#takui iwabuchi
jaqylantern · 4 years
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Round 3!
This time my hubby chose 2, my bff chose 2, and I chose 2 characters.
After this will each be picking our 2 faves of all 18.,I will do full fan art of those six.
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ariellynn14 · 7 years
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So.....I finally got to watch FIVE!!! It was so good!! I kinda felt like I was Hina while watching. Can't wait for next week!! Everyone did so well and kept my full attention the whole show! Congratulations on airing!!! ✨✨✨✨
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dilebe06 · 3 years
Cinque...è meglio di uno!
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Dopo Prince of Legend era giunto per me il momento di tornare tra le rassicuranti braccia di uno scolastico assurdo drama giapponese. Questi tipi di drama devono essere peggio della droga, altrimenti non capisco, come io mi infogni sempre in storie che sembrano uscite dal libro dell’Assurdo e ci sguazzi dentro contenta come una balena spiaggiata.
In questo caso la scelta è ricaduta su FIVE, drama da 8 episodi da 18 minuti l’uno reperibile sul forum delle sweetest devotion.
Ora, essendo della categoria sopracitata, mi aspettavo il devasto più totale: Concorsi di bellezza random, personaggi vestiti a caso e con atteggiamenti al limite del TSO, gare a chi fa la pipì più lontano, personaggi sottili come carta velina, stereotipi su due gambe che camminano  ecc ecc. 
Una bella Sagra dell’Ignoranza come solo i giapponesi sanno fare, insomma.
Tuttavia, FIVE mi ha sorpreso. Perché sì, ha al suo interno elementi tamarri ed inconcepibili all’umana comprensione, ma si vede lo sforzo di approfondire i personaggi e dare una parvenza di introspezione alla storia. 
Il drama narra le vicende di Hina, una studentessa liceale traferitasi per la millesima volta a causa del lavoro dei genitori e che si ritrova a frequentare la Classe SPECIAL A, ossia una classe di geni. 
Essendo l’unica ragazza dalla classe - e unica ragazza dotata di QI dell’intera scuola a quanto pare - viene subito idolatrata dai suoi compagni maschi che le affibbiano il soprannome di “Hime”, ossia Principessa. 
Chi invece vorrebbe Hina morta, magari sotto un camion, sono le ragazze della scuola, gelose non solo perché la ragazza sta nella classe più IN di tutte...ma anche perché viene presa in simpatia dai FIVE.
E mo’ questi chi sono?
Ma ovviamente sono gli F4/ i Flower Boys chiamali come ti pare... i TOP DELTOP della scuola: ossia i ragazzi più fighi, talentuosi, affascinanti [inserire aggettivo positivo qui] dell’Istituto. 
[Nei drama, se non ci mettono i ragazzetti più fighi della scuola che fanno l’entrata ad effetto sotto le luci del Signore, con le ragazze che svengono in preda all’estasi mistica mentre camminando, dividono la folla come Mosè divideva le acque...non sono soddisfatti.]
Dunque, il lead del gruppetto è Toshi (Sato Ryuji ), Casanova Liceale che passa il suo tempo a provarci con più ragazze insieme, senza sceglierne nessuna. Poi c’è Takui, classico ragazzo solare e spensierato, amante degli sport. Nao, il ragazzo kawaii che abbraccia tutti come fossero dei peluche, Kojiro imparentato forse con Goemon di Lupen III ed infine Jun, genio matematico ed hacker con l’hobby di far venire le paranoie al lead e per questo mio modello di vita e personaggio preferito della serie. 
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Il drama tratta i temi dell’amicizia e della solitudine, del credere in se stessi, nel lavoro di squadra e di gruppo e sopratutto del godersi l’età dell’adolescenza. La sorpresa più grande per me, è stata il notare come queste tematiche siano state affrontate in modo leggero ma non superficiale - magari andando un pò nel didascalico ma va bene -  ma rimanendo il più naturale possibile. 
L’altra grande sorpresa - anzi due - è stata la lead. Hina infatti è una lead simpatica ed adorabile. Forte ad al tempo stesso fragile. E mi è piaciuto come la serie gli abbia dato spazio e approfondimento, non lasciandola come mero personaggio femminile che sta lì a fare presenza. Ma sopratutto non balbetta ogni 3X2, cosa che la posiziona nel mio personale Olimpo delle lead. 
La seconda sorpresa è stata la storia d’amore perché si, è un drama adolescenziale sulla scuola quindi è ovvio che ci sia la storia d’amore: carina, divertente, con buoni momenti di tensione e sopratutto costruita nel corso della serie. ( eh..Prince of Legends???...coff coff)
Molto carina anche la bromance tra i ragazzi, semplice ma molto naturale.
Ovviamente, essendo questa serie ripresa da un manga mantiene tutte quelle assurdità, atmosfere e momenti tipici dei manga, ma sapendolo ci si fa il callo. Insomma, è abitudine.
 Dove invece non si riesce - o almeno io non sono riuscita - a lasciar perdere, è il finale. Esattamente come Die Now managgia a tutti i troll il finale presuppone una seconda stagione che mai e poi mai, secondo me, verrà portata a termine. Mi mangio le mani.
Quale scegliere?
Forse uno dei FIVE, Kojiro che va in giro con una katana senza avere il porto d’armi? Nao che viene rapito dalla sua promessa sposa ed ammanettato per fargli firmare a forza il contratto matrimoniale? La scuola che organizza Festival Sportivi a mo’ di Battle Royal, tutti contro tutti, consigliando di portare le armi? Il Presidente del Consiglio Studentesco che tenta di abbracciare il lead ogni 5 minuti professandogli il suo amore? la lead che quando beve il caffè gli viene un cambio di personalità diventando bipolare?
Voto il Preside della Scuola che durante il Festival Culturale fa fare un test di Economia Politica dando ai ragazzi un budget da spendere e dove i ragazzi ne devono guadagnare il doppio durante il Festival. L’assurdità? Il Preside che fa rapinare gli studenti che tengono i soldi per vedere come se la cavano e risolvono il problema. Ma che scuola è?! 
Ultimi ma non meno importanti sono tutti i momenti in cui Jun, il tizio matematico del gruppo, tormenta il povero lead sulla sua storia d’amore con Hina. Poichè Toshi la tira per le lunghe, nascondendo la palesissima infatuazione per la ragazza, Jun passa il tempo nel drama:
1) Osservare le interazioni tra i due lead come farebbe uno scienziato con una cavia particolarmente affascinante.
2) Dire a Toshi frasi come:-” ...ma la lasci andare via così? e se trova uno? e se quello diventa il suo fidanzato? e se ci prova prima lui e lei accetta? hai visto quanto è carina oggi Hina? secondo me, oggi trova il ragazzo. Oddio, ma l’ho vista chiacchierare con un ragazzo prima...che sia il suo fidanzato... o uno che vorrebbe esserlo? Non hai intenzione di fare nulla?”  #madòleparanoie 
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sakurasakiyama · 4 years
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[GIF Set] Drama ‘FIVE’ (ファイブ) Character Introductions 
Sato Ryuji as Shimizu Toshi
Kuroba Mario as Tairaku Jun
Matsuoka Koudai as Iwabuchi Takui
Nishii Yukito as Arisawa Nao
Negishi Takuya as Yauchi Kojirou
Arisawa Nana (SUPER☆GiRLS) as Asou Hina
Totani Kimito as Yamachika Tooru
Okamoto Anri as Nakagome Etsu
Mizuta Kouki as Nakagome Mitsu
Kayano as Komoro Kana
BONUS GIF - Sakurai Keito as Masato
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Character introduction GIFs are in scene/episode order of when they appear, and the quality had to be dropped a fair bit or slightly in some of the GIFs to fit the limit. 
Please DO NOT repost the GIFs!
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sutekiyomitsu · 7 years
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Every Episode of FIVE: DVD Extra Scenes
Sato Ryuji as Shimizu Toshi
Kuroba Mario as Tairaku Jun
Matsuoka Koudai as Iwabuchi Takui
Nishii Yukito as Arisawa Nao
Negishi Takuya as Yauchi Kojirou
Asakawa Nana as Asou Hina
Kayano as Komoro Kana
Okamoto Anri as Nakagome Etsu
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rz-jocelyn · 5 years
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[SUBTITLES] “FIVE” DVD Extended Uncut Version Episodes 07 and 08 (English Subbed, COMPLETE)
Sato Ryuji as Shimizu Toshi
Kuroba Mario as Tairaku Jun
Matsuoka Koudai as Iwabuchi Takui
Nishii Yukito as Arisawa Nao
Negishi Takuya as Yauchi Kojirou
Asakawa Nana as Asou Hina
Totani Kimito as Yamachika Tooru
Okamoto Anri as Nakagome Etsu
Mizuta Kouki as Nakagome Mitsu
Kayano as Komoro Kana
Kizuki Hajime as Gundam
Sato Masahiro as Afro
A preview of some of the extended scenes:
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Subtitles for “FIVE” Episodes 01 to 08 (Complete): HERE
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oh-my-asian-boy · 5 years
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I rewatched this one today ...this was that kind of live action that you watch with 0 expectations because looks cheap and a waste but although you can see that they were limited in quality still anyway the actors did their best and you can notice it since the start ... (is pretty obvious they are theater actors) but hey! I ask you all to give it a try because you will end smiling over and over and loving the characters ...
My fav one was Iwabuchi Takui (played by Matsuoka Koudai (he is well know for playing Naruto in the Live Stage Play)) his character is too soft and cheerful T ^ T you will wish for his happiness till the end </3 the visual is just my kind xD
Then we have the playboy Shimizu Toshi (played by Ryuji Sato (he is well know for playing Sasuke in Live Stage Play ...also is getting roles in many new projects like “Prince Of Legend” latest movie)) but super cute guy (His deep voice is to die for) so you will be in conflict wanting 2 characters to get Hina because is impossible to pick just one ><
Is funny , cute , and worth watching just when you feel like not watching anything specific 
Five ( ファイブ) live action
Episodes: 8
Aired: Jul 3, 2017
Hina has repeatedly transferred schools due to her father's job and has always dreamed of a normal high-school life. At her new school, however, she finds that her class is comprised solely of guys! On top of that, five mischievous boys from her class have taken a liking to her...!?
Watch with ENGSUB here
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sakurasakiyama · 5 years
[Video Preview] Drama - FIVE Ep07 & Ep08 DVD Uncut Scene Previews
This is my last, very small preview video of an uncut scene from both Episode 7 and Episode 8 of the DVD version of the drama “FIVE”! :D These are the final episodes of the Drama, and the scenes are still just as good as the first episode ♥
If you have the DVD version and would like the subs, you can find information about them in this post: HERE OR in the FIVE Masterpost: HERE
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sakurasakiyama · 5 years
[Video Preview] Drama - FIVE Ep05 & Ep06 DVD Uncut Scene Previews
This is a very small preview video of an uncut scene from both Episode 5 and Episode 6 of the DVD version of the drama “FIVE”! :D
If you have the DVD version and would like the subs, you can find information about them in this post: HERE OR in the FIVE Masterpost: HERE
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sakurasakiyama · 5 years
[Video Preview] Drama - FIVE Ep03 & Ep04 DVD Uncut Scene Previews
This is a very small preview video of an uncut scene from both Episode 3 and Episode 4 of the DVD version of the drama “FIVE”! :D It was a bit hard picking which scene’s I wanted to use this time, but hopefully it’s left everyone wanting more xD
If you have the DVD version and would like the subs, you can find information about them in this post: HERE OR in the FIVE Masterpost: HERE
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sakurasakiyama · 5 years
[Video Preview] Drama - FIVE Ep01 & Ep 02 DVD Uncut Scene Previews
This is a very small preview video of an uncut scene from both Episode 1 and Episode 2 of the DVD version of the drama “FIVE”! :D 
If you have the DVD version and would like the subs, you can find information about them in this post: HERE OR in the FIVE Masterpost: HERE
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sakurasakiyama · 6 years
Official PSA: New-ish Subbing Project - FIVE DVD/Blu-Ray Subs!
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That’s right! @rz-jocelyn and I have been discussing this and we’ve decided to re-sub of our previous subbing project FIVE for those who own the DVD or Bly-Ray of the Drama :D I was actually thinking about doing it whilst subbing the Drama, but it slipped my mind until she brought it up the other day since people have been asking about this xD 
The DVD and Blu-Ray have extra scenes that aren’t shown in the public broadcast. They were available for those who were premium FujiTV members only. So we could only sub the public versions at the time :D
The public broadcast version Hardsubs of FIVE can be found: HERE
Since we’ve already subbed this drama, we only have to translate the extra scenes and time them with my DVD copy of the drama. We will only be releasing softsubs of the drama with the extra scenes to encourage people to buy the DVD or Blu-Ray :) I will not be sharing my DVD at all so I will say to everyone now not to ask me for my DVD copy as I will not be sharing it xD I won’t know if the DVD timings will fit with the Blu-Ray, but we’ll come to that when they’re released xD
We will be releasing all 8 episodes together, rather than one at a time! :) So please be patient with us as we’re still currently working on Ochanomizu Rock which is a MEGA project xD We will hopefully have these done over the next couple of months after we catch up on OchaRock :D
You can find out more information on where to purchase the DVD/Blu-Ray from my partner: HERE & HERE
The summary & cast of the Drama can be found: HERE
This will bring back a lot of fun memories for Jocelyn and I and we leave ourselves in your care for this project! ❤ *bows*
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sakurasakiyama · 7 years
[IMPORTANT NOTICE/Download]  FIVE Episode 8 Grammar Mishap & Updated Hardsubs!
It was just pointed out to me by Jocelyn that we left out a tiny bit of grammar in one of the lines in Episode 8. So at the moment in the subs it says:
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But it should say:
“Huh? I heard that this class would only have male students, but it looks like there's an incredibly cute person here.”
So to fix this issue, I have updated the Episode 8 softsubs and the hardsubs.
I have also been able to hardsub the the previous episodes thanks to a software recommendation by @sohmariku and I have uploaded and posted the links in the FIVE Masterpost so then they all look the same. 
We apologise for the error and it has been fixed. To those who have asked us for the softsubs for episode 8 before I posted the issue for re-translation purposes should get in contact with me ASAP in order to give you the updated subtitles. As far as I know I’ve only given it to one person for re-translation purposes before the issue and they have been notified.
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sakurasakiyama · 7 years
[Download] FIVE Episode 6 English HardSub!
Hey guys, yes I'm still working on FIVE don't you worry about that xD As I'm currently busy with countless assignments and I've finished 2 out of the 6 that I have, I finished Episode 6 a while back. But my subbing partner has also been busy with work and also translating endless Tweets from Ryuji's Solo Performance! And I finally got it back today for the final check and here I am! Thus, due to still having 4 assignments to do, I've had to push back Episodes 7 and 8 as the assignments are my first priority. But the second I finish my assignments, I'll be working on them as quick as I can!
REMEMBER, I AM ONLY SHARING THE HARDSUBS due to an issue me and Jocelyn had a while back. There will still be softsubs, but you will need to send me an ASK (NO MESSAGES as I’ll direct you to my Ask Box!!!) and I'll give them to those I CAN TRUST!! You can read more about that: HERE
You can find the new episode in the Masterpost and PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES!
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sakurasakiyama · 7 years
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Favourite Scenes from Gakuen Tengoku (学園天国) MENS5 with T.M
I decided to show some of my favourites scenes from the second part of the Music Video. Some of them include:
The continuation of Mario trying to Pick up Koudai and failing
Takuya picking up Mario and almost dropping him the second time
Takuya being a creep in the background whilst being held back by Mario & Ryuji
And a little adorable moment of MENS5!
Two people have actually uploaded their DVDs that came from the CD on YouTube. In which you can find:
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sakurasakiyama · 7 years
[Download] FIVE Episode 5 English Sub!
Hi everyone! I was planning to have out Episodes 5 and 6 but, I haven’t finished episode 6 yet due to me stressing as usual and getting a lack of sleep. I will be on mid-semester break after my final class that I have this morning for 2 weeks. So then I will be able to finish the rest of the episodes during that time!
As usual, the link to the softsubs are in the masterpost --> HERE
If wanting the HardSub, please send me an ASK! (NO MESSAGES)
No re-uploading the subs! (and Hardsubs) And the other rules for the SoftSub are in the Masterpost. Rules for the HardSub will be given when asked for.
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