#tales of arise screenshots
chocobo-chick9 · 2 months
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gamingmemoir · 1 year
Tales of Arise screenshots with no context
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cefrlyne · 3 months
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Lol the pancake art is so perfect! As expected from Dohalim!
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virsavia-fairy · 1 year
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Alphen rubbing his hand is like a separate art form. I feel the same emotions as from the sight of a man fixing his cufflinks on his sleeves :D His hand probably aches to fight for so long with heavy sword ;3;
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sentofight · 1 month
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konfizry · 2 years
Renans and their names
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So. This “formative background” bit makes it sound like Renan names give information on the person’s.... skills? But that doesn’t seem to be the case, if you look at the little info they give you in the materials guide. 
Renan full names are more or less confirmed to be Helganquil code put in place for classification purposes. The meanings of Shionne, Dohalim and Vholran’s names are given in their respective character sheets. Below is a tentative breakdown of the names with their translation. 
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[[Transcript of the above image:
Shion Vimeru Aimerisu Daimo (localized Shionne Vymer Imeris Daymore)
meaning Shionne, 33rd gen, Imer lineage, Dayn ethnicity. 
Tyuoharimu Merukeru Irurukerisu Naamo (localized Dohalim Melqal il Qaras Na'amo by @IdyllicTales on twitter)
meaning Dohalim, 32nd gen, il Qu clan, Naha ethnicity.
Voruraan Rai Angusari Raimo  (localized Vholran Lai Igniseri Laimore (i had to improvise the Lai and Laimore part myself don’t hit me))
meaning Vholran, gen N/A, special adjustment index, ethnicity: N/A
End of transcript]]
thus, Renan naming structure seems to go as follows: Given name, generation number, family line, ethnicity. 
(typically, in-game and in the guide, the translation is given in reverse order, commencing with the general (ethnicity) going towards the specific (given name)
e.g. “Ethnicity: N/A, Unique Adjustment Index, Generation: N/A, Given Name Alphen”)
Following this pattern, Alphen would be Alphen Lai Igniseri Laimore in Helganquil code. (if you remember, in the Forbidden Zone computer room, he’s given the same “Ethnicity: N/A, Unique Adjustment Index, Generation: N/A” treatment as Vholran, given that they’re both Dahnans, so they didn’t get engineerd, scrutinized and classified the way Renans were. So basically every Dahnan’s name is <Given Name> Lai Igniseri Laimore as far as the Helganquil are concerned)
Now. About this Nth Generation business...
Like, Dohalim is from the 32nd generation since... when exactly? The establishment of Lenegis as a place of living for Renans? Meaning that that first batch of kidnapped Dahnans with astral artes affinity that became the first Renans would have been 1st generation? That seems to make some amount of sense. If a generation is something like about 25 years give or take, that would mean the First Renans were established on Lenegis something like 800 years ago. Thus, when Alphen was brought to Lenegis, people had been living there for a good 500 years. I dunno about y’all but I’m willing to believe it. 
If that’s the case, we can theorize Naori’s full name to have been Naori <Helganquil for≈20> Imeris Daymore. Isn’t this Fun!
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sarcasticdragon1682 · 7 months
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I feel completely normal about this sentence.
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Finally started playing tales of arise after getting it for my birthday last year. Really liking it so far. The game is really pretty.
Seems like a shame to play it on such a tiny screen. Hopefully I can move it over to the big TV soon.
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Low-key like this ship as well (despite only having played a little bit of Arise)...👀
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jotunkhiicha · 3 months
I have an album of Dohalim pictures—standing at 128 strong.
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Anyways, here’s the story:
The Burden of Betrayal.
“You scoundrel! You traitor!” A voice echoes through the light laden streets upon Lenegis, “You abandoned everything for a selfish ideal!”
Those words are familiar upon her heart, arrows poised and aiming true to cause her soul to crumple under the weight of the world’s gaze. She’d tasted the hedonist’s poison and suffered for it, suffered under the weight of the sins of the world around her like a star imploding—compressing down onto her very life so that she may become something far tainted than the nighttime. They hold bags of ruin, each one containing an aspect of her life as they commit grand larceny to run away with the prize of her future.
Sayaad halts her steps, her gaze unfocused as the words strike true, reopening old wounds that never truly healed, simply scarred over. That jagged flesh, warping of the mind as it shields itself to conquer the pain, it was just a way to cope, not to handle the calamity. Her heart is sealed in such a grotesque cage, and it is one she cannot be rid of.
Shionne turns her head to the lack of the overbearing presence of the assassin, curious as to what could shake her to her core, her eyes land upon their target; a lone Renan man, running at her with reckless abandon with a shoddy piece of scrap metal as his weapon.
“Sayaad!” She cries, unsheathing her rifle to shoot the metal out of his hands, but he’s far too erratic to truly to anything about it.
And yet, as cataclysmic as the end may seem, Sayaad doesn’t move or seem to acknowledge it. With skills such as hers, she would feel the wind as someone barrelled towards her with malicious intent. She could feel the footfalls as they gallop towards her, gallivanting in the wake of her death and the spirit of vengeance consumes them. She should feel them, so why doesn’t she move?
It matters not why she doesn’t, simply that she stays motionless, frozen in place by the mantra of their familiar words. She is entranced—beguiled—by their poison and she is helpless to the pistons of fate as they move unfalteringly towards an end. Whether that would offer her repose or not, she seems not to care much for it.
A flicker of red, a glimmer of a faded sunrise, casts across her form like a fleeting dream, pulling her forwards and striking the Renan man back with their weapon. The red eclipses her bleak vision, drawing a light gasp.
There’s a firm grip on her wrist, neither bruising nor inattentive, it tethers her to something real and raw.
“If anyone is a scoundrel here, it is you. Leave here—at once!” Dohalim’s voice booms across the structures inside the district, least of all inside of Sayaad’s head as she stands there, motionless.
He is as much of a jackal as she was, but she showed her darkness and wore it with pride, using it to stalk the shadows and meander down the quietened hallways of lies.
“I don’t need you to protect me.”
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olberic · 1 year
just got out of a dnd session AND THERES TALES OF ARISE DLC ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ WHAT THE FUCK
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chocobo-chick9 · 2 months
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Tales of Arise expansion ‘Beyond the Dawn’ announced
Gematsu Source
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Bandai Namco has announced Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn, a large-scale expansion to the September 2021-released action RPG Tales of Arise. It will launch on November 9.
Sometimes a story is over, but not quite done. Over a year has passed since the conclusion of Tales of Arise, but there’s more to the story that hasn’t been told yet. Enter Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn, the upcoming expansion to The Game Awards 2021 RPG of the Year from Bandai Namco Entertainment. Adding over 20 hours of game content, the new expansion adds new quests, dungeons, boss fights, and an epic new story arc all within the backdrop of an evolving, beautiful fantasy world. Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn begins one year after the conclusion of the original Tales of Arise. Alphen and the rest of The Six are caught between being revered as the Liberating Hero of Dahna and reviled as the Destroyer of Rights by Renans. By chance, Alphen and his party meet a young girl named Nazamil, who is the daughter of a Renan Lord and a Dhanan. Will the six be able to change the fate of the girl who will eventually fall under the curse of the mask? Explore the world again with party members who are connected together with a strong bond, experience exciting new challenges and see a world that is at once familiar yet evolved since the conclusion of the original story. Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn will be presented with both English and Japanese voice-overs, with text localizations in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Neutral Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean.
For further information, check out producer Yosuke Tomizawa’s post on PlayStation Blog.
Tales of Arise is available now for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam.
Watch the announcement trailer below. View a set of screenshots at the gallery.
Announe Trailer
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finished tales of arise a couple days ago and it was certainly a. game. that i don’t want to spend any more of my time on by writing an actual review or something so just have this insane screenshot from my live torture broadcast I MEAN liveblog of the finale lmao
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virsavia-fairy · 1 year
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Shion is such a doll ❤
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moonlight-at-dawn · 9 months
There's the link to my Tales of Arise screenshots. I think I got nearly every bit of non-skit dialogue in the game. Cutscenes, battle dialogue, post-battle dialogue, etc.
There's definitely doubles, especially for loading screens. Some things might be black screens from me mistiming hitting the screenshot button, and sometimes I hit it when I didn't mean to, especially during battles where I was grabbing a lot of dialogue.
I didn't clean or organize any of this mess. Screenshots are probably in 2 different resolutions, as my laptop's native resolution is different from my monitor's.
Will leave it up for roughly a month before I take it down.
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