#tangled 1x21
tangleddd · 30 days
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"But you can trust me." Louise said, her chocolate eye begging him to believe her. He does. And that's why it goes against every instinct in his body to hand over to her. As he does, he squeezed her fingers, holding onto them and hoping to convey what it's taking for him to put his trust in her. "Thank you." Tangled Diaries 1.21 'Isobel'
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littlehobbit13 · 6 years
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I’m not trying to excuse any of what Varian has done, but this scene definitely had me shouting “OH C’MON!” at the TV screen on his behalf. I know they were just having a “thank goodness everyone is safe” hug, but they’re having that family moment literally mere feet from where Varian is breaking down at the feet of his father’s encased body after his latest failure to save him.
Something went wrong, Varian’s crushing under the weight of his failure, and he’s seeing his friends get their happily ever afters while ignoring him and his plight. If there’s a single scene that can summarize his journey to the dark side, this is it.
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Rapunzel + people she cares about not hugging back
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neopuff · 5 years
so i wnna start watching the tangled series and catch up. but im only rlly in it for the ladies cuz im gay af. what episodes wud u recommend? do you have a list? what episodes shud i skip? :0
SO if you just want plot relevant + really gay eps then here’s the ones you need (but imo theres only a few bad eps in the series, most episodes have a good amount of cass and raps interaction) bolded for the gayest eps:
Tangled: Before Ever After
1x02 - What the Hair?!
1x04 - Challenge of the Brave
1x05 - Cassandra vs Eugene
1x07 - In Like Flynn (this isnt an important ep for them but i just think cass and raps are rly cute in it)
1x08 - Great Expotations
1x09 - Under Raps
1x11 - Pascal’s Story (not needed but this is a great ep)
1x12 - Big Brothers Of Corona (cass/raps sideplot)
1x16 - Queen For A Day
1x17 - Painter’s Block
1x18 - Not In the Mood (this is such a funny ep plz)
1x19 - The Quest For Varian
1x20 - The Alchemist Returns
1x21 - Secret of the Sundrop
2x01 - Beyond the Corona Walls
2x03 - Goodbye and Goodwill
2x05 - Freebird
2x07 - Keeper of the Spire (iirc theres an important plot thing in this ep if im wrong thats my b)
2x10 - Happiness Is…
2x13 - The Eye of Pincosta (not needed but a GREAT ep)
2x14 - Rapunzel and the Great Tree
2x16 - Rapunzel: Day One
2x17 - Mirror, Mirror
2x19 - Rapunzeltopia (you can probably watch this without 2x17 but eh)
2x20 - Lost and Found
2x21 - Destinies Collide
3x01 - Rapunzel’s Return
3x02 and 3x03 both have some Cass scenes but the rest of the eps are shrug
3x05 - No Time Like the Past
3x06 - Beginnings
3x09 - Be Very Afraid
3x11 - Islands Apart
3x12 - Cassandra’s Revenge
3x13 - Race to the Spire
3x14 - A Tale of Two Sisters
3x16 - Once a Handmaiden…
3x17 (series finale) - Plus Est En Vous
anyway i think this list covers all the good Girls! eps and plot relevant eps, if i missed any im sure someone will tell me (but again theres only a few eps that i dont care much about otherwise its a very good show a+ 10/10 recommend)
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writesailingdreams · 6 years
Tangled the Series: 1x21
Secret of the Sundrop
It set the stage for the next season. So, some thoughts (and feelings) and spoilers! (It’s long.)
At first, I was confused by what Frederic said. If (the darkness of) the spikes would come if the sundrop flower was plucked, when did the spikes start showing up? Because in the movie it didn’t look like there’s was any trouble. So, it seemed like a delayed reaction. But then, I remembered that there was at least one patch around before Rapunzel came back and which her touch activated to its more extreme attack.
So my question is: did the spikes start sprouting when the flower was plucked, and sprouted slow enough that it was easier to hide? Or did the spikes start sprouting after Rapunzel’s hair was cut and the last drop of the sun-flower magic brought Eugene back to life?
On the subject of questions...
It seems that Rapunzel can (emotionally? mentally?) control the spikes, to some extent. Also, the spikes seem tied to her. Not necessarily in a “destroy her” kind of way, but more “let’s get her attention and guide her.” Admittedly, that didn’t help Corona, but I’m immensely glad the spikes aren’t simply destructive and evil because they come from darkness. 
On that, I was surprised that a lot of the trouble could have been resolved if Rapunzel had just been allowed to figure out what the spikes  were on her own terms or even been allowed to investigate and explore, rather than being locked up and protected.
The whole problem stemmed from Frederic’s attempt to hide the problem away. Pretend it wasn’t there. And to try to keep Rapunzel safe. All descisions based on his trauma from Rapunzel’s kidnapping and the assumption that the spikes were dangerous (and potentially dangerous to Rapunzel). I kind of felt his change of attitude seemed quick, though. I wasn’t entirely what changed his mind.
On the subject of Varian...
Up to this point, I felt that his actions, while not very good ones for the welfare of others, had come from a sincere desire to save his father. His actions were make people do what he wanted and what he needed for his purposes. But this episode... Well, I think Varian may have tipped more into villain territory. He went from wanting to free his father to wanting to make Rapunzel suffer the way he had.
So, this’ll be fun for me, since I’m usually not attached to villains. (Also, I usually don’t see the development of villains; usually villains in Disney series are already established.)
A few other thoughts...
I was very “meh” about Corona being in danger and everyone pulling together to save it. Loved “Ready As I’ll Ever Be.” But as much as I do love the legends and history of Corona, I can’t say I’m super invested in it as a kingdom. (Or at least not as much as I am about Agrabah.)
That said, I actually had feelings about Cassandra and her dad. He seemed upset about having to send her away, but then after he’s hurt and says she’ll lead the attack and just...he’s so proud! And just...I can’t I don’t have words. I was moved.
Since this episode featured some serious action (which I loved), I was curious to see how Eugene was going to be used.
The Series is Rapunzel’s story, so I would expect her get more center action. Furthermore, while he’s not without useful skills, the movie makes a point that action scenes with him can be humorous
Additionally, Eugene has never struck me “classic Disney hero” material. And by that I mean, he’s no Philip. He’s not going to take a sword and slain or stop a monster. That’s more Cassandra’s thing. 
But he is quick and crafty when he needs to be. He might not be clever in a trickster way, but his hero-ability stems more from his skills and experience as a thief: agility and adaptability. And that’s what this episode showed off well when the attack team was fighting the automatons. 
(A bit unrelated, but now I love the idea of Eugene and Aladdin meeting even more. Also, that Aladdin is fascinating to me because he fits in both “types” of Disney hero. He’s like Eugene but he’s also a bit of “classic type”, too.)
(Oh, and bravo Cass for cutting through the automaton’s back and then getting it impaled!)
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habibialkaysani · 7 years
what would be your problem with joe? :o (i'm generally curius,as someone who has only watched s1 of the flash) spoilers are fine btw!!
sorry, anon, I thought I answered this on my phone last night but it doesn’t seem to have posted.
okay! so I like joe. he has a nice smile and some good moments and honestly there aren’t enough moc on tv rn so I am still rooting for him. but sometimes his writing is just completely off. like when he denies iris her agency wrt barry being the flash - he was the one who insisted barry and eddie both lie to her, and I get that barry and eddie were both grown men in their own right who could have defied joe, but they also respected him for different reasons and that respect was why they didn’t go against joe’s wishes. in s1 and s2, joe was really insistent on wrapping his daughter in cotton wool when tbh she could take care of herself and that was something he knew because he made sure she could take care of herself (by teaching her self defence etc). and he insisted on doing this to the point that he was lying to her straight to her face and encouraging the people in her life, the people she loved, to also lie to her face. 
btw, before anyone says anything, this is absolutely not the case of me holding joe to a different standard from eddie and barry because he’s black. with eddie at least you could tell that it was killing him hiding it from her. with barry it’s more complicated in that he seemed to get used to it, and it wasn’t the only secret he was keeping from her. but I absolutely do hold it against barry that he hid something so life-changing from her all that time in s1. I get that it was so they could have a clark kent/lois lane type dynamic between iris and the flash and it was definitely an interesting dynamic, don’t get me wrong, so i get why they did it for storytelling purposes, but in terms of how sympathetic I was towards barry, it didn’t exactly help. so when iris roasted him in I think 1x21 or 1x22, I was totally on her side.
back to joe. I feel like him keeping her completely sheltered from the truth is harmful to her and denies her the agency she deserves. I feel strongly about this because it’s something my dad’s done with me before. not in the same way, and definitely not in such a life-changing way, but he’s kept me sheltered most of my life and it’s proven harmful to me now I’m an adult and even as a kid it wasn’t nice. I don’t like being protected to the point that I’m not allowed to make my own decisions. maybe this is just my daddy issues coming to the fore, but that’s why I have a problem with joe. having said that, I do feel more sympathetic towards him and have done since the writing improved somewhat in s3 and s4, at least wrt iris. and I’m glad he told cecile about barry being the flash because it shows he’s grown as a character.
so yeah. maybe it’s kind of tangled up in how I feel about my own father, but I have my reasons to be iffy about joe.
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bluestar22x · 7 years
Master Post To Everything
Lost looking for something on this blog? This is the post for you!
Months listed next to each show/movie/etc. below are those in which they were reblogged the most (mainly catch ups in the case of shows) or important months for reblogging a show (the start of a new season and such).
I don’t regularly reblog all the shows I watch/have watched. My description of this blog on my main page lists the shows that are the ones that get that much attention.
If you’ve been following my tumblr account for a while you probably know that at the beginning of each month I’ve been doing “catch up” reblogs. This will continue until I get everything I want in my archive (because otherwise I can’t find my favs). Smaller catch ups may occur throughout the month.
This post is here just to get an idea of where to find the majority of the gifs and photos, etc. for each show and movie, along with some animal/nature stuff. It may be easier or faster, in some cases, to find something this way rather than through the tags (though I do have a decent tagging system) because of the considerable amount of gifs I reblog for certain shows.
It’ll also be my guide to what to reblog next, and therefore I plan to continue updating this post whenever I’ve either had a lot of activity and/or it’s a new month. xxx Currently Covered Shows x 12 Monkeys – August 2015, April - July 2016, May - June 2017
13 Reasons Why - April 2017 Agents of SHIELD – March 2016, April - May 2016 Almost Human – January 2016 Arrow - February 2017, June 2017, August 2017 Being Human (US) - November 2016 Believe - August 2016 Bones (Fox Bones Show) - March 2016, Sept. 2016 Boy Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017 Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Sept. 2016 Burn Notice - Sept. 2016 Charmed – February 2016, June 2016, Aug. - Sept. 2017 Chicago Fire – March 2016, Aug. 2016, Nov. 2016, March 2017, Aug. 2017 Constantine – December 2015, February 2016 Dark Angel - March 2017 DC Crossovers (CW) - Nov. - Dec. 2016, Feb. 2017 Dominion – August 2015, November 2015 Forever - July 2016 Frequency - Oct. 2016 Fringe - June 2016 Girl Meets World – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017 Heartland – February - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. 2016 - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Sept. 2017
Humans - Aug. 2017 Into The Badlands – Nov. - Dec. 2015, Jan. 2017, March - June 2017 Kyle XY - June 2016 Legends Of Tomorrow - February 2017, Aug. 2017 Lethal Weapon - Sept. – Dec. 2016, Jan. - April 2017, June 2017, Sept. 2017 Moonlight - November 2016 Nashville - March - April 2017 Nikita – Nov. 2015, Jan. 2016, Aug. 2016, Aug. 2017 Once Upon A Time – January 2016 One Tree Hill – March 2016, July 2016, Jan. 2017, April 2017, Aug. 2017 Person of Interest – March 2016, June 2016
Prehistoric Park - May 2017 Proof - August 2016
Psych - Sept. 2017
Sabrina The Teenage Witch - June 2017
Shooter - Aug. 2017
Sleepy Hollow (4 Horsemen only) - August 2016 Stitchers - Aug. 2016, March 2017 Supergirl - March 2016, Sept. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - May 2017, Aug. 2017 Supernatural – Nov. 2015, March 2016, May 2016, July – Sept. 2016, Oct. 2016 (Huge post), Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Aug. 2017 Teen Wolf – Nov. 2015, Feb. 2016, March - April 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, Aug. - Sept. 2017 The Flash – December 2015, February 2017, Aug. 2017
The Following - July 2017 The Librarians – Oct. - Nov. 2015, July 2016, Nov. - Dec. 2016, Jan. - Feb. 2017, April 2017, July - Sept. 2017 The Originals – Dec. 2015, April 2016, Dec. 2016, Sept. 2017 The Vampire Diaries - January - March 2017, Sept. 2017 The Walking Dead – March 2016
Transformers Prime - May 2017 Whose Line Is It Anyway? - March 2017 Wildfire (ABC Family) - June 2016 Veronica Mars/Veronica Mars Movie - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017 xxx Movies x
101 Dalmatians - July 2017
101 Dalmatians (1996) - July 2017
Age Of Adaline - June 2017
Alice (2009) - April 2017
All Dogs Go To Heaven/ADGTH 2 - July 2017 A Puppy For Christmas - December 2016 Avatar - Feb. 2017 A Walk To Remember – May 2016
Back To The Future - June 2017
Balto - July 2017 Bambi - June 2016 Batman V. Superman - April 2016, May 2016, July 2016, Sept. 2016 Beauty And The Beast (Animated) - June 2016, Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017 Beauty And The Beast 2017 - Dec. 2016, Aug. 2017 Black Beauty - Sept. 2016
Blood And Chocolate - Sept. 2017 Brother Bear – May 2016
Clash Of The Titans/Wrath Of The Titans - Sept. 2017 Creed - April 2016 Criminal - December 2016
Cruel Intentions - Sept. 2017 Deadpool - Sept. 2016
Dirty Dancing - July 2017 Eight Below - Sept. 2016
Ella Enchanted - Sept. 2017 Enemy Mine - January 2017
Eragon - Sept. 2017 Fallen TV Movie - Jan. 2017 Fast And Furious Movies - April 2016, April 2017 Flicka (w/Tim McGraw) - Sept. 2016
Footloose - July 2017 Frozen - June 2016
Grease - June 2017 George Of The Jungle - Jan. 2017 Hachi - Sept. 2016
Hellboy Movies - May 2017 Hercules (Animated) – May - June 2016 Hidalgo - Sept. 2016 Homeward Bound - Sept. 2016
Hours - June 2017
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days - June 2017 Ice Age Movies – May 2016 If I Stay – May 2016 If Only - Jan. 2017 Iron Will - Sept. 2016 Jack Frost (1998) - Jan. 2017 Jurassic Park/Jurassic World – May 2016 Justice League - Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017 Just Like Heaven - Jan. 2017 Lady And The Tramp - June 2016 Lassie (1994) - Sept. 2016 Legally Blonde – May 2016
Legion (2010) - May 2017 Man Of Steel - April 2016, Aug. 2017 Marley And Me - Sept. 2016 Marvel Universe - April 2016, June - July 2016, Sept. 2016, Aug. 2017 Max (Dog Movie) - Sept. 2016 Mulan (Animated) – May 2016
Narnia Series - Sept. 2017 Oliver And Company - June 2016 Pocahontas - June 2016
Priest - May 2017
Prince Of Persia (2010) - June 2017 Raise Your Voice - Jan. 2016 Red Dog - Sept. 2016 Remember Sunday – May 2016 Rocky (1-6) - April 2016 Seabiscuit - Sept. 2016 Secretariat - Sept. 2016
She’s Having A Baby - July 2017 She’s The Man – May 2016 Shrek - June 2016 Snow Dogs - Sept. 2016
Snow White And The Huntsman - Sept. 2017
Spiderman (2002) - August 2017 Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron – May 2016 Star Trek (2009 Verse) - April 2016, July - Sept. 2016 Star Wars - April 2016, Sept 2016, Aug. 2017 Suicide Squad - Sept. 2016
Sweet Home Alabama - June 2017 Tangled - June 2016, May 2017 Tarzan (Animated) – May 2016
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) - July 2017 Terminator Movies – May 2016
Tremors - July 2017 The Crow (Original) – May 2016
The Dark Knight/The Dark Knight Trilogy - June 2017, Aug. 2017
The Fox And The Hound - July 2017 The Horse Whisperer - Sept. 2016
The Hunger Games - May 2017, Aug. 2017
The Jungle Book - Aug. 2017
The Land Before Time - July 2017
The Legend Of Tarzan - June 2017 The Lion King Movies (Animated) – May - June 2016, May 2017 The Little Mermaid - June 2016 The Magnificent Seven (2016) - Jan. 2017
The Maze Runner - May 2017
Moana - July 2017 The Mummy (1999) - Jan. 2017 The Mummy Returns - Jan. 2017 The Proposal – May 2016 The Secret Life Of Pets - December 2016 The Ultimate Gift - December 2016 Toy Story - June 2016
Transformers Movies - May 2017
Twilight Movies - May 2017 Unconditional - December 2016 Walking Tall - Jan. 2017 War Horse - Sept. 2016, Nov. 2016
We Bought A Zoo - June 2017 Wonder Woman 2017 - April 2016, July 2016, Nov. 2016, Sept. 2017 X-Men/Wolverine/Logan Movie - Oct. - Nov. 2016, Aug. 2017 xxx Animals/Nature (Horses, Dogs, etc.) - July 2016, Nov. 2016, April 2017, Aug. 2017 xxx The Walking Dead Game - Nov. 2016
Other Actors
Zac Efron - August 2017
Chris Pine - Sept. 2017
Chris Hemsworth - Sept. 2017
Shows, Movies, And Others To Come (By Priority) x
Wonder Woman 2
Justice League
Spiderman Homecoming - Peter Parker, Tony and Pepper
Thor 3 Underworld (1-5) The Lucky One Charlie St. Cloud I Am Number Four Beastly Grizzly Falls RoboCop The Pacifier The Game Plan The Longest Ride Country Song movie Footloose (2000s version) Angel Eyes The Host In My Dreams (Hallmark) Warm Bodies The Duff
Mamaboy Riley Smith in Movies Joey Lawrence in Movies  - Horse Sense x
Midnight, Texas Daredevil Netflix Series The Originals - Klaus, Elijah, Hope and others (Finale season, Season 5) Limitless – Brian, Mike, Ike, etc. Nashville – 5x11 and Beyond
Stitchers (Season 3/Gifs posted since last update - use camille’s last name, not just 1st name) iZombie – Liv, Ravi, Major, Lowell, Drake Warehouse 13 Grimm – Nick, Monroe, Hank, Wu, Rosalee, Season 1-3 Chasing Life – April, Leo Sherlock
Fresh Prince
Gillian’s Island Elementary (1x21 or 1x22 Art scene) Beauty and the Beast (CW) Dark Matter Killjoys Humans (AMC) Baby Daddy – Danny, Ben with Emma Melissa and Joey – Mel and Joe, Lennox and Zander, Ryder Saving Hope This Is Us (NBC) Supernatural Season 13 & Beyond Frequency - Anything after 1x01 x Revisit Someday: All shows caught up on but still aired new episodes afterwards will be revisited eventually, as well as movies if I find more gifs.
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littlehobbit13 · 6 years
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littlehobbit13 · 6 years
Why do you still like Varian? I mean, I get he’s a kid but he’s not so young that he wouldn’t know that kidnapping is wrong? That you shouldn’t threaten the life of another person? And the way he keeps casting himself as the victim. Would you explain why you still enjoy his character and want his redemption?
This might be my favorite ask ever, as it’s basically an invitation to gab on at length about my love for well-written characters. Gosh, where do I even begin?
The short answer? I love nuance and complexity in characters, and the more characters exist in shades of gray, the better I think they are.
The longer answer…
Varian’s antagonistic, sure, and he’s dabbling in some villainous ways, but evil? Evil, he’s not. You said it yourself, he’s a child. There are adults that can’t go through what he’s experiencing without it going badly, and you’re gonna hold it against a child? I don’t care how intelligent Varian is, he’s still young and developing. He can’t control his emotions yet, and it’s Varian’s emotions - not his logic - that are currently in control. A lot of people seem to be missing that key factor to his motivations.
There’s also the question of intention. Varian is making a lot of bad decisions - none of which I’m excusing - but ultimately he’s doing it to save his father. He claims some of it is for revenge, but that need for revenge comes from his deflected guilt over causing and then failing to prevent his father’s current state. His need for revenge is coming from the pain of being abandoned by literally everyone around him but his raccoon in his greatest time of need. Pain is not evil. Pain is just pain, and it has to be worked through or else it becomes a rot, which is what we’re seeing.
You reference how Varian keeps trying to paint himself as the victim. Yes, because the alternative is him admitting that what happened to his father is potentially all his fault, that through his passion for science he might have murdered his own father, and he just cannot grapple with that emotionally right now because he’s too young to know how. He can’t do it on his own, so he’s deflecting it. That kid needs a blanket and a hug in the most major way, and there’s nobody around to give him that.
Plus, he’s not solely at fault for this chain of events. It doesn’t matter if they’re “the good guys”, Rapunzel and King Frederic share some of the blame. It’s not Rapunzel’s fault that she had to break her promise to Varian when he came looking to her for aid, but she is at fault for never once following up with him. Imagine how differently things might have turned out if, instead of taking a painting class for example, she’d taken a trip out to Old Corona to check up on someone she apparently felt guilt about breaking her promise to. She could’ve given Varian comfort, learned about his father and offered her help, etc. Then there’s the King. By his own admission, he knew the black rocks were destroying the kingdom and he chose to do nothing. Varian messing with the rocks was a direct result of that inaction, him hoping to help people by figuring out a solution. Imagine if the King had addressed the issue instead, and how that might have kept Varian’s experimenting at bay. Then there’s the issue of someone spreading it around that Varian had attacked Rapunzel, a lie that apparently cut him off from the rest of the kingdom so he couldn’t ask for aid from anyone. He couldn’t then just walk up to the castle asking to speak to Rapunzel. His options for action dwindled rapidly, and he got desperate.
So you have a 14-year old boy isolated from the world in the middle of the grieving process. People go to bad places when cut off from others during crisis, and even the best people can wind up making bad decisions. Does any of this mean I agree with Varian? Of course not. I’m not excusing anything he’s done. He made his choices. I simply understand where he’s coming from in making them.
But you also asked about redemption, and why I want him to have it. Varian’s a good person at his core, we’ve seen that, and he deserves a chance to come back from his mistakes. Did Elsa not deserve redemption because in a moment of panic she froze her whole kingdom? If you think about it, she and Varian share similar paths. She lost control over a power she didn’t understand, it endangered and injured loved ones, people treated her like a villain, she refused to “see reason” when Anna tried to get her to return, but inevitably she came back from it and got a happy ending. Varian deserves that same chance, doesn’t he? Plus, basically everyone else is getting their happily ever afters even after making bad choices: Eugene, Cassandra, the Pub Thugs, Rapunzel, King Frederic… The question I put back to you: why do you feel Varian is the only one who doesn’t deserve that same redemption?
I still love Varian because I’m empathetic enough to understand his choices, and a glutton for great characters even if they’re bad guys. Frankly, I’m not sure how anyone can see stuff like this:
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…and still refuse to acknowledge that Varian isn’t evil, he’s just in a really dark place. You don’t understand how I can stand by him? Well, I don’t understand how people can be so quick to just write him off. People seem almost eager to hate him, and I don’t get that attitude. Fans took Lance in even as he was actively getting Eugene back into trouble for no good reason. Why is Varian the one getting the brunt of people’s hate for bad choices? Answer me that.
And failing all else, some of Varian’s choices were less an issue of malice and more just him being incredibly smart about maneuvering what few resources he had at his disposal. He didn’t kidnap the Queen to be terrible; he did it because he knew it was exactly the right catalyst he needed to get people moving how he wanted. For me, that kind of craftiness is worth respect, even if I don’t personally agree with it. I’m always here for a master class in strategic genius.
I did not mean for this post to go on this long, but I have many feels about our little alchemist and his current situation, so here we are.
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littlehobbit13 · 6 years
Getting excited about that finale ending like...
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littlehobbit13 · 6 years
Things that make my heart melt include Eugene always trying to make a good impression with the King, but not hesitating at all to go tell him very bluntly that what he’s doing to Rapunzel is beyond cruel, and that to hide behind ‘I have no choice’ is totally horseshit.
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littlehobbit13 · 6 years
Rewatching the drill scene, and like...
Okay, not to knock on Varian’s creds a mad scientist, but I feel like he very obviously didn’t think this through.
Yeah, unbreakable vs unbreakable...but the hair is matched with the rocks, not the amber. He altered the makeup of the rocks, which created the amber, so there’s no reason to think that her hair should still have the same equivalent counteractive properties for this situation even if paired with the drill.
I’m curious, did he consider dumping that same little potion on her hair before using it on the amber? Would it have done anything? Also, it would explain why they couldn’t just turn around and free Quirin at the end of the episode: again, rocks vs amber.
Either way, the amber and hair are not a 1:1 relationship, so I feel like his plan was doomed from the start. Varian, my son...check your math next time.
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tangleddd · 3 years
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ISOBEL      ›      season one  ;  episode twenty- one
louise  let  out  a  shaky  breath  and  louise  squeezed  her  hand  gently .  stefan  walked  over  to  embrace  his  girlfriend .
when  louise  turned  she  didn't  expect  the  eldest  salvatore  to  be  staring  at  her .  it  was  a  look  of  longing ,  anticipation  and  wonder .  his  jaw  slightly  slack  as  they  held  eyes  contact  but  no  words  were  spoken .  it  was  almost  as  if  isobel  had  ruined  the  moment  for  them .  was  damon  really  in  love  with  her ?
stefan  peered  over  at  the  youngest  twin  over  elena's  shoulder ,  when  she  caught  his  gaze ,  he  gave  her  a  small  smile .
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tangleddd · 3 years
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ISOBEL      ›      season one  ;  episode twenty- one
" because  he's  in  love  with  you . "
louise's  breath  hitched ,  her  heart  beat  was  wilding  at  the  announcement  and  she  caught  damon's  icy  blue  gaze  from  over  isobel's  shoulder .  he  doesn't  say  anything .  his  lips  pressed  together  into  a  neatly  straight  line  and  he  just  stood  there ,  clenching  and  unclenching  his  jaw  subconsciously .
" surprised ? "  isobel  questioned ,  taking  a  step  towards  her  daughter .  " you  had  to  have  known ;  i  mean  you  have  him  wrapped  around  your  finger . "
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tangleddd · 3 years
ISOBEL      ›      season one  ;  episode twenty- one
*   —–     MOTHER DEAREST  —  isobel  returns  and  stuns  alaric  with  her  vampire  attitude ,  and  demands  that  alaric  arranges  a  meeting  with  her  daughters .  when  mother  and  daughter  finally  meet ;  isobel  refuses  to  answer  most  of  their  questions ,  but  reveals  that  she  will  stop  at  nothing  to  find  the  mysterious  invention  that  john  gilbert  has  been  searching  for .  isobel’s  dangerous  actions  lead  stefan ,  damon  and  bonnie  to  step  in  to  help  louise  and  elena  deal  with  the  situation .  before  leaving ;  isobel  reveals  a  certain  piece  of  information  that  will change  damon  and  louise’s  relationship .
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