spencer in your home town.
warnings; pure love sick fluff, talks about home towns, established relationships, fem reader, halloween, mentions of driving, rushed ending sorry!!
an; i decided to make this request a part two to the everywhere everything fic bc the next verse just fits so well i think?? but it can be read without reading the first part. and that whole song feels like love in autumn!!
im also australian and we dont celebrate halloween like americans do, ive never been to a pumpkin patch so please bare w me during this.
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'Drive slowly, I know every route in this county, maybe that ain't such a bad thing I'll tell you where not to speed. It's been a long year and all of our book's pages dog-eared We write out the ends on our palms, dear. Then forget to read, we didn't know that the sun was collapsing 'Til the seas rose and the buildings came crashing. We cried, "Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh" Everywhere, everything, I wanna love you 'til we're food for the worms to eat 'Til our fingers decompose Keep my hand in yours'
"Slow down" You huffed out as Spencer turned down a road you knew all to well, it was familiar and came with a sense of home in place. It was the same road you remembered your father being pulled over everytime for speeding, the same road you had been pulled over on when you had first gotten your licence.
Spencer did as you told him, after sitting in the car with you for an hour mumbling about where was and wasn't safe to go a little faster than the speed limit, he knew to listen. This was your home, you knew it better than he would.
He even refrained from correcting some of your 'fun facts' abot your home town. Purely because listening to your excitement while talking about it made his heart too happy to say anything.
"You know we have gone past about three different pumpkin patches on the way" Spencer asked, raising his eyebrow softly as his head turned from the road to look at you for a moment before turning back to the road.
You rolled your eyes, a playful smile taking place over your lips. “Yes, but, this one’s the best. We are literally two minutes away. Please don’t complain.” You muttered with a smile.
The air between the two of you was warm. It lingered with peace and quiet love, the sort that didn’t need to be shouted from a roof top because it was whispered through the way Spencer’s hands reached to grab yours, the way his eyes danced between you and the road, the way the music playing was what you enjoyed rather than the normal radio he would let play in the background.
It didn’t need to be shouted because it was whispered through the way Spencer’s face lit up when he parked the car and looked out the window, the way he turned back to you with just about the widest grin you think ever possible, the way he leant in to place a gentle kiss against your forehead before he got out, walking around the car to open the door for you.
“Pretty right?” You grinned up at him as his eyes took over the scene, the leaves that covered the ground around your feet all the prettiest shades of orange and yellow, the scent of cinnamon filling the air around you, as patches and patches of pumpkins laid in front of you, all surrounded by a brown picket fence.
He just placed another kiss on your the top of your head, clasping his hand with yours, fingers interlinked between one another. The smile on his face and look in his eyes said more about his excitement than words possibly good — so you didn’t mind the lack of response as you began walking towards the patches.
“I wanna find the biggest one.” You mumbled out, looking around the large patches. There was families, friends, other couples surrounding you but your focus was on nothing but Spencer, and finding the biggest possible pumpkin.
Spencer snorted as he looked up at from patches, to look at you. He took in how you looked curled into one of his knitted sweaters, arms wrapped around your torso in order to shield you from the autumn breeze.
“I think that kid just took the biggest one”
You furrowed your eyebrows and spun your body to look behind you to where a kid was walking — To be fair the pumpkin his dad was holding was pretty big, but the smile on the kids face when he jumped around holding hands with his mum made you not mind so much.
“Well.. I’ll get the second biggest” You settled. Spencer smiled as he shook his head, tugging you slightly closer by your hand to pull you into his chest. His hand left yours as his arms came to rest around your waist.
You laughed, as your hands came up to his upper back and the back of his head gently. The two of you swayed side to side for a moment. “Happy?” You asked, silly question. You could feel it radiating off of him.
He pulled his head away to press his forehead against yours, his nose knocking yours lightly as he scrunched up his face for a moment, before pulling back to look down at your face. His lip quipped up into a soft smile. “Very.”
You lean back, his hands moving to hold onto your hips as his thumb slipped up under your sweater, his sweater. His thumb ran small circles over the skin in place. Your smile widened, heart exploding as your skin burnt under the cold of his fingertips.
“Come on, I want to find the perfect pumpkin. We should have a pumpkin carving competition this year, that would be so much fun” You rambled as you pulled away from his touch to walk around the lines and lines of pumpkins.
He laughed, “We should.” He agreed softly, because why would he ever deny you what you wanted, especially something to do with halloween.
He watched as you bent down to run your fingertips run gently along one of the pumpkins in the row: It was a decent size and probably would be simply to carve since he knew your mind was now hyper-fixated on the idea of pumpkin carving instead of finding the biggest possible pumpkin.
“Actually- Did you know each year 150 million dollars is made from pumpkins, and 98 percent of that is from people who purchase them to make jack-o’-lanterns, and 46% of amercia—”
“How many is that?” You cut off as you look up at him from where you were leant down to look at the pumpkins. He smiled.
“A hundred and fifty four million” He answered without even having to think about it. It never failed to stun you. You hummed allowing him to continue on telling you his facts.
“So 46 percent — Or A hundred and fifty four million people, in America make jack-o-lanterns every year. During Halloween the most reason for injury is actually because of pumpkin carving.” He stated.
You stood up, a soft smile on your face as you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. “Well maybe people should be more careful. I’ve never gotten an injury while carving a pumpkin” You hummed out.
He snorted, taking your hand gently. “Have you ever carved a pumpkin?” He asked, raising his eyebrow.
You gasped, “Yes- Actually!! I have.” You said, your voice an octave higher than normally. He smiled, nodding his head in disbelief which only caused you to shake your own.
The rest of the day consisted of you and Spencer walking around the pumpkin patch, making jokes and laughing with one another, you even tried a pumpkin, cinnamon cookie from a stand nearby.. Safe to say you weren’t too fond of it.
But you were fond of the way Spencer’s eyes shone in a different sort of way when the two of you finally picked out a pumpkin each, the way his mood seemed unwavering during the fall season.
You loved him, and you loved halloween.
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purehypnotic · 1 month
🎀𝑰 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒆𝒅🎀
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"HA, I finally beat you!" I exclaimed while jumping up in down and dancing around Peter.
"Oh please I let you win babe," Peter said pointing to the Street Fighter machine.
"Not you being in denial," I said as I stopped jumping around so I could put my hands on my hips. I could he didn't let me win by the way he looked at the game the moment his avatar fell to the ground.
"I'm not in denial YOU'RE the in denial," He said pointing at me with wide eyes.
"Pshhhh sore loser," I said turning away from him right when I was about to walk towards the door Peter roughly pushed me onto my bed while hovering over me.
"Wanna say that again babe" He smirked while running his hands up and down my face.
"UHgh get your hands off my face you're gonna make me break out!" I said with a grimace on my face trying to push him off of me. 
"PETER I'm seriousssss my skin is sensitive," I said flipping us over now with me on top. He shifted us upwards so he was sitting and I was straddling him. For a minute he was looking deeply into my eyes, then suddenly he attacked to neck with kisses. My arms instantly flew up to grab his hair, Peter moved his lips up to my mouth while his hands moved down to my hips pushing them against his lap. Out of nowhere, he started shaking like crazy, it was like he was, vibrating under my touch. It was so strange, he had never done this before not that I'm complaining it felt like absolute heaven.
"oh god, Peter" I moaned against his lips stroking his hair over and over again. 
He suddenly stopped and looked up at me.
"Are you ok?" He had asked me nervously, Peter and I have never actually had sex yet, not even that we're both virgins so it's no surprise that he was nervous when we did anything remotely sexual together.
     "Yeah, Yeah I'm fine to keep going it feels good," I said looking down at him, he shrugged at this and went back to kissing me. Right, when I lifted up my hips up he shoved them back down and pushed his hips against mine, kissing me harder, and moving his hands up and down my back. He finally broke the kiss and went back to kissing my neck leaving bold hickeys all over it. I started to tug on his hair even harder which caused him to start vibrating again but this time it was more intense. My legs started to shake and my thighs started to squeeze around Peter I couldn't take it I tried to lift my hips again but yet again he yanked them back down and started to rub them up against his. With the rubbing and the vibrating, I couldn't take the feeling of it all.
"P-Peter I..." I said stumbling over my words, I knew what was going to happen if this kept going, I could feel a knot form in my stomach. Peter started to move one of his hands off my hip and put it under my skirt he put his vibrating hand over my panties and started to move his hands in a circular motion. 
"Peter I think I-I'm gonna cum" I squealed burying my head in the crook of his neck. Peter kept going until I came leaving my underwear soaked. I rested my head on his shoulder for a few minutes until I move off of him and laid next to him on his bed.
"You good?" Peter asked me while angling my head upwards to look at him
"Mmmhmmm" I hummed snuggling into him.
"You're so fucking pretty you know that right?" Peter laughed, I couldn't help but blush.
"Y'know what I realized?" I asked him.
"What?" He questioned while playing with my  hair
"I'm dating a human vibrator" I snickered while sitting up. 
"Yeah, you kinda are" Peter sighed moving his soft hand on my face to stroke my cheek.
"Ahh again with the face Peter get your nasty hands off me before you make me break out," I said pushing his hands off my face.
"Funny, last time I checked I had you a moaning mess cause of my hands" Peter teased while rubbing his hands all over my face, I didn't even fight back this time instead I just gave into it man, do I love this boy.
𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒗𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒄𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝒆𝒗𝒂𝒏 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒑𝒂𝒅! 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌
𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝒔𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒆
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oracle-of-dream · 5 months
Sweetness #5
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Minors DNI
Summary: This is a continuation of Sweetness #4, Sohee's been avoiding you–much to your dismay. You're going to have to corner him if you want to keep your plan on track...
Warnings: Male Reader, Virgin Sohee, Blowjob, Handjob, Riding, Pet names (Love, Sweetness), Thick Cock Sohee, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Crying, Cum swallowing, Creampie, Cockwarming, Talking through it
Wordcount: 3.6k
Your dreams were almost a review of the last few days. Sungchan, Anton, Seunghan, Eunseok, and now Shotaro. A collection of memories, each full of pleasure made you sweat under the covers. The whole thing seemed silly at this point. Fucking your friends to get back at them for trying to take advantage of you. Was anyone really being punished? Or were you actually just wanting to have fun with each of them? So what if you enjoyed having sex with them? It's not like things would be different... right?
You tossed and turned as doubt stacked in your mind. Were you really making the right call by going overboard in your plan? It was just supposed to be an act to catch them, but you still ended up having sex by the end of it. With Shotaro, you didn't even bother keeping up the act for long...
If you stopped now, what would they think? What if Sohee thought you hated him? You can't stop now. You have to see it through to the end.
In the morning, your thighs were still sore from your early morning visit to the bathroom with Shotaro so you took your time before getting out of bed. It was 11 AM when you came out of your room, the others were whispering with each other which stopped when you walked in.
"Good morning, y/n... How are you feeling?" Anton asked.
You rubbed the back of your neck. "I'm okay, I think the pain in my back and neck is almost gone. I must've slept weird and it messed me up pretty badly."
The others exchanged looks with each other, all having some sort of understanding in their eyes. They were probably talking about if they'd tell you–maybe then you'd come clean.
"We're glad you're doing a bit better. Sungchan's finishing breakfast any minute now, so come sit." Seunghan told you as he pulled out a chair.
"Aww, I wanted y/n to sit next to me!" Shotaro complained.
"He sat with you last time," Eunseok said, seated on the other side of your empty chair. Sitting between them reminded you of being sandwiched between them in bed. You shook your head, tossing the thought aside, as you fixed your pants so your bulge wouldn't show. You only thought about it for a split-second but you were already getting hard from remembering it.
"I'll sit next to Sohee and Wonbin," You said as you moved toward the two.
"Shotaro, you can have my seat since you want to sit with y/n," Sohee muttered. Shotaro was happy to take Sohee's seat if he could sit by you. You noted Sohee's distance from you but knew you couldn't bring it up now. It would only make noise where you didn't need it.
Sungchan served breakfast, slightly burned sausages with waffles and juice. Everyone ate quietly, the sound from the nearby TV kept the room from completely silent. The news said that the snowstorm was ending, and the ice should begin to melt tonight, meaning you could go home tomorrow. You were running out of time... You eyed Sohee as he ate, he tried to avoid your gaze but you knew he could see you looking at him. As soon as he finished his plate, you stood and scooped it off the table.
"I'll take this for you, Sohee," You said warmly, smiling at him.
He nodded, trying not to look at your face. "Thank you," He muttered before getting up and moving to the couch in the living room to be closer to the TV. You put the dishes in the sink, which Anton was responsible for cleaning according to the others, and made your way to sit on the couch. You were a comfortable distance from Sohee, but you noticed he shifted away from you as you sat down. Only a few minutes before he got up and walked into the bathroom. Wonbin took his place on the couch, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Why are you following Sohee so closely?"
"I'm not–"
"You watched him like a cat on a rat. I'm sure he felt it."
You sighed. "Does Sohee have an issue with me? He's not normally so distant... Did I do something?"
Wonbin chuckled before leaning in to whisper, "You mean other than fuck his bandmates?"
You hit his shoulder. "Shut up! He only knows about Sungchan and Anton."
"And we all know about Shotaro."
Your eyes rang. "Huh, how'd you know about that?"
"Do you think we're all deaf? No one moans that loud in the bathroom with seven other people in the house unless someone is helping them." Wonbin smirked at you and poked you with his elbow. "And, Shotaro came clean before you woke up. The guilt of breaking the promise ate him up, I suppose."
"Thanks for the heads up."
"Are you planning on going after Sohee next? Or me? We're the last two you haven't seduced." Wonbin's light-hearted smirk shifted sharply with an analyzing glare. "I don't know that game you're playing, but I think I'm starting to figure you out."
"Wonnie, I don't have a game anymore... It was funny at first, but things just spiraled. I don't know if I can keep it up anymore." You sighed heavier as you leaned your head on Wonbin's shoulder.
He pulled you closer, shifting so you could lay your body on his. "I don't think Sohee hates you or anything. I think he's nervous for his turn with you."
"Why would he be nervous–it's not like I want to hurt him."
Wonbin looked around, checking to see the bathroom door still shut. "Don't tell him I told you. Sohee's still a virgin, he's nervous about his first time–not just because it's you, but he's never been with someone else."
You buried your head in Wonbin's chest. "How can I do it now!? I can't do that to him... His first time should be with someone he cares about, something special. Not something I trick him into..."
"Well, you can't really back out. He's expecting you to approach him now. He told all of us after Shotaro spilled the news."
"How can I approach him? The cover is that he has to make me. He's too sweet to do that."
Wonbin shrugged. "That's not really my problem. You're the one he's nervous about. So, find a way to make him comfortable or something." He rubbed your head softly. "Or, you can skip him–probably break his kind heart, and fuck me."
You turned over to look at him. "I didn't think you'd be so excited to have sex with me."
"I feel like I'm owed for keeping all this a secret, plus helping you with Sohee. And it's only right I get a turn if everyone else does. I deserve you most, don't you think?" Wonbin's playful smirk came back. He loved to tease you, pulling you by your waist to make you blush; moaning in your ear, making you brush his hair, even grabbing your ass when he passed. If anyone in Riize felt like your boyfriend, it was him. Maybe that's why you were always so open with him.
"Well, regardless if you think you deserve me, I'm getting Sohee first. I'd cry if I made him sad..." You heard the bathroom door open. "I've gotta go, keep the others busy?"
"We already promised Sohee we'd stay out of his way."
"Since when did you guys have so many secret conversations without me?"
Wonbin pushed you off him, urging you toward Sohee's room. "Since you started fucking us. Now, go get him."
You awkwardly walked toward Sohee's bedroom, looking back into the living room. The others were watching you as you walked away. They were waiting for you to leap on Sohee... All of them knew you were faking the hypnosis now, so it made sense they'd be cautious of you, but your skin burned under their watch.
Sohee's door was closed. You knocked on it, breathing in sharply. "Sohee? Can we chat for a minute?"
"Y-Y/n!? Um–Give me a second!" Sohee replied nervously as you heard things being thrown around the room. You waited patiently at the door, still looking over your shoulder every few seconds to see if any members were trying to watch from around the corner. No one was there. After a minute passed, Sohee's door opened slowly. The room was dimly lit, with the curtains swallowing all the sunlight from the window. "Come in, please," Sohee's smile was a cover to hide his nervousness. You entered the room and Sohee closed the door behind you, the lock faintly clicking. He sat on one end of his bed while you sat on the other. "So... what did you want to talk about?"
The light in the room shined in his eyes as he looked at you, his face focused and careful.
"I wanted to talk about... you."
You tried to think of something clever, but with him looking at you so close you couldn't. "Wonbin told me that you wanted to speak to me about something, but you were feeling really nervous about it. I want you to know you can tell me anything. Anything."
Sohee swallowed hard. "I do have something... a confession really." He shifted closer toward you until your knees were touching. "We've been keeping a secret from you, and I don't think I can keep it any longer." He got closer, placing his hand on your thigh. "The others have been having sex with you while you've been hypnotized. Then we all lied about it to you and I feel horrible..."
You cracked a smile. "Sohee. I've got a secret too... I'm not hypnotized anymore. I've been aware of everyone's intention to take advantage of me from the beginning and made a plan to get back at everyone."
Sohee's shoulders slumped as their burden was relieved. "So, you knew? And let me think I was holding such a big secret."
"One by one, the others found out after I told them. They've been keeping the secret for me so I can punish you all."
"That means I'm next, right?" Sohee's eyes shimmered expectantly.
"I–I don't know. I thought it was a punishment, but now it feels like I'm taking advantage of you guys in return. I don't know what they told you, but Wonbin told me... That you haven't been with someone... Sexually."
Sohee's ears turned pink. "Y-Yeah, I haven't had sex before. But if it's with you, I'm okay with that."
"You should have sex with people you want to have it with. Not some trick, Sohee. What I did was a bad thing."
"Well, you're not tricking me right now! We're both being honest, consenting adults. So we can still do it, right?"
"Sohee–" You were cut off by Sohee planting a kiss on your lips, his eyes closed as his hands tightened their grip on the fabric of your pants. His breath was cool and tasted like he'd eaten a handful of mints. His lips were soft and gentle, but also stiff and unmoving. He really wanted you, more than he could put into words. You placed his hand on your neck, showing him how to hold you. Sohee's moans emerged immediately as you deepened the kiss, pushing past his lips. His body tensed, so you massaged his shoulders until he could relax. He moaned into the kiss, opening his mouth more as you sucked on his tongue.
You pulled away from this kiss after a few moments. "Now you try."
Letting Sohee lead, you pulled you in for another kiss. He confidently pushed past your lips, sucking on your tongue as you offered it to him. You moaned into it, which made his brain glitch as he pulled away.
"Sorry! I–"
"That was a good sound. You want me to do that, and I want to hear you too, Sohee."
"C-Can I ask for something?" You looked at him, it was taking all his courage to ask. You nodded, allowing him to speak. "Can you call me something else? Sohee is my name, but I want something special."
"Something like, Baby?" You watched Sohee deflate a little. He must not like that one. "Or Love?"
"Love sounds amazing," He said breathlessly.
"For you, Love. I'll call you whatever you like." You climbed onto him, straddling him, his hands were stuck to the bed while he watched you. "It's okay, you can touch me." You slide your shirt over your head, tossing it aside. You pulled on his shirt. "Can we lose this?" Sohee raised his arms as you pulled it over his head. You let your hands slide over his torso, leaning forward and encouraging him to do the same to you. He was awkward, but his hands eventually found their favorite place on your waist. "Ready for the next part?"
He nodded.
"Words, Love."
"I'm ready, Sweetness." Sohee smiled at you.
You tried to keep face, but your heart skipped a few beats as his name for you. "You know that doesn't work anymore, right?"
"Sorry, I think it fits you. I hope it doesn't bother you."
You got off the bed and slowly stripped your pants off, watching Sohee's face. He didn't know where to look, trying not to look at your bugle but also not wanting to look at your face. "You can look at me. We're both getting undressed, remember?"
Sohee nodded. "That's why it's dark... I'm a little shy."
You wanted to bite him for being so cute. He was so self-conscious that he'd rather have his first time in the dark so he doesn't have to acknowledge his own body... You knew this had to be perfect for him. You tossed your underwear aside, standing naked in front of Sohee. He was in awe–he wasn't moving, just watching you... Which was starting to get embarrassing.
"You should get undressed too, I don't want to stand here alone..." Sohee scrambled to his feet, trying to get out of his pants. "Wait–be slow about it." You got close to him, getting on your knees. "Like this," You whisper as you slowly slide his pants down his legs, helping him step out of them. You were about to slide off his underwear before you looked up at him. "We can stop at any time, Sohee. Just say something."
"I understand. Let's keep going."
You nodded as you slid his underwear, letting his hard cock point up at you. It was probably the shortest of all the members but it was thick. It was hard and red, and his tip was swollen and throbbing. It was begging for you to touch it, leaking precum in a steady stream. You took it in hand. "That so thick, Love. I think I might have trouble putting it in my mouth..."
"S-Sorry," Sohee moaned as he leaned against the bed for stability.
"It's nothing to be sorry about, it's beautiful. Cute, just like you." You kissed his tip, earning a loud moan from him. His ears turned red as he covered his mouth.
"Love, if you apologize every time I do something, this will be hard for you..."
"Right. So–I mean, okay."
"Sit if you're not comfortable." Sohee listened obediently, sitting on the bed with his legs spread as he watched you. You focused on his cock again, it throbbed in your hands and radiated heat. His balls were heavy and thick. Did he not ever jerk off? You moved your hands slowly, up and down as you felt around for his sensitive spots. Sohee's knees shook as he moaned into his hand. You could tell he couldn't last as long as the others, from the way his moans were so breathless–he was in bliss. "Want more?"
"So bad, please." Sohee's eyes closed as his head fell back.
"Call me that name again."
Sohee looked at you. "Sweetness?"
"Now, tell me what you want." You smiled, assuring it was okay.
"Please... Put it in your mouth, Sweetness..." Sohee mumbled, embarrassed of the words leaving his lips.
You smiled. "Of course, Love. Anything for you." You opened wide as you put his tip in your mouth. You were right. It’ll be tough to hold it all in your mouth but for him, you'd do it. Sohee's moans went high-pitched, sounding rapidly as you bobbed your head on him. His knee couldn't' stop bouncing, his hips gently bucked, and his hands found your head. To your surprise, Sohee massaged your ears gently as you sucked him off. No one had ever touched your ears, but it was even more of a turn-on. You had to close your eyes and take a breath before pushing deep. His cock stretched your throat as it pulsed.
"Oh! Woah, Y/n, I–I'm gonna–" Sohee tried to put the words together, but it was too late. He came down your throat with a loud moan, his body twitching as his fingers massaged you faster. He was trying not to hurt you, but as you sucked him through his climax you felt his hips lift slightly–forcing you to take more.
You slowly pulled off his cock, swallowing anything left in your mouth before finally breathing again. It was hot–Sohee's cum, you could feel it making its way down your throat. Warning your insides.
"I didn't mean to," Sohee paused to breathe. "I didn't mean to cum so soon. We didn't even go that far..."
You chuckled. "Did you want more?"
Sohee nodded.
"What a greedy one, aren't you, Love?" You pushed Sohee on his back as you straddled his hips.
"I'm sorry for being greedy... But I want to be inside you, so bad, y/n."
You looked at Sohee under you, he was a mess. His lips parted, shaking whimpers falling from them, and his cock twitched–ready for more. "I want you in me too," You whispered as you lifted your hips, lining his cock with your hole. Slowly, you sank down onto Sohee's dick, earning whines and moans from the other. You felt him pushing inside you, his thickness stretched you more as each inch passed deeper into you. Once you had him inside you completely, he took a few moments, breathing heavily as you adjusted to his size. Sohee was shaking from overstimulation, and his eyes rolled back. "Are you still with me, Love?"
Your voice snapped Sohee back. "Y-Yes! I'm h-here, I'll be here till you're satisfied. Please–use me how you like..." Sohee could barely get through his sentences, moaning every other word as he felt your walls tighten around him. Sohee was in another world. He couldn't have imagined how you'd feel around him, but it was so warm and every twitch made him want to bust.
"Sohee," You moaned his name, in a tone that gnawed at the rope of sanity that Sohee was trying to hold onto. "You're so big... I need your help." Placing his hands on your hips, Sohee gripped you tightly as you started listing yourself. Once high enough, you'd sink back down and stuff yourself full of cock again. Sohee's eyes watered as a few tears streaked down his face, his voice was hoarse from the nonstop moaning. You drank up every second of it as you enjoyed riding him. You went faster and harder, making Sohee's moans louder and higher–borderline screaming.
"I–" Sohee had to swallow hard, "I'm gonna fucking cum!" Sohee usually tried not to swear, there was never a reason to do it. But your fucking him was more than enough to make him let loose every sweat he knew. "Fucking, shit! You're so tight, I can't stop, fuck! You feel so good..."
You grind your hips into him, pushing his cock deeper. "Cum for me, Love. All inside me!"
That was enough to push him over the edge. His hips found new strength as he pushed up, lifting you slightly and holding you there. His cock plunged deeper than before as he came for the second time, his moan on his lips was your name as he shot into you. "Fuck! Fuck! Fu–I'm sorry... I'm sorry, y/n... I can't do it anymore," Sohee hiccuped as his eyes streamed with tears. His convulsions were intense, making his cock shift inside you which made his convulse again. He was stuck in a shaking cycle until you kissed him, stroking his cheek as you calmed him down.
"You did so good, Sohee. I'm so proud," You cooed in his ear.
Sohee twitched, softer now. "T-Thank you... I'm sorry–I couldn't make you cum..." Even after having sensory overload from two intense orgasms, he still cared about you. How sweet.
You gently lifted yourself off him, trying not to make it worse for him. But Sohee stopped you. "Fuck!" Sohee's grip on your hips tightened and he slammed you back down onto him. Maybe it was luck, but he hit your spot–dead center. You came all over Sohee's chest, cum even shooting onto his face. Your head rolled back as your orgasm ripped through you, your walls tightening which made Sohee whine again. "I'm sorry! Sorry–Please don't leave. It's so sensitive, can we just... lay here? For a little?"
You nodded, your jaw too tight to speak. You laid on his chest as you stroked his hair, letting him drift to sleep... Once it was clear you could move, you climbed off of him–even while sleeping Sohee didn't want to let you go. You found your clothes, tucked Sohee into his bed, and opened the door to leave his room.
Wonbin was waiting for you at the door. "You done?"
You nodded.
"Good. Come out here," Wonbin ordered as he grabbed your wrist, dragging you with him.
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guccifrog · 8 months
matt sturniolo x f!reader
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y/n's pov ☆
It has been exactly five hours since they discovered the mix-up. Chris, Jimmy, and Marylou decided to go check the police station to see if they could find any updates about Matt.
Me and Nick decided to go on a little drive in my car to clear our heads. As we were driving, I could feel the tension in the air. Nick kept looking out the window, lost in his thoughts, while I tried to think of something to say to make him feel better.
"Hey, you know, at least there is still a chance that this is some sort of mistake, right?" I said to Nick, trying to sound more optimistic than I felt. "They're working on finding Matt and getting this sorted out. We just need to have faith in them."
He looked over at me, his eyes red from crying. "Yeah, you're right," he said, his voice barely audible.
We drove around for a while longer, neither of us saying much. The silence was almost painful, but neither of us knew what to say to make it better. Finally, Nick spoke up, breaking the silence. "I keep thinking about that guy on the bed. How his family must feel right now. It's just…unbelievable."
I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. The image of that man, so peaceful in his sleep, haunted me. I couldn't imagine the pain his family must be going through, thinking he was gone when he was really just a victim of this horrible mistake.
"Do you think he was rich though?" I asked smirking slightly "Like, really rich? Cause he looked pretty comfortable to me. I mean, that bed was like a fucking cloud." Nick chuckled a little, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"I'm just saying, maybe after this mess is done, I'll go ask him to be my sugar daddy if he's still alive" I joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"stop oh my god," Nick said giggling "What? your girl needs a little money to feel better" I said with a smirk. "You know, if he was rich, I bet he'd be more than willing to help a girl out." I glanced over at Nick, trying to gauge his reaction. He was smiling, I grinned satisfied that I'd managed to make him laugh.
We drove in silence for a few more minutes before Nick decided to break the silence again " I'm so mad we met in these fucked up circumstances, you know?" I smiled softly at him " Well at least we met, right? I mean, even if it's under these horrible conditions. Maybe one day we'll look back at this and laugh about it." He snorted a little "So real girl "
We decide to grab some coffee from Starbucks to clear our heads. As we sit there, talking about random things or scrolling through our phones, I take a sip of my coffee, burning the roof of my mouth. "Ouch, damn it's hot," I complain, blowing on the coffee.
Nick suddenly shoots up from his seat, staring at his phone with wide eyes "Oh my god" he says. "what? What is it?!" I ask him, my heart racing.
He looks at me with his mouth agape, trying to find the right words. " It's Matt…they found Matt!!" he exclaims, his voice cracking.
I feel my whole body go limp with relief. "They found him at a different hospital !" He hugs me tightly, tears streaming down his face. I'm crying too, unable to contain my happiness. We sit there in the Starbucks, surrounded by the noise and chaos, but for a brief moment, nothing else matters but the fact that Matt is alive.
"Do you know what hospital?" I manage to ask between sobs, clinging to Nick.
"Chris sent me the address, let's go," He says, already halfway out of the seat. I follow him, feeling a mixture of excitement and fear as we both know what we're about to face.
The drive seems to take forever, but eventually, we pull up to the hospital and spot Jimmy's car in the parking lot. Our feet are moving before we even have the chance to think, hurrying into the building.
We find Chris and Marylou in the waiting room, looking just as relieved as we feel. They jump up when they see us, and we embrace tightly, not wanting to let go.
It feels like we're all holding our breath, waiting for the moment when we can see Matt again. The nurse finally calls our names, and we follow her down the hallway.
Our steps slow as we approach the door, our hearts racing. The nurse pushes it open, revealingn none other than Matt lying in the bed.
He looks tired and pale. We all rush forward, surrounding his bed.
"Hey buddy, you're gonna be okay," Chris says, squeezing his hand. The nurse cleared her throat making us turn to look at her.
"The good news is that he's alive," the nurse started. "He's still unconscious, but he's stable for now. He'll probably be unconscious for a few days but don't worry he'll wake up" She paused for a moment
" However, he suffered severe injuries, There is a chance that he may never regain full cognitive function or the ability to walk."
The words hang in the air, heavy.
"come again?" Chris said, his eyes wide with shock.
"Oh God," I whisper, smacking my hand over my mouth. I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Can't we just have one good thing today?
"you're joking right?" Nick asks, his voice cracking. The nurse rolled her eyes before shaking her head no. The fuck is this bitch rolling her eyes for?
taglist ☆
@mattestrella @chrisfavoritepepsi @sunsetsturniolos @littlebookworm803 @sturniozo @sturniolooooo @athaliahxoxo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ev3rgreenxtrees @nonamegirlxsturniolo @crybabycat1 @mooniethesimp31 @ducksturniolo @ifilwtmfc @pepsiimaxx @sleepysturnss @lustfulslxt @ilovemattsworld @hrt-attack @flowerxbunnie @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @secret-sturniolo @iluvmeeen @that-general-simp @swangelss @familynotfandom @fuckshitslover @styles-sturniolo @lvr-111 @opheliaofficial07 @kiarastromboli @hearts4chriss
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