#talk to kibum much these days and doesn’t seem to really be interacting with much of anyone… idk at that point it sounds a bit iffy
seilon · 2 years
idk where I expected shinee to be in the year of our lord 2022 but the combination of each of the members current activities is so amusingly strange to me like. kibum absolutely shredding a bunch of totally unique and aesthetically unmatched solos, jinki following and going all out on his own solo, taemin’s been totally off the grid for months, and minho’s just. playing golf
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memoirsofrkxjiyeon · 7 years
What is Minhee's feelings towards Convex boys?
Minhee’s feelings towards Convex boys, let’s divide them all first of all.
 Zhang Yixing Group’s Leader
Minhee & Lay were friends before he became convex member due to him being friends with her older brother ( just like Rome ). She feels proud of him for how he is far he’s come even though they’ve spoke in a long time due to be busy with other things but she’s fond of him. She does see him as a younger brother but the brother who’s not the closest too and watch from afar. Minhee also believes he would make a great leader for the group. 
Hong Jonghyun, Vocal Unit’s Leader.
Ah, Minhee admires Jonghyun a lot. She really wants to support him on this journey, in ways she does see herself in him so she wants to be his support system so to speak. She does tend to be mean to him a lot in as it is like defensive mechanism. Minhee doesn’t really mean the insults she throws at it and only wishes him to succeed. He’s not the pretty boy of the group, he’s more than that. 
Yu Barom, Rap’s Unit’s Leader.
Another friend of her brother, she’s actually hardly really talked to him until he joint Sphere but it is nice to have mutual. She’s thinks he’s cool guy and he will do well in the group. She is happy to be working with him on little something but she’s worries that he won’t have time to do due to the busy schedule and rather not hinder him. 
Kim Kibum, Dance’s Unit’s Leader
Who?! Minhee generally never seen this person, she’s heard a lot about him and never actually spoke to him. She doesn’t know how she feels about him cause she’s hardly knows this guy. Minhee only knows people who know him, so bring on the first meeting between these two.
Lee Jinki, Main Vocal
Jinki, she’s admire his vocal talent very much. It’s really impressive. Minhee knows him, they used to speak a lot yet they’re drifted apart so she’s doesn’t really know how she feels about it. She’s proud once again that he’s in the group and thinks his vocals will really shine within this group. Minhee can’t wait for the debut. 
Nam Woohyun, Main Vocal
She’s believe this one will steal hearts of the fans, he’s such a greasy but sweetheart too. Minhee wants to get know him better as he would be good friend to have, thanks to saving from the children which seems love him at the Christmas party. Minhee thinks he would be good trustworthy friend to her so we will have to see what will happen there. 
Kim Jinwook, Lead Vocal
He’s cute guy, that was first impressions. Minhee likes being company of this one, he has nice personality which is effective especially in the mornings. She finds that most of the convex boys are younger brothers to her. The unofficial sphere gc brings these two closer while looking at the dog and cat photos. 
Lee Taeyong, Lead Vocal
Taeyong is sweetheart, Minhee wishes to protect him, she even gave him sphere’s survival guide for hazing. She’s thinks herself as her guiding fairy but like most of her relationships, they have grown distanced due to the training. It would be nice for those two to catch up and see how’s they were doing with convex situation.
Tuan Yien, Main Rapper
First impression of this guy was strange one, not every day a guy comes up to Minhee asking to use her wrist yet it was sweet that he’ll go the distance for a gift for a girl. She highly encourage that behaviour and happy those two got past that strange meeting. Minhee believes they probably be good friends. 
Choi Seungcheol, Main Rapper
Soft Seungcheol, Minhee’s got the hugest soft spot for this boy. The fact they first meeting was Minhee protecting this one from the thunder & lightning now they’re training together. She generally got a lot of love for this kid and actually wants to find out what he sounds without stuttering, one day minhee one day. 
Oh Sehun, Lead Rapper
Out of all the convex boys, Minhee feels like a proud mama or big sister the most when comes to Sehun. They are karaoke buddies and he put up with Minhee’s tone deaf self back in the day singing to disney songs. So much love for Convex in Minhee’s heart. 
Lee Jihoon, Lead Dancer
Tiny dancer, the skitty pokemon. The cutest. Minhee has only had a few interactions with this one but not many. He always seem up for fun especially when he happily get involved with the monday blues video. She wants to get know this boy more and befriend him ( probably add him into little brother collection too )
Leechaiyaponrkul, Chittaphon Lead Dancer
Fun fact, Minhee had fleeting crush on this boy briefly. He’s certainly interesting character, she bumped into him in the sphere building and he helped her out. It is really sweet but it was that it. Minhee likes his company and always up for the laugh though he always so touchy with everyone. She feels that he maybe the most shipped member in the group in the future, that is predictions. 
OVERALL, sphere is like second home to here, so it is like the convex boys are her family. Minhee only wishes for them to do well and wants to be there for them when need be. She obviously got favourites within the group but who’s doesn’t?! 
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namidajanai · 7 years
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Ive been having Thoughts on Shinee💔 Im contemplating wether To write about this or not,because i Dont think i have The right To because i Am not a shawol, but i really cant contain My feelings and have To write about it..this is going To be a long post💔
I’m really hoping onew, taemin, kibum and Minho will find the courage to smile and be happy again. May they take their time to grieve and mourn.. seeing how broken they were at the funeral. Onew look downtrodden and the way he was dragging his foot carrying the coffin was so painful to watch especially when the image of him talking to minho about how his World Will collapse if he loses one of them Come to mind💔 and Dont get me started on minho, It was Only a few days ago Minho was at jonghyun’s Concert Then he was at ss7 and looking so Happy With kyu, and suddenly a day later They meet again under such devastating atmosphere💔 during the funeral The way minho was trying to hold back his tears was so heartbreaking, and the way he caressed jonghyun’s potrait in The car was so heartbreaking.💔 I cant even watched KEy breaking down on onew’s shoulders, onew holding on to his hand and gives him a shoulder to cry on💔😭Taemin although he look so calm and collected amongst his hyungs, i do hope he Will express his grieve in his own time and not bottle up his feelings. 💔 and shinee members are not even family by blood thus i cant imagine The Pain jonghyun’s mom and sister is experiencing at The moment, i wish They Will Continue living without regrets and they Will learn To cope With this loss in their own terms💔
Its so heartbreaking that depression can really lead you to think that u are all alone in the World when There is so much love around u. Jonghyun was giving so much and its so painful To read his letter when he just doesn’t want to continue for other people’s sake. He wants to do this to end his own Pain and think Only of himself, how fame might not be for him and so much he was struggling from but i cant help but wish he had someone to take him out of those thoughts and hold his hand during those last few moments he was struggling To Tell him he is worth it and not alone and bring him To The surface😩, but alas those are just what ifs.
Someone mentioned about how we should be more alert when a person With depression seems more content and Happy because it could have been a sign that They have given up. It reminds me how Chester was looking so happy in his last video With his family and yet we never knew the kind of thoughts he was struggling With inside💔
I May not be a shawol but Shinee was one of The kpop bands that i Know when i started My interest in kpop. I remembered shinee was The first to congratulate suju when Suju won daesang for sorry2 when i first started fangirling over sj years ago. It was always so heartwarming To see their interactions. and I’ve Only known jonghyun as someone so full of laughter and kindness on shows, i still remembered how people were so awful about him dating and remembering how he was so sad about people not ok With him dating, not to mention how shin sekyung was getting so much hate for it. I Dont understand why cant idols date or marry for that Matter without getting shit on. They are humans arent They? Shouldnt They be allowed To have feelings and love and be loved? What is so wrong With that. I can never understand The hate i Dont think i ever Will. Also The hate on onew before this was too much, he Made a mistake but telling him he ruined everything for shinee and what not is just not a thing To say To people Who are Already broken,Its this kind of hate that eats people on The inside and u never Know when They Will suddenly snap and Said enough is enough💔
Now i cant help but feel guilty everytime i see an idol looking all Happy and laughing on stage or shows entertaining people without thinking about wether or not they are suffering like jonghyun too, are they ok? Are They getting The rest They need and what not, are They really enjoying themselves are They really happy,? i just cant help but have Questions in mind. I Dont think i Will ever look at Them The same again, My heart breaks just thinking how these people Made me laugh so much on shows and yet They are struggling with their own mental state in shambles all by themselves.
Whats more tragic about this is that family, friends, fans and even The company knows about Jonghyun’s struggle, but they can Only do so much for him, when he cant even love himself and feel worthy No amount of love around him Will ever be enough because his mind is Already in shambles💔💔
Maybe now companies Will be taking a more proactive steps to care for their artiste mental and physical healthcare and be Made aware that their artist are humans too and not work them to their breaking point. Give a break when They needed it and not dictate Too much With what They can or cannot do.
At The end of it, No one one is at fault and No one is To be Blame, Jonghyun give up after a long struggle and i hope this Will be The last time we ever have To encounter someone taking this route, leaving so many hearts shattered and broken💔seeing so many post about him, really means he had touched so many lives. Its so sad that he could not see his own worth💔
Lets learn To live With more love, compassion and empathy and try to reach out To people Who is struggling with any kind of mental illnesses. Frankly I was one of those people who is ignorant about depression, I never knew how dark and lonely it is for those suffering from it.. It’s only recently that I did some reading and get to know what it is actually.
May the mother and sister of jonghyun find it in their hearts to live life to the fullest and may they find some solace in the members who had been their son friends for so long. I wish shawols would take their time to mourn this loss and rise again when the time comes. I wish that everyone who has this illness would reach out and find the light.
If I hadn’t known Jonghyun I don’t think I would be crying for this loss. I know he doesn’t even know I exist but it’s a testament to the impact he does have towards the people whoever have known kpop. I’m not even into kpop as much as I used to but To me he exist and thus im sad when he left suddenly. Looking at the people he left behind and how he was really love but somehow those love never reach him breaks my heart. All members of Ft island posted about him, and so many people who came to the funeral were people that I actually recognized, I guess the hallyu wave does have an impact in my life one way or another..
I don’t think I will be upset if my bias decide to leave his group or the entertainment world if he is no longer happy in it..he can live a normal life if he wish to and people should not bring him down for it.
At last I can only pray for, People to be happy, be able to be healthy, they should not have to suffer alone they should have shoulders to depend and cry on..whoever and wherever they are.. May this world be filled with love and compassion and loath be turn to dust. May people find the light at the end of a dark tunnel and may this life brings goodness to reach a better end.. ❤️lets live life with all our strength.
Goodbye Jonghyun.. You did well, u lived well..u will be missed..
The other shinee members be well, do Well and have faith its not The end❤️
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When they discover their crush likes them back
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Your English is just fine, my dear! ♥ I hope you enjoy ♥
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 I think giddy might be the best word for this.  He’s the eldest, so he’d probably be outwardly really chill about this.  Whether it was you telling them that ‘hey I like you’ or if it was someone else letting the information slip, he’s going to be all smiles for the rest of the day, maybe the week, probably the month.  Just saying!   So let’s say he found out from a mutual friend.  They just kinda blurted it out while the two of them were having a conversation about you.  It would totally surprise him and he’d probably immediately stop the friend to confirm. ‘You really mean that?’ ‘he/she does?’ ‘since when?’ ‘are you sure?’ When he’s sufficiently confident that this wasn’t just some random opinion from his friend about what he thinks you think of him, then he’s going to be ecstatic.  Expect him to be sweeter to you, even more of a gentleman (is that even possible?), and just all around attentive.  You can bet he’s planning the perfect way to ask you out, too.  That’s partially why he’s hanging around more.  I see Jinki as being particularly romantic, so he’d probably go a little traditional with the way he’d ask you out.  Roses, possibly a little cute stuffed animal, a trip to a botanical garden or even the beach--some place where he won’t be interrupted and the mood is perfect.  Even with the knowledge that you like him, he’s still going to be shy as hell when he finally asks you out.  Jinki is a special one so please be kind to him.  Appreciate this bundle of love, okay?  *clears his throat* “So, um, y/n, a little birdy might have told me you like me, which is great because I like you, too!” *insert giant Jinki smile here* “I was hoping I’m not completely wrong in assuming said birdy was telling the truth because I would love to take you on a date.”
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 Oh, oh, okay.  So you want to talk about romance?  Here is Mr. King of Romance.  This guy is as greasy as the pizza my high school cafeteria used to sell for lunch, which is to say it cascades off of him like a damn waterfall.  No amount of napkins is going to hold back this greaseball.  He’s also Mr. Confidence!  Before he finds out you like him, he’s shy around you, soft-spoken, cute little smiles.  After he finds out you like him, expect some whiplash.  He’s going to be VERY different.  More forward.  He’s the type to want visual evidence of this supposed crush, so there will be little, light touches of his fingers grazing your arms or your back when he’s around.  He’ll graze his fingers over yours when handing you things just to see your reactions.  Hell, he’ll even be cheeky af and boldly brush his thumb over the corner of your mouth while the two of your are eating lunch together ‘because there’s crumbs’ he’ll say...DoNt Be FoOlEd!  The second he sees that blush bloom over your cheeks, he’ll have all the proof he needs that you like him.  At that point I see two possible ways he’ll move forward.  Either A: he’ll be blunt as hell (he is an Aries after all) and tell you he likes you and wants to take you out on a date, probably that evening.  Or B: he’ll tease you for a while, living for your blushing face and flustered reactions...AND THEN once he’s had his fun he’ll ask you out, probably point blank, the most random moment of the day.  You could literally be shoving food in your mouth and this one will be like ‘Go out with me.’  Oh, did I say ask?  No, no, I mean he’ll just make a... suggestion without a question mark at the end.  If you have the will to tell that bright smiling face no, then you’re a stronger person than most of us.  Good luck!  “Oh my god! Did you see the episode last night?” “Yeah it was great!” “I can’t believe he died!” “Tell me about it! I was so surprised!”  “Speaking of surprises, let’s go on a date tonight.  Eight o’clock sound good?  I know the perfect place to take you.” *cue choking*
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Libras.  It’s hard to say what Kibum would do, honestly.  I think it would depend on how much time spends with the object of his affection.  The more a Libra knows about the person they like the more likely the are to know the person likes them.  So, for a Libra like Kibum who is naturally outgoing, he might not need to be told by anyone that you like him because he’d already know.  However, Kibum has had some confidence issues in the past so that might hinder his ability to see that someone likes him at all.  If that’s the case it would come as a surprise that you like him in that way and he may or may not actually believe it.  The good thing here is that if that is the case, the seed has already been planted and because Libra’s are naturally intuitive and observant, he’ll subconsciously be looking for the little things you do that might cue him to said crush.  If he does figure out you do actually, truly like him it’s going to throw him for a loop and he’ll become SUPER shy around you, possibly giggly, more handsy and prone to skinship.  He’s for it, honestly.  The way he displays he likes you is in the little things he does: small gestures to help you throughout the day, little text messages to say good morning or goodnight or just to check up on you, taking interest in the same things as you even if it means stepping out of his comfort zone, shy smiles and lots of individual attention.  Kibum is a doll and honestly, he needs someone who is going to treat him like he’s a king, cuz he is.  Don’t be discouraged if you figure out he likes you and yet he doesn’t make a move.  This might behoove you to make the first move or just be patient and continue to show an interest in him.  So long as you show that he’s the only guy you’re interested in, he’ll eventually gain the confidence to ask you out.  Don’t, I REPEAT, DON’T do the whole jealousy thing.  You will only hurt him.  “Look, I can’t do this anymore” *sharp inhale and heavy sigh* “There’s this thing between us, and I mean, if it’s just in my head I’ll crawl under a rock or something, but if you really feel it too, can you please put me out of my misery and just go out with me?” (this, by the way, is the part where you say YES!  You’re welcome)
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Confidence, confidence, confidence!!!! The other Mr. Confidence.  He know’s he’s good looking and he know’s he’s talented, and he KNOWS he’s a lady killer.  What I love about Minho is the fact that despite all this he’s still a giant goober.  Like, this is a group of weirdos (as a fellow weirdo I say this in the most loving way possible), but he’s King Weirdo in a lot of ways.  He’s also a mood maker and a giant fluff ball.  I don’t think there would be a huge difference between the way he acts around you after finding out you like him, too, just subtle things like shy, almost knowing smiles and a few giggles here and there (he’s giggly okay? Fight me!). He might be a little more clumsy around you, trying to impress you and all before slipping or running into something.  It’s Minho, honestly.  He’s a giant and having such long limbs, they’ve gotta get in the way sometimes!  It’s just not possible to be perfect AND perfectly coordinated.  I’m just saying.  Anyway, I think he has the potential to be like both Jinki and Jonghyun.  He could be the type to get closer to his future s/o in little ways: spending time with them, being more touchy, etc.  But I also see him being so surprised and so enthused about the possibility of reciprocated feelings that he might just come right out and ask you out.  I lean more towards the Jinki option, though.  I feel like would want to plan a perfect moment and then ask you out AND THEN take you out on the perfect date. IT’S MINHO FOR GOODNESS SAKE!  In any case, he’s not going to take forever to ask you out, but I’m not entirely sure he’d be as abrupt as Jonghyun.  He’s a fluffy guy, but not over the top either, so I think he’d wanna take you for a movie and dinner, or even just invite you over for a home-cooked meal and a romantic night in.  He strikes me as simple, which I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty ideal.  “So I might have heard that you liked me and I might have planned a date for this Saturday.  What do you say?  Will you let me take you out?”
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Oh, Tae.  This one.  What are we going to do with you, hmm?  Taemin is a quiet person by nature, even with his weird side.  It’s just a Cancer thing.  Also a Cancer thing: the incredible inability to express themselves.  Like the crab that represents their sign, they tend to shrink into shells and not come back out.  I feel like Taemin liking someone would be a quiet affair.  He would like this person from afar for awhile until he’s comfortable enough to come forward and interact with them more.  It might seem like he’s standoffish, but really he’s just trying to figure himself out.  However, once he knows how he feels it’s going to change his behavior in the mildest of ways.  Instead of being standoffish, he’ll actively seek out the object of his affection, he’ll make small conversations with them, mostly he just wants to be in their presence even if they don’t like him back.  Being around that person brings him some solace, almost like a reset button.  He’ll worry incessantly, always wanting to know if they got home alright or if they are feeling okay or...well, just generally, he’ll want to make sure the person he likes is healthy and happy.  So say he finds out you like him from a mutual friend.  Like Kibum, he might not believe it.  He can’t wrap his mind around the idea you, the person he’s liked for so long, actually liking him back.  However, unlike Kibum, he’ll give into the idea faster, becoming a bit giddy and just a smiley mess.  Don’t expect him to come right out and say he likes you, though.  Oh, no.  He’s going to horde this information and not make it known in the slightest that he’s even aware.  I feel like it would take someone else showing an interest in you for him to be motivated to ask you out.  At that point, it would be a matter of him possibly losing you to someone else, even if you like him back.  He can’t imagine you with someone else.  Absolutely not!  Taemin is the type to blurt out that he likes you.  Not in a smooth Jonghyun kind of way, but a very sudden, very unplanned confession, almost like a slip of the tongue.  It’s still cute as hell, though, you have to admit.  “You can’t go on a date with him!” “Why not?” “Because he’s not good enough for you!” “Taemin, you don’t even know him…”  *aggravated huff* *hand running through that glorious hair* “You don’t understand.” “Then help me understand” “I like you, okay?!  You can’t be with anyone else!  You just ...can’t!”  (istg this is the part where you hug him and reassure him, okay?  Do it.  Don’t question it.  Just do it.  Don’t hurt him.)
--Admin MM
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Becoming Ten Dollars Richer - A Biography by Lee Jinki
Pairing: JongKey Word Count: 3,186 For:  Originally written for colorful fic fest round 2 A/N: I originally wrote this fic for colorful fic fest round 2 and posted on @ourshineeshrine
Summary: Jonghyun didn’t like black coffee at all. But, he really liked Kibum, so he supposed that that was alright.
Time couldn’t seem to be going any slower than it was in that moment, and Kibum had a heavy heart at the prospect of his awaiting mounds of homework. Life as a part time barista and student wasn’t always sunshine and daisies – the workload was beyond tedious and finding the time to study didn’t always prove successful. At the ripe age of eighteen Kibum had moved Seoul upon completing high school, partly to gain a better education, must mostly to escape his parents’ strict grasp. He didn’t regret his decision, Kibum loved the independence. But sometimes the effort that went into living was really too much.
Well, up until Kibum looked up and laid his eyes on the same guy as yesterday. And the day before. And well, it had been that way for a whole month, to be honest. He felt his eyes unconsciously light up in delight as the tanned male scanned the menu, wrinkled his brows in confusion and placed the menu awkwardly back where he found it.
Kibum scoffed in laughter under his breath. That kid really had no idea what he was doing. “Hey,” Kibum called, offering the guy a small smile. “The usual?”
Lifting his head in surprise, the stranger’s cheeks painted a pinkish hue, and he nodded slowly in agreement. “Um, yeah. A coffee please…the black one.”
A snort escaped Kibum’s lips despite his desperate attempt to remain silent, and in embarrassment he avoided eye contact when taking the man’s money. “Here’s your change…it’ll be ready in a minute.”
And when Kibum eventually handed the other male his long black coffee, he found amusement in the familiar way his face contorted in disgust upon taking a sip, wondering for the umpteenth time why he insisted on buying it. “Have a great day!” Kibum exclaimed, falling into a burst of laughter upon the customer’s departure.
“Why the heck does he still order that stuff? He clearly doesn’t like it…” Kibum pondered aloud, jolting in astonishment at the voice which responded to his queries.
“I bet you ten dollars he likes you, ‘Bum,” spoke Jinki, Kibum’s manager and close friend. Despite the age gap between the two, upon arriving at university in Seoul, they had just clicked, both taking part in the vocal club after classes.
Upon the older male’s sly words, Kibum hurriedly whipped him with a nearby tea towel, and laughed at Jinki’s shaken expression. “Shut up, Jinki. He probably just wants to look like an intellectual.”
“Or…” laughed Jinki, moving up to the counter to serve an awaiting customer. “Maybe he’s just gay.”
Kibum rolled his eyes in fond irritation, quite accustomed to his manager’s usual antics. ‘Gay?’ he thought to himself, with a light scoff at the mere prospect. ‘In my dreams.’
The next day followed in the same manner, and like usual, when the mysterious stranger’s face screwed up in a failed attempt to hide his distaste, Kibum couldn’t conceal his laughter. The man bit his lip in humiliation and blushed a furious red. “What?” he mumbled quietly. “Do I have something on my face?”
Shaking his head profusely, Kibum quieted his chuckles and straightened up. “No, no…sorry about that. I just—“ He paused, considered something for a second and then seemingly changed his mind. “Never mind. You just looked cute, is all. Taste good?”
Surprise littered the man’s face, and he faltered for something to say in response. “I…well, I mean. Same as usual.” His whole face was red now, and although Kibum wanted to feel sympathy for him, he found the whole expression to be rather endearing.
Kibum laughed loudly, throwing his head back in utmost amusement. Judging by the disdainful expressions which accompanied his face upon taking a sip, the ‘same as usual’ wasn’t necessarily a very good thing, but Kibum found the situation to be much too funny to care. “That’s…good then, I suppose? I never caught your name by the way…I’m Kibum.”
The man’s eyes were wide, and the blush adorning his sharp cheekbones still hadn’t faded away. He seemed to stutter on his words for a few seconds, before something coherent could finally be made out of them. “Um, I…Well…M-my name is Jonghyun. K-Kim Jonghyun.”
With excited eyes, Kibum reached over the counter to shake Jonghyun’s hand. Jonghyun stiffened immediately, but nonetheless shook back, though made sure to avoid eye contact with Kibum as he did so. Their size in hands were considerably different, with Kibum’s being much longer and thinner than Jonghyun’s, but the younger of the two found that they fit quite nicely together, and felt a large grin slide over his face. “It’s nice to meet you, Jonghyun!”
Their hands, with much regret on both male’s behalf, slid apart and Jonghyun’s head slowly lifted to meet gazes with Kibum’s. Kibum’s grin faltered upon locking eyes with Jonghyun, because in that moment he found that those wide, brown eyes with a double eyelid only on one side were the most beautiful he had ever seen.
“Nice to meet you too, Kibum.”
And then, much to Kibum’s joy, Jonghyun smiled softly. “I…I best be off now. Bye, Kibum!”
Kibum was the one blushing now, and being utterly speechless, could only offer a small wave of the hand as Jonghyun spun around and left the café, a light spring in his step as he went. He patted his cheeks softly to rid of the red hue, but no matter what he did, nothing could remove the dreamy smile which accompanied his expression for the rest of Kibum’s shift that day.
Unfortunately for him, Kibum didn’t work Mondays and Tuesdays, and throughout those two days he felt his anxiousness and excitement for his shift that Wednesday to be accumulating at a rapid rate. Although much too slowly for Kibum’s liking, Wednesday did indeed come eventually, and upon arriving at the café, the first thing that Kibum decided to do was interview Jinki.
“Did he do it again, Jinks?! He ordered black again, right?”
Jinki blinked and looked at Kibum with the utmost confusion. “Hello to you too?”
With a roll of the eyes, Kibum lightly slapped Jinki’s arm with impatience. “I’m being serious, man!”
“Kibum, what the heck are you even on about? You can’t just stroll in, ask “did he do it again?”, and expect me to know what you’re talking about, y’know.”
Kibum sighed deeply, and pulled an apron from the rack it was hanging on. “How thick can you get? I’m talking about Jonghyun, of course! You know? The guy who always comes here and orders a black coffee only to take one sip and use it as a hand warmer instead. Did he do it again when I was gone?”
It was a silent for a few moments, before all of a sudden an invisible lightbulb went off in Jinki’s head and he jolted with realization. “Oh, you mean that guy!” he laughed loudly, only to stop after deep consideration. “Actually…he didn’t come on Monday or Tuesday, now that I think about it. I told you Kibum, he’s gay.”
“He is not gay, Jinki. I told you, he just wants to look like an intellectual.” Kibum argued, finishing the tie on his ribbon and moving to wipe the bench clean.
With a shake of the head, Jinki continued. “How would you know?”
Kibum glared. “How would you know?”
“Let’s see, shall we…” responded the older of the two, reaching for a notebook and opening it for a scan. “Ahem, here it is: First of all, he only comes here on days you’re working.”
“That could just mean he’s bu—“
“Shut up, Kibum. I’ve got the notebook, so be quiet. Now, secondly, he orders coffee all the time even though he doesn’t like it. Because he wants to interact with you.”
The barista was getting agitated now, and went to swipe the notebook from Jinki’s hands only to be dodged skilfully. “C’mon Jinki, it’s not because of that!”
Jinki tutted indignantly. “Quiet means quiet, Kibum.” he sang. “And look here! Lastly – drum roll please.”
“I’m not drum rolli—“
“It’s drum roll or no job, ‘Bummie.”
Clenching his fists tightly and rolling his eyes, Kibum reluctantly began to drum roll softly. The sound was halted by Jinki with a loud click of the fingers, and then he spoke triumphantly.
“He’s gay!”
“You’re last argument for him being gay is that “he’s gay”? How clever of you, Jinki. I am in utmost awe.” Kibum drawled sarcastically, clapping his hands together with a quirked eyebrow.
Jinki laughed joyfully and moved to serve a waiting customer. “You just don’t get it Kibum, do you? He’s gay, trust me.”
With a scoff, Kibum finally got to brewing a coffee, thoughts running at a million miles per hour. ‘Gay my asshole.’ he noted with a scoff. ‘What would Jinki know, anyway?’
Time, fortunately, seemed to be moving a lot faster that particular day, but that was probably because like every other Wednesday, it was a morning shift. Kibum didn’t have any classes on Wednesdays so usually took the opportunity to snag the longer hours at work – he really was quite desperate for the money, if he did say so himself. Lunch time came, and Kibum couldn’t help himself from looking over the counter every few minutes to see if a particular customer was making his way through the door. It was safe to say he was thoroughly disappointed when he only had half an hour left and Jonghyun still hadn’t managed to make an appearance throughout the day.
He had just about given up on all hope when all of a sudden, while swiping the bench down for probably the last time that shift, a soft and quiet voice interrupted his lonely train of thought.
“H-hey Kibum…How’s it going?”
Kibum’s eyes shot up in astonishment, and upon landing on Jonghyun’s small and petite frame, felt his face split into a radiant grin. “Hey, Jonghyun! I was just starting to worry you wouldn’t show up…But yeah, I’m pretty good. And you?”
Red tinted the shorter male’s ears and he scuffed his feet along the wooden panelled floor in embarrassment. “Sorry I’m late…I had band practice at uni today. And y-yeah, I’m good! Could I have a um…the ur—“
“Long black?” Kibum interrupted with a smug smirk. “Sure.”
Jonghyun laughed softly and hid his face in his hands as he did so. “That’s the one.” he mumbled with embarrassment.
With a snort and a raised eyebrow, Kibum questioned under his breath. “Do you even like coffee?”
But apparently for Kibum, ‘under his breath’ didn’t mean very quiet at all because Jonghyun’s ears picked up on it quite easily. His head shot up in shock and with haste he began to stutter out a pretty unconvincing defence. “Y-yes! If I didn’t like coffee I wouldn’t be ordering it every day, would I? I’m just…not very good at remembering names. That’s all.”
Kibum, who hadn’t realised that he had been overheard, blushed furiously but nonetheless brushed it off and retorted with amusement. “You remembered my name pretty easily.”
“Well…” mumbled Jonghyun. “Kibum’s a pretty common name. Whereas ‘black long’—“
“Long black.” corrected Kibum.
Jonghyun snorted. “Whatever it is…” he pouted, before adding quietly to himself. “Tastes like shit either way.”
Pausing in his tracks, Kibum looked up with wide eyes. His face twitched, and thinking it was in anger Jonghyun tried feebly to apologize, only to be abruptly cut off as Kibum burst out into a loud fit of hysterics. Never before had Jonghyun’s face burnt this warm, but despite his upmost humiliation, he felt something akin to a smile appear at the state Kibum was in. Eventually, the younger boy’s laughter died down and he humorously flicked away invisible tears by the corners of his eyes. “You…” he began, running a hand through his thick black locks. “You really are cute, Jonghyun.”
“Thanks…I guess?” Jonghyun responded, flicking his hair from his eyes and smiling sheepishly.
Pride swelled in Kibum’s chest and with a sparkling eyes, he handed Jonghyun his coffee. “Here, try this.”
Their hands brushed scarcely as Jonghyun took the cup from Kibum’s hand, and even though Jonghyun really wasn’t expecting much, he took a sip of the coffee anyway. Abruptly, his eyes widened and he looked at Kibum with pure confusion etched on his features. “T-this long black certainly tastes better than usual.” he choked out, a soft grin growing on his face.
“That’s probably because it isn’t a long black.” chuckled Kibum, untying his apron after a quick glance at the clock. “You know, if you want to look like an intellectual you should have at least researched your coffees first. That’s a vanilla latte.”
After taking another long sip, Jonghyun regarded Kibum with confusion. “An intellectual? That wasn’t really what I was going for.”
Kibum scoffed. “Oh really? Then why the heck do you insist on buying coffee that “tastes like shit” every day? You’re seriously weird, man.”
Hovering at the door, Jonghyun looked back at Kibum and smiled a smile that Kibum was certain he had never seen from the older before. He blushed unconsciously and froze behind the counter, never feeling quite as vulnerable as he did at that moment.
“You know Kibum…” he spoke in that same soft, delicate tone. “Out of the two of us, I’m certainly not the only cute one.”
And then he was gone, out the door and probably already on his way home. Kibum stuttered incoherently and slapped his cheeks, chest warm at the compliment he’d been given out of nowhere. He trudged towards the back room in a trance, where he was met with a sly and knowing Jinki. “I told you, Kibum.” he laughed quietly. “Gay.”
The rest of the week passed, each day consisting of Kibum making Jonghyun a different type of coffee and feeling his chest swell with joy at the smile which accompanied his tasting sip. Jonghyun had told Kibum that his favourites were so far the ‘caramel latte’ and the ‘mocha’, and once again Kibum was utterly bewildered as to why a sweet tooth such as him had been ordering a long black this whole time.
“Hey, Kibum?” Jonghyun had questioned out of nowhere on the Sunday, right after Kibum had given him a ‘vanilla macchiato’. “What time do you finish work?”
Kibum glanced at the clock and then smiled. “In around twenty, why?”
“Oh um…I was just wondering if you’d wanna hang out afterwards. B-but if you don’t wanna then that’s fine too!”
“No, of course I want to!” blurted Kibum hurriedly, waving his hands in the air frantically. “Just…are you okay to wait a while?”
Jonghyun moved to respond, but was interrupted by Jinki popping his around the corner. “Actually Kibum, you can just leave early. It’s not very busy so…feel free.”
Simultaneously, Jonghyun and Kibum’s face burst out into a wide grin, and with a rush Kibum untied his apron and ran to the back room to gather his bag. Jonghyun rocked on his feet happily and hummed quietly to himself, halting suddenly as he noticed Jinki’s eyes were still watching him closely.
“You like him right?”
Jonghyun blanched and choked on his spit at the sudden question. “E-excuse me?”
“Kibum. You have a crush on him, yeah?”
“I don’t see how—“
“I’m letting him off early because after this gruelling year he deserves it…I just don’t want him to get all excited for nothing. So, do you like him?”
With red cheeks, Jonghyun diverted his gaze to stare at his shoes as though they were the most interesting thing in the world. He bit his lip harshly as though fighting an inward battle, and then sighed loudly and looked back up. “Y-yeah. I do.”
Jinki, unexpectedly, smiled. “Knew it.” And then he turned around and walked away, passing Kibum on the way out. “Have fun…” he whispered smugly. “With your gay friend.”
“He’s probably not gay, Jinki.” grumbled Kibum for the nth time, bumping shoulders with Jinki and leaving to meet Jonghyun by the door.
The two left the café with grins upon their face, and upon their departure, Jinki burst into loud chuckles. “Ah, he’s so oblivious. Just you wait, Kibum. Just you wait.”
Eventually, Jonghyun and Kibum were settled comfortably in a large park, watching the people pass by with warm, sparkling gazes. A few times, Jonghyun’s hand had unconsciously brushed against Kibum’s only to shoot back hurriedly in fear, despite the fact that each time it happened Kibum’s cheeks became littered with rose. They talked softly and cosily amongst each other, and it seemed as though no time had passed before the sun had already started to set.
“We should probably get going, right?” questioned Jonghyun, although a small pout accompanied his query.
Kibum exhaled loudly. “Unfortunately, yeah.”
And so with a heavy and reluctant trudge, they slowly made their way out of the park, hands swinging awfully close to each other as they went. And that was when Kibum’s gaze fell upon a certain key chain on Jonghyun’s bag, and he paused in his place. Jonghyun too halted, and regarded Kibum with a raised eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”
“O-on your bag…You have an LGTBQ+ keychain.”
Jonghyun’s eyes widened, and he pulled his backpack around to have a look for himself. “Oh, this old thing. Yeah.” he laughed quietly.
Avoiding eye contact, Kibum continued carefully. “You support it then?”
The sides of Jonghyun’s eyes crinkled as he grinned and he nodded enthusiastically. “Of course…Well—“ He paused, considered something for a second, and then nodded his head as though agreeing with a decision. “I’m gay actually.”
Kibum’s jaw dropped and he regarded Jonghyun with unadulterated astonishment. “R-really? You?”
Jonghyun nodded slowly. “That’s okay, right?”
It took a while for Kibum to compose himself, but after a few seconds he was nodding vehemently and a purely joyous grin was spreading over his face. “That’s perfectly okay!” Kibum smirked and tried to ignore the echo of Jinki’s voice replaying in his ears. “Me too.”
Silence accompanied his claim, and the two merely stared at each other in mutual awe and astonishment. But then, before Kibum could begin to worry, Jonghyun’s lips were on his, holding his waist softly while delicately using one hand to caress Kibum’s cheek. And Kibum was kissing him back with just as much tender care, twining his fingers through the hair on Jonghyun’s nape and holding him softly as they embraced. They were in the open public, and it would take no effort whatsoever for a civilian to see them there kissing in the park, but Jonghyun and Kibum didn’t care, and only pulled away when their breath ran short.
Jonghyun giggled quietly to himself. Kibum grinned so widely that his dimples showed. And then they kissed again.
“So…” began Kibum quietly while staring at their interlocked hands. “Does that mean you didn’t order coffee every day to look like an intellectual?”
“Nah,” the older of the two laughed. “I’m just gay.”
Kibum sighed. He supposed Jinki would be ten dollars richer after all.
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lee-tae-saranghae · 7 years
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Do something original and creative for SHINee’s 9th anniversary and not write a long ass sappy paragraph for them? No :) 
I’ve been a shinee fan since 2015 I believe. During View era that is. But I became a full fledged shawol around the end of 2016. And by 2017, these 5 boys are literally anything and everything I ever think/post about. Idk why or how this happened but I couldn’t be happier that I got blessed by getting an opportunity to know about them, stan them, love them. They’re like family at this point tbh. And my other family are shawols! God, these people are amazing and I am super proud to identify as one. Even if someone doesn’t necessarily stan SHINee, they respect them a lot and I think that’s so so important. And why shouldn’t they be respected? They have amazing talents, catchy songs, and the best member relationship I have ever seen tbh. 9 years going strong without losing a single member. That’s what I call unity. And the fact that it doesn’t seem like anyone will be leaving anytime soon is yet another amazing thing about them. Nothing about them feels staged even to the slightest. They’re so pure and genuine. The members are always interacting with each other and taking care of each other, it’s unbelievable. SHINee is known to have not been involved in any serious scandal in all their 9 years in the industry!
SHINee cares about shawols so much. They’re always tirelessly doing concerts/photoshoots/fan meets/comebacks. Their 2016/2017 schedule is CRAZY. They’re literally having to go from one country to another like every single day. It’s sad that they’re not getting any rest. They spoil us shawols way too much. Let’s look at the members individually.
Jinki is an amazing leader. Always taking care of the other members. Taemin strayed away from the other SHINee members at an airport and Jinki stopped so that he could keep up like how cute xD And don’t even get me started on how cute and happy he is like tell you don’t smile with Onew when he does and I won’t believe you. He is most definitely the sunshine of the group <3 His vocals are out of this world like do you know he holds the record of longest high note held by an idol? That’s talented Jinki for ya <3
Now onto Jonghyun. I really won’t be able to stop writing about this guy. Recently, I read loads of his interviews and just did loads of research on him in general and I got to know how pure and genuine he is. Jonghyun is very upfront like if he’s hurting, he’ll tell you. He won’t sugarcoat anything but he still stays very happy for the sake of us shawols. His composing, singing, lyric writing, poem writing, book writing and dancing skills are astonishingly amazing. He’s just this very multi-talented person and I find myself being able to relate and connect to him a lot. AND DO I NEED TO MENTION HIS TATTOOS? I’ve been obsessed with minimalistic and chic tattoos since I was like 13 and now he has like 6-7 tattoos and Im like livin.
Minho time <3 Minho is my man. Minho is your man. Minho is everyone’s man. Minho is the man. He’s so sweet and so caring. If I had to describe Minho perfectly, it’d be this: he’s literally every shashuri’s dream meyer-jamai. He’s just that. No one can be mad at him. If you don’t like Minho, what are you who are you go away delete yo selves you don’t deserve a place in this Minho graced world bye. And no one can forget his infamous dibidibidis rap like c’mon
Kibuuummiieeee <3 The fashion king. This dude could wear a sack, look good, set a trend and make a statement in the fashion world. He’s sassy in the most lovable way possible. AND THAT GLO ON HIS SKIN LIKE DAMMMNNNN. His insta lives before he goes to sleep are LIFE and just him in general is amazing. His acting is spot on and I hope he does amazingly in that field. It’s like this: if Kibum ain’t your bias, you’re lying to yourself.
And lastly, our lovable maknae Taemin. That little fluffball <3 I can talk about him for hours and hours to come (obviously) but I’ll refrain from doing that lol. He’s such an inspiration. I emphasize his ‘rags to riches’ fact almost everyday and anyone who knows me well has heard me cry about how successful he has become and how proud I am of him. THE GUY WAS CALLED TONE DEAF AND HE HAS FUCKING SOLO ALBUMS NOW. His singing improved DRASTICALLY like from Jonghyun supporting his vocals in Replay to him singing high notes in Soldier like omg this man is just something. And I don’t think I even need to mention how amazing he is at dancing. He is quite evidently one of the kings of dancing in K-pop and he has achieved so much through it. It’s unbelievable. I admire and respect Taemin on a different level entirely and I hope he prospers even more in the future <3
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taeminstark · 8 years
Suds - JongTae / pg-13 / 3,269 Words
Kibum’s daring tendencies end up bringing a secptical Taemin face to face with a hot stylist named Jonghyun
->fluff + lowkey crack
“Dude, we’ve gotta try this.” Kibum exclaims as he points to a picture in a magazine next to a long article.
 “What the hell is that?” Taemin asks with a  look of horror on his face as he peers over Kibum’s shoulder pursing his lips.
“Ok look, I know it might seem ‘crazy’ to you, but it’s all the rave these days. They call it ‘Interactive Hair Salons’” Kibum explains.
“What does that mean?”
“Okay, basically, you go to the salon, and instead of getting your hair washed in the sinks, you like, stand in a shower with your stylist- fully clothed of course.”
“What the fuck” Taemin says as he rolls his eyes, leaving Kibum’s back to find some food in the kitchen.
“Come on! It’s really cool, it’s like a rush. Your stylist washes your hair as the both of you are under a stream of hot water, that’s like, fucking sexy. The shower is also like this big room with multiple faucets so multiple customers can go in at once.”
“I think you need to see a doctor, who the hell would do that?” Taemin asks before looking at Kibum, he gives Taemin a coy look before clearing his throat.
“No” Taemin says. 
“Why not??” Kibum protests.
 “Because. That’s fucking creepy, and who knows what could happen in those showers..” Taemin argues. Running a hand through his hair as he pulls a jug of orange juice out of the fridge.
 “You’re too pessimistic. Think about all the good that could happen in there.” Kibum winks before making a fake moaning sound just to piss Taemin off. “Besides, your stylist could be a hot guy, and then you’d be thanking me”
“I’m not gay” 
“That’s not what your last boyfriend said..” Kibum jokes. 
“Ok, we went out for like two weeks, and we didn’t even fuck so..if anything I’m bi” Taemin says.
“Whatever, guy, girl, both, you have to come with me, it’s an experience” Kibum says.
Taemin groans while making vomit noises, knowing that eventually Kibum will pressure him into going whether he likes it or not.
“Come on, we have to try this, we do stupid shit together for a reason. What are friends for?” Kibum asks.
“If this is what friends are for, I’d rather be a loner” Taemin says as he pours the orange liquid into a cup.
“Ok you know what, I won’t make you do it, but can you just come along, for like, moral support or something? Who knows you might even change your mind” Kibum chuckles “It’s not even that far, it’s like a half hour car ride away” 
“When are we going..?” Taemin asks as he admits defeat to Kibum’s persuasion. Kibum lets out a laugh of relief, reveling in the fact that he won- again. Taemin shakes his head and gulps down his juice, dreading the day he walks into that blasted salon.
The next weekend comes too quickly and Taemin mentally slaps himself for ever allowing Kibum to drag him into this big mistake.
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” Taemin complains as he stares out the passenger seat window, staring at the stores lining the streets.
“Stop pouting. How much you wanna bet you’re gonna jump the first stylist you see?” Kibum says.
“That’s you, not me.”
“Debateable.” Kibum says.
The drive is relatively short like Kibum said it’d be and Taemin wants nothing more than to go straight home and forget that ‘showering with your stylist’ is a thing that exists in this day and age. He sighs, hoping the whole thing won’t take too long.
“We’re coming up on it” Kibum says with a sneaky tone to his voice that makes Taemin half-gag.
“Oh great..” Taemin mumbles under his breath.
They park just outside the salon and pay for parking, not wasting any time. When they walk in Taemin is happily surprised at how nice the interior is despite his earlier stigma. It’s modern and sleek and he almost wants to take pictures. They walk up to the front desk and Kibum checks in with the receptionist, making sure all is clear with his appointment. Bored, Taemin opts to sit in the waiting room. He pulls out his phone, knowing he’s going to be here for a while.
“Jinki will be with you shortly” Taemin hears the receptionist say to Kibum. He skips over to Taemin and sits next to him, fanning his face in exaggeration.
“Woo Taem, doesn’t Jinki sound like such a hot name?” Kibum flaunts. “I wonder if he’s tall, or muscular, or skinny and pretty. Oh Tae you gotta try this, my heart’s already pounding in my chest” Kibum says, practically wiggling in his seat. The only thing he receives is a agonizingly slow eye roll from the younger.
“Mr. Kim?” The receptionist calls out and Kibum’s head shoots up. His and another’s voice speak at the same time. Taemin looks up from his phone and is met with an interesting-looking man.
“Oh not you sir, I meant the customer.” The woman says to a platinum-haired man at the front desk, she points to Kibum. “Come along please, Jinki is ready for you” She gestures, pointing to a hallway. Kibum makes quick of leaving Taemin to himself, in the end he can’t convince him, but he doesn’t mind, he’s about to have some fun of his own.
“Well as long as long as I’m here, can I see my schedule?” The light-haired man says, peeking over the counter.
“You don’t have any bookings until tomorrow- for now” The woman says. The man sighs calmly, leaving the desk to make way for a back room when he sees him. He walks over to the distracted Taemin, looming in front of his seated form.
“Now what’s a place like you doing in a pretty boy like this?” The man jokes, kicking Taemin’s foot when he doesn’t look up.
“Huh- what?” Taemin asks, confused, slipping his phone into his sweater pocket.
“I’m just messing, what are you here for? You waiting to get set up or..?”
“No no, I’m just waiting for my friend, he went in already” Taemin says, a little nervous in front of the now-noticeably handsome man. Taemin wasn’t someone who fawned over every guy or girl he met, but he had to admit- this man was stunning. He was probably around the same height as him, but definitely more built. However there was something about him, no matter how manly he seemed, that looked beautiful, and for a few moments Taemin was frozen.
“You sure? You seem like a guy who could really use the pampering.” The man insisted.
“Mmm..no, sorry I’m just not interested in what you guys do.”
“Then why’d you come here?”
“I- like I said, I came with my friend, is that a problem?”
“Mmm..no, but are you sure you didn’t subconsciously have ulterior motives?” The man implies, now irritating Taemin.
“No, honest, I just came because he wanted ‘moral support’ or something” Taemin defends, using his fingers to air quote.
“Hmm..seems to me you could use some support of your own.” The man says, winking and shifting to stand just a tad closer to Taemin’s seated body.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh nothing, it’s just, you seem…tense.” The man admits, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well I kind of am.” Taemin says coldly, hoping the man catches his drift without being too rude.
The man has none of this, instead, he sits in the seat next to Taemin, before Taemin can say anything, the man is holding Taemin’s chin with a few fingers and turning his head to face him.
“Hey- what are you..?” Taemin asks, words suddenly stuck in his throat.
“Fella did ya wrong?” The man coos, leaning closer to Taemin. Taemin feels an oddly warm feeling in his cheeks and he’s not sure why.
“Huh?” Taemin blinks, totally dumbfounded by the man’s forwardness and random intrusion of questions. He’s not a good liar so he opts for the truth.
“Actually yeah..” Taemin admits, eyes falling to the ground.
 “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
 “It’s alright, it was short-lived anyways..” Taemin trails off, leaving the man guessing. Slowly, the man pulls his fingers away from Taemin’s chin, now feeling like he stepped over a boundary he didn’t know existed. For a strange reason, Taemin is left bothered when the man removes his fingers. They sit watching the floor for a moment before Taemin sighs.
 “You know what? Screw that, screw him,” Taemin says, leaving the man gaping when he hears the word ‘him’. “This is my life and I’ll do whatever the hell I want, I’m tired of him controlling everything I do.” Taemin declares, standing up. He turns around to see the man with a more than shocked expression, but he quickly reverts back to his former flirty appearance.
 “Does that mean what I think it does?” The man asks, standing now.
 “What the hell man, at least I’ll be able to say I’ve tried it” Taemin says, nodding to the man.
 “Well then..do you want me or- I could set you up with someone else” The man stutters, pointing and walking over to a few stylists across the room. Before he can make it very far, he feels a tug on his dark blouse.
 “No..I want you” Taemin says, immediately going pink from hearing the way that sounds. A smile creeps onto the man’s face and he leans close.
 “I’m Jonghyun, by the way.” The man introduces himself, bringing a hand up for Taemin to shake.
 “T-Taemin.” Taemin says, lightly shaking Jonghyun’s hand.
 “Let’s get set up then, shall we?” Jonghyun says, gesturing towards a hallway that leads to the massive shower room. There’s a small locker room just beside the shower area where people can drop off anything they don’t want getting wet. Taemin leaves his phone, wallet, large sweater and his shoes.
 “All set?” Jonghyun asks. Taemin nods and Jonghyun leads him into the big room; it’s walls and floors are covered in dark tiles and the ceiling is adorned with tens of pot lights. The room twinkles and smells like fragrant shampoos.
 “Wow…this is…nice.” Taemin says, mouth hanging open in awe.
 “We renovated the place recently, it needed a cleaner look.” Jonghyun says, walking towards a shower head. Nervousness starts to fill Taemin’s stomach at the realization that he’s about to do this.
 “Umm..” Taemin mumbles, walking forward.
 “Alright, I don’t know how much you know about this whole thing, but I’ll walk you through it” Jonghyun starts, waiting for Taemin to nod, he continues when he shakes his head. “Okay so..it’s purely a hair washing experience, your clothes just get wet in the process, and I’m..a little closer to you than normal. We don’t touch the customers anywhere past their shoulders, but- if you feel like something’s wrong, all you have to do is scream ‘stop’” Jonghyun instructs, sounding a lot more calm now. “Our main priority here is that the customer is enjoying themselves, okay?” He asks.
 “Yeah..” Taemin says, stepping under the shower in just his jeans and tshirt.
 “Okay then” Jonghyun smirks, turning on the shower head immediately. A small shriek escapes Taemin’s mouth when he feels the water make contact with his body, and his breath catches in his throat when he sees Jonghyun’s dark shirt absorb the water as well, defining his lean body beneath the fabric
 “It’s weird at first, but try and relax yourself, breathe” Jonghyun suggests. Grabbing Taemin’s shoulders lightly to turn him to face the wall. It seems as time passes, Taemin’s heart only seems to pound harder in his chest, and although he’s under a heavy stream of water, he feels like he’s sweating, and the heated water really isn’t helping.
 “You alright?” Jonghyun asks, making Taemin almost jump as he reaches in front of him to grab a shampoo bottle. Taemin says nothing but nods instead, too nervous to turn to face Jonghyun in all his wet, hot glory.
 He decides to look at the walls and the space in the room visible in his peripheral vision. For a moment he’s not sure, but then he sees Kibum, several shower heads down from his, hair being washed by a decently buff guy who’s a little shorter than him. At least it looks like Kibum is enjoying himself, Taemin sighs, knowing his blush isn’t going away anytime soon.
 Jonghyun pours the liquid into a palm and then starts to work at Taemin’s hair, gathering up a fragrant, rich later in Taemin’s charcoal hair. He’s shy but the smell soothes his senses.
 For a bit he forgets his anxiety, letting the feel of Jonghyun’s fingers moving in slow circular movements on his scalp drain out all other thoughts. Jonghyun’s fingers are really nice actually, they’re strong and give off a masculine feel, but there’s something else to them, something delicate and pretty, too. The way they feel tangled in Taemin’s hair is dizzying and he closes his eyes and tips his head back to relish in the half-sensual feeling.
 Jonghyun’s confidence grows when he sees Taemin relax his head as well as his shoulders, with that he decides to work his fingers a bit more roughly in his hair, in hopes of heightening his pleasure. He smiles to himself, enjoying the fact that he’s able to make a customer- Taemin- so happy from something so simple; and he’s happy too, he’s enjoying the feeling of Taemin’s hair, it’s silky even wet, and nowhere near tangled like it should be, it’s slipping through his fingers and he can’t really make much sense of it, even after a few years of working here, no one’s hair has ever been as soft, or as silky as Taemin’s is. It takes him by surprise at how much he wants to keep doing this, to keep touching this hair, and possibly the boy covered in it.
By this point Taemin has abandoned all forms of normality, his mouth hangs half open and his eyes are shut in enjoyment. He doesn’t seem to mind though, even though a certain adrenaline runs through him still, he feels safe here with Jonghyun. He’s taking care of him and he likes it.
A moan and the sound of a bottle dropping to the floor across the room jolts both him and Jonghyun out of their blissfully happy state. With Jonghyun’s hands paused in Taemin’s soapy head, they turn only their heads. Their mouths both drop slightly at the sight before them- of Kibum and his hair stylist, heavily making out against the tile walls of the room. Kibum is pinned against the wall by his stylist named Jinki, with his legs around Jinki’s hips.
 It takes a minute for either of the two to say anything or even move, they just stand there in shock, and in a weird way- awe. They’re in awe at the fact that two strangers gravitated together so easily, was that magic or something?
 “Umm..” Taemin’s mumbles, turning to half face Jonghyun with fingers still threaded through his hair. “Shouldn’t you maybe..do something about that?”
 “I umm, I mean there’s no one else in here apart from us..plus I don’t feel like interrupting them is the best idea, unless- unless they’re bothering you..?” Jonghyun asks curiously.
 “No uh..I’m fine, are you?” Taemin hides his true feelings.
 “I’m okay..” Jonghyun lies. “I guess we’ll just ignore it then?” Jonghyun suggests moving his fingers slightly as if to ask if he should continue. Taemin hums and faces the shower head once more, even more red in the face, if that’s somehow possible.
 Taemin gulps, entirely aware of every little sound coming from his best friend’s mouth. It’s a little strange but even more so, almost pressuring. It’s as if Kibum is setting an example for him to go by- a bad example no less, but. If Kibum’s kissing his stylist..then maybe he should be kissing his own? Taemin thinks this and it’s really stupid but something in the air keeps telling him to somehow initiate it, or to at least flirt with the guy.
 It’s been a while under the shower head and even though Taemin was aware of it from the start, he only notices now how wet he truly is. His dark shirt sticks to his body, pressing against his toned stomach and his even darker jeans are practically glued to his thin but shapely legs, and he kind of likes the way it looks, but imagines Jonghyun looks a hundred times better than him for obvious reasons.
 Taemin admits to himself, yeah his stylist is pretty hot, and he has been in a bit of a slump for the past few weeks. Maybe it’s time for him to move on, find someone else. It turned out to be easier than he thought it would, and how did he get so lucky? Jonghyun has all these different mannerisms that just egg him on and he barely knows the guy. However there’s definitely promise for something more here, he ponders.
 That’s why he takes Kibum’s daring act into consideration and tries to lean back onto Jonghyun as he rinses what’s left of the shampoo from his hair. When he’s done he reaches for the conditioner bottle and his back meets Jonghyun’s solid chest. A breath of his comes out shallowly when he feels the broad, solid planes of the other’s chest.
 Taemin isn’t really sure what’s come over him in the past few hours. He went from being cool and collected, and sure of himself. But now, under this continuous stream of heated water with Jonghyun behind him he isn’t sure who he is. He’s become like putty to the other and he can’t seem to care to stop it.
 “Hey, Taemin? You okay, you’re kinda wobbly” Jonghyun says, stuffing the conditioner bottle between his legs for a moment and bringing his free hands up to Taemin’s shoulders. “You tense?”
 “Uh-mm” Taemin stammers, feeling the others hands on him.
 “Here, don’t worry” Jonghyun says, his hands slowly squeezing his shoulders lightly.
 Taemin instantly melts under Jonghyun’s strong but gentle touch, he melts even more and he isn’t sure how he isn’t a puddle on the floor yet; the way Jonghyun’s slow massage progresses into something more intense, more intimate though he doesn’t realize it.
 Suddenly Taemin feels a hot breath on his neck. He turns ever so slightly to see Jonghyun’s head looming closer to his neck. It shocks him for a moment and then his heart picks up. Jonghyun’s lips are grazing then brushing then sliding over the skin of his neck and Taemin bites his lip to stifle a moan.
 “J-Jonghyun..” Taemin whispers out shocked but a little giddy trails off, his words muffled by the water above them.
 Quickly Jonghyun’s lips are off of his neck and he’s backing away instantly. “I’m, I’m so sorry I- I don’t know what came over me I-”
 “Jonghyun! It’s alright I- it was nice,” Taemin admits with a flushing face.
 “Sorry I just, can we do coffee sometime?” Jonghyun asks, rubbing at his neck with a hand.
 “Coffee, of course, it’d be nice to talk to you when I’m not soaking-” Taemin agrees, and Jonghyun raises an eyebrow at the response. “-and somewhere my best friend isn’t moaning a few feet away from us.” Taemin smiles wholeheartedly and Jonghyun can’t help but mirror back a grin.
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