#tama's laugh in the last one is so cute
ringsidedishes · 1 year
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torahoes · 4 months
(IDOLiSH7) Torao Mido - RabbiTube mini Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Momo: Yamato, Torao, good work~! The RabbiMini project was fun, wasn't it? 🥺
Torao Mido: It sure was. I even gained valuable insights into portraying a delinquent from both of you.
Yamato Nikaido: Good work today. That makes it sound like we’re the perfect examples of delinquents or something lol
Torao Mido: Are you not?
Yamato Nikaido: Of course we're not! We're the dazzling idols of the moment, right?
Momo: It's funny when Yamato says it lolol
Momo: Oh, right! I got some info from Haruka. He said Utsugi-san did the dance from our RabbiMini video!!
Momo: Is this true?! 🕺🎶
Torao Mido: Yeah.
Torao Mido: I was watching the video with Touma in the green room when out of nowhere Utsugi-san said, "I can dance too," and that's how it all unfolded.
Momo: No way!! I want to see that so bad 😆🔥 What was it like!?
Torao Mido: For some reason, his moves were surprisingly sharp, and he was pretty skilled. Haruka and Minami came back to the green room while he was still dancing
Torao Mido: They were like, "This is kind of gross." I felt a bit sorry for him...
Yamato Nikaido: Isn't his playful side a bit too strong for someone with such a cool appearance?
Torao Mido: He seemed quite satisfied when he went, "It seems the body always remembers."
Momo: Could he be an experienced dancer??
Torao Mido: No, apparently when he was younger, he was often forced to dance at drinking parties by his superiors.
Torao Mido: He said it helps in building favorable human relations, so he learned it earnestly.
Yamato Nikaido: Ah... Well, I guess being able to liven up a drinking party would make you popular with the old geezers...
Momo: So he acquired his dancing skills through such circumstances...
Momo: I can't help but feel an affinity... towards Utsugi-san...
Torao Mido: Affinity?
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Momo: Oh, also!!! The IDOLiSH7 members really enjoyed our RabbiMini too!!! (*'ω'*) ✨
Momo: Mitsuki sent me a video~!
Yamato Nikaido: Ah, the glaring game! The one where I competed against Nagi
Torao Mido: What on earth? What kind of game is that...?
Yamato Nikaido: It's a game where you stare each other down and the first one to look away loses!
Yamato Nikaido: Since I was up against Nagi, it felt like it would never end lol
Momo: Nagi does seem really strong lololol
Yamato Nikaido: It went on for so long that it probably looked like we were having an actual fight, so Tama got fed up.
Yamato Nikaido: He suddenly wedged himself between us, we burst out laughing, and were forced to end it there
Momo: Awww!! Cute!! So pure!! Momo-chan's gonna protect him from all evil~~ 💪😭
Torao Mido: Does Sougo participate in this glaring down stuff too...?
Yamato Nikaido: Sou did it while jutting his jaw out, I think. His portrayal of an outlaw was outdated lol
Torao Mido: Sougo.....
Torao Mido: You guys really have him doing some crazy stuff, huh, IDOLiSH7...
Torao Mido: If you get stared down by the Osaka family, you won't survive in this industry, you know. I could never play such a terrifying game.
Momo: Wait, was Torao always this cute...?
Yamato Nikaido: If Mido had that attribute added to him on top of everything else, nobody would stand a chance...
Torao Mido: I don't know what you're talking about but dial it back a bit.
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Momo: Should I try playing this game with Yuki? (〃ノдノ)
Yamato Nikaido: Momo-san, can you even handle being stared at by Yuki-san?
Momo: Yeah, not a chance.
Momo: I wouldn't even last a second.
Torao Mido: The way this person suddenly regained his composure...
Momo: Torao, you should try playing against someone too! Are you alone right now?
Torao Mido: No, I'm with Haruka in the green room. He's eating some kind of sweet bread while looking at his phone.
Yamato Nikaido: Oh, why don't you try it with him then? It might actually be fun.
Torao Mido: Compete with Haruka?
Torao Mido: I'm not interested in challenging him to a game where the outcome is already obvious
Torao Mido: I can't afford to make Haruka cry before the recording
Yamato Nikaido: Mido, you didn't even know how to move like a delinquent at first; you were at the level where you were moving both arms and legs at the same time, but now you're so confident!
Momo: You were just waddling away like a penguin +.(≧∀≦)゚+.゚ Yuki liked that scene too!!
Torao Mido: Oi
Torao Mido: You showed it to him?!
Torao Mido: It's absolutely horrifying to think that video is saved inside Re:vale's Momo-san’s phone. Delete it
Yamato Nikaido: Wow, I just learnt some great news!! Maybe Yuki-san has taken a liking to you!? Man, I'm glad!!!!
Torao Mido: What are you so happy for?
Torao Mido: Also, what's with the "strutting with your shoulders raised high" thing? Isn't it hard to walk like that?
Yamato Nikaido: It's not too bad. All things considered, you actually managed to pull it off in the end!
Torao Mido: Of course I did. Who do you think I am?
Momo: Now why don't you try showing Haruka the fruits of your labor? 😍
Torao Mido: Fine. I'll take the bait
Torao Mido: Wait here.
Yamato Nikaido:
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Yamato Nikaido: Who do you think will win?
Momo: Hmmmmmm..... Like Yuki, Torao is quite gentle, even if they're both gentle in different ways
Momo: So maybe I'll go with Haruka? 🥺
Yamato Nikaido: You may be right. He did turn out to be a pretty sincere guy after getting to know him
Torao Mido: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Momo: Welcome back!
Yamato Nikaido: How did it go?
Torao Mido: He gave me eye drops and that was it.
Torao Mido: He said, "If your eyes are dry, just say so with your mouth instead of silently pleading with your eyes."
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Yamato Nikaido: Eye-... eye drops... lol
Momo: How is this even possible?! Isn't Haruka way too cute!?
Torao Mido: And when I said it wasn't because my eyes were dry, he thought I wanted some of his bread next.
Torao Mido: He said, "I can give you a piece if you really want some." Do I really seem like someone who would snatch food away from Haruka while he's happily enjoying it?
Momo: Maybe your gaze seemed like you were longing for his bread? lolol
Yamato Nikaido: ŹOOĻ's potential... honestly, I underestimated it.
Torao Mido: This wasn't the plan at all
Momo: Even though your glare was so intense in our RabbiMini 😎💥
Yamato Nikaido: But I guess you can't help but go easy against your members
Torao Mido: It seems it was too early for me to act like a delinquent. Show me how it's done again, you two.
Torao Mido: Nikaido's intimidating "You wanna go!?" line, and
Torao Mido: Momo-san's "What did you just say, bastard?" line, accompanied by his piercing gaze — you guys were more menacing than any guys I've seen around.
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Torao Mido:
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Yamato Nikaido: No, no, seriously, I was panicking deep down because I wasn't used to acting like this! Not to mention, Mido is huge, and Momo-san is older than me.
Momo: What are you saying!
Momo: Momo-chan has never spoken in such a harsh tone before, so I was nervous!
Torao Mido: Really now? Well, I'll just leave it at that
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Yamato Nikaido: We tried to tease Mido, but it ended up backfiring
Momo: Gosh, now we have no choice but to go out for drinks to clear up this misunderstanding! We haven't had our wrap-up party yet either!! 🍻
Yamato Nikaido: I agree. We should, especially so I can show you that I'm the kind of human who can't even kill a mosquito.
Torao Mido: Sure, I'll keep my schedule open. Having drinks with you two doesn't sound so bad.
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Yamato Nikaido:
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Torao Mido:
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The End.
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dreamersville · 1 year
FATGUM head cannons
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an? i wrote this so long ago i just wanna clear my drafts out😭😭 soo sorry if its bad but you could always send me a request 💜.
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- because hes my fav and i love him so much i just wanna tackle his 7 foot ass and love him for the rest of his life... ANYWAYSSSSS 
- this man is known by name (and sometimes order) by every restuarnt in a 10 mile radius of his agency. and i knwo your probably like “he a pro hero ofc they know his name” no. his given name and the first time it happen he was shocked 
- sings in the shower, off key, loud and proud, just straight butchering all and every song in his playlist. 
- his home is custom bulit to him. everything is like 2 feet taller than it would be for somebosy in averge height. somebody (me) said it reminds them of jack and the bean stalk and he doubled over laughing
- kiri and tamaki come over to watch cooking show because one he wouldnt be able to fit as comfortably at their dorms, and two because he got a big ass tv and watching on his tv is so much better, and he got snacks out the ass.  im talking pantry overflowing, with everything. tama used to the system but kiri swears he could get lost in it
- im sorry but, he can only cook stroke inducing food. which makes sense for quirk and what not but dont eat it unless you trying to put yourself in an early in a early grave. smothered everything, if its baked, best believe it was fired first. cheesy everythinggggg like omg, i still love him tho
- his favorite food shows be the baking shows, especially Cupcake Wars. he gets up-fucking-set if his favortite contestant loses or gets kicked off before the finalem hes gonna be talking about it for the rest of the week about how unfair it was and the judges didnt know what they were talking about because how could they not win. 
- relationships hcs or what not
- ahhhhhhh love language is most definitely acts of service and quality time. he livesss for when he got a second to just hold you, or be in your presence. it just so calming to him, the acts of service parts is bringing you food to try. ooo when he went on a mission outside of Esuha City he sends you a selfie with  e v e r y new food/ drink he tries on his mission. so expect a lot of of pictures and sometimes videos from him
- top tier cuddles in that giantic ass bed. and he has a weighted blanket with a big ass fan AND black out curtains ????? need i say more
- drags you down into his baking show addiction, but yall always tend to go for the rivals. so yall make bets on who’s gonna last longer. right now you’re winning 7 - 6 
- but you watch Extreme Cake Makers and write down recpies you wanna try and little things the contestant did so you could test it out. so you have notes deicted to ths and you sometimes go back and rewatch episodes to catch small stuff that you missed. he lovess when you get like this all nerdy and focused, it soo cute ugh. 
- likes to take you through the city at night because its look pretty at night when its lit up. you take a lot of pictures of bridges and in front of different signs and stuff
- omg, if you just so happen to walk past the shower whiles he in there singing his heart out, he’s gonna stop singing and say “take it away babe”. 
- a sucker for your southern nicknames. all the sugar, sweetness, bubs/bubba, honey. say anyyy of these and this man is at your feetready to do anything and everything just to hear you call him that again
- baby be feening for thanksgiving and christmas to come around. first time he was on a long mission, was gone for a week and came back on thanksgiving eve to see that you were cooking up a feast, he was so happy he cried.
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ik the ending seems kind meh .. but then again this been sitting in my drafts
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fallensnowfan · 8 months
The Winds of Fate.
1106 was a wild chapter, I'm excited to talk about it!
Dorry and Brogy really said, "if you won't come to Elbaf, we'll go to you!" Never considered them arriving here but I love the choice to have them arrive now. Dorry and Brogy already knowing that Luffy is the Sun God stands out, and it's cute how excited they are to see him. I hope they brought snacks. I'm gonna guess they saw Luffy's new wanted poster and came to the conclusion about his devil fruit themselves.
Meanwhile, Vegapunk is bleeding on the ground, and Bonney is primed to steal the show by turning Saturn into a cartoonish pile of soot(I hope,) acting as the "heart" to her newly gained army of Pacifistas. And Luffy? He is laughing and numb to it all. The SMILE fruit/Nika comparisons are strong in this chapter.
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Both are still hurt themselves, though I'm wondering what Stussy and Sentomaru will want to do now that Vegapunk has been stabbed. Are we about to learn more about Vegapunk's past?
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Vegapunk's thoughts about Bonney and Kuma/the Pacifistas remind me a lot of what went down between the Akazaya and fake Oden. And his line "even if the whole world should be your enemy," is similar to lines from the final Wano opening, Highest Point. "With the world as my enemy, I stand my ground on quivering legs."
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I love the decision to not show Luffy's eyes much in the chapter. They're always shaded or somehow obscured, except when he's in the Nika pose, and even then, his eyes are closed. Kizaru's line about wanting darker shades last chapter is an interesting one alongside Luffy's eyes being covered for much of this chapter.
Hi Robonosuke! You've appeared alongside the Nika heartbeat twice now, though haven't moved an inch. Very hmmm. I like that Bonney gets her own turning the tides of the battle moment, ala Tama from chapter 1017. Also is a bit reminiscent of Nami using Big Mom's Vivre card too. Cool!
Maybe the reason Robonosuke is so slow to wake up is because these dern kids keep making a fuss on his lawn. They woke him up from his nap! Fireworks everywhere, buildings crashing down, a silly rubber boy is making a mess while he eats, leaving food scraps everywhere. Just a terrible day for the Ancient Robot.
A lot of grand goings on are paying out on Egghead right now, and Luffy is back up and ready for another round it seems. He was given food and activated Gear 5 once more, the Buster Call Deluxe was swiftly dealt with, the PX units are on Bonney's side now, and powerful allies have arrived. Things are going so well... Dare I say it almost feels that they're going a bit too well.
I've read enough stories to know that when things begin going this smoothly, it often is a signal from the author that something is about to go very very wrong. And Luffy is at the center of it. However, the manga is on break next week. We all get to wait a bit longer to find out what happens from here, ahyahyahyahya! I'm curious to find out!
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visionkept · 2 years
incoming big surprise hug to her older sibling figure !! uwu
          As the sun sets in, golden rays of an early spring morning brush over tousled sandy locks. The faint current of the forest feeds upon the mess it is, free yet tangled. However, Tomoya doesn’t mind, they are used to the WILDERNESS around them.
Having to bear to prevail, this wouldn’t be the first time they have found themselves living in these conditions ( nor would it be the last ). A camp set in the wild, where two tents made out of the cheapest materials offer them shelter, it’s not much but it will do for the time being. That’s the life of a wandering samurai and. . .  of a WANTED CRIMINAL.
Following their pending earrings, they take this time for themselves to get back on track, cleaning stained clothes from yesterday’s little incident. 
The moment is still clear in their mind; a humble miso soup cooked by theirs truly spilled all over their dear haori thanks to a certain brunette. After that, they had to share as there wasn’t enough to replace the one wasted. Although they didn’t get mad, Tomo had to hear her non stop apologies for almost five minutes. She would have gone on for an hour if Tama hadn’t found the remains of her soup in their clothes and tried to clean it off with small licks, breaking the tension in the air and making the two laugh out loud.
The memory alone brings a smile out from the samurai, hanging the real victim of such clumsiness, their scarlet haori, in the nearest tree they could find. This rather domestic moment is followed up by a hum accompanied by the chirps of awakened birds, a shared melody between those who coexist and HIDE within the natural walls of the Chinju forest.
It’s as if here, in the deepest part of the forest, there were no conflicts or wars to worry about, PEACEFUL was the word that could describe it the best. They couldn’t stay here for long but it bought them enough time to prepare their next move.
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( We could go to Watatsumi ), they thought, ( I heard they are accepting refugees ). But then again, that means having to cross the bloodshed. . . ( It’s too dangerous, I’m not risking her ).
Ideas come and go, they were running out of places to hide. She doesn’t need to know that. It’s alright, it’s okay ! They will manage, they always do, they have to. 
( If I save enough mora, I could get a boat and maybe we could- ).
The sound of rustling bushes behind them had the ronin snap out of their thoughts. The crushed withered leaves with every step gave it away. Knowing Chihiro was sleeping in the tent ( away from danger ), slowly but surely they approached, there’s no katana in hand that would ensure their safety but even without it, they could give a good fight. 
       One step at a time, one second after the other, approaching what seems to be. . . .
❝ Meow. ❞ Tama ! ! ! You almost gave them a heart attack !
A sigh escapes their lips, they should really stop overthinking too much. . .  after all, they are safe here, SHE IS SAFE AND ASLEEP RIGHT NOW, and if someone comes they will────
                                         ❝ SURPRISE HUG ! ❞
A TRAP ! They have fallen on a trap, HER TRAP ! Tama was only a DISTRACTION, a cute white fluffy DISTRACTION. The yelp that leaves their throat is genuine and truth to be told, makes them feel a bit embarrassed after recognizing the small silhouette hugging their figure. What a rascal. ❝ Didn’t hear you approaching, well done. ❞ Cautious steps and a fitting strategy had gained her today’s victory. Well deserved. But most importantly, her stealthiness has drastically IMPROVED ( will come useful in the future ).
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❝ You are getting quite sneaky, Chi-chan. ❞ Ruffling her hair, they reciprocate the affection. It’s a bit unusual to act so affective, so touchy feely with someone they haven’t known for even a year. Nonetheless, they had decided that CHIHIRO was the EXCEPTION. What kind of brother would they be if they acted all cold towards their own sibling ? ❝ Hungry ? Let me prepare some LAVENDER MELON STEW for the three. Try not to spill it though──  ❞ Hey, they are only teasing ! Kind of. ❝ Pfff, don’t give me that look ! I’m only messing with you, Chi. C’mon, help me pick some LAVENDER MELON. ❞
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bakugoyelling · 2 years
Sleep Troubles | Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
wc: 700~
contains: fluff and a bit of crying, but there’s a cute ending! 
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ♡ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
Tamaki has to pick up a new shift for the next few months.
He leaves around nine at night and doesn’t come back home until a little after five in the morning. But you still eat dinner together, and he pecks you on the lips before departing for work every night, but once you’re alone in bed, you struggle to sleep.
Without Tamaki beside you, it doesn’t feel right. And sleep escapes you as you struggle to find comfort, little clouds of worry passing through your mind. Although, a few hours in, you do manage to get some rest. Not as much as usual, but it’s something. 
It takes less than a week for Tamaki to notice. You’re yawning non-stop, and your preference for tea has switched to coffee — even though you've complained about it making you feel jittery in the past.
“How many more weeks do you think you’ll be on this schedule?” your tired voice asks that night during dinner, poking at the food on your plate.
“At least another month,” Tamaki looks at you with a softened gaze, wishing his answer wasn’t so disappointing for you.
“A whole other month?!” you frown and peer up at him, disheartened eyes misting over with tears as he nods.
It feels like a trivial reason to cry, but you can’t help it. Maybe it's the lack of rest.
“Well, it needs to hurry up,” you blink away any forming tears before continuing. “Because I can’t sleep without you." Breathing out a laugh, you collect yourself.
 “Well, I can just... not as good,” 
Tamaki wishes he knew how to help, but for now, all he can think to do is hug you.
Later that night, almost an hour into his patrol, Tamaki comes upon a new store in the city — their window display decorated with colorful merchandise; t-shirts, hats, action figures, and even water bottles of the country's top heroes.
Shuffling on his feet, he wonders what else they might sell. Surely they sell more than just merch than this, right? Window fronts are just used to draw people in, so who’s to say they don’t sell products for other heroes? Other heroes like Suneater. 
Tamaki doesn’t want to seem full of himself but come on; he’s been doing this job for a while now, so it makes sense. But with only ten minutes left until closing time, there’s no time left to delay, so with a deep breath, he heads inside.
The following morning, the gentle brush of something soft being laid down beside you stirs you awake. Still half asleep, you move to wrap your arm around it, unaware of what you’re cuddling up with until your eyes drift open. Focusing, there beneath your arm lay a perfectly snuggle-sized Suneater plushie — an almost exact replica of the man you love — the one standing before you as you lightheartedly chuckle.
“Tama,” you say his name with a smile. “Where did this little plushie come from? I love it,”
Gosh, you’re adorable.
“I bought it while on patrol last night,” he begins, sitting down on the bed as you make room for him.
“Since you haven’t been sleeping all that well, I thought maybe it could help,” Tamaki fiddles with the comforter, eyes focused on the material as he continues.
“So...it can be like falling asleep with me,”
He’s hesitant to look up, afraid you might think the idea is silly, but then you giggle — a warm laugh that makes Tamaki look up at you, his mouth quirked in a smile as you thank him.
“Aww, I love that so much. You have no idea. I feel I’m gonna cry,” with a dewy-eyed pout, you laugh, attempting to conceal your overly sensitive reaction as you sit up.
“Thank you, really,” you lean in to peck his cheek, and he wraps his arms around you, embracing you in a loving hug before pulling back.
“I’m glad you like it,” Tamaki smiles as you examine the details of the plushie (those designers really paid attention to his hero costume).
“I don’t just like it. I love it! I’m going to snuggle the heck out of this thing!” you say, squeezing the plush to your chest. 
as someone with a tamaki plushie, this was very self indulgent lol ♡ thank you for reading! let me know if you enjoyed this little piece :)
— please do not modify or repost my work.
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lou-struck · 3 years
A Night In With Tamaki Amajiki
Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
- It has been a rough week for Tamaki and all he wants to do is spend an uninterrupted night alone with you.
WC: 1,100+
According to Tamaki Amajinki, the best kind of dates are the ones where he doesn't have to worry about other people getting in the way of his alone time with you. Now that he is a Pro Hero these happen less and less and it's driving him a just little bit crazy,
The last time the two of you had a date, you went to a small coffee shop, it was quiet. Until one of his fans noticed him yelling his name and drawing a crowd. You had to pull him out of the corner he was determined to become one with and take him home so he would destress. His anxiety makes it difficult to go on normal dates, which only makes him feel worse and worse.
You of course know this and try to make sure that the two of you can spend time together without some obnoxious fangirl calling attention to the Adorably shy Suneater who can’t help being amazing.
After a long week of patrols, Tamaki was able to get off work Friday evening. He stumbles through the front door and you can tell he’s tired. “Tama you're home!” You say excitedly going over to give him a hug. This little gesture means everything to Tamaki as his entire body beings to relax into your embrace.
“Tough day?” you ask as he groans hunching down to press his face into your neck.
You stay in this position for a few minutes allowing Tamaki to unwind from the stress of the week as you begin to think about what you can do to make him feel better.
He clears his throat “Butterfly, I don't want to leave home ever again,” he says into your neck. Rubbing his back a bit you let out a giggle, “you say that every week baby.”
The tips of his pointy ears turn pink, standing out against the dark strands of his hair. “I-I mean it t-this time butterfly. He stutters pulling away to change out of his hero costume, hanging up his cape and placing the rest of it into the wash.
You spring to action placing a few menus from his favorite take-out restaurants out on the coffee table for him to choose. You also get a ques of his favorite cooking shows so he can relax. He loves cooking shows because he uses them to get new ideas on how to fuel his quirk with new recipes.
Tamaki pads back into the room and sees your setup. “Butterfly? What is this?” he questions looking at the couch eagerly more than ready to curl up with you and the pile of blankets for the rest of the night.
“Our date night silly, I want you all to myself.” you laugh as you guide him to the couch. “Is that okay with you Tama?” your question sends him back over the edge as he once again becomes a cute blushing mess nodding excitedly before laying you down on his chest. The two of you sit comfortably until your stomachs begin to growl.
“I guess we should order food,” he says quietly looking over at the menus. After deciding you track the order on your phone and wait.
A bit later, a knocking on your front door signals the arrival of your food. Tamaki starts to get up but you stop him gently putting a hand to his chest. “I’ll go get it, baby,” you say gently getting up from the couch. You open the door to see the delivery guy.
He immediately looks you up and down sending you a smirk. “Hey there pretty thing, here ya go,” he says holding out the bag of food for you to take.
"Thank you," you say uncomfortably as you reach out to take the bag. Suddenly he pulls his hand back teasingly. “Ur pretty cute, why don't I come inside and help a cute thing like you eat all this food.” he coos trying to step inside.
“I’d rather you stay outside.” you tell him as he tries to walk past you into your home “Just hand me the food and leave, it's already been paid for and tipped.”
“Well I think I deserve a bigger tip, what do ya say cutie?” he says placing the bags on the floor and tries walking towards you again as you try and create distance between you and the creep.
Before you can open your mouth to protest you step back into something solid. Turning around you see Tamaki staring daggers at the man. “She told you to leave,” he says darkly putting you behind him.
His earlier shyness is gone as he falls into hero mode. The guy sees how unmatched he is and leaves ducking quickly out the door practically running to his car before driving away.
“Butterfly, are you alright? he says softly closing the door and checking you over.
You blink up at him “Yeah Tama, I'm fine. That guy was just a jerk.” you tell him shaking your head. He can tell your lying as you take the food and head back to the couch sitting rigidly on the edge of the seat.
"We should definitely report him," he says rubbing your back in soothing circles hoping to slow down the rapid beating of your heart. It works wonders and you bury your face into his chest feeling safe.
“You know you're my hero Tama, don't you?” you ask him as you pass out the food, digging into it.
It's amazing how Tamaki can be so brave one moment and so humble the other. He blushes slightly at your words almost choking on his food.
“I-I’m just glad the guy left B-Butterfly, h-he was annoying,” he stutters, finishing off his meal sneaking a few bites of your food along the way.
Once the food is out of the way he resumes his previous position on the couch as you curl up next to him forgetting about the guy.
A few hours later you drift off on the couch, upon seeing you out for the count Tamaki takes the takeout menu of the restaurant you called and rips it to pieces before shoving it in the garbage can so that the guy will never come to your home again. Sorry Butterfly, he whispers to you as he lifts you up off of the couch. “I just want to keep you all to myself too.” Turning off the tv he carries you into the bedroom carefully tucking you into the sheets. Looking down at you lovingly he bends over to hesitantly to place a soft kiss on your lips. “Goodnight Butterfly. He says before crawling in next to you excited to spend tomorrow with you as well.
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Don't Wanna Go -Tamaki
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Main Masterlist MHA Masterlist
+You and the Big Three are invited to a party. Mirio and Nejiere were going and so were you. You were still trying to convince Tamaki though. Eventually you relent and go to leave. You didn't mean for him to hear it but he heard you mutter, "I don't wanna go without you." He grows guilty before Mustering up the courage to show up.
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I finished adjusting my (skirt/dress parts) and walked over to my boyfriend. He looked up from his tablet and Smiled at me. I twirled for him before holding out my hands in silent question.
"You look very cute, bunny." He said sweetly. I bounced in glee before going over to him. He set his hand on my waist as I leant down to peck his lips. His fingers played with the accent pieces on my waist. "I hope you have fun tonight."
"Thank you." I said. I went to brush my hair out one last time. "Are you sure you won't Come?" I sat down next to him. He poked down the sleeves of his sweater over his hands.
"No." He shook his head. My shoulders slumped and a pout came across my face.
"Please?" I asked cutely. I saw the ghost of a smile but he shook his head again. I pouted more before laying my head in his lap. His fingers immediately found purchase in my hair.
"Sorry." He said.
"No, don't be." I looked up at him. I cupped his cheek and rubbed my thumb over his cheek. "I know you don't like big crowds. I won't make you do something you don't like."
"Thank you bunny." He pecked my forehead. He looked back at his tablet, pushing his hair behind his ear. "It's getting close to time. You better get moving."
"Okay. I'll see you later. " I got up and turned to kiss him. I went to pull away but he kept me in place. "Tama..." I giggled against his lips. He pulled away finally with a blush. I walked towards the door grabbing my shoes on the way.
"I'm sure you'll have fun. Mirio and Nejire Will be there so you'll still have company."
"You're right. I'll see you afterwards." I said waving. I turned to the door and silently sighed. "But I don't want to go without you." I mumbled.
3rd POV
Tamaki's shoulders slumped as he heard the wards leave their lips. He knew they didn't mean for him to hear it but he had. He sat there for a while feeling bad about this situation. He was taken out of his bubble by a text from Mirio.
They're so cute but they're missing you. Attached was a pic of you. You were talking with someone but he could see the small pout still present on your lips. Tamaki sighed before locking his phone. He didn't text back but ran to his room to get changed.
He took in a shaky breath as he approached the party. He grip the Sleeves of his shirt as he walked in. Tamaki's eyes darted around the crowded room searching for you and your other friends. He finally saw your (h/c) hair and slipped through the crowd.
I laughed at the joke before holding my nose when the feeling of liquid coming out hit. Mirio laughed at me, nearly falling to the floor. I hit him in the chest to help before feeling arms wrap around me.
"Hey! What do you..." I stopped when I felt the person bury their head in between my shoulder blades. A smile came across my face and leant my head back against his. "Hi, baby."
"Hi, bu-bunny." He muttered into my shirt. I set my hands over his. He lifted his head and reburied his face in my hair. Mirio finally stood up straight and looked back at me. His eyes widened in glee as he saw his best friend hiding behind me.
"Hey there Tama! Glad you could make it." He said before turning back to the conversation. I could feel Tama relax a bit behind me at Mirio not making a big deal of his arrival. I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Hey there." I whispered to him. He smiled and tightened his grip.
"Hi." He stayed in close. I pecked his lips.
"I thought you didn't want to come. What changed your mind?" I asked before my stomach dropped. I held his face. "Is something wrong?"
"No, no." He smiled. "I just felt too bad. You really wanted me to come and..." He paused. "I heard you when you left the room. How you didn't want to go without me..."
"Awe, Tama." I smiled, relaxing. "That didn't mom you had to come. I would have been fine." I ran a hand through his hair. He hummed and leant into my hand.
"I know." He opened his eyes. "Mirio also sent me a picture of you and I could see you were a little lonely."
"He did, did he?" I shook my head in disbelief but sniced none the less. I kiss his nose. "Well I'm glad you're here. Now let's go get something to drink."
We got drinks and came quickly. Tama seemed to be having a decent time. While still attached to me, he was talking to Nejiere. Mirio was on my other side. I waited for him to have a break in conversation before I smacked him in the back of the head.
"Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed the sore spot, looking at me in betrayal.
"You know what that was for. I told you to leave him alone!" I chided. His expression morphed from betrayal to to cheeky shock.
"Well..." I hit him again. "Ow!" He yelped and covered his head to protect himself. "Sorry! But you have to admit he is enjoying himself. So, not sorry really." He then disappeared through the wall.
"Seriously." I groaned. Tama turned to me.
"What up bunny?" He asked.
"Just your ridiculous best friend. Drives me nuts." He chuckled. He nuzzled his nose into my hair. I relaxed into him. He tucked my head under his chin. We just stood there for a while before I heard his stomach rumble. "Wanna bail and go get some food?"
"Please." He said immediately. I laughed and grabbed his hand. We walked out and I shot a text to the blonde idiot letting him know.
"Hey Tama?" I spoke up after a bit of quiet walking.
"Yes bunny?"
"How about next time there's a party, you try and convince me to stay instead of me trying to convince you to go?" He laughed and pulled me into his side more.
"I think I can do that, love." He said. I smiled and joined in on laughing.
@spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse @princ3rae @iris-shihabi
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seiyasabi · 4 years
(This is a Yandere Amajiki x Pregnant Female Reader story :)) Please proceed with caution!
TW: Stockholm syndrome!, mentions of abuse! (not you), mentions of dub/noncon! (not you), !mentions of unsafe abortion! (not you), pregnancy!, !!!mentions of a suicide attempt!!!! (not you), captivity!, !lactation kink!, !breast milk drinking!, no sex but NSFW themes!, etc..
I hope you guys like this!) 
Tamaki’s large hand rubs your back soothingly, attempting to alleviate your current backache. He’s taken you on a ‘playdate’ with his friend’s darling, and the four of you are sitting in the jovial blond’s living room. 
“Everytime we see her, she just keeps getting bigger and bigger!” Mirio cheers, “How far along is she now?” He talks about you as if you aren’t there, causing you and your previously unwanted husband to become uncomfortable. The blond is definitely not a Yandere anyone would want; he’s controlling, sadistic, misogynistic, entitled-all things you’re happy that your Amajiki isn’t. It’s just another reason why you gave into him a year ago. 
“Mirio, pl-please don’t talk about (Your Name) like she isn’t here. You know it makes me uncomfortable,” The brawny man’s eyes flash with a dark emotion, causing you to lean in closer to the indigo haired man’s side. His friend scares you, and you can’t help but pray for his darling. The poor girl is always covered with bruises, littered with painful gashes, and just the thought of your friend being hurt by that monster brings a tear to your (colour) eyes. 
“Ah, it seems I forgot. Sorry Ama,” Your husband freezes up with further discomfort at his best friend’s use of your nickname. His blue eyes land on your rigid form, a small smirk on his thin lips, “How far along are you, (Nickname)?”
Your left hand is on your round stomach, your son kicking lightly at your touch, “We’re about seven months! I’m set to give birth in a few months,” A small smile is on your lips at the thought of your future child. Amajiki’s free hand places itself on top of yours, causing you to look up and give him a full on grin. Seeing that he was smiling at you as well, you place your head on his shoulder. He always knows how to make you feel better. 
“See, (Friend’s Name)? This could be us if you weren’t so stubborn,” Your husband interlaces your fingers together, squeezing reassuringly. He knows that his friend’s actions are somewhat triggering, especially because you know the things he’s done. Mirio lets out a wicked laugh, looking at the both of you with cruel eyes, “(Friend Name) here and I were pregnant a few months ago, after a long night of love-making,” Amajiki holds you even tighter, trying to stop your terror-filled shakes, “But someone was selfish. Someone decided to take a handful of pills, and now your mini Tamaki won’t have a friend. But don’t worry,” His large hands grip your friend’s thigh harshly, “We’ll try again. That’s the point of women, eh, Amajiki? Our own personal baby-makers?” 
Your teary eyes find (Friend’s Name)’s, your hand covering your mouth. You hadn’t seen her for a month, and you now know why. You also now know why her hands are covered with mittens, why her throat is wrapped with a shock collar, why she-
Tamaki stands up quickly, his hands gently guiding you onto your swollen feet. He wraps a protective arm around your waist once you’re fully standing, and he starts to guide you to Mirio’s yellow front door, “Ah, I-I think it-it’s time we go home. (Your Name) i-is sleepy, so-���
“Don’t worry about it, buddy! I totally understand. After all, good Darlings get nice privileges, and (Your Name) is one of the best Darlings I’ve ever met. She knows her place,” He stands to his feet, standing a good five inches above your very tall husband, “Come on, (Friend’s Name), let’s walk them out.”
The (Hair colour) girl struggles to her feet, her broken foot in a boot. She hobbles to the door in her house-wife esque frock, drawing a laugh from the sunny man. The sight hurts your heart so bad, that you have to look away. 
Once the other couple reach their front door, Mirio draws a large keyring filled to the brim with different coloured keys from his pocket, before inserting each one into the ten locks present on the painted wood. Once all are unclasped, he holds the door open with a boot clad foot. 
“You two have a good day! I’m sorry for (Friend’s Name)’s behaviour, I’ll be sure to straighten her out once you leave,” You hear her barely muffle a sob, making your lip quiver with your own sobs. Once outside, you hear the door slam shut, and hear a series of locking mechanisms go into place. 
“He’s gotten worse,” You hear Amajiki mutter, which is enough to send you into a breakdown. His muscular arms wrap you in a tight side hug, his own tears dripping onto your (hair/head). 
You cry for your friend and the person she once was. 
He cries at the monster his best friend has become. 
Tamaki was right, you ended up taking a nap the moment you got home. 
When you awoke, your back hurts even more than before, along with your milk filled tits. Massaging your sore chest, you sit up with a bit of trouble. At your last appointment, your doctor said your son was a big fella, and cautioned you against doing anything besides resting. This caused the already doting Amajiki to take up every chore and task you have. 
Right now, you can hear and smell him cooking your favourite meal, causing you to stand onto your wobbly feet. With one hand on your tummy and one on your back, you waddle towards your personal chef of a husband.
He’s currently leaning against the grey granite counter across from the stove, and when he sees your form struggling towards him, he rushes into action. Tamaki quickly sweeps you off of your feet, and brings you to your kotatsu couch. Gently placing you onto your preferred spot, he helps you place a few pillows behind you to help give you better back support. 
“Bunny, what are you doing out of bed? You could’ve hurt yourself,” He’s improved on his nervous stutter since you’ve fallen for him, warming your heart completely. 
“I’m sorry, Ama. I woke up with a backache and wanted a massage, but then I got hungry-” He loves listening to you ramble, you’re the most precious person he’s ever known. Especially when you ‘talk’ to your son. Sometimes he’d listen in and hear you coo about the cute outfits you found for him, or how his Daddy is a super cool hero, or how you can’t wait for him to come out so you can pinch his chubby cheeks, or- “Are you even listening?” He glances up, taking in your adorable pout, causing his face to go red. 
“Of course! I’ll give you a backrub after dinner, okay? Then we can take a shower,” You nod, allowing him to hurry to the kitchen to grab your food and utensils. 
He comes back at a lightning fast pace, he uses a few tentacles to juggle the (bowls/plates) along with the (chopstick/spoons/forks), side dishes, and toppings. 
“Go ahead and eat, okay? I’m sure you and (Son Name) are starving,” Giggling at his overeagerness, you give in to his demand. 
“-Is this pressure good? Let me know if it’s not,” Amajiki’s massive hands knead your aching shoulders, and rub down your pained spine. His thumbs massage the area around your ribs, trying to loosen your muscles to allow you to relax. You’re currently shirtless, clad in only your bra and your comfortable joggers.
“Mhm, you always know how to make me feel better, Ama,” He practically preens at your words, smooching the bare skin of your upper back. 
The massage continues, easing the pain in your back. Now, the only thing ailing you is your sore breasts. 
“A-are you okay, Bunny? You tensed up quite a bit,” You turn your head enough for him to see your comforting smile. 
“Yes, I’m okay. It’s just, uhm, oh man, this is so embarrassing,” Both of your hands cover your face to hide your flushing cheeks, sending Tamaki into a mini panic attack. 
“What is it? Is the baby giving you trouble? Do I need to take you to the hospital?” Seeing his panic, you try to turn to face him, but require his assistance to do so. His clammy hands grip yours as he brings you toward him. 
“No, Tama, it’s nothing serious, it’s just…” You look down in shame, “My, uhm, my breasts hurt,” Your voice trails off at the end, causing your husband not to hear you. 
“Wha-what was that?” Small tears group in your eyes, as your shame overwhelms you. 
“My boobs hurt! Please don’t make fun of me by making me ask again!” Seeing your distress, he quickly brings you into his embrace. 
“No, no, it’s okay! I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you the first time, I swear! I’ll help you, Bun, there’s no need to cry. Here,” The indigo haired man unclasps your bra, allowing your tits to fall out somewhat harshly. Yelping at the ache, Tamaki tries to soothe you by holding your larger breasts up, alleviating the pain, “I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay,” You smooch his forehead, his entire face is bright red, “Please help me, I need you,” Your wet eyes and much larger breasts make your husband look away, trying not to become aroused. 
“Oh-okay,” His warm hands gently squeeze your teats, testing to see if that was enough pressure. A small moan leaves your lips, telling him that what he’s doing is helping. 
His hands knead your sensitive chest in a rhythmic fashion, slowly quelling the pain you were once suffering. 
Just when you fully relaxed, disaster struck. 
Two streams of thick milk spray from your teats, coating the front of his black shirt. You gasp, covering your mouth with both hands. 
“I’m sorry Ama! I-I didn’t mean to! It just-” Without missing a beat, the indigo haired man suddenly latches on to your nipple. His lips suck vigorously, trying to drink all of your yummy milk in one go. A loud moan leaves your lips, as you try to detach him from your leaking tit, “Wha-what are you doing?” A keen escapes your throat when he tweaks your other nipple, dripping your milk onto your joggers. His own moans vibrate against you, sending a flash of arousal to your pussy. 
Once he has his fill of your right breasts, he lets go with a small gasp, “Do-do you feel better Bun-Bun?” Now that you thought about it, yes, yes you do. So, you nod your head, mouth slightly agape. 
“Please, ‘Jiki! Please milk my other titty too!” He doesn’t say anything, before he latches on to your left nipple. Whilst he sucks, he lets his tongue flick your leaky teat, triggering a little more milk to spray out. You both moan, one of you in absolute lust, and the other in relief. The heavy, aching feeling of your breasts slowly fades away, leaving you feeling light and happy. 
Your hand runs through his soft locks, a sigh of pleasure going through your nose, “Thank you, Ama, you’re so good to me. I’m sorry if it doesn’t taste good-” He quickly releases your left nipple to kiss you on the lips. 
“Your milk is delicious, Bunny. I don’t think I can ever go back to cow’s milk ever again!” He fondles your enlarged chest, playing with your sensitive nipples, “I love you so much, (Your Name). Is it okay if I nurse with our son?”
You flush at his words, “Bu-but my milk’s for (Son’s Name), won’t he go hungry?” He shakes his head no, kissing you on the lips once more. 
“I asked your doctor for breast milk supplements, you’re going to have more milk than he’ll need! Please, Bunny! Please let me have more!” You can’t say no when he asks you so sweetly. Smiling at him, you nod. 
You know you should be upset that those ‘extra vitamins’ weren’t truly vitamins, but you can’t bring yourself to care. After all, he loves you so much that he wants to drink from you! 
So, when he reattaches himself to your right nipple, you pet him sweetly. 
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tetsvhoe · 3 years
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#25 i almost love you
– oh ayan onting backstory chaka redemption arc kay aiko baka may maka relate
– omg finally chapter di ko na to hahabaan basta thank you so much for the support and the laughs! this was my first ever smau and series i hope you all enjoyed and i hope to see you in my future works!
– wag niyo kalimutan si anak ni imelda at anak ng mafia boss, ha? :(( <3
taglist | anitwt
@mirakeul @erinoikawa @haji-bby @seijohoe @szeonn @banananaa4 @stffychn @vvvselfindulgence @devilgirlcrybabiey @knmsapplepi @duhsies @littlemochi @mikeystomanjacket @noitsmrleorio @agasheeee @roanniee @softsakusas @your-girl-mj @hello0i @crustycookiebestie @shanthesamurai @naviation-xx @sciophobia @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa @bakugouswh0r3 @aizameow
iwaizumi shuts his phone off with a faint click, throws his head back against the headrest and shuts his eyes. he feels lightheaded, hands clam around his phone and the steering wheel subconsciously. was he always this nervous to talk to you? he can’t remember the last time he’s seen your face, the last time since he’s heard your voice. he misses it so much it makes his heart clench.
he lets out a long shaky breath as he wills himself to open his eyes, peer out the window. the club lights pulse faintly in the darkness of the night, he hears the faint music and clamor of club goers. the team’s last reply was from roughly an hour ago. he shivers thinking how he managed to cut the drive time in half and thanks the heavens for the mostly barren roads he drove through.
he can only imagine how everyone must be hammered by now. the “demonic hour” as they collectively dubbed 3:00am, is nearing. the demonic hour is when ushijima starts speaking in english considerably louder than his usual stern yet soft spoken voice. bokuto slouched against his seat, arms over his chest, passed out and snoring steadily. atsumu and sakusa may start swapping personalities soon, osamu and suna are talking about extraterrestrial life, and hinata is probably stumbling on the dancefloor holding in the urge to puke. iwaizumi also fondly recalls your friends, how kiyoko would be sleeping on top of the table, god forbid someone tries to wake her. alisa would be flirting with someone’s girlfriend, and tendou making everyone take “shots” of water, nearly falling off as he laughs at their muscle memory reactions as if they are still taking a slug of alcohol.
and of course, his mind wanders to you. how you slur your words and swear you’re not that drunk. you gauge each miniscule action and word carefully in an attempt to prove to everyone you’re sober, but it only gives you away so much more because you’re moving in x0.75 playback speed. he catches himself smiling at the mere thought and blushes though he’s alone in his car. the demonic hour turns you to an angel, quite ironically. you’re poutier than usual and throw a hissy fit at iwaizumi when he refuses to get you lugaw or mamiin the middle of the night out, not like he can resist your pleads for long anyway. you can’t keep up with the usual playful banter anymore and flirt terribly.
the thought of some other man finding you during your demonic hour flings iwaizumi out of the driver’s seat and he’s marching into the club before he knows it. it doesn’t take long for him to weave his way in and navigate your group, and the scene he finds is exactly as he imagines, but where are you?
“ten, ten, saan siya?” he shakes tendou into sobriety. he peers up at him with dazed eyes before grinning widely upon recognizing iwaizumi.
“oy, tangina mo! ano ginagawa mo dito?” the red head laughs. “‘di ko sure lumabas daw siya saglet.”
the rest of the group slowly registers iwaizumi’s presence, greeting him with clumsy high fives and fist bumps and “ba’t andito ka, kupal?”, “late na late na ba’t humabol ka pa?”, “akala namin di ka pwede ngayon?” and he returns each greeting half-heartedly as he constantly searches for your shadow in the crowd.
suna teases iwaizumi’s panicked state before pointing out you might have gone outside for a smoke. a sour feeling brews in his stomach; how could they have let you gone alone, why weren’t they sure where you went? but he saves the frustration in favor of finding you as soon as possible.
he all but runs outside through a back door near the bar which leads to a terrace overlooking the parking lot. his whole body stills as he sees your back turned to him, the heavy metal door creaks to a close, letting the loud pounding of the club music fade. he half expects to see you barely able to hold your weight with your own legs or with another guy, probably why he was so worked up in the first place, but you were alone. you seemed sober enough. it scared him even more.
as if feeling his presence, you look over your shoulder. iwaizumi debates turning on his heel and making a bee line for the exit, back to his car, and driving another hour or so to manila, but he’s frozen in his place.
you offer him a small smile, motioning for him to join you. “hayop ka anong ginagawa mo dito, ha? nag-drive ka pa, eh late na late na.”
iwaizumi is hit with the realization that in all that time he was driving alone with his thoughts, he didn’t even think of all the things he wanted to say to you. his head was simultaneously full and empty, there was just you.
“ikaw kasi kani-kanino ka nagpapa-picture. akala ko pag-papalit mo na ‘ko,” he manages to blurt out, yet you don’t miss the way his remark lacks the usual sass and playfulness.
“tama naman. ayoko na sa’yo eh,” you laugh, glancing over your shoulder to catch his scowl and an ad-libbed curse. your features soften when you notice the seriousness in his features as he stares into the nothingness ahead. you’re about to ask him if something was wrong when he sucks in a sharp breath.
“ako gusto ko sa’yo,” he says matter-of-factly, eyes meeting yours.
“what?” you laugh nervously, suddenly hyper aware of the way your heart hammers against your chest, of how you get a whiff of his usual perfume because you’re so close, the dark circles under his eyes, the distraught etched on his furrowed brows.
“i said i like you,” he repeats louder and firmer.
“i know what you said, i’m not sure i understand—”
“i like you, fuck i… i don’t know why it took me this long to say it to your face, but if i’m being honest, i was just afraid. i still am, but between being afraid of my own emotions and being afraid of fucking this up, i am actually quite fucking terrified of losing you more than anything else,” he rambles in one breath, words trembling but intense. it knocks the air out of your lungs, and you don’t know why tears start lining your eyes. “i might… even be falling in love with you fuck—”
“haji…” you whisper, body turning towards him like a magnet. he lets out a breath he didn’t know you were holding, oh how he missed you calling him that so soft and endearingly. “you have no idea how long i’ve waited for you to finally grow the balls to say that,” you chuckle, almost bitterly. “but i don’t know how to go about with this anymore.”
“let me set things right. i know we did things out of order, but i want to make us work,” he pleads, rough hands coming up to softly stroke your cheek with his knuckles.
your lips form a tight-lipped smile. he knows you’re about to ramble and finds it adorable. “i’m… i’m not so sure anymore, this is more complicated than i initially thought. w-what about the distance? haji, i’m not built for long distance i—”
iwaizumi grabs your wrist and pulls you against his chest. a strong arm wraps around your waist, his other hand holds the back of your head. you can feel both your hearts beating harshly against your chests, your cheeks heating up while you relish his embrace.
he places soft kisses onto your temple, whispering. “don’t worry that pretty little head of yours too much, there’s no rush. i’ll wait for you for as long as it takes. maghihintay ako.”
your eyes flutter open, light seeps through your vision and iwaizumi’s blurred figure slowly becomes clearer. he’s sat on an office chair, pulled right next to your bed. he watches over you with a soft smile.
“good morning, tomador.”
“tangina mong manyak, kanina mo pa ako pinapanood matulog?” you yawn, stretching your arms and limbs. did he not sleep at all? If he did, that shabby office chair couldn’t have been comfortable in the least. “akala ko ba babalik ka rin agad sa manila, akala ko umalis ka na kagabi.” you sit up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. the clock reads 6:07am.
iwaizumi tilts his head to the side as he eyes you, a small smile tugs at his lips while you glare at him. “cute mo pala pag bagong gising,” he remarks. “gusto ko lang siguraduhin natatandaan mo pa ‘yung kagabi.” he stands up, pushing the chair back and walks over to cup your cheeks.
“oo naman, tanga. ‘di naman ako lasing kagabi—”
“ano sinabi ko?”
you blink back, stunned. you know what he means, but suddenly can’t get the words out of your mouth.
“hm? akala ko ba natatandaan mo, anong sinabi ko sayo kagabi?” he smirks, squishing your cheeks together in his hand.
“uh… s-sabi mo ano, gusto mo ako.”
“gusto lang?”
“baka… sabi mo baka mahal mo na rin ako,” your ears burn up as the words leave your mouth, you attempt to look away but iwaizumi jerks your face to look at him smirking menacingly at your flushed state. “chaka ano pa?”
“sabi mo mag hihintay ka, ‘yan okay na! tangina mo,”you pry his hands off and attempt to close in on yourself by hiding behind the strands of hair that fall over your face.
“good girl,” he chuckles. “una na ‘ko, ha? tawagan nalang kita mamaya, tulog ka ulit maaga pa.”
you nod wordlessly, still avoiding his gaze. you watch his retreating figure, but he halts right in front of the door. he looks over his shoulder, “bye, i almost love you,” and winks.
summer didn’t last a hundred and four days, not this time. iwaizumi came to visit you a few times over the course of barely a month and a half of vacation. you managed to make it work for until then. he was even more busy tending to documents and requirements for his fourth year on top of helping his mom and grandmother, but he made time for you. he always did.
you both made adjustments to accommodate the distance. regular phone calls, curt text updates, movie marathons on discord, sometimes with your squammy group of friends. some things stayed the same, the regular cussing each other out, the snide remarks, the usual roasts. except this time, days end on an “i almost love you” note.
as you’re running late for your first day of third year, you realize barely anything has changed. and when you run out of the house, hopping on one foot as you tried to stuff the other into your shoe, you see iwaizumi parked outside of your house, leaning against his car, and twirling his keys on his finger, he manages to make your world come to a standstill once again.
“good morning, anak ng mafia boss. late na po tayo, bilisan mo na dyan.”
just like that, you’ve come full circle.
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kenjikutie · 4 years
Back to the Future [Tamaki Amajiki]
summary: when your future child with your boyfriend arrives on the doorstep of the 3-a dorms, fluff, chaos and general panic is bound to ensue word count: 2k pairing: tamaki amajiki x fem!reader warnings: none!
most days, tamaki would thank whatever being there was above him for the mere fact that he was able to hold your hand anytime he wanted to, not that he did, of course. he was constantly overwhelmed by any little affectionate action send his way, whether it was a peck on the temple or a steamy makeout session in one of your dorm rooms. it truly didn’t matter what it was, if it involved your lips, he was sure to be a blushing puddle on the floor
however, this didn’t mean that tamaki wouldn’t cuddle with you of his own volition. the last thing he ever wanted to do was make you feel like you were carrying the weight of the entire relationship. tamaki loved you and he had to make sure you knew, even if he couldn’t untie the knot in his throat anytime he wanted to say it out loud
so, instead of that, he would let his love be expressed through how tight of a hold he had on you during the night. his arms would wrap around your waist while his face was buried in your chest, the adorable indigo tips of his hair settling on your collarbone. you swore that even if something tried to take you from his grasp, they wouldn’t be able to move you more than an inch without him waking up with a whine
but, this clingy nature only existed in the confines of your dorm rooms, due to tamaki’s shyness. because of this, the two of you were sitting next to one another on the common room's sofa, shoulders touching as the rest of the class paid close attention to the famous pixar film, up, playing on the tv. your eyes were also glued to the screen due to your childhood love of the movie, but tamaki was focused on playing with your fingers, trying to distract himself from how many people were gathered in the room
every time a joke was told, you giggled, turning to nejire to laugh some more at her comments on the scene. tamaki, however, would be too concentrated on the small crinkles on your eyes when you laughed and how beautiful your smile was. sometimes, he would overwhelm himself and turn bright red, despite you not even doing anything
a knock on the large front doors of the dorm building caused tamaki to let go of your hand and look up at you, silently wishing that you wouldn’t go answer it, just because he didn’t want you to move. his wish was granted when mirio happily ran to the doors and the rest of the class turned around to see who had paid them a visit. when mirio opened the door, his bright smile fell as he looked around before something tugged on his pant leg
when you heard the sniffling of a child, you immediately jumped off the couch, followed closely by nejire, who cut in front of you to coo at the young visitor. you stood behind your blue-haired friend, not being able to see over both her and mirio. tamaki was beginning to slowly lift himself from the couch to walk over to you, quickly realizing that none of his friends were around him anymore
“u-uncle miri! w-w-where’s m-mommy?”, every jaw in the dorm dropped and no one moved a muscle, besides your happy blonde friend
mirio awkwardly knelt down to look at the young boy, “uncle miri? have we met before? im sorry if i forgot; im not the best at remembering things!”
despite his laughter, you could tell that mirio was just as confused as everyone else. tamaki had taken his spot behind your back, resting his forehead on your shoulder to distract himself from how loud the child was crying. mirio placed a hand on the boy’s back and led him into the room while you, nejire and tamaki backed up to let them inside, still hidden behind the periwinkle of her hair
you could tell that the boy was overwhelmed but before you could say anything, he had closed his eyes and darted for the wall, burying his face into the hard surface, whispering something to himself. tamaki’s eyes widened at the familiar sight of indigo hair tucked into the corner of the room and you did the same. mirio took a step forward to comfort him, as he usually did with tamaki himself, but you beat him to the punch
resting a hand on the little boy’s back, you began to stroke his hair, “hey, i know it’s kinda scary being in here with so many older, taller strangers, but you don’t have to worry. we’re heroes in training; we’ll help you in any way you need!”
the boy tensed under your hands and for a second, you panicked, afraid you might have made the whole thing worse. but, before you could move, he had turned around and buried his head in your stomach, gripping onto your shirt so tightly you thought he might rip it. you gasped, connecting your gaze with tamaki, who looked just as shocked as you did
“mommy! i-im so sorry! i didn’t mean to touch i-it! im so sorry!”, he was sobbing now and you could feel his tears stain your shirt
“m-mommy?”, tamaki mumbled, slowly approaching the two of you, setting a shaky hand on your shoulder
you shrugged at him and lowered yourself down to the boy’s height, doing your best to lift his face from your abdomen to get a good look at him. he was a near mirror image of your boyfriend. with his indigo hair and facial structure, you were convinced the two of them could be twins in another life. meanwhile, tamaki was marveling at the child’s eyes, the same ones he loved to admire every day when you looked at him
“amajiki! y/n! you two never told me you had an adorable baby!”, nejire bounded over to the three of you, taking the boy into her arms, squeezing him close to her cheek and you resisted the urge to laugh at the shocked face he pulled
“w-we do not. i-i-i-”, tamaki’s words were stuck in his throat again and you quickly pulled his head into your shoulder, letting him breathe in the scent of your shampoo to calm down
“im gonna go get mr.aizawa. but for now, i think you two better look after him, doesn’t look like he’s gonna leave y/n’s side for a long time.”, mirio pulled nejire out of the dorm, despite her pouting and whining about how she wanted to take care of the cute baby too
within a second of being let go, the boy was attached to your leg, burying his face in it. suddenly, you were very aware of the two amajiki’s resting on your body. the rest of the class had gone back to the film, seeming unfazed by the recent occurrence
gently, you lifted tamaki’s head from your shoulder and pet the boy’s head, “what’s your name, honey?”
“a-a-akihito. akihito ama-jiki.”
after mr.aziawa had informed you that it was a side effect of a quirk, you were somewhat relieved. this meant that akihito would probably be back to his own time period in a few days, but, you couldn’t help feel a little disappointed. akihito was attached to your hip, not even able to go into a different room without you by his side
tamaki understood completely. the little boy had given him a hug as well when he recognized him as his father, apologizing to him as well, before immediately falling back into his mother’s arms. apparently, his son thought the same thing about you as he did. you were a safe space to him, just as you were to tamaki
but, whenever he saw his son begin to panic, he felt guilty. he was the reason why his son was so easily overwhelmed and frightened. why couldn’t he have been just like you? you were brave, passionate, and outgoing, almost shining as brightly as mirio in his mind. however, his son, just like him, was cursed to live out his days as the moon
the three of you were currently in your dorm room, all of you silently eating takoyaki that you had ordered earlier. akihito suddenly gasped, causing both heads to turn to him with concern. tamaki felt tears reach his eyes as the boy held up his hand, each finger having a small tentacle appearing out of them. you grinned. this was exactly what tamaki needed to see
the rest of the night was filled with akihito cheering at how cool his quirk was and his eyes shining at the sight of his father perfectly using his to perform all sorts of tasks. tamaki was beginning to feel better about their similarities and knew that, like himself, his son also had a sun to watch out for him. this sun, however, took the form of his mother
you went to bed that night with akihito attached to you like a leech and you laughed at the pout at your boyfriend’s face, “aww, tama, did he take your spot?”
tamaki’s face went bright red at your teasing and he quickly glanced away from you, “n-no! i, i was just thinking about h-how sad it’ll be when h-he goes back.”
you smiled and sat up, careful not to disturb akihito as you rested your head against your boyfriend’s chest, feeling his heartbeat speed up, “yeah, but just think how happy the future us’s are gonna be!”
future. that word knocked the air out of tamaki’s chest. the two of you were married. he was a pro-hero and you were currently pregnant with your second child. you two were perfect in the future. did he really deserve that? would you have been happier with someone else? someone who wasn’t as withdrawn as he was
his question was answered when you hid your face in his stomach, resting on your side while he laid on his back, akihito still on top of you. tamaki didn’t need to think about all of that anymore. because, if he kept going like this, then everything would be just fine. he turned off his bedside lamp, and pulled the blanket over the three of you, resting his hand on his son’s back, placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head
akihito was gone the next morning and were sure you’d never felt worse, but, tamaki smiled and pulled something out from his bed. you furrowed your brows then beamed at the handwritten letter from akihito, who wrote about how much he loved you and how he would miss you so much. you gave tamaki a kiss, trying not to notice his squeal of surprise but smiling when he relaxed and kissed you back
meanwhile, future you and tamaki were both panicking. tamaki was trying to console you but he was just as scared as you were. where had your precious son gone? was he in trouble? did he need the both of you to hold and comfort him? what if you never saw him again? it was too much for the both of you to handle
suddenly, there was a harsh pop and blindingly bright flash, tamaki quickly jumping to cover your eyes with his hand. you lowered your husband’s arm and shrieked at the sight of your son, standing perfectly safe in your living room
you raced forward and scooped him into your arms, nearly crying when you buried his face in your neck for a second then pulled back to rest his chubby hands on your cheeks. tamaki joined you shortly, placing a light kiss to his son’s head, then putting a matching one on yours
akihito began to ramble on about how he saw you, daddy, uncle miri and aunt nejire, discussing the food you ate, the note he gave you, and how cool his dad’s quirk was. you listened intently with a grin while tamaki glanced over to the framed piece of notebook paper above your mantle
the same note your son had given you seven years ago
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ryvgvji · 4 years
the banning sex was so damn good😫💕i just have so many imagines going through my head to send you for mha! would you be able to do the same concept but for midoriya, todoroki, bakugou, and tamaki?💕💕
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yes i can! :)) my inbox is always open for request. just make sure to read the rules so you know what to request.
(apologies for any grammar errors.)(and the long wait.)
✰ characters: Izuku Midoriya, Todoroki Shouto, Katsuki Bakugou, Amajiki Tamaki.
✰ banning Shouto, Midoriya, Bakugou, and Tamaki from sex for three week? what’s there reactions?
Shouto Todoroki
how did we end up here? huh?
why would Shouto get banned from sex?
easy. he was trying to make you jealous
you two decided to link with the 1A gang
but what no one knew was that you and Todo secretly had a thing going on
while at the event , Shouto had been talking to Momo , trying to make her laugh and even touching her from time to time
his hand would rest of her knee and shoulder , he’d even brushed her hair out her face , glancing over at you with a smirk
you’d roll your eyes as you felt your blood boil hot
some of the others like Mina and Deku would notice and ask if you were alright
you simply nodded you head and put on a fake smile
“i’m doing just great.” you reassured them
“you think you so slick huh?” you scoffed at Todoroki. he gasps and puts his hand on top of his heart. “me? never.” he said with a smirk. oh how much you wanted to smack that look of his beautiful face. he stepped closer to you and you stepped back, your legs hitting the bed in the process, causing you to sit down. he pushed you back, causing your upper body to fall against the bed.
he took this opportunity to straddle your waist, trapping you between his knees. his hands traveled to the hem of you shirt, pulling it up over your chest. “i saw the way you was looking at Momo tonight,” he whispers, tracing down your cleavage. “pure jealousy on your face. wishing it was you that i was touching.” he pulled at your bra strap, snapping it against your skin. he looked deep into your eyes. “if you wanted me, you could’ve told me.” leaning down, he captures your lips on his. you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him in closer.
you took the opportunity to push him off you and straddle him instead. this time, your the one in control. you kiss down jawline to his collarbone. you suck marks on them. he lets out small groans, kneading your thighs each time. you could feel him get more and more excited as he started to grow against you. you teasingly grind into him dragging out a prolonged groan from him. “fuck, i need you.” he wraps his arms around your waist. but before he could do anything, you pull away from his grasp. “to bad. no sex from me for three week baby.” and with that you walked out his room.
for the next two weeks, Shouto been silent. anytime you would try and talk to him, he goes mute. you weren’t even mad cause you found it funny. he could literally be talking with Midoriya and Iida and as soon and you join the convo he shuts up. he acts this way until the last day of the punishment. literally when the clock sticks 12 midnight, he’s at your door. “let’s not waste time, shall we.”
Midoriya Izuku
let’s see why this cinnamon roll would end up in this situation
he did something...
something you deliberately told him not to do
but did he listen, nope!
no matter how many time you told him
you warned him over and over again , begging him to not do this
“if you ever do this i will knock the day light out you.” you sternly say , but deep down your worrying
instead he completely tuned out your warnings
now you are in this situation where he is hurt and wounded
none of this had to happen , could’ve been avoided
“why?” you could feel angry, sadness and worry flow all through out your body as you look at a wounded Deku at your door. there’s nothing but silence from him. you pull him straight to your bathroom. you sit him down on the closed toliet seat. “remove your shirt.” you instruct as you rummage through your bathroom looking for a medkit. he did as told without any problem.
“kitten, y-y/n, look i’m sorry.” he held you arm as you clean the wounds on his face and neck. you pull your arm from him, turning away. “i told you not to - i told not, NOT get into it with Katsuki, and what do you do? go against my word.” you feel the tears start to form in your eyes. “why, just why would you go against me? i don’t get it.” you feel his hand on your waist trying to turn you around but you don’t. “y/n you got to believe me. i-i didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“so then what did you mean to do? how you end up like this?” you finally turn around to face Deku, tears rolling down your cheeks. his face contorted in complete hurt. “nothing. i wasn’t thinking, believe me baby.” he reached for your hand. “no Izuku. y-you have to go.” you say. turns start to well up in his eyes. “what do you mean?” you felt the angry that you once felt return. “get out! don’t talk to me! and also no sex. for three fucking week. now leave.” you turn your back to him, waiting for him to leave. “but-“ “no! leave.” and with that he left, door closing behind him.
for the next three weeks Deku spent his time apologizing and letting you know how sorry he is, and how wrong he was for not listening to you. call after call, text after text. he would let you know how bad he felt and wanted your forgiveness. finally on the last day of his punishment he would arrive at your door with flowers and a gift. once you pull him in a passionate kiss, he knew what that meant. “kitten let me show you a proper apology .”
Katsuki Bakugou
let’s be honest here
there are many ways that you can ban this man from sex
but in this particular case , you two got into an argument
was it a necessary? no
but ofc is escalated a bit too quickly
literally over something small that you had mentioned about to Bakugo
harsh words and profanities were exchanged between you two
“you know you’re really starting to get on my fucking nerves y/n. you always complain!” he raises
you go back and forth at , at each other’s neck
“well then if i complain so fucking much then get the fuck out.” you raised your voice louder than his. you walk a bit closer to him so that you two were only inches away. “since i get on your nerves, you could just leave.” his red eyes stare deep into your own.
“is that what you want? you want me to leave?” he said leaning dangerously close to your face. you nodded your head, “very much so.” you smile. he leans back with his arms folded. “if that what you want, then surely i will do so.” he said. you walked right over to your door, opening it for him to walk through. “then leave, peace out.” you gestured out the door.
he walked through the door hands shoved deep in his pockets, huffing in the process. he turns around one last time to look at you. “oh and since i complain all the time and get on your nerves, i guess it’s best if you don’t get sex for three weeks right?” you could see his expression of shock and regret. he was going to say something but you cut him short. “yeah that does makes sense, bye.”
for the next few weeks he is physical, mentally and sexually frustrated. anytime he’d see you and he’d look at you and scowl but it’s unintentional. he just doesn’t know what to do. he literally counts down the days on his fingers. he would eventually apologize like three, two days before the punishment is over. so as soon as he sees you on that last day, it’s on sight. he’s not wasting any time. “y/n, i’m sorry. and i wanna show how much i’m sorry.”
Amajiki Tamaki
he didn’t do anything
i really don’t see the little baby causing any trouble
you were just bored and had a random thought popped into your brain
you thought of a way to torture him
what if you banned sex from him for three weeks
just as an experiment for fun
so when you were with him you told him
“Tama.” you called to him. he turned to you from his game. his face pure with an innocent smile. he hummed. “i think we shouldn’t have sex.” you told. he rose his eyebrow. “huh?” confusion clear in voice. he held back a laugh. “for three weeks.”
surprise falls on his face. his mouth hung open as he stuttered to find words. “t-three we-weeks? wh- what did i do.” he says, bit a of sadness in his voice. you only smiled. “nothing.” he pouts at your one word answer. “so then why n-no, making love?” you just couldn’t hold back your giggles anymore, he sound like a little toddler. “Tama, you didn’t do anything, this is just a test.” you explained to him.
“if you could go a the whole three weeks, i will give you a reward at the end.” you said. a shy smile creeped on his face and he turned back around to face the game. “o-okay.” he said lowly. you went over to him and give him a hug from behind. “your too cute.” you kiss him on his cheek.
for the next three weeks, Tamaki has been trying his best not to fail your test. he missed touching you an incredible amount. he didn’t even know how much he craved your touch until now. some nights he would lie awake in bed, thinking about how much he missed your body pressed against his in, make sweet love to you for hours. when the weeks were up, he encountered you on your way home and followed you along. “y-you said that you h-have a reward for me?”
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bestbakubros · 3 years
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order - hellooo bby for you event can i get a grande milk tea :)) flavor is taro, topping is honey boba, and desert #2 🥺 receipt - hello my beautiful shania @kingtamakimurder !!! Thank you for requesting!! I hope you enjoy your grande taro milk tea with honey boba and dessert 2!! This was made with extra love!
allergies - baby this is PURE fluff, its tooth rotting and gah my heart can’t handle the cuteness
Tamaki Amajiki + f!reader - Kissing in the rain and getting soaked before running inside laughing
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“The forecast said it’s supposed to rain pretty bad around 5. Should we cancel our date tonight Tama?” The violet haired boy, who was excited for a date night with you since he’s been occupied with so many missions, turns towards you and wraps his arms around your waist. “I-I don’t think we should… if th-that’s okay with you.” You kiss your boyfriend sweetly assuring him that you were fine with whatever he wanted to do. As you pull away, Tamaki’s face is a shade of pink that brings butterflies to your stomach and one that you could never miss. He always blushed that way when you gave him kisses; he couldn’t help it. A delighted giggle slips your lips as you wrap your arms around Amajiki one last time before pulling away and holding his hand, leading him down the stairs and to his car.
Tamaki unlocks the car, quickly moving to the passenger side so he could open the door for you. “What a gentleman. Thank you sweetheart.” You reward him with another kiss, making him a flustered mess all over again. Tamaki closes your door and makes it over to the driver’s side, starting up the car and heading out into the city for tonight’s date. Along the ride, Amajiki held your hand as you attempted to serenade him with the cheesy love songs that played on the radio. He loved every second of it and couldn’t help but fall in love with you over and over again.
The ride soon came to an end when Tamaki parked the car at your favorite restaurant. It was your favorite not because of the food, but the fact that this is where Tamaki took you the first time you cried on his shoulders about the issues you were facing at the time and when you knew he was the only one for you. It was a special place that you two shared, so it was a tradition to come here when Tamaki came home safely from a dangerous or long mission.
After eating until your bellies were full and a trip to a local cafe and small shops around the city, it was finally time to go home. The rain started to fall hard, making it hard to see the road, but Tamaki drove carefully. “Sweetheart, did you bring the umbrella?” You say as you turn your body to the back seat to check if it was there. “Oh shoot… I’m sorry (y/n). I was so excited about our date I forgot it at the front door.” You kiss Amajiki’s flushed cheek. “It’s okay! We can just make a run for it!” Your boyfriend shakes his head. “N-no I’ll grab the umbrella from inside and I’ll come grab you! I don’t want that pretty dress of yours to get ruined.” Tamaki says, rubbing the back of your hand.
The rain falls even harder as the drive progresses, but you eventually arrive home safely. Tamaki shuts off the car, quickly running inside to grab the umbrella. You, however, had a different plan. You open the car door and get out, taking in the coolness of the rain against your skin. “(Y/N)!! W-What are you doing??” Tamaki speed walks towards you, covering you with the umbrella even though you were already soaked. “Let go of it Tamaki!! Come on, enjoy the rain with me!!” You make your violet haired boyfriend let go of the umbrella by replacing your hand in his as you pull him further down the driveway.
You take Tamaki’s breath away as you giggle and dance around enjoying the cold shower pouring down on your body. “(Y/n)...” You feel him grab your wrist, pulling you flush against his body and dipping you down as his soft lips crash onto yours. Your lips move in perfect harmony with each other. His hand supports your back and the other on your neck as he deepens the kiss. You could only wrap your arms around his neck and smile through the kiss, thoroughly enjoying this precious moment in time. Tamaki pulls you up from the dip he held you in, laying his forehead on yours. As you stared at your lover through soaked eyelashes, you look down at his swollen lips, a laugh bubbling in your throat. “You know? I've always wanted to be kissed in the rain! And you made that dream come true! I love you Tamaki!!!” Tamaki smiles widely at you as a laugh eruptes from his throat too. His hands hold your face lovingly, gently moving your soaked hair away from your face so he can see you smile before he proudly announces how much he loves you. “I LOVE YOU (Y/N)!!” He yells with his head thrown back, eyes shut. It was shocking to hear Tamaki yell like that since he was usually quiet, but his cry of happiness filled your heart with so much joy and you couldn't help but to crash your lips on his once more. You pull away and take his hand in yours as your laughs filled the night sky and the quiet home you shared.
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hanii-rose · 4 years
Hi! I saw that your request are open and I really liked you writing! But Badd is my favorite boi, so can I get badd’s reaction to seeing his S/O tuck in Zenko? I thought I would be cute ^w^ have a good day please!
Metal Bat × GenderNeutral!Reader
The jingle-jangle of keys rang out throughout the peaceful apartment, alerting you of your boyfriend's return.
Your hand never ceased from gently patting Zenko to sleep. You sat beside her on her Amai Mask themed bed, her head on your lap, eyes closed in a peaceful slumber. Her hair stayed somewhat wet from the Amai Mask themed shampoo she had lathered it in, yet you didn't mind the chill of the cold water. It was all for Zenko after all....
She was such a smart, sweet child, always following the rules, doing her homework and chores on time and never making a mess.
The complete opposite of her precious onii-chan.
If she were awake now, she would've for sure run up to him to welcome him home, but she was lost deep in her dreams,
You felt her snuggle up to you more for warmth and you gently swept her bangs away from her adorable face.
Her onii-chan came stumbling into your view, his back turned to you, jacket torn in places you’d never be able to sow back together, hair tussled and dirty and signature metal bat covered in dents and scratches.
Badd moved slowly throughout the corridor, leaving you behind without a word. The idiot probably didn't even know you were there. He looked pretty banged up as well...
Carefully placing Zenko’s head on her Amai Mask themed pillow, you quietly got off of her bed and and headed out of her room to follow Badd.
“Badd, are you okay?”
Your boyfriend turned around upon hearing your voice, dropping his tattered red top on the floor, crashing down onto the couch, rubbing his temple.
“Oh Badd...”
You slowly walked around over next to him, placing your hand on his shoulders, steadily rubbing the tension away. He refused to look at you, keeping his eyes shut tightly and letting out exhasperated sighs.
“You know, if there’s something bothering you, you should talk about it. It really helps.”
He dully shook his head no and leaned back. You cupped his face with your dominant hand, gently swiping your thumb against his cheek, wiping off some muck that had gotten onto his handsome face.
"I'm here for you, I'm willing to listen honey..."
Your voice had softened, so had your expression. Badd lethargically rubbed his face with his rough hands, frustrated.
“I’ll set some tea for you. You’ll feel better soon.”
You felt awful to see him so depressed. Everything was better when he was his sweet, brash self. Whenever he was unhappy, the world around you became dull, lifeless, without meaning.
You reassured him as best as you could, brushing back his dark disheveled strands and rising from your spot beside him. You dusted yourself off, disheartened, making your way to the kitchen but before you could take a full step, you felt a small tug on the end of your shirt.
“I was only stressed. It ain’t nothin’ to cry over-”
“-yet i feel like i gotta...”
You fully spun around to face him, grasping his shoulders and pushing him back to rest against the headrest.
“...Why Badd?”
As if on cue, Badd’s cat, Tama came striding in, jumping onto his lap and becoming a loaf. Badd took a deep breath and started.
“I almost lost today. Me, almost losing, that just don’t sound right...”
His fingers cutely nuzzled Tama’s head as he explained calmly.
“All this time, I thought I was indestructible. Someone that people could’a depended on. Someone Zenko could’a depended on.”
"I don't got any parents Y/N. No one to look after Zenko if I suddenly don't make it."
You looked at him, realizing what he meant. You gave him an incredulous expression, disbelief took over your emotions.
“Badd, you dork!”
He stopped stroking Tama’s fur and quirked his brow.
“How dare you?!”
You exasperated, completely unable to grasp his source of unease.
"Badd, the only reason there are still people around is because of you!"
You balled your hands, frantically trying to get your points across.
"We can all rest easy knowing Metal Bat is here to protect us."
"Zenko can go to school, make friends, study and live because she knows nothing will happen to her when she has an amazing onii-chan like you..."
You tilted your head in the direction of Zenko's room, requesting him to follow you there. Tama scurried off of his lap as he moved to get up from his seat.
The two of you stood by her door, peering inside to see her sleeping soundly.
"She's precious to you, right? Well, you're precious to her too."
Badd leaned on the doorframe while you walked over to Zenko, picking up her head delicately and fixing her position, making her more comfortable.
Badd's piercing black eyes watched you cradle Zenko while simultaneously fixing up her bed.
"She has so much faith in you. So much faith that you'll always return to her and attend all of her piano recitals, buy all of the Amai Mask merch with her, and stay with her forever."
You softly spoke, not wanting to break Zenko's peaceful slumber.
You placed her down onto her pillow again, unfolded her blanket and draped it over her little frame, tucking her in.
Her brother observed the scene, something in his chained up heart started to burn as he suddenly felt all of it being unlocked. His face gracing a rare expression. He looked...surprisingly pleased.
"She loves you because she believes her onii-chan is the strongest hero of all. Everyone does."
"I do..."
You looked up at Badd with a gleam of hope in your eyes and walked over to him, grasping his hand and exiting Zenko's room, quietly shutting the door behind you.
"We love you. Not because you win every fight but because we have faith in you. You give us hope!"
Badd's expression seemed to be unreadable as he kept his face down, trembling where he stood while crushing your hand in his.
"H-hey, Badd don't be sad!"
He shook his head violently and stood tall, still trembling.
His face painfully scrunched up as he tried containing his tears, pinching his thigh with his index and thumb.
"I ain't cryin' c-cus I'm sad..."
You took one look at his face and stifled a laugh.
"Don't ya' dare start laughin'!"
And just as you burst out in giggles, Badd pulled you into his chest, hugging you snugly.
"Ya' take such good care of Zenko..."
You nodded, of course!
"She's like a little sister to me too! I'll always be there for her."
"That's all I ever wanted to hear..."
"I love you."
You giggled at his abrupt confession and patted his back. This damn kid...
"Oh Badd, I love you too..."
"Now, how about I set you a warm bath and after that, we'll get tucked in too. Hm?"
Badd nodded in agreement, no longer having a dull exterior. He was back to his confident old self again.
Kissing him on the cheek, you strode down the corridor to his bathroom to get started on filling the tub.
Badd called out to you from behind, getting your attention, his words making you blush and smile to yourself.
"But don't think I won't be takin' ya' into the tub with me!"
You turned a corner and winked.
"You'll have to catch me first, honey!"
Soon, the two of you found yourself in bliss, the world around you and the problems it produced became insignificant as the two of you embraced for the last time that night.
The last thing you remember doing was leaving gentle kisses on each other, before falling away into your dreams, while holding each other tight.
Too much fluff for me...BLEHHH
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sokkisky · 4 years
~i’m sorry bunny~
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Want to make a request?: https://forms.gle/NyZgUcqkCPzHRvVn6
Ghost School RP Discord: https://discord.gg/5mschvebTn
Rating: SFW (Fluff) 
Pairings: Tamaki Amajiki x Y/N
Warnings: None :0
A/N: Brain empty Tamaki go brrrrr, Here’s our request for today: 
Heyo! I saw a request that asked for some headcanons for Katsuki, Tamaki and Hawks. You did Bakugo's headcanon AND I LOVE IT. And I was asking if you could make the Tamaki one👉🏼👈🏼
This is so cute omg I can’t! I actually really liked writing the Bakugou one thank you anon! {And thank you original requestor ;)} I have so many requests, it’s crazy! Thank you so much for your continued support, and I appreciate it so much. Remember to take care of yourselves and be kind to yourselves as well! Go eat. So I’m not going to keep you waiting let’s get into this fic! 
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“Anything else ma’am?” 
The server loomed over the table, a condescending smile on her face as her hands closed together. It was painfully obvious you were being stood up for a date, and you felt like she was rubbing it in. 
It's been two hours now and you’ve gone through way too much tea and appetizers. You drank down the last of your tea, paid for it and got up to go. Trying not to let anyone see the tears in your eyes. 
“You work too much!” you told Tamaki as the two of you played Uno in the living room. He laughed a little, shuffling through the cards he had. “We could have a date night?” *he offered, placing another card down. 
You smiled, loving the idea. “Yes! Tama, that’s perfect!” you said, placing a card on top of his. He smiled at you, he loved seeing you get happy like this, it made him so happy. He chuckled to himself. “Skip, skip, skip, draw four. Uno. The color is red, uno out.” he said. You looked at him wide eyed and lightly punched his shoulder. “Date night, tomorrow night.” 
He nodded pulling you close to him. “Of course Bunny.” 
You waited on the curb, your shiny sequined dress outfit, dazzling in the night. You waited until you saw a familiar car pull over and park. A rushed Tamaki ran out, towards you. “Baby I’m so sorry I for I-” you cut him off with a sigh, moving to the passenger side door, opening it and sliding inside. 
He looked deflated as he walked around to the driver’s side, getting in and pulling off. 
It was silent on the ride home. Neither of you talked. You leaned against the car door, your head on the cold window. A few tears slipped down your cheeks, upset that the night was ruined. Tamaki could almost feel the sadness radiating off of you as he drove, gripping the steering wheel, curing himself for forgetting. He pulled into the driveway, getting out quickly and moving to your side of the car, gently opening the door for you. 
You stood up and out of the car, walking inside in silence. 
You went straight for your bedroom, changing into your PJs in the bathroom. You stopped, looking in the mirror for a second. ‘How could he forget? Did he just forget all about me?’ You asked yourself, the tears rimming on your eyes again. 
You couldn’t help but sink down to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest. You felt forgotten, all alone that night. A heavy mix of sadness, embarrassment, and shame filling you all at once. You couldn’t help but cry. 
Tamaki walked in, slowly opening the door and shutting it behind himself. His heart broke, seeing you there so upset. The two of you rarely had time with each other and he’d missed out on a perfect night with you. He moved next to you, rubbing your arm. 
“Bunny.. Bunny I’m so sorry” he said, reaching around your shoulder. 
You let him cradle you in his chest, holding you tightly before lifting you up and carrying you to the bed. He laid you down, grabbing extra pillows to make sure you were comfortable before sliding into bed next to you. 
“I promise you Bunny, we’re going to have the best day out tomorrow. A full day. Let me apologize to you this way” he said softly, stroking your hair. 
“Let me make it up to my beautiful bunny.” 
To be continued…
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theyscreamjade · 4 years
Can you do HCs of Shinsou, Amajiki, Bakugo; teen!Aizawa with a South African s/o who has people saying some annoying comments to her just bc she's from Africa. Like someone says that they're sorry that she struggled with poverty (girl is from a super wealthy family that can buy their family), or say some gibberish with clicks and asks her to translate (s/o can speak five languages: English, Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, and Japanese; understand others. Xhosa has clicks). They ask her if she had...
Melanin Goddess
Hello my dear! I hope this makes your day or night! Thank you for requesting and have a great day! I changed the last one to one that even I had to explain to a friend of mine before who was another race. I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: Cursing
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* Let’s start off with one thing here, Hitoshi doesn’t like violence unless he has to use it. He doesn’t mind kicking ass for you.
* You may be independent and can defend for yourself and all, but there are times where he’d use his quirk for the stupidity that people ask you.
* You were just chilling, sitting with your boyfriend and enjoying your lovely lunch.
* Everything was fine and dandy until you heard a tray click onto the other side of the table, across from you.
* Your eyes looked at the figure above you, you didn’t know who she was so it didn’t bother you.
* “You’re from South Africa right?” She asked, looking at you. You cleared your throat and smiled. “Yes, I am.”
* The moment you responded with that. She squealed and sat down. “So! You must’ve had to hunt for food, right?! You’re like a warrior huh?” She asked.
* Hold the hell up? Did you...DID YOU?!
* “No, I never had to do that.” You said, laughing awkwardly. “Really? I though you had to, that’s what I see in the movies.” She continued.
* “Well, Everything on the movies isn’t always correct.” Shinsou would butt in, his annoyance obvious in his voice .
* “I was jus-“
* “stand up..” he ordered, suddenly taking control of her.
* He hates how people are quick to judge based on what’s shown within the media of your country.
* Regardless of what others think of you or your country, you’re perfect in his eyes. You’re the best thing walking and there was nothing that could ever possibly change that.
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* Young Shouta is the same as he is now, just probably sleeping less than before.
* You, Present Mic, Shouta, Midnight and Shirakumo. The small group were laughing and giggling about random issues and topics going on within the world at the moment while walking home.
* The golden hour was glowing off your skin while Shouta held your hand, glancing every now and then to see your gorgeous smile.
* “I still can’t believe you’re from South Africa, I know it’s absolutely gorgeous!” Midnight commented while you two stepped into the train.
* “She’s not from Africa..” someone commented, catching the whole group off guard.
* “Excuse me?” You asked as a man looked over.
* “You can obviously tell she’s not African, they’re poor. She’s obviously an American.” He said as Present Mic’s face tightened a bit.
* “Yo, I’m not gonna al-“
* “He’s just a miserable idiot who doesn’t have anything else better to do then to listen to teenagers conversations, obsess over young girls and deal with his shitty life. I suggest you find something else to listen to old man, you wouldn’t know anything about what’s mine even if you had the chance.” Shouta said, leaving you and Midnight speechless.
* “OH! Here’s our stop!” Shirakumo quickly responded, happy to hear the train stop. The fluffy boy pushed his group out as quickly as he could to avoid the anger of the middle aged man.
* His grip on your hand stayed tight, he despised know-it-all’s. Especially the ones who claims that you’re not who you are.
* You’re Y/N, and regardless if your country is rich or not. He’ll always love you.
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* He hates how ignorant people can act and be with it comes to you.
* He seriously despises it within the highest degree, it makes him want to blast any asshole who THINKS about saying some dumbass shit to you.
* This included his friends or anyone to be exact.
* The Baku-squad was just chilling, relaxing at a restaurant. His arm was slung over your shoulders and you were close to him, looking absolutely adorable in Mina’s eyes.
* Denki was seeing a girl..who’s personality wasn’t necessarily up to par to put it in kind words. But in Bakugo’s term, She was a bitch.
* “I have a question.” She said suddenly, gathering everyone’s attention within the circle booth. “I notice you’re South African right, Y/N? (She said your name wrong.)”
* “Yeah, born and raised before moving here, what’s up?” You questioned.
* “You never really dress like a African, I noticed.” She said as Sero spat his drink back out.
* Kirishima’s eyes snapped wide before he looked towards Bakugo who’s glare was darted at her.
* “I just noticed that, and I-“
* “LET ME EDUCATE YOU ON SOME SHIT, BRITTANY!” Mina said as she slapped her hand on the table. “It’s pronounced Y/N. Say it right or don’t say it at all, Next. Just because she’s from Africa doesn’t mean she should dress like one. You’re from Jaku City but you dress like you’re from America with the absolute bullshit all over you. Third and last, I don’t like you. I don’t give a fuck if you’re Denki’s bitch, don’t ever talk shit to my girl like that ever again, clear?” She said, showing a different side to her that left everyone speechless.
* You smirked, knowing you’ve been teaching her to the secret dark-side that she hardly channels.
* Even though, Bakugo let Mina have this one. The next one we going to be his victim because he’s going to defend for you and your country. He loves that Melanin honey.
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* He’s a obvious shy, silent but deadly type. I love him as a character but I can’t fully relate to him like I would with others.
* Probably because I was once like him before I stopped giving a fuck, ANYWAY! Tamaki is a absolute shy sweetheart when it comes to you. He sees and knows the constant questions and random things you’re asked by younger peers or strangers when they find out that you’re South African.
* Just some people..kinda get the wrong ideas sometimes.
* So, You, Mirio, Tamaki and Nejire were heading to your next class, walking with one another while discussing the ideas for the upcoming festival.
* You were apart of the group who saved Eri, you and Mirio basically took care of her and she’s come to love you and Tamaki.
* You loved how adorably shy your dear boyfriend is and how cute he could be with you, especially when it’s just you and him.
* Suddenly, a other classmate appeared and held his phone to you. “Do you know him?” He asked suddenly, showing you a picture of you and Rock Lock, you were assisting him when you the picture was taken.
* “No, I d-“
* “OF COURSE SHE DOES! The know each other! All of them know each other.” His friend said from behind, stepping beside his friend.
* It’s the ignorance for me.
* You were about to say something with Tamaki’s hand touched yours, grabbing it suddenly. “J-J-Just ignore them, B-Bunny.” He whispered to you. He’s extremely humble and refuses to let you suit down to their level. Without saying a word, you walked forward with your boyfriend.
* Guilt suddenly rushed through his veins when he was pulled by you. “I-I didn’t defend for you, I-I-I’m sorry..” he apologized quickly before you smiled.
* “No, you did. You helped me from being suspended or being another racial stereotype, Tama. Thank you.” You reassured, facing him when you two arrived at the door.
* Your soft hands touched each of his cheeks and you pecked his nose, making blush cover his cheeks.
* He loves you more than he thought he could ever, he was afraid to love at first. Each day with you, just..makes his day better each and every time.
* Regardless of your skin, country or even your quirk. You’ll always be perfectly amazing in his eyes. He just has a hard time expressing it at the moment.
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