#talbott is a tease
savagewildnerness · 5 months
“The bitterness came again, and a great drowsy sadness suddenly that threatened to sweep my little triumph away.”
This one is for the end of Queen of the Damned. In many ways this book ends sweetly - Actual overt Romance betwixt Lestat & Louis, with Lestat whisking Louis around the world, Louis teasing him & Lestat loving it. And Lestat playing the perfect devil, having fun with David Talbott. Breaking rules, as always!
But what’s also clear at the end of this book is how deeply damaged & traumatised Lestat is by what has happened with Akasha. It’s clear, because he literally hides away for months on end. The others worry about him. When Louis goes to New Orleans, you partly feel like the other vampires encouraged that in a last-ditch attempt to force Lestat into The World again as they know he’ll follow Louis, where nothing else has reached him.
And it’s clear how damaged Lestat is as much by what he doesn’t say. Lestat can often describe his internal worldview in great depth. And it’s really amazing how somehow Anne Rice manages to convey in moments such as this, the depth of Lestat’s suffering *without* him articulating it in full. You can tell it due to things he said earlier in the book, due to how he is here & through how everyone is with him.
Often after such experiences, Lestat would sooner or later go into the Earth… This is different - with all the other vampires around & I think Lestat is aware he needs to not be alone & I wonder in part whether Lestat writes his book here in order to have another reason to not go into The Earth?
In the end, Lestat pushes out, trying in exuberance & transgressing the rules to push away the darkness that threatens to destroy him. But it’s still there! I see it. I feel it. (I understand it.)
I wanted to start from a high note, remembering Akasha’s piercing voice in The Vampire Lestat.
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mina1007 · 7 months
Since I can't draw my hpma mc I decided to capture the photos of Nadia, Ryan and Evelyn
Nadia Winger
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Patronus - Swan
Wand - ???
Likes - Herbology, dancing (ballerina), having fun with friends, dangerous animals/creatures
Dislikes - Duels, Insecurity, heights (flight), teasing, seeing your friends or twin brother get hurt
Good at - Herbology, incantations, transformation, dancer
Poor at - Defense against the dark arts, History of Magic, duels
Weakness - Feel too guilty, humiliated and give up easily
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✨She is Ravenclaw like her dad
✨She is the second youngest twin
✨She is half blood, because Narumi is half blood and Talbott is pure blood.
✨She likes to harvest the plants with his dad
✨She loves to dance, although she likes it more. Ballet is her favorite pastime because her mother was the one who gave her the gift for her birthday and that was where she started dancing with her mother.
✨She likes this time with his friends; Evelyn Phox, Higawa Copper ( @hphm-jeniferltheman ), Carlyn Jaden Khanna ( @krinkitori ), Daniel Page, Ivy Warrington, Robyn Thistlethwaite, Kevin Farrell
✨Secretly that no one knows, least of all her twin brother, she is in love with the two people they are; Higawa Copper and Daniel Page, however she loves more the person who makes him feel happiness and love is Higawa Copper
✨During the holidays he usually plays with his younger sister Lilia and tells stories about Hogwarts with his parents. He likes to share and be with his family.
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ameliathefatcat · 7 months
Random Hogwarts Mystery Headcanons because I have a lot of Ideas
Badeea Ali has really bad environmental allergies. She has to take allergy potions before Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology
Skye Parkin has a nut allergy and didn’t realize for way to long she just thought nuts were spicy
Ben Copper and Jae Kim are lactose intolerant
Badeea has undiagnosed autism, she’s an 80’s kid and the child of immigrants.
Badeea was the first in her family to be born outside of Egypt, her father immigranted when her half brothers were small and her mother immigranted as a young woman
Tulip is the heaviest sleeper ever. Charlie Mosley and Badeea have to flip over her mattress to wake her up when she over sleeps
She sleeps through that as well
Barnaby is epileptic due to a TBI he got as a child
He mostly has absence seizures, once or twice a year he might have a tonic-clonic seizure
He keeps this a secret, since he’s embarrassed of having brain damage
Chiara is the only one that knows he’s epileptic and she helps him when he has a seizure
Reggie Tonks (Nyphmadora’s younger brother) actually became friends with Ismelda Murk due to both of them being a bit satanic
Reggie loves to test out his new spells and Ismelda likes to cause pain so she helps him get victims test subjects
Reggie is also friends with Badeea since both like to invite new spells
Tonks doesn’t get it. She loves her little brother but doesn’t understand why people in her year are friends with him
Tonks is very protective of her little brother
Diego Caplan teases Amelia and Ben for being Ashkenazi
Diego is Sephardic btw
When Amelia and Diego are on patrol together they joke around and argue about Jewish stuff
The other Prefects, Barnaby, Liz, Badeea, Andre, Penny and Charlie are confused about this and when Amelia said ‘a good amount of our culture is arguing’
Tonks is not trust with sharp objects
Ben and Badeea both became Uncle/Aunt while at Hogwarts
Andre does drag
Talbott finds this hot and annoying since Andre is a horrible singer
Ben’s family really loves Amelia. She was invited to his second sister Rina’s wedding
Orion is a stoner
He also doesn’t shower that much
He has horrible BO
Skye has a pair of lucky socks are that are super smelly
Rath sweats a lot and uses so much deodorant to deal with BO
When Badeea sees the name ‘Khalid Ali’ in the news paper she hopes it a different Khalid Ali and not her half brother. It’s often her half brother
Andre was once reading an international wizarding newspaper and the headline was ‘British-Egyptian wizard in Cairo. Badeea knew instantly it was her half brother
More about Badeea’s half brothers when they were at Hogwarts they anglicized their names Samir went by Sam and Khalid went by Kenny. Khalid is called Kenny by most of his friends but didn’t legally change his name because it was too much work
Badeea does technically have an anglicized nickname, B. She’s mostly called this by the other Ravenclaws.
Amelia and Badeea bond over the fact both of them don’t speak English at home.
Khalid was friends with both Duncan and Jacob but he no interest in the cursed vaults
Barnaby, Liz, Diego, Penny, Andre, Badeea, Charlie and Amelia took a Prefect photo and re take it at their reunions
Murphy and Rath are constantly on and off dating
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astie-hearts21 · 1 year
(I think you like it😅)
HPHM MC Profile
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Name: Asteria Hearts
Nickname: Astie, Teri, Ria (it is rarely so called), Pip (by Jacob), "My Little Star" (by her date🤭),
Birth Date: Feb. 6, 1973
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Blood-status: Half-blood
Ethnicity: Half English, half French
| Appearance |
Height: 165cm
Weight: 50 kg
Hair: Short, light brown, cascading (6-7 year)
(Long, light brown, wavy, tied in a ponytail (1-6 year, before)
Eyes: Green
Skin Tone: Light
Body Modifications: she has a big eyes
| At Hogwarts |
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 7 (graduates soon)
Her first wand:Hornbeam wand, dragon heartstring core, 11 inches
Her second wand:Redwood wand, unicorn hair core, 11 inches
Favorite Class: Charms, Divination, Astronomy, Muggle Studies and Flying
Not Favorite Class:Potions
Amortensia:sweets and frowers
Club: Hippogriff
Quidditch: Chaser
Boggart: A black silhouette that tells her that she is doing everything wrong
Patronus: a Spot Hare
Animagus: an eagle
Pets: a Bat and a Jackalope
| Relationship |
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper...Corey Hayden
Friends:Penny Haywood, Tulip Karasu, Charlie Weasley, Andre Egwu, Badeea Ali, Barnaby Lee, Liz Tuttle, Nymphadora Tonks, Chiara Lobosca, Jae Kim, Diego Caplan.
Rivals:Merula Snyde, Victor Ketsueki,
Non-NPC friends:
@raccoon-lair (Keira Richardson)
Love interest: Talbott Winger
| Random facts |
Asteria was named after the star deity of ancient Greek mythology
She is bisexual
She a sweetooth, but she also likes sweets with blood (she don't know why)
Asteria is afraid of spiders, but that didn't stop her from fighting the Acromantula
She likes to listen to the band "The Weird sisters" And Celestine Warbeck
Her favorite location is a Lake Shore
In first year, she was teased because of her big eyes, so she wore glasses to hide it
Her favorite accessories are earrings in the form of stars
She can sing and she would like to participate in some events but she is graduating soon...
She carries and treasures Talbott's gifts like treasures
(I think that's it, I'm sorry😅)
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whatwouldvalerydo · 1 year
G and J for my OG gals Talia and Leila
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
I will start with Leila on this one.
Leila's focuses on her partner, the is a tease but when her and Reuben are in the middle of it, if she doesn't get too carried away and her claws dig too deep, that lust filled gaze of hers and sweet caresses all over the body as her go to.
Talia adapts. Gentle for her is not foreign, but better a notion at the back of her head. She uses words of affirmation sometimes, tends to be very in tune and perceives the slightest change in her partner's demeanor. She likes them close, in her embrace, eyes locking.
J: Jealous (“Claiming” a partner)
Leila can get jealous if pushed. She is a demon (despite half) and they tend to take and once claimed, no one is allowed to touch her partner or mate if it comes to that. She is territorial, as all demons are.
She won't show her fangs unless provoked but she does get feisty.
Talia has been answered here in the context of Takira but even before that, she didn't lose too much time. Even when Talbott messed up with Penny, she wasn't jealous, but hurt.
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judediangelo75 · 3 years
Bath Time
A/N: This is gonna be based on the years after Hogwarts, just a few months after graduation.
It’s also going to be based on the “Physical One-Liners”. I feel like in the privacy of their own space, Talbott turns a bit more... mischievous, which both surprises and flusters Judith to no ends.
If that’s not your cup of tea, don’t read. Just that simple. Anywho...
Judith never felt more happy to leave St. Mungos. While she did enjoy her job, and spending time with her long time friend Chiara, she was beyond exhausted. Not in the mood to walk home, the young woman decided to fly home instead.
Quickly ducking into a dark alley, she transformed into her Black Sparrowhawk and flew off. Flying has always been one of her small joys in life. It reminded her of the times with her father, where he would teach her the basics of flying. It also reminded her of her time at Hogwarts. Attending Flying Class with Madam Hooch and playing on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.
Most of all, it reminded her of her long time boyfriend, Talbott Winger. He was the one who helped her become an Animagus and teach her how to fly in this form. It was one of the ways the two bonded.
After they graduated, they got a small apartment together. After Judith graduated, her mother promptly kicked her out. Talbott was boiling on his girlfriend’s behalf, but she urged him to let it go. Judith always knew she wasn’t wanted by her mother, so he spoke to Dumbledore about ways to support herself after. He offered to pay her during her last year, which helped out a lot.
Now she was free to live her life the way she saw fit. And be with the love of her life.
It wasn’t long until Judith landed in front of her home and she transformed back. Pulling out the key from her purse, she opened the door and walked in.
She was minorly surprised to find Talbott inside as well, who was just taking off his shoes and placing them near the front door.
“Hello, little bird,” he greeted with a small smile. Judith blushed and smiled back.
“Hello, my love,” she said back, walking up to him. She carefully got on her toes to give the young man a peck on the lips.
Well, it was suppose to be a peck on the lips.
Talbott ended up wrapping his arms around his girlfriend’s waist, pulling her to his chest. Craning his head a bit lower, he pressed his lips against hers more firmly. Judith let out small giggle and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Talbott groaned softly, gently pushing Judith against the door. A shudder wracked Judith’s body as she felt Talbott’s teeth softly sink into the plump flesh of her bottom lip. Her eyes shoot open when she felt his larger hands press into her lower back. Talbott released her lips, red eyes half lidded and a lazy smirk on his full lips.
“You seem a little tense darling,” Talbott drawled, running a hand up and down the length of Judith’s back. A blush blossomed on her face, causing his smirk to grew a fraction wider.
“It’s... uh, it’s been a long day,” she mumbled, finding Talbott’s chest suddenly interesting. A chuckle rumbled from the back of his throat.
“You don’t say? Come on, darling. Let’s take a nice bath together.” Judith’s breath hitched as her blush worsen. 
Talbott tried his best not to laugh at his little bird’s expression. Ever since they left Hogwarts and all the stressors behind, he’s been seeing a different side of Judith.
She was more free. Happier. Carefree.
He’s seen bits and pieces of this side of her at Hogwarts but not often. He found this side of her to be so beautiful...
And if he was being brutally honest... it was sexy as well.
The girl would be more free with what she wears and would sometimes sing and dance to the music she has playing as she cleans.
He has walked in a few times where Judith was slowly swaying her hips slowly to the beat of a song as she cleaned, wearing nothing but a tube top and some short shorts. It never fails to put him in a trance as he watched how Judith seems to become one with the music. Especially when she tranced the length of her body and curves with her hands. His body temperature never failed to spike at the sight she created. 
The only way he’s forced to snap out of his daze is when Judith finally acknowledges his presence with an embarrassed squeal.
However, last time was particularly bad. Talbott didn’t know what kind of magic Judith casted on herself for her to move her waist the way she did, but Talbott was sure it had to be from the Dark Arts. What she did should’ve been illegal. Talbott never stared harder at something in his life.
Even after Judith after squealed out of surprise, it didn’t arouse him from his stupor. The only thing he could think of was how his pants was tighter in an area that where it shouldn’t be.
The fact that Judith starts blushing and acts shy is what baffles him the most. She was extremely witty, sharp tongued, sarcastic, sassy, and petty. Rarely anything can render her mute.
Yet Talbott staring at her with a glimmer of desire in his eyes does the job just fine.
Talbott found this to be amusing, sometimes going out his way to tease her on purpose.
Lingering touches on her neck, shoulders, waist, and hips.
Spending extra time around her neck. Kissing, gently biting, and licking the sensitive skin.
Whispering in her ear in his sleepy voice.
Picking her up so she’ll be forced to wrap her legs around his waist.
Heated snogging sessions.
Hell, sometimes he would pinch her ass when she least expects it. Her scandalized blush never fails to make him laugh.
Being in the privacy of their own space made he feel a bit more open to be a bit more intimate with his little bird.
And Talbott knew she secretly liked this side of him. Judith could easily tell him to stop anytime and Talbott would do so immediately. But she hasn’t. 
Talbott wanted to see what she would say to taking a bath together...
“A-A bath? T-t-together,” Judith stuttered. She wasn’t sure why this was sending her heart into a frenzy.
‘Of course you do. You’ll in a bathtub with your boyfriend. No clothes, just soap and water.’ Judith really hated it when her own thoughts sass her...
“Of course, little bird... is that okay, darling,” Talbott asked, kissing her cheek. Judith bit her lip.
“Yeah... it’s fine...”
Judith was already in the tub. She was quick set up the bath and pick a body wash (vanilla which is her favorite). Not wanting Talbott to surprise her by silently watching her, she quickly stripped and hopped right in. 
She purposely added a lot of the body wash so the bubbles can hide her body.
‘Why the hell am I so bloody nervous? It not like he hasn’t seen what I looked like half naked...’
‘Because you sitting in this tub bare ass, woman. Plus you know this tub was made to fit two people, you’ll be literally pressed against him. And you know good and damn well you’re sensitive to his touch.’
‘You know, when I asked this, I didn’t need the sassy answer. I didn’t ask for an answer at all.’
‘Cry me a river.’
“Well aren’t you eager to take a bath?” Judith snapped out of the mental argument with her subconscious to find Talbott towering over her in just towel.
Judith blushed, forcing her eyes on her boyfriend’s face and not his lean muscular body-
“I didn’t want the warm water to go to waste by waiting on you, bird boy,” she retorted. Talbott raised a brow, a teasing smirk on his.
“You know, you’re right. Scoot over for me, darling...” Judith did what she told, averting her gaze when she noticed Talbott’s hand moving to undo the knot of his towel.
She didn’t look back at him until he was submerged. She regretted doing so, seeing how his smirk widen.
“You’re so cute when you’re flustered,” he teased, kissing her cheek. She crossed her arms over her chest, doing her absolute best not to pout.
“I’m not flustered,” she mumbled under her breath. The devious spark flashed in Talbott’s eyes.
“Oh really?” Judith didn’t have time to respond as she pulled to sit on Talbott’s lap, facing him.
“How about now,” he asked innocently. Part of Judith was cursing Talbott seven ways til Sunday, the other part of her headed straight down the gutter.
“You are truly something, Winger,” she answered instead, glaring at him.
“I know, but you love me regardless,” he chuckled. 
“Shut up,” she mumbled, kissing him to do just that. Talbott accepted the kiss wholeheartedly, nipping his girlfriend’s lower lip. Despite the warm water lapping against her skin, Judith could still feel goosebumps breaking out on her skin.
Damn her sensitivity.
Judith quickly broke the kiss before it could turn into something more.
“Where are you going, little bird,” Talbott asked quietly, his voice low and husky. 
“We’re suppose to be taking a bath! Not fooling around in the tub,” she retorted, cheeks rosy. Talbott nuzzled her neck, leaving a feather light kiss. Judith was quick to grip his shoulders to steady herself.
“Mmmm... of course, darling. Don’t worry I’ll take care of you...” Judith felt her heartbeat pounding in her eardrums as Talbott reached for the wash cloth.
‘He’s gonna kill me,’ she thought when he could feel his smirk on her neck.
Let’s just say by the time they finished, the bath water was cold and Judith was sporting quite a few love bites on her neck, shoulders and chest... 
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
[[Previously on Lone Wolves...]]
[Talbott didn’t come to Transfiguration the next morning, and sure enough, McGonagall was concerned. Carewyn had reluctantly passed along the message that he “wasn’t feeling well,” but the Transfiguration professor actually requested the young Slytherin to meet her after class, so as to get more details. 
In the end, though, Carewyn ended up getting some much more crucial information from McGonagall. It seemed that the previous day, the same day Talbott missed Charms, he’d missed all of his other classes too...and the last time McGonagall had seen Talbott was at a meeting two days ago, the day Merula had overheard her and Talbott in the Courtyard. He’d been a little bit gloomy in the days prior -- “I think him bringing you to meet me was the first time I’d seen him in a good mood all week,” McGonagall had remarked with a dewy smile -- but at that meeting in particular, Talbott had been very restless and absently clutching at his collar.
“Talbott mentioned he’d lost something, the other day,” Carewyn recalled. 
She’d thought it was just a throwaway lie to shove her away, at the time, but McGonagall had apparently heard the same thing. And the Deputy Headmistress thought she knew what that “something” was -- a necklace with a white feather that Talbott often wore around his neck under his shirt and seemed to have emotional significance.
It didn’t take long for Carewyn to put everything together.]
Talbott must’ve lost this necklace after Merula overheard us in the Courtyard. That’s why he was so upset -- not only was his secret in danger, but now he’s lost something that clearly means a lot to him too...
[And so Carewyn made up her mind. She skipped her next class (History of Magic) to go find Talbott. As if by fate, she found him in the Courtyard again.]
Carewyn: “Talbott!”
[Talbott stiffened at the sound of her voice. When he turned around to see her approaching, his posture immediately became detached and defensive.]
Carewyn: “Talbott, we need to talk.”
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[Talbott was visibly taken aback.]
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[Talbott winced at his own phrase being thrown back at him.]
Talbott: “(muttering) ...Right.”
[Carewyn crossed her arms, surveying Talbott reproachfully.]
Carewyn: “Look, Talbott -- I get that this is your business. I understand that we’re not friends and that you ‘fly solo’ and all that. But you clearly haven’t been able to find your necklace on your own and it’s clearly upsetting you. And there are people here who care about you who can see that and don’t like it. Penny even asked me at breakfast this morning if I’d talked to you recently, since she heard you missed all your classes yesterday.”
[Her eyes narrowed slightly.]
Carewyn: “Maybe you don’t need my ‘heroics,’ as you call them, but that’s not what this is. This is me wanting to help you. Because even if we’re not friends, you’re a good person...and I don’t like the thought of you having to grapple with this on your own when it’s clearly painful for you.”
[Her eyes softened ever-so-slightly, even despite the stoicism of her face.]
Carewyn: “...As much as I get that you like being on your own...that doesn’t mean you should have to feel alone.”
[Something in Talbott’s expression flickered as he considered Carewyn. He took a long moment before speaking.]
Talbott: “...You really just can’t help looking after everyone else, can you?”
Carewyn: “(primly) Not everyone else.”
I certainly wouldn’t care this much about someone like Merula or Rakepick. 
Talbott: “(dryly) Yet Penny says you scoff whenever people compare you to a Gryffindor.”
Carewyn: “(just as coolly in return) Contrary to popular belief, Slytherins can put others first sometimes too. Just like how Ravenclaws can also be stupid, from time to time.”
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[Talbott sighed.]
Talbott: “...Still...I think you’re right. Keeping this whole thing to myself hasn’t gotten me any closer to finding my necklace. And even if we’re not friends...you are a trustworthy person. You’ve more than proven that.”
[Carewyn smiled slightly.]
Carewyn: “Well, I don’t know about that...but I’m grateful for your trust, all the same. I know trust isn’t always easy to give.”
Talbott: “(agreeing) It’s not.”
[He paused before explaining,]
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Talbott: “She made it with one of her own feathers -- from her Animagus form.”
Carewyn: “(recalling) Right -- she was a swan...”
[Talbott nodded as he bowed his head.]
Talbott: “It’s...one of the only things I have left of her.”
[Carewyn felt her heart ache empathetically.]
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[The memory of going into Jacob’s room after his disappearance and sitting on the floor in a ball by the dresser lamp she’d given him for Christmas until Lane came home three hours later, rippled over her mind. 
Carewyn shoved the memory down as hard as she could, not wanting the emotion to leak through in her expression. Talbott shook his head, as if trying to push down his own emotions.]
Talbott: “It’s my own fault. I thought it’d be safe if I always kept it under my robes, but the clasp must’ve come lose. And I’d been so distracted with everything going on...by the time I noticed, it was long gone.”
[Feeling another ball of guilt cropping up in her throat, Carewyn nonetheless put on her most determined expression.]
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Carewyn: “Where have you already looked?”
Talbott: “The Owlery, the Forbidden Forest, the Training Grounds -- the Ravenclaw dorm, of course. The Great Hall, the greenhouses -- both the Transfiguration and History of Magic classrooms -- and now the Courtyard. All with no luck.”
Carewyn: “(considers this) ...Well, I’d say the best thing to do, under the circumstances, is retrace your steps from that day. Where did you go, right after we parted ways?”
[Talbott brought up a hand to his chin in thought.]
Talbott: “...Well, I headed out to the Training Grounds and flew up to the Owlery, first. But I’ve already checked there. Then I had to head downstairs for History of Magic -- barely remember any of that lecture. Then I went to the Library to try to clear my head...and then to supper. It was as I was getting ready for bed that I realized my necklace was missing.”
Carewyn: “Then let’s check the Library -- you haven’t looked there yet, right? Maybe Madame Pince found your necklace while she was putting some books away and has it...or if someone else found it, at least she’s seen it.”
Talbott: “(nodding) Guess it’s worth a shot. Okay -- let’s go.”
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slytherinliththorne · 4 years
In which Lith shows Talbott her sketchbook
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Based off a thing that happened to an irl friend, though she was Talbott.
Compared to that other sketchbook post I made a few months ago, you can see that relationship development.
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lilipoly · 3 years
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Talbott: *gives Lianna roses*
Lianna: *has flashbacks of daisies-are- too-popular-for-me and dandelions-are-meh Talbott*:
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Also Lianna: ummmm, roses??? 😞 That's lovely but where is my thistle, birdboy?
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Penny Haywood x Jacob's Sibling Headcanons - (Post-Graduation; Established Couple)
So I recently starting playing Hogwarts Mystery again, and after having watched a lot a few clips of all the new dating quests that had been added, it got me itching to write some content for Penny.
So here are some headcanons I came up with for Penny Haywood x gn!MC that details what happen to the two of you after your time at Hogwarts. Hope you enjoy!
After graduation, it is probably rather predictable as to which careers both you and Penny would decide to pursue.
Having been given a surprisingly positive recommendation from Professor Snape, Penny decides to continue her studies into potion making by becoming an apprentice to a few rather famous Potion Masters.
You on the other hand, decide to make full use of your abundant experience with the Cursed Vaults by pursuing a career as a Curse-Breaker for the Gringotts Wizarding Bank; being assigned to Gringotts' Egyptian branch where you are reunited with Bill Weasley as his new partner/trainee.
You and Penny often don't get to see one another for weeks or even months at a time, as your new respective obligations keeping you both very busy. But as disheartening as it is, all your past experiences together (from the Celestial Ball, to past Valentine's Days, to the Magic Festival), reassures the two of you that no amount of distance could possibly end a relationship as strong as yours. Both of you frequently write letters to the other and always try to reply as quickly as possible.
When Bill eventually moves back to England and tells you about the new girl he's been dating, it makes you realize just how much you miss seeing Penny on a regular basis. And so you decide to resign from Gringotts and take a position with the Ministry of Magic in England where you either a) continue your career as a Curse Breaker or b) shift career paths and become an Auror.
(Both options see you reuniting with Tonks and Talbott at the Ministry, but deciding to become an Auror would result in a lot more teasing from Tonks. Since she's been an Auror longer than you, that means you would technically have to follow all of her orders for the first 2-3 years of your career.)
You and Penny eventually move in together and rent a cramped, dingy flat not too far from either of your jobs, (Penny preferring to refer to the space as "cozy"). She tries to be supportive of your career choice, but internally worries a lot about how much danger your job puts you in. She often brews and stores large amounts of healing potions in the flat just in case.
All that being said though, after having spent so much time apart, you both really enjoy being able to start and end each day side-by-side.
You continue to gain recognition for your deeds as a Curse Breaker/Auror as you rise through the ranks of your department, and Penny eventually finishes her apprenticeships & goes on to create and sell her own original potions & recipes; her name and skill becoming well know across the country. (That right people! Penny makes bank!)
Attending Bill and Fleur's wedding together and deciding if the two of you want to get married yourselves.
Fighting side-by-side during the Battle For Hogwarts with the rest of the Order of the Phoenix and being there for one another as you mourn Tonks and the rest of your dead friends. Having a small wedding afterwards surrounded by close friends and family.
A few months later, you and Penny both receive letters from Headmistress McGonagall asking if the two of you would like to be the new Defense Against The Dark Arts Teacher and the school's new Potion Professor respectively; an offer which you both accept.
Working together as married couple, sitting next to one another at the High Table in the Great Hall during meals, grading your respective student's assignments together, both of you being the most popular teachers at the school.
Going to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop every once in a while like you did on your first date. Somehow getting voted as the school's best couple (even though only students were supposed to be eligible), helping guide many young wizards and witches to be the best they can be.
And through it all, being very very happy together.
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rosachaotic · 3 years
either 32 or 28 for the ship drabble!
32 and 28: lets go for a night. I have a suprise for you.
I decided to do both cause why not
(year 7- Just the two of us)
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"Meet me at the courtyard after dinner." It was all that he said after that, before he left.
Cereza, spent the entire day wondering what Talbott planned for their "night walk". Talbott would sometimes ask Cereza out for "secret dates", while all of their friends knew they were dating Talbott still wanted to do couple stuff. Just the two of them, it felt more romantic and intimate to him and Cereza liked spending more time alone with her boyfriend.
When the time came, all of the students left the great hall after dinner and Cereza didn't see Talbott there. Maybe he ate dinner somewhere else.
Arriving at the courtyard Cereza noticed it was empty, maybe Talbott wasn't there yet. So she just sat on the edge of the fountain and waited for him, wondering anxiously what surprise was waiting for her for that night. It was a chilly night, thank merlin she thought of putting on a warm sweater before going out.
After waiting for a little while, an eagle landed down in front of her before transforming itself into Talbott.
"Talbott!" Greeted Cereza jumping off the place where she was sitting, being face to face with the ravenclaw.
"Hey. Sorry for arriving a little late, I hope I didn't make you wait too long." Said Talbott.
"Not at all! I actually just arrived a few minutes ago, don't worry dove." Cereza comforted Talbott, smiling at him and making him smile as well. "So what is it??"
"What?" Asked Talbott, raising his eyebrow. He knew very well what she was asking for he wanted to play dumb a little.
"The surprise!" Explained Cereza.
"Oh 'The Surprise'?" Talbott acted clueless, pretending to be in thought for a couple of seconds, with his hand on his chin. "Hmmm.."
Cereza knew what he was doing, she pouted earning a sly smirk from her tall boyfriend.
"Oh right, the surprise I promised." He teased her. "I remember now."
"Talbott, I know you didn't forget." The hufflepuff claimed, crossing her arms to her chest looking at him with a pouty expression on her face.
"Or did I?" The ravenclaw sassed.
"Okay, okay. Sorry, I just couldn't resist teasing ya a little bit." Chuckled Talbott.
Cereza sighed, she couldn't get mad at him. Seeing Talbott being more playful made her happy.
Being around Cereza, Talbott's behavior changed a little. He didn't turn into a whole different person, but he felt like he could be more open around her and Cereza was glad she was one of the people that made Talbott comfortable enough to come out of his shell.
During their last year at Hogwarts he looked and acted more relaxed, more than he was a few years ago. He grew, and as some people say "letting him spread his wings".
"So…" Continued Cereza, feeling anxious and excited for it. "What is-"
"Ah ah." He wagged his finger interrupting her. "Not now."
"Huh? Why?" She asked, looking confused.
"It's not a surprise if you know what it is, let's just enjoy the rest of our date tonight, shall we?" Offered Talbott. "I promise I won't forget about your surprise."
"If you say so…" Said Cereza. "What are we doing tonight then?"
"How about we go on a flying date? I miss flying next to you, my dear." He Suggested.
Cereza blushed at the use of this nickname. While Talbott wasn't into using pet names a lot, he used a few that could make the hufflepuff's cheeks and ears turn red.
"Well, that sounds like a great idea." Said Cereza. "Shall we go then?"
"After you."
Cereza has an owl animagus so she could fly with Talbott when she could.
They loved to have flying dates, both of them flew around in the night sky feeling the cold wind on their feathers and watching the beautiful view they had from up there. Sometimes they would even play tag while flying, which Talbott always won due to his animagus form.
However thanks to them being busy with other important things such as studying and dealing with R they almost had no free time at night. That night however was an exception and that night was going to be special.
After flying for a while they both landed on the grass outside of the school grounds, turning back to their human forms.
"That was fun!" Smiled Cereza giggling a little as she sat on the grass."I missed doing that."
"Me too." Replied Talbott with a content sigh, sitting next and close to her while feeling her warmth.
They both watched the stars in silence for a few seconds. The sky was clear and they could see almost every star that was out there, it wasn't a full moon so it was safe to be outside.
"You know? I will miss our time together..." She sighed. "And I will miss you as well, a lot."
Talbott then turned his gaze at the hufflepuff and noticed how her golden eyes were staring at the cold grass this time, her expression changed to a more sad one as if she was holding back the tears, as she clenched her fists.
"What do you mean by that?" Asked Talbott, looking both confused and worried feeling something was off.
"This is our last year at Hogwarts, Talbott." Explained Cereza. "We won't see eachother anymore. How will things be after this is all over? Will we be still together?"
Talbott stared at her in silence, remembering she was right. It was their last year together and they might not see each other for a while.
He then turned towards her and gently grabbed her hand giving it a gentle squeeze, Cereza looked at him with tears welling up in her eyes. With his other hand he caressed her cheek as she leaned in to feel his touch closing her eyes letting a few tears fall down from her eyes.
"We'll make it work. We'll send letters to each other, maybe talk on the phone if your family has a phone line. I'll even visit you during my apprenticeship." Talbott comforted, still with his thumb gently caressing her cheek wiping her tears away.
"Really?" Asked Cereza, Talbott nodded with a soft smile on his face.
“Cereza, I promise you." He assured her. " But I'm gonna be honest…"
Cereza watched Talbott's expression change to a more worried one, making her feel anxious. What was he going to say? Would he take his promise back so quickly?
"I’m worried that being away for so long, with everything that’s gonna happen, we won’t have anything to remind us of each other.” He mused, his eyes darting to the floor. He looked up again, his eyes focusing on the hufflepuff in front of him, “Well, actually. I think I do have something to fix that, it's your surprise.”
The ravenclaw takes something out of his pockets, Cereza looked as Talbott carefully grabbed what looked to be a necklace. A necklace that looked kinda similar to the one his mom gave to him, but it was made by a leather rope with a brown eagle feather held by it.
"Is that-"
"I noticed you were worried just as I am, so...I wanted to give this to you." Said Talbott, his red eyes looking at her golden's. "I know it isn't a lot but…"
"Talbott are you kidding me? I love it!" Cereza exclaimed, interrupting him, her words making the ravenclaw sigh in relief.
Talbott put the necklace around Cereza's neck, who looked at it as if it was the most precious gift she ever got.
"Even if we are far away from each other…" Whispered Talbott, close to her face. "Know that a part of me will always be there with you from now on."
He then gave her a quick kiss on the lips that soon turned into a deep and passionate kiss as Cereza pulled him back for another kiss. She then broke the kiss and gently caressed his face staring at him with a heart warming smile on her face.
They wish they could spend more time there alone, just the two of them and the stars above them. But they couldn't, they had to come back before the others noticed they were missing.
"I had so much fun tonight…." Said Cereza. "Thank you...and thank you for the wonderful gift."
Talbott then pulled Cereza for one last hug before he had to let go, then he whispered:
"I love you."
Cereza smiled and whispered back.
"I love you too, my eagle."
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lunasilvermorny · 3 years
Best friend
Oh, how I missed writing silly dialogues like this! Can’t get enough of triggering Rowan, tbh.
Anyway, enjoy!
*Luna sat with a group of her friends.*
Penny: Say, Luna. Who do you consider your best friend?
Rowan: *laughs* That’s a joke, right?
Penny: Well, you are ‘officially’ her ‘best friend’, but we all know she calls you that because you’re just needy-
Rowan: Hey!
Penny: But who truly is your best friend?
Rowan: Tell her it’s me!
Penny: Or, you know… me.
Charlie: Well…
Rowan: Are you serious right now?
Charlie: We do have a lot more in common, since we both like dragons so much.
Rowan: We both like to study! She likes studying most. Tell him!
Tulip: I think I’m her best friend.
Rowan: What?!
Tulip: She likes my pranks… That’s best-friends material right there.
Rowan: She is a Prefect and you’re the biggest trouble-maker in Ravenclaw’s history.
Tulip: That’s what makes our unlikely friendship even more iconic.
Andre: No, you’re obviously delusional.
Rowan: Thank you!
Andre: I’m her best friend.
Rowan: Aaaaargh!!
Andre: We both make fun of people with terrible fashion sense.
Penny: That’s you and me, buddy.
Andre: Oh, guess you’re my best friend, then.
Penny: *winks at him*
Rowan: So we all agree that I-
Jae: Well.
Rowan: Oh, come on!
Jae: I get her whisky… Friendship like this is even stronger than blood.
Luna: *raises a bottle and smiles*
Rowan: You’re just her enabler, it’s not the same!
Jae: If you ask me, whisky is her best friend.
Luna: Cheers to that!
Rowan: Can you please tell them that I’m your best friend, already?!
Luna: Oh, I’m not getting in the middle of this shit-storm.
Bill: The truth is, Rowan, that I’m her best friend.
Rowan: You’re her first love, it doesn’t count!
Penny: Wasn’t he your first love too-
Liz: This is such a dumb argument.
Rowan: Why, because you’re supposed to be her best friend?
Liz: No, because it’s obviously Talbott.
Talbott: Leave me out of this.
Luna: Good thinking.
Rowan: No, he’s the outsider-friend… Doesn’t make him the best friend, though.
Barnaby: Can I be Luna’s best friend?
Rowan: No! Listen, there’s no discussion here, because it’s clearly me, so can we all agree on that already?
Merula: No, you’re not!
Rowan: You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.
Merula: I’m the most powerful witch at Hogwarts!
Rowan: We’re not even talking about that! We’re talking about who’s Luna’s best friend!
Merula: Oh… never mind, then.
Bill: Alright, alright. I think we’ve tormented poor Rowan enough.
Rowan: What?
Andre: We were teasing you. You’re the only one who cares about it.
Tulip: It’s just a prank, bro!
Penny: I thought it was funny. Look how red he is.
Jae: What should we do to him next?
Rowan: I’m still here!
Jae: Oh yeah… can you leave so we could plan our next prank?
Rowan: Luna!
Luna: Welp, time to leave.
Rowan: *sighs* I take it back, anyone else wants so be her best friend?
Penny: Yes-
Rowan: It was a joke, Penny! God!
Poor Rowan, but also... Rowan, chill, mate.
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aleapple1216 · 3 years
Penny is just so fucking wise
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Context: (Year 7 spoiler)
They’re at St. Mungo’s, Penny is really happy, Chiara is like “Wtf is Jae doing here?” and Jae and MC starts teasing each other. Talbott just says that there's no need to be so loud, MC asks Talbott if he’s excited to be there, to which he answers yes, although the place reminds him a lot of his mother. Then Jae says “you don’t look really excited” and, well, Penny stops MC and Jae of asking him things.
Penny is really adorable. As an introvert, I can say that many times it’s kinda annoying that people try to make you speak or express your emotions in a very specific way. So, well, Penny’s friendship is gold and you must know that.
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aneshkablack · 2 years
💤🎂🍧🌙💧💚 (for Isolde on the oc ask 💙)
If you want ask me about any of my OC, you see this publish and ask me!
TW: depression, anxiety, death from some characters and abuse of substances (potions).
Thank you for asked me, @starriddler. Now I respond you. I'm sorry for the late and it's very long:
💤 Do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
Isolde doesn't asleep easily since was a child. She usually helps herself to sleep with a plushie (in her childhood and early adolescence). She has a jaguar plushie, a gift from her grandparents when Isa chose to go Hogwarts.
In sixth year after the Rowan's Death, she needed to drink some nights a potion for dreamless sleep (and drunk sometimes draught of peace, too). Nobody knew it (neither Talbott, until she confessed him in seventh year). She didn't have a good medical monitoring (I have the headcanon the mental care was underestimated by healers like in our medicine -muggle- in 80's and 90's. And Madame Pomfrey was petrified, who was the only person could help her). She was ashamed if someone knew about her depression and anxiety, trying to hide them and left the potions abruptly.
In add, she used the silencing charm over her, because she sometimes talks in her sleep. In special, when she has nightmares about the Curse Vaults or R or her Blood-Curse.
She left to do all of them when she started to go psychological therapy (with a muggle, MD. Natalia Blackwood, psychiatrist) and correct medical monitoring. She can sleep better actually, but sometimes she talk in her sleep, (and Talbott sometimes teases her when she says meaningless things if he can hear her).
🎂BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Her birthday is in March 4th. Actually she likes to celebrate with Talbott, some of their closest friends and their children. But not always was in this way.
I wrote in spanish (sorry) an one-shot about this topic (Cumpleaños) When she was a child, in many times her mother made a party with important politicians of MACUSA and Amanda invited them with their children, usually in her Pent-House in NY. Isolde's cousins were here, too, but they're older than her (they're the same age like Jacob) and the other kids didn't like her and Isolde didn't like them. Every year this day she pretended to be the "perfect girl", a doll who her mother dressed, said how act in front of the people, try to pleasure her mother. She usually was boring in this events and she can't felt to be herself.
When Isa was eight and half years old, she lived two years and half with her grandparents in Mexico, because her mother prefered her job in Mexico City (she was MACUSA's ambassador) and don't want distractions (Amanda was devastated for Jacob's disappearance, the scandal thanks to Rita Skeeter and obligated her left her job in UK). With them, she discovered she would like to celebrate, because for first time she felt loved in this day and Isolde could be herself with her paternal grandparents.
When she went to Hogwarts, she hid when was her birthday for fear someone try to hurt her in this day. Rowan discovered when Isolde received a birthday card from her mother and a gift from her grandparents in their First year. Talbott, only knew for a divination homework about their astrological cards and gifted her a bouquet of dahlias and a small box of chocolate frogs in their Fourth year. The Weasley siblings when they were studying together in the library when she was in her third year. The rest of her friends only in their Seventh year.
🍧SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Yes, she still has some plushies (she's fan of them), photos about her family (she was nostalgic about the time she lived with Jacob, Amanda and Tadao -her dad-, before they lost her father), a hand bracelet from her granny (it's the most important and I talk about how she feel if she lost here).
🌙MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
I use this question like the Mirror of Erised to express this point. And like others, depend her age what she see in it:
When she was child, after she lost her father, until her third year in Hogwarts, her wish was be the perfect girl then her mother wished, Amanda demonstrate love and care for her and be proud for Isolde. It's the reason she was perfectionist, always pretended to be happy with a "fake smile", working hard, have good grades, tried to be neat and well dressed. But Amanda always was disappointed of Isa, in special when Hiwatari involved with the Curse Vaults.
Until in the end of fifth year, her wish was be happy, with her brother founded, and with Rowan and Talbott (be closest friend of him in third/like his girlfriend in fourth and with a good relationship) in her side.
In sixth, after Rowan's Death, her boyfriend, her brother and friends save and sound; R disbanded; Rakepick captured (with torture signs) or dead. It was the first time she wished the death for someone or murder this person. With Rakepick only tortured with fire her, and Jacob stopped his sister at time to avoid Isa assassinated her former teacher.
In Seventh, she wished run away from Amanda, don't be her doll anymore, and she did. She was free of her, left her mother in USA, moved in with her grandparents for a month. She must return Hogwarts, because R was active, yet. The mole was in the School. Her wish was everyone she loved was safe and sound, even of her, (She had a blood-curse that could take the life of them), with R disbanded and her blood-curse eliminated or she was dead if this curse can't be destroyed and she was tired to be the "Heroine of Hogwarts". Until her argument with Talbott (here, sorry in spanish only), she found a new wish: cares herself and has a good self-esteem before to be the heroine and stop R. With Talbott's help (and after, all the Circle of Khanna), they defeated R finally. Isolde continues with therapy a few years more. In this point she wish to be auror than healer and she moved in with Talbott when they graduated.
In her auror's training years, she wish to finish them to be auror and developed her relationship with Talbott. And they got married in 1995, a year after they was worked in the Ministry of Magic.
When the Second Magical War started, she wished she and Talbott would be alive in the end of this conflict (and after she wish for Kai and Aneshka, both the youngest Hiwatari), Voldemort died, her blood-curse eliminated, and had the hope she could reunited with her brother once time and repair their relation (they fought between them because Isolde wanted finish the curse; Jacob wanted the power). But never happened the last point.
When Talbott and Isolde have a more stable life (economy, health, a good jobs, time, etc.), they wished have their kids. In 2006 their son born; and their daughter, in 2010 (They have names, but it's probably I'll change in a future, depending the Canon's game).
💧DROPLET - random angst headcanon:
Well, I wrote many here, but well, about Tadao Hiwatari Olivares death:
I said in another publish here, but Tadao was kidnapped by Death Eaters. It wasn't random, I'm afraid. Isolde's father was a Curse-Breaker, the best in Mayan area and the reason Gringotts hired him to work to them. He discovered many things about the Sacred Four Beast, in special Suzaku (who is responsible of the Hiwatari's curse). Voldemort was searched for those spirits, because a Japanese Legend said who takes all of them, this person have the absolute power. Voldemort tried to took them a few of years before, but he couldn't.
Tadao investigated them with an Unspeakable, Alphard Aaron Black (someday I'll talk about him. It's Aneshka and Aaron's father), thinking they could break his family's curse and his children hadn't it anymore. But Riddle knew they work, and in September 1st 1978, when he and Isolde accompanied Jacob to go to King Cross. Bellatrix Lestrange was the leader in this mission with two Death Eaters. Tadao could defeat the Bella's supports, but not her. Jacob ran away with Isolde with a portkey to MACUSA's embassy.
Two long months without any news about Tadao. Jacob returned to Hogwarts, even he wanted stay with his mother and sister to protect them. Amanda rejoined her work, leaving Isolde alone with Shima. (I wrote a little here). Tadao was tortured in all this time, but he didn't say anything about his searching. He lost his mind and in november 14th was killed by Voldemort. His corpse was found two days after.
The Unspeakable, by the way, was killed in March 8th 1980, but Voldemort could not take any from him, neither. He hid his information with help of his wife and his brother-in-law (Kai's father).
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Isolde feel comforted with all of them, but the hugs and kisses by people she loves (Talbott, Rowan, Charlie, Bill and her grandparents. Later her kids). The food it's the form she could demonstrate how you're important for her. She likes cook but not everyone, only her family and closest friends.
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judediangelo75 · 3 years
His Little Bird
Heavens have mercy on those who try to tell him otherwise...
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“Damn it, why” Judith whined as she glared at the rip that form at the side of her black tights. She grimaced a bit as she removed her boots to remove the now ruined article of clothing.
‘Out of all the time for me to gain weight on my body, it had to be when the temperature drops?’ she thought with a resigned sigh. Accepting the fact that she just gonna have part of her thighs exposed to the elements, she refasten her boots.
She stood in front of her body length mirror, smoothing down her new sweater dress. She and Talbott were going out an a little outing to Hogsmeade. With all the chaos that now has the school in a chokehold, she hasn’t seen much of her boyfriend.
‘Boyfriend...’ she thought with a shy smile. The night of the Valentine’s Day Ball, and their very first kiss, Talbott asked her to be his girlfriend. Despite all the time they’ve spent together, it still surprised the young witch that he wanted to be with her out of all people.
Her burn scar had been her biggest insecurity, and she’s been bullied an teased about how nobody would be with a freak like her.
Until Talbott.
He found her beautiful, both inside and out. He deeply cared for her. No matter her looks.
And Judith was eternally grateful to call him her boyfriend.
With one last lookover from her long locs down to her thigh high boots, Judith deemed herself presentable before leaving her room.  
The girl was quietly humming to herself, not paying any attention to the double takes and whispers she was getting from the wizard population who saw her pass. Despite Judith’s insecurities, she was a very attractive girl. Growing more into her body and losing most of the baby fat in her face, a lot of wizards can agree that she was head turner.
Despite her scar.
One wizard decided he was going to get her attention.
Judith finally made it to the Courtyard where she and Talbott agreed to meet up. It was then she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Hey Judith, how are you,” a Gryffindor wizard greeted with a smile. Judith recongized him from her Charm’s class and from the Gryffindor Quidditch team but couldn’t remember his name.
“Hi, um,” she stuttered, trying to remember his name. 
“Jordan,” he supplied smoothly, stepping closer to her. Judith eyed him warily but gave a slight smile.
“Hi Jordan... is there, um, anything I can help you with,” she asked slowly. The girl let out soft squeak when the wizard placed an arm around her shoulders to pull her closer.
“I couldn’t help but to notice you by your lonesome and I was wondering if you want to grab a Butterbeer with-”
“She’s not interested.” A voice state coldly. Judith suddenly found herself out of Jordan’s grasp and in the familiar arms of her boyfriend’s.
‘Oh Gods have mercy, this is not going be good...’ she thought. Judging by Jordan’s bewildered, and slightly fearful, expression on his face, she knew Talbott was given him his infamous death glare.
Which Talbott indeed was.
Talbott never deemed himself the “jealous” type before. He felt very secure in the relationship he had with his darling girlfriend. She held his heart in her delicate hands and there was nowhere else he would rather see it. 
But the rage he felt seeing his precious girlfriend under the arm of a wizard who thinks he could just waltz and take his place-
‘Not today, bastard...’
“Hey, who are-” Jordan started say only to be cut off by the fuming Ravenclaw.
“I’m going to say this once and only once. You see her? This is my girlfriend. My viciously adorable Hufflepuff. My darling little bird. My beautiful future wife. She’s mine. So, I suggest you avoid touching her as if she wasn’t it. I won’t hesitate to find a way to claw your eyes out if I hear or see otherwise. Got it?” Judith felt her face flush at Talbott’s words and protective grip around her waist.
‘He sees me as his future wife?’ she thought. The thought of that being in her future caused butterflies to erupt in the pit of her belly.
Jordan felt a chill run down his spine at the glaring red eyes, filled with promise to carry out that threat. He gave a quick mute nod before taking off. Talbott waited until the Gryffindor was out of sight to nuzzled the back of Judith’s head.
“Was all that entirely necessary, Talbott,” Judith asked as she felt her boyfriend relax.
“Yes.” was the short reply. Judith rolled her eyes and chuckled, turning around to take a look at her boyfriend. She smiled at him, seeing him in the outfit she picked out for him.
“Don’t worry bird boy. I’ll always be yours,” she said, pecking his lips. Talbott blushed, but leaned in for seconds.
He may not be the biggest fan of PDA, but he wasn’t against showing every person who could see them like this she was his.
His little bird...
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
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[HPHM] Talbott Winger and Carewyn Cromwell Birds of a Feather Moodboard
“I'm not afraid of anything -- I just need to know that I can breathe, And I don't need much of anything -- But suddenly, suddenly...
I am small and the world is big -- All around me is fast moving, Surrounded by so many things -- Suddenly, suddenly...
How does it feel to be different from me? Are we the same? How does it feel?”
~“How Does It Feel?” by Avril Lavigne
x ~ x ~ x
#this is reminding me all the more how much more I want to write with these two as friends!!#I actually do have a post-Hogwarts fic for these two planned with them as an auror and lawyer respectively#but I have quite a few other projects I need to get to first#anyway...#even if this song isn't a duet I totally could see it being split into one for these two#seriously that first stanza is very talbott and the second is very carewyn#and then the chorus would be basically both of them about each other :D#but yeah I can't wait to write more of this dynamic because it's really so much fun#not only do these two actually both gravitate toward witty dry humor but they both have these walls they put up around others#and under those completely opposite walls they actually have a lot in common#both enjoying poetry thoughtful conversations light bantering and wizard dueling and being very serious and passionate people#plus I personally love the headcanon of talbott being on the demisexual/demiromantic spectrum and carey is ace/pan so 83#but yeah talbott is the friend carewyn spends time with when she's really not in the mood to socialize#hey this girl is an INFJ she needs some time away from the hustle and bustle#flying with talbott and singing a song or two along the way to entertain both of them is a great dose of escapism for carey#and talbott enjoys 'being alone together' with carewyn since she's sensitive to his emotional state and respects his space#and he enjoys teasing TF out of her when she gets enthusiastic about his poetry or while singing something#but that's just how he shows he cares XD#OH YEAH and these two as adults are friggin' addicted to coffee#they're always spending late nights working at the ministry#and since they work on the same floor talbott frequently pops into carewyn's office for some waffles and a pot of black coffee#or if they're forced to get up early they'll swing by the local coffee shop and talbott'll chug down like three whole cups LOL#talbott winger#carewyn cromwell#aesthetic#moodboard
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