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raurquiz · 2 years
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#happybirthday #robertbeltran #actor #chakotay #startrek #voyager #startrekprodigy #nixon #nightofthecomet #lonewolfmcquade #renegades #thecircuit #csimiami #murdershewrote #biglove #shadowhunter #takingchances #magiclantern #startrek56 @startrekonpplus https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJe_AVuXbj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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daletraita · 4 months
Testo della canzone “Taking Chances” di Céline Dion
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tejaswigoswami · 11 months
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🤔 Sometimes you don't know what's best, but you never want to lose a chance. 💫
🌟 That's been my mantra through life's twists and turns.
🔄 There would be ups and downs, disappointments, but through it all, you will learn the experience of feeling what your inner growth needs, where you feel beloved and what do you keep for others to make them yours. 📚✨ Don't be afraid to take chances; you might just surprise yourself! 🌈
#LifeDecisions #TakingChances #GrowthMindset 💪🏼😊 . .
90dayfiance #90dayfiancetheotherway
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.#loveyourself #loveislove #motivationalquotes #booklines #feelinggood #instadaily #breakupquotes #meaningfulquotes #relevant #positivevibes #wordsoftheday #valentinegift #wordsporn #distancerelationship #motivation #motivationalquotes #onesidedlove #loveit
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Survivors: Chapter One.
Note: This is the first chapter for the sequel to Taking Chances. 
If you told six-year-old Nicola that she’d grow up, move to Wales, take in her (almost) four-year-old (at the time) sister, meet a sweet kind hearted little boy named Mikey, fall in love with that little boy’s father and have a baby with that boy’s father; not to mention finding out that the boy’s father is a celebrity, she would have accused you of lying. She wouldn’t have believed you in the slightest.
 Hell, if you told her all of that more than a year ago, she would have called you a fucking liar but here she sat on her sofa, wearing one of her famous boyfriend’s hoodies, watching him on TV whilst she was wrapped up in an ultra fuzzy blanket waiting for her and her boyfriend’s daughter to wake up from her usual afternoon nap; not to mention enjoying the silence while her now almost 6 year old sister and the sweet little boy spent time at her boyfriend’s parent’s place.
 It was all too crazy to think about sometimes.
 Especially since Nicola had a big tough decision to make in regard to Jasmine and the kinship care contract she had with the government which was up in September, however, now that Nicola and Jasmine’s parents were gone, Nicola had been told that she needed to choose what would happen with and to Jasmine next.
 Nicola sighed to herself and thought back to the horrid news she got whilst in Cannes.
"What did I miss?" Nicola asked, scaring the ever-loving shit out of Lindsay.
"Holy fuck, Nicola." Lindsay whispered, holding her hand over her chest.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just didn't want to disrupt anything." Nicola told Lindsay.
Lindsay smiled at Nicola and felt her heart soar for Taron. Nicola had shown after all.
"What took you so long?" Lindsay asked.
"I overslept and when I looked at the time on the microwave, I freaked out." Nicola explained, pointing to the rug burn she had gotten while she was trying to get her blasted jeans on.
"I'm just glad that you're here because I'll be honest, it's been a very long time since I've seen that level of heartbreak in his eyes." Lindsay said, making Nicola feel even guiltier for being so late.
Nicola wanted to say more but she knew that it was better saved for Taron. She looked forward and waited to see if Taron would notice her. She really hoped that he would and that he would know that she wanted this. She wanted them. She wanted this family dynamic.
Sure enough when Taron turned his eyes to the front, the first thing he noticed was Nicola's shy smile. The same one he fell in love with. He felt his heart soar at the sight of her but because he knew all eyes were on him, he simply winked at her discreetly to let her know that he saw her.
Nicola smiled back and leaned back in her chair. She was glad that she had made this choice. It was the right thing.
"Oh, before I forget, here." Lindsay said, handing Nicola her phone.
Nicola took it and clutched it to her chest.
"Oh my god, thank god." Nicola said softly, so happy to have it back.
"Where was it?" Nicola asked, attempting to turn it on.
"Luna's nappy bag. Apparently it fell in there." Lindsay answered.
"Shit, it's dead. I'll charge it later." Nicola said, placing the device on her lap so she could watch the rest of the junket.
"Here, use this." Lindsay said, handing Nicola the power bar she had in case of emergencies.
Nicola took it and plugged it into her phone, watching the device buzz to life.
While she was waiting for it to do its thing, Nicola listened in and heard Taron begin to talk about him and his girlfriend staying with Elton.
It made her blood boil as she once again thought of that vile woman and all that she put Taron and Mikey through.
"I hated her too." Lindsay said, taking note of how Nicola's breathing had deepened.
"She wasn't pleasant to be around." She continued.
"Lindsay, you don't know the half of it." Nicola said.
"I can imagine." Lindsay said as they both grimaced at the thought of Natascha De Silva and her disgustingly evil personality.
Once that question was answered, things were wrapped up and people were allowed to take their pictures of the actors.
Nicola wanted to go up and talk to Taron, but the ringing of a new voicemail alert on her phone stopped her from doing that.
"Tell him I'll be right back." Nicola said as she hurried outside so that she could take the call.
Lindsay knew that Taron had caught sight of Nicola leaving in a rush, so Lindsay stuck her thumbs up letting him know that everything was ok.
“Hi, this is Nicola Ryan, I received a call from Detective Fellows in regard to an urgent matter. Can I please speak with him?” Nicola asked the person on the other end of the phone.
“Of course, one moment please.” The person replied kindly but firmly.
Nicola took a deep breath trying to calm herself. She had a feeling that whatever the urgent matter was had everything to do with her mother and her step father. Man she hated them with more than every fiber of her being.
“This is Detective Fellows.” The man said as he picked up the phone.
“Hello Detective, this is Nicola Ryan calling. You left a voicemail looking for me?” Nicola questioned.
Now, there were a million ways she could have answered him but there was a part of her that didn’t want to know what he was calling her for but if she was being honest, the police made her nervous and this was no exception. She felt like she was in trouble for something.
“Ah yes, I appreciate you calling me back. I assume you want to know why I called you, so I’ll get right to the point.” The Detective said.
Nicola nodded and listened to every word that came out of the Detective’s mouth and with each word Nicola’s heart sank more and more, feeling as though it was vanishing into a deep dark black hole, never to be seen again.
This was it, the moment Nicola had dreaded for part, if not, all her life. Her and her sister were orphans.
*End of Flashback*
Nicola wiped the tears off her face and went back to trying to focus on the movie that was still playing on the tv.
Meanwhile at Guy and Tina’s, the kids were happily keeping to themselves, well, except for Mikey who was quiet and sitting on the sofa watching cartoons on the tv.
Jasmine and Mari played upstairs while Rosie sat in a chair in the living room reading a book and occasionally looking up to see what Mikey was watching.
“Do you think we should all go on a walk, maybe take the kids to the park?” Guy asked as he made tea for himself and water for Tina who had started feeling unwell ever since the news of Taron.
It was like she was a ghost of herself. Sure she was starting to come around a little bit, but Guy had never seen Tina like this, at least not while they’ve been together.
Tina looked out the kitchen window at all the flowers Taron had planted while he was home. She remembered how happy everyone was and how beautiful the weather was. The sun had come out and there was not a cloud in the sky. It was warm and perfect. If Tina knew that was the last the time she’d see her son happy and smiling, she would have taken more pictures and given him more cuddles.
“Tina love, are you with me?” Guy asked, feeling concerned.
Tina turned to look at him and gave him a sad and weary smile.
“You enjoy it, but I think I’m going to stay here.” Tina told him. 
“Why don’t you call Nicola and invite her over. It will be good for the both of you to just be together right now.” Guy suggested.
Tina shrugged. It wasn’t that she was opposed to the idea, but she knew that Nicola had a lot on her mind with the loss of her parents, deciding what was to happen with Jasmine and on top of that, she was dealing with a very sad Luna who was constantly and heartbreakingly begging and calling for her dada.
“It’s up to you but I don’t think it’s good for any of us to be alone, especially now.” Guy said as he transferred his tea into a travel mug.
Tina sat there and let Guy’s words marinate in her mind but no matter how much she willed herself to pick up the phone and at least text Nicola, the more she wanted to lay in bed and have a good loud cry while no one was home. It was what she truly longed for in this very moment.
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the-weeping-author · 3 months
Saving Grace
This was a request made by @takingchences
Request: something where Bakugou saves the reader.
Word count: 2,263
Warnings: none
A/N: I enjoyed writing this request sorry it took me so so long, also sorry if the title is horrible for this fic I could t think of anything better so here we are ahahaha. Anyways please enjoy haha I’m rambling at this point 😅
Please enjoy 😊
It was a slow morning here in Musutafu, the sun had just risen to wish the earth a good morning. The birds were singing their lovely toon, my mother was taking me to her job today. On the way there we stopped and got some coffee. Well, my mom got a coffee. I got a cappuccino, but that was only because my mom said she didn’t want it to affect my studies. However something was off, there weren’t many people starting their day. Yeah it was four thirty in the morning, but that’s when office workers went in.. right?
I noticed it when we were two blocks away from my mothers job, the air seemed very different now than it did a few moments ago. I looked at my mother as she walked down the sidewalk, and before I knew it I stopped walking. My mother instantly noticed my hesitation which caused her to stop as well, she turned her head towards me before smiling softly.
“Y/N why did you stop walking, what’s going on?”
I immediately wanted to respond to her, but instead I shook my head at her question. Using the opportunity to catch up to her, once I caught up to her I looked at her again.
“Oh well uh- the air changed, it feels thicker it’s making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.”
Her eyes shined at me before she let out a small chuckle, and ruffled my hair softly.
“Oh honey there’s no reason to feel like that, you’ve been to my office a few times before there’s no need to worry everything will be fine.”
“I know mom, it’s not that I’m worried, it’s just something about today feels off.”
My mother stopped walking, she then turned to face me. Her usual neutral aura shifted into a calming assuring one, she ruffled my hair softly before letting out a sigh.
“I promise kiddo everything will be fine, if you continue to have this feeling after being at the office for a while then I’ll just call it an early day.. okay?”
I bit my bottom lip softly, and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I adjusted the bag on my arm before I looked ahead at all the people crowding the streets, I took a few short breaths before letting them out.
“I know mom, you always have my best interest in mind. I promise you’ll be the first to know if something’s going down.”
My mother nodded her head with contentment, then continued to walk down the sidewalk with me quickly following behind her. We walked for what seemed like hours, but it was probably only minutes that passed. As we approached the tall building that was my mothers workplace, my stomach knotted up. I looked towards my mother as she put her hand on my shoulder patting it softly.
Seeing her reassuring smile eased the worry out of my mind. Once we walked through the lobby doors we went to the elevators waiting on it to arrive, once it did my mother hit the button that would take us to the floor she worked on. On the way up I turned around watching the street grow smaller and smaller the higher we got, the elevators dinging pulled me from being up in the clouds and back to my mothers overly boring job.
She spent the day sitting at her cubicle doing paperwork, my mother seemed busy so of course I wasn’t going to bother her. Instead I went to the breakroom to grab water from the refrigerator, that’s when everything seemed to happen all at once. An echoing boom sounded, and the office shook softly. The once silent office was now buzzing with what seemed to be panic, I shoved the break room door open to only hear screeching in my ears.
I knew instantly that we were under attack, despite the fact that I could barely hear, I still searched for my mother. As I arrived at the cubicle dread filled my entire body, where was my mother? The dread I once felt immediately turned into fear. I quickly turned around, and started planning my escape route. My eyes settled on the elevators, and that’s when everything went radio silent. I didn’t let that stop my quickly thought out plan, I made them my new destination.
I knew about villains, but I never had an encounter with one. Well that was until now apparently, but I didn’t see anyone in sight. When I got closer to the elevators the building shook once more, and another loud boom went off making me unbalanced, and I immediately fell to my knees. This time a chunk of the building was gone, and it was the floor I was on. Glass flew all over the floor I was currently on, and the debris along with dust finally settled. That's when I heard it, well her, my mothers voice however this time it sounded different than earlier.
There was no assurance, no comfort, the only thing that seemed recognizable was panic. I tried to call out to her, but I couldn’t speak. My mouth was abnormally dry, like something was blocking my vocal cords. That’s when I hear it, a loud menacing crack. My eyes followed the crack as it traveled throughout the floor I was on. When it stopped at the exposed wall my heart dropped, I finally stood back up on shaky knees after what seemed like a few minutes while I controlled my breathing.
When I got myself as calm as I could, that's when everything went from bad to worse, the foundation under me cracked this time. The vibrations from the constant attacks made my hands tremble, and that’s when I felt it. The floor under me was slowly caving in, tears started to fill my eyes. Time seemed to zip past in that moment, and I squeezed my eyes shut trying to make some logic out of my fearful mind.
My mind went blank as the breaking building filled my ears, and the floor slowly started to lean downwards towards the pavement. Instinctively I got on my knees and started to crawl to the side of the building untouched. I slowly made my way towards a sturdy desk near the elevators, and before my fingers could make contact with the leg of the desk the floor gave away.
The air flying past me made it hard to hear, or see anything. I quickly accepted my new founding fate, and started sobbing as I flew down the nine story building. It’s funny how much you can accept when staring death straight in the face, I waited for my body to make impact with the ground. I heard a loud boom, and felt my body jerk to the side. I let out a soft grunt, and my eyes fluttered open softly. That’s when I saw it, my guardian angel I smiled softly before allowing the dark to consume me.
My eyes shot open, and I immediately looked up at the ceiling. W-what happened? My mouth was dry, and my throat felt really scratchy. I went to sit up only to feel a quick sharp pain shoot in and up my right side. I winced immediately, and sat backwards. The door opened, and my mothers figure stepped into the room. She noticed instantly that I was awake, and rushed to my side. Her warm hand instinctively found mine, and I smiled softly at her.
“H- *cough* H-hi *Cough cough* momma.”
She smiled sympathetically at me before she started sobbing, rubbing my back softly.
“Oh my sweet Y/N, I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you. I'm so sorry.”
When I pulled away from her, that's when I got a good look at her. Her e/c eyes were bloodshot, she had dark circles under her eyes, and her hair looked crazy.
“M-mom w-what happened?”
She tensed up at my question, and she swallowed thickly before letting out a shaky breath.
“W-well honey.. villains ended up attacking the office, the reason for it is because we’ve been holding onto some kind of information for Endeavors agency. They should have known it was a risky thing to do, and now I hope they do. That information almost got us all killed, and no one knew a thing about it.”
I nodded my head at the information, and turned my head to the hospital door as it opened. The lady who I assumed to be my nurse smiled widely at me, and started checking my vitals.
“Well well, I’ve been waiting for you to wake up sleepy head. Now I need you to slowly sit up for me, but please be careful two of your ribs are bruised. However there are two that are cracked, you may also have a hard time speaking and breathing for an hour or so due to all the smoke, and debris. I’m gonna need you to take your medicine.”
I nodded my head at my nurse as she continued to tell me my injuries, and then a face flashed back into my mind making my heart pick up. I turned my head towards my mom before smiling at her.
“H-how did I get saved? The last thing I remembered and saw was falling from the building, and my guardian angel.”
My mom smiled sweetly at me, and grabbed my hand once more stroking it with her thumb. Before I could ask anymore questions the hospital door busted open once more, but this time it was a guy. A cute guy if I may say so myself, but confusion etched its way onto my face. I turned to look towards my mom once more before she stood up kissing my forehead.
“There’s your guardian angel sweetheart.”
My eyes widened, and my cheeks turned a soft shade of red. I quickly took in his features, His beautiful rose colored eyes, his seemingly soft skin, and his lips which were now turned into a small smirk at my obvious oggiling.
My mom left us alone for a minute, and as soon as she left it was extremely awkward. The unknown hero shoved his hands in his pockets and looked everywhere but at me so I decided to break the silence.
“T-Thank you for uhh… saving me.”
I watched his cheeks turn a light pink before he started to rub his neck.
“Tch there’s no need to thank me idiot, it's a part of the job.”
My mouth opened and closed at his response.. idiot? How dare he, I’m not the brightest in the country however I’m far from an idiot.
“You thought I was your guardian angel huh?”
This time it was my turn to flush at his comment, he wasn't supposed to know I said that.
“Well who can blame me, I was staring death in the face.”
My comment made his sly smile disappear, and the sudden feeling to see it again was instant in my gut. Pinch me now because this all feels surreal, a handsome hero saved his Dansville in distress his job was done.
“So why is he still here?”
“Bakugou, my name is Bakugou Katsuki.”
“My names Y/L/N, Y/N/ it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Don’t tell anyone I said this, but I’m glad I could be your guardian angel.”
I smiled softly at him, and hummed softly. The medicine going into my arm made me a little bit bolder than I usually would be.
“I know you probably hear this often since you save people for a living, but you’re really attractive no wait you’re unfairly attractive.”
He coughed loudly, and turned his face away ahh now it was his turn to be bashful.
“Uh uhm t-thanks, you are too.”
I hummed to myself absentmindedly, and played with the sheets on the hospital mattress. The only sounds that filled the chilled room were the soft beeps of the heart monitor, and the tv playing in the background.
I laid against the soft chilled pillows the hospital provided, and looked back at the guy who just hours ago saved me. My mother walking back in the room broke the comfort silence we had built. He looked at her, then to me before nodding his head.
“Alright, it was a pleasure talking to you both. I’m afraid I have to get back to the agency I'm interning at.”
My mom smiled widely while I pouted softly, before he could leave she stopped him.
“Why don’t you come over to our house for dinner?”
He nodded his head softly before pulling out what I assumed was the agency he was currently at. Bakugou walked to the hospital door, and then opened it. He stood in the doorway, but before he left he turned back to look at my mother.
“I’ll come, but only if you allow her to come by the agency.”
She gasped excitedly, and before I could even reply she did it for me.
“Of course she would love to! Besides I’m sure she’d like to get to know the boy who saved her life. How does next Thursday at 7 o’ clock?”
Bakugou's eyes stayed glued to mine while he responded to my mother. That sly little smirk found its way back onto his face.
Sounds like a date.”
A/N: thank you so so much for reading, I know I haven’t posted in a while.. however I hope that’s gonna be changing soon. I am currently working on 3 other fics so I’m hoping those will be done soon.
@wolphielautz @explosionkatsu @hauntedparadises @pastelbakugou
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50shadesgirlotrun · 6 months
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Managing shelter most nights, cold fucking weekend.. Security brings boredom sometimes to a wildflower like me.. Risky behavior,, Wild fucking fun.. suddenly over and fucking cold.. *diehard *never learn #takingchances
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geeknik · 1 year
🌪️✨ Embrace the wild side! Being #ChaoticGood is like dancing through life with a twinkle in your eye. 🕺💫
1️⃣ Freedom: Let's break those rigid rules and pave our own path! #FreedomForAll
2️⃣ Spontaneity: Get ready for unexpected adventures and thrilling surprises at every turn! 🎉 #EmbraceTheChaos
3️⃣ Creativity: Unleash your imagination and find innovative solutions to problems others haven't even considered! 💡 #ThinkOutsideTheBox
4️⃣ Empathy: With a heart of gold, you're always there to lend a helping hand when someone's in need. 🤗 #SpreadLoveNotChaos
5️⃣ Memorable: Your zany personality leaves a lasting impression, and people can't help but remember you! 🎭 #UnforgettableJoy
1️⃣ Unpredictability: Sometimes, plans go out the window, and you find yourself knee-deep in unexpected situations. 🙈 #ExpectTheUnexpected
2️⃣ Irritating for Some: Not everyone can handle your whirlwind energy, but hey, they're missing out! 🤷‍♂️ #TooChaosToHandle
3️⃣ Misunderstood: People may question your motivations, thinking you're just stirring up trouble. However, your intentions are pure! 🌟 #JustMisunderstood
4️⃣ Risky Business: Playing by your own rules can sometimes lead to unforeseen consequences. Proceed with a dash of caution! ⚠️ #TakingChances
5️⃣ Finding Balance: Balancing chaos and goodness is an art. Striking the right equilibrium can be challenging but oh-so-rewarding! ⚖️ #FindYourBalance
So, my lovely chaotic good adventurers, remember: life's a rollercoaster, and you're the conductor! 🎢✨ Embrace the chaos, spread the good, and watch the magic unfold. 🌈🌟 #ChaoticGoodLife #EmbraceTheWild #SpreadGoodness #DancingWithLife #ChaosAndJoy
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babyawacs · 1 year
#criminal #governance #and #framing #are #selfevident @all @world @bbc_whys .@la w @harvard_law .@harvard_law @law .@france24 .@haaretzcom .@sun @sun @ap @reuters #p lausibledeniability #oddresults .@stuttgart .@deutschland #itis #scriminal #just #t his #simple #annoying #degradation #trickery #experiment #menele #s #andstigmas #best #intent #in #this #you #witnessprotect #and #mercy #andserotolerance #with #the # facts #luckily #a #oneoughone #on #germany #and #germandeserve thisis germany andyou handle intel partof intel 101 is framing howdidthey frame touching oven with wasteb ag overhand agaisnt electrical safety b a k i n g my teawater on no cookingplate switc hing t h r e e different bga chips on a board but each damaged on pad because of c ollossal heatgun lackof proper tools while the board itself has ripped pads too whic his usually ko criteria but these tracers lead to un set bridges ie not all chip co ntacts are linked in many chips here itwas a takingchances on runoutof rma223 and dama ged items thereisno shortcut around a solderstationheatgun withprecise temp gauge how was either framed evenif the find of transistor defect was found and repaired wit h collossal heatgun it bites bitterly had ifound the error earlier iwouldnthave touc hed the bga chip theboard wouldhaveworked precise identified andrepaired all framed as
#criminal #governance #and #framing #are #selfevident @all @world @bbc_whys .@law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @law .@france24 .@haaretzcom .@sun @sun @ap @reuters #plausibledeniability #oddresults .@stuttgart .@deutschland #itis #scriminal #just #this #simple #annoying #degradation #trickery #experiment #menele #s #andstigmas #best #intent #in #this #you #witnessprotect #and #mercy…
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A Bewitching Monday A Round-Up of Daily Tour Stops INTERVIEW - FANTASY - TRUTH IN BLUE (All That Matters, #1) by Mirai Amell  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3OILfSc So Now What by Alexandra McGroarty Virtual Book Tour  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3N2peg3 Scrooge’s Folly – Saving Jacob Marley by David Weinberg #RomCom #PNR  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3MGAm0t The Roast Iconic Oracle Deck by Marcella Kroll  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3OKxHFW In the Kitchen with LS Delorme: Gluten Free Pie Crust #IntheKitchen #GlutenFreePieCrust  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3MQVO4e Guest Blog: Scrooge’s Folly – Saving Jacob Marley by David Weinberg #RomCom #PNR #AuthorGuestBlog  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3MSRstz Thirty-five-year-old Hadley returns to her rural hometown, fresh from heartbreak in L.A., to write a play about a woman’s last moment of innocence, but when a hot, young wannabe rock star she uses as fodder outsmarts her, she needs to decide if innocence is more important than believing in herself.   https://amzn.to/3yvbC4Y #WomensFiction #StrongHeroine #TakingChances #SmallTownRomance #RockStarRomance #RomCom #AgeDifferenceRomance #OlderWomanYoungerManRomance So Now What, Harnessing Grief After Life’s Major Losses by Alexandra McGroarty - Self Help - What Does it Mean to Harness Grief? #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3BZ2ebx Author Interview - Truth in Blue by Mirai Amell #HighFantasy  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3WA2lna INTERVIEW WITH LS DELORME (CAIO-LIMERENT SERIES)  #bewitchingbooktours https://buff.ly/3OEF1ml
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odelssportslife · 2 years
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Life without fear What's the one thing you're dying to try? #odelssportslife #livewithoutfear #takingchances #nevertoolate
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bitfactorygallery · 4 years
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Brilliant Bells Shelley Howard Pastel on Archival Suede Board 2018 Currently on display in the gallery Email [email protected] for all inquiries
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While we miss Céline’s performances - let’s enjoy Fade Away, her less known songs from Taking Chances. 
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emberlydakota · 4 years
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Breaking up with your high school boyfriend then finding out your pregnant with his baby is not an ideal situation. Unfortunately for main character, Tonya, in Welcome To Your Life, that's her reality. Instead of heading off to college her new future is cramming in as many classes as she can at the local community college as she preps for her child.
Throughout the book I met several characters. Starting with Jake, the ex boyfriend. Immediately the impression he leaves is not a great one. He's drunk and lashes out on Tonya for wanting to leave a party early. Tonya does not tell Jake about her pregnancy right away but he does quickly discover it. Of course he wants to get back together with Tonya. She doesn't feel the same. Jake leaves for school and isn't mentioned until he comes home for break. When he is home all he wants to talk about is getting Tonya back. Rarely does he ask about the baby. He loses even more respect from me when not long before Tonya gives birth Jake asks for more time to get used to the idea of being a father. He needs to either get it together or let them go.
Cami. What's a story without the ride or die best friend. Like Jake, Cami wasn't in the story too much as she was away at school. She is Tonya's go to person whenever she needs advice or a confidence boost. She is easily lovable and a person we wish to have in our lives.
There is a love interest for Tonya and his name is Reaf. He is in Tonya's Saturday art class and they get paired for an assignment. She doesn't like him at first, but she changes her mind as she gets to know him. I don't learn much about Reaf besides little tidbits. That's okay as the story focus isn't about Tonya finding a new love. Do I wish there was more Reaf in the story? Absolutely! He is the guy any girl would be lucky to date. He is the perfect boyfriend, understanding her in ways that Jake never did. I hope him and Tonya work out.
Overall it's a nice story about Tonya coming to terms with her pregnancy. Getting herself out there and living despite a new obstacle in her life. She is happy and it was an enjoyable journey to read.
Because this is a series I want to read the next two books at least. Book two will cover Cami's life and book three is about Jake. I'm especially interested in reading Jake's just to see if he comes around to being a dad or will he continue being a jerk now that Tonya is with Reaf.
It's not a long read and I was able to finish it in a few hours.
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amb-styles · 4 years
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Without risk, I wonder if we can ever experience growth . . @magnolia @joannagaines @chipgaines .#magazine #faith #takingchances #perserverance #thingstothinkabout #qutoes #curious #steppingout #sundaymornings #corpuschristi #ccbloggers #texas #dontplayitsafe #ambstyles (at Corpus Christi, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxSDUPFqcp/?igshid=n0r1noigdozw
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the-weeping-author · 7 months
Upcoming angst 💔
The sight of headlights flashing through the living room windows brought me out of my air crushing thoughts. It won’t be long before he’s sharing the same air as me, and that alone made my heart rate pick up. The sound of his keys jingling in the keyhole made my stomach drop, as it did everytime he came home late from “late night paperwork”. When the door leading to the garage creaked open I took a sharp breath in before standing up off the couch he silently put his keys in the key ring before turning on the kitchen light, and my small frame came into sight.
“Are you gonna stand there all night staring at me, or are you gonna come welcome me home?”
@takingchences @pastelbakugou @explosionkatsu
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