#ch: varian
toontrocities · 2 years
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varian tag drop! 
★  ❛  m.  let me make you proud  ( varian. ) ★  ❛  hc.  i’ll stand up and fight because i know that i’m right  ( varian. ) ★  ❛  ch.  phases of the moon  ( varian. ) ★  ❛  sc.  technically it's not magic it's alchemy; but don't sweat it  ( varian. ) ★  ❛  ic.  ready as i'll ever be  ( varian. ) ★  ❛  v. 001  who's ready for the expo  ( varian. ) ★  ❛  v. 002  believe me i know i've sunk pretty low  ( varian. ) ★  ❛  v. 003  every loss is harder to excuse  ( varian. ) ★  ❛  v. 004  i can go the distance  ( varian. )
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unbeleveable-archive · 5 months
i might just die, it would make no difference. / from saul for amren
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Silver eyes rolled as the female casually examined her painted nails. "Lovely how the mating bond has turned a decent warrior into a lovesick idiot." Amren frowned at seeing a chip before redirecting her piercing gaze to the Ilyrian sulking across from her. "You will see your High Lady again as long as you can muster the desire to survive the war."
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rachelbethhines · 1 month
PotP Ch 55 - Blizzards, Blackbirds, and Bargains: Part 1
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Varian hated snow.
It wasn't always such. In his youth, he had loved winter. Snow days were meant for play. He'd make hot cocoa, ice skate, pick frost berries, and build snow forts for snowball battles with the local kids. Once he invented a machine that helped carve ice sculptures... until it caught on fire and melted them all.
But that was before the amber.
Varian could tell that it was snowing before he ever even poked his head out from under the covers.
First, the cold morning air; unusually cold for San Fransokyo. Then there was the soft diffused light from the frosted window pane shining in his bedroom. There was also the quiet stillness; near unheard of in the big city. Finally there was the fiamiler fresh scent of ice. It lacked the undertones of fir and pine that he was used to, but he could still tell.
A look outside confirmed his worst fears.
Especially when Ruddiger came through the window and shook the white powdery stuff off his fur.
Varian groaned, kicked off the covers, and made his way to the kitchen.
"What are you hunting for?" Aunt Cass asked with a yawn.
"I guess we don't have any tripe, do we?" Varian asked in kind as he rummaged in the cupboards.
"Ummm... pretty sure we don't. Why do we need tripe?"
"It's snowing."  
Aunt Cass blinked, unsure of what the connection was. "Snowing?"
"I used to make tripe stew on snow days." Varian explained. "It's just easy and warms the castle up."
"Oh... well... we don't have any tripe, b-but we do have some bacon." She opened the fridge and started rummaging around. "Maybe we can improvise and make some bean and bacon soup instead? Start a new tradition, huh?"
She retrieved the bacon and smiled wide as she offered her suggestion to Varian.
Varian half-heartedly returned her smile and took the meat from her.
Aunt Cass frowned at his lack of enthusiasm.
She placed a hand on his shoulder, pausing him in his hunt for the beans. "Hey, I know sometimes you get homesick, and that's okay. Everything is different here, and it's a readjustment. But If you need anything you know you can talk to me."
Varian shook his head. "It's not that. "
Aunt Cass's brow furrowed in confusion, but rather than explain, Varian just said, "The bacon's a good idea. Tripe is too chewy anyway." and went back to digging around in the pantry.
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Honey Lemon watched the pink puff balls on her boots bounce up and down as she gingerly stepped off the trolley. The railed carts were the only safe way to travel in this weather as most people in San Fansokyo didn’t own cars with snow tires, including Gogo, who stepped off of the trolley after her. They spotted Fred waving at them both from across the street as they walked over towards the Lucky Cat; very carefully, so as to not slip on any ice.
“Hey, glad you made it!” Tadashi greeted them, as he held a large snowball in his hand. He placed it on top of an even bigger snowball and he and Hiro both started patting extra snow along the seam where the two met.
“We’re building a snow sculpture of Baymax.” Fred explained as he joined them.
Just then Wasabi opened the door to the cafe. “I found the eyes!” He called out as he carried a small cardboard box. Baymax shuffled along behind him.
“What did you get?” Hiro asked him.
“Chocolate covered coffee beans!” He proclaimed as he pulled out a small container of the treats.
“Oooh, I want some!” Fred exclaimed and practically crawled over Wasabi to rummage in the box he held.
Honey Lemon laughed. “You better not eat all of Varian’s stash. He might be tearing the cafe apart looking for those later.” She gently warned.
“Where is Varian anyway?” Gogo asked.
Tadashi shrugged. “Upstairs. He’s been in the kitchen all morning with Aunt Cass.”
“I’ll go get him.” Honey Lemon offered and skipped inside.
Her glasses started fogging up as soon she entered the much warmer cafe. She paused to take them off and rubbed them clean on her matching pink sweater. This only got lint on them, so she wiped them on her jeans instead. Satisfied, she put them back on only to find Aunt Cass coming downstairs to greet her.
“Hi,” She sang out. “I’m glad you and Gogo made it here safe.”
“Hi Aunt Cass. Yeah, the roads weren’t too bad and the trolleys are still running. I thought I’d ask Varian to join us. Is he still upstairs?”
“He is, he’s in the kitchen, however...” Aunt Cass sighed as she poured herself a coffee. “I don’t know how much he’ll want to get out. He’s been pretty shut in all day. Buuuut, if anyone can encourage him to come outside, it’ll probably be you.”
She gave her a sweet smile before heading outside herself to check on the rest of the teens.
Honey Lemon watched her go with a frown. Varian must be in one of his moods again, and no one ever quite knew what to expect when Varian became gloomy. She also didn’t know what she could do that Aunt Cass probably hadn’t already tried.
Still, she took a deep breath and made her way up the stairs.
She found Varian in the upstairs kitchen just like everyone had said. He was sitting at the table reading a large leather bound tome, while a pot on the stove was boiling away. Honey Lemon recognized the book. It was the fantastical grimoire that held the secrets to the magical portal that would send him home. The thought of which filled her with dread, but best not to bring it up now.
“It smells good.” She said with a smile as she came up from behind him.
Varian looked up from the spellbook, startled by her voice, and turned to look at her. “Oh yeah, umm, Aunt Cass and I are making bean and bacon soup. Sorry, I didn’t know you were coming, or I would have made you a vegan option.”
“It’s okay, I can just pick around the bacon.” She shrugged as she lifted the lid off of the pot to look at the soup. “Beans sound like a good supper to me.”
“It’s chicken stock as the base.” Varian warned. “Here, I think we still have some dried beans. I’ll just make you a small pot of your own.”
“Oh, you don’t need to go to any trouble on my account.”
“What trouble?” He asked as he pulled out the bag of dried beans. “All you do is put it in a pot and let it boil for a while. Look to see if there’s any vegetable stock in the cabinet over there.”
Honey Lemon followed his suggestion and quickly found the container of stock next to the other broths. She poured some into another small pot, along with the beans, as Varian started raiding the spice cabinet.
“What do you want in it?” He asked. “Shallot, a bit of celery salt, oooh, how about some chili power for a little kick, huh?”
He gave her a Cheshire smile and waved the plastic shaker full of pepper at her.
She only shrugged in response. “Anything is good with me.”
Varian took this as permission to experiment and pulled out a whole bunch of spices. He happily went to work seasoning the small pot of what was quickly becoming vegan chili.
“What do you think we should have with our soup?” He asked. “Aunt Cass thinks we should just toast the leftover baguettes downstairs and make croutons, but I think we should make some fresh bread.”
“Why not both?” Honey Lemon awkwardly asked. She didn’t like being caught in the middle of any sort of disagreement, even a mild one like this.
“I like the way you think.” Varian agreed, and Honey Lemon felt relief wash over her. Varian didn’t seem to be in a bad mood at all. Perhaps what had bothered him earlier today had been forgotten, or maybe he had worked through it.
“Shall we go for a sourdough, or a dark rye... Oh hey, I’ve never made cornbread before. That’d be fun. Something new?” Varian gave her a wide smile and Honey Lemon returned it.
“I’m down for something new.” She agreed. However, as Varian started to gather up the ingredients she decided to press on with why she was here. “Speaking of fun. Everyone is outside building a snowman. You wanna join in?”
Varian paused in shifting the cornmeal and started to stare blankly at the opposite wall. Then he shook his head and went back to cooking.
“No, it’s alright. You go on ahead, and I’ll just keep fixing our dinner.”
“Well... dinner’s not for hours.” Honey Lemon nervously suggested. She could feel the change in Varian’s mood the way one would feel the temperature drop. “Why don’t you take a break and do this later?”
Varian paused in what he was doing and turned to face her with a cold frown.
“I.. don’t like snow,” He said carefully. “I would rather not.”
He then turned away from her and placed the mixing bowl on the stand mixture. “You can go on ahead though. Y'all have fun.”
He said this in a much lighter tone, but Honey Lemon couldn’t dismiss the sudden change in attitude. Especially not with the grimoire still lying there on the table.
“Is... is everything alright?” She asked.
“Yeah... yeah, everything is fine. Snow is... just not my thing.” He lied to her. “After all, it’s not that special when you get it regularly every winter.”
“Do... do you get a lot of snow in Corona?” She timidly asked as she placed her hands behind her back.
Varian finally turned to look at her, and he gave her the most peculiar stare; as if he was simultaneously seeing all of her, and through her at once, looking past her at some distant memory that she wasn’t privy to.
“We get far too much.” He said ominously, and Honey Lemon didn’t want to know what he meant by that.
She sighed, accepting defeat. “Well I thought I would just ask... promise me though... that you won’t stay cooped up in the kitchen at least. You’ll come down stairs for hot cocoa, right?”
Varian gave her a small, sad smile. “Alright, I promise.”
“Okay,” She nodded.”I’ll come and get you when we do that. Sounds good?”
“Yeah, I’ll see ya then. In the meantime I’ll fix the rest of dinner.”
Honey Lemon pursed her lips and gave a tight smile before awkwardly turning to leave. She did however turn back to look at Varian one final time before heading downstairs. His back was turned towards her now as he continued to make the cornbread. Her eye landed on the spellbook again, and for one brief moment she wished she could throw the thing in the trash.
The storm only got worse throughout the day. By the time lunch rolled around all the roads were completely closed, with announcements that the trolleys would soon stop running and shut down early for the day, and the news was advising people to stay at home.
Everyone agreed therefore to an impromptu sleepover in the living room.
Board games, movies, hot cocoa, and pillow forts with pillow fights helped to pass the time away.
Aunt Cass yawned as she finished handing out the last of the blankets. "Man, this snow day has worn me out. I'm heading to bed early. Just don't stay up too late. Good Night."
"Night Aunt Cass." The chorus of college kids rang out behind her.
"I'm with Aunt Cass," Wasabi yawned himself as he laid down on his makeshift pallet on the floor. "I'm pooped."
His beauty rest  was short-lived when Rudigger crawled up on his chest, circled around once, and then curled up to sleep.
Wasabi frowned before picking the wild creature up and putting him down on the floor. "Hey now. I am not a pillow"
He then readjusted his sleep mask and laid back down again, only for Ruddiger to ignore his warning and perch upon the scientist's chest once more.
Wasabi's ensuing battle with the raccoon for dominance was ignored by everyone.
"Well, I for one think we shouldn't end any good sleepover without ghost stories." Tadashi mischievously smiled as he flopped on the couch.
"Varian's got a good vampire story to tell." Hiro chimed in. "You know, that one you told during the camping trip."
Varian, who was already laying down on his own pallet on the floor, heaved a sigh. "I'm not really up for stories. I'm pretty tired as well."
Gogo frowned. "Hey, is everything alright? "
"Yeah, you've been pretty bummed out all day." Fred added bluntly.
"It... it's nothing." Varian insisted. "I'm just not a fan of the cold."
And with that he pulled the cover up higher and turned on his side. Everyone shared knowing looks as he pretended to sleep, but all thought it best not to press the matter.
"Well, I guess it's up to me then." Tadashi sighed as a knowing smile played on his lips. "How about the one about…”
Tadashi was midway through his ghost story when the power went out. 
Varian had only been half paying attention but his eyes snapped open and he bolted upright at the sudden darkness. 
He vaguely heard screaming, but he couldn't tell if it was just himself or the others. 
“Ha. ha. Very funny Tadashi.” Wasabi yelled into the darkness sarcastically. 
“It wasn't me.” The other boy protested. 
That's when Baymax’s chest lit up and produced a weather report. 
“The news is reporting temporary power outages across the city. Citizens are recommended to stay inside and keep warm while the electric company works on the lines. Power should be back shortly.” The robot helpfully informed. “In the meantime I will activate my built-in heater.”
Varian could see a few of the teens make their way over to the glowing automaton and snuggle up to it. Others wrapped their blankets around them tighter. 
All except Hiro, who had made his way over to him. 
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked in a low voice. 
Not low enough to Varian’s liking however, as he put on his usual front. “Yeah I'm fine.” 
“I didn't think Tadashi’s story was that scary.” Gogo added, commenting on everyone else's earlier screams. 
“Just because you're not afraid of anything Gogo..” Honey Lemon started but Fred interrupted her. 
“Nuh uh… She’s afraid of leprechauns, remember?” 
“Leprechauns?” Tadashi snorted. 
Gogo rolled her eyes. “It's from that stupid movie that came out when we were kids. I was five. Okay.” 
“Oh Unlucky Charms!” Tadashi nodded recognizing the film. “Okay, I can see why that would creep a kid out. Not me of course… but…” 
“Oh stop lying.” Hiro needled his brother. “I know what you're afraid of.” 
“Oh come on… no… not that.” Tadashi begged. 
“He’s weirded out by the Share Bears.” 
Tadashi groaned and literally everyone else burst out laughing. Everyone but Varian. 
“Bears can be scary.” 
“No he means the Share Bears.” Wasabi tried to explain. 
“It's a cartoon.” Honey Lemon added through her snickers. 
“Yeah, a cartoon for babies.” Fred chimed in. “Seriously bro?” 
“Hey, they're disturbing. Alright?” Tadashi defended himself. 
“How are teddy bears that teach kids manners 'disturbing’?” Gogo asked. 
“Because they don't teach anything. They brainwash people into being perfect little mindless drones with those heartfilled laser beams. I'm telling you guys, it's a messed up show. Also Hiro had one of those stuffed animals as a kid and it would not die. I'd bury it in the backyard and three months later it was back in the toy box singing ‘I love you very much’ in its high-pitched voice over and over again.” 
“So in other words, your parents found it outside and put new batteries in it.” Wasabi stated matter of factly. 
“That's just it,” Tadashi insisted. “There were no batteries in it. I checked!” 
“Ooooh… now that is creepy.” Fred whispered. 
Gogo rolled her eyes. "So we got leprechauns, share bears, " she pointed to Fred, "spiders," then to Wasabi, "heights," and lastly to Honey Lemon, "and hippos... for some reason."
"Hippos?" Varian couldn't help asking in spite of himself.
"Hippos are mean." Honey Lemon defended herself. "They bully all of the other animals. Even crocodiles are afraid of them!"
"Don't crocodiles eat hippos though?" Hiro asked.
"Actually adult hippopotamuses are extremely aggressive and most predators leave them alone." Baymax informed them.
"See!?" Honey Lemon shouted, validated. "And they have those big scary tusks and huge mouths, and they can trample you under their weight."
"So can elephants and you love those." Wasabi butt in.
"Yeah, but elephants are adorable." Honey Lemon countered, as if this was an obvious difference.
"Okay," Gogo rolled her eyes again, "So we know what everyone is afraid of, except for you Hiro."
"Me?" Hiro asked, and shrugged. "I don't know. I used to be scared of monsters under the bed when I was like three, but after you've faced what we've faced…. It's kind of hard to find normal things scary."
"What about abnormal things then?" Tadashi asked.
"I... I still have nightmares about the void sometimes." Hiro admitted. "I can face it, but like... it's just nothingness... endless... I won't lie... that's kind of terrifying."
"Many people find the unknown scary. It is a common fear." Baymax said comfortingly.
"But apparently it's not unknown." Fred said. "That Madame Canardist says she traveled through it to get here.” 
“So she says .” Gogo pointed out. “We've no reason to believe her.” 
“We don't really have any reason to disbelieve her either.” Tadashi shrugged. “I mean given everything we've seen so far.” 
“What do you think, Varian?” Wasabi asked. 
Everyone turned to resident portal expert among them, but Varian just sat there hugging his knees and staring at the floor. 
"I think... I'm afraid of failing."
Silence fell over the little group as Varian kept staring at his toes.
He seemed to be considering something before he looked up again, coming to a sort of decision.
"Where did you put Carnardist's scroll?" He asked.
"No." Tadashi said softly, but firmly. "We all agreed that we weren't going that route."
"No 'buts'. You said it yourself. It's too dangerous. We'll use the portal."
"And what if I can't get it to work?" Varian sobbed.
"You will," Tadashi reassured, "and we'll go with you to rescue your dad."
For once, Varian didn't even bother to argue the second part. "You don't know that."
"You got it to work before." Hiro pointed out.
"If anyone can make it work you can, querido." Honey Lemon encouraged, wrapping him in a hug.
Varian didn't return it. "Exactly. What if no one can? What if we're just wasting time? What if he's... what if he's already d-"
Gogo sighed, and laid a hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his panic.
"Hey... I believe in you. We'll keep Madam Carnardist's scroll as a backup, but until we know more about the void, we're going to focus on fixing the portal first."
"Just tell us what you need and we'll help." Wasabi added.
"Oh and Minimax has been running algorithms on that secret code in that Demanti guy's journal every night, just like you asked." Fred said.
Varian only frowned at them, in spite of their support.
"You don't understand." He whispered before suddenly standing up.
He briskly made his way to the stairs and everyone rushed to follow him.
Despite the darkness he ran down them two steps at a time and for a moment, everyone feared that he was going to rush out into the storm, but he stopped at the door.
He stood there staring out into the alleyway and the flurry of snowflakes. Everyone stood still on the stairs, afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing that might send him into a flight. Only for him to  forcefully slam the door. He turned back towards them, shaking as tears ran down his cheeks.
"I hate the snow." His voice cracked with this little admission before he slumped down onto the floor, his back to the door.
Tadashi broke from the group first. "Well I love it, especially if it keeps you from running away yet again."
He stood there in front of his adopted brother, his hands on his hips, as if waiting for an explanation. He had tried to keep his voice light and his manner half joking, but he couldn't fully rid the evident concern on his face. Finally he sighed and sat down next to him.
"Look, I know we don't understand." He said more softly. "And I know it's difficult for you to talk about it. Just.... What are we supposed to do? How can we help?"
Varin sniffled. "Nothing."
Tadashi shook his head and rung his hands. He looked back up the landing to his friends, completely lost.
"What if... what if we ran some experiments?" He slowly offered. "After school starts back. While you and Hiro work on the portal... maybe Baymax and I could study the scroll mor-"
"No!" Hiro half ran, half jumped down the stairs towards them. "No one is reading any freaky magic scrolls or going anywhere near the void."
Tadashi gave his little brother a pleading look, but was surprised to hear Varian speak up in agreement.
"Hiro's right. It was stupid of me to ask. Just... just forget it."
Hiro immediately looked regretful. "We can still work on the portal. You've proven that can be done safely."
Varian gave a long sigh.
"Sure." He said flatly.
Everyone exchanged worried glances. Unable to run away or fight, Varian now went back to his depressed state from earlier, and for some reason that seemed to be even worse.
It was Fred who spoke up first. "It worked the first time, before Momaksake showed up. Did you change the design of the portal any when you rebuilt it?"
Varian shook his head. "No... and I'm using the same focusing device. The amber should work. That's what I can't understand."
"What is the amber anyways?" Tadashi asked. "You said that you made it somehow."
Varian eyes darted away from his, and he wouldn't answer.
"Well, then do you have anything else that you could try?" Wasabi asked.
"No. Nothing else would have the same energy signature. Except... except for the rocks."
"Like Carnardist's paperweight?" Gogo asked. "She said it was made from those rocks."
"She won't let us use it though." Tadashi pointed out.
"Well maybe if we just explained-" Honey Lemon started but Varian interrupted.
"Guys.. just drop it!"
Everyone stared at him. That's when the lights came back on.
This seemed to signal something to Varian. He stood up and made his way back to the stairs. He stopped at the top of the landing.
"Maybe it's time to face the facts." He whispered. "I'm never going to see my Dad again, and it's my fault."
Gogo stepped forward. "Don't say that."
"Gogo, please. All this time I've been trying and trying to fix my mistakes and all I've done is either gone nowhere or made things worse."
"That's not true." Tadashi said, standing up himself, as if highlighting what good Varian had really done just by being there.
Varian looked back at him, lost. Tadashi wouldn't let him continue.
"I've already told you before. It's not your fault."
Varian's face hardened as he looked down on them.
"You weren't there."
His voice sounded colder than the freezing snow outside.
Tadashi made his way back up the stairs until they were face to face.
"In what way is it your fault? It's not like you hurt your dad. You didn't cause the rocks. You didn't start the war. It isn't your fault that the portal's not working."
Varian seemed to crumple in on himself as Tadashi continued.
"Tadashi, please..."
Tadashi ignored his pleas and held him by the shoulders. "Listen. I know. Okay? I know what it's like to blame yourself for bad things, to think about all the ways you could have changed time if you had just done something different, but sometimes accidents just happen and it's no one's fault."
Varian was openly crying now. Tadashi waited.
He was going to make Varian understand. That he didn't need to feel ashamed of his past. They were going to get through this as a family, just like they had always done.
Nothing prepared for the words that came next.
"But I did do all those things." Varian whispered.
"I caused the accident..." He started to ramble as he pulled away from Tadshi's astonished grasp. "The rocks were destroying our home! I had to do something! Dad told me not to. B-but I didn't listen. Not till it was too late! We.. we were arguing in my lab, and I heard him shout and he pushed me out of the way... and... and... It's my fault!"
Everyone stood there in shock as the most pitiful wail broke from Varian's lips. "Oh God, why did I ever mix that formula?"
He broke down in tears and no one knew what to do. Then suddenly he gasped as if coming to a realization.
"What if he really is dead? What... what if I killed hi-?"
"Now none of that." That seemed to snap Wasabi out of his shock. He took three big strides and before Varian could react he found himself wrapped up in a big bear hug.
"None of that." Wasabi repeated; softer this time. "Your dad is alive, and we're going to rescue him. And... even if the worse has happened...it is still. not. your. fault."
He made sure to emphasize each word and only held onto him tighter.
"Of course not." Tadashi agreed, and joined in on the hug.
"An accident is still just an accident." Hiro explained as he too came forward.
"Your dad wouldn't blame you." Gogo added.
"We certainly don't." Honey Lemon said as she came up from behind.
"That's.. *hic*... the saddest... *sob*... origin story I've ever heard." Fred bawled before adding himself to the group hug.
"It is difficult sometimes to face our past." Baymax advised. "But remember that, even when you believe you've made a mistake, you are loved."
Now Varian was crying for a whole new reason. He was still loved. They saw his deepest fear and still cared. They still were promising to help his dad, the same as they had done months ago under the sequoia tree. And if they still had hope... maybe he could too.
Honey Lemon turned in her sleep and reached out to cuddle the nearest person, but her hands grasped nothing but the cold rug underneath.
Her brow furrowed as she barely consciously noticed something was amiss. She fell asleep surrounded by her friends. Someone should be there.... but who?
Her eyes snapped open with alarm. Varian!
She sat up quickly and tried to pierce the darkness as she scanned the living room.
Everyone else was still asleep but Varian's sleeping bag was definitely empty.
Honey Lemon tried not to panic. After all, he could have just decided that his own bed was more comfortable than the floor. But somehow Honey Lemon knew that not to be the case.
Varian, for all his pertinacity for running away, he genuinely hated being alone. Especially when he was upset.
She couldn't see him retreating to his room and willing isolating himself after what he had told everyone about his dad.
Slowly she stood up and tipped toed towards the kitchen. Maybe he woke up for a midnight snack?
She was surprised that her hunch was correct. Varian was indeed in the kitchen, but he wasn't eating.
He just stood there, silently, staring out of the window at the swiftly falling snow.
Unsure how best to approach him, Honey Lemon just quietly moved to stand beside him and watch the storm too.
"Sorry, I tried my best not to wake you." He whispered.
"It's okay." Honey whispered back, and then after a pause asked. "Did you have another nightmare?"
Varian's only answer was to sigh and hang his head, as if he was ashamed of such a thing.
Rather than asking if he wanted to talk about it, Honey Lemon decided on a new tactic. "C-cause I just had one. That's what woke me up actually."
This had the desired effect as Varian completely forgot about his own insecurities and reverted all of his concern onto her instead.
"What about?"
Honey thought quick. "That you had disappeared."
It was close enough to the truth that Varian didn't question it. Instead he gave a soft laugh and tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.
"Well I'm right here." He smiled.
Honey grabbed his hand with both hers as he caressed her cheek. He was still here and she couldn't have been happier for it. If only he would stay and never go back to that awful Corona.
Varian broke away from the embrace first, but he still held her hand as he led her to one of the kitchen chairs. He sat down, and without even thinking about it, Honey Lemon sat in his lap.
It felt so natural to just sit together in the quiet. Him holding her. She absentmindedly running her fingers through his hair.
She could have remained there all night to watch the sunrise, but then her eyes soon landed on the journal sitting on the table.
She reached out to pick it up. It was opened to a page about portals.
She gave him a pout and Varian pressed his lips together, unsure of what to say.
She shook her head, laid the book back down, and stood back up.
Varian took off after her as she made her way down the stairs.
But rather than answer she forced a smile on her face.
"Do you want some hot cocoa?' She asked him with as cheerful a voice as she could manage, and without waiting for an answer, she went behind the counter and started to pull out the hot cocoa packet and mugs.
Varian stood frozen on the bottom of the landing, bewildered by Honey Lemon's sudden mood swings, not knowing how to proceed.
"Do you want marshmallows?" She asked.
He inched slowly towards her as she pulled out the half and half; almost as if she was a deer in the forest that might bolt if he so much as breathed wrong.
"You know... I umm... about that nightmare I had?" He paused waiting for her reaction. She slowed in her moments but didn't look at him. He continued on. "Mine was about the black rocks again. I keep having them. It's sort of the same dream... only different each time and well, whenever I can't sleep I'd rather work on something then just sit there in the dark. S-so that's why I was studying Demantius journal."
Her reply was soft but curt and Varian didn't know how to respond to it.
"Here's your coco." She said with another forced smile and handed him the steaming mug. He took it and gave it a half hearted sip as she went to sit in front of the window.
The street lamp outside lit the swirling flurries with a soft warm glow. It was beautiful. It was deceptive. And it was cold.
His gaze landed back on the slender woman's silhouette, also bathed in that same warm light and every bit as frosty as the snow that fell.
He suppressed a sigh of frustration and took a seat next to her. They sat there, for who knows how many minutes, just looking at the storm.
“I know you don't want me going back to Corona.” He said, finally breaking the silence. 
Honey Lemon didn't respond. 
“B-but you do understand how important it is, right?” He pressed. “Now that I've told you everything?...You don't have to like it. I just need you to understand.” 
“I understand.” She whispered; not looking at him. 
“Do you? Do you really? Cause, it doesn't feel like it when you get mad at me for working on the portal.” 
She turned her head away from him, but didn't answer. He sighed and went back to nursing his cup of coco. The uncomfortable silence returned. 
"Did you know I had a sister?" She asked suddenly, and Varian turned to her in surprise.
"Umm... n-no. No I didn't." he stuttered.
"I've never met her."
She still wasn't looking at him as she stared at her toes.
"I don't even know her name."
She almost laughed at that. Almost. Like a breathless gasp that she nearly choked on.
"See... after dad moved out he got this job at a university. It was practically on the opposite side of the world. Anyways... I  hadn't heard from for awhile, so I contacted the collage and got his private office. Some girl answered the phone and when I asked to talk to 'Professor Hopken’, I heard her call out 'Daaad!' Phone call for you!' so I just hung up.” 
Varian didn't say anything. He sat there, with concern etched onto his face. Honey Lemon knew that look, but didn't turn to face him. She kept staring at her cup of coco that she had barely drunk out of. 
“I always thought that the reason he left was because he didn't want to be a dad. That he had to put his career on hold when he and mama had me. But I guess he just didn't want to be my dad.” 
“Don't say that.” 
Honey Lemon finally looked at him and gave him a sad smile. “I know. It's not me. It was never about me or my brother.” 
She let out a shaky breath. 
“Look, you're right. I don't understand. I never had a dad who cared. I can't even begin to imagine what you've gone through. But why do I have to understand? I'm not trying to stop you. I said I would help.” 
Varian let out a second sigh; one of defeat instead of frustration. 
“I know. I guess… I just feel guilty when I see you upset over it.” 
“No. No, don't be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I guess…I should be happy that you care so much?”
Honey Lemon snorted over his awkwardness. 
“Well, if I was planning on traveling to a dangerous alternate dimension to save someone, what would you do?” 
“Go with you.” 
“And if I told you ‘No. It's too dangerous.’ What then?” 
He conceded with a nod. 
“Okay. I get it.” 
“Sooo you'll let us help you?” 
“Define help.” 
“Like coming with you to Corona to save your dad?” 
Varian stifled a groan. “How?” 
“What do you mean ‘how’?” 
“I mean how will you being there help?” 
“Well for one we could fight off that nasty king if he showed up!” 
“It wouldn't be the king. It would be the king's guard and Rapunzel. You can't just bubble the princess like you do criminals.” 
“Why not?” 
“Magic.” He said seriously. 
Honey Lemon’s stomach dropped. Varian hated any association with magic. It only dawned on her just now why. He hated magic, because he had fought against magic. It wasn't fairy godmothers granting wishes to attend royals balls nor pixie dust that made people fly. Magic was something to be feared. Magic was a weapon. 
She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and looked him straight in the eye.
“And we have the power of science.” She said with far more confidence than she felt. 
Varian slowly broke out into a grin before snorting with laughter. 
“It wasn't that corny… was it?” 
“It was,” he snickered.
Honey Lemon pouted. 
“And it was glorious.” He added. Which made her feel a little better. 
“B-but I mean it. We could figure out some way to like.. I don't know… block her powers or something.” 
Varian swallowed down his giggles with another swig of coco, before gaining his composure. 
“I'll make you a deal.” He said, more seriously this time. “If you can find a way to dispel magic. You can come. ” 
Honey Lemon raised an eyebrow. “And if we can't?” 
“Then you stay behind to man the portal.” 
“I'm not sure if I like that deal.”
“Someone has to stay behind, so that whoever goes won't get stuck.” He reasoned. 
Honey Lemon saw the logic in that but wasn't ready to give up. 
“On one condition.” 
“Name it.” 
Honey Lemon bit her lip for a moment before jumping up and pulling Varian away from the table and his mug of coco. 
“We have a snowball fight.” 
“We have a snowball fight.” She repeated as she opened the front door. Everything looked pale and gray in the early morning. “If you win, then I'll accept the terms of the deal. If I win, then we renegotiate.” 
She stood in the doorway, hands on her hips, looking at him expectantly. 
He however looked at her as if she was crazy. 
“I’m not going out in that .” He pointed behind her. 
“It's just snow. It won't hurt you.” 
“It's cold.” 
“We're both wearing sweaters.” 
She grabbed a couple of scarves and hats off the coat hanger next to the door and tossed some at him. 
“You could slip on the ice.” He protested, as she put on her boots.
“And it's not even fully light out yet.”
 She didn't hear him as she ran outside. 
“Fine, I'll renegotiate!” He yelled from the doorway; his hands up in the air in surrender, still clutching the hat and scarf. 
Honey Lemon paused, snow in hand. 
“You mean I can come with?” 
“I didn't say that.” 
Honey Lemon grabbed another handful of snow and started packing it on top of the previous handful. 
“Okay… okay.” 
She looked up to see him snag a handful of snow himself while still standing in the doorway. 
A short but fierce snowball fight began. Honey Lemon ran this way and that. Varian never left the doorway. Somehow they both manage to completely miss each other every time. 
Varian dogged another snowball as it smacked into the side of the doorframe, and then he scooped down to get more ammunition. 
He had to lean out far to grab more fresh snow, since had used up all that was in front of the door. 
Honey Lemon took aim, and then lowered her arm as she watched him struggle. 
“We can take a break if you want to get your shoes.” 
“No… it's fine… I got it.” He grunted as he nabbed a pitiful handful of powdery frost, before catching himself as he nearly fell face forward. 
He righted himself quickly and started quickly forming a ball before it melted in his hand. He stopped when he noticed that Honey was no longer throwing anything at him. 
“Do you really hate the snow that much?” She asked. 
“I… don't hate it.” He squirmed. “I just…” 
He trailed off, unable to articulate his complex history with the weather. When looked up again, she was standing in front of him. Her hands now empty. 
“I'm sorry. I just thought it would be fun.” 
“It was fun.” He insisted. “Really. I'm… I'm just bad at snowball fights.”
She threw her arms around his neck, and he dropped the last of the half melted snow. 
“Oh what are we going to do?” She moaned, her face inches from his own. 
“Uhhh…” His mind blanked. “I don't know.” He managed to mutter.
His head swam. She had given him hugs before but this felt different. He could feel her warm breath on his lips, contrasting with freezing air and he wanted to kiss her. Kiss her properly, on the mouth. Like he'd seen in movies and read in books. 
But would she let him?
He didn't get a chance to find out. 
“What are you doing holding the open like that? It's freezing out there.” 
Varian snapped his head around to see Aunt Cass and his brothers on the stairs. 
“Yeah and some of us are still trying to sleep.” Tadashi added, hugging himself to keep warm. 
“If you want to go outside that's fine, but try not to let all the warm air out with you.” Aunt Cass finished before turning to go back up stairs. 
“Why can't you two flirt like normal people?” Hiro sneered before following after. 
Both Varain and Honey Lemon turned beat red. 
She slowly untangled her arms from around his neck as Tadashi left as well, and he stepped aside to let her in. 
He was about to close the door too when a strong gust of wind blasted in his face. 
Honey Lemon squeaked and covered her head as something clambered against the side of the wall. 
Varian looked to see what had hit the side of the house. It was black and poking out of the snow. 
Ignoring his socks getting soaked through, he strode over to the object to pick it up. 
Its handle glinted in the soft light and his heart stopped. 
“What is it?” Honey asked, peering from the doorway. 
“It's a knife.” 
“A knife?” 
He pulled the dagger from its sheath to show her. Even the blade was polished black stone. 
“That's weird.” She commented. “Who leaves knives lying around?”
He looked at her with an unreadable expression on his face. 
“It's not from here.” He said. “It's from Corona.”
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dreadpirateurania13 · 20 days
The gay tension between Hugo and Varian and the Hugo-centric angst in ch 22 had me giggling and kicking my feet like a school girl writing in a diary bro-
I read the chapter at 2am in the morning before passing out after finishing it bc I don't have a normal sleep scheduele
Hehehehehehehehehe I’m glad to hear it. I love angst and oblivious characters having tension that they don’t understand the meaning of yet (I’m evil)
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ofduskanddreams · 11 months
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Know Better Than This — formerly titled Heated Rivals
Chapter 5: There's No "I" in "Team," But There Is in "Win"
CH Summary: It's the morning after Azriel's first game and first loss with the Boston Bruins following his trade. Let's just say things aren't going well.
Read it on ao3 | Enjoy the snippet below:
“Bruins Blown Away in the Windy City”
ESPN - Feb. 26th, 2022 - By Varian Summers
Last night, Chicago’s struggling NHL team pulled off a surprising win against the Boston Bruins. The final score was 2-4, with one of the Bruins’ points being a penalty shot. Hockey fans around the world were watching the Bruins play their first game with newly acquired player Azriel Cantor (Age 23, RW,) traded three days ago from the Montreal Canadiens. 
As the 2020-2021 Rookie of the Year, all eyes are on Cantor to see how he performs as a Bruin. Boston fans have high hopes for the young right-winger after they saw how Cantor and Bruins’ Captain Eris Vanserra played together during this year’s NHL All-Stars Weekend, displaying the kind of chemistry that sparks once in a generation between players. Everyone who watched the All-Stars tournament knows they were witnessing something special. 
The real question is: Where did that chemistry go? Because it certainly wasn’t on the ice at United Center last night.
It’s normal for a team to need some time to adjust to new dynamics when players are traded. I think I speak for all Bruins fans when I say that we understand expecting the team’s best performance mere days after acquiring a new player is unreasonable. Let’s hope Cantor and Vanserra can get back into that rhythm we all witnessed a few weeks ago with a little more time together on the ice.
Because if what happened in Vegas truly stays in Vegas, the Bruins may find themselves looking to make another trade sooner rather than later.
🏒 🏒 🏒 continue reading here.
A/N: Aaaand we're back! (I hope you read that in a sports announcer's voice) I know it's been a while, but don't think for a second that hockey rivals Azris was ever far from my mind. I was never in love with the fic's original title so I decided to change it now that I'm returning to finish it. All it took was going to one NHL game for this fic to start sparking joy again, I hope you're ready for more soon!
tagging: @iftheshoef1tz @ablogofsapphicpanic @panicatthenightcourt @damedechance @moonpatroclus @octobers-veryown @separatist-apologist @krem-does-stuff @melonsfantasyworld @born-to-riot @lady-riel @queercontrarian @asnowfern @catboyjamesbond @brokeneveningstars @xtaketwox @itsthedoodle @wilde-knight @areyoudreaminof @acourtofladydeath @foundress0fnothing @witch-and-her-witcher @melphss @fieldofdaisiies @thelovelymadone @nestas-workwife @bubybubsters
if you want to be added to or removed from my azris tags/tags for this fic specifically just let me know :)
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rocksandrobots · 6 months
PotP Ch 54 - Christmas With The Krampus: Part 3
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"Hey, thanks for helping out on such short notice," Tadashi said.
"Oh no problem, buddy." Fred's voice came over the phone. "Minimax and I were getting bored anyway. Christmas is never as big a deal as Hanukkah at my house. The only thing going on is the neighborhood lights display contest."
"Your Mom's in full-blown socialite mode?" Tadashi asked, already knowing the answer.
"Totally. Monster hunting is way more fun than tea and crumpets."
"There's no monster, Fred," Varian yelled over Tadashi's shoulder into the phone.
"Just let us know if you or Minimax see Vigor," Hiro added, ignoring his brother.
"Ten-four!... or is it four-ten... Either way, MiniMax and Fredzillia are on the job!"
Tadashi hung up the phone as the three of them entered the near-empty shopping mall.
Most of the storefronts were closed, only a handful of people roamed the food court, and a sign on the door said that the shopping center was operating at half-hours for the holiday. So they had only about an hour left to look for clues.
They made their way to the top floor, hoping that perhaps Vigor was just hiding inside, maybe wrecking one of the other window displays for the fun of it, only to have that hope dashed once they reached Canardist's emporium.
The door was ripped off its hinges and the inside of the shop was completely trashed.
"Still think there's no monster?" Hiro asked.
"Anyone could have done this," Varian replied, though with slightly less confidence than before.
Tadashi picked up a scroll off the floor and frowned. He couldn't read it.
"Varian, I think we need to keep more of an open mind here." He cautioned. "I mean, you and Canardist come from a world where fairy tale princesses are real and magical curses are a thing. Why can't this Krampus exist too?"
"Because..." Varian huffed but didn't finish his thought as he picked up an amulet hanging from a shelf. This one with Corona's royal seal on it.
"Because you don't wanna admit that you're wrong." Hiro finished for him.
Varian shot a glare at him, but couldn't deny it.
"What do you know about this Krampus? What do the legends actually say?" Tadashi asked.
Varian shrugged. "Not much. He's supposed to be Saint Nicholas's helper. While St Nick rewards good little kids with toys and sweets, the Krampus collects the souls of bad children and tortures them for their misdeeds."
He shook his head. "It's just a story parents tell their kids to get them to behave. Like with the Sandman who brings nightmares or Zhan Tiri and his shadow soldiers. None of it's real."
Hiro and Tadashi shared a look but didn't press for more details about the other horror stories that Varian had mentioned.
"Look, let's just run with the premise that all stories are based on a kernel of truth," Tadashi argued. "Like with Troy and the Iliad... exaggerated no doubt, but based off a real place and presumably a real war... With that being the case here, what would a real Krampus be like, you think?"
Varian gave the proposal some serious consideration. "Well, I guess... if he was real, he'd be some type of creature... just an animal."
"And what would a large wild animal do with a pet monkey?"
"Eat it," Hiro said, almost immediately. It was the most logical conclusion.
The other two boys grimaced.
The Varian shrugged again. "Well, nasty way to go, but what can you do? Who wants to break the bad news to Canardist?"
Tadashi stopped him from walking away. "Hold on. We can't just let a six-foot animal run around the city eating people's pets, and possibly attacking people themselves."
"How did he even get into this world?" Hiro asked.
"That would be a question for Canardist," Tadashi answered. "In the meantime, we have to hunt down this Krampus and capture it."
"And what do we do with it after we've caught it?" Varian asked. "I can't send it back. The portal isn't working the way I need it to."
"We'll figure that out once we find it... the only question is, how do we find it?"
"I have a bio-reading of the creature," Baymax responded.
"Really? How did you get that?" Hiro asked.
"It is shedding." The robot pointed at the floor and indeed there was hair everywhere.
"Great work Baymax.' Tadashi patted his creation on the shoulder. "Let's go suit up."
"Behold!" Minimax pointed down below into an alley, "There goes our psychic primate pal!"
Fred followed his faithful sidekick's finger and sure enough, spotted the chimpanzee running frantically down the road.
"Hey guys!" came Fred's voice over the intercom. "We found Vigor!"
"He's still alive?' Varian asked skeptically, as he held onto Baymax's arm tighter. The robot was carrying all three of them as they flew through the air, with Hiro and Tadashi riding on top and Varian cradled in his arms; having lost at rock, paper, scissors.
"Not for long," Hiro replied as he studied the scans through his helmet interface. A red dot was racing across the city map. "Whatever it is that tore up the store is heading straight your way Fred... and it's fast."
"Don't worry. We're on it." Fred assured them and was gone.
The superheroes found poor Vigor cowering in the corner of an alley.
"Hey buddy, it's okay." Fred coaxed the frightened animal. "You're safe now."
"Yes, no fiendish foe will do you harm while we're around," Minimax added.
The chimp came out of hiding and cooed in recognition when he realized who the armored men were.
He waddled over and hugged Hiro around his legs. A predicament that Hiro absolutely was not comfortable with.
"Yeah, th-that's right... we're here to take you home." He awkwardly said as he tried to gently pry the monkey off of him.
That's when an ominous shadow fell across them.
Everyone turned as one to see the Krampus snarling at them.
It was a towering nine-foot-tall, from its claws on its hind legs to the tips of the horns on its head. It was covered head to toe in dark fur and its bottom jaw had two protruding tusks. It slobbered drool as it growled like a dog, and Hiro could have sworn that its eyes glowed red.
Vigor howled in fright and quickly scrambled away and up the side of the building before anyone could stop him.
The monster took after him just as quickly.
The boys could feel the wind rush past them as the creature leaped up towards the roof, like how a car whizzing by might blow away the papers in your hand.
"Ok... take note... the Krampus moves very fast," Tadashi said, pointing out the obvious as everyone else stood there stunned.
Hiro shook out of his stupor first.
"Quick Baymax, after them."
He hopped onto the robot's back just as Fred swung himself up onto the roof. Minimax wasn't far behind as they rocketed into the air themselves.
"Do you see where they're heading?" Varian's voice came in over the intercom.
"I've already lost sight of them," Fred replied.
"They've turned down 2nd Market St." Baymax calmly stated.
Hiro followed Baymax's finger and his heart sank as something large and furry ducked into the subway.
"Oh no."
"What's happened?" Tadashi asked.
"They just went into Memento station."
"Don't worry, we'll head them off," Varian answered as he fished the portal magnets from his coat.
Varian and Tadashi exited the portal just in time to see everyone rushing towards the nearest exit, screaming and panicking as they went.
In the middle of the waiting platform, now on all fours and sniffing the ground with its pig-like snout, was the Krampus. It seemed totally disinterested in the frightened crowd as it poked about the various discarded presents and groceries.  
"Soooo...what do we do now?" Tadashi asked as they watched the beast get a pair of candy cane-printed boxers caught on its nose. It took a second to shake the offending underwear off before it went to gnawing on the wrapping paper that it had been packaged in.
"Well.... umm..." Varian's mind raced as he tried to rationalize the impossibility before him. "it's... it's an animal, right?
"R-right?" Tadashi agreed, unsure what Varian was getting at.
"So how would you capture a really large animal?"
"No clue," Tadashi replied, never taking his eyes off the monster as it now decided to eat a forgotten Christmas ham.
"Well how would, like, the rangers catch a bear or a lion?"
"Tranquilizers, but we haven't any-"
Varian snapped his fingers. "Sleeping powder!"
He then started to search his pockets and harness... only to slow down as he realized that Tadashi was right. "I'm out of sleeping powder..."
That's when the Krampus finally took notice of them.
Both boys gulped as the creature let out a snarl.
Varian began to scour his pockets even more frantically. "H-hold him off while I try to make a new batch of sleeping potion."
"What am I supposed to do? Wave a red flag at him like a bullfighter?"
Varian didn't answer as he screwed the top off a chimball full of blue liquid.
You could not see his eyes behind his visor, but it was clear that Tadashi was rolling them as he pressed a button on the side of his helmet and disappeared from view.
This was enough of a surprise to slow the Krampus down, as it stopped stalking towards them.
A moment later a roll of sparkly red wrapping paper, discarded by its owner in their flight from the station, lifted itself off the ground and seemingly hung in the air as if by magic.
"Here boy, toro." Tadashi whistled as he waved the paper in front of the creature.
The Krampus howled and rushed towards the sparkly paper. Tadashi barely had time to move out of the way as it grabbed the cardboard tube and bounded away, ripping the paper to shreds in a frenzy.
"Well, there goes that idea."
"How's it going?" Hiro breathlessly asked as he, Fred, and the two robots finally ran inside.
The Krampus stopped immediately and focused its attention on the newcomers.
Heroes and monster eyed each other for only a moment as Hiro realized his mistake. Then the mass of fur and muscle was bounding towards them at top speed before Tadashi could even shout a warning.
Everyone scattered, only for the Krampus' jaws to clamp around Minimax's foot at the last second.
The robot yelled as the monster shook him back and forth before throwing him into the air. Fortunately, being a robot, he was only momentarily disoriented as opposed to being hurt.
While the heroes were busy checking over their friend, Vigor screeched wildly as the monster took chase after the monkey once more. 
"No!" Hiro screamed, too late, as the Krampus overtook the poor animal. 
The creature let out a victorious howl, and then, to everyone's astonishment, it gave Vigor a playful, sloppy lick of its tongue and bounded away barking. Vigor made a chittering sound, like the money equivalent of a laugh, and happily chased after the monster. 
"Awe, how cuuuuteee!" Fred squeed while everyone else stood there dumbfounded. "They've been playing tag this whole time." 
"It kind of acts like a giant dog," Hiro observed as he tilted his head in thought. 
"Wild dogs can still be dangerous though." Tadashi reminded him. "We need to capture him and take him someplace safe." 
"Got it!" Varian shouted triumphantly as he held up a chimball. Before he could throw the sleeping powder, however, the police barged into the station. 
"Chief Cruz!" Hiro rushed toward the lead officer in relief. "We need to find a humane way of cap-"
"We're already on it." Cruz interrupted, shoving him aside. "You kids need to clear out of the way so animal control can take care of this." 
"Kids?" Hiro quietly questioned, but he was ignored as some of the officers whipped out a tranquilizer gun. 
The Krampus let out an inhuman scream as the dart embedded itself into its leg right above its paw. He started to hiss and growl as it tried fruitlessly to shake the painful splinter off. Vigor gave a worried whimper, unsure how to help his friend.
Unsuccessful in removing the dart, the Krampus then turned his attention towards his attackers, lowering on his haunches as if to pounce like a cat. Fortunately, Baymax was able to grab the creature before it could jump upon anyone. 
As the robot and monster wrestled each other Cruz was already ordering his men to shoot again. 
"Be careful of Bay- Red Panda," Hiro advised. 
"I'm not concerned for your pet robot right now." Cruz snapped."If this next tranquilizer doesn't work then we may have to put the poor creature down." 
Hiro frowned, not only at Cruz's dismissal of Baymax's safety nor even that the officer was considering lethal force, but the Chief of Police was no longer talking to them like they were vigilantes underfoot but speaking down to them like they were children... like they were the same kids he would take out to ice cream once a month. 
However, the worrisome thought that they might have been discovered was banished from Hiro's mind when the Krampus broke free of Baymax's grasp, dogged the second dart, and ran down the railway tunnel. 
"Blast," Cruz muttered. 
"Don't worry. We'll track him down for you." Hiro yelled as he ran towards Baymax, happy to have an excuse to get away. He and the rest of the supers were already half way down the tunnel before Chief Cruz could protest.
Varian was the one to find the creature first. The Karmpus was huddled in an alley whimpering as it licked its wound. He snarled as Varian approached.
"Easy now...." Varian said softly as he inched his way forward. "Easy... I'm not going to hurt ya."
For a moment he thought the Krampus would run away again but it stumbled as soon as it tried to put weight upon its paw, and then promptly laid back down with a huff.
Varian untied the bandanna from around his neck, poured some sort of substance on it from his chimbag, and cautiously sat down next to the monster.
"Here... let's see what we can do about that paw..."
He pulled the tranquilizer dart out and the creature howled, but before the animal could even think of hurting him, Varian had wrapped the wound up with the bandana.
The Krampus seemed confused by such an action and sniffed curiously at the piece of cloth around his paw.
"It's just some chlorhexidine." he explained, though he did not know if the monster could understand him or not. "It should help ease the pain and sterilize the wound."
All the Krampus did in reply was to sigh and lay his head on Varian's lap, pinning him to the spot.
Varian resigned himself to his fate as a pillow and absentmindedly began to stroke the beast's fur.
"I know... San Fansokoyo is new and exciting and so full of amazing things to see, there's friends to make and wonderful inventions to discover... but it's also sometimes scary and unfamiliar.... with its own dangers... different from Corona's, sure, but they're still there... hiding just under the shining surface.... and you'll need those friends to help you avoid them, and they will cause they really, genuinely care about you... but... but.... it's still not home......"
The Krampus gave a sympathetic whine.
"You're probably missing the snowy pine forest that you grew up in... aren't you boy?"
Another little whimper.
"And maybe even... even your old friends and your own family?"
Suddenly Varian wrapped his arms around the hairy beast and gave him a desperate hug.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to get you back. I've tried and I've tried... and no, I don't want to leave everybody, but... but.... but Dad...."
The Krampus nuzzled his arm in comfort.
"Oh, what are we going to do?"
"Cantet nunc io, chorus angelorum;
Cantet nunc aula cælestium,
Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo,
Venite adoremus
Venite adoremus
Venite adoremus
The rest of the gang found Varian and the Krampus in the alley and much to their surprise he was singing a Christmas carol while gently petting the ferocious animal's head.
Said creature was contently purring in his lap. Which sounded more like a motorcycle idling than a furry friend expressing contentment.
Vigor cooed with delight and ran to meet them, throwing his arms around his new friend.
"Well, we finally caught him... now what?" Tadashi asked.
Varian only looked up at him at a loss and shrugged.
"We.... we have to try the portal again, I guess," Hiro said hesitantly, rubbing his forehead in thought. "I know it's not ready yet, b-but it's not like we can keep him hidden in the city."
Varian shook his head, and with some effort crawled out from under the huge beast and stood up. "It isn't just that that portal is broken. We don't even know where to send him to. We're talking about the entire world here. We can't just dump in him Corona, or the middle of the ocean, or 17th-century Istanbul... The point is... We need an energy signature to find where he actually lives, and I've no idea where we would get that."
"Well if we can't send him back, what do we do? Turn him over to Cruz and the animal control?" Tadashi asked
"I don't know if they would know what to do with him either," Hiro said.
"Maybe put him in the Zoo?" Fred suggested.
"They wouldn't know how to take care of him. It's not like mythical creatures are their specialty."
"I know!" Minimax shouted. "We can make him our new team mascot!"
"Great idea!" Fred joined in.
"Oh no... nope" Tadashi shook his head. "For starters, we have way too many exotic pets as it is, and secondly we wouldn't know how to take care of him either."
"I think we may have to ask Carnardist." Varian finally admitted. "She knows more than she's telling us."
"Oh, Vigor!"  Carnardist cheered with glee as she smothered her long-lost pet with kisses. "Oh, I was so worried. Thank goodness you are unhurt." 
As the happy pair were reunited, Hiro made sure that the blanket they had thrown over the Krampus remained in place. 
They had called the cafe and asked the older woman to meet them back at her shop, and the supers had to think of a creative way to keep the inter-dimensional monster hidden from the rest of the shoppers; as few as there were today. The best they could come up with on such short notice was a shopping cart with a quilt hastily thrown over it. 
Varian awkwardly coughed to gain the lady's attention. 
"Yes, malchick?" 
Varian ignored the unwanted nickname. 
"You were right about the Krampus." 
Making sure that no one was looking into the shop window he pulled the cover off. 
Carnardist screamed. 
"No. No. It's okay. He won't harm anyone." Varian tried to calm the frightened woman down.
It wasn't until Vigor hopped out of her arms and went to hug the creature did she stop panicking. 
"See? He's a nice daemon." Hiro encouraged. 
"The only problem is we don't know how to send him home," Fred explained. 
"And we know you have a portal." Tadashi chimed in. 
Carnardist eyes grew dark and she slowly straightened to her full height, even though she was several inches shorter than the teenage boys before her.   
"Is that so?" 
"Oh stop pretending." Vairan huffed. "You don't want to share your tech with us, then fine. The least you can do is put this guy back where you got him." 
Carnardist folded her arms. "There are other ways to move between worlds than your portals malchick, and they require far more than just flipping a switch. I can not 'send him back'. I can not send anyone anywhere." 
"Then how did you get here?" Tadashi challenged, ignoring Varian's flabbergasted expression. 
Carnardist seemed to relent at this and walked over to a box full of scrolls that had tipped over. She picked one up. "This is the incantation for opening the door." She made to hand the parchment over to Tadashi, before quickly snatching it away. "But! It will not lead you to where you want to go. The window does not open to another world, but a pathway between the worlds." 
"A pathway between worlds?" Varian echoed slowly. 
"A dark place... an eternity of nothingness that is very difficult to traverse. Only populated by the remnants of dead universes, lost to time eons ago."
"The void," Hiro said softly as realization dawned on him.
"Even if you know where you are going," Carnardist continued. "and know the markers to find, making the journey would require much preparation and immense fortitude. Are you sure you can face such dangers?" 
"No problem," Fred said as she finally handed over the scroll to Tadashi. "We're heroes! After battling supervillains, killer robots, and literal monsters, how hard can a little old trip through negative space be?"
"There are things hiding in the dark that are far worse than monsters." She softly warned. 
This gave everyone pause. Yet Carnardist would not allow them time to consider her words fully.
"Now get that hairy brute out of my shop!" she yelled, shooing them out the door.
"Arrggh, where is that toothbru-- Ahhhhh!" Krei stopped packing and let out a girly high-pitched scream when he came face-to-face with a towering beast with horns. 
"Sorry to bother you Mr. Keri." Varian waved apologetically as he poked his head around from where he was standing behind the Krampus. 
"But we kind of need to ask you a favor," Hiro added as he stuck his head around the opposite side. 
Tadashi followed suit as his head popped up from behind the monster's shoulders. "Do you think you got room at that animal reserve for a very rare and exotic inter-dimensional demon?"
"Baby raccoons!" Honey Lemon squeed when Varian showed off his newest pets.
She giggled and cooed over the tiny creatures as she scooped one up to cuddle. "What are their names?"
"Well there's eight of them, so I thought we could all name one," Varian answered.
"You're seriously not thinking of keeping all of them," Wasabi complained.
"No, Krei is going to keep them on the forest reservation," Tadashi answered.
"But we get to visit them whenever we want." Varian cheered. 
"Them and Mr Krampus," Fred added. 
"Mr. Krampus?" Gogo asked. 
"You had to be there," Hiro answered. 
"I'm going to name mine Ferdinand." Honey Lemon announced. "He just looks like a Ferdie."
Gogo knelt down and gently petted one of the babies that was crawling around. "Jane." was all she said.
"The Pacific Northwest raccoon is also known as Procyon Lotor Pacificus" Baymax stated simply.  
"Ummm... that might be a bit too wordy for a name, Baymax." Varian gently suggested. "Why don't you call him Lotor for short?" 
"'Lotor' it is then." 
"Can I call mine trash panda?" Hiro asked.
Varian made a face. "Come on... at least be original."
"Fine... "He randomly pointed to one of the unnamed critters. "That one is now Garbage Breath."
Varian rolled his eyes in defeat. "Okay, then we'll call her by her initials, GB."
Hiro gave a smug smile in approval, but still wouldn't go near the wild animal.
"I'm calling mine Menace." Wasabi huffed.
"That's a cool name." Fred obliviously agreed as he lifted up another raccoon and nuzzled its nose. "And this one can be The Mega Awesome Raccoon Killer, aka M.A.R.K."
"What about you Tadashi?" Honey Lemon asked. 
Tadashi screwed up his face in thought. "I think I'll call mine... Rei. 
"Did you really just name it that because it starts with an R?" Hiro asked deadpan. 
"Yup," he proudly admitted.
"And I'm naming mine Hypatia!" He picked up the last cub, still ignoring the mother who hissed at him from under the 'den' made of a tarp and cardboard boxes. "Isn't she adorable?" He cooed as he scratched her ear. 
Ruddiger then climbed upon his shoulder and licked his kit on the forehead; pet and owner shared a proud smile.
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justakidicarus · 8 months
I’m actually really tired of most AU’s in certain niche’s rn on Ao3
Just like, super tired of specifically the “Jaded Protagonist” trope.
You see it in every single Deku travels through time (or in every time travel AU period)
You see it a good deal of Varian in/during Season 2 AU’s
You see it in most Tommy SBI found family books.
The Jaded Protagonist has just gotten too edgy to me. When every time the character is just biting the heads off everyone else and striking out on their own despite everyone trying to understand and help them, who ch tends to be most of the drama and often leads to OP characters (Especially with Deku) its just not enjoyable to read for me. I understand that this might just not be for me and other people may enjoy these more serious characterisations but it just makes the book feel more bogged down and hard to get through, as the sheer amount of miscommunication these jaded characters bring is the main driver of conflict
I am especially talking about the countless Jaded Izuku fics.
Miscommunication in general has just become so overused and stale to me that it makes a boring plot. X character keeps saying ominous things like “You couldn’t change anything anyway even if you did know so I won’t tell you,” and then we find out that if the characters did know then they absolutely could have helped. It makes me mad at the characters for their decisions and a bit mad at the writer for choosing this of all things as their main plot drivers.
I want more X character time travels to the past but instead of being an edgelord they are a dork who keeps forgetting key details not for plot reasons but because they aren’t relevant in their time and it stresses everyone out.
For example:
Adult Izuku (ArsenAll) on the bus ride to the summer training camp with class 1-A just chilling and chatting happily with the Dekusquad about funny little anecdotes when he mentions Yuga doing an underground mission and suddenly startles so badly from his seat he nearly falls out but Uraraka catches him. The entire bus looks at him as he whirls around and starts profusely apologising to Yuga. No one can tell what exactly he’s apologising for but Yuga is getting steadily more pale.
“Yuga I am SO sorry I completely forgot about the whole- y’know THE THING I mean it really hasn’t come up or been relevant since like- first year but that’s really no excuse and you’ve probably been super stressed about it and I haven’t even mentioned it or thought about it and I can’t even really fix it rn cause it’s a pretty private matter and I don’t really want to share personal details with everyone but you kinda really need to know and argh I am Super Duper Sorry!”
Just like, funny stuff like that instead of angsty going of on his own and destroying every threat with zero help. Enough of the Jaded Protagonsit, bring some light into this dark and dreary atmosphere and environment. We should aim to make our readers laugh not groan in agony from our characters emo attitudes.
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bee-snail · 1 year
Honestly, just because of that disgusting creep Ch**rio I headcanon Varian growing taller than the Baron or the Stabbingtons.
is this tall enough for you
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aladyofgoodtaste · 8 months
A Court of 'It's giving beauty & the beast' and 'Except you can't tell which one is which'
Spring is rotting away. Not just its Court but across the lands as well. Without it, there can be no new beginnings, no rebirths and nature itself will cease to a halt. And thus Fates dictate that a human and a broken Fae must create a miracle together.
Tamlin thinks that the Mother is cruel for the salvation of his home requires another human’s help while Juno curses whatever entity that Isekai’ed her into this shitty ass book series.
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Chapter 3: We’re getting rid of toxic masculinity with this one
1 down, 6 more to go. In the meantime, Lucien & Tamlin re-ignite their bromance
CH 1 | CH 2
The most unimaginable horror has struck within the Inner Circle of the Night Court. 
Everyone who is important has gathered outside the River House's healing room, finally waiting for the doors to open. No one would admit it, but they’ve all been counting down the hours, and when they turn to days, the worst starts to sink in. Ultimately, the High Lady puts her foot down and orders them to start taking shifts. Each of them has a role to play in this Court; thus, they can’t simply abandon it. 
Today marks the third day since then.
When Cassian drops by after breakfast for his shift turn, he’s surprised that almost everyone is standing guard before the door. “Any news from Madja?”
“She did the impossible,” Azriel replies against the wall. He had the night shift and, thus, was the one who called everyone to be present. “Madja somehow manages to pull Amren from the brink of death despite her… injuries. She’s now been put in an enchanted sleep to stabilise her.”
Feyre bursts into a grateful sob, to which Rhysand immediately brings her into his arms. Elain claps her hands to thank whatever deity out of there for their mercy. Prince Varian slumps hard on the couch. Mor sighs in relief though her expression is still troubled, while Cassian’s tensed shoulders are lax just a bit. It was at that moment the doors finally opened. The Night Court's most trusted and capable Healer emerges. Her ancient figure appears weary as if she’s aged another decade.
“How is Amren?” Rhysand instantly inquires.
Madja sighs, exhaustion creeps into her very bones. “Alive, for the better or worse. Your Second-in-Command’s healing magic can no longer support itself so I had to siphoned most of mine. I did whatever I could to straighten every broken bones and patched up any excessive internal healings.”
“How bad is she?” This time, it’s brave Feyre who asks. The rest of their courtiers are content to follow their lead and listen attentively.
“I won’t mince words, High Lady. Throughout my years as a Healer, this is one of the most horrifying cases that I’ve ever seen.” Madja begins with a look of disgust, and it chills Feyre. “From what I can tell from Lady Amren’s injuries, she was thrown off the House of the Wind’s stairs that it utterly mangled her body. Then there’s an issue with the internal tears on the lower half of her body. There’s no way to say this, but she was violently gang raped, beaten and healed continously; the bruises, semen and handprints were obvious enough. Lastly, she was burned alive; perhaps as an effort to dispose the body? If that’ was the case, the perpetrators used a large quantity of alcohol because the scent lingered. Unfortunately, I can only managed to heal the scorched marks on her legs and arms. The face was too severe for me to do anything but mend Lady Amren’s nose and eyes.”
Elain’s face is green with nausea. She quickly excuses herself for the bathroom while the rest struggles to accept Madja’s report. Feyre and Varian are beyond stricken - the prince runs into the room, inconsolable. Mor is sick to her stomach, and Azriel and Cassian close their eyes; such violence shakes even them.
“Thrown off the 1000 steps, beaten, raped, healed and burned alive,” Rhysand repeats emotionlessly, his face tight. “In that order?”
Madja inclines her head. “Yes, High Lord.”
“Thank you. For updating us and everything. Please do whatever else you can to help Amren recovered.”
The Healer bows and returns to the healing room. To continue the treatment and console Varian. The doors shut once more, and that’s when Feyre pitifully exclaims, “How in the Mother’s name could this have happened!? It’s Amren! Amren, for goodness sake! She’s the second most powerful among us after Rhysand!”
Azriel grimace. “I’m still investigating it,” He was the one who found Amren a couple of nights back. The sight of her became his most recent vivid nightmares lately. “By all accounts, this doesn’t make sense. Amren hasn’t left her apartment at all ever since she got her hands on a rare magical tome. We all are aware of it; she could barely hold herself back from bragging about it.”
“And she personally wards her apartments,” Cassian reminds them, brows furrowing. “No one should be able to enter without her explicit consent or if it’s one of us.”
This new mystery doesn’t bode well for any of them, especially Rhysand. If someone as powerful as Amren could be assaulted right underneath his nose, it means his position as a High Lord is faltering. Not to mention their security risk is now at an all-time high. Velaris should’ve been completely safe from outside threats and with Azriel’s constant presence and shadows, the city is basically assassin-proofed! Doubt begins to seep in. “I’m afraid there’s a powerful enemy roaming within Velaris as we speak,” Rhysand announces, making everyone’s attention turn to him. “Since Amren is my Second, I’ll personally take over the investigation, Azriel. There’s something else I’d rather you look into in the meantime. For now, no one goes anywhere alone. We need to make it a habit of telling each other where we’ll be going from now on. Feyre darling, it will set my heart at ease if you stay here and close to our son. This is the safest place in the entire Court.”
Feyre nods, and a fierce sense of determination burns in her. “I’ll have Elain stay close. It’ll be good if Nyx is familiar with her aunt. Speaking of which, you need to inform Nesta of the situation, Cassian. I know she’s been making progress with her Valkyries, but it’ll be better if you and her could live her for a couple of days until our unknown threat is dealt with.”
“Of course. I’ll fly Nesta in as soon as I can.” Cassian replies.
They easily divide themselves up afterwards. Cassian wastes no time flying back to Illyria for his Mate. Mor joins Madja and Varian in the healing room. Feyre goes to find her sister and son. That just left Rhysand and Azriel who reconvene in the High Lord’s private office.
“How are you feeling?” Azriel asks as soon as the door shuts behind him. He studies Rhysand’s features carefully.
“Unease? Concern? Take your pick, Az.” Rhysand sighs. “Amren has always been untouchable. To find out that she was debased like this…” He trails off, unsure how to say it. If this new threat could easily assault his Second, then it won’t be long before he’s next in line.
“It’s a horrifying wake up call for sure.”
“Amren will pull through; she always has. In the mean time, we can hand this sick bastard on a silver platter when she wakes up. Now, tell me about the leads.”
Azriel’s head slightly jerk to the side, breaking off eye contact. It’s as if he’s ashamed, and that couldn’t be right. “The shadows whisper a lot of things but nothing reliable lately. All I know is that Amren was reading when the attack happened. The layout of her apartment remains just as she left it. Whoever this is, stealth is their utmost speciality. Ward manipulation as well.”
Rhysand runs his fingers through his hair, he can feel frustration bubbling up. “Right. That’s better than nothing. Although investigation is not my strongest suit, perhaps I can detect some foreign magic among her hoards.”
Azriel silently wishes his brother all the best of luck. “And what do you want me to do?”
“Your newest assignment is the Spring Court. I want you to look around for a bit; figure out what Tamlin and his new Mate are up to. She mentioned a strange word during the High Lords' meeting. I’m worried if it might be some kind of weapon.” Rhysand explains, deep in thought. He truly thought he had seen the last of Tamlin, content with the belief that the pathetic High Lord would waste his days away in exile. For him to appear with a Mate in his arm sends off every alarm bell. He’s certain that Tamlin is planning something insidious once more.
“Understood. What do you want me to do about his Mate?”
Rhysand recalls what Feyre said to him. “For now, don’t show yourself to her. She’s human. Feyre dislikes her attitude when she tries to warn the female about Tamlin. She’s ungrateful, rude and strange. It sounds like she and Tamlin make the perfect pair.” He snorts. He can’t imagine any female that can put up with Tamlin, Mate or otherwise. If only he Winnowed earlier… 
The two continue discussing the finer details of Azriel’s new mission for about 2 hours. Once the Spymaster is properly debriefed, Azriel excuses himself. He’s about to seek out Mor first before leaving the River House, only for a voice to stop him:
“Is it true? Does Tamlin have a Mate?”
When Azriel slowly turns around, there’s Lucien. He’s dressed as impeccable as well, with his red mane in a ponytail. “Doesn’t anyone ever tell you that it’s rude to eavesdrop, fox?”
“Why would I bother to eavesdrop on your very important meeting with Rhysand?” Lucien counters, rolling his eyes. “I just came back from the Wall and wanted to confirm something. Rumours has it that the High Lord of the Spring Court made an appearance during the latest High Lords meeting with a human. Is it true?”
“…It is.”
Azriel watches as an indescribable expression takes over Lucien’s face. He glares at him. “It would be unwise for an emissary of the Night Court to meddle with the affairs of other Courts.”
“Is that a threat, Spymaster?”
“Take it as a friendly warning,” Azriel suggests. Unlike the rest of the Inner Circle, Azriel is still incredibly wary of Lucien, and like hell, will he ever underestimate this Fae when there are still so many things that they don’t know about him. Especially with his intention on Elain, no matter what he claimed. “The situation is becoming dangerous. You wouldn’t want to end up on the other end of someone’s pointed finger.” The implication is clear - any suspicion activities or behaviours from Lucien would mean his newest living quarters to be in the dungeons. And with that, he stalks deeper into the House. Done with the conversation.
Lucien’s mouth presses into a thin line.
He knows what happened to Amren and hears of the monster hiding in the city. Personally, staying in Velaris and keeping the populace ignorant is a horrible idea. Still, he has a feeling that Rhysand wouldn’t announce anything just so he could maintain any semblance of control when in reality, anywhere is safer than the Night Court right now, and Lucien has always been a survivor against all odds. The Spring Court and its High Lord were once his home and friend, and now with such deep bad blood running between them, would he survive Tamlin once more?
He makes his decision.
“When the curtains call the time, will we both go home alive? It wasn’t hard to realise. Love’s the death of peace of mind.” Juno sings using the broom as a makeshift microphone. She’s currently cleaning the master bedroom. Or at least she was.  
Today marks the third day since Tamlin disappeared.
She tries not to feel guilty, it’s a feeling akin to slimy tar. She did nothing wrong! She told him about her powers as soon as she got the hang of it and was genuinely honest when she said she would never use it maliciously against him. That should be enough to prove that she’s not like Amarantha… right?
Juno sighs and stops sweeping. Having a conscious can be a pain in the ass sometimes. No longer in the mood, she strides over to a wholly intact dresser where her phone is blaring Bad Omen’s playlist. “Shit, 60% already? And my power bank is dead AF. I really need to stop using my phone so much.” She mourns the inevitable loss of her screen time. Should she start journalling whatever notes she has about ACOTAR somewhere? No, no - she doesn’t want the deal with the risk of it falling into the wrong hands. At least her phone is password-protected. Oh! That reminds her, she needs to have another serious talk with Tamlin about protection against Daematis and she has just the most hilarious contingency plans!
“A man needs his space. That’s what they always say, right?” Juno muses to herself. She’s torn between searching out for Tamlin and staying in the manor. The magic has been returning to him nicely ever since Tamlin has been training and taking care of himself again, so she’s not worried about him (and she doubts she would ever be, to be honest). “I guess I can give him one more day. We really need to start tackling the Rot soon, though. Democracy is way overdue.”
Suddenly, there’s a sharp ripple in the air, and Juno finds herself no longer alone.
“He was right…”
Juno props her arm on the broom and the other one on her hip as she greets this stranger. “Red hair. Cute eye. Handsome face but not as tall as Maedhros. You must be Lucien - now this is a surprise.”
Lucien tilts his head. “Tamlin told you about me?” He didn’t expect that. He fully resigned that whatever friendship they had before had become painful memories - even the good ones. Lucien also didn’t expect such nonchalance from Tamlin’s human. But Feyre was also once a human. That was a painful lesson Lucien had learnt.
“No.” She beams. “So what brings you back to the Spring Court? Finally missed your bestie?”
She’s strange, evidently so. Lucien has never met a human this blasé, as if she has no care in the world despite that he just came in out of nowhere. Has she gotten used to Prythian and, by extension, Fae-kind? Feyre’s initial hatred of them makes her transition period difficult, not to mention that her life was in danger the moment she killed Andras. Another ghost of the past that Lucien will forever carry. “Curiosity leads me here,” He decided and carefully looked around. The manor is still in a horrible state of disrepair, but judging from the broom, she and Tamlin have been cleaning up. The thought oddly makes him relieved. “You know my name but I never did catch yours.”
“It’s Juno. Just Juno. If you want to talk to Tamlin then you’re out of luck. He’s been wandering somewhere for a few days now. I would play the part of a good host and offer you tea or some shit but we don’t have them right now.”
“No, that’s alright,” Lucien hastily replies, his hand raised to stop her. He’s not sure if he even wants to see Tamlin again just yet. “Thank you for the offer. I just…” He shuts up, conflicted with his wants and emotions.
The human female hums. “I can hazard a guess that you weren’t just curious about little ol’ me. You want to know how Tamlin is doing. Some guilty conscious perhaps? Now that’s a bitch and a half. Well, you can either help me clean up as we wait for the Beasty to return to his lair or vamoose back to whoever you came from. I’ll update Tamlin that you drop by. Heh. I always wanted to use that word - vamoose!”
“You’re unlike any human female I’ve ever met in my travels,” Lucien can’t help but admit. Fascinate and wary at the same time. “The way how you carry yourself and speak are foreign to me. How did you ended up in Prythian?”
Juno throws her hands up. The broom clatters on the floor. “Fuck it if I know! Now are you staying or what? I could use some handy air magic to move the rubbles.”
Lucien supposed he could discover what Tamlin had been up to through his Mate. If he’s lucky enough, Tamlin won’t return for a few more days.
“Sure. Where do you want me?”
“The wing where you guys kept that Mayo Muncher, Yoghurt Yoddler - whatever. Tamlin gave me the green light to do a total makeover when I asked so you’re gonna be my sledgehammer.”
“Did… did you mean Feyre?”
“Sorry! I keep forgetting her name. Now let’s go! I’ll answer any questions you got. Seems that’s a trend with you Faes.”
Unbeknownst to Lucien and Juno, Tamlin returns on the same day. Having had enough of wandering aimlessly and with nothing but the Rot as far as he could see, he made peace with more things in his life. While moving forward is incredibly difficult, he owes it to himself and his Court. It’s not about redemption, but finding means where you can be at peace in life. That there’s a viciously petty goddess in human form living with him for the foreseeable future. All in all, not a lot to work with, but it’s high time Tamlin starts somewhere. With that newfound determination, he made his way back home. When he passes through familiar landmarks, he can hear loud noises from somewhere in the manor.
Panic grips his heart. His every thought turns to Juno.
Still in his beast skin, Tamlin leaps inside and rushes to the wing where the walls incessantly haunt him and old paintings he couldn't bear to destroy nestled in various corners. When he notices the redhead beside his human, Tamlin’s claws immediately dig into the ground, grounding his tracks. Lucien immediately spins around and places himself between Tamlin and Juno, flight or fight instincts taking over. His eyes widen when he realises that it’s the High Lord.
“Tamlin? You’re back! We didn’t expect you.” Lucien greets hesitantly. He glances at Juno, who nods before stepping aside.
The Beast transforms into a Fae. Despite wearing a set of loose white shirt, a pair of brown pants and long blond hair wild, Tamlin is ever the picture-perfect image of a prince. “Lucien. Never thought I’d see you again.” His eyes glance at Juno. He doesn’t know what to feel when she shakes her head. 
Lucien, for the record, scoffs. “The feelings mutual. The last time we spoke, you were more beast than Fae. There was nothing that I said that could get through you.”
Tamlin takes a step back, his hands ball into fists. Seeing his reaction, Lucien ducks in shame.
“Ok. Y’all need some real talk,” Juno decided, eyes shifting from the two of them. “Get it out of your system but please don’t destroy anything, alright? It’ll be a bitch to clean up afterwards. Actually, wait. Go stupid, go crazy; if this entire wing blows it, it’ll be easier for us to build something new!” She gives them a thumbs up and skedaddles without looking behind.
“Your Mate is something else.” Lucien says in apropos of nothing. “She’s not the kind of female I imagined for you.”
Tamlin sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. He wants to correct his once best friend that the Mate thing was just a ruse so that they could easily dupe the other High Lords and their own Mates, but since they no longer have that trust between them, he instead replies, “Did she forced you to help her moved the rubbles?”
“In exchange for information,” Lucien answers without shame. “Though it were mostly about her. I sensed that she speaks the truth but then again, I’m not Morrigan. It doesn’t help that most of her words makes no sense to me.”
“It’s just how she is,” Tamlin settles instead—his demeanour changes, opting for a more serious stance. Slipping into the role of the High Lord has long become his second skin. “Though the fact that an emissary of the Night Court not only trespassed into my home, he was also in close proximity to my Mate. That’s a crime that deserves death. Did you forgot, Lucien?”
The redhead slowly shakes his head, sorrowful, given his history. “Never, High Lord.”
“Then why are you here? Did Rhysand send you?”
“No. No, Tamlin. I came here on my own accord.”
“Why!? Why now and not… not before!? Not after you left me for good!”
“I just need to know that you’re doing alright!” Lucien shouts, his voice thick with despair. “You were my friend, Tamlin! You gave me a place, a home, when I lost everything I knew! I will never forget what you did for me. And to me. You lost yourself so quickly that no matter what I did, I couldn’t reach out to you anymore. I tried, Tamlin; I did! But you were so hellbent on drowning in your emotions that I could hardly recognised you. And then after what Feyre did to the Spring Court ever after I told her that we needed you as an ally - ”
Tamlin swallows roughly. Feyre was the breaking point, shattering whatever he had left - pride, reputation, respect and a long-time friend. But it wasn’t all Feyre’s doing in the end, was it? He’s mature enough to admit that. Mother, what a situation they find themselves in. “I’m sorry.”
Lucien’s jaw is instantly on the floor, gobsmacked. Go big or go home, Juno muttered that once when she tried - and failed - to follow Tamlin’s easiest recipe for a lemon cake.
“I’m sorry. I-I regretted hurting you the most. You were a good friend to the very end. May you found someone worthy of your trust and affection.” A knot untangles in Tamlin’s heart. A burden released finally. It doesn’t matter if Lucien refuses to accept his apology. It’s a closure that he never knew he needed. Though he feels slightly lighter, he’s also tired. When will he truly be free of exhaustion?
“Thank you,” Lucien says when he finds his tongue again. “That means a lot to me. Is your new growth thanks to your Mate?”
“Please, that woman is many things. Vulnerable conversations isn’t one of them.”
“Ah. I reckon she’s a handful?”
“That’s a gross understatement…” Tamlin mutters. He clears his throat awkwardly. “If you’re not here on Rhysand’s orders then it’s not safe for you to be here, Lucien. His paranoia knows no bounds.”
Lucien nods. “Watch your back, Tamlin; your Mate’s too. I fear a new threat is upon us. Oh, and you didn’t hear this from me but a certain Spymaster might be lurking around soon. Remember; you didn’t hear it from me.”
The thought of Azriel snooping around, looking for his weaknesses and potentially sabotaging what they’re trying to do should enrage Tamlin. Instead, he’s not bothered by it. Not anymore.
“I appreciate the heads up. My Mate will handle it.”
Azriel lands in the middle of a forest of the Spring Court.
The moon hangs high in the night sky. It’s not as pretty as the canvas above Velaris.
It’s dead silent, Azriel notices. Even the nocturnal animals are nowhere to be found, which kicks the Spymaster’s heightened senses into overdrive. He purposely avoided landing anywhere near Tamlin’s manor as a precaution; better to play it on the safe side in case the High Lord is roaming around in his Beast form. He tried asking Elain if she Saw anything out of the ordinary, but all she gave him was Tamlin and Juno cooking dinner together. Azriel couldn’t imagine someone as feral as Tamlin to be so domesticated, but he wisely kept that to himself. He thanked Elain for the trouble, though.
The dry leaves crunch underneath his boots as Azriel emerges from the looming forest. The shadows that dance behind the trees whisper all sorts of things to him:
“Sick. Sick. The lands are so sick.”
“One with us. The Beast is one with us.”
“The young can no longer grow.”
“The winds of change carries vengeance with them.”
Concerning but not useful at the moment. He scrutinised his surroundings; nothing but a barren wasteland as far as the eye could see. The landscapes are hardly recognisable that for a brief moment, Azriel wonders if he’s even in the Spring Court. Everything is either dead or dying.
Azriel begins his reconnaissance as methodically as possible - taking in every detail he can see before making his way to the manor, mindful to keep to the shadows in case of any surprises. Unfortunately, one surprise did catch the Spymaster off guard.
He was so focused on the world around him that he failed to notice the thick tree stump 3 steps before him, causing Azriel to slip and fall hands first into a pile of animal faeces. It’s still warm. He curses his luck; he’ll never salvage his pride again if Cassian and Rhysand know about this! He quickly regains his composure and flies to the nearest lake to wash off. It didn’t take long for him to find it.
The lake's surface is murky grey, intensely so even when reflected by the moonlight.
“Azriel… my sweet boy. Will you turn around and look at your mother?”
He stops washing his hands. Blood runs ice cold as he realises the gravity of the situation.
“My son… can you hear me? Please, just… turn around so I can see how much you’ve grown.”
His leathery wings tuck close by instinct, a habit of curling himself small so he could fit on his mother’s lap when he was a boy. Azriel’s body shakes as it takes his entire willpower not to turn around.
“Azriel? Oh, sweetheart; I forgive you for abandoning me. You just need to TuRN aRoUND.” 
More voices from all around him. More Bogges closing in on the Illyrian - surrounding him. The very air ripples with malignant intents. The hair on the back of his neck raises in alarm when he feels phantom claws running down his arms. A mockery of his mother’s hug. This doesn’t make sense! He thought that there were none left in the Spring Court!?
“Azriel… are you going to be just like your father? Turn around if you still love me. Turn around!”
He can’t fight the Bogges. Not in their intangible form, and acknowledging them will mean instant death. Shit, shit! He needs to fly away; he needs to retreat -
Cold, wet hands suddenly grab his. He instinctively jerks away, but it’s too late - a swarm of deranged water-wraiths cackled as they drag him to a watery grave. Sinking and sinking and sinking, the surface is getting farther and farther away as the wraiths attack a struggling Azriel. They claw his face, gnaw on his legs and dig into his torso, tainting the already filthy water with blood. He manages to draw his sword, but his swings are slow as they cut through water while the monster deftly dodges his every attack. Some even mocked him. When a pair begins pulling at his wings, panic and pain set in. His brain asks him a question: Die via drowning or consumed by Bogges?
Azriel chooses neither. With a powerful burst of his wings, the pressure pushed the water-wraiths away just enough for him to swim back up and into the sky. He has to retreat - he needs to - his injuries are too deep, and one of the Water-Wraiths manages to claw him in the eye. He can’t heal on land where the Bogges await their meal.
It’s with deep shame that Azriel fly back to the Night Court. His mission is abandoned for now.
In the manor in the distance, Juno watches the speck of black dot vanish between the stars. She raises a glass of water in his direction. 
“Better luck next time, Ass-riel.” 
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chrysochroma · 7 months
Febuwhump 2024 Masterlist!
@febuwhump i made it babeyyy! thank you so much for organizing this, i had a lot of fun!!
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Total Word Count: 25,212
Day 1: helpless - “show us some good entertainment"
Hermitcraft, Teen, 1.1k
TW: blood, violence, broken bones
Day 2: solitary confinement - within your walls (desire, desire, till there’s nothing left of me)
Hermitcraft, Teen, 2.4k
TW: Kidnapping, Torture, Human Experimentation, Temporary Character Death
Day 3: ALT 4: human weapon - These are the Glorious Days (TGD) Ch 1: Slice, Come Paradise
Generation Loss, Teen, 1k
TW: Major character death, Blood, Flashbacks
Day 4: ALT 1: human shield - Starting With Them
The Owl House, Teen, 1k
TW: Possession, blood, violence
Day 5: rope burns - Black skies change to blue
Tangled the Series/Varian and the 7 Kingdoms, Teen, 1.3k
TW: Blood, Injury, Rope burns, Tourniquets
Day 6: “you lied to me” - Everything Moves Ch 1: So many angles, so many lines
Varian and the 7 Kingdoms, Teen, 1k
TW: crying, yelling, betrayal
Day 7: suffering in silence - TGD Ch 2: I give you the Judgement of God!
Generation Loss, Teen, 1k
TW: Dissection/surgery, Derealization, Graphic description of dissection
Day 8: “why won’t it stop?” - Kill The Rabbit (KTR) Ch 1: Eclipse
Original Work, Mature, 3.4k
TW: Arson, Death, Derealization, Panic Attacks, Scars, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Day 9: bees - Futurum Ch 1: Humanity
Original Work, Teen, 1.2k
TW: Death
Day 10: ALT 9: lightning strike - Sacrosanctity
Original Work, Teen, 1k
TW: blood, lightning, cult ish
Day 11: time loop - KTR Ch 2: Waxing Crescent
Original Work, Mature, 3.2k
TW: Murder, Blood and Violence, some Very distasteful discussion of suicide
I just realized that i forgot to make a tumblr post for it but its too late for that now so
Day 12: ALT 6: immortality - In a Tulip Field (Tulip) Ch 1: Always More
Original Work, Teen, 232
TW: discussion of death
Day 13: “you weren’t meant to get hurt” - Everything Moves Ch 3: So many ways to see the sunrise
Varian and the 7 Kingdoms, Teen, 1.2k
TW: Violence, injury, crying
Day 14: blood stained tiles - Neon green and scarlet red
Danny Phantom, Teen, 857
TW: Dissection/vivisection/surgery, self loathing, bad parenting, blood
Day 15: “who did this to you?” - Rusty Repair Kit (RRK) Ch 1: A Bright Red Poppy
Hermitcraft, Teen, 658
TW: Mourning
Day 16: came back wrong - “You don’t remember?"
Malevolent Podcast, Teen, 642
TW: yelling, swearing
Day 17: hostage situation - I’m Gonna Win Ch 1: I’ll be Bloody and Bruised
Traffic Life, Teen, 100
TW: Defeathering, Violence, Reference to past trauma
Day 18: too weak to move - Thrill of the Chase
The Magnus Archives, Teen, 162
TW: Violence
Day 19: “please don’t” - Everything Moves Ch 2: To keep the pulse alive in you
Varian and the 7 Kingdoms, Teen, 594
TW: Yelling
Day 20: ALT 7: last words - Tulip Ch 2: Those Who Remember
Original Work, Teen, 187
TW: Discussion of death
Day 21: unresponsive - “All you have is your fire"
Traffic Life, Teen, 100
TW: Unconscious
Day 22: “you weren’t meant to be there” - I’m Gonna Win Ch 2: I’ll be Laughing Alone
Traffic Life, Teen, 200
TW: Yelling
Day 23: presumed dead - Tulip Ch 3: For Them
Original Work, Teen, 181
TW: Discussion of death
Day 24: “i’m doing this because i care about you” - Molten Gold
Traffic Life, Teen, 959
TW: Kidnapping, Flashbacks, References to past trauma, Fire powers, Yelling
Day 25: ALT 5: CPR - Make a mercy out of me
Hermitcraft, Teen, 200
TW: Drowning, Burns, Crying
Day 26: “help them” - Boogeyman
Traffic Life, Teen, 100
TW: Violence, Betrayal, Lying
Day 27: left for dead - RRK Ch 2: Bloodstained Gears
Hermitcraft, Teen, 842
TW: Violence, Blood
Day 28: “no…not like this” - TGD Ch 3: Hail His Majesty!
Generation Loss, Teen, 100
TW: Panic, Yelling
Day 29: not allowed to die - Success
Traffic Life, Teen, 100
TW: Panic, Suicidal thoughts
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vulpes-fennec · 2 years
The Fae Equality Initiative (Ch. 8) 🌊
Summary: Tarquin, High Lord of the Summer Court, has sent ripples of shock throughout Prythian with his plans to eliminate discrimination against Lesser Fae. When the Night Court is invited to send a delegation to Summer Court, Elain Archeron can’t wait to show everybody what she’s capable of on her first official Inner Circle assignment. Little does she know that Tarquin has also recruited Lucien Vanserra’s assistance…
In this chapter, Elain and Lucien go on a lil sushi date in Adriata 😊
Read: Ch 1 | Ch. 7 | AO3
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Velaris libraries were often dimly lit by small green lamps of faelight, filled with dark wood and jewel-toned cushions. Nesta and Feyre called it cozy. Elain felt “eye-strain” was a better descriptor. 
But it was a different story at the Summer Court. The library section of the Summer Palace was illuminated by the enormous windows providing beautiful views of the sea. Even the colors of the walls themselves—white, pale green, and light blue—mirrored the moods of the ocean. The sun reflecting off the water threw rippling, translucent ribbons across the ceiling, making Elain feel like she was in an underwater cavern. 
Her stomach was delightfully full from breakfast with Balthazar and Varian in their little suite: a delicious bread made with bananas, a drink of coconut “water” (not as sweet as juice, but not as creamy as milk, though Varian said coconut “milk” existed), savory stewed black beans, and a fresh fruit called pineapple. 
Balthazar had made plans with Sona, the Spring Court water wraith, and Jaime, a Day Court scholar. Something about resolving tensions between Fae species, he had said. “Do you want to join us, Elain?” the Illyrian male had asked. 
Elain had politely declined, for she planned to research the origins of the High Lords and Prythian’s magic at the palace library. Oh, and she wanted to find books related to Seers, as well. The librarian, who had webbed hands and slightly scaled silver skin, graciously directed Elain to the nonfiction section. 
Elain picked up two thick volumes and wandered through the tall shelves of tan, weathered wood for additional light reading. The Summer Court had huge sections dedicated solely to the tropical plants that flourished in the heat and humidity. She couldn’t wait to visit Adriata’s botanical gardens. 
Suddenly, a vibrant red flashed in between the spines of Coconut Cultivation 101 and Caring for your Coral Reef. Elain’s breath caught as she did a double take, realizing that Lucien was walking down the corridor, holding a small stack of books. 
Lucien?!? What is he doing here? Elain hadn’t seen him since their little chat in the garden two nights ago. He hadn’t sought her out, either, and she’d assumed he spent his days avoiding her. After all, she’d been a crying, foolish mess in front of him. What kind of male would want to deal with that?  
Yet her heart leapt with excitement at his handsome face. Elain crept discreetly around the bookshelf, watching as Lucien settled down at a large table. Despite her rational thoughts urging her to keep her distance, Elain was fascinated at how Lucien moved with grace, carrying himself with the poise of a lord.
But Lucien hadn’t seen her yet. So Elain tried to discreetly draw his attention by strolling down the aisle and past his table. Her relaxed demeanor belied the fact that she was holding her breath. 
Eye contact with Lucien’s mismatched eyes had his golden eye flashing like a bolt of lightning. The brilliance of the metal eye made Elain far too timid to plop herself down in front of him. So she dipped her head in quick acknowledgement, before sitting down at the next table over. Elain opened her book, still acutely aware of the male sitting several feet away from her. 
Lucien was definitely glancing over at her in between pages of his book. She could tell from the tell-tale click of his eye and ripple of his red hair. But Elain herself was unable to concentrate: the words swam around the page, she read the bottom of the page before the top, she couldn’t—
“My lady.” A thrill raced up Elain’s spine. Lucien had walked over, and was gripping his books apprehensively. “Do you mind if I sit with you?”   
“No! No, not at all.” Her voice sounded high-pitched and awkward. 
Elain’s legs trembled under the table with anticipation as Lucien took a seat across from her. With his tan breeches, loose white shirt, navy jacket complete with nicely creased lapels, and his flaming hair tied in a low ponytail, Lucien reminded her of those swashbuckling, handsome pirates from romance novels. She could easily envision him gripping the helm with those broad, tanned hands. Regally looking over the horizon with the spyglass. Slashing a curved sword in defense of treasure. 
Concentrate, concentrate, she told herself. But after rereading the paragraph again, she took another quick glance at Lucien. And what he had in front of him. Human-Fae Collaboration: A Short History. Scythia Politics. Spell-cleaving Techniques. 
Having Lucien across the table from her had Elain’s stomach twisted in knots. How could someone look good while reading?!? From the way his red hair gleamed molten in the daylight to the soothing clicks of his golden eye, every detail pertaining to the male commandeered Elain’s full attention. 
Elain held herself with ladylike stiffness, acutely aware that Lucien would notice every sigh, every page-turn, every yawn she made. This was her first time sitting in close proximity to him, for such a prolonged period of time. I have to look studious, so I don’t annoy him with my fidgeting, she fretted.  
Three hours passed by, and Elain still wasn’t sure if she’d absorbed anything from her books. She could see that Lucien hadn’t made much progress either—he was still stuck at the first quarter of his book on spell-cleaving techniques. So much for a productive morning of research. 
“I think I’m done reading for the day, my lady,” Lucien announced abruptly. “Please excuse me.” He stood up with a casual stretch.
He’s leaving? A foreign sense of panic seared through Elain. “Oh. Erm…I’ll come with you!” she cried. Lucien merely dipped his head in acknowledgement. Elain felt like a frazzled fledgling bird as she hastily got up, following Lucien to deposit her books on the librarian’s cart.
“Are you eating anything for lunch?” Elain blurted out as they exited the library. Gods, what a silly question to ask! she realized, feeling even more foolish. Of course he will be eating something if he’s having lunch! 
“I…yes. Perhaps whatever is available in the palace kitchens,” Lucien replied with uncertainty.
The cogs of Elain’s brain were going haywire. Why would he ask to sit next to me if nothing was going to come out of it? He’s not even looking at me as he walks away! Is this it?!?
Elain gulped. It was unspeakable for proper ladies to ask gentlemen to share a meal. Yet, she found herself stammering, “If you don’t have any plans…I was wondering if you could give me a tour of Adriata. And we could…could get some food together?” 
Lucien halted his steps, his expression unreliable with his back to her. Elain wrung her hands anxiously, waiting for his answer. 
“Of course, my lady.” Elain smiled with relief at his affirmation. Lucien gave her a wry grin. “Have you ever tried sushi?” 
Elain’s pale skin had been flushed with excitement as they made the journey across the water, and Lucien had found her very pretty in her flowy pink dress. Lucien from a week ago would have never imagined sitting down with his mate for a meal in the Summer Court. He’d taken her to the homely sushi restaurant he’d frequented after the war with Hybern. It was a hole-in-the-wall type of place, but the food had always been fresh and the restaurant owners were kind. 
“Is sushi related to fish?” Those were Elain’s first words to him as she scrutinized the menu. Ah, shit. Lucien forgot to take into account that not everybody liked fish, especially raw fish. 
“Yes, it’s a dish you can find in the seaside cities of the Summer and Dawn Court,” Lucien explained. “It’s…it’s raw fish, actually. Served in rolls of rice and seaweed, and with other condiments.” Elain’s brown eyes widened at his descriptions. 
“But if you don’t want to eat raw fish, there are still plenty of other things on the menu,” Lucien said hurriedly. “There’s soup and salad.” 
“No, I can try sushi. I just don’t know what to get…I suppose I’ll have what you have!” Elain closed the menu and gave him a shy smile that made his heart inexplicably flutter. 
“Alright, then.” Lucien called the waiter over and ordered two rolls of sushi, a fresh fruit bowl, and two sashimi sampling platters. The fruit bowl was a precaution, since Lucien was pretty sure Elain was pretending to be excited about sushi out of politeness. Awkward silence fell between them again. Elain was looking everywhere but him. And Lucien had refilled his water glass twice already, since he resorted to sipping on it when he didn’t know what to do. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, why were you reading about High Lord history?” he broached. Talking about books seemed to be a safe subject. 
“Ah…I wanted to understand how magic manifests in the Fae. I know some are more…powerful than others, and the delegations said that the degree of power was tied to one’s social standing,” Elain explained hesitantly. As if she was carefully choosing her words before she spoke. “I’m also curious about how High Lords are chosen.”
She took a delicate sip of her water. “What about you? I saw that you were reading about the humans?” 
“Yes. I was born after the Wall was created. Jurian…he offers interesting accounts, but I wanted a broader picture of the human and Fae relations. So far, Vassa and Tamlin have been open-minded about new ideas, but I’ve noticed many instances of mistrust between humans and Fae.”
“Were you being serious about extending protections and rights to humans?”
Lucien blinked. “Of course I was. Why would I not be?”
“Feyre said that you weren’t very fond of her when she first arrived at the Spring Court. Because she was human,” Elain objected.
Lucien’s metal eye twitched. What else did Feyre tell Elain about me? Hopefully nothing too questionable. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “That was a long time ago. I assure you that my…sentiments have changed since then, my lady.” 
Elain assessed him with her warm brown eyes. Lucien half-wondered what she saw in him, what she was thinking about. He knew that his mate had feared—perhaps even hated—the Fae when she was human. And he himself had found humans pathetically weak and not particularly bright up until a few years ago. 
How ironic, then, that the Mother made the two of us mates. That I now live amongst the humans, and Elain lives amongst the Fae. 
“I haven’t been human for some time, but if you need any input regarding humans, I’m available to offer some,” Elain finally said. 
Is she extending an offer to collaborate? Elain implied she felt something towards him during their chat several nights ago, but she also made clear that she wanted to wait before making any decisions regarding their mating bond. The way she put her foot forward today—from her invitation to eat lunch together and now her offer to assist him—puzzled Lucien. Should I dare let myself feel hope? Lucien wondered. Hope that Elain is trying to know me, that this mating bond mess will one day work out? 
“Thank you, my lady. I’ll be sure to ask for your input on my findings.” Lucien paused, then added, “if you have any questions about Prythian…well, I’ve been to all seven courts and I am happy to answer them as well.” 
“Good, because the book material is very confusing to me,” Elain confessed with a slight blush. Lucien suppressed the urge to reach over and cup her pink cheeks, which looked tantalizingly soft and squishy. 
His thoughts were thankfully broken when the waiter brought out the food. Elain’s eyes widened as she took in the vibrant red, pink, and orange slices of raw fish. “What’s the black thing on the outside of the roll?” she asked curiously.
“It’s seaweed,” Lucien said. “But don’t worry, it’s not the kind you just find on the beach. It’s specially farmed and treated.” 
“So this is just raw fish?” Her doe eyes were large as she inspected the details of the dish. “I’m sorry if this sounds ignorant, but how do they make sure there aren’t any parasites in it?” Elain lowered her voice so that the other patrons wouldn’t hear.
“This is your first time trying sushi, isn’t it? Don’t worry, the fish is very fresh and it’s kept chilled to prevent decay. As for any potential parasites, they treat the fish with a simple spell that will kill off any potential parasites.” Lucien glanced at the big fruit bowl. “Of course, you don’t have to eat it. I got this fruit bowl—”
Before he finished his sentence, Elain picked up a piece of red tuna and popped it into her mouth. She chewed it delicately, her big eyes darting back and forth as she analyzed the fish. 
“How is it?” he asked cautiously. Lucien waited for her to blanch, or worse, start gagging in revulsion.
But Elain swallowed and blinked. “I like it,” she said, with a hint of amazement in her voice. 
“Yes, really. What kind of fish was that?” she asked curiously. 
“Tuna,” Lucien replied. 
“It’s not overtly fishy to me. The texture is odd, but it’s quite soft. And the cold temperature is also refreshing in the heat,” Elain commented thoughtfully. “It was strange at first, but I think I’ll get used to it. I like eating fish, anyway.”
Elain is a chatty female. Lucien realized he liked that. He liked that a lot, actually. “Did Feyre ever tell you I could catch fish with my bare hands?” he asked, amused. It was a bit of a brag, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“She didn’t. How does that happen?” Awe briefly flashed across Elain’s face. 
“Lots of practice, my lady.” Perhaps I can show you one day, Lucien added silently. If she would have him. If they could return to the Autumn Court without being hounded by his family. 
As Elain dug into another piece of fish—this time, it was salmon—Lucien found the way she jumped into new things extremely satisfying. Her eager expression, with her bright chocolate brown eyes, slightly parted pink lips, and blinking dark lashes made something in Lucien’s chest twinge. 
“You’re more open-minded to new things than I thought you’d be,” he observed.
“I’m not a picky eater! I’ve wanted to travel to the continent for most of my life,” she replied somewhat defensively. “It’s only natural that I would want to try new things. Get out of my comfort zone.” 
The continent. Lucien wished he’d known that before, otherwise he would have bought her some souvenirs from his travels with Jurian and Vassa. 
Elain is interested in traveling too? To think of all the places we could explore together…Lucien made a mental note to casually share some stories the next time they talked. 
“Is that why you’re here?” he asked. 
Elain looked at him, confusion warring in her doe eyes. “I-I thought I should initiate getting to know you? But if you don’t want to then…I’m s-sorry. I must have misunderstood.” Her voice had grown small. 
“Oh, no. No,” Lucien stammered, his heart racing. So Elain IS trying to get to know me better! For some reason, that small piece of knowledge made him feel giddier than a child opening Solstice presents. “I only meant, is that why you’re part of the Night Court delegation?” 
“Oh, yes. I did want to get out of the Night Court.” Elain blushed, realizing her misunderstanding, that perhaps she may have said too much. Her eyes lighted on the small dishes of condiments. “Anyways, what is this?” She scooped up a bit of the green paste, eager to change the subject. 
“I don’t think you should do that, my lady,” Lucien warned. But it was too late. 
Elain had boldly taken a rather large chunk of wasabi into her mouth. Exactly three seconds passed before his mate gasped at the inevitable stinging sensation that traveled up the bridge of her nose. Elain flapped her hands in a panic, downing gulps of water while her eyes watered. Despite the sympathy Lucien felt for her, he couldn’t help but laugh at Elain’s ridiculous expression. 
Resources linked here!
Read: Ch. 9
Notes: After devoting December to Feysand Month, one-shots, and Secret Santa...I'm back! Thanks for sticking around to read!
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climbthemountain2020 · 7 months
Hope of Spring - Chapter 21
Also on Ao3 :) Find Ch. 20 here!
After the wedding, Penny and Tamlin tried to maximize the time they had together, moving slowly through the days and enjoying each other’s presence. Many nights had been spent sprawled across pillows and blankets in front of the fire as the light Spring snows blew across the rolling hills outside the windows. They read books curled up against each other in the study and in bed, one sometimes reading aloud to the other. Penny recited the plots of her former favorite books and even movies as Tamlin laid on her lap, her hands running through his hair as he dozed. He’d return the favor by reading aloud to her from the books of his childhood–fae fairy tales, both beautiful and horrifying, as she listened with rapt attention.
They spent time in the kitchen, allowing Ira to teach them how to cook complex meals with rich spices. Neither had been much for making extravagant meals before, but they’d listened very studiously and were able to concoct some delicious recipes while the staff smiled on. The mood of the Spring manor, despite the impending war, was as light as it had been since she’d arrived there. Penny could tell that the staff truly cared about Tamlin, and they were glad to see him happy.
Tamlin and Penny ignored the incoming war, too, for as long as they could. They talked about everything else: childhoods, dreams, training, Prythian gossip, the future. Tamlin told Penny about his recollection of the night they’d met, to which Penny couldn’t stop laughing. He’d thought her just as insane as she’d thought him in those first few moments. They talked about their future a lot. Since the subject of children had been brought up at the wedding, they couldn’t seem to get enough of talking about it. While they’d decided to wait a bit yet, they talked about every hope and dream that they wished for in regards to their future. Separately, they wished hard for a life beyond the war they refused to acknowledge aloud between them, hoping to stave it off for just a bit more time.
But Tamlin and Penny were only allowed a few weeks of wedded bliss before reality came crashing back to them all. This specific morning, they were sitting in the study reading, still in their sleeping clothes, when Lucien tumbled in a sudden winnow into the room.
“The Night Court has received a message from Jurian. Vassa has been forced back to the lake.” The air grew thick with panic. Tamlin spoke first.
“We’ll begin preparations now. Tell everyone they’re welcome to stay here at the manor while we prepare. I’ll have the staff make sure the rooms are ready.” Lucien nodded and was off again.
Penny had started shaking, the book forgotten and her eyes glazed. She looked up to him.
“I’m so scared. I’m so scared.” Her lip wobbled and she reached for him as he hurried to her side. They hadn’t told Rhys yet about her discovery weeks ago; she hadn’t worked up the nerve. She’d known time had been closing in on them, but she’d hoped, dreamed, foolishly, that they’d have more of it.
“I have to tell him,” she whispered, as she pressed her face to Tamlin’s chest. He breathed out, but embraced her more tightly.
“I will support you no matter what, Sunshine. I love you. We will see the other side of this, you and I. One way or another, we will see it together.” She grabbed his hand and they went to dress and alert the manor staff of the impending influx of people. By nightfall, Rhys, Feyre, Amren, Varian, Lucien, Cassian, Nesta, Azriel, Gwyn, Mor, Emerie, and the rest of the Valkyries had arrived to bunk at the manor. Elain would stay in the Night Court with Nuala and Cerridwen to guard the children and wait for news. Lucien would be winnowing back and forth to check on her in the days leading up to their descent upon the lake in the mortal lands. She could feel his nervous energy the moment he landed in the manor.
The plan was a day and single night spent resting in Spring, then they, along with all the other courts, would make for the mortal lands at dawn’s first light. They tried to make things lighthearted and joyful with good food and drink and company, but the air held a thick sense of fear at what was to come. Tamlin and Penny had barely had a moment apart since they’d heard the news, always in contact with the other.
When Tamlin needed to take a bit to go prepare the soldiers converging upon the barracks, she’d seized the opportunity to take Rhys aside. It was time to tell him what she’d discovered, though she’d found herself constantly wishing they’d found another way.
She led him into the library away from the others. “Ah, finally coming to kill me, High Lady?” He chuckled.
“Not High Lady, Rhys.” She smiled wryly.
“But soon,” he said, his eyes sparkling with starlight. Though, when he saw the seriousness of her face, his expression dropped. “Is everything okay?” She sagged, and slumped onto a chaise, dropping her head into her hands.
“I think I found a way to defeat him.” She murmured. She had expected him to react with excitement, but his lack of reaction at all told her more than any words could. “You knew, didn’t you?” She asked him, looking up. His eyes were haunted.
“Yes. I figured it out a few weeks ago. I would never have asked it of you if you had not come to it yourself.” She exhaled wetly, the tears already blurring her vision.
“I have to do it, Rhys. It’s the only way.”
“Even now, Penny, if you wanted to refuse, I wouldn’t fault you. I would respect your decision, and no one would have to know.” She shook her head, lifting her chin and squaring her shoulders.
“If it isn’t me, it will be someone else. I will do this for the people and the home I love.” He stood, coming to her and embracing her. Was this the first time they’d hugged? She wondered to herself. “If you can get me to the front lines, I will do everything I can.”
He pulled back. “You have been a better friend to us than anyone could have expected. I will do whatever you ask of me.” She wished she didn’t have to ask.
“I have a favor I need from you.”
“Of course. What do you need?” He said without hesitation.
“He intends to die with me. You cannot let him, Rhys.” She whispered into the dark room. The breath flew from his chest and he pulled back to stare at her.
“Penny, I can’t stop him. He’s your mate. I won’t be able to keep him from protecting you.”
“You must, or I cannot do this. I cannot carry this out unless I know he will be safe and okay at the end.” Rhys closed his eyes in frustration, running a hand over his face. She could see the exhaustion haunting him–he had a mate to protect, too.
“He will never be okay again if he loses you, Penny. And he’ll hate me for being the one who allowed this.” She held firm while Rhys paced around the room.
“You must ensure he survives. I cannot gamble his life for mine–I was brought here for a reason, and it’s this. He deserves to live. After everything he’s been through, he deserves to live. So if things go south, you must get him out. I will write a letter to him–blame me if you have to in order to preserve your relationship with him. Tell him I forced you into a bargain. But I will not help if you cannot assure me he will survive the battle.”
He looked every bit of his five centuries in that moment, but the sigh deflated his chest and he nodded miserably.
“I don’t want to do this. But I will. For you.” The emotions bubbled over and the tears streamed from her eyes as she raced back to him and threw her arms around him again.
“Thank you,” she whispered. “He deserves to live. He deserves to have his second chance.” Rhys drew back slowly, looking into Penny’s eyes, silver lining his own.
“You do, too, Penny.” But she dropped her hands, nodded to him once like a soldier accepting her orders, then left the dark room.
The trip to the mortal lands was not tedious, though the cold bit at Penny through the layers of Valkyrie leathers and cloak she wore. Dusk was falling, and so was the snow, but they’d had one more meeting to finalize plans before everyone was sent for one last night’s sleep. The battle would begin at dawn, and the tension was palpable.
The Valkyrie unit would be tasked with scouring the castle to find the onyx box. Nesta felt confident that she would still be able to feel out the powerful object with her Made powers, so she opted to lead the group. Once they acquired it, they would deliver it to the front, where Penny would do everything in her power to destroy it. Eris, having had access to Beron’s paperwork and thus the layout of Koeschi’s castle, would be going with Tilly and Jurian to find Vassa and the other women held at the lake to free them. They’d have the use of fire and portal travel, so they could hopefully provide the trapped women a quick and safe escape from the castle’s walls before Koeschi was any the wiser.
Penny’s primary focus would be working with Helion and Lucien to cast wards around Prythian’s armies to hold back the weaponry from harming them, buying enough time to hold the line and get the box to the front. She shared a nod across the tent to Rhys and Feyre, who she assumed knew of Penny’s plan by the look of deep sadness in her eyes. Everyone said their goodbyes and departed the war tent for their own.
Tamlin was every bit the vision in his armor, his bandolier gleaming across his chest. Every single look at him cracked something deep within her chest, knowing that these moments would likely be some of their last together–even if he didn’t know it yet. She’d written the letter and tucked it neatly beneath his pillow before they’d left the manor the morning before, hoping it would bring him comfort in the coming weeks and hopefully salvage his relationship with Rhys.
She took every opportunity to memorize every line and expression of his face. She wanted to make sure that if the fight with Koeschi killed her, she could picture his handsome, loving face in her last moments, and it would bring her every bit of peace possible as she passed. She would do this for Prythian; she would do this for him.
Laying in their bedroll, legs entwined and lips gently and softly exploring, she let herself cry. She hoped he assumed it was nerves about the battle at large, and not because she was trying to permanently press the way the tips of his fingers felt into the permanence of her memory, holding this moment as close as she possibly could to her heart.
“I love you.” The words were barely more than a whisper as she looked into his emerald eyes. The eyes she had only just begun to dream her children might someday have. “I love you, always.” She pressed her forehead to his.
“I love you, Penny. Always.” He responded.
They made love softly, slowly, as if they had all the time in the world and a war was not waiting on the other side of the night. Their magic twisted and danced together, and the golden bond between them flared and glowed and hummed with adoration and fulfillment. And when they were done, she pulled his arms tighter around her and tried to imagine death would be just like this, falling into a warm embrace in the dark one last time, where the love of her life was warm and safe.
The vision flickered to life behind her closed eyes, Tamlin’s breathing evening out at her neck. He was back in Spring, sitting on the steps of the garden, whittling a small horse out of a piece of wood. Two blonde children chased each other around the flowers–twins, perhaps–hair glowing golden in the sun and vibrant green eyes shining. She allowed the tears to flow as the vision faded.
Tamlin would be safe and happy and fulfilled, even if she wouldn’t be there to see it.
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glitter-lisp · 3 months
wip name tag
Tagged by @cypresstrees (im kissin you btw)
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I am absolutely not posting the names of ALL my wips, considering what an obscene amount I have (I made a new wip for every passing thought that enters my head tbh) but lemme see lemme see here's a loose handful of my most recently updated drafts split between my two main fandoms rn:
One Piece:
him whose howling drives men mad
what if our sisters got married and we were both the best men 😳 haha jk unless 👀
strawberry fields forevahhhh
food as a metaphor for love. gay love even
modern zosan dumbness
Au Varian ch 17
Batgene thief kid bonding
[redacted] by olivia rodrigo but it's about murder
make ariana a grizzled lady cop NOW
Barvarian team awesome flank steak
I'm not tagging anyone cause I'm paranoid but anyone who sees this can say I tagged them and I will nod in agreement and swear unto my dying day that it's true
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Varian + Tv Tropes
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An attempt at Varian in a more realistic style. This is the first time in a long while that I draw without a reference photo - and the first time I've tried to draw something in a different style from the original. Hope it turned out decently anyway.
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tangledshipper713 · 5 years
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She gets it...
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