#tam 💞
septembersghost · 1 year
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something about how to truly love anything you have to be willing to access the soul of it, and no dismissals or misunderstandings of the value of that can ever diminish it, because that love when truly discovered, embraced, and expressed blossoms in such an everlasting way. something about true love travels on a gravel road.
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somewherefornow · 5 months
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Theyre in loovee
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np5enkidu · 11 months
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Nendoroid Tam Lin Tristan announced!
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damnfeds-prev · 2 years
“eğer sadece 1 kişiyi hiçbir şeyini değiştirmeden sevgilim olarak seçmem gerekseydi bu adamı seçerdim” dediğim adamla rüyamda sevgiliydik ve o kadar mükemmeldi ki her şey 😭😭 ve galiba askımı ilk defa rüyamda gördüm genelde birini beğenince hemen rüyama girer de sldmspdmskflsmkd ilk defa görüyorsam da beklediğime değdi bu ne ya çok mutluydum of 😭
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tamyonmyonmyon · 20 days
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vampiromano · 8 months
sigo caliente q prosigue (todos sabemos q prosigue)
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Kompozit Villa Kapısı Modelleri Camlı Villa Kapısı Fiyatları
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aphroditelovesu · 8 months
Yandere Tamlin and Rhysand hcs sharing a darling? 👀
❝ 🌹 — lady l: It's three in the morning where I live and here I am... Writing! Do I care? No. Anyway, I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! 💞
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of injuries, unhealthy relationships, polyamorous (sorta of).
❝ ⭐pairing: yandere!tamlin x gn!reader x yandere!rhysand.
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They won't share. That simple. There is no way Tamlin and Rhysand would agree to share a darling, let alone a mate. Tamlin is extremely jealous and Rhysand is possessive as hell. Add the fact that their darling is their mate makes it even worse.
Once one realized the other's interest all hell would break loose. It would all really depend on who discovered it first, but at the end of the day, nothing else would matter. Not even you.
Tamlin is the least emotionally unbalanced and this makes him very volatile and dangerous when his temper gets out of control. He is explosive and although he will never knowingly hurt his darling, you still have to walk on eggshells around him. Especially when Tamlin is jealous or furious.
Rhysand is the most rational one in the situation, or at least he tries to be the most rational one, even though he is seething with hatred inside. Rhys might be willing to share his darling with others, but never with Tamlin, his second worst enemy.
A huge fight would begin and if the situation between the two Courts was already bad before, it would become even worse and more volatile. Tamlin wants you at any cost and so does Rhysand, and neither is willing to share.
You would just be a toy caught in a tug of war. They detested each other deeply and their resentment grew more because of you and you would be nothing less than a pawn in a game that has lasted centuries.
They would still try to care about your needs and what you want, but they will both be so blinded by their hatred and possessiveness that you won't be as important. Not when they desperately wanted to destroy themselves.
The only situation I can see them coming to some kind of agreement would be if something happened to you, like if you were a human and almost died or suffered a terrible injury. It would be the only case where Tam and Rhys would work together for you.
Tamlin wants you desperately, he's already so alone and he needs comfort, love and reassurance. He wants to be loved so desperately and his obsession with you has become so unbearable that he can't sleep properly if he doesn't know that you're okay and with him.
Rhysand wants to be loved and have a loving family above all else, he wants this with all his might. He needs you, he needs to smell you and hear you tell him that he loves him. He needs to know that you love him, that he is the only one for you, and that no matter what, you will always choose him.
They will always fight over you, they will never reach a consensus and you are likely to end up broken and none of them will take the blame, as they will be too focused on destroying themselves than on what you need. Rhysand has tried to pay more attention to you, but at the end of the day, it's really about his personal war with Tamlin.
However, at any sign of threat to your life, they will put aside this feud and focus only on you. Even if it doesn't seem like it, they care about you and love you, in a twisted and strange way, but they do and they want to take care of you. Tamlin, especially, due to the fact that he is overprotective.
Rhysand and Tamlin will never come to an agreement, but maybe, as time goes on, they can learn to share you. There will always be bad blood and fights, but perhaps they will realize that the best way to protect you is to come together. Two High Lords can do very well protecting their mate, even if they hate each other deeply.
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Hangi işi yaparsan yap, Kur’ân’dan ne okursan oku, ne işte çalışırsan çalış, unutmayın ki, siz ona dalıp gitmişken, biz sizin üzerinizde şahidiz. Ne yerde, ne de gökte zerre kadar hiç bir şey Rabbinin gözünden kaçmaz. Ne zerreden daha küçük, ne de ondan daha büyük! Ancak bunların hepsi apaçık bir kitaptadır.
Yunus suresi /61
Bulunduğun konumda, yaptığın işlerde uğradığın sıkıntıları Allah azze ve celle’nin görüyor olması, kalbini sakinleştirmek için kâfi geliyor. Yine tam da böbürlenmeye kalbimiz meyletmişken veyahut türlü imtihanlara şımarıklık içinde oflayıp puflarken Allah c.c bizi izliyor olduğunu hatırlamak, haddimizi bilmemiz için yetiyor.
Bu ayeti kerime ansızın müjde olurken ansızın insanın tüm azalarını korkudan titretebiliyor. Bulunduğumuz asır, şahit olduğumuz zulümler, kulluk adına üzerimize düşen görevler, yapmadıklarımız, yapmak için çabalayıp başaramadıklarımız…
Yine de her solukta Rabbimin sonsuz rahmetine ümidimi bağlamaktan geri durmuyorum. O’ndan başka sığınılacak bir yer bilmiyorum ve dert edindiklerimi O’ndan daha güzel çözümlendirecek daha iyi birinin de olduğunu düşünmüyorum.
Beni yaratan Rabbimin bana umut olabilecek vesileler gönderdiğini biliyorum.
Zilhicce işte müminin içinde çiçekler açtırmaya vesile olabilecek bir mevsim. Tüm hata ve kusurlarımızı Rabbimize itiraf edip rahmetine sığınabilecemiz bir fırsat.
Ramazanı istediğimiz gibi geçiremediysek işte şimdi telafi etme zamanı.
Mükemmel olması, çok olması gerekmez. Samimi olmak yeterli.
Mümin kul zekidir. Hacca gidemedik ve kervandan bu sene de geride kaldık belki. Fakat öyle kullar vardır ki oturdukları yerde niyetleri sayesinde yürüyenleri geçerler.
Yeter ki bıkmadan merhametlilerin en merhametlisi olan Rabbimizin kapısını hep tıklatalım. Belkide bu bazılarımızın son Zilhicce mevsimi.
Değerlendirmekte gaflete kapılmayalım İNŞAALLAH.
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septembersghost · 1 year
dedicating this post to my worst enemy @headfullofpresley. a mean, vicious, straight-razor totin' woman. i cannot believe you would treat me like this, so innocent and pure of heart. how dare you
and another thing!
i looooove you 🥰😘💗
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akainka · 3 months
Dzisiaj było dobrze, ale do czasu. Rano pojechałam na szybką siłownie, bo rodzice nie pozwolili mi byc zbyt dlugo. Później dosłownie chyba z 3-4 godziny sprzątałam cały dom i troche sie nalatalam tam i spowrotem, ale nie mialam przy sobie telefonu i kroki mi sie nie liczyly. Wieczorem moja mama stwierdziła, że mam z nią jechać na zakupy świąteczne i tak też zrobiłam, bo nie miałam zbytnio wyjścia. Kupiła tyle słodyczy.. Dosłownie od 2 tygodni ja tyle na oczy nie widziałam. Udało mi się odgonić ją od kilku pomysłów. Mówiłam, że nie lubie żelków, cukierków i takich tam, ale kupiła mi toffifee, kinderki, pieguski i takie ciastka z nutella(doslownie same moje ulubione slodycze😭). Myslalam ze sie poplacze i chyba zaraz to zrobie XD. Kupiła też strasznie dużo ciast i pewnie bedzie kazala mi to jesc. Ze slodyczami dam jakos rade, bo schowam je do szafki i bede testowala silna wole czy cos, ale ciasta i ogólnie sniadanie wielkanocne - bez szans. W dodatku mówiła ze na obiad chce zrobić kluski, a ja kocham kluski.. Coś czuje, ze nie przezyje tej wielkanocy. Albo przynajmniej moja waga jej nie przezyje. Spróbuje zjeść jak najmniej obiecuje🤞🏻
Zjedzone - 0
Spalone - ok 700
Kroki - obstawiam jakies 9 000
Postaram sie was nie zawiesc w te swieta i ciebie Ana przede wszystkim.
Chudej nocy/dnia motylki!!💞🦋
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magnusbae · 7 months
You’ve caused me to be absolutely obsessed with obikin to the point that i literally cant think about anything else and i havent even seen anything starwars related for years just thought i might let you know lmao
Also if you have any more fic recs i wouldnt say no 👉👈
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It is red and alarming to draw your attention as yes I did— indeed— finally found a fic to recommend! only took me some 9 days but hey.
First thing first though— I am so infinitely pleased by being the cause of your demise— pardon, obsession. 😌😌😌
You've brightened my day by letting me know, and the only reason it had taken me time to respond was because I wanted to have a rec I would truly feel I can stand behind, start to finish!
So here we are~
Now, so far I had tried to give recommendations that would be vastly different in every sense of the word, however if you pay attention, there's one consistent link between the things I do feel like recommending— and it is consistency.
I firmly believe that consistency makes the story more than any level of quality or absurdness. As it happens to be, this fic possesses both consistency and quality :)
Speak no Evil by Exonerin
It's— tam tam tam~ an ABO AU! Yes, yes I know. While usually used for heavily kinky thematics, this one is.... rather different in many ways. If you've never tried abos or had read so many you've seen it all, or you've never really liked the whole notion— well this one, I feel like, can really fit all three case. Alternative ABOs is the thing I enjoy the most, non-classic, non-traditional sort of ABO world building is a joy to behold, truly. I urge you to try this one, as it is solid, wonderful and simply enjoyable start to finish. Firm Show-don't-Tell, extremely witty writing and language, solid characteristics and just— frankly, fun. Just fun. Nothing much else. I had a blast reading through this, and I think many more people would. I recommend trying this, even if ABO was never your thing. Trust me. 😌
Again, truly pleased to welcome you in this hell I had come to call a home, I do hope you enjoy this ride as it only gets wilder with time. 😌💞💖💕
P.S I forgot to say that this is by far, my absolutely most favorite portrayal of a top Obi-Wan. Me, every time Obi-Wan does something in this fic: 😳👉🏻👈🏻 haha. Take is as you may. 😌💖
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selin-n · 6 months
Türkmenistan'lı, sesi muhteşem, küçük bir kız...🥀🕊️ 🎵🎶🎼🎶
Yine seni sevmekten başka
Hiçbir şey yapmadım bugün
Eni konu çaldı telefonlarım
Boşver bakmadım bugün
Ne gazete okudum ne de bi haber
Derdi yasakladım bugün
Kaç öpücük olmuş inanamazsın
Aşkı hesapladım bugün
Dün geceyle tam 3 ay 1 gün
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Şarkı, sevdiklerimize gelsin...!
O, kendini biliyor 💞
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Aşk insanı hayata bağlar,
Hayat ise insanı aşka bağlar...!
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tamayula-hl · 7 months
On behalf of the Dungeon girlies, thank you so much for all your wonderful contribution to the fandom, Tam! You're not only an amazing artist, but you're one of the sweetest and kindest people I know! 😘😘😘
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Ahhhhhh! Thank you very, very, very much!😭🙏💞💞✨✨✨ Your words mean a lot to me, and I'm so grateful to be a part of this amazing fandom!  And I got my first badge, am I putting it on the right way!!!??? Anyway, I'm very happy! I will be wearing these badges with great care for a long time to come!🙌🙌🙌
Thank you again for the gift and for your kind words, it means so very much to me💞
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İnsan ruhunun sonsuza bakan tarafı olduğundan içinde bulunduğu sınırlı bedenine rağmen, her şey ile alâkadar bir yapısı vardır. İmkânı az, merakı çok ve ruhen dağınık iç dünyası ile hayatına devam eder.
Yaratıcı en yüksek hedef olan kendisine ulaşabilmesi için bir özellik vermiştir.
Kiminde hayal kırıklığı, kiminde geçici tatlar, kiminde önemli dersler ile karşılaşır.
Kimi hedefler ise bütün hayatına mâl olur.
Bir hedeften diğerine acaba onun sonunda ne var, bunun sonunda ne var diye koşarken
hayatı telaş, stres ve endişelerle son bulur. Kalbinin sesini dinleyen,
huzuru arayanlar ise anlar ki; Bu geçici hedeflerin arkasında,
sonsuzluk sorularına cevap veren bir hedef olmalı.
İşte tam bu noktada Alemlerin Rabbi olan Allah, tüm ihtişamı ile dağıtır karanlıkları. Deneyimlemelerle bitmeyecek,
bir günü diğerine asla benzemeyecek,
yaşanan her acıyı, içinde kalan her özlemi bitirecek,
cenneti ve içindeki her şeyi anlamsız kılacak bir yolculuk başlar.
Teslimiyet ile gideceğin huzurlu yolculuk
Sen ve O sonsuza kadar...
Hayırlı Huzurlu Günler
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