mlovesstories · 2 years
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Warnings: burns, injury, cussing maybe.  
Words: none
Florence, AZ
Dean and Sam jumped back from the bomb blast. Dean stilled, while Sam got up, limping. YN was in the car, but she ran out to make sure Dean was okay. 
“Dean!” She cried. When Sam saw no response from Dean, he panicked, but YN quickly froze in place. Her thoughts catching up with her, she started shaking her oldest brother.
“No! Don’t move him! Could cause spinal issues!” YN shrieked, trying to block Sam. 
“It’s 115 degrees! He is going to get burned on the concrete! Help me move him. Slowly.” 
With YN being smaller, it took some time for the two siblings to move the oldest Winchester.  
They laid him on the back seat, back as straight as possible. YN watched him closely from the front passenger side, praying he would be okay.
“Why does my calf feel like it’s on fire?” Dean woke up in a motel room. 
“Because it was,” YN cut a slit in the bottom of his jeans.
“Hey! These pants are new!” He tried to reach for the scissors but gasped in pain. 
“Lie down, Dean.” YN said forcefully. “Your jeans and skin are mulch right now. You got burned on the pavement after the blast. I have to cut off your jeans.”
“I got a burn? From the bomb?” 
“Concrete.” Sam rebutted. 
“Huh? That doesn’t happen-“
“It does when you’re in Arizona, apparently.” YN frowned. 
“Ugh!” Dean’s guttural groan radiated through the motel.
“Sorry.” YN whispered. “We had to get out of there. Florence has county buildings, including the jails. We couldn’t stay to get you fixed up.” 
“Who the hell left me on the pavement that long?” Dean looked between his siblings. 
Sam took a deep breath. 
“Neither. It only takes a short time.” 
“It was me-“ YN sputtered out. 
“No, it wasn’t. We moved you as fast as we could.”
“YN?” Dean scanned her face. 
“It wasn’t her fault, Dean. You’re alive because of her.” 
“Fine. Just fix it.”
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  
@fangirl-moment-x  @empirialwolf @winchesters-favorite-girl
@super100012  @percywinchester27  @waywardsuns  @supernatural-jackles  
@mcallmestiles @sdavid09  @kingandrear  @bellero @skylarraker
@seality​​​​​ @jaycc7983​​​ @luci-in-trenchcoats​​​
@cherryblossomflowers​​ @because-you-never-know-when​
@sleepylunarwolf​ @choosemyname​
@internationalmusicteacher​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​
@encounterthepast​  @torn-and-frayed​
@giggles1026​ @xiumin-girl99​
@idksupernatural​  @silverstripe101a​
@thevelvetseries​ @samsgirl93​   @supernatural3002​ *
* @breereadsthings​ *
@vicmc624​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​   @beatifuldisaster018​
@miraclesoflove​ @myopiamystical​ 
@metalfangirl​ @squirrelnotsam
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No Regrets
Daily Writing Challenge by @ sdavid09  -  Prompt #8:
Prompt: What is your character’s greatest regret?
Pairing: Tony Stark x reader
Author’s note: I already kinda wrote a fic about Tony’s regrets? Also, I really wanted to write something happier than all the ideas that came to my mind when I read the prompt, sooo... Here is some sugar-daddy!Tony AU :)
Warnings: use of foul language, sex scenes, not very Steve Rogers friendly 
No Regrets
People say that he should be ashamed of himself, dating a girl half his age. They say that it’s simply disgusting, an old man like him sleeping with such a young girl. He probably makes her do things she doesn’t want to do, they say. He will use her, taint her and leave like a garbage for a younger, prettier. And she will be alone, broken.
It happens during one of the most boring galas Tony has ever attended. He shook hands with every rich person there, exchanged pleasantries armed with hidden edges and spikes and is now making his usual rounds. He keeps looking for Y/N, who disappeared a few minutes ago and hasn’t reappeared yet. Jealousy, which he is not sure he even should feel, burns in his chest, consuming him. There are many younger, more handsome men here, who would not be opposed to entering this sort of relationship with her that Tony himself has. He wouldn’t be surprised...
There is a hand on his arm and Y/N sways gently towards him, her lips curved into an alluring smile. She puts something in his buttonhole while she pretends to smooth over his suit and then kisses his cheek and leaves him again, having apparently seen somebody she recognizes.  
Tony puts his hand into his buttonhole and picks up some piece of material. For a moment he doesn’t understand, the gears in his head for once dead, still. Then the realization dawns on him and the long-forgotten feeling of a hot blush crawling up his face surprises him, as he whips his head towards her.  
She is looking at him over her shoulder, still walking towards what he can see is a ‘staff only’ room, a flirtatious smile on her sinful lips. His feet start walking towards her without his conscious agreement and in his hand he clutches a pair of red-and-gold panties...
People say that she is a slut, dating him only for his money. “A whore”, mutter the shocked housewives, hungrily watching TV shows about scandals and rumours from Hollywood. “How can he think she’s with him for anything else, she probably demands money after every night they spend together.”
She doesn’t like Steve Rogers much, even though many consider him a paragon of virtue. She rarely stays in the same room as he, even more rarely talks with him. She tries to stay out of his way as much as she can. She eyes him distrustfully when he argues with Tony, huffs with displeasure when he asks for updates on his uniform and ostentatiously leaves  when he tries to talk with her about her relationship with Stark.  
But when Steve during one of the outings, in full WWII uniform and in his Captain America voice, asks what Tony without his suit is, she SNAPS and slaps him across the face, spitting out a speech about deserts, needles and cacti. Both Steve and Tony are shocked, the soldier more at the force of the hit and Tony... Tony is surprised that she would think to defend him at all. So much that he misses the apology Steve mutters quietly and the appreciative glances Natasha keeps giving Y/N.  
Y/N gives Steve one more glare, catches Tony by his arm and takes him home and to the workshop, where she spends the next few hours playing with DUM-e and watching Tony create new marvels, seemingly out of nothing.
He doesn’t regret this. Not when she is laying on the bed, bound by her wrists to the headboard, clad only in the dark red lingerie he bought specially for this. She is ready for him, panting and moaning slightly, her thighs rubbing together to relieve some of the pressure, her body arching beautifully. He licks his lips. He wants to tear every strap of the red material from her body, kiss the naked expanse of her skin and tease her mercilessly until she is begging him to fuck her at least twice.
She will not like it, him tearing off the gift he just gave her. She doesn’t like when he destroys her clothes, even though she secretly thinks it so very hot. The practical part of her mind always fights desperately against the more animal one - the one that wants to be claimed, possessed and marked at this very moment. 
Her eyes are half-lidded, clouded with desire when she looks at him and moans, causing all his self-resolve to crumble away.  
He’ll buy her another set...
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stars-for-thought · 5 years
The First Morning
@sdavid09’s Daily Writing Challenge
Character: Fíli
Fandom/Series: The Hobbit
Tale Teller’s Daily Writing Challenge
Prompt #1
Today is the first day of the challenge! So, tell us one of your character’s favorite firsts.
The First Morning
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There have been many ‘firsts’ in Fíli’s life, some are good and some are bad. They all had an impact on his life in some way.
There was the first time he held his baby brother, the first time he forged his first weapon, his first training lesson, his first hunting trip, and so many other things.
Out of all of them, his favorite First was braiding his One’s hair.
He and Kíli had spent hours upon hours over many years designing and crafting beads and clasps with their symbols and markers. How they had practiced their braids and styles on each other until perfected, ready to be done when their One was finally found.
He remembers that first morning, the morning after their wedding. Waking to Mallory sleeping in his arms. He can recall the sleepy kisses and wandering hands, knows they woke Kíli up who joined him in pleasuring their Wife.
They eventually got up to wash and eat and (mostly) get dressed.
He can still feel the nervous excitement that he felt as they finally sat down to do their hair.
He vividly remembers pulling Mallory from Kíli’s grasp as he finished adding his braids into her hair. He thinks of her in between his legs, her back against his chest, his fingers gently running through her red curls. He recalls the giddy joyful feeling that bubbled inside of him as he began to braid her hair for the first time, braiding each braid that fell against his brothers own. Each one symbolizing that she was their wife, part of the royal family, and many other things.
He smiles at the memory of her hands in his own hair, Kíli’s larger hands wrapped around hers as he helps guide her in braiding Fíli’s hair.
He feels the rush of love recalling it all. Her soft voice as they talk, her hands in his as he helps her braid Kíli’s hair, their lips meeting again and again as the three fall back into bed together.
Even after all this time he stills feels all of those emotions every morning and every time he braids her hair, but nothing will be as powerful or wonderful as that first time.
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emilyymichelle · 5 years
First Fight
Challenge: @sdavid09 Daily Writing Challenge! A masterlist will be created for the challenge in the next few days. All May I will be writing fics centered around The Hobbit's Dwalin!
Prompt 1: favorite firsts
Word count: 900
A/N: let me know if you want to be added to a taglist! I have one for the hobbit and one for Supernatural, but can create one for this challenge as well!
"Dwalin?" Y/N asked tentatively to the only dwarf awake with her.
"Hmmmph" was his only response. He didn't even glance at her, just continued to keep watch over the camp.
"Have you and Thorin ever fought over a girl?" Dwalin looked over at her and raised an eyebrow at the question. "I was just curious. I mean you have been friends forever. And I know stuff like that can happen. It was probably stupid to ask. You can ign..." Y/N rambled before Dwalin cut her off.
"It only happened once."
"Oh. What happened?" She prompted, turning to face him better.
"We are supposed to be keeping watch, lass."
"I know." She pouted. "But it's boring! Talking will help keep us awake."
"It will also cover the sound of approaching enemies."
She rolled her eyes and huffed at him, "Fine. Be that way." Y/N turned back around. "I was only trying to get to know you better."
He chuckled at her antics, "It was quite some time ago. I don't remember everything that happened."
"Was she pretty? Did you both know her? Who liked her first?"
"She was very handsome. And no we didn't know her. She was a barmaid at a tavern in Dale." Y/N scooted closer to Dwalin to hear him better. "We had seen her a few times, and both fell beard over boots for her."
"Aaaaand?" She smiled up at him. "Did one of you confess to her?"
"Not exactly." Dwalin laughed. "It led to our first real fight with each other." Y/N gasped. "We didn't know the other fancied her. But we found out one night after too many ales at that tavern."
Y/N opened her mouth to prod him to continue, but Fili and Bofur got up to take over watch. She whipped her head around to Dwalin, "We'll finish this conversation later, sir." Dwalin could only laugh and shake his head at her before heading to bed, leaving two very confused dwarves to stay on watch.
It was three days later before Y/N and Dwalin were alone together again. And she wasted no time in begging him to continue.
"Alright, lass, calm down. It really isn't that exciting."
"Yes it is!" She answered back. "Now. Let's continue! You two got drunk and the truth came out!"
Dwalin laughed at her enthusiasm and started the story again. "Well, we were enjoying ourselves, and the barmaid came by with more drinks. A traveler that was passing through made some crude remarks about her, and both Thorin and I rushed to defend her."
"Aye. We grabbed the man by his tunic and took him outside to... have a talk."
" 'Have a talk', my ass. You punched him right?"
"Aye. We punched him."
"Good! He deserved it!"
"If you're done, I'll continue the story." Y/N nodded her head enthusiastically, and Dwalin kept talking. "After taking care of him, I announced that I was going to let her know that I had defended her honor. But Thorin took offence to that."
"I mean, it was a group effort."
"Well, that's not how either of us saw it. Thorin said HE had defended her honor and that HE would be going back in to talk to her. And that he was going to ask her out."
"What did you do?"
"I swung at him."
"No!" She gasped.
"Aye." He chuckled. "We scuffled, but the owner of the tavern broke it up. Said we were being too loud and that we should take it home."
"What did you do?"
"We went home."
"And then what?"
"And we never spoke again. We actually hate each other." Dwalin said with a blank face.
"You're a terrible liar." Y/N sassed back.
"Alright. We avoided each other for a few days before Balin forced us to talk. We avoided the subject of the barmaid for a while, but it eventually came up. We realized we didn't even know her, and that our friendship was more important than some stupid fight. It helped us later whenever little things came up. One of us will mention that dumb fight, and we will put our pride aside to stay friends." Dwalin shrugged. "Turned out she was married to the tavern owner anyways, so it was all for nothing."
"Who apologized first?" Y/N questioned.
"You know I don't think either of us ever formally apologized."
"Ugh. Typical men." Y/N stood up, but pointed at Dwalin. "You stay here."
She came back 15 minutes later with Thorin in tow.
"Lass. What are you doing?" Dwalin lamented.
"Thorin, Dwalin has something he would like to say to you." She turned to Dwalin expectantly. But he did not respond. "Look here, sir, I have all day." Y/N said with hands on her hips.
"Fine." Dwalin stood up, rolled his eyes, and shook Thorin's hand. "I'm sorry for punching you forever ago over that barmaid we both fancied." He turned to Y/N, "Satisfied?"
"Almost." Y/N turned to Thorin. "Anything you would like to say?"
"Uhm, I guess I'm sorry too?" Thorin said. "What is going on here though?" He said looking between the pair.
"I'm just mending friendships is all. You two are welcome." She announced before heading back to camp.
"I didn't realize what we were getting ourselves into, taking her into the company." Thorin said turning to Dwalin.
"Aye. But I think she is exactly what we need." Dwalin responded clapping Thorin's shoulder. "We should head back before she causes more trouble."
Taglist: @jotink78 @ghicadiana @princessofthefandomrealm
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fizzyxcustard · 5 years
Oh, dear Lord, I’ve opted to join @sdavid09‘s Tale Teller’s 52 Week Writing Challenge. Wish me luck. Hahaha! I’m still a little unsure how it’s all working, so any guidance from all of you involved would be wonderful. 
Any writers on here, I strongly recommend you go and check it out. It’s only one piece per week, which isn’t too hard to achieve, I don’t think. 
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peachchai · 5 years
MasterPost - Daily Writing Challenge
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So I decided to join @sdavid09‘s Tale Teller’s daily writing challenge for the month of May. I joined with Dean Winchester. So enjoy!~
Prompt 1
Prompt 2
Prompt 3
Prompt 4
Prompt 5
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foxrun-fluffery · 6 years
The Greatest Distance
My attempt entry into @sdavid09​‘s wild Plot Bunny Challenge! I adopted Plot Bunny #59!  
What happens when the company of Thorin Oakenshield ends up in our world? How will you cope?
Considering I can’t write first person to save my damn life, I’ve added an OC... who had a lot of inspiration based on a certain someone (and those who realize who can just shut up). 
Without further ado, here we go...
                                         CHAPTER ONE
“How is it possible for people and places to change so entirely that they lose any connection with what they used to be? Can a man adapt to new things and new places without losing a part of himself?”
—Abdelrahman Munif
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“Oi, Nori, put that down!” Dori barked at his brother, his hands still swatting Ori’s away from the stack of foreign books. He felt doubly frazzled, having to keep an eye on his troublesome brothers, on top of all that had happened.
While that was going on, Bombur had sneaked a peek into a cupboard in the adjacent room, and licked his lips when he spotted a box of brightly colored pastries.
“Uh-uh!” Bofur interjected, reaching past his brother to shut the cupboard door. “Ye were tol’ t’ leave tha’ alone!” He grumbled, shaking his head. “Ye jus’ ate!” And he waved his hand to the emptied boxes of food on the table. “Eh yeah, what was tha’ called again?” His eyes scanned the crowded room for their hostess, but she and their leader still hadn’t returned yet. Whatever it was, he sure wished he could get the recipe for his brother. Bombur was a master at recreating dishes.
Meanwhile Fíli and Kíli were pushing one another about beside the hallway mirror, trying on hats from the top of the coat rack. “Here, here, try this one! Haha!” They laughed over each oddly shaped and strangely colored headwear, modeling them in the mirror.
“No way! It makes my hair stick out weird! You try it!” Fíli pulled the hat his younger brother had crammed onto his head back off and returned the favor, shoving it on top of his brothers darker locks. “Aye, there.”
Oin was seated on the sofa, watching everything going on, only heading half of it. “Bats? Nah, lads no bats in here. Too bright!”
Hearing his brother, Gloin rolled his eyes and went on with his grumbling about their misfortune. “Who doesn’a use gold coin! It’s no’ natural!” Harrumphing again, he crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Don’t trust folk who don’t use good coin!”
Bifur was, of course, the quietest of the bunch. He was sitting to the side of all the commotion, curiously inspecting a little toy, a bright red cart-like gizmo, with a ladder on the back. When he pressed a square button on it, the ladder would shoot out, telescoping out from the back of the cart. He could only see half of the mechanism, and was horribly curious about it. Maybe… maybe if he took it apart, he could see how it worked, and he would most definitely have it fixed up right proper before anyone was the wiser. With a light of glee in his eyes, he went off to fetch his tools from his pack.
Dwalin, ever the stoic, stood with a scowl on his face, watching all of their company and the antics they were getting up to. He rolled his eyes at more than a few, and kept a sharp watch on a few others. “Nori,” he growled after Dori had left the middle Ri brother to help the younger, “Put that back.”
Nori slipped a little figurine back onto the shelf beside him and ducked his head with a sheepish grin.
Then there was Bilbo. Poor, sweet, horribly discomfited Bilbo Baggins, of the Shire. He had seen this all before, back when he had been the unwitting victim of Dwarvish drop-ins. Of course that was all before, before they had left Middle Earth.
That very thought sent shivers down to his curly haired toes. They had left Middle Earth. He didn’t even know that was possible. He didn’t even know there were other worlds! Sure, some weird fantasy novels claimed such things, but that was fantasy, not reality! It simply wasn’t possible. No. Not at all. But, try as he might, sitting sullenly on the sofa near Oin, with his hands balled into fists on his lap, staring straight ahead at nothing in particular, he couldn’t deny where they were. Another world. A futuristic world. Everything was so strange, so surreal. Nothing made sense.
The entire room full jumped when a loud ringing noise sounded out, half of them drawing hidden weapons and looking for the cause.
Dwalin stared at a small rectangular device set upright on the counter, and the shrill ringing coming from it. He reached out cautiously, ignoring a few words of warning sent his way, and picked it up. Quietly, a voice spoke from it. “This is Generations Pediatrics calling, regarding your appointment for Monday, June 5th at. 4:30 pm. Please press one to confirm.” The balded dwarf looked up at the others, seeing a few guestures for him to do something although no one seemed to agree as to what. He recognized the numerical symbols as Westeron numbers, but wasn’t sure what he should do. Obviously the message was not for them, but their hostess. Don’t want to make her miss an appointment. Slowly he reached out and pressed one. The voice spoke again. “Thank you! Please be sure to have your insurance, ID, and medical cards with you. Have a great day.”
“Thanks?” He replied, “You as well…” then there was silence and, under the scrutinizing gaze of his companions, he set the strange device down again. It beeped as he returned it to the stand. Blinking at it, rather owlishly, the tough warrior felt uncertain. This whole place was strange.
There was a sound outside, a rumbling noise, and wheels crunching on the gravel. Every member of the company looked up, towards the door. Their leader and their hostess were finally returning.
Bofur piped up then, “I thought they were back an hour ago!”
“No, that was just another one of them machines goin’ by!” Nori corrected.
A murmuring ran through the group as the door opened, first admitting… a walking pile of bags? This was followed shortly by Thorin Oakenshield, with a small human boy on his hip. He had, in years past, carried both Fili and Kili that way. No longer wearing the regal clothing he had been, he was instead in a blue plaid shirt and a pair of denim trousers. His boots he’d had to keep, but he seemed to fit in much better with this new world. He set the child down, and the boy, a tall lad of four and a half, grabbed onto the back of his mother’s coat.
“Hey, it’s okay, wait love, lemme get this… stuff down…” The woman brought the bags over to the coffee table, setting them all down. “Okay, we got clothes for everyone!” She said, standing up straight and looking at her very unexpected houseguests. Slowly she exhaled, a strand of her hair dancing with her breath. “Right, now, Thorin help me get this sorted out, I’m forgetting who gets what… oh where’s.. Ah, Balin, here’s your coat.” She handed it to the dwarf who came into the room behind herself and Thorin. He was wearing something not dissimilar to Thorin, though his shirt was a deep maroon, not as deep as his own shirt had been, but it wasn’t too unlike it. There was thin stripes of gold colored thread running through it. It was a clean cut button up shirt, that their hostess had remarked to it being similar to what her own grandfather would wear. He had chosen to take that as a compliment, mostly because of her sweet smile as she had briely reminisced. She turned to face the dark haired dwarf again, “I think we got the tags off, but you might wanna check first.” The modern-dressed dwarf gave a nod, recalling how she had removed certain clipped on papers and adhesive strips from the clothing he now wore, and helped her sort through their purchases. While he did that, he thought back to what had brought them here, to this very strange land.
Gandalf. Of course.
                   “Gandalf!” Thorin’s deep rough voice called out to the wizard who stood some ways from their camp one night. “Where are you going?” “Hm?” The gray garbed man turned to look at Thorin, “Nowhere. I am… I am going nowhere.” His long wiry eyebrows knit together in consternation. “Which is exactly the problem.”
Frowning at the cryptic words, Thorin approached him. “Is there something wrong?” He kept his piercing blue gaze on the tall man’s face, though he had quickly learned his stare did little to break through to the wizard, as it did on most other people. Most. “Oh, there is something very, very wrong, Master Dwarf, very wrong indeed.” The wizard huffed, tamping his knuckles against his beard, then stroking it as though to calm himself. “This isn’t right… not at all. It doesn’t feel right…” “If you’re having second thoughts about this quest, it’s perhaps too late now.” Thorin grumbled, crossing his arms and raising a brow as he wondered what in Mahal’s name the strange man could mean.
“Gandalf?” Another voice piped up from towards the camp. Bilbo was making his way over. “Is everything alright?” “I’m afraid not, my dear Bilbo. Something has gone terribly wrong, things are not as they should be suddenly. In a way I cannot explain.” He fretted a bit more before he turned to face them. “I need some time to gather my thoughts and sort this out… get some rest, all of you.” Wizards, Thought Thorin, I wonder if the world isn’t better off without their kind. He did give the source of this new headache a nod, then turned back to camp. “Bofur, you’re on watch. Let’s turn in.” He cast one last glance at Gandalf, watching him pace a bit to and fro, before he returned to his bedroll, patting Fili’s shoulder as he passed the brothers. “Fili, you can relieve Bofur for second watch. Dwalin will take third.” Everyone agreed, and aside from Bofur, they all laid down to get some rest, eager to sleep after a very long day on their ponies.
One of the number, however, could not get to sleep. Even after the dwarves around him were snoring peacefully, or as peaceful as dwarves could snore, for he determined that more than a few of them sounded fierce even in their sleep, Bilbo lay wide awake, until the second night watch was near over. He turned this way and that, but it was to no avail. Sleep simply would not come to him. He rose, silent in the way of hobbits, and walked over to Gandalf, lighting his pipe once he was there beside his friend. “Have you sorted anything out yet?” Gandalf hummed before answering, “Yes… but I do not like the look of it.”
“Can you tell me?” Turning to look down at the hobbit, the wizard pondered briefly if it would do any good. “I suppose I may.” He glanced up, aware that Bofur was near enough to hear them, but he relented that it did not matter. They would all know soon enough. “Some fell magic has changed the flow of time.” “Uhm.. what?” Bilbo asked in utter confusion. “That… that can’t happen… can it?” Mirthlessly the wizard laughed quietly, “There is much that can happen that you do not know about, Bilbo Baggins.” He huffed through his beard, shaking his head. “I cannot address this with all of you in tow, however it seems to have fixed itself upon this company.” His lips pressed into a thin line for a moment. “Yes, I know what I must do. However, I think none of you shall like it very much at all. No you shan’t.”
“Oy wha’s this now?” Bofur had made his way over. “Seems you ought t’ be tellin’ the lads all, hm? Somethin’ comin’ after us, we should know!” He protested, though kept his voice hushed. If it wasn’t something worth waking the others just yet, he didn’t want to be in trouble with everyone. But he was ready to give a good shout, just the same.
Turning to look at the hatted dwarf, Gandalf arched a brow at his bold statements. “It will become all too clear in short order, however you are right, I should address this issue immediately. Rouse the others!” Waving the dwarf off, he looked at Bilbo, brows slowly lifting, “It seems you are going on a grander adventure than I first believed.” “I’m what now?” Bilbo sputtered, but the dwarves were waking at Bofur’s calls, and he could only watch in unsettled dismay as Gandalf left him to return to the camp. He huffed and stomped his foot in vain, missing his armchair and books very much in that moment. He just wanted to sit down on a soft cushion with a good book, and forget this nonsense! Too late for that. He hurried back when he heard Thorin begin to shout. “What is the meaning of this!?” The dwarven king rose, still gripping his weapon. “Why do you wake us, Bofur? There is no attack!” “Because I told him to.” Gandalf said, in his loudest shout, full of exasperation, sparing Bofur from the short tempered Oakenshield’s anger. He stood fast as those sharp blue eyes turned upon him instead. “You must all be prepared, immediately!” “Prepared for what?” Ori asked, still half asleep and confused. Dori shushed him, setting a hand on Ori’s shoulder, “Quiet now!” His attention, like that of all the others, was fully on Gandalf then.
Gandalf sighed, wishing he could explain this better, but with little knowledge to the workings of things beyond their world, it would take much more time than he felt they had. “There has been a shift in the flow of time. Someone does not want this quest to succeed, I fear. Someone beyond my knowledge.” He noted how Thorin’s expression darkened, but continued anyway. Stubborn fool of a dwarf! “It has happened before, though I daresay not for some time, not as you see it anyway. There is no other recourse but to remove you, the lot of you, until it is straightened out.”
“Remove us!?” A number of dwarves shouted in aghast or angry voices.
“Listen!” Gandalf cried, though it went unheard as all of the company began in uproar. His grip on his staff tightened as he tried to hold his own temper.
“Shazara!” Thorin bellowed, looking at his gathered company as they fell silent around him. “Explain yourself, wizard,” he nearly spat.
Still so very tired of dealing with this temperamental dwarf, Gandalf steadied himself with a sigh, and both hands on his staff. “There is much that I cannot tell you, even more yet that you would not understand, and I fear I have little time to tell you what I may. You will all be removed from this world,” He quickly held up a hand to forestall any interruptions. “Temporarily. Temporarily removed from this world and this timeline. Then you will return here, not mere seconds past the time you depart. How long you will spend in this other realm, I do not know, time does not flow equally. But you will return. So long as you do not die there.” “Die?” Bilbo qualied.
Casting him a sympathetic glance, Gandalf continued. “I will send you somewhere safe. Or rather, relatively safe, so long as you obey the laws of the land, and do not cause a stir.”
Nori suspiciously eyed everyone around him. Them, not cause a stir? They were doomed… He looked across and saw his friend, Bofur, who, judging by his expression, was thinking the same thing.
“It is a place I have been to before,” Gandalf attempted to assure them. “It is a safe place. Though, I cannot guess where exactly you will arrive, or who you shall meet there. But if you keep your heads down and do not draw attention to yourselves, you will be fine.” He told them, mumbling softly under his breath, “I hope.” He knew Bilbo heard him at the concerned look he received. “It is a land very unlike this one, they have progressed to a point such as we would think of a distant future, and it is a land in which combat is not treated the same as here. They are more peaceful and less violent. And there are no dwarves!” Not in the way that would make any sense to the company. “Sounds like yer sending us to the elves!” Dwalin growled.
“No, there will be no elves there. Nor any other non-human race.” Gandalf assured him, though he saw the discomfort in all of them and heard their murmured dismay. In a moment he was reminded of the behaviors of toddlers and small children. This brought a quirk to the corner of his mouth. That at least gave him a vague guide.
“No elves… no dwarves!” Ori gasped, sending a ripple through the little crowd.
“Only humans, how miserable!” Gandalf couldn’t quite tell who had said that, but he suspected it was either Oin or Gloin, and the quietness of the rumbled opinion gave him the belief it was Gloin.
“Those poor people!” Bofur muttered in pitying dismay.
“Will… will you be coming?” Bilbo asked, his softer voice managing to be heard through the others talking amongst themselves now.
Looking down at Bilbo, rue in his gaze, he shook his head. “I am afraid not. I must maintain the magic to the portal you will take from this end. The world you are going to has no magic left.” He wasn’t surprised by those gasps of shock. “There is not even memory of it. It is best not to discuss it too openly.” He looked to the others again, “I suggest you find yourselves an ally as quickly as you can, someone you feel you can trust.”
“How can we trust any of them?” Thorin snarled at the wizard.
“You will have little other choice if you wish to survive. And survive you must.” Gandalf looked up towards the sky, and his eyes moved, tracking things the others could not hope to see. “Ready yourselves. Leave but the barest necessities, they will be here when you return.”
“R-right, because time w-w-won’t pass here…” The voice of the hobbit was tremulous at best.
“Good fellow!” Gandalf smiled to him then. “Keep your wits about you. They are more peaceful, but less understanding, on a whole. A few bright souls still exist that would aid you. You will have to find one. When it is time for you to return, you will see the portal again. Walk through it.” “What if we’re asleep!?” Bofur objected, starting to sound panicked. Gandalf shook his head, “You will not sleep through it, that much I assure you.” His head snapped up and he nodded, “It is time. Come now, take only what you need.” And he fixed Fili with a stern look. “Only take a few daggers, if you please.” “I always do!” The older of the two princes grinned cheekily.
Bilbo started for his things and came to a stop, turning to face Gandalf, his curiosity giving him some semblance of confidence in his words. “Gandalf… surely if you have the power to do something like this… surely you could complete this journey without us.” Thorin seemed almost startled by the hobbit’s question, and he whirled to Gandalf then, his eyes expressing the same curiosity for the answer. “Yes, do tell us why you can do this, but not aid more than you have, or intend.”
Looking over at them and huffing, drawing his lips far up in a frown, Gandalf shook his head, “This is not my doing, nor my magic that can do this task. I am merely marking the target, as it were. Now, hurry and prepare!”
Soon the company stood, huddled together in unease, each carrying one pack, wearing their warmest cloak, and holding one blanket. A few carried visible weapons, against Gandalf’s recommendation, and the wizard and hobbit both were certain more than a few, if not all, carried numerous hidden weapons.
Gandalf looked them over. “Remember what I said, cause no trouble, and stay alive!” With one last uncertain glance at the company, he turned away, to face the dawning light. Raising his staff, he brought it down to the earth, aligning it just so for a second, and in a moment the rays of the dawn sunlight gleamed through the tangled wooden roots of the tip of the tall shaft. The end of the staff began to glow, and it grew brighter, and brighter, and brighter still.
It was blinding by the time the dwarves and hobbit realized that not only could they hardly see each other, they felt as nearly sickening pull on their whole bodies, seeming to stretch them beyond themselves. It didn’t hurt, but it gave every one of them a sense of terror that, could they have but moved in that instant, would have sent even the bravest of them fleeing. Just when it seemed they could no longer stand it… it got worse.
Reality folded upon itself, creating a wrinkle in the fabric of space and time, connecting two very distant points. What this felt like to the dwarves cannot be truly put into the words of any mortal creature, for the words do not yet exist. Though as the rare travelers such as these go, upon his arrival at their destination, Bilbo put it in the best yet description.
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percywinchester27 · 5 years
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Rainbow of love! Hope you are having an amazing day!
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If I talk to you, the day automatically becomes amazing!! You are like my rainbow, stars and unicorn all mixed in one
Hope you are having a fantastic day!
I love you!
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spnfamilybirthdays · 6 years
Hey @sdavid09
We hope your half-birthday is wonderful, and we want you to know that the SPN Family loves you!
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mlovesstories · 2 years
Huddling for Warmth
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@spnchristmasbingo​ Huddling for Warmth
“Deanie!’ His little sister whined, walking from the motel to the classic black car.  “Burr!” She shuttered.  
“I know.  The motel is cold, the heater isn’t working.  We’ll sleep in the car.”  He turned on a small cordless heater.  The older brother picked her up and sat her on the backseat gently, grabbing blankets from the floorboard. He laid the thick blanket over his sister.  Dean heard her sigh, seeing the relief on her face.  He grinned.  Dean went around to the other side of the car and sat next to her in the backseat.  “Snuggle into me, bug.  Let’s go to sleep.”
@katymacsupernatural  @unicornblood4ever  
@fangirl-moment-x  @empirialwolf @winchesters-favorite-girl
@super100012  @percywinchester27  @waywardsuns  @supernatural-jackles  
@mcallmestiles @sdavid09  @kingandrear  @bellero @skylarraker
@seality​​​​​ @jaycc7983​​​ @luci-in-trenchcoats​​​
@cherryblossomflowers​​ @because-you-never-know-when​
@sleepylunarwolf​ @choosemyname​
@internationalmusicteacher​ @mersuperwholocked-lowlife​
@encounterthepast​  @torn-and-frayed​
@giggles1026​ @xiumin-girl99​
@idksupernatural​  @silverstripe101a​
@thevelvetseries​ @samsgirl93​   @supernatural3002​ *
* @breereadsthings​ *
@vicmc624​ @hookedinto-fictionalworlds​   @beatifuldisaster018​
@miraclesoflove​ @myopiamystical​ 
@metalfangirl​ @squirrelnotsam
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Thank God it’s Friday
Daily Writing Challenge by @sdavid09  -  Prompt #3:
Prompt: TGIF! Thank God It’s Friday! Why does your character feel that way?
Pairing: Tony Stark/reader, mention of Loki/reader
Author’s note: I just realized that I could have played a joke on the word Friday, and instead of the day of the week write a story about Tony’s AI. I feel silly now O_o
Thank God it’s Friday
Monday was a deceptively easy affair.  
Tony woke up well rested, with no nightmares haunting him throughout the night and a cuddly sleeping partner, who happily returned his good-morning kisses. He ate breakfast (blueberry pancakes made by Steve who decided to take proper care of his team and breakfast was The Most Important Meal of The Day, Tony), drunk piping hot coffee and left for SI. After boring meetings with the board, he was allowed by Pepper to show off a bit in the labs for the amusement of the young men and women working to better the world, and then went home. He found Y/N waiting for him with a home-made dinner and a movie, for which he repaid her with some fun times behind the closed door.
Unfortunately, that was the end of his well-earned peace and quiet.  
Tuesday started with an alarm going off in the distance, informing the Avengers of a new threat in the glorious city of New York. It turned out that a new evil overlord named The Nemesis decided it was the time the Avengers learned about his might and power. The Nemesis, also known as John McCullen - one of the young doctors of Tony’s own facility – was not only highly intelligent, well prepared and magically skilled; he was also always three steps ahead of them in every sense.  
Having incapacitated the Hulk by sending him to another dimension, he tore down Bucky’s new arm, stole Cap’s shield and revealed some secrets to Natasha, that made the redhead decline working with Clint altogether. And then he disappeared. Like a mist.
The shit finally hit the fan on Wednesday.  
Steve decided that since the Nemesis comes from SI, it must have been something Tony has done that made the young scientist turn evil. Bucky took Tony’s side, which only made Cap angrier. He refused to leave the workshop, instead insisting on keeping an eye on the progress Tony was making.
While Tony and Strange were desperately looking for any sights of Bruce and trying to contact Thor who once again was off Odin only knows where, Natasha and Clint had a massive fight. Tony was not sure what has exactly transpired between those two. Suffice to say that they destroyed half of the common room with his collection of vinyl discs and, in the end, had to be divided by two very angry super soldiers. Clint had a split lip and carried in his hand a broken bow Tony just finished upgrading, while Natasha lost all her knives and, surprisingly, shoes.  
Bucky, who had to take down the Black Widow without his biggest advantage, supported a black eye and tore his favourite pants. Steve was positively fuming – the Captain, who had nothing else to do now but wait - kept asking Tony in a very dry voice if he had finally found Bruce.
At least Y/N was an oasis of peace and tried her best to comfort the team and keep Tony sane.  
Well, until Thursday.
On Thursday night Thor finally came back – together with his slimy brother, the god of Mischief and All that is Crazy. With all that was going on, no one felt easy having him here. No one, but apparently Y/N, who developed a weird fascination with Asgardian magic and couldn’t stop asking him quiet questions and, to put it frankly, flirt with the brat.  
Loki turned out to be at least useful during the fight with the Nemesis. While the young man was clearly very talented, Loki had thousands of years to hone his craft and thanks to that he was able to restrain him long enough for Tony to search his lair. He found Cap’s shield, some stolen blueprints and a tiny hedgehog that was unnervingly familiar. Together with Thor, Loki, Clint and Natasha (who decided to bury the proverbial hatchet for a moment to save the people of New York) Tony and happily wielding his shield Cap were able to take down their foe and bring him to justice.
‘Thank god it’s Friday’ - Tony thought bitterly, hidden in his workshop. He retreated here in the late morning, after Loki finally manged to transform Bruce back to human. It turned out that the Nemesis didn’t actually send the Hulk into another dimension, but magically turned him into a hedgehog and kept as a pet. No wonder they couldn't pick up Bruce’s DNA signature in any of the places they tried – the DNA signature was simply different. Of course, not now, Tony grunted to himself, Loki fixed that and then proceeded to help the other Avengers.  
- Loki the Saint – mumbled Tony, working on the new arm he promised Bucky. He knew he was being unfair, that Loki did help a lot and without him no one knows how long it would take them to defeat this new villain. He even took some time talking with Nat, after which Nat decided at least talk things through with Clint.  
It really wasn’t about that, he knew. It was the burning jealousy he felt every time he thought about Y/N and Loki. After the battle, after everything was cleaned up and all the forms had been signed at SHIELD, he spied them talking quietly in a corner of the room. Loki gave her something which made her smile like a thousand tiny suns and then he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. For which she blushed and punched him playfully on the arm.  
The tablet Tony was holding in his hand snapped in half. He looked down on it, sighed and put it on the table, making a mental note to reinforce the glass structure. A delicate knock on the door made him pause.
- Tony – said Y/N, smiling at him bashfully. - Tony, baby, I was looking for you.
He didn’t answer, just opened a new project. Nat broke Clint’s bow, maybe he could make a new one, use some new materials, hide some darts maybe...
- Tony? Has something happened? - there was a slight worry in her voice now. Tony gritted his teeth. - You disappeared so quickly, Thor and Loki have already left...
- And you didn’t go with him? - Tony asked sarcastically. He rubbed his eyes; the tiredness and all this week’s troubles was making him crankier and more prone to arguing.  
- With Thor? Why would I leave with Thor? - she asked with consternation.  
- Not with him. With Loki. I saw you two getting cosy with each other, I thought...
- What, that I would cheat on you? - she exclaimed with more astonishment and disappointment than anger. - That I’d leave you? After all you have done this week? And through all the time we know each other?
- I – Tony lost his voice for a moment. - I did nothing. I couldn’t stop my own employee from going crazy, I couldn’t find Bruce, I couldn’t make Nat and Clint work things out peacefully, I couldn’t...
- Oh, you idiot – she whispered, touching his face lightly. He didn’t notice her getting so close. - You did everything you could. You worked through Steve’s moods, you were working tirelessly to find Bruce, you were worried about Natasha and Clint. You managed to get everyone work together to bring down the threat, that had nothing to do with you. And even now you don’t stop, but immediately look to rebuild and make everything better. - She sneaked her arms around him, hugging him tightly. - How could I love anyone but you?
- What about... - he cleared his throat. - What about Loki in the office then? He kissed you.
She started to move away and for a moment he was terrified. He fucked up. He should have kept silent, she was here, she was his and now she’ll leave...
- Loki was helping me with something. - She took two silver bracelets out of her pocket and showed him the engraved inscription. ‘You are my favourite, now and always’. - I had it made here, in New York, but I asked Loki to make it a bit more... you know, magicky. - She smiled shyly. - You see, he put a spell on them. If you touch it here – she took his hand and placed his finger on a hidden button he didn’t see at first. - the other bracelet vibrates and turns arc blue.  
Tony was speechless. He was looking at her like an idiot, with his mouth open and his hand still in her palms.
- And... – he croaked after a moment. - And the kiss he gave you?  
- It wasn’t a kiss, silly! - she started laughing now. Tony was absolutely lost. - He just said something... well, something dirty. - she looked at him flirtatiously. - He said that if I want other vibrating gifts for you, he’ll be happy to provide. 
Oh god, he made an absolute idiot of himself. He thought... He just thought...  
- Anyway, that’s my gift for you. Now, let’s order and eat something and then we’ll watch a move, maybe? With all this week’s drama and action, I think we deserve some down-time. Thank God it’s Friday...
- Yeah, - Tony said quietly, following his girlfriend out of the workshop, a ridiculous smile on his face. - Thank god it’s Friday.
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stars-for-thought · 6 years
Head over Heels
Title: Head Over Heels Pt. 1
Prompt-Plot Bunny #24: Using the line from Thor, the Dark World. “Congratulations, you just decapitated your grandfather.” Set during the reconstruction of Erebor with Fili and Kili.
Pairing: Fíli/Oc/Kíli
For: @sdavid09’s Tale Teller’s Plot Bunny Challenge 2019
Tags: @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @fizzyxcustard @fountainsofsilver @immawriteyouthings @princessofthefandomrealm @xxdragonagequeenxx
Authors Note: Ngl, I struggled so much to write this (but that’s normal. I have a hard time writing even though I love it.) but I had fun doing it. This is part from a series I’ve got ideas for. So if I get some decent feedback (and can actually write more) I’ll write and post the series from the beginning. The hard part was I got ideas. And then they expanded and changed. Then I would write but then Fred (my brain) would want more or to change stuff. I finally got it down to a short little thing that can be expanded on into a series in the future. Hope you all enjoy it and thank you @sdavid09 for the bunny!
And also thank you @blankdblank and @fountainsofsilver for your encouragement, suggestions, and listening to me whine as I attempted to write this! You both are the best.
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Head Over Heels
“Ya know lass, teasing them like that is bound to backfire in someway.”
Mallory turns and gives Dwalin a bright smile and flutters her eyelashes at him. “Why, whatever do you mean Master Dwalin?”
Dwalin raises his eyebrows and looks pointedly at her outfit.
She’s wearing a pair of short denim shorts, a tight tank top, a tool belt with a variety of tools on it, and her special made dwarven boots (one of many wonderful gifts from company). If her clothes happen to cling to her body and accentuate certain aspects of it, or show off her greatly admired tattoos (dwarves do so appreciate their art) then that is merely a happy accident. And no one really cares if her long dark red hair is pulled back in a high ponytail that sways as she walks, or that her tools smack against her thighs. She’s absolutely not trying to get anyone’s attention or rile them up.
Mallory grins down unrepentantly at the burly dwarf, “We’ve been working in the forges and the furnaces are up and running. So it’s hot. I’m merely dressed for the weather.”
Dwalin makes a noise of disbelief. “Of course you are.” He smirks and nods at her. “And the fact that you’re wearing the several pairs of earrings that Fíli and Kíli made you are also just coincidences too I take it?”
“Well of course not. Subtle doesn’t work with you Durins, so I may as well go all out.” She answers with an eye roll and a huff of exasperation.
Dwalin snorts in amusement and turns back to his work with a chuckle. “Just be careful there lassie, you may not like what happens when they snap.”
“Or I may love what happens when they finally do.” She replies cheekily.
Dwalin gives a bark of laughter and yells to her retreating back. “That you may lassie!”
Mallory chuckles as she walks towards the Forges and Great Hall. She passes many dwarrow and dams who nod or holler a greeting to her (which she heartily returns) as she passed by their work stations.
It’s only been a few months since the Battle of the Five Armies and yet so much progress had been made on restoring the mountain. (Never let it be said that dwarves weren’t stubborn, efficient, and hard working beings) The Great Forges in the mountains center, the entrances and exits, the Royal wings, the kitchens, and main sleeping areas were the first things repaired. It made it easier to repair and fix things with instead of having to send out to the Iron Hills, it also prepared the mountain for the coming winter months.
As things settled and time passed, (and the wounded healed) it was easier for the dwarrows to set up groups for repairing specific areas of the mountains, catalog recovered items, beginning repairs and working in the mines, and many other things.
Everyone was put to work. From Thorin who helped repair things in the forges (once he was healed enough), to Bilbo and Balin helping with alliances and securing food and things they need to last the winter.
Mallory herself had been busy as soon as she was healed enough from the battle. Her skills and knowledge as an Architect and Engineer had become a boon to the dwarves.
While she was on bed rest, many hours had been spent discussing and teaching what she knew to the Master Architects. It was eventually decided that she would be taken on as an apprentice to learn the Dwarven way of building and constructing, and she in turn would take on her own apprentices and teach them and the Masters what she knew.
While there were many who did not like a human being given such acceptance and distinction, and that she was taught their ways (from language to culture), there were even more who had come to appreciate and adore Mallory. And between them all, no one could deny that she hadn’t earned her home and place among the Company and Ereborian dwarves with all her help and accomplishments.
She had earned several titles and a position in Erebor. Throughout the journey and after all the events that had taken place, she had been honored with receiving several dwarven braids that marked her. One distinguishing and claiming her as a friend of dwarves, her Master and Apprentice braids, and a warrior braid. (She hoped that she would soon finally be able to also add courting, lovers, and family braids to her hair)
Mallory slows and warily eyes the bridges she must cross. The bridges that have no railings.
“Well there’s a lovely sight if I ever saw one!”
Mallory grins and loops her arm around Bofur’s shoulders as he comes up beside her “And hello to you Bofur.” She greets “have you come to escort me across these death traps you lot call walkways?”
“Why certainly! I’d never turn down the opportunity to have such a beautiful lass in my arms!” The dwarf cheerfully exclaims as he wraps and arm around her waist.
“Off to the Great Hall I take it?” He asks as they hurry along the walkways.
“Yes. We’re almost done with repairs there. All that’s left are some of the statues and a few superficial cracks that need mending.” She answers, focusing on him and not the high drop below her. “So I’m off there to check up on things before moving on.
“By check up, you mean find and tease the Princes don’t you?” He asks cheekily.
Mallory laughs and gives the dwarf a wink. “Care to help me Bofur?”
“Aye! We all could use some entertainment, and the lads reacting to you is certainly entertaining.”
They part ways at the Great Hall in good moods. Bofur goes off towards the last two statues that are being repaired. Mallory can easily make out Fíli and Kíli hard at work. Tunics are discarded (like many of the other dwarrows) and muscles bulging as they lift the heavy stone. The heat of the Furnaces is intense and no one is spared from the heat and sweat that comes with it.
Mallory grins impishly and hurries towards Masters Gefir and Mefir, who are overseeing the final repairs. Both greet her jovially, Gefir grins in amusement at her and her less than subtle outfit, while Mefir unrepentantly ogles and admires her.
They both quickly fill her in on everything as the three get to work clearing the last of the tools and rubble and directing the other working dwarrow.
Bofur is a simple dwarrow. He likes to see the good in things, he likes to laugh and be merry.
He can be serious when he needs to be though.
Right now is not one of those times though.
Having left Mallory’s side, he quickly makes his way towards the Princes and other workers. He’s determined to be in the best spot possible for when everything happens.
He can tell the exact moment that Kíli and Fíli spot Mallory. They both do double takes and then freeze, blatantly staring at the lass. And he doesn’t blame them one bit. (She’s a beautiful dam, eye catching green eyes, deep but vibrant long curly red hair, freckles everywhere and tanned skin, Incredible tattooed art, a head taller than them, toned and built, and wonderful assets.)
He watches as she bends down to pick something up and snorts as the brothers jaws drop and they unashamedly ogle her ass.
While watching them gape like fish and obviously ogle her is hilarious, they are in the middle of working and should really be paying attention to what they’re doing.
“Lads! Pay attention!”
The shout, while meant well, startles the two princes violently. Unfortunately this causes their holds on the ropes they have in their hands to slacken and like a domino affect, several things happen.
The ropes slip, which causes the stone piece that they’re hoisting up to fall, it’s caught but the action causes it to swing and smash into a pillar.
Which falls. Into a walkway. Which slices through the statue in front of it.
The crash and falling stone is loud and dusty. When it all calms and settles it’s easy to see the damage.
In the dead silence, Bofur sidles up to the brothers and claps them on the back with a loud laugh. “Congratulations! you just decapitated your grandfather.”
“Shut up Bofur.” Fíli hisses, his face the picture of horror.
The hatted dwarf is silent for a moment but then grins widely with merriment dancing in his eyes.
“That’s what you get for staring at the lass and ogling her ass instead of paying attention to what you’re doing lads.”
“Shut up Bofur!” Both princes bark, faces darkening into a deep crimson that is not from exertion and all the work they’ve been doing.
Bofur laughs loud and dodges the swipes they take at him. Out of the corner of his eye he notes the crowd growing around the broken statue. But he’s more focused on Dwalin scooping a horrified but amused Mallory up and giving her to Gloin who rushes away with her in his arms.
Cheers and exclamations go out as those gathered around the rubble start pulling out precious gems that were buried in the stone and would never have been found had the statute not been broken.
“Oh well, it’s not like we can’t make a new statue.” Someone comments happily.
Bofur snorts and turns back to the boys, ready to calm them and perhaps usher them away before they can be accosted, only to pause as he sees Dwalin barking at them and dragging them off the same way Gloin and Mallory has gone shortly before.
“Looks like Nori owes me.” Bofur murmurs gleefully, “Dwalin seems to have snapped first and is finally doing something about those three.”
Bofur grins and whistles happily, heading off to find the thief and demand his pay.
The hatted dwarf later learns that Dwalin, locked the trio in their rooms and told them to figure things out before they destroyed the mountain and that he wouldn’t let them out until things were settled between them.
No one saw them for a week after that.
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fandomoniumflurry · 7 years
You Named the Dog Dean?
Jo Harvelle, Dean the Dog, Dean Winchester, Bobby, Sam
for @sdavid09 daily writing challenge
Prompt 18: your character decides they need a pet. How does that go?
1.6k words no warnings
taggers: @becs-bunker @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @lukecastellamz
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People handle grief in a lot of different ways. Whether be healthy or toxic, everyone has a unique way of coping. There is no sure fire way to cure a broken heart and sometimes not even time heals all wounds. But life goes on and the world keeps turning and all that shit that everyone says when someone has suffered a great loss. Even with support and love and care, some wounds never heal. We will forever wear the scars of our past pains.
Jo had no warning when Dean died. For a whole year, he had known he was going to Hell and he never told her. The last time they had seen each other might not have been the most amicable of partings but she thought they were at least friends. She thought she was worth a phone call. Instead, she had to hear it from Bobby. The day Sam had shown up at his door telling him that Dean was gone. Not even Sam had called her. It was the last thing she had ever expected to hear.
Sure their life was hard and at any moment their life could be taken from them. But hearing that Dean had willingly given up his life for his brother. He knew that he had one year before his soul would be dragged to Hell. The fact that he knew and never said anything, never even bothered to give her a heads up. No, she had to get a random phone call in the middle of the afternoon while she was in the middle of a shift at the bar. She had to hear it from Bobby’s lips that Dean Winchester was gone, done in by Hellhounds and now he was rotting away in hell for all eternity. That is sure to knock the breath right out of ya.
At first, she was in shock, standing behind the bar with her cell to her ear and her hand over her mouth. The more the old man spoke, the more it settled in, the more she realized that he was gone. Not just gone but in Hell. The tears started slow at first, just moisture in her eyes. The moment she hung up the phone, she blinked them away before she slid her phone into her pocket. She called out to the other bartender, waving them over to let them know she needed some fresh air. As soon as she breathed in the cold breeze, she cracked. Sobs wracked her body as she fell to her knees in the back alley of the bar. She had not known him long but he had become important to her and now he was gone.
As time passed, she found it hard to get him off her mind. For so long, he had inhabited her daydreams and fantasies but now he was star of her nightmares and despair. She was no longer the spunky feisty bartender that she once was, her patrons noticing the difference in her demeanor at work. She had trouble sleeping and she had to force herself to eat. She hadn’t realized how much she cared about him til he was no longer in this world. Thinking about all the lost time with him only made it worse.
Her friend suggested dating, getting out there and meeting new people. If not dating, just get out and make some friends. But she was always the freak with a knife collection. There was no one out there that would want to be friends with her. Who would possibly date her? And she didn’t want a hunter. At least not one that wasn’t Dean. So she denied going out to the club, refused blind dates, any form of socializing that her coworkers suggested.
But there was one suggestion that actually sparked Jo’s interest. Get a pet, they had said. Someone to come home to and snuggle up to after a bad day, someone to talk to that wouldn’t talk back. Someone that would love her and be with her no matter what. Someone to give her kisses and cuddles and unconditional love without asking for anything in return. At first, the thought didn’t seem appealing. Cleaning up after a creature, buying food and grooming. It all seemed like too much work to a part time barmaid, part time hunter. But coming home to a dark empty apartment every day began to weigh on her.
So she caved. She had no idea what kind of pet she would get. She had never had a pet in her life. Things had always been too crazy to have one. Cats didn’t require much work but they were too finicky and independent. With fish, she would have to clean tanks and she wouldn’t get to pet them at all and talking to glass didn’t seem appealing. Rodents smelled, birds were noisy, lizards and snakes were downright creepy. There was no other choice. Man’s best friend.
The puppies immediately warmed her heart, causing the first smile she had in weeks. They each jumped at her and barked with excitement as she tried to pet each one in the glass tub in the window of the pet store. Tiny tongues licked her hand while little teeth bit at her fingers. They all wanted attention and affection and they would climb over each other to get it. She couldn’t help but laugh, her heart swelling as she watched the adorable creatures. It was then that she knew she was making the right decision.
It was hard to choose. She would spend hours in that store, talking with the clerk and playing with each and every puppy. She even found herself flirting with the guy working there. That was probably why he was so patient and willing to let her spend time with each dog. It gave him more time to talk to her. By the end of her time there, she had walked away with the smallest quietest little pup there plus a cart full of food, toys, beds, anything he would need. He was a dirty blonde color and probably wouldn’t grow to be any bigger than ten or fifteen pounds or so and he loved to lick.
She talked to the little fellow as she drove them home, both clearly excited to start this new relationship. She giggled as he tried to squirm out of her arms, making it hard for her to unlock her apartment and hold onto him and the bags hanging from her arm. He finally leapt from her grasp the moment the door opened and immediately made himself at home, bouncing around and sniffing out his new home. She continued to have a conversation with him as he followed her around while she put things away.
She set up a corner for him in the living room, a bed and a box with a few toys. He received a treat before she laid out a mat in the kitchen and placed his new food and water bowl down. Then when they went to the bedroom, she set another bed down at the foot of her own bed. When she looked up, he was laying happily on her blankets, his tongue hanging out and his tail wagging. She laughed but picked him up and set him back down on the floor, scolding him about getting on the bed. The moment she turned her back to set down a little puppy pee pad by her bathroom, he hopped back up on the bed, this time curling up against her pillows.
Her eyes rolled but she couldn’t help but smile. He was too cute to deny. So instead she crawled up on the bed with him and leaned her back against the headboard. Her hand glided down his long body, fingers running through his short hair. He didn’t stay too far away for long before he got up and curled into a ball on her lap. A warm smile spread across her face as she continued to pet him, his warmth on her thighs making a sigh pass her lips.  
She found it was hard to figure out a name for the little guy. And she couldn’t just keep calling him little guy. He snuggled with her all night and slept later than she did. Once he had his breakfast, he refused to let her drag him out on his leash. “Stubborn little thing.” She grumbled before picking him up and heading outside. She struggled with him for a while, finding that he truly was a stubborn pup, refusing to follow her or denying her wishes to stay on the grass. “You have an attitude problem.” She narrowed her eyes down at him with her hands on her hips. He simply sat there staring up at her with those puppy dog eyes and his head tilted.
She couldn’t be mad at a face like that. She crouched and scratched his chin and his tongue hung out. “God, you remind me of Dean.” She joked before her eyes widened. A sly grin played at her lips and she let out a laugh. “I’ll call you Dean.” Her head nodded when he barked, clearly approving of his new name. “Come on, Deano.”
As the months passed and Dean grew, the pair were inseparable. He missed her desperately when she was gone but he got plenty of affection when she came back. She found that the pain of missing the eldest Winchester wasn’t so bad. It was almost like he was still with her, only in the form of the tiny dog.
Today Dean and Jo were busy about the apartment, tidying up and preparing for a visitor. Bobby was bringing Sam. It wasn’t the first time Bobby had been by and Dean had loved him. Mostly because the old man had spoiled the pup by giving him scraps from the table. But this was the first time he was bringing Sam. She hadn’t heard about him since Dean died and a part of her was dreading seeing the youngest Winchester again. Her anxiety and nervousness was clearing rubbing off on Dean as he followed his master around with the same intensity and excitement.
“You gotta be nice to the giant, ok Dean?” She warned, turning to look down at the dog at her feet. “He may look scary but he’s just a little puppy just like you.” She smiled and it almost looked like he smiled back. Her smile faded when the knock at her door caused her to jump with a start. Sucking in a deep breath, she looked down at Dean again. “Here we go, boy.” Dean followed behind her as she made her way to the door.
The person on the other side caused her to freeze. It wasn’t Bobby or even Sam that she was faced with. All air was sucked out of her lungs as she stood face to face with Dean Winchester himself. She barely noticed Bobby and Sam standing behind him, her vision tunneled in on the eldest Winchester. The tiny dog began to bark, the strangers at his door making him upset and protective of his master. “Dean, hush.” Jo said breathlessly, her eyes not leaving the Winchester. The dog sat and tilted his head up at the men.
A smile crept over the Winchester’s lips. “You named the dog Dean?”
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chaostheoryy · 7 years
Bullies [Matt X Reader]
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Summary: @sdavid09 requested a Matt X Reader “where he likes he reader and when he spots some stormtroopers picking on her he comes to her rescue.”
Word Count: 1,106
Rating: General
Warnings: Mentions of blood and a broken nose.
Notes: Reader is female. I love this prompt because it’s the opposite of what I’ve written about Matt so far, which has been the reader protecting him. Needless to say, I was excited to take on the reverse situation!
There was nothing Matt hated more than bullies. All those obnoxious officers and hotheaded troopers who went out of their way to call him names or steal his tools just to make his day harder were the absolute worst. He wished they would disappear from the face of the galaxy or fall at the hands of Kylo Ren’s saber. 
But the fact of the matter was the First Order was full of bullies and there was nothing he could do about it. So he just took it. Every name they called him, every shove, every taunt -- he took it all and never fought back. He knew better. He wasn’t strong like most of the soldiers and he certainly didn��t have the power of the Force like Kylo Ren. He was practically useless in a fight.
He stood behind his decision to never fight back every day. Even when the teasing grew forceful and the taunting became personal, he stayed his anger and kept his head down to avoid making things worse. It’ll be over soon, he would think to himself, Just let them say what they want.
Everything changed, however, the day bullies came for you.
Matt’s heart nearly dropped to his shoes when he saw you at the other end of the hall with your head bowed and a posse of three helmeted troopers cornering you like rabid dogs. Despirte being out of earshot, it was clear to Matt what was going on -- these bucket heads were making fun of you.
Matt couldn’t stand it. He had only known you for a few months but he knew for a fact that you were the kindest person he would ever stumble across on this wretched base. You were always there to lend him a hand with a tough job or offer him support if he ever had a rough day. You were an angel walking among mortals and you were certainly the last person who deserved to be bullied.
So he did the unthinkable.
The troopers looked over their shoulders to find Matt standing with his fists clenched at his sides and a stern look on his face. “Is there a, uh, problem here?”
“Well, look who it is! Old four-eyes himself!”
Matt swallowed as the troopers laughed.
“What’s the matter, laser brain? Your vest all tied up in a knot again?”
“You shouldn’t make fun of, (Y/N),” Matt said unwaveringly.
You made eye contact with him, clearly surprised to find Matt there standing up for you like this. He couldn’t blame you either. He’d never once made any move to stop his own bullies. Why would he do anything different for you?
“Awwww,” one of the troopers mocked, “Looks like techie here’s got himself a crush. What do you think you’re some kind of Prince Charming?” The gang laughed at the idea, making Matt fidget in place. 
“Look, carrot top,” another trooper interjected, referring to his bright orange work vest, “Mind your own business and get back to work.”
Matt clenched his jaw. “N-no. Not until I know you’re gonna leave her alone.”
The troopers looked at each other, absolutely astounded that Matt wasn’t standing down. They nodded at each other in silent communication.
“Alright,” the first trooper said, “If that’s how you wanna play, four-eyes.”
Suddenly, the trooper threw a punch at Matt, his fist striking the unsuspecting technician directly in the nose. There was an audible cracking sound followed by a yelp as Matt stumbled back and clutched at his face. Blood was seeping through his fingers and it was clear that his nose had been broken by the jab.
The bullies laughed manically as they watched him drop to his knees, whimpering in pain as he held his injured nose. One of them stepped forward to strike another blow only to freeze in place when an officer rounded the corner.
“Hey! What the hell is going on here?” 
The officer began marching over to address the commotion and the troopers bolted, knowing they would be punished for assault if they were identified. The officer chased after them without so much as insuring Matt’s safety. Fortunately for him, he wasn’t entirely alone.
“Oh God, are you alright?” You asked as you knelt down beside him.
Matt winced and nodded. “It’s just broken,” he answered, voice muffled by his blood-soaked hand, “I think.”
Your hands found their way to his shoulders as you helped him to his feet. “Come on. We need to get you to the medical ward.”
It didn’t take long for the doctor to reset his broken nose and clean up his bloodied face and hand. Within an hour, Matt was back on his feet and the two of you were dismissed from the ward.
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly as you two slowly made your way down the halls of the base.
Matt furrowed his brow and looked down at you. “Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I know. But...” You sighed. “If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have been hurt by those assholes.”
He nearly frowned. “They’re jerks and shouldn’t be making fun of you.”
“Well, no they shouldn’t. But bullies are bullies. They make fun of who they want whether or not that person deserves it.”
“You don't.”
You looked up at him. His expression was stern. “People are terrible and mean but not you. You are nice to me and to everybody you know even if they aren’t nice to you too. You help me a lot and you have a really nice smile that makes me happy.” His cheeks felt hot and he swallowed. “I like you a lot and I...I think you’re pretty so...Nobody should make fun of you.”
He dipped his head, afraid to make eye contact after admitting his feelings. He was surprised, however, to have your hands grasp at his. Lifting his head, he found you smiling softly up at him with a look of adoration in your eye.
“Hey,” you said softly as you held his hands, “I like you too. And I don’t think anybody should make fun of you either because you are the sweetest, most caring guy I’ve ever met.”
Matt’s eyes scanned your face, his brain processing every word you said as he memorized the details of your eyes and skin. He swallowed and blinked a few times. “Do we kiss now?”
You laughed, the sound ringing warmly in his ears. “Matt, you just had your nose broken,” you said gently, “I don’t want to accidentally make it worse by bumping noses.”
“Okay. Later then.”
You smiled. “Later it is.”
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peachchai · 5 years
Prompt 1
Guess who procrastinated after she finished her finals.
For @sdavid09‘s “Daily” writing challenge. Sorry for Spam.
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Summary-  [May 1st was] the first day of the challenge! So, tell us one of your character’s favorite firsts
Here it is 
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Cultural Differences
@spookyphsyco @sdavid09 @life-is-righteous @pandepirateprincess @sassytyphoondetective
So an ask crossed my dash, and though it wasn’t a request for me specifically, I felt a little inspired nonetheless.
word count: ~1.2k
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“She must be in mourning,” Kíli decided. Beside him, Fíli nodded.
“Well, lads,” Nori began, shooting you an awkward glance and making you realise they were talking about you. “In my experience, ladies of Men who have their hair cut that short… well, usually the father did it to shame her for lying with someone she shouldn’t have.” Kíli gave you a wide-eyed stare at that, and Fíli’s eyes seemed close to popping out of his skull. You just gaped at Nori, completely overwhelmed.
You had known culture was different here – how could it not be? – but… touching your hair, you could feel yourself blushing. The pixie cut was adorable on you; everyone said so, and you didn’t miss the weight of your long hair at all. Still staring dumbfounded at Nori, you completely forgot that you were meant to be handing out bowls of stew. Was that what they all thought? Was that why Thorin had given you such a pitying look when Gandalf had finally arrived with the Company in Bree – late, you’d been ready for days – and added you to their number?  Of course, you had actually done what Nori believed – your father really wouldn’t have approved of some of the guys you’d slept with in college – but not with the same connotations as you suddenly realised he gave the act. Apparently, virginity mattered here – at least for women, you were quite sure Fíli had slept with more than one dwarrowdam, for example – and for a moment you wondered if they all though you were some sort of harlot. No one had made inappropriate comments – they joked, and sometimes there was a lewd comment or two, but not usually aimed in your direction – but you still felt a twinge at the thought that they believed you to be some sort of… floozy. Thrusting the bowls at the two young ones, you whirled on your heels, stomping back to the fire.
 “You’re in a bad mood,” Thorin’s voice disturbed your brooding staring at the fire quietly. “Is there a problem?” You flinched. Looking around you, you realised that the rest of them were asleep; obviously it was Thorin’s turn on watch.
“My hair…” you whispered, not quite sure what made you want to tell him.
“Yes, I’m aware of the custom of Men,” Thorin said softly, like he was trying to gentle a spooked pony. You almost laughed; he sounded so concerned.
“I cut it myself!” you hissed. He looked stunned.
“Were you attacked?” he asked, seemingly horrified.
“No!” you cried, staring at him. Thorin’s stiff shoulders slumped; relief, you realised. “In my world, cutting your hair short isn’t significant of anything,” you muttered, poking at the fire with a stick, “only fashion and taste. I like my hair this way.” Truthfully, it ought to be cut soon, but where were you going to find a mirror and some scissors in the middle of nowhere? Thorin nodded slowly, his own tumbling locks falling across those broad shoulders in a way that shouldn’t have been possible considering how long it had been since you’d had more than a wash in a stream.
“It’s pretty,” he reassured gruffly; you weren’t quite sure whether he approved or not. “Don’t let the speculation get to you. Among our kin, cutting your hair or beard short is a sign of grief,” he ran his fingers over his own short beard, a far-off look in his blue eyes. “They only wondered if you were in mourning – Gandalf never gave us a reason for why you wanted to come along – Balin thought you might have been recently widowed,” he revealed, before adding in a low voice you probably weren’t meant to hear, “though she doesn’t act like someone in mourning…” You burst into laughter.
“No, I’ve never been married,” you admitted, “not even close.” Was it just your imagination, or did Thorin seem relieved at that information? “Do you signify other things with your hair?” you asked, curiosity overcoming your initial anger.
“Ahh, you can do braids for lineage,” Thorin said, stroking the ones that framed his strong face, “these are for the Line of Durin – only members of the Line may wear them, however. Then there’s Mastery braids,” he touched another one, which you hadn’t noticed before, “which are clasped with the symbol of your trade. Marriage braids,” he blushed, “which are braided during the wedding ceremony and may only be plaited or undone by yourself or your spouse; these are clasped with your combined seals and beads are added for living pebbles – children,” he added, at your questioning look. “No, I haven’t one of those; see Glóin’s?” he asked, pointing. “That braid can be placed either in the beard or the hair, though those who have found their One will usually braid the chin-braid differently to their normal style. Other than that, you can add markers that signify gender, age, even the Halls you call home.” He smiled softly. “The first three types are the most important, however, the rest is optional.” Again, your fingers twisted one of the longer locks of your hair, wondering what you would look like if you braided your hair with all that information – was there a Mastery Braid for botanists? – sighing at the thought that you’d most likely come off as one of those sad sorority sisters who thought that a grass skirt and plastic flowers made her look Hawaiian for Halloween.
“We don’t do that,” you admitted, “there isn’t a standardized ‘look’ to convey who you are,” if there was, some people in your circle of friends would have a much easier time with pronouns, for example, “though some people use tattoos or clothes for the same purpose, I guess.”
“Hair is important to Dwarrow,” Thorin replied, “but, if you don’t want to, we won’t force you to grow it longer.” For a moment, he scowled heavily, and you felt like giggling at the thought that your short hair affected him so much.
“Long hair is a hassle,” you sighed, letting go of the lock – twisting your hair around your fingers was a nervous habit you had never been able to break. “I used to have it down to the middle of my back,” you revealed, surprised to hear him gasp. Looking up, you caught his sapphire gaze, surprised by the darkening of those irises. Was Thorin… that looked like desire to you. Lowering your eyes once more, trying to convince yourself that the heat in your cheeks was due to your closeness to the fire. Thorin cleared his throat.
“Sounds… pretty,” he said lamely.
“Pretty unmanageable,” you scoffed, not even wanting to think about the difficulty of caring for the long mess of curls that was your hair; being on the road in a world that had never even heard of shampoo – they used eggy soap on their hair here! – let alone conditioner, you felt thankful once more than you’d chosen to cut your hair only weeks before arriving in Middle-Earth and stumbling into a wizard.
“I could braid- I mean teach you to braid it,” Thorin offered, but you caught the glow in his cheeks when you glanced at him sideways. You blushed at the thought of those thick fingers wrapped in your tresses, a shiver of lust running down your spine at the thought of his hands on your body.
“Maybe I’ll grow it out,” you heard yourself offering, your tongue nearly stumbling on the words in your eagerness, “if you’ll braid it for me.” Thorin groaned low in his throat, and you had a feeling that your promise meant more to him than you knew. Blushing again, you stubbornly kept looking at the fire.
“Aye,” he agreed hoarsely, “I’ll braid your hair for you.”
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