#takumi kun 3
ineffable-opinions · 5 months
School Culture & Male Androphilia in Japan
[This is part of a series on Takumi-kun 6. The aim of this piece is to discuss the origins of student culture and male androphilia & how it plays out in Takumi-kun series.]
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Takumi-kun series is an early BL novel by Shinobu Gotoh with an enduring legacy. It is also an on-going work as we follow Takumi-kun and others beyond their student (gakusei) days and into adult (shakaijin) life.
Takumi-kun series is mostly set in an all-males boarding school Shido Academy. As I have mentioned in my previous posts, pre-modern Japan has a long tradition of male androphilia[1], much of which was age-stratified, class-stratified or both and involved strict/normative inserter/insertee dichotomy. BL has inherited (such as in seme/uke dynamics) and bastardized (such as with younger seme/older uke pairing) traditions of male androphilia in its tropes. Let's discuss a bit of the history before diving into how Shinobu Gotoh plays around with the setup of boarding school male-male sexuality that emerged in the Meiji period.
Part 1
[ Main resource used for this part of the write-up is the chapter titled “Toward the Margins: Male-Male Sexuality in Meiji Popular Discourse” from the book Cartographies of Desire: Male-Male Sexuality in Japanese Discourse, 1600-1950 by Gregory M. Pflugfelder. ]
What Review of Senryu From Meiji Japan Reveals
Meiji period Japan saw transformation of Japanese customary male-male sexuality ‘within the newly established framework of a centralized nation-state’.
…male-male sexuality, which had enjoyed a prominent and respectable place in Edo-period popular texts, came during Meiji times to be routinely represented as “barbarous,” “immoral,” or simply “unspeakable.”
The marginalization of male-male sexuality can be traced through its representation in senryü verse composed during that period. In post-Meiji Restoration popular humor Yoshichö districts of Edo well-known for organized sex work was no longer associated with the kagema or male sex worker. Instead, it was associated with female geisha, mirroring the 18th centuary decline of kagema teahouse and their shutdown by local authorities'. Once mainstream male-male sex work had to go underground and faded from popular memory.
Just as old customs were forgotten, new ones emerged in senryu of 1880.
Two figures […] associated with male-male sexuality were the bantö and detchi—clerk and apprentice, respectively, in a commercial house. The bantö wielded considerable authority over other employees, and had been portrayed in senryü since the Edo period indulging his lechery with young male coworkers. The detchi, on the other hand, may be seen as the merchant version of the priestly chigo or samurai page boy: male adolescents for whom the favor or disfavor of senior males might have significant consequences for their professional advancement.
Meanwhile male-male sexuality involving Buddhist priests went from being considered ‘a lesser transgression than fornication with women’ and a ‘contradiction between the priest's personal indulgence and the ascetic ideals of his religion” to an “emblem of “ancient evils” (kyühei) in dire need of reform’ and ‘a criminal offense’.
Following period saw state regulation of representation of sexuality in media (print media, theatre and paintings - artist Kawanabe Kyösai’s erotic drawing of Meiji oligarch Sanjö Sanetomi & a male foreigner landed him in jail; not much different from jailing of ero BL creators in present day[2]) and a shift in popular discourse that deemed that male-male eroticism has no place in the “civilized” environment of Meiji. Male-male sexuality was further marginalized through silence resulting from ‘state censorship, editorial discretion, authorial inclination, public taste’, etc. Meiji journalists continued reporting on male-male sexuality but adopted a tone of moralistic outrage and condemnation.
In the demarcation of civilized behavior, male-male sexuality was relegated to ‘the Japanese past, the southwestern periphery, and the world of adolescence’.
Japanese Past
‘Male-male erotic practices lay in the past’ which was seen as ‘a backward and “feudal” age, whose institutions and customs Japan must abandon in order to achieve “civilization.”’
Meiji era authors depicted male-male sexuality with historical backdrop (such as samurai society of the Sengoku and Edo eras) that would excuse their representation in the name of historical accuracy. [This is in contrast to say depiction in cinema which has largely avoided depiction of nanshoku with exception of Taboo (1999) and Kubi (2023).]
Pflugfelder gives a couple of examples:
Higeotoko (Man with a Beard; 1890–1896) by Köda Rohan – very shonen ai about the whole thing – involved light hand-holding and fade to blank.
Kagema no adauchi (Kagema's Vendetta; 1899) by Jöno Denpei –about a professional “love boy”. As a person born in 1832 Jöno was familiar with male sex workers like the protagonist from his childhood. But the practice has thoroughly disappeared from the cultural fabric by 1899 that Jöno had to introduce the protagonist whose profession was “disgraceful” “from today's perspective” and his gender identity ambiguous.
Marginalization of Male-Male Sexuality Was Japan's Southwestern Periphery
Centered around Kagoshima prefecture (the former domain of Satsuma), the region encompassed various parts of Kyushu, Shikoku, and Honshu. During the Meiji period, it was popularly believed that male-male erotic practices were more prevalent here than in the rest of Japan. Other than the obvious geographic distinction, there was a social reason too for this distinction. It was believed the region was a stronghold of old customs with lasting imprints of samurai class and the high concentration of warrior families. Satsuma had customary homosocial groups with strict sex-segregation practices such as hekogumi and gojü until the Restoration.
Male-male erotic interaction […] was reportedly common within such groups.
… the martial ethos of the samurai class slowly dissolved under the pressure of social change and “civilized morality.” Contemporary observers correlated the deterioration of shiki or “warrior morale” with a decline in male-male erotic practices.[3]
During the Meiji period, southwestern region (Kagoshima in particular) was known for its male-male sexual practices. These practices were seen as regional peculiarities, distinct from the mainstream culture centered in Tokyo. The southwestern region was viewed as a “feudal” backwater, and the association of male-male erotic practices with this area underscored their perceived “uncivilized” nature. Instead of being seen as a universal practice [the way shudo was percieved], male-male sexuality was considered a “folkway” (füzokü) surviving on the cultural margins of a newly “civilized” nation-state. In the 20th century, sexologists further marginalized these practices by diagnosing regions like Kagoshima with a hereditary condition called “regional same-sex love” (chihôteki döseiai). This effectively contained male-male sexuality within specific geographical and cultural boundaries.
Moreover, from Kagoshima men’s regional identity imperial navy and seafaring got associated with male-male eroticism in Meiji Japan.
male-male sexuality & the world of adolescence
… the sexual object in shudö had always been defined as a young male. In Meiji popular discourse, as in that of the Edo period, it was generally understood that youthfulness formed one of the conditions of male-male erotic desirability. More and more commonly, however, the desiring party too was presumed to be an adolescent, older than his partner as a rule, but neither of them yet an adult.
‘Adolescence (seishun) as an “institutionalized moratorium between childhood and adulthood” [allowed for a] social space where adult standards did not fully apply’. This also allowed male-male sexuality which had gained the status of uncivilized behavior to be excused as ‘youthful folly’.
Institutions of formal education were around since Edo period and so was male-male erotic practices in them. Not only that but also ‘violence between rivals in love’. Following the Restoration, schools mushroomed throughout Japan with an added emphasis on education as a vehicle for social mobility. Students, tasked with future nation building, were expected to be diligent in their study and to stay away from sexual diversion. Male-male sexuality in schools were not just that in discourse of the day but was inextricably linked with ‘shifting definitions of masculinity, regional and political rivalries, and the ongoing “civilization” of morality’. 
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Mori Ögai - father of Mori Mari who wrote the first BL
Two terms born out of Mori Ögai's 1909 novel critiquing naturalism[4] Wita sekusuarisu (Vita Sexualis) köha and nanpa were used in discourses surrounding male-male sexuality among students. The term köha (translated as “roughnecks” by Pflugfelder and “queers” by Kazuji Ninomiya and Sanford Goldstein) referred to students who eschewed interest in male-female eroticism instead engaged in male-male sexual relations. This was in contrast to their nanpa (translated as “smoothies” by Pflugfelder and “mashers” by Kazuji Ninomiya and Sanford Goldstein) classmates.
[These are penetrator roles but not fixed categories. Students did move from one category to another even in Mori's novel. "Boy" (shonen) who were penetrated could take up penetrator role later on.]
“Smoothies” […] did not tuck up their sleeves or swagger about with menacing shoulders like their “roughneck” peers, but instead dandified themselves in silk kimonos and white socks (tabi) in order to win the favor of women.
In Mori’s school köha student were mostly from Kyushu and southwest Honshu prefecture of Yamaguchi while nanpa were from northeastern region. This regional distinction shows up in Tsubouchi Shöyö's novel Tösei shosei katagi (Spirit of Present Day Students; 1885–1886) wherein Kiriyama Benroku a quintessential köha is a native of Kyushu who wears coarse garb and is contrasted against his classmates womanizing peers not only by his leaning towards samurai ideals of masculinity but also by his interest in his companion Miyaga.
The köha-style of masculinity was modelled on engaging brute strength even in erotic dealings. Moreover ‘the strict age hierarchy that prevailed in student society constrained the very notion of consent, since junior males were in principle supposed to obey the dictates of senior schoolmates.’
In such an environment, male-male sexual practices often took a predatory form, with younger students providing fodder for older ones.
However, there were also non-forced köha-shonen sexual relations too.
Mori describes, for instance, a set of crude hand signals whereby a “boy” could consent to or refuse a senior male's overtures; subtler forms of seduction involved treats, favors, and the prospect of “special protection” (tokubetsu na hogo) by the older party.
Meiji newspapers was eager to cover köha violence wherein the older students who preyed upon “beautiful boy” in the streets of Tokyo and other Meiji cities or fought over a “beautiful boy”. They stood to gain readership especially those from middle- and upper-class who were likely to send their kids to boarding schools. It also fit well in the political context with journalistic crusade aimed at male-male sexuality & exploitation as a “Satsuma habit” in a time when ‘domination of the national government by the so-called “Satsuma clique” (Satsubatsu) faced mounting criticism’.
The portrayal of köha by journalists in post-Restoration Japan led to a strong association between male-male sexuality and adolescence. This association was so strong that any discussion of male-male sexuality would inevitably reference student societies and dormitories as common places for such relationships. Furthermore, accounts of school life often highlighted the culture of male-male eroticism as a distinctive feature. This is evident in memoirs by several notable figures such as Ösugi Sakae (himself a former köha), Iwaya Saza-nami, Ubukata Toshirô, as well as in literary works by Dazai Osamu, Hori Tatsuo, Kawabata Yasunari, Mushanoköji Saneatsu, Origuchi Shinobu, Satomi Ton, Tanizaki Jun’ichirö, and Uno Köji.
Chigo-nise ties (that is, erotic relationships between junior and senior youths) were reportedly common [in Kagoshima] as late as the 1940s, while student memoirs and other accounts describe similar attachments in schools outside the region. With the twentieth-century rise of the notion of [döseiai] “same-sex love,” however, popular representations of such relationships would come increasingly to focus on their psychological features, rather than on physical predation of the Meiji type.    
The other half of the ‘asymmetric dyad that made up a male-male erotic relationship’, the sexually penetrated partner, is referred to as ‘shonen’ (boy) in student lingo. By then a mix of inherited knowledge from various arena – Japanese past, classical Chinese, and contemporary forensic pathology – entered public discourse such as seen in Kömurö Shujin's Bishönenron (On the Beautiful Boy).
In Kömurö Shujin's work, the primary effect of this paradigm was to bring to the fore the psychology and physiology of the “beautiful boy” in a manner that would become increasingly common as the century progressed. Kömurö Shujin cited an impressive array of Western authorities on “same-sex love,” most of them doctors or scientists who believed that the “passive” partner in male-male intercourse differed from others of his sex on the basis of certain mental and physical peculiarities, both inborn and acquired. At the same time, the author's understanding of Western sexology was filtered through a set of native assumptions, emerging in a form that often differed in telling ways from the intentions of the original theorists.
Masculinity of wakashu was rarely ever problematized during Edo period. But with the medicalization of male-male sexuality led to attribution of “effemination” with “passive” partner put forth by Western sexologists as Richard von Krafft-Ebing to gain traction in Japan and persist.
[Parallels can be found in bishonen (beautiful boy) stock in BL deemed feminine by readers unfamiliar with the bishonen aesthetics. For example, misattribution bishonen Ayase even when contrasted with feminine Someya in No Money. This also extends to treatment of seme/uke dynamics as though it is a reflection of heterosexual pairing when it is in fact a pairing of two different masculine aesthetics, not to ignore the misogynistic, xenophobic and colonial conception of men who do not fit into specific masculine aesthetics being deemed unmanly/feminine.
Interestingly, Miki Koichiro the director (and screenwriter) of Pornographer, Given, Zettai BL, Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu  etc. is well versed in the male androphilic traditions (among other queer traditions). We can see him using the term “shonen” when instructing the young actor playing Mob-san’s brother’s friend who has a crush on Mob-san. His usage was perfect, proving that he knows what he is doing.]
Part 2
Relics of traditional androphilia in Takumi-kun series
The norm or at least the expectation is that senior students (senpai) pursue pretty boy (bishonen) juniors (kouhai).
This is what outsiders expect even within the universe the novel series is set in as is seen from the conversation between Gii, his best friend Akaike Shouzou and Namiko (Shouzou’s girlfriend) in Sorera Subete Itoshiki Hibi (Those Were Precious Days), a part that never got live action adaptation.
This plays out in Takumi-kun series in various ways. There are two notable bishonen in Takumi-kun’s batch: Gii with his exotic beauty and the princess-like Takabayashi Izumi. In case of pursuit of Gii plays out in a pretty straight forward manner. He is relentlessly chased by seniors who are interested in Gii and their numerous attempts at wooing him.
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Takumi-kun 4 - Gii & Sagara
Notable pursuer is Sagara Takahiro who was in the third year when Gii joins Shidou. Sagara as the school president organized many recreational events hoping Gii would participate and they would grow closer. But Gii refuses to participate except for in the final one which took place in Sagara’s absence, the Shinto Shrine Hunt event that is depicted in Takumi-kun 6. Even though the pursuit plays out straight forwardly, it come to nothing since Gii is not there to be pursued. He is there to pursue Takumi-kun.
In case of Takabayashi Izumi, he turns his most ardent pursuers into a band of followers. This obedient little group of lackeys help him to stir up trouble for his love rival Takumi. Moreover, Takabayashi is one of Gii’s pursuers. This pursuit also doesn’t yield any result as Gii doesn’t entertain any pursuit.
Thus, both bishonen of Takumi’s batch subverts expectations surrounding bishonen by being pursuers.
Takabayashi’s plot gets further complicated when he falls in love with Yoshizawa Michio. Their pairing is that of weak seme x weak uke type – both are reluctant to actively pursue each other and requires external intervention to set their ship in motion.
Meanwhile Misu Arata wishes to be the target of his senior Sagara Takahiro’s affections. He actively participates in Sagara’s events wanting to get close [and they do get close as schoolmates] but Sagara is only interested in Gii.
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Takumi-kun 4 - Shingyouji & Misu
Misu’s plot further deviates from the pursued bishonen track when a junior (Shingyouji Kanemi) pursues and eventually gets together with him in a clear inversion of the norm.
Takumi is also pursued by his seniors. Aso Kei’s pursuit is depicted in Takumi-kun 6 while Nozaki Daisuke’s attempts at courtship is depicted in Takumi-kun 1.
Aso Kei is the only one Takumi is comfortable interacting with apart from Katakura Toshihisa (Takumi’s best friend). Aso’s pursuit is aided by Gii who wholeheartedly wishes for Takumi’s happiness irrespective of whom he gets together with. Gii creates opportunities for Aso and Takumi to meet by delegating library duty to Takumi when Aso is around thus getting them to interact. Aso’s courtship fails and he takes it out on Gii by showing off – he lies to him that Takumi agreed to shrine hunt with him. When Gii notices that Takumi doesn’t reciprocate Aso’s feelings, he decides to actively pursue Takumi and turns from Aso’s enabler to rival in love.
Nozaki Daisuke’s pursuit of Takumi plays out within the senior pursuing junior set up. Another classic trope is that of love rivals fighting over a bishonen with both literary and in real life precedents. This is evoked in a race between Gii and Nozaki in Takumi’s name from Takumi-kun 1. Here the love rival’s competition is complicated since Gii is a bishonen who is fought over by many others (Takumi, Takabayashi, Nogawa Masaru*, etc).
* Nogawa Masaru is not depicted in any of the movies as far as I can remember.
Even though the novel series is called Takumi-kun series, there are many parts that doesn’t involve Takumi-kun and some of them are exclusively from the point of view of other characters. All in all, Takumi-kun series is like an anthology of many many love stories involving characters who are directly or indirectly connected to Takumi-kun. There are other stories involving younger pursuer and older pursued with all sorts of seme/uke arrangements. Here are some that I can recall right away:
Even guys who are not androphilic such as Akaike Shouzou gets pursued by seniors (Shibata Shun in Shouzou’s case). But these courtships are doomed from the get go.
Younger guy pursues older – senior & junior, teacher & student, etc.
senior x junior pursuit abandoned to establish senior x senior romance (Moriyama & Shibata) or junior x junior romance.
senior x junior romance sometimes end in heartbreak. (Takumi-kun 2)
senior x senior relationships are abandoned in pursuit of senior x junior relationship.
Sometimes seniors employ their seniority to retain power imbalance. (Misu and Shingyouji)
In case it is not clear, who pursues who has got nothing to do with who is seme, uke or riba and vice versa. Since the novel series involves many pairings, we get to see all sorts of seme/uke/riba dynamics (if we are to call it that given Takumi-kun is a June novel).
[1] I prefer using male androphilia because queerness is a bit too vague and in most case in inappropriate since it was the norm. Academics usually use male-male sexuality, male-male desire, male-male eroticism, etc. Male androphilia must not be confused with the narrower term homosexuality.
[2] Danmei author Tian Yi and her companions were sentenced for 10 years for profiting from obscene content on male-male sexuality.
[3] while the courting of “beautiful boys” was a “barbaric custom” (banpü), domain authorities during the Edo period had tacitly encouraged it as a means of preventing young men from going “soft” (nyüjaku) through erotic involvement with women (joshoku).
[4] In the Company of Men: Representations of Male-Male Sexuality In Meiji Literature by Jim Reichert (199-208)
Takumi-kun meta series
1.Trailer plus
2.School culture and male androphilia in Japan. (you are here)
3.How does the movie compare with the source novel?
4.How does the movie compare with previous adaptations?
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mondstalgia · 9 months
BL ships that I will never forget:
In a few weeks it's gonna be 14 years of obsessing over queer media, especially BL, so here are the ships always on my mind in no particular order.
Arata & Shingyouji (Takumi-kun Series 4: Pure, 2010): Listen the Takumi-kun Series from 2007 to like 2011 was my life as a (pre-)teen. In hindsight really sketchy but anyway haha. Those two really caught my eye back then though (especially their racy kisses) and I was happy they got their own bigger part in one of the movies.
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Evan & Isak (Skam Season 3, 2016): Was there a queer European teen that wasn't obsessed with this season of Skam? I remember re-watching it so many times I could recite their text without speaking Norwegian. Plenty of beautiful Skam universe parallel couples out there but these two will remain the iconic blueprint.
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ChenAi (Kiseki: Dear to me, 2023): Almost unfair to put them on here but seeing how I haven't been able to think about any other ship every single day for the last 3 months, I feel like it's justified. They just have everything I want and need to get hyperfixated on.
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Seiryo & Yuzuru (Seven Days, 2015): Oh my, the way I loved this silly concept and how funny it was yet they managed to get me all emotionally involved in the span of two movies? Insane chemistry and just..everything I needed back then. Especially since it was then one of the very few BL's I saw without a sad ending.
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KornKnock (Bad Romance 2016, Together With Me 2017 - 2018): Listen, plot wise Manner of Death is the absolute height to me but when it comes to MaxTul I will never forget them as Korn and Knock in these series. Forever grateful to all the fanvids that led me to finding my BL fathers. Chemistry forever out of this world. Also shout out to Yiwha, best female character in any BL and my wife.
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WinTeam (Until We Meet Again 2019, Between Us 2023): The couple that made me aware of what second lead syndrome was because I waited so long for more of them, it felt eternal. I don't think I will ever get tired of these two.
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VegasPete (KinnPorsche, 2022): Who said I couldn't like a toxic ship? These two took me by surprise, I didnt even know they were going to be a ship in the series. Definitely acknowledging how fucked up they are yet at the same time it's the forst toxic ship that really got me. I love them, in my own weird way.
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HaoGu (HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count, 2019): I mourned them like I have mourned no other couple. I should have known from the title but they really lead me astray. My beautiful boys, the star crossed lovers. They still get me emotional now, I might go cry now.
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Hira & Kiyoi (Utsukushii Kare, 2021 - 2023): Before ChenAi there were Hira and Kiyoi who absolutely owned my heart. I love how misunderstood by BL fans they were who claimed their toxicity. Meanwhile I simply love how weird their relationship is and getting to see a real Tsundere in action. I'm obsessed with them.
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Honourable Mention: Kim Jae Wook as Min Sun Woo in Antique Bakery, 2008. The very first gay character I saw in Korean media. Forever iconic, forever in my heart.
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negrowhat · 2 years
Top 5 worst bl hairstyles and outfits?
HEY! Sorry I'm answering so late! BUT I'M HERE!
Boss' coconut cut in My Engineer, so lame. I guess he's supposed to be cute but nah. What's wild is that IRL Inntouch is a whole thurst trap.
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Som's 2010 Disney Channel Haircut. I already find Som annoying but his twisted coconut cut is mad annoying. It looks like he put his wig on sideways.
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The hideous school uniforms from Takumi-kun Series. They looked like the Ouran High School uniforms come to life.
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Please don't come for me about this, but the plaid suit Shao Fei wore to the chief's daughter's wedding. That shit was HIDEOUS! It was so ugly and it didn't fit him well.
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Mico's quarantine outfit from Hello Stranger. He had a fucking jug on his head.
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Dishonorable mentions to Drake's ponytail in Bad Buddy and those weird backwards jeans Hin kept wearing in Lovely Writer.
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geekygirl24 · 11 months
BL Prompts - Chapter 44 Links
Prompt from TroisZKG: Hi. May I request a sequel for chapter 16 in this series. Sky has that conversation with Prapai. AND some sort of reveal to Rain also. (Because really both of these are in his company the most and need to know what to expect) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46207009/chapters/129797767
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Prompt from Lilystreet: After PE Practice, the twins Xia De and Xia En and Gao Chun are having a shower. Gao chun didn't realize the twins were really that hot after seeing their body. The twins then saw him staring at them and notice his hard on when Xia En suggested 'want a taste of us'? And then twins taking turns on Gao Chun. Thankfully no one is aound the shower room other than three of them. Gao Chun certainly had a great shower. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46255276/chapters/129866125
Prompt from UCC: And here is my nsfw prompt hihi: In the locked council room, taekyung suggested explicitly that he is good at guessing games. To which Namgoong suggested an 'extraordinary' game. Taekyung is blindfolded and he has to guess which one is fucking him and which one is him sucking on to between Daon, Shinwoo and Namgoong. They're friends here but up to you if they'll become bfs or not. Thanks!!!!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46231810/chapters/129930805
Prompt from Oyasumii: Do you remember Takumi-kun? If so could you write an aftermath of movie 3 where Takumi can have Gii touch him again, but not all the time, since his nerves/mind (?) aren't what they used to be before. It's a process and Gii still has to "work" his way back to the trust Takumi had in him before Gii started to pull away from him. Long sentence, sorry https://archiveofourown.org/works/46179736/chapters/129992980
Prompt from Stormborn_88: Oh thank you thank you thank you! This was amazing =) esp. with the aftercare! And I'd stay with Word of Honor as my next prompt, since - no offence to the others - they're my favorites. Due to the novel we know Kexing had quite a few affairs before he met his soulmate, so I'd like a story where one of them pops back into his life acting like a good friend to Kexing, who's equally happy to see & spend some time with him again, while behind his back he does everything to make Zishu feel insecure & like he's not enough for Wen Kexing. When Wen Kexing finally figures out what's happening, his old "friend" gets to know a whole different side of Wen Kexing!
I missed out the back half of this prompt! Sorry! I've been struggling with writing and missed it! …. https://archiveofourown.org/works/46279000/chapters/130054390
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diavkhan · 13 days
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rare event: Gii said something I can agree with
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absolutebl · 5 months
This Week in BL - new entries upset the rankings
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
April 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 11 of 12 - Like most Thai BL pulps, this show doesn’t have much story to it. But I'm discovering that what it does have I actually really enjoy. I love that the gay boys got to play matchmaker for a change and I like how just GAY they are. It's nice. Refreshing.
We Are (Weds GMMTV iQIYI) ep 1-2 of 16 - University ensemble BL featuring PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawinPoon. I like it. It’s old school Thai BL, but having fun with itself and its tropes. I’m not expecting much, so I don’t mind it waffling. All the couples are comfy. Chemistry is okay. Friendships are nifty. I like Pond's floppy hair. We fine. 
Two Worlds (Thurs IQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - What an extremely bloody episode. And bad guy turned out to be very bad indeed. And now pretty much everyone is dead. Nice kiss. Of course. 
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Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 6 of 8 - It’s cute, they happy, not a ton happened. Random gratuitous bathing. As you do in BL. And I still think the sides should just end up in a thrupple
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 2 of 12 - Oh they very cute. Also very silly. 
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1000 Years Old (Thurs iQIYI) ep 9 of 12 - No. NOT THE GUITAR. YES abandon guitar for the sniff test! Love this for them. And me. My most favorite trope defeated my least favorite trope. VICTORY!!!  
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Unknown (Taiwan Tues YouTube & Viki) ep 8 of 11 - It’s just so good. Baby went away, grew up, and learned how to become a temptation... and a husband. 
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Gray Shelter AKA Gray Currents (Korea Thurs iQIYI) 1 of 5 eps - SooHyuk, only just surviving, reunites with YoonDae, his (brief) younger stepbrother who feels abandoned. They end up living together. The younger brother is played by Lee Jae Bin of Choco Milk Shake. OMG. STEPBROTHERS TROPE. Lucky me! Two in one season. Yay!!!! It's Korea so great visuals too. I shallow but yeah, this is great.
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Kindly Ryota goes off to uni only to find his new roommate is his childhood bestie, Kazuhito. Kazuhito doesn’t have a girlfriend and Ryota tries to help him figure out why. Same director as Old Fashion Cupcake. It’s utterly charming. I am charmed. Also the framing is gorgeous (of course). Very stylish.
Love is Better the Second Time Around AKA Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 6fin - I don’t know. Kind of a flat ending with the leads apart for most of it. I enjoyed this show but it never really hit with me. 
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After a teen betrayal and resulting separation a reporter reunites with his first love. That love wants him back. I enjoyed the authenticity of a reunion romance explored in Japan's quintessentially contemplative yet surreal way. The juxtaposition of the tenderness of the sex scenes with this Japanese style of authenticity was oddly elegant but all in all this still fell a little flat for me. There's nothing objectively wrong with it, but in total the narrative felt sluggish and the main couple were just... stiff (in the wrong way). Frankly, I'd rather just rewatch Tokyo in April is. 8/10
Love is like a Cat (Korea Mon Viki) eps 3-4 of 12 - What is going on with this show? No, I get the plot. I just don't get the show or why I’m watching it. Annoying. 
It's done, but I suck
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps
To Be Continued (Sat C3 Thailand grey) ep 7-8fin - I can't for the life of me find the final 2 episodes. Haven't had a real hunt, but yeah. No dice so far.
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It's airing but...
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari (Japan Furritsubs) eps 1-? of 10 - I may wait and binge it.
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
Kiseki Chapter 2 (Sun iQIYI) 6 eps - It’s so boring DNFed at 2.
Close Friend Season 3: Soju Bomb! (Weds iQIYI) 6 - The problem with situational comedy BL is it must be situational, comedic and a BL. This show gets 1 of 3 claims correct. 33% is not a passing grade. Dropped at 3.
Memory in the Letter (Thai WeTV) - only 4 eps, tell me if I should bother?
Next Week Looks Like This:
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4/18 At 25:00 in Alaska AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) 10 eps - Yuki lands his first starring role in a BL drama alongside superstar Asami (previously his senior at uni). Said superstar suggests they form a sham relationship until filming concludes. As they actually begin to fall in love, the spotlight begins to burn. I think I've seen this before (joke) and also the trailer doesn't inspire confidence.
Still to Come in April
4/25 Boys Be Brave! AKA Roommates (Korea Thurs Viki) 8 eps - Trailer Jung Ki Sub is Kim Jin Woo's slacker friend - and secret crush. So when Ki Sub crashes at his place, his heart tingles to be near him everyday. But as the short stay turns into permanent mooch, how long can Jin Woo keep his true feelings under wraps and hold back from confessing?
4/26 My Stand-In (Thai iQIYI) 12 eps - adaptation of Chinese novel "Professional Body Double" by Shui Qiang Cheng. Stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please) directed by the same team as KP (not a recommendation IMHO - my biggest criticism of that show was the clashing directing styles). This one looks complicated, lemme try: Joe is a stuntman for famous actor Tong. Joe falls in love with Ming but Ming sees Joe as nothing more than a Tong-replacement. After learning this horrible truth, Joe dies. Joe then wakes up in the body of another man also named Joe. He manages to rebuild the same life as before—with the same people eventually re-meeting Ming. Ming wants Joe back but Joe doesn't understand why. But Ming seems to know what's going on and wants to give him some kind of explanation.
I'm exhausted just trying to describe the plot.
Knock-Knock Boys (Thai WeTV) - 4 college friends conspire to help their friend lose his virginity. Familiar faces like Seng (yes, Billy's previous pairing) and Best, news here. But will it actually air this month?
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
NOTE: It looks like one of my personal favorites of last year Unintentional Love Story is getting a spin off!
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Sniff test turning into a make out sesh? Please and thank you. City of Stars
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a bother.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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usertoxicyaoi · 28 days
older gays will remember takumi kun 4 (2010) and just how much she did for us toxic yaoi stans <3.
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blmpff · 7 months
✨ Various Tropes: Back Hug (3/?) ✨
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TITLES IN ORDER: 1. Takumi-kun: Pure (2010) 2: Dark Blue Kiss (2019) 3: Gaya sa Pelikula (2020) 4: Friend Zone 2 (2020) 5: Kieta Hatsukoi (2021) 6: My Secret Love (2022) 7: Tokyo In April Is… (2023) 8: Love Mate (2023) 9&10. Unintentional Love Story (2023) 11. Step by Step (2023) 12: Our Skyy 2 x The Eclipse (2023)
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nieves-de-sugui · 1 year
The Story of Live Action BL in Japan
This is an extra post to accompany the history of BL post I did earlier. 
Japan has had live action BL long before Thailand entered the picture. It was however mostly melancolic stories or manga adaptations, until their own particular boom happened. I make a difference between what I would call LGBTQ+ representation and BL Live Action, because even though they have existed parallely they are fundamentally different in their conception. Here is an interview with the curator of an exhibition that was held in Japan about the history of Japanese Queer Cinema. 
The evolution of Japanese BL Live Action has been very slow, and mostly influenced by manga. It is still not a big market, but it has improved a lot in the most recent years. This is my attempt to put it into phases:
The indie like movies and bad manga adaptations
Let’s start with Boys Love (a movie), shall we? 
It is the year 2006 and up to this point there has been a small boom of gay stories in the 1990′s (the first Tokyo International Lesbian & Gay Film & Video Festival was held in 1992 me thinks this might have sprung the yaoi debates). In the 2000's, we're at the start of a new little boom on BL type movies being made. Many of which would be directly released in DVD, with a constant melancholic and tragic approach to love stories between young men. 
Homosexual love is only attarctive to the mainstream if it’s painful. Like typical japanese imposible loves that are explored because of the passion and innevitable tragedy (it’s a japanese trope of almost any kind of romance movie, up to these days). its the intensity of feelings and the poetry of it all. In Boys Love we see those elements that are now very common in BL manga. Straight men falling in love with beautiful young boys and loving them until their tragic end. The movie was released in theatres and was successful enough to get a sequel. Here is a very good review of the movie, to know more about it.
A number of similar movies (with happier endings) follow through. Then enters the Takumi kun series. Based off one of the most popular yaoi novel (and potentially the first live action novel/manga adaptation of BL), it has all the June tropes: Traumatized feminine Takumi, raped by his older brother when he was young, has developped an abberation to human touch which prevents him from making friends. He goes to a boarding school for rich kids where he shares a dorm room with Gii, the most popular kid on the premises, who has fallen in love with him. And it is through that love that Takumi gets over his illness and heals from his past. It was such a success in the BLsphere that it got 4 more movies. I believe it is the bane of @absolutebl existence. 
After the first Takumi-kun movie, the production of BL type movies, or adaptations of manga gets a boost. We go from no more than 3 movies a year to 8 in 2008, ie:
Kindan no Koi Ai no Kotodama Taiikukan Baby
And so it continues. When a manga is popular enough it either gets a Live Action, a drama CD (voice actors record the manga dialogues) or/and a series of OVAs (Original Video Animation). Because that’s how they do marketing in Japan. I believe most, if not all, of these movies go straight to DVD. It’s a treat for the fans. 
The beginning of the shift
As the manga source starts to evolve, so does the live actions. Japanese society starts being more aware of the LGBT (as the term is used for business startegy purposes). As it’s all about what is going to sell, slowly, a slight neutral realism starts to be felt. Melancoly starts to be replaced with happier moods. 
The first adaptation I genienly enjoyed at the time was Seven Days, 2015. A 2 part movie, adapted from the manga, with a very simple story (still no characters properly defined as gay, but maybe they could count as bi?)
While more LGBTQ+ movies get made, the BL Live Action movies remain in the same vein. Adpating what is popular and sticking to the tropes of the time. For example, in 2017 we get simultaneously:
BL - Hidamari ga Kikoeru. A loud and energetic college student becomes friends with a hearing impared classmate, as he helps him take notes for class. 
LGBT - Close Knit. An 11 year old girl gets tossed aside by her mother and goes to live with her uncle, who is dating a transgender woman. 
The Middle Aged Man Phenomenon
Have you wondered why office settings are so popular in japanese BL? Well, it is mostly Ossan’s Love fault in my opinion.
Besides office romances being a staple of japanese tv dramas, in 2016 two major mainstream actors (Tanaka Kei and Yoshida Kotaro) participate in a small short film about a salaryman who discovers his boss is in love with him. A simple comedy filled with misunderstandings and funny shenanigans. As the response to it was very positive, they decided to turn it into a full flegged series. And so, Ossan’s Love comes out on prime television (TV Asahi) for all to see. It is the first time we see a story like this being shown in a mainstream channel, for all and anyone to see.
A year later after the success of Ossan’s Love we get the wonderful Kinou Nani Tabeta/What Di you Eat Yesterday? (2019), which would not have been possible without Ossan’s Love. There was confidence that there was a market for such a story. Followed by the OL movie: Ossan’s Love: Love or Dead. Which was later followed by a horrible horrible second season that nobody wanted. On this year too, Mood Indigo comes out. A sequel to The Novelist/Pornographer, which would secure it’s popularity. It later got a second season.
We are now in a second boom of interest in queer stories. And the number of movies and tv shows grow. Some of the most known:
Novel adaptation - Fujoshi Ukkari gay ni kokoru LGBT Movies - His Dramas - Life: Senjou no Bokura
Queer voices have been increasingly loud and, in 2015, two municipalities put in place a partnership to acknowledge same sex relationships (not recognized outside of those municipalities unfortunately). 
And so, start mixing the homophobia free idealized stories, with more diverse queer content, with the harsh realities of LGBTQ+ people, and the cinematic interest of the filmmakers/directors. 
The rise of the salaryman and the thai breakthrought
Thanks to the appeal of middle aged men, Japan now knows there’s a market to be had in producing BLs, so the adaptations sprout like mushrooms. The ground is ready to bear fruit, and so enters thailand with the big success of 2gether at the beginning of 2020. 
Japan got to have the movie screened in their theatres. Thailand has broken the Japanese market barrier, as soon as the borders open after the pandemic, fanmeetings are held there one after the other.
And then, we get Cherry Magic in late 2020, which continues to cement that the current japanese BL boom is still going strong. 
The Aftermath
The production of BL shows and movies reaches its peak and we get 26 (shows and movies) in 2022. Movies, specials and second seasons are being made.
From Utsukushii Kare 2021 to Strange 2023. Old and new manga gets an adapation and more queer representation grows in media overall.
The story of LGBT representation in shows in Japan
As an extra, I want to put here a few examples of how queer characters, and stories have entered the mainstream of japanese tv dramas. Many mainstream actors have also taken upon portraying such characters. 
Pretty Proofreader (2016) - featured a gay side character, not relevant to the plot.  My Brother’s Husband (2018) mini series - adaptation of Gengoroh Tagame’s manga about a man overcoming his homophobia through getting to know his bother’s husband Life As A Girl (2018) mini series - the life of a lesbian trans woman  Ie Uru Onna S2 (2019) - one episode features different types of LGBT people who want to buy a house and the difficulties they face. Also had some type of side gay stoyline (a little queerbaity)? Ore no Sukato, doko Itta? (2019) - a gay man who dresses as a woman becomes a teacher at a highschool and helps with his is student’s problems.
Special mention to Residential Complex (2018). 
A drama that featured 4 families living in the same residential unit, each with their own fundamental problems. The father in the traditional japanese family was unemployed, the man engaged to a younger second wife who wanted no children ends up having to take care of his son from his previous marriage, the young newlyweds that are eager to have kids can’t concieve and the single architect is actually living with his boyfriend. It was a show that had worked with an LGBT organization to make a faithful protrayal of LGBT realities. 
Final Thoughts
Here is a list of all Japanese BL and Queer media, Japanese BL list. I recommend to check it out to see the variety of adaptations being made today. It is intersting to see the differences in plot in the shows that are adapting current manga (Our Dining Table) and those adapting older manga (Candy Color Paradox). There is also a lot of queer movies and shows worth checking out. Here are my recommendations:
Kamisama no Ekohiiki (series)
Both Me and Him are the Grooms (movie)
I think it is great that Japan is intergrating queer stories and voices to their BLs, as well as adapting more content to the screen. It is a very exciting moment to be living through, but it still feels like it might go away just as fast as it came. Japan is a very conservative country, that embraces change so very slowly. Queer vocies are making noise, but they have yet to manage to make their government listen. Japan is very setback in this sense.
I do no think Japan will be able to have a BL market similar to Thailand for its live action adaptations any time soon. They stick to what they know, which sometimes can be very good and others, bad.
I do hope for BL to keep on doing what it does best for society: subtly normalizing queer lives so that conservative people start welcoming the idea that they're just regular people (who deserve rights, come on Japan). 
Hopefully we’re headed there.  
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bl-bam-beyond · 9 months
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Episode 3
Toki (HACHIMURA RINTARO) is in a all male cast of Snow White and is concerned to have to give his first kiss to another male student.
Meanwhile his crush and teacher Sahara (KIZU TAKUMI) is laughing at the prospect but at the same time anxious to see it.
Sadly the "lucky" male student takes ill before the play and Sahara is enlisted to play the Prince. Unbeknownst to our Snow White.
Toki has never been kissed before. And his crush hovers above him. But the kiss is a play kiss. So it's meant to be fake. But a sudden slip of Sahara's feet the kiss becomes more contact than fake. Oooh's and Aww's and Gasps fill the Gymnasium.
Toki's first kiss is with a teacher, a teacher he likes.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: May 2023 ~  
💫 🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month!!! 🏳️‍🌈 💫
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff!  -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 House of Stars - May 1st (Thailand) 
🌟 Love Mate - May 4th (South Korea)
🌟 ViAn The Series (TikTok series) - May 6th (Vietnam) 
🌟 My Partner (movie) - May 7th (Philippines/Hawaii) 
🌟 Star Struck - May 18th (South Korea) 
🌟 Stay - May 19th (Philippines) 
🌟 Ey Mi Amor - May 22nd (Vietnam) 
🌟 Tie the Not - May 24th (Philippines)
🌟 Sparks Camp (reality show) - May 24th (Philippines) 
🌟 Why You - May 25th (Cambodia) 
🌟 Be My Favorite - May 26th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 The Luminous Solution - May 27th (Thailand) 
🌟 Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa - May 27th (Japan) 
Monthly likes/dislikes
👎🏻 Our Skyy2 - it’s a shame because except for The Eclipse and NLMG none of the episodes have been good. The ABAAB episodes have been surprisingly entertaining and they were better than the show itself but overall it’s obvious that this whole production was rushed and most of them did not put the required thought + effort into creating these stories; especially the MSP episodes had me shaking my head for so many reasons. Maybe the concept of 16 episodes for 8 couples in the span of 3 months was putting too much on their plates but it’s frustrating because it had a promising start. Hopefully this season marks the end of this project altogether. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Every You, Every Me - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 City Of Angels (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Our Story (3rd sequel of My Day) - Date TBA (Philippines)  
🎥 Stay by My Side - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Pray in Love - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 You Are Mine - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Lovely Addict - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Chiang Mai Adventures - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Casanova Begins - Coming August 20th (Thailand)
🎥 Anti Reset - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Love in Translation - Coming August 5th (Thailand) 
🎥 Crazy Handsome Rich (starring LongFrank) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 7 Days Before Valentine - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 7 Times 4 Days - Date TBA (Thailand) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ GMMTV actors Phuwin T., Prom T. and Foei P. came under fire this month for problematic behavior - Phuwin was criticized for ableist slurs he said in a live 3 years ago, Prom made sexist and pedophile comments in a recent interview and Foei published an anti-LGBT post on Instagram. Moreover, Mark P., Mond T. and White N. were also criticized for defending Prom and his opinions. Phuwin, Prom and Mark have issued public apologies. 
❗️ Actors Yoon DoJin and DoWon were announced as the leads in the upcoming Korean BL Love Tractor. 
❗️ The 2016 Chinese LGBT drama Addicted Heroin will get a Thai adaption. Further info such as cast have not been announced. 
❗️ The upcoming Thai BLs Hidden Agenda (GMMTV), Naughty Babe (Domundi) and The Sign (IdolfactoryTH) have started filming. 
❗️ The upcoming GMMTV BL Cooking Crush is officially in production. A release date is still unknown. 
❗️ After the public defamation scandal around Build Jakapan and his ex girlfriend, latter came forward on social media and admitted that her accusations against Build were fake - he was therefore proven innocent.
❗️ A second season for the Korean LGBT dating reality show His Man was announced. The show is said to air in June. Further details are unknown. 
❗️ The following BL actors/productions won at this year’s KAZZ awards:
GeminiFourth: Hottest Artists Award 
My School President: Most Trending on Social Media 
To Sir With Love: Best Drama of the Year 
Tay Tawan: Man of the Year
Nanon Korapat: Popular Male Teenage Award 
Nunew Chawarin: Popular Male Artist Award 
Zee Pruk: Best Actor of the Year 
Upcoming series & movies for June
👉🏻 Let’s Eat Together - June 2nd (Japan)
👉🏻 Ever After - June 3rd (Philippines) 
👉🏻 Tin Tem Jai (Special Episodes) - June 3rd + June 4th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Twins - June 6th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Love Tractor  - June 7th (South Korea) 
👉🏻 Stupid Genius - June 9th (Vietnam) 
👉🏻 Tokyo In April - June 15th (Japan)
👉🏻 Dinosaur Love - June 25th (Thailand) 
👉🏻 His Man Season 2 (dating show) - June TBA (South Korea) 
👉🏻 The Star Season 2 - June TBA (Myanmar) 
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littleragondin · 3 months
For the Asian QL Ask Game. Number 1 and number 3.
Have a good night. Rose💜
Hi Rose! (´꒳`)♡ thank you so much for asking ♡
1. What was your first ever Asian ql?
I came to Asian QL through manga and Japanese dramas, and so my very first was either Boys Love (2006) or the first Takumi-kun/its remake (2007 and 2009) before I went on a bender and tried to catch every single thing Japanese QL I could get my hands on.
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Then (just because I think it's fun) my first Taiwanese QL was Formula 17, Thai was actually a GL with Yes or No (and 2Moons (2016) for series), and Korean was Long Time No See (2017) (because I don't think The Lover (2015) fully counts).
3. Who was your first Asian ql blorbo?
Hmm... okay that's a hard one here but I think I will have to go with Pharm and In from Until We Meet Again (yes, two, I’m cheating but they come from the same show at least?).
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UWMA was the first Thai QL I watched more or less as it aired, and I completely fell in love with it and those two! I have been rotating them in my mind since 2019.
Asian QL Ask Game
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mygwenchan · 10 months
Takumi-kun is that you with the violin?
Well... here is to hoping that Zouey doesn't have the same backstory as Takumi, but at this point everything seems possible.
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Aweeee~ Teena is catching feelings as well :3
Ok, they're actually really cute rn
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Look at this man. He's totally falling in love 🤗🌈✨✨
Heart eyes baby~
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Paint play :D
Hopefully they used the non-toxic stuff for toddlers...
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I think they've now been established as the yellow couple :)
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Also interesting:
This time they didn't pay homage to a sculpture or a painting, but to a movie! I'm fairly sure they used the paint make out scene from the French movie J'ai tué ma mère from 2009 as inspiration. Here's the video of that scene for comparison:
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negrowhat · 3 months
3, 4, 21
Hi Ben! I had to look up "blorbo" for this lol.
3. Who was your first Asian ql blorbo?
Hayama Takumi from Takumi-kun. He was such a good bean who needed to be protected from the many terrible people around him. I was ready to fight EVERYONE for him; his bullies, his mama, his boyfriend. EVERYONE! I just loved him and wanted everything to get better for him.
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4. Who is your ultimate Asian ql blorbo?
Gene from Lovely Writer. I loved every single thing about him and who he was and what he stood for. I love that he didn't take anyone's crap and that he was quick to call someone out. He's just one of my fave characters of all time.
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21. The universe grants you a one time only wish to make your chosen Asian ql go on forever. Which show do you want to watch until you die?
I'd have to say...Moonlight Chicken. That was a perfect series for me and if that series went on every day like Days of Our Lives I would eat it up. I'd get to see Leng and Praew's baby grow up. We'd get to see Gaipa and Alan date and JimWen struggle with the decision to get married. Heart and Li Ming would probs elope in the states. I would eat it all up! (And why couldn't find a pic with View in it???)
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Asian QL Ask Game
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diavkhan · 14 days
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so i'm trying to watch takumi-kun series... and yeah so I hate Gii with a burning passion
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absolutebl · 10 months
Hi ABL! After watching episode 1 of Between Us, I was impressed with the level of "thirst" between Boun and Prem's characters in the last couple of scenes. Are there shows or scenes of shows, regardless of actual heat level, that you think did "thirst" well, regardless of how that's resolved at the time? Subjective, I know, but would love to get your take on this!
20 BLs with the BEST Thirst!
Thirst wants to slide a hand under his waistband right tf now and grind. Horny wants to rip his clothes off, and probably pop buttons and laugh about it. Yearning wants to run both hands up his back while they kiss deeply. Hunger wants to lift him by the ass and slam him against the wall.
Raise your glasses please, to THIRST.
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I Cannot Reach You - Japan 2023
It's fresh in my mind, so first on this list.
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Secret Crush on You - Thailand 2022
This scene in particular sprang next to mind, just because for me it kinda defined thirst in Thai BL. (Also see my #1 pick for sides at the end.)
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Jun & Jun - Korea 2023
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We Best Love: Fighting Mr 2nd - Taiwan 2021
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2 Moons: Ambassador (AKA 2 Moons 3) - Thailand 2022
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Eternal Yesterday - Japan 2022
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Why R U? - Korea 2023
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HIStory 3 - the BL that shall not be named - Taiwan 2019
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Bed Friend - Thailand 2023
They sleeping together but King still thirsty af
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Big Dragon - Thailand 2022
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My Beautiful Man - Japan 2021
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Between Us - Thailand 2022-23
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Minato's Laundromat - Japan 2022
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Ghost Host Ghost House - Thailand 2022
the infamous leg scene alone qualifies them, but they very mutually thirsty in general
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My Personal Weatherman - Japan 2023
It's the point.
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I Feel You Linger in the Air - Thailand 2023
The oil scene is a stroke of genius.
Well, several strokes.
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Old Fashion Cupcake - Japan 2022
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I Told Sunset About You - Thailand 2020
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Love in Translation - Thailand 2023
Just because of that damn convenience store make-out scene.
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Nitiman - Thailand 2021
I find thirst is often (although not always) the provenance of the seme character.
Mutual thirst is really rare.
Side dish gravy
Shorts, side couples, and so forth.
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Oh My Sunshine Night - Thailand 2022
Noh appears 2x on this list. He's GREAT at thirst. Possibly the only Thai actor to give Japan real competition. GIVE HIM ANOTHER LEAD!
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HIStory 4: Close To You - Taiwan 2021
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Gen Y 2 - Thailand 2022
@heretherebedork and I call them PokeTongue for a reason.
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Y-Destiny - Thailand 2021
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kiss x kiss x kiss: Perfect Scandal - Japan 2022
No shocker that Japan is the only one to field a micro on this list. Usually thirst takes more build up.
Defining THIRST
I make a distinction between thirst and other types of physical desire. This is just me and language.
Thirst usually leaps off the screen and has an edge of danger to it. Like they gonna get caught, or go out of control just from wanting to touch. They gonna die without physical contact. It's pure survival need. Japan kinda specializes in this.
There's no humor to thirst, but horny can get kinda cheeky. It's more fun and mutual (ee.g. KinnPorsche). More want than need. So it's more Thailand and Taiwan.
There's also yearning (e.g. The 8th Sense), which has a more emotional soul tether to it. Korea in particular, but also like GMMTV and lower heat prestige stuff, high school things for example (My School President).
And finally hunger, which I tend to think of as desire but with a nourishment component. It's I want what's MINE. Like Taejung in Cherry Blossoms After Winter.
These aren't mutually exclusive, mind you.
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I dithered but they didn't quite make the list
Irresistible Love - China 2016
Second Chance - Thailand 2021
Takara & Amagi - Japan 2022
Love Area - Thailand 2022
Takumi-kun - Japan 2007
Moonlight Chicken - Thailand 2023
My Engineer (RamKing) - Thailand 2020
It's why we're all still mad we never got full RamKing
This posted dated end of 2023. Not responsible for thirsty BL that happens after. Check the comments for additions and other's thoughts on the matter.
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