#like from what it seems it was mentioned by sm that hes been having problems with depression and panic disorder and then he just kind of
seilon · 2 years
idk where I expected shinee to be in the year of our lord 2022 but the combination of each of the members current activities is so amusingly strange to me like. kibum absolutely shredding a bunch of totally unique and aesthetically unmatched solos, jinki following and going all out on his own solo, taemin’s been totally off the grid for months, and minho’s just. playing golf
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moonstruckme · 3 months
hey mae! it’s been awhile since i’ve sent an ask but im always reading your work girl! i love how you write tbh. if you’re up to it do you think you could write something with poly marauders, where the reader has trouble eating and making themself eat due to poor appetite. my appetite really does come and go and ever since covid (maybe before) it’s like eating makes me feel revolted. sometimes i just don’t feel like eating bc of other things like depression, adhd, anxiety. i was just wondering if you could write something with the boys helping out the reader with finding out what sounds good, cooking, and eating if possible. sometimes having someone around to talk to and hang out with makes it so much easier to deal -🌶️
Hey Pepper, thank you sm! And thanks for being patient with me <3
cw: lack of appetite, mention of skipping meals
poly!marauders x gn!reader ♡ 1.1k words
The sun’s going down, the last dregs of its light spilling brilliant and golden over the book in your lap, and you can feel your boyfriends starting to get restless. Well, two of them. 
“If we’re missing half the ingredients,” Sirius says, trailing James into the kitchen, “it’s not going to be any good.” 
James only tsks. “Ye of little faith. That’s what improvisation is for.” He starts pulling things down from the cabinet. 
“You’re not even going to glance at the recipe?” 
“I don’t need to. I know the general vibe.” 
“Help!” Sirius calls towards the living room. “He’s gone off the rails. Remus, come fix it.” 
Remus turns around to look over the back of the sofa, his shoulder brushing yours as he does. He’s sitting right up against you despite the couch being empty, not that you mind. Remus is sort of like a cat that wants to be near you but not always to be pet. His touches are often like this, passive gestures like a hand on your head or his thigh pressed against yours. It works for you just fine; you can feel the affection bleeding into you from any point of contact. 
“Don’t you think we should just eat out?” Sirius asks, tilting his head and doing that thing with his eyes that you all pretend doesn’t work on you. 
Impressively, Remus keeps his face impassive. “I’m having leftover brussels sprouts,” he replies, “so it’s not really my concern. Anyway, James has a good history with not following recipes.” 
“Exactly,” James says, grinning at Sirius, who scowls. But then he fixes his gaze on Remus. “So why are you having that, Rem? Have what I’m making.” 
“Because they’re going to go bad, and I’m not hungry enough for a big meal.” The last part is said somewhat quieter, directed towards the living room as he turns back around and picks up his own book. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see James frown, but he glances at Sirius and they seem to collectively decide not to push it. Remus’ appetite isn’t much better than yours. He has his better days, but it’s not uncommon for him not to feel up to what your other boyfriends would consider a whole meal or to eat only chocolate until Sirius hounds him into something more substantial. 
James looks to you hopefully. “You’ll have some, won’t you sweetheart?” 
You wince, hating to let him down, and from the look on James’ face he clocks the guilt in your expression before even you get a chance to say, “I don’t think I’m really up to it tonight, either.” 
James deflates, but he’s clearly trying to put on a brave face. “That’s alright. I think I’ll just save it for another night, then.” 
“I’m sorry,” you say, setting your book facedown on the armrest and turning around to face him more fully. “You could still make it and just put leftovers in the freezer. Maybe I’ll have some tomorrow.” You wince again as soon as you say it. No promises, though.
The smile James gives you is comforting if not totally satisfied. “It’s okay. I’ll just make it another time, it’s not a problem.” 
You return his smile, close-lipped. Sirius is looking at you with narrowed eyes, arms crossed like he’s sizing you up. 
“What are you going to eat?” he asks. 
“What are you going to have instead?” You hesitate, and he tilts his head knowingly, a piece of hair slipping from behind his ear to drape over his shoulder. “You need to have something, especially since you didn’t have lunch.” 
From the kitchen, James looks at you. “You didn’t?” 
“I just…don’t feel like it.” It’s a feeble argument even to your own ears, and the look Sirius gives you says that he thinks so, too. 
“You can’t miss two meals,” he says obstinately. “Even Remus is having some brussels sprouts.”
You look to Remus to be offended at the even Remus comment, but he only shrugs. You’re on your own. 
“What sounds good?” he asks you. 
You try not to pout. “Nothing. Everything sounds gross.” 
“C’mon, baby.” Sirius leans against the countertop. “It doesn’t have to be strictly dinner food, yeah? Just anything that sounds like you’d be willing to eat it.” 
You think for a minute. Remus touches the back of his hand to your leg, knuckles soothing over the skin beside your knee. 
“I guess…ice cream sounds okay,” you say hesitantly. “But I know that’s not exactly nutritious…” 
“Would a milkshake be close enough?” James pipes up. 
You shrug. “I guess.” 
He grins. “I can do that for you, love. Just gimme a sec.” 
James is a loud cook. You go back to your book while cabinet doors slam and the blender whirs and you hear a muffled “oh, shit” as something is undoubtedly dropped on the floor, but a minute later he’s bringing you a glass of something thick and chocolate-y looking. You smile at the added garnish of mint and a straw, reaching for it. 
“Thanks, Jamie.” 
He winks. “Anytime.” 
Remus is the only one courteous enough not to obviously watch while you take a sip, and you feel your eyebrows raise as you look up at James. 
“This is really good,” you say. He practically glows at the praise. “I didn’t even know we had chocolate ice cream.” 
Sirius barks a laugh, and James’ smile widens. 
“What?” you ask. 
“We don’t,” he admits. “Will it ruin your appetite if I tell you it’s not actually ice cream?” 
You shake your head, sucking at the straw. “I’m already drinking it, so.” 
James beams. He really is looking very proud of himself. “It’s a protein shake. A pretty balanced meal, actually.” 
“Nice!” You grin at him, taking another hearty slurp mostly because you know it’ll please him. “It’s perfect, thank you.” 
“Gotta keep our sweetheart fed,” he says, bending down for a kiss. Sirius and Remus’ hums of approval nearly harmonize, and you and James share an elated look while they both do their best to pretend like it didn’t happen. 
“Can I try?” Remus asks, and you tilt the cup towards him in invitation. 
He wraps his lips around your straw, sipping hesitantly. He looks mildly impressed. 
“Could you make me one of those too?” 
From the look on James’ face, he’d be delighted to. “Course, love.” He plants a smacker on Remus’ cheek and nearly knocks Sirius over as he beelines for the kitchen. 
“This is just excellent,” Sirius gripes, but you see the satisfaction in his expression. “Now that you two have blown up his ego, I’ll have to eat something he makes too.” 
“Correct,” James says brightly. “And you should be so lucky.” 
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spongeyspot · 7 months
Toxic Traits/Red Flags HC
Characters: Arthur, Javier, John, Lenny, Dutch, Micah, Charles, Sean, Hosea, Mary Beth, Abigail, Tilly, Karen, Sadie, Molly
(A/N): WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT THIS DAWG. I LOVED @cowboyfromh3ll 's take on that shit sm and these hcs have literally been swimming in my head for weeeeeeeeks bro
Edit: some of these were kinda hard because there's not a lot of bad in the characters themselves... I had trouble with specifically Charles, Lenny, Mary Beth, and Tilly. Sorry if they may be OOC. IM EVEN DOING THE GIRLS BECAUSE IM IN A SILLY GOOFY MOOD
Content Warning: female reader, jealousy, self hate, narcissism, gaslighting, physical abuse, verbal abuse, mental abuse, mentions of murder and violence, mentions of infidelity, mentions of sex (Sean, Micah, Sadie kind of) (MINORS DNI)
Not edited btw
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The boys
Arthur Morgan
- Honestly, I feel like Arthur would have this insane, crippling fear of rejection, especially when it comes to dating. - His self hate/deprecation plays a huge part in this, and quite honestly, him and Mary not working out probably also probably contributed to it. - Very emotionally distant. Has a hard time expressing his feelings openly due to that same fear of rejection.🚩 - Bottles shit up until he feels like he's gonna explode 🚩 - His impulse control is almost nonexistent 🚩 - Will resort to saying things that he doesn't even mean. He just says things when he's angry🚩 - Will hate himself even more if he makes you cry - Won't hesitate to run away from camp for a while to cool off. This isn't necessarily a bad thing per se, but he usually takes his time away to overthink the fuck out of everything - Prone to acting violent. (not to someone he cared about, but to other people, absolutely)Also due to his poor impulse control. 🚩
Javier Escuella
- Has a flirty personality, but around women, it just seems to get worse. 🚩 - Tells you you're overreacting if you tell him it bothers you🚩 - Overprotective of you. Always has his eyes on you, and practically orders you to stay in camp where it's safe. - As if you step one foot outside the camp without him, you'll spontaneously drop dead - Jealous asf. Are you laughing at what Bill just said? It wasn't even that funny. Why are you standing so close to him? You should be at least 6 feet away from him, not 5 and a half. 🚩 - Also has a problem with how you dress sometimes. God forbid your shirt is ever low cut. He'd probably ask you to change. 🚩 - And if you get offended or upset, he'll lie and tell you it's because he can't stop staring at your chest, and he'd like to focus of whatever it was he was doing.🚩
John Marston
- Stubborn as all hell. Doesn't listen to anybody for anything.🚩 - Commitment issues up the ass - Says mean things out of anger and sometimes actually means them 🚩 - Won't apologize half the time. He thinks kissing it better actually makes it better 🚩 - Regularly ignores his own bad habits instead of actually facing them 🚩 - Will run away from problems like Arthur, but worse. He'd be gone a really long time.🚩 - Gets annoyed with you if you get angry at him for leaving and staying away for a while. He told you he needed space, didn't he? What else do you need from him?? 🚩 - Ignorantly clueless half the time. Head empty, no thoughts.
Lenny Summers
- Not assertive in the slightest, and usually, respectfully, keeps to himself. -Takes orders without verbal complaints but inside he's annoyed as fuck 🚩 - Even if he hates doing something he'll probably just go "Okay" and do it anyway, and he'll sulk all day afterwards - Refuses to tell you what's wrong because he thinks he'll sound childish.🚩 - If you push the issue, he might snap at you out of annoyance like "Would you just let it be??" - Immediately feels guilty and shameful, and he'll hide away until he's ready to apologize and face you again - Also kind of a know-it-all... He'll correct you a LOT. It would get annoying 🚩 - Would blatantly tell you you're wrong before correcting you🚩 - Not necessarily an asshole about it but he still tends to get under your skin sometimes
Dutch Van Der Linde
- The BIGGEST Narcissist you'll ever meet.🚩 -He loses another piece of his mental state with every breath he takes. Slowly but surely losing his mind.🚩 - King of gaslighting🚩 - How could you even think that about him? He could never do anything wrong! You must be crazy...🚩 - Tries to recite his "pretty words" from Evelyn Miller to try and sound smarter than he actually is 🚩 - Expects you to just feed his ego without him actually doing anything to earn it🚩 - Will try to correct you even when he's wrong🚩 - Refuses to admit he's wrong. He can never be wrong. That word isn't even in his vocabulary unless he's talking about literally anyone but himself🚩
Micah Bell
- Where do I even start with this guy - Not above putting his hands on you if he doesn't get his way. Let's be honest here.🚩 - Mega Narccisist, almost as bad as Dutch 🚩 - Will brag and share every sexual encounter you've ever had with him like he's talking about the weather🚩 - VERY prone to Violence 🚩 - NO impulse control. Murders people for fun.🚩 - Backhanded and borderline abusive compliments 24/7 "You'd look so good if you weren't so fucking fat..." 🚩 - Selfish lover. Thinks just sticking it in will do the trick, and it does, for him at least.🚩 - Little to no affection. What are you? His girlfriend? Wait...🚩 -If he actually does show you affection, and you react in surprise, he'll tell you to go fuck yourself, and that that's the last time he ever does anything nice for you.🚩
Charles Smith
- Impossible to read sometimes - Like Arthur, Charles tends to keep a lot of his emotions bottled up until he feels like he's gonna pop 🚩 - Like most of the men in the Van Der Linde gang, Charles is also prone to acting violently. I mean, he started a bar fight with a fucking chair, and he fights in street fighting rings, let's be real for a second.🚩 - He's incredibly quiet and reserved a lot of the time, and sometimes you just assume that he's listening to you when you talk, but a lot of the time, he's lost in his own thoughts. - Will do everything anyone asks him to at the expense of his own free time and energy, and sometimes he works himself to exhaustion just to try and please everyone.🚩 - In doing so, he sometimes doesn't have time for himself at the end of the day. It also seems like you spend time together less and less as the days go on. - If he ever got himself hurt and you tried to help him, he'd decline any help with anything to save his own pride. The last thing he needs is you thinking he's weak. 🚩 - Extremely Overprotective. Like to the point where he'd beat the shit out of anybody you asked him to🚩
Sean Macguire
- An Alcoholic🚩 - horny 99% of the time, but half that time he probably has whiskey dick. Still asks you to try but doesn't understand that it's like trying to play pool with a rope... - If he can manage to be sober enough to actually get it up, and you're not in the mood, he'd get pissy and annoyed with you for "wasting his boner" 🚩 - Will probably also brag about having sex with you to everyone🚩 - Needy as all hell - Bro sulks on purpose - Low key loves the attention you give him when you continue to ask him what's wrong, but he never actually tells you and constantly says "I'm fine..." or "It's nothing..." 🚩 - But then sighs dramatically and continues sulking and dragging his feet so you keep giving him more attention 🚩
Hosea Matthews
- Ignores his physical health until he's practically dying. You've told him to get that cough looked at for literal years and he just says "I will" and does nothing 🚩 - sometimes talks to you as if you're a child especially if he's around Dutch -low key gaslights you sometimes 🚩 - and he says it with such a gentle tone, its hard to catch it 🚩
The girls
Mary Beth Gaskill
- Daydreams way too much - Likes to live in her romance novel fantasy land rather than face reality 🚩 - Cries a lot - Tries to be angry but can't help but cry instead - If crying makes you feel bad for her, she'll probably do it on purpose so you comfort her and give her attention🚩 -If you're in a fight, she'll turn on the crocodile tears to get you to stop being angry with her or whatever it is you're arguing about.🚩
Abigail Roberts
- She can be verbally abusive if she's pushed far enough 🚩 - Holds in a lot of her emotions🚩 - Neglectful of her own personal needs to make sure you or Jack are fully provided or cared for🚩 - a lot of the time, when she's upset with you, you're probably given the cold shoulder and the silent treatment - incredibly protective. Not necessarily a bad thing, but she can sometimes be super overbearing.
Tilly Jackson
- Tells it how she sees it, sometimes accidentally sounding a lot colder than she means to 🚩 - Too sarcastic for her own good 🚩 - Laughs a little too much sometimes when you tell a joke, and you can often tell it's actually incredibly fake🚩 - gets irritated really easily, especially if she's bothered while doing her chores. The last thing she needs is Grimshaw on her ass again.🚩 - irritable a lot of the time, unintentionally becoming short or snapping at you - like john, she also believes that kissing it better is better than actually apologizing
Karen Jones
- An alcoholic 🚩 - picks fights with you for fun, finds it entertaining to see how red your face can get from anger 🚩 - Screaming matches are a regular occurance between you guys, and she starts it almost every time 🚩 - Pretty jealous when it comes to the opposite sex🚩 - Has self doubt and believes that she can't give you everything a man probably could
Sadie Adler
- The nosiest woman in America. No chill. She reads everyone's mail. - Makes a lot of loose threats 🚩 - Anger issues🚩 - Low impulse control🚩 - Can be a little too rough sometimes 🚩 - If she's upset with you, she'll either yell or storm off. Sometimes both. 🚩 -(She tends to walk away a lot more often because she's actuall self aware that her anger issues are a problem) - She'd never admit that to you though.
Molly O'Shea
- Even more jealous than Javier🚩 - Glares at and envies anyone you talk to that isn't her🚩 - Has immaginary conversations with people in her head🚩 - Rubbing her hands together when the real life conversations are following the script she had planned out in her brain - Needs constant reassurance - "D'you even love me anymore?!"🚩 - Overthinks everything 🚩 - Paranoid as hell about infidelity - Gets mad at you when she dreams about you cheating on her🚩
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sijiv · 21 days
CONTENT ― who in riize are tops, bottoms, and a switch?
AU ― lately I've been watching sm boy next door and I've been obsessed with taesan and leehan. but to get over my obsession we have to get back to riize and boy oh boy.
WARNINGS ― smut, dom sub dynamic, mentions fingering, head (m. receiving)
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SHOTARO ― I personally feel like shotaro wouldn't really care about sub/dom dynamics honestly and it's more about the romantic aspect to him. sure when he's with you he'll have non-sexual dominance but when you guys are fucking he's probably the biggest switch (leaning towards a service top). he doesn't mind being told what to do, doesn't mind having to beg, he just wants you too feel good because your pleasure is his pleasure.
"can I take these off? I'll use my tongue if you want. can I? may I use my tongue?"
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EUNSEOK ― now I know that y'all are expecting this hard dom eunseok, but listen I honestly don't think that's true. I do think that he's dominant just not a hard dom, he reminds me of more so a soft dom probably and a pleasure person. when he's fingering you he's marking you up and making you answer every question he asks while going faster and kissing your neck making it harder for you. feel like he has non sexual dominance too to be honest. he's very clingy and touchy to you so it's not a surprise.
"feel good? want me to go slower? look at you fucking yourself with my hand. no keep going, keep going."
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SUNGCHAN ― this one was a headache, ultimately I came up with sungchan being a service top. I think he'd moan loudly so it'd seem like he'd be the bottom, when in reality he's just giving you everything making sure his girl feels really good and gets fucked the right way. I could see him being clingy and touchy and I know it's crazy but you'd probably seem to have non sexual dominance than him. I think he'd let you do anything with him, he'd let you choke him even. just wants to make sure his girl is doing great.
"you taste so fucking good, come closer don't move back. I want you to come all over my tongue."
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WONBIN ― wonbin is a switch (with a sub lean). that answer didn't need to be studied I just know it. though I don't think he's like a hard dedicated submissive man but I believe he is going to let you control the pace and he'll let you do anything to him as long as he can get some type of pleasure and as long as you can get some pleasure. he's a sub lean because he wants you to take care of him sexually because non sexually he takes care of you. needs some type of relief. he probably wants to get sucked off until he cannot cum anymore, or edged until his cock turns a pretty red.
"thank you, thank you so much. I wanna cum, I wanna cum so ba― ahhh"
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SEUNGHAN ― I deleted so many times but I probably think he's a switch (dom lean). this is probably because I think it's just his natural dominance in and out of the bedroom that makes him more of a dom lean, but i feel like when he's been working all day, he needs to be fucked out. needs someone to take care of him probably and make him feel relaxed and relieved. he as well has non sexual dominance of course. he'll be having you propped prettily on top of him and he grabs your boobs breathy noises coming from his mouth and his damp hair in his eyes.
"uh, come closer I want to be deeper inside of you. mm uh"
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SOHEE ― sohee is so cute, he obviously just gives off submissive vibes but to be completely honest, he doesn't care about power dynamics at all, if you want him to be a "bottom" he'll be a bottom, if you want him to be a "top" he'll be a top. he just wants you to feel good and he wants to feel good too. he's just horny and wants to get his little (big) problem away. so whatever gives him most pleasure he'll do because that's all he cares about.
"m m m m, please, use me all you want"
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ANTON ― anton is a bottom, not a helpless bottom, just one who wants to please you because he's such a people pleaser. he'll let you fuck him until he goes numb, eat you out until his jaw hurts, he'll even let you edge him for all he cares. if he sees you happy he's happy. even though he's a bottom sexually, he has non sexual dominance outside of the bedroom and it makes everyone think that this tall man you're with fucks you meanwhile you're the one grabbing his hair lightly, guiding him when he eats you out and fingers you.
"no don't stop, I'm okay ― ah, more, more, more, more"
I hope you guys enjoyed this after a few days lol, let me know if I didn't write enough or whatever. thank you.
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g1rlken · 3 months
hi dolly! 💕i just discovered ur blog n i love ur writing sooo much! 🙈💞 can u pls do 2 or 16 for nate!! 💗💗
you’re so freaking nice woah I love u sm 😠🫶🏼
Prompt: 2. Sunshine x grumpy + 16. Help get out of a toxic relationship
Nate Jacobs x fem!reader
2.7k words
Just the ninth if not the tenth party of the month. Another house party, on a school night, way past her usual bedtime and really overwhelming that it just won’t near its end. Y/n couldn’t bare it sometimes but she had to attended because her boyfriend Ryan did. It was fun though, driving him home as he’d be piss drunk and the party itself had the most obnoxious teenage charm. In order to block out on the godawful bass and flickering lights y/n guided herself into the kitchen when Ryan most probably didn’t even notice.
“Oh what have we here!” Nate exclaimed as he followed in some time after, she jumped down from the kitchen counter where she previously sat with an awkward smile. She’d known of Nate and him partially. They were supposed friends ever since that one term last year where she had to tutor him. Though they didn’t really reconnect after that once she started seeing Ryan. It was somewhat majorly due to him that y/n didn’t see a lot of her friends who seemed potential threats to him.
“Hi” she greeted him awkwardly looking out the door to see if Ryan was coming, she was scared he’d cause a scene if he saw her with Nate. Even if it was just a conversation, two of them at a reasonable distance with a probable small talk following. Ryan wouldn’t have it, he’d loose his shit over her even breathing in the direction of some other guy.
Nate could tell that she was a bit frantic over something and he was fast to connect it was a ‘someone’ rather. “What are you doing here all alone?” He asked pouring himself a glass of water.
“Nothing really just uh-“ she tried thinking of proper words to say. But the soft dread of Ryan walking in any minute made her mind preoccupied.
Nate interrupted her pause, “Beer pong’s too boring for you? Already calculated the probability of winning?” He joked, when she had helped him with math and there were similar questions as such counting probably of winning a coin toss. So it was a small jab from something between them.
A small laugh seemed to escape her genuinely as he correlated their previous connection through maths, “I didn’t think about that wow…” she trailed off, “one throw amongst ten glasses”
“One in ten probability of winning.” He answered his instant calculation.
“I don’t know the glasses are set up like a triangle and they’re not all equally probable to get in, maybe we take like one row at a time and then apply bayes theorem for each-“ she was going off about the self curated math problem between the two of them as he listened intently but looked absolutely clueless so she stopped herself “oh wait I’m rambling aren’t I? Sorry” she cringed to herself letting out a soft chuckle.
“It’s alright sweetheart” he added with a shrug, “I like hearing you talk.”
“Surely because math is so fun isn’t it?” She said sarcastically rolling her eyes at him.
“It’s not. But when you talk like that, it’s fun to watch.” Nate replied just mildly, contrary to his chance making intentions out of this conversation. Even apart from that he did mean that, he’d missed it, her.
“Like what?”
“That…” he pointed to her face vaguely, unable to describe how her eyes lit up and a cheery tone followed her voice whenever she talked about something she liked without being made felt like it was a chore to the listener “You get all smiley...happy. When you talk about something you love”
“Well I don’t necessarily love math.” She told him, it was true. Despite of being good at something, having a passion for it was unilateral to it.
“I guess you love being heard then.” It might just have been a note as Nate mentioned it so casually but as she thought about it, she couldn’t help but wander back to Ryan and how he never listened.
No. That couldn’t be, everyone’s a different lover perhaps “Yeah…” she trailed off with a small smile as her expression fell. Comprehending those moments where talking to Ryan about something in her life would just feel like talking to a wall.
“What’s wrong?” Nate asked catching on her fallen expression.
“What?” She asked confused, nonchalant because surely he wouldn’t fix anything “Nothing…”
“It doesn’t seem like nothing, what’s wrong?”
“What?” She frowned but couldn’t help laugh when she saw his ever so concerned face like her smile falling was that big of a deal. “Nothing’s wrong!” As a joke, she splashed some of the tap water on his flickering it on him through her fingers. She laughed as he took the attack of tiny droplets.
“You did not just-“ if it were some one else he would’ve most probably said the worst cusses in the book but with her he just let out a small huff.
“Did what?” She attempted to sprinkle his face once again but this time he got a hold of her wrists with one of his hands, she couldn’t contain her laughter. It was infectious to him as well, this light hearted moment was flooded all over like a forest fire with an irking voice.
“What the fuck’s going on here?” Ryan seethed, y/n immediately pulled her hands away from Nate’s as that boy strided in.
“W-we uh were just talking” y/n spoke frantically, it was disheartening to Nate to see her all panicky and frantic again, when she was just laughing and at peace a few moments ago.
“That’s what you’ve come up with?” Ryan questioned as he aggressively walked towards her “Why do you always have to slut your way about, everywhere I take you huh?”
“I wasn’t doing anything I swear-we were just talking, I used to tutor him math and we were just reconnecting over it I-“ y/n jumped rapidly to explain herself before Nate could intervene for her.
“Over math huh?” Ryan scoffed “Someone dumb like you? You were talking about math?”
“Hey calm the fuck down alright” Nate interjected before y/n could. “She said we were just talking so we were just talking.” He added authority to her words but it just made things worse.
“This is our matter so can you fuck off?” Ryan barked at Nate, the two weren’t friends but just distant acquaintances. Ryan naturally couldn’t stand anyone trying to talk to her because it was all ‘flirting’ and Nate couldn’t naturally stand y/n because that boy made his sun rays embodied girl feel awful.
“No.” Nate said adamantly “How about you grow a pair and stop being a little bitch about everyone who looks in her direction? Do you not think yourself man enough to keep her or do you have to berate her to have her around?” Nate was poking at him purposely because he himself wanted a go at this guy but he didn’t want y/n to think Nate was the guy who’d throw first punch, even though he wanted to.
But that was it, Nate received the punch he was asking for but he barely flinched very overpowered with his own urge of showing Ryan his place they two were at each other’s throats. This was the exact scene y/n was worried about Ryan creating, she tried to soothe the fight pleading them both but it didn’t work.
“Get off of him!” She kept on trying as she held Ryan from his arm, trying to tug him away but it was distracting him so much from throwing his hands at Nate. Her constant nagging and tugging.
“Get the fuck off me!” Ryan roared at y/n pushing her off of him very aggressively, intently pushing her so hard she fell to the ground and that was when Nate no longer held his punches. He beat the boy bloody red. By now the others had gathered too to help escalate the situation but it was of no help, Nate was like an animal unleashed.
A week since that, y/n couldn’t even meet Nate’s eye. She ignored him in hallways, changing her direction, she sat far across him in class always hurrying out before he could talk. She wouldn’t reply to his messages, not even see them. He hadn’t seen her around with Ryan either in their designated spots around the school so that was a good sign but he just wanted to talk this out with her because he couldn’t understand the relentless feeling of having lost her. Even as a friend. He never regretted having beaten Ryan, he deserved it. Nate was so certain of it. But y/n. He hated thinking she saw him differently after that, his obnoxious rage to protect that he wanted to cherish. Did it repel her? He felt entitled to at least find that out, he’d leave her be to just glance from the sidelines and wait till she’ll finally look his way if that made her happy but he’d like to know.
Another house party after that one with a facade, Nate as he lounged with his friends overheard a group of girls behind him gossiping about how y/n and Ryan are back together. Eavesdropping as his blood boiled he found out that she’ll probably be around here since Ryan’s here. When he heard that he immediately rose to his feet setting down his beer without a care to respond to his mates who asked about his sudden leave, they kept asking where he was going before he was lost in the crowd. He could barely register anything at this point.
As he walked through the crowd in disbelief and anger he finally did find y/n, out in the garden with some other girls he simple pulled her by her arm to himself without a word or explanation to others he received a few woahs he didn’t care for.
Nate would’ve pulled her aside to talk to her if she was standing with Ryan if that boy weren’t to busy getting piss drunk. “Hey!” Y/n resisted trying to walk herself but he continued to drag her with a tight grip on his arm getting to a quieter place by the small space between the backward and out shed. “Nate what are you-“
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked her, brows furrowed.
“What? What are you talking about…” y/n trailed off as some embarrassment and regret creeped within her but she full well knew what he was talking about.
“How are you even seeing Ryan again? Are you out of your mind?!” He exclaimed. He had so much to demand about, Nate swallowed his pride with timid hurt whenever she ignored him. He could bare her dismissiveness but not her sadness.
“Look…” She breathed unable to meet his gaze, “it’s different-“
“It’s different is it? What is tell me, has he come up with more ways to make you feel shitty?”
Remaining silent as she looked to the ground like it was the most interesting thing ever she felt horrible. Even more horrible of the life she could be otherwise leading but the life she was afraid of leaving. Afraid of the change leaving ryan would bring, afraid of its consequence the emotional weight.
“And you’ve been ignoring me this entire time. Do you think I can’t see that?” Nate spoke and this time she looked up increasingly confused at how he could see through her that much “You don’t look at me, always hurry away even right now you can’t even meet my eyes what are you so afraid of?!”
“It’s just…it’s difficult to explain” y/n tried to reply mildly as she sighed on the verge of tears.
“As long as you can explain it to yourself right?” He scoffed, really agitated how she couldn’t see what he could. Nate was an intense lover too, ferocious one that. But he’d never make her feel this miserable if she was his. She wouldn’t even have to be his he just wanted Ryan to leach away from her because she’d be happier exactly like she was before that boy. Constantly governing her and disrespectful. Nate had a bad temper and he was difficult but he’d never be difficult enough to the extent of hurting her.
Now tears brimmed her eyes and he instantly held back from his words realising just how distressing it must be for her “Hey…hey” he urged her raising her chin with his fingers to make him look at him “I shouldn’t have said that I’m sorry…” he apologised but it didn’t stop the tears streaming down her face. “Y/n…it’s alright” he brought her to himself enlacing her into his arms and he rubbed her back letting her cry it out.
“I just don’t know what to do-he—he apologised and he said he’d change and this is the second time this has happened and I-i felt embarrassed to see you because you did so much and yet I went back to him…I keep on doing this, I just, I’m very lost on that account” she wept “He’s my first-first everything and I do really like him but he just makes me miserable and awful. Every second I’m with him I just feel horrible I don’t even want to be here at this party but I am…because of him.”
“Look at me” he said pulling away from the hug to face her but she still kept looking down so Nate cupped her face in his hands “Look” he urged “It’s okay…it’s difficult. You’re learning to love and you’re too attached to him right now. You will get out of it only if you get out of it. You have gotten over much difficult things and you have been okay. You’ll be okay this time around too.”
“How do you know that?” She asked as her voice broke but her tears composed.
“Because I love you.” Nate blurted and didn’t even regret it, almost felt free of letting out a feeling so intense in him whether or not she reciprocated “I love you. I love all of you and I’m not embarrassed to admit it but I want you whole. I want you happy, I promise you i will maintain it and I don’t want you to think of it now” he said wiping her tears “we’re going to go home. I’ll drop you home. You’re not answerable to anyone if you don’t want to be at a place you don’t want to be. You think about Ryan, break up, sort your head out yeah? You deserve better than him because love shouldn’t make you feel awful and miserable. it doesn’t necessarily have to be me or anyone, your own self needs you the most right now. Act right by you.”
Nate drove her home after that, she was truly glad. The car ride was full of a comfortable silence and the genuine serene smile which adorned her face when she told him good night after dropping her off was all worth it to Nate.
Following two days were a bit long as Nate didn’t hear from y/n in any way. She wasn’t even at school. The game day was on the weekend so people rarely came from class these days. Regardless on the game day when he had to play himself he searched for her in the crowd full of people but couldn’t find her. That’s what he told himself weighing light on the fact that she might not have showed up.
He played his well that game, where they won. But he still felt like he had lost somewhat. Since he didn’t have y/n, or a sign of her that could bring his heart some peace. It’s as if his wish was turned alive, he saw y/n come rushing towards the team where everyone was congratulating each other.
He dropped his helmet to the floor when she came running and picked her up in his arms, feeling won, feeling at home. Nate hugged her as if she wouldn’t exist if he let go and likewise. Y/n finally felt liberated, happy, like herself again. Following his word of advise.
Y/n had broken up with Ryan, with a lot of comprehension and conversations with her feelings y/n had reciprocated Nate’s. “I love you too” she replied to what she couldn’t that night at the party and he smiled so hugely kissing her as she was still lifted up into his arms. She kissed him back wrapping her arms around him and like he’d promised, she felt alright again.
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HEY!!!! Please let me know your thoughts I will think about it twice a week if you commented a smile face even. Anyways, THANK YOU for reading I love you and go drink water
+is my nate semi non toxic? Yes as a descendant of bob the builder family I fixed him
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
I’m asking for the most gut twist smut with hickeys and scratching on the back like ughh with hobi like make it so sm smut
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pairing: incubus! hoseok x human! reader
genre: fluff || smut || non-idol au
summary: you hadn’t exactly planned to summon Hoseok, though you will admit— he knew how to fuck you within an inch of your life.
word count: 6.8k
tags/ warnings: fluff, very briefly mentioned anxiety, 2 smut scenes that include: dom! hobi, sub! reader, huge demon cock! hoseok, it has ridges along the length of it, oral (m & f receiving), throat bulge, public sex, exhibitionalism, they almost get caught.., vaginal fingering, a singular slap to her pussy, vaginal worshiping?, squirting, nipple play, belly bulge, cumflation?, he cums a lot all the time, lots of hickies, scratching, biting, brief mentions of blood, tail fucking, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, fucking in front of a mirror, praise kink, unprotected sex (he’s a demon, don’t be stupid), multiple creampies, this is all very very very unrealistic i’m aware but also it’s fiction
notes: i’m sorry this had way more plot than i’d intended it to have :’) it is mainly smut though!
request rules can be found here || my masterlist
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The students in your lecture seemed too preoccupied with Hoseok’s face rather than his sudden appearance, and it’s a wonder how your professor hadn’t seemed to notice his looming aura yet either. Hoseok wasn’t exactly the most discrete entity, even when he hid his ever so cliché horns and tail, his whole being just screamed for attention. That, and the poor guy didn’t know how to be quiet for the life of him; a trait you’ve slowly gotten used to over time.
Summoning an incubus hadn’t been on your to-do list that one dreaded weekend, but somehow it happened, and now you couldn’t get rid of him; soul bonds or something. Demon talk you didn’t even want to try to understand, the less you interacted with him, the better. Or that’s what you’d thought at the time, not realising the implications of what this new relationship meant. And maybe if you told you from a few years ago what your life looked like now, you’d be buried six feet under from a heart attack.
Hoseok did try to explain everything but even he seemed confused so you just told him to shut it so you could process your newfound problem. Your dorm room wasn’t exactly built for two people, and although your new demonic roommate had assured you the couch was fine; you still felt a little bad. Even if you didn’t like him all that much—not that you’d made that clear, you were ever so shy, and to put it nicely, very socially awkward that when he announced he was staying all you could really do was nod.
Truthfully, Hoseok hadn’t even done anything for you to hate him. You simply planned to live a quite university life, get your degree and then lose contact with everyone you’ve met and live a simple work life, be a slave to society until you can retire and maybe live in a house by the coast with a dog or two until you fall down the stairs and they pronounce your unfortunate death to zero kids, because you didn’t want any.
Not whatever the hell this was.
You blamed the grimy old woman at the thrift shop who had insisted you buy the shitty old piece of pottery.
She’d seemed so nice at the time but now that you look back at your interaction, you could see the mirth swimming in her eyes, and if you had the confidence then you would have gone back to that crappy old store and throttled her, telling her she can take her piece of shit incubus back; because you didn’t want him.
How were you supposed to know not to light your black candles next to the vase? It wasn’t like she’d given you an instruction manual on how to take care of the pottery and you’d thought it would have been pretty straight forward—apparently not. You’d planned for it to be out back in the dumpster by nightfall but by some miracle it had glued itself to your shelving and not it was a permanent fixture of your room.
It had taken months for you to finally realise that maybe having Hoseok around wasn’t actually the worst thing that’s ever happened to you. It was like having a boyfriend without all the awkward get-to-know each other stuff and the actual relationship part, that you absolutely despised. Plus he didn’t nag you about misogynistic bullshit all hours of the day and respected your very uptight boundaries.
Hobi had no qualms about ordering when the two of you went out, skipping up to the counter with a bright smile that more often times than not he’d come back with a free drink for you.
He trailed behind you to classes and all the sleazy old men that liked to catcall you on the way home after an evening lecture had been very quiet since Hoseok had been around. Plus, you could listen to music without the worry of having to listen out for someone sneaking up on you as well. He held your hand when you crossed the road and made sure you were on the safer side of the pavement so no unexpected bikes would ram into you.
He didn’t mind walking around the supermarkets with you, didn’t mind as you stood in the cereal aisle for half an hour because a lot of them made you feel nauseas. And your preference would change each week.
“You liked this one last time, baby” he’d pull a box from the top shelf, simply smiling when you shake your head.
“Wheat makes me wanna throw up” you tell him.
“How about something a little tastier then?” he wiggles his eyebrows, and you half expect him to make a sex joke, though he simply pulls a box of coco puffs from behind his back.
He didn’t mind helping you clean the bathroom or fold up your clean laundry into colour coordinated piles because he knew you hated mixing.
He liked to brush your hair after a shower or massage your shoulders after you’d been hunched over your desk all day, he learnt to cook human food and liked feeding you when you got sleepy while the two of you watched a cheesy rom com on your shitty old laptop; you curled around his thighs as his thumb caressed the bare skin of your neck.
“Eat up, darling. You’ll need to energy tonight” and you open your mouth, unfortunate rejection on your tongue, “to study of course, why are your cheeks suddenly really red?”
Now, there are two sides to the demon.
Pretty, sunshine hobi that loved taking care of you, loved chatting, who had a heart-shaped smile and the kindest heart. Who on more than one occasion would temp you to press a kiss to his cheek in thanks, perfect perfect hobi that made you feel like a high school girl whose experiencing their first ever crush.
And then there was Jung Hoseok. The sex driven incubus who had no qualms about fucking you within an inch of your life, like you were nothing but a hole for him to fill and fuck as he pleased until he was satisfied and your legs were shaking, his name the only coherent thought in your mind until you coated his cock with your arousal. Only, he’d never stop at one orgasm.
Hoseok had been your first. And you think losing your virginity to a sex demon had completely ruined sex for you all together. How were you meant to enjoy being with a regular, average, man when you’d had Hoseok’s demon cock shoved so far inside your pussy it felt like he was in your throat?
Had you dabbled in the occasional demon hentai? Maybe. Not that Hoseok ever needed to know that. Was it as great as you imagined it to be? Yes. He also didn’t need to know that.
It was honestly a win-win situation for the both of you. Hobi got to feed off your arousal and you got to live out your darkest fantasy.
You always wondered how it was so easy for him to filter out his incubi tendencies when he always seemed to have sex on his mind. The moment the two of you were alone it wouldn’t be surprising for him to pull you into his lap, your cunt having been stretched to the shape of his cock, that now you always seemed ready for him to just slip inside of you. His hands up your skirt when you go out to eat or dragging you into a bathroom because his dick always seemed to be hard.
“Good girl” Hoseok croons, watching as you blink up at him through your lashes—cheeks wet with tears as he tugs you further down his cock by your hair. Each slippery inch being fed into your mouth.
You choke around his length, eyes squeezing shut when he runs a gentle thumb over your eyelids. Pulling you further down his cock until he pushes down your throat.
You swallow, needy moan vibrating down his length that he throws his head back. Hips stuttering forward and you feel another inch slip into your mouth; lips stretched wide you can feel them start to ache.
“Always so good for me, baby. Like having me shoved this far down your throat?” he chuckles and you move to pull off his length, only he thrusts his hips forward. “You haven’t even gotten all of me inside you yet, I know you can do better than this”
“I trained you better than this”
Your fingers grab onto his thighs, nails digging into the meaty skin as he gently pulls back, only to shove his length back down your mouth. You feel your legs shake, scratching at his thighs as he allows your throat to relax, helping ease the rest of his cock into your mouth.
Your hand flies to your throat as he sets up a pace he likes, and you can feel the bulge of his cock as he punches back into your windpipe with each brutal thrust.
You can feel your knees start to ache, grimy bathroom tiles digging into the skin as you’re pulled further down his length, just past half way.
“So close, just a little more” he groans, fingers tangling in the back of your hair. Brutal as he harshly tugs you back down with ever thrust out.
You can feel each of the tiny ridges along his length against your tongue. And he lets out a particularly jittery thrust when you tongue at each individual ridge; hoping to bring him closer to bliss.
Your hands find his balls, nails accident scraping the silky skin as he jostles you forward, and that’s all it takes for Hoseok to shove all of his length down your throat, and you wince as you feel a flood of his cum shoot down your throat.
Periodically you swallow, always wary of his cum flooding your mouth. The first time you’d sucked him off hadn’t ended all to great with you chocking on his inhumane amount of cum. Of course he’d apologized, though he made it his mission to train you until you’d be able to take his cock down your throat without drowning in his seed.
Your tongue runs along the length of his cock, cleaning it, and you feel it twitch in interest.
You stare up at Hoseok, eyes deadpan and he gives you a sheepish smile. “Cant help it, my love. You on your knees always gets me going”
Gently he pulls his length out of your mouth and you lurch forward, arms braced on his thighs as you take a deep breath; swallowing the rest of his cum that had leaked into your mouth.
“Everything gets you going, Hobi” you cough, hand caressing your throat as you peek up at him, voice hoarse.
He simply shrugs, “What are we gonna tell your friends?”
You deflate at that. “They obviously knew what we were doing in here”
“Want me to eat you out until they get bored and leave?” he suggests.
You blink up at him, “You’re insatiable” you laugh, hand running over your chin to clean any drool, though you expect there to be more cum than anything.
“And you’re wet, we both win” he tugs you up from under your arms, “Swap”
You fall onto the seat of the toilet, watching as Hoseok pulls his shorts back up around his waist before he’s kneeling before you.
“Use me” he pouts, and your thighs twitch. Though you don’t miss the evident mirth swimming in his eyes.
“Hobi” you whisper, and he watches as you squirm.
“Hmmm?” he asks, spreading your legs and he groans at the sight of your panties, wet spot ever so tempting as he runs his thumb over your covered pussy.
“Hold your skirt up for me, baby” and he smiles when you do as you’re told, “good girl”
He leans forward, kissing your clit over the cotton. And you let out an embarrassed squeak when he runs his tongue over your covered slit.
“Hobi” your fingers tangle into his hair, tugging gently to bring him closer to where you needed him the most.
“What’s the matter?” he murmurs, kissing the inside of your thigh, teeth nipping the skin.
He lathes his tongue over the hickies he’d left that morning, your skin still tender that you moan when you feel him kiss over the skin.
“Need you” you whine, hips bucking forward. Only he holds you down, immersed in painting your inner thighs red and purple with his lust and love.
Your hands fly to cover your mouth when the bathroom door swings open, Hoseok choosing that exact time to sink his teeth into the plush skin of your thigh. Your legs fall shut around his head, and demon only pushes them back apart, tongue running over the blossoming bite.
He smiles up at you, deft fingers pushing your panties to the side. You go to push his head away, eyes squeezing shut when he pulls the hood back, thumb circling your clit.
You jolt up on the toilet seat, ceramic clank echoing throughout the bathroom. Whoever else was in there with you goes silent, and you hold your breath, pushing Hoseok away from you.
The two of you sit there, and you release a sigh of relief when you hear the other person flush.
Your cheeks flush red when you look down at Hoseok who seems utterly mesmerized by your cunt. Watching as it clenches around nothing, a dribble of arousal dripping down onto the seat of the toilet. His tongue darts out to wet his lips and you flinch when the tap starts to run.
Hoseok leans forward, tongue peeking from behind his lips to lick a long stripe up your slit to your clit, his hands remain on your thighs keeping them spread wide enough for him to slot perfectly where he wanted to be.
His lips wrap around your clit, and your muscles loosen when you hear the door to the bathroom click shut.
“You asshole” you whisper, voice shaky as he teases a finger around your hole. You muffle a moan when he pushes it inside you, lips still wrapped around your clit; a particularly hard suck causing you to slip down the toilet seat.
You feel the stretch when he adds a second finger, scissoring you open as his tongue continues to flick over your clit.
He pulls away and you whine at the loss of pleasure, “Be a good girl and hold your legs open for me”
Your feel the blush rise to your cheeks, red hue traveling down your neck as you hook your hands behind you knees; spreading yourself as wide as you can in the narrow bathroom cubicle.
Hoseok easily lifts your hips, pulling you until your bottom half was practically dangling off the toilet as he pulls your underwear off— stuffing the fabric somewhere in his pocket for later.
“This is uncomfortable” you groan, mouth falling open when you feel his fingers lay a mean slap over your went cunt; and if the lick of pleasure hadn’t wracked through your body then you might have been a little more embarrassed about the lewd, wet sound it had made.
“Only wanna hear you moaning my name” he grumbles, lips attaching to your folds as he spreads them with his fingers.
Your head tips back when you feel his tongue prod your entrance, stiff muscle pushing past your rim and Hoseok groans when another gush of your arousal coats his mouth.
One thing Hoseok absolutely loved about you, was how wet you’d get when horny. You always seemed to leak so much that he could live off your slick alone if he so desired— his favorite meal. Because even your arousal tasted like the sweetest nectar and he would never get enough.
He kisses over your hole, face moving up until he’s kissing over your clit, “Hell, you have the prettiest cunt” he groans, kissing over your mound before his lips are sucking at your clit again.
You feel two of his fingers plunge back into you, curling upwards in the way that you start to see stars behind your eyelids.
Your hips rut forwards to meet each of his thrusts, deft fingers expertly locating that little spot inside of you, and you can start to feel the pressure build in the pit of your stomach.
“Hobi—“ you moan when he sucks especially hard on your clit, tongue flicking it, “Fuck, Hoseok— I can’t— fuck, I can’t squirt in the fucking bathroom” you whine, though it seems to fall on deaf ears as he picks up the pace of his fingers.
“Doing so well for me, gonna cum?” he briefly pulls away, your clit pulsating as his warm breath fans over the sensitive little bud. He wastes no time, tongue back to flicking your clit with a newfound vigor as you moan his name.
And suddenly the world outside the cubicle is the furthest thing from your mind as Hoseok adds a third finger into your cunt. Your mouth falls open into a silent scream, thighs shaking that your hands slip from where you’d been holding them. That doesn’t stop Hoseok, grunting as your thighs fall over his shoulders and the demon is in absolute bliss as they clamp around his head.
Your fingers tighten their grip in his hair, and he groans as you start to grind over his face.
You can feel it, bubbling pleasure starting to build, so close to your orgasm. And Hoseok doesn’t stop, he pulls his mouth off your clit. Spare hand coming up between your legs, two fingers rubbing over your sensitive pearl.
“Hoseok” you mewl, hips bucking upwards.
“Cum for me, darling. Be a good girl and cum” he groans, his voice gravelly. And that’s what pushes you over the edge, you feel the built up pressure start to release.
Hoseok pulls his fingers out of your hole, though he doesn’t stop his assault on your clit. He smiles, mouth wide open as he lets your explosion of juices coat his tongue.
“Again. Squirt for me again”
You open your mouth to tell him you can’t, only you let out a choked moan when his fingers push back into your hole— he can feel your walls pulsating around them, clenching so hard he wonders what you would feel like around his cock in that moment.
Your thighs continue to shake, fingers still drawing tight circles on your clit. The moan you let out is pornographic, squeaky little cries tumbling off your tongue when you reach a second orgasm. Hoseok watches as your cunt pushes out a short stream of your cum, wetting the backside of your skirt as you continue to grind again this palm, riding out your high.
You snivel, chest stuttering for a breath as he gently rubs his thumb against your clit.
“S’ too much” you hiccup, though your hips make no move in stopping.
“Yeah?” the faux frown he gives you causing another dribble of watery arousal out of your hole.
“We’re both wet now”
“You can wear my jacket around your waist if you want” his thrumming at you clit stops and you mourn at the loss of contact.
“What about your shirt?” you go to push yourself to sit up, though that fails when your limbs all feel like jelly.
“It’ll dry” he shrugs.
“But we have to walk through the cafe, and i’m pretty sure I look like shit” your head tips back.
“You’re always pretty” he sniggers when your thighs twitch as he places another gentle kiss to your swollen clit.
“You kind have to say that” you frown.
“And why’s that?”
“So you can win me over and fuck me”
Hoseok laughs, shoulders shaking at that. “Don’t need to tell you you’re pretty for that, darling. You seemed hooked after I’d fucked your brains out the first time”
“Was not”
“Was too. You demon sex freak”
“Am not!” you scoff scandalized, “anyways… do you think those guys left? We’ve been in here a while”
“Probably. I’m pretty sure that was one of them earlier that came in here” he shrugs and your eyes widen.
“Hobi what the fuck” your thighs clamp shut, suddenly aware that your bare pussy was just out in the open for him to see. You shove the fabric of your skirt between your thighs, instant regret washing over your when your feel your sticky arousal cling to the fabric.
“I can’t believe it. I said no more sex in public bathrooms” you cry.
“Well, look what happened. Can’t help that you’re a cockslut”
Your eyes widen, cheeks flushing a deep shade of red as you push Hoseok away with your foot to his chest. He takes a hold of your ankle, pressing a gentle kiss to your calf as he looks up at you from the floor.
“My cockslut” he corrects.
“That doesn’t make anything better” you rub your eyes with the palms of your hands.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah? I’ll treat you to ice cream” he grins.
“You don’t have any money” you deadpan and he shrugs.
“No, but the girl that works in that shop a block away gave me a voucher last time”
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Living with anxiety was absolute dogshit. Every grueling day always seemed a million times worse but it’s like no one ever took you seriously. Because it was all for attention right? You didn’t enjoy having panic attacks and you sure as hell didn’t enjoy them when other people were around.
Though you suppose Hoseok had become the exception; he’d gotten pretty good at helping you when days seemed a little tougher than usual. And he’d weaves his way into your anxious little mind, one of the only people that you’ve felt even remotely comfortable to be around without your social battery plummeting 15 minutes into an outing.
You think you must have had one of the worst days of your life.
On a regular day you could get away with lurking in the back of the lecture hall; maybe a quick hello to a few people that you’ve gone to lunch with once or twice and then slip out the door the moment class is over.
Today you hadn’t been that lucky.
It had started with some random guy that you’ve never seen the face of confessing his undying love for you. And you would have thought it was sweet, if you knew who he was.
You hadn’t even heard his name floating around campus, nor had you ever seen his face; and maybe that’s because you always walked with your head to the floor but surely he couldn’t be in love with you when neither of you had ever uttered a word to one another?
You’d frozen. Unable to form a thought let alone a rejection for the guy. And as his growing annoyance showed, so did your anxiety.
And you’d rather forget that you’d cried, pearly tears slipping down your cheeks when he’d laughed at you; calling you a worthless piece of shit and that he couldn’t believe he liked something like you.
And that’s how you ended up late for class. Having spent a hour in the bathroom trying to regulate your breathing enough that your classmates didn’t think you were going into cardiac arrest.
The second incident was your breaking point. A girl from your lecture had started shouting at you after class, and you had no idea why. And you’d just sat there and taken it. Sure she’d been rude first but you would have felt way worse if you’d gotten up and just left when she clearly had something to say.
“You’re back late” Hoseok calls from your bed, mindlessly scrolling through his phone.
He looks up when you don’t reply, eyebrows creasing in worry when he sees the state you’re in.
“Oh darling, what happened?” he pushes himself off the bed, long legs easily bringing him towards you.
You just flop into his chest, arms wrapping around his torso as feel another wave of tears cascade down your cheeks.
“Bad day” you snivel and he hums, rocking the two of you back and forth, “Wanna forget, Hobi”
“Yeah?” he croons, hand resting on the back of your neck, “How’d you wanna forget?”
You gently take hold of his wrist, bringing his hand down until they tease the waistband of your sweats. “Wanna be fucked dumb” you whisper and he smiles down at you.
“Fucked until you can’t think?”
“Mmhmm” you nod, blissed out sigh releasing from your chest when he throws you over his shoulder. You smile as you see his tail, horns probably hidden under the hood of his jumper that you hadn’t noticed when you’d walked in. Even with his demonic features, Hoseok was a thing of beauty.
You bounce when he throws you on the bed— frame creaky. But by a stroke of luck, none of your dorm-mates were home right now.
“My pretty baby” he crawls over your body, straddling your waist and you can already see the outline of his cock through his thin pyjama pants.
You reach out, palming his bulge as he leans down to press a wet kiss to your neck. He pulls your shirt over your head, teeth nipping at your bare skin and you moan at the slight sting.
You don’t worry about the plethora of love bites he plans to scatter across your skin, rather, you bask in the pleasure the twinge of pain gives you. Back arching when you feel his sharp canines dig into the skin of your shoulder— and Hoseok groans at the tang of metal on his tongue.
“Sorry, baby” he presses a kiss over the bite, your skin flaring red as his tongue licks over his teeth marks.
“S’ okay” you breathe, hips rolling upwards— clit nudging against his hard cock.
Hoseok’s hand reaches under your arched back, fingers expertly unclasping your bra before he’s pulling it off your shoulders.
His hands trail over your body, thumbs brushing over your steadily hardening nipples and you hand flies to cover your mouth.
“Always so sensitive” he coos, meanly pinching the hardened buds before tugging. “Uh uh, wanna hear you” he tuts and your hand falls to your side.
“It’s embarrassing—” you whisper, breathe hitching when he twists your nipples, delicious pain sending arousal straight to your soaked cunt. You feel your sticky arousal drip into your panties, fabric clinging to your folds uncomfortably.
“Nothing embarrassing about feeling good” Hoseok smiles down at you, fingers skimming over your waist until he’s tugging both your sweats and panties down in one. “Already so wet for me”
“Want your cock, Hobi” you whine as he rubs his thumb through your slit, gathering your arousal to circle your clit.
“Can I eat you out first, baby? Wanna make sure you’re prepped enough for me, hmm?”
You blink up at him before you spread your legs wider, a silent invitation for him to do whatever he needs before he fucks you.
Hoseok falls to his knees on the floor, arms hooking around your thighs. And your hands instinctively grab onto the sheets when he tugs you to the edge of the bed.
His index finger circles your entrance, humming when another wave of slick dribbles out your hole. He pushes his finger past your hole, your walls clenching rhythmically around the digit as he tests the waters.
He pulls out, pushing a second finger in— stretching you open. Your hips roll to meet his thrusts, Hoseok’s thumb gently circling your clit. You feel the stretch when he adds a third finger, your eyebrows furrowing at the slight ache.
“You good?” Hoseok peers up at you, trying to gauge your reaction. Your thigh twitching when he slowly eases his fingers back into you.
“Hurts a little” you grunt, thighs threatening to snap shut when he speeds up his thumb over your sensitive little bundle of nerves.
“Already?” he laughs, “I haven’t been fucking you enough lately”
You smile, fingers gripping onto the sheets tighter when Hoseok slightly curls his fingers. Your hips bucking upwards when he finds that little spot inside of you that has the pressure of an orgasm building in your stomach.
The ache of having three fingers inside you ebbs away the more he gently thrusts them inside of you, “Another one” you sigh when you feel a fourth finger tease your entrance.
“You sure?”
“Please Hobi, wanna feel full” you urge, hands grabbing onto your tits, fingers teasing your hard nipples when you feel the stretch of a fourth finger.
“Good girl, you’re doing so well for me” he presses a kiss over your clit. His fingers pick up their pace, lewd squelch from your cunt enough for you to squirm in embarrassment.
“Please Hobi” your thighs shake, clamping around his hand though that doesn’t seem to deter him from curling all four fingers inside of you, knuckle deep. “Wanna cum around your cock”
“Yeah?” he breathes and you nod.
A rush of slick drips onto the bedsheets as Hoseok pulls his fingers out of your sodden cunt, the demon unashamed as he licks your arousal off of them.
He watches as your pussy gapes, clenching around nothing, begging to be filled and fucked, coated in his cum until it stains your thighs.
“Ready for me?” he pushes himself back onto the bed, hands hooking under your arms, throwing you further up the bed so he can make home between your thighs.
You watch as he pulls his pyjama pants down his legs, thick thighs flexing in a way you want to just sink your teeth into the hefty muscle.
Your cunt clenches around nothing as you watch Hoseok wrap his hand around his length, tips of his fingers barely meeting at the girth of it.
“Please, want you inside” you whine, hips rolling into nothing, and Hoseok watches a pout mould onto your soft lips.
Hoseok braces his arms over your head, leaving down to kiss you. His tongue licks over the seam, a silent request for access that you allow.
You moan into his mouth when you feel something prod at your entrance, whatever it was, the tip was as thin as a finger, easily slipping between your soaked walls.
Hoseok pushes his tongue into further into your mouth, tongue pressed against your own. Kiss wet and messy just the way he liked it, drool coating both of your chins.
“Fucking hell Hoseok, is that your tail?” you moan when you feel the appendage inside of you thicken with each agonizingly slow inch that wiggles it’s way between your walls.
He hums, bringing you in for another kiss as his tail pulls out to the tip, wasting no time ramming back into you. Hoseok drinks up your moans, the sweetest melody.
Your arms wrap around his neck, hips bucking to meet his thrusts, tip of his tail nudging your g-spot.
“Close” you whine, fingers digging into his back. Hoseok groans, ramming his tail as far into you as he can, tickling pain shooting straight to his cock as he feels you paint red lines over his back.
He pushes himself down, teeth clamping harshly around your nipple, your back arches; desperate moan clawing up your throat as you reach your high. Your sodden cunt soaks Hoseok’s tail, wide base stretching your walls apart obscenely that you cry as he pulls it out of you.
If you cunt hadn’t been gaping, it was now.
“On your knees, darling” he gives your thigh a gentle tap.
You push yourself up on shaky arms, flopping forward, only keeping your hips raised.
Hoseok runs his hands over your ass, pulling your cheeks apart as he runs a thumb over your soaked folds, thumb easily slipping inside you with no resistance.
“Ready for me?” he asks, gentle hands running over your sides and you hum.
“Words, baby”
“Ready for you” you push your hips back, moaning when his thick cock catches your thigh.
You feel his pre-cum stain your thigh, angling your hips until you feel his tip nudge your opening.
“Inside please” you look back, watching Hoseok fist his length before he’s guiding it towards your winking hole.
He runs the head of his cock through your slit, another rush of slick dribbling out your hole onto his length and Hoseok groans.
You can feel the pop of the flared head as Hoseok pushes past your entrance, first few inches gliding in with ease as you rock back into him.
You jolt forwards when you feel the demon’s fingers circling your clit, and Hoseok pauses when your cunt squeezes around his length.
“Still a tight fit” he rolls his hips, no real force in his thrusts.
“Faster” you beg, legs spreading wider in hopes of his cock pushing further into you.
Hoseok snaps his hips forwards, and you can feel the ridges along the length of his cock drag against your walls as he pulls out half way before he’s ramming his cock back inside of you.
You think you can feel him in your stomach, punching the air out of your lungs with each wet smack of his thighs meeting the back of your own.
“Like that?” he grunts, “Like being my personal little toy? Your cunt moulded around my cock. I bet a puny human wouldn’t be able to get you off anymore— i’ve ruined you for everyone” the laugh Hoseok let’s out is mean, though it all sounds muffled to you, your own moans overshadowing everything else.
You let out a sob when he gives a particularly deep thrust, your cunt clenching around his length so tight he slows down.
“Good girl, you gonna cum?” he asks, fingers finding their way back to your clit, expertly flicking the little bud, and it has you seeing stars.
You slowly start to feel your orgasm rise, each brutal thrust bringing you closer to the edge.
“Come on, baby” he groans, picking up the pace.
Your mouth falls open, pure bliss wracking through your body as you reach your peak. Little hiccups follow your orgasm, harmonized with the wet slapping of your cunt. Hoseok uncaring as he continues to thrust into you, hips jackhammering and fingers thrumming at your clit with newfound vigor.
“Too much, too much” you cry, trying to pull your hips away from him, cock head punching into your prostate.
“Hold on baby” he groans, fingers digging into the meat of your hips, dragging you back onto his cock, you feel him twitch between your walls and you know he’s close.
Hoseok feels as your walls clench sporadically around his cock, he slams into you before cumming; flooding— painting your walls white.
You choke at the amount of cum that fills you up, hot, thick seed spilling into your stomach with how far inside of you he was. And your thighs shake as you’re met with another orgasm, juices mixing with what was already inside of you.
His thumbs run gently over your hips, sure to bruise in the coming hours with how harsh his grip had been though that will be the least of your worries.
“You cum too much” you whisper, head spinning as you feel another wave of cum slosh into your stomach.
He gently pulls back a few inches before he’s rolling his hips, pushing his cum back into you.
“Think you can do one more?” he asks, cock still hard.
Your thighs shake when he slowly picks up the pace. And you groan when he pulls you up by your arms, your back meeting his chest.
“Can you see that?” his hand turns your face by your chin, and your eyes glaze over both of your bodies in the full-length mirror opposite the bed.
You look like a mess, eyes glazed over in lust and tears, skin blotchy with purple and a set of very distinct teeth marks littering your neck. Both of your bodies have a sheen over them, sweat— and probably your cum in Hoseok’s case. But that isn’t what he was pointing at.
He feels your cunt clench around his length as your eyes connect with your stomach, a little bloated, so much of his cum inside of you, your tummy had distended a little.
He runs his hand over the little bulge under your belly button, cock so far inside of you that the head was pushing up into your stomach.
He pushes down on the bulge, and the both of you moan in unison.
“Look at that baby. I really am in your stomach, huh” he laughs, pulling up up a little, both of you watching as the head of his cock disappears before he’s dropping you back down on his length, watching the bulge reform.
Your hand runs over your stomach, feeling Hoseok’s cock twitch inside of you when you push down. Your thighs twitch, arm wrapping around his neck as he starts to thrust upwards.
A ring of white forms around the base of his cock as he thrusts up into you. Pace not as fast as before but the image in the mirror is enough for you to start tumbling towards your release.
“Play with yourself, darling” Hoseok groans, dragging you up the length of his cock.
Your fingers find your clit, and you fall forwards at the intense pleasure that shoots up your spine. The increasing pace on your clit combined with each little ridge of Hoseok’s cock dragging ever so deliciously against your walls pulls you head first into another orgasm.
This one’s wetter, rush of liquid exploding onto the sheets below. You vision blurs over momentarily, fingers seizing on your clit as your legs shake. Hoseok continues to thrust up into you, your walls tightening around his cock.
Yoy hiccup a moan, and Hoseok feels himself tumble over the edge when he flicks once more at your clit, another rush of wetness joining your sodden bedsheets and foamy white cum that coats the insides of your thighs.
Hoseok watches as you black out for a moment, thighs still trembling as he cums inside of you. Another wave of thick cum joining what was already sloshing inside your tummy.
“Oh baby” he moans, watching as your stomach continues to bloat, he groans— head of his cock no longer visible as his cum bulges put your stomach.
Tears fall down your cheeks, you’d loved feeling this full. Hoseok’s cock plugging everything up inside of you.
Your thighs continue to tremble, wanting to close but Hoseok’s legs preventing you from doing so.
“You okay?” he asks when you look somewhat coherent.
You simply nod, breathe stuttering as your lungs try to compensate for the lack of oxygen.
“Did so well for me” Hoseok coos, hands running over your stomach.
Your pussy clenches, Hoseok finally starting to soften inside of you, knowing you wouldn’t be able to take another round of cum until what’s already inside of you is gone.
“I feel so full” you swallow thickly, head tilting down to look at your belly, “Why do you cum so much” your head falls back onto his shoulder.
“We didn’t put a towel down this time either” Hoseok tuts.
“Needed clean sheets anyways” you tell him.
“Ready for me to pull out then?” he asks and you frown.
There was something so fulfilling about being so full, stuffed until you were bloated with his seed. Everything Hoseok has to offer, plugged up inside of you— ever so warm and thick. The thought of him cumming inside you alone enough for you to tip over the edge again.
Gently Hoseok lays you back on the bed, your hips raised as his cock remains jammed inside of you.
“Do you have to?” you ask, and if Hoseok could see your face he thinks you’d be pouting.
“Gotta get cleaned up doll. I’ll eat you out in the shower if you want” he offers and you sigh.
Gently he eases his cock out of you, each ridge bumping against your walls that you feel more arousal start to leak out your hole. Overstimulation boarding too painful with each inch slipping out of your walls.
You feel the head pop out, a rush of thick cum following. You feel another wave of it fall onto the bedsheets when you clench, pussy gaping obscenely.
“Push it all out, darling. That’s it” Hoseok runs a hand over your ass, spreading your pussy lips as you force another gush of his cum out of you.
You moan when you feel two of his fingers work their way into your hole, another glob of cum dribbles out of you— your own watery arousal following soon after.
“Did so well for me” he praises, kissing the back of you thigh.
And maybe having a demon roommate wasn’t all that bad when you really think about it.
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jpnriikicore · 1 year
i love your ethan landry spiderman fics sm!!! 🤍 can i please request one were yn (tony stark! daughter) feels a bit left out by her father?
we all know tony stark is rich rich, so maybe instead of being there he gives her money or stuff like that. or maybe he's just too busy being iron man to actually be there for his daughter. anyways, ethan finds yn feeling down and comforts her :) maybe a mwah too...
i hope I'm not bothering you, thanks anyway!! have a good day
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title: his lips are like a drug
word count: 355
paring: spider-man!ethanlandry x tonystarks!daughter!reader
author’s note: hii ! thank you for requesting ! hope you enjoy and have a good day / night ! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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you’re familiar with your dads absence and the solitude of being alone in the big mansion the your residence at. your dad wasn’t the most present in your life, and even though he's there, he was never really truly there. he would be working and as selfish as it sounds you wished at times he would stop being iron man and be tony stark, your dad.
you received another package from the door step. opening the cardboard box revealing an tiny gold and white box with an expensive necklace placed neatly on the plush velvet. you had mentioned this necklace during a dinner before he left three months ago. at least he remembered. a note attached to the box caught your eye saying something about an excuse on why he couldn’t come back home yet. that whatever he was doing with the avengers is taking longer than expected and won’t be back home until a few more weeks.
you decided to go visit a specific boy, ethan landry or better known as spider-man. he seemed to help you forget about all your problems and fills the void that your father left. that’s how you found yourself at his and chad’s shared apartment bathroom right now trying to keep yourself distracted.
your lean heavily against the bathroom sink, breathing heavily. your one second away from having a breakdown.
your eyes are watery and red since you been crying. your heaving for breath as if you’ve just been chased. the tip of your nose is red and your eyelashes are clumping together.
"what happened, y/n?" ethan asked, now holding you in his embrace of his apartment’s bathroom floor. the material of his spider-man suit rubbing against the bare skin of your hip.
"my dad." you sniffled, wiping your nose with the back of your hand. your eyes start to water again. he pulls your head to lean on his chest.
"let it out," he said, stroking your hair letting you crumble in his arms. you hold onto him as if his your lifeline. "everything will be fine." he promised, as you bunch up the fabric of his spider-man suit bringing him down to meet your lips.
his lips are like a drug that made you forget about everything in the world.
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dearsnow · 5 months
omg can i have maybe a silly awkward confession + first kiss w steve randle???
tysm i love ur works sm <33
- steve randle desperately wants to confess to you, but it never seems to go in the way he expects. (steve randle x gn!reader but it’s mentioned that steve has liked girls in the past, fluff, unedited)
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word count: 820
a/n - yes in this story you are EXACTLY steve’s type bc he loves you!! and tysm :,)
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If Steve knows one thing, it is not how to flirt successfully. How to fix cars and punch things, maybe, but the idea of romance with another person is so foreign to him that he wouldn’t even know where to start. He can throw compliments and ask people out no problem- the problem comes when it’s time for them to say “yes”. He had a girlfriend at one point, god knows how that happened, but like most things, it ended pretty quickly. It left him slightly heartbroken and more than slightly insecure in his ability to secure another relationship.
But when he saw you, waltzing into the DX looking like his exact type, he couldn’t stop himself from trying.
“Hey there-“
“Steve, come help me with this.” Soda called, wiping some sweat off his face with his sleeve. “I just can’t get it to fit.”
And so began Steve’s campaign. Every time you walked by, he would attempt to move the conversation towards asking you out, but something or someone always got in the way. Eventually, the attempts got less and less frequent. The world just seemed to not want his brazen attempts at romance.
If you’re being honest, ever since you saw him while walking by the gas station, you’ve been hooked on Steve Randle. You’re always nice to the greasers and even befriended a few of them, but something about him just makes you nervous. He’s too handsome, too cocky, and too often talking to girls. Of course, that doesn’t stop you from liking him.
Sodapop knows. He sees how you stare at him, even though you look away as soon as he catches you. He sees your awkwardness, your giddy smile, and he sees that Steve, for once, can’t seem to find his words.
“You should do it.” He says. You turn around.
Soda has a grin on his face, and it terrifies you. “Do what?”
“Ask him out. Steve, I mean. You know he likes you- I think I’ve told you a million times since you first came ‘round.”
You’re dumbfounded. Soda raises his eyebrows, gesturing at the boy in the corner. Ask him out? You? You, ask out the guy you’ve been crushing on for practically forever now? “I don’t think so.” You lower your voice. You doubt Steve can hear your conversation, but you keep it hush-hush for safety’s sake.
You want to. You really, really want to, but there never seems to be a right time.
“Just do it.” He elbows you. “Steve! Steve, come here a minute. They need help.” He yells, giving you a wink. Your heart beats a million miles a minute in your chest as Soda walks away and Steve walks towards you. Has Steve always looked so good in the dingy gas station lighting?
It’s now or never, you guess.
“Whaddya need?” Steve questions. He has a little air of giddiness to his voice, like he’s waiting to say something he’s been keeping inside for a long time.
You take a deep breath. If Soda’s wrong, you’re going to wring his neck. But you need to do it. You just need to, and now’s as good a time as any.
“I just… uh, would you want to see a movie with me? When you’re done with work, of course.” You look away, bracing yourself for a potential rejection.
“Aw man, you couldn’t even let me do it myself?” Steve borderline whines. “I’ve been wantin’ to ask ya that for forever now.”
Your mouth opens just a little bit as you stare at him, face heating up. Soda was right.
Steve moves a bit closer, his hands shoved haphazardly in his pockets. “I like ya. Have for a while, I mean. So yeah, we should hit the drive-in when it gets dark.”
He has a dopey smile on his face, and you’ve never seen anything so cute in your life. He’s rough around the edges, but there’s something smooth in the way you feel secure in his presence. “I’d love that. I like you too, by the way.”
Steve could cheer, but he settles for a subtle fist-pump and a mental note to brag to the gang later. He knew it would eventually go his way.
“Do you like me enough to kiss me?” He teases. If it was his choice, he’d kiss you until his lips turn blue. What he doesn’t expect, though, is your agreement.
You, in a great act of bravery, pull him closer and press your lips to his.
The entire world seems to melt away from the two of you as Steve wraps an arm around your waist and keeps a hand on the back of your head. If the world exploded in that moment, neither of you would care.
When you finally pull away, there’s a heavy blush on his cheeks.
“So, the drive-in at 8:00?” You laugh.
“Yeah, geez, for sure.”
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auxiliuno · 1 year
HIII I HOPE YOUR WELL!! I was wondering if you could do a Dom!Konig and Sub!reader? Where he just kinda man handles you after a long mission, maybe a bit of bondage, overstimulation, and breeding kink with praise🤭🤭, THANK YOU SM LOVE ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dom!König x sub!reader
NSFW 18+
Bondage, overstimulation, man handling, breeding, praise, size kink, p in v penetration, full nelson, mentions of pregnancy
Minors DNI
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It had been a few months since you last seen König; apparently this mission he was on was a very important one and his superiors were drilling him about how he couldn't mess up blah blah blah....thats what he had told you before he left. Now it's been 3 months, and you received message from him that he'd be back today! You were so excited, you started preparing an exquisite dinner and cleaned up your shared home so it would be perfect when he came back.
Your heart pounded in anticipation at the telltale sign of your husband at the front door; the familiar twist and turn of the doorknob. After a few minutes of waiting, your long anticipated arrival of your husband came through the door. The only problem is, he seemed to be fuming about something. That was when you knew, you were in for a long night.
° ° °
His hands reach back down to slap your bouncy ass as he sheaths you down again on his cock. "Fucking whore, taking me like a good little slut" König rasps, as he keeps using his weight to trap you under him. He's spearing into you at a rapid pace, causing your whole body to bounce against him and the bed to creek. You don't know how long you've let him use your body like a sex doll; ever since he came through that door fuming, telling you how stressful he was on that mission, and how much he missed you. You agreed to let him use you for relief as your need for him was equally insatiable.
"K-könig! I'm your little slut so please fuck me more!" Snarling, König picked you up by your legs and hoisted your body up. Your back was against his chest, his hands behind your knees, and your feet in the air. He kept furiously pumping into you, each thrust sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout your body; making you moan and roll your eyes back. "Fuck...yeah maus, you'd like me to fuck you all night huh? Fuck you until you're round and full with my babies?" The lewd slapping of your ass against his pelvis echoed through the room. "Y-es König! Breed me like a mommy!" His pace quickened, his end goal was to make you cum as many times as possible. "Good mommy, you'll come as many times as I want you to, yeah?" His large hand which easily dwarfed your own, reached over to rub fast circles on your overstimulated clit. Squealing, you tried to move away from his hand, but his body was too strong for you to move around much, and his grip was iron tight. You felt your body convulse as another wave of orgasm rushed through you. Your aching pussy
Your pussy squeezed his cock so tight as you came; making him moan and roll back his eyes as he fucked you through your 5th orgasm that night. You could tell he was close too by the way he moved, hips fast but stuttering. "M-maus I'm so fucking close...pl-please please let me cum..M'gonnna make you a mutter -" all you could do was nod your head feverishly and scream out his name. With a stutter of his hips, he rammed himself into you as deep as he could. You felt him hit your cervix, white hot cum spilling into your precious womb. "Ah - König!" You felt the cum start dribbling out, leaking onto your pussy and ass.
König was still thrusting lazily as he fucked out the last of his orgasm. "Liebling...Fuck" His breathing heavy labored, he gently laid you down on the bed and flopped on you. "Mein got, you were amazing engel, you were an amazing little mutter for me". You were still catching your breathe, but you turned your head to look at him; "you want to make me a mommy that bad König?" You smiled at him, high from the after glow of your multiple orgasms. "Of course liebling, there is no one else I'd rather marry and have children with." That made your cheeks light up. "That...makes me so happy König! There's no one else I'd rather spend my life with and have children except than you". You both grinned at each other, König pulling you close to his body as his arms hug you into a cuddle. "Good, Liebling...you are the best thing that's ever happend to me". You smiled in his arms, content to fall asleep.
Hello Hello! Hope you enjoy it, and I'm sorry for such a late update. Have a great day! 💐💖
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
heyy 💝 just do you know, you're doing amazing with the time stamps ✨
can you write a stray kids reaction to meeting their s/o's protective little brother that pretends not to know stray kids? very specific, yep :D
they meet your protective sibling ♡
a/n. thank you sm :D also i mixed it up a bit, hope you don’t mind!! i wish my younger brother was like this smh 🙄
warnings. cursing lol!! and mention of cutting off various parts of body…
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┆彡 BANG CHAN [ 방찬 ]
i feel like chan, being the social butterfly he is, would have no problem getting into you brother’s heart
but, your brother being the rascal he is, would hide it >:T
"this is chan, a singer as you know…" you introduced him, grinning
"no i don’t know" you brother said, causing you to frown. because you have been talking about stray kids ever since you started listening to them and…
"that’s okay. not everyone listens to k-pop. or knows us" chan shrugged it off with a grin. later on the name popped out in the convo and your b/n just giggled
"stray kids? what a dumb name" he sighed and you shot him a dangerous glare. and chan took a mental note that you being pissed off is not the… greatest thing to experience
throughout the convo your brother was just butting in to add some sarcastic comments about chan or stray kids… or you.
but you could see that chan impressed him!! but b/n was just busy being the "protective brother" to admit it
but don’t worry, chan noticed that too. but he thought it was cute that your younger brother cares so much about you
┆彡 CHANGBIN [ 창빈 ]
honestly the moment changbin saw your older brother with crossed arms and glaring death stare standing behind you he almost shat himself 😭😭
like "why is he staring at me like that??" "why y/n’s brother seems so buff??" "can i run away??"
"and who’s this little fella?" your brother smirked "now this is a stray kid"
you smacked his arm, grabbing changbin’s hand and dragged him away
he did not leave your side for the whole event
and your brother wouldn’t stop staring 😭😭
changbin tried to flex his muscles every chance he got just to make your brother stunned a bit.
and it worked, just a bit.
but until the future meetings, changbin started figuring out how to curry into your brother’s favor
┆彡 LEE KNOW [ 리노 ]
oh my god it would be an never ending staring contest
like you’d have to nudge lee know and your brother because the food was there
"you know, lino is a dancer. how cool is that?" you hummed, looking at b/n
"i don’t care" he mumbled in response
"and he has three cats" you added. your little brother shrugged, the food apparently being more interesting then your boyfriend
when your mom took lee know to show him the garden, you went there with your younger brother as well yet stayed behind
"why are you acting like this?" you sighed, looking at your boyfriend
"it’s just… i want you to myself. i don’t want him to take you away from me…" your little brother said and you couldn’t help but to hug him
in the meantime, your mom said the same thing to lee know explaining how much your younger brother loves you
so the rest of the day was a bit awkward but during the next meetings with your family, b/n started opening up more to lino
and your boyfriend wasn’t even mad. he found it rather cute <33
┆彡 HYUNJIN [ 현진 ]
hyunjin was a bit puzzled because, well, your mom liked him mostly because of his looks (i’m sorry but that’s true) and your dad because jinnie is a huge gentleman
picking you up, giving flowers to you and your mom, always saying hello, etc etc
so once your dad asked him to pick up your brother from school, he didn’t have the heart to turn it down plus hey, he’ll finally meet him
the ride home was silent. dead silent.
once they arrived home and no one was there yet, b/n stared at hyunjin
poor boy.
so he tried to start a conversation but your brother was not giving up on making this evening the worst in hyunjin’s life
"y/n is awful, how can someone even date her?"
now, you see, it was a test.
LMAO you know that one tiktok trend when someone says something and whilst waiting for the answer the person who said it goes 🤨🤨🤨 bc that was trick a question. yeah.
"she’s not awful. i think you think of her like that because you’re siblings but to me she’s the most amazing and stunning person i’ve ever met. and i mean it not only physically. she actually told me a lot of great thing about you…"
hyunjin passed the test and your brother may take into consideration liking him 🙄
and it was the first and last time of him picking up your brother from school.
┆彡 HAN [ 한 ]
han met your parents before but he didn’t have a chance to meet your younger sister
so when the time came, he did a research (i mean, asked you) and bought a present for her
whether your sister likes pokémon cards, a video game that just came out or the newest album of her favourite band – he got it
after saying hello and giving it to her, she just looked up and down at him with suspicious frown on her face
for the whole dinner she was teasing him or ignoring his questions (which made you kick her under the table and han pretended he didn’t see the whole table shake from the impact…)
your mom said that there’s gonna be a dessert in a while and your sister sent han a death glare and disappeared in her room
han, on the other hand, dragged you somewhere far away from everyone (little did he know that your sister was standing nearby and heard everything)
"did i do something wrong? did i say something i shouldn’t have? why doesn’t she like me?" with :( look on his face. he was really anxious that he did something wrong </3
your sister felt bad, so during the dessert she explained that she just wanted to… yknow, throw a dangerous facade so he knows how she’ll act if he ever hurts you.
clang. another kick under the table aimed at her leg, causing the table to shake.
but han just grinned and repeatedly said that he will never ever hurt you
after all it turned out that they get along pretty well and you could see how relieved and happy han was :D
┆彡 FELIX [ 필릭스 ]
your sister tried to look dangerous and act protective
but the moment felix walked into the room… i mean come on, he’s literally a walking sunshine
trying to look defensive, she held a staring contest with him
one smile and she was defeated.
they started getting along, gossiping about you and everything 🙄🙄
but the moment your sister dragged him to her room to film a tiktok
"i doubt you’d even hurt a fly… but just try hurting my sister, mister" s/n said, threatening him with her finger and - she thought - dangerous glare (`ヘ´)ノ !!!
"don’t worry. i’d chop my own leg off if i ever hurt her, even on accident" felix announced with a grin and then they proceeded to film the tiktoks like nothing happened
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
your brother looked up and down at seungmin, shaking his head
i’m sorry but the most of the dinner was silent.
you tried to loosen up the atmosphere and tell some jokes or funny stories about skz but…
"what’s stray kids?" your brother asked, waiting for seungmin’s reaction
and your boyfriend just snorted.
now, your brother took it as a good sign
and seungmin explained everything, breaking the ice step by step
and actually your broether was quite interested in that!! started asking questions about the mv filming process and everything
but seungmin couldn’t help but still feel a bit… threatened
and well, he was right about the feeling because before you left and you quickly went to the bathroom, your brother took him the the side 0_o
"listen, you’re a nice guy. but break her heart and i’ll break your nose. understood?" your brother looked your boyfriend dead in the eye but seungmin just smiled
because your dangerous-looking brother just said he’s a nice guy!! :D
┆彡 I.N [ 아이엔 ]
i.n would be very awkward at first (due to your brother not answering him 😭😭)
"hello!" … "i’m jeongin, y/n’s boyfriend" … "nice to meet you!" …
you nudged your brother to say something and he just murmured his name in response
while you went to help your mom in the kitchen, i.n started looking around the living room out of curiosity
and your brother watched him carefully
"what’s your business with my sister?" b/n asked suddenly
"nothing. i mean, not nothing. i’m dating her. and i really love her. i’m hoping for marrying y/n one day but we’re too young right now… woah, you have mario kart?!"
while your brother was still recovering from the marriage part, i.n focused on b/n’s game collection
"we can play if you want but don’t think that i’ll go easy on you because you’re famous or something" your brother said, rolling his eyes
and i.n didn’t even care that b/n didn’t know (or acted like) stray kids – he just wanted to have a good relationship with him
and well,,, play mario kart >.<
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist: @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny
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elioslover · 1 year
Grapejuice (fic) Part Three
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Premise: To your dismay, an Italian reunion with Harry seems impossible to avoid, and it's time to start facing the music- after all, it seems you are the one who can't stay away.
Word Count: 9.7k
Warnings: Alcohol use, mind-blowing banter. Use of She/Her.
Part One Part Two
Fashion Board - Fic Playlist - Other Writing
You were still at a loss for words, soul sucked out of your throat - straight into his hands. Perhaps if you said nothing, this would remain a figment of your imagination. 
But he was as real as he had been between your thighs, as he had been when you were beaming up at him, eyes doey and desiring to please. 
You suddenly felt insecure – thrust onto a stage, the spotlight so terribly blinding. Harry was politely keeping his eyes trained on yours, awaiting a response he would never receive. 
Savina, who could clearly sense you had just been sent straight into a torture chamber, quickly sits up, tossing her hat to the side and extending a warm introduction. You hadn’t noticed the man standing beside him but Savina recognised him from the first encounter outside the café, so she extended her welcome his way. 
He introduced himself as Jeff, and before you could even think to protest, Savina invited both men to set up and join your little beach session. A kindness you hardly ever saw her express, and Harry accepted far too quickly for your liking. 
Naturally, he chose to set his towel next to yours; and to make matters worse, he sat directly facing your side, legs bent forward, almost touching your hip. You slightly shifted away, aware that he would notice but not address it. 
Savina took the liberty of keeping the light conversation flowing, prying on how Jeff knew Harry, what they were doing here, where they were staying and for how long. You heard not a thing; head thumping, chest burning. 
Harry was particularly quiet, chiming in every so often, putting forth his best side for Savina, encouraging her to change her mind- or at least opinions on him. Harry was certain you had only shared vague details about him – even vaguer about your relationship. 
And he tried to avoid being disappointed, still completely overwhelmed by finally confirming that he was, in fact, not crazy - you had been the person he saw running in the opposite direction – twice. 
Harry was yet to understand why he found it so challenging to stay on planet Earth when in your presence. He had to keep himself grounded, trying his hardest to keep his gaze directed away from you,
“Of all the places…” you built up the courage to snap at him. 
Harry took this with a grain of salt- knowing you well enough to expect rejection and complete weariness. For now, he deemed he could deal with those feelings when you weren’t fearsomely sitting across from him. 
Savina ensured no gaps of silence settled, asking all the right questions – general and friendly. Jeff was eager to engage and happy to be in the company of others- the last day and a half consisted of only physically communicating with Harry. Harry, who had spent his hours mulling about, stuck in his head, totally distracted. Jeff didn’t know what his problem was- starting to ponder if this was how Harry behaved during his downtime. 
You were still focused on regulating your heart rate, ears ringing, eyes staring blankly at the sea,
“So, Y/n, how do you and Harry know one another?” Jeff asked, startling you back into reality. Your lips parted, mind blank, and as you struggled to formulate a simple response, Harry stepped in and, to your surprise, helped you out, 
“She’s Jack’s little sister-”
“Older sister.” you scoff, eyes rolling. 
Jeff nodded along, having been around your brother in the past. He made the same face everyone made whenever Jack was mentioned; a look of approval after flashbacks of your chaotic-good, riot-of-a-time brother came to mind. 
“Where is he staying this summer?” 
“Alps.” both you and Harry spoke in sync. 
You glanced his way, already sure he was smiling as a result. And he was - cheekily. Just as rapidly as before, your heart was beating against your chest. It was loud – orchestral; ears screeching, body-quaking thumps, waves crashing against the sand, and the chatter of the three people situated around you - they spoke with clarity, but you heard only mutters- feeling like a bomb had just detonated beside your head.
After applying extreme focus, the ringing in your ears dulled and replaced itself with the sound of talking- comprehensive conversation. The last thing you wanted was to give Harry a reaction. After all, it was what he lived for. But you both knew that it bothered you– Harry knew before he even said hello.
Your stubbornness kept you going – always had – and from extensive practice, you were sure you could tune out his existence– at least for the time being.
“He plans on staying until August.” you scoffed – your brother was a moron who always seemed to forget how much the snow displeased him, 
“Bet he’ll last a month, tops.” Harry decided, and you briefly looked over in acknowledgement, 
“A week.” you felt certain – remembering a phone call yesterday where Jack whined for far too long about another incident on the slopes.
“Wanna put money on it?” Harry tempted.
“Money? We’re not children.” Instantly regretting your choice of words.
“Is that a fact?” 
“Don’t start.” Yet again, your anxiety surfaced- hot under the invisible collar of affection he clearly wanted to swaddle you with. 
“So, no money?” 
“No money.” You dismissed, breaking eye contact. 
Harry thought about it for a while – certain he could find a cheeky consolation prize for his failed attempt at striking up some friendly competition. 
“Doesn’t he hate the snow?” Savina pondered.
“Does it even snow there during the summer?” Jeff joined in.
“Some places snow all year round…surely?” Harry was sucked right into the confusion.
Your body was on fire, a headache threatening to split your forehead in half, and everything sounded like noise, sensory overload in full swing. 
“You can still ski in some places in Switzerland during the summer. Christ, next thing you’re gonna ask where snow comes from.” the longer you stayed put, the sooner you found yourself setting alight. 
“You already gave me that lecture in seventh grade.” Harry reminded.
“You thought snowflakes were a myth.” 
“At least I didn’t take it upon myself to spend all week preaching safety tips.”
“I’m older. I know better.” you scoffed.
“Slanderous lies.” 
“It doesn’t matter. Clearly, all of my warnings went in through one ear and out the other because you sprained an ankle and lost one of your ski sticks.” 
“You bumped into me.” Harry leaned forward, ready to argue to the death.
“Fuck right off. You cannot bump into someone who is behind you. And you were certainly behind me, you fuckin’ klutz.” You reclaimed the nickname, amazed that you were still having this argument. 
Harry always refused to let it go. It was one of the first times he learned that listening to you was probably a wise move. He remembers how frantic you had gotten- yelling at him for not listening, for hurting himself, and for finding it so amusing. But your eyes were so sweet, filled with concern, hands soft as they helped remove his gear. 
“Oh please, you came out of it practically unscathed.” Harry scoffed.
“I still have a chipped tooth!” you couldn’t believe how incredulous he was.
“Well, my heart still hurts after you called me, ‘Dickhead. You foolish dickhead. Are you trying to get us killed?’” Harry had memorised it like his favourite song.
He deserved it then, and he deserves it now, you thought. And though Harry’s recklessness was anxiety-inducing, you couldn’t help how fun the day was – before and after his fall – there was minimal argument, plenty of laughter, and the best hot chocolate you’d had to date. 
“I was being nice.” you offered. 
“Oh, I know.” Harry said smugly, “Until recently, it was the nicest thing you’d ever said to me.” 
A choral of your voice - singing sweet compliments his way, intent on luring him closer – made your stomach churn; the many, many pretty praises pointed straight at him. And just like that, all calm and collectiveness were sucked back into the Earth's core, replaced with only remorse and dread. There were no walls, and yet they were certainly closing in; you felt all eyes were on you now, burning into your skin with newfound curiosity- you couldn’t bear to look anywhere other than directly at him. 
And he was looking right back at you, waiting to see if he had struck a chord, hoping to get more than just a dismissal. But he was sorely mistaken – underestimating your need for control, becoming more overwhelmed by the second. 
Harry hadn’t the faintest clue about how he made you feel – how could he really? Your poker face could earn millions; your expression never faltered, no noticeable twitches, your body rejecting the ache to stiffen. But you could feel the cracks starting, threatening to shatter, spill all of your nerves out right into his lap, and if you stayed here a moment longer, you were sure to break. 
With that in mind, you startled the group by standing abruptly, your book falling from your lap, hitting the towel, causing Harry to look away for a moment- enough time to gather your cool, pulling your shades back over your eyes, hiding sheer panic. 
You turned to Savina, who was already looking at you puzzled, your words jumbling together, refusing to come out coherently. You searched desperately for an excuse- for some damn reason to get out of this mess. But all you could foolishly muster was both weak and faulty, 
“It’s fucking swelting. Think I'm gonna go for a swim.” You turned with whatever confidence you could scrape to the surface, walking off toward the ocean– your guard only retreating once the sea enveloped your ankles, cooling you down in more ways than one. 
You kept on forward, letting the salty water twist and wrap your thighs and belly- letting yourself sink into its embrace, dipping your head back until your hair dampened, fresh and comforting to your swelling brain. 
As you straightened, letting your body bob between the waves, hands coming up to cup your face, hiding your embarrassment from even yourself. This was not your definition of summer- you were sure this was nobody's ideal vacation. 
Harry was punctually proving that spending even ten minutes with him was a grave mistake. And you decided then and there that designating your time to avoid him was your best bet- your only guarantee that whatever vacation remained would stay sacred. 
Your skin was pruning by the point of your begrudging departure from the water, taking your time and returning to where you had left Savina, Jeff, and Satan himself.
And a wave of relief, bigger than those you had been bobbing in, washed over you with fresh revival at the realisation that the men were no longer here, only Savina, deeply invested in The Old Man and the Sea, perched in one hand, the other strewn across her hip.
You reached down for your towel, wrapping it loosely across your shoulders,
“Y'know, reading that book is kinda foretelling.”
“Are you calling me an old man?” Savina turned, instantly shutting, and discarding the book. 
“No, no. I think you’re struggling with the language barrier.” You teased.
“I speak better English than you.” Sshe reminded. 
You scoffed, folding and putting your towel back down, sitting cross-legged. There was a moment of pause, an itch to ask what had happened after you went for a swim- but the relief you had felt suddenly intertwined with slight disappointment. Why had they left? 
“They had lunch reservations.” Savina informed. 
“You did not need to invite them to join us.” you reprimanded. 
“And I didn’t need to invite them out for dinner tomorrow night, but I did.” She said matter-of-factly. 
Rage, confusion, anxiety, and a little excitement. You couldn’t decide which to act on- instead, your jaw went slack, lips parted, eyebrows raised, 
“You bitch.” 
Savina chuckled, picked her book back up and continued reading. 
Lunch had been a quiet affair; Jeff did most of the talking, and Harry did his best to listen. If it weren’t for the steaming serving of Shrimp Scampi keeping him sane, Jeff probably would have left Harry to his own devices for the day. 
But, after eating had long passed, and the sun had set over the sea, Harry was still in a funk- one that Jeff had failed to see from him so far, which, in itself, was odd. Jeff was usually first witness to Harry going through the motions; stressed, anxious, overwhelmed or overjoyed.This mood is hard to pinpoint though. It almost seems like Harry is so deep in thought he has become dismissive of all surroundings. 
Mid-way through the evening, when Harry unintentionally sighed for the third time in ten minutes, Jeff looked up from his phone, paused his round of Sudoku, and decided an investigation was in order,
“Is this how you behave on all holidays?” 
“What does that even mean?” Harry shrunk back in the sofa, shading his wariness behind a surprised façade. 
“You’re acting weird.” Jeff said, one brow arched, and as an afterthought, he decided to get straight to the point, “Is there something going on between you and Y/n?” 
“Why would you say that?” 
Harry ignored the little cupid’s dancing within the walls of his stomach, swallowing hard and staring out past the closest window, watching the sandy shores welcoming waves, the sea sparkling under the waning moon.    
“For starters, I don’t think I’ve seen you get this flustered around someone before.” Jeff tested, “Which is… something.” He was too observant, which obviously didn’t help soothe the little stars and hearts swirling around like a halo above Harry’s head. 
“…Don’t know what you’re on about.” He murmured timidly.
Jeff couldn’t comprehend why Harry seemed so reluctant to talk to him- surely if the two of you were purely platonic he would have no reservations just clarifying. Right now, Harry could barely look at Jeff, forehead compressed in an intense moment of introspection. 
A phone notification pinged, distracting Jeff momentarily, and Harry was back to his belligerent thoughts of yours truly. The knots in his stomach were ones of excitement and anticipation, but his head was advising him to halt, to be realistic for once in his life, even if a piece of his heart took a hit along the way. 
“So?” Jeff sternly pressed on, dropping his phone back into his lap.  
“So… what?” 
“Is there something going on between the two of you?” 
“No…Maybe…I don’t know.” Harry exhaled mercifully, only perplexing himself further.
“What’s the problem?” The muddy waters were only worsening- Jeff had never heard of you, and now he was hooked on figuring out exactly why that was the case. 
“She’s Jack’s sister, for starters.” Harry stressed, finally sharing his apprehension.
“Does he care?” honest curiosity.
“Probably not.” Harry hadn’t really thought about that part. 
“Does she care?” Jeff worded.
“Oh, for sure.” He knew that for sure. 
Harry was lying in bed now, the window ajar, salty summer breeze mixing with the lull of waves crashing in the distance. A secret sliver of the moon peeked through the sheer curtains, dancing across his face, illuminating his features, flickering like a flashlight above his shut eyelids. 
With a huff, he grabbed a fistful of the thin cotton sheet covering his torso, crinkling it between his palm, tugging it along with him as he turned over, facing his back to the moon., 
Harry couldn’t fall asleep, and even if he could, he wasn’t letting himself. His thoughts were on a sugar high, replaying the entirety of today on repeat; hyper-focused on the moments that included you, the sun crisping your edges, sunscreen turning to golden gloss atop your soft skin. 
And though he felt tremendous relief knowing he was, in fact, not delusional. You were as real as you had been the last time he saw you - sweetly slobbering, just for him – Harry felt you slipping further away. Especially after your less-than-stellar reception to his arrival- it could have been chalked up to the fact that you were surprised to see him, but something in Harry knew better. 
And when you jumped up off of your towel, body seeming scorched, scalded and scathing - desperate to separate from him- he easily confirmed you were running from him. 
Harry felt a pang in his heart each time he thought of you walking away, unable to drift off peacefully knowing that you were so close, and he had blown the opportunity once more. He would sell his soul to find out what went on in your head-especially regarding him. Harry thought he would gladly doze off into slumber, wrapped in the soothing comfort of your headspace. 
Yet here he was, his mind and body riddled with inertia- swallowed and swaddled by the sheets- he felt lonelier than he would have liked to admit. Harry knew just how well your body fit so snugly with his own, considering the feeling of tugging you closer, tangling yourselves into one whole being. 
Never in his right mind would he have actually expected to see you here. He had sooner accepted that he was slipping into delusions- and somehow still easier to pretend that was the case. At least then he wouldn’t be trapped in this limbo. 
As you walked away, Harry quickly glanced over at Savina, and they shared a brief but curious exchange. Jeff, none-the-wiser – reminded Harry that they still had that lunch reservation. Though he wished to stay, feet buried within the sand, relief rushed through his veins- frustration for, once again, being unprepared in your presence. 
He hadn’t expected you to be so standoffish, a hint of discomfort seeping through your usual style of banter. Harry worried it was because of him- because you truly couldn’t stand being near him.
Punctured with confusion, but almost certain that you had meant it when you were asking for him with such a needy craving that night in his bedroom, Harry still felt he knew you- knew not to take it too personally when you sent such frigidity his direction. He couldn’t – and wouldn’t – let it get to him.
His neck started to ache, threatening to spasm if he didn’t punctually readjust. And with that being the case, Harry lifted himself up and swung his legs over the mattress- feet softly thudding against the hardwood. 
Waiting on his eyes to adjust to the darkness, his hand blindly roamed the nightstand in search of his phone. Coming out successful, he unlocked the screen, glancing at the time, 01:13. He decided this was still a reasonable-enough hour, going to recent calls and pressing dial- knowing the man on the end of the receiver was still awake- confirmed when the call connected after two rings,
“Talk to me, baby.”
“Why are you still awake?” 
“Why would you call unless you thought I was?” Jack starts to think, offended that Harry would have called whether he was asleep or not.
“And why didn’t you tell me Y/n was in Capri?”
“I didn’t think you’d care.” He says nonchalantly.
“Well, you thought wrong.” Harry tries not to snap. 
Either Jack can’t tell that his friend is currently rather moody, or he can tell and just doesn’t care. Considering that their consistent friendship spans two decades, there’s a high likelihood Jack made a more-than-conscious choice to dismiss Harry’s demeanour. Instead he takes the opportunity to do what he does best, complain,
“Dude, I’m freezing out here. I fear I might have hypothermia, and I burnt my tongue on a cup of hot chocolate first night here- barely have any taste buds left. And, for some reason, I have this feeling I’m gonna get caught in an avalanche, I know, I know, that might be irrational but-”
“Stop whining. Go somewhere sunny. Go to the sea, I’m already looking forward to hearing you worry about hyperthermia instead.” Harry griped petulantly.
“Not a bad idea…” Jack considers. 
It sounds like Jack has started busying himself on the other end of the line, shuffling around as Harry contemplates bringing you up again. But, sleep will be hard to find if he chooses not to, and he’d kick himself for backing out, 
“Your sister doesn’t seem very keen on me being here…”
“Yeah, she didn’t sound too impressed.” 
“You spoke to her?” Harry almost sits up fully, soft sheets pooling at his waist. 
“Well, she sent me some rather colourful texts earlier.” Still, in the midst of doing something, Jack definitely has the phone on speaker now, veering further from Harry’s evident curiosity. 
“What about?” posed with caution, 
“Same as you. Wanted to know why I didn’t tell her you were coming.”
“Yeah. Don’t know why you’re both suddenly so interested in one other. I could just send you her number- would help stop me from having to be the messenger.” Jack groused.
“Not necessary.” Harry quickly dismissed, his nerves untangling as relaxation began to wash over him. He liked the idea of you being interested in him. For now, that was enough to lull him into a state of sleep, “You are the worst messenger, though.”
“And you love me, bitchboy.” He sang with silly spirit, voice nearing the speaker. 
“Yeah, yeah. I don’t think insurance will pay out if you die on the slopes... Maybe keep that in mind?” 
“That’s it. I’m getting out of here, man.” 
“Good for you.” Harry affirmed, yearning for a yawn.
“Tell Y/n I say hi!” Jack merrily tormented. 
“Fuck off.” He chuckled lazily, eyes visited by the Sandman. Throwing in an, ‘I love you’, promises of their next dialogue happening during daylight hours, and a threat of coming to visit, the call came to an end. 
Harry released a lengthily postponed sigh, palm pressing to his forehead, before his phone emitted a startling ding, Jack’s name lighting up. Attached are the words, 'I think my fingers are freezing. Will they fall off?', as well as your name and number. 
He wanted to roll his eyes, dusty rose coating the apples of his cheeks- shyness coursing through him, and great relief that Jack had dismissed his protests- swooning at the digits belonging to you, feeling a little closer- nearer.
Customizing your contact details, gifting you the title of Klutz with a wine glass emoji for finesse, Harry’s eyes finally swell shut with sleepiness, body soothed back into the sheets, already drifting into dreamland by the time his head hits the pillow.
You would sooner face the guillotine than admit how long you took to choose an outfit for dinner. Throwing clothes in your suitcase the morning of your flight- ‘it’s not like I’ll have anyone impress’ mixed with ‘I put off packing to binge-watch Kitchen Nightmares’- was now biting you in the ass. Why the fuck did you bring so many socks? When would you even use them? 
When you had finally settled on something- consisting of a white tee tucked into a high-waisted coral and pink mermaid-esque skirt, paired with white latex ankle boots, a cream belt and a matching mini baguette bag- it was time to start fussing over hairstyles and by the end of that, it was a miracle you hadn’t ripped out all of the hair on your head. It was only when you caught a glance of yourself in the mirror that your confidence returned, and you mustered up as much of it as you could to get through the next few hours. 
The chosen restaurant was spacious, built with cobblestone, and decorated with dark green vines and eclectic hardwood tables. Harry and Jeff were already waiting on the sidewalk. Greeting you warmly, the sudden kiss Harry pressed to your cheek was startling but welcomed, and you hoped he wouldn’t see the way your cheeks flushed wishfully.  
Settling in, Harry makes it very clear that he intends to sit next to you- forcing Jeff to the end of the table without a chance for choice. It had been expected, but still, you felt the familiar bubbling of anxious uncertainty within you. The only promising factor was the chance to eat- something you had been too distracted to do all day. 
An awkward silence lulled over, only amplifying the splitting headache you soon faced. Harry looks at you as if he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else in the world. Gaze happily settled on your own- and your lack of comfortability- clearly revelling in it all. If the wine you had ordered would just arrive, perhaps your nerves would settle. 
“Thanks for inviting us, Savina.” Jeff started after a subtle clearing of the throat, and everyone was more than grateful for it. 
“Oh, of course! It’s such a coincidence bumping into someone Y/n knows from home. We just had to have dinner.” She shot a cheeky glance your way, and you hoped to God that the dim lighting would mask the blush rushing across your cheeks, 
“Well, we didn’t have to.” You mumbled, regretting it as Harry’s ears instantly perked up,
“Cancelled another hot date, did you, Y/n?” With each word, he seemed closer and closer, pricking at your emotions, stirring frustration back to the surface each time it threatened to settle down. 
“Do I sense jealousy?” You felt yourself shifting forward, arms resting impatiently atop the table. 
“Just curiosity.” He shrugged, relaxing back into his chair, arms folded across his chest with nonchalance, 
“What are you, a cat?” You dismissed him, turning both your attention and body to face the others, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Jeff.”
“Likewise, I’ve heard plenty about you.” 
“Hope I live up to my reputation then.” Shrugging, you glance over at the loved-up boy from your childhood, and he's already looking at you longingly.
“Oh, trust me, you already are.” Jeff chuckles with certainty, 
“Really?” you pondered, mirroring the curiosity that flashed across Harry’s features.
“I can’t help but enjoy seeing Harry being put in his place.” Jeff shrugged, sending a reassuring wink across the table.  
“Ah, you’re the designated babysitter?” You quizzed heartily.
“I hardly need a babysitter.” Harry defended in an instant.
“Hardly.” Jeff emphasised. 
“You make it sound like I’m a child.” Harry worked hard to remain still- tempted to act out with a pout and a soft foot stomp.
“All I’m saying is, it’s refreshing.”
“To see me being scolded?”
“The constant praising is great but…” Jeff’s face scrunched sympathetically.
“Tiring?” Savina tries.
“Exhausting?” you add. 
“Alright, alright.” Harry shushed with a playful eye roll- mostly directed at yourself.
The waiter arrived with a newly opened bottle of Merlot, gesturing for confirmation to pour a tester into the large glasses you were each designated. Savina approved, taking the liberty of tasting for the table. With a delighted suck of the teeth and a nod, the waiter went on to fill each glass. 
“So, Savina, what line of business are you in?” Jeff asked between his first sip- pleased with the bitterness greeting his pallet. 
Savina knew exactly what she was doing as she blocked her courtesy and left you with the challenge of creating some form of communication with Harry. He proved to be kinder, however, taking the opportunity to show signs of life, 
“What’s good here?” he made no effort to check out the menu, 
“Everything.” no effort on your part either. 
“Narrow it down.” 
“Well, you can never go wrong with Risotto alla Milanese…you’d probably really like Parmigiana- but either way, we should get the Olives Ascolante as an appetizer, they’re incredible, and I know you love olives…”
“Look at you, so astute.” He was trying not to grin back at you, heart silently swelling at the subtle affection you had let slip, 
“Shove off.” You prayed he would let it slide. 
Thankful for the return of the waiter, you took the liberty of ordering appetizers accordingly- glancing over at Harry to confirm he was satisfied with your choices. As an afterthought, you asked for a side of Rice Arancini.
Harry was enjoying his vacation more than ever, unabashedly sending a smile straight to your heart, hairs rising up the back of your neck, 
“What?” You asked when it was clear he was in no hurry to look away, 
“I like it when you’re assertive.” 
“Yeah, why am I not surprised?”  
“Guys?” In sync, your heads turned to the other two, “Should we also order some Focaccia for the table?” Nodding- in sync- Savina was quick to ignore you once more, “Got it. I started in Milan…” 
Twirling your index finger around the glasses rim, you had unknowingly prompted Harry to finally reach for his own wine, taking a curious sip. Wine was something he hardly humoured, even during his previous stays in Italy. His eyes lit up with adorable surprise, and a wave of endearment washed over you, the familiarity of Harry reappearing for the first time since even before your… incident(s),
“This is good.” He praised, lips glossed over, reattaching to the glass for more.
“I know.”
“No, like, really good.” He tried to emphasise entirely
“I know.” You sent him a cheesy smile, reciprocating the need to completely confirm that you two were on the same page.
“If the wine back home tasted this way,” his eyes still wide, going in for a third sip, “I’d have stopped with the scotch years ago.”
“Please, you love your Johnny Walker too much.” You tried your best not to pay attention to the stray droplets staining his bottom lip- it would be too easy to kiss away all remnants.
“Fuck, this is so good though.” Harry felt unnecessarily revolutionary, “made in Italy?” putting his glass down to reach over and grab the bottle, 
“I would hope so.” “Siena. Thank fuck.” 
“With this many vineyards nearby, it would be criminal to drink anything else,” you engaged your own glass, taking savoured sips, lashes unintentionally fluttering their way into the crevices of his heart.
“Been to any good ones so far?” Harry asked, leaning nearer with the excuse of the restaurant being a little loud, looking at you like he had loved you far too long- something you mistook for boyish fascination, it had always been just that, right? 
“Wineries?” You asked for confirmation he granted with a soft nod, “Oh, of course. Did a tour from Modena down through Bologna. At some point the trip did turn a bit blurry… but from what I recall, the wine just kept getting better and better.”
“I’ve never done a wine tasting before.” 
“You’re kidding.” 
“No?” he had never even thought about it before.
“Too much business, not enough pleasure?” You prodded, and as usual, you were correct. Harry had definitely spent plenty of time travelling- for the purpose of work. 
You knew this without him ever needing to tell you, though you typically minimized the importance of his career, you were one of the only people who understood this- and he wasn’t sure why you did… but it only helped reinforce the certainty he felt about the two of you, you just understood him, and you would never, ever admit that you knew he understood you too. 
“Exactly.” He agreed with subtle satisfaction, and a settled silence grew between yourselves, as you took another sip, swirling the rouge for a moment more.
“…Better change that then.”
“Yeah?” Harry’s entire body perked up, hoping you would lead him directly in your trap, and everything in you wanted to go with him, to spend time with him. An invitation ached to slip from your tongue, fighting contradiction, just dying to tour wine country with Harry. But in true fashion, you tracked back on every feeling of affection and offered.  
“I’m sure Jeff would love to go.” 
And Harry was lured straight into disappointment, having already indulged in the idea of spending time with you- ideally at your own suggestion. He was sure it looked like you were willing, if not pretty eager, but there was no way the frown accompanying your conflicting thoughts could go unnoticed. Harry knew this face well enough; you had sported it through most of senior year. Every time it seemed you were about to reconsider, to give in, a sudden reality check seemed to pull you back, retreating into nothing but a bowed head and twiddling fingers. 
The aroma of the appetizers finally arrived, scattered across the tabletop with the threat of mouth-watering bite-sized pieces of heaven. The conversation is almost completely forgotten to you, your senses elated with the promise of food, and your hands are moving every which way, grabbing one of everything, piling your plate plentifully. 
And even though the sight of your eyes rolling back, lips parted, as you taste a spoonful of, clearly entices him to try some for himself, Harry still thinks back to your last words, taking over your habit of overthinking. He can tell his brows are furrowed, can’t help himself from shifting his chair to face you, his arm resting across the table,
“How long are you gonna keep this act up?” 
You glanced up at him, Arancini half-chewed, eyes wide and heart thudding. Taking extra time swallowing, pushing it by reaching over for a sip of wine, you felt scorched by his stare and attempted another aversion, 
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about...”
“We both know you’ve done damn near everything in your power to avoid me.” 
“Now that’s just not true.” You try. 
“Oh, really?” His forehead raised. 
You were trapped in a stare-off; Harry was clearly keeping you there by the challenging glimmer of his pretty green eyes. But, you don’t lose, 
“I haven’t done everything in my power…” 
“Oh my god, you’re infuriating!” Harry has to stop his hands from flailing around dramatically, 
“And you aren’t?” You defended, unable to commit to keeping your hands at bay, and Savina glances over with a brow raised in suspicion. 
Quickly detaining your outward display of displeasure, your hand finds the wineglass once more, taking a hefty gulp as Harry obtains the opportunity to get closer, eyes darting to the two diners across the table, engaging in a mild debate. His voice lowers, 
“At least I didn’t almost get hit by a Vespa trying to run away from you.” 
Almost choking on your wine, withholding a cough, spluttering out in utter surprise- and undoubtedly shameful understanding, 
“You know about that?” 
“I do now!” Harry exclaims, shocked that his suspicions have been confirmed. 
“I didn’t almost get hit.” 
Attempting to turn your attention back to the act of dining, Harry finally reached out and grabbed an olive and popping an olive between his teeth, crunching down on it, his smile mixed into one both of enjoyment for the food, and sheer amusement for your attitude. 
“What’s your plan, Klutz? To be the cause of pileups all summer?” 
The sheer suggestion of spending the rest of your vacation avoiding him and the ever-increasing fondness you felt whenever in his presence. And looking over at the man who seemed only capable of enjoying your company, you only panicked more,
“You’ll be here all summer?” 
“Well, if my staying will keep you this riled up, I think it’s my obligation to.” He was taking this less than seriously,
“Harry, I swear-”
“Man, my name never sounded so good being chewed out.” He’s met with only sternness, a glare that had him feeling like a scolded schoolboy. And he didn’t like your stare- not when you could be coating him in sweetness, so his features soften, his taunting tone turning tenderness, “We’re friends, Y/n, I’ll make sure I don’t get on your nerves…more than usual.”
“Why don’t I believe you?” you ask meekly, shoulders relaxing and soothed by his surety, but still too sceptical to believe him. And when Harry sees this in the way your eyes stay squinted, he wants to reach over and soothe every frown line with soft kisses, 
“Trust me, I would hate to see your arms and legs covered in bandages…would be such a shame.” 
He takes a long sip of his wine, savouring the way it tantalizes his senses, before reaching over and popping another olive into his mouth, chewing and talking consecutively, 
 “Besides, I have plenty of sweet nothings lined up for you… can’t bear to keep them all in.”
“Bet?” you fail to resist falling for his promises of future-fondness.
“Might fuck around and writing another song about you.” He shrugs candidly.
Head racing, hurriedly scanning through the roller deck of songs and memories that pertained to Harry, you couldn’t begin to highlight a moment or song worth writing for your sake. You want- no, need- him to say more, to give you something to soothe the idea that Harry might have been right about his feelings all along- that this ‘thing’ between the two of you was nothing new, only brushed aside. 
“Y/n, Harry. Are you guys ready to order the main course, or do you need a moment to finish flirting?” Savina interrupted, amusement showing in both her tone and her taunting smile. Your defence was back and bigger than ever, and you bit back with dismissal,  
“We were not flirting.”
“Well, one of us was.” Harry mutters.
“That’s your problem.” You shut him down sternly, sliding your chair an inch further from his intensity, you focus all attention on the question at hand, “I’m ready to order.”
Wine glasses are empty, the bill is taken care of, and you can finally admit that relaxation has set in. With no further incidents during dinner, there was finally space to enjoy Harry’s company. Though that only reminded you of how fond you were of him, the night was young, and Harry was sure to resort to naughtiness. 
Glancing between the group, Savina made certain her next suggestion wouldn’t result in you retreating to a coffin. And with one more smile of endearment from you- directed at Harry’s detailing of an event he attended- she decided it was a safe bet, 
“Should we check out some of the bars?” 
With a collection of cohesive nods, the restaurant was left behind in search of a place with dimmer lighting and louder music. 
Standing on the sidewalk, the air was warm, but when Harry’s boot accidentally knocked your own, your skin had an eruption of goosebumps. 
“I remember this little one on the corner of Regazzi. Very nice for dancing.” Saved by Savina, you had an excuse to take a step away, ensuring no further bump-ins with Harry. 
“Lead the way.” Jeff agreed, and with that, you were all headed off down the street. 
A quaint but bustling location, already filled with enthusiastic guests grooving along to a song you faintly remember playing in a nightclub in downtown Rome? The energy was infectious, bobbing and weaving between those dancing. It took a moment to source a small table for the group to gather around. Instead of occupying the seat next to you- which you swear you hadn’t hoped he would select- Harry stayed standing, addressing the collective, 
“What are we drinking?” 
Savina was quick to name Sangria, Jeff offered to join Harry, and you were about to order your classic Gin and Tonic when the memories of Harry taking care of it for you came flooding back, and your feelings of bashfulness were asking to be fed once more,
“Surprise me.” Batting your lashes, his eyes lit up, confirmed with a nod; Harry, with Jeff in tow, made their way through those dancing in search of the bar.
They were hardly out of earshot when Savina gently grasped at your wrist, giving it a shake, her smile growing,
“He’s fabulous!”
You scoff as the last person on your side seems to be switching teams, leaving you open to feeling crazier than you already did. He was fabulous, but you swear you aren’t wrong in finding him aggravating,
“You’re just saying that because he’s Harry Styles.” 
“You know I don’t care about that.” Savina dismissed.
“Yeah, well, I wish you would.” She was right. You knew there was no reasoning. 
“C’mon, he’s cute! A little puppy!”
“I don’t want cute.” Griped through gritted teeth.
“But you do want him?” She already knows the answer.
Who were you fooling? Either you were miserable at hiding your attraction for Harry, or it had gotten so strong that the mere energy between the two of you was telling. Probably both, and neither would gain your admittance any time soon, 
“No. I told you, it was a lapse in judgement.” 
“No such thing.” 
“He’s annoying. He’s famous- and childish- and he’s fucking everywhere I go! Can’t close my damn eyes without his pretty little face popping up like a Jack-in-the-box.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Jack-in-the-box.” That cleared up nothing. Savina’s gaze is perplexed.
“… Your brother is in a box… in your head?” 
“No. Those boxes that sing when you wind them up,” You used your hands in an attempt to describe the boxes shape, “and then a clown pops out of nowhere, and you’re like, ah! Why didn’t I see it coming?”
“Oh my God, yes!” Savina almost cheers with comprehension, “My cousin loved that thing… what is this universal fascination with clowns?”
“Like, who is their demographic?”
“I’ve never met a child who likes clowns.” This was taking a real detour, 
” Plus, they don’t have the greatest rep.” 
“Always trying to eat children… yeah, kids are definitely not the demographic….” Savina thought about it a moment, and you were sure you had successfully managed to divert the conversation from Harry until Savina did a one-eighty, “Anyways, stop running. Let him take you out. It could be fun.”  
“That would make me a clown.”
“You’ve been acting like one since he got here, no?”
“No.” You had been acting nothing but rationally; hiding behind a tree was perfectly normal under the circumstances… right? Or did you really need to run when you saw him from the sidewalk? There’s no way he would have spotted you. Turns out, you had been acting anything but rationally, “Oh God. I have, haven’t I?” 
“A little.” Savina smiled sympathetically, grateful you were finally catching on to the bizarreness of your behaviour these last few days. 
“I almost died trying to avoid him!” Your eyes were wide with embarrassment, absolutely mortified. 
“I, for one, would like to see you relax.” She confessed, “It would help me do the same.”
“You took two naps today.”
“Because I needed to relax.”
Across the restaurant, Harry waited anxiously for their round of drinks, trying his best to seek you out within the movement of other patrons. He was granted quick glances before bodies moved to the beat and blocked you once more. 
“You really like her." Jeff observed, 
“Obviously.” Harry thinks anyone who spent even five minutes with you two would be able to see the wishful fondness he felt for you.
“Why am I only finding this out now?”
Harry really didn’t want to get into it- especially since you clearlydidn’t want to. 
“Because I’ve barely seen her the last five years.” He concedes, and when Jeff only looks at him like he’s speaking gibberish, Harry is forced to go on,
“It’s like she’s suddenly everywhere. I mean, she’s always been everywhere, but now she’s like… everywhere… y’know?” 
“Sure…” It’s becoming rather evident to Jeff that Harry isn’t sure when he stands with you, and as the conversation hits a dead end, the drinks arrive, and they busy themselves with making their way back to the table.
Your drink- long finished- forms a large part of being the reason you wanted to dance- so badly that your boots basically stood up on their own and made their way over to the make-shift dancefloor, slipping in between bodies vibing along to the beat.
It felt good to relax- as Savina would suggest- and you felt the release of all pent-up frustration as it left your body and disappeared into the crowd, no longer your burden to bear. The rest of the group had scattered, and for a while, that went unnoticed as the dancing held your undivided attention.
Harry was simply a thing of the past until you did a little twirl, and unbelievably, he was in your direct eye line. Leaning against the wall, an almost empty scotch in his hand, he seemed to be comfortably observant. 
The checked overshirt he donned was doing a half-hearted job at covering his chest- most of which was on display due to his choice of a low, low-cut white undershirt. His pants were a peachy-pink hue, not unlike your skirt, and like you, his sneakers were white to match. He’s dressed good. So good that you aren’t surprised when a girl starts to approach him. That doesn’t stop you from almost choking, insecurity suddenly invading your free spirit, and it killed you how much it bothered you to see him tilt his head to hear her better, a smile as she spoke, leaning in even closer.
Determined to stay sane, you continued to dance, looking anywhere but the scene of what you deemed a crime. But when you were about to explode from the need to let your eyes wander back to him, you looked over, heart sighing with liberation, when it became clear he was alone again. 
That wasn’t enough, though, your target had been set, and the need to dance was done and gone. Your body didn’t want to sway; it wanted you across the room, trapping Harry against that stupid wall. So, you let that ambition carry you across the dancefloor, dodging dancers, focused on reaching his unsuspecting figure. 
Harry followed the trail of your shoes up to the determined look plastered across your face as you seemed to be suddenly bounding over. He hadn’t managed to spot you, searching the crowd for as long as he had been standing in this corner. 
Before he could blink, you were before him, slotting your feet in the space between his own. The gap between you was small, but you gestured to it anyways, finally acknowledging the fact that you happened to be dressed similarly,
“I like the way you dress.” 
“I get it from you.” His head bowed to see you better, smile beaming down at you like you were the only person in the world. 
“I thought about the bet….” You started, chest tilting into his own, brushing up against him. 
“Ready to put money on it?” 
“Then?” He wondered, hands finding their home on your hips, tugging you a tad closer, his eyes flickering back and forth across your features, loving the fact that you looked like you wanted him.
Your palm flat against his chest, the other resting on his forearm, only seemed to confirm Harry’s suspicions. Pushing up on your tippytoes, lips lining with his ear, your voice, low and sultry, threatened to turn Harry to mush. But that wasn’t your plan, 
“If I win, you have to stop with all your little flirty remarks-”
“Why would I agree to-” His eyes augmented with horror.
“If you win, I’ll go on out with you... on a date.” 
Harry wanted to laugh. You had stumbled into a trap he hadn’t realised was set the moment he had phoned Jack last night. But his body was in a shamble of shivers and goosebumps, hands pressing into your hips, pulling you closer, your chest bumping into his own.
“Do you hate my compliments that much?” He cooed, hoping to charm you closer.
“No. I just want to wipe that smugness right off of your lips.” You slide your hand out from the trap of his chest and your own, wrapping it around his shoulder, nails raking across the back of his neck. 
“Deal.” Harry hardly held back his enthusiasm, pupils swallowing the swirls of mossy-green whole. 
“I’m sticking with one week.” You ignored the way his reaction sent a rush of encouragement straight up your spine and instead indulged in the feeling of him melting under your touch- like a magnet to your presence.
Harry’s face was closer now, his forehead threatening to brush against your own. Your grip tightens, hanging on to anything he might say next.  
“Three days… max.” He was almost aching with adamance. 
“Better get the last of those compliments in, Styles. Make ‘em count.” You tried to warn, putting all available energy into maintaining control, but it was hard when he was still inching closer, his voice husk and for your ears only, 
“Even if you win, I have a feeling we would both miss those compliments terribly.” 
Unfortunately, he was far from wrong. This was a last-ditch attempt on your behalf- and you knew that going into it. You could have easily dismissed the bet altogether- easily dismissed it even now, instead of pushing on with fervour.  
“You don’t know that.” You swallowed, trying to remain factual- hating the way he made you feel so submissive. Your comfortability of being the older, mature one was almost non-existent the moment he opened his mouth. Cursing yourself for this sudden willingness to let him take the reins. 
“I’m almostcertain I do.” he wouldn’t budge. It only made you want him more as you unconsciously lilted into him, leaving no gaps to be found, 
“You’re far too hopeful.” 
“Only when it comes to you.” 
“Cute.” Sarcasm masking the way your heart did a hurdle- threatening to jump right into his arms. 
“I know you are, but what am I?” Harry’s words brush over you with a mix of musk and mint, breath fanning over your cheeks, making your eyelashes flutter,
“What else?” He’s so close now, jaw tilted and taunting you to reach out and grab at him.
“And?” His eyes are blown-out, one of his hands slipping from your waist and wrapping around your lower back. Trapped in his hold- and never wanting to leave- your former frustration was nowhere to be found, nudging your nose against the nape of his neck, lips brushing the warmth of his skin,
“And, sometimes, I want to just fuck the brattiness out of you.” 
Pretending the words that you had uttered were ineffective, Harry struggled to breathe; his brain scrambled, ready to be seasoned and served on a platter. His grip only tightening at your tantalizing warning, ready to do whatever it took to make it a reality,  
“Might take a couple tries….” 
You breathe out at his suggestion, soft laughter tickling at his neck. You’ve never enjoyed being in the arms of someone more- and you ensure it stays that way, arms wrapping around him with warmth, pulling him impossibly closer. You press a soft kiss to the slope of his jaw and inform, 
“Would be worth it.”  
Jack doesn't mean to, but he sneaks up on you- consumed in overwhelming thought, staring blankly at the copy of Crime and Punishment strewn across your lap.
“Miss me?” His voice was sharp, slicing through the silence, sending a shockwave your way. 
Your legs jolted- gravity dragging the heftiness of Dostoevsky off of your lap and onto the floor. But it was long forgotten, bent askew atop the tiles.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You spat, seething at your brother as if you were sure that he was here just to spite you.
“I’m here to make this the best summer ever!” He hollered, embodying the energy of a teen on spring break.
“Does Harry know you’re here?” 
“I’m not digging this lack of enthusiasm…” He half-pouted.
“Jack, respectfully, I will pay you to leave.” You bargained with the panic within, threatening to trap your tongue between teeth.  
“Keeping the bit going, I love it!” Jack was hardly listening to you. Instantly falling into the routine of sibling comradery.
“I’m not doing a bit. You have to leave before Harry sees you!”
“Well, it’s too late for that.” His creased brows met in the middle, looking at you as if you were suddenly alien.
“What?” Panic was fizzling over, foaming at the gums.
“I called him before my flight, and he gave me all the details.” He shrugged.
“Yeah. I’m staying with him. He said he thought you wouldn’t be overjoyed having to host me, which is rude, by the way.”
It was as if you were simultaneously thinking and not thinking at all. The inside of your head was suddenly a jumble of letters, an amalgamation of nonsensical emotions. The rug had been ripped from right under you.   
“So… he knows that you’re here?” 
“Gee, Jack. It’s so good to see you. I missed you too…” He mocks, having expected better reception. Whatever was brewing between you and Harry was not going unnoticed. 
“I’ll deal with you later.” You huffed, turning on your heels.
Your head was a pot, thoughts bubbling and boiling over, steam surely sputtering from your nostrils as you stormed out of the house and onto the sidewalk. Taking two steps at a time, almost tripping, shoes scuffing the paving as you muttered your frustrations aloud. 
The day was joyous- and you hated that – raindrops swirling within a cloud floating atop your head just as a crown would. It was more than obvious that Harry had been playing you all along. The part of you that felt mortified had rushed all heat to your blushing cheeks, and the part of you that felt so silly- so gullible- had you picking up your pace until abruptly arriving.  
“Harry!” Fists thumping against the hardwood as if it was personally responsible, 
“Harry.” Louder- thudding harder- indisputably sending your frustrations his way.
He took his time, bare feet strolling along the porcelain tiles. Running a hand through his hair, he unhooked the latch and smiled as your flared cheeks and kissable pout finally came into view. 
He smiled knowingly, opening the door fully before leaning lazily against the frame, eyeing you up and down with endless patience, noting how lovely you looked in lilac; skin soft and shimmering under the sun, hair pulled back and certainly warm to the touch. He thought for a moment more, lips spreading into a smirk, and then shrugged,
“There were no rules stating I couldn’t make use of the information Jack provided.” 
“It’s- that’s- what you did was totally unethical!” You reasoned, pushing past Harry into the villa, arms across your chest, owning the entire entrance hall. Harry only looked more entertained, enjoying the flashes of frustration in your eyes.
“Yes!” you settled.
“I won fair and square-”
“Not fair. Not square.” You all but whined, and a shiver shook at Harry’s spine; scenes of you pressed up against him, pleading for his affection. 
“Wow, Y/n. I’ve never known you to be a sore loser.”
Harry was pushing buttons for sure, seeing how much closer he could bring you, guiltlessly loving the attention you were paying him- even if it was lacking positivity, if it was all you were willing to give, he had to have it. 
“I am not a sore loser.” You defend, accusatory finger pointing directly at him, “You tricked me.”
“I hardly tricked you.” He scoffed, eyes rolling fetchingly.
“You omitted very important details.”
“We both knew he was on the brink of leaving.” He rationalised, “I simply gave him a little nudge.”
“You’re unbelievable.” 
 “I could say the same about you.” He challenges.
“This is like blood money or blood diamonds, I don’t know.” Coming to terms with the catastrophic choice to indulge in this bet, you hadn’t thought this far ahead- you hadn’t actually thought about it at all. What happened next? 
“Oh, please.” He mused. But when you only seemed to look more upset, Harry softened, guilted and regretted putting you in this position, “If you want to back out, I won't judge. We can forget the bet ever existed.” 
He meant it with all sincerity, but the words whisked over your head, hopelessly mistaking his sympathy for torment. This man had to be up to something. There was no way he would give you such a hard time only to retreat at the first sign of resistance. So, instead of taking him at face value, you switched up your tactics- whatever they were and tried a different defence, 
“Ha. You’d just love that, wouldn’t you?”
“No, I would not, missy.” 
Harry laughed the words your way, arms folding atop his chest, almost totally distracting you as his muscles constricted against his flimsy t-shirt as it threatened to shift and expose the pleasing sight of the soft skin belonging to his hips and pelvis. Taking a step nearer, your next sentence would send Harry into a world of excitement,
“We’re going on that date,” You said it straight, but when Harry shifts, and his stomach peeks past the thin cotton, you add for your own sake and reminder, “and I’m gonna make damn sure you regret it.”
“Is that a threat?” He tries to move even closer, but you take a step back and then another, preparing to turn on your heels and put him behind you. 
“Yes, Harry Styles.” 
It’s time to get out of here before you say more things you can’t retract, and there’s plenty of leftover angst you can project onto Jack, whom you only now acknowledge is probably still aimlessly wandering the grounds of your villa, waiting for an explanation.
Nodding your head with finality, this was your chance to finish on a high. You were already out the front door, sneakers angrily scraping the gravelled pathway, when Harry swung himself around the door frame- holding onto it the way you would wish farewell by hanging from the side of a moving train- projecting unnecessarily, and sending you home with some wise food-for-thought, 
“It would take a miracle to make me regret spending time with you, Y/n.”
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Lord have mercy, I am so nervous and hope you guys like this! This series is near-and-dear to my heart, living in my head rent free for the past few years lol. Anyhow, thank you for reading! I know my updates are less-than punctual, but I really do appreciate all the love and support 🥺 -Emmy. xo 💞
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ynsvnte · 6 months
Gilded Lily — Park Jongseong
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— pairing: ex!Jay x gn!reader (ft. Heeseung)
— Genre: angst, post-breakup, moving on, oneshot?
— warnings: crying, mentions of getting old, bad health but it’s not describe
— wc: 1.5k (1565)
— Synopsis: moving on from your ex wasn’t easy. But you knew you had to make to the end. And after all those years of radio silence of not hearing a word from him. He came along one day..and oh boy was it different..
Part one , Masterlist
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Now it's been long enough to talk about it
Years have passed by now. And at least to say you haven’t seen Jay. Not once. You still from time to time get the bittersweet feeling. Moving on from him was easier said than done. There was still a tiny piece in your heart. Shouting and wanting his love back. But you knew, knew right in your head that would be a bad idea, and you definitely don’t want to experience the same thing again. The time moving on from him was difficult..is one way to describe it. It wasn’t so easy. Him being your first love, and just breaking you, was very heart wrenching to say the least. It made you realize how fragile you were as porcelain. Just like how porcelain can chipt. Doing damage. It wouldn’t break you instantly but rather slowly. The stages of moving had three as you sorted them out number one being. The beginning, of course. Second is realization, third is the end. You’ve reached the end. Or maybe not…
But with my double vision, how was I supposed to see the way?
The beginning includes lots of crying, lots and lots of crying. It was your first ever breakup, you didn’t expect him to do something like this. He seemed so caring towards everyone. He wouldn’t dare to hurt anyone’s feelings. So why did he hurt yours? That’s a question you would ask yourself. It was hard. The cycle went on for months and months. Maybe 6 months.. crying about a man that didn’t deserve you. Said your best friend. Your best friend supported you all the way from the beginning to the end, and you appreciate it so much. You wanted him back. Still deeply in love with him. You would go through your old photos with him, messages. Memories would flood your mind. Which wasn’t helpful in any way. Your overall health got affected. Mentally, emotionally, physically. Mentally you felt so broken, drained, depressed. You weren’t your usual self. Emotionally crying. Crying. And more crying. He was the perfect man in your eyes. Everything was going perfect, you’ve never doubted him before. But that night you wish you never saw what you saw. She wasn’t just a friend like he used to claim. Sure you let him have girl friends. You never had a problem before. But oh boy were you wrong. It’s stupid to think that you didn’t notice it before. Physically. You wouldn’t even try to get out of bed. Always being drained of energy because of all of that crying. Only getting up to use the bathroom and eating. Yes physically wasn’t the worst but you weren’t in your best state . The break up took a toll on your part. You didn’t know about Jay either. Maybe he was happy with his new lover. Living his best life while you are over here suffering.
Always the fool with the slowest heart
Realization, Luckily having major support from friends and family. They helped you each step. Your best friend helped the most. Always trying to make time for you. Even when she was the busiest person. It made you realize your worth, and how you should move on. That this time you were facing your old problems. You took it slowly not wanting to rush. You started to take care of your health. Deleting any photos of you and him together. And getting rid of old things that made you think of him. You wanted to be a better version of yourself. One that he never should ever destroy and own. You got better day by day. Your smile returned to your face. Everything was going back to how they used to be, when you weren’t broken-hearted. Your thoughts were now very different, having a positive outlook. You now smiled and it wasn’t for him.
Turn off all alarms and lie to me
The end. It’s completely not over. Yet some might assume it is. It’s not for you. You can still feel some part of him in you. You thought you were never going to see him again. You sometimes think back to that day. The day he lost you. You also thought if he ever tried finding you. Which you didn’t think so because he was someone else. It does hurt at times to realize he wasn’t the one for you. And how you were never going to grow old with him, get married. A because of his mistake. You’re very proud of yourself for how far you’ve come. In this situation. You’ve found someone new. And already being engaged to him.
Your first encounter with Jay after years was when you were by yourself shopping for your new home that you recently bought. Jay stood there recognizing the woman, whom he deemed to love the most. In flesh.
“Yn..” a voice speaks out. You look around and meet a pair of eyes staring right at you..
“Jay..??” You say confused. You never thought you would see him again. “Hey..how’s it going…” Jay said softly, happy to see you. “Good, and you..?” You asked. “Wish I could say the same..” he stated making you confused.. “What..? What about your girlfriend..?” You mentioned the woman he cheated on you with. Lord..the memories.. “We, we’ve been alright..just kind of in a rocky situation right now..we just broke up..soo” he says. You nodded your head..
“Yn..I know I was wrong for what I did..but please take me the back..” as soon as he said those words. You were pissed. Who does he think you’ll forgive him easily.
“No, I’ll never. Jay you don't know the damage you did to me. I actually thought I was having nightmares. I thought you would come back and tell me it’s all not real. I waited. I waited for you to tell me it was all a lie and it wasn’t really, but no. I was crying, crying everyday about someone who I thought was my forever. My forever who broke my heart. My forever who was also my first love. I was so foolish to think you would come back. And thought that for 6 months. 6 months, hoping you would come back, comfort me, tell me there isn’t another girl. Nobody knew how much I loved you, even you…eventually I gave up. I moved on Jay..there’s no..no chance..” you ranted out, crying..oh you wished you didn’t cry. Now Jay was looking at you in shock.. he knew you loved a lot but not this much..
“I’m sorry..that’s how it ended..I never meant it..” Jay wanted to hug you, hold you in his arms like the old days. “If you never meant it, why did you cheat then? Sorry isn’t going to cut it..” you said before leaving him standing there..not giving him time to reply..
Your next encounter was 2 years later when you and your fiancé, Heeseung, were out on a date, spending quality time together. You were busy holding hands and faced him, you didn’t notice someone was there. Making you bump into them.
“Babe! Watch out..” heeseung warned you.
“Huh what do you mea-“ before you could finish, you crashed into someone causing them to let out a grunt. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” You tried apologizing. You quickly look up and realize who the person was…
“J-Jay…” you say shocked. Jay also realized it’s you. You.
“Yn..is that really you??..” Jay said before pulling you into a hug. You awkwardly hug him back and pull away from the hug.. “it’s been years…” you said. The air was uncomfortable as you faced your ex-lover. “Yeah..it has..and who is this…” Jay referred to the unknown man standing next you staring at you and Jay.
“Oh this is my fiancé, Heeseung. Babe, this is my old friend, Jay” you said introducing them to each other. Fiancé..how?? Jay never thought you would move on from him..well it has been approximately 6 years since you had any sort of contact with him. How small is the world huh..?
“Did you say..f-fiancé..?” Jay managed to say. Still surprised. “Yes..fiancé..” you said nodding your head..
“Well nice to meet you, Jay, but me and Yn have to get going..” heeseung said while looking at Jay with stern eyes. Jay noticed his stare and awkwardly nodded. Heeseung knew who he was, and what he did to you. He hated and still hates him..because why would someone hurt someone so precious. “Right..” Jay responded. Heeseung starts walking away and you follow after, suddenly you stop. You turned around..
“Jay, I’m sorry…but this is how it ends..I wish you well…” you say running to catch up to heeseung. Jay watches you walk away. With the man who he thought was supposed to be him but will never be. He hopes you will be happy. It will make you happy. Tears now flow down his face..and a sad smile appears on his face.
“Thank you, thank you..for being my love..” he says softly and turns around walking alone in regret..for giving you 6 years of hell..
We’ll live in spaces between walls
.・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。. .・✫・゜・。.・✫・゜
"Maybe in another world, you would have chosen me."
- K.L, Midnight thoughts #3 (via vodkapoetry)
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Author’s note: thank you to this anon for the idea. And I didn’t think some will like it bc no lie I hated it. Like my writing isn’t the best but Ty!! I also did want to use this song for a fic and I took my opportunity!! And did bad with Sunghoon back in October soo.. also happy new year everyone let’s hope 2024 is a good year!!
© ynsvnte copyright 2024
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t0bey · 8 months
sorry!! I meant the new storymode chapter for idv that came out!
ohh i see! ty for clarifying ^^ forgive me bc this is gonna be long and i have MANY thoughts
i actually really loved this episode a lot?? in terms of actual gameplay content i think i even enjoyed this more than TOR, (excluding out of game elements of the event like the animations) and considering my main gripes with episode 1 was how short it was, this ep being 50+ minutes in total definitely solved that problem i had!!
i really enjoy the pacing of everything so far, even if im kind of confused on if our choices actually impact anything? i think part of it is explained by orpheus clearly trying to manipulate what alice does in certain parts of the game like confronting frederick, but others seem like its just the option of choices getting in the way of the game's v obvious linear storytelling lol. i hope that the choices that affect relationships actually serve a purpose long-term
i was wondering how they were going to include mary in the main lore considering for years she's only really been a retelling of marie antoinette's history, but honestly? i love that they fleshed her out into her own character being mary de capet instead of just marie antoinette, and she has her own lore with the racecourse and frederick too. i loved the chase between her and alice sm, and it was interesting how it turned out that in actuality it was *frederick* that alice was hallucinating as mary
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anyways mary showing up in HD and having a badass entrace was very cool
also i think everyone knew frederick was going to be taken out somehow and i like that its very open ended what happened to him so far? personally think he might've gotten killed or something after alice fainted at the racecourse, since his stuff was still in his room + Norton is very obviously his replacement at the end (him sitting in fred's chair). plus i think game participants only get replaced if they die, like what happened with servais replacing murro after he got killed by naib
I was REALLY hyped to see the secret medicine lab return from TOR!! and i like that alice used the same rat testing method detective did back then too lol. what really piqued my interest was realizing that when she starts hallucinating and runs away from fool's gold, it wouldn't make sense bc she wouldn't have met him until breakfast the next day. but then when you look at the figure who forced her to drink the drugs to knock her out, if u look close enough it's clearly Norton.
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seems like he is working with orpheus at least to the degree that he knows what to do down in the lab by himself, which is interesting and explains why alice would hallucinate FG before actually being introduced to norton the next day.
also considering orpheus chloroformed alice while she was hallucinating before she woke up strapped to the chair and norton made her forget what happened, p much spells theyre working together imo?
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overall i really like that this episode leaves you with just as many questions as it did answers (mainly about frederick) and im very curious how they explore melly and orpheus's ACTUAL involvement in the manor games, considering its p obvious theyre both lying to alice in the bedroom scene. have my thoughts on orpheus's actual deal w the forest ranger he mentions but this post is already long enough lol. i hope melly gets more spotlight next episode 🙏
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 months
im about to say somethin
that will get my burned at the stake
but hey- hey spookies- spooky month fandom
...BOTH Father Gregor AND Lila are in the wrong but also somewhat in the right
and heres why
SM 6 SPOILERS UNDERNEATH- if ya haven't seen it go watch it!
Father Gregor did have a point in saying what he did about Lila being an irresponsible mother ..NOW WAIT- BEFORE Y'ALL THROW YOUR STONES- hear me out, Father Gregor was right to some degree, bc she doooess kinda let Skid just fuckin run around unattended a LOT- i mean I grew up with technically a helicopter parent so I can't speak much on the issue
but Lila has legit let his ass summon a demon and play with em, let them watch horror movies at a young age, and legit lets Skid like,, go outside by himself ESPECIALLY late at night like,, that's pretty irresponsible that she isn't watching over him just a bit more
now do I think Father Gregor had a right to say well some of what he did- like the whole 'you don't even know why he's here and all you can do is drink' alladat nonsense- no,, he doesn't?? KNOW? Lila personally?
like fucking hell, she LEGIT just got attacked by a fucking cannibal (IF Spooky Month takes place right after Tender Treats exactly, the calendar does say November) and also can I just say that Bob was legit her last straw, girl got an actual alarm system but anyways- not to mention Bob was well technically someone Lila knew or she wouldn't have had a reaction like that
Also Father Gregor not practicing what his ass preaches if he be preaching the b*ble- there are SEVERAL and I mean SEVERAL instances and phrases revolving around Judgment and to not judge unto others, like yeah he was just looking at what he seen but he doesn't know what she's been through
now that doesn't EXCUSE her being irresponsible but like lmao I've seen a few people throw down about it (i think it was mostly playful not like ACTUALLY serious gkfldfksd don't worry) but Lila DID leave Skid over at his friend's house, which was the safe thing to do- so she could go out and drink for a while, there's nothing wrong with going out to drink even if ya gotta kid, just so long as your responsible
So, in conclusion, BOTH of them are in the right and wrong, Father Gregor just called the situation as he saw it which is NOT a good thing to do most of the time but also, he is right to some degree that Lila is a LITTLE BIT of an irresponsible mother letting her son just, be unattended while going out (more specifically at night- letting him watch horror movies at his age, etc but also Lila ISN'T a bad mother by no means
she does love Skid, she does care for him obviously- hell if she didn't she wouldn't have been out there all night looking for him to protect him from Bob and NONE of it if she didn't give a shit bout her kid- but whether the Lila Lovers like it or not- Father Gregor does have a point to a certain degree
also tho legit- the scene where Skid talks about not wanting to be a problem and that he doesn't want Lila to be sad and then Lila has a breakdown and hugs him close eviscerated me- and even seeing Susie being concerned when Pump seems to upset
and apparently uh it's only gonna be worse from here (someone said, which Idk if this bit is true) but someone said Pelo had said in a stream (he streams on twitch I know that much sorry) but someone said that Pelo said the next episode is gonna be even worse
.... but anyways lol thats just how I see the thing between Father Gregor and Lila- I'm not even that like,, attached to those characters- I'm attached to Bob, Dexter, and Frank so lmao
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wildfernflower · 1 year
Tony is a Band Manager not Music Producer. Problem is that except for the major media that interviewed Cait most are crappy articles on dubious online sites that simply copy and paste wrong information from other shady sites and continue to post as clickbait. In a recent podcast with Lauren Lyle, the host clearly said that he knows Tony very well and that he is The Fratellis' band manager. HIs name is mentioned twice on the band's last album with thanks and appreciation. He doesn't need a SM to do his work. Phone calls, messaging, e-mails and in person meetings are still used to do business and obviously he does them all.
The fact that you continue to use wrong info. to push your own agenda is quite clear to anyone who is aware of both sides.
“Tony is a Band Manager not Music Producer”
Whether T is a music producer, band manager, or both, it doesn't make his persona look better, more professional, or just more "real". In numerous articles though he’s mentioned as a music producer:
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According to your own words, these are “crappy articles on dubious online sites that simply copy and paste wrong information from other shady sites and continue to post as clickbait”. So these are not credible sources, as you’ve admitted, but no others exist. Nobody can verify his qualifications and find out what his real job is, because there is no mention about him to be found either in serious press or on serious websites like Linkedin – you have surely read my reply to an Anon, where I compared T’s skills and accomplishments (zero entries) to those of N. Brown, the tour manager of The Fratellis.
The difference is striking and puzzling, but you deliberately ignore it. It seems natural and beneficial for a career and recognition in any field, specifically in the music/entertainment industry, to have many skills, achievements, contracts, etc. and to make these facts public and widely known to the potential new clients. Well documented career path proves professionalism and competences of the producer/manager and encourages the clients to start successful cooperation, regardless of what your working style is. Why to harm your own career by staying anonymous and hiding that all? (Unless you have nothing to show …). T does have a phone (we saw him sitting at the table glued to the screen during the events C had dragged him to), possibly he has an e-mail address, too … Do you expect him reciting his competences each time a client calls him? E-mails and phone calls are “still used to do business and obviously he does them all” – do you know him personally to be sure what his working style is and that he “obviously” do them all? Perhaps you believe T enjoys such a broad recognition and his accomplishments are so significant that he’s in great demand and doesn’t need any publicity? So why nobody has heard about him? If he was that recognized, why - when press reported on C's wedding 4 years ago - had there never been any mention of how outstanding and talented man Caitriona had married? Usually, the journalists (especially tabloid journos) dig a lot to find out some interesting facts and details about the person with whom the celebrity is getting married to. But nothing more apart from T being a music producer had been found back then and hasn’t been so far. Isn't it a bit weird? I’ll bet many people hadn’t heard about him and his profession until then.
“His name is mentioned twice on the band's last album with thanks and appreciation”
That’s possible, maybe his name was mentioned also on one or two older albums of Fratellis, you probably know better than me. But have anybody heard about his other achievements? Is that all he did during all his professional life? One mention on the album? Almost 20 years in the industry working supposedly as a producer/manager, almost 47 year old guy and his only “success” is his contribution to one album and being acknowledged once or twice by the same band? No cooperations with other artists? No other projects? Simply these acknowledgements? That’s all? T and the members of Fratellis are surely good friends, there was a photo of them on IG, and probably that’s why he’s mentioned occasionally as a manager, and why Fratellis are his only connection with the music industry over many years.
“In a recent podcast with Lauren Lyle, the host clearly said that he knows Tony very well and that he is The Fratellis' band manager”
This was the first time anyone had spoken publicly about T in the context of his career in the music industry. How do we know what he said is credible? Perhaps, as I wrote in my comment back then, that journalist wanted to give his good pal T some publicity if he’s not doing well in the music industry? It’s a bit suspicious to mention him at all, and definitely unprofessional to suggest him managing Fratellis links OL to great music. If T is such “an amazing fella”, why does C never say a word about him and never mention his name, why isn’t she proud of him, why does she never walk red carpet with him, why does she avoid being photographed with him in front of the media wall, why is he always trailing behind her along the corridors, why does she use him as a coat hanger, why does she keep him in a background, why is she ashamed of such an “amazing fella”? It seems to me that T is much more involved in his job as Cait's paid assistant whom she drags along everywhere, even to insignificant interviews, to prove he’s her husband than he is in his alleged job as the music producer/manager.
“The fact that you continue to use wrong info to push your own agenda is quite clear to anyone who is aware of both sides”
I’m not pushing my own agenda, I don’t force anybody to adopt my point of view. I’ve explained how I see the things.
If you think I'm using wrong info, please, tell me the source of the correct one if you know. If you're “aware of another side” – perhaps you're in touch with T, or hanging around with the people who know him, or have tips from reliable friends in the know, etc. - feel free to share your knowledge and prove me wrong by evidence.
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lol-jackles · 8 months
Based on the three words you selected, I find that his social media and actions already exhibit this pretty consistently.
His loyalty to spn brand by sticking with CE cons, celebrating dean’s bday and his promotion of TW. He also comments and consistently likes his friends posts. He also showcases his loyalty to his family.
He posted a lot (along with his wife) when he directed for his aspiring image and promoted his albums.
He also remains mysterious because he rarely is seen outside of cons or work trips nor does he post personal or impromptu content. Everything seems planned so fans fill in the gaps in their own minds.
I am not sure what you would see him doing differently to lean into those traits and since he is portraying those words consistently, why do you think he has w branding problem?
I don’t get it. Help me understand.
I'll answer with a question: What story is Jensen telling? Who is he and why should we care? Is his SM "stories" connecting with you?
I used those 3 descriptive words because it's already what the Ackles team have attempted to cultivate. You mentioned his consistency on social media, his image has always been curated to the point that it actually feels inauthentic because it doesn't completely match with his actions. An authentic person follows through on their commitments and base their actions on their aforementioned beliefs. Did either Jensen or Misha followed through with their expressed commitment to a mental health crisis line during the YANA campaign?
Inconsistency can imply insincerity. Producers need to believe that a production is in safe hands and are unlikely to hire actor who are inconsistent in their commitments.
So it comes down to Jensen's inconsistent public persona. He ran cold and hot when it comes to interacting with Misha; he goes from never hanging with Misha outside of work while insulting him and his character, to suddenly being cutisie with Misha i.e. jumping on his back, putting his head on Misha’s shoulder - all in front of fans or leading up to the YANA campaign. In contrast, Jared’s interactions with Misha have been consistent and are always shown as buddyish, even on the show.  Jared doesn’t go out of his way to act cutsie with Misha like setting his head on his shoulder, and Misha doesn’t bait his fans into thinking there is something intimate between he and Jared.
Then there's Jensen's complacency, which hampers his consistency. I’m sure you’ve heard of “acting is reacting”, which is another way of saying you’re only as good as your scene partner. This saying gets mocked in the acting community because it’s a trap actors fall into by adjusting their truthful inner life to their assumptions about the text.  This has been Jensen's acting strength and weakness. Good acting is adjusting the text to your authentic emotion, which is the result of the other person.   Jensen is in what my acting coach calls “the truthful contact”, it’s where actors are taught the first stage of authentic acting.  The next stage is “crafting”, meaning you’re working solo without a screen partner and have to effectively get across justifications and point of views.  Jensen acting is primarily “the truthful contact” and it’s became his comfort zone. While it made him a multimillionaire by his mid 30s, it also made him complacent and dependent on the strength of his screen partner. Without the right partner, his "truthful contact" is gone and so is the connection.
“It’s chemistry and vibration that truly empowers connectivity.” – Tim Girvin.
Danneel is a weak screen partner for Jensen, and he doesn't appear to connect with her or to most of his colleagues, and that translate to his lack of connection in his brand, which translate to lack of a brand. It's why his chemistry and connection with Jared was so important for raising his profile.
This the typical call-types that casting directors get for adult males between the age of 28 and 45:
leading man
the nice guy
that creepy weird guy
blue-collar worker
cop/career military
computer genius
slimy con man
Actor's band can be hybrids of up to 3 types. Jared is #1, #6, and #10. I suggested that a third of Jensen's brand lean into #19, the poet/musician type to give him an air of mystery instead of unpredictability. Notice that there isn't a call-type for jerk-with-heart-of-gold, because that's usually reserved for much younger actors so Jensen needs to leave the Dean Winchester persona behind.
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