#takeda kenta
cosmic-cannon-ocs · 12 days
(Modern) Kaito: This is very out of my comfort zone, thanks for helping me, Hiroshi.
(Best Friend) Hiroshi: -helping Kaito into his Easter Bunny costume-
I’m sure Dez will love it and appreciate the effort! You got this!
-zips the back up extra tight so Kaito can’t back out of it later, lmao-
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kaito-akimoto · 2 years
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// introducing Kaito’s teammates: images (grabbed from google probably) way back in July 2014, around 8 years ago!
1. Masaru Shimura (dark) brown hair, brow/black eyes, Inuzuka clan AU
2. Tatso Sorata: (long) black hair, black eyes, Hyuga clan AU
3. Raiden Takeda: (dark) blue hair, (light) blue eyes
// I had faceclaims for the too way back, but will figure out new ones soon!
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I noticed something exciting while watching Minato’s Laundromat episode 4!
So, at the end of the episode, Minato saw Shin from across the way and started to call out to him, but stopped when he saw him having an animated interaction with another dude.
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It’s basically impossible to recognize this actor from this blurry snippet. But we get a much better look immediately in the episode 5 preview. Apparently he’s some kind of instructor, possibly a professor, seemingly from Shin’s university, named Kirihara. He seems to have a particularly close—and, uh, physically demonstrative—relationship with Shin, and Minato is clearly concerned. Seems the jealousy theme already developing in season 2 is intensifying.
But the really interesting part (to fans of a certain actor, at least) is who’s playing this apparent rival. He's an all-time favorite of mine.
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Got it yet?
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How about now?
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Or now?
(Uh oh, he's not only hugging Shin, he's doing the ol' back-of-the-head grab. I don't think this is one of those benign misunderstanding situations. )
It's Takeda Kouhei! Also known as Nozue from Old Fashion Cupcake...
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and Kazumin (my beloved)/Kamen Rider Grease from Kamen Rider Build, and as Kurenai Otoya in Kamen Rider Kiva.
I think they're being intentionally mysterious here. Takeda usually posts on instagram about roles before shows air/movies are released, and the Minato's Laundromat account similarly tends to show behind-the-scenes material for upcoming episodes right around when a current one airs. Takeda also isn't listed on MDL for this role. So it does seem like they're being a little cagey for now--though that could end now that the preview's been shown.
I'm SO psyched, y'all.
The ever-observant @bengiyo pointed out that this is continuing a bit of a trend of veterans of prior BLs playing romantic rivals in newer series. We saw Izuka Kenta from The Novelist/The Pornographer playing this type of role in Candy Color Paradox and someone from Life: Love on the Line doing the same in Kieta Hatsukoi (I haven't seen LLotL and couldn't immediately tell from perusing cast lists who this was).
I like this trend! So many opportunities for intertextual commentary. I'm always excited for more connections between the BL and tokusatsu worlds, too. Really looking forward to seeing more in episode 5.
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nodutra19 · 6 months
Persona Stand Name Headcanons
Only for the stuff I'm familiar with tho, so the mainline games and PQ1. I'm ignoring doubles and ultimates tho.
Naoya Toudou - A Simple Game
Kazuya Toudou - Changeling
Maki Sonomura - Ojalá
Masao Inaba - Uknowhowwedu
Kei Nanjo - Reflections
Yukino Mayuzumi - Kurayami De Dance
Eriko Kirishima - SEARCHLiGHT
Hidehiko Uesugi - Slim Shady
Yuka Ayase - Turf Dancing
Reiji Kido - Sixteen Tons
Kenta Yokouchi - Shame
Yuriko Yamamoto - Guilty As Charged
Michiko Matsudaira - Rock the Casbah
Kumi Hirose - Suicide Lane
Takeda - Instanbul
Tomomi Fujimori - Elton John
Takahisa Kandori - Bitches Brew
Tatsuya Toudou - Stargazer
Maya Amano - Spanish Doll
Lisa Silverman - Nana
Eikichi Mishina - WOLF DOWN THE EARTH
Jun Kurosu - In the Wake of Poseidon
Joker - Starless
Tatsuya Sudou - False Start
Junko Kurosu - Triplicate
Anna Yoshizaka - 1200
Ginji Sasaki - All Hail the Crimson King
Takashi Hanya - ...Meets His Maker
Ixquic - Funky Motion
Youichi Makimura - Don't Stand So Close to Me
Yasuo Inoe - Sadist Tastes Copper
Hiroki Sugimoto - constellations
Tamaizu Nirasawa - Mysterious Traveler
Musubu Torikiri - Maze
Katsuya Suou - Hotel California
Ulala Serizawa - Waffle
Baofu - KRS-One
JOKER - Munshun
Philemon - Somewhere Far Beyond
Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki - The Mystery
Minako Arisato/Kotone Shiomi/FEMC - The 18th Letter
Yukari Takeba - Umbrella
Junpei Iori - Party and Bullshit
Mitsuru Kirijo - Bright Lights, Big City
Akihiko Sanada - The Moody Blues
Fuuka Yamagishi - Harvest Time
Aigis - Remember That
Koromaru - Canserbero
Ken Amada - Mature Opinion
Shinjiro Aragaki - Nobody Speak
Elizabeth - Final Home
Takaya Sakaki - completed nihilism
Jin Shirato - Evolution Rush
Chidori Yoshino - My Witch
Metis - Black Birds
Theodore - Extension
??? - Giving Up the Ghost
Yu Narukami - John Dope
Yosuke Hanamura - AMERICAN MUSCLE
Chie Satonaka - Warzone
Yukiko Amagi - Anger of the Earth
Kanji Tatsumi - Hit 'Em Up
Rise Kujikawa - Super Shy
Teddie - Inexplicable
Naoto Shirogane - Walk the Walk
Margaret - Yerbatero
Tohru Adachi - Radiologue
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker - The Offspring
Morgana - Rasputin
Ryuji Sakamoto - Apocalypshit
Ann Takamaki - Change the World
Yusuke Kitagawa - Imagination
Makoto Nijima - Under Pressure
Futaba Sakura - The Number Song
Haru Okumura - Breakdown
Goro Akechi - Keeping the Motion
Caroline and Justine - Duality
Sumire Yoshizawa - crushcrushcrush
Takuto Maruki - Don
Zen - Starch
Rei - Winter Lane
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sm64mario · 1 month
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katsona-the-katsequel · 2 months
At which age did they awaken their Personas?
Not the age they began fighting with them. Just the age of awakening. I'm trying to get an age range here. Shotout to Aigis for being the youngest user to awaken to her Persona, at the amazing age of "pre-installed upon activation".
So, from oldest to youngest:
Unknown. Adult
37 years old
Takashi Hanya
Takuto Maruki
Zenkichi Hasegawa
Junko Kurosu (assuming she had a Reverse Persona like the other admins)
33 years old
Ginji Sasaki
28 years old
Takahisa Kandori
27 years old
Tohru Adachi
25 years old
Katsuya Suou
24 years old
Ulala Serizawa
Unknown. Could have been a teen or an adult
Tatsuya Sudou
18 years old
17 years old
Yasuo Inoe
Makoto Niijima
Naoya Toudou
Maki Sonomura
Masao Inaba
Kei Nanjo
Eriko Kirishima
Reiji Kido
Yukino Mayuzumi
Lisa Silverman
Jun Kurosu
Anna Yoshizaka
16 years old
Hiroki Sugimoto
Haru Okumura
Hidehiko Uesugi
Yuka Ayase
Minato Arisato/Kotone Shiomi
Junpei Iori
Yukari Takeba
Fuuka Yamagishi
Yu Narukami
Yosuke Hanamura
Chie Satonaka
Yukiko Amagi
Naoto Shirogane
15 years old
Rise Kujikawa
Akira Kurusu
Ryuji Sakamoto
Ann Takamaki
Yusuke Kitagawa
Unknown. Between Ages 16-18
Kanji Tatsumi
Goro Akechi
Futaba Sakura
Sumire Yoshizawa
Kenta Yokouchi
Tomomi Fujimori
Kumi Hirose
Michiko Matsudaira
Yuriko Yamamoto
Unknown. Could have been a child, a teen, or an adult
Unknown. Could have been a child or a teen
Eikichi Mishina
Akihiko Sanada
Shinjiro Aragaki
Unknown. Could have been a child
Mitsuru Kirijo
Takaya Sakaki
Jin Shirato
Chidori Yoshino
13 years old
Maya Amano
Akari Hoshi
11 years old
Ken Amada
9 years old
Randolph Carter
8 years old
Tatsuya Suou
2 years old
The moment she was born
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tinysimmer · 2 years
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Newcrest Idols (Pre- debut) SIM DUMP
✨ newcrest idols revamp ✨New DL- old DL SO...inspired by the Teen-A-Day | CAS Challenge (by @dizzywhims) and the new story I'm working on I decided to give my teen idols an update. On this occasion they still haven't formalized the group and barely know each other..
Synopsis: In Copperdale boarding school in the second year of high school there are 5 talented boys but in different ways...
Kwang Muller who belongs to a rich family where everyone has fangs and pale skin except him. He is the Mr. perfect.. talented in all subjects, no one has been able to take the first place from the best student in the school. Thanks to a childhood trauma he has germophobia and wears gloves all the time.. he doesn't like to talk about it.
Xi Heong Lee or better known as Xi lee.. He was adopted when he was a child for his two dads he’s the most famous streamer of the moment. As long as he has his mask he will be the center of attention but those only happen in simstube videos because he’s a very shy in real life.
Kenta Takeda has lived with his grandparents on a small farm in Mt Komorebi for as long as he can remember, his parents never spend time with him since they got divorced he has all the CWG albums and everyone thinks he's a jerk but he is very sensitive in the inside.
Noah Han (yup another Noah) lives with his 3 sisters in Newcrest, he has always been called "the weird kid" but he stopped caring a long time ago, despite being a bit clumsy he wants to become the best cheerleader in the school but for now he’s only the team's mascot. He does everything for his crush but you know the truth is.. Noah has a new crush every 2 weeks.
Neji Wang doesn't matter if you are a girl or a boy, everyone loves Neji especially after he joined the football team. Maybe it's because he has younger twin brothers, but he always has full energy. Despite being very popular he has never dated anyone in his class he is only seen chatting a few times with substitute teacher Byers.
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waitmyturtles · 11 months
Yesterday was an insane day, huh? I can’t wait to see what Only Friends entails -- despite my best efforts to keep cool in dis HEAT, that NeoForce snippet in the car still has me flying. Anyway, I want to pen some quick notes on Minato’s Laundromat, season 2, and note some Old GMMTV Challenge thingies, now that I’m back from this crazy summer trip!
1) I’m fully caught up on Minato’s Laundromat, season 2 -- I was three episodes behind (thanks, OGMMTVC, ha), and thanks to the eagle eyes of @emotionallychargedtowel, I am LOSING MY MIND AT THE THOUGHT OF TAKEDA KOUHEI, AKA NOZUE FROM OLD FASHION CUPCAKE, MAKING AN APPEARANCE IN ANOTHER BL, OMG OMG OMG
Because Old Fashion Cupcake is my LIFE, lol. @emotionallychargedtowel and @bengiyo nail it in ECT’s post with the note on this wonderful continuation of clutch actors reappearing in Japanese BLs, like Izuka Kenta from The Novelist going to Candy Color Paradox, and Inukai Atsuhiro from Zettai BL going to Our Dining Table. I love Japan’s easter eggs in these shows. 
But also, regarding episode 5 of Minato: god, I really liked how the tables turned on Minato and Shu. It’s been interesting to have the older characters as the dominant voices of the two central relationships of this show. And of course, this second season is constructed totally around the ongoing nature of both of these relationships. So, we VERY NATURALLY see the “older voice” perspective, because it just so happens that the two older men of these couplings are the ones really setting the tone and pace of the engagements.
And the tables both begin to turn in episode 5, and I think these lines of jealousy between both Minato and Shu, for me, are frankly welcome. We can see Shin getting frustrated, Minato not having the words to respond to that frustration, and Minato just not allowing his door to open on his full feelings for Shin. The theme of this relationship being a dodgy one -- but only in the eyes of Minato! -- deserves to be challenged. And I like how this challenge is being set up in large part in the context of Shin as a student, where he would be learning how to challenge mindsets vis à vis his education anyway.
Anyway -- I utterly love this show so far. As always with the Japanese BLs that I am simping over, I wish I could give them more of my background mind time that’s being otherwise spent on Thailand, but -- soon enough!
2) Speaking of Thailand, HA -- after I published my YYY review for the Old GMMTV Challenge yesterday, I updated my list considerably. On the recommendation of @lurkingshan, @wen-kexing-apologist, and @neuroticbookworm, and because of Jojo Tichakorn’s recent tweets on the topic of what influenced Only Friends, I’ve added Gay OK Bangkok, seasons 1 and 2 to the list and started watching it last night. 
I’m already calling it — GOKB is a MUST WATCH before Only Friends. 
I can’t wait to get HUGE about this in my OGMMTVC review of this show.
Within the first five minutes, it’s already so much more open and honest about sex and queer sex than the VERY HIGH majority of BLs out there. The show is a collaboration between Jojo and Aof Noppharnach, on the lives of six gay men in Bangkok, released in 2016 and 2017 -- nicely placed between Make It Right, SOTUS, and Make It Right 2.
Obviously, I’m going backwards chronologically again, but I think GOKB will be important for understanding specifically how Asian queer male artists in this space view and portray intimacy, and language (verbal and body language) regarding sex. @lurkingshan, you were mentioning yesterday that queer male viewpoints on sex are ones that cishet women like us just may not automatically understand. INTERESTINGLY, BEFORE we talked about this -- I was actually thinking about this while I was watching the last two episodes of A Tale of Thousand Stars in my OGMMTVC rewatch. Tian and Phupha’s continued back-and-forth of frustration and miscommunication: I was thinking -- there’s GOTTA be something about the way Aof GESTATES and DISPLAYS queer male communication that I’m not getting automatically (besides, of course, the patriarchal structures that hold both Tian and Phupha back). I wonder, I think, and I feel that GOKB is going to give me hints about how Aof and Jojo just DO THIS style of communication in their subsequent shows. 
I can only hope that Only Friends will be as LOUD and OPEN and HONEST about the realities of sex and intimacy that GOKB does almost immediately in its first season. Watching GOKB feels WAY more real to life to me than a lot of the romance BLs out there. I feel like I’m talking about sex and love with my queer friends as I’m watching GOKB, and it’s just hewing to real life in an UTTERLY wonderful way. What a fucking show already, and I’m only three episodes in!
3) Finally, also on the topic of the OGMMTVC, I’ve added at least one movie, and am considering a second movie. I’m adding, per the recommendation of @bengiyo, 2007′s The Love of Siam to the list, for the fact that this movie had a clear influence on many of today’s Thai BL creators. I see it has many actors that make support or guest appearances in today’s BLs, and I can’t wait to get to it as an utterly formative piece, both to Thai BLs and to Asian queer cinema.
4) As well -- inspired in part by my notes on Fluke Teerapat in yesterday’s YYY review -- I am THINKING of adding 2014′s My Bromance to the list. I’m not sure, but I’m THINKING about it, and I KNOW I will get poked for it, ha.
A couple of things here. The OGMMTVC has not deep-dived into cinema yet, besides 2019′s Dew the Movie, which aired around the same time as the groundbreaking He’s Coming To Me. 
Yet, referring back to my conversation with @bengiyo about The Love of Siam -- queer cinema CERTAINLY speaks to the creation of the BL genre. Before television BL, what Thailand had in majority by way of queer media were movies. On paper at least, My Bromance fits a couple of bills. 
First, Love Sick premieres on television in 2014 -- but well after the cinematic release of My Bromance. So that already makes 2014 an even bigger year for the development of the BL television genre.
Second, My Bromance stars two homies who have been in these BL streets for a MINUTE -- as I said before, Fluke Teerapat is one, but I did NOT have the SLIGHTEST appreciation for how long Fluke Natouch has been around (and I’m in LUV with Fluke Natouch at the moment. I’m still not over the condo scene in UWMA!). 
So, we have the two Flukes, at least one of them publicly out, and starring in a movie ROOTED in a stepbrother yaoi trope. The comments of my Dew the Movie OGMMTVC review touched upon how taboos may have begotten taboos in early BLs -- that if a piece of art crossed one boundary in being queer, then other boundaries, like stepbrothers falling in love, may have then been seen as valid or “okay” WITHIN that piece of art. I’m interested in possibly watching something so very CLEARLY rooted in yaoi from the cinematic perspective, to engage with and better understand yaoi in developing and current Thai BL, as I haven’t done a real deep dive, analytically, into yaoi and Thailand yet. (As @lurkingshan and I talked about yesterday, TharnType on the OGMMTVC list fits the yaoi stereotypes the best.) And with both Flukes starring in MB, I wonder if I can attribute any influence this piece may have had on their subsequent work (like Fluke Natouch doing blushing maiden so incredibly well in 2019′s UWMA, and of course, the references to yaoi in Fluke Teerapat’s YYY). 
I don’t think @bengiyo has seen My Bromance, but I’m wondering if a few of the other friends from around the way have any thoughts... @absolutebl, @so-much-yet-to-learn, @twig-tea, @solitaryandwandering, @nieves-de-sugui and anyone else -- would love your thoughts if you’ve seen it and think it’s worth of inclusion on the syllabus.
These additions put some air between the next OGMMTVC chronological show in Lovely Writer, but I’ve got a lot of life stuff going on at the moment -- and I do want to give Tee Bundit and Lovely Writer the time he deserves, as I’m about over my anger on Step By Step, ha. 
That’s about it -- I have to still catch up with Tokyo In April Is..., but I’ll get to that later this week!
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The complete list of Onmyoji's Japanese voice actors:
Abe no Seimei – Namikawa Daisuke
Abe no Seimei (child) – Hanawa Manami
Minamoto no Hiromasa – Asanuma Shintaro
Minamoto no Hiromasa (child) – Hirose Saya
Ashiya Doman – Satou Rina
Tsuyuko-hime – Ishikawa Yui
Kamo no Yasunori – Kishio Daisuke
Prince Atsumi – Hamada Kenji
Suzaku-mon’s demon – Hayashi Yuu
Kamo no Tadayuki – Shimoyama Yoshimitsu
Fujiwara no Kaneie – Itou Kentarou
Fujiwara no Michinaga – Okamoto Nobuhiko
Mibu no Tadami – Ono Kensho
The demon from Yoshino – Miyake Kenta
Mibu no Tadamine – Yanaka Hiroshi
Taira no Kanemori – Nakamura Genta
Rindou – Komatsu Mikako
Emperor Murakami – Kawada Shinji
Ono no Harihira – Takemoto Eiji
Fujiko – Noto Mamiko
Kujo no kimi – Hidaka Rina
Koume – Hiramatsu Akiko
Fujiwara no Saneyori (Minister of the Left) – Kikuchi Yasuhiro
Minister of the Right – Sasaki Yuusuke
Tachibana no Saneyuki (Tsuyuko-hime’s father) – Gotou Hiroki
Kerao – Tanaka Azusa
Amehiko – Oominami Yuki
Inagomaro – Maesako Arisa
Fujiwara no Masanaga – Abe Atsushi
Additional voices for episode 1 – Sasaki Yuusuke, Takeda Taichi, Niwa Masato, Nakamura Genta
Additional voices for episode 2 – Yamaguchi Tomohiro, Nakatsukasa Takayuki, Takeda Taichi, Nakamura Genta, Niwa Masahito, Sasaki Yusuuke, Oominami Yuki, Shiono Yuka, Takumi Yuki
Additional voices for episode 4 – Torashima Takaaki, Sasaki Yuusuke, Niwa Masahito, Takeda Taichi, Yamaguchi Tomohiro, Kanze Noriaki, Utsumiya Chiho
Additional voices for episode 5 – Takeda Taichi, Yamaguchi Tomohiro, Kanze Noriaki, Tsukishima Mayumi
Additional voices for episode 6 – Murai Yuuji, Tanaka Hikaru
Additional voices for episode 7 – Oominami Yuki
Additional voices for episode 8 – Oominami Yuki, Kaneda Ai, Kadotani Mami, Sasaki Yuusuke, Niwa Masahito, Takeda Taichi
Additional voices for episode 9 – Niwa Masahito, Echigoya Kousuke, Torashima Takaaki, Nakatsukasa Takayuki, Takeda Taichi
Additional voices for episode 10 – Nakamura Genta, Torashima Takaaki, Niwa Masahito
Additional voices for episode 11 – Maeda Rena, Yaoya Kyou, Tsukishima Mayumi, Torashima Takaaki, Sasaki Yuusuke, Niwa Masahito, Takeda Taichi, Nakamura Genta, Yamaguchi Tomohiro
Additional voices for episode 12 – Niwa Masahito, Torashima Takaaki, Nakamura Genta, Tanaka Hikaru
Additional voices for episode 13 – Nakamura  Genta, Nakatsukasa Takayuki, Niwa Masahito, Torashima Takaaki
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dorokora · 2 years
A list about the Humans of Housamo and who they may have inherited their sacred artifact from:
Shiro: Yog Sothoth
Kengo: Thor
Ryota: Fisher King
Toji: Sanada Yukimura
Arc: Witch of Orleans (Jeanne D'Arc)
Choji: Marcus Gavius Apicius
Eita: Poseidon
Gunzo: Doesn’t have a sacred artifact - Legion does all the work (hasn’t made a summoning pact with it yet)
Kyuma: Doesn’t have a sacred artifact - Made a summoning pact with David
Furufumi: Michel de Nostredame
Ikutoshi: [Previous owner unknown] (Sacred Artifact is a reference to the Stonehenge)
Jacob: Uriel
Claude: Tiberius Claudius Nero
Maria: Jesus Christ
Licht: Heinrich Schliemann
Kirito: Jack the Ripper
Kenta: Doesn’t have a sacred artifact - Made a summoning pact with Inugami
Kurogane: Nuada
Mineaki: Virūpākṣa
Motosumi: En no Ozunu
Tetsuya: Nehushtan?? (The sacred artifact is a reference to Nehushtan)
Jugo: Doesn’t have a sacred artifact - Yamata No Orochi does the work
Nobuharu: Someone from the Takeda Clan (Takeda Nobuyoshi??)
Kuniyoshi: Kuniyoshi Utagawa
Ellie: Elizabeth Báthory?? (The vampire blood is her sacred artifact)
Shuichi: [Previous owner unknown] (Sacred artifact is a reference to the Library of Ashurbanipal)
Duo: Atlas
Shinya: Doesn’t have a sacred artifact - Made a summoning pact with Cupid (plus is a reserved World Rep for Zeus as well)
Taurus Mask (Daisuke): Theseus
Christine: [Unknown] (Sacred artifact is a reference to the Phantom of the Opera)
Turing: Alan Turing??
Oscar: Oscar Wilde??
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Bluebird Pirates [One Piece OCs]
// this is a rough draft to start things off!
A young boy inspired by stories of pirates named Hiroshi Takeda, went to look for rumoured treasure in his hometown. He found a treasure chest with a strange looking fruit inside, and ate it out of hunger after the disappointment that it wasn’t riches. Hiroshi then suddenly set his village on fire with demonic blue flames, and become an outcast, soon hiding on a pirate ship to move to a new town.
He would soon meet his first mate, Kaito Yukimura, a local inspired by those same pirates Hiroshi followed, having driven out the gangsters that had taken over the town. Being told he was too young to join the crew, Kaito was determined to form his own and made a pact with Hiroshi. In exchange for his silence over Hiroshi’s demonic powers, they would form their own pirate crew and travel to find more crew members.
After a few years of preparations and training, Hiroshi and Kaito set off on their own made ship with the help of the locals. They quickly made a name for themselves with Hiroshi’s destruction of property and Kaito taking down fellow pirates as a bounty hunter. While Kaito was out looking for supplies and bounty hunting for money, he bumped into a White Tiger Mink named Shiro. Having a bounty put on his head by association, the Mink joined the crew for his own safety and navigator ambitions.
After Hiroshi carelessly ate a blowfish, they had to dock to the nearest island to find a doctor. They found Sakurai Fujiwara, a male nurse and doctor in training, Hiroshi was cured but the crew found out about the townspeople’s hatred for him. Apparently he causes his female patients to die via Hanahaki diseases, by coughing out flowers from his devil fruit. Realising the male crew were immune to this and the townspeople put a bounty on his head, Sakurai joined the crew as the doctor, and so I could find a cure for Hanahaki disease to redeem himself.
With their ship barely sail worthy with clashes with fellow pirates and Marines, they went to look for a shipwright to help fix their ship. Finding Masaura Shimura who just beat up a client over a disagreement, the observant Kaito let the shipwright take the lead on repairing their ship. The crew soon hired him as their contracted shipwright, and Masaru decided to stay because it benefited him.
After becoming renowned pirates, Kaito decided to head back to his hometown to ensure that their rivals and/or enemies did not target their loved ones. It was then revealed to the crew that Kaito had left his younger brother Yukio Yukimura behind because he was too young at the time to join himself and Hiroshi. Having proven himself resourceful with money and navigation, Kaito let Yukio join them as their treasure.
Staying on an island for a festival, the crew were lured in by some music. After watching a busker for a while, they soon realised that they had been robbed by musical notes. Kenta Nakashima, a musician turned fugitive would scheme like this to have enough money to survive, having stolen a music-based devil fruit while being a finalist to win it from a music competition. After the crew caught up to him, they convinced Kenta to steal for them instead as part of their crew.
Being shipwrecked on an unknown island, the Bluebird Pirates found themselves on the Isle of Men, inhabited by only males like themselves. They were guided around by Uryu Ishida, and the crew were even asked to join the men as new members, After exploring and finding out a hidden truth, Uryu decided to join them, to find out about the true history of his lineage, related to the Void Century.
Staying at a certain kingdom and being exposed as pirates, the Bluebird Pirates were thrown into a Colosseum for sport. They soon met a fellow gladiator Zaine Zakros, a veteran who guided the group of pirates to survive in a battle royale between them all. Working together with their powers, they all escaped, Zaine joining them so he could compete in other competitions for glory.
Canon Insert: Hiroshi (and Kaito) having been inspired by the Red Hair Pirates, named his crew the Blue Hair Pirates and ship Blue Force (after the Red Force) that eventually join under Shanks, who thought the homage was so hilarious he allowed it. // with my Shanks muse
Random Trivia:
Hiroshi, Sakurai, Masaru, Kenta, and Uryu are devil fruit users, that’s 5 out of the 9 (to 10) crew members. Shiro as a good swimmer, is usually the one to get them out of the seawater.
While Hiroshi is the official captain of the crew, it's usually Kaito who calls the shots even though he is the first mate and second in the command due to his cautious nature over Hiroshi's recklessness.
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cosmic-cannon-ocs · 6 months
About/Muses (Cosmic Cannon OCs)
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OOC Info // includes rules, contact info, rp status, and other blogs
this is an OC (Original Character) multi-muse blog mainly used to interact with other (OC multi-muse) RP blogs, and to test out original RP characters.
Please specify which muse clearly in your ask/starter/mention. If not then I’ll probably ask you to confirm, or assume it is a certain muse if it is obvious enough.
All romantic ships will be straight, and NSFW threads will be (mostly) vanilla, tagged and put under a ‘Read More’ appropriately. Feel free to contact/ask if you’re unsure or for specifics.
Anything containing (talking about) adult themes will be tagged under nsfw-ish, mostly for sinday things.
this blog is OC friendly, however I will decline any requests that I find uncomfortable with, or don’t see my muse doing
I automatically turn asks into threads for interaction opportunities, but there is no pressure to respond to them. Just let me know for clarity (like for dropping threads), I will not/ask if your rules state as such.
this is optional but please send/IM me a ‘2oc4u’ to show that you’ve read these rules, thanks!
Muse List  // last updated: 4 Jan 2024
Kaito | general info | fandom AUs | other AUs Kaito Yukimura @kaito-yuki // Fairy Tail OC blog Kaito Akimoto @kaito-akimoto // Naruto (and MHA) OC blog
Toshiro Reika/Yurei
Kento/Kenji Nakashima
Masaru Shimura
Sakurai Fujiwara
Kenta Koma // AU OC Spiderman from Tokyo
Hiroshi Takeda
Zaine Zakros
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mashasgonnakillyou · 6 months
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2023 ❤ not only the best year of my career, but also the best year of my life💫
I wake up everyday beyond blessed to be wrestling globally, traveling the world, making history, living my dreams, all alongside some pretty awesome people. None of this would be possible without the people who take chances on me, put their trust in me, and support & push me to be the best & better everyday. Every year holds some kind of magic I can never foresee, and I can't wait to see what 2024 holds in store! 🙏🏻 but for now let's enjoy these sick highlights of 2023
▪ becoming 1st ever female GCW world champion
▪ my first wXw 16 Carat
▪ facing Aja Kong
▪ my first BOLA
▪ facing Masashi Takeda
▪ MK ULTRA becomes IMPACT KO tag champions
▪ death match main event/debut at Korakuen Hall
▪ meeting & wrestling in front of Kenta Kobashi
▪ MK ULTRA @ TJPW X Prestige Combat Princess
▪ becoming wXw last women's champion
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soundchannel · 11 months
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ROY AYERS参加!SSW/ピアニスト、REUBEN JAMES初となるフルアルバムがリリース!
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枚数超限定プレス!数多くの名作をリリースしMixシーンをリードしてきた2DJs、Southpaw ChopとDJ KENTAによるまさに異色のコラボレーションが”Digging the reggae roots of hip hop”の名の下に実現!
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EPIC / JAZZY VIEWS (カセットテープ)【カセット / HIPHOP】
EPIC 1st Album 「JAZZY VIEWS」Cassette Tapeにてリリース!
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Evidence、Navy Blue, Fly Anakinなどのアーティストと共演して活躍、EAR. DRUMとしてプロデューサー/ビートメイカーとしてもその名を広めてきた QThreeが再びマイクを手に取り、唯一無二のBudamunkがフルプロデュースを手掛けた最新アルバム『peace.of.mind』をリリースする。
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日本人アーティスト SOSHI TAKEDA がカリフォルニア州オークランドの Constellation Tatsu からデジタル/カセットでリリースされた「Same Place, Another Time」をTOSHIYA KAWASAKIのSTUDIO MULEがアナログLPレコード化!
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2021年に突如解散を発表してしまったDAFT PUNKのラストアルバムがようやくリプレス!!グラミー賞5部門受賞、2013年度屈指のモンスター・アルバム!!
岩手県盛岡市菜園2-1-9 2F
営業時間 : 11:00~19:00
TEL : 019-601-6723
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(WEB SHOPお問い合わせよりお気軽にご連絡ください)
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psychicreadsgirl · 4 years
JBJ’s Takada Kenta - General Reading
JBJ’s Takada Kenta is serious and committed to his work. He is not so committed in relationships though. He’s very clear about work vs play. He’s the type to work hard and play hard. He believes that hard work can overcome anything. 
Kenta tends to prioritize his work over everything, including family. Kenta ends up sacrificing many aspects of his life including his health that one day he will really realize the effects of doing so. After facing some sort of health crisis/accident, he will realize that life isn’t all about work and that life involves other people. 
Kenta does date but he doesn’t date seriously. He dates purely for his sexual needs and makes it clear to his partners that he’s not interested in anything serious. He prefers people who are independent, smart, and level headed. He is attracted to someone who is optimistic and calm. He likes someone who is practical.
Kenta will likely return to Japan after he finishes his contract with JBJ. He may try to appear in some drama or do some other music work by himself. He will likely also ghost write for others and possibly start a food-related business or fashion related business. 
Kenta’s health is not very good. He will need to manage his hormones better; he has some hormonal imbalance that causes him to get acne etc. Kenta has to have a regular sleep cycle, try not to sleep so late and so little. Kenta also has to cut down on the drinking and smoking, very damaging to his stomach and liver in particular. He is prone to stomach cancer and liver issues. He is also prone to kidney stones and gall bladder issues. His body will likely break down in around 2020 - 2021. It will get better after he has better habits in around 2023. 
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sm64mario · 2 months
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