#take care of yourself mwah
genshinology · 2 years
uh-oh hello to all fellow beings out there that are currently following me!! uhm so,, this has been weighing on me for the longest time but ig it's REALLY the time for me to let this out loud.
this won't be under the cut, and i do think everyone should read this on their dash.
first thing first, 1k followers is such a big milestone for me although i have been around for more than a year on genshinblr. (well, if you don't catch that, my blog is actually progressing relatively slow compared to other writing blogs).
to say that, the number flatters me to this day is an understatement. it is a LOT, don't get me wrong but yeah,, the engagement and interactions are shits to the point that i have been considering to archiving all my works and (maybe) leave this site.
ik that i'm not that active compared to last year, but seeing how all my works are flopping so hard makes me demotivated to some extent. yes, i never intended to write for clouts but seeing no commentaries on your works are disheartening, especially when you have put your time into them. it is as if, 1k followers is nothing (ofc i don't imply this on my mutuals, you guys are like the sweetest). it is as if, i have only the same 100 followers back on my earliest days 'till today; the interactions then vs. interactions now are literally on the same par.. it's insane how small the gap is even though the number of my followers increases overtime.
with that being said, i don't finalise my decision yet, whether to continue or stop writing for genshin and archiving my blog (so that at least my works are still here), or deactivating and deleting my entire self from genshinblr, or, doing a new blog and moving all my works there. yes, i don't have the final decision yet but the fact that i even started to think this way is scaring me.. bcs it says one thing to me out loud; i don't find the joy on this blog anymore D:
i'm sorry i took a lot of hiatus(es) in the past, i was juggling between my studies and now that i am in my foundation year, this actually makes me a WHOLE lot busier than before since we're going to cover all syllabus within only a year before doing my bachelor.
final words from me are, please, please, and please, shower your loves and supports to all authors. even a simple "this fic is so good" or keyboard smashing helps us and actually makes us feel a lot better. trust me, we are happy *shocking, ik :0* when someone actually shows us that they are enjoying what they're reading. it means a lot. it means that we don't write for nothing and some of you out there are actually enjoying our works.
that's all, folks. peace out <3
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triona-tribblescore · 7 months
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Little wip of my boys being cute n in love and stuff <3
I have a lot of wips atm to be honest, but just crazy busy, Hopefully posting stuff will be easier once college is over for the break in two weeks :')
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maddiessafeplace · 2 months
It's nini, little one *rp*
Come here, sweet baby. *pats my lap* It's time for sissy to put you to bed. I know it's been a long day and you did so good, little one! It's finally time for you to be a tiny baby and come cuddle me. Did you brush your teeth and drink your water? You did? I'm so proud of you, sweetheart! You're doing such a good job. I love your PJs, they're almost as cute as you! *boooop* Get your favorite stuffie and snuggle close. *pulls you close to me and gives you a paci* It's time for bed, close your little eyes and just drift away. I'll be here with you the whole night, so there's nothing to worry your little baby head about. Goodnight, little one. I'm so very proud of you and always remember, sissy loves youuu.
Feel free to reach out if you ever need anything, I'll be here. Mwah! c:
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rodolfoparras · 7 months
you’re making me kind of into piss too stop 😭 the one with gaz omg 🫶🏼 anyways this is just the daily reminder to make sure to drink water, eat something, and look after urself ☻ stay safe dude <3
You are so very welcome to join our little club🫶🏻
Another thought is Gaz discovering he has a piss kink very spontaneously maybe the two of you are in the gym doing works out and he’s like really need to piss but you’re like alright finish this set first then you can go and he’s like oh come on you can’t be serious and you’re like not joking and already there he feels himself squirm in place but does as you say and as he lays there doing reps with your eyes carefully scanning his form while feeling pressure on his lower half he can’t help but be turned on and when he finishes the last set he hears you say the word “atta boy now you can go” and in that very moment he’s sure he’d piss himself right then and there if you told him so
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minimiffy · 1 month
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毎日をかわいく楽しむためには、心の力が必要だよ!٩(◕‿◕。)۶ 小さな挑戦にも勇気を持って取り組んで、笑顔で前進しよう!♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ 食べ物も水も、元気の源だよね。🍙🥣 おいしいごはんを食べて、お水をグビグビ飲んで、元気いっぱいになろう!٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ 一緒に頑張ろうね!
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hai ariiiiii :3 guess whos SICK . me . im sick
ANYWAY thinking abt sugubooboo taking care of u while sick ,,,,,,,,
u kno when u get that feeling ur gonna b sick in the morning the night b4 it all hits ? i think sugu picks up on that after u blow ur nose one 2 many times n he asks if ur okay
ur not. obviously . so he heats up some nice peppermint tea, and something my mom does when im sick is take some honey, mix it w ginger powder + some other stuff thats good 4 ur throat and make me eat a spoonful of it [its gross as HELLLL i hate it but i feel a lil better afterwards] then tucks u in2 bed [later after uve fallen asleep he calls out of work for tomorrow, he REFUSES to leave u alone + sick]
the next morning ur properly Sick and suguru wakes u up w breakfast in bed, all warm foods infused with clove, mint, ginger, and sets a few packs of tissues next 2 the bed
after uve eaten he lays in bed w u 4 a bit, kissing your head and fiddling w ur hands. eventually u ask abt work, he said he called out 4 both u n him.
he trusts u 2 take a shower on ur own, but when u get out hes holding a towel and wraps u in it immediately then just hovers around u as u do ur morning routine, making sure youre okay n not abt 2 like . pass out or smthn
once ur dressed and fully cocooned in the bed once again, suguru pours out some cold medicine 4 u and hands u water once that NASTY liquid slides down ur throat. he gives u a lil candy as a palate cleanser tho, hes not mean
i think after that u just fall in and out of sleep 4 teh rest of the day until u get hungry again or need another dose of medicine. sometimes u wake up 2 suguru humming and playing w ur hair while he reads a book, sometimes he joins u and takes a nap w u. the only time u wake up alone is when its lunch or dinner n hes in the kitchen making smthn spicy 2 open ur sinuses
everytime u take a dose of medicine, he kisses you on the lips then pushes a glass of water in one hand n some candy in the other. hed probably mumble 'good job' or smthn like that in2 the top of ur head as he cuddles u while ur trying 2 get the taste out of ur mouth
he does NOT care if u sneeze n get snot all over him, puke on him if u have a stomach bug, cough in his face, or r generally disheveled. u could never disgust him.
if its sunny out, hell offer 2 take u outside just 4 a lil bit. if u dont think u can walk hes gonna pick u up. no complaining u NEED that sun, hell argue while sliding the patio door open
youll sit out 4 a bit, soaking up the sunshine then when u want 2 go back 2 bed hell carry u back and gently tuck u in2 bed
if ur 2 weak 2 even blow ur nose, hes holding the tissue 2 ur nose n waiting 4 u 2 blow. the chapstick might b all the way across the room n ur savior ends up being suguru and his long legs. the temp in the house is 2 hot? hes turning the a/c down and all the fans r coming 2 ur room bcuz he knows how slow the heating n cooling takes 2 change.
also everytime he walks in2 the room, hes asking how r u? do u need anything? does anything hurt too much? and he probably has smthn 4 u 2 do so ur not on ur phone all day [guess . guess who was on their phone all day . ME]
at the very end of the day, hes got u curled up in his lap on the bed, INCREDIBLY comfortable, and theres some movie on the tv in the bedroom. like juno or some other feel good indie movie. sugurus just kissing u everywhere on ur face and clutching u tight 2 him because u got super clingy after he had 2 run out 4 last minute groceries. since its past dinner time, he gives u lil candied ginger pieces 2 help w ur throat n other snacks 2 go w the movie.
eventually u fall asleep in his arms in the middle of the movie, smothered in warmth on all sides.
OKAY . WOW . moving on, HOW WAS UR DAY ARI ??? tell me abt that book ur reading rn !! u seem very enthusiastic abt it, id luv 2 know y ^_^ ! [personally my day was . ouchie . and ive got a book abt decolonialism checked out from the library rn :3]
ASHLEY !!!!!!!!! i’m answering this kinda late i hope your cold is gone by now 😔😔😔
BUT . GODDDDDDDDDD ARE YOU OUT TO KILL ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭 BE HONEST . how did you know sugu sickfics are my greatest weakness………… (i actually have . a whole fic just like this that i wrote a year ago or so 😭😭 YOU MADE ME WANNA GO BACK N READ IT HHHH this is very bad for my weak suguloving heart….) I’M JUST. I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAYY. you keep serving me meals on a silver platter n i’m just?!?!! eating gratefully …. thank you……
NO BC YOU’RE SOOOOO RIGHT YOU’RE SO OBJECTIVELY CORRECT :((((((( HE’S. THE SWEETEST. the best bf around !!!!!! he’s so good at caring for you when you’re sick…. sniffle……. AND OFCCCC HE’D PICK UP ON IT INSTANTLY TOO. his sixth sense is so crazy accurate when it comes to his baby </33333 and wahhh him making you tea and tucking you in and calling in sick for you 🥺🥺🥺 he just wants you to feel better……
WAKING YOU UP . W BREAKFAST IN BED. WHAT IF I CRYYYYY THIS CONCEPT IS SO DEAR TO MY HEART ASHLEY ….. and him just. hovering around you. i feel like he would stand outside the bathroom while you shower just in case you were to fall over or smth…….. he’s so caring :(((( and wrapping you up in a towel…… cocooning you into bed. sniffle. i need him to baby me sooooo bad it’s not a want it’s a need …… he rlly would stay by your side the Whole time………… cooks for you and tends to you and makes sure you’re okay . he’s so good. i feel like he kind of really loves it too….. he doesn’t love that you’re sick BUT . he loves being allowed to take care of you :’3 loves making you feel better.
ALSOOO him kissing you and praising you whenever you take your medicine T_T oughhhhhhhh one kiss on the forehead + ”good girl/boy” from him and i would be OUT like a light. collapsed. fainted. he would be so good at coaxing you into taking it ……… ANDDDDD the part abt you never disgusting him. SO true. you could never ever disgust him he just wants you to be okay…….. forcing you out into the sunlight………… asking if you need anything……………. making sure you aren’t bored…………………. ohhhhh he’s 2 perfect we need to put him down.
sugurus just kissing u everywhere on ur face and clutching u tight 2 him because u got super clingy after he had 2 run out 4 last minute groceries.
AND THEN . YOU TOP IT OFF WITH THIS. ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ THIS MADE ME MELT….. i’m so…………. i have so many thoughts abt this. sugu would LOVE a clingy s/o but i keep specifically thinking of him w an s/o who’s shy w physical affection.,,,, and how he’d react when they get sick and suddenly get all cuddly . 🥺 he would love it so much. kisses you all over and holds you soooo tight and he’s just!!!!! so enamored!!!!!!!!! you’re like a lil koala. he loves you. sob.
WAHHHHH THANK YOU FOR THE ABSOLUTE MEAL MY BELOVED i’m not exaggerating btw this is gonna feed my sugu thoughts for weeks to come…… AND MY DAY WAS GOOD!!!! i’m sorry to hear your day was ouchie </3 i hope it’s all better now!!! pls make sure to rest and eat properly <33 it’s what sugu would want for you!!!!!
AND . THE BOOK. YES. it’s called giovanni’s room by james baldwin and it’s sooooo <33333 yeah. it’s so good. i LOVE baldwin’s prose so much??????? and the story is just . AUGH. i’m still not finished but i’m so obsessed. it’s basically abt a closeted guy in like … the 1800s-1900s? who goes on vacation in paris while his girlfriend is in spain. and he meets this rlly mysterious charming italan barman called giovanni……….. the book is abt their relationship + their own experiences w homosexuality + their tragic ending (it’s revealed at the very beginning of the book that giovanni will meet his end by the guillotine)…..
so it’s just . yeah. it’s such a gorgeous book :’3 and just so . idk. raw? visceral?? i love giovanni a lot. and more than anything i loves james baldwin <333 i’m planning to buy another of his books too!!!! it’s called tell me how long the train’s been gone :3 I RLLY RECOMMEND BOTH OF THEM!!! i hope the book you just got ends up being good too <33
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atsuwumus · 26 days
MAI !!!!! your theme ???? helloooo ??? its gorgeous omgomgomg && how are u doing my love ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
GASP!! IS THAT A SWEET ANGEL YING I SPY IN MY INBOX??? ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა hellooo hellooo my angel <333 sjdjhdwh I tried to change my theme sneakily eheheh, but thank you sm!! :3 I'm doing okay — just saur saur busy lately with classes 'n tests :((( wish I could be more active 'n write more... my heart longs for you 'n my other mooties </3
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cherryxsapphic · 9 months
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Daily reminder to drink water either 4 bottles a day or just one, as long as you're getting water in your system.
Also daily reminder to take a shower, brush your teeth, or brush your hair. Also if you don't have the energy to wash your hair, put some perfume in it! The scent last longer so you don't have smelly hair.
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bryqe · 2 months
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hi i’m fine :) tryng to feel better looking at myself in the mirror. this days are kinda faded to me but i guess i’m doing okay! lots love hope u all are good
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breadmp3 · 6 months
hi amira <3 i love the new icon 😭!!
HIIII ASH!!!!<333 haha thank uuu!!! 🤭🩷✨💌
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chuuyascumsock · 2 months
hi pookie!! how are you? hope you're taking care of yourself!! This is your daily reminder to indulge in yourself even if its just the smalles things!! drink lots of water and take breaks!!
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I’m doing ok, my class was cancelled today so I’m just chilling right now. I was going to post it yesterday, but there was a little jumping spider on me yesterday just chilling and I named him Carter and he was my son :) [I am deathly afraid of spiders, but jumping spiders hold a special place in my heart and I would want to keep one as a pet if I could].
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Sorry if it’s blurry, he was so tiny that my camera couldn’t even focus on him lol.
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sonofaraven · 2 months
my god so true sometimes I accidentally let out hints about how depressed I really am and people are like wtf why would u say that........
just mentioning it it's soo hard and i get in my head about looking normal to everyone else
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missgossiper · 3 months
Betsey Hamilton isn't in that side of rp either, so why did you include her?
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// alright after this post I think I won't answer any more in regards to what happened because I mean it when I say I'm at my limit 😭 and I don't think it's right to keep dragging an issue causing a tense atmosphere for everyone else around. so if you seriously have any actual notable complaints or issues you genuinely want recognized, you can grow some balls and dm me because any further anons about this are getting deleted and ignored. this way it isn't me not having a chance to defend myself and others not to be heard, but rather not ruining the day for everyone else as it had yesterday.
I am a mod that has been here for years, and in the recent past year and a half I've gotten a job and college to take care of, so evidently enough I'm not here and keeping track of everything as much as I used to. because of this, I find it incredibly hard to keep track of what is and isn't happening (hence why I usually regulate this blog in regards to only the blogs I really follow and talk to, because no way would I be able to keep tabs on everything else). ben doesn't seem to interact with many accounts these days, but not long ago he did and has also been here for years so I included him. andre was to refer to the older mod/account that was the same as ben in the aspect of being here for years and I was not aware the mod had stepped aside and found a replacement because the previous andre was usually always quiet and more off to the side. I will admit my bad with Betsey! ngl I've never been sure what side of the fence they stood on because I saw them interact with characters like dinis or even other girl characters but not often. while there are definitely different groups of people that stick more together, some are not always so clear on the distinction. and as much as it may seem unfortunate truth, this is my blog and it's going to revolve around the people I am comfortable with, talk to, keep track of, etc. it's not always going to be perfect, but I'm doing what I and others find enjoyable so in the end I'm going to continue as I have been ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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godnectar · 1 year
Did I mention any other person right now?
I said I wanted your kisses.
And I said that you could have any other person's kisses- why don't you go play with your "pup" or with your "angel", hmm?
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i just wanted to say that you are wholesome not only for the request but also for listening to me,talking with me asking how i am and all its really appreciate it
im starting to eat ,slowly but, i ate some focaccia that my dad brought thank for your writing and i did a shower too i know it weird doing it after reading your writing and but it really created some hope in me and i imagined donnie helped me trough it ( i know im weird) so thank u buddy
i consider you as a friend,well i consider everywone who just say hi to me or being nice or tolerate me (yes im touch starved and all that but shhh )
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Your writing made me feel like :
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Also your writing embraced me like:
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thank u again and sorry if im bothering you but i cant thank u enough
I’m so proud of you for eating AND showering!???!?!?!?
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theloveinc · 8 months
i was stressing about my assignment when i looked at the notification and burst out laughing hdjshsh it took me out by surprise
LOOOOOOL AW my poor baby!!! I’m so sorry to disappoint but seriously do we think he farts? Like I was genuinely struck by this question and needed to ask…
but nfjdkd I’m glad I could make u laugh 🩷🌸🩵
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