#tang's sketchbook
noodlesandhistory · 8 months
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To celebrate the momentous occasion of finally getting my anon messages to work, I doodled the situation...
Hooray... it was so worth it..... (Sarcasm. This is sarcasm.)
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thomastanker02 · 4 months
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Some more Monkie Kid sketches. Hope you enjoy
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fmd-art · 2 years
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Hanfu studies ♥︎
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macaroonkitti · 10 months
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It's late post the jttw doodles
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sam4s · 6 months
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hiikohakiss · 2 years
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this game is very shaped
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lynxxjay · 1 year
I dunno why but I love him cause he's pretty pathetic
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d1rtzilla · 4 months
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rylanboo · 2 years
Some Dislyte art dump
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Guess i have a new Hyperfixiation lol
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panda-hero101 · 2 months
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noodlesandhistory · 8 months
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Don't you just LOVE waking up super, super early just to grade papers? Isn't it LOVELY??? Don't you LOVE IT???
this is sarcasm.....
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i'm already daydreaming about lunch.... please help meeeee </3
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aleiiii · 3 months
How did Ná met the mystic monkeys? Separately.
yippeee these asks are fun, gets the good ole brain workin
any suggestions would be great too harhar
For Wukong, Nà met him with the help(?) of the lil monkey babies that live in the small monkey village just before the monkey kings (shame) temple. She enjoys hiking, so she takes her drawing materials and equipment with her in hopes of capturing all the beautiful sights she comes across - also to just wanting to visit this temple for the monkey king. While she’s there one day, one of these monkeys take it upon themselves to take a lil souvenir back to their king. Nà was determined to get her sketchbook back (any artist who’s deeply attached to their sketchbook raise your hand 🙋🏻‍♀️) , so in a wild goose chase she ends up at the front doors of his temple. I like to think she knocks on these doors in hopes of seeing a temple maiden, perhaps they could help her, instead she gets monkey king, in the flesh, thinking he’s getting his order of noodles from MK. Absolutely floored, she doesn’t know what to say, probably just pointing in the general direction behind him to the monkey that jacked her sketchbook. Wukong gladly gets the sketchbook back to her, getting a few glances of the subject matter inside… he’s intrigued. I would think after that, Nà would continue coming back to the monkey village, and the little chimps ending up taking her things to get her to come back to the temple. I wonder who told them to do that…
For Macaque, I’m still in the works on how these two might meet up. I kinda have the idea that they run into each other somewhere in the theatre when Mac is having his theatre kid moment there, and Nà taking a few jobs there in helping with set designs (multi faceted artist me thinks). They might exchange a few words, Nà complementing this mysterious storyteller on his props (and show). I feel like they won’t truly meet each other until the season 3 finale. Maybe Nà catching glimpses of a strange shadow at the corner of her eye at times at times when she’s hiking after that encounter at the theatre. Strange but doesn’t think too much into it ( the city does have a few demons lurking around but yknow best to just mind your business) Perhaps, while Wukong is under the lady bone demons possession, she’s been taken in by MK and the gang (when they’re with Pigsy,Tang and etc.) A strange first meeting, him all tied up and what not. A meeting nonetheless. Queue Mac’s onslaught of teasing. She might connect the dots later that Macaque was that mysterious guy in the theatre she saw a while ago.
Also lil interaction with all three of them at the end of season 3, Mac starting his persistent annoying behavior to Wukong. Who else was gunna watch her while Wukong was on vacation 🤨
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imsoquarky · 8 months
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🎵✨ And we can't stoppppp. And we won't stoppppp ✨🎵
Engaged Freenoodles and the toddler that appeared on their doorstep in the middle of a flash flood.
Ft. Tang having a panic attack because he low-key thought his fiance kidnapped a baby
Also ft. FtM trans MK
He had the nickname of "Monkey" as a child, and was constantly climbing into places that shouldn't have been possible at 2-3 years old. And jokes on Pigsy, if we go off my (and multiple others) hcs of MK, he is in fact, not human.
I HC that he and Mei met at a playground, where they both climbed on top of a roof piece and refused to come down until their parents exchanged numbers when they were 5 and 6 respectively. They've been attached at the hip ever since
As usual, closeups below the cut!
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These mofos have consumed the first 4 pages of my sketchbook.
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
can I have a shy yet a very good drawer GN!Reader who still hasn’t confessed their feelings X Law, Sanji, and Zoro?
Much platonic love And a happi day/night to you! ✨😀
a/n - awww this is so cute anon 💜💜 much love to you as well :)
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, none
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- Zoro is on the shyer side as well, so you both can enjoy some pretty comfortable silences (he’s sleeping)
- he won’t ever admit it.. but he really likes it when you just sit by him while he trains just to keep him some company
- he wouldn’t enjoy anyone else but you, you’re like a little anchor for him to remind him that someone’s always there for him
- you’re an artist, he knows that VERY well. He’s peeked at a couple of your sketches of chopper and Robin, let’s just say he’s very impatiently waiting for his
- pls you ended up sketching Sanji first and he saw that and almost crumpled it up
- didn’t want to ruin or waste your beautiful talent tho
- one day, when he was training, you saw him lifting his weights per usual, swinging his katana, as well as squat jumping and all that
- he looked- unusually perfect today (not that he didn’t before) but- his expression, as well as his figure was almost picturesque
- you started sketching almost immediately, not even knowing your hand could move that fast. You were scribbling so intensely that the lead broke several times, much to your disdain
- “Y/n can you hand me the towel.”
- ….
- “Hello?????”
- he ended up walking over there while you were entranced in your drawing, finally finishing a rough sketch of the quite beautiful “model” zoro
- he saw it and had trouble keeping his jaw from dropping
- he walked back in front of you, surprising you when he threw an eraser at your forehead to snap you out of it
- “Look, this pose is better right?”
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- you closed your sketchbook almost immediately.
- oh shit, he saw it
- “make sure my biceps look big please.”
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- Law is a man of very few words, and when he speaks they’re almost always very negative or pessimistic
- but he can never seem to say anything negative about you or else I’d beat his ass
- he knows you’re an artist, and that you mainly just like to draw in your alone time, it’s a nice private activity
- mans a stalker
- will literally find the perfect window to your room just to take a peek at your drawings
- why are they all of Bepo and not him
- stormed off like a little baby 💀
- as you can see, he doesn’t get jealous easily
- he hasn’t confessed to you, but it was extremely obvious to the entire crew…
- you two always had tea together in the morning, sat together in down time, went over plans, and even talked normally together (which he literally never does)
- but- you’re lowkey oblivious asf so you don’t pick up the cues 🥰
- you two were drinking tea together, bright and early as he read the newspaper, and you took out your sketchbook
- the rays of sun coming through the tinted windows of the polar tang lit up his tan, cool toned skin perfectly
- he didn’t have his hat on to cover any of his scraggly features. The bags under his eyes, his intense gray eyes, sharp jawline, goatee, everything about him was accentuated in the light
- you started to draw this very bigass crush of yours in the most detailed way possible
- the silence was almost too peaceful for Law, part of him wanted to initiate a normal conversation, maybe- “how are you today?” But the poor guy was too nervous to talk around you
- he peeked over your shoulder to see you furiously adding details to his drawing
- damn he looked good- did he look like that????
- man thought he was so ugly 💀
- hey maybe let’s give y/n a compliment right? That’s the normal thing to do!
- he had a tint of pink on his cheeks, and couldn’t think of anything to say other than, “Why are my eye bags so big.”
- law 💀
- GOD FUCKING DAMMIT I DIDN’T MEAN TO SAY THAT - law having and existential crisis
- Corazon be disappointed up in heaven 💀
- “because you have ginormous eyebags???”
- …
- watch him wear concealer now 😭😭😭
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a/n - I loved this an ungodly amount lmao
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 1 year
Some Lmk ss edits + Headcanons (Traffic light trio)
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- He/They
- Gay
- Only wears knock off brands (doesn't know they aren't real)
- Autumn is his favorite season, purely because he likes to stomp the crunchy leaves
- Adhd
- Has dimples
- Pigsy once got him rainbow shoes for pride month before he was even out but MK didn't realize they were pride shoes because the rainbow was on the sole
- Tried to cook breakfast for Pigsy and Tang on Father's day once, somehow lit the curtains on fire
- Wants Tattoos but keeps backing down because he doesn't like needles (will probably get one in the future though)
- Has a sketchbook fully dedicated to Redson, would literally die if someone ever found it
- Smells like oranges
- Only a few inches taller than Redson, always teases him for it
- Almost killed Sun Wukong once because he was disguised as a spider
- The Monkey's on flower fruit mountain always climb on him when he's around, he doesn't try to stop them
- Had to remove the snooze option on his alarm clock because he wouldn't stop hitting it
- Chicken scratch handwriting, no one else can read it for the life of them
- Learned Spanish in high school, don't ask why it just feels right
- Covered in scars, but 83% of them are from being a dumb kid instead of battles
- Once described Redson's voice as "really warm, like a hug!" And almost got burnt for it
- Love language is physical touch
- Has those really pretty brown eyes, like the ones that look like honey when the light hits them at that one perfect angle
- Has no fashion sense whatsoever, Mei chose out most of the clothes he owns
- Phone is shattered beyond repair but he refuses to acknowledge that he needs to get a new one
- Obsessively takes personality/buzzfeed tests in the dead of night, once pulled an all nighter just taking "which drink are you?", "what kind of seafood are you?" "What type of candy are you?" Type of buzz feed quizzes, and physically couldn't do deliveries because he was so exhausted the next morning
- Has a bunch of plants but is terrible at taking care of them
- Has a chipped tooth (actually Canon, it's on his lego figurine, I'm still sad they didn't add it to the show :( )
- Once walked in on Tang and Pigsy kissing as a kid and was promptly traumatized
- Has no skin or hair care routine, uses a 3 in 1 Shampoo/conditioner/bodywash
- Has really nice curly/wavy hair but straightens it and uses an unholy amount of hair gel
- Has a wattpad account
- Sleeps in literally the most horrific positions you have ever seen, yet somehow never get cramps or neck/back pains
- Once drank dishwasher soap as a kid because he thought it was juice
- Gets sunburnt incredibly easy (if you've seen the s4 special ykwim)
- Mk once accidently threw a plastic bottle in the trash instead of the recycling bin and got lectured for an hour by Pigsy (Pigsy is a huge environmentalist)
- His bedroom is messy as all hell but he somehow knows where everything is (Pigsy and Tang have tried cleaning it themselves but it was back to being a mess just a few short hours later so they gave up)
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- He/Him (FtM)
- Gay
- Shortest one in the trio (just barely though). I like to think that the removal of the samadhi fire stunted his growth and demonic development, which is also why he takes so little after his father in appearance/height. He always wears platforms though, so he looks taller than he is
- He was so quiet and sneaky as a child that his mom had to put a bell on him
- Used to wear large combat boots until someone made a "step on me" joke. He doesn't wear them in public anymore
- Smells like smoke and cinnamon, Mei once described it as a 'campfire' smell
- Has really heavy blackout curtains in his bedroom
- Hair turns black when wet or when he's burnt out
- Always has a soft glow to his body because of his fire, mouth glows faintly, hair glows faintly, the more emotional he is the stronger the glow (MK and Mei are incredibly jealous)
- Tension headaches because we all know that mf has his hair tied up in the tightest goddamn ponytail ever
- Has the samadhi fire back (I'm delusional just let me have this)
- Has a habit of stealing his friends and families clothes to wear, first started when he was really little and would constantly steal whatever clothes of DBK's he could find around the house to help him feel like his dad was still there, and the habit just stuck with him
- Doctor handwriting
- Autistic
- Identifies as male but still likes to wear skirts and dresses sometimes (he just like me fr). Likes floor length skirts the best
- Actually really good at art, mostly draws blueprints for his inventions, but can draw people and landscapes pretty decently too
- Has a childhood Bull plushie that he still sleeps with, hides it under the bed or in the closet whenever MK and Mei come over
- has a scar on his back resembling the rings of samadhi from the removal ritual, Mei once confused it for a tattoo
- Mei once called him "Zesty" and he still doesn't know what it means, she refuses to tell him
- Was homeschooled by PIF
- Has a beauty mark like his mom's
- Has the most angelic, majestic, heartlifting laugh ever, but never actually laughs (unless it's his "evil" laugh, trust me guys)
- Goes to bed at 3am, wakes up at 11am type of person
- Needs glasses because the Samadhi fire fucked up his eyes (in Journey to the West, the samadhi fire is described as a flame that, when activated, "shoots out of every hole in his face" including, of course, his eyes)
- Remember when I said he was a quiet child? Yeah, he can't do that anymore, he literally has no idea how to be quiet now that he's older, the best he can do is whisper shout
- Hopeless romantic, but convinced that any and all feelings are unrequited
- Mei and Mk found his baby pictures once, he will never recover
- Long ass skin and hair care routine, will spend at least two or more hours on it every morning, but it's worth it, his hair and skin are always so soft
- Touch starved as fuck
- Love language is gift giving and positive affirmation (WILL cry if someone compliments him, doesn't matter who it is or what the context is, he once almost burst into tears when Sandy called him a good kid and gave him a pat on the back)
- Once he's focused on something he will stay focused for at least the next ten hours
- Loves strawberry flavored things but hates actual strawberries
- Listens to really underground music and has the biggest superiority complex because of it
- Has the biggest fucking bedroom you have ever seen, with one of those really large and extravagant, super comfortable canopy beds, wakes up like a Disney princess
- Usually self-preserving but will experiment on himself without hesitation if he thinks it'll help him with a breakthrough (has almost died on several occasions)
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- She/Her
- Lesbian
- Has tons of piercings: nose, ears, bellybutton, etc (her parents don't know about the bellybutton piercing and she doesn't plan on letting them know anytime soon)
- "Hey, Red boy, cool tattoo!" "... thats a scar." (She still hasn't lived it down)
- Smells like freshly cut grass
- Tallest one in the group, idc what anyone says, I just have a feeling okay?
- Adores glitter makeup but can't stand the feeling of it on her skin
- Love language is quality time
- Has a love/hate relationship with her dragon features, she thinks they look cool and she's proud of her heritage, but if her scales get too dry, which happens very easily, they get really uncomfortable and itchy as all hell
- Had a phase in high school where she'd dye her hair everything except green
- Probably also has Adhd
- Avid tennis player
- Hates the feeling of jeans, but loves denim jackets (has a whole collection, plus one that she and MK have been patching together for years)
- Always smudges her mascara somehow, MK once thought she was crying
- Super rough and rowdy as a kid, like I'm talking pushing kids off swings and down the slide rowdy, tackling people in the sandbox or on the school field, girl was a menace to society
- Snorts when she laughs
- MK tried to scare her once as a joke and her first instinct was to deck him (apologized profusely... before laughing at him)
- Most reckless driver on the planet, it's a wonder how she hasn't gotten her license taken away yet
- Doesn't really consider herself close with her family, she loves them but MK, Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy are her FAMILY, y'know? Like Rosa in b99
- Was the first person to know MK has a crush on Redson, she found out when she walked in on him drawing them together, and she will never let him forget it
- Has a normal skin and hair care routine, and constantly tells Redson that he's insane for needing 2+ hours to complete his
- Is the only one with readable handwriting
- Once stayed up for an entire week to play a new video game that came out
- Will smack her head with a brush if her hair doesn't cooperate
- Bites people (gently, its how she shows affection. Unless she doesn't like you then she'll just naw on your arm until she draws blood)
- Lives on energy drinks, her favorite is Monster Pipeline punch
- Has really soft and really thick hair
- Used to chew on her hair in middle school
- Biggest sweet tooth ever, Redson is disgusted by her eating habits
- Goes on early morning jogs every day except weekends
- Swiftie
- Refuses to watch any movies or shows based on video games she likes because they'll "never have the same charm or energy as the game", but will buy the video games that a show/movie is based on if she watches them before playing
- Will eat random plants all the time. Walking through the park? She'll lean down and pick a flower to chomp on
- The type of girl to carry around a goddamn gallon water bottle everywhere
- Has a thousand fairy lights in her room, it's a fire hazard
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lunarfleur · 6 months
Christmas Is The Time To Say I Love You ~ Earth 42! Miles Morales
Summary: On the corner, carolers are singing. There's a touch of magic in the air. From grownup to minor no one could be finer. Times are hard but no one seems to care
A/N: Happy Holidays, everyone! I know it’s late, but I wanted to get something out for everyone! Enjoy!
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @hiyaitssans @nagi3seastorm @luvjunie @milesmolasses @n1cole-ghost @kombuuuu
This is x fem! reader!
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On the corner, carolers are singing
There's a touch of magic in the air
The mixed smell of foods filled the building. Hams, mashed potatoes, green beans, freshly-baked rolls…the whole complex was warm.
The lobby was decorated with a big Christmas tree, ribbons hanging off the walls, and fake presents tucked neatly into separate corners of the room. People marched in and out-happily chatting with one another while they carried plates of food.
From grownup to minor no one could be finer
Times are hard but no one seems to care
Truth be told, Miles never cared for parties much. He knew his mother liked them, she enjoyed talking with the other adults in the building. It made her feel relaxed, as she spent too much time working to make any friends.
But, as per usual, Miles sat in the corner. His plate of food sat in his lap. Miles’s Sony headphones covered his ears, Wu-Tang playing loudly. The corners of his lips stayed down, frowning at the sight of so many people.
But his eyes stayed on her.
Miles couldn’t find a word, in either English nor Spanish, to describe her. Beautiful didn’t come close. Maybe heavenly was the word?
Christmas Eve and all the world is watching
Santa guides his reindeer through the dark
He watched her eyes glance up, lighting up at the sight of him hunched in the corner. She smiled, a bright beam that could melt all the snow in Brooklyn, and hurried through the crowd of people over to him.
“Miles!” She cheered. “You have no idea how glad I am that you’re here.”
“Hey,” he shrugged, smiling lightly.
“The parties in this place never seem to get any easier," she sighed, chuckling. Miles snorted, nodding in agreement.
Miles tossed his plate to the side, pulling his headphones around his and grabbing his jacket in his hand.
“Let’s get outta here,” he said, nodding.
But from rooftop to chimney, from Harlem to Bimini
They will find a way into your heart
New York winters never seem to get any warmer, and [Name]’s clothing choices never seem to get any smarter.
A thin layer of snow covered the roof. The air seemed to bite at the skin of anyone who touched it. A chill ran up her spine as the two teens overlooked the city.
Miles glanced between the girl and his jacket. His hands were tense and numb. Yet, despite the fact, he reached over behind her to place the clothing gently around her. It hung off her shoulders.
“You’re gonna get yourself sick.”
A sheepish chuckle left her lips as she tucked her arms inside the sleeves. It smelled of his mother’s candles and his cologne; sandalwood and cleanliness.
Across from them, they could see the large mural Miles had painted for his father. ‘Captain Jeff Morales,’ it read, ‘Husband, Father, Hero. Rest In Power.’ She knew it well.
[Name] often found herself going up to the roof when she needed inspiration. She’d looked at that mural a million times, at least, and she always found herself going back to Miles. Her sketchbook was filled with him, the same way her heart was.
“Sure as hell am glad we’re on break,” Miles scoffed. He wasn’t the biggest fan of going to Visions. Sure, there was getting to room with Ganke and taking the cool art class, but he was too far away from his mom. He missed her while he was at school, and has come home on school nights many times just to be in his home again.
“Yeah,” [Name] chuckled. She tucked herself further into his jacket. If she could, she’d sew it onto her skin so she could smell it until she died.
“Lemme tell you, I hate Mrs. Sanchez.” Miles shook his head, frowning at the thought of his least favorite teacher though.
“But don’t you have over 100% in her class?”
“That ain’t got nothin to do with it.”
[Name] laughed, nodding her head in understanding.
A tense silence hung over the two. The cold air was numbing their skin, but Miles swore he was on fire. His crewneck didn’t do much for him.
Just outside the window, snow is falling
But here beside the fire we share the glow
Looking over at her, [Name] was staring down at the busy New York streets. There was a bit of hesitation in her normally smooth voice. It sounded weak.
“Do you remember when Ms. Brown made us do that free-writing assignment? About something we felt strongly about?”
Of course he remembered. Of all things he could have written about, he had to choose her. His English teacher had given him a knowing look, smirking at him. He had gotten an A on that assignment.
“What did you write about?”
“Well, love…I guess.”
Maybe Miles was imagining it, but he wished to every star above that the look she had in her eyes was hope. He prayed for it.
Miles nodding. [Name] did the same.
“Me too.”
Love? Was there someone? Was it him?
“Is there…someone?” He couldn’t hide the disappointment in his voice.
“Do you believe in soulmates?”
Of moonlight and brandy, sweet talk and candy
Sentiments that everyone should know
It was a sudden question. It caught Miles off guard.
“Soulmates? Why?”
“Do you think it’s true? That everyone has someone meant for them?”
Miles thought for a minute, rubbing the skin of his hand to make some friction.
“I don’t see why not.”
[Name] brought the sleeve of Miles’s jacket up to her nose. His scent was addicting, almost. It gave her chills in the way it was so relaxing to her.
“Do you think we’re friends in every universe?”
Miles glanced at her. His face heated up at his response, the only one he could come up with.
“In every other universe…is that all we are?”
[Name] turned toward him, eyes big with curiosity. The wind blew, and she watched as Miles’s braids swayed in the wind.
“I don’t understand,” She finally admitted
His body now facing her, [Name] had Miles’s full attention. The lamp lights reflected in his eyes, spots of yellow in brown and green. He stepped forward.
Memories of the year that lays behind us
Wishes for the year that's yet to come
“I’m saying that I wanna be with you.”
“You what?”
His breath fogged in front of his face with every exhale. His hands were hot and sweaty, a big difference to how they felt before. This was happening, unplanned and far too in-the-moment for his own good.
And it stands to reason that good friends in season
Make you feel that life has just begun
“I dunno know how to explain, but there ain’t a single day I don’t think about.”
“Since the day I met you, [Name]. I…”
“Are you…being for real?”
“Every day up until now, I counted the number of times you’d smile at me. I just about died on days you didn’t.”
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
“I don’t wanna just say “I like you” and leave it at that. I want you to understand me.”
“Wow, Miles. I never thought you..”
“[Name]? Do you understand me?”
Share the joys of laughter and good cheer
“Yeah, I do.”
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
“Of course I have feelings for you, Miles.”
And a feeling that will last all through the year
“Are you being for real?” Miles echoed.
Miles laughed. [Name] saw the way his nose scrunched. Miles didn’t normally smile so big. It was bright, like a little kid getting a pony on their birthday.
“More for real than ever.”
So when spirits grow lighter
And hopes are shining brighter
Miles leaned against the railing. He played off the way his heart was threatening to explode, the way his body was on fire. She was closer to him now than she was before.
Then you know that Christmas time is here
Love is not proportional to volume. It does not obey the laws of physics. This girl, one simple girl, was pulling Miles toward her with more force than the sun and every planet could give.
She gave him a smile andleaned closer to connect their shoulders. Flowers bloomed under his skim.
847 smiles from the day they met.
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