#taleteller's winter writing days
scotianostra · 10 months
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On November 21st 1835 the Scottish makar James Hogg, the poet died in Ettrick.
I say poet, but Hogg defied categorisation. As well as his poems he is known as a songwriter, playwright, novelist, short story writer and parodist, he wrote with equal skill in Scots and English. Labelled as the Ettrick Shepherd, the former Borders farmhand, whose life spanned the 18th and 19th centuries, befriended many of the great writers of his day, including Walter Scott, John Galt Lord Byron,and Allan Cunningham.
Even though he was celebrated off and on in his own lifetime, some details of the author’s life remain unclear. Records place his baptism on December 9, 1770. But Hogg long believed he was born in 1772, on January 25 – Burns’ Night no less.
Aside from mimicking medleys, Hogg’s own body of work is made up of mountains of bits and pieces – and must be enjoyed on those terms. Seeking conclusions or definitive statements will only frustrate. Tales can drift off into fragments of poetry both familiar and new. Within stories he flips perspectives with little warning.
His , The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner us described as dark, humorous, violent, sweet, light, weird, wild,
Hogg’s mother, Margaret Laidlaw, was an important collector of Scottish ballads and a canny taleteller. His maternal grandfather, known as Will o’ Phawhope, was said to have been the last man in Selkirkshire to speak with fairies. Fairytale figures certainly fill Hogg’s most imaginative stories, most notably in his first collection of prose fiction, The Brownie of Bodsbeck and Other Tales (1818).
Burns was an early influence on Hogg, who considered himself to be the rightful heir to the Bard of Ayrshire and published his own collection less than four years after his idol’s death. Long before then, the locals dubbed him Jamie the Poeter, and he wrote countless songs for local girls to sing.
After writing a popular patriotic song, “Donald Macdonald”, in 1803, Hogg was recruited to collect ballads for Scott’s Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. He also undertook extensive tours of the Highlands with a view to securing his own farm, but became more interested in the songs he heard along the way.
By 1819, he was recognised as a leading expert on Scottish ballads when the Highland Society of London commissioned him to produce the Jacobite Relics of Scotland, which became the benchmark of Scottish anthologies for many more decades.
He endured many failures on the way. In 1810, at the age of 40, Hogg moved to Edinburgh to settle into the life of a full-time writer. Within a year of starting it, his magazine The Spy folded. Readers weren’t ready for a publication that covered shocking themes such as extramarital sex!
Hogg spent the next few years scribbling more poetry and prose, and in 1817 he helped the subject of a post only yesterday, William Blackwood establish Scotland’s most influential literary periodical, the Edinburgh Monthly Magazine (later, Blackwood’s Magazine). In time, displaced by punchy younger contributors, Hogg eventually became a figure of fun in the same periodical. But he kept writing and writing. Winter Evening Tales, produced in the middle period of his life, is said to have been especially rewarding.
The University of Dundee recently produced a free online edition of The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, which includes explanatory notes and copies of the earliest reviews. Scotland’s great intermixer awaits new readers on the link below.
The statue of Hogg can be found at St May's Loch near Selkirk.
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megansescape · 8 years
This is one of my entries for @sdavid09‘s Taleteller’s winter challenge. My AU was Doctor Au paired with the song Honey I’m good by Andy Grammer. This was Beta’d by the amazing @idreamofhazel Tags are below the cut, I am using the tag lists from @mrswhozeewhatsis and the SPN Fanfic Pond. If I have incorrectly tagged please let me know and I will remove you asap.
Summary: Dr Winchester is persuaded to go out for a night on the town with his brother. He has someone waiting at home but will he find a better offer?
Pairing: Dean X Reader? Dean X OFC?
Warnings: Fluff, little bit of angst.
Word count: 1703
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“Come on, this is the first night we have all had off in nearly a month. Just come out with us, it’ll be fun I promise,” Sam asked Dean as they walked down the hospital corridor. They were making the final rounds of their assigned patients. Sam was trying to convince Dean to go with him to a work get-together at a local bar with a bunch of doctors and nurses. Dean wasn’t keen on the idea, though. He knew he would probably go, just so he could spend some down time with Sam, but he would much rather go home.
“Alright, alright. I will come for a drink or two but that’s it Sammy, understand?” Dean was determined to stick to it, but Sam always had a way of convincing him otherwise.
******************************************Later on*******************************************
As Dean made his way through the snow covered streets, heading towards the bar, he was distracted by his phone ringing. Pulling it out of his pocket, he looked at the caller I.D and saw it was her. She was probably wondering where he was. He hadn’t had chance to tell her that he was gonna be late and he felt a seed of guilt blooming in his stomach. He was just about to answer the phone when it was ripped from his grasp. Looking up, he saw Sam hanging up his phone before placing it in his own pocket.
“Dude what are you doing? Give it back! I need to call her back.” Dean tried reaching for the pocket, but Sam just slapped his hands away playfully.
“Dean, she can survive without you for a couple of hours you know? You need some time for yourself.” Sam was speaking some sense. Dean had been feeling a little in a rut lately. It was either being with her or being at work, there was never anytime for him or even his brother. Maybe he could just enjoy himself for now and just apologise later on. She wouldn’t be too mad...hopefully.
“You’re right Sammy. She’ll be okay for a little while, won’t she?” Dean needed a final reassurance. He still felt guilty and whilst he knew that wouldn’t go away no matter what Sam said, he knew that it may help a little bit.
“Dean, get your butt inside that bar and buy us some drinks, the others are already in there. We are holding up shots!!” Sam quickly grabbed Dean's arm, yanking him into the bar. He maneuvered the two of them through the busy tables, to the booth where Dean could see some of his work colleagues sat, some of them noticeably tipsy.
Sam pushed Dean into the booth before sitting down beside him, blocking him from leaving the bar without notifying him. On the other side of Dean was one of the doctors Dean had worked with before, Dr Jones. He tried to avoid her as much as possible because, unfortunately, she was known to be quite grabby. There was no denying that she was beautiful, she was everything Dean used to look for in a woman. She was smart, funny and had an amazing body, fantastic legs and gorgeous eyes. Dean looked over to her as she sat in the booth, catching her eye. He smiled at her politely and she quickly embraced him.
“Dr. Winchester, I am so glad you’re here. I wasn’t sure that you were gonna make it.” She gushed at him as she pulled away, Dean looked around for help but saw his friends were all drinking and talking. He was stuck.
“Yes Dr Jones, I nearly didn’t but then I thought of missing out of an amazing night with everyone here and I just had to come along.” Dean was trying to keep things professional. He didn’t like her romantically and encouraging that in any way just felt wrong.
“Hmmm well I have been here about an hour and my night only started looking up when I saw those stunning green eyes.” She smirked at him.
“Well thank you Dr. Jones. You have quite beautiful eyes yourself. I have to admit though I have never seen eyes quite like that of my girlfriend. Absolutely stunning.” He felt bad but he had to let Dr. Jones know that he was not available. Hopefully her knowing that he had a girlfriend would make her back off a little.
“Dr. Winchester, you haven’t touched your drink.” She nodded towards Dean, encouraging him to drink it. He did so quickly, chugging it down so that he could have an excuse to exit the situation. His friends cheered for Dean as he chugged, taking their shots as soon as he was finished. Sam smiled at Dean.
“See, I told you that you would enjoy yourself.” Sam looked so joyful that Dean couldn’t bear to tell him that he was uncomfortable.
“Right guys I am gonna go get another drink does anyone want one?” Dean asked them all, shouting slightly over the dull noise of the crowd. He shuddered slightly when he noticed Dr. Jones leant around him to reach Sam, motioning for him to move.
“I will join you Dean, I need another drink anyways.” He quickly took the other drink orders from his friends, passing Sam and making his way to the bar, Dr. Jones following behind him closely.
“Why haven’t you taken off your coat Dean? You must be boiling, I mean I know you’re hot but that’s taking it to a whole new level,” she said mischievously, winking at him.
“Well I am not planning on staying too long.” He might have said that out loud, but what he meant was that he didn’t want to be ogled and groped again, like she had done in the past.
“Oh come one, you’re no fun. Take off the coat and show us what you got,” she pleaded, pouting as she did so.
“I’d rather not,” he said stiffly.
“Okay, have another drink then. It might change your mind.”
“Honey, I’m good. I could have another drink but I imagine with you, it wouldn’t just be the one.” He was starting to lose his cool with her.
“What’s wrong with that, handsome?” She didn’t seem to understand that he wasn’t interested and he was getting frustrated.
“Look I am sure you would make somebody’s night but I assure you, it’s sure as hell not gonna be me you go home with. I’ve got somebody at home who is sat waiting for me and that’s where I’m going.” Dean passed some money to the bartender and took the drinks, stalking his way back to the booth. He put the drinks down before cutting into Sam’s conversation.
“Sam. I’m leaving, give me my phone.” He placed his hand out, waiting for his phone.
“Dude you can’t go you have been here less than 20 minutes, come on,” Sam begged Dean.
“No Sammy. Look, Dr. Jones is getting on my last nerve. If you want to hang out with me, we can hang out just the two of us sometime but I need to get home to her.” Dean looked at Sam with hope in his eyes. Sam saw the discomfort in Dean and reached into his pocket to pull out Dean’s phone.
“Thanks Sammy. We will have a boys night soon.” Dean pocketed his phone and took off into the snowy streets. He rushed home, his mind resting on the beautiful woman waiting for him. As he reached his apartment building, he looked up to see his bedroom light on, smiling at the thought of her waiting up for him. He rushed up the stairs and quickly reached his door, unlocking it silently and walking in. He locked the door behind him before taking off his shoes and coat and making his way to the bedroom.
There she was, curled up on the bed, her headphones blasting out AC/DC as she rubbed calming circles on her slightly rounded belly. He climbed up on the bed behind her, moulding his body to hers as he wrapped his arm around her belly, making her jump slightly. She reached up to take her headphones out, turning her head slightly to see Dean.
“Dean, what are you doing back so early?” She snuggled back further into Dean, not releasing him despite her confusion.
“What do you mean? I never managed to tell you I was gonna be late, I should have been home by now.” Dean was perplexed, he couldn’t understand why she thought he was going to be late.
“Sam text me earlier and said you were gonna go out for drinks. I told him to have fun. I tried to call you earlier to tell you that I was gonna have my music blaring so to try not to contact me as I probably wouldn’t hear it.” She finished with a giggle.
“Sam didn’t tell me that. I felt really guilty for leaving you alone here.” Dean started picking at some fluff on her sweater.
“Dean I am my own person, I can handle a night alone. You know that, besides I am not completely alone, I have little peanut here.” She spoke softly rubbing her belly.
“I know, I just feel bad. You are giving me the most amazing gift, a home and a family. I don’t know how to thank you for that,” Dean replied tearfully.
“Just love me, that’s all I need. I want a home and a family with you just as much as you.” She grabbed Dean’s hand raising it to her mouth and kissing his palm softly.
“I love you Y/N and I love our baby.”
“We love you too Dean.”
“Dean? Who’s Dr Jones? Sam says she’s been hounding you? Do I need to go sort this crazy woman out?!?!”
“This is just one of the many reasons I love you,” Dean said with a grin as he snuggled into Y/N’s neck, his hand resting on their unborn child as he listened to Y/N rant about a woman she had never met. Dean may have felt stuck in a rut before but now he could see his life for what it truly was...beautiful.
Forever tags: @inmysparetime0 @mamaredd123 @your-average-distracted-waffle @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @atc74 @babypieandwhiskey @idreamofhazel @chelsea072498 
Tags: @vintagevalentinexx @thinkwritexpress @mysupernaturalfics @sammit-janet @bowtiesandapplepies @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @matteson-crazed @charliesbackbitches @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @gryffindorable713 @deandoesthingstome @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @mrsjohnsmith @manawhaat @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @i-never-said-a-pilot @supermoonpanda @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @fandommaniacx @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien @myfand0msandm0re @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls @ackleslaugh @fangirling-instead-of-working @aprofoundbondwithdean @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @roxy-davenport @kayteonline @spnsimpleman @faith-in-dean @mamaimpala @for-the-love-of-dean @lipstickandwhiskey @winchesterfiesta @zanthiasplace @wildfirewinchester @salvachester @sleep-silent-angel @pada-ackles-reads @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @trenchcoats-and-bees @curliesallovertheplace @jencharlan @not-so-natural-spn @thebunkerismyhome @feelmyroarrrr @beachy2014 @fandom-book-nerd @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @tia58 @sams-little-toy @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @cici0507 @jotink78 @notnaturalanahi @supernatural-jackles @jpadjackles @avasmommy224 @chelsea-winchester @spn-fan-girl-173 @wheresthekillswitch @klaineaholic @nichelle-my-belle @whispersandwhiskerburn @impala-dreamer @frenchybell @fiveleaf @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @wevegotworktodo @ilovedean-spn2 @quiddy-writes @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @supernaturallyobsessed @mysaintsasinner @maraisabellegrey @deals-with-demons
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Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Shingen Takeda
Prompt: Early birthday gift? Though, it isn’t a birthday story. It does include a celebration? Though, honestly, it contains more world building elements and blablabla... Experimental style here, let me know how you like it! 
--- Yes, I’m writing fanfic again instead of doing actual work. We are back on that nonsense again. 
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To the children of this land, I hope this story might find you well. To the adults; I hope that nostalgia shall grace you with a new point of view to the age-old tale that explains the custom we have in our humble area.
Many know of the mystic power of Kotodama; the spirit of the word, the soul of language. The sacred power tied to a true name often bestowed, but so very rarely called upon, for it is precious and not something easily summoned. It is why we take on a new name for each phase of life we enter. For our childhood names don't necessarily represent who we grow up to be, nor do the names we choose form the person we are today. It is from this same belief that one rarely calls another by their most intimate name.
The same goes for the gods, who often go by so many names that they find themselves forgotten to what their true name was. The respect and worship from those below them not allowing for their names to be uttered. It is why deities are such fickle beings, moving on from place to place, magnanimously sharing their love amongst the populace, but never knowing what it is like to stand equal and hear their names whispered by their most beloved.
It are humans that know of this love, it is the privilege of humility that brings one's precious gift as the utterance of their name. It is from these mortal beings that the gods need to learn the game.
Just like many stories go, this one as well took place long ago, when the deities could be still found amongst us easily. When they still weaved into our lives on the daily, leaving their imprints behind through miracles and blessings and cultivating their fame.
There used to be a mountain god among us, tall and handsome, with many men and women to choose from. The deity would move in with spring, bringing with him the fresh mountain flowers and air of celebration at every turn. A lovely figure he was. Charming as he was handsome and still even smarter than his looks. He taught, he cultivated the young. He drank and accompanied the old. He worked the fields and joined their meals. His wisdom was meant for all, and his attention spread even wider.
He never stayed for long, however. As soon as the cold settled in the god would move out once more. When autumn set and the last harvest was brought in the deity would vanish, leaving the season of decay free reign. He was a travelling deity, looking for places to settle down upon, his followers in tow, the grounds he left desolate, the grounds he entered thriving. But what he was travelling for the god had long forgotten. What he sought had been a memory shrivelled up like the autumn leaves that let go of their branch.
It was when the god arrived in a barren land that he found this might change. Just as usual the people celebrated his grace, worshipping his powers as they added titles to his name, erecting shrines in his honour. They even gave him a wife, as it sometimes was common amongst humans to marry a maiden to serve a god. The people flocked, the lands prospered, the country grew healthy and then the people would forget once more, indulging in their pride and their given wealth.
But as always there was one change that made this story different from all the others. Cunning as the people were from that once barren land they had found a way to tie the god down before he could even think of leaving. They had long since laid out a trap for the god to fall in by giving him a wife. A trap that would keep the deity tied to the land. For as lonely as the god was, a name was tricked from his lips with the help of bodily indulgence and a promise of company. With the strike of his name on a piece of blessed wood tied to a tree the deity was never to escape. Never did the people have to worry about winter again, for the god was chained to their lands.  
Generations pass once more, and the name of the deity that the people had trapped is lost to the tides of time. Like humans often do when their lives are absent of any hardships and tragedy they have forgotten the hand that fed them. The god is still looking for his name, hoping to free it one day from the land to which he is tied. It is why this serves as a cautionary tale, for all who hear the question to their name should make sure that it cannot be abused.
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With the tale told the children gaped, a frown on their faces as one of them raised the question all asked:
“But don’t we have winters again?”
It was a sound question, honest as well as sharp and the storyteller laughed, a chuckle before the answer was given.
“It is a tale from long ago. I wonder if this means that the god found his name,” came the answer, mischief twinkling in the eyes, as if they knew more but were unwilling to say anything.
“How long ago? I would love to never experience winter again,” a farmer complained and once more the storyteller chuckled at the folly of the expression. For what was dearer than watching the four seasons melt into one other?
“Then perhaps you ought to search for the deity’s name again and renew the lease.”
With that said the storyteller got up, leaving the crowd at the foot of the temple where markets were selling signs. Blank wooden planks and holy ink, for a blessed love, to see out the true name of one beloved.
Somewhere in the crowd a man stood out. Taller than most, broad like a mountain and sturdy in build. Handsome features set in an ageless face with infinite wisdom hidden behind those warm eyes.
“Shingen?” the storyteller called, earning the attention of the man so far unnamed.
A smile crossed the fine features of the man, his hand extending to the taleteller. “Yes, dearest?” his voice came in a rumble and it was in that moment that all adoration and worship for one person could be read in his eyes along with much more.
Joining his side the storyteller took the hand of the man named Shingen, pulling him away from the crowd that was brushing past, hurrying for the celebration of their village and the good harvest they had managed.
“What are you thinking about right now?” came the question and to this Shingen smile broadened, his face lowering as he brushed his lips against the forehead of his beloved.
“You,” he murmured.
“Seriously?” Incredulous as ever this earned the man a shove to the shoulder before a hand was caught by another, firm and strong, like the forests of a mountain.
“How seriously I like you,” came the smart retort and once more a chuckle escaped his partner who allowed the man to indulge in their scent, not minding the public display of affection before they pulled away from the crowd once more, heading into the direction of the mountains nearby.
“I’m trying to ask if you regret the choice of giving me your name,” the question finally rang and Shingen stopped for a bit, a smile crossing his features that revealed as much as it hid, explaining all and saying nothing at the same time. It was the smile of a deity that knew all and didn’t mind having lost it all the same.
“Not when you say my name,” was his quip, a wink following and once more the storyteller couldn’t help but roll their eyes, knowing that the answer was all the same as it rang true. 
A pinch in the hand, and then pout from the man himself, “though, couldn’t you make it a bit more romantic?” Shingen asked, clearly not liking the version you had told just now. To this you laughed, shaking your head.
“Only when you tell it.” And the two of them exchanged a grin, a deal sealed for the following year.
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motleymoose · 8 years
The Devil’s Backbone
Challenge: @sdavid09 ’s Tale Teller’s Winter Writing Challenge 2016
Prompt: Farm/Country AU & The Devil’s Backbone by the Civil Wars
Characters: Jody Mills x Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum; mentions of Bobby Singer x Jody Mills, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Charlie Bradbury, Ellen and Jo Harvelle, Rufus Turner, OFC (Jax, Ben, Marlene)
Words: ~3,210
Warnings: Language, fluffy angst
Summary: Life had a way of providing Jody Mills with lemons, but she had always been too broke to make lemonade. Yet sometimes there are mistakes one can’t afford not to make.
A/N: I loved writing this. It just came out on its own. No beta, so all mistakes are my own. Feedback is appreciated! <3
Farming is a thankless job.
From sunup to sundown, Jody Mills worked. There wasn’t a day that went by when something didn’t break down or escape. If a day did happen to pass by with nothing springing a leak or tearing down a fence, Jody would find herself sitting at the local bar early on in the evening, enjoying a watery beer and rambunctious company.
Those days were few and far between.
And, damn, did she need a beer.
Driving in the last staple, Jody straightened up, stretching out her stiff back and sore shoulders. “Fuuuck me,” she groaned, gazing back at her handiwork. Fixing fence wasn’t something she enjoyed, but at least it would keep the cows in, if even for a short time. Tucking the hammer under her arm, she shook off a glove, letting it fall into the fresh snow, and pulled out her phone. It was late, judging by how fast the sun was disappearing on the horizon, but not late enough for her to pack up and head inside to the warmth.
Sighing, Jody pulled her glove back on, grabbed the bucket of staples and tools, and trudged back toward the four-wheeler. The cows were starting to gather up around the cattle guard, mooing plaintively. She knew it was a long shot, but she fiercely hoped the tractor would start despite the cold. If not, she knew she’d be out way past dark finishing up chores.
I’m getting too damn old for this, she grumbled internally as she revved the ATV and bounced across the frozen pasture, a tally of the next day’s work already forming in her mind. …………… “You really need to hire somebody, girl.” Donna handed Jody the corkscrew as she dug into the dishwasher for wine glasses. “You’re going kill yourself trying to run everything on your own.”
Popping the cork, Jody filled the glasses with Pinot Noir, handing one back to Donna. “I’ve been running it by myself since Bobby died. The only thing that’s changed is I’m getting older.”
Donna took a long sip of wine before biting into a chocolate chip cookie. “Yeah, well, everything else is getting older, too. You’ve spent half your time just trying to keep that old farm house from falling down around your ears!” She flicked crumbs off of her chest as they moved into the living room.
A fire was lit in the stove, and between the warmth and the wine, Jody could feel her defenses relaxing. She plopped into a recliner and pulled a brightly colored quilt over her lap. Donna’s dog Jude got up from the rug in front of the stove and climbed into her lap. Scratching Jude behind the ears, Jody sighed heavily. “Okay, fine. Let’s say I do need to hire someone.” She paused, ruminating. “I can’t pay much of anything, and I don’t have time to train them how to run a tractor or do anything else farm-related.”
Stretching her legs out on the couch, Donna nodded. “That knocks out teenagers and anyone from the city.” She took another drink of wine, her brow furrowed. “Maybe someone retired? I think Marlene was wanting to get Rufus out of the house. And Ellen was saying she was going stir-crazy being cooped up with Jo over the holiday break. Surely one of them could help?”
Jody shook her head as she talked around a mouthful of cookie. “Couldn’t pay either one of them enough. Besides, Ellen’s got the bar now, and Rufus just had his shoulder replaced.”
Rolling her eyes, Donna got up from the couch and went into the kitchen, returning with the bottle of wine and the plate of cookies. “You’re just too damn stubborn.” She topped off Jody’s glass and emptied the rest of the bottle into her own.
Jude’s head shot up when the backdoor banged open. “We’re home!”
A tall, handsomely scruffy man trundled in with a toddler asleep on his shoulder and another trying desperately to push past him.
“C'mon, Dad! I’m freezing!” the boy whined as he ducked under Dean’s arm and dashed into the living room. He launched himself at Donna, giggling as she blew a raspberry on his neck.
“Boots off the couch, Jax,” Dean admonished quietly as he shifted the sleeping Ben in order to kick off his boots. The wiry preschooler grumbled under his breath as he stomped back to the door to take off his winter gear. Dean arched an eyebrow, giving Donna a knowing look. She tightened her lips in an effort to suppress a grin. Rolling his eyes, Dean padded across the living room and shooed Jax ahead of him. They disappeared down the hall, Jax trying to wheedle a later bedtime out of his dad, and Dean barely holding back his laughter as his eldest son continued to come up with excuses. Donna watched them go before turning back to Jody.
“His brother’s back in town,” she whispered, keeping an eye on the boys’ bedroom door. “Got laid off at Boeing. Dean didn’t even know he was in the area until Garth told him.” Donna glanced back down the hallway, taking another swallow of wine. “Sam - he hasn’t been in a good place in a while. Ever since Jess left…” She looked back over her shoulder and beamed. “Hey, toots.”
Dean returned, dressed in a t-shirt and joggers, and dropped onto the couch next to Donna. He snagged the glass from her hand and finished off what little that remained. “Hey yourself. Need a refill?” He gave her a cocky grin, barely dodging a pillow as he pushed off the couch and shuffled into the kitchen for another bottle.
“Something a little sweeter, please!” she called after him before reaching for another cookie.
Jody watched her friends as they teased one another, a pang of emptiness sharp in her chest. Bobby had been gone for almost six years, but she still missed him. Memories of the way his eyes twinkled when he smiled, how warm and comfortable and engulfing his hugs were, the scratchy roughness of his beard on her neck… It was too much to bare. Attempting to hide the tears that were welling up in her eyes, Jody buried her face in Jude’s dense fur, hoping Donna wouldn’t notice.
Luckily, Donna was a little too good at drinking wine, and also too distracted with finding someone to work for Jody. “Hey hey hey, wait. That’s it!” she exclaimed, taking the newly filled glass from Dean and curling up against him when he sat down again.
“What’s it?” Dean quirked an eyebrow, glancing between the two women.
Donna slapped him playfully on the chest, sloshing a little bit of moscato on the blanket. “Sam! If he hasn’t found anything yet, that is.”
Dean’s face turned dark for a moment as he gulped his drink. “What exactly are we talking about?”
Shifting Jude back to her lap, Jody explained, “Donna thinks I need a hand on the farm. Which I do, I guess. I can’t quite keep up with everything like I use to.”
Shaking his head, Dean set his mug down on the coffee table and leaned forward, causing Donna to slip sideways behind him. “Listen, Sam… he’s a good kid. S'been rough since Jess left. He’s - he’s probably not the most reliable at the moment.”
Donna had pulled herself up out of the cushions and was squeezing his shoulder. “Maybe working out there would help him clear his mind.”
Snorting derisively, Dean leaned back into the couch, propping his feet on the coffee table. “He’s broken, babe. Ain’t nothing going to clear his head until he pulls it out of his ass.”
Looking up at the clock above the wood stove, Jody stretched and gently dislodged the sleeping pooch. “Listen, you guys talk it over.” She stood, ambling over to the pile of boots by the door, finding her own. “If you think he’s a good fit, you’ve got my number. I gotta get going; Charlie said she be in early to take steers to the sale barn.”
Donna got up and tripped over to Jody, giving her a big drunken hug. “I’ll call you tomorrow, love.” She pulled back, a goofy grin spread across her face.
Dean appeared beside her, looping an arm around Donna’s shoulder. “C'mon, you lush. Let Jody get going.”
Smiling, Jody bid farewell, and crunched across the frozen ground toward her rusted truck. It was always fun getting together with her old high school bestie, but sometimes Jody wished Donna wasn’t so persuasive. Shaking her head in defeat, Jody turned her high beams onto the deserted blacktop, taking her time to wend her way home. ……………… Three days had passed without seeing hide nor hair of Donna, but Jody wasn’t worried. Her friend was good at making drunken promises that wouldn’t come to fruition right away. She expected probably in the next month or so Donna would finally remember and send Sam out to work.
She mulled the pros and cons of hiring help as she climbed the windmill tower to tighten the brake. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn’t hear the large diesel dually pull up underneath her perch. It wasn’t until the tall, muscular driver slammed the door that she looked down. Waving, the stranger shoved his hands into the pockets of his Carhartt, shrugging his shoulders up to his ears to keep the biting wind at bay. Intrigued, Jody began her descent, carefully choosing her foot- and handholds on the slippery steel. She was still six feet off the ground when her boot hit a particularly icy rung, sending her feet out from under her.
“Watch it!” a deep voice growled as strong arms impeded her fall.
Surprised, Jody gaped up at the giant of a man holding her awkwardly in midair. The stranger blushed, setting her down on her feet. “Umm, thanks,” she murmured, straightening her ratted hoodie over her frayed overalls. “That could have ended badly.”
Nodding, the man stuck out an ungloved hand. “Good thing I was here then.” He beamed mischievously. “I’m Sam Winchester, Dean’s brother. He said you had some work that needed done?”
Eying him for a moment, Jody accepted his handshake. “Yeah, shit’s breaking faster than I can fix it.” She paused, wondering what the hell Donna was getting her into. “Do you know how to run a tractor?”
Sam’s eyes lit up, and his smile widened. “Lady, I was born on a tractor.”
“Good.” She smirked back at him as she motioned toward the house. “We just shipped steers off to the sale barn, so the herd’s a little smaller. Won’t need as much hay to put out.” She began walking toward the four wheeler, picking up supplies as she went. “You wanna follow me, I’ll show you where everything’s at.”
“Alright.” Sam headed back for his truck - and damn, was that a nice truck - waiting patiently for Jody to get ahead of him. …………………… The wintery months came and went like a screaming banshee, with little to no break from the howling winds and freezing temperatures. Already halfway through March, calves were starting to hit the ground, and Jody was thanking her lucky stars for giving her help like Sam.
Both Donna and Dean were utterly surprised that Sam had even stuck around past December.
Of course, they couldn’t know the real reason he had stuck around for so long. Jody knew all the shit she’d get from her friends if they found out she and Sam were sharing a bunk.
She had a good thing going, and she wanted to keep it that way for as long as she could without any outside input.
The work and the weather were good for driving any thought other than the task at hand completely from his mind. They were getting on good, and Jody could even feel a connection forming between the two of them, something she hadn’t felt since Bobby.
It was well past lunchtime when they finished with the grinding. A heavy cloud of dust and hay floated lazily around the tractors as Jody shut down the bale processor and climbed into the cab to kill the ancient Case. She signaled for Sam to head up to the house while she finished checking over the equipment. Satisfied, she followed him up the drive on foot. As he pulled around the back of the machine shed, Jody kicked off her boots in the pump house and headed into the main house to make them some lunch. she hadn’t even gotten out of her coveralls when a knock came at the door.
“Hey, Cas. What can I do for you?” Jody greeted the Deputy Sheriff, inviting him into the spotless mud room.
Castiel removed his sunglasses, smiling at Jody as he dragged his shoes along the boot scraper before entering. “Afternoon, Jody. Just getting in?” he asked, noting her halfway unzipped winter gear.
Looking down quickly, Jody shrugged. “Storm’s suppose to be in later this evening. Thought we’d better get shit down before it got here.” She led him into the kitchen, pulling out luncheon meat and cheeses from the fridge. “Sandwich?”
Shaking his head, Castiel drew out a barstool, taking a seat across from Jody’s busywork. “I heard you hired on Dean Winchester’s little brother.” It wasn’t a question.
Slowly, Jody spread mustard on a slice of bread, choosing her words carefully. “I needed the help. I’m not as young as I use to be, Cas.”
Humming knowingly, Cas shifted slightly on the stool, fidgeting with his sunglasses. “I know, Jode. It’s just… We got a warrant in. For Sam.” Castiel watched Jody like a hawk as she stacked meat onto half of the sandwich. “He’s a fugitive, Jody. I need to take him in.”
Ignoring Castiel, Jody finished making her meal and pulled a plate from a cabinet. She placed the sandwich squarely in the middle of the chipped dinnerware, grabbed a beer from the fridge, and joined her old partner at the bar. “I don’t care what he did, Cas. I can’t just let you come in here saying you need to arrest him.”
Sitting silently for a moment, Cas pushed back the stool and placed the sunglasses on top of his head. “Listen, the Sheriff’s been gunning for Sam for a long time now. A personal vendetta, I reckon.” He turned back around to face Jody, his eyes pleading with her. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Keep safe, Jody.” He walked out the door, pulling it shut behind him.
Jody stared at the space Cas had occupied for a moment, the cogs turning violently in her head. She had known that Sam had been in and out of trouble since his wife had run off on him, but she didn’t know that he was putting himself in jeopardy of going back to jail.
Finishing her sandwich, Jody threw a couple more together for Sam and headed back out, making a beeline for the machine shed. If she knew anything, it was that she didn’t need this shit, not when she had finally gotten her life back together after Bobby’s passing. It scared her to death, but she knew she was going to have to confront Sam. And, no matter the outcome, she wouldn’t allow her feelings for the youngest Winchester to blur her judgement. ………………. Sam was squatting underneath the faded green Deere, cutting twine from around the front axel. “Be out in a minute!” he hollered, a ball of shredded red twine flying out from behind the tire.
Jody picked up the wad and tossed it into the bucket near the wall. She laid the paper bag full of sandwiches on the oily workbench and fished the cold beer from the pocket of her coveralls. Leaning up against the large back tire of the tractor, Jody waited patiently for Sam to come out. She didn’t have to wait long.
“Hey, you.” Sam’s eyes twinkled as he straightened up and strode over to her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her to him, kissing her forehead gently. “What did you bring?” He pulled back, a smile still spread across his face. Seeing the troubled furrow on her brow, Sam faltered. “Everything okay?”
Sidestepping the tractor and Sam, Jody went back to the work bench, fiddling with the sack lunch she had brought out. “Cas stopped by…” she trailed off, swallowing back the sorrow and the anger welling up in her throat.
“What did he want?” His voice was shot with steel, eyes hardening as he approached her.
“You didn’t tell me you were on the run.” The tension was almost palpable; she couldn’t control the hurt in her voice any longer.
Cursing, Sam slammed a fist into the workbench, startling a mouse from behind a toolbox. He watched as the little varmint scampered through the gap between the door and the frame. “What did you tell him?”
Numbly, Jody laid out the sandwiches, cracking open the beer with the stationary bottle opener screwed into the side of the table. “I told him to leave,” she said simply.
Exhaling sharply, Sam hung his head, scrubbing at the back of his neck with a greasy hand. “Listen, Jody-”
“No, you listen. I took you in,” she snapped, drawing herself up to her full height. “I’ve risked everything having you here. Hell, I even invited you into my bed, Sam! The least you could do was tell me you had a warrant.”
Shame faced, Sam leaned back onto the bench, eyes glued to a spot on the floor in front of him. “I-I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Jody. I thought I’d be safe here for a little while, that the whole thing would blow over.” He gazed back up at her, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. “I don’t want to cause you any trouble. I’ll finish up chores before I go.”
Jody stared at him, stunned. “Go?” she repeated, her voice small and weak in her ears. “That’s not what I’m saying, Sam-”
Sam shook his head. “No, it’s better if I leave. They can’t do anything to you if I’m not here.”
“But Sam…”
“No buts.” He finished off the last of his beer, folding the paper bag neatly into a smaller rectangle. “I need to finish up feeding the bulls.” Avoiding her eyes, he walked toward the wicket gate, pausing before he opened it. “I won’t forget what you’ve done for me.” With that, he exited, leaving only the bitter March wind in his place.
“I love you, Sam Winchester,” she muttered, pulling the door closed behind her as she watched him unhook the Case from the processor. In her heart, she knew he had to leave, but she didn’t like it. Maybe one day he’d be able to stop running.
And just maybe she’d be there, waiting for him.
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authoressskr · 8 years
Where the Mountains Meet the Heavens Above
Written for: @sdavid09’s Taleteller’s Winter Writing Days 2016 Pairing: Gadreel x Reader
Characters: Reader (Hey, that’s you!), Charlie Bradbury, Chuck Shurley, Gabriel Novak, Kevin Tran, Balthazar Freely, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Jo Bradbury, Meg Masters, Gadreel Novak, Castiel Novak (mentioned), Samandrial Novak (mentioned)
Warnings: AU, Language, Fluff, mentions of getting a tattoo, mentions of drunk/tipsy Gabriel …ugh, can’t think of anything else now except maybe subpar writing…
Summary: AU: The Annual Lawrence Public Library Christmas Party is in full swing when Gabriel, one of your bosses, plays matchmaker with the new Lebanon librarian.  Fluff ensues.
Tagging: @lyndsay88 @sdavid09
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Kevin had gotten sick of the pop Christmas music an hour ago, and had paid the DJ to play something else – anything else – for the sake of his sanity.  That’s how you and your best friend, co-worker and cohort Charlie, had ended up in the middle of the Lawrence Public Library shaking your asses to ‘Holding Out for a Hero’.  Your boss, Chuck Shurley, was shaking his head as you both sang – obnoxiously, you might add – along with Bonnie Tyler.
Where have all the good men gone And where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and I turn And I dream of what I need
Balthazar Freely, the head librarian for the University of Kansas, downed what was left of his scotch then wiggled his way over to the two of you, grinning.  You crook a finger at your boss, watching those baby blues widen then drop before shaking his head again, a small smile tugging at his handsome face.
I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong And he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life! Larger than life
You hear a loud whoop then Gabriel Novak, the Director of Branch Operations, popped up behind you, twirling green tinsel garland around your shoulders before giving the ends a tug, pitching you forward into him.
“I have someone I’d like you to meet!”  He whispers excitedly in your ear before easing the tinsel from you, wiggling his eyebrows.  You shake your head no and dance away from the whiskey-eyed troublemaker – the last time he had played matchmaker he had “introduced” you to a tall drink of water named Sam.  Who happened to be your brother.  Since then you had steered clear of his “help”.
Somewhere after midnight In my wildest fantasy Somewhere just beyond my reach There's someone reaching back for me Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet
Charlie grabs your left hand, pushing you gently into a twirl before you do the same for her, watching her bright red locks spin away from her shoulders – much like your black and red peplum party dress had done – her laughter tinkling out before she dropped your hand to drag Kevin Tran onto the impromptu dance floor.  Kevin rolls his eyes, but let’s Charlie lead him before he catches your eye and mouths ‘At least no tattoos’.  Charlie had overseen last year’s Christmas party…she had hired a friend who was a tattoo artist…she had then tried to convince Kevin to get a tattoo of the Millennium Falcon on his ribs.  Chuck had since banned her from planning anymore Christmas parties.  Or any parties really.
The Lawrence Public Library Annual Christmas Party had been thrown for the last fifteen years to draw most of the local librarians and their significant others/family/friends together since Kansas was still rural in outlying areas and to help strengthen the connections any outlying group may need.  It was also a good chance to learn the strengths and weaknesses most rural libraries encountered.  Personally, you had rather enjoyed last year’s party.  You had a handsome little triceratops tattooed on your ankle as a reminder of your kick ass bestie.  And everyone who had missed that party had made sure to come this year.
Charlie suddenly reappeared behind you, hands up to frame her face as she Vouged.  God, you really, really loved the people you worked with.
I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong And he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
You head to the staircase where Dean is perched, talking to Chuck and to the Lawrence High School Librarian, Meg Masters.  You tap on his leg to get his attention before gesturing to where the bar was set up on the second floor.  He nods once then excuses himself from the conversation, waiting patiently for you to join before ascending the stairs.
Up where the mountains meet the heavens above Out where the lightning splits the sea I could swear there is someone, somewhere Watching me Through the wind, and the chill, and the rain And the storm, and the flood I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life
“Having a good time?”  You question, looking up into your eldest brother’s green apple colored eyes.  He nods his head before asking the bartender for another beer.
“Cranberry and vodka.”  He orders for you, his mouth a tight smile as he hands you your drink before ushering you towards a quieter corner.  “Yeah.  I think Meg is disappointed you brought the wrong Winchester brother.”
“Can’t win ‘em all, Dean.”
“She’s not really my type.”
“She’s breathing, isn’t that your type?”  Dean gawks at you for a second before closing his lips around his beer bottle.
“You know, I do have my own set of standards.”
“Single, living and under 50.”
“Asshat.”  You take a sip of your drink before flashing him a smirk.  “Keep trying though, big brother!”
I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast And he's gotta be fresh from the fight I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure And it's gotta be soon And he's gotta be larger than life I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
You reach the bottom of the stairs as the last notes ring out, Gabriel’s arm wrapping around your waist, guiding you towards the auditorium across the dance floor where all the food was located.
“Y/N, this is my baby brother, Gadreel.  He just took over the library in Lebanon.” You gape at the tall, green eyed, square-jawed specimen.  He’s taller than Dean and his eyes are a completely different shade of green, more like the greens in Sam’s eyes.  Thank God that your body is still operation correctly, offering him your hand with a smile as your brain races to catch up.
“I am pleased to make your acquaintance.”  His voice.  Jesus, did all the Novak’s have such distinct voices?  Gabriel’s was easy and joking, smooth and fast.  Castiel, whom you’d met two years ago, had a voice deep and gravelly.  You’d embarrassed yourself by telling him you’d listen to him read a dictionary.  But Gadreel’s – was different.  Both more like Sam’s and not.  But his speech pattern was more like Castiel’s.  More proper sounding and slightly archaic at times.  Damn.  His hand swallowed yours, rougher than you expected but warm and strong.
“Pleased to meet you as well Gadreel.”  You haven’t even registered the fact that Gabriel has disappeared, not when this dark-haired Greek god type is smiling down at you, still grasping your hand.
My whole body became a live wire when you blinked those big eyes up at me, a warm and easy smile stretching across your pretty face.  I offered as normal a greeting as I could remember, but couldn’t for the life of me help smiling when I did so.  And when you offered out your hand I had to make myself pause, too excited to clasp your hand.  Taking your hand, I could imagine them idly flipping the pages of some tome or brushing over my jaw then down my chest.  Your hand was rougher than I expected, making me want to inquire right away as to your hobbies or past times that would give you this beautiful balance of rough patches and softness.  Gabriel winked at me, removing his arm from your waist before snatching a handful of chocolate covered pretzels and sauntering out of the room, entirely too pleased with himself.
Gabriel had mentioned you before, but he had not let onto your beauty.  And when you spoke, your voice was a melody to my ears.  I tried not to get too attached.  After all, I had seen you with that man with the bright grass green eyes, wet sand colored hair and bright smile seemingly only for you.
“Would you like another drink?”  I gesture with my free hand, unwilling to let your hand slip free.  You look as if you suddenly recalled you had a drink at all.  I like the way you duck your head slightly, embarrassed, but I don’t like that you gently take back your hand, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“No.  No.  Uh, thank you though.  Do you need a drink?”
“I think I’ve had enough.  Especially since Gabriel does not seem to be slowing down at all.”  You chuckle and move closer to the table, plucking a chocolate covered strawberry from a golden platter with those fingers I was beginning to have an obsession with.  If I was being honest with myself, I didn’t want to see your lips wrap around that morsel.  I scan the room quickly as you take your first bite.  I was having enough trouble controlling my thoughts simply regarding your fingers.  Not to mention the fact you were well endowed.  Fuck.  Glancing back down, both pleased and pissed off that you are done.  “Would you like to sit?”  I gesture towards the café table that sat unoccupied in the corner.  You nod before taking my hand and tugging me over.
“Okay, so librarian to librarian – how annoyed are you with e-books?”  The laughter that spills out of me at your choice of conversation starters is surprising, even to myself.
“Well, they have their uses.  But I prefer flipping through a book.  An e-book cannot smell like an old book.  You cannot drop it in the bathtub and simply hang it up to dry.  And I feel we are far too digitalized anyway.”
“If you tell me you love Harry Potter, your favorite children’s book is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Green Eggs and Ham, or Brown Bear, Brown Bear, or that all avenues of writing are valid, I will have to ask you to marry me.”
“I do enjoy Harry Potter.  The first books are my favorite, when it’s more whimsical and light – but all of them are wonderfully powerful.  I’m sorry to say that my favorite children’s book is Corduroy, but my brother Samandrial’s favorite book when we were children was Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.  All writing is valid because of what it can make you feel; not how much it sells or makes.  Except 50 Shades of Gray.  That book is shit.”
“Marry me, Gadreel.”  I chuckle and cover your hand with my own.
“I would be honored.  Know anyone who is ordained?”  You tap your chin thoughtfully, eyes sparkling mischievously at me.
“Well, not off the top of my head.  Unless you count Gabriel.  He got ordained last year so he could marry Charlie and Jo.”
“I think we’ll have to wait until he sobers up.”  He gestures over to the dancefloor where Gabriel is attempting the Russian kick dance.  You wince before taking a long sip of your own drink.
“Oh, yeah.  You had better watch him.”  You lean in closer and I can smell your perfume.  “Last year, after almost everyone had left, he tried to strip and take a nap in Chuck’s office.  I have seen far too much of Gabriel…although I must admit he is very toned.  Not everyone can say that about their boss.”  I screw my face up at the mention of my brother being undressed, trying to squelch the sudden desire to throttle my ass of a brother.
“I am truly sorry about Gabriel.  Also, I never want to be able to say that about my boss.”  I lean a little closer to you before sucking in a sharp breath.  “Unless you were my boss.”  Shock is written on your face, but you recover quickly, smirking as you ease a little closer.
“Seems all the Novak’s I’ve met are smooth as fuck.”  I chuckle, pushing your drink from your left hand and tangle our fingers together before rising from my seat and tugging you from yours.
“Do you know how many brothers I have?”  I wrap an arm around your waist as ‘I’ll Be Home for Christmas’ by Rascal Flatts begins to play.
“Um, five.”  I step ever closer, our chest brushing ever so slightly, watching your pupils expand minutely.
“Correct.  And there would not be six of us if not for the fact that all the Novak men are so damn smooth.”  Your tongue swipes over your bottom lip and you smile gently up at me, those red painted fingertips dancing up and down my bicep as we sway gently to the song.
Someone clearing their throat pulls your gaze from mine, looking over your shoulder at the man who has ruined our flirting.
“We Winchesters are overprotective.”  You sigh, tightening your grip ever so slightly.  “Especially my oldest brother, Dean.”  Oh, thank the holy heavens above!  He was your brother.
“Mom and Dad just got in at the airport.  With Sam.”  The joy that shines from your face at his words makes a bright smile appear on my own face to mirror yours.
“I’m sorry, but I have to go.  Would – would you like my number?”
“Of course,” I withdraw my hand from yours, eagerly – perhaps over eagerly – handing you my cell.  When you finish, those fingers are grasping the back of my neck, drawing my lips down to meet yours.  Our lips mold perfectly for a handful of long seconds before I pull back at the sound of Dean clearing his throat once more.  “Do you require a lozenge?”  My face slides into what Gabriel likes to tease by calling my bitchface.  Which causes you to burst out in laughter before you press a few more soft kisses to my lips.
“We’re pretty immune to bitchface, I’m sorry to say, Gadreel.  My brother Sam is the reigning champ, but hell if I don’t think you’d give him quite the run for his money.”  I pull you in closer, our bodies pressed against each other that only left me craving more before pressing a half dozen of my own kisses against your sweet lips.
“Have a safe trip, Y/N.”  I whisper before pulling you into a tight hug, relishing your scent.  “I will call you later tonight if that is acceptable?”
“More than acceptable, Gadreel.”  You utter as Dean slips your coat onto your shoulders and ushers you from my sight.
*A Year Later*
You were withdrawing the last batch of sugar cookies from the oven when the back door flew open, blowing stray little flurries of snow fluttering around the men’s feet.
“Why the hell do you need lights on the tree outside?  No one can see them on this side of the house!”  Dean snaps out, toeing off his boots before beginning to shrug out of his jacket.
“I can see them!  And it’s one little seven-foot tree, Dean.  Stop acting like I asked you to decorate the Rockefeller Center tree.  Was he like this outside?”
“No.  Worse.  Thought he was gonna try to kill Gabe.”  Sam answers before dropping a kiss on the top of your head as he headed towards the living room, an empty box labeled ‘Xmas Lights’ in his hand.
“This little shit,” He jerked his thumb at the golden-haired man beside him while Gabriel wore a shit-eating grin.  “Kept hitting me with snowballs.”  Gabe shrugged and headed to join Sam in the living room, but stops and just leans against the wall that separates the kitchen and living room.  Dean mutters as he accepts the cup of coffee you hold out, trudging out of the kitchen with one last pointed glare at Gabriel.  You feel Gadreel’s hands slide over your waist as you watch your brother in his cute, mildly annoyed mood.  You lean back against Gad’s chest, sliding your own hands over his as Gabriel grabs himself a cup of hot cocoa, chuckling to himself.  You can feel the rumble of Gadreel’s chest, his little puffs of breath hot on your neck.
“I threw the last handful.”  Gadreel admits as Gabriel leaves the kitchen, your own laughter bubbling out of your throat.
“Thank you for doing that.  The lights and the snowballs.”  Turning in his strong arms, hands gliding up and down his arms before rising on tip toe to kiss your fiancé.  
“Of course, beloved.”  He pulls a small wrapped rectangle from under his sweater.  “Merry Christmas.”
“It’s not even Christmas eve, Gad.”
“Open it.”  You sigh, but tug the green and silver snowflakes from the present.  It’s Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.
“It’s yours.  Your mother and brothers helped go through the attic while your father distracted you with a lunch date.  Once we start a family we can read it to them as well.”  Tears sting your eyes as you swipe a hand lovingly over the worn cover.
“What did I do to deserve you?”  Sweeping your hand just as lovingly over Gadreel’s cheek.
“You didn’t fight me when I dragged you to the dessert table!”  Gabriel hollers from the living room, Gadreel’s jaw tightening at his brother’s outburst.
“We are having an endearing moment, brother.”
“I’m the reason you get laid on a regular basis!”
“That is our sister, you dick.”  Dean snarls out.  You drop your head onto Gad’s chest, sighing softly before turning toward the living room to give Gabriel a piece of your mind.  Gadreel pulls you back against his broad chest, lips eagerly seeking your own.
“We can break this up or practice for our wedding night.”
“NO SEX WHILE WE ARE IN THE HOUSE!”  Sam and Dean yell from the living room.  Gadreel grins before kissing you once more, turning you to look out the kitchen window at your outdoor Christmas tree as the snow began to fall.
“Merry Christmas, angel.”
“Merry Christmas, my beloved Y/N.”
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War of the Heart
I’ve combined two challenges (i hope that’s ok). @sdavid09 TaleTeller’s Winter Writing Days Song: Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra AU: Doctor @jensen-jarpad Becca’s Christmas Challenge (I’m going to apologise, I feel I skimped on your challenge and the Christmas spirit here, I’m sorry, your due date was coming up fast and I panicked) Song: Santa Claus is Coming To Town
Summary: YN YLN, is a female doctor in an army medical base (think mash), one day she takes a patient, a young soldier by the name of Dean Winchester, in times of war, and so close to Christmas, love can bloom quickly, if only there’s a miracle... Warnings: Medical talk, description of a bullet wound, pain, fever, near death... Characters: Doctor YN YLN, Dean Winchester, Jackie (OFC) A/N: This is my first AU, hope y’all like it. I only had this idea today, hammered it out, and voila. Italics are the mentions to the songs. Thanks to @avasmommy224 for beta-ing this one for me at such short notice.
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Every day seemed to bring a drop in temperature, a flurry of snow and at least, one injured patient, flown in from the camp closer to the “action”. I was one of the very few female field-doctors, the only one on this base, and that was fine by me, I’d earned my respect and none of the soldiers that were lucky enough to stay on base would dream of treating me differently. “Five in bound. YLN, you’ll take the worst.” Major called from the doorway to the hospital tent, the nurses began prepping beds as we dressed and found our respective sterilized kits. As my nurse, Jackie, tied up the back of my gown, and I dried my hands, my patient arrived and was placed on my bed. I looked to the men that had run him in, flushed faces and snow dusted hair, “What do we have?” I asked them, looking over the two bullet wounds as they told me where, how and with what. I searched the rest of his body as the two men wished him well and left. “Oh my, a soldier!” I said in mock surprise with a smile, meeting his gaze, he smiled too, his muscles tensing as Jackie began to cut up the side of his shirt. “Sweetheart, you’re in a field hospital, you should be used to soldiers!” He winked up at me. This guy was something else, here he was, a clean-through to the leg and a bullet lodged somewhere in his side and he was flirting. I took an instant shine to him. “Name’s YLN, what’s yours?” I questioned as I left his curious eyes to inspect the now clean wound above his hip. “Dean - ungh - Winchester.” He grunted, as I prodded at the sensitive site. I looked at Jackie and nodded, pointing to the site I wanted her to inject the anesthetic.
“Sorry Winchester, but you’re gonna have to tough it out, alright? We’re fresh outta the good stuff, all we can give you is a local, and to be honest, it does nothing for the nerves.” I said, glancing back up at his face. “Mine or yours?” He muttered, his eyes fluttered, his nose scrunched, his teeth grinded against each other as I opened the small hole in his flesh, I could see the peek of muscles flexing as he tried to bury the pain. “What?” I asked, it was best to keep him talking, try and keep his mind from what I was doing. “My nerves or yours?” He grunted, I laughed, how was he cracking jokes? Dean was growing on me. I knew then that I’d be checking on his recovery personally. “My nerves are steady as my fingers, thank you very much!” I chimed as I leaned closer, bringing the light with me, to try and locate the bullet so I wasn’t digging around blindly. “So far so good.” He said, a little breathlessly, I looked up at his face and noticed his eyes roll, to be fair I had just inserted the tweezers into his wound. “Hey, Winchester?” I said a little too loud, his eyes snapped back to attention, rolling slightly as he focused, “What’s your favorite food?” I asked, I could feel the bullet, the metal of my tweezers scraping against the flattened end of the metal shard. “Wha-” He groaned loudly as I opened the instrument, “Pie. God, Pie!” His voice straining as I pulled the bullet free of his skin, I dropped the tweezers and the whole bullet into Jackie’s awaiting tray. “Pie, huh? I’ll see if mess can arrange something.” I smiled up at him as Jackie cleaned up the wound, ready for my stitching. “I haven’t had pie since… since home.” Dean said, his muscles had relaxed and his eyes had shut, exhaustion from the pain having worn him out. Jackie and I let him rest as we busied ourselves stitching up his hip, clearing and cleaning his leg wound and stitching that. With a wound so close to his abdominal muscles, he wouldn’t be leaving base for a few weeks, not when infection was the biggest killer out there.
“Morning, sunshine!” I chimed at him as he blinked rapidly, adjusting to the light. “Morning.” He grunted, god that was beautiful, anyone just after sleep had the power to sound sexy, but this was sinful. “Stitches come out today! Excited?” I asked, I’d been his wake up call for the past two weeks, and our banter and shameless flirting had bloomed into a wonderful friendship. For the first week he’d asked me for a date every time I saw him, every time I shot him down, one day he stopped, although I was a little disappointed. “You’ll have another week here after, then your a free man!” I announced, he raised an eyebrow. “Well, the bullet by your hip came close to serious stuff, we wanna keep an eye on your movements.” I answered his unaired question. “Serious stuff?” He asked, a tone of humor to his voice, “That your professional assessment?” I helped him sit upright, I didn’t want him ruining my masterpiece on the last day. “Yep!” I let my lips pop over the last letter, “Got a problem with that?” I winked as I stepped back, happy with how the pillows were arranged behind him. He chuckled, quickly stopping as he found it still pulled and hurt, especially without painkillers. “So, a doctor, a surgeon, a woman, does it ever get tiring?” His eyes raked down my body and back up, our uniforms were very similar to the men’s, not too much for him to take in, but the way he seemed to look at me as if he could see through it all, I may have been feeling a little flushed. “Only one on base,” I said cheerily, going for the covers at his side. “Whoa! What are you doing?” He asked, holding the covers down. “Gotta check your wounds, make sure your stitches have held and make sure there’s no sign of infection.” I said, putting my hands on my hips and raising my eyebrows at him, taking a step back. “Can’t you do that later, you know, not after I’ve just woken up?” He asked, trying to make me understand through his inflictions. “Oh, modesty needs to be left on the battlefield, I’m a doctor, I’ve seen it all before. Now stop being a prude.” I pushed his hand away and pulled the sheets up from the bottom to his knee, not actually putting him on display, he relaxed a bit as I pulled away the bandage and felt around the sides of the clean-through, then checked the other side, happy with how that was coming along. “I never caught your first name.” Dean tried, watching me intently as I finished with his leg. I pulled the blanket back over him then moved up to his side, “Doctor!” I smiled and winked, he strategically pulled back the sheet just enough so I could get to the wound. I rolled my eyes, but smiled up at him. “Your bedside manner doesn’t leave anything to the imagination, does it?” He teased, I chuckled at him, peeling the bandage down gently, my fingertips grazing his warm waist. I must say, I saw and appreciated the goosebumps that formed where I’d touched. “It’s nothing personal, but you’ll be outta here-” I stopped when I saw the stitches. The site was red in the center, more so than it should be, I frowned and went to the side table, pulling gloves from the draw, and fitting one onto my hand. “Everything alright?” Dean asked, watching me closely, I gently placed the backs of two fingers over the stitches, it was hot. Infection. I was fuming, this had been my work, these were my stitches... I checked the notes at the end of his bed, no one had checked it yesterday. I grit my teeth tightly, holding back the scream that wanted to erupt from my lungs. I took a deep breath and calmed myself before answering. “Looks like the start of an infection, but we’ve caught it early, we’ll clean it now and monitor it closely over the next few days.” Dean caught my hand as I reached to swab at the wound. I looked up, his eyes melting away my anger. “It’s a war, these things happen, I’ll be fine.” He reassured, ducking his head to hold my gaze, his smile was faint, but it reached his eyes, making them twinkle brightly. I let out a deep breath and smiled at him, he let go of my wrist and I began cleaning, a certain calm came with his words, leaving me free of the anger that was threatening to boil over moments ago.
“How about some music? Are you a music man?” I wondered aloud, Dean wasn’t about to answer as he was unconscious, his fever high, his body shaking, teeth chattering every few minutes, his face and chest was drenched in sweat, wetter than a woman in labour. I had turned into his personal nurse, I had sat by his bed every night the past three nights, trying to bring the fever down, the infection looked to be mended, but this damn fever. I turned on the radio and fiddled with the dial till the crackle of Frank Sinatra’s voice came through, Fill my heart with song and let me sing forever more, you are all I long for, all I worship and adore, I was surprised to hear it wasn’t a Christmas tune, as the twenty-fifth was right around the corner. I found myself humming along as I dabbed at Dean’s brow, he was heating these cool washers faster than we could turn them around. In other words, please be true, I wiped the sweat out of his cupid’s bow and the dip under his plump bottom lip. I trailed over his jaw and neck, following the slope of his adam’s apple and across his collarbones, changing the washer to place it on his brow. In other words... “YLN, get some sleep, please.” Jackie begged, she was on shift tonight, looking after the patients. It had been the quietest week, we’d seen more than half our patients healthy and returned to battle, a few even got to go straight home, serving their last weeks with us. “I’ll sit with him all night.” Jackie tried again, rubbing circles into my back, speeding up the sleep that was slowly creeping up on me. “If anything happens, if he wakes, gets worse…” I said, choking on the last thought, “You come and get me.” I made her promise. “Of course, now go!” Jackie said, taking the washer out of my hand and giving me a slight nudge. I leaned in close to Dean’s ear, “YN, my first name is, YN.” I whispered, squeezing his hand once, I turned around, teary at the thought of anything happening, guilty for leaving him.
“Why didn’t anyone wake me!” I blurted as I rushed passed the nurse trying to move out of my way, brushing out the flakes of snow that hadn’t melted into my shoulder pads. I hurried to the end of the tent where Jackie and two doctor’s were standing around Dean’s bed. My stomach dropped, till I heard one of them laugh. I got closer, and my colleagues moved for me. There he was, Dean Winchester, sitting up in bed, a smile on his face, his cheeks flushed red, his skin clearly clammy, but he seemed in high spirits. “Where’s the fire, sweetheart?” Dean chimed, my eyes closed as I let out a relieved sigh. “On your forehead,” I responded, moving around the bed to feel his brow. Still warm but back into the range of normal. “Is that any way to speak to a Christmas Miracle?” He teased, beaming at me. The four of us, stood around his bed, laughed at his bad joke. “I’ll go see what mess have to offer.” Jackie announced, looking absolutely exhausted, I mouthed a thank you to her and gave a warm smile as the two other Doctor’s wished Dean the best and moved on. “Don’t ever do that to me, again!” I turned on Dean, sitting on the edge of his bed. “Get taken care of by hot nurses, miss out on a few weeks of war… Why?” Dean said, amused with himself, as if he’d trapped me into revealing I cared. “It was so boring without you, made me realise you’re actually funny.” I shot back. Not yet Winchester. I laughed with him, pouring more water into his cup and thrusting it at him. “Drink.” I ordered. “Yes, ma’am!” Dean muttered, taking the glass off me and raising it to his lips. I watched as he drained the glass, his eyes never leaving my face. “I’ve got rounds.” I said, taking the empty glass and standing. “Wait, YN...” He smiled at my reaction, I had frozen at his use of my first name. “I am a music man.” Dean’s voice had dropped to a low, sensuous, whisper, but I heard every word, I heard the sly smile, I heard the want. The speakers of the base clicked to life, crackling till the Lieutenant’s voice rang clear, As we wake up on Christmas Eve, what better way than to start with this reminder - “You better watch out, Dean Winchester,” I said, slowly turning, a cheeky smile spreading over my face, now, an idea forming. “Why’s that?” He questioned, an eyebrow raising at my sudden change. “Haven’t you heard?” I said, Dean sat forward, listening intently as I came back to his side, leaning toward him. “Santa Claus is Coming To Town!” I whispered into his ear. Dean flopped back onto the pillows, letting out a low groan. “That was horrible.” He mumbled, wiping a hand down his face when he heard the song begin, low on the speakers over camp. “What did you think I was going to say?” I said, poking his arm that was resting over his eyes. “Never mind. Go do rounds!” He grumbled, trying to push me off the bed, all with the tease of a smile of course. I stood and looked at him for a moment, his eyes avoiding mine. I sighed and shook my head, ready to turn. “I thought you were gonna finish your song from last night.” He muttered, he kept avoiding my stare, but I wasn’t staring at him anymore, I was staring through him, thinking of what he could’ve possibly - oh. “I know it’s only been three weeks, one of which I was mostly unconscious for, but, it’s war out there, frowns all round. So…” He trailed off, wringing his hands together. I turned my body back to him and sat down on the side of his bed, taking his hand. “When you find someone that makes you smile…” I finished for him, his eyes finally meeting mine, his hand snaked up my arm, over my shoulder and cupped the base of my neck. “In other words…” Dean whispered, leaning towards me, I closed the distance and kissed him passionately, quickly breaking apart, for him to regain his breath. Our foreheads were resting against each others, smiles plastered over our faces, I pressed a kiss to his mouth. Staying there, I hummed the last part of the song against his lips, I love you.
Tagging: @impala-dreamer @melonberri @jalove-wecallhimdean @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @whispersandwhiskerburn @wayward-mirage @percywinchester27 @loveitsallineed @sdavid09 @waywardjoy @wi-deangirl77 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @ellexirmalfoy @bringmesomepie56 @babypieandwhiskey @kristaparadowski @gabby913 @charliebradbury1104 @blacktithe7 @mrswhozeewhatsis @i-like-your-assbutt @jpadjackles@yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @oriona75 @nichelle-my-belle @lucifer-in-leather
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megansescape · 8 years
This is one of my entries for @sdavid09‘s Taleteller’s winter challenge. My AU was Police Officer Au paired with the song When she loved me by Sarah McLachlan. This was Beta’d by the amazing @inmysparetime0.Tags are below the cut, I am using the tag lists from @mrswhozeewhatsis and the SPN Fanfic Pond. If I have incorrectly tagged please let me know and I will remove you asap.
Summary: When the reader is injured, Police Officer Dean Winchester is distraught and begins to remember the path they took that led them to where they are now. 
Pairing: Dean X Reader.
Warnings: Angst, Gunshot wound, Blood, Character Death, Grief.
Word count: 4835.
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Dean P.O.V.
“We need help here quick, we have a female patient with ballistic trauma to the chest, punctured lung, possible broken ribs, major blood loss with possible internal bleeding. She is in need of an immediate blood transfusion and we need to get her in the E.R stat.” The paramedic conversed to the nursing team around her as she wheeled in Y/N on a stretcher. “She has been stabilized but has flatlined twice on the way over, she had to be defibrillated three times before her heart rate stabilized.”
I lost sight of her as the medical staff wheeled her away, her blood coating my hands and shirt, tears falling down my face. I stood there praying that she would be okay, I needed her to be okay, I couldn’t lose her again. We had been through so much and this couldn’t be how it ended, I loved her too much to let her go. A hand on my arm pulled me out of my thoughts and I turned to face the nurse who stood there with a concerned look on her face.
“Officer, are you okay? Are you injured at all?” She asked me whilst skimming my body with her eyes, her gaze coming to rest on the blood staining my skin.
“No this... this isn’t my blood, i...it’s….it’s my partner’s.” It was all I was able to say before the churning of my stomach became too much. I raced for the bin and vomited the contents of my stomach into it, retching when there was no more left. When my stomachs convulsions finally stopped, I slowly raised my head and was promptly passed a napkin. As I reached to grab it, I again caught sight of my bloody hands and felt nauseous once more, swallowing down my reaction I grabbed the napkin and wiped my mouth before disposing of the soiled napkin.
“I can show you the bathroom if you want to clean up a little.” The nurse offered me politely.
“Thanks.” I said stiffly before following her to the nearest bathroom, she gestured me inside and then walked off to resume her duties. As I walked into the room, locking the door behind me, I was hit with the overwhelming urge to scrub myself clean of her blood...her pure, innocent...NO. I shook my head clearing those thoughts from my mind, I had to be strong right now, it was the only way I was gonna survive this. As I began washing my hands in the sink, watching the blood come away from my hands and swirl down the drain, I was pulled into my mind, remembering when we first met.
It was the summertime and I had just joined the police force in my new town of Lawrence, Kansas. I was a relatively new recruit and honestly I was struggling to find my place in the station. I had just finished a huge stack of paperwork after a long day and I was ready to call it a night when I heard it, the most beautiful laugh I had ever heard in my life. I turned to the sound and was met with the sight of a gorgeous woman talking to the chief, I was stunned. I sat there in my chair, gawking at this ravishing woman like a lunatic. She looked over to me and smiled softly. I stood up quickly knocking over my files, feeling like both an idiot and a cliche. As I bent down to start picking them, I heard her giggle and couldn’t find it in myself to care how silly I looked.
As I picked up the files on the floor I heard the clacking of heels coming over to me, I looked up to see her standing over me with a shy smile on her face. She knelt down and started picking up my files, I knelt there gazing at her awkwardly before rushing to help her. Once we had collected all the files, we both stood up and placed them on the desk, still not saying anything to each other. I scratched the back of my head, nervous and awkward before finally gathering the courage to speak.
“Thanks...um I’m Dean. I’m new here.” I spoke whilst rubbing the back of my neck nervously.
“I’m Y/N, you gonna stand there staring all day or are you gonna come get a cup of coffee with me?” She smirked at me and I knew right then that I was lost.
**End Flashback**
I was pulled from my thoughts by banging on the bathroom door. I quickly turned off the tap and dried my hands. As I was unlocking the door, I was greeted by an aggravated man who pushed passed me to get into the restroom. I made my way to the reception area, knowing it would be too soon for any news about Y/N, I decided to sit down it the waiting room and try to collect my thoughts. I felt like I was in shock, I couldn’t understand everything that had happened. 
As I sat there watching the staff come and go through the hospital halls, I sat and thought of all the lives that hung in the balance in this building, I had never thought of it that way before. I knew that her life was in danger but she was a fighter. I trusted that the Y/N I knew wouldn’t let herself go out like this. She was always so strong, even when she showed her vulnerability, she still radiated strength. I was blessed to be one of the few who had managed to see her softer side. Thinking of the times I shared with her, I started to drift back into my memories.
Y/N and I had been secretly dating for 6 months now and I had never been happier. I had never felt this way about anyone before and even my family was commenting on how different I was. Of course I couldn’t tell them who I was dating, unfortunately Y/N and I were forbidden to date due to the regulations of the station. It didn’t help that as I had been promoted from paperwork, I was assigned a partner and the chief saw fit to place me with Y/N. This was both a blessing and a curse, we stood to lose more if we were caught but it gave us more of an excuse to see each other everyday.
This was gonna be my first day back in town after visiting my parents for a week and I was looking forward to seeing Y/N, I hadn’t been able to speak to her all week and I had missed her terribly. I walked up the stairs of her apartment complex, flowers in one hand and a six pack of beer in the other. As I reached her door, I felt a bubble of joy build in me at the thought of being able to hold her again.
I knocked on her door and waited for her to answer, I hadn’t told her I was coming so I thought it would be a nice surprise for her. When she opened the door the smile dropped from my face, she had been crying; her eyes were red and swollen, the tears still streaming down her cheeks. She took in the sight of me standing in her doorway and suddenly jumped into my arms, nearly causing me to drop my things. I chose to drop the flowers so that I could wrap an arm around her, holding her close as she sobbed into my neck.
We stood there for a few minutes, her sobbing silently into my shoulder and me swaying her slightly, just trying to calm and relax her so I could find out what was wrong. Eventually she moved away from me, taking a shuddering breath as I let go of her. I reached up using my free hand to wipe some of her tears from her face, she leaned into my palm, smiling sadly as she did. Y/N went back into her apartment silently, motioning me to follow her, and I did after picking up the slightly crushed flowers from the floor. Closing the door behind me, I placed the beer and flowers on the side table as I followed her to the sofa, where there was a hoard of blankets waiting there. She quickly walked through into the kitchen and I heard the tap running, she came back in a minute or two later with a vase filled with water.
“Y/N, you don’t have to do that right now.” She ignored me as she went and put the flowers in the water before placing the vase down on her coffee table and settling down on the sofa. She snuggled under the blankets holding them open for me to climb in with her. As I looked at her tear-stained face, I knew I couldn’t refuse her, I toed off my shoes and removed my jacket and climbed on to the sofa. Taking her in my arms I felt the tension release from her body, relaxing into me completely, I let her relax a while before asking her what was wrong.
“You can tell me what’s wrong you know. No matter what I will never judge you, you know that right?” I asked her gently, hoping that she would confide in me.
“It’s just a lot’s happened since you’ve been gone. I was just so lonely all this week from you being away but I would have been fine if only we hadn’t lost a civilian today, it just pushed me over the edge.” She sniffled as she spoke. I pulled her into my arms, I knew the pain of losing someone on the job and knew there was nothing that could be done to ease the pain. The best thing I could do for her was just hold her and comfort her, then when she was ready, I would treat her and make her laugh and feel better about as much as I could. I always wanted to be here for her, when she was sad, I was sad, when she was happy so was I. I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
**End Flashback**
Shaking my head of the memory, I looked at the time and was shocked to see that it had been an hour since we had arrived. I stood up and went to the desk, needing to know if there was any news.
“Excuse me Nurse...Rice? I was just wondering if you had any news on my partner.” I asked her quietly, sending up a silent plea that there was some good news.
“I am sorry Officer but I can’t give out patient information, not without you being a relative. I’m sorry.” The nurse told me remorsefully.
“Please, she is my partner. I have known her for years, I have just seen her get seriously injured, all I want to know is if she is okay?” I pleaded with her once more, tears building in frustration. She seemed to take pity on me and quickly typed on the computer in front of her. Picking up the phone beside her she made a quick phone call, barely talking at all, just making sounds of affirmation. She thanked whoever was on the other side of the call and hung up.
“I have just spoken with one of the nurses in the O.R and she is currently stable but she is in surgery, we won’t know anything for a while yet, I’m sorry that’s all I can tell you.” She smiled at me regretfully.
“Thank you so much. I really appreciate it, have her relatives been notified?” I was relieved that things seemed to be going okay, it was gonna be tough but we may just pull through this. I wasn’t going to let my hope build too much, I knew that gunshot wounds got complicated way too easily, especially chest wounds.
“Yes all the necessary people have been notified Officer, I’m afraid everything is up to the surgeons now. Try not to worry she is in great hands, the best thing you can do right is to calm down and wait for her friends and family. When they arrive you will all be able to support each other.” She said with a smile, turning back to her computer continuing on with her work. As I went and sat back down in the waiting room the entrance doors opened up, the Chief came marching in followed by a large portion of the police force. They all started making their way to the reception and I rushed over to stop them.
“Guys, stop. Look she is in surgery right now, there is no point going up and bothering them when there is nothing they can do. Come sit in the waiting room with me.” I motioned for them to follow me and they did quickly. Once we were all sitting down in the waiting room the questions started all at once, it was overwhelming trying to understand everyone all at one time. The Chief whistled sharply silencing the room, everyone turned to face him, he walked over to me choosing to sit in the seat beside me.
“How is she?” He spoke calmly.
“I don’t know much, just she is in surgery and they are doing everything they can.” I responded softly.
“Were you hurt?” He asked.
“No, it should have been me though.” I knew it should have been, she was too good for this to happen to her.
“Cut the crap Winchester. We all know that if the roles were reversed she would be saying the same thing. Neither of you should be here, it was supposed to be a simple domestic dispute. I don’t want to hear any of this rubbish alright?” He commanded me and he refused to look away from me until I nodded. We all sat there silently waiting for news on Y/N. I started thinking of the past once more.
It was a week before Christmas and it had all gone wrong. Y/N and I had been caught by the Chief, hooking up in one of the interrogation rooms and he was bringing us in for a meeting. I was waiting outside his office as he spoke to Y/N and the nerves were starting to get to me. I couldn’t stop fidgeting, I needed to know what was going on. Just then the door opened and the Chief motioned for me to come in. I took a seat on the seat next to Y/N, I looked to her trying to give her some reassurance but she just looked away from me. I frowned, worry creeping back into my thoughts.
“Officer Winchester, I have heard all I need to from Officer Y/L/N. I understand that this has been going on for quite some time, despite both of you knowing it was against regulations. Do you have anything to say in your defence?” The Chief spoke quickly and sternly. I swallowed and braced myself as much as I could.
“Yes Chief, I do. I love Y/N and she loves me. I know it against the rules but you can’t help who you fall for. Please take that into consideration.” I pleaded with him. I knew we were likely to lose our jobs from this but I knew we could survive it together.
“Well Officer Winchester, whilst that is an incredibly sweet speech, you still broke the station rules. You two are two of my best officers, for that reason and that reason alone, I am going to give you a choice. Stop this romance now, be assigned different partners and remain at a professional distance from each other...or you can both give up your jobs here and find work in a different station. It’s your choice.” I looked at him calmly, relief filling my body.
“We will leave…” “We will split up.” I looked over at Y/N gobsmacked. I couldn’t understand why she would say that. She just looked away from me.
“I am sorry Dean but my career comes first, it has to.” Y/N spoke quietly, still refusing to look me in the eyes. I could feel my heart breaking, I thought we had something worth fighting for.
“Fine, I see how it is. Okay Chief, it’s over. Done.” I said coldly, willing myself to not break in front of them but I was barely hanging on. “Are we done here for now Chief?”
“Yes Officer Winchester, you may go. Take a couple of days off, give yourself sometime to distance yourself from the situation.” I nodded at him before quickly leaving the room and heading to my locker. I pulled out my belongings and headed out into the snow, making my way to the local park. Once I was there I sat down on a snow sodden bench, not caring about the cold wetness seeping into my legs. I went into my bag and pulled out the black jewellery box that I had bought Y/N for Christmas. Opening the box I pulled out the snowflake necklace I had bought her as an early anniversary present. I held it in my hand for a moment, squeezing it in my palm tightly, closing my eyes as a single tear falling down my cheek. I let out a shuddering breath dropping the necklace into the snow, hoping that whoever found it gave it to someone who loved them as much as I loved her. I stood swiftly and walked away to my lonely apartment.
**End flashback**
I had been waiting here for two and a half hours and the fear was starting to get to me. Every time we would ask for an update, we would get told the same thing, that she was in surgery and that we would just have to wait. I didn’t know how much longer I could wait, I was sure I was going insane from hanging about this room. I was exhausted from the shock and trauma of the day and was about ready to pass out from exhaustion.
“Why don’t you get some rest? We will wake you if we get any news.” The Chief asked me.
“I don’t know. I want to be...yawn... awake just in case.” I stretched trying to wake my body up.
“Get some sleep Winchester. There is nothing any of us can do right now. That’s an order Winchester.” He said smiling at me kindly.
“Thanks Chief.” I laid back in my seat and closing my eyes, the events of just a few hours ago replaying in my sleep, creating one of the worst nightmares I had ever experienced.
It had been 3 years since Y/N had ended our relationship and we had kept our distance from each other. Unfortunately we were having a crime spree at the moment and lack of resources had forced us to be paired together for the first time in years. I had been reluctant due to never really finding closure with her, but I knew that I could be professional about this and not allow it to affect my work. We were on our way to a suspected domestic assault case, we were prepared and professional but we were still refusing to talk to each other. When I looked at her, I couldn’t help but notice that she was even more beautiful than before. I shook my head quickly, turning away from her, I couldn’t allow myself to be distracted by her. We pulled up outside the property and exited the car, walking to the door I allowed her to take the lead, knowing she handled domestic disputes better. I was more suited to being back up in cases like this, knowing that she had a kind face and gentle demeanour that generally lowered people’s guard. Knocking on the door we waited for an answer, a young woman came to the door.
“Hello?” The woman seemed scared.
“Hi there, we are from Lawrence PD. We heard there has been a bit of a disturbance here, is everything okay?” Y/N asked whilst trying to peer in the property. I was taller than her and I could see a little further in, I was able to spot a man pacing back and forth at the back of the room. I kept my eyes on him, not trusting his body language and obvious agitation.
“Yeah, everything’s fine Officers. Please leave.” She tried closing the door but Y/N wouldn’t let her, placing her foot in the doorway preventing the door from closing.
“Well then you won’t mind us coming in and having a quick check.” Y/N replied sweetly, pushing open the door. The man reacted before I could warn her, drawing a gun as Y/N swung open the door, shooting her without hesitation. As her body flew backwards with the force of the impact, I drew my gun, shooting him in the shoulder. He dropped the gun and I rushed over handcuffing him, radioing for help as I did. I then rushed back to Y/N, ignoring the screaming civilian, I applied pressure to the bleeding wound. I moved her shirt to be able to see the wound on her chest better and that’s when I saw it, a glimmer of silver sparkling. I placed my hand on her wound trying to stem the blood flow whilst she tried moving her arm up towards her chest.
“No, no Y/N. Stay still okay, help will be here soon and you will be okay. You just need to stay calm okay?” I pleaded with her, knowing that the more she panicked and moved around, the more damage that would be done to her body. Still she reached up and grasped the chain of the necklace she was wearing, holding the pendant out for me to see, when I saw it fully I was shocked. It was the pendant I had bought her all those years ago, I had dropped it into the snow, how did she have it now?
“All those...all those years ago, I followed you out into the snow. Cough. I needed to make..make sure you were gonna be okay. I saw you drop this an...a...and...I picked it up. I have never stopped wearing it.” I held her close, still applying pressure to her wound as tears began streaming down my face. “I made the wrong choice that day. I should have chosen you.”
“We still have time. We can start again, you and me against the world.” I smiled down at her, sniffling as I continued to cry. “Where’s that ambulance? It should be here by now.”
“I should have said this a long time ago Dean.” She spoke softly, gasps for air leaving her body as she got weaker.
“Shh Y/N, you can tell me soon. Please save your strength.” I begged her, she shook her head slightly.
“I will always love you Dean.” I smiled down at her, it was all I had ever wanted to hear for the past three years. As I looked down noticed her eyes were closed, fear welled up inside me.
“Y/N...Y/N… wake up. Please.” Realising I could still feel her heart beating against the hand resting on her wound, I breathed a small sigh of relief. She must have passed out from the pain, so long as I could feel her heartbeat I knew she was going to be fine. Just then I heard the siren of the ambulance and the police, she would be okay.
**End Nightmare**
“Dean.. Dean. Wake up.” I jolted awake with a gasp, I saw the chief standing over me. Looking around, it took me a minute to realise where I was and why I was here. I had been hoping that it had all been some terrible dream. As I looked towards the door I noticed a nurse and a doctor coming over, he must have been one of the surgeons as he was wearing blood stained scrubs.
“Chief, I think they have some news.” I said to him hopefully.
“Chief Singer, I am afraid I am going to have to ask to speak to Officer Winchester privately.” The doctor asked him politely, the Chief nodded and motioned for the few other officers that were there, to follow him out of the room.
“What’s wrong Doctor? Is she okay?” I asked him nervously, unsure of what was going on.
“Officer Winchester, Miss Y/L/N had you as her emergency contact and as you are the closest living contact we have for her, we have to speak to you privately.” The doctor told me, his gaze shifting sporadically. “Miss Y/L/N had multiple injuries when she was shot, not only was there the initial wound but the bullet had broken one of her ribs and some of the shards had penetrated one of her lungs, causing it to collapse. Luckily the bullet missed all her internal organs, so we were able to fix this and remove the shards safely but what we didn’t realise was something more dangerous was happening. One of the shards had flown at such a speed in a completely different direction to the rest, towards the heart. The shard didn’t manage to fully penetrate the heart but…”
“But what Doctor?” I could feel my stomach churning, I was petrified. “She’s okay right?”
“I’m afraid not, whilst the shard didn’t penetrate her heart, it did manage to nick a major artery and weaken its integrity. This coupled with the stress her body was under from the cardiac arrests and the collapsed lung meant that the artery began leaking blood at an alarming rate. I am so sorry Officer Winchester but she passed away. There was nothing we could do. I am so sorry.” The Doctor looked at me, guilt written on his face as I took deep shuddering breaths.
I couldn’t believe it, she was gone. How was I supposed to carry on without her? I fell back down into the chair, sobs wracking through my aching body. I tried to breathe through the sobs but found myself only crying harder, the thought of her gone tearing through me like cold steel, I was being ripped apart and I didn’t think I could stop.
The Doctor left the room to tell the others, whilst the nurse sat down beside me, trying her best to calm me as I let out a guttural scream of agony. It was a long, long time before the sobs turned my throat raw, making my voice raw and hoarse. The nurse was about to leave, the Chief was getting ready to take me home, snippets of their conversation leaking through the sound of the blood roaring in my ears, her family would be here soon and they couldn’t see me like this, it would be too much for them. All I knew was that in all my life, I had never known pain like this.
The nurse knelt in front of my one finally time as I sat there silently, having gone into shock hours ago, she took a hold of my hand and pressed something inside.
“She said you would need this to ground you, if it came to it. She passed it to me whilst we were prepping her for surgery, her last thoughts were of you. I know that might not be much of a comfort right now but it may help later on. The Chief is gonna take you home now, he’s gonna stay with you awhile, make sure you're okay. He is gonna give you some medicine; one for your throat, one to help you sleep. You need to rest okay? Goodbye Officer Winchester.” The nurse left and I looked down into my palm to see a single snowflake necklace.
**Two weeks later**
“She was the best of us all and I was never a better man than when I was with her. I am sorry for the long speech, I know there are many others who want to talk about her and the impact she had on their lives. There wasn’t a person she met, who was unaffected by her. That’s why I loved her, she was always happy, strong and kind. She made everyone’s lives better.” I looked around at everyone who was gathered here for Y/N’s funeral. I looked at her gravestone, a small, wistful smile on my face as I remembered all the good things she had done with her life.
“My life will never be as good as when she loved me.”
Y/N Y/L/N.
Daughter, Friend, Officer.
The rarest snowflake of them all.
Forever tags:  @inmysparetime0 @your-average-distracted-waffle @mamaredd123 @atc74 @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @chelsea072498
Tags: @aprofoundbondwithdean @manawhaat @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @loveitsallineed @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @salvachester @whispersandwhiskerburn @impala-dreamer @roxy-davenport @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @wildfirewinchester @frenchybell @for-the-love-of-dean @mysupernaturalfics @spn-fan-girl-173 @deandoesthingstome @cici0507 @fiveleaf @waywardjoy @deansleather @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @jpadjackles @jensen-jarpad @quiddy-writes @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh @supermoonpanda @chaos-and-the-calm67 @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @writingbeautifulmen @revwinchester @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean  @vintagevalentinexx  @thinkwritexpress @bowtiesandapplepie @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @charliesbackbitches @ellen-reincarnated1967 @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @mrsjohnsmith @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @i-never-said-a-pilot @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls @ackleslaugh @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @kayteonline @zanthiasplace @winchesterfiesta @skybinx-blog @feelmyroarrrr @faegal04 @jotink78 @avasmommy224 @wheresthekillswitch
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Snowed In
This is for  @sdavid09 Winter Writing Days Challenge with the song “Give Me Everything Tonight” by Pitbull and set in a Professor AU. 
Word Count: 840
Warnings: hints at smut
“Professor Winchester?” you heard a knock at your door as you were flipping through the exams you were working on grading.
“Come on in.” you smiled up at the student who was looking nervous in your doorway.
“Um, I had a question regarding this final paper.”
“Go for it.”
“Is this structured right?” he handed over the outline that he was holding so that you could examine it. You took a few minutes to look over it and make a few notes before handing it back across your desk.
“Just make those couple changes and flesh it out and you’ll be in great shape.”
“Thanks professor, that’s a huge help.” He looked down at your notes and turned to leave.
“Hey Matt, ready for the test next week?” Your smile returned as you heard your husband’s voice.
“Yeah Professor Winchester, I’ve got all my notes ready to study this weekend. With the snow coming I won’t really be able to do much else anyway.”
“Sounds like a great plan.”
Matt continued the rest of the way out of your office as Sam walked in and sat in the chair that had just been vacated.
“It’s always fun when we have the same students, isn’t it babe?” he smiled across your desk at you.
“It’s funny when they don’t realize that we’re married until something like this happens.” You giggled.
“You ready to head out? The snow is starting, and like Matt said, it’s just supposed to get worse.”
“Yeah, just let me pack these up. Gotta get some grading finished up this weekend.”
Sam waited patiently as you slid the pile of papers into your messenger bag, closed up your planner and tucked it under your arm, and grabbed your jacket off the back of your chair. “Shall we?”
You walked out to the car hand in hand as large fluffy snowflakes drifted down around you. By the time Sam had driven back to your house there was almost three inches of snow covering the ground and the car slid a bit as he pulled in the driveway.
You got out, intentionally leaving your bag in the car as you covertly scooped up a pile of snow and compacted it into the perfect snowball… then launched it and got Sam square in the back of his head as he got out of the car himself.
He shook his hair as he turned to face you, a smirk spreading across his face. “Oh, you’re gonna pay for that.”
After a few more snowballs and some running across the yard you found yourself lying on the ground next to Sam, both of you laughing hysterically. Sam rolled himself on top of you and straddled your hips, “You look so cute with your red nose and cheeks.” He leaned down and planted a chaste kiss on your lips. “Let’s go get you warmed up though.”
Sam stood up and reached down to help you up.
After grabbing your stuff from the car you both shed your cold wet clothes in the laundry room and bundled up in your bathrobes. You cuddled up on the couch together and enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa while watching your favorite Christmas movie.
After the movie ended Sam pulled you to your feet again and brought you against his chest as he crushed his lips down to yours. “Hey sexy, I want all of you tonight.” He muttered as he pulled away slightly to look you in the eye.
You moaned into his lips as one of his hands landed on your lower back to pull you even closer to him while the other slipped under your robe and between your legs. He shifted his mouth from your own mouth to your ears as he growled, “This weekend, all weekend, I’m going to make you my queen, and make love to you.”
“I guess I can get on board with that.” You whispered back to him.
After a night with little sleep, but plenty of orgasms, you got up to get some breakfast as Sam took a quick shower. You peeked outside as you gathered pans for eggs and pancakes and realized the snow had accumulated to over two feet and was still coming down quickly. You enjoyed the peacefulness of the scenery before getting back to work and loading up two plates with fresh, steaming breakfast deliciousness and headed back down the hallway to your bedroom. Sam was walking out of the bathroom with just a towel hung around his waist, grinning when he saw the food.
“You are literally perfect.”
“After breakfast I vote we continue on with last night’s activities,” you grinned right back, walking over to the window and drawing back the curtains, “there’s not much else to do when it looks like this outside.”
Sam took the plates out of your hands and set them on the bedside table before grabbing you around the waist and pulling you back in again, “I guess I can get on board with that.”
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Merry Christmas
Winter Writing Tales
Assassin AU
Summary: The reader and Cas are both assassins and were (still are) in love but they had a huge fight and now they run into each other after a few years apart and it just happens to be on Christmas, a special holiday for the both of them.
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Characters: Assassin!Castiel, Assassin!Reader, Civilian!Gordon (mentioned),
Warning: language, angst
Word Count: 979
A/N: first italics are song lyrics, second italics are the reader describing the fight they had in the past
    You woke up and groaned internally. You had been hoping to mysteriously die during the night. Today was Christmas, a day you dreaded. And you were gonna have to work with some other person to kill your target. You hated working with people and would have dropped the job, but you needed the money. You laid in bed for a few minutes before getting up. You were supposed to meet whoever you were working with in half an hour and you loved to make a good first impression. It only took you fifteen minutes to get ready so you were at the bar early. You walked in and almost walked back out. There at the bar, was your ex, Castiel Novak. But you needed the money, so you went in and sat at the far end of the bar, waiting for your contact, whoever it was.
    While you were nursing your fifth beer, you heard a deep voice behind you. Great. Just fucking fantastic.
    “Haven’t seen you in awhile.” You turned around to see Castiel staring down at you. It was so hard not to get lost in those beautiful, blue eyes....
    “Yeah, that was purposeful.” He frowned apparently expecting a happier response.
    “Anyways... What are you doing here?”
    “I’m supposed to be meeting someone. The guy I’m doing a job for requested that I work with someone.”
    “Well who’s the target?”
    “This guy named Gordon.” His eyebrows went up.
    “What?” He smiled. Uh-oh. You remembered that smile.
    “Lucky you. I’m the person you’re supposed to be working with.” You groaned. Just your luck, this was gonna be torture.
    “Well then, why don’t we go back to my hotel room so we can figure this out and be on our separate ways.” He rolled his eyes but followed you out to the parking lot. you hopped in your car and he hopped in his and followed you back to your hotel.
    “So,” you said as you shut the door behind you guys, “how do you want to do this?”  You proceeded to discuss the job with him occasionally acting friendly, and you retorting with a snarky remark.
    “Okay, so now that we have everything settled goodbye! I’ll see you tomorrow, sadly.” You muttered the last word, glad to finally have him leaving so that you could collect yourself.
    “(Y/N),” he said softly.
    “What Cas?”
    “Why do you hate me so much?” You sighed quietly. You couldn’t keep up this act anymore.
    “I don’t hate you Cas. If I’m being honest, I still love you.” He sucked in a breath as you looked down at the ground in shame.
    “Then why-” He was cut off as your phone went off, the words of Bon Jovi drifting through the room.
Who says you can’t go home?                                                                             Who says you can’t go back?
    “Because being around you makes me miss you even more, makes me want to go back to you, back home. But I can’t.”
    “Why not?” Did he seriously not remember? You remembered. Every word that was said was seared into your memory.
    “You don’t remember......”
    “Cas? Baby, you home?” You walked to the front door, where your boyfriend had just walked in. You smiled a big smile and went to give him a kiss. After all, it was Christmas and your one year anniversary. A perfect combination.
    “Can you not?”
    “Oh.” You backed off, worried at his odd behaviour. “What’s bothering you angel?”
    “You!” You jumped at his sudden exclamation.
    “Honey, what-”
    “Shut up! Cut the stupid nick names and just leave me alone! God, could you be more of a burden?!”  You staggered, as if a physical force had hit you. You were hurt, then all the pain turned into anger. Blistering hot anger.
     “Well I guess I should just go then.”
     “Don’t come back.” Then Cas walked pass you and you heard the door to your- his bedroom slam shut. You didn’t pack a single thing. You left everything you had in that house that used to be your home.  Didn’t even bother to grab a coat as you walked out into the cold Christmas night, leaving that house that was no longer your home.
*end flashback*
     “Oh. I forgot about that. You know I didn’t mean it.”
     “Do I? Because you sounded pretty damn convincing.” You were calm, which was surprising. Most of the time when you got angry, you were a whirlwind of destruction.
     “(Y/N) I don’t know why but I had totally forgotten about that until now. The next morning I woke up and I was so scared because you weren’t lying next to me. I spent three months looking for you before someone told me you were alive. I swear I have no idea why I would have said those things.”
     “I think I know why. Because you meant every word. Because you never really loved me and I loved you far too much.” There were tears streaming down your face by this point, but when Cas reached out to comfort you, you backed up.
     “(Y/N) I love you. I always have and I always will now can you please forgive me.” He stepped closer and pulled something out of his pocket, holding it above your head. It was mistletoe. “Just like when we met, huh? That was the best Christmas in my life. I miss you, I miss when it was you and me against the world. I want us back. I am so sorry for everything that I said. Can you please give me another chance? I swear I won’t fuck up this time.” You smiled, maybe you could try again. He was still looking at you pleadingly when you reached up and pulled his face down to you, catching his lips in a kiss that made up for all the years of not seeing each other.
     “Merry Christmas, angel.”
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