#take loki out of that stupid throne and give him a big hug thor
bunnykyu · 3 months
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you can let go
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blackypanther9 · 3 years
Part 21 - Let's be real for a moment...
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Your POV.....
I already was at Stark Tower. I waited 30 seconds more and Tony was flying next to me. We need to stop this machine before it opens the portal for the Chitauri. These brainless idiots can't even open a box, without shooting at it.... The Chitauri are a very strong group...but they don't own a brain for thinking. They can nothing but destroy. Loki got the most useless people of the whole Universe. They can't even speak ! Pathetic. We saw this... Selvig guy on the machine. Tony spoke....
"Shut it down, Mr. Selvig."
"It's too late ! It can't stop now. It wants to show us something ! ....a new Universe.", he said.
I snorted.
"You mean more, a new enemy with death. A new Universe is a whole new Timeline, idiot. What you mean is a new race of something. It's bullshit !", I said.
"You don't see, what we see..", Selvig said.
"Okay then...", Tony said.
He aimed....
"Stark DON'T !!!!", I yelled.
....and shot at the machine... A shield or something blocked it and threw a hard explosion around itself. The machine didn't even had a scratch. We flew backwards and Selvig got unconscious. I stared at Stark with a death glare and listened to JARVIS.
"The barrier is of pure energy. It's unreachable."
"Alright then...plan B.", Tony said.
Tony looked down and I followed his stare.
"Oh.....shit. Plan B is....what ? Kick Loki until he falls unconscious ? Heh...yeah...that won't work...", I said.
"Just trust me.", Tony said.
"Have a hard time to do something like that....sorry."
He landed on some weird platform. That thing took of his robot uniform. While he walks. Loki walked to the stairs.
"What are you doing ?", I asked.
"Trust me.", he said.
"Not until you tell me what the hell you think you're doing ! He can kill you, by just throwing you out of the window !"
"Just play our little game with."
I huffed and went with Tony inside. Loki was already and started babbling.
"Please tell me you're both going to appeal to my humanity."
"Uh...actually we're planning to threaten you."
I looked at Tony, then at Loki.
"You should have left your armor on for that.", Loki said amused.
"Yeah.", Tony said.
Tony walked with me down the stairs.
"It's seen a bit of mileage and you got the, uh, glow stick of destiny.", Tony answered.
Loki looked at his scepter in amusement.
"Would you like a drink ?", Tony asked Loki.
Loki still looked amused.
"Stalling me won't change anything.", Loki said.
Tony went to his bar of drinks. He turned to him and said...
"No, no, no. Threatening."
Tony turned to me.
"Do you want a drink...Lucie ?"
I nodded my head. Tony nodded and took a glass with something in it. He looked at Loki again.
"No drink ? Are you sure ? I and Lucie are having one."
He took two glasses. Loki looked outside and went to the window.
"The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that.", Loki said.
"Boah ! You are funny. Just because we ask you if you want a drink, doesn't mean we are friends now.", I said.
Loki looked at me.
"I wasn't finished, Mortal."
"I don't care, Frosty. The Chitauri are a bunch of losers. When will you see that ?"
"Liar. You played like you were Luciella first, but you are nobody. You are not her and you are just some stupid, ugly Mortal, who thinks that playing with a God is funny."
"I am not what you say. I know who I am. You don't ! So watch you Silver Tongue ! Or else..."
"What have I to fear ?", Loki asked me with a grin.
"The Avengers.", Tony answered.
Tony looked up at us, I smiled and Loki looked at him confused as fuck. Tony shrugged.
"That's what we call ourselves. We're sort of like a team. ' Earth's mightiest heroes'- type thing", he explained.
"When do I get my drink ?", I whined.
"Any second. Come here.", Tony answered.
I went to him and stood next to him. I looked at him with excitement. He filled the liquid into the second glass and gave it to me. I took a sip. Yummy.
"Yes, I've met them.", Loki said amused.
Tony and I smiled back.
"Yeah.", we both said.
"It takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one. But let's do a head count here. Your Brother, the Demigod."
Loki looked away maybe...disgusted or more angry.... While Loki looked away, I saw Tony putting on some Wristbands.
"A super soldier, a living legend, who kinda of lives up to a legend. A man with breathtaking anger - management issues, a couple of master assassins, maybe a second demigod with more powers then Thor. And you, big fella,"
Tony pointed at Loki, who looked now really amused.
"you've managed to piss off every single one of them."
"That was the plan.", Loki said proud.
"Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you.", Tony told Loki.
I took another sip of my drink. Loki looked annoyed.
"I have an army.", he said.
"We have a Hulk.", we both said.
"I thought the beast had wandered off."
"You're missing the point. There is no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you."
Loki looked at Tony, angry now.
"Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it.", Tony added.
Tony and I took another sip of the drink. I drank it now empty. Loki walked to Tony dangerously closely. With a look, that would scare anybody, but not me and Tony.
"How will your friends have time for me, when they are so busy fighting you ?", Loki asked.
Loki raised his scepter, it glowed and blue magic danced around it. He touched with the top of the scepter Tony. .....nothing happened, just a cling was to hear. Loki lost his smile and tried again. ....Nothing. Loki looked at his scepter confused.
"This usually works..."
"Well, performance issues,", Tony grimaced and shrugged, "it's not uncommon."
Loki stared at Tony.
"One out of five -"
Loki grabbed Tony by his throat. He threw him on the ground, near the windows.
"TONY !", I screamed.
"JARVIS, anytime now.", Tony spoke.
Tony stood up and Loki grabbed him again by the throat.
"You will all fall before me.", Loki said.
"Deploy !", Tony called.
Loki lifted Tony up, still by the throat.
"Deploy !", Tony called again.
Loki threw him out of the window.
"TONY !!! NO !!", I screamed.
I heard a sound. I turned, Loki did also and Tony's Iron Man suit flew out. It hit Loki and flew out of the window in full speed. It was also more fixed. 30 seconds or so later and Tony was there again. Loki just stood up again.
"And there is one other person you pissed off. His name was Phil.", Tony told him.
Loki wanted to use the scepter and shoot at Tony, but Tony was faster and shot Loki. It hurts to see Loki get shot, but it's the only way to make him stop. Loki fell and lost the scepter. I felt something...bad happening. I saw a line of blue, reaching in the sky. The portal...it's open !
"Tony the portal !!!"
He looked up. The Chitauri came through the portal.
"Shit...", I cursed.
"Right. Army."
With that he flew away.
"And what about me ?! What are my orders ?! Babysitting the demigod, Lokster ?!", I screamed after Tony.
I saw the Chitauri shooting at Tony, but missing and Tony shooting and destroying the most of the Chitauri. I stared at Loki, who was smiling at me. I gave him my coldest death glare of the world. I went to him and slapped him across the face. Hard. He had a red mark and fell back to the ground groaning. He stared at me.
"What did you say, years before ? We are friends no matter what ? Guess what, you are wrong ! And what did I once say to you ? No matter who you are or what you do, I will always like you, no matter what ? Guess what again....I WAS A FOOL TO SAY THAT !", I screamed at him.
"You are not her ! Stop pretending that you were !", he yelled.
"Well, maybe you should turn on your God for saken brain and realize that it's me !!! It's my soul in another body you complete Moron !!! I grew in my exile too !! And you know what ?"
"What ?!"
"I am disappointed in you. Frigga and I hoped that you will find a way out, that you are fine and return to us. We BELIEVED in you ! We both cried over you ! Thor didn't do much anymore and Odin looked more shitty then you can imagine ! And now...look at you ! The oh so mighty depressed demigod, Loki destroys his chance of getting hugs and 'I missed you'-s ! I really was worried, you know ?! I was afraid he killed you !! Instead I see this thing here before me ! I can't even call you a person anymore ! You were my best friend and always knew what is right and what is wrong ! You always found a way out ! And now ?! MY Loki is gone, right ?! Did you forgot what you said ?! You never wanted the throne, you only wanted to be Thor's equal !"
Loki stared at me.
"You...are really....here ? You...you...are against me ?"
"I- Loki look around ! Of course I am now against you ! You are destroying New York !! You tell bullshit about 'The Tesseract opened my eyes and horizon.' ! What the fuck Loks ?! He is using you, like in Asgard Thor's friends do !! Wake up Loverboy ! This is another illusion, a lie he is feeding you !! I know him better than you do ! He won't keep his promise ! He just wants you to fulfill 2 tasks and both aren't your business !! They never were ! But you don't see it anymore !! He fooled the God of fricking Mischief and Lies !! Who are you again ?! The God of foolness ?! The God of 'I am too stupid to see a trap, even if it's right in front of my eyes' ?! You messed up, Loki !!!"
I had tears in my eyes and some ran down my cheeks.
"I was worried sick ! I always tried to contact you again, but it didn't work !! I just could wait and hope to God that you are fine and I will see you again !! Now I see you here, but as an murderer !! Tell me how am I carrying the fucking consequences for you ?! I loved you as a friend !! I- I saw you as a big brother ! I- !!"
I looked at him. He stared at me, with an apologetic look on his face. My tears streamed down like waterfalls. He came closer while I talked, I backed away. I looked behind me and....jumped down. I jumped out of the window and flew. I looked at him one last time.
"You don't even care. Why did I tell you this ? You don't even care..."
He wanted to say something, but I already flew away and into the fight.
'I am sorry...' - Loki
'I hate you. Get out of my head.'- You
'He really messed up.' - Heiko
'Can I kill him ?' - Ratchel
'No. Asgard will punish him.' - You
'Can I hurt him at least ?' - Ratchel
'Maybe. Darko is out for a few days...Mimi ?' - You
'Yeah ?' - Mimi
'Stop hurting my heart. Crying won't solve anything.' - You
'I-I try...' - Mimi
'Thanks.' - You
'Let's kill some dumb Chitauri.' - Ratchel and Heiko
Part 22
Masterlist with all Chapters of this Story click here !  
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 3 years
⛔️ This Chapter is pretty violent. *Torture/Canon Typical Violence/ Big Battle
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Small Time Witch (30)
Battle preparations were in full swing. Most of the realms armies were to be positioned on the battlefield as frontline forces. Skrýmir the giant from Utgard would lead his armies along with Aesir forces. You warned them of the dog like creatures that came in hoards. At times they were absolutely overwhelming. For that, Thor and Ororo would flank the battlefield to take out as many as possible. You were able to reach Carol Danvers who will be accompanied by the Skrull. On the back end, the Vanir and your coven would maintain a protection spell that would debilitate some of the more simple minded soldiers in Thanos’ army and to shield from air strikes. The Avengers would be on the field as promised to help with the Black Order. The plan was falling in to place. You had the numbers. The problem was radio silence from Thanos.
You exhausted all avenues in the universe to find out his plan. Even Mobius hadn’t heard so much as a rumble from him. No one had disappeared mysteriously from Vanaheim. Nothing really changed except for one thing. Loki’s memories of his time with you were restored. He was a hybrid version of your Loki. Mobius told you he wasn’t the leak. You wanted to believe him but now you were deeply doubtful. You decided to confront him but you had to be as gentle as possible.
You took dinner in your chambers that night. You were noticeably quiet. “Pet, something on your mind?”
“If I say no will you believe me?” He shot you a look that told you he did not in fact believe you. “I have to ask you something. You’re going to be angry with me. We’ll fight about it.”
“Now I’m nervous.”
You sighed heavily, “You should be. Loki, before I healed you, were you still informing to Thanos?”
He looked away from you ashamed, “Yes. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He cowered at your touch. Did he think you would hurt him? He was afraid of you.
“Loki, look at me. I’m not mad. Loki, look at me.” You could see he was shaking. You stood up from the table and knelt in front of him, “Can he still hear you?” He nodded yes. “Can he hear me?” He nodded no. “Good. I’m going to free you, my love. But first I need you to do something for me. Go get him. Bring him to me.” You kissed his hands and didn’t say anything else. You finished your meal in silence. He could feel how angry you were.
You didn’t believe that Thanos couldn’t hear you or see you when you were in Loki’s presence so you opted not to speak about your plans any longer. Before you went to sleep you rested on his chest and held him tight. He was asleep. You stroked the fine dusting of hair on his belly and said aloud, “I’m going to rip you apart for this.”
The next morning you were minding your p’s and q’s around Loki. When you had a strategy meeting with the Avengers and X-men you didn’t tell him. When you met with the coven you didn’t say a word. You made Thor promise to watch his mouth and not argue because obviously the man was in pain. You were the general of this army today. Anything that needed to be said to Loki needed to cross your ears first.
Your Avengers meeting was interesting. You knew so much about them and it made you giggle to yourself. Steve was not as soft as when you met him. He mostly looked lost. You wanted to just hug him tight but you knew that would be wildly inappropriate. You decided, to hasten your actual mission, to split up the team. You had a feeling Thanos would split the Black Order to do as much damage as possible. Steve and Nat would join the Warriors, Lady Sif and Heimdall on the Bifrost. Odin would command the rest of his troops from Asgard.
That evening everyone gathered for a feast. One of many feasts before battle. You found your way over to the Avengers table to hang with Thor.
“Princess, have a seat.” Steve pulled out a chair for you and you laughed out loud. You couldn’t tell him why.
“Why thank you, kind sir. I’m sure you’re accommodations are much nicer than an army encampment.”
He laughed, “Oh by far. So you’re from Earth? How did you get involved with and marry a Prince from Asgard?”
“Oh, honey. It is a long story. Another time maybe.”
“Of course. You wear the title well, Princess.”
“Thank you, Captain.” You winked at him and freshened his drink. “Enjoy your evening.”
You made your rounds saying good night. Promising to make good on invitations to visit realms. You finally made it over to the table with Odin, Frigga, your mother and aunts. “I’m going to get Loki prepared.” Frigga looked worried.
“Oh please don’t make that face, Allmother. I feel guilty enough as it is.”
“I just want him to come home safely.” she wiped tears from her cheeks.
“It’s what we all want.” You kissed them all goodnight and asked your mother to sit with Frigga for a while. Odin asked to walk you to your chambers.
“I’m sure I’m quite capable of walking myself, sire.”
“Give an old man the pleasure of seeing his daughter off to bed. Y/N, I’m curious. Has anyone asked why Thanos is trying to destroy the universe?”
You snorted (such a princess), “Does it matter?”
“It’s always good to know what drives an opponent. For instance, love can make people do irrational things. Your meticulous plans are laid before you and something can make any seasoned general snap and the whole thing goes up in flames.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Thanos is known as the Mad Titan not the Kind Titan. I’ll be shocked if Loki comes back alive. Whatever you see, what ever he does to Loki, you mustn’t waiver. You must stay composed and trust your plan. Do you understand? There will be time enough to mourn our losses.”
“I hope I have half the nerve that you do in the face of such evil.”
“I have to tell myself the same speech. He’s my son. I would move mountains to protect him. We have to hold steady. Sleep well.” He kissed you on the cheek and went to rejoin the party.
When you entered your chambers Loki was sitting in front of the fire. “Did you have a nice time?”
“I did. I missed you.”
“And I you. I’m ready to go.”
“Lok, why is he doing this? Why does he want to destroy so many lives?”
He smiled to himself, “For love. His mother and father were Eternals. They were terribly beautiful. When Thanos was born, he was not beautiful like his parents so his mother tried to kill him. She failed but ultimately treated him as though he were a ghost. He tortured her until she perished. He just wanted to be loved and accepted. Sound familiar? And then he fell in love with actual Death. Not Hela. This being is death and one of the creators of the stones. She has rebuked him. Denied his advances. So, this is his love letter to her.”
The parallels were obvious. The two of them understand each other on a very deep level. “But you see, darling, Thanos is jealous of me because I have my goddess. He will see our union destroyed.”
“Not a chance.” You pressed your forehead to his and slipped your bracelet on his wrist. With the tiny golden screwdriver you closed it tight. “For luck.”
He kissed you deeply and deeper than any kiss you’ve ever shared. “I love you.” Before you had a chance to say it back he slipped through the portal you opened.
Thanos sat on his throne watching his daughters argue when Loki returned.
“Ah Loki. I thought you scurried away to the far reaches of the galaxy like the rat you are. What have you brought me?”
“She is alone on Vanaheim. Waiting for you.”
He laughed and looked at Nebula, “Tell me , daughter, do I look stupid?”
“No, father.”
“Do we believe the god of lies?”
“No, father.”
“Should we kill him?”
“No, father. We should torture him and drop him at his wife’s feet.”
Thanos laughed again as he rose from his throne. He grabbed Loki by the neck and brought him close, “You are lucky my daughter is merciful. Gamora!”
“Yes, father!” Gamora rushed to his side.
“Take the god to the dungeons. You and Nebula play nice.”
She cuffed him and stabbed in the side then dragged him behind her. “Please listen to me. He’s going to wipe out half the universe.” Loki croaked and groaned.
“Shut up! You lie!”
“No, I don’t. I can prove it.”
She dropped him on the ground at her feet, “Can you?”
“Sister, don’t listen to him. He is the god of lies.” Nebula grabbed his bonds to continue to the dungeon.
Gamora knelt down in front of him, “Prove it.”
Loki touched her forehead and shared with her the vision of the reality you escaped. He destroyed everything just like her own planet. She could not let that happen again. She also couldn’t betray her father. “It doesn’t matter. No one will ever beat him.” She grabbed him by the hair and took him to the dungeon where Corvus Glaive was waiting.
Gamora hung him to the wall using his bonds. Corvus pulled out his knife and dragged it up Loki’s chest. He used the blade to cut the straps of his armor. He stuck him between his ribs. Loki’s lung collapsed. He was unable to take deep breaths with his hands above his head. He would pass out soon.
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amandaoftherosemire · 5 years
Bulletproof -- Part Fourteen
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Fandom: Marvel/College AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader, Platonic!Steve Rogers x Reader
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter
Author: @amandaoftherosemire​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 6,582
Format: Series (Complete)
Warnings: Language, fluff, mild embarrassment
Summary: Steve shows you the finished project. You and Bucky go on your first date.
A/N: Well, we’re about done now; I think this is the penultimate chapter. There will be an epilogue after this, because I want another little bit of fluff and to make sure that any loose ends are tied up, but this felt like the right place to bring things to a tentative close. For everyone who read this and made it through all the chapters where these two morons refused to talk to each other, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also, what is wrong with you? 😉
Part Thirteen here
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Part Fourteen
Steve stood in his studio next to the covered canvases he'd set up before his date the night before and very seriously listened to you bitch him out for not locking the door when he worked. At least, he was trying to be very serious, but he couldn't stop smiling.
He’d been grinning at you since you’d started in on him, actually, but in his defense, you and Bucky were being adorable. The way you'd been snuggled up with Bucky on the couch told him the two of you had come to some understanding. The way Bucky was following you like a puppy with a dopey grin on his face told Steve that understanding included something romantic.
Steve couldn’t work up the slightest bit of worry about you, however. It was abundantly clear that whatever the understanding was, you were in charge of it. Bucky was following your lead, and mostly happily, except for your insistence that he stay outside the studio while you lectured Steve and looked at the finished art. You'd had to sternly order Bucky to let you go; he'd stayed wrapped around you as you followed Steve back to the studio. With a steely eye and firm slam, you'd shut the door with him on the other side, pouting in the hallway.
Steve couldn't stop wondering, even as you scolded him, how much you and Bucky had talked and whether Bucky had admitted that he was in love with you. He didn't realize he was beaming even as he hoped that you'd finish chewing him out soon so that he could ask you.
"You're lucky all you got was a fist in the face," you were saying, trying to hold back the laugh at the goofy smile Steve was wearing. He was too pretty in his good humor and you were in too good a mood. "And you're damn lucky you're not getting mine in your big dumb grin." You gave up, laughing out loud as you put your fists on your hips. "What are you smiling at? I am yelling at you, Steven."
"You." Steve replied immediately, snatching you up into a big bear hug. "And Bucky." You squealed as he squeezed. "Is it official now? Or should I have given Loki your number? He asked when I returned the coat."
Your smile sparkled with all the happiness you'd woken with; the first thing you'd seen that morning had been Bucky's bright blue eyes, his sweet smile. After starting the day making love to you, Bucky had then made you breakfast. When you'd started reluctantly talking about returning to your studies, he'd done whatever you'd needed to set up a study spot in their living room rather than let you leave again.
"Is what official?" You shot Steve a wicked grin as you raised your voice loud enough to make sure Bucky could hear you from where you assumed he was eavesdropping. Steve set you back down to shoot you an amused look.
"Yes!" Bucky opened the door to the studio a crack to make sure his voice was crystal clear as he snarled. He'd had his ear pressed to the door to hear what you said to Steve, waiting for the lecture to end in the hopes you'd start talking about him. The idea of another fucking Odinson trying to take you from him sent a shudder of rage through him. He'd be damned if he'd let anyone, least of all Thor's dark brother, take you without a fight. "It's official, dammit. Don't you give that guy shit, Steve."
"Oh, that," you smiled, a little smug to hear the note of jealousy in Bucky's voice. It was nice to not be the only one that suffered from that particular affliction. "Yes, I agreed to let Bucky be my boyfriend. I mean, he wouldn't stop begging and pleading and groveling--"
"She's joking," Bucky cut you off and you could hear the smirk in his voice, "but I would have. Still will, if it comes to it."
"Are you sucking up so I'll let you in here?" Your lips were twitching as you asked the question, but Steve was having to cover his mouth with his hand to stop the chuckles from escaping. He was having an absolute blast watching the two of you flirt and enjoy one another. All he'd ever wanted was the two of you happy. Happy together was a bonus.
Bucky sounded painfully forlorn as he answered, "Yes. I miss you."
You rolled your eyes at Steve, but your heart was melting, and you couldn't shut him out any longer. It was stupid, but you missed him, too. Hell, the idea of being apart had been so unappealing you'd gone to the trouble of dragging all your stuff over to study rather than leave him.
You stalked over to the door and swung it open to find Bucky on the other side, leaning dramatically against the wall and looking adorably sad. You grabbed him by the hand and pulled him into the room with an exasperated groan. "Fine. Come on, you big baby."
You shot Steve an indulgent smile. "I'm in too good a mood for punishments or yelling today. Both of you should take the reprieve and be grateful."
"Done." Steve shrugged and moved to stand next to the first painting, taking the cloth covering in his hand. “Does that mean we’re also done keeping secrets?” he asked hopefully.
“Go ahead,” you allowed, amused with him. Steve had never been terribly comfortable with subterfuge and keeping secrets from Bucky, of all people, had been brutally difficult for him. “No more secrets, no more assumptions,” this with a sidelong look at Bucky, who’d thrown his arm over your shoulders to pull you into his side, “no more hiding.” You finished with a nod to Steve who grinned widely and pulled the cloth to the floor.
“The Wounded Faerie Queen,” Steve said into the hush that fell over both you and Bucky. He looked away as he bundled the sheet up into a wad and turned, blushing, to throw it onto the couch along the far wall. He was painfully gratified and relieved that you both seemed impressed, though the pain on Bucky’s face was breaking his heart.
You weren’t impressed; you were awed. You’d known Steve had talent. You’d believed in him and his art with everything you had. But you hadn’t known he had this in him. He hadn’t simply made you beautiful; he’d made you stunning.
The Queen stood, pretty and poised, in the bright clarity of pastels. She was golden and glorious, walking down a flight of warm marble stairs with her skirts bunched in her fists. Steve had given her a Grecian hairstyle to match the gold chiton that both veiled and highlighted the curves of your body. Vines and ivy twined around more marble, and the light around her almost seemed to pulse with her power.
Though everything around her was touched with that warm and golden light, her majesty was cold as ice, with a sharply arched brow and pursed lips that spoke of disdain and disillusionment. This was a queen who'd had to defend her throne, who’d taken her share of damage doing so.
You didn't know if you could see anything of yourself in either the face or the form, but you weren't sure that your own insecurities weren't standing in the way. Regardless, you recognized the expression, knew the pain and passion you had to endure to create such a thing. You found it hard to believe anyone, even Steve, saw this much beauty in you, felt stripped bare that he saw you this clearly. Still, you hoped the cruel cast to the Queen's features rarely graced your own.
"I swear to god, Steve," you said, your voice low and nearly vicious in its sincerity, "I don't even need to see the rest. If you don't get an A on this project, I will fucking slash your professor's tires."
Bucky continued to stare at the painting, silent and still. He had seen this painting the other night and was amazed anew at its power. The fidelity with which Steve had translated the feel of this expression made him experience it all over again. He shuddered to think of ever losing you, of being shut back out in the cold once more.
You could feel the tension in the arm Bucky had slung around your shoulders, the way it tightened, and turned into his chest, slipping your arms around his waist in comfort. “You okay, Bug?” The melting affection in your voice held such intimate adoration, Steve blushed and had to look away.
Bucky drug his eyes from the painting to look into the warmth beaming out from your face and relaxed with a smile. You loved him. That was the important thing. “Yeah. I was remembering how it used to be. When you looked at me like that all the time.” His smile was genuine, if a bit wry, but you could see the memory of pain around the vulnerable corners of his mouth.
You wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed. You were sorry that you'd had to hurt him to protect yourself, but you'd needed the time to heal and forgive. You and Bucky had a real chance now. You couldn't regret what you'd done when you knew it to be necessary in the end. “It was damn good armor," you said with a wry smile in return. "But I'm glad I don't need it anymore."
Bucky's face softened with affection as he understood. He looked back at the painting and saw for the first time the pain that lay under the cold disdain on your face. Though this was the look that had made him feel like he no longer existed, thanks to Steve's talent and your words, he could finally see the wounded heart underneath the bulletproof vest.
"You'll never need it again," he promised in a whisper, his eyes direct and intense on yours, "not with me."
Your face spread in a slow smile, your heart soaring. Bucky's throat ached at the sight of your joy. "Enough mush,” you laughed, “before we break poor Steve.”
Steve looked up from the sketchbook he’d grabbed, wanting to capture the image of you and Bucky holding one another and smiling in the first flush of newly found love. He'd never seen that look on Bucky's face before, reverence and rapture. “Don’t mind me,” he said with a chuckle. “You guys are adorable.”
When you glanced over your shoulder to see him sketching, you couldn’t stop the laugh from bursting out of you. “I’m just gonna go ahead and move on to the next since you’re busy.”
Steve waved his hand, keeping his eyes on the page in front of him. He was painfully nervous to see what you thought of the painting you were about to reveal. His feelings about the next work were too powerful; he was terrified to find out what you might think. Your opinion, above all, could make or break him.
You stepped out of Bucky’s embrace to pull the cover from the next easel. When the painting was revealed, a study in oils of the color and feeling of blue, you heard an audible gasp leave your mouth.
The mermaid was simply spectacular.
“Steve.” If Bucky's jaw could reach the floor, it would have. He wasn’t surprised Steve had been able to create this; Bucky was fairly certain Steve could do anything he decided to do. Still, that didn’t stop the overwhelming awe. His friend hadn't created just a painting. Steve had truly created art. “Damn.”
The painting was an oil study in melancholy blues, stormy grays, and sharp greens. The mermaid that dominated the painting sat, tail curled to her side, on an outcropping of rock as sirens are legendarily wont to do. The shimmer of color that danced over meticulously dabbed scales immediately drew the eye. Her tail was an opalescent jewel, the fire of which burned within the heart of the painting.
Her face was largely turned forward, but she looked off into the middle distance, a cold counterpoint to the vibrant beauty of her tail. An expression of such unending sadness, such unfathomable loss lived in her eyes, her mouth, even the set of her shoulders, it brought an ache to the throat. A mane of mermaid hair tumbled around her face, but your heart lived in her eyes.
You didn't know what to say, stunned to see yourself made into something so beautiful, so moving. "Steve, I…" You trailed off, not sure where you were going and feeling tears rising. You cleared them from your throat and said, your eyes still shining. "I'm literally speechless."
Bucky wanted to tease you for that, but he wanted to flatter the both of you more. Steve had found the perfect beauty that lived inside you and translated it to canvas. At the same time, that perfect beauty was inextricably tied to that perfect heart, and this beauty was that odd kind found in grief. Love lost, after all, was still love. Bucky hadn't known such beauty could be found in misery, but he stood slack-jawed in front of it. "I'm not," he said incredulously. "This is fucking gorgeous. You've almost done her justice."
You laughed, but the sound was strangled as you battled the emotion pouring through you. The mermaid sat in the middle of a gray and stormy sea that boiled around her. The wind whipped her improbably long hair into a mad tangle, a tendril of which had fallen across her nose. That stray lock of hair drew attention to the shattered look in her eyes. The corners of her mouth were tight with held back tears.
Rather than the pose you remembered for this, pensively staring into the water below you, Steve had opted for another pose, one where you were sitting up, one arm crossed across your breasts defensively, your hand gripping your upper arm as you curled into yourself. Despite the defensive curl, the mermaid leaned forward, longing in every curve. Though she stared out of the canvas, her eyes were fastened on something only she could see, something that brought her irredeemable grief. You’d never thought to see your own broken heart captured in paint.
You tried to joke in response to Bucky’s flattery, but your voice was weak. “What a liar,” you said absently as you stepped closer. “She's…"
When you trailed off again, mesmerized by what Steve had created, how kind he’d been to your flaws when doing so, he tried to finish it for you. “The Siren Seduced, the best work I've ever done,” he said with a wry smile, “and--"
You cut him off, needing to finish it yourself, wanting to let it go. "What was under the armor." You'd spent too long refusing to look at this. You found it funny that finally doing so was what allowed you to accept and forgive.
Bucky was already wrapping his arms around your waist, both because he didn’t want to stop touching you and because he thought he understood what had put that look on your face. He had. “Babygirl, I’m so sorry.”
You spun to face him, taking his face in your hands to draw it to yours. Your eyes still wet and shining with the unshed tears Steve’s mermaid had inspired, you gazed into his with all the love you had. You kissed him, softly, and shook your head. “No. Stop it. We drank the last of that poison together.” The corners of Bucky’s mouth curved ever so slightly, in the sweet smile you adored. “You forgave me for that,” you nodded at the Faerie Queen, “and I forgave you for this,” another nod toward the mermaid, “so that we could start fresh.”
Your stern demeanor had the desired effect. Bucky couldn’t wallow, even in guilt, not when he had you in his arms, passionate in indignance. His smile crooked and affectionate, he snatched a quick kiss from your mouth. “I love you.”
Your face lit up with such a bright, sparkling smile, it seemed impossible that you’d ever been so sad. “I love you, too,” you chirped back and kissed him again, soft and slow.
“Steve,” you said seriously as you turned to face him, “I changed my mind.” He looked up from his sketchbook, a tinge of bashful pink on his cheeks when you stopped in front of where he was sitting on the stool he habitually used during your sessions. “If you don’t get an A, I’m setting the bitch’s car on fire.”
Steve's face relaxed into a wide, happy smile. He wanted the A, but your opinion, of the mermaid in particular, was of the highest importance. After all, it was your broken heart on display. If you liked her, let alone loved her with the fervor of the devout, as your words and tone indicated, he knew he'd done well. "Considering the way you're escalating, maybe you should see the rest before you have to kill her."
"If the other two are half as gorgeous, I just might." You pulled the pad from Steve's hand to look at the quick sketches of you and Bucky he'd scribbled while you'd been talking. You shot him a grin and wiggled your eyebrows approvingly as you plopped onto his lap. "Let's see the next, Bug."
Bucky grinned at you in Steve's lap and wondered how he'd ever thought you or Steve were attracted to each other. He couldn't be jealous when the two of you, your arm around Steve's neck and his around your waist, looked like siblings. The way you touched each other was chaste to the point of familial. He shook his head and laughed at himself as he pulled the cover from the third canvas.
"I want it."
Steve roared with laughter when the sheet had barely hit the floor and the words were already leaving Bucky's mouth, his voice low and tight with barely restrained lust. At the same time, you were gasping in astonishment and smacking Steve lightly on the back of the head. "Steven!" you admonished. "You made me look like sex on legs!"
Steve leaned back to throw his head back and laugh, which straightened his legs and sent you tumbling out of his lap to the floor. You wanted to curse him, but you were too busy laughing at all three of you, delighted to find that the dynamic of your trio had barely changed even though you and Bucky were now also a separate pair. Steve still teased; he simply added this aspect to his repertoire.
Bucky could only tear his eyes away from the painting when he heard the thump of your body on the floor and the 'oof' it drove from you. "Dammit, Steve," he said when he turned around to find Steve half out of his chair and you giggling on the floor, "if you can't take better care of her, you're not allowed to hold her anymore."
This only sent you and Steve into further gales of laughter, the sound of Bucky's exasperation painfully familiar and deeply missed. Bucky may have changed the admonitions, but he still acted annoyed with you both. He took the hand you'd raised into the air and pulled you to your feet and directly into his arms. "I can't let you go for a second," he purred as he turned, with you under his arm once again, his hand running gently up and down the outside of your arm, to look at the third painting, this one in colored pencils.
"Robin Goodfellow," Steve said, still chuckling, "and she belongs to Miss Sex-On-Legs here." At the happily surprised grin you shot him over your shoulder, he smiled back, his face sweetly affectionate in gratitude. "You should have one, and that's the one that you'll enjoy the most."
You turned back to the piece, your face immediately stretching into a smile at the sight of yourself in a bright green frock coat that hung open enough to expose the curves of your breasts and waist. You had a quiver of arrows on your back and a bow in your hand. The pirate style coat was still short enough to reveal most of your legs, while the edge conveniently preserved a little of your modesty. The grin on your face, however, was pure mischief. Based on the sultry, yet slightly shy, curve to your lips, there was no doubt you were up to something.
Bucky wondered what you'd been planning when Steve had captured this particular expression because he'd seen its more intense sister when he made love to you. He adored it, and to see it captured so beautifully had him utterly enthralled. You could seduce him with a look, and this was the beginning of that quick and easy seduction.
"This one is Bucky's, though," Steve stepped forward to take the last sheet in his fist. As he pulled it away, he finished, "Because you only smile like this for him." He hadn't known he'd be able to give this one to Bucky, but even as he'd painted it, he'd hoped.
When the sheet revealed the bright and bold piece in acrylics, Bucky's jaw dropped again. He stood, amazed, even as you huffed out the breath of an astonished laugh. The work was joyous, bright greens and shimmering golds set off by dark and earthy browns. You lay in the middle of a field of clover, the little green leaves dotting your green-and-brown-veined skin, your hair seeming to grow into the ground beneath you. Your legs were crossed and drawn up a little toward your chest in laughter. Your arms were around your middle like you were holding on as your head tilted backward.
Your face, however, held the bright and happy expression he'd captured the day in the lab when you'd worked on Bucky's arm. For the first time in years, Steve had seen the smile you reserved for Bucky and Bucky alone. When you'd been younger, this smile had beamed out of you whenever Bucky had been particularly tender or affectionate. After the Falling Out, Steve had thought it gone forever.
That day in the lab, he'd seen that bright smile and raced to capture it. But once he'd done so, he'd found that there was something different about the smile you saved for Bucky, something powerful. This smile beamed out of you like light, like you held a sun inside of you, carrying love and joy in equal measure. But the pain and grief of what had come before brought a depth to this smile that hadn't been there before.
The joy was that much more powerful and poignant because the heart that felt it had known loss, and pain, and fear. The love that accompanied it was that much more durable and strong because it came from understanding.
Bucky cleared his throat, captivated by the smile beaming out of the canvas, awed at what his friend had created. He loved this smile, adored making it happen, because it was so pure and genuine. The idea that you only bestowed this gorgeous expression on him made him feel ten feet tall. "What do you call this one?"
"Winter's End."
Bucky tightened his arm around your shoulders, catching your eye when you glanced his way, the smile from the painting shining on your face, dazzling him. He huffed out an amazed breath, astonished at how his life had changed, how he'd gotten everything he ever wanted in this surprising spring. "Perfect."
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Bucky walked into the living room of his apartment already tugging at the collar of the gray button-down he'd tucked into black slacks. He hated anything resembling a suit, had always been more comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans, but he sure as hell wasn't going casual on his first date with you. Hell, he'd been in love with you for half of his life; the least he could do was put on a jacket when he took you out for the first time, officially.
And he hadn't needed his mother to tell him that. He'd already picked out what he was going to wear when she called to check in that afternoon. She'd been painfully relieved when you'd become friends again; though both of you had played down the extent of the rift when talking to her, she knew her babies and neither of you had fooled her. The squeal of joy she'd let out when he'd told her during that afternoon's call that the two of you had gotten together was still ringing in his ears. Winnifred had sternly admonished him not to screw up before telling him to put on a blue tie to match his eyes.
Bucky'd torn the damn thing off almost as soon as he'd put it on and felt like an idiot.
"Is it stupid that I'm nervous?" He asked Steve, and to a lesser extent, Peggy, the two of whom were sitting on the living room couch watching a movie and discussing their plans for the evening. He'd only met Peggy that afternoon, though he already approved. She was a cool English rose with the mouth and body of a pin-up girl. Even better, she had a steel-trap mind and soft eyes when she looked at Steve.
Steve shrugged without taking his eyes from the screen. "I mean…"
Peggy's lips twitched when Bucky flopped into the recliner with a dramatic sigh and Steve studiously ignored him. "You should ask her that question," she murmured quietly, but with calm assurance.
Bucky's eyes narrowed, but he considered it. "I should?" he asked, not skeptically but wanting to make sure she wasn't fucking with him. If she was friends with you, he had no doubt she had a wicked sense of humor.
Peggy smiled and Bucky could see exactly what so attracted Steve. It was clear that she was as good as she was pretty. "Trust me."
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"You look fucking beautiful." The words were out of Bucky's mouth before he was thinking about them the moment you opened your door that evening. Knowing he wanted to make this first date special, you'd gone to some serious trouble.
Making good on your promise, now that finals were over, you'd spent the afternoon getting ready, pampering your skin, doing your makeup and hair. You’d even pulled out a dress you'd bought nearly a year before but had never worn when you'd realized it matched Bucky's eyes.
You grinned appreciatively at the unusual sight of Bucky in a suit; the open collar made you want to press your lips to the hollow of his throat. He’d gotten a haircut, trimming the almost chin length locks to above his ears, but still long enough on top that it looked soft. Your fingers almost itched to comb through it. "Right back at ya, Buck," you purred and bit your lip.
Your shy sultry smile had him chuckling as he relaxed. He slipped his arms around your waist and snatched a quick kiss from your lips. "For some dumb reason," he said as he squeezed you once and let go, "I was so nervous, but now that I'm looking at you…" He lifted his hand to trace the line of your jaw with his thumb.
The idea that after all these years, after everything you'd been through and done together, that Bucky could still worry about impressing you on a first date had your heart melting, as did your body as you flowed against him. "You were nervous?" you asked as you slid your arms around his neck and nuzzled your mouth against his.
Bucky slid his arms back around your waist to pull you close as he thought, Note to self: do what Peggy says. "Is that stupid?" he asked before brushing his mouth gently against yours.
"Maybe," you breathed, "but it still makes me want to drag you in here and--"
"Can you not?" Gamora's voice carried from the living room and you wondered how the hell she even heard you.
Bucky's arms tightened once before letting you go. "Shall we?" he snickered, offering you his arm.
"Since G is such a buzzkill," you laughed back as you took it and closed the door behind you on Gamora’s quiet chuckle.
Bucky realized why he'd been nervous very shortly after being seated in the restaurant. He'd wanted to take you someplace nice enough to have great food, but not so fancy that the two of you couldn't have any fun. When he recognized the server as a woman with whom he'd had a very brief affair, he cursed inwardly, viciously and deeply profane.
The slow, seductive smile she bestowed on him when she took the drink order let him know she remembered and would be happy to pick up where they left off. When she walked away with a sassy twitch to her hips, he looked back to you with his stomach sinking in dread.
He knew he was doomed when his eyes met yours where you sat across from him. The sight of you, leaning back in your chair, legs and arms crossed, a wide, wickedly amused and knowing smile on your face, sent a shiver down his spine. "You've nailed the waitress, haven’t you?"
Bucky didn't try to prevaricate or lie. Not only would you see through it and not be amused, he didn't want to start your relationship with dishonesty. Despondent, he dropped his head to the table, banging his forehead on it as he went. "Yes."
Because he was face down in the linen tablecloth, he didn't see you press your lips together in affectionate amusement at his melodramatic pose. "Did you know she worked here?" you asked, your voice rich with that affection and amusement.
Bucky lifted his head, his eyes narrowed at the note of mirth to the tone of your voice. When he saw you still grinning, no hint of anger or resentment in your face or form, he started to see the humor in the situation. "No," he replied, his lips starting to twitch, "but I wasn’t picking a restaurant based on avoiding women I’ve nailed."
You took pity on him, knowing he would never have brought you here had he known. "Would it make you feel better if I told you I’ve nailed the bartender?" The corner of your mouth lifted in wry affection as you leaned forward, placing your hand palm up on the table in invitation.
Bucky took your hand, cradling it gently as he glanced over his shoulder to see a lovely woman with a straight rain of black hair and full red lips behind the bar. "As a matter of fact," he answered with a lecherous grin your way, enjoying the images you'd put in his brain. "Have you?"
You opted not to answer, knowing it would be far more fun to let him wonder. "Typical," you said, instead, with a laughing roll of your eyes.
His face softened with love, realizing you'd eased his embarrassment by reminding him of your twisted sense of humor. He'd wanted tonight to be perfect, had hated that his history had already been forced into your face. He didn't know how he'd managed to fuck up so quickly, but here he was. He also didn't know how you always managed to make the horrible humorous, the embarrassing enjoyable. "You’re having entirely too much fun at my expense," he teased as he lifted your hand to his lips to press his lips to the back, wanting the connection of skin on skin.
Your hand turned in his to cup his face. "Of course I am," you chuckled. "It doesn’t matter who you nailed before, Bug." Your face and voice were soft and affectionate, knowing he'd be beating himself up. You couldn't be angry or upset if you tried, loving the things that go wrong, secure in the knowledge that the two of you would laugh over this for years. Your lids lowered and you shot him a hot look and a slow smile. "I know who you’re nailing tonight."
Bucky turned his lips into your palm, breathing in your scent and reveling in how absolutely perfect you were, at least for his imperfect ass. "I don’t deserve you," he murmured against your skin.
"Damn straight."
His eyes lifted to yours and his sweet smile was charming you all over again. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" At the arch of your brow, he sighed in resignation. "Or are we going to brave it out because you'll be damned if she runs you out of here?"
You snorted, thoroughly enjoying being on a first date with someone who knew you so well. It was a weird combination of familiar and new. "What do you think?" You pulled your hand from his to sit back with a smile. "Don’t worry so much, love. You’re mine now. I’ll fight to keep what’s mine."
Bucky sat up with a suspicious twist to his grin. "Why does that sound like a threat?"
"Because it is," you shot back with an eyebrow wiggle.
The rest of your meal passed without incident. Your server had spied on you and Bucky from around the corner to the kitchen, wondering if she should surreptitiously leave her number on the receipt. When she saw the two of you hand in hand and obviously in love, she cut her losses on the hottie front and put her all into server mode, staying as impersonal as possible, treating you both like strangers.
When you smiled at her as you rose to leave, Bucky behind you pulling out your chair, she thought she saw a warm commiseration on your face and wondered if you knew she was lusting after your man. If you did, you seemed to understand, and she found herself thinking you seemed fun. When she saw the scribbled, Thank you for everything. Especially for not making it weird, next to a winking smiley face and a fifty percent tip, she laughed and wished you both the best.
Out on the sidewalk, Bucky was standing with his head on your shoulder while you pet his hair and cooed soothingly, your voice full of laughter as you consoled him. "There, there, Bucky-bug. You’re done now. We don't have to pretend that you, me, and our waitress aren’t all thinking about the fact that you know what she looks like naked anymore."
Bucky gave up, sagging in laughter before he straightened, his hands lifting to cup your face, his head dipping to kiss you, quick. "I fucking love you, babygirl," he said as his hands dropped to draw your arm into his to lead you down the street. "Let's keep our fingers crossed that I haven't banged anybody at the ice cream parlor."
Thankfully, for both of you, neither of you had ever before seen any of the people in the gourmet ice cream parlor. As you walked in the warm summer evening, trading tastes of your honey lavender ice cream cone for his stracciatella gelato, you talked easily, in an odd way catching up on the little things you'd missed in each other's lives during the lost years.
By the time the ice cream was gone, you were both content and comfortable, first date nerves long gone in the enjoyment of each other. When you found yourself on the same street as Howlie's, it felt like the most natural thing in the world to extend your date by joining the friends you knew were there.
After a couple hours of pool, slow dancing to the jukebox, and enough laughter to make your stomach hurt from the good-natured teasing that was the hallmark of your group of friends, you and Bucky stopped in front of your door.
Once you'd unlocked the door, you turned with warm and soft eyes to link your wrists behind his neck and step close with a seductive smile. "First date. I’m supposed to leave you here after a single kiss."
"Since when do you ever do what you're supposed to?" he purred, slipping his arms around your waist, pulling you close. "Come home with me, babygirl. I missed you all week."
"No, not tonight," you murmured, brushing your mouth against his as his face fell in astonished, disappointed misery. It took everything you had to not burst into laughter at how adorably dramatic he was. "Gamora's gone tonight. Why don't you come home with me instead?"
When he understood, his arms tightened to pick you up and carry you inside. Your hand dropped behind you to turn the knob as Bucky started forward. "I thought you didn't like hookups in your space," he teased, his mouth against the skin of your throat.
You'd wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, burying your face in his hair to breathe in the smell of him. "I don't." When he set you down inside your apartment, you locked the door behind you and took him by the hand. "Which is why you'll be the first, so you better be here in the morning."
Bucky woke the next morning to sunshine, chirping birds, and your breath on his skin. In your bed, surrounded by your scent like a taste on his tongue, your bare skin against his, he lay basking in the wonder of it. Whatever happened tomorrow or the day after, he'd never take you for granted, too aware of how close he'd come to never knowing the joy of hearing your hum of pleasure when you woke in his arms.
"Mmm." Your hand skimmed over his back as you snuggled closer, rubbing your face against the skin of his chest as you woke. The feel of your mouth opening to taste him before your eyes opened would have had him rock hard if he hadn't already woken that way in response to the feel of you against him. When you tilted your head back, your eyes fluttering open, and smiled with a murmur of, "Yummy," he thought you the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
You sighed happily when Bucky gently brushed kisses over your face, adoring you with his lips. "Good morning!" you giggled as he cuddled you closer.
"Best morning ever," Bucky corrected softly. As far as he was concerned, this was the first morning of his second chance. He'd be grateful for it, and you, for the rest of his life.
You were dazzled, enchanted both by how pretty Bucky was first thing in the morning, and the love that beamed out of him. His smile turned mischievous and you could swear your heart glowed.
Bucky knew he shouldn't. He knew that he was risking ruining the perfect bubble he'd woken in with you. He knew that there was a very real possibility that you would not find him funny, that you would get pissed off and kick him out and he'd spend the rest of the day trying to coax you out of ill humor. Then he remembered that of the million reasons he'd fallen in love with you, one of his absolute favorites was your twisted sense of humor.
“Remind me of your name, doll,” he said, wickedly, to your shocked gasp of laughter, “I’ve got this friend who might quiz me later.”
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Epilogue here
@learisa @angieptt @mia-at-work @midnightdream83 @wwecrazed2010 @allandoflimbo @emaywhyayy @cheekygeek05 @lovely-geek @diinofayce @suz-123 @hellzzzbelle @olukewarmo @fairchild21 @thefridgeismybestie @fandomsstolemylife00 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @australianhorrorstory @buckybarneshairpullingkink @c-ly-g @wishingforahome @strangersstranger @whiskeyandwashitape @eyesfixedonthesun22 @ingenue-q @joe-mazzello-is-my-dad @irritated-bisexual @fashionworld12 @lbouvet @rishlo @bibliophile1773 @miraclesoflove @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @destiel-is--endgame @peaceinourtime82 @badassbaker @walkingtravesty97 @firefly-in-darkness @sleepingspacedragon @lydklein1 @marvel-lucy @supernaturalvikingwhore @marauderskeeper
319 notes · View notes
Frostbitten (Chapter Four)
Previous Part
Y/N L/N is a child of a Jotun and an Asgardian. She spends her life hidden in the dungeons of Asgard, with no one to talk to other than one of the princes- a man who seems completely incapable of leaving her alone and entirely unable to give up on helping her. Y/N and Loki Odinson have always been inseparable, it seems- even when there is a cell wall, or a village, or an entire kingdom between them.
Even when he disappears, even when you run away, and even when his world falls apart; you are inseparable.
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Happy 4th, if you live in the U.S.!! I listened to Hamilton twice today and then rewatched 1776, and then finished this, because that’s the only way I know how to celebrate. Sorry this took so long to get out! Also, enjoy this peace while it lasts, because this story isn’t gonna stay happy for long :)
Okay. Alright. This is fine.
The Asgardians will be completely okay in the dungeons. They can fend for themselves, right? There's no point in worrying about them, especially since it has only been moments since their departure, and since there’s no doubt that Odin will find a way to retrieve them very soon. You can worry about that later, you decide, trying to focus on the occurrences at hand.
The two guards at your sides walk you down a large dining hall, fitted with a table that has probably been set for years. A thick layer of dust is settled on the top of the tablecloth and spread along the grey, stone plates. It matches the rest of the castle: abandoned, unkempt, empty. The building seems to lack a soul.
The next hall that the guards lead you down is slightly less the part. It looks swept, at least. Portraits on the walls are crooked and cracked, but clouds of dirt do not rise to meet you every time you take a step, so it’s still, in a way, better. Some doors down this hallway are cracked open, and you can see beds left unmade. Plates of decaying food are left unattended on silver platters, with no hints as to why or to who left them there. At the end of the hallway, a large door to the left of you is the only one left closed. The guards pause at this door, ushering you forward. Since the door was clearly made for much taller beings, the handle is at your shoulder- nearly at your neck, but you wrap both hands around it and pull.
At first, the room is dark and silent, the only traces of light entering from the space behind you. You take a step in, and a small ball of light emits from near the back of the room, stemming from the fingers of a rather young looking Jotun, not much shorter than yourself. His hair, long and a ratty mess, reaches down across his oversized grey robes. He sets the orb of light down, as if it were solid, and ties his hair back, away from his face, before straightening up and truly addressing you.
"Who're you?" He asks quietly, his voice high, but calm. "You're awfully small."
"Loric," groans a second voice after a moment's delay, accompanied by a quiet tossing of sheets. "Stop... Magic... No one is..." the voice trails off, and you squint into the dim light, searching for the owner of the second voice. "Oh, damn. Light it up."
Loric spreads his hands, and light floods the ceiling of the long, musty room, illuminating two columns of "beds," piles of sheets lined up along the stone walls. There are six. Two are empty, four are filled. Two of the children are awake, and the others begin to stir, poking their tiny heads out of the clutters of fabric.
They look like twins, each of them being very young girls. The boy who performed the magic seems slightly older, probably in his early teens, and the one who spoke to you is much taller than you, though, assuming he'll grow to the size of the guards or the king, he's probably years younger. He studies you, flabbergasted, and waves a hand to the space behind you.
"Guards, you are dismissed," he says. The two giants leave their posts, shutting the door behind you.
The two twins, rubbing their eyes, each turn toward you.
"Hi," you say, blinking uncomfortably. Your voice is dry, and a bit weak. "I, hello, I'm Y/N. You're all very tall."
"Y/N," echoes the eldest, shifting in his pile of sheets. "You're quite short for a giant."
"I'm only half-" you start, on instinct, and then quickly cut off. These sons and daughters of Laufey do not need to know that you’re half Asgardian. "I suppose I'll be about half your size. It's a birth defect."
"How was prison?" Asks Loric, staring at you with large red eyes. "That's where you're from, isn't it? You are Laufey's lost child. We were told you’d come."
"You're here to join us?" Asks one of the twins, using a small hand to push her hair out of her face. Beneath the veil of hair is a round, makeshift eyepatch, fashioned from the sole of a shoe and bit of cloth. "There's no room. Where are you to sleep?"
"She'll sleep in one of the other beds, stupid," says the second twin, rolling her eyes. "They're plenty empty. She'll sleep next to you, even."
"That's where Elora sleeps!" The first twin shoots back. "We're not kicking her out!"
"Elora isn't here!"
"Quiet, you two," the eldest interrupts. The twins shut up very quickly, staring away from each other. "Y/N, we'll get you new bedding. You'll not want to use any of these."
You look at the crumpled piles along the walls and don't make a move to disagree. "Thank you, ah..."
"Vaire," he finishes. He is studying your face, appearing troubled. "And that's Loric, and the twins are named Kolla and Arna. The one with the eyepatch is Kolla."
Kolla smiles at the sound of her name, staring attentively at a spot on the wall. Arna waves at you in greeting, but her eyes are on her sister, gazing with a certain kind of restrained grief. Each of them has long, straight hair and pale blue skin- contrasted from the darker shades in Vaire's and Loric's skin. Now that you think about it, other than the twins, they don't look much alike at all. They look more distantly related. Like cousins.
Or, you think, like step-siblings. Same father, different mothers.
"Well," you look over the four, "I'm, are there others? The other beds, are they normally.." you trail off when you notice everyone's eyes suddenly avoiding you, deciding that you may not want to know the answers to your questions. "I, it's nice to meet you."
"Likewise," says Loric, faintly.
"I pity you if you thought this would be any better than where you were on Asgard," says Vaire, absentmindedly running a thumb under his jaw, which is over pronounced, sharp from malnourishment. "Though, it may get better for you sometime soon, since you've singlehandedly managed to steal the throne."
There it is. There’s the bad side.
"I, sorry if I did, but I didn't mean to steal anything." You sigh, looking away from the people who you're pretending to be related to. "Besides, look at me. Do you think Laufey is going to let me anywhere near the throne? I look like a splinter in an armory. I'm completely unintimidating."
"Do not mistake my words for contempt," Vaire says quickly, putting his hands in the air in surrender. He seems genuine, immediately regretful. "I didn't mean that in a bad sense- I'm actually quite glad I'm not the heir. I have no interest in the throne."
"Vaire wanted to give it up to me," Loric says, lacing his fingers together. "He thinks I'll be a very powerful ruler. But Laufey forbids it. He says that I'm a wizard, not a king."
Boy. Where have I heard that before.
"That doesn't make any sense," you comment. Vaire nods solemnly.
"Nothing does.” He looks at Kolla, who is mumbling to herself and staring at the bed next to her, then looks at Loric, who hugs his legs to his chest, staring right back at him. You'll get used to it."
You grow quiet. The room goes stale, reduced to shuffles and breathing. Then Loric lets out a loud, semi-annoyed sigh, and he stands up.
"You want to see your friends," he says, to your immediate surprise. "Don't be so shocked. I can see it written on your face!"
"To be perfectly honest, I guessed too," says Vaire, clearly grateful for a change in subject. "But I didn't think they were your friends. I figured you'd want to bid farewell."
You blink. "I, one of them is a friend. The others are allies. I don't intend to let them die."
"Won't they starve?" Arna asks, head tilted curiously. "Are they nice?"
"No," you say plainly. “Most of them are actually quite awful. But they're innocent, and one of them..." you bite your lip. "One of them is quite important to me."
"Oh? Do explain." Vaire grins, narrowing his eyes. "I do love a good romance story, and we haven’t many of them in the library."
You flush, cheeks warming, and stare at the ground. "No, no. It's not, we're, no, he's just the one who kept me company while I was in prison." 
"A guard?" Arna suggests.
"No, he was.." your blush deepens, creeping down your neck. You probably look just as ridiculous as you sound. "...he was a prince."
"Thor!?" Kolla is suddenly snapped from her gaze, staring with one big eye. Then she turns her gaze to the empty pile of blankets beside her, lowering her voice. "Did you hear that, Ellie? She's courting Thor!"
"No!" You say quickly, sounding quite a bit disgusted. "No, gods no. It's his brother."
"Thor has a brother?" Loric asks.
"Oh, I've heard of him. Prince Loki, I believe. God of Mischief and Lies," speaks Vaire, thinking deeply.
You nod, but halfway through the motion, you stop, frowning. "I've never heard of him by that name. But yes. Loki."
Loric begins to grin along with his brother, walking toward you and stopping just a couple steps away. "And you're in love with him?"
"Are you sure?"
"Does he love you?"
"That sounded disappointed."
"I'm not!"
"Is he?"
"Is he what?"
"Is he disappointed in the lack of amorous air between you?"
You roll your eyes. "I'll have to ask him next time I'm in the dungeons."
Loric nods thoughtfully, then all the light from the ceiling drops to the floor and flies into his hands. "Alright. Let's go! Vaire, we'll be back soon."
Vaire seems unfazed. He waves at you, then disappears back into his blankets. "Bring back food."
"Of course."
You blink. “What?”
“We’re going to the dungeons!” Loric exclaims, grabbing your wrist, which immediately freaks you out considering that you haven’t directly been touched in a very long time. You somehow manage not to rip your hand away.
“Won’t you get in trouble? I’ve only just met you- you don’t have to-”
“Oh, Loric is excellent at not getting into trouble. Don’t you worry,” mutters Arvid, speaking through a yawn, and not a second later you're being dragged down the hallway, Loric's fingers holding tightly around your wrist as he flies past oblivious guards and open doors. He slows down for a moment in the dining hall, pulling you off into a small side room and grabbing a stale loaf of bread off of one of the shelves. 
He snaps the loaf in half and hands one half to you, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Half for us, half for your... Allies."
You take the bread and hold it tenderly, smiling at the eagerness of the young child. Maybe it's his generosity, or his magic, or his name- but he reminds you distinctly of Loki.
"They've only been in the dungeons for about twenty seconds, but thank you," you say as he grabs your wrist once again. “Are all of you this nice? On Asgard we have a very specifically awful image of Jotuns.”
"There are plenty of good ones here, just not many in the palace," he returns. "Oh, and in case you haven't realized, I'm making us invisible. I’ll let go when we're in the dark."
He starts off again, heading toward the entrance hall and then pulling you down a dark staircase, so dim you have to squint to make sure you don't hit the guards standing by the walls. When you reach the cells, Loric doesn't immediately let go. Instead, he leans over to you, whispering.
"I think your friends are special prisoners. They won't be close to the front."
"Oh?" You frown. "Where will they be?"
"Near the back, probably, where it's hardest to escape," says Sif, her voice popping up very suddenly from behind you. You spin around, only to find that she's hidden behind a thick, metal door- the only access to the outside world is from a small window at the top. Even that is barred off. "Though, for some reason, they presume I'm not special enough. They'll regret that, eventually."
When he hears no guards, Loric releases your wrist, conjuring a small ball of light. You move to the door and grip the bars, trying to see through to her. "The Odinsons are further down?"
"Loki controlled you," she says, dodging the question. "Are you here to get revenge?" Sif is at the back of her cell, but when she sees you she begins to move forward, arms crossed defiantly. "He's a magician, might I remind you."
"You're being extraordinarily annoying," you comment in retaliation, backing a step away from the bars and ripping off a chunk of the bread. "And Loki wasn't controlling me. I was telling the truth. You three are innocent."
"Oh?" She cocks an eyebrow, stepping to the front. Her eyes fall to the bread, then to Loric. "And who's this?"
"Loric Laufeyson," Loric says, smiling gently. He seems unfazed by her attitude. "You've lovely eyes, miss."
You stare daggers at Sif the minute he says his name. Don't blow my cover, you scream at her, mentally. Then we'll both die.
She stares at him for a moment, confused, and then looks back to you. Realization starts to dawn on her face. Slowly, but surely, you see her resolve to hate you flicker away. There's almost guilt in her expression. Almost. "You're serious?"
You nod. "I'm serious. You're hungry?"
She looks ready to reject the offer, but swallows her pride, sighing. "I didn't exactly eat breakfast."
You hold the bread through the bars. It's surprisingly unfrozen, and she takes it.
"I don't trust you," she says, inspecting the bread. "But I don't think you're so much evil, just stupid."
"Thanks." You smile sarcastically, backing up from the bars. "I'll let you know if the Allfather drops out of the sky to retrieve you."
She pauses, and then looks down, shaking her head. "If all goes well, that will be soon."
You leave her behind with that, not offering a response. Loric leads you away, father back into the prison. He's smiling.
"I like her," he says. "She seems very fierce."
"Stubborn, more like. I hear she's excellent on the field, though."
"Is she your guide?"
You shake your head. "We.." you pause, realizing that you probably can't tell him about Arvid. "..Jotunheim Is small. We figured that no guide was needed."
He nods, contemplating this until you reach your next destination.
It's not an energy barrier, thank the gods, and the only thing that separates this cell from Sif's is that through the bars on the door you can see Thor has his hands in cuffs chained to the wall. He seems to have a few feet of walking space, but that's all.
"Oh, it's you," he grunts, eyes following you from the back of his cell. "You know, you're lucky the other prisoners are asleep. They'd rip you to pieces if they saw you visiting us."
You stare. "Thor, I realize you don’t like me much, but I'm trying to help."
Loric frowns. "Is this the man you love?"
"No, this is Thor. He's awful. Also, I don't love Loki either."
Thor looks alarmed. "You love my brother?"
"You know what?" You tear a piece off of the bread, throw it, and watch as it hits him square in the face. "Take the bread. I'll talk to you tomorrow, if you’re still here by then."
He says something else, but you're already walking away before you have time to hear it. Loric chuckles at your change in stature, following you toward the back of the room and pointing you to a hallway to your left. "You don't like him," he comments, smiling. "Why not?"
"With the Odinsons, you just have to like one and hate the other."
"You picked Loki?"
"I'd hope so," joins a third voice from farther down the hall, warm and familiar. Both you and Loric turn toward the cell which holds the voice, and through Loric’s light, your eyes lock with beautiful blue. "Y/N is practically the only thing my brother can't take from me."
You step up to the foot of his cell. The bars are full length in his cell- ceiling to the floor instead of solid walls. The door is the same as the others. "I chose you because you’re not arrogant and insufferable. Don’t change my mind by whining.”
“Wow, so bold now that we’ve switched positions.” He grins, and bows swiftly, keeping eye-contact the whole time. "As you wish, your majesty."
"Should I leave you two alone a moment?" Asks Loric's tiny voice, laced with mischevious intent. "It'll be dark, but I doubt you need light to speak."
"Oh, Loric, there's no need-"
The light goes out. It grows silent, and then Loki begins to laugh.
"I like him," he says, quieting his voice.
“That’s Loric Laufeyson,” you mutter, laughing gently along with him. “I like him too.”
"How have you been? It's been quite a while. Maybe a bit too long."
"Maybe?” You chuckle. “I'd slap you if I wasn't sure I'd freeze your nose off, but I'm pretty sure there was no way for you to visit, so I'll let it slide."
"I would have visited if I could, I promise. It nearly killed me to be away for so long."
You scoff, but smile through the darkness. "Drama queen. You were fine."
"No, really, I didn't realize how much of my life..." he trails off, then laughs lightly. You hear him shuffle a bit. "Everyone else is either insanely secretive and deceptive, or arrogant and shameless. Since Thor got this assignment from father, he's been an absolute nuisance."
"More than usual?"
"More than usual,” he agrees. “Thor may be a bit arrogant, but he's also very easy to love. He's like a, well, like a horse- simple, easy to operate, kindhearted, loyal-"
"But a complete idiot?"
"Not necessarily, it's just that... He's a bit slow sometimes."
You snort, feeling for the bars and leaning against them, taking some of the weight off your legs. "We'll have something in common. It's been ten years and I still can't control whether or not I take someone's hand off."
"Oh, Hogun will be alright. He was being an imbecile." There's a soft, outward sigh, and you feel his shoulder brush yours as he leans on the other side of the bars. "You weren't level-headed. You controlled it fine when..."
"When you were there," you finish with a sigh. "Everything is always horrible when you're gone. If you ever leave again I might have to come find you."
"I'd be more worried about yourself." You feel a gentle brush of skin on the hand you have resting against the bars, and quickly pull your fingers away. Loki immediately expresses concern. "What's wrong?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Loki. You can't touch me."
"Because you don't want me to, or because you're afraid it will hurt me?"
"It will hurt you."
"You won't."
"I can't control that."
His voice gets closer. "Y/N, you could cut off my legs in my sleep and I'd still adore you. If you give me frostbite, I'll heal it and forget this ever happened, but I doubt I'll ever need to."
You hesitate, the word adore lingering in the air. "I.. Loki, I would never forgive myself. You'd do the same for me."
"This isn't about me. This is about you. If there were no consequences-" he breaks off. When he speaks next, he sounds amused. "Fine. Coward."
"Loki, don't-!"
His skin meets yours with a sudden shock, so sudden that your hand jolts upward. He grips your hand gently, steadying you as you screw your eyes shut, trying to calm down and control the ice. His fingers slip delicately around yours, and your hand is lifted upward until the soft skin of his lips hits your knuckles. The contact is short, but it carries a lifetime of meaning.
"See, was that so bad?" His voice rings, and you can almost hear him smirk as your hands, shaking, wrap around his.
"You're going to kill me one day," you said, voice shaking, your heart beating at an alarming rate. "By the nine, Loki-"
"Hush, it's alright. We're alright." He takes your hands, one in each of his, and places them on the sides of his face, as if to confirm this fact. “You’re not even cold.”
You soak in the feeling of his skin, breath evening out. You take a moment to touch him, thumbs brushing under his eyes and fingers wrapping around his jaw. He mirrors you, gently taking your face in his hands and holding you, so close that you can feel his breath on your face. You can hear your heart thrumming in your ears. You can feel the light, weightless, tingling feeling spreading into your limbs. You feel the thrum of his pulse against your fingers, and... Is it? Yes, it's surely faster than usual. You wonder if he can feel your pulse as well or if his fingers have grown numb atop your skin.
When you don’t even think it’s possible to get closer to him, there is a brief, soft brush of lips. The shadow of a kiss. Intoxicating and unfinished, leaving you to revel in silent, confusing longing. After a moment of deep breathing and heavy silence, Loki plants a kiss on the corner of your mouth, chuckling softly. "Getting a bit close, are we?"
"A bit," you whisper in soft response, not sure what to call the feelings awakening inside you. "Is this what it always feels like?"
"What what feels like, dear?"
"Well, you know.. Touch." Your fingers brush for a final time over his face, pausing on his cheekbones. Under your fingers, you swear there are small ridges on his skin. Raised places, forming delicate lines down his face. "Does... Is there always...this?"
There's a silence, your hands still on each others' skin, and Loki plants a second kiss on the top of your head. "No," he whispers, so faintly you nearly don't hear. Then his hands leave your skin, and he takes a step back. "You should probably go find your brother."
"He's not my brother," you remind him. Your hands slowly, shakily leave his skin. "But yes, I suppose so. He's quite a dear. I'd not want to get him in trouble."
"I'll be waiting for you," he says. His voice is fainter, lower. "Try not to forget me while you’re living in the lap of luxury."
“Don’t count on it,” you murmur, throwing the last chunk of bread at his face and quickly exiting the premises, heart still rushing.
Frostbitten Tags:
@natalia-rushman @what-inspirational-name@jessiejunebug@fandomdestroyer @a-new-schematic @iris-suoh @pandacookieowo @givememyskittlesback@awesomefandomsunited @itsanallygator@arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fire-treasure-iii @strangerliaa @for-the-love-of-the-fandom@woohoney @itsanallygator @rosesarestriped @justyuuhi @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @loser-alert @egos-r-life @themusingsofmany
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ourtheories · 6 years
Here is the full theory.
The best theory I've read since the premiere of IW
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I do not know its author, at least in this life, but I want to give you a big hug on behalf of Loki's army
"First off, I have to tell all you "Loki must be alive" folks that you're wrong. Not just for the oft stated reasons that it would be bad writing, or that Thanos's line about "No resurrections this time" is the writer's clue to the audience that "we really mean it, he's totally for real dead now."
Every "Loki Lives" theory has a fundamental flaw. They all rely on the idea that Loki was casting an illusion spell to trick Thanos, but neglect a crucial aspect of Loki's illusion. They have no weight or mass. They're just light. We've seen this time and again, when Loki creates an illusory doppleganger and people pass through it.
We even see an important example of this in Ragnarok. When Thor tosses his hammer into the distance and grabs the back of Loki's head, he's not just putting pressure on his brother to drop the ruse. He's giving himself a way to be sure that he's not making a mistake. He's insuring that Loki hasn't moved out of the way and left an illusion in place and also making sure he isn't wrong in his suspicions, because for all he knows, Odin might have gone senile or something. Thor would be able to feel the tactile difference between his father's head and that of his brother.
So if Loki had been casting an illusion in an attempt to trick Thanos, the ruse would have fallen apart the moment the Mad Titan tried to grab his neck
One of the big reasons that people can't accept Loki being dead is likely "Why would he do something so stupid like try to shank Thanos. Loki's smarter than that!" Well, yeah, Loki's smart enough to know that his chances of killing Thanos were virtually nil. But that wasn't his primary goal.
Loki intended to die!
Let's recall that Loki's one of those guys who works out plans to always be able to come out ahead in some way. In Avengers, he was able to make sure that he'd either end up as the ruler of earth, or that he'd be returned to Asgard and have another shot at stealing the throne.
By attempting to stab the Mad Titan in the neck, Loki is making sure that he'll either kill Thanos, or end up dead. Now, you might be asking yourself "Why would Loki want to die?" It's all in what he says.
Many people have previously pointed out the importance of Loki telling his brother that, "The Sun will shine on us again" as a hint to go to Nidavallir2 and get a new weapon made. So let's take a look at what Loki says right before he dies.
"Almighty Thanos, I, Loki, Prince of Asgard..."
-Pauses dramatically, turns his head towards Thor-
"... Odinson..."
-Looks Thor in the eye, then turns back to Thanos-
"... Rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity."
Thanos's response is pricelessly ironic.
"Undying? You should choose your words more carefully."
Loki chose his words extremely carefully.
While it hasn't been explicitly stated in the movies, it is established in both the Marvel comics and the Norse mythology they're based on, that death is not the end of existence for Asgardians. One of the Nine Realms is Helheim where the dead go.
Who might Loki be looking for in The Land of the Dead? Why, his father of course! Odin's wisdom might yet yield a solution (or maybe 12% of a solution) for defeating Thanos. Loki knows that he doesn't stand a chance against The Mad Titan. Thanos is stronger and smarter than him, and Loki's under no delusions otherwise.
Loki's making a desperate gambit to enter the realm of the dead and figure out a way to help save the universe. Maybe he can find his father. Perhaps he can also find his sister (that is, if Hela's actually dead, which isn't answered in Ragnarok and convince her to help find a way for the dead to rise up against Thanos.
Even Loki's statement to Thanos isn't what it seems. Note that Loki doesn't say "I offer you my undying loyalty." He pledges "my undying fidelity."
Fidelity is defined as; Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.
Loki isn't offering Thanos loyalty to his cause of wiping out half the universe. Loki is promising to do everything that he can to defend his people.
No, Loki isn't still alive, but there is a way he can show up in Avengers 4 and his death will still have weight and meaning.
Greggory Basore
I love you man
@For all Loki's army
By Ìrimë
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imagine-loki · 7 years
Blood Is Thicker Than Water, Chapter 8
TITLE: Blood Is Thicker Than Water CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 8 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine that Loki and Magneto (Fassbender) have teamed up together to try and wipe out the human race. So SHIELD track down and send in a mutant (has the ability to communicate with all animals) undercover to try and get close to them for information… RATING: M
When everyone went back to bed eventually, Aurora fell asleep instantly as she was mentally exhausted.
In the morning she got up a bit later than normal so skipped going for her usual jog. When she went down to the kitchen, Loki and Erik were sat at the table eating breakfast. They stopped talking when they saw her walk in.
Loki smiled at her and pulled out the chair next to him and he patted the chair.
She smiled back at him and sat down to eat. She didn’t really know what to say after the previous night’s talk.
‘We have decided that Loki and I are going alone to see Dante. We want you to stay here and rest. Think things through. I am not going to force you into doing something you don’t want to. So it is up to you what you do next. But you have a home here with me, always.’ Erik said as he looked at Aurora.
‘Ok.’ She said quietly with a nod.
She was happy with that decision as she had decided she had her own mission to do today.
Loki and Erik got in the jeep and had an hour’s drive ahead of them to meet Dante.
‘At least now I understand why you’ve been so interested in Aurora.’ Loki said to Erik.
‘I still mean what I said about saving all the other mutants. But yes, I wasn’t about to let my daughter get hurt or experimented on. But now it seems that was never the case anyway. I should have known SHIELD knew about her.’ Erik snarled angrily.
‘Don’t beat yourself up over it. SHIELD stick their noses in where they shouldn’t. They know way too much and have eyes and ears everywhere. I’m just concerned if they find out that Aurora isn’t giving them any information, they might try and get to another mutant. They might have already gotten to Dante for all we know.’ Loki said.
Erik sighed and ran his hand down his face.
‘You’re right. It’s going to be difficult now to trust others. Who knows what else SHIELD have up their sleeves to try and get us. But why are they so interested in you? What have you done to them? You know about me now, it’s only fair you tell me about you. Or I could just ask Aurora.’
‘She wouldn’t tell you anything. She gave me her word she wouldn’t.’
‘I’m her father.’
‘Yeah? Well you weren’t yesterday. You’ll still have a lot of making up to do.’ Loki snapped at him.
Erik glared at him and looked out of the window.
But Loki sighed and then told him about his past. About his run in with The Avengers and about what happened in New York. He told Erik about how Thor and everyone else thought he was dead for a second time. So he escaped to Midgard after hearing about the mutants and Magneto.
‘So what exactly is it you want from me after you help me?’ Erik asked.
‘I want revenge against my so called father. I want what is rightfully mine, the throne.’ Loki growled.
Erik didn’t say anything, just nodded. He wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to help Loki achieve that, but he would certainly try if Loki kept his part of the bargain.
Aurora got on the wild mare and rode away from the house. She was going to meet Natasha to speak to her about everything and find out the truth.
She met her in a park not far from where Aurora was staying. A few people gave her odd glances as she rode the horse through the middle of the park. So when she got off, she sent the mare away for a bit until she was ready to go back.
‘Hey, Aurora. Long-time no see.’ Natasha said as she hugged Aurora.
‘It has been a while.’ Aurora smiled as she hugged her back.
‘What’s been going on then? How come we aren’t meeting at our usual place?’ Natasha asked as they sat down on a bench.
That pretty much answered all of Aurora’s questions as clearly Natasha had no idea about what was going on.
‘You don’t know what’s going on, do you?’ Aurora asked.
‘With what?’ Natasha asked, confused.
Aurora sighed and ran a hand down her face.
‘Nick Fury came to me a few weeks ago. He told me about Magneto and Loki teaming up together and planning to wipe out the human race. He said that you recommended me to him. Wanted me to go undercover to try and get information from them. So, they planned and set up a kidnapping and circulated a rumour that I was going to be experimented on. It worked, Magneto and Loki came to my rescue and for the last two weeks, I’ve been staying with them as they plan a way to kill out the human race.’ Aurora explained quickly.
Natasha looked shocked with what she had just been told.
‘Did he specifically say that I wanted you to do this?’
‘He said that you had faith in me and that was why he was there. He made out that you knew about all of this. So you really had no idea about this at all?’ Aurora asked.
‘Really, I had no idea. I don’t understand why he would pick you though to do this. It’s really risky, especially if you get caught. I don’t know a lot about Magneto but I’ve heard enough and he is not to be messed with. And Loki is even worse. Do you know about when he tried to destroy New York? He is really dangerous, Aurora. You need to get out of there.’ Natasha warned her.
‘It’s not as easy as that anymore… I know why Fury wanted me to do it. He knew I would be the only one that could have any effect on Magneto.’
‘Turns out, Magneto is my dad.’ Aurora saw Natasha’s eyes widen in shock.
‘What? How on earth did that happen?’
‘It’s a long story. But yeah, he’s my dad. I’m really torn now, Natasha. Fury clearly lied to me and now I don’t know his true intentions anymore. And I can’t just hand my own father in. I don’t know what to do.’ Aurora said as she put her face into her hands.
‘Magneto and Loki are still dangerous. Whether he is your dad or not. They want to kill all humans, that’s not right.’ Natasha said as she put her hand onto Aurora’s shoulder.
‘I know, I know. But he’s my dad. I can’t go against him. Fury outright lied to me and he knew all along about this. He used me, Natasha. How can I want to help him now?’ She said as she looked at her friend.
‘I don’t know, Aurora. I really don’t. This is a big mess. But I think you should confront Fury about it all. You really need to think long and hard about what could potentially happen if you try and help them. I know we are friends, but I will be forced to stop you. You will be a criminal as well and we will stop you.’ Natasha said as she looked seriously at Aurora.
For some reason that rubbed Aurora up the wrong way. Had she even seen Erik with his powers? But she knew that if she did end up joining Loki and Erik’s army that she would no doubt end up against Natasha. The Avengers were the first response for any trouble like that.
‘I better go. Thank you for meeting with me.’ Aurora said quietly.
‘Please, be careful. And think long and hard before doing anything.’ Natasha said as she hugged Aurora before leaving.
‘I will… Thanks.’
Aurora decided it was a good thing that she never mentioned about her crush on Loki. If that was what it could be called, she had no idea what they were at the moment. If anything.
When Loki and Erik got back to the house, they were distressed to find that Aurora wasn’t there.
‘I told you I should have stayed here with her.’ Loki snarled at Erik as they searched the house.
‘Yeah so you could just have your wicked way with my daughter!’ Erik shouted at him.
Loki was about to argue back, but they heard the front door opening and closing. So they just glared at one another and rushed through to find it was Aurora, much to their relief.
‘Where were you?’ Erik asked.
‘I went to see a friend. How did it go with Dante?’ Aurora asked.
‘Don’t change the subject. Who was you with?’ Erik snapped.
Aurora sighed and looked up to the roof before answering.
‘I went to see Natasha.’ She said.
‘What? Why?’
‘Because she’s my friend. I needed to speak to someone. But it turns out you were both right. She had nothing to do with it. Fury set me up.’ Aurora said angrily as she crossed her arms over her chest.
‘I wonder what his plans really were. Did he really expect you not to find out about your relationship with Erik?’ Loki said.
‘Yes. He didn’t expect you to turn the tables and tell us the truth. He doesn’t see the problem himself with humans and their hate of mutants because he is a human himself. Of course you would turn against him when you found out the truth. He was too stupid to see that and decided to take a chance, because he knew I would never hurt you. So even if we found out about you being undercover and spying on us, he knew I wouldn’t harm you.’ Erik said as he looked at Aurora and saw her face softening.
‘So what the hell do we do now?’ Loki hissed.
‘That’s down to Aurora.’ Erik said as he looked at his daughter.
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fanficshiddles · 7 years
Blood Is Thicker Than Water, Chapter 8
When everyone went back to bed eventually, Aurora fell asleep instantly as she was mentally exhausted.
In the morning she got up a bit later than normal so skipped going for her usual jog. When she went down to the kitchen, Loki and Erik were sat at the table eating breakfast. They stopped talking when they saw her walk in.
Loki smiled at her and pulled out the chair next to him and he patted the chair.
She smiled back at him and sat down to eat. She didn’t really know what to say after the previous night’s talk.
‘We have decided that Loki and I are going alone to see Dante. We want you to stay here and rest. Think things through. I am not going to force you into doing something you don’t want to. So it is up to you what you do next. But you have a home here with me, always.’ Erik said as he looked at Aurora.
‘Ok.’ She said quietly with a nod.
She was happy with that decision as she had decided she had her own mission to do today.
Loki and Erik got in the jeep and had an hour’s drive ahead of them to meet Dante.
‘At least now I understand why you’ve been so interested in Aurora.’ Loki said to Erik.
‘I still mean what I said about saving all the other mutants. But yes, I wasn’t about to let my daughter get hurt or experimented on. But now it seems that was never the case anyway. I should have known SHIELD knew about her.’ Erik snarled angrily.
‘Don’t beat yourself up over it. SHIELD stick their noses in where they shouldn’t. They know way too much and have eyes and ears everywhere. I’m just concerned if they find out that Aurora isn’t giving them any information, they might try and get to another mutant. They might have already gotten to Dante for all we know.’ Loki said.
Erik sighed and ran his hand down his face.
‘You’re right. It’s going to be difficult now to trust others. Who knows what else SHIELD have up their sleeves to try and get us. But why are they so interested in you? What have you done to them? You know about me now, it’s only fair you tell me about you. Or I could just ask Aurora.’
‘She wouldn’t tell you anything. She gave me her word she wouldn’t.’
‘I’m her father.’
‘Yeah? Well you weren’t yesterday. You’ll still have a lot of making up to do.’ Loki snapped at him.
Erik glared at him and looked out of the window.
But Loki sighed and then told him about his past. About his run in with The Avengers and about what happened in New York. He told Erik about how Thor and everyone else thought he was dead for a second time. So he escaped to Midgard after hearing about the mutants and Magneto.
‘So what exactly is it you want from me after you help me?’ Erik asked.
‘I want revenge against my so called father. I want what is rightfully mine, the throne.’ Loki growled.
Erik didn’t say anything, just nodded. He wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to help Loki achieve that, but he would certainly try if Loki kept his part of the bargain.
Aurora got on the wild mare and rode away from the house. She was going to meet Natasha to speak to her about everything and find out the truth.
She met her in a park not far from where Aurora was staying. A few people gave her odd glances as she rode the horse through the middle of the park. So when she got off, she sent the mare away for a bit until she was ready to go back.
‘Hey, Aurora. Long-time no see.’ Natasha said as she hugged Aurora.
‘It has been a while.’ Aurora smiled as she hugged her back.
‘What’s been going on then? How come we aren’t meeting at our usual place?’ Natasha asked as they sat down on a bench.
That pretty much answered all of Aurora’s questions as clearly Natasha had no idea about what was going on.
‘You don’t know what’s going on, do you?’ Aurora asked.
‘With what?’ Natasha asked, confused.
Aurora sighed and ran a hand down her face.
‘Nick Fury came to me a few weeks ago. He told me about Magneto and Loki teaming up together and planning to wipe out the human race. He said that you recommended me to him. Wanted me to go undercover to try and get information from them. So, they planned and set up a kidnapping and circulated a rumour that I was going to be experimented on. It worked, Magneto and Loki came to my rescue and for the last two weeks, I’ve been staying with them as they plan a way to kill out the human race.’ Aurora explained quickly.
Natasha looked shocked with what she had just been told.
‘Did he specifically say that I wanted you to do this?’
‘He said that you had faith in me and that was why he was there. He made out that you knew about all of this. So you really had no idea about this at all?’ Aurora asked.
‘Really, I had no idea. I don’t understand why he would pick you though to do this. It’s really risky, especially if you get caught. I don’t know a lot about Magneto but I’ve heard enough and he is not to be messed with. And Loki is even worse. Do you know about when he tried to destroy New York? He is really dangerous, Aurora. You need to get out of there.’ Natasha warned her.
‘It’s not as easy as that anymore… I know why Fury wanted me to do it. He knew I would be the only one that could have any effect on Magneto.’
‘Turns out, Magneto is my dad.’ Aurora saw Natasha’s eyes widen in shock.
‘What? How on earth did that happen?’
‘It’s a long story. But yeah, he’s my dad. I’m really torn now, Natasha. Fury clearly lied to me and now I don’t know his true intentions anymore. And I can’t just hand my own father in. I don’t know what to do.’ Aurora said as she put her face into her hands.
‘Magneto and Loki are still dangerous. Whether he is your dad or not. They want to kill all humans, that’s not right.’ Natasha said as she put her hand onto Aurora’s shoulder.
‘I know, I know. But he’s my dad. I can’t go against him. Fury outright lied to me and he knew all along about this. He used me, Natasha. How can I want to help him now?’ She said as she looked at her friend.
‘I don’t know, Aurora. I really don’t. This is a big mess. But I think you should confront Fury about it all. You really need to think long and hard about what could potentially happen if you try and help them. I know we are friends, but I will be forced to stop you. You will be a criminal as well and we will stop you.’ Natasha said as she looked seriously at Aurora.
For some reason that rubbed Aurora up the wrong way. Had she even seen Erik with his powers? But she knew that if she did end up joining Loki and Erik’s army that she would no doubt end up against Natasha. The Avengers were the first response for any trouble like that.
‘I better go. Thank you for meeting with me.’ Aurora said quietly.
‘Please, be careful. And think long and hard before doing anything.’ Natasha said as she hugged Aurora before leaving.
‘I will… Thanks.’
Aurora decided it was a good thing that she never mentioned about her crush on Loki. If that was what it could be called, she had no idea what they were at the moment. If anything.
When Loki and Erik got back to the house, they were distressed to find that Aurora wasn’t there.
‘I told you I should have stayed here with her.’ Loki snarled at Erik as they searched the house.
‘Yeah so you could just have your wicked way with my daughter!’ Erik shouted at him.
Loki was about to argue back, but they heard the front door opening and closing. So they just glared at one another and rushed through to find it was Aurora, much to their relief.
‘Where were you?’ Erik asked.
‘I went to see a friend. How did it go with Dante?’ Aurora asked.
‘Don’t change the subject. Who was you with?’ Erik snapped.
Aurora sighed and looked up to the roof before answering.
‘I went to see Natasha.’ She said.
‘What? Why?’
‘Because she’s my friend. I needed to speak to someone. But it turns out you were both right. She had nothing to do with it. Fury set me up.’ Aurora said angrily as she crossed her arms over her chest.
‘I wonder what his plans really were. Did he really expect you not to find out about your relationship with Erik?’ Loki said.
‘Yes. He didn’t expect you to turn the tables and tell us the truth. He doesn’t see the problem himself with humans and their hate of mutants because he is a human himself. Of course you would turn against him when you found out the truth. He was too stupid to see that and decided to take a chance, because he knew I would never hurt you. So even if we found out about you being undercover and spying on us, he knew I wouldn’t harm you.’ Erik said as he looked at Aurora and saw her face softening.
‘So what the hell do we do now?’ Loki hissed.
‘That’s down to Aurora.’ Erik said as he looked at his daughter.
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Taking Care Of The Avengers: 3) His Day
Tap tap "(Y/n)-" tap tap "-(Y/n)-" tap tap "-(Y/n)."
"Ugh! Who is it?" You yelled as you rolled on your bed, getting tangled comfortably in the sheets.
"It's me, Lady (Y/n). Can I come in?" Thor whispered from the other side of the door.
Wow! Thor actually whispered! It's a miracle!!
You looked at the clock. 5
"Come in! And you better have a good reason for waking me up on a Saturday or I'll ban you from poptarts." You threatened as he quickly walked in and shut the door. You untangled yourself and sat up.
"Please, don't take my poptarts. But I'm sure that it's worth waking you up."
"Oh? And what's so important?" You crossed your arms and huffed.
"Well, it's my brother's birthday." He smirked.
You jumped out of your bed and ran to the toilet within a second. Soon, you came out fully dressed and clean. Thor was smugly twirling his hammer as he sat on a chair.
He smirked and stood up,"My, my. Aren't you excited?" He teased and you rolled your eyes and blushed.
"Whatever. So, what are we gonna do for him?" You asked, pretending to not show your nervousness. But in your mind, you were planning what to get him while Thor rattled about something.
'What would he like? Let's see-- Books, playing pranks and magic. Oh, and chocolates,' you thought. 'Hmm, I'll think about it later.'
"Hey Thor, why exactly do you want to do this?" You asked curiously.
Thor sighed, "Loki always felt like he never belonged anywhere. The Allfather never treated him like his own son. Our father always loved me more and ever since Loki tried to get the throne in his own ways, he is more disliked. So I want to do something that would make him feel cared about"
"That's horrible. He still doesn't understand that Loki was manipulated?"
"It's not only that. Loki was adopted and he hated it. Loki felt that nobody would love him except our mother." Thor spoke sadly. Thor loved his brother but Loki didn't see it.
You were quite depressed that Loki did not tell you about his heritage. But then again, it was his to tell and not yours to demand from him. Something clicked in your head. You knew exactly what you needed to give him.
"So, what are you planning, Thor?" You asked, determined to help.
"With your help, (/n) I wanted to make something nice. Just the Avengers.
You nodded. "Okay, we'll tell everyone about it and prepare a party in the living room in the evening. That'll give us time to buy him something. By the way, how old is he?"
"Good plan. My brother ages 720 years." Thor said like it was normal.
Your jaw hit the floor. "7-720? Umm... Wow! Okay." You trailed off and Thor left.
Since it's 5:00, might as well prepare his gift. And after 2 hours of hard work, you  finally finished. You went to the kitchen and to your surprise, Bucky was there. He's usually a late sleeper unless there are missions.
"Hey, (Y/n)."
"Hey, Bucky. Didn't get sleep?" You toasted the pop tarts which was labelled 'Thor'.
"No. It's the nightmares again. " He sighed sadly while eating cereal.
"It'll get better. Did you know that it's Loki's birthday today?"
"Yeah. Thor was practically screaming it to everyone in their rooms." Bucky shuddered.
"Oh, okay. Remember, party for him tonight." You said happily and ate the pop-tarts.
"Hey (N/n), Bucky." Clint and Tony came in sleepily and sat down.
"(Y/n), we're all going out after breakfast to buy Reindeer Games a present. Can you distract him?" Tony said and smirked with a raised eyebrow at you.
You blushed. You were beginning to suspect that Tony might know you like Loki.
"Morning, guys!" Natasha exclaimed excitedly. She's a morning person.
"Hey..." You all said in unison groggily.
"Where's Bruce?" Nat asked coolly.
"Wouldn't you like to know." You murmured and Tony snickered.
"What did you say?" The assassin asked sharply.
Thor came in with Bruce. You froze and looked at what you were eating.
Pop-tarts. Thor's pop-tarts.
"Umm. I gotta go and umm.. Change. So bye!" You said hurriedly and Clint snickered.
Just as you reached your room, a loud scream was heard. "WHO IN THE NINE DAMNED REALMS TOOK MY PRECIOUS TART OF POPS? (Y/N), I KNOW IT'S YOU!" He screamed and you laughed.
"(N/N), Loki, we're going out. Enjoy and don't do anything naughty, okay?" Tony teased and a deep blush set in, while Loki just turned away with a snort and sat reading in a corner.
"Bye, guys!" You waved them off and soon, the Avengers tower was empty.
You were feeling awkward. Really awkward. What do you say to the one person who is stuck with you alone for a few hours, and happens to be your biggest crush?
"Loki, I'm going to pee." You blurted and then immediately mentally face-palmed.
Out of everything, you said that you had to pee?! What is wrong with you?!
He just raised an eyebrow and smirked at your blush.
This is so embarrassing.
"Really? And is there any reason you need to tell me this?" He closed his book and sat straight, looking at you.
Now what? Are you gonna ask him to join you? Stupid!
"Uh, no r-reason. I just n-need... Okay, I'm going now. B-b-bye!" You stammered and ran out as fast as possible.
So stupid. It was so embarrassing. And he looked like he wanted to laugh. Your face went red. You wanted to dig a deep deep deep hole in the ground and they yourself in it.
You went to the library and started reading a book. After completing half, you shut it and looked at the clock. It was almost lunch time. The others didn't come back and were probably eating out anyway.
And that leaves you alone with Loki. Again.
You should probably keep your mouth shut. Yup. Great advice. Next time you open your mouth, stuff Clint's shoe in it.
Why Clint's, you ask?
I have no idea.
You were walking though a hallway when you tripped on something and fell face first.
"Ow!!" you exclaimed as your face hit the carpeted ground hard.
Standing up, you spotted the thing you tripped on. Clint's bow.
It was his baby and it's lying on the floor. So this is how he takes care of his baby. Wonder what will happen when he has a real kid. You the bow and decided to reach your dear old brother a lesson. But what to do?
You went to the lounge and spotted Loki on the couch, struggling to change the channel and gasping in frustration when he clicked the shut down button.
Youchuckled and he looked your way.
"You want lunch?" You asked, hoping that he would have forgotten your earlier comment. He nodded and followed you to the kitchen.
Loki decided to read in the library the whole day, which gave you time to set up the party.
You walked to the lounge. "JARVIS, tell me when Loki gets here and stop him from entering, okay?"
"Of course, miss. Would you like anything else?"
"Yes! I need a decorations.... Okay, scratch that. No decorations. Let's see. the others are bringing cake. Okay, I need a few decorations."
After some time, the place had been set up with a 'Happy Birthday' banner. You arranged the seats with the table in the middle. You cooked a lot of food.
Okay, maybe you didn't! JARVIS cooked everything.
After a few hours of cooking, the others came up and entered the room They were carrying presents and Thor was balancing a large cake in his hand while Jane was clutching the other.
"Jane! You're here." You exclaimed and ran to her. You both hugged and laughed.
"(Y/n), long time. I missed you." She said with a smile. You returned it and Tony interrupted you with a cough.
"Nice job with the place, (N/n)! You really like him, don't you?" He said the last part only so that you could hear. You turned red and punched his arm.
"Help me! This internal machine trapped me! I swear to Odin thTat it will regret this! Stark, get your ugly bottom here and fix this piece of dung!" Loki's voice could be heard from the locked elevator.
"Oops." You muttered and everyone looked at you. Loki's screams could be heard in the background.
You explained your plan in short, and after that, everyone ran to different parts of the room and started arranging their presents. Just as quickly, they all finished and stood next to you in a crowd with big grins.
"Okay, we're ready." Pepper said as everyone faced the elevator.
"Umm, JARVIS, you can let Loki in now." You called.
"As you wish, miss (Y/n)." JARVIS responded and the elevators opened, revealing a frustrated Loki.
"It's about time that contraption worked. I'm using the stairs next time." He spoke but stopped short at the sight of the decorated room. His eyebrow was raised and his eyes were darting from here to there. "What's this?"
"Happy bithday, Loki!" Everyone yelled and he jumped in surprise.
"How did yo-- Thor! Why did you tell them? You know I hate my birthday!" He screamed and everyone became silent.
Huh. Who would've thunk? (Yes, I meant thunk, not thought.)
"Loki?" You said in a soft voice and his head snapped to you.  He saw the sad look on your face and his demeanor softened.
"Can I talk to you?" You said again in a low, soft tone. He gave a slight nod and swiftly walked to a corner. You followed.
Turning back once, you saw the others with a shocked yet calm look on their faces. They sat down and talked in low voices, giving you privacy. He went to the balcony and leaned on the railing. You followed suit and glanced at him.
"Why would you do that, (Y/n)?" He asked and looked into your eyes, his filled with shock and confusion.
"I don't know. It's your birthday and that's a big thing." You replied, not looking into his green eyes. Every time you looked into them, you felt so lost yet so found. Does that make sense?
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I hate my birthday. Thor is a big fool thinking that I could be happy on this day."
"It was your brother's idea. But everyone planned to do it for you. We care about you and wanted this day to be special for you." You spoke in a hurt voice. Your tears threatened to fall. You really hated seeing him so upset.
He looked at you but then huffed, "He told you I was adopted, didn't he?"
You nodded and he banged the railing hard in frustration. You jumped slightly and sighed.
"I'm sorry, Loki. I didn't know. But how about we make a deal?" You gave him a playful glance, hoping he would fall for your deal.
He looked at you with a slight smirk. He knew that your deals were pretty fair and reasonable. "Okay. But only this once." Loki shook his head with a genuine smile. Loki could never be angry or upset at you for a long time. You knew how to cheer him up, even if it was unintentionally.
You clapped your hands, "We go back in there, and be happy. If at the end of the party, you still hate your birthday, then I promise that we will never EVER remind you of it again. Deal?"
He eyed you carefully for a few moments and then nodded.
"Excellent!" You dragged him back to the others, with smiles on your faces. Yours because he agreed to your deal, and his because you were holding his hand. He loved the feel of your small and slightly chubby fingers compared to his long and slender ones.
"Guys.... Let's get this party started!!!" You yelled and they all cheered. Loki chuckled at your outburst. You were never this excited or care-free. It was really cute in his eyes.
Everyone started talking happily and soon, you all sang and cut the cake. Loki was actually enjoying it. Soon, it was the time for opening presents.
"Okay, Loki.... This is from Tony and me." Pepper said and handed him a rectangular wrapped box.
He opened it and saw Harry potter books. He smiled and thanked them. He really appreciated the efforts that they were putting in to make him feel welcomed. He didn't think he would ever reach a point in his life where such people he tried to kill would care for him.
"This is from Jane and me. Custom made." Thor was jumping slightly in his seat. The gift was a new armor, even more better looking, with the same striking green, gold and black. It was absolutely stunning.
Loki grinned and said, "Thank you, Jane. Thank you, brother."
Thor was shocked at this, but then happily grinned. He got up and bear-hugged Loki.
"Unhand me this instant, brother!" Loki yelled, still not liking hugs from his adoptive brother. They pulled away and Thor laughed, slapping his back so hard that he nearly fell over.
"We managed to get this little guy after persuading Fury a lot. It's from the rest of us, except (Y/n)." Steve said and handed him and long thin wrapped present.
Unwrapping it, he held out his scepter.
"I- thank you." Loki was actually at a loss for words.
"You're welcome, but you do not get to use it on us, kapeesh?" Tony said sternly. Loki just smirked and everyone groaned.
"Bad idea." Bucky wailed and face-palmed.
"It's okay. I give you my word. I will not use it on you or harm any of you." Loki said in full seriousness after chuckling. Everyone grinned and then turned to you. You were trembling slightly, hoping that he would like your gift.
"I hope you like it. I made it myself." You looked anywhere except his eyes and said it in a low voice. You handed Loki a thick and rectangular gift, with a letter attached. He unwrapped it and then stared at it in confusion. Everyone else looked with curious eyes as carefully opened it.
"I don't understand. What is this?" Loki looked at you with confusion, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I-it's everything we've been through." You replied with stutters, in fear that he might not like it. "-all our great times together."
The gift was a decorated open book frame with many pictures in it of the Avengers, Loki and you. Black and gold frame, with a title on the top.
"Your Family"
He sat frozen and stared at all the pictures attached to the frame. His eyes darted quickly from one picture to the next, an unreadable expression on his face the whole time.
One was the Avengers happily smiling and holding up drinks, with Loki on one side, chuckling at you. You were pouting since you were draped in toilet paper, prank by Tony and Clint.
Another was the day you all went for the party. The Avengers were drunk and you and Loki were laughing hysterically. Clint was stuck in between two small shelves.  Natasha and Bruce were chasing each other, and fighting for Nutella. Tony was hugging and crying into a wall and Bucky was playing drums on kitchen pots and pans. Pepper was drawing something on the windows. Steve was tangled in some net, which appeared from nowhere, looking ridiculous. Thor was chasing his hammer, which decided to go for a flight.
Loki chuckled at that image. He looked at the next few pictures, which were almost alike.
Everyone in their battle suits along with you in yours; everyone laughing or playing or something like that. And in all of these photos, Loki was either amused or happy.
Everyone smiled at these photos, which reminded them of these times. The next few were of you and Loki, with the Avengers either in the background or not there at all.
One with you and Loki making funny faces, you—cross-eyed with tongue sticking out and Loki— face puffed with scrunchy eyes.
The second was you and Loki smiling happily, with his hand around your shoulders and a slight blush on you.
The last one was Loki sitting on a couch with his feet hanging from it and you leaning against them, listening to his soothing and silky voice reading a book as you say on the floor. His face was calm and he looked at peace.
Everyone was dead silent. You were waiting for Loki's reaction but he did nothing and his far remained neutral. He opened the attached envelope and started reading it out loud.
"Dear Loki,
I know that living with the Avengers has been very hard on you and you feel like an outsider. But everyday, I noticed that you enjoy it a little more than the day before and I'm glad. You are an important part of this team and you shouldn't feel otherwise.
The times we have had together were crazy, sad and happy but I wouldn't have it any other way. Everything all of us did together were worth it and know that you were a crucial part too.
We will always care about you, and no matter what, we will always have your back. We trust you, we care about you, and we love you. (But if you try to control one of us again, I will not hesitate to whoop your ass, okay?)
You are and always will be a part of our team. And also always a part of our family. Even though we are mostly a crazy, hyper and weird family, you are part of it, and we would feel incomplete without you.
You have always been there for me, through my hardest and happiest times, and you have comforted me and made me happier. For that, I thank you and want you to know that I will always be there for you, no matter who you were before or what you are now, or what you are going to be.
Again, we love you and welcome you to our little family.
       Happy Birthday, Loki!"
Loki's voice cracked a bit while reading the last few sentences. He turned to you and you saw that his eyes were glossy with tears.
"I-I -I " He stuttered but then shook his head as if saying 'to hell with it!' and grabbed you in a hug.
"Thank you, (Y/n), for everything. And you have also won your deal. I love it and everything you guys did for me." He choked out and you hugged him back.
"Anything for my family." You replied with tears.
He loved it. He loved it. He's part of us. He loved it.
Soon, another pair of arms were around you two. Looking up, you saw Tony hugging you and Loki as well.
"The little dragon's right! Welcome to our wacko family, Reindeer Games!" Tony chuckled and soon, everyone else joined in the group hug.
And if your wondering why Tony said 'dragon', well, that's the nickname he gave you. Even though you looked cute and innocent, when you were pissed, you were like a raging dragon.
You loved it.
After a few moments, everyone pulled away and started clapping.
"Thank you again, (Y/n)." Loki said and nodded with a smile. You blushed and smiled brightly, which made Loki's heart melt.
"You're welcome! And Clint, I have something for you." You replied with an evil gleam.
Clint eyed you warily when you handed him a paper.
He read it once.
He read it again and his eyes widened in shock.
"Where is it? Where's my baby?" Clint cried out and you snickered. Everyone looked like you were crazy.
"When did Clint get a mini-Legolas?" Tony asked amused.
"It's his bow. And follow the map. You might find it half-dead by the way." You laughed.
"No! Why?" Clint yelled but you shook your head.
"Relax. It's not hurt. And 'why' you ask? Simple. You don't leave your baby lying in the hall floor. I nearly broke my nose because of that stick!" You yelled back, making everyone except Clint laugh.
Soon the party was over.
Everyone went to sleep, but before you could reach yours, a slender hand grabbed yours and turned you around. Loki was blushing and smiled shyly, which was rare for him.
He pulled you closer and your breath hitched. But he just put his arms around you and hugged you again. You were disappointed but returned it. He kept on saying ''Thank you, (Y/n)!'' over and over again.
You giggled and patted his back. Pulling away, he went to his room, but not before taking your hands and bending slightly. He brought your wrists up to his face and kissed your knuckles. Your eyes widened and your knees felt like jelly.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)." Loki smirked and went to his room, leaving you dumbfounded in the hallway.
You cursed and went to your room. Soon, you fell asleep, dreaming about your new family.
Clint was shocked seeing this happen between you and Loki. He was in the vents above the two of you and saw you go to sleep.
"I hate you, (Y/n)!" Clint muttered and continued his search of his bow, which were hidden somewhere in the vents. He went around and under, twisting and collected dust.
"I FOUND IT! MY SWEET LITTLE BABY!!!" he yelled happily while hugging his bow.
"Clint, I'M GOING TOKILL YOU!" Natasha yelled from her room and started crawling into the vents.
Clint winced and started moving away from Natasha.
"Help me!"
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