#takkun photos
gillianthecat · 2 years
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I couldn't decide which moment to use for my header photo, so I just picked Mamoru looking beautiful and relaxed.
Kabe-Koji-Nekoyashiki-Kun Desires To Be Recognized final episode (episode 8)
my extremely scattered thoughts:
if i liked Matsuoka Koudai's face before, he is absolutely devastating when he's relaxed and smiling
i thought this was a good ending to the series. surprisingly, the time skip worked for me. Mamoru had done the growing that he needed to do already, he just needed to marinate in it for a while, and produce his love letter of a manga, before he was quite ready for Issei. And Issei was already almost ready, and he needed to wait for Mamoru to take action before he could take his next steps
i adore Yamada. and she knows Mamoru well. It was heartbreaking to hear that she was almost ready to give up on pushing him, but her yelling worked. And his shift into action felt abrupt, but a) sometimes that's just how change goes, and b) it fit the overall manga vibes of the series.
the depiction of Mamoru's depression felt very sad and all too real.
all of the side characters were wonderful!
I'm so glad that the paparazzi, who's name we now learned is Nikaido, turned out to be helpful in the end! I knew there was a reason I liked him.
also I really liked his face too. Saito Yoichiro is the actor, according to MDL. I think I need to watch more shows with older actors. Writing about how all the Thai office romance dramas feature offices filled only with 22 year-olds has for some reason made me feel more aware that I keep watching shows where everyone looks so young.
and of course Tsubasa comes to the rescue. Structure wise he pretty much had too, and I'm so glad they did it. He was hilarious trying to buy Mamoru's new manga in that disguise.
also high on the list of side characters that I loved was Framboise, and his conversation with Mamoru. I loved that they let him become serious for a moment and act as a mentor to Mamoru, without making him seem out of character either.
I do like seeing Mamoru relaxed and happy, but still keeping his fundamentally grumpy self. He is so beautiful with his new self confidence. He was even able to smile at Takkun and be happy for him in his place in the wall, while he himself was still in the center.
I think it was a good choice to keep Mamoru in the center, and really show us that his perspective had changed.
I do feel like this episode really showed us the courage that it took for Mamoru to embrace what and who and how he loved as a gay man. It could have felt like a trite message, "just be yourself!" but it didn't. It felt like the show overall really acknowledged just how hard, and even dangerous, that can be, especially for queer people in an anti-queer world. It made the story of Mamoru's transformation that much more powerful.
Issei's on stage coming out announcement: part of me felt anxious for him outing Mamoru too, not just outing him as queer, but also exposing him to the media circus as the partner of an idol, without his agreement. But the story is stylized enough that I'm able to ignore that and enjoy it for Issei stepping forward to claim his love and his right to love as a gay man. He did not have nearly as hard a journey as Mamoru in that, as his obstacles were all external (wanting to protect Shiny Smile from homophobia, and running up against Mamochi's insecurities), but I'm glad he still got the chance to make his huge public claim. It felt like a triumph for him to come out that way. And I loved seeing his group mates support, and Tsubasa's little smile as he tells him to go get his man.
I do love Tsubasa. I would like to see his story if we get a sequel. I was considering shipping him and the paparazzi dude, but I think it's just that I like them both individually, not that I think they make sense together.
The final scene of Issei and Momoru together in the plaza overall was lovely. Just now I realized it reminds me a bit of To My Star 2, where the sunshine character has long been making huge romantic statements, but when the grumpy character, the one who's been paralyzed with fear this whole time, finds their courage and whispers "I like you," it feels so powerful.
I didn't actually mind that they didn't kiss there, because it felt true to both the characters and the storytelling style. I did kind want Issei to emphasize more that his love for Mamochi was special, because that was something that had made Mamochi not trust it before, but it seemed like Mamoru had learned to trust Issei's love anyways and didn't need that.
The circling camera made sense and added to the manga/anime stylization, but it did make me a bit dizzy.
We did get our wonderful tropey run-to-him moment. I liked how it worked, and Issei jumping on a confused Mamoru's back, and Mamoru's skeptical reaction.
The domesticity of the post credits scene with Mamoru working and Issei bringing him sweets was lovely, and a balm after all those stressful depressing scenes in Mamoru's apartment.
I often don't like it in shows or books when a character turns their own life story into a novel/play/manga or whatever, but here it felt very right. I think because this story was so much about Mamoru as a storyteller, and because it was needed as a love letter to Issei, and needed for Mamoru to feel free and safe enough to accept and even embrace the part of himself that loved a man, that loved Issei.
I'm still in my weird mood, so I'm not feeling as heart-eyed squee-ing enthusiastic about this episode as I might, but I still really liked it and thought it was a successful end to the series.
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zaruba-needslove · 2 months
Finally watched Paradise Regained.... and gotta say that I was right about not getting my hopes up too much. I mean like I know that some things are no longer possible (as in the fact that Izumi Masayuki-san had long left us) but yeah...
Interesting how I end up enjoying Core of Resurrection more than Paradise Regained.
While I can't say whether or not the movie could've been better if it had been a continuation of Paradise Lost, (it'll still boils down to writing) I still feel that they could've tried that route.
I actually already watched one half of the Murder Case SP before, so I was a bit meh at the forced addition of 913. I mean... why are YOU there? Why anyone tolerate that guy there? Tho ngl after finishing the movie I was glad that Keitaro wasn't really there (regardless of the reason why the actor can't be in it).
I kinda confused abt Rena/Muze like is she really an Orphnoch or what? Is Muze somewhat like Kaixa in that non-Orph can use it? Why she's like acting like ppl are going to stare at her stripping her clothes when she was just transforming--as if the gear works like the Takeshi oni transformation? Like I get the whole naked soul thing.... but it's not like normal people could see that!
Kinda disappointed that there wasn't any mention of the Orphenoch King as an explanation on how Smart Brain was able to maintain Takkun's body/stabilize his body's deterioration.
And considering how the cast had been sharing old 555 photos on their insta during the anniversary earlier... I thought they at least made more passing mention about Kiba, aside from that one old frame showing Izumi-san at the beginning. Like there's PLENTY of chances where they could've done that. Like the whole thing about hoping for a world where humans and Orphnochs can live together/co-exist was something Kiba used to strive for. Mari could have said that she was carrying on Kiba's wish for a better future. They can even bring back the clip where Kiba sacrificed himself so that Takumi can kill the Orphnoch King for all I care and reopen our wounds 😃 Like if not Mari... let Naoya say it, being the last surviving from the trio.
Ngl I find it a missed opportunity to have another Kiba tribute (even it's just a mention) when Mari tried to jump off a building to kill herself after learning that she's become an Orphnoch. Like what she did was exactly what Kiba used to do after finding out that he's no longer human (as well as becoming the monster that killed his ex-gf, cousin and uncle). Considering how Mari (and Takumi) used to have so many heart-to-heart talks with Kiba, either of them could've made that throwback and have another talk about what 'humanity' should mean to them now. Like now that she also had become an Orphnoch, perhaps she could better understand some of the complicated Kiba feelings in the past (but i get it... it's been 20 years, sometimes it's hard to dig back all the past issues...)
Also seriously I dun get what they tryna do with RenaTakumi being partners (since when?) and being close.
Also there's NO explanation as to how and why Kusaka was with the gang, considering that guy's always a big Orphnoch-hater and suddenly now he's so friendly with the Orph-kids (don't ANYONE find that sus?). Oh wait... I get the why, it's to infiltrate the gang etc.
There wasn't any explanation about why Keitaro was absent (but I don't mind) cos that means I can hc the reason being Keitaro not being able to tolerate seeing Kusaka every day, since Kusaka used to try to kill Yuka before and all the past history.
Gotta say that making both Kusaka and Kitazaki androids was a good explanation to why they're smh back with Kitazaki being much more mentally stable and Kusaka being ooc.
I wouldn't say that i totally hate the movie cos i like the part about Naoya taking care of the kids and Takumi going back to old school suit, but some of the stuff there was kinda.... is there a need for MariTaku pseudo porn? Takkun going 'pls fix me' and they went on a romp felt a bit... off. Like unless Mari's Orphnoch factor was tweaked with Orphnoch King's dna... I don't get why Takkun bonding with her could somehow... 'fix' him.
But don't take my word for it... since I'm still a MariKiba shipper. Also i miss the old Smart Lady..
Also yth 913 took over Smart Brain? Like rude?
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maguro13-2 · 4 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Episode Maka Epilogue (1/2) ~
[For Brighter Day (Orchestra ver.) - Fumie Kumatani ]
Hal : Hello, Real World AU! This is Hal from Channel 5 News. Early this morning, Satellite of the invading S.E.E.D and the Sanctuary of Dark Nebula have all been destroyed by heroic efforts of Ethan Waber and his comrades, and especially for the hero of Earth, Maka Albarn. Once again, the Galaxy is saved from the clutches of evil one-eyed related Dark Mind who was defeated by Kirby two years ago. However, after victory over the dark forces of evil, it is quite unknown that Maka, her companies, and the heroes of smash were unharmed in the destruction of the sanctuary created by the underworld ruler Dark Nebula. Dark Nebula's plan was to bring Galactic conquest by spreading darkness and chaos all over the Galaxy and has once again had his plans foiled by hero of dreamland Kirby. So now, could this be the end of Maka and the heroes of Smash as well? Let's all pray that there will be hope for our brave heroes who fought against the dark forces of evil.
Mamimi : (smoking a cigarette) Maka. That is some hero you are. You finally did it. But I guess that you were that lucky that we found out that everyone's going to miss you on earth that much. Guess you could that Jupiter had been your place of origin the entire time and it wasn't Nevada. Guess the author was never amazed that he would apprehended the truth. But truth hurts him very much than the lying of Shinra. [Looks at a photo her and Naota] Well, Takkun. You were such a good kid to me and a good friend that I had something much to accomplish. But don't forget, it's our anniversary. Guess this is the end of a hero herself it would be.
Maka : [voice heard] No! This is the not end of us or the smashers! We finally made it alive! Everyone...
Mamimi : Huh?
All : [heard together] ...You're welcome!
[everyone on earth cheering in excitement]
Penny : Hahahahaha! What did I tell you, Ashley!? I knew that girl would make it out alive! She has finally done it! That Underworld Wannabe has finally been destroyed!
Ashley : Guess she does be a hero in her own way! So that entity named Dark Nebula wanted nothing but galactic gonquest, I wonder she's bring us into a new era of peace to all humans and witch, should her family tree knows that Maka was literally...a descendant to Phanto?
Kimial : Maka...(giggles as a tear flows from her face) You finally gave it all your best. I guess deserved to be friend after all.
Ashley : Kimial, is there something wrong.
Kimial : (wipes tear off) No, it's probably nothing. I was saying that Maka and I could've been friends for a long time, I wonder if we can meet us one day. We'll that be okay?
Ashley : Heh. You hardly get into many problems, Kimial.
Jacqueline : Maka...What a shocking coincidence. Well I guess that you could say she is a hero to earth after all, like all of us. All of us that heroes to earth
Inky Jr : (with his arms folded) Hmph! So this is the Maka Albarn I've known start. I guess she was just an ordinary human girl after all, but she is a half intergalactic being. The Brethren of her kind suits her well as the legacy of her family tree continues to stay strong. I shall give them a final proper wake up call for ol' Bendy, my father.
Hal : This is Hal from Gurhal Channel 5 live from Real World AU. Maka Albarn is alive and is coming back to earth! Hooray for the strongest girl in the Galaxy!
Mamimi : (Snickers) Well, Takkun. (goes to the Looks up into the sky) I guess it's just what we remembered. Our wacky adventures may have been over a year ago, but it feels like that something came over me when I had my chance that all things happening in the solar system. I hope to see you again one day, Takkun. You'll be happy to hear this latest catch of scoop of the day.
(door opens)
Naota : Hey, Mamimi. Long time no see. How's the newspaper business coming along?
Mamimi : (gasped in shock as she turns to see someome) You're finally here, just to see me once again...Long time no see, (begins to cry as she sees Naota as a grown man for the first time) Takkun. (Hugs him comfortly for the first time) Takkun, I missed you...so much.
Naota : Of course, I did kinda missed. It's been a long year since my old roommate left me. I know she's out there somewhere.
(cuts to Haruko on her Vespa on top of the building in Downtown Atlanta)
Haruko : Naota, you crazy dog. So that's the point how reunions work like that huh. You've finally shown your face for your return to see old friends that misses you the most. That's how life live the fullest. Well, time for me head. (Her moped begins to float as she flies off)
"What Happens next is going to very shocking."
"So long as we embrace ourselves with dignity and respect."
"Who knows what might lies within the Galaxy?"
"I wanted to show the world what it means to protect those that I loved them dearly. I want love to conquer it all...forever."
(we show Maka and Makoto looking at Jupiter outside in the Halberd)
Maka : Take a look at it. This is what home feels like on Jupiter. The sanctuary of my ancestors is safe for good and they're finally at peace now. Hope is what considered a gift for me to save the Galaxy. And I wanted to see you once more, this is why true love conquers all.
Makoto : That's right, Maka. I finally figured it out that It was the day that I first met you 12 years ago. It was our love story, a love story that we created.
Maka : It's true, this was our love story that we forged. And hardly that I'll never forget that what love is about. Well, even though that I have a heart that I gave it to someone, but I don't who is it. Maybe It's you, perhaps. After all, you're the one that I truly first met.
Tsubaki : So, what will you do now, Maka? You and your sister saved Jupiter and the galaxy is at peace now, but it seems that you are having troubles of not being a hero to Soul World since no one would be part of your story. But hey, at long as this is going to be a treat for you, how about you would give an equivalent exchange, you'll give half of yours to him and he'll give half of his to you.
Maka : I thought so.
Tsubaki : Yeah! But, umm, I suggest you would think it over. Maybe you and Makoto ain't half bad to be love birds, but we all let you know that we're going to keep this as a secret. How does that sound?
Maka : There is one reason that I see countless lights from across the cosmos, waiting for them to guide me for our galaxy's protection. I showed my Spirit what being a hero is all about. And that's why I wanted to continue to save a Galaxy more then saving the world, and vowed everything to be at my destiny! Forever in my heart and my soul.
"And so, with Real World AU saved from the dark forces of Dark Nebula and S.E.E.D, Maka and her friends have saved her ancestors' legacy from the clutches of true evil, peace for Jupiter has finally began and Maka has finally returned to earth."
"Following this after parting ways, the influence of Shinra Kusakabe that made Maka Albarn protection his legacy no longer does, and decides to be along with her new lover. Now with Real World's safety, Maka's life has decided to change after the misdeeds that she was mistaken after upon her release from Grim. The real threat to Real World AU would be Maka's fierce opponent to be ever faced, the demon queen who mistaken for the crimes against humanity, in pursuit of the conquests. Maka's journey is far from over, except for one thing..."
Maka : (Gapsed) I forgot about the Gorgon Sisters! They're still on the ship! But where could they be?
Makaoto : It's fine, Maka. Forget about them. I'm sure that Medusa thing all in your head has got spooked up.
Maka : Yeah, you're right. I guess the Gorgon Sisters are not much a threat to me, nor society. I wonder how long
"Meanwhile at Boston..."
[Who Got Us Into This Mess - Takahito Eguchi]
(The Gorgon sisters are shown wearing prison garments at a Jail Cell)
Medusa : Hello! Is anyone gonna find us? Anyone? Hello!
Arachne : Let's just face it! They're gonna have to wait for another moment to find us if were able to break out alive!
Shaula : Who cares! As long as we are sisters, we're going to get out of slammers and face the biggest of enemy all! How does that sound for a couple of nimrods! I shouldn't be like this in crud hole.
Prison Guard : Hey, the three of you! Shut up in there, will ya!
Medusa : Like I said. Just forget it.
Shaula : [to Acrachne] So why can't we tell anyone about her face being drawn? You think it's that really funny to get a closeup on her.
Arachne : [To Arachne] Well, if I'm not mistaken, I think it's best for you that I decided to get a makeup on her face and tell her what a weak wimpy snake for having to be the middle sisters of all, and then I will make a nuiscance out of everyone and tell them there we're going to big than her. All she cares was that she's a complete nuiscance for creating those stupid heartless like everyone else!
Shaula : Gah!
Arachne : Oh my!
Shaula : Owie!
Arachne : That really smarts!
Medusa : [sighs] This is why I start getting a better role with dealing with this Heartless crap anyway. I wish I could find some vacation while I ditch my sisters in Japan. Well, at least I'm back at the city where we escaped our imprisonment that was inside of a museum!
[iris shot]
Medusa : F**king, Ohkubo!
[Iris out]
~ The Epilogue continues ~
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Yujimaru: Yesterday’s YujiTaku 🌺🌴
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pet-diary · 6 years
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An old gif of Takkun yawning that I found on my Hatena Haiku account.
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the-himawari · 4 years
A3! Sakuma Sakuya - Translation [SR] MANKAI Playback (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Sakuya: Uwahh… It’s full of people!
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Izumi: (Sakuya-kun looks happy… I’m glad.) (…As expected, the uniform is a bit embarrassing though.)
Masumi: *Sigh*… Director’s cute… Our uniform really suits you…
Izumi: D-does it…?
Tsuzuru: How many times are you gonna go on with that? I’ve heard you say that 5 times already…
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Masumi: I’ll say it countless times. At least 100 more times.
Izumi: Ummm… Where are the other three?
Tsuzuru: In the changing room. Itaru-san still hasn’t prepared his heart yet.
Izumi: Yeah, I understand how he feels. I never thought that it would actually turn out like this…
*flashback starts*
Izumi: I’m fine with going to an amusement park, but even without uniforms…
Masumi: You can’t, I want to go on a uniform date with Director.
Itaru: Alright, so only Director-san.
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Izumi: Hey, that’s not fair..! If I’m doing this, then I’m taking everyone with me!
Itaru: Ehh… Tsuzuru, you’re against the uniforms, right?
Tsuzuru: I wore a school uniform in our performance the other day, so I don’t really mind.
Itaru: Seriously? An unexpected betrayal.
Citron: Give up!
Itaru: Now, now, we still have senpai.
Chikage: Well it’s true I’d like to decline… Give me a break and let me be the teacher in charge.
Citron: No way! It’s meaningful if everyone does it together!
Itaru: —Oh yeah, we don’t have enough uniforms! I mean we don’t have 4 sets of them, right?
Masumi: If it’s uniforms, we can borrow one from Banri; Banri and I both have spares.
Tsuzuru: Just give up already, you three. At this point, we’re all in the same boat.
Sakuya: I’ll ask my friends too!
Itaru: GG…
Chikage: Good grief…
Izumi: We have no choice but to give up, huh…
*flashback ends*
Tsuzuru: We told them we were forcing them to come along and then finally… Ah, they’re here, they’re here.
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Itaru: Ugh, this is seriously cringe! Let me go home right now, I beg you!
Chikage: Give up. You’re not the only one suffering.
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Citron: You’re horrible at sports!*
Itaru: You mean we’re terrible sports.
Chikage: Sorry for the wait.
Sakuya: Wahh! Both Itaru-san and Chikage-san look great in their uniforms!
Chikage: Thank you, Sakuya. …I should’ve avoided the role of a high school student though.
Itaru: Serves you right for tripping the flag… is what I want to say, but I’m also involved here.
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Tsuzuru: Anyways, everyone’s here now so let’s go in.
Chikage: Ah, before that, I have something I want you to promise me. It’s that we definitely won’t take any photos.
Itaru: It’s legit a matter of life or death if I’m seen by the people at the office like this. So it’s especially the worst of the worst if Kazunari finds out. So pictures are absolutely NG, kthx.
Tsuzuru: Ahh, that guy… He’ll probably post it to instablam in the blink of an eye.
Izumi: That’d be rough for me too…
Sakuya: I understand! Though that’s kind of too bad.
Citron: It can’t be helped. If the birthday boy can live with that, then I can live with it too!
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Masumi: Let’s go already. My date time with Director is decreasing.
Tsuzuru: You seriously don’t waver, huh…
Citron: Sakuya, you’ve put your birthday badge on properly, right?
Sakuya: Yes!
Izumi: You get various benefits when you’re wearing the birthday badge, right?
Sakuya: Yes, I can’t wait!
Cast member A: Happy birthday!
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
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Izumi: The effect of the birthday badge really is impressive, huh?
Sakuya: I’m happy various cast members called out to me and also put on performances for me.
Tsuzuru: For now, what should we ride first?
Masumi: The Ferris wheel.
Sakuya: It seems fun if we ride it together, right!
Izumi: If it’s the Ferris wheel here, then it looks like we can all fit inside.
Masumi: Even though I wanted the two of us to ride it together, why did it turn out everyone’s joining…
Tsuzuru: Alright, alright, you can do that next time. Sakuya said he wants everyone to ride it together.
Masumi: …I got it. But I’m the one who will sit next to Director.
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Izumi:  The haunted house was pretty scary and intense…!
Sakuya: Right? At first, it was scary and intense. But Citron-san taught me all the names of the ghosts so then rather than being scared, I started to feel a bond with them.
Tsuzuru: The names of the ghosts…
Sakuya: Mii-chan, Takkun, he knew everyone’s names!
Citron: The other day on TV, they said when you think you’re scared, if you give them names then you can be content** over your fear!
Itaru: You mean you can conquer your fear.
Citron: That’s it!
Izumi: (That sounds like a lesson from a children’s education program…)
Chikage: It’s about lunch time, right?
Izumi: Fufufu, I’ve been waiting to hear those words! Tah daaah! Actually, I made lunch boxes!
Masumi: Director’s handmade lunch box…! I’ll eat them all.
Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun and I made them together for everyone.
Masumi: …Then I’ll only eat the parts that were made by Director.
Tsuzuru: You get nothing.
Sakuya: Ah! It’s napolitan!
Option 1: “Because that’s what Sakuya-kun likes.”
Izumi: Yeah, because that’s what Sakuya-kun likes!
Sakuya: Thank you very much… I’m happy!
Chikage: As expected of Director-san. By the way, I’d be glad if you had tabasco sauce.
Masumi: I don’t understand why you’d put tabasco in the precious food she made.
Option 2: “Its colour combination is nice too, right?”
Izumi: Its colour combination is nice too, right!
Sakuya: That’s true… there’s a lot of garnishes put in.
Itaru: This isn’t the amount you put in for garnishes. They’re the main dish.
Izumi: Eat up, alright, Sakuya-kun!
Sakuya: Yes!
Citron: And now, we can’t forget about this! Happy birthday~!
Sakuya: That’s a big cake! Wait, from where!?
Citron: Fufufu… The surprise is a huge success! Our preparations were perfect!
Sakuya: I’m really happy! Thank you very much, everyone! I was longing for this a little—going out and having fun to my fullest in my uniform. I never imagined it would come true after I graduated…
Izumi: …That’s so great, right, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: Yes! U-um… I have something I'd like to do.
Tsuzuru: It’s rare for Sakuya to say something like that.
Izumi: That’s true… What is it that you want to do?
Sakuya: Would you please allow me to take a picture with my smartphone? Just one photo for my memories is enough, so…!
Izumi: A picture…?
Sakuya: I definitely won’t show it to anyone else!
Tsuzuru: That’s fine with me but… How about Itaru-san and you guys?
Chikage: …If the main lead today says so then it can’t be helped.
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Itaru: Well, I guess it’s only fine if Sakuya’s the one who takes it. Since I’m sure he won’t send it to anyone.
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
Citron: I brought a shellfish stick!***
Sakuya: Shellfish stick?
Tsuzuru: Could you mean a selfie stick?
Citron: That’s it!
Izumi: …Alright. I think everyone’s in frame. Make sure to smile properly, alright, Itaru-san and Chikage-san.
Chikage: I understand.
Itaru: Roger.
Izumi: Then once again, Sakuya-kun…
Troupe members: Happy birthday!
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*Citron says "お嬢様が悪い" (ojou-sama ga warui: ~the young mistress is bad), which Itaru corrects as "往生際が悪い" (oujougiwa ga warui: a phrase meaning ~being a sore loser/not knowing when to give up) **Citron says "幸福" (koufuku: happiness/joy), which Itaru corrects as "克服" (kokufuku: overcome/conquer) **Citron says "千鳥足" (chidoriashi: staggering/drunken steps), which Tsuzuru corrects as "自撮り棒" (jidoribou: selfie stick)
And here’s a clear shot for everyone~
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Ken-chan’s Fan Event 2019
I was lucky enough to score tickets for all 3 sessions on the 24th and although the general format is the same for every session, the things said in each session are actually pretty different because of how Ken-chan decided to do things.  Each session had me in stitches, I was laughing so hard my face hurt, and overall, I had a super wonderful time.  
Check out the Read More for a full write-up and more pictures!
Ken-chan's guests for the 24th were co-stars from his current show GEKIIKE Masquerade, and they were Isaka Tatsuya and Washio Shuuto.  Shuuto has been a guest for Ken-chan before (not when I went), and I’ve actually been a fan of Isaka Tatsuya for over 10 years (from when he was Ichigo in Burimyu) so there was a hilarious war inside me between my 18-year-old-self who loved Tatsuya best to my current self that loves Ken-chan (equally?  More?  A LOT even if it’s not as long).  Shouma was also there because Shouma’s ALWAYS there; I’m pretty sure Ken-chan has never had a fan event without Shouma.  Although he’s usually there in a helping capacity, maybe emceeing, this time he was more like one of the guests and was on-stage for the Q&A and Etudes (improv skits).  Kainuma Yutaka, an actor Ken-chan met working on Nintama was the emcee.  
So the format was: Ken-chan, Tatsuya, and Shuuto would appear as a debuting idol group, perform their 2 debut singles (not original), and then there was a Q&A session with questions from the audience (we had to email questions beforehand), and then there were the Etudes (they always did three), and then Ken-chan did a present raffle for the audience, giving away solo cheki (polaroids) and one of his handmade uchiwa, and then the show would end with him taking photos with any fans who paid for a cheki with him.  Surprisingly, they also offered cheki for Ken-chan's guests, Tatsuya and Shuuto and Shouma, which is rare.  I’ve never seen an actor event where that was an option.  
1) Debut Idol Group
This portion is a gag, since these three are pretending to form an idol group together, but they basically styled themselves like one of those... color-coded, young-boys-breaking-into-the-industry, put-together-by-an-agency type idol group.  So they all had color-coded headbands (Ken-chan had red, Tatsuya had blue, and Shuuto had yellow), and they all had white T-shirts with their idol names SHARPIED on (Ken-chan's shirt read Akkun, Tatsuya’s shirt read Takkun, and Shuuto’s read Shukkun).  They also all wore these REALLY TIGHT skinny jeans with color-coded belts, and their makeup was A LOT OF BLUSH to make themselves look boyish.  Shuuto even had freckles drawn over his blush.  Ken-chan was also pitching his voice to sound much higher.  Tatsuya’s Takkun personality wasn’t all that different from himself, he was pretty silly and hammy.  Ken-chan as Akkun would stutter a lot, would not stop wiggling his hips across the stage and striking poses, and very excitable, very... manufactured idol.  Shuuto as Shukkun was SUPER SHY AND QUIET and wouldn’t really talk or move at all, he just stood on the far right towards the back of the stage with his shoulders all stiff and a terrified, deer-in-the-headlights look.  
Then they performed their two “singles” which were actually songs from like the 70’s or 80’s (I’d heard them before but couldn’t place them).  They’d play the original music video behind them and then sing (so really it was more like a karaoke session), and they actually didn’t know all the words to both songs, so they had uchiwa themselves on-stage.  One one side they had Sharpied their names (Akkun, Takkun, Shukkun), and on the other side, they’d printed THE LYRICS to the songs.  Ken-chan would sing and also DANCE by flailing like a maniac most of the time around the stage, shaking his hips constantly and striking dramatic Jojo poses, like someone drunk at karaoke who’s getting WAY too into the music but it’s great for spectators.  Tatsuya was honestly putting in a decent amount of effort too, singing nice and clearly and trying to dance along even though there was really no following Ken-chan.  Shuuto, because of his character, would stay stiff and still in the back right of the stage, quietly singing along and holding his uchiwa up to his face, very obviously reading the lyrics and not really ‘performing’ like the other two.  
Usually during the instrumental breaks in both songs, Ken-chan would try and get Tatsuya to do something ridiculous with him.  In the first session, he’d make Tatsuya bend forward so that he cold leapfrog over him sideways, and then he made Tatsuya leapfrog over him, and then they pulled Shuuto in for a 3-man pyramid and then they’d RUN back to grab their uchiwa off the table so they could start singing again in time lolololol.  Second session, they did lifts for Ken-chan; so Tatsuya and Shuuto would take either of Ken-chan's arms and lift him in an angel pose and carry him across the stage, In the third session, they kept trying to do these lifts that they didn’t really know how to do, so Tatsuya would lift Ken-chan onto his shoulders, but then he kept trying to get Ken-chan to sort of... stand? By bracing his feet on his thighs and it was not working because Ken-chan didn’t know what to do and then Tatsuya accidentally decked Ken-chan in the crotch with his head and Ken-chan dramatically rolled around the floor on-stage, clutching his crotch and the others sort of checked on him before hurrying to grab their lyrics because they were missing their cues lololololol.  
And then after the performance, Yutaka-san and Shouma would join them on stage.  They’d joke around about how Shukkun was new and that’s why he’s so nervous and not doing as well as the other two.  Yutaka-san would point out that they only formed their group recently, as in, TODAY, and Akkun said in one session, “Well he arrived last in the morning.  So he’s the new guy.  I’m his senpai by two minutes.”  
Oh and I forgot to mention that their idol group name was “Atashi,” which is (1) the most feminine way to say “I,” and (2) a reference to Arashi, the most famous Japanese boy band that’s existed since 1999.  
Then they would “transform” into themselves with an “illusion” which just meant Ken-chan would twirl around on-stage shouting, “ILLUSION!!!” and they’d flash the lights on the stage, and then the three would start acting like themselves to start the Q&A session.
2) Q&A Session
They always did about three pre-selected audience questions that had to be e-mailed in before the day, and it was fun because they would ask the question to all four of them in most cases, and usually they’d get a little de-railed and end up talking about one question for several minutes.  Most of the questions were summer-themed and resulted in a lot of really random information from all of them like how Tatsuya really likes to go riding on his motorcycle out into nature and go solo-camping, Shuuto refuses to turn on the air conditioning even in summer (to get stronger, whatever that means), and Ken-chan was actually scouted at age 15, but didn’t decide to seriously pursue work in the entertainment industry until he turned 18.  There was even some conversation about choosing to stay in entertainment, and Shuuto brought up the great point that most actors quit around the time that they’re 29 and move on to other things and/or start a family, “so the ones who stick around past thirty are the weirdos.”  And Ken-chan was like HEY and Tatsuya was like ‘yeah maybe...’  But Shuuto fixed it to say that the over-thirty actors are then some of the most wonderful senpai to learn from as a younger actor.  
One of the questions that I found really cute was one that asked how they did their summer homework back when they were in school.  Do it at the start of summer type, work on it gradually throughout the summer type, or the procrastinator.  Tatsuya said he always had a lot of anxiety about it so he was the type to do his homework little by little every day throughout the summer, and that he’s the same way now as actor.  He has nightmares about getting the script and then the tour of a play starting the next day when he hadn’t learned any of his lines yet, so he’s very diligent about memorization.  Ken-chan and Shouma were both procrastinators who put off their homework to the end, although Ken-chan also mentioned a friend he had in high school who would dedicate the first two weeks of summer entirely to vacation, and the last two weeks entirely to vacation, but would do his absolute best for three days right in the middle to finishing all of his homework then.  Shuuto said he was the type to never do his homework and run away from the teachers.  In the first session when this question was asked, there was actually a child in the audience (she looked maybe about 8?) and he noticed her and kind of immediately backtracked and said to her directly, “But that’s not good, okay?  I did a bad thing, you have to do your summer homework.”  
Tatsuya apparently really likes camping by himself, winter camping, and recently has started buying more and more camping gear.  He invited Ken-chan to go camping with him, and Ken-chan said he’d go, and Shuuto just flat out immediately refused, going, “Nope, it’s summer, there are too many bugs.”  And they were like, “Didn’t you want to be stronger?  Don’t you not turn on your air conditioning for that?” And he was just like, “This is different.”  Tatsuya mentioned recently buying an axe for camping purposes, and very casually said, “Between a knife and an axe, I prefer an axe, you know?” And everyone else was just like, “I have literally never thought about that.  Nobody thinks about that.”  
There was a question about favorite places they’ve visited when traveling, maybe for work, and it got sidetracked because they started talking about weird experiences in different places.  So Ken-chan went to this kind of foresty and mountainy area for a shoot and they were filming at night and in the distance they could see a weird red light.  They thought maybe it’s the SDF (Japanese Self Defense Force) or maybe a matsuri, except it was like 1am, so Ken-chan and several others went to go check it out.  And as they were getting closer, the light moved up, grew into a bright orb, and then suddenly vanished.  So they all thought they saw a UFO.  He also says half the people he tells this story to don’t believe him, but Tatsuya believed him because he then talked about a ghost encounter inside a theater he was performing in.  He was crawling in the space under the stage to get to the other side of the stage and there was someone in front of him that wasn’t supposed to be there because he was supposed to be first in line getting out, so he tried crawling faster to catch up, but when he turned this one corner, nobody was there.  And then they all agreed that there are definitely haunted theaters everywhere.  
When asked if there was anything recent that they started getting into, all of their answers were for super old franchises.  Ken-chan talked about getting into Pokemon cards for the first time, meeting up and playing games with Shouhei (1st Nishinoya from Engeki Haikyuu), and Tatsuya talked about how it was hard to collect Pokemon cards as a kid because you don’t have money, but as an adult you can go all in and really build the decks you want so it’s more satisfying as an adult to play the card game.  Shuuto for some reason listed Dragonball, and when asked what his favorite season or version he liked, he said, “All of it.”  And they were like, oh come on pick a favorite, and he was like, “It’s not about that.  It’s about the world.”  
There was another question that asked them to compliment the person on their right, but they were sitting in a line on stage and there was nobody to Shouma’s right, so then they all stood up in a 4-person circle, arms around each other other and touching foreheads and the emcee was like THE AUDIENCE CAN’T SEE YOU IF YOU DO THAT, SIT BACK DOWN.
So Ken-chan complimented Shuuto saying that he’s really kind and this is because he pays a lot of attention to the people around him and knows how to read people’s moods.  When Shuuto was complimenting Tatsuya, he started listing things going, “Well he’s an idiot...” And everyone else was like, “...in a good way, right?” And he was like yes yes, in a good way.  And then “He’s loud...” The emcee added, “In a good way.”  Followed by “He’s clumsy,” and the emcee went, “In a good way—I shouldn’t have to be adding these!!”  But since Tatsuya didn’t really know Shouma because they were meeting for the first time, Shouma said it was okay, they could skip him, but the others insisted that Tatsuya could pull it off.  So Tatsuya looked at Shouma very carefully and went, “His hair looks like Trunks.  A small, good-looking face... great smile!” And it was super cute and adorable honestly.   Then the emcee told Tatsuya and Shuuto to compliment Ken-chan, since it’s his event and all, so they both talked about how warm and inviting he is as a person, and they thought it was wonderful how much thought and effort he put into planning his events, even if he asks them to do ridiculous things, it’s with such genuine enthusiasm they’re happy to go along with his whims.  
3) Etude improv skits
And now for my favorite, the improv skits that Ken-chan always does at his events.  They did three every session, and these were probably some of the best I’ve ever seen because Tatsuya and Shuuto were so great and the dynamic between the three of them was so fun.  I’m not going to remember all of these and not in exact order, but the first one they did was in a bathhouse.  There was always one that was idol themed because of the whole Atashi thing lol.  
Bathhouse This one was a bit of a mess because the others took these little buckets and put them over their crotches like men do in public baths, Shouma was pretending to be a cleaner/staff going around mopping and cleaning, but then Ken-chan out of nowhere decided he was going to be an old woman so he was covering his chest and pinching his thighs together and shrieking any time any of the others got near him, “Iyaaahh!!  A man!! What are you doing here?!”  So then Tatsuya and Shuuto sort of... semi-switched to being women too, and Ken-chan walked through the audience to the back of the room, complaining like comical old ladies do, but there were staff members in the back of the room working the projector and the music, so he got annoyed that there were men even in the back lololol.  And then Tatsuya clutched his chest on-stage and fell over like he was in pain, so Shuuto shoved Shouma at him going, “HELP, do something!”  And Shouma bent down next to Tatsuya, checked his condition, and then screamed, “SHE’S GIVING BIRTH!!!!” Which then had all of them pulling open Tatsuya’s legs and getting up into his crotch while screaming the entire time and I just... I could not breathe.  But then it turned out Tatsuya was fine, but then Ken-chan fell over so they started spreading his legs to help deliver a baby and it was just... so much.  I don’t even remember how it ended, just that it was a mess lol.
They actually do the bathhouse prompt twice, in the first session and then the third session because they wanted to try and see if they could do it better the second time around.  They couldn’t lolololol.  But that one had Shuuto, Shouma, and Ken-chan just constantly avoiding Tatsuya and leaving him behind while he kept trying to be part of the group and was whining that they kept leaving him.  At one point they get ready to leave without him, and this involved Shuuto going and grabbing Tatsuya’s actual backpack from off-stage and bringing back an earlier joke about Tatsuya’s solo camping.  Ken-chan commented on how cool the backpack was, and Shuuto went, “It’s great for camping!  And you know, between a knife and an axe, I much prefer an axe!”  
Mermaid princess This one started with Shouma on the chairs rowing like he was on a boat, and Tatsuya wiggled (swam) over and said hi to him, which resulted in Shouma just shrieking like a maniac and passing out.  Because that’s what anyone would do when confronted with a mermaid I guess.  So then Tatsuya got all grumpy and pouty because she just wants to become a human, but, “All these human men are useless!” which, I mean, mood.  Shuuto grabbed 4 of the uchiwa off the table and made makeshift crab claws out of them to hold in his hands and walked sideways across the stage singing “Under the Sea” and then Ken-chan showed up as some other unspecified undersea presence and tries to convince Tatsuya to stay in the sea.  And then Shouma revived himself and went, “I’m not a man, I’M A WITCH!!!”  And offered Tatsuya the chance to become human, but Ken-chan grabbed Tatsuya’s arm and dramatically spun him around and HELD him REAL CLOSE and was just like, “Don’t go, stay.”  And suddenly it got WEIRDLY romantic and the witch came around going, “Don’t be fooled by his--” and Tatsuya just went, “Shut up for a sec!” And just stared longingly into Ken-chan's eyes!??!?!  He put his hand on Ken-chan's arm to start, and then it moved to his chest, and he kept inching closer, and Ken-chan kept inching closer and it was kind of like gay chicken except that NEITHER WAS BACKING DOWN and eventually they got to touching foreheads and Tatsuya whispering throatily, “I’ll stay with you,” and it was just A LOT.  OKAY.  A LOT.  I basically watched my teenage-actor-crush and my adult-actor-crush nearly kiss and it was TOO. MUCH.   Shuuto and the emcee were just off to one side of the stage laughing and generally staying out of the way by that point and even Shouma just left them be once they got to touching foreheads because it was like ooookaaayyyy you two are clearly having a moment.  
Idol auditions For some reason, they decided that the idol auditions for this one would be done like a variety show and Shouma was the host of the program with Shuuto, Ken-chan, and Tatsuya auditioning.  Shuuto was nervous and shy and could barely talk or do anything and mostly all he could say was his random generated number 3289 or something and Ken-chan was then number 56 (because what’s consistency worth) and was enthusiastic but BAD.  So he kept stuttering and flailing around and shaking his hips nonstop but none of it was meant to look good.  Tatsuya admitted he was only doing this because he wants to break out as an actor, which the host frowned upon, but then Tatsuya was actually the most impressive one lololol.  Well, comparatively anyway.  Certainly he was the coolest.  But it ended with the host announcing that the three of them could be idols together and they were like yaaaaaay!
Pokemon In the second session, the first prompt was Pokemon and Ken-chan actually prepared a lot of things for it, so then they were like IT’S NOT IMPROV IF YOU PLANNED IT ALL OUT BEFOREHAND!!! But basically the 4 of them drew cards to see who would be trainers and who would be Pokemon, and then the ones that got to be Pokemon would draw cards to see which Pokemon they’d be.  But Tatsuya admitted he didn’t know any of the pokemon past the first 150, so they told him to do his best with the first one and then gave him a second card so he could play two.   Shouma and Ken-chan were trainers, and Shuuto and Tatsuya were Pokemon, with Shuuto being Pikachu.  Shouma introduced himself as “I’m Festival Boy!!” because he was wearing a happi and obviously you never fight any named trainers in the game outside of gym leaders.  But then Ken-chan went, “I’m RedYellowGreen!.”  By the way, I was seated in the first row for this session which was RIGHT UP against the little stage and that meant being absurdly close to all of this nonsense.  Shouma told Shuuto-Pikachu to tackle and he literally went and tackled Tatsuya, knocking both Tatsuya AND Ken-chan over lololololol.  Shuuto and Tatsuya were low on the ground on all fours or crouching to be the Pokemon, and making dumb little pokemon cries the entire time, and when Tatsuya got beat on a couple more times, Ken-chan switched him out.  I missed what Pokemon Tatsuya was supposed to be first because I was too busy wheezing but the second time, he was Venusaur.  It didn’t matter though because Shuuto-Pikachu went over and shocked them both so Shouma won the battle.   The emcee had no idea what was going on because he doesn’t know anything about Pokemon, but he figured it was good because everyone was laughing so much.  But at the end, Shuuto again said, “This seriously wasn’t a proper etude!  Don’t call it that if you—just tell us what you want to do and we’ll do it!  Don’t lie!”   I couldn’t help but remember one of the third-year videos Ken-chan did with Hiroki and Justin were Ken-chan was again a trainer and Hiroki and Justin were Pokemon and Hiroki had that really great Squirtle cry and then Hiroki and Justin attacked Ken-chan, RIP.  (x)
Idol Dressing Room Shouma played the manager in this skit, who’s trying to sell them on this idea of being in this play with this one director.  Mind you, their parts are things like “long-horned beetle,” and “rhino beetle.”  Tatsuya and Ken-chan are arguing about whether or not they should, with Tatsuya being interested because of who the director is, Ken-chan thinks it’s a pain, and when they ask Shuuto’s opinion, he just quietly and shyly replies, “Let’s do it,” and they were like, “Well if Shukkun says we should, then I guess we should.”  But as soon as Shouma leaves, Shuuto drops his shy act and comes over to the other two all casual going, “Man, I hate our manager, he’s so useless!” and they all start bitching about their manager which had the emcee CRACKING UP because that’s realism right there lol.  But then Shouma came back with his happi wrapped around his shoulders because he was the director now and with a deeper voice was like, “You guys are going to be my new actors, right?  Show me a demonstration!” and then he sits down and dramatically crosses his legs and Tatsuya starts off.  Since he’s a type of flying beetle he just kind of throws his arms behind him and runs in a wiggle to mimic flying, and Shouma went, “No no no, that’s not what I’m imagining.  I need you to be more... sexy.”  So Tatsuya does it again but sexily and then Ken-chan as a rhino beetle stomps in but Shouma tells him to be more manly so Ken-chan does it again but this time with his chest SUPER PUFFED OUT (like how Shouhei was doing it when mimicking Daichi in Winners and Losers).  And he just marches up to Tatsuya and goes, ”You’re a beautiful beetle.  Let’s mate.”  And Tatsuya just goes, “Okayy~” and turns around and Ken-chan hugs him from behind and they start swaying together and I just DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY KEEP— And then Shuuto came in as the long-horned beetle and just started pulling and plucking at their hair and that ended the scene which... you know.  Okay.  I don’t really know how the idol dressing room prompt ended this way but it sure did.
Evil Organization This one was so campy I was dying real bad.  Shouma put a chair on himself and called himself the chair monster and I think he was like, trying to hire Shuuto and Tatsuya from their ‘evil organization’ to help wreak havoc so he was telling them to demonstrate acts of eeeeevillll.  So Shuuto went first, pulled up one of the chairs, and put his foot on it.  And they were like, OH MY GOD THAT’S SO EEEVILLLLL.  PUTTING YOUR SHOES ON A CHAIR???!?  I can’t even remember what Tatsuay did anymore but it was just as campy basically, and then Ken-chan made this dramatic entrance from the back and the others on-stage went into defense mode because they thought that he was making a hero’s entrance, but then Ken-chan was like, “I’ll show you evil!  I’m going to use a chair not as intended!” and laid a chair on its back on the floor and awkwardly lay across it going, “How easy it is to sleep in this chair!!”   After the skit they were all asking him, “Were you one of the evil guys?”  Ken-chan replied that he was being their leader and they all went, “THEN WHY DID YOU DO A HERO’S ENTRANCE?  COMING UP FROM THE BACK LIKE THAT?!”  
Idol group break-up This one starts with Atashi at their final performance before breaking up basically, but also starts with Tatsuya bragging about his solo debut, which is super upsetting for Ken-chan, and Shuuto continues to just be quiet and off the corner, unbothered because he just cares SO LITTLE about being an idol lolololol.  Ken-chan kept going, “Shukkun!  Aren’t you upset?  Doesn’t this bother you?  We’re supposed to be a team!”  And he just kept going “...not really.”  By the end though, they look out at the venue from where they are on-stage, the magnificent Tokyo Dome, with all its bright lights... all the sponsor ads in the distance (cue raucous laughter from the emcee)... and they get overwhelmed with emotion and decide that they’ll do their best together for their final concert.  Shuuto just stands quietly next to them and they’re like, “Are you overwhelmed, Shukkun?  Are you moved?!”  And he just goes, “...not really.”  
High School girls I’m just gonna say that Shuuto and Ken-chan make the WORST high school girls.  They were getting the speech patterns down, deciding to go the Mean Girls route instead of just normal high school girls, and they kept teasing and sexually harassing the teacher, Shouma.  Shuuto just sat spread eagle in his chair, pretended to lift up his skirt and was just fanning his crotch, and Ken-chan commenting on the cute pattern of his underwear before just LIFTING BOTH LEGS UP INTO THE AIR WIDE APART like, “Look at mine!!” and then were like, “oh my gawwwdd, put your legs down, we can see everything!” and Shouma as the teacher was just like GIRLS PAY ATTENTION TO THE LESSION.  Ken-chan kept... lifting his legs up in a split... I just... SIR YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR CROTCH AWAY PLEASE.  But then the girls start gossiping about how it’s the teacher’s last day, and Shouma then does turn and says that because it’s his last day, he does have a confession he wants to make.  Tatsuya stands and shyly puts his hands together because he was playing the girl that had a crush on the teacher, but Shouma goes to Shuuto instead who was like, “Ehhh??? Gross!!!” and then Shouma went, “...then... Ken-chan!” and Ken-chan was like, “Why am I a second choice?!”   They eventually pull the emcee into the skit too, making him the principal who starts yelling at Shouma and the girls then start adding stories like, “And he touched us!  He’s a pervert, a pervert!”  When Tatsuya joins in, Shouma goes, ”Okay hang on, I definitely never touched Takkun!” and outs himself for the others.  Sadly the principal is a creep too because he’s mad, but he eventually yells, “You lucky bastard!” and the girls are like, “EHH!! EVEN THE PRINCIPAL!!!” and that’s how that one ended.  
4) Prizes For the raffle prizes, Ken-chan took solo polaroids there on the spot and also gave away one of his handmade uchiwa per session.  My friend actually won one of the polaroids in the first session!  The uchiwa went with the idol theme obviously, but he’d also asked us to make our own to bring to the event, because he would sign ours!  I didn’t know that when I made mine because the autograph announcement was like, only a couple days before the event, but yeah that’s really atypical of actor events too.  
Below is the one I made; the first uchiwa I’ve ever made actually!  It was a lot of fun.
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5) Polaroids and autographs I actually got two cheki with Ken-chan and one with Tatsuya during the first two sessions because I just couldn’t let the opportunity pass.  When I showed Ken-chan my uchiwa, he was very happy and impressed and signed both sides of it “just in case” it would rub off on the plastic side.  Since he always allows a little more time for each person, I told him how happy I was to be able to make the trip from America to see him again, and he smiled wonderfully and thanked me for making the trip.  When I went back for another cheki in the second session, I asked him for a “fun pose” so he offered to do the big heart with both our arms and then told me to pull out my uchiwa again so he could sign it again “since you came back a second time all the way from Seattle.”  He’s soooo sweet!!!  
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When I got my polaroid with Tatsuya, I told him that I’d been a fan of him since his Burimyu days and his eyes popped open like, “Oh wow!  That’s a really long time!”  And then he put his arm around me for a HUG basically, which is also SUPER RARE for fan events so I was very shook, but also my heart was soaring.  And then as I was leaving, he said, “Thank you for supporting me for so long, I hope I can keep meeting your expectations!”  
For all my younger followers who don’t yet have the income and means to travel and are afraid of missing out, don’t be!  It might take 10+ years before you can meet your favorite Japanese stage actor, and maybe it’s in entirely different circumstances than you could ever expect, but never say never!!!  It can still happen!
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Overall, this is what I love about Ken-chan's events.  They’re never very big, which is on purpose, in small venues with close quarters, so that he can make them feel more intimate and personal and so that he can take more time for each person for cheki or for handing us the merch himself as we buy it beforehand.  He does so much that’s so atypical of other actor events, and a large part of that is because he’s independent and doesn’t belong to a major agency, hence fewer rules, and the other part is because that’s what Ken-chan loves to do.  He really wants to be really close to his fans, and other actors he has as guests comment on it all the time.  He’s not afraid to be embarrassing or ridiculous in front of us, and it’s always great in some ways to see the guests he brings and who will go along with his shenanigans.  With this group, Tatsuya and Shuuto are both over 30, in fact, they’re both older than Ken-chan (who’ll be turning 31 in September), and I think that also made for a much more off-the-cuff show because they’re all veterans and they’re so comfortable with themselves.  I don’t really know Tatsuya to do events, but he kept saying he had a great time and was real sad during the third session that they were now done.  Maybe he’ll be inspired to have his own fan events soon!  I’m sure Ken-chan can help him brainstorm.  
I feel like this day had about a dozen dreams come true, even dreams I never had prior to this day, so I had a wonderful, amazing time, and I really hope I get another opportunity in the future!
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ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
no bc i unironically love how every sute rehearsal takkun will be radio silent while his co-stars will post 2+ photos everyday because when he finally does post it's like the second coming of christ
0 notes
vvlin91 · 6 years
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A random collection of post-show photos which includes Takkun standing on the splitting stage pieces where Grell and Ronald did the Titanic pose as well as Reo bocchan curiously hiding under Shunly's dining desk holding a kendama.
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sakurasakiyama · 6 years
Hello, i love your blog! May i ask? Do you have any recommendation fan-blogs (in english) of suzuki hiroki and wada takuma ? I want to fangirling them but not enough resource of informations about them :") thank you, sorry for my bad english:")))
Hi! Thank you for loving my Tumblr page! ❤ Well throughout my time here on Tumblr, I haven’t seen any actual Tumblr pages specifically focused on Wada Takuma or Suzuki Hiroki. 
I do know that @silverwind likes Takkun, but she doesn’t really post any actual updates but photos from his blog and that. So no actual translations or anything else of the sort. She has posted about some things such as his new photobook and that, but like I said it’s not much as she’s no specifically focused on Takkun. As for Suzuki Hiroki, there’s none I have seen any at all that are specifically about him at all. 
Even though the resources might be quite little. You can always collect them over time. As for me, I collect info about Tsubasa one day at a time because there is always something new that I can learn about him and it’s fun to learn about it. I even read through his old blog posts and find out some fun facts and things that I didn’t know about him (which I’m still need to finish now that I remember that xD). And even if you’re Japanese is limited that’s okay. You don’t need to start translating right away (and Google Translate isn’t 100% correct), so even photos and things like that are always good. If you do want to know more about them individually and in English, there are a few places you can check!
Suzuki Hiroki:
MyDramaList.info (You will find basically EVERYTHING on here! But you CANNOT ask or post download links, etc.You can see the rules for them here since a friend of mine is on there so she knows the rules.)
Anime on Stage (Actor of the Day)
English Wikipedia (There’s not much here)
Agency Profile (This is all in Japanese though, but it includes all of the works he’s been in or done so far)
Hiroki’s Social Media: Ameblo / Twitter / Official Fan Club Site
Wada Takuma:
MyDramaList.info (Again, you will find basically EVERYTHING on here! But you CANNOT ask or post download links, etc. You can see the rules for them here since a friend of mine is on there so she knows the rules.)
Anime on Stage (Actor of the Day)
Wikia - Tenimyu (Mainly Tenimyu related stuff)
Agency Profile (All Japanese again)
Takkun’s Social Media: Ameblo / Official Fan Club Site
So this is some of the English info for both Hiroki and Takkun. But as for any fan-blogs on Tumblr that post translations and things like that, I have not seen a single one. With some of the resources I’ve provided you, you could always try doing a fan-blog yourself if you want to :D
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Takkun: I’m scrolling through photos from yesterday’s closing party and the more I look at them the more I like them wwwwwwwwww
I decided to do a little competition between us three in weirdness of our faces, and my decision was:
Winner: Nokkun 2nd place: me 3rd place: Ani
Nokkuso: I won🏅☺️☺️
Nichan: I have been defeated.
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corrupted-sorrow · 7 years
Rantaku for the send me a ship thingy
Drinks all of the coffee
Shindou, when he plans new game strategies until late night. He might use a lot for late piano practice, too, since he´s allowed to go to a soundproof studio if needed. Kirino joins him, so he won´t drink an entire thermos bottle alone.
Brings up adopting a pet
Also Shindou. I guess that´s how he got Aria and Lute (There´s even a doujinshi about it and I accepted as headcanon) Kirino likes pets, but his mom is very strict about bringing them home, so he just plays with Shindou´s cats.
Kills the bugs
Kirino. He is more used to bugs, since his house have a tradiotal Japanese-style garden. It´s very rare for roaches and ants to show up at Shindou household, but when it happens, Takuto screams in fright. Actually, not for being afraid himself, but afraid of his cats eating the said insect...
“KIRINO! HURRY! ARIA IS ALMOST CATCHING THAT THING! KILL IT, PLEASE!!!” - Of course he have small tears in his eyes at this rate.
Cooks the meals
Shindou´s a bocchama, so he never learned about cooking at all. It´s a job for chefs and maids at his mansion, so Kirino does it best. His speciality is Japanese food and some pasta, since he knows Takuto likes it. There´s a thing... His food looks terrible. But tastes very good.
Starts getting into holidays way before they should
Depends. You know this meme about Halloween? That August barely ends and everyone is “It´s time to get spooky!” thing? That´s Kirino. And as soon it ends, Shindou gets REALLY excited for Christmas.
“Okay! It´s November 1st! Come on, Kirino! It´s time to buy the lights and the decoration! Don´t forget the huge Santa doll!”
Initiates the couple selfies
Kirino usually does so, since Shindou is a bit shy (He doesn´t mind being clicked by Akane, as long she keeps some distance. But for it´s different for love-dovey photos) Ranmaru is the one who also makes him go take photos on Purikura machines. He put LOTS of hearts and flowers on most of them, much to Takuto´s embarrassment.
“I can´t believe you put this huge glitter heart between us...”
“But look how shiny it is! Just like your eyes...”
Forgets the birthdays and anniversaries
IF this happens, it´s because of Shindou´s distraction. Kirino NEVER forgets, it´s almost ridiculous. Three months before Takuto´s birthday, he´s already planning some sort of surprise.
“This must be perfect! The cake! The music! The flowers! OUR BED!!!”
“Ki... Kirino... It´s too early... O-our bed?” - Blushes like crazy.
Always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping
Kirino, if he finds certain candy brands he likes. His belly hurts later and Shindou usually scolds him... Still, he gives Ranmaru tea and hugs him softly.
Nicknames the other
Kirino did, since he´s more casual. Called Shindou “Takkun”. Flustered, Takuto decided to do the same, calling Ranmaru “Ran-chan”. Nowadays, they just use their first names when they are alone.
“Ranmaru... Can you come closer?”
“Of course, Takuto...”
This was fun :D Thanks for asking!
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chocorabu · 6 years
Takkun’s post translation 2018/07/23
Heyy  It’s Takkun !
I finished today practice ! I did my best. Yup
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Yesterday was Samurai Tunes’ free live at Venus Fort ! ! Usually, I’m not really nervous when I do live but I was nervous before going on stage for a while. Lol
But, when I got on stage a lot of customers gathered for us so I was relieved ( ◠‿◠ ) It was coooool
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Member colors are not clearly decided yet but everyone knew what color to shake, it made me confused. Lol
Anyway, for now purple is fine for me ! Please take care of me
Also, thank you for the letters~ ~ I was allowed to read ( i _ i )
I also received letters from other members’ fan, it was the first time so I was happy ! ! ! Crying
people who are always writing to me, like in reply or in insta story, and also chocobo’s fan thank you as always ! ! ! !
Next Samurai will be at Men’s Panic ! Since Chocobo will be there too ! I’ll do my best two times !!!
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So then a friend who I last hang out with in winter said « I give it as if it came out of development »
And attached a photo taken over half a year ago~~
Let’s do our best this week too ! ! !
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405blazeitt · 5 years
im losing my mind over this
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Leo(na): I was picking a solitary flower  ~❁
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pet-diary · 6 years
Kitten update:
My child is finally here!! I've been playing with her nonstop in every free moment I have, so I haven't had much time for anything else. Kinda struggling to find the motivation to finish my work through the end of the quarter! But whatever, I'll make it work. Just need to set up camp in the bedroom where the kitten is. 😂 The other two (Takkun and Cash) are getting used to her and warming up to the idea of having a new kitten in the house. If anyone wants to see more of her, I've been posting lots of photos and videos on my Instagram. @ virtual.cats
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