#talk mystery tv shows
chaneajoyyy · 2 years
Things are shifting
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a1sart · 5 months
what's his relationship to the other overlords? do they know that Alastor owns his soul now? What do they think of him? What was his rise to power like? Just HOW powerful is he actually? What is he holding back if he's holding back at all? Did he lose that power or does he still have it? How long was he in power for? Was his rise and fall quick? Is that why no one at the hotel seems to recognize him?
Angel says he isn't one for politics in the pilot so it makes sense why he wouldn't know but what about Vaggie? She seems like the type of person to keep track of that kind of thing. Did he rise to power and then lose it before she arrived in hell? Or does she recognize who the man behind the bar used to be?
And what about products he could have made? Are there old playing cards with his face on them scattered around hell? Poker chips with his branding on them? Abandoned casinos with his name on the sign? Slot machines with dapper little cats on the casing?
How does HE feel about his time as an overlord? Does he miss it? Does he regret it? He regrets gambling his soul away but if he could go back and change that, choose not to gamble with his soul, would he quit while he's ahead or continue to be an overlord? Did he himself own any souls? What happened to them after Alastor got his? Would Alastor own them too?
All questions that could be addressed in the show, but honestly I doubt they will be. We only have 4 episodes left in the season and they're not gonna spend all that precious time on Husk's backstory, no matter how interested I am by it. We might get one or two questions answered though and I would consider that a win :)
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sothisisablog · 5 months
“The PJO show is for children. It’s not meant for older audiences” Shut the fuck up. Shut up. People are allowed to criticize media for not lining up with the source material the way they expected it to. The source material that is also for children.
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homethelongwayaround · 2 months
Genuinely my main thing with the Watcher thing (I watch their stuff but I’d never consider myself a die hard fan) is that I really want to see the back end projections and business plans that went into this. Show me how their math mathed to the point that this seemed not just viable, but an improvement upon YouTube at this moment in time.
I’ve been watching it unfold all day and seeing the comparisons to Dropout, the unfortunate optics of reinstating the “let’s go eat stupidly expensive stuff” show as your first big new thing for the platform while also saying you don’t have money to do the “TV-quality” things you want, all that’s fine and dandy and not incorrect. But I just can’t see how this is financially going to win out.
I wish the boys the best, hope it works out for their sakes, and I hope regardless that one day we get an idea of what the decision making process was. Not the vague “ad revenue ain’t what it used to be” type comments they made in their very not-reading-the-room announcement video, but actual numbers. I’m super interested.
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tisorridalamor · 9 months
Back on my Card Captor Sakura kick and I really really want a magical girl story where the main character is an office worker in her mid 20s but everything else is exactly the same. Power of friendship, cute mascot character, fun outfits, literally everything is completely typical of the genre except the protag wakes up late for work instead of school and sometimes her and her friends go to the bar instead of a cafe
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velvetjune · 4 months
Warlin Door having access to different worlds is already so good and compelling as a character, but it’s even more perfect that he’s presented as a TV host every time we see him, both with Night Springs and the talk show. He’s across different channels at all times, able to narrate and interact within the medium, but as far as we know, unable to change and mold the world around him like Alan and other artists in the dark place. It’s the perfect persona for him to have (and he better have a big role in that Night Springs DLC!)
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randomraytrash · 1 year
Okay, but listen me out
Au where ex-Mayor Jones is out on parole (bc he is a politician of course, he can and will escape from consequences) doing community service. Enough morally grey to be still torn between the treasure and is damn "son".
Than Judy and Brad come back and Fred Jones sr in all his morally corrupted glory realized that he royally fucked up, because the two thieves are even worse than him and he tries to help the kids (like really bad, like giving them of how break the law advice).
Also, sorry, but after a while I think he ends up crashing on the Sheriff's couch because Judy and Brad take his (Fred jr's house now) house. Do what you do with this information, but I bet Janet Nettles hates his ass (she's right and she should say that louder) because she is one of the rare politicians with good morals, also she knows Jones is pathetically not straight and the sheriff is absolutely oblivious. She doesn't know Jones has no intention to make a move on the sheriff because he likes them dumb, but that man is really too much dumb. Also fucking Sheriff is straight as a pole and too oblivious to be alive.
I know the sheriff lives with his mother, but I think she needs a break from his son, she deserve to be free from this absolutely moron of a man. She saw Janet Nettles and said: "Now, he's your problem". She persuaded him to take an apartment in town, so he could start his lovely love nest with the woman and then fucking ex-mayor crashed in .
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pokimoko · 1 year
@pizzee Thank you for the tagging me to join in on the TV show tag game! I have the exact opposite problem to you in that I watch way too many shows. There's so many I've watched in the last few months alone that I've absolutely loved (Andor, Severance, Poker Face, The Sandman, The Last of Us, Vox Machina, etc etc) but for this I think I'll stick with the ones that I've connected to and cherished the most of the years. It wasn't required or even asked for but all of you are getting Backstory™ for these whether you like it or not. Anyway, in no particular order, here they are:
Moon Knight: Wow, I like the show that is now my defining personality trait? Shocker. But, no, seriously, I don't think I've latched onto a show or group of characters so quickly in my life, or so intensely before. This show has (as of posting this) made me write almost 200k worth of fic about it. I got bloody Discord because of this show because the brainrot was so intense. I am part of a fandom community for really the first time in my life because of this show. It's no exaggeration to say that this show has had a huge impact on me; the dinosaurs got off easy in comparison.
Lucifer: I started watching this show when Season 2 premiered way back in 2016 and I was there watching it up until the end. It was silly and emotional and heartwarming and campy, and the characters were amazing (do I own shirts that Ella Lopez wore in the show? Yes, yes I do.) and the music was excellent. This show loved the heck out of metaphors, and I am not immune to that. Or Tom Ellis.
The Owl House: I used to be obsessed with owls when I was younger (the 'Owls of Ga'Hoole' movie was my jam, and—I'm sorry Zack Snyder directed that??? What the f—ahem, sorry, as I was saying:), and while that particular interest faded over the years, I do remember I was drawn to this show because of the name, and then the premise, and then the characters (Hunter gets a gold star for making me go "argh this guy is annoying" to "I would die for him" within a span of two appearances), and then so, so many things. I've loved a lot of cartoons, many of which deserve a spot on this list, but this one just hits so many of the right notes for me. I will die mad that Disney robbed us of a full season 3, but I will always cherish what we got.
Adventure Time: The first show I ever binged in full, and essentially what kickstarted my career as a Tumblrite (my logo was Marceline for many a year—if you find my *gag* Wattpad account it'll still be there). I still have doodles for this show from when I was 14 (many of which were Bubbline, which was also my first ship). I am the silly little Tumblr fool I am today because of this show.
Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes: I used to watch this show on TV as a kid, random episodes here and there, never enough to truly understand what was going on but enough to know the characters. It was how I first came to know Marvel, long before I even liked superheroes, and it was the reason I watched 'The Avengers', which in turn was the reason I went and saw 'Age of Ultron' (the first MCU movie I ever saw at the cinema) and then, well, the rest is history. But it all started here, with this show. (Also, let's be real, the theme song slaps.)
Doctor Who: specifically the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor's seasons, though I love Ten's as well (even if 'Midnight' and the following Library episodes—episodes I now adore—scared me off from the show for almost 7 years). I might have also been a little in love with Clara. This show has made me sob with true and utter grief (musical motifs that will make you cry without warning and other secrets your Doctor won't tell you!) and also made me feel like I'm taking acid. It's got the range darling.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: I've watched this whole thing three times. It's just…It's good. It's really good. The world, the characters, the animation/visuals, the god damn narrative. I'm still in awe of how masterful this anime was. I aspire to this level of multilayered, intelligent storytelling… and also the level of comedy. It too has the range. And god I love when shows can do that well.
Bee and Puppycat: I used to watch the YouTube series for this (along with 'Bravest Warriors' and a bunch of other Cartoon Hangover shorts) as a tween and it's just a very fond, cosy memory for me. And now there's the Netflix version and it's been wonderful to not only get more of what was already there, but more to the story in general. My childhood self is being tucked into bed and wrapped in a blanket, content in the knowledge that things left unfinished are not always over.
That really is the tip of the iceberg of all the shows I've loved over the years but we'd be here for a month of Sundays if I went on about all them, so I'll take my leave now and pass on the baton. I'm going to tag @yellowocaballero, @mockspector, @theophagism and @aster-o1d. Have fun! :3
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glassphinix · 2 years
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[ID: the “touching grass is not enough” meme of text over a flowery field that has been edited to read “touching grass is not enough, i need an update about the edge of sleep tv series.” end ID]
#the edge of sleep#teos#literally ive only listened to the first three episodes bc i struggle to find an excuse to listen to an audio drama#i dont really listen to podcasts. i turned on distractible while i was cleaning my aunts house cause it was good to have as background noise#but teos is a work of fiction it's a thriller/mystery/horror story that i want to give my undivided attention#and thats hard to do because my brain Refuses to stay on track if listening is all i'm doing#when i was into bmc i had to be reading the script while i listened to the audio bootleg or i wouldnt fucken stay concentrated#i only listened to it initially during a shift w a disability support worker bc we were driving and we had fuckall else to do#but 1. i dont always have the same worker and it feels rude to keep listening to a story halfway through with no context for them#and 2. from my understanding shit gets decidedly fucked up from ep 4 onward so its probably super not appropriate to listen to#in somebody elses fucking car#but i wanna finish it SO BAD i wanna be able to pour through the teos tag and talk about it with other people without getting spoiled#ive gotten spoiled on a Lotta shit just from reading the tvtropes page#auauufah im so torn between figuring out how to listen to it as a podcast or waiting for more info on the tv show#fellow autistic people do you ever do that thing where ur special interest is always some form of media but its prone to changing#so like every few months youre defined by a new fucking show or game or film or whatever#but Every So Often when ur between big interests u have a very short-lived (hours/days/week or two) but INTENSE obsession w something niche#yeah its like that#my brain is that little ms paint creature thing on all fours with pointy teeth and red eyes biting something in its mouth savagely#and the something is teos#internal monologue
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chaneajoyyy · 2 years
This episode is gonna be real creepy
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plexiglassonion · 1 year
actually so sad they never dubbed the beatles films into polish
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hoodieimp · 2 years
Not me finding a new(ish) podcast and Binging it all in one go when I don't even *listen* to podcasts normally--
#dizzyisms#it's Mystery Shack Lookback if you're wondering hdjdjd#the Gravity Falls rewatch/nostalgia time capsule one#found it thru Weirdmageddon's one audio post last night#stayed up till 3:30 AM listening to the Cipher Hunt ep w Alex Hirsch n Jason Ritter(!!!!)#aaand now I've been steadily plowing thru it from the beginning all day#it's genuinely so cool it might even come dangerously close to dredging up my ancient GF special interest#like ngl I wasn't *super* involved in the GF fandom even while the show was On#bc I didn't have cable or Prime or anything (hell I don't think I even had my own debit card back in high school)#so I straight-up missed a bunch of episodes and only saw em thru reaction videos or absorbed the plot via TV Tropes or tunglr posts#but *god* if this isn’t reawakening the same ''!!!!!!'' feeling that reading thru people's theories and stuff back in 2012 did#that same Hype and Monkey Brain satisfaction at ripping into every episode to pick out potential clues and cracking the ciphers#like rn I'm listening to the MSLB ep talking about the First Big Hiatus after Summerween aired + the Rumble's Revenge Flash game#and how this fuckin. Disney Channel tie-in beatemup was where *Bill Cipher's name* was first revealed to us#and hearing Charley (the one host+editor) getting So Fucking Hyped to talk abt Bill is so fun#bc hell yeah that's exactly how *I* felt back when I was first watching!!#now I get to *relive* it vicariously through these two yelling about it!
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year
I hate when the show (who am i kidding, the ship) I'm obsessing over has like 3 seasons, barely any or copyrighted reaction videos and like 2 podcasts.. what did i do to deserve this torment..
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grandma's house is like a different planet
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vimesbootstheory · 2 years
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inmaki · 5 months
gojo showing off your back scratches to geto
( cont from this fic! req, visual ) .
contains: sex talk, desc of back scratches, crack, sugu is called daddy once (as a joke.. right..)
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everything was relatively peaceful in suguru's apartment. key word: relatively.
a forgettable yet appreciated sunday afternoon, not a cloud in sight despite the weather forecast predicting downpours of rain. either way, the raven-haired man insouciantly rested across his white couch, reaching the conclusion that today would be a day for self-care, relaxing, and perhaps some meditation.
there was only one thing ruining his peace.
all morning, suguru has been forced to try and ignore the stain a certain someone has left on his couch — a pair of unecessarily expensive yet dirty shoes being the culprit.
despite these attempts, every once in a while his gaze can't help but wander over at the mark — as if it'd poof out of existence if he glared hard enough.
"fuckin' asshole.." he mutters. it was a wonder his relationship with his best friend managed to stay so promising despite all their differences, yet suguru wouldn't have it any other way, even after situations like this.
right when he grumpily turns back to the tv — which was playing some crappy, low budget rom-com — his apartment door is yanked open and suguru swears he nearly jumps out of his seat.
great, was this it? was he about to get robbed, perhaps evicted? and then probably die? forced into the afterlife knowing gojo's shoe-shit was still on his new couch? no that can't—
"i fucked her!"
suguru whips his head towards the apartment door, announcement being disregarded as he nearly groans in agony. speak of the devil.
big blue eyes peak out from under circular sunglasses, one hand already raised in preparation for a dap up while his stupid, big, dirty shoe pushes the door closed behind him. gojo wears a black compression shirt with grey sweats, marching over to his friend with a ginormous grin across his cheeks.
"take your shoes off, now," suguru snaps, nodding to his friend's feet with a frown.
"yeesh... whatever y'say, daddy," the bastard never loses his smile as his hands raise in surrender, kicking them off by the door smoothly. "what's got your panties in a twist?"
geto pinches his nose bridge. "don't call me that," as he continues the scolding, he points to the living room with his free hand. "you got a mystery stain on my couch, satoru. do you know how many youtube videos i watched trying to get this shit off?"
unphased, gojo takes a look at the strangely colored blob against the armrest's leather material and shrugs. "my bad. did you try febreeze?"
"what— no? dude, febreeze is for.." when suguru looks back up to sourly meet his gaze, he could immediately tell the white-haired man was already drifting back into la-la-land, words going in one ear and out the other. "..nevermind. why're you here?"
at the reminder, satoru seemingly brightens, head shooting back up as if he was just told he'd won the lottery.
"oh god, don't make that stupid face—" he pauses. "the fuck are you doing?" suguru might as well say goodbye to his self-care day, because now gojo was stripping in the middle of his living room, shirt thrown haphazardly onto the still-very-much-stained couch.
"just look!" suguru squints as his friend swivels around to face the wall, pushing his bangs away to get a better view of the— oh shit.
it takes the raven-haired man a second to process what he's seeing before shuffling forward, closely examining the achingly red, bulging scratch marks displayed sexily across the latter's back and shoulders. "no way.."
suguru knows the strongest sorcerer well enough to notice how he purposely didn't use reversed cursed technique on these scratches, just so it'd be obvious to anyone that caught a glimpse of what exactly occured. to his further dismay, he can already picture a smug and sweaty gojo walking around their local gym like this, proud simper on his pretty lips as he easily raises a pair of weights in his veiny hands.
a hiss escapes geto's mouth as he runs his finger down a particularly agitated one, knowing exactly how painful they could be after experiencing many hook-ups of his own. even so, satoru only licks his lips, neck craning to the side so he can pride himself in his friend's gobsmacked expression.
"damn, these are deep. you actually hit it?" suguru confirms, raising a celebratory hand.
turning back around, satoru daps him up, a massive smirk now on both their faces. "hell yeah, it was amazing."
it was impossible to predict what gojo would do next after barging through his front door — especially considering how many times he's done so — but this has to be the last thing suguru ever expected.
not that he was complaining — in fact, all of geto's temper and need for relaxation seemingly flew out the window, the feeling of proudness for his best friend overthrowing anything else.
and even if he hated to admit it, the way gojo was so eager to come over and announce his virginity loss to him was more than a little endearing, and dare he say cute.
"that's great, man. congrats." suguru leads him into the kitchen — still shamelessly shirtless — to grab them both a can of beer in celebration. while the white-haired man usually didn't get involved with any form of alcohol, this occasion was most definitely exception-worthy. "you made y/n cum too, right?"
an offended glare is shot his way. "duh, two times."
"huh. surprised you could last."
as suguru pours their drinks into two fragile cups, gojo exhales, not bothered in the slightest by his jab. "dude, same.." he admits dreamily. "she was so fuckin' tight and warm.. and oh— fuck, her moans? heavenly.. 'can't believe i didn't bust after the first minute.."
geto gulps, trying his best to ignore the mental image his brain was producing from his dirty words. you can't blame him — both of you were smoking hot, and he was a simple man.
even now, he could already imagine what you both looked like; panting and moaning, skin-slapping so loud that it echoed through the whole room, how blissed out you'd look as gojo's cock split you in t—
satoru's playful sigh cuts through the tensing air. "who knows sugs, maybe you'll have another kind of stain to worry about next time we're over~"
he's never snapped out of a daydream so quickly. "don't even joke about that."
over the next hour, the two men sat manspread on the stained couch, taking leisure sips while recalling satoru's final moments as a virgin — suguru giving out his secret tips and tricks along the way.
maybe sometime, suguru could offer some.. hands-on learning instead.
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mlist! <- sugu.. how could u think abt ur bestie and his gf like that... tsk tsk tsk (if u enjoyed reblogs/comments r appreciated heheh)
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