bace-jeleren · 27 days
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Stuff that I drew during D&D night
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magicjudge · 2 years
Does Tameshi, Reality Architect's X⚪️ allow you to circumvent (sirsumvrent?) targeting restrictions with an aura, such as hexproof/shroud, protection, etc? On a larger scale, could this allow an aura to attach to the "wrong kind" of permanent?
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When an aura enters the battlefield and it wasn't cast, and if there's nothing saying where it attaches in the effect that's bringing it onto the battlefield, then its controller chooses what it enters the battlefield attached to. It has to be able to legally enchant that permanent as per its enchant ability, and it has to be able to become attached to that permanent, so it can't get around protection. It doesn't care about shroud or hexproof, though, since an aura only targets when it's on the stack.
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For example, if you bring back Arrest with Tameshi's ability, you couldn't attach it to Tibalt or Black Knight, but you could attach it to Nimble Mongoose.
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sonichedgeblog · 15 days
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'Sonic Tameshi' (Demo) by Pudim Abestado Face Metal Sonic and save the island, stop Eggman from building the Pleasure Island Theme Park. https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/sonic-tameshi-sage-2024-demo.2193/ Support us on Patreon
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segadriven · 10 days
The SAGE action continues with a look at Sonic Tameshi by Pudim Abestado!
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hxhsoundtrack · 1 year
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konjaku · 5 months
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金引草|鉄引草[Kanabikisō] Thesium chinense
It grows in fields and grasslands. The grass is about 30 centimeters tall, and at this time of year, produces the flowers about from 6 to 8 millimeters in diameter in the leaf axils. There are no petals, and what appear to be so are sepals. It is a semiparasitic plant whose roots are spherical suckers at the tip and attach to the roots of plants in the Grass family, Poaceae, and other plants.
The origin of the name is unknown. In old books, it is written as 金引草. By the way, this word 金引[Kanabiki] means trying to catch one's attention or testing the sharpness of the katana.
Well, there is a katana named 童子切[Dōjigiri], which was made by 安綱[Yasutsuna], a swordsmith of the late Heian period(794-1185,) and is a national treasure today. The name comes from the legend that 源頼光[Minamoto-no Yorimitsu] cut the demon 酒呑童子[Shuten dōji] with it. Dōjigiri is one of the sharpest swords among the many great swords, and the following episode remains. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuten-dōji
[Gen'yūkō (Ietsuna) konokata odōgu tameshi goyō ai tsutome sōrō(sōrau) wa machida chōdayū to iu rōnin nari, kono mono ka no miyo gochōhō dōjigiri to iu ontachi wo tameshi sōrō(sōrai) mutsudō shikiude dotan barai nite arishi to,] There was a ronin named Machida Chōdayū who had been entrusted with the task of testing tools since the time of Gen'yū-kō (Lord Ietsuna, the fourth shōgun of the Tokugawa dynasty.) It was when this person tested the katana named Dōjigiri, which was a treasure in those days; the katana was said to slice through six corpses, including the arms, and bit into the foundation. From 秋霜雑纂[Shūsō Zassan] Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/1189019/1/38 (ja) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dōjigiri https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tameshigiri https://www.goodreads.com/search?query=Samurai+Executioner
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markrosewater · 1 year
I really love cards in Azorius that return your own permanents to hand and even reward you for it. I love the design of Tameshi to tie that theme which fits to og Moonfolks in with the new Moonfolk theme of artifacts. When or if the "return to your own hand" as a bigger theme in a product? (icluding jump start, commander and standard)
It's a theme we do on occasion, usually as part of a draft archetype.
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shameless-fujoshi · 2 years
I wanna talk about that time Naruto ran into Orochimaru and went rabid because of the way Orochimaru spoke about Sasuke
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Original: そんなことより今は私のサスケくんが強くなってるか
Romaji: Son'na koto yori ima wa watashi no sasukekun ga tsuyoku natteru ka
Official Translation: Yessss...time to pit Sasuke against Naruto and see once and for all...
My Translation: More than that, my Sasuke-kun is getting stronger now.
Original: ためしに目を前のナルト君とやらせてみたいわね
Romaji: Tameshi ni me o mae no naruto-kun to yara sete mitai wa ne
Official Translation: ...who is strongest...
My Translation: I want to test his eyes against Naruto-kun
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Original: てめーのもんじゃねェ…
Romaji: Teme--no monja nē…
Official Translation: You don't own Sasuke...
My Translation: He's not your thing...
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Original: オレの前で自分のものみてーに
Romaji: Ore no mae de jibun no mono mite--ni
Official Translation: Don't talk about Sasuke like you own him!
My Translation: Don't say Sasuke's name in front of me
Original: サスケの名を口にすんじゃねーってばよ‼
Romaji: Sasuke no na o kuchi ni sun ja ne--tteba yo‼
Official Translation: Especially in front of me!
My Translation: like he's yours, y'know!?
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littjara-mirrorlake · 2 years
Fanwalker Update (ONE)
Xena Having escaped from the Progress Engine and recruited by Urabrask to aid the rebellion on pain of death, Xena is being dragged kicking and screaming through her redemption arc. She's slowly starting to internalize and support the rebellion's message of Mirran and Phyrexian freedom, but still distances herself from even the Mirrans who are willing to liaise with Phyrexian revolutionaries.
Navika She sets out on a reconnaissance mission to New Phyrexia to investigate the Phyrexians' technology and anatomy in order to prepare Ravnica's defenses, knowing full well the danger she places herself in. For now, she's successfully protected herself with hexgold grafts and secretly vivisects and disassembles Phyrexians in the Surgical Bay.
Takumi Though he's dying to avenge his cousin Tameshi by taking the fight to New Phyrexia, Takumi is for now staying in Kamigawa to shore up the plane's defenses, arming kami channelers and their partners. A side effect of this is a grudging trust between some members of the Order of Jukai, the Imperials, and the small group of Futurists who agree with Takumi's integrated approach to kami channeling.
Borealis Pursuing their lead on Vorinclex and Jin-Gitaxias straight to the belly of the beast, Borealis snuck away from their Capenna trip with fellow shapeshifter planeswalker Fjori and left only a vague letter behind, knowing that Fjori's curiosity would have led them to follow had they known more. Borealis was disoriented by Norn's planar barrier, captured, and nearly compleated by the Progress Engine before being rescued by Phyrexian rebels. They now work alongside them in the form of a half-elf Sylvok.
Fjori Left behind by Borealis, Fjori is distraught and heartbroken by the knowledge that their best friend has disappeared somewhere they do not want Fjori to follow. For now they have returned to Kaldheim as prophecies of a world-shattering apocalypse increase in frequency and intensity, and the Eternities themselves seem to tremble in anticipation.
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bace-jeleren · 2 years
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Some of the main cast from my upcoming Magic the Gathering fanfiction, Beyond the Neon Veil
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chidoroki · 1 year
Hell’s Paradise EP6
aka: giant accomplishment
Damn, this Rokurota dude was a menace even as a child, killing his parents and others.
Yeaaahh Gabimaru! Flying in with that hard kick!
Wait, Yuzuriha was watching the this whole time? And she pinned Senta down to the tree with kunai? So much for getting backup I guess.
Gabimaru’s stone storm could crash through tree but not Rokurota’s body.. crazy.
Gabimaru can use that sash of his as a blade too? This man is full of tricks.
Sorry not sorry Sagiri, but there is no way to save Genji.. this man is missing the entire side of his body.
Goddamn! Our girl cut off that giant’s finger with ease! Nice!
Oh great, Rokurota was hard enough to kill already but now that he’s hungry it’s gonna be twice as difficult with him rampaging around.
I’m so proud of Sagiri for stepping in to protect Gabimaru! And he’s right, she’s finally starting to resemble that confidence she had in ep1 more.
“Her Tameshi-itto-ryu rank is 12th, but Yamada clan ranks aren’t determined by pure skill alone. They’re assigned according to their suitability to lead the clan, so she loses standing simply for being a woman.” Pfft so that’s the only reason Sagiri is low rank? Such bullshit.
Look at her stand her ground against Rokurota, deflecting all those big swings of his! You betcha her skills are first-rate! Let’s go girl!
Ooohhh I’m loving these ascetic blaze moves of Gabimaru’s. They’re gorgeous!
Nice strategy using all the smoke from the fires to bring the giant down to his knees so Sagiri could finally behead him. & it really means a lot that Sagiri was able to take him down when her two seniors couldn’t manage it too.
Oh boy, there really was a village on this insane island?
Looks like Toma and Chobei are doing just fine.. though I question why the latter feels it’s necessary to drink these monster’s blood like that..
Oh? They seem to have stumbled upon those blond and pink haired ladies from the OP.. and I have a feeling we should fear them.
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circle-girls-tower · 1 year
chubbykanmuses How did it go~?
First game, played my Tameshi, couldn't draw any of my key pieces.
Second, played my Lier, felt kinda bad until the Inalla player flooded the board and played Teferi. Killed myself aetherfluxing him
Third game, someone played Lightpaws with mother of runes.
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konjaku · 1 year
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女郎花[Ominaeshi] Patrinia scabiosifolia
The name means flower of prostitute.
[Yasashi no tabibito ya. Hana wa nushi aru ominaeshi. Yoshi shiru hito no na ni medete, yurushi mōsu nari. Hitomoto orase tamae ya. Namameki tateru ominaeshi, namameki tateru ominaeshi, ushirometaku ya omou ran. "Jorō" to kakeru hana no na ni, tare kairō wo chigiri ken. Ka no Kantan no karimakura, yume wa isoji no aware yo no, tameshi mo makoto naru beshi ya, tameshi mo makoto naru beshi ya.] Kind-hearted traveler, this flower is ominaeshi that one owns. But I am impressed by your knowledge of its origin, so I allow you to, please take a piece of it. Ominaeshi standing coquettishly, ominaeshi standing coquettishly, are you feeling lonely? Who made a promise to be with the flower that has the letter "prostitute" in its name until he grows old? That nap pillow in Kantan (These small, yellow flowers are reminiscent of the grains of millet that appear in the legend The Pillow in Kantan,) the dream (the hero had in it) is fifty years of the sorrowful life in the world, and this analogy could be the truth, this analogy could be the truth. From Ominaeshi Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/1101475/1/23 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_Inside_a_Pillow
Ominaeshi is also called Ominameshi, Bonbana, and so on. Bonbana means the flower of Bon festival because it blooms around that time. Misohagi(Lythrum anceps) also has the same alias. Today, August 13 is the first day the lids of the cauldron of hell open, or, the first day of Bon.
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lootthekey · 3 years
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Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
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Tameshi-rising Hiatus
I know this is short notice as a chapter is meant to be updated today, but I will be taking a Hiatus on Tameshi-Rising as I just can’t find the inspiration to write for it at this current time. I shall return to writing it when I feel I gave give it 100%
I am currently debating whether I leave its place empty or replace it with a side fic. I am open to hearing options.
sorry about this. ~Fluff
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littjara-mirrorlake · 2 years
Fanwalker intro: Takumi Shimizu
Moonfolk planeswalker, UW, Kamigawa
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(Image made in charat.me - her ear and face markings, which are blue, are supposed to resemble the patterns of a circuit board.)
A lifelong friend of kami, Takumi is one of the few Futurists who actively embraces kami channeling as part of Kamigawa’s future. His own bond is with the vector glider Suzu, Kami of Possibility, which manifests as holographic butterflies fluttering around him. Takumi is primarily an artificer who focuses on wearable equipment creatures (the Reconfigure mechanic) geared towards kami and their channelers to use together and augment their powers with. He’s earned a reputation as a “matchmaker” and bond counselor of sorts, sought out by mortals seeking bonds and pairs looking for advice.
Takumi spent her childhood apprenticed under the artificer Katsumasa alongside her cousin and best friend, Tameshi. Eventually Takumi split from the two, put off by Katsumasa’s exploitative treatment of kami and Tameshi’s increasing self-isolation, and studied in Sokenzanshi for a time. She missed her cousin, but it seemed that the more time passed, the larger the chasm between them grew, until they may as well have been inhabiting different planes. The words Tameshi offered were few, and he was secretive about his work to the point of obsession. Takumi would never get to truly connect with Tameshi again before the events of NEO, and his loss shook her to her core. (The scarf that she is wearing in the image is Tameshi’s.)
Though he remains grieving, Takumi has steeled his resolve to push on, building a brighter future for mortals and kami. His favorite planes to visit are Kaladesh, where the residents’ zeal to improve the world through artifice mirrors Takumi’s own, and Ikoria, where the bonds between humans and monsters remind him of kami channeling. (In fact, Takumi’s first planeswalk was to Ikoria, where he actually encountered the Emperor with no idea who she was. She ran towards him, desperate to connect to another Kamigawan, before being forcefully pulled away by her spark.) Eventually, when he gathers the power and resources, he plans to take the fight to New Phyrexia to avenge his cousin.
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