#tales from the dreaming
So Much For My Happy Ending - Corinthian x GN!Reader
Hey everyone! I am so sorry this is later than I intended, but I wanted to make certain that this was the best I could give you. This is a continuation of my first fic, Not All Dreams Have a Happy Ending, so if you haven’t read that one, I highly recommend doing so.
Tagging: @padawansubscription​ @seraferna​ @smoke-n-fiire​ @juniebugg​
TW: Reader has depression, and this is angsty. There will be tears. Please grab your tissues now.
Without further ado, the fic you’ve all been waiting for!
Some nightmares never seemed to end.
It had been three years since that night at the convention. Three years since Morpheus had removed the Corinthian from the waking world. Three years since (y/n) watched as the man they loved was violently ripped away from them.
The first year had been absolute torture. Everywhere (y/n) turned, they saw him. Various objects in the house, once belonging to their lover, would turn up at seemingly random times. They nearly broke down one day, about a week after the tragedy, when one of his shirts turned up in their laundry. Several months later, a pair of his sunglasses made an appearance from under their couch.
Each time, despair and longing filled them, and overflowed as tears poured down their face.
Daily tasks became chores. Even escaping the confines of sleep felt impossible.
Strangely enough, Morpheus had not seen to punish them for their association with the Corinthian. Or, maybe, perhaps, the King of Dreams that the now gaping hole in (y/n)’s heart was sufficient enough.
(Y/n) scarcely dreamed. On the nights that they did, the colors were too vivid, as if they weren’t meant to see them.
(Y/n)’s friends tried for weeks to help them get over the Corinthian, though, they would never understand the extent of their friend’s pain. They had simply assumed that they were suffering from a bad break up, not that (y/n) had witnessed the love of their life get turned to sand right before their very eyes. No, (y/n) couldn’t tell of the Corinthian’s true nature. They couldn’t tell them the truth about him, or Morpheus, or the Dreaming. They’d all think that they were crazy.
So, (y/n) passed their days in quite morning. Days bled into weeks, weeks bled into months, months bled into years. They tried to move on. They really did.They even, at the urging of their friends, went on a few dates. But no one compared to their lost love.
They were at their favorite coffee shop when it happened. The barista turned when she heard the door, and gave (y/n) a friendly smile.
“The usual?”, she asked.
(Y/n) hadn’t been back to that particular coffee shop in a while, not since their last coffee date with the Corinthian. They almost said yes, but stopped themselves. They frowned, having nearly forgotten for a moment that they stopped ordering for two long ago.
“Not today. Just the one please.”
The barista’s bright smile contrasted (y/n)’s now stormy mood. As they waited, they though they spotted a familiar figure tucked away in the corner.
“That’s impossible”, they thought. Before (y/n) could do a double take, however, their name was called. Unable to accept that fate would be so cruel, they claimed their drink, and left the cafe.
The rest of their day was spent trying to forget about it. (Y/n) had even decided to take a walk in the park to clear their head. They had almost convinced themselves that it was their mind playing tricks on them. It was the anniversary of that night, after all. It wasn’t possible that their lost love had returned to them. They were so lost in thought, that they ended up running right into someone.
“I’m sorr....”, their voice trailed off as they looked up. Their eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. They prayed that their eyes were deceiving them. They debated walking away, when he spoke.
“It’s no problem”, the Corinthian said, as his lips lifted into his signature grin. It was the same cocky smirk that he used to flash (y/n) all the time, especially when he was being a massive flirt. It took the rest of (y/n)’s willpower to keep from outright sobbing. They felt like the world was wobbling. It was either that, or their knees. The pounding of their heart echoed through their head as disbelief flooded their system once more. It was almost as if the universe was trying to prove how cruel it could truly be. (Y/n)’s theory was further proven when the Corinthian spoke again.
“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” he asked, voice laced with the same easy going charm that drew (y/n) in when they had first met.
“N-no”, (y/n) stammered, barely able to contain a heartbroken sob. No longer able to trust their eyes, they instead steeled their voice. “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure.”
The Corinthian let out a small laugh. “Well, I suppose we’ll have to fix that, now won’t we?”
(Y/n) frowned, now more thoroughly confused than anything else.Was he really flirting with them? It shouldn’t have been possible. They thought back to the day that they had lost him. Everything had been going so well. Plans had been made for the new world that they were going to create together. (Y/n) remembered it all so clearly. The Corinthian stood upon the convention hall’s main stage, voice ringing clearly throughout the room. Promises of something new flowed from his mouth like a melody from a canary. The other attendees fell into their trance, dreaming their sadistic little dreams. (Y/n) had been dreaming too, just with their eyes wide open. They were dreaming of the life they thought they were going to have with the Corinthian. However, that dream quickly turned into a nightmare when Morpheus arrived. The King of Dreams wasted as little time as possible, despite the near desperate bid for time that came in the form of the Corinthian’s speech. Despite his best efforts, Dream of the Endless unmade his creation, all while (y/n) got a front row seat to his demise. But it was something that came afterwards that stuck out to (y/n) now. Something that Morpheus had said.
“Next time I make you, you will not be so flawed, and petty, little dream.”
A fleeting hope rose in (y/n)’s chest, one that they could not find the strength nor will to quell. Could it be that, after all this time, Morpheus had finally remade the Corinthian? It was almost to much to bear, and definitely to much to hope for. (Y/n)’s trip down memory lane was brought to a halt by the Corinthian’s voice.
“I apologize if that was a bit too forward”, he paused, waiting on their name.
“(Y/n), they replied. Despite the circumstances being too good to be true, if destiny saw it fit to bring him back to them, then (y/n) wasn’t going to let this opportunity go. So, they decided to match his energy instead.
“No worries. I was actually wracking my brain to make sure that I didn’t have any prior commitments.” They smiled back at the nightmare. “Are you free on Friday? Say, around eight?”, they asked. The Corinthian’s smirk grew.
“Sure am. How about this? You give me your phone number, and a decent address, and I will pick a place, and come pick you up?”
“Just as flirty and confident as ever”, (y/n) thought to themselves. “It’s a deal”, they said aloud, as they pulled out their phone. Numbers were exchanged, and (y/n)’s address provided, and soon, the pair parted ways.
Once (y/n) got back to their apartment, they immediately called their best friend to tell them the news. They left out the part were they were certain that it was their lost love, which left them some room to make up a few necessary details. They made plans to hang out the following day.
When (y/n) hung up the phone, they took a good look around their apartment. Every year, around the time of the incident, (y/n)’s apartment looked like a war zone. Laundry laid on the table, unfolded from days before. A trail of dirty clothes spanned the space between the bedroom, while a half eaten pint of now melted ice cream sat, opened, on the coffee table. And that was just the beginning of it. They nearly shuddered at the thought of everything they had to do before Friday arrived.
“At least I have a few days to get it done,” they muttered as they started up one of their favorite playlists. It was more upbeat then what they had been listening to recently, but it was a welcome change from the once near silence.
Time seemed to fly as order was brought  to the once chaotic space. (Y/n) was so lost in the sound of the music, and the rhythm of their cleaning, that they almost missed the text that they had been waiting for. They paused their playlist, wanting to focus solely on the screen. (Y/n) breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the location for their little date. It was one of the newer, more casual restaurants in the area, one that they and the Corinthian had never been to. It greatly reduced the probability of someone recognizing them and asking unnecessary questions. (Y/n) shot a quick text back, letting him know that they were excited, and couldn’t wait to see him. They spent another hour or so getting as much done as they possibly could. A good portion of their apartment sparkled, and that in itself felt like a major accomplishment. After a quick shower, and a change of clothes, (y/n) headed off to bed for what would hopefully be a decent night’s sleep.
Meanwhile, across town, the Corinthian was having a dilemma of his own. The nightmare knew that he had once had another life, and he was grateful that Lord Morpheus had given him a second chance at life. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. He kept a journal full of things that he remembered from his past. He knew that he wasn’t always willing to work with Morpheus. In fact, the Corinthian seemed to recall a time where he actively worked against the Dream King. Even though that was all in the past, there were just some details of his former life that couldn’t seem to stay buried. One particular thing kept coming back to him. Something that felt extremely important. A name. (Y/n)’s name.
It started out with just their name. Then a face appeared in his mind. The Corinthian had never really been an artist, not with pencil and paper, at least, but he tried. He lost count of how many sketchbooks he went through trying to get every detail right. Once he did, he had the image scanned, and spent endless hours trying to find them. And then, one day, he did. Quite by accident too.
It was the second anniversary of his remaking, and he was out enjoying his day. He stopped by a coffee shop that he had remembered as an old haunt of his.That’s when they came in. Part of him wanted to talk to them right then and there. But, a greater part of him understood that biding his time would be better. Besides, what would he even say to them? “Hey, I know you, you know me, let’s talk?” No. He was certain that would land him in a heap of trouble. He watched as (y/n) exited the coffee shop. They looked like they had seen a ghost. Which meant that they had probably seen him. The Corinthian sighed. He would have to lay low for a few days before he began his actual observations.
He decided that taking a walk would help him plan the next stage of his operation. The local park proved a decent place to do just that. And then, he ran into them. Or, more specifically, they ran into him. There went his chance at a low profile. (Y/n) had started an apology, but judging by the look on their face, they definitely recognized him. Worse still, they looked upset about something. As determined as the Corinthian was to leave as soon as possible, he found himself asking them the damning question.
“Don’t I know you from somewhere?” He mentally cursed himself. There was no backing out now, so he decided to roll with it. The stammered no that left their mouth told a different story than they were telling. He decided that direct recon was probably the best at this point anyway. So, he flashed them his best flirty smile, and asked them out. He was almost discouraged at the long pause that followed, but relief soon replaced it. Now, he had a date on Friday with the one person who could ultimately give him all the answers he needed. Soon, he would know just who (y/n) was. He’d also figure out what that warm feeling that was spreading through his chest was. But before that, he had to prepare for a very long conversation with his boss.
The following morning, (y/n) almost didn’t want to get out of bed. It had been to long since they had a peaceful night’s sleep, and even longer since they had a pleasant dream. It didn’t help that their dream involved the Corinthian’s memory returning and the two of them living happily ever after, and that was a dream they really wanted to return to. But, then they remembered that they had a day planned with their best friend. With a reluctant sigh, (y/n) threw off their covers, and got ready for their day.
The day past almost normally. Most of it was spent getting pestered in various locations for any information they could give on their date. (Y/n) couldn’t help but smile. Before they knew it, they were headed home, and extremely tired. As soon as they got to their apartment, they headed straight for their bed and collapsed.
(Y/n) began to dream, yet, it was unlike anything they had ever experienced before. Gentle sunlight, warm and radiant, bathed the world. Beneath them stood a bridge, which seemed to move as large ship passed under it. (Y/n) turn to their right, and beheld a marvelous castle. Or, perhaps ethereal was a better word for it. (Y/n) lacked the words to do it justice. They weren’t certain of their exact location, but (y/n) knew they felt something tug at their soul. Something fantastical and ancient seemed to call them, so they followed. They crossed the rest of the bridge, and entered the castle, following their feet and their instincts. They didn’t know what they expected to find, they continued anyway, only stopping when they heard voices.
“Are you sure bringing them here was the right decision, My Lord?”, a female voice asked. A familiar voice answered.
“Lucienne, the Corinthian came to me, asking about them. As King of the Dreaming, it is my responsibility to make sure my creations are taken care of.”
“Sir,” the woman who must have been Lucienne spoke, “while I understand the nature of the situation, I fail to see if it is truly worth the possibility of compromising the rest of the realm.”
“I wouldn’t have extended the invitation if I thought that they would pose a danger for even a moment.”
At this point, (y/n) had entered a large room, the back wall of which was dominated by a large stained glass window. Just in front of that, atop a twisted staircase, sat a throne, though (y/n) got the impression that it was rarely used. Two figures stood to the right of the staircase. One (y/n) had immediately recognized as Morpheus. The other, then, must have been Lucienne.
Morpheus turned towards (y/n). “Besides,” he started, “It would appear our guest has arrived.”
(Y/n) was almost to stunned to speak. Almost. “Am I in the Dreaming?”, they asked hesitantly.
“Yes”, Morpheus answered, dismissing Lucienne. “This is my realm, which you enter every time you sleep, though it is only now that you will remember it.”
“It’s rather splendid,” (y/n), causing Dream to smile. “May I ask why I’m here?”
“Certainly. I invited you here today because there is something I am curious about. I believe you have the answers I seek.”
Confusion was evident across (y/n)’s face. “And what information could I have that would interest you, King of Dreams?”
“If I remember correctly,” Morpheus began, “You knew the Corinthian before I had to unmake him.”
(Y/n) felt a stab of heartbreak course through their chest. Of course Morpheus wanted to discuss the Corinthian. They tried to hide the pain from their face and voice before they spoke. “I...”, they began with a shaky voice. Taking a deep breath, they began again. “I did, your Majesty”.
“I remember you from the convention center. You were the only one who wasn’t dreaming. Why?”, Morpheus asked, curiosity laced in his voice.
(Y/n) looked down at the floor, trying not to break down. When they answered, their voice shook. “He didn’t want me to get hurt.”
“May I ask what the nature of your relationship was? What were you to him that he would come to me, asking about you, and his previous life?”
(Y/n) was stunned. The Corinthian.... asked about them? Tears welled in (y/n)’s eyes, threatening to spill onto their face. It took several moments to form the words. A tear escaped as they finally found the courage to speak. “We were lovers, My Lord.”
“Lovers?,” the Dream King questioned. “My creations do not seek the companionship of mortals, much less lay with them.”
A white hot anger rose within (y/n). Before they could stop themselves, they were practically shouting. “And how would you know? You know nothing of what we had. You know nothing of the suffering I have been through the last three years because of what you did! All of the pain and heartbreak I’ve felt! You took him from me! And now, he walks the waking world, and he doesn’t even know who I am!” (Y/n) took a deep breath in an attempt to calm themselves. “And now, I have to live with the idea that he may not love me anymore. That he came back into my life after all this time, and that he’s just as likely to walk right back out of it. That he’ll walk away from everything. Or worse, he’ll choose someone else.”
Their heart was beating so fast, their chest could barely contain it. Several moments passed before they spoke again. “All I want is the Corinthian back. MY Corinthian. The one who knows me, the one who loves me.” They took one last shaky breath before they dared to continue. “Can you return him to me, King of Dreams?”
The silence that followed seemed to drag on for eons before Morpheus finally spoke. “I cannot”
“Then I believe we’re done here.,” (y/n) spat. “While I thank you for the invitation, I humbly request that you never summon me again”. They turned on their heels, briskly walking out of the palace, and leaving a slightly stunned Dream King in their wake. Once they reached the palace threshold, they awoke, the tears that they had shed in the Dreaming still staining their face.
Back in the Dreaming, Morpheus was deep in thought, though Lucienne’s approach quickly brought him out of it.
“They do not understand, Lucienne”, he said.
“Understand what, My Lord?”, the royal librarian asked as she approached him.
“That I cannot return the Corinthian to his former state. That it would compromise the safety of both my realm and theirs.”
“Surely there must be something you could do for them, Sire?”
Morpheus let out an exasperated sigh. “Like what, Lucienne? Even if I do return the Corinthian’s memories of this mortal, then what? They spend the next fifty, sixty, however many years that this mortal has left together, and then they die? And where would that leave the Corinthian? I cannot, will not have my creation suffer for the rest of eternity. I have already been forced to remake him one, I do not know if I can bear to do it again.”
Lucienne sighed before she spoke. “Perhaps you could ask Death for her assistance in the matter?”
“Ask my sister to make them immortal?”, Morpheus asked in disbelief. “And what then? I cannot allow the Corinthian to stay in the waking world. I may have need of him.”
“Perhaps they could stay in the Dreaming?”, Lucienne replied. The look on Morpheus’s face told her that he couldn’t believe what she was suggesting. Before he could reply, Lucienne laid a hand on his arm. “At least observe them together, My Lord. Then make your decision”, she removed her hand from Morpheus’s arm, and headed back toward the library, leaving the King of the Dreaming much to think about.
Friday rolled in without much fuss. (Y/n) spent the majority of the day finishing the cleaning in their apartment, wondering if they could get this version of the Corinthian to love them the same way they loved him. When eight o’clock rolled around, (y/n) stood next to the door, patiently waiting for the Corinthian to arrive. Several minutes passed, and (y/n) checked their phone as a knot of anxiety formed in their stomach. It was now 8:07. Dark thoughts spilled into their head. Had the Corinthian forgotten? Or, even worse, had Dream decided to unmake him again? It was 8:15 before they heard a knock on their door. Opening it, they found the Corinthian standing there, flowers in hand, and an apologetic look on his face.
“I am so sorry that I’m late”, he began. “A work thing came up, and then..” (y/n) cut him off.
“It’s alright. I understand. You could have at least texted me though.”
The Corinthian smiled sheepishly, which was a look that (y/n) had never seen on his face before. “I’ll remember that for next time. If there is a next time.”
“I don’t know,” (y/n) said playfully, “Depends on how the rest of the night goes.” They took the flowers from him, noticing they were their favorites. They smiled as they put them in a spare vase. “The flowers are a nice start though,” they said, and the Corinthian’s usual smile returned.
“Shall we then?”, he asked, gesturing towards the hallway.
“Lead the way,” (y/n) replied, exiting their apartment and locking the door behind.
The rest of the date went rather wonderfully. At the restaurant, they talked, and laughed, and ate. They didn’t notice the Endless entity that watched them from afar. Dream of the Endless sat near enough to hear, but far enough away so that he was less likely to be noticed. He sat alone at a table for two, observing the couple on their date. Though he knew that the Corinthian didn’t fully remember this human, Morpheus could still feel the love that radiated between them.
The seat across from Morpheus slid out from under the table, and a young woman sat down.
“And what brings you here, sweet sister?”, Morpheus asked.
“Am I not allowed to check on my brother?”
“I was merely wonder what could possibly bring Death to a place such as this, besides work.”
Death smiled at her brother. “This is purely a social call. I see you have a lot on your mind. Care to tell me about it?”
Morpheus sighed. “I seem to have a dilemma.Of what kind, I’m not fully certain.” As he said this, Morpheus gestured to the couple he was watching. Death followed her brother’s movements. She gasped.
“Is that the Corinthian?”, she asked. “What is he doing with a human?” Death had been well aware of the trouble the nightmare had caused for her brother. She also knew that he had been responsible for ending the lives of multiple humans. Death stared at Dream in disbelief. “Why? What’s happening here?”
Morpheus let out a sigh. “Apparently, he forged a bond with this human in the later part of his first life. One of love.”
“He fell in love?”, Death questioned. “I thought none of your creations could do that.”
“Neither did I”, Dream sighed once more. “He does not fully remember them, and yet,” he turned his head to look at his creation, and noticed that he was now holding the human’s hand. “He still seems to care for them.”
“Some forces are beyond even our understanding baby brother”
Morpheus’s lips lifted into the ghost of a smile.
“So, what exactly is your dilemma?”, Death continued.
“I find myself wondering if I should restore his memories of their relationship.”
“That would be a nice thing to do for the human, though I do see the dangers it could pose. Anything else?”
“Actually, there is one other thing.” Dream leaned back in his seat. “If I were to restore his memories and allow them to be together, his lifespan would greatly exceed their own.”
Death smiled. “And you would like for me to help with that?”
“If it comes to it.” Morpheus spared one last look at the couple, only to find them leaving, arms linked as they smiled lovingly at one another. This time, the King of Dreams truly smiled.
“I take it you’ve made your decision?”, Death asked him.
“I have”
“I guess I will be seeing you soon then.”
“You are welcome in my realm anytime, my sister”. With that, Dream of the Endless took his leave to prepare for the evening ahead.
(Y/n) had almost forgotten how wonderful the feeling that now blossomed through their chest could be. The Corinthian had suggested returning to his place to watch a movie he had rented, and (y/n) was more than happy to oblige. They sat on his couch, cuddled into one another, enjoying the feeling of being in each other’s arms. Warmth enveloped (y/n) and before either of them knew it, they were peacefully asleep on the Corinthian’s chest. A smile spread across his face as he held them closer. Neither of them aware of what lay ahead of them in the near future.
(Y/n) was rather upset to find themselves back in Morpheus’s throne room. They let out an agitated sigh as they looked over at the Dream King, who sat on the stairs before his throne. “Is there any particular reason why I’m here?”
“There is”, Morpheus replied. Sensing their annoyance, he raised his hand before they could speak. “I do not wish to argue with you. I have brought you here to give you a gift. A peace offering, if you will.”
“A gift? What could you possibly have that....”, their voice trailed off as a familiar figure stepped out from behind a nearby column.
“Hello there, sweetheart”, the Corinthian spoke.
(Y/n) couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Their body moved on autopilot as they rushed towards their lover, throwing their arms around him. They felt the nightmare’s arms snake around them, holding them in a tender embrace.(Y/n) felt tears roll down their face as they pulled away to look at him. “I....How.....Why?”, they had trouble forming words. With one hand, the Corinthian gently wiped their tears away as he continued to hold onto them with the other.
“Morpheus gave us a second chance, darling,” he said gently. (Y/n wrapped their arms around the Corinthian once more, as Morpheus began to speak.
“You were right. I did not understand what the two of you had.” (Y/n) turned their face to the Dream King, refusing to let go of their nightmare, afraid that he might disappear at any moment. Morpheus continued, “But tonight, I saw it first hand. Despite the Corinthian’s lack of memory, despite the separation of time, he still looked at you like you were his entire world.” Morpheus smiled as the Corinthian gripped his lover tighter. “And who am I to separate a dreamer from their nightmare?”
(Y/n)”s eyes widened. “Does that mean?”, they began, unsure of how to finish. It was the Corinthian that spoke first.
“Yes,” he said as he tilted their head so that they were facing him. “I may not remember everything, but I do remember you.”
(Y/n) beamed at the news. Moving their hands to the front of their lover’s coat, they gripped it tight, and crashed their lips to his.The Corinthian was quick to reciprocate the kiss.
A small cough reminded them of where they were. They parted, still holding onto each other, the Corinthian grinning like a devil. The King of the Dreaming spoke. “There is, however, a price to this gift.”
(Y/n) turned, and looked Morpheus dead in the eye. “Name it,” they said. “Whatever it is, whatever the price, I will pay it.”
“You would have to give up your mortality,” Morpheus began. “As the Corinthian is one of my creations, and as thus, cannot die, you would need to leave the waking world, and your mortality behind.”
(Y/n)’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates. “You...you could do that?”
“He can’t”, a female voice (y/n) had never heard before spoke. “But I can.” She stepped into the room, steps light and cheerful.
“My sister, Death,” Morpheus explained.
(Y/n) eyed her in disbelief. “You would grant me immortality so that I can be with the Corinthian?”
“If that’s truly what you wish,” Death replied, placing her hands in her pockets. “You’d have to leave your world behind though.”
(Y/n) turned back to the Corinthian, a loving smile on their face. They didn’t even have to think long before they reached their decision.
“For him, anything.”
“Then let it be done”, Death said.
The Corinthian couldn’t help himself. In one swift motion, he brought his lips to theirs, kissing them with every ounce of love and passion he had in his being. (Y/n) wound their arms around his neck as they returned the kiss, overjoyed and ready to begin their new lives together.
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firexima · 30 days
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Forgot to post this one but!!! Biblically accurate Sir Billiam III
Again, this was from this one Twitter poll that was for voting on the coolest skin and Sir Billiam was on it so I drew him exactly as his skin portrays to show off how cool of a design I think he has without needing artists to do any heavy lifting while also leaving room to be creative :)
(Also I will always take an excuse to draw him)
1K notes · View notes
jupiter-letters · 11 days
Having thoughts about Husband!Art and his hands...
A/N: A little fic this weepy eyed blonde boy, I watched challengers yesterday and I'm obsessed.I need Art like carnally. People being hot in movies is so back dude. This was written with a fem!reader(afab, no other physical description will be written) in mind. This is my first attempt at smut so go easy on me I beg.🙏🏽
Word count: 1476
TW: Sexu*l content, f*ngering, reader just having a rough day in general.
divider cred || palestine links
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One of the things that attracted you to your husband was his hands. The way his muscles in his hands tighten when he grips his racket, how he holds his coffee mug when takes a sip of coffee in the morning and the way they glide against your skin when you make love.
After having a difficult day he'd like to put those hands to use for you as he so often loves to do....
You walk into your home and make a beeline toward your bathroom, you need to get the grime of the day off you. You don't even notice Art on his laptop on the couch, he was about to greet you before he saw the look on your face. He just watches you kick off your shoes and drop your bag on the floor. You always greet him when you get home but he can tell it's been one of those days. He shuts his laptop off and the tv then makes his way to your bedroom. He spots your scattered clothes all over the floor and hears the roar of the bathtub's spout coming to life.
Art leans up against the door to hear what you might be doing, he hesitates before knocking on the door. "Baby?" The sound of running water stops and he hears a small tired voice answer, "Come in.." He opens the door to the sight of you naked and bare, head down in front of the mirror. He looks at you for a moment and turns his eyes to the floor as he shuts the bathroom door behind him. You turn your head toward him but avoid his eyes, he doesn't force you to meet his gaze.
  Art moves behind you in silence and touches your shoulders just to test the waters of how much you're willing to be touched at this moment. You accept it, not moving away but not leaning into it. He wraps his body around you and kisses your shoulders. He kisses up to the  back of your neck. "You wanna talk about it?", he asks as you take a moment to answer such a simple question. You just shake your head, still silent, you do turn around and look up at him. He looks into your eyes, a silent understanding takes over him. "Ok." He whispers, Art moves over to the bathtub and turns the knob back on. He goes to the sink cabinet and grabs some bubble bath. He pours some of the liquid in the water and glides in his hand in the water to make sure the temperature's perfect for you. Once the tub is full you step inside and breathe a sigh of relief. The sweet smell of the bubbles and the warm water expels the tension from your body. Art kneels next the tub, he crosses his arms over the rim and lays his head on his forearms. He gives you a small smile and you return it, you both gaze at each other in quiet admiration. Art takes a hand and caresses your knee with such tenderness, the feeling of his lithe fingers brings you such comfort.
 He moves his body forward and moves his hand further down your thigh looking at you for permission to keep going. You nod your head looking at him expectantly wondering what he was planning to do. Very slowly he slides his hand into the water in between your thighs, eyes laser focused on his own actions. You can feel him gently part your folds, using his index and middle finger to stroke your clit. He moves them slowly up and down, ghosting your entrance. Art looks back up at you when he hears you gasp quietly, he smiles again at the sound. “You want some more baby? Don’t worry I’ll give it to you, I’m gonna take care of you.” he purrs at you, but you won’t get what you want so quickly, he lives to tease you. He adds more pressure to your bud and rubs in more circular motions. Your breath quickens and you lull your head to the side pressing against the tub's rim. He stops for a moment just to move closer to your head so he can kiss your cheek and move onto your lips. You position your body closer to his head and crane your head to taste his lips more. Art continues stroking your clit, rubbing and pinching it between his fingers. He swallows every gasp, groan and whimper you make, stretching the muscles in his neck as far as he can to reach your mouth. The sensation of him touching you and the heat from the water has covered your body in a light sheen of moisture, everything about you is so wet and pliant. He finally feels that you’re ready to take his fingers, he stops kissing you. He wants to look in your eyes as he slides them, he wants to see your mouth part and hear a raspy moan slip from your lips. 
 There’s nothing Art loves more than the look of dazed bliss you get when he’s inside of your body. As he prods your entrance he watches you closely, “Sweetheart look at me…” ,he murmurs. You look up at him, hungry and waiting, the moment you do he slides his fingers eliciting a high pitched moan from you, mouthing widening in pleasure. He continues his slow pace, you can feel the metal of his wedding ring brush up against your lips as he pushes his fingers deeper. He leaves kisses all over your face before returning to your lips, smiling into the kiss. He opens his eyes for a moment to see your legs writhing and clenching around his hand when he curls his fingers every so slightly. The sight makes his arousal even stronger than before, a small wet spot makes its appearance in his sweatpants.  He wouldn’t even need to touch himself, the sight alone of you slowly reaching your peak is enough to make him cum all on his own. The tension in your core continues to build, Art notices you shuddering and finally lets you have what you want. He puts his fingers in as far as he can and makes a scissoring gesture along with curling them pressing into your g-spot at random. As he does this it becomes harder to focus on his mouth devouring you and mind begins to go blank. You grip your hands onto his forearm and shoulder to anchor yourself. He angles his head to kiss the underside of your jaw while he increases his pace. The water in the tub starts to move violently as your body shakes and your legs thrash. You make the attempt to kiss Art again but are overwhelmed by the sounds that escape your mouth, he lets you moan into his mouth keeping his eyes closed and savoring the sounds. One final beckon of his fingers sends you over the edge, tilting your head back, orgasm rippling throughout your body. Art nuzzles his nose against yours and presses his forehead to yours. 
It’s a full minute before he pulls his fingers out of you, when he does he drags his hand up and over your stomach. Between your breasts and glides up the side of your neck, he takes his thumb and caresses your lips before sliding them into his mouth. He smiles down at you and giggles. You laugh with him, “What?” you ask curiously. “I was supposed to help you get clean, not sweaty,” he says with a grin. You laugh again at his statement, “Well…it doesn’t matter, I do feel better now.” He smiles and kisses your forehead, he moves over to the towel holder on the wall and grabs one for you. You wipe some of the suds off you before you stand to be embraced by him with the towel. While he holds you, you notice he’s still hard. You look at him surprised, “You want me to take care of that?” He looks down as if he forgot too. “Oh! No baby it’s ok, I wanted this to be all about you, don’t worry about me.” he tells you softly. His statement makes you soften even more, you step out of the tub next to him. You take the towel from him and wrap it around yourself. “Thank you Art, I mean it. I really needed that.” You take his face into your hand and kiss his lips. “Of course, these hands aren’t just good at tennis y’know. You can use them anytime you want.” he replies smugly. You jokingly push his face away and make your way out of the bathroom looking back at him with a smile. He follows close behind and shuts the door behind him.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff. ♡
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michonnes · 8 months
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She is a survivor.
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idkwatthehec · 6 months
Yall I just realized something.
So you all know about how Eret’s planned ending was the reveal that the Dsmp was actually like a weird sort of time loop thing and that’s why Karl’s Tales were always so similar.
Do you guys remember the underwater city. Where all the main people of the smp had a room. Everyone except one person.
Wilbur didn’t have a room.
Wilbur left the smp before the nuke.
And that’s why he never ever appeared in a Tales. Not once.
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artistichermit · 6 months
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I've always wanted to draw Sir Billiam III.
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rainystressed247 · 4 months
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A detour from the pokemon series, because I really want to see them ok 🥹
Note: Cat also has a applin behind his back 😉 if you know you know.
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reallyhardy · 7 months
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louis maskell as frodo baggins & nuwan hugh perera as samwise gamgee in the lord of the rings: a musical tale.
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artofanamateur · 1 month
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Karl Jacobs doodle based on my Halloween costume one year
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thefugitivesaint · 2 years
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Elizabeth Shippen Green (1871-1954), ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’, ''Tales from Shakespeare'' by Charles Lamb, 1922 Source
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Not All Dreams Have a Happy Ending. (The Corinthian x GN! Reader)
Hey everyone! Welcome to my first published fanfic on Tumblr! I’m not quite sure I like the beginning very much, but I will say that I think it gets better further into it.
And yes, I did use the dialogue from episode 10. I felt as if paraphrasing it would make it less impactful.
TW: Mentions of death, mentions of murder, slight body horror,
I do use (y/n). I know some people don’t like that, but I think it was the best I could do with what I was going for. Now, without further ado, on with the fic!
He never intended for it to end like this. One Moment, he was on the cusp of greatness. The next, he was nothing more than a pile of sand, and a small skull. However, in the moments before the darkness took him, the Corinthian’s mind wasn’t focused on his defeat. No. Instead, his thoughts drifted to his partner. His (y/n). Everything that had happened to them since the fateful day they first met, and now, all the things that would never come to pass.
It had been a particularly warm August evening. The summer month was more than half done, and yet the heat persisted. Many residences were hosting gatherings to celebrate one last time before the cooler weather started up again. And it was at one such gathering, that (y/n) met the Corinthian.
Dozens of people milled about the grounds of a small manor, while many more threw themselves about to the various songs that poured from the speakers. The Corinthian, not that anyone there knew that was his name, stood upon the second story balcony, and looked out into the back garden. The festivities had begun to bore him long ago. Drink no longer interested him, nor did any of the guests that had tried so desperately to get his attention.
He knew he possessed a certain magnetism, a charm that drew people to him. And, while this ability usually made his work all the easier, tonight, the Corinthian was in no mood for games. Well, not in the beginning, at least. He was debating on leaving the crowd of wanton souls for something more his tastes when he spotted a lone figure tucked away into the back corner of the garden.
“Now”, he thought, “this evening might just get interesting after all”. He made his way down to the garden, believing he had found the perfect playmate for his next game. He wove through the crowd of party goers, careful to avoid stepping on anyone’s toes as he waved off unwanted advances. The Corinthian was focused on one thing and one thing only.
His prey.
For a while watched them from a distance, analyzing his approach. He wanted to appear calm, and charming, not like some drunkard looking for a good time. Not that he was capable of getting drunk, but it was usually a safe bet not to play that way. No, the Corinthian wanted to put their mind completely at ease, so that he might gain their trust. However, that tactic seemed to fail as they happened to glance upwards in his direction, seemingly startled by his closeness.
“I thought no one would notice me all the way out here”, they said. The Corinthian grinned, assuming a gentlemanly manner, as not to scare them. “Oh,” he began. “I had no intentions of startling you. I was just looking for a place to get away from the party for a bit.” It wasn’t entirely a lie, for just enough of the truth remained to make it convincing. He was glad to see that his new conversation partner had donned a small smile, while beautiful (e/c) irises met his shaded ones. He was thinking of what to say next when he noticed the book that they held in their lap.
“Whatcha reading there?”, he asked, pointing towards the volume.
“Oh”, they started, not quite certain if it was worth discussing at all. However, they were glad to have someone who didn’t seem to be wanting to push booze or themselves onto them. “It’s just some story about dreams coming true.” At this they frowned, the subject matter clearly no to their liking. “It was all I could manage to sneak out without getting caught”.
The Corinthian let out a small chuckle. “I take it you’re not fond of parties then?”, he questioned.
“Not at all”, the mortal replied. They looked around a bit, as if to assure that they were alone, before letting out a sheepish grin. “Can I let you in on a little secret?”
“Of course”, the Corinthian said as he nodded. He was pleasantly surprised by the fact that they seemed to trust him, but not as surprised as he was by what they said next.
“I was never one for what other’s would call ‘sweet dreams’. I’ve always been more fascinated by nightmares.”
The Corinthian’s smile faltered, but only for a moment before becoming wider at the thought.
“Is that so? Well, in that case, I suppose I could a thing or two about nightmares.”
That evening was the start of something truly wonderful. The pair discussed their strange fascination with the horrors from the dreaming world well into the night, and long, long after the party had come to an end. The Corinthian found himself escorting them back to their residence, with promises to visit the following evening. Before he left, he managed to get their name, (y/n), and their phone number.
Weeks past, and most of their nights were spent in each other’s company. It always intrigued (y/n) that their companion never seemed to take off his shades, even while he was inside their home. They eventually passed it off as an issue with light sensitivity. What really began to get their curiosity, and sometimes their annoyance, going, was that he would never just give them his name. In time, he became known to them as their “Nightmare Man”. It was like a game for them. But, all games must eventually come to an end.
It’d been six months since they began seeing one another before the Corinthian decided to tell his partner the truth. They had scheduled a night in, and if there was ever going to be a time for honesty, it felt like it should be then. That night, while they laid as a mess of tangled limbs underneath a large blanket, he told them everything. He told them about Morpheus, about the Dreaming, about everything that he had ever seen and done.
“You weren’t to far off in calling me your Nightmare Man”, he started.
(Y/N) could only stare at him.
“You’re”, they began, “You’re joking right?”
“ ‘Fraid not, sweetheart”, he said, as the corner of his mouth lifted into a sly grin. “I am one bona-fide, genuine Nightmare”. One of his hands moved towards his glasses, but stopped short just before he could remove them.
“Prove it”, (y/n) breathed, scarcely trusting their own ears.
That was all it took. In one swift motion, time seemed to stand still. Instead of peering into what should have been a pair of eyes, (y/n) found themselves staring at two sets of teeth set into their partner’s eyelids.
Never before had they been more haunted, nor had they ever been more intrigued. A shaky hand reached up to cup his face, and once it was there, (y/n)’s thumb began to gently stroke his cheek. His hand came up to meet theirs, slowly wrapping it in a gentle hold. (Y/N) simply stared in awe, drinking in the sight of him.
“You like what you see, babe?”, the Corinthian asked, drawing them out of their trance.
“I don’t know whether to be awed or alarmed”, they grinned. “Though, I’m more curious than ever to know your name. Your real name, not whatever alias you can think to come up with”
“You just told me that you’re a nightmare from a place called the Dreaming, which is ruled by a being called Morpheus. Try me.”
There was a pause, and the very air seemed to hang with palpable tension, the silence nearly deafening. It seemed to drag on for eons. When the reply came, (y/n) felt a chill run down their spine.
“The Corinthian”, he breathed, barely above a whisper. The shock settled into their bones, and hardened into a knot in their stomach.
“The Corinthian?”, they paused, as if they couldn’t stand to ask their next question out of fear of the answer. “You mean, like, the serial killer who takes people’s eyes?”
The Corinthian let out a laugh.
“The very same, doll. Why? Scared that I’ll do the same to you?”
Now it was (y/n)’s turn to laugh.
“Nah, if you really wanted me dead, you would have killed me already, and my eyes wouldn’t be in my head.” Their grin widened as they continued, “besides, living with your victim for several months doesn’t seem to fit your MO.” Their expression turned quizzical. “Though, I do have to ask, What made you choose me? You could have had anyone you wanted. What made me so special?”
The Corinthian let out a sigh, and took the hand that wasn’t holding his significant other’s, and began to trace their fingers along their arm.
“Remember that night in the garden? At that party that we both just happened to be at?”
(Y/N) nodded in response, and snuggled into their lover’s chest.
“You were the first person to truly understand. You see nightmares as something to be relished, savored even.” He stopped just long enough to plant a kiss on his beloved’s head, before continuing in an almost reverent tone. “You see me for what I am, and you’re not afraid.” The hand that was stroking (y/n)’s arm stopped, and he used it to gently lift their chin, allowing their lips to meet in blissful harmony. He pulled away, and gazed lovingly into their (e/c) eyes.
“I’ve been on this Earth a very long time, and I have never met anyone like you. In fact, I’d say that if you were a dream, then you’d be the sweetest one that ever existed.”
(Y/N) could only smile lovingly at their boyfriend. “Well, if I’m your sweet dream, the you’re my beautiful nightmare.” They snuggled back into their dearest’s arms, and they remained that way for the rest of the evening.
It was a very strange day when the Corinthian announced that they had to leave for a while.
“Take me with you?”, (y/n) asked, their bottom lip jutted out into a pout.
“I wish I could sweetheart”, the Corinthian sighed. “I promise, I’ll be back as soon as I can”. He sauntered over to them, and wrapped his arms around their waist from behind. “I promise”, he repeated, planting a kiss on their shoulder.
“I’m holding you to that”, (y/n) murmured, and turned their head to catch their lover’s lips with their own. The tender moment was cut short by the chimes of the nightmare’s cell phone. He stepped away to answer, while (y/n)’s eyes followed him to his new position across the room. The call was brief, and when their boyfriend’s lips curled into a smile, they couldn’t help but smile as well. A few moments later, the call was ended, and the Corinthian turned to his partner.
“Change of plans, babe. Looks like you’re coming with me after all.”
And that was the beginning of the end.The pair had traveled to pick up a young boy to deliver him to his sister. Or, rather, that was the story that they told him and his sister. The Corinthian had explained to (y/n) that Rose, the boy’s sister, to break the barrier between dreams, ensuring their future together, among many other things.
(Y/N) had been tasked with making sure that the boy didn’t escape; a task that proved to be much more difficult than it should have been. The boy led (y/n) on a wild goose chase. He managed to catch up to his sister, but not before the Corinthian managed to catch up with them. While his smile seemed quite charming to the children, (y/n) was well aware of the dangers that lurked there. They herded the children back to the room, before heading down to the conference hall where the Corinthian was going to give his speech.
“While I’m talking, don’t you dare close your eyes. There are too many dangerous people in there, and I don’t want to see you get hurt”. His tone was equal parts demanding and concerned. “Do you understand me?
(Y/n) nodded. “Wouldn’t dream of it dearest. Though, if you wanted to keep me safe, why take me to a serial killer convention?”
The Corinthian ignored his lover’s little joke, and chose to answer their question instead.
“I want you to be there to witness the new world we create. Besides, I wouldn’t bring you along if I wasn’t certain that I could protect you.” He gripped their arm and and spun them to face him. “I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d rather share this moment with.” He flashed his lover a brief smile, before crashing his lips to theirs. Passion and fire ignited in both of them as the kiss deepened, but was cut all to short for their liking by the need for air. Ragged breaths left both of them as they straightened their attire, and headed into the conference hall. They made their way to their seats as the announcer took his time in announcing the Corinthian.
When the time came, (y/n) focused all their attention on their lover. They hung onto every word, relishing in the feeling of a world on the brink of major change. When the Corinthian instructed everyone to close their eyes, (Y/N) trained theirs on their partner. They thought of a world where they succeeded, where they were together, reveling in a new world order. However, a new presence swept into the room, one that the Corinthian seemed highly displeased by.
(Y/N) heard the newcomer’s voice before they saw him.
“You disappoint me, Corinthian”. They turned to view the owner of the voice, a pale man with raven locks, and what appeared to be galaxies in his eyes.
“That must be Morpheus”, (y/n) thought, having recalled the conversation they had with the Corinthian several weeks prior.
The King of Dreams continued. “You and these humans you’ve inspired and created,” he turned his head, and in that moment, (y/n) could have sworn that it was purely directed towards them. His gaze turned back, eyes burning with something unnameable. “You disappoint me.”
“I’ve done my best to be what you made me”, the nightmare responded.
“No, you’ve your worst”, (y/n)’s eyes snapped back to their beloved, and they saw the pain, the anguish he tried to conceal. If they could, they would rush to his side, but they seemed to be frozen in place. Whether it was through fear or magic, (y/n) couldn’t tell, but the desire to get to their lover increased with each passing second. As it grew, so did the knot of anxiety within their stomach.
Dream of the Endless continued his monologue,  moving ever towards the Corinthian.
“Which was in so many ways what I had hoped. You were my masterpiece. A dark mirror made to reflect everything that humanity will not confront.”
(Y/N) wanted to scream. They wanted to shout and make it known to the Dream King that yes, someone had taken a look in that dark mirror. Yes, someone looked. And they saw love reflected back at them. Their thoughts were cut off by their lover’s words.
“That’s what I am”. There was a tinge of pride in his voice. “That’s what I’ve done.”
“No”, Morpheus countered. “Look at you, walking this Earth for over a century, infecting others with your joy of death”. The Endless being paused very briefly to glance in (y/n)’s direction. “But what have you given them? What have you wrought? Nothing.” If (y/n) had known Morpheus better, they would have sworn that they would have heard something akin to pity in his voice. “Just something else for people to be afraid of. That is all”
The Corinthian dared a brief glaze into the eyes of his beloved, eyes that once held all the possibilities of a world made anew. Of a world where there was love for someone like him. Now, all he saw was terror and sorrow.
“So, what now?” It took a great deal of effort to tear his gaze away from theirs, and to look once more at the King of Dreams. “You send me back into their dreams?” Maybe he was blinded by the rage he had towards his former master. Perhaps it was the fear of losing the person he trusted, the person he loved, the most. Whatever the reason, the Corinthian drew his knife, intent to kill, no, rather, to end that which would stop them. He spared one last glance at the person he loved more than anything in all the worlds. He took in what details he could, trying to commit them to memory.
“Cause I won’t go willingly”
“A knife, against a dream?,”Morpheus questioned. And in that moment, (y/n) knew, they truly knew, that their love would not survive this. Try as they might, however, they could not free themselves from their seated prison.
“You don’t think dreams can die? Let’s find out”
“Enough.” The calm severity of Morpheus’s voice made it clear that the Corinthian was going back, one way, or another. He extended his right palm, drawing the sand that formed (y/n)’s beloved towards him.
The Corinthian, on the other hand, wasn’t having it. In one swift motion, the knife tore through Morpheus’s palm, stopping the transfer in its tracks.
Morpheus fell to one knee, stunned, examining his now bloodied palm with confusion. He slowly raised his head, the one question that he could think to ask falling from his lips. “How?”
The grin in the Corinthian’s voice was almost palpable.
“I’ve got Rose Walker getting stronger every second while you get weaker.” The pride returned to his voice, and all the smug satisfaction of a man who believes that he had won came with it.
“She’s taking your place at the center of the Dreaming. She’s bringing the walls down between the sleeper’s minds”
(Y/N) wouldn’t rationalize it until later, but that had been the precise reason the Corinthian had wanted them to keep their eyes open. It was far to risky for them to be in the dream of the others, where they could very easily be harmed.
“And now, they’re all dreaming the same dream. A dream that I inspired!”
“No”, the voice of the Sandman was weak with disbelief.
“It’s already happening. There’s nothing you can do. She’s asleep and dreaming.” (Y/N) could scarce believe the arrogance of the nightmare that they had claimed as theirs. Though, in truth, it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise to them. They knew that he had only sealed his fate, and the fate of their love, when Morpheus gave his respond.
“Then she’s not beyond my reach”
“Oh, I think she is.” He paused briefly, almost as if for dramatic effect. “Now that she knows that you’re planning to kill her.
(Y/n) couldn’t see what transpired in the following minutes. Both men disappeared, but just as suddenly reappeared, as if they hadn’t vanished at all.
(Y/N) watched as Morpheus’s hand healed itself. They watched as the me they loved removed his glasses, and with a shaky voice began, “If you think I’m going back to the Dreaming with you-”
The master of the Dreaming swiftly cut the nightmare off.
“You’re not going back”. (Y/N) felt hot tears begin to roll down their face. It was too late now. No time for a final goodbye. Within that one sentence, Morpheus made it clear that they were about to lose everything.
“I brought you into this world to serve humanity. Not to feed upon it.”
“Do you know why I do it?”, the Corinthian started, trying to keep the beginning of the end at bay for as long as possible. He did not want his love to bear witness to what was about to happen.
“So I can taste what it’s like to be human. And you don’t care about humanity. You only care about yourself and your realm and your rules.” The Corinthian felt his heart break, knowing it wouldn’t be enough. Nothing he said would be enough to keep Dream of the Endless from unmaking him, and breaking his lover’s heart. Yet, he tried anyway. He tried, because if there was a sliver of a chance to keep that from happening, he was going to take it.
“I contain the entire collective unconscious. Without my rules, it would consume me. Humanity would be consumed.”
“Or, you might actually feel something”.
‘Something like what I feel for (y/n)’, the Corinthian thought, though he wouldn’t dare to say it aloud, for fear of what Morpheus might do to them.
“I am not the problem, Dream”
“You’re right.” A small glimmer of hope welled between the nightmare and his dreamer. “This was all my fault. Not yours. I had so much hope for you.” And as quickly as that glimmer was built, it was broken. “But I created you poorly then. So I must uncreate you now.”
Tears rolled down both the Corinthian’s and (y/n)’s faces as Dream once again raised his right hand.Red light consumed the Corinthian, and as he crumbled, he spoke his last words.
“I am only sorry I won’t be here to see Rose Walker do the same to you”. Though the sentence was directed at Morpheus, (y/n) understood all that was left unsaid. How their love was sorry, sorry for all the time they could not spend together. How he was sorry that it had to end this way. How he was sorry that he couldn't kiss them one last time.
All that was left of the Corinthian now was a pile of sand, and a skull with teeth within the eye sockets. Dream moved towards the pile slowly, and gently knelt before it, before picking up the skull, and rising with it in his hand. He held it aloft in his palm. (Y/N) dared not to think what he would do with it then. The shock came when they heard him utter his next words.
“Next time I make you, you will not be so flawed, and petty, little dream.” The King of Dreams and Nightmares turned to the convention attendees, who had just began to awaken.
“And you”, he said, addressing the collective, “who call yourselves ‘collectors’, until now, you have sustained fantasies in which you are the victims, comforting daydreams in which you are always right.” Most could only stare at the being before them, truly unaware of all that he could do. But the tears that poured from (y/n)’s eyes as they mourned. Mourned for the loss of the one person who cared for them, even if he did happen to be a nightmare. They scarcely heard as Morpheus continued.
“But no more. The dream is over. I have taken it away. For this is my judgement upon you, that you shall know from this moment on, exactly how craven and selfish, and monstrous you are. That you shall feel the pain of those you have slaughtered. And the grief of those who mourn them still, and you shall carry that pain and grief and guilt with you until the end of time”
(Y/N) felt every word sink into their heart. Truly, a world without their nightmare was too terrible a thought to bear. That night, for the first time in their life, (y/n) was afraid to close their eyes, for who knows what the King of Dreams and Nightmares had in store for them beyond the safety of the waking world.
What horrors would await them inside his realm? There were some things, they thought, that were best left unanswered.
For not all dreams have a happy ending.
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xmaruu11 · 2 years
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I don’t know if I ever posted this ones on here
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jupiter-letters · 5 months
Dating Oliver Queen would include:
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Fem!Reader or GN!Reader TW: Suggestive content
A/N: There is not enough oliver queen fics on the internet like this man is so fine. 😩😩😩 You guys need to wake up and appreciate him I'm so serious. This is gonna be based off comic/jlu oliver since I don't rock with the live action one. We don't like live action counter parts in these parts.
In the beginning it doesn't take much for him to work up the courage to ask you out. You weren't having it at first given his reputation, all the girls and boys couldn't get enough of Oliver Queen. This inital skepticism in his motives leads to him trying to win you over, aka impressing you. This results in a cute little back and forth with you two. Him going bigger and bigger with his gestures and you shaking your head amused at his antics. You do cave eventually seeing how far he'll go to get your attention.
You can't go on missions with him at all. At first he's taking everything as seriously as he's supposed to but, the last half he's fooling around.
God forbid it's a stakeout, yeah you both need to keep a look out but he just wants to kiss you for 5 minutes that's all. He teases you about it too he's so annoying. He'll get real close when you're looking out your binoculars and whisper in your ear, "Come on honey you know you wanna kiss me." wink wink nudge nudge. Of course you end up making out on a rooftop only stopping when an explosion goes off in the distance.
He loves taking you on trips, spoiling you in general. Even if you insist you don't need anything he just likes giving you stuff. You need new headphones? Got it. You need a new car, say no more he's got it.
When things get difficult he likes to try to joke just to see you smile, or elevate some tension. Oliver isn't the type of guy to do nothing when his partner is feeling down. He at his core is very proactive, if the jokes don't work he'll make your favorite drink or take you for a drive.
If you are a superhero/vigilante, he makes sure he gets paired up with you so he can have your back. Powers or no powers he doesn't want you to go alone. If you're a civilian, he checks in on you during missions. He could be mid-fight and call you about how your day was. "So....What are you wearing?" SMASH! CRASH! SHATTER! "Hang on one sec honey!" When he does get injured he tries to play it off like it's not as bad as it actually is. He'll melt when you take of his injuries, he'll never be quieter than when you do that.
He really doesn't like to sleep without you, some nights he gets nightmares about being back on the island. You're always there to comfort him after, being able to hold you when you both sleep is very grounding for him. Being able to wake up next to you is best part of his day, he likes to sneak off while you're sleeping and make pancakes.
Having to go with him undercover to gather intel, he going to have a very hard time concentrating when you get dressed up. He's having a conversation with Bruce and Dick when you walk in. As soon as you come into his view his mind goes blank for a moment. Dick has to snap his fingers in front of Oliver's face to bring him back to Earth. He CANNOT be away from you all night after that, of course you get the info you need but he won't stop complimenting you.
"Yeah I agree with you gorgeous." "Of course beautiful, duly noted." "Creeps like that aren't coming anywhere near you pretty." "You might be too smart for me good-looking." "I can't wait to get out of here you look stunning tonight."
He is your biggest fan, when he wants to make a decision he asks for your input. In the watchtower and the hall of justice, during mission briefings he makes sure you can voice your opinion uninterrupted. He'll even buy merch of your superhero logo, you might walk into his mansion and see him wearing a shirt with your logo on it. Oliver may even get you a green arrow shirt and look at you like this 🥺🥺 to get you to wear it.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think. Please like or reblog if you like my stuff.
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thenaiads · 2 months
“Minecraft Lovehunt” and “Tales From The SMP: The Haunted Mansion “
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If you are trying to find and download these game but you can’t is because the creator of this game claimed "It had its run" and they want to focus on new project”.
So if you are looking for this game I have a copy of the zip files, you just need to ask, and I will send you a copy or the link of the download😊.
(Just please send me a messagge in my ask-box or my chat here on Tumblr, don’t send messagges here in the notes of this post). All credits go to Kiolite Versions of the games is for only Window/PC
For the LoveHunt game:  After every ending you have to close the game and reopen it (this was an info from the creator).  And you need all ending from Sapnap and George to get Dream's route.
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diioonysus · 9 months
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vintage illustrations + my tattoo list
#is from a bride book but the art is by john r neill#arthur rackham udine#also john r neill#from the 1914 book of shakespeare midsummer night's dream by i think william heath#it's by robert anning bell#the curiosities of kissing by alfred fowler but not sure if he's the artist#is in greek theatre costumes by iris brookes#in the book the golden fleece and the heroes who lived before achilles and the artist is willy pogany#in the book fairy tales by hans christian andersen and the artist is charles robinson#in line and form by walter crane#in the book kitchen maid and the artist is j. b. partridge#in the book the tale of lohengrin knight of the swan and the artist is willy pogany#in the book by john keats but idk the artist#in the book illustrators of montmartre by emanuel frank#in the book early poems of william morris#in the book the eve of st anges and artist is edmund h garrett#in the book home theatricals made easy or busy happy and merry#in the book the illustrated london instructor#in the book songs for little people and artist is h stratton#from alfred tennyson's poems and artist is eleanor forescue brickdale#artist is gerhard munthe#in arthur rackham's wagner ring cycle: the valkyrie#tiburtijnse sibille by jan luyken#by peter behrens#by shigeru hatsuyama#in the book devises heroiques by claude paradin#in the book price list of magical apparatus and illusions from 1884#in arthur rackham's ring cycle: valkyrie (this is my newest tattoo i got!!)#in scapel: the 1911 year book of the woman's medical college of pennsylvania#in the child world by artist c robinson
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yidou · 3 months
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"It's been such a long time, old friend!"
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