#take a shot of water for every romance cliche you can spot\
viscari-a · 21 days
MariClaw AUs
AU thinking let's go. Bad boy x sunshine is a classic dynamic and I saw MariClaw (marinette x claw noir) and the possibilities are endless. Since I'm a love square shipper this is going to be MariClaw and Marinette x Emo!Adrien! Highkey I headcanon that Adrien became emo because Marinette did it first so I'm not going to dive into mechanics of why Adrien is emo but Marinette isn't. I would say 'maybe he watched too much anime' but the brand of claw noir feels a bit more more wattpad bad boy (back in 2016) than shoujo bad boy, depending on the shoujo. He's been pining for literal years AU
maybe she once gave him a bandaid, maybe he's always seen her from afar and curiousity became love, who knows! Point is, he's liked her for SO long and when he's given the chance to go to school, he's super excited because that's the school she goes to!! Cue manga cliches and the title is probably something like "The New Delinquent is Actually a Softie at Heart and He's is in Love With Me???" It could be so cliche, with very lighthearted and cute romcom moments. maybe a secret admirer AU!!
It could also be super angst/fluff. Marinette thinks the whole thing is a prank, or doesn't think he actually likes her, and it's the slowest burn or the most comedy romcom. OR it's the first person who appreciates her slash doesnt bully her (the standards are low here, kids, cause i'm going on the assumption she's heavily bullied), and it's a story of self-acceptance! All of these ideas assume that Adrien has the bravery to approach her and talk to her though :> (not quite romantically, thats up to you. Personally, I think he's too shy to be able to blatantly flirt) Integration of Claw Noir is possible is so many ways that I'm not going to go into it. He joined the Supreme to get back at her bullies + protect her AU I once read a villain!chat blanc fic where he and her are soulmates and he does questionable things like follow her around and is kind of wary but also curious. This would have the same vibes! Could also be more wholesome/pining where he stays in the shadows. Plus hurt/comfort when she realizes, plus the fact that his powers are corroding him! Sick fic potential Can also be a lovesquare enemies to lovers (+ mistaken/secret identity), if Ladybug is part of the Resistance and Claw Noir is with the Supreme ;) The Balcony cliche AU
Marinette has mixed feelings on the Supreme but there's one hero who she sees a lot (potential for pining on Claw's part) and it bothers her so much that one day she meets him on the balcony and gives him food and it becomes a Thing! Traditional Marichat vibes but with a more kuu/tsun-dere Noir
Reverse crush AU There's a certain brand of danmei where the MC is really really shy and it's a lot of angst until the ML realizes that the stoic MC is just shy and is actually the cutest, kindest person ever. This! Is! EmoAdrien x Marinette!! One of the potentials, anyway. Marinette thinks Adrien hates her because he keeps glaring/staring at her (and all the stares she's used to are judgemental ones), only talks to her in clipped sentences, and never goes near her. Then, something happens!! Maybe he gives his umbrella to an abandoned cat or something, idk. Point is, she gets more interested and it's a slow burn-ish progressive romance :) Now the above [she thinks he hates her] except he keeps partnering her with projects and events and everything and she's really confused by the mixed signals so can he please stop. I think everyone collectively died when EmoAdrien realized + quietly blushed in the movie so flirting would be SO fun here because both of them would get really embarrassed.
Secret Identity AU Maybe the secret is that he's Claw Noir or the secret is that he's Adrien Agreste but either way it'll be fun :> Maybe she hates his alt persona so he dies a little inside everytime she makes a comment or a jab and this can be either very comedic or very angsty or both Dengeki Daisy AU, same scenario, enough said. Would probably be more interesting if its Claw Noir + OG Adrien / Chat Noir + EmoAdrien, just to have more of a switch. (In Dengeki Daisy, MC has online friend A who she's never met, and a classmate B who she kind of hates. She talks to A about B, where she rants about B and A comforts her. A and B are the same people).
Manhwa style
Sweet, strong, feminine, girlboss MC? With a the stoic, rich, powerful, smitten ML? say less. He might be more of a tsundere than stoic, though. Gabriel Agreste is definitely the hidden boss. Could be the above but also a villainess/reincarnation/transmigation AU. Reincarnated into a game like an RPG or Stardew or something could also be fun, and bonus points if Mari liked him (as a character) before transmigation!
Gaming AU! Gaming AU. Maybe they meet in a game, on Discord, or because they're always playing at the same time and get matched? This is so beautifully canonical. Especially when Adrien is home schooled, he probably gets really attached to his online friend. And if they're both bullied?? they're each other's comfort (be careful to not let this be co-dependent, unless you're going for that). Can have secret identity AU. But, in my personal opinion, the super cute option is to also have them realize on their own! Maybe they've been doing discord calls for ages and recognize each other's voice. Maybe he's been telling her about the school and they realize they're going to attend the same one! Tbh this doesnt have to be mariclaw but the vibes are cute
Extra notes
Yeah Claw Noir doesn't have to have superpowers in all/most of the AUs
Marinette is a loner/bullied in most of these AUs because otherwise it feels a bit too much like a Mary Sue/self-insert (cute competent popular girl meets famous pretty emo boy who hates everyone except her). Can it be done if she's friends with Nino and Alya? Yep. Heavier themes on friendship where Alya (and maybe Nino) are more wary at first but grow to like him and help him be more self-confident. Less romance focus, more character development/trauma healing
If we're going with canon then for all of these, a true happy ending would involve the Supreme being dealt with, but I don't want to deal with that (plus I don't think we know who he is, anyway)
I realize a lot of these are a flavor of Chat Blanc but I had already written it all anyway
Personally, I am a sucker for smitten x insecure and EmoAdrien x OGMari fit that to a tee. Emo x Sunshine I have mixed feelings on because boi have I read a lot of that, but if it's done well it's super cute and MariClaw does that really well!! I could probably think of more AUs but I've already spent at least half an hour purely typing I pretty highly doubt I'll write any of these since they feel like longer fics + I don't have enough canon info on Claw Noir to comfortably characterize him; if anyone wants to write or draw something based on these then feel free to!
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thebarkingraccoon · 3 years
Vajra’s story, slight AU. Happy Ending. Takemura x V romance Smut WILL happen - probably a lot
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Summary: After the failed Heist, Vajra wakes up to a hostile engram and calls a friend.
Word count: 3,067
Warnings: Language
“And you? Who’re you?” A voice echoed faintly, waking her from her sleep.
The apartment was empty and dark. Misty had left an emptiness that slowly consumed the room until Vajra could think of nothing else but how alone she felt.
She tried to think of anything else, anyone else. Those final breaths, feeling his hand go limp in hers... Everything had gone perfectly and they made it to the Relic with little resistance. It wasn’t until an unexpected AV dropped by that pushed them over the edge. Literally, as they had jumped from the ledge to escape.
Every time Vajra found a moment of peace, the sounds of Night City always brought her back. It would remind her of her youth, of meeting Jackie, and getting herself in heaps of trouble that he always came to rescue her from. They were inseparable, even Misty would comment on their companionship. A joke here or there about how Jackie and Vajra were so close she had believed them to be dating when she met Jackie. As soon as Jackie and Misty started dating, Vajra was quick to step back and let them have their privacy.
While Jackie’s relationship with Misty did result in Vajra and him spending less time together, it never changed their friendship. Misty wasn’t intrusive, she was perfect for their tight-knit group. As the old cliche goes; Misty was the puzzle piece they were missing. She gave them both a new perspective they needed and Vajra thought of Misty as family.
Now that Jackie was... gone forever, Vajra could think of nothing but how his absence was hurting her. Misty, the poor girl, had fallen head over heels for Jackie. Without him, Vajra wondered how Misty would fare and if Misty blames her. Vajra blamed herself so she assumed Misty did as well.
Vajra swallowed hard, her throat dry. It took everything in her not to sob as she thought of Jackie’s face. How he’d drag her out of bed, insisting that her sleeping in was keeping her from experiencing everything Night City had to offer. Which didn’t make any sense, Vajra had lived in Night City her entire life. There was nothing new for her to see, but she always humored Jackie anyway.
Her body felt heavy, her wounds partially healed yet still leaving behind a soreness she would have to work through. Slowly she dragged her legs over the edge of the bed. Her bare feet touching the cold floor and she curled her toes, focusing on standing up. There was no doubt in her mind she was unlikely to stand for long. All she wanted was a glass of water, then she could go back to sleep and wallow in her grief.
“Need a smoke, where’d you stash yours?”
Vajra’s eyes widened as she froze in alarm. That voice was here, in her room, and unfamiliar. Her eyes darted around the apartment until she spotted the figure directly beside her. She jumped back, hissing in pain as she pulled on a sore muscle. This man was leaning against the wall looking rather unimpressed by her shock.
“I... don’t smoke.” Her voice sounded so unlike her. The two weeks of downtime really took its toll on her. “How- how are we...?”
“How the fuck should I know?” The dark-haired stranger grunted. Somehow he managed to look even more disappointed in her daze. “The fuck kinda joytoy are you supposed to be?”
Vajra shook her head slowly with a sigh. She didn’t know what to think of this stranger, she had assumed this was the engram in her head that Viktor warned her about. Johnny Silverhand, a rockstar turned terrorist that bombed Arasaka tower fifty years ago. Either she was actually speaking to the engram or she was going crazy; either way, she wanted some water and more sleep.
Turning around to get that glass of water turned out to be a mistake. As she saw her goal, Johnny immediately materialized in front of her. She only had a split second to see the annoyed look on his face before he threw her to the floor. Pain shot up her back and resonated through every sore muscle in her body. Before she could protest his attack, he stepped over her with a fist raised.
“Who do you work for?! Start talkin’!” When he pointed his finger at her, her hand followed suit. It was as if someone had grabbed her hand and started moving it around, she had lost control of that arm entirely.
As the realization set in, Johnny backed away from Vajra. He looked at his hands, to hers, and suddenly a flood of memories came rushing in. There were some gaps and a wealth of memories that were not his own. He moved his hands and Vajra’s copied it. As he recalled a memory it also came into Vajra’s mind, she could see what he saw.
“Fuck...” Johnny was just as surprised by this as Vajra. Neither knew what to do, but while Vajra just wanted some water, Johnny wanted to take his frustration out on her. As he figured out what was happening he grew angry. “Fucking chip. I’ll rip the thing out myself!”
Vajra panicked, “No, no! Wait-!”
Her hand yanked at the chip in her head and her vision went black. There was static, the sound being corrupted as her cybernetics tried desperately to reboot.
By the time her vision came back, she was holding onto the ledge of her window. The weeks she spent unconscious caused her to lose her strength, she needed time to get back up to speed. Yet with Johnny controlling her, she felt just as strong as before. Vajra was helpless as Johnny reeled her back and smashed her head into the glass.
“I’ll take control!” His voice in her head, the smash against the glass; she couldn’t think straight. Her head was throbbing in pain as he forced her into the glass again. “I’ll find a way!”
Vajra was so dazed she couldn’t really make sense of what he said anymore. “You hear me?!” With a final slam, Vajra collapsed to the floor. Johnny lost control as she blacked out.
It was only a minute before Vajra opened her eyes again. She moved her hand relieved to have her body back. Pushing herself off the floor she turned to see the blue pill bottle resting on the ledge of her bed. Johnny paced in front of her, his body flashing in and out as the Relic struggled to project him.
As fast as she could, Vajra snatched the bottle from her bedside and gripped the lid. “Get out of my head!” Only for Johnny to smack it out of her hands, the bottle rolling across the floor.
“Not like that! Stick some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger!” The back of his hand came without warning, forcing her to the floor with the bottle. She was stunned that he could do that, that he could touch her without her own body. Panic grew as she recognized the danger he posed to her. If he wanted to kill her she was in no shape to resist.
“I can feel it... our minds... touching.” Johnny was as confused about it as she was. They both knew what this was, but not how to handle it. This was a first for the world, an engram overwriting a living person. “I’m like mold on fruit... creeping into you. Nothing I can do about it...” He sounded somewhat forlorn about that.
“You hear me?!” Johnny yelled, practically snarling as he bombarded Vajra with this mess of thought. As his mind raced he wondered where he is, what happened to him; Vajra was seeing the same mixed in with her own. The violent whirlwind of disjointed thought and images caused Vajra a terrible migraine.
“I’d puke if I fuckin could!” Every time he spoke his projection teleported around the room. Blue lines of corruption from the Relic kept blinking him in and out of her sight. “It’s just a copy of the engram - I’m out there somewhere, gotta be...”
As he paced, Vajra worked her way to the pills. She wanted this to be over, her head hurt so terribly she felt it might split in two. Looking at Johnny, it might be too late anyway. Vajra dragged her weak body across the floor, “Get out... of my head...” Her voice was so weak she could barely get the words out.
Johnny was unable to take control again though he tried. He had to watch as Vajra snatched a pill from the floor and swallowed it. She rolled onto her back, staring up as Johnny stood over her. He didn’t say a word, only glared from behind his aviators as the medicine began to work.
Within moments Johnny vanished, suppressed by Viktor’s medication. Relief washed over Vajra as she felt the pain beginning to subside. Still sore and laying on the hard floor, she was far from being pain-free. Still, having Johnny out of the way, for now, was a start.
Vajra woke in the early morning with the sun still rising. She groaned as her stiff body protested against her movements. Cold and sore, Vajra felt as though she had slept on a rock. Pressing her palm under her she realized she had passed out on the floor exactly where she was when Johnny was repressed. There was simply nothing left in her after Johnny attacked her so she had closed her eyes where she was.
Hearing her back pop she knew she would regret it for the rest of the day. There was nothing but joint stiffness and exhaustion in her future.
She had to get moving again, there was work to be done, and laying around her apartment won’t help her. Viktor warned her the Relic was killing her slowly and she had to find a way to have it removed safely. There was no time to waste, she had already been out for two weeks. That was lost time spent recovering from a gunshot to the head, but it still meant she had to play catch up.
Grabbing a drink from the vending machine, she turned to her desk to check her messages. As expected it had been filled with spam. Several male endowment products, some about cybernetic enhancements for work and daily life. Finally a message from her complex stating that her rent is overdue... Vajra sighed as she imagined what late fee they were going to give her this time.
Taking one long gulp of her drink she was startled by her ringtone. Vajra coughed as she looked at the ID. Takemura? She didn’t know anyone by that name, but the image on the caller ID showed her his face. Though her memories of that day were incomprehensible, she did recognize the face.
Saburo Arasaka’s personal bodyguard. The man that had begun to scan her and Jackie inside Yorinobu’s penthouse. He wasn’t just any Arasaka agent; he was the best of the best. Saburo made him his bodyguard for a reason. This man was undeniably dangerous and Vajra truly did not want to get involved with him. Whatever he wanted she assumed it wouldn’t be in her best interest.
It didn’t take her long to decide to reject his call. The ringing stopped and Vajra tried to put him out of her mind... Though she had an issue doing so. She remembered the junkyard, Takemura killing Dex, and pulling her into his car. That look on his face told her more than she wanted to know. She couldn’t tell if it was hatred or just how he looked. Some people had the misfortune of resting bitch face. Didn’t much matter, he was Arasaka and though he brought her to Viktor, it didn’t change that he was a threat to her.
So she tried even harder to pretend she never heard his call. As far as she was concerned there is no man named Takemura and...
Vajra looked down solemnly to her drink. Takemura saved her, he pulled her from the junkyard and they survived an attack together. After they crashed things go blurry, but she recalled reaching Delamain. The next thing she saw was Takemura leaning over her, inspecting something. Delamain gave him instructions to save her and Takemura hesitated for a moment before the A.I. cabdriver warned him she would die anyway.
He saved her. Vajra felt a bit guilty for rejecting his call, some need to thank him for saving her... but she worried he would want something from her. Life debts were simply not in her moral code. She owed no one her life and she wanted no one to owe her theirs.
While she was grateful to be alive she knew she was on borrowed time. She was dying and there was nothing Viktor, much less Takemura, could do about that. Whatever Takemura called her for was his business, she wasn’t about to do business with an Arasaka agent.
Vajra winced as she thought of her friend, Ryker. He was with Arasaka for a while before he got pushed out by a higher up. Those corpo rats were corrupt and Ryker was nearly killed. When Ryker was still with Arasaka she did do work for him, helped him whenever he needed it. So she had done work for Arasaka technically.
It didn’t matter, this was different. Ryker is her friend, someone she trusts with her life and trusts her in return. Takemura is an unknown, someone whose morals were whatever Saburo Arasaka deemed them to be. Even worse, she was there when Saburo was murdered. Takemura may believe her to be the murderer. After all, why would he believe her over Saburo’s own son? She had less credibility than Yorinobu from what she could see.
He might wish to take her in, as it were. Pin the murder on her and Jackie...
That made little sense, if he wanted to do that why had Arasaka’s own send a hit squad after them both?
Vajra groaned in frustration. So much had gone wrong so quickly, she had lost control and she hated losing control. The feeling of her life slipping through her fingers, unable to do anything about it left her in such a terrible state. She was defensive, cornered. On one hand, she was trapped with Johnny, an engram slowly killing her and threatened to kill her anyway. The other was Arasaka, the events in Konpeki, and Takemura.
There was no graceful way out of her situation. As of now, Vajra was forced to take a defensive stance against everyone. She wasn’t safe in her own head and she had to remain inconspicuous on the streets, lest Arasaka finds her.
She slipped into her clothes and headed into her stash. There was a collection of her things from the night she returned from Konpeki. A duffle zipped and secured, brought in by Misty. As she dug into the bag she pulled out Kongou, the weapon of Yorinobu Arasaka. It was a fine weapon, she wasn’t going to pass it up.
Clothes in the bag were laundered yet her shirt and jacket of that night were missing. She was thankful for that, Viktor likely having tossed them entirely. They were stained with Jackie’s blood and Vajra never wanted to see them again.
Lastly, Vajra pulled out a katana she had stolen from Konpeki. The blade of Saburo Arasaka; Satori. She slotted it into the stash wall on display before making her way out of her apartment.
Once she breathed in the thick air outside, she felt an immediate pain of loss. It was the understanding that Jackie would not be waiting for her outside, he would not be asking to borrow her car to take Misty out. She would never see him again and it took the wind out of her.
She needed to hear a friendly voice, she had to.
As her list of contacts flashed, she found Ryker’s name and called him. Vajra needed to hear him, she was desperate to know someone was still here. Jackie was dead and she had this irrational fear that somehow Ryker was too. Though he was not in Konpeki when everything went down, he had been in the hotel before that.
The second it started ringing, Ryker answered.
“Vajra!” Seeing him even over a call was a relief like no other. He seemed distressed and she understood why. “You’re awake. Vik said he’d call me when you woke up.”
She leaned over the railing, looking down to the floors below. “I’m sure he just wanted to make sure I had some time to myself. It’s been... rough.”
Ryker nodded, his eyes searching for something to say, anything that would help. “Do you... want to talk? I can meet you, I got some free time.”
“Ryker, you’re the busiest person I know. You never have free time.” Vajra narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him. Though she started to smile, Ryker took this far more seriously. He wasn’t one to mess around when a friend was hurting and while he grieved Jackie’s passing, he knew she would need him.
“I’ll make time.”
With a drawn-out sigh, Vajra shrugged. An out of place smile on her face, “If you insist. Can we get something to eat? I’m starving.”
Quick to agree, Ryker finally returned with a faint smile. “Meet me at Jinya? Could go for some good ramen.”
“Be there in about an hour.” With a nod, Ryker ended the call. He seemed stressed out, which wasn’t uncommon. He was a hard worker and the last two weeks weighed heavily on him. So much time passed without a word from Vajra. When Ryker saw the news about Saburo and got a call from Viktor, he expected to be told Jackie and Vajra were dead. Instead, that was only partially right.
Vajra made her way to the elevator, slowly working off her stiff joints. She was excited to see Ryker, but there was a creeping fear he held her responsible for Jackie’s death. Nothing was telling her that, only her own deep-rooted fear.
She hit the ground floor button and waited. Even with all these people rushing through the streets, Night City felt dead without Jackie to light it up.
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hashtagyourshirt · 6 years
My hand slipped, fix it 3x18
Alex threw her keys on the couch after she closed the door to her apartment. She made her way to the fridge, pulled out a beer and a bottle of water.
“Hey Google, play CrushCrushCrush by Paramore.”
Alex’s home device responded as she took her drinks to her bedroom. She pulled the guitar off the stand near her bed, plugged in the amp, and flicked it on in time to hit the opening notes along with the song flooding the speakers in her apartment.
She played along loudly, stomping on the floor to the beat, allowing the music to consume her like it did when she learned to play the song ten years ago. The song ended and Decode followed it. Alex shook her head fiercely as she played the hook; she screamed along to the words that seemed to have new meaning for her all over again.
She stayed like this for hours, playing every song that came up next. She moved from Paramore’s albums to My Chemical Romance’s Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge.  
She didn’t hear the knock on the door, and didn’t hear when her visitor came into her apartment since the door was left unlocked. Lena made her way through Alex’s incredibly loud living space. She smirked when she saw the older Danvers sister playing the solo to her favorite song from middle school.
Alex spun on the spot, still playing her guitar oblivious to Lena’s presence.
“Jesus Christ!” Alex yelled when she caught sight of the CEO standing in her living room with a bemused expression on her face. She immediately shut off the amp and song system, embarrassment spreading through her like poison.
“Sorry, Alex,” Lena said, a half smile still on her lips. “You said I could come over when I needed, and the door was unlocked…”
“Yeah, no, no, it’s fine,” Alex shook her head. “I just can’t believe you caught me playing along to MCR, no less. It’s kind of--”
“Hot,” Lena supplied, her cheeks tinged slightly pink at her own admission.
“I was going to say embarrassing,” Alex replied, curling the right side of her mouth upwards with confidence.  “Didn’t think you were into pop punk.”
“I was a rebelliously angsty teenager at some point, Agent Danvers.” Lena quirked her right eyebrow up, enjoying the reaction she was getting from the older woman. “And who can resist a woman who can play guitar?”
It was Alex’s turn for her cheeks to redden. She coughed to loosen the tension she felt in her chest. “What brings you to my place, Lena? Can’t just be my above average musical skill.”
Lena smiled at this. “As much as I wish that were true, I did come to talk to you about what’s been going on, if that’s okay?” Lena fidgeted suddenly unsure of herself. “I know you said I could come by whenever I needed, and now I’ve invaded your space, so I hope this is acceptable.”  
“Lena,” Alex breathed. The Luthor’s eyes shot up to meet her own. “You want a beer?”
“Uh, yeah, a beer would be great.”
The pair moved to the couch, talking about nothing in particular while they drank what Alex claimed to be the best I.P.A. that exists. Alex realized, that while she was friends with Lena, she didn’t know her that well. Kara usually monopolized Lena’s time when they would all hang out. But that was pre-break up. That was pre-Reign, too.
“I had no idea you’ve been out this long. I feel like an idiot for assuming you came out as recently as me.”
Lena smiled, liking that she was able to see a softer side of Alex. “Oh yeah, I’ve been out as queer since I was fourteen. I fell in love with my best friend and roommate at boarding school. Such a cliche, right?” Lena was talking animatedly as Alex listened amused. “We were together on and off for about two years.”
“What broke you up?” Alex asked as she sipped her beer.
“I graduated early and started my first doctorate at MIT.”
“I didn’t want to do a long distance thing, especially when our relationship was kind of a secret on campus. And well, I was very interested in getting to know college girls at the time.” Lena winked at Alex, which made her chuckle.
“How’d that work out?” Alex asked with a grin.
“Oh, it was absolutely awful!” Lena laughed with Alex at her past. “I don’t know why I thought any adult women would be interested in me a sixteen. Once I turned eighteen, finished a BS/MS degree in Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT, moving to be full time in my Biological Engineering doctorate, it all changed.”
“Really?” Alex questioned, her eyebrows raised.
“No, of course not.” Lena laughed at Alex’s reaction. “I was still younger than my contemporaries by at least ten years, and seen as a spoiled rich kid to boot.”
“I would think the ladies would be lined up around the block for you,” Alex said smoothly.
Lena smiled, watching Alex take a swig of her beer. “I’m sure that’s the case for you.”
Alex made a noise like a cough mixed with a laugh. “Me? No way. I’m far too nervous for any of that. No ladies want me.”
It was Lena’s turn to laugh. “No ladies want you? A strong woman who works for a secret government agency kicking ass and protecting the world, rides a motorcycle, plays guitar, and is incredibly gorgeous?” Lena raised her eyebrow as if to say Really? “Eighteen year old me would have been first in line.”  
“Would have been?” Alex repeated before she could stop herself.
“Maybe I still would be in that line, even if you just saw me as your sister’s best friend,” Lena shared daringly, playing with the label on her beer bottle. Crime As Forgiven by Against Me! poured from the speakers, surrounding Alex and Lena in their own world.
Alex blushed, and looked past Lena through the sliding glass doors that led to her small porch.  “We should go outside, it’s beautiful out.”  
Without waiting for a response from Lena, she took the beer from Lena’s hand, put it on the coffee table, then spun to take both her hands in her own. Lena revelled in the feeling Alex’s fingers wrapped around her own.
Alex kept her one hand held loosely in Lena’s once they were outside. They looked up at the stars that were splattered across the night’s sky like someone flicked the end of a paint brush against a black canvas.
“I sort of had a crush on you, before I even knew it was a crush,” Alex conceded, not looking at Lena, but at the sky.
“Oh, really?” Lena replied, squeezing Alex’s hand that still hung in her own. “Had?”
“Maybe I still do, but am nervous you’re into your best friend again?” Alex’s heart thudded in her chest in time with the kick drum.
“I’ve been more amorous of her sapphic sister,” Lena admitted, leaning her shoulder into Alex’s.
They turned to meet each other’s gaze, Alex with hazy eyes while Lena’s sparkled. Alex nodded, as if to say that she understood what Lena meant, even if the information was still making its way to her brain.
While Alex still was formulating what to say back, Lena closed her eyes and brought her lips to meet the slightly older woman’s. They kissed slowly on the porch, each careful not to move too quickly. Just as Alex moved to slide her hands from Lena’s waist up her back, deepening the kiss in a way that made Lena moan, they heard someone clear their throat.
They pulled apart, Alex adopting a defensive stance slightly in front of Lena in anticipation of a fight from this intruder. She was met with Supergirl’s furrowed brow.
“Sorry, to, uh, interrupt,” Supergirl cleared her throat again, putting on a stoic grimace. “But we are needed at the DEO.  It’s Reign.”
“Okay, we’ll meet you there,” Alex said, already turning to retrieve her jacket and keys in her apartment.
“Uh, ‘we’?”
“Yes,” Alex met Supergirl’s uncomfortable gaze. “Lena is helping us with Reign. She’s the only one who’s learned anything about how to subdue her.” Alex ended with a glare to her younger sister We’ve been through this, Kara.
“Right,” Supergirl cleared her throat, processing everything she’d just experienced in the two miutes she’d been near her sister and best friend. “I can carry you both, if--”
“Thanks, but we’ll meet you at the DEO,” Alex interjected. “Lena can come with me on my motorcycle.” Alex looked to Lena, who raised her eyebrow suggestively.
Supergirl nodded and took off into the sky.  
After putting on her jacket, Alex grabbed the spare helmet she had and handed it to Lena.  
“Sorry about that,” Alex offered.
“It’s not like you did it.” Lena inspected the helmet in her hands. “Maybe you can make it up to me? Take me riding?” She quirked her eyebrow in a way that made Alex melt. “I’ll make it worth your while.”
Alex laughed wholeheartedly, taking a step closer to Lena so their bodies were nearly pressed together. “I can’t wait.” She leaned in to place a small kiss on Lena’s lips. Before either realized, they were pressed together again, Lena’s hands wrapped in Alex’s hair. She adored the feeling of the Alex’s buzzed undercut as she deepened the kiss.
Lena pulled back, breathing heavily.  “Let’s go save the world.” She placed a quick kiss on Alex’s lips before taking a step back and following Alex out the door.
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failaise · 7 years
corpse groom | min yoongi au
summary: after your death, the man who believes himself to be your husband is relentless in his pursuit. 
genre: smut/romance
band member: yoongi from bts
based off this song from the corpse bride 
death!au, corpse bride!au, reader!victor, yoongi!emily, 
warnings: deals with the concept of death, the afterlife, and the creators. this is just my interpretation of the movie and is not meant to offend any religion who believes in something other than this for the afterlife. if it somehow does, please send me a message so that i can improve this story without offending any culture or religion!
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Your annoyance seemed to fade with each step forwards into the forest. 
The serene silence lulled your indignance. A soft breeze brushed your hair behind your ears and you found yourself, for the first time in days, smiling without force. That heaviness of your chest seemed to lift, blowing like billows of smoke up into the white sky. Beneath your boots, snow crunched into footprints, deep and with purpose. 
For once, you could breathe- away from parents, away from families, away from that devilish marriage you were meant to entertain a thought with. Your eyes were tired yet wide, barely registering the sights before you. You hadn’t slept in days, maybe. Hadn’t eaten in days, either. How could you eat when your future was being pried from your cold fingers? The idea of marrying someone whom you’d never met, of devoting your life and womanhood to a man who was an impeccable nuisance. He expected a wife, kids- for you to stay home to be both. Your heart yearned for more. Real love was amongst your desires of life. 
Paused, you found yourself stood before a clearing. Tree branches stuck out from the ground, of different shapes and sizes, while the tiny round tops of stone peeked out from the snow. You’d never gotten this far before. You wondered how long you’d been walking for. 
Pursing your lips, you continued forwards, collapsing tiredly onto a clear-cut stump.
Thoughts of your overly-exhausting day came flooding back. You caught yourself thinking of the manner of Victor, the kind but annoyance of a fiancé. He discussed his ideas of children with such an eager manner, your stomach felt ill. He expected three, one right after your wedding night. He expected you to give all, especially the dowry. Yes, he seemed quite eager about a dowry. 
Money is what drove these insanely mundane people. Your parents, wanting to climb the social ladder by marrying you off to the red-haired supposedly wealthiest family in your town. Well, if they were so wealthy, why did his parents seem so excited about the prospect of the dowry? 
“Mmm,” you mimicked their snotty voices, “’shall we discuss the… hmm.. prospects of marriage?’“ Pushing yourself to your feet, you rested your hands on your hips, ignoring the bite of cold on your noise. “‘Yes, my dear’,” you continued, spinning around to the short stump, which quite perfectly imitated Victor, your fiancé’s father. You gave it a kick. 
“With this hand,” your initiation of Victor’s nasally voice was, in your opinion, fitting, “I will lift your sorrows.” 
Twisting your shoulders, you reached out to shake a bony branch. “Your cup shall never empty, for I will be your wine.” 
The vows were incredibly cliche. You had hoped you would be able to write your own, someday- vows that didn’t sound as if you were sentencing your future to some somber death. Lowering yourself to your knees, you bent at the hips before a branch, outstretched through the snow. Your gaze flickered to the engagement ring, sparkling and small on your finger. 
“With this candle,” you twisted the ring, a size too tiny, from your hand, “I will light your way in darkness.” 
A cold gust of wind brushed your hair behind your face, caressing your cheek softer than a lover could. The hush whisper of the forest life quietened, as if all the creatures were now stopped, listening to you profess your undying devotion for a branch. 
You slipped the ring onto the wood. It fell until it hit the snow, resting there comfortably. 
“With this ring, I ask you to be mine.” 
Somehow this escapade had made you feel… better. Marriage to a branch would be better than to Victor, and perhaps your vows, sad as they were, could one day be said positively to someone who you felt true love for. Sighing, you sat back in the snow, falling backwards into the clouds of white. Your body felt chilly but your heart was at ease, beating softly within the ribbed confines of your chest. The sky looked so beautiful then. You wished you could stare at it forever. 
You weren’t sure how long you laid there, poised in ice and breathing slow. Your eyelids felt heavy and your limbs tired, weighing pounds, sinking into the snow. A long sigh escaped your lips, and after a moment of hesitation, your eyes fluttered shut, finally at peace. 
It felt so nice. You hadn’t had a nap that peaceful since weeks ago. 
Smiling softly, you moved your arms from their spot, stretching your sore legs. 
Almost at once, you realized something was different. Your body was no longer cold. You couldn’t feel the breeze of night, or the tiny noises of woodland creatures. Your eyes flew open and you shot upwards. What you beheld was not snow, or trees, or the darkness of night. 
You were in a room. A nice one, at that. It had been decorated simply, a vase of dark blue roses by your bed. And your bed- you jumped to examine it quickly, only to find that it was shaped as a coffin, though with more luxurious cushioning. A silk blanket had been draped over your frame; it slipped to the ground in a puddle when you stood. 
Your chest felt tight. You felt as if you couldn’t breathe, and with a shock you found that you weren’t. Your chest wasn’t expanding, your lungs weren’t working. With eyes wide as saucers, you clasped at your throat, and spun to find the exit. 
The door to enter was shut. You rushed to open it, though you hesitated. You had no clue as to where you were, or what drugs you’d been given, or who had abducted you. 
Swallowing, you found your courage to twist the handle. The door swung back with one long, eerie creak. Its openness revealed a hallway, long and dark and dimly lit by torches hung on the wall. You tip-toed forwards, sure to be quiet, until you came to the end of it. The hall ended at another set of doors, and through the windows of the lobby you stood in, you could see that there were people around. 
It looked like your village. Yet, it was dark. You couldn’t see the sky, or clouds, or any type of sun. A grim shadow fell over the town. Vinery climbed up the walls of tall, skinny buildings. Neon green lights flashed in the windows of what looked like bars, and a fountain stood in the midst of it all. 
Confusion began to level your fright. Gulping down your fear, you continued forwards, sure that perhaps this was just some very twisted nightmare and that you’d wake in the snow, ready to go home. Suddenly the idea of marrying Victor became better than this. 
There was no cold or hot, no breeze of any sort as you stepped out into the town. You could only compare this to limbo, the empty space between heaven and hell. 
In the name of the lords, were you…. 
The nearest person who walked past, you grabbed. “Sir?” 
The man spun around by your force, starkingly revealing a face of green and rotting, and a maggot crawling out from the empty black space where his left eye should have been. Brown, sharp teeth revealed themselves as he looked upon you with kind curiosity, “Yes?”
You let go of him instantly, trying your best not to gasp at the ungodly sight before you. Your words died on your tongue as the man squinted with his one good black eye, and something like understanding dawned upon his face. 
“You’re the new wife,” he finally said. 
You blinked, licking your chapped lips, “The what?” 
The man began to speak, but his raspy voice was cut off by some low, smooth one. 
“Wife,” it said, moving from the shadows of an alley between Emily’s Pie Shop and Snake Lounge. “You’re my wife.” 
“Excuse me?” 
The figure appeared before you, unsheathed by the darkness that had clothed him. You first noticed that he was a bit taller than you, and skinny, dressed nicely in a slightly-torn black suit, as if he were getting ready to go to a wedding. His skin was deathly pale and smooth, unlike the person before you, and he had hair of silky black locks that fell loosely around his head. Moon-shaped, dark eyes sparkled in the street fires, and light pink lips curved into the tiniest of smirks. 
“Your wife?” You repeated incredulously. “I’m- who- what’s-” 
“Perhaps you should take a moment to sit, my love,” the stranger moved towards you with a hand outstretched, ready to guide you to a chair. You jumped back from him in defense. “Really, beautiful, it is best if you’re sitting when I tell you. You must be very scared.” 
“Don’t talk to me like I’m a child,” you snapped, eyes narrowed at the handsome man. “Tell me where I am and who you are.” 
“Firstly,” he took a hesitant step towards you, apparently not wanting to frighten you further. You squared your jaw. “You are where every… dead person goes. We call it Fors, which means Luck.” 
Your eyes grew wide once again. If you could have felt your heart beating, you were sure it would have stopped. 
“’Where every… dead person goes’?” Your mouth felt unbearably dry. Did you need water? Could you drink water? 
And while you wished it wasn’t true, it felt as if the knowledge he was telling you was already known; it was as if you were refreshing your mind on a topic you learned when you were young. Dead. Suddenly, the word wasn’t frightening. You weren’t sure why a wash of relief fell onto your skin, or why what he said made sense- it hadn’t before. 
“My love,” he took a step towards you, and you glanced up at him, “I found you in the snow after your vows. You seemed so lovely, so at peace. Your heart, unfortunately, dear, had ultimately been slowed until your breaths were no more.”
You had been so tired. You hadn’t eaten in days, hadn’t slept in days. Perhaps you were foolish to think that winter wouldn’t claim you, knowing your health wasn’t in perfect shape. Your mind wasn’t either. And perhaps this was for the better. Victor was gone, no longer a nuisance. Yet, your heart felt heavy with the knowledge that your excitement for education, for adventure, for travel- it had all been snuffed out by the cold grasp of November. 
“And myself,” he continued, raising his left hand to sight and momentarily silencing your thoughts. In the darkness of the town, the torch lights lit up the burgundy amber settled in the golden engagement ring on his finger.  “My name is Min Yoongi, and I am your husband.”
AHA yes i am doing october ficcs now!!! send in your spookiest ideas for bts and got7 halloween fics circa 2017! 
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cloppyreads · 7 years
Time For a Writing Break
It really kills me to say this, because I swear, if I ever go more than a month without publishing something, I will always get at least one comment saying “Oh damn, I thought you were dead!” or something, always always always without fail. I get that people don’t mean anything malicious by it, but I do find it a little irritating that people think that if I’m not publishing something weekly, that means I’m gone for good. No, it’s not, it’s just that I take a lot more time than other fic-writers do (which doesn’t seem like they take a lot of time in the first place), and I also sometimes need to push writing aside because of school. Really frustrating, but that’s the way it is sometimes. 
My plan is to step away from my stories for the rest of this semester, and once I’m done with finals, to get back to it immediately the day after. And the next story I want to do is one focusing on James Hopps Jr., Nick and Judy’s son. I’ve only used him twice in my stories, one SFW one Explicit, and I really do want to develop his character a little more past “Nick and Judy’s son”. So, that’s the next story in the agenda. 
As for the story after that? That’s up to you guys. Yup, it’s Strawpoll time! However, things are gonna be a little different. You’re getting not one, not two, but THREE different polls, each with a different selection of stories. One of them will be Zootopia stories, the second will be MLP stories, and the third will be Misc. stories. I’ll give you a list of the story descriptions and the links to the polls after the read more break. The way this is going to work is, you’ll vote for one story in each category (unless you have no interest in the other categories, then just vote for the ones that you do). At the end of November, I’ll pick the winner of each category and make a final strawpoll to pit the final four against each other to see which one story you all want me to write most. 
Also please be aware that most of these are working titles and will most likely be given better titles upon final publication
Zootopia Stories
Nick’s Daddy Dilemma (Teen/Drama/Heartwarming)- After several months of marriage, Judy drops the mother of all bombs on Nick when she asks him how he feels about being a father. Instead of demanding a decision on the spot, she gives him time to think about it, which prompts Nick to spend their day off by himself so he can think it over in privacy. Nick explores various attractions of the town while mulling over the idea of fatherhood and if it’s something he’s cut out for or not. 
Fox Muzzle Jacket (General/Comedy/Inspirational)- Months have passed since Nick submitted his application to the ZPD, and the academy training has finally begun. Despite his best effort, Nick just can’t seem to keep up with his fellow cadets. Just when he’s on the verge of calling it quits, he finds inspiration through the best friend he has to never give up and never give in, til he reaches the end. 
Sly But Sincere (General/Romantic/Hurt-Comfort)- Olivia Pawford is a junior in college who’s just trudging along without much hope for the future past being more than what her family has raised her to be: a sly fox getting through life by deceiving others. She’s surprised to meet a man named James Wilde, a fox who’s driven to find a different path than other foxes, an honest path without any trickery or dishonesty. After spending an extended time together, the two find out that they might be in it for the long haul regarding their lives together. But does fate have other plans for the happy couple? 
I Will Find You (Mature/Action-Adventure/Strong Bloody Violence)- Nick and Judy’s son James has been kidnapped in broad daylight without anyone noticing. The worried parents receive a call from an anonymous voice hours later, demanding they pay a ransom they can never afford if they want to get him back alive. Rather than give into their demands, Judy decides she’s going to get him back through her own methods: no matter how much blood she has to spill along the way. 
Zootopia University (General/Romance/Angst)- James Hopps has finally moved out of his parents Nick and Judy’s house and begun his college career majoring in law. While the mountain of work he’s faced with seems intimidating, a lion by the name of Felicia Felis majoring in psychology takes it upon herself to help the poor freshman get his head in the game and keep his head above water. The two find ways to help each other out as the semester continues, and as their relationship grows, James figures out Felcia can read him like an open book. What surprises James the most is how comfortable he is with that knowledge in mind. 
Meet The Hopps (General/Drama/Family Spats/Segregation)- After neglecting it for so long, Judy decides it’s finally time to introduce Nick to her parents as her boyfriend. While Bunnyburrow is known to maintain a conservative view against interspecies relationships, Nick is determined to give the impression he can to Judy’s parents and her siblings. Will Nick’s good intentions change the minds of Judy’s parents, or has their traditionalist mindset been reinforced for too long to see a different point of view?
It Runs In The Family (Explicit/Fluff/Incest/Threesome)- After finding out that their growing son James has been spying on them, Nick and Judy have a talk with him about how he needs to respect their privacy.It’s revealed that James has been harboring a lustful attraction to his parents, which plants all sorts of visuals in his parents heads. Nick and Judy have a talk amongst themselves about what’s the morally right thing to do about this, and what real harm would be committed if they gave their son what he willingly wanted. 
The Naked Truth (General/Comedy/Awkwardness/Slice-of-Life)- Just a few months after Nick has been admitted into the Zootopia Police Department, they receive a tip about an underground crime ring that could help bust a longstanding case wide open. Unfortunately, the informant will only give them the information in detail if they agree to meet at the Mystic Springs Oasis. Nick has no issues letting the warm oasis air rush through his buff fur along with all the other nude animals. Judy however is not so comfortable in her birthday suit. Things are made even more awkward when Nick runs into an old ex-girlfriend of his who seems all too eager to see him again. 
ZootopiaxKingdom Hearts (Action-Adventure/Drama/Comedy)-Sora and company find themselves in another world along their journey, and Sora himself sees that the magic of the world has given him a new form to fit in with the rest of the citizens. The Heartless have been terrorizing the city, and a number of predators have been goingmissing over the past week. The trio teams up with Officer Hopps and con fox Nick Wilde to unravel the mystery of who’s controlling the Heartless and if it’s connected to the vanishing predators. 
Wilde Family Stripper Club (Explicit/Comedy/Incest/Awkwardness)- after turning in his ZPD application, Nick finds out that his heroism in saving the city has ruined any chance he has of going back to the street hustling life. With no other skills of merit to land him a job to pay the bills before the academy training starts, Nick swallows his pride and applies to be a dancer at a fox strip club. He’s hired on the spot, but the manager has neglected to tell him that there’s another fox he knows working at the joint, a vixen he’s known for literally all his life. Things are gonna. Get. Weird. 
A Bun In The Oven (Explicit/Comedy/Fluff/Pregnancy Sex)- Judy is eight months pregnant, and her stomach is the size of a volleyball. She may not think it, but Nick thinks she’s just as beautiful as ever. Once their clothes are off, Nick just can’t get enough of Judy’s big round belly carrying their child, and every touch Nick gives her sends Judy into levels of arousal that she’d not thought possible.
Taking The Reigns (General/Comfort/Getting Old)- Nick and Judy have been serving on the force for almost two decades now. Chief Bogo’s getting ready to retire, and wants Judy to be the one to take control of the department in his stead. Judy would rather stay an active officer instead of sitting behind a desk and dealing with politicians and paperwork, but she has to face the truth: her passion might be as fierce as ever, but her body isn’t quite what it used to be. Maybe it’s time for a change in scenery, even if she’s still working in the only place she ever wants to work.
No One I’d Rather Be Caged With (Teen/Drama/Hurt-Comfort/Romance)- Following the arrest of Mayor Lionheart, the two night guards Gary and Larry are sentenced to prison. Luckily for them, they were assigned the same cell, but now the two will have to face the horrors of life in the slammer for a year at minimum. When things seem at their worst, the two wolves will find their already deep bond runs deeper than the two ever imagined. 
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My Little Pony Stories 
The My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Movie: But It’s Completely Self-Aware (Comedy/Random/Meta-Humor)- Let’s cut the bullshit: Hasbro has an agenda, works by a formula, and in this particular universe, everypony knows full well how things work. Enjoy a retelling of the MLP movie with characters regularly pointing out cliches, plotholes and overalls flaws of the movie they have no choice but to take part in.
Chaotic NightBreaker (Explicit/Bondage/Threesome/Comedy)- following Discord’s crazy night with Celestia’s fiery alter-ego, the princess of the sun asks him if he’d be up for a similar experience, but with the addition of another participant. The two talk it over with Princess Luna, who seems hesitant at first to tap into her inner darkness, but after learning that Celestia could do it briefly and return to normal when they were finished, she thinks it’s worth a shot. Discord is in for one hell of a night when the princess of day and night let their wicked sides out to play, and make Discord their submissive plaything for the evening. 
Sunset’s Horseplay (Expliicit/Fluff/Interspecies Sex)- (yes, everyone’s already done this idea and I’ve missed the bandwagon years ago). Though Sunset Shimmer has grown accustomed her home in this new world and found a place among wonderful friends, part of her still misses the land she came from. She finds comfort in spending time with Boxer, one of Applejack’s farm horses. What she begins to realize though is that she’s yearning for something more from Boxer, something to satisfy the curious itch within her and make her feel like what she was before she stepped through the mirror in Celestia’s palace.  
Garbled Emotions (Explicit/Drama/Hurt-Comfort/Awkwardness)- Garble and Fizzle have been best bros for years. When they’ve reached the proper age, all the dragons are looking forward to their first battle for their place at the top of the mating ladder - all except Fizzle that is. As time goes by, Garble begins spending more time than usual with Fizzle, learning he’s growing less content with his place among dragonkind. Garble will have to dig deep to figure out where his true loyalty lies: with his species, or with his closest friend. 
Moonlit Melancholy (Teen/Romance/Sad/Hurt-Comfort/Recovery)- After Twilight helps Moondancer confront her depression and pick up the pieces of her life again, the princess of friendship begins regularly checking in with Moondancer by using her magic to talk with her through her books. After some spontaneous flirting, the two decide to take things to discover they have a bountiful amount of things in common. Despite their joy over their new relationship, Twilight’s obligations as a princess make it hard for her to regularly spend time with Moondancer. They’ll be able to tough it out and find a way to make iit work, right?
A Dwindling Flame (Teen/Drama/Sad/Hurt-Comfort)- Soarin has noticed something’s changed about Captain Spitfire over the past year. Whereas she used to be calm, cool and collected, she’s become more tight-wound and abrasive, plus her loyalties haven’t been as clear as they used to be. Soarin confronts his captain about what’s going on in her life, and realizes it might have to do with the newest rainbow-maned recruit to the Wonderbolts. 
Love Measure in Scales (Explicit/Romance/Drama/Love Triangle)- A story I started YEARS AGO and haven’t touched in forever. I still have the missing half of the story outlined, and could be tempted to start work on it again, if enough people still care. 
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Rick and Morty Stories
MortyxMolly (Explicit/Romance/Comedy/Hurt-Comfort/Selfcest)- While completing a mundane task in a secret quadrant of the infiniverse, Morty meets a version of himself that he’s never encountered before: one lacking a Y chromosome. Molly is just like Morty in so many ways, even with an alcoholic grandmother named Rita. Rick tells Morty that getting involved with a version of himself from another universe is one of the worst ideas someone can imagine, but Morty and Molly are driven to prove that the person they’ve been waiting for all their lives was themselves. 
Morty’s Dino Lap Dance (Explicit/Comedy/Big Dino Stripper Butt)- While his grandfather effortlessly resolves the Israel-Palestine conflict, Morty finds his attention occupied by a large and busty stripper behind their seat. Morty’s never thought himself to be attracted to dinosaurs before, but something about this woman captivates Morty to the point that he wants a private dance with her. Rick does what any responsible mad scientist grandfather would do: give him a pocketful of money and tell him to enjoy himself some Jurassic Juggs. 
Incestual-Dimensional Cable (Explicit/Comedy/Incest/Angry Sex With Fluff At The End)- When Rick passes out for an extended amount of time and Beth is called away to perform emergency horse surgery, Morty and Summer decide to watch some good old Interdimensional Cable. While surfing channels, they stumble across a porno with themselves as the actors, having intercourse with full knowledge that they’re related. Even after turning the TV off, the image still sticks in each siblings mind, pushing them to entertain the idea of imitating what they saw on TV. 
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Undertale Stories
The Goat Trap (General/Comedy/Drama/Amending Fences)- even though Frisk and Asriel get to spend a fair amount of time with Asgore, it’s clear that Toriel still holds a grudge against him. Asriel knows they aren’t getting back together, but he at least wants them to get along. With the help of Alphys, Frisk’s friends manage to set up a trap that locks Asgore and Toriel in the same room, saying they aren’t coming out until they talk things out and form a truce of sorts. Will the two goats find a path to peace between themselves, or are they too far gone to find a compromise? 
Blossoming SOULS (Explicit/Fluff/Interspecies/Delicious Goat Boipussi)- When mom is away, the boys will play. Toriel leaves the house to run some errands, and young teens Frisk and Asriel decide to have some fun while she’s gone. It’s delicious young human-goat monster sex, what more could you ask for? 
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littlev1234 · 7 years
Fandom: Bravely Default
Pairing: Tiz/Agnes/Yew, mentions of Ringabel/Edea
Warnings: None
Words: 1,509
Summary: “Their dates often went like this: hanging out in a peaceful place and enjoying each other’s presences. Compared to their friends, the trio preferred simpler pastimes and subtler romantic gestures. She relished every second of it, and she knew Tiz and Yew did, too.”
Also known as Fluffy Cliches Featuring Hot Mechanic Tiz, Beautiful Contented Agnes, and Adorable Nerdy Yew.
Notes: Modern AU. Late submission for Day 7/free prompt of Bravely Ship Week.
AO3 Version: Repose
A bead of sweat slid down Tiz’s temple and reached his cheek before he swiped it off with the back of his hand. Due to the grease splotches staining his hands, the movement left a streak of black. Oblivious, he leaned down to continue working under the car’s hood.
Being the only one still at his father’s mechanic shop, the metallic clinking of his fingers skillfully moving parts and the drone of the pitiful fan standing in the corner filled his ears. The fan had no chance of standing up to today’s humid heat. Tiz carried on, checking a gauge before screwing a plastic cap back in place.
Some may believe such backbreaking work was unappealing and tedious. He, however, found it satisfying in its simplicity. Find the problem, fix it, and send the vehicle on its way.
Two pairs of light footsteps entering the garage caught his attention. After he finished tightening a washer, he stepped back and closed the hood. “Sorry. I wasn’t watching the time,” he apologized.
“It’s all right,” Agnes reassured. While her long bangs remained swept to the side across her forehead, the rest of her thick brown hair sat in a neat bun at the back of her head. An off-white short-sleeved dress with brown accents complimented her lithe frame.
“We’re not in a hurry,” Yew agreed, absentmindedly adjusting his messenger bag. He, too, had dressed more appropriately for the weather with shorts and a T-shirt with the Al-Khampis school logo scrawled across the chest.
Tiz smiled to himself. They looked comfortable and stunning, and here he was with ruffled hair and an old tank top.
“Let me take a shower before we go,” he said. Walking over to a nearby table, he set down his tools and grabbed the half-full bottle of water he placed there a couple hours ago. After pushing his bangs out of his eyes—he really needed a haircut—he uncapped it and took a few long gulps. Sweat glistened on his skin, from his jawline to the lean muscles of his arms, and the damp tank clung to his torso.
When he finished soothing his dry throat he tossed the empty bottle into a nearby trash can. He turned back to the others only to see that their faces had suddenly turned bright red. “...are you two okay?”
“W-we’re fine!” Yew insisted, voice a tad higher-pitched than normal and sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. The deep red hue coloring his face matched that of Agnes’, who nodded quickly in agreement.
“If you’re sure…” Tiz shrugged. “You can wait on the couch until I’m done.”
“Okay,” Anges squeaked.
Sending them another odd look, Tiz opened the door to his father’s house and stepped inside.
The second he was out of earshot, Yew and Agnes turned to each other with equal muffled excitement.
“That was just like out of a movie…!” Yew exclaimed.
“We were truly blessed to have that moment.” Though more sedated in her reverence, Agnes had clasped her hands together.
They continued to fawn over Tiz’s handsomeness as they headed inside and sat down on the couch. Since no one else appeared to be in the house, they assumed Tiz’s father and little brother weren’t at home.
Yew reached into his bag and pulled out a worn book. “The campus library was giving away books no one reads any more, and I thought you might like this one.”
She accepted the thick book and examined the cover. On the green cover read the title Sweets Around the World.
“Oh my,” Agnes breathed as she flipped through a few pages. She spotted pictures of mouthwatering desserts along with text explaining the foods’ history and making. Closing it before she temped herself into making one in that instant, she leaned over and pecked his cheek. “Thank you, Yew.”
Yew smiled shyly. “You’re welcome. While I was there I also saw a book that I thought would be perfect for Edea, but I decided not to get it.”
“What was it?”
“How to Keep Your Cool When Your Boyfriend is a Ladies’ Man.”
They both gave a small laugh.
“I had a feeling she’d throw the book at me or Ringabel if I gave it to her,” Yew explained.
“You made the safe choice,” Agnes agreed lightheartedly.
Tiz returned a few minutes later. Wearing faded jeans and a solid blue shirt, he attempted to tame his long bangs for a moment before giving up. “Ready to go?”
They unanimously decided Tiz would drive—Agnes had an abysmal sense of direction, and Yew tended to drive far more carefully than necessary. After a five minutes they reached their favorite coffee shop and headed inside.
“Bonjour!” Magnolia greeted as she untied her work apron and handed it to a fellow employee. “I didn’t know you three were coming here today.”
“We didn’t decide on it until this morning,” Tiz explained.
Magnolia’s gaze flicked between them, and then she shot them a teasing wink. “On a coffee date, are we?” She released a dreamy sigh. “You’re all so mignon! It was worth the nightmare of setting you ‘blockheads’ up together, as Edea would put it.”
“We would have figured it out eventually,” Yew said, though his uncertain tone revealed otherwise.
“Where are you going now?” Agnes asked.  
“I’m going home to freshen up. Janne and I are heading to a club tonight. You’re welcome to join.”
Yew glanced at Tiz and Anges before shaking his head. “No thanks. We plan on hanging out at Agnes’ house tonight.” None of them were huge fans of parties anyway.
“All right. A bientôt!” She waved farewell and left the café.
“I’ll put in our orders,” Tiz offered.
“We’ll find a seat then,” Agnes suggested.
They found a table small table near a window. As they sat down, Agnes’ phone pinged. She pulled out her phone and glanced at the screen.
“It’s Edea.”
“Isn’t she at the carnival with Ringabel?”
“Yes. She just told me that she let him hold her hand on the roller coaster, and he practically crushed it.”
“I can’t blame him.” Yew shuddered. “Roller coasters, my one fear.”
Agnes shook her head with a fond smile. Yesterday his “one fear” was ghosts, and last week it was “accidentally eating moldy pudding.”
“They said it’ll be ready in a minute,” Tiz announced. Approaching their table, he purposefully brushed his hand across Yew’s back while walking to his own seat. “What are you talking about?”
Their conversation resumed until their orders were ready. Agnes walked to the counter, picked the drinks up with a polite thank you, and returned to the table. She handed a packet of creamer to Tiz, who had a plain black coffee.
Yew swirled the straw in his caramel frappuccino before taking a long sip. Across from him Agnes raised her iced sweet chai latte to her lips, and when she placed it back on the table a spot of foam remained on the corner of her mouth.
Tiz and Yew exchanged amused grins.
“Agnes…you have something on your lip,” Yew informed.
She swiped her tongue across her mouth. “Did I get it?”
“No,” Tiz said. After she tried again and failed, he reached over and swiped it off with his thumb. “Got it.”
“Th-thank you.”
They stayed at the café for well over an hour, idly chatting long after they had finished their drinks. After leaving a tip in the jar at the counter, the trio eventually started for Agnes’ house.
Tiz stifled a yawn as he parked his car in her driveway.
“Tired?” Yew asked.
“A little,” he admitted.
“You don’t have to stay up,” Agnes reminded.
“I’ll be fine,” he insisted. “I don’t have to work tomorrow anyway.”
Upon entering the quaint home Agnes turned on the television. She then settled in the middle of the couch, and Tiz sat down beside her. Yew took his preferred position; lying down on her other side with his head in her lap. The fact that his feet hung off the edge didn’t bother him. While Agnes found a mindless romance movie they had already seen before, the youngest pulled out a book and opened it to the bookmarked page.
Halfway through the movie Tiz’s head lightly fell against Agnes’, indicating he had fallen asleep. With a soft, affectionate smile she looked down to see Yew also snoozing quietly. His book lay face down on his stomach.
Their dates often went like this: hanging out in a peaceful place and enjoying each other’s presences. Compared to their friends, the trio preferred simpler pastimes and subtler romantic gestures. She relished every second of it, and she knew Tiz and Yew did, too.
She turned off the television and carefully placed the remote beside Yew. She didn’t have the heart to wake them up, and sleepiness was beginning to tug at her eyelids as well. Relaxing against the couch, she fell asleep to the warm weight of Yew’s head in her lap and the sound of Tiz’s soft breathing.
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winchester-writes · 7 years
Valentine’s by the Bottle (Part 4)
Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,599
Warnings: annnggssstttttt, language 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (idk why they aren’t working I’m sorry >.<)
A/N: I’m actually really excited for you guys to read this part!!! Feedback would be greatly appreciated!!! And I hope you guys like it!!! Many thanks to @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid for betaing and yes, you are correct, @oriona75 is Sam’s fiancee :)
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Three weeks later, there had been no sign of Dean and it was now Valentine’s Day. That day where all the romantics came out of the woodworks to charm that special someone for the night. You laid sprawled out on your couch and remembered the times when Dean used to call it “unattached drifters christmas,” well before the two of you got together at least. After that he was completely different, all because you liked the holiday he would go above and beyond to make it special for you. You smiled thinking back to the one time he set up a cliche candle light dinner in one of the motel rooms and sitting in your chair was a giant stuffed teddy bear holding onto a bouquet of red roses. When you sat up to get a bottle of water from the fridge is when you felt the tears down your cheeks. Right now you would give anything to not be alone again, to not have the ache in your heart hurt like you’re being stabbed over and over again, to be wanted and loved. Even if Dean wasn’t the one, you wished you could find someone else but it looks like that wasn’t in the books; with your reputation in this town that was doubtful.
Opening the fridge you reached out to grab the bottle of water when your eye caught sight of the new twelve pack sitting on the bottom shelf. “Why would I stop now?” you questioned yourself as you grabbed the whole box, making your way back into the living room to plop on the couch and hopefully distract yourself with some Netflix for the night.
Dean sighed and started digging for his wallet as he walked out of work towards the flower stand that was placed there for the holiday. Scarlett was overdue with the twins, still on bedrest and could literally pop at any given moment. Giving a tight smile to the vendor he looked around at the selection and noticed flowers that Scarlett would love but then he also noticed flowers that Y/N would love. Lilies for Scarlett and Roses for Y/N. He pinched the bridge of his nose, he can’t do this anymore.
“Can’t decide?” The vendor noticed how Dean hesitated on what flowers to get.
Dean looked up at the vendor, “Yeah, sorry.” He scratched the back of his neck, “I just don’t know which one to go for.” If only the vendor knew the double meaning behind his words, he’d probably get punched.
“Well which ones were you looking at?”
“Uh the lilies over there and then the white and red roses right here.” Dean pointed out looking at the man for help.
“Well if you were to go with the lilies those could symbolize devotion, passion and faith.” Dean could feel his throat starting to close up and cleared it, nodding his head when the vendor looked at him. “And then the white rose could symbolize innocence and new starts while the red rose could symbolize love, romance and admiration. I hope that helps out some.”
Dean gave another tight smile as he made up his mind, “You were a great help thanks. I’ll get those.” He pointed to the bouquet he decided on, paid and was soon making his way out to his car with them in hand.
Once buckling up Dean set the flowers in the passenger seat and mentally told himself he was doing the right thing. After starting the car his phone in his pocket rang and he immediately answered once he saw who it was, “Hey baby you okay?”
Scarlett giggled on the other side, “Yes mister worry wart I’m fine and so are they. I was just wondering when you’d be home? You said you’d try to get off early so we could have our Valentine’s day.”
“Uh yeah, baby about that...I can’t make it. Right as I was about to get off they give me this shit ton of paperwork to do along with two cars that have to be fixed and ready by tomorrow. But I will try to get home to you as soon as possible. Trust me.” He shut his eyes hoping his voice didn’t falter.
“I trust you babe, I just wish you were here. You know how much I love Valentine’s day.” Dean could hear how upset she was over the phone and sighed.
“I know Scar, baby I know. I wish nothing more than to be with you but I have to go. I’ll be home later alright? Don’t wait up for me okay? You know that I love you.”
“I know Dean, I love you too. And trust me, I’ll probably be in bed at like 9 o’clock.” She laughed again and sighed, “Alright well I’ll let you go, love you Dean, bye.”
“Bye.” He hung up and held the phone to his forehead as he side eyed the bouquet of roses sitting in the passenger seat. Pulling out of the parking lot he knew what he had to do.
About six beers in you heard someone knock on your door. You set the beer you had been nursing down on the side table and walked over to the door opening it without looking through the peephole. You gasped and your eyes went wide, “This better be good Winchester.”
Dean gave a weary smile as he brought the bouquet of flowers and the bottle of champagne out from behind his back, “Happy Valentine’s Day Y/N.”
“Really, Dean? Shouldn’t you be giving all this to your wife?” You crossed your arms and gave him the stink eye look, not really trusting what’s going on here.
Dean sort of winced as you put emphasis on that last word but shook his head none the less, “I decided to come here instead. I know how much you love this holiday, I never forgot. Can I come in?”
“With what happened last time I don’t know if that’s a wise decision, Dean.” You uncrossed your arms and took the bouquet of roses and gave a hint of smile, which didn’t go unnoticed by Dean, at the lovely gesture. Looking back up into his eyes, you bite your lip and took in a deep breath, “But I guess if you behave yourself you can come in.” Stepping to the side he walked in and awkwardly sat in your spot on the couch.
“So, how’ve you been Y/N?” Dean asked setting the bottle down on the table.
Walking into the kitchen you set the flowers down into a vase and then grabbed two glasses, coming to sit across from him. “I’ve been doing good. As best as the town drunk can get anyway.” You shrugged, continuing to talk as you reached over to grab the bottle. What you didn’t notice was that Dean couldn’t stop watching every move you made. No matter how long apart he was always so transfixed by your whole being. Why did he ever give you up?
Around two hours later you were on the floor laughing at something Dean had said. The both of you very buzzed from drinking that entire bottle of champagne and then moving on to the other liquor you had in your apartment.
Dean wiped a tear from his eye, he couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed this hard, “I shit you not those are the exact words that came out of his mouth!”
You couldn’t stop laughing as you sat up and went to sit next to Dean on the couch. Your stomach hurt from laughing so hard but you were trying to calm your breathing. Soon you found yourself breathing deeply while laying your head against his shoulder, while one of his arms moved to around your shoulder holding you close. You tilted your head up and smiled at him. The moment he looked down at you is when your smile got wider, “Thank you for tonight Dean. This was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”
Dean’s eyes darted from your lips and then back to your eyes. He smiled as his fingers came to tilt your chin up even more, “Who says it has to end?” And then his lips were on yours. There was that little part of you that was saying that this was wrong but you were drunk and said to hell with it. One of your hands snaked around to the base of his neck as the other tugged in his hair causing him to moan. Next thing you know you’re maneuvering yourself to straddle him, his hands going underneath your shirt, your spine tingling as his fingers run down in. The both of you didn’t feel the need to take it further. Just sitting here acting like two drunk teenagers making out on the couch was enough. His tongue fought for dominance against yours and he won, you always let him win at that because you loved it when he took over. You sighed as he turned to lay you down on your back. Both of your lips were moving perfectly together, almost as if they were lost puzzle pieces that were always supposed to fit. Dean pulled away and ran a hand down your cheek. “God, you know, you’re so beautiful. I love you so much.”
You giggled as he nuzzled your neck, your eyes becoming heavier by the second, “I love you too, Dean.”
Sam groaned as he heard his cell phone ring beside him, it was two in the morning. So he rolled over on his other side and didn’t even want to bother with whoever was calling.
“Sam, answer your fucking phone.” Came Cait’s voice next to him, clearly annoyed that he was just going to let it ring.
“Fine, fine.” He rolled back over and blindly took his phone in hand not even looking at the caller ID. “Hello?”
“Sam! I-I need help!”
Sam shot straight up at those words, he was now awake, “Scar? Are you okay?”
“No, no I think-I think the babies are coming! Dean’s not here he had to- had to work late. I called him several times but he’s not answering his phone! I need to go to the hospital Sam!” He heard her trying to calm herself down by breathing heavily.
“Uh, okay okay, call an ambulance and I’ll try to be at your house as quick as possible. Alright?” Sam jumped up and started putting some pants on while holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder.
“Sam, I’m scared…” Sam could tell she had started to cry. Where the fuck was Dean?! He was going to fucking kill him!
“I know honey, I know. I’ll be there shortly okay? 30 minutes tops.”
“Okay Sam, thank you. Bye.”
Sam hung up the phone and started rummaging around for a shirt and his shoes. Cait sat up on the bed and asked what was going on, “Scar is in fucking labor and Dean isn’t fucking there! That’s what’s going on! I had her call an ambulance but I’m going over to be with her.”
“I’m coming with you.”
“Then hurry up, we don’t have much time!”
Cait gave Sam this look and he knew he was in trouble, “I’m sorry, I just...Dean is pissing me off and we have to stop by somewhere I think he’ll be.”
“He can explain that when we get him. Come on.” Sam shrugged his jacket on and waited outside for Cait. When she got in the car he tore out of the driveway.
Just a few moments later Sam was pulling over on the side of the road in town, hoping this was your apartment. “Sam, what are we doing here?”
“Hang on okay? I’ll be back, just stay here and keep the doors locked.” Cait nodded and watched as Sam looked up the building, crossing the street and soon entered. He did the same thing Dean had done the first time and had to ask the lady which apartment number was yours. She pointed down the hall and mumbled the number. Sam rolled his eyes making his way down the hall, he was livid and his nostrils flared. If he was to find Dean here, he’d fucking kill him.
Sam got to the door and lightly knocked not getting an answer. He pressed his ear to the door not hearing any noise. He tested out the knob and it was locked, of course. So he looked around and got out his lock pick kit, that he still carried around, out to use against the door. After a few clicks he got the door open. And what he saw in front of him had him fuming.
Dean’s phone sat on the table with fifteen missed calls from Scarlett and at least twenty text messages. Meanwhile, Dean laid on top of you, his head using your chest as a pillow, as you both slept. Sam made his way into the kitchen and got a big glass of water, walking back into the living room he rolled his eyes and dumped the water onto the both of you.
Dean jumped up and fell on his ass, taking you with him. He rubbed his eyes and looked up, “What the actual fuck Sam!?”
“Get the fuck up Dean. Your kids are being born and I suggest you don’t fucking miss that.”
“Wait, what?” Dean reached over grabbing his phone and saw all the messages from Scarlett, “Oh fuck.”
“Yeah ‘oh fuck’ get your ass in the fucking car, Dean!” Dean scrambled up, grabbed his shoes, phone and ran out the door as fast as he could.
Once Dean got in the car, Cait gave him this awful judgmental look as she noticed he didn’t have any shoes on, his hair was a mess and that he just ran out of some random apartment that wasn’t his house. Thoughts swarming in her head but not wanting to say anything out loud until Sam got back. So she rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and turned towards the windshield.
The face Sam gave you was one you thought you’d never see from him. He looked absolutely livid at you. “Sam I-”
“Save it. Y/N…” Sam swiped a hand down his face and his expression was now one of guilt, “...I think it would be best if you moved or went somewhere else. Yes, you were my friend and I still love you but Dean has a family now and with you in the picture it’s messing all that up, he doesn’t have his priorities straight.” He noticed that you started crying and bent down on his knees to face you, “I’ll help with any expenses you need but I am ending this.” Sam looked up when he heard the honk of a car horn. He reached over and kissed you on the forehead, “I’ll be back later okay? And we can talk about options then.” Sam then rushed out the door and left you on the floor crying your eyes out. As a sob left your body, you got up and made your way into your bedroom and gathered up your old duffel bag.
Little did Sam know that when he got back you would no longer be there. You are going to say goodbye to normalcy and say hello, once again, to the hunting life. That was something you knew you couldn’t fuck up and if you did….at this point you were okay with those consequences.
Part 5
By the Bottle Tags (CLOSED): @abaddonwithyall, @alexa-turtle, @aliyla12, @anokhi07, @aprofoundbondwithdean, @arrwow, @arryn-nyx, @atc74, @ayeeitsemry, @balthazars-muse, @betterlattethennever, @bkwrm523, @blacktithe7, @boredoutofmymindstuff, @brianaistre, @bringmesomepie56, @bunny-the-lifeguard, @cass-xxo, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @charliepeaceout, @clarewinchester, @dancingalone21, @deanandsamsbitch, @deaninathighholster, @deanssweetcherrypie, @deanssweatheart, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @faith-in-dean, @gecko9596, @georgialouisea, @ilostmyshoe-79, @imagine-this-motherfucker, @impalaimagining, @iwantthedean, @jensen-jarpad, @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy, @jerkbitchidjitassbutt, @kakdhaoan919, @katieaah045, @kittenofdoomage, @kydamyankee, @lakama15, @latinenglishfandomblog, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @leoberosis, @living-beauty-nightmare, @love-kittykat21, @maddieburcham1, @mamapeterson, @manawhaat, @mogaruke, @moonlitskinwalker, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mypopculturediva, @mysteriouslyme81, @nanie5, @nichelle-my-belle, @notyourtypicalpunkgirl, @one-shots-supernatural, @oriona75, @paigeinastory, @redheadedbitchester, @salvachester, @satanic-bastard, @shameless-danni, @sdavid09, @sherrilynn67, @skathan-omaha, @sleep-silent-angel, @smoothdogsgirl, @spnthebottle, @supernatural-girl97, @the-amaranthine, @therealdeanwinchester13, @thetardishasaquidditchpitch, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @too-much-winchester, @torn-and-frayed, @voidobsession, @waiting4thedoctor, @waywardlullabies, @whatareyousearchingfordean, @winchesterenthusiast, @writingbeautifulmen, @wrong-universe, @xoxoaudreymarie, @xtina2191
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