#talk to me about chloé and jeanne talk to me about chloé and jeanne
torterrachampion · 1 year
Chloé and Jeanne's relationship is everything to me actually.
Does Jeanne know? Does she know that when Chloé was in the deepest depths of despair the only thing she wanted was to see her again? Doesn't it make you feel insane!? And in a series like vnc Chloé wanted to die with Jeanne next to her or at Jeanne's hands!?
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Even more, she ultimately decided not to make Jeanne carry the burden of her life when she saw how much pain it was causing her. But Jeanne carried the burden anyway! She's a tool for killing and she couldn't even take Chloé's life when she asked for it! Saving her was beyond Jeanne's imagination, but when given a second chance she at least wanted to be the one to kill her as she once wished.
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The fact she failed the first time is in itself so foul. Jeanne's deathly afraid of someone else getting hurt because she disobeys orders but who did she have to care about but Chloé? Was there even anyone else left for her to fear losing at that time? There probably wasn't anything worse than Chloé dying.
She wanted to save Chloé so much! That latent desire is probably the only reason Jean-Jacques survived her. The second she receives the support she so badly needed Jeanne puts her all into saving her! Jeanne started the arc feeling like she made a mistake not killing her and ended it feeling like she made a mistake not trying to save her!
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The fact that Jeanne reaching out to Chloé was given equal weight to Jean-Jacques means so much to me. Their relationships to her are very different but they were both just as necessary to save her. There is no hierarchy when it comes to how and why they love her. Jeanne and Jean-Jacques were both necessary to get Chloé to get through to her in the way she needed.
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I can't be normal about them. They carried their affection for one another for over a century based on a short, almost insignificant period in each of their lives. The small kindnesses and company they offered one another was enough to form a basically unconditional bond between them.
Also absolutely insane that Jeanne ends the arc helping Chloé find the strength to keep living then immediately turns around and reaffirms Vanitas's promise to kill her. Truly a woman of all time.
Anyway, best female friendship in a mochijun manga.
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docholligay · 1 month
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And I suppose this brings up a good point: Do they HAVE to be working at cross purposes? Can they do both? Earlier I might have said yes, but that was before I realized that the Beast, and Chloé's turning into the Beast, don't seem to be related to her malnomen. It seems like it was a thing Naenia used against her, in order to gain her compliance.
So CAN they even be separated, and if they can't, is there any way of talking Jeanne out of the need to kill Chloé? I can't decide if I think the show is going to give us a way out or not. On the one hand, this show doesn't seem to shy away from bad things happening, in violent ways. On the other, all of those things seem to happen in the past. I guess we did kill that little girl at the party, but this is a known and named character here. So I don't know!
I mean, I want Jeanne to have to kill her because at the end of the day i crave Jeanne's emotional fallout, and I would love for Vanitas to be wrong, and for Jeanne to hate him for it, etc. But I don't know if I think that's likely to happen.
I have never seen this show and know absolutely nothing about it! As that is the fun of having me liveblog this, please let it be fun for EVERYONE by not confirming denying, hinting, saying things like “oh just wait til episode x’, telling me about outside interviews, or anything that is cultural or historical that I’m not picking up on! PLEASE LET ME BE A STUPID PIECE OF SHIT
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garnetrena · 2 years
For the fandom ask: either Kaamelott or Miraculous Ladybug! :)
Thanks for the ask 💙  I'm going to do both!! It was easier to do for Kaamelott bc I had this show as a special interest for years, whereas Miraculous Ladybug is just a recent hyperfixation. But it was fun!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Dame Séli 💙  I love her sass and how badass she is
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Perceval!!! He's so cute
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Anna de Tintagel. I don't really know why I love her so much, but I do. Maybe because she reminds me of the fée Morgane/Morgause?
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Edern, le Chevalier Femme. She only appears in the non-canon pilot episodes but I wrote whole ass fanfictions about her
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Lancelot, of course. I used to dislike him but now I love his Anakin Skywalker vibes. I'm not a Lancelot apologist but I love to talk about him and all his nuances
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Arthur Pendragon. I love writing about his depression and also ouch because I relate a lot to this state of mind
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): le Répurgateur, I think. I really hate his guts xD
Miraculous Ladybug
blorbo: my girl Alya Césaire!!! Also her superhero persona name partially is in creole so that's a big win
scrunkly: little Tikki, she's so cute
scrimblo bimblo: Nathaniel and Marc Anciel (also, I ship them)
glup shitto: my gurl Jeanne d'Arc!!
poor little meow meow: Gabriel Agreste, of course
horse plinko: I'd like to write about Nathalie and her one-sided love for Gabriel
eeby deeby: Chloé and Lila
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digital-dhampirs · 3 years
vampire eye rings: power and rewriting the world formula
The number of rings vnc’s vampires have in their eyes has confused me for a very long time. We know vampire eyes are the key to vampires’ abilities to manipulate the world formula, so it follows to assume that the rings have some sort of meaning, right? Right?
It seems like the normal number of rings is one, as a majority of the vampires we see in universe have eyes like this (including but not limited to Noé, Chloé, Jeanne, and (usually) Luca). But then there’s also vampires with no rings— the beastias, for example, and all of the de Sade siblings, and Amelia; and then conversely there are vampires with a lot of rings, like several members of the senate and Luna; and that isn’t even mentioning the vampires with black eyes like Nox and Manet and Jean-Jacques, and the colored sclera some vampires have—
Suffice to say we have a lot of raw information and very little tying it together. For a while, I had absolutely no clue what the eye rings meant or what they did.
But! While I was doing my usual average completely normal and non obsessive staring at Ruthven one day, I noticed something.
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After Ruthven loses his right eye, the number of rings in his left eye changes.
Back when Ruthven meets Chloé, he’s almost always drawn with normal one ringed eyes (albeit with colored sclera). There are a feeeew panels where it kinda looks like he has more rings, but looking closely at them it’s pretty much impossible to tell if that’s due to his eyelashes, sclera, or actually him having more rings. However, in a vast majority of these flashback panels, it’s very clear he only has one ring in each eye. The first time we definitively see him having more rings than normal is right after he loses his right eye.
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Similarly, current day Ruthven’s eye ring count tends to fluctuate a bit. He’s occasionally drawn with just one ring in his eye, but he’s usually shown with more, particularly during his appearances in more recent chapters.
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So… what does this mean?
Let’s start off with something well on the beaten track. I think this change in Ruthven’s eye solidifies the idea that sclera color is something separate from ring count when it comes to vampire eyes. Loki and Lord Paldence both having black sclera implied this beforehand, but Ruthven’s rings changing while his sclera remain the same seems to further this eye-dea (I’m very sorry).
Stepping off the track and onto the rails now… let’s talk about why Ruthven’s eye rings changed. My first thought was that it occurred due to Ruthven’s left eye attempting to compensate for his missing right. Maybe the rings have something to do with vampires’ ability to see and alter world formulas, and Ruthven’s left eye is now working double time to try and make up for his missing right eye. Come to think of it, we never actually see Luna’s left eye, do we? Maybe that has something to do with why they have multiple rings in one eye as well?
But no, that doesn’t make any sense either. We see two other Senator dudes with multiple rings in their eyes, and neither of them is missing an eye. We also never see Baby Noé’s right eye developing multiple rings to compensate for his injured eye as a child.
…or do we.
(I don’t have the voice or the talent for YouTube essays so please just mentally hear that in a dramatic YouTube essay tone of voice)
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When we see Noé before he comes to Altus, before he meets the Teacher, before his eye gets injured, he doesn’t have any eye rings.
This isn’t just a missed detail in a random tiny background illustration. It’s shown in both the anime and manga (both digital and published editions, yes, I had to check). Noé did not have eye rings when he was staying with his grandparents. The first time we see him with one ring in his eyes is when he meets the Teacher— aka, when his left eye is injured.
I think I’ve been thinking about this all wrong from the start.
What if having one ring isn’t actually the “normal” number of eye rings for vampires in VnC— what if having one ring is actually unusual, and just seems common due to the large number of extremely powerful vampires we see in VnC?
Let’s go back to those one-ringed characters I listed back at the start. Noé, Chloé, Jeanne, Luca. Thinking about it, all of them are exceptionally powerful vampires capable of large scale formula revision (we don’t really see Chloé do anything destructive on a Luca or Jeanne scale, but she’s able to use that magic piano and break Ruthven’s curse, implying she’d likely be able to if she tried).
If anything, Noé seems like the odd one out. The only formula revisions he can do seem stock standard (increased durability and speed, heightened senses and perception); and the one unique revision he can do is quite weak compared to the things we see Luca and Jeanne do, took a lot of training for him to master, and makes him sick when he does it to boot.
So with that very long wind up in mind, here’s my theory on vampire eye rings.
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Vampires’ eye rings correspond to a vampire’s ability to see and manipulate the world formula (tldr, how powerful they are as a vampire). The average vampires (Amelia, Catherine, Mina, Noé) have no eye rings and minimal ability to change the world formula. Vampires with exceptional abilities (Chloé, Jeanne, Luca, Ruthven) have one ring. After that, the more rings, the more powerful a vampire is (e.g. queen Faustina).
Vampires who lose or injure one of their eyes, like Noé, Ruthven, and possibly Luna, often end up gaining rings in their uninjured eyes to compensate for the loss of the other.
There are also exceptions to this rule, like the Beastias and the De Sade family, who likely have very distinct types of eyes (whether inherited through blood, like the de Sades, or given to them somehow, like the Beastias) that overwrite the usual rings system.
Of course, there’s one pretty big problem with this theory. When Noé recovers from his injury, he ends up with one ring in both of his eyes, rather than just in one of them. I do have a potential explanation for this, but I will warn you that we’ve now reached the inevitable part of all of my theories where we go off the rails and into the world of wild speculation.
Here’s my theory— a small number of vampires are able to “strengthen” their eyes by temporarily putting out one of them. This is likely very difficult and dangerous to do (since we know from Veronica that powerful vampires can see through things like masks and eyepatches), but if a vampire manages to render one of their eyes temporarily unusable, both of their eyes will gain rings as their working eye attempts to compensate for their unusable one.
I don’t think this sort of thing actually changes a vampire’s inherent abilities that much (as, while Noé does seem to be stronger than the average vampire, he never does anything on the same scale as the other one ringed vampires we see in VnC), but could definitely be used as an intimidation factor over other vamps. And this absolutely sounds like the sort of thing the senators we see with a bajillion eye rings would try. Vampire society is built on superstition and politics and playing the game of thrones posturing… if a vampire like Lord Paldence thought he could get ahead by purposefully injuring one of his eyes, increasing the number of rings he has in both, I could absolutely see him doing it.
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I think this theory could also lend a very amusing edge to the De Sades’ lack of eye rings. The De Sade family absolutely cares about status and reputation, but we do know they’re often viewed as capricious eccentrics by a lot of vampire high society. There’s something so damn neat about Antoine, with no eye rings, perceived as less powerful and clearly playing it up by acting humble and friendly, completely manipulating Lord Paldence despite his five hundred eye rings.
the end (for now)
And with that, we’ve finally arrived at the end of this theory!! Thank you so much for reading this rambling meta theory analysis thing. As always, please take everything here with a massive massive grain of salt— it’s very possible that vampire eye rings are like, feckin sharingan or something and Noé and Ruthven just gained more eye rings after experiencing something deeply scarring / traumatic or something to that effect. This is all just complete speculation based on me spending way too much time staring at this manga.
Thanks again for reading and see ya next time!
I don’t usually include TLDRs in my posts, but this was a very long and rambly one, so here’s the basic gist!
Vampires’ eye rings seem to correspond to their ability to manipulate the world formula/ their “power” as a vampire. Most vampires have no eye rings; powerful vampires have one; after that the actual change in power is unclear, but having more rings seems to be perceived as having more power.
There are exceptions to this rule, like the Beastias and the De Sades.
When a vampire loses the ability to use one of their eyes (permanently or temporarily), their working eye gains rings in an attempt to compensate for the missing one.
Vampires MIGHT (this is intENSE sPECULATION) purposefully temporarily injure one of their eyes in an attempt to gain rings in both eyes and be perceived as more powerful.
thanks for reading pls take this with a grain of salt because I’m probably wrong
#vnc#vanitas no carte#the case study of vanitas#meta-ish#here’s some notes I’m gonna hide in the tags:#i try to avoid using the anime as a reference; since it has a tendency to omit small details#(such as the manga detail that vampires’ eye rings fade away when their eyes turn red)#but i really needed to use it to make sure kid noé’s lack of eye rings was intentional#ngl in terms of manga theories I consider a lot of the anime to be dubiously canon;;;;;#aka; i was Big Mad they made anime johann’s hair silver instead of pale greyish blonde#aka; Luca’s hair will continue to be red to me until i see a cover/ inside cover illustration where he has brown hair ddhHHHhhdhdhdhhd#as a side note— if I was gonna take a stab as to why ruthie has colored sclera;#my guess would be that it’s got smth to do with his curse/ swear ability#he’s the only character we know of with yellow sclera; he’s the only character we know of with this ability… it just seems to make sense#i think I’m just a simp for the idea that Ruthven’s always had this ability just didn’t use it for moral reasons prior to the Incident#ofc it’s also possible that he just naturally has yellow sclera#and the ‘swear’ curse was smth he learned and/ or got as a lil present from Naenia#i was gonna include all this in the post but i didn’t want it to seem too Ruthven heavy#i think five screenshots of Ruthven is enough for one post lmao#god i really have a problem#As For the characters with black irises!!#Occam’s razor suggests it’s just a stylistic thing and their eyes are simply too dark to see what their rings are like#since JJ and his dad both have very dark eyes#i didn’t really wanna sift through the anime to see if manet and nox have rings#hopefully we’ll b able to see more with Jean Jacques in s2#if you read all that you’re legit a god thanks for reading this insanity#i legit went into this post expecting it to just be a fun lil observation about Ruthven’s eye rings#then i noticed that one panel of Noé and it spiraled from there
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neversetyoufree · 3 years
I dunno if this is gonna make sense to anyone but me, but it’s like. Even when Vanitas no Carte is straight, it’s usually not Straight about it, and I think that’s one of the reasons this series works so well for me.
The main couple in the series is VaniJeanne, and while the initial content of them is really uncomfy, when the actual romance really kicks in, it’s in such an unexpected way. Vanitas is a creepy asshole to her at first, yes, but out of all the reasons he does that, none of them are made out as genuine love. Attraction, sure, but like, there’s a big gap between that and romance, and as far as I can tell, we’re supposed to think he’s an asshole for how he treats her at first.
And Jeanne is super easily wowed at first--in the palm of his hand on their date because she’s just not used to being treated kindly, but that’s clearly not love either. When Vani is acting all controlling, and Jeanne is acting all submissive and soft, there’s a lot of playing at romance, but never the real deal.
It’s not until Jeanne sees Vanitas acting genuine and kind and vulnerable, not until Vanitas sees Jeanne acting confident and strong, that their relationship gets validated as possibly real love, y’know? The more time goes on, the more agency and dominance Jeanne takes back, and Vani likes it. And regardless of my thoughts on their dynamic in early chapters, I vibe with that.
And like, I normally hate the whole trope of “every woman falls in love with the main character,” but even though there are 3 different women that are canonically into Noé, it never feels like falls into that gross “main character has a harem” category. For one thing, it’s not actually every woman (given that Chloé and Jeanne couldn’t seem less interested), and with the exception of Domi, it’s not really a thing. We get one scene of Riche blushing, and some gags about Amelia in the bonus chapter, but it’s not like every gal in the series is constantly drooling over him. Plus, when Riche and Amelia being into him is played for a joke, which is how it’s usually played, it’s as much a joke on Noé as anything else. The gag isn’t “haha, look at all these girls falling for him. Aren’t women so easy and silly?“ The gag is “haha, look at how oblivious Noé is. This princely-ass motherfucker can have a woman start blushing and babbling in his arms, and he still won’t pick up on the signals.
Then there’s all the casual genuine queerness that happens around the sidelines. Dominique gets to flirt with Nox and Jeanne to tease them. She gets to talk about how her sister scares away all the guys, so she’s “only popular with girls.” When Dante teases Vanitas about his and Noé’s relationship, even calling Noé his sugar daddy, the joke is never “what, you guys gay or something?” It’s, “hey edgelord, I can see you caring about somebody.” We get to see a guy/guy couple and a gal/gal couple ballroom dancing together, with lingering shots of hand-holding between them, and even if neither of those couples is romantic, that still feels important, y’know? Not to even mention Luna’s gender. Inhuman, “special and unique” enby characters are a tired trope, yes, but on the other hand, holy shit.
Unless something goes very wrong with the writing in the future, VnC will always feel like such an inherently queer series to me. Even if we don’t get a canon m/m or w/w couple by the end, it just feels to me like a universe that’s welcoming to queerness. And even the het couples are more than “he was a boy, she was a girl,” and they don’t stay bogged down the whole time in tired gender roles.
And all of this just makes it such a comfortable series for me. Like, I can just exist here, y’know? Even if we don’t get any better representation than what we have right now (though I hope to hell it keeps getting better), this is a universe where a bi/ace/enby person could exist, and I wouldn’t be the only one. It’s nice.
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diamaker-moon · 3 years
Moving Forward - Chapter 1
Chapter One
Change of Plans
"Marinette, we need to talk..." Tikki trailed her words while glancing at the other Kwamis behind the girl.
They were out of the box, but instead of wreaking havoc inside the room, they were observing the young Guardian who's currently curled into a fetal position on top of her chaise. The Kwamis had a glance at her appearance at the moment, and they were more worried for her.
Marinette was tired. She was tired of everything.
Her issue with a liar in school, her current stand with her class, how the adults in school ignore the problem, and last night, Chat Noir ticked her. They were battling a late-night Akuma. He was not only late, but he also whined about Ladybug not doing her best. Instead of helping her, he gave her an ultimatum that if she doesn't confess her feelings for him, he'll not come to any Akuma battles or she confess and stop being stubborn. With that statement, she felt anger run through her veins and gave her more drive. She successfully defeated the Akuma all on her own. She tried to help the victim to their home, but the victim politely refused, after that, she rushed home, not looking back.
"What do we need to talk about, Tikki?" She replied still not looking at the ladybug kwami.
"About the miraculous holders and your situation at school."
Marinette sighed before sitting up and looking straight at the kwami. Due to her added responsibility, she had been on edge at school, and especially since the class is against her, she didn't care about them anymore. She dismissed and permanently retired the temporary heroes, and used the excuse of 'they already got exposed'.
"We agree about removing the other heroes, since you'll need to trust them, and that's currently a problem, but there's one more holder we refuse to see using a miraculous."
Marinette's brow shot up in confusion, "Who?"
"Chat Noir."
That made Marinette freeze. She knows where the conversation is leading.
"Plagg talked to me, he really liked his current holder, but it was getting annoying for him. He wants a new one, or you can use him temporarily for battle." Tikki explained.
Marinette thought about it for a while. Tikki was right. A lot has changed in Chat Noir's attitude, he became more pushy and annoying, and the people of Paris have been noticing his behaviour, some were disappointed, while others are reprimanding her for not returning the 'poor Chat's feelings'.
"Alright... We'll do it tonight."
The kwamis sighed in relief. That was one problem solved.
"Now the other problem... We think it might be best for you to be in a different environment."
"You mean, I should... transfer?"
Tikki nodded and when Marinette looked at the other kwamis they also nodded eagerly, and it made Marinette sighed.
Collège Françoise Dupont has been her school for a long time, even when Chloé was the one bullying her, she didn't consider transferring. Aside from the fact that her home is only across the street, she knew almost everyone in the school. But now... a lot has changed. She wondered how did Mlle Bustier and M. Damocles believe an Italian exchange student instead of investigating? Dupont changed drastically after the liar joined. Marinette doesn't recognize it anymore.
"I... I'll talk to Maman and Papa about it. Now, how am I going to claim the Black Cat Miraculous if I don't even know his identity?"
"I'll help you!"
Wayzz offered. It was only a small favour for him. After Tikki revealed to them their Guardian's current situation, all the kwamis were angry. They were also aware of Plagg's current holder, and they knew that both the Yin and Yang miraculous is currently unbalance.
The Yin and Yang Miraculous, which are the ladybug and black cat miraculous, are the most important miraculous in the Chinese Miracle Box. If the two miraculous are combined, the holder will be granted a wish, and that wish can even bend reality, however, every wish has its price.
And currently, all the kwamis feel the unbalance between the two miraculous. And it's all because of the blonde's promise.
'As long as you and I both know the truth' 
That was his words. But Adrien became blind to the fact that their classmates have been bullying her without concrete proof that she was the bully. He abandoned her when she needed someone, and didn't even apologize for leaving her, instead, he reprimands her for going against the 'high road' path.
There are going to be a lot of changes during the next few days.
"Maman? Papa? Can we talk?"
Sabine and Tom who were busy preparing dinner turned their heads towards their daughter's faint voice. Sabine made her way towards Marinette and guided her to their living room and sat down.
"Is there something wrong, Marinette?"
Marinette gulped before looking straight into her mother's eyes.
She admitted everything. About the liar, how her so-called 'friends' abandoned her, how someone wants her to bend her morals and let the vixen fool their classmates, how her own teacher and principal lost their brain, how she was being bullied, how she was almost akumatized countless of times at school and their home, she breaks down.
Sabine was stunned. She didn't even notice how her own daughter has been suffering in that place. She wanted to be angry, she wanted to lash out, but she didn't want Shadowmoth to take over her emotions. Looking at her daughter who was now crying in her Father's arms, broke her heart.
She stood up, grabbed a tray and gathered food on it.
"Here, why don't you eat in your room for now... Your Father and I will talk about your transfer since I will not let you step a foot in that school anymore."
Marinette nodded and took the tray before heading to her room.
Sabine and Tom did work while they were eating dinner, they have founded a school that will suit their daughter.
Jeanne d'Arc l'Académie
A private school that is more expensive than Dupont, but they also grant scholarships. The school offered courses that will help the student's talents blossom. And both of Marinette's parents believe in their daughter's talent in designing, she could get a scholarship, and if that doesn't work out, they'll just have to work harder for her tuition.
The school offers a dormitory to all the students.
Marinette's home was a bit further from that school, that is why Dupont became an advantage to them since it is a street away from the bakery.
"Are we going to let her move to a dorm? Or she'll just be commuting?" Tom asked, worried about her daughter going to school late every time.
"We'll be talking to her about this, and if she wants to, I think it might be better. She'll be far away from Dupont, and the dorm building will only allow parents and listed guests to enter." Sabine said.
Marinette was a sixteen-year-old girl, but they are more worried about her mental health. If she was constantly near her old classmates, she might not feel safe. Sabine was hoping that Marinette will agree to move into a dorm. Sure, she'll miss her all the time in their home, but her daughter's health is much more important.
The next morning came, Sabine called the principal early morning, and informed that Marinette will not be going to class for a week due to personal matters. Which the man agreed immediately after hearing the woman's sharp tone.
When Sabine saw Marinette walked down from her room, she took a good look at her daughter. She was becoming thinner, she had bags under her eyes, and she can feel a looming aura around her.
"Morning, Maman..."
"Come, eat breakfast. I already called your school that you'll be absent for a week, while you rest and we prepare for your transfer."
Marinette nodded and gave her mother a genuine smile. Something she hasn't done for a while.
"Marinette. We found you a school that will suit you, it can help with your career. Now we want your input, they offer a campus dorm, me and your father, thought that it's much better if you get a dorm so that you'll be far away from Dupont."
The girl was stunned. She couldn't imagine waking up all alone, without her parents near her. She wanted to go against it, but she thought about it.
Far away from Dupont. She could gain more privacy, she'll be able to move freely especially when there's an Akuma. Especially now that she's all alone.
Last night, she reclaimed the black cat miraculous. Marinette was hurt that her partner was the boy who hurt her the most. Adrien Agreste. She was angry that the blonde couldn't be a hero without a mask. But she needed a new partner, someone she could trust and will always back her up.
"Don't worry, the dorm building is strict only parents and listed guests are allowed to enter," Sabine added after noticing how quiet her daughter was.
"Can I think about it until dinner?"
Sabine nodded and bid goodbye since she needs to work in the bakery now.
After finishing breakfast, she went upstairs to her room with a tray of foods that all the kwamis like. The Kwamis noticed that the girl was silent, but they didn't ask. Plagg who was silently observing while eating a cheese danish finally went up to her.
"You okay, kid?" Plagg asked.
Marinette looked at the cat kwami who had a reputation of being stubborn, it made her smile a bit.
"Maman said I'm officially being transferred to a new school. Maman also recommended that I stay in a dorm inside the school campus, for me to be away from Dupont."
"Isn't that good Marinette? You'll get more privacy without worrying about someone barging inside here or someone seeing you go inside while you're in the suit." Tikki said.
Marinette only sighed and calmed herself. She could only hope that Shadowmoth won't be sending an Akuma or an Amok today.
"Guys! Did you hear?!"
Three pairs of eyes landed on the person who came in while shouting inside their dorm.
"What is it?"
"There are rumours that someone applied to be transferred here in Jeanne! We might get a new student and possibly a new dormmate!"
The three looked at each other and glanced at a closed door while thinking about the newcomer's words.
Meanwhile, back at Marinette's home.
Her parents informed her about her possible scholarship and the requirements— which was easy for her since she is applying for a fashion scholarship, she will need to pass a portfolio of her designs. She also let her parents know about her decision about the dorm. And her parents agreed to it.
For the first time in a while, Marinette had a fun time. She ignores the constant notifications on her cellphone, she dedicated the day to relax, something she hasn't done for a while.
It was a blessing in disguise that transferring out of Dupont will be easy, her mother will only need to get her student files then leave.
Ever since the bullying started, she slowly removes her belongings in her locker to avoid any rumours about stealing... again. Looking around her room, It felt bare to her. She took down all of Adrien's photos and class photos from her walls and burned them. Impulsive? Yes. Worth it? Definitely!
The gifts she had created for Adrien were getting donated. She was slowly removing any reminders about her life in Dupont.
She had to admit, she thanked Lila for letting her see her classmates' true colours. She wasn't a friend, she was a tool. She now realizes how her class uses her for free things, how Alya just dumps the babysitting on her without even getting paid, how her teacher kept moulding her to be a perfect student. She hated it. She was used. And now that she isn't 'useful' they abandon her.
She was currently preparing her portfolio, and even asked her clients if she can have permission to use the commissions she has made to be used in her portfolio, to which they happily agreed!
Three days have passed, she had successfully applied for a scholarship, her mother has retrieved her school files, no Akumas or Amoks attacking the city.
"You seem quite happy, bǎobǎo!" Sabine was glad that Marinette is slowly becoming happy once again.
Marinette deserved to be happy. Her parents will do anything to keep it that way.
"Have you started packing your things? You do know that even if the scholarship is rejected, we'll still enroll you, right?"
"Yes, Maman. Thank you. I know it is expensive, but I still want to thank you guys for the opportunity!"
Marinette hugged her mother and smile contentedly. She was happy. She was finally happy... for now.
While waiting for a response in her scholarship application, she was currently brainstorming with Tikki about her suit.
"You want to change it?" Tikki asks.
"Yeah. Like a reminder that I am beginning a new chapter, and leaving everything behind."
Tikki smiled and happily agreed with her holder. All the kwamis are out, but Plagg and Tikki were constantly out of the box.
Marinette wears both the miraculous, at first she was scared that it might trigger the ultimate power, but nothing happened, so she assumed that it will only happen if both are unified. She had also gained the Grimoire and missing tablet!
When Wayzz retrieved the Cat Miraculous, he had noticed his previous Master's tablet and the Grimoire in Adrien Agreste's desk, he informed Ladybug and she immediately went to his room quietly. She didn't even want to think why he suddenly has it. Returning to her room, she had successfully got three important things.
Master Fu's missing tablet where a translated Grimoire is stored.
The original Grimoire.
And finally, the Cat Miraculous.
It was more than what she had bargained. But she was lucky. Really lucky!
'Looks like lady luck finally gave me a good amount of luck!'
 Chapter 1 — Moving Forward: Masterlist — Chapter 2
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ssantisheep · 3 years
So I talked about it with my friend and I have a theory concerning Vanitas no Cartes. It concerns Jeanne.
If we looked at her life chronogically : she was told by someone that she couldn’t desire&want anything in a dark place somewhere-> she was adopted and loved by her parents -> her parents died she became a bourreau and reflect on the fact that she had pay the price for wanting & desiring something?
Now what makes me got this idea was because in the anime when we saw the creepy person tells her she can’t desire not want anything he says “You’re a vessel” and I went “WAIT A MINUTE!”
Because there is an incorporeal entity walking around causing trouble and that’s Naenia. Who also happens to be the Queen of Vampire/The First Vampire of the Red Moon.
We also know thanks to Lucas’s brother that the queen was cut apart (cut in pieces?) or something SO I believe that Jeanne was supposed to be the Queen’s new vessel.
It makes even more sense when you know that Ruthven is keeping an eye on her because we know Ruthven is loyal to the Queen AND we know he works with Monreaux who is very good at human experimentation AND we saw him standing next to a tube that appear in every terrible movie where human experimentation happens.
We also knew he was an idealist so it is entirely possible that he recognizes Jeanne for what she was but at first believe he could offer her a better life which would explain why he sent her with Chloé to hide her from others vampires and didn’t denounce her. Then why he ask to have her under his order because of who she was.
Now I don’t follow a lot of VnC blog so it is entirely possible that other people have come up with that theory. Or other theories but for now I would be glad to know what you guys think!
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qu1nby · 2 years
Vnc/Vanoé/Vanitas 👀
go big or go home, right? I’m about to go to sleep so I apologize if this makes absolutely no sense 🙏
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Nope, no way, I can't choose one.
Least Favorite character:
Easy, Ruthven. I don't trust him one bit
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
DomiJeanne, Vanoé, Chloé and Jean-Jacques, VaNoLand (your fault), Dante/Johann/Riche, and Roland/Olivier
thats six but shhh
Character I find most attractive:
You're asking me to choose? The most attractive in the main four is a tie between Domi and Jeanne (sorry Noé) but also... Loki...
Character I would marry:
anyone except Vanitas. I love him but I feel like we would hate each other
Character I would be best friends with:
Noé, I think. I would want to be friends with Domi and Jeanne but Domi is intimidating and Jeanne and I are both quiet (at least at first)
a random thought:
I love VNC but like... I have no idea what is going on sometimes. There are too many people behind the scenes. What is Ruthven planning? Who knows! I'm happy watching Noé and Vanitas dramatically fight in the rain
An unpopular opinion:
I agree with your unpopular opinion! Vanitas and Jeanne have an interesting relationship that is both messy and important to the story
My Canon OTP:
There aren't any confirmed relationships, are there? The closest would probably be Chloé and Jean-Jacques
My Non-canon OTP:
Most Badass Character:
That's hard! I want to say Noé but Jeanne automatically wins because of her cool gauntlet
Most Epic Villain:
Hmmm. Teacher, I guess! He is pretty interesting
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
No one so far!
Favorite Friendship:
Luca, Jeanne, and Domi. That one episode where they’re talking about love and poor Luca zones out is great
Character I most identify with:
Character I wish I could be:
Vanitas gives me gender envy ://
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them:
I saw gifs of the OP and went huh, now I have to watch it
My thoughts:
Vanoé is fun, plain and simple! They have the classic unlikely partnership and banter that turns into almost-friendship and a “I hate you but I would trust you with my life” vibe
What makes me happy about them:
There is something about characters that don’t like each other all that much to begin with slowly learning more about each other and becoming closer through shared experiences that is *chefs kiss*
also did I mention the fight in the rain? I’m a sucker
What makes me sad about them:
We know that Vanitas dies. Their relationship was doomed from the start
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
honestly not sure! I don’t have many fic pet peeves
Things I look for in fanfic:
I don’t know what it is about VNC but I want more vampire + human found family. Show me the Dhams spending time together. Show me Vanitas baking. I’m usually more of an angst fan but I’m craving domestic fluff
My wishlist:
For both of them have a happy ending, please and ty
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Vanitas with Jeanne is the most obvious choice. I can also see Noé with Roland, even if Vanitas isn’t in the picture
My happily ever after for them:
I can’t see them settling down anytime soon so I would keep things as they are, with Vanitas helping the vampires, but they hug and kiss and little
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character:
You know those posts that are like “I want to throw this man at the wall like a sticky hand”?
Yeah. He can be such a little shit sometimes, I love him
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
Noé and Roland (your fault!)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
yes I know Domi doesn’t like Vanitas but I think they could be such good bitchy best friends. You know the friends that gossip together all the time and then talk about how much they hate each other when they’re apart? It’s them
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don’t think I have one…?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Someone please give this poor, touch-starved man a real hug and tell him he is doing a good job
Favorite friendship for this character:
My crossover ship:
I’m still not sure if this question means crossover with another fandom or not, so we’re skipping it!
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cheekbites-moved · 3 years
One of my favorite Vanoé aspects is that the emotional support goes both ways. They help each other stand back up again and again. Do you think they could have that kind of mutual support with other people? Vanitas did help Jeanne when saving Chloé, but he was just repeating the words Noé said to HIM in the catacombs. And Noé didn't even seem aware of how deep Domi's guilt over Louis' death went.
gosh yes, i love love love their mutual emotional support. that is some Good shit right there, i live for that shit.
and to somewhat answer your question (i'll go into depth), i love that they are Learning to navigate their emotions with each other. it's really beautiful. i love a good "better when we're together because you taught me" couple god
anyway, the depth i was talking abt, i've talked at length before about how noe is a person who can read people easily. this is shown numerous times with vanitas, and it's also briefly shown in episode one with amelia, where he can tell something is wrong with her.
i feel like, given their long-standing friendship, domi would be an exception to his perceptiveness bc she's known him long enough to know how to bypass it, and she clearly doesn't like concerning him for her sake.
i really want them to have a talk, where they lay everything out after this and have a really nice hug, they both really need it. cause i don't think it's not noe simply "wasn't aware" of her guilt, it's that she purposefully hid it from him. so, she just needs to learn to let herself open up to him without feeling like a burden, you know? a come to cheek bite moment, if you will.
i definitely find it interesting that vanitas' portrayal of his lessons with noe so far his quite literally just repeating what he's been told by him. but, he clearly does listen to noe, and he takes his words to heart. which is very sweet to have such a blatant showing of. he's definitely learning about boundaries, and how to respect other people's feelings from him. so, i think it'll definitely lead to him having a healthier relationship with jeanne.
obviously, i've said before that i personally prefer vnjn as friends cause their romantic relationship is on such unstable foundation, but they could have a really beautiful friendship with the lessons noe has taught him.
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List of films and directors mentioned in this podcast:
Gett: The Trial of Vivian Amsalem dir. Ronit Elkabetz & Shlomi Elkabetz The Governess dir. Sandra Goldbacher Clip dir. Maja Milos Seven Beauties dir. Lina Wertmüller The Fits dir. Anna Rose Holmer Vamps dir. Amy Heckerling Romola Garai Ellen Von Unwerth Sophie Muller Nikyatu Jusu Mariama Diallo Chloé Zhao Dee Rees Dorota Kobiela The Piano dir. Jane Campion Lost in Translation dir. Sofia Coppola The Hurt Locker dir. Kathryn Bigelow Lady Bird dir. Greta Gerwig Children of a Lesser God dir. Randa Haines Winter's Bone dir. Debra Granik 35 shot of Rum dir. Claire Denis Beau Travail dir. Claire Denis White Material dir. Claire Denis We Need To Talk about Kevin dir. Lynne Ramsay You Were Never Really Here dir. Lynne Ramsay Wendy & Lucy dir. Kelly Reichardt River of Grass dir. Kelly Reichardt The Rider dir. Chloé Zhao Toni Erdmann dir. Maren Ade Zama dir. Lucrecia Martel The Headless Woman dir. Lucrecia Martel Fish Tank dir. Andrea Arnold The Mourning Forest dir. Naomi Kawase Girlhood dir. Céline Sciamma Portrait of a Lady on Fire dir. Céline Sciamma Marie Antoinette dir. Sofia Coppola   The Virgin Suicides dir. Sofia Coppola   Pariah dir. Dee Rees Mudbound dir. Dee Rees Dance Girl Dance dir. Dorothy Arzner   Cléo de 5 à 7 dir. Agnès Varda La Pointe-Courte dir. Agnès Varda Daisies dir. Vera Chytilová The Ascent dir. Larisa Shepitko My Brilliant Career dir. Gillian Armstrong The Heartbreak Kid dir. Elaine May Hester Street dir. Joan Micklin Silver Crossing Delancy dir. Joan Micklin Silver Portrait of Jason dir. Shirley Clarke   The Connection dir. Shirley Clarke Jeanne Dielman dir. Chantal Akerman The Hitch-hiker dir. Ida Lupino Outrage dir. Ida Lupino Wanda dir. Barbara Loden Emma Autumn de Wilde Zero Dark Thirty dir. Kathryn Bigelow Victoria Mahoney Ava Duvernay Mulan dir. Niki Caro
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torterrachampion · 3 years
A completely unhinged discussion about every one of Chloé's outfits and how I feel about them:
under the cut because it's too long
First up, Chloé's childhood outfits. I will admit the details are hard to make out. In the first image she's pretty much covered completely in a cloak. All we can really see of her dress is the sleeve but I think the sleeve is cute. Solid 5/10 Chloé outfit. Nothing noteworthy but perfectly serviceable and I think she looks cute bundled up in a cloak.
Then we have the dress she's wearing while her father promises to make her human. I like dark colours on Chloé and the dress does suit her but again, not many details that can be made out. I like the collar that can be seen briefly in one panel but I'm not a fan of the headpiece really. It's cute though 6/10
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Next up, this outfit is only seen very briefly in one panel. It's what Chloé wears at her father's bedside when he dies. Chloé's wearing a light shawl/cloak and a dark dress, neither of which can be seen particularly clearly. 0/10 this makes me sad and there aren't even any cute/pretty details.
Then there's Chloé's mourning outfit after her father's death. It's a simple black dress and a veil. I really like the veil honestly, it looks super pretty in my opinion and the dress isn't bad either, I like the detail on the collar and the little white ruffles at the sleeves. It's probably Chloé's simplest outfit and that makes it stand out as quite unique and interesting. Still, -100/10 this makes me even sadder than the last outfit I never want to see her wear anything like it again.
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Next up the dress she was wearing when she met Ruthven! I love when she has ribbons tied around her neck so that the ends can billow dramatically behind her! Top notch for when she's being more threatening. The ribbon does lose points though for looking potentially scratchy/uncomfortable according to my sensibilities anyway. Of her outfits this looks like one of the warmest ones, potentially because she's carrying a really lovely shawl most of the time when wearing it. I like when she looks comfy and the shawl is very good for that! Maybe this is just a manifestation of my desire to wrap Chloé in a warm blanket? Anyway, the details on the bottom of her sleeves and around the white part at her shoulders are a nice touch that I'm really fond of. I like the puffiness of her sleeves too and the little flower on the front of her dress is cute. 8/10 great outfit, very pretty.
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This one only appears in a few very small panels but nonetheless I am unreasonably fond of it. It shares some elements with the previous dress but is clearly a different outfit. The sleeves of this dress are pretty, I like any that have ruffles at the bottom and the neckline of her dress also pleases me. The shawl is nice and again plays on my desire to see her rugged up and safe. I am extremely in love with the little bow around Chloé's neck, it's incredibly appealing. 7/10 love this but can't see enough of it to rank it higher since these are the only panels it shows up in.
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Next outfit! From the time she met Jeanne and one of the outfits she was most consistently drawn in! Point one in its favour, it's dark and I've already stated that I'm biased towards dark dresses on Chloé. Really I love everything about this to be honest. The necklace and choker combo is so pretty and it may be my favourite of Chloé's many neck accessories. I like the lacy collar of her dress and the bow with the rose in the middle too! I absolutely adore the sleeves on this dress, they just look so cool to me! The sleeves are potentially my favourite thing about this outfit ngl. I also think the dark cloak she wears on top of it briefly looks quite nice, it seems really soft and warm. Also there was a very brief flashback that I think involved this outfit (based on the sleeve) in which Chloé was wearing gloves and I don't know why but I'd really like to see her wearing gloves more clearly now. I just think she'd look cool. Overall this outfit is 10/10 perfect I am incredibly enamoured with it.
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I've said I like darker colours but regardless I still think this one suits Chloé perfectly well and am not docking points for colour. First off, my favourite Chloé shawl, it's so big and flowy! Looks warm and is still very pretty. The skirt of this dress is really nice. I love all the bows and the way the layers are separated. It's beautiful! Chloé's choker is one of the ones I'm less fond of. I think I just dislike the beads over the top of the fabric? Not sure. It's still very pretty regardless. The sleeves on this dress are awesome too! I like how wide they are at the ends but also the beaded bits higher on the arm that match her choker. This outfit is very well coordinated and it looks amazing! 9/10 superb
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Next we have an outfit that upfront is being judged more harshly because it is solely associated with Chloé in one of the worst states she's ever been in and therefore gives me bad vibes. I enjoy the cape attached to this dress, it's very dramatic and adds a cool flair to this. Also stands out because neither Chloé nor any other character has worn anything else quite like this to date as far as I can remember. I like the bow around her neck and all the bows running down her chest too. They're cute! But also they may be a bit much for me? Makes the front of her dress look very busy. The sleeves are top notch though. I love them. Some of the prettiest sleeves Chloé's worn. Not sure if this is just me but something about this dress doesn't feel Chloé enough. It looks good on her but somehow feels like it suits her personality less than some of her others. 7/10 gorgeous but the vibes throw me off.
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Next up is pretty much all she's drawn in throughout the part of her backstory connected to JJ. The only instance in which she wore this without a cloak was when she was still putting it on to go help Jean-Jacques after he became the Beast but I haven't included that panel. She wore a few different cloaks with this outfit that looks pretty similar, though my favourite has to be the one with the ruffles on the hood. I just love it! Though the one with the soft looking hood and bigger bow is a close second. I enjoy the sleeves on this dress, the ribbons tied around them are cool and I'm partial to how they flutter around. The dress itself is pretty, I like the darker part of the skirt in the middle and the details at the bottom of the dress. The bodice of the dress is also nice, I appreciate the buttons running up it. I don't have any particularly strong feelings about Chloé's choker in this outfit but I like how it matches the rest of what she's wearing. A strong 8/10
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We have three panels of Chloé in her nightgown and all of them make me sad. It looks cute and the detail around the collar part that I can see is nice. Unfortunately, this is hampered by the fact that Chloé was in a terrible state of mind while wearing it and there aren't any super clear pictures. If Mochijun ever drew Chloé in a nightgown again and she didn't look horribly depressed it would go up the rankings greatly because it would be very cute and I'm weak for Chloé looking cute. For now though 2/10 is the best I can give it because it upsets me.
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Last up Chloé's main outfit. I love the ribbon at her neck that billows behind her dramatically and I'm equally enamoured with the big bows at her shoulders and waist. They're so pretty and they blend in with the rest of the dress seamlessly. The lacy parts around the sleeves, the bottom of the dress, the neckline, etc. are really cool, I like how they flutter around and they just generally look incredible. I love the skirt with the little roses and the slightly lighter coloured parts that break up the blackness. The rose on Chloé's chest is also very pretty, I adore how Mochijun coloured it in the volume 6 inner cover. This outfit also has the best Chloé shoes, I love her boots so much (no, I did not talk about the shoes in her other outfits. Yes, I could have. But these shoes are the only ones that matter!). The sleeves on this dress are top tier as well! I like how they flare out at the bottom and the bits at the shoulders. It's just so pretty! This outfit is stunning, jaw-dropping, the pinnacle, 100/10 I am in love with it. Is it boring to pick the main outfit as the best one? Maybe, but it simply is the best. Objectively. Because all my Chloé opinions are correct.
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bemused-writer · 5 years
VNC Chapter 43 Analysis
Wow, for chapter designed to segue between one arc to the next, this one sure had a lot packed into it! The political intrigue is through the roof and our main characters take a backseat while we finally get to see Dominique and her family once more. Before that, though, a few last thoughts on Gévaudan. We learned both Chloé's and Jean-Jacques's names and they, indeed, suit them well. Chloé's was "Canorus," or "she who plays with snow crystals." She'd isolated herself in a snowy castle and she played the piano to exert her power, which has white keys. It also implies a more lighthearted nature to Chloé than we really got to see, which seems accurate to me. Jean-Jacques's is "Aprix" or "he who nestles close to the last snows." His is especially overt in its meaning: he loves the snow (Chloé) and stays close to her side. Jean-Jacques is also the easiest vampire to cure we've seen to date and the reason is simple: he only gave his name to Naenia to protect Chloé. If he doesn't need to do so to protect her, then why bother?
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He will now protect her as himself, his true self, without any outside help. I can't help but wonder how soon he will have to live up to that promise. We also finally get something of an update on Johann and Dante.
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Okay, so we already knew these two were hired by Marquis Machina, we just didn't know what it was they were looking for. Turns out, the whole reason they were there was for Chloé's alteration device. This actually makes perfect sense: it contains information and that's precisely what dhampirs collect. Furthermore, it seems information is what Marquis Machina is most interested in as well, so things are adding up nicely.
Unfortunately, (or thankfully?) Marquis Machina doesn't get whatever information this device has because of the chasseurs and Ruthven. I think it's safe to say at this point that there are certain members of the Church that are allied with Ruthven. Furthermore, they are almost certainly trying to reignite a war between humans and vampires.
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Having these two groups working together is nothing short of a disaster because it's a very effective team up and no one even suspects what's going on, save for possibly Marquis Machina who is familiar with both Ruthven and Chloé, but I'll talk a bit more about that in a bit. Also, I think we now know why Astolfo was sent to Gévaudan:
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Now this is just sinister. Astolfo was purposefully sent because they know he has no restraint. They know he's angry, looking for purpose, and they're manipulating those emotions into something beneficial for them. It also means they know Roland is questioning the Church; they had to make sure he was sufficiently distracted in order to get what they came for. And who was in charge of all this? None other than Gano, the mysterious chasseur that was supposed to come as backup a couple chapters ago. I guess now we know what the holdup was about.
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There is not a lot of love lost here, is there? Olivier is looking at Gano with overt mistrust and disdain. Roland has his relaxed grin firmly in place, but I think we know enough about him at this point not to blindly believe it: he knows there's something up with Gano and he knows that whatever happened in Carcassonne shouldn't have taken that long. I think we now have a physical representation of why Olivier is so worried about Roland's behavior. He knows people like Gano are aware of his treasonous thoughts and he knows Roland is in danger. I think it's also safe to say that Olivier isn't a big fan of a lot of people in the Church, which fits in with the leeway he's given Roland and his extreme opinions (in the Church's eyes at least). As for this Gano...
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That is one of the most suspicious individuals I've ever seen. 8D My goodness, Mochizuki isn't doing much to give him the benefit of the doubt, is she? XD He's all but leering at them; he knows something they don't. No wonder Olivier looks so irritated. I wouldn't be surprised if Gano is an extremely powerful chasseur. All the more reason for Roland to be careful in his investigation of things. Another major thing before we jump into the de Sade drama:
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I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT, BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, I-- *ahem* So, Murr is a shady cat. :D Either Teacher is the cat or, more likely, he's watching everything through the cat, which is still pretty disturbing. Think about it: Noé has been put through the wringer repeatedly, and Teacher hasn't lifted a finger to help him. Noé was nearly killed by Ruthven on two separate occasions, nearly died in the catacombs, lost a limb most recently, and I'm sure it's only going to get worse. The only time Teacher offered any help was when Noé was asleep and even then he wasn't so much helping as he was listening to Noé's troubles, no doubt because he was curious what Noé would do. It's Louis all over again, just with some adjustments for Noé's personality. Anyway, that wraps up the Gévaudan arc pretty neatly. I doubt this is the last we'll see of Chloé and Jean-Jacques, though. You don't spend this much time developing two characters simply to drop them by the wayside for the next arc. I have two guesses on how this could go: Chloé and Jean-Jacques will show up later in the series to support Noé or to offer some knowledge on Ruthven. Alternatively, they will be sacrificed in the near future to prevent that information from getting out. Either way, for the moment, Vanitas and Noé are allowed to bask in their victory and feel as if they've accomplished something, which they have, but there is so much manipulation in this series I'm feeling uncertain about how long they'll get to enjoy it. And at long last, we get to see Dominique again! None of our questions about Misha are answered, though, and if anything, I'm more worried about what happened to her than ever. She thinks all of that was a dream? What did he do to her?
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Everything seems to be in order. Her bedroom is clean, there's no sign of struggle, she isn't missing anything... It makes everything that much more alarming. How long has she been sleeping? What happened after she met Misha? Quite a bit of time has passed, so that seems to indicate, to me, that if she's still dreaming about Misha, something bad happened that she can't remember. There seem to be a lot of memory issues in this series. After all, if you can't remember something, you can't very well exercise your will over a situation, can you? Dominique is desperate to get outside, but she's immediately confronted by her sister, Veronica.
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There's a familiarity between these two that shows they were probably raised together, but there isn't any closeness, which means they weren't raised to have especially strong bonds with one another. It's an interesting dynamic and feels both sinister and aristocratic. Now, Veronica says she's covered in blood because she was having an intimate moment with Marquis Machina. However, I feel the need to point out, there's no reason we should believe her. We didn't see the marquis anywhere, after all. However, she has information on the senate meeting that she could only have gotten from someone in the senate, so there's probably some truth to what she's saying. Personally, I find this a curious change of attitude for Veronica. I thought she was a bit of a misandrist if I'm completely honest. This is the woman who said, "What is a human doing here? Not only that, but a man. What a stench. The stink of humans is so strong I think my nose may drop off." I suppose her biggest issue was that he was a human (so, she's a xenophobe and/or racist), but his being a man didn't seem to help. Still, people who are bigoted often get together with the very people they have issues with. In that regard, Veronica and Vanitas are kind of similar. 8D Vanitas definitely has misogynistic tendencies and he's trying to have a relationship with a woman. Likewise, Veronica may have issues with men, but she's having a fling with one. All right, then. It is true that she and the marquis interacted with one another in volume two:
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It's extremely subtle, but the fact she didn't just go ballistic on the marquis when he didn't handle the problem could indicate a certain fondness for the guy. Anyway, the important bit for now is Dominique's reaction to this revelation: she seems a whole lot like Noé all of a sudden. Dominique: Marquis Machina got you all bloody, Veronica? Why...? This is kind of odd for Dominique. She normally seems way more worldly than this, not to mention way more on top of things. This seems more like the Dominique we saw in flashbacks, and I suppose that makes sense. She just woke from a nightmare, she's feeling disoriented, and her sister is messing with her. Not a great time of things. Furthermore, her sister says this:
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"You're as dull as ever, child." This is in direct reference to Dominique being uncomfortable hearing about Veronica's sexual conquests. This strongly implies Dominique isn't having her own sexual conquests, despite her being so flirtatious in previous chapters. Put that together with Veronica referring to Noé and Jeanne as Dominique's "favorites" and I think it's safe to say that at the moment, Dominique is harboring unrequited romantic feelings for both of these individuals and Veronica find the whole thing contemptible. As an aside, this means Dominique and Vanitas are kind of similar, too. 8D In fact, both of them are having more luck with Jeanne than they are with Noé. Jeanne seemed quite taken with Dominique and their dance going so far as to keep pursuing her afterwards, and she has become much more fond of Vanitas. Meanwhile, Vanitas's almost-pursuit of Noé at the beginning of the series* has gotten exactly nowhere, much like Dominique's. I'm not sure what that says, exactly, except that Jeanne might be more romantically inclined than Noé. Or, perhaps, Noé is even more oblivious than Jeanne to this stuff. Still, both Vanitas and Dominique are very close to Noé, so maybe it's a matter of time. Anyway, we then get into the political spectrum of things, and this is no doubt what a lot of the next arc will be dealing with. We're introduced to several senate members, and none of them seem trustworthy.
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From right-to-left we have: Lord Bellator (the Fuming), Unnamed Lord (the Nervous), Lord Paldence (the Sly), Lord Ruthven (the Liar), Antoine (probably a lord? I'll call him "the Diplomat" and in this instance that's not necessarily a good thing), and Master Luca (heir to the throne AKA "the Prince"). I think it's interesting that in the overhead shot, we're shown there are eight senate members, but in this closeup we're only shown five, not counting Luca. We know Marquis Machina was there (though notably his face wasn't shown), that raises the number to six. That means there were two members there we still know nothing about, not to mention The Nervous, who was never given a name. It seems Bellator and Ruthven are not each other's biggest fans. In fact, most of the meeting that we are shown is of these two going at each other's throats.
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Ruthven's comment here makes it pretty obvious that vampires live for a ridiculously long amount of time, but even vampires agree that acting like you can do whatever you want because of a conversation from a century ago is kind of pushing it. It also implies that the people on the senate have been on the senate for a ridiculously long amount of time. In other words, they are set in their ways; there's been no new fresh blood. The political side to vampiric society is probably insanely outdated compared to humanity's and that's saying something for a series taking place in the 19th century--it's not just that certain families stay in power for years and years; literally the exact same people maintain that power. No change. No advances. They are stuck. Anyway. Dominique doesn't want Jeanne to be executed, understandably, and she reveals this weakness to Veronica.
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Veronica berates her for trying to drag the family name through the mud; apparently, no one likes a bourreau. But what I find interesting is that Dominique says "Father's territory." Um... what? So, they live in this giant mansion and the father has his own territory? What about the mother? Do they mean territory as in he invaded and took over some spot or do they mean he just really needs his space? Either way, this is further evidence that this family is not very close; they are some kind of political enterprise. I really feel bad for Dominique, though. She's kind of out of it, but she immediately goes to Jeanne's rescue. Gotta admire that. Anyway, Antoine finally shows up and all of that is taken care of.
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Antoine's sudden appearance is jarring, to say the least. Also, his fangs are out. Now, who was hanging out in the hallway with blood on her? Veronica. Who just showed up with his fangs bared? Antoine. Who seems incredibly shady? Both of them. There's probably nothing to this, but if there's going to be some kind of bizarre, incestuous affair going on, I wouldn't be shocked to discover it was with the de Sades. Regardless of potential crack theories, Antoine gives us even more information on what happened at the senate meeting. This makes it pretty clear to me that Antoine is kind of the head of the house. Why didn't their father go? Apparently because he has an entire territory to himself, I don't know. Thus, the responsibility falls to Antoine. Luckily for the de Sade family, he seems remarkably good at this job. He easily maneuvered Bellator into doing what he wanted and got the senate to cool down as well.
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Even Veronica is impressed. He says he just wanted to move on from the topic, and I almost believe him, but there's no doubt he benefited from the whole thing as well. But he continues on, and it raises some questions.
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What does he mean by "comrades?" It could be the other senate members, but Dominique thinks she shouldn't be hearing about this, which she didn't say previously. It makes me think that the de Sades are involved in something a little more nefarious than mere politics. If they're aligned with Ruthven, then I suppose it's the Church and they want a war. If not, then I have no idea; there are quite a few possibilities there. Perhaps loyalists to the queen? Either way, he isn't sure the queen's reappearance is a good thing, understandably, too. It would change the power dynamics for certain. We then get to see Marquis Machina speak with Ruthven, and, boy, are there some layers in that conversation.
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In other words, Machina knows something was afoot, and he's letting Ruthven know he knows he had something to do with it. It also means that literally every single person involved in the Gévaudan incident was a pawn.
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Ahh, now this raises the question: who is the chess master? At first, it's easy to think it's Ruthven. But now we see that Machina was manipulating quite a few things: the dhampirs, Noé, and Vanitas. A section of the chasseurs were squarely in Ruthven's control, however, so what we're seeing here is a power struggle between Ruthven and Machina. Who knows which of them will win that particular battle? For the moment, Ruthven is ahead simply because he got the device from Gévaudan, but who knows how long he'll be able to keep the edge.
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I'm almost certain Machina is referring to Ruthven here. He's certainly been causing a lot of trouble in secret. On the other hand, "lion" has noble associations, so it could be Luca's rise to power. He beared his fangs at this meeting and saved Jeanne. Perhaps Machina is curious to see whether he can maintain the throne. Ruthven is still the more likely choice judging by the panel that follows:
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Machina knows Ruthven is teetering on the edge, and he wants to see the man fall. This next arc is going to be something. There are so many threads in this introductory chapter alone that I think it's safe to say we're in for a wild ride. After all that, we get a brief glimpse of Noé and Vanitas back at the hotel.
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We have a bit of a time skip; they've been back in Paris for ten days, and Noé is only now growing concerned that Vanitas has been sleeping solidly for all of them. Um, Noé, you probably should have checked after the first day.... We can also see that Noé is wearing a brace and that it looks like they're trying to reattach his hand. I am ... so curious about whether that works. Just let me know, Mochizuki, please.... Noé also gets to see Vanitas's sleeping face at long last! XD
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What even, Vanitas. XD I can't tell if he's actually sick or if he's completely drained from how emotionally vulnerable he was for the entire Gévaudan arc. He was literally worrying about Noé for the entire arc, then he was worrying about his promise to Jeanne, then he was panicking about how fond Jeanne was of him suddenly and his own reaction to it. Yeah, I don't think he was prepared for literally anything in that arc. XD Guess we'll see how that continues later this month! I really need to see it.... *I've talked about that in previous installments, so I opted not to bog things down further by getting into it here, but if it seems unclear feel free to ask about it. :)
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hanaa-chann · 4 years
30 Days of VNC : Day 2
Who is your favourite character ?
Well I love them all ( except Gano and Dr. Moreau) but I kept only three...
He doesn’t appear that much but the role he plays for Noé and Domi is quite important. How mature he was for his age, the pain he went throught knowing something was wrong inside of him but not being able to put words on it nor talk about it. He was free in a way, to do whatever he wanted, but at the same time he was locked i this mansion for so long and without a single soul to talk to before Noé came in his life. He was tormented and sad and yet he was the reason his sister smiled. He’s teasing and mischievous personality hid a geniune dificulty in social interactions and opening up about his feelings towards someone. He was surrounded with people and he probably felt lonely. His parents rejecting him and considering no more than a dead body probably resulted in a lack of confidence and self-esteem. And yet he played that role, the older brother caring and protecting his sister while he was the one who needed affection. But he never showed it. He knew he was going to die, but he always made sure that his sister’s future was as bright as possible. His backstory remains a mystery and I only have guesses as to what happened to him. And that’s why I love him.
There are a lot of parallels between Louis, Vanitas and Chloé: The loneliness for Chloé, the tendancy to hide what’s wrong to express feelings, and the teasing with Vanitas... I could go along for so long frankly xD
On to Dominique. Firstly I totally fell in for her design and her high and mighty “ I don’t give a damn about people’s opinion” attitude. Also, she has a sword so that’s even more a reason for me to love her. But as the story unfolded , and new facets of her personality were revealed, I started to take an interest in her. Her childhood self was the polar oposite of her present self. A sweet and shy little girl. Her current evolution in the last chapters finally reflected this. How she changed her style and personality, that it was all a facade to match the image her parents and older siblings wanted her to be. We haven’t really seen her reaction after Louis’s death, what she felt and thought. The fact that she hides it and acts strong in front of Noé can only tell how broken she’s inside. She probably feels useless and powerless for not being able to help her brother, and all that is toped by her other two siblings who don’t seem to help at all if not to make her feel worse. Her relations with Jeanne and Noé seem to be her only source of light and I just love her.
And finally we have Roland ! Now I don’t remember my first reaction upon seeing him but I do remember my reaction when I saw his weapon like OMG I LOVE IT I WANT THE SAME. He kept giving me those Jack Vessalius vibes but also Dazai from bsd. But I don’t think that it is love that I feel towards him, more like I want to understand him more. Where do I start...
His personality. I can’t help but think that he’s sort of a Vanitas mind hidden in a Noé facade. Acting all naive and innocent but ploting every inch of his facial expressions and adapting it depending on the person he has in front of him. I wouldn’t even be surprised if he pretended to be lost in order to wander at will in places where he shouldn’t be for example. I loved how he totally changed his way of looking at vampires but I’m afraid it might be the cause of his loss... Even his best friend and confident, Olivier, has a hard time reading him, let alone others. The library scene made me both love him and being scared cause if you thimnk about it, his personality resumes very well,too well in my opinion : that when some are ready to resort to the worst and immoral methods for the survival of those they love, for Roland it’s the opposite. He is ready to suppress any individual putting himself between him and his ideals, may it be a stranger or even a close friend like Olivier. The whole gevaudan arc made me ever more suspicious of him 8D A lot of frames involve him but without a face at all, or looking away from us. I also love h ow he seems to genuinely care for Astolfo and Vanitas, even acting as a sort of father-big brother figure for Astolfo. I’m really eager to know more about his past and how he joined the Church and met Olivier !
Anyway this is getting really long XD I’ll stop there.
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powwidge · 6 years
Theory about the alternation
First of all I almost wrote this in French. WTF.
Secone: the two pictures I am using in this are screenshots from @coldkittenliz-chan 's chapter upload. Thank you very much for doing this for our fandom, you're a true hero!!!
Ok, l3ts get started.
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Seems like we have this .... alteration device of the d'Apchier family. Chloé is one so she has it which explains a lot looking back at the events with the beast and the sudden snow some chapters ago.
We don't really know how it works so far, but that's not the point I'm going to go into with this theory although it really interests me.
What I want to talk about is this:
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Apparently Chloé knows Noés name because a person, or well, a FEMALE person told her his name.
This means that it can't be Ruthven. And then.... we have Naenia in the next panel but what if it's Jun fooling us again and it's not Naenia who told Chloé his name but Jeanne in an alternate version?
I'm just very careful with everything mochijun does. It may be obvious that it's Naenia, yes, but what if she didn't tell it?
1st (and more likely) possibility:
Why does Chloé know her? And why does she, as a vampire work together with charlatan? Ruthven does the same and they know each other. I'm really wondering why and to be honest I would really like to see them trying to set up another war with the humans. Cursebearers attack and kill humans so that would definitely be a reason to start the war, then there are also the Chasseurs who sent Astolfo to Gévaudan and considering that this boy has that... kind of temper, it really is suspicious as Roland and Olivier have already mentioned before. I don't want to say that I really want to see a war, but I DO want to see it.
2nd (and not so likely possibility):
Since they have this alternation device and Jeanne and Chloé know each other since Jeanne was a little girl, there may be a possibility that they are still friends in the.... AU? I'll call it AU. And well considering that Noé seems to have.... a crush on Jeanne so far, maybe they even are a couple in the AU and Jeanne just casually told Chloé about it because well, he's her boyfriend/ husband / whatever?
Well, I'm 95% sure it's Naenia but I really liked the idea of that.
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digital-dhampirs · 3 years
vnc episode 12 thoughts
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The thrilling conclusion to the Vanitas no Carte anime’s first cour is out, and I have thoughts! I’m still considering doing a full season/ fill cour review, but I have a Lot of episode 12- specific opinions, so this review / breakdown / thing will focus around e12!
A warning before we begin— review will contain spoilers for events that take place in the vnc manga and not in the anime, and will most likely spoil some sections of the anime’s next cour. With that, let’s get started!
Episode 12 of the VnC anime covers chapters 19, 21, 22, and 23 of the manga.
To begin this review in a brutally honest way, this episode was… in my opinion as a manga reader… bad. It did have some ok moments, but generally devoted a lot of its time to a plotline that (while adorable) isn’t actually super important compared to what was left on the wayside. Vanitas and Noé’s fight over blood drinking is fine, I guess, but why’d we get that minute long flashback compilation and not Dante’s conversation with Dominique, or Roland and Olivier’s complete conversation, or Astolfo’s excitement to hunt vampires, or Mikhail?
I really truly wish the show had taken some of the money and time that went into the Vanitas and Noé fight from chapter 23 and put it into the arguably much more important and interesting parts of this episode. Ruthven drinking Noé’s blood, Roland’s threat, and Chloé and Astolfo’s introductions all had some very janky stills and animations. It truly irked me to see that time and effort went into making Noé’s mouth move while he’s mentally monologuing about wanting to drink Vanitas’s blood, while Roland’s fantastic threat from Chapter 22 got… this. click on image for worse quality
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The episode also decided to continue E11’s habit of chopping scenes up and mashing them together. In E11 this was a very not great decision, but was ultimately somewhat forgiveable from a tone point of view. In E12, meanwhile, it’s just all out chaos as the anime tries to string five completely separate scenes into something coherent (Noé and Vanitas in the hotel, Ruthven and Jeanne in the street, Domi and Dante on the stairs, Roland and Olivier in the chasseur compound, and a flashback to complete the Ruthven and Noé encounter from E11). Suffice it to say the anime does not succeed in this endeavor.
What really irritates me about this is that the manga already provided a framework for the anime to work these scenes together into. A frantic Vanitas reunites with Noé, Ruthven meets Jeanne in the street, Roland and Olivier speak about the beast, we see a mysterious flashback of Chloé calling for Jeanne as they talk, cut to Jeanne in the present as Dante and Ruthven’s attendants simultaneously tell Ruthven and Vanitas about the beast’s return.
I really wish the anime could’ve just given us the conclusion to the Ruthven scene at the start of the episode, done the OP, and then followed this series of events to a T. But it didn’t, and the result is a bit of a mess.
The anime’s choice to omit half of Roland and Olivier’s conversation means Dante’s announcement about the beast being back has no meaning or weight; Vanitas running to the hotel before we know what actually happened to Noé at the cafe ruins the drama and irony of the scene; Noé’s lack of memory of what happened at the cafe is muddled by the weirdly placed cafe flashback right afterwards; the anime putting Olivier’s “what that man believes in isn’t god” line seconds before the reveal of Roland’s intelligent and scheming nature doesn’t give the line enough room to breathe and stew; and the transition scene with Domi and Dante just doesn’t fit. I can honestly say I would have preferred Dante just teleporting from the streets of Paris to Vani and Noé’s windowsill than have that scene smack dab in the middle of what’s already a confusing mishmash of way too many unconnected events.
Wow. That was a long, critical paragraph. one might even say it was just as chaotic and disorganized as the episode itself. I feel like I’m really living up to my fullest potential as a bitter manga simp. So! Let’s turn things around and talk about some of the good parts of this episode!!
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First and foremost I want to compliment this episode’s music..! The soundtrack of VnC is just all round fantastic no matter what— whether it’s playing during a goofy scene or a fight, it’s is bound to be fantastic. I think my favorite pieces are the ones that play at quiet, ominous moments— the music during Vanitas and Dante’s conversation about the beast is excellent, adding something truly incredible to the atmosphere created by the illustrations of the beast and the eerie green light of the scene. The way the music lines up with Olivier’s “what that man believes in…” line during that one flashback is similarly awesome.
This episode also has very nice voice acting..! Despite all of its struggles in the visual and plot department, pretty much everything to do with the VnC anime’s audio is stellar. I’ve become a big fan of Jeanne, Roland, and Olivier’s voices (I can’t wait to see how Olivier’s VA works with all his screaming in the Gévaudan arc); Astolfo’s voice is perfect for him (I am similarly excited to see his clipped, polite tone take a turn for the insane as the Gévaudan arc moves forwards); and as always our protagonists’ voices are great.
My one singular problem with the voice acting this episode is Chloé. I don’t know why, but she sounds like a catgirl from a fantasy anime rather than a multiple- centuries- old vampire. I don’t know what I was expecting from her voice, but this wasn’t it. I really hope Chloé’s voice will grow on me like Roland’s did, but there’s just something about it that feels off to me.
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However! That one detriment doesn’t detract from the fact that this episode does have some very beautiful moments, especially during that one last scene with Chloé at the end. Visually, Chloé is absolutely spot on— I only hope the show has the budget to keep giving her pretty, pretty scenes like this. The scene where Vanitas and Dante discuss the beast is also very very nice to look at. The monochromatic red section of Ruthven and Noé’s scene is excellent. And, while I’m still annoyed that this scene got so much love put into it and others did not, Noé’s spotlight-lit monologue is aesthetically pleasing as well.
With that, we’ve covered all of my main thoughts on the final episode of the vnc anime’s first cour! My feelings towards this episode’s plot and pacing are overwhelmingly critical, and the episode’s visuals are a toss up (leaning on the side of bad, @/ that Roland screenshot), b u t the episode’s music and voice acting are both fantastic. And honestly? That’s kinda how I feel about this whole cour of the anime.
Episode 12 might not have been “good”, but I believe it’s a very neat representation of the best and worst of what Vanitas no Carte as an anime has to offer.
Despite all my critiques I am still legally obligated to love this anime, and can’t wait to see the Gévaudan arc in the next cour!
Fun Fact
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The weirdly technological background when Noé realizes he’s hungry makes absolutely no sense for an anime set in 1889, but for some reason that just makes this scene funnier to me
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neversetyoufree · 3 years
So I have this question but idk if it’s just too much overthinking and dumb. 😅😂 This whole story of VnC is told through Noé’s perspective and is his mémoire. But how does he know about things where he wasn’t even there like vanitas drinking Jeannes blood, kissing her or just anything that he couldn’t have seen or known because he wasn’t there. It doesn’t make sense to me. Could it be that he’s telling the story after drinking vanitas blood and is telling us the memories of vanitas?
I've actually had a similar thought before, haha. I think this issue is especially obvious with regards to the beast of Gévaudan arc, since there's no way Noé could know about half the stuff we see there. There's Chloé's past with Ruthven, Jeanne's memories of brainwashing, and her time with Vanitas in the cabin, to name a few. There's a lot of perspectives we get, not just Vani's, that Noé on his own would not have.
Given all that, the assumption I've landed on is that, as he's writing down this story after Vanitas's death, he's talking to the others to get their sides of the story. That might be by drinking their blood and seeing their memories, or it might be by regular interviews. Either way, though, if we're meant to take everything we see as part of what Noé writes, then that kinda has to be the case.
I'm pretty certain that Noé's gonna bite Vanitas at some point (the idea has just been built up too much for it not to happen), and that would help fill in the few solo Vani scenes that we see (like him looking at his worsening Mark after using Luna's power in Gévaudan), but even that wouldn't fill in all the non-Noé-pov info that we get, so he's gotta talk to or bite the others as well.
Or, of course, it could always be that we the audience are getting the full, expanded version of the story, but all this extra info isn't actually in Noé's writing. I think that's a boring answer, though, so I'm choosing to ignore it.
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