#tanya baxter
zackmartin · 1 year
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that's so raven | (2.02) don't have a cow
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disneymbti · 2 years
Can you do MBTI types for That’s So Raven main characters? Like for Raven, Eddie, Chelsea, Victor, Cory, and Tanya
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Raven Baxter's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Cancer Moon and Sagittarius Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Cancer Moon: The emotions of Cancer Moons have no limits, restraints, or depths. This is a cosmic placement that often leads to sweetness, kindness, emotional awareness and responsibility. 
Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius risings are jovial, optimistic, and full of energy. They sparkle with confidence, and you can't help but sparkle back when you're around them.
Enneagram Type: 4w3 [The Enthusiast]
Basic Fear: Four wing threes’ deepest fear is that they have no significance in the world. They tend to express this by frequently distinguishing themselves from the rest of the world.
Basic Desire: They desire uniqueness and personal identity. They long to be authentically different, which may lead them to intense bouts of creativity and self-expression.
Enthusiasts may defend themselves by unconsciously adapting characteristics of others to seem more authentic.
Eddie Thomas' MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ESTP [The Entrepreneur]
ESTP types like being around large groups of people, whether they know them or not. They prefer being out in action to being at home by themselves.
They are very observant and detail-oriented people. They are practical and realistic, focusing on the here-and-now.
Entrepreneurs make decisions based in logic. They care more about following the truth than making other people happy.
They avoid schedules, preferring to make plans as they go. They are less aware of time and enjoy being adaptable.
Big Three: Aries Sun, Leo Moon and Gemini Rising
Aries Sun: The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by action planet Mars. When placed as the sun sign, the ram can motivate themselves to face on fears and blow past hesitation.
Leo Moon: Possessing a wellspring of inner warmth, Leo Moons are beyond generous. As an act of love, they’ll shine their light onto those they care about. 
Gemini Rising: Gemini risings are quick-witted and fast communicators, always looking for unique ways to express themselves. 
Enneagram Type: 3w2 [The Enchanter]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type three wing twos are afraid of failing and being unworthy of love. They avoid this by setting and accomplishing goals, in order to feel successful and worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be admired and accepted. They seek value through accomplishment, which may push them deeper into their work.
Enchanters tend to adjust their persona to their audience, in order to feel as though they are easily liked, which may lead to playing a character rather than being themselves.
Chelsea Daniels' MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Gemini Sun, Taurus Moon and Pisces Rising
Gemini Sun: Geminis are chatty and talkative, priding themselves on being in-the-know when it comes to news and gossip. Their dualistic nature allows them to see situations from a number of perspectives.
Taurus Moon: The Moon loves to be in the zodiac sign Taurus. Those with Moon in Taurus delight in the earthly pleasures and seek out emotional security.
Pisces Rising: The Pisces ascendant commits fully to their beliefs, and has an active imagination.
Enneagram Type: 6w7 [The Confidant]
Basic Fear: Six wing sevens’ fear losing their support system. This may be expressed through self-deprecating humor, in which they seek affirmation and assurance from other people.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel safe and supported. They show this by being loving and supportive to others. They honor their commitments and are very loyal to their friends.
Like other sixes, Confidants defend themselves by projecting their feelings, which may lead them to misunderstanding themselves and their relationships.
Victor Baxter's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ESFJ [The Consul]
As extroverts, Consuls are talkative, energetic, and thrive around people. They prefer not to spend too much time alone.
Highly observant, their focus lies more on the details than on how everything connects together. They trust facts over theories—and they make decisions based on what they can see right now.
ESFJs are feelers who prioritize emotion rather than logic in their decision-making.  Empathetic and diplomatic, they do what feels right rather than what makes sense.
They’re structured and organized, preferring to plan ahead so they know what’s going to happen. They like rules, processes and schedules.
Big Three: Cancer Sun, Libra Moon and Aquarius Rising
Cancer Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts.
Libra Moon: Moon in Libra is makes for a relationship-oriented individual. They may base their decisions upon how they are viewed by others. 
Aquarius Rising: This rising sign can speak lucidly on a number of topics, using their lofty knowledge to charm crowds and solve problems alike.
Enneagram Type: 2w3 [The Host]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type two wing threes fear being unwanted or worthless. They usually avoid this by building personal connections with others and working hard to meet the needs of the community.
Basic Desire: Their most basic desire is to be loved and accepted. They may express this by being extremely attentive and attached to other people.
Hosts tend to suppress their own negative emotions, which, when done frequently, can lead to high levels of stress or unexpected outbursts.
Cory Baxter's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENTJ [The Commander]
As ENTJs, Commanders are talkative, high energy, and thrive around people. They seek action and tend to involve themselves in events. They prefer not to spend too much time alone.
They focus more on the big picture than on tiny details—they’re interested in how everything connects together and trust their internal thought process more than they trust past experience.
ENTJs use logic rather than emotion in decision making. They tend to follow what makes sense, rather than what feels right.
They are structured, organized, like to plan ahead and know what’s going to happen. They appreciate rules, processes, and schedules.
Big Three: Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon and Capricorn Rising
Taurus Sun: The Bull tends to be drawn to a creative, indulgent lifestyle — and we wouldn’t expect anything less from a Venus ruled sign. They're also thought to have a stubborn, loyal and grounded personality.
Gemini Moon: Ruled by winged messenger, Mercury, Gemini Moons enjoy discussing their complex feelings with others in order to gain a mindful and clear emotional perspective.
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity. 
Enneagram Type: 7w8 [The Opportunist]
Basic Fear: Seven with an eight wing fear being deprived. They want to pursue new opportunities and avoid being controlled by schedules.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to content and satisfied. They love experiencing the world by travelling and going to parties.
Opportunists defend themselves by justifying others’ negative actions and rationalizing away bad feelings.
Tanya Baxter's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFJ [The Protagonist]
ENFJs are high-energy people who dislike spending too much time alone. They take initiative and tend to talk more than they listen.
They usually trust their intuition and focus on the future. They are good at analyzing complex ideas. 
Protagonists are motivated by feelings and values. They work to avoid conflict and are very diplomatic.
They like to make lists and schedules, preferring to follow a plan. They are hard-working and responsible.
Big Three: Virgo Sun, Aries Moon and Libra Rising
Virgo Sun: Governed by communication planet Mercury, Virgos are the thinkers of the zodiac. Virgos process information with diligence and use facts to solve problems. 
Aries Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason.
Libra Rising: Finding balance in life is essential for Libra risings, who prefer things to be even-keeled and civil.
Enneagram Type: 2w1 [The Companion]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type two-wing-ones fear being unwanted by those they love. They tend to take on a caretaker role to serve others and avoid feelings of insecurity.
Basic Desire: They desire love and acceptance above all else. They are service-oriented and humble, seeking to help better the lives of those in their community.
Companions tend to stifle and repress their negative emotions and personal desires. They may feel internally conflicted as they work to meet everyone else’s needs but their own.
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rizumuj · 2 years
Raven's Home - Tanya Baxter
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While I loved the season 5 finale of Raven's Home, and seeing Tanya Baxter appear once more (especially as someone who grew up watching That's So Raven), I was hella confused with how they handled Tanya's absence.
Raven's Home has always had continuity issues, but this one is a major issue because, to me, it kinda came off as though Tanya never returned to the States at any point after she left during That's So Raven. Which is bad because, like damn, you weren't there when Raven graduated high school, got married, had twins, divorced– NONE OF THAT!? How the hell would Victor nor Raven call Tanya to tell her he had a heart attack!? The fact that Tanya & Booker barely interacted, and that's her whole grandson???
What is going on, Disney Channel!? Explain please!! 😭
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blueopinions49 · 4 months
Healthy/Unhealthy 7
Healthy Social 7
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Bella Baxter (7w8 so/sp)- She begins the story with the brain fo a child and as she develops she becomes incredibly curious about the world around her. She craves freedom and looks to make the world a better place as she grows. Eventually becoming a doctor.
Mark Grayson (7w6 so/sx) - With the heavy weight of being omni mans son he looks to be helpful to others. As his journey goes on he struggles to keep his positive mindset.
Lucy Maclean (7w6 so/sx)- She starts the show bright eyed and trust full of everyone around her. As she develops we see her contrast with the ghoul. We see her integrate towards her 1 a bit more as the show goes on. While still keeping the golden rule.
Unhealthy Social 7
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Tanya (7w8 so/sp) While her desire for freedom for Edenia can be seen as good hearted she usually manipulates people to get her way. She schemes and uses other for her self gain rarely if ever caring of the colateral damage.
Hugo De Rune (7w6 so/sx)- Due to him being a child and infected with the Macula he tends to lash out and cause distraction. Even tho he has a general love and appreciation for life.
Luis Serra (7w6 so/sx)- When he left the village he set out to do some good in the world. Eventually leading him to umbrella and commit atrocities. In RE4 we see him trying to redeem himself.
Healthy SelfPreservation 7
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Gambit (7w8 sp/sx)- While he started a bit apathetic to anyones needs he integrated well into his 1 and eventually joining the xmen.
Prince Naveen (7w6 sp/sx)- Meeting Tiana made him snap into place and start focusing on the longevity of his life and purpose. Best example of a 7 moving into 1.
Samantha Jones (7w8 sp/sx)- While she doesn't have any drastic development in the show. Samantha proves that you can still be kind, generous and a good friend without having to integrate. She is just happily enjoying life and its pleasures.
Unhealthy Self Preservation 7
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Frank Gallagher (7w8 sp/sx)- The over indulgent of the life he lives ends with him essentially never taking into consideration anyone else's needs but his own. Eventually passing away in the end.
Frank Reynolds (7w8 sp/sx)- While he started like an organized business man in the show. We see how he devolves into a slob of a person who indulges in everything. Frank is basically the epitome of the 7s gluttony.
Ridby (7w6 sp/sx)- He is very immature and even the little development he gets in the show isn't enough. He doesn't really take into consideration Mordecai's feelings allot of the time and usually is the one to ruin things and cause trouble.
Healthy Sexual 7
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Lucy Gray Baird (7w6 sx/so)- Always firm on her beliefs and where she stands morally. While she craves love and connection she doesn't let those idealist view of romance get in the way of reality.
Saga Anderson (7w6 sx/so)- Upbeat and caring, Saga learns to deal with the dark place and the how the story changes in AW2. We see her fall into pits of despair in the end a bit. But she remembers who she truly is and gets out of the dark place.
Harley Quinn DCEU (7w6 sx/p)- In the start of the DCEU we see Harley using relationships as a distraction usually ignoring reality in order to suit jokers. In BOP we see her fully detach herself and be happy being alone. Later on in SS 2020? we see her fully independent and not letting love get in the way of reality.
Unhealthy Sexual 7
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Roman Roy (7w6 sx/sp)- Looking for love and connection in others. He tries to connect with his father and eventually Gerri. This connection not lasting long. In the end we see Roman step down as CEO and finding peace within himself.
Jobu Tupkai (7w8 sx/so)- This is what a 7 disintegrating towards 4 looks like. Jobu wants to find joy (no pun intended) and love with the relationship with her mother. However, throughout the movie she disintegrates towards 4 and believe that nothing matters. In the end she repurposes the idea nihilism into something more positive.
Mr. Peanut Butter (7w6 sx/so)- While he grows a bit through out the show we see how he doesn't out grow of his cycle of looking for relationships to ignore reality.
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akultalkies · 1 year
Abby Ryder Fortson, Kathy Bates, Rachel Adams, Benny Safdie, Elle Graham, Katherine Mallen Kupferer, Amari Alexis Price, Kate MacCluggage, Landon S. Baxter, Aidan Wojtak Hissong, Echo Kellum, Simms May, Isol
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Book 1 only for all of these.
Humans are weird, I have the data by Betty Adams
Clean Sweep by Illona Andrews . This is a complicated one genre wise, because there are vampires and werewolves and witches, but they're from alien planets, werewolves are the result of genetic modification, vampires have advanced tech, etc. So fantasy would make sense too?
Cluster by Piers Anthony
Proxima by stephen baxter
Prime Suspects: A Clone Detective Mystery by Jim Bernheimer
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
Nova Express William Burroughs,
Famous Men Who Never Lived by K Chess
Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang
The Supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer
Reset by Sarina Dahlan
Omnitopia dawn by Diane Duane
The Dreaming Void by peter Hamilton
Valor's Choice (Huff, Tanya)
Eye to Eye (Jinks, Catherine)
Revan (Karpyshyn, Drew)
Babel (Kuang, R.F.)
The Wandering Earth (Liu, Cixin)
The Merchant of Death (MacHale, D.J.)
Maybe Next Time (Major, Cesca)
The Host (Meyer, Stephenie)
Cloud Atlas (Mitchell, David)
Wild Massive (Moore, Scotto)
Nyxia (Reintgen, Scott )
Revelation Space (Reynolds, Alastair)
Robots vs. Fairies (Parisien, Dominik)
We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (Taylor, Dennis E.)
Spin (Wilson, Robert Charles)
Artifice (Woolfson, Alex)
Androne (Worrell, Dwain)
hello! many of these are queued.
the following are in formats or genres that I’m not currently accepting for this blog:
Ted Chiang’s Stories of Your Life and Others is a collection of (very good) non-linked short fiction.
R.F. Kuang’s Babel is fantasy.
Robots vs. Fairies (ed. Parisien and Wolfe) is a collection of non-linked short fiction.
Alex Woolfson’s Artifice is a graphic novel.
and I had questions about the following:
Olivia Blake’s The Atlas Six appears to be fantasy — is there something in later books that would make it science fiction?
William S. Burroughs, Nova Express — you said book 1 only, but Nova Express is book 2 of The Nova Trilogy. did you want Nova Express specifically or did you want book 1, The Soft Machine?
Liu Cixin, The Wandering Earth — this appears to be the title of a short fiction collection containing the title story. has the story itself been published in standalone format (outside of a magazine/similar)? if so, could you or someone else point me towards it?
D.J. MacHale, The Merchant of Death — while parallel worlds are integral to the Pendragon books, my impression is that the handling of them (and of travel between them) is primarily fantastic rather than scientific/science-fictional. could you, or someone else, clarify the extent of the science fiction aspects of the series?
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blackrose91 · 2 months
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deweyduck · 2 years
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olafsings · 1 year
Music History Today: June 2, 2023
June 2, 1979: Donna Summer started a three-week run atop the US singles chart with her second US Number 1, "Hot Stuff." Her first was her disco cover of "MacArthur Park." Jeff "Skunk" Baxter, a prolific session musician and at one point a member of Steely Dan, did the guitar solo.
When the Best Female Rock Vocal Performance category was added at the Grammy Awards in 1980, Donna Summer won for "Hot Stuff." Classifying the song as rock is a stretch, but Summer's vocals could hold up in any genre. She beat out Rickie Lee Jones, Tanya Tucker, Carly Simon, and Bonnie Raitt for the award.
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fantaseaaa · 1 year
I feel like every black girl needed a Clair Huxtable, Vivian Banks, Lisa Landry Sims, Harriette Winslow, Tasha Mack (yes, Tasha Mack), Tanya Baxter and Florida Evans.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh (born Crystal Walker; October 13, 1962) is an actress and singer. In addition to her status as an original cast member of Living Color, she is known for her roles as Erica Lucas on Cosby, and as Tanya Baxter on That's So Raven. She is an avid gardener and a vegetarian, as well as an active, Golden Life Member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. She was initiated into the Beta Alpha chapter at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. She was crowned the 1984 Ms. Black and Gold Queen for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. She self-published two books: Some of My Best Friends: A Collection of Characters, the book version of the stage show she performed for ten years, and Natural Woman / Natural Hair: A Hair Journey – Hairstyles and Hairstories from the Front with Simple, Step-by-Step Instructions on Taking Care of your Natural Hair, an instructional hair care manual with anecdotes about her experiences with Afro-textured hair. She contributed essays for "The HBCU Experience Book," "Dining with the Ancestors," and "The Burden." #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #deltasigmatheta https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjptn7Lr0Kr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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winterrhayle · 4 years
ok this is pretty random but doesn’t T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh (the woman who plays ravens mum in that’s so raven) look a lot like Renee Elise Goldsberry (Angelica from Hamilton)
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tsrgifs · 6 years
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chelseabaxters · 7 years
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married™ baxters who are definitely not arguing in front of their kids
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axelwolf8109 · 4 years
Besides the three main characters, I freaking love Tanya and Victor Baxter. They're the coolest parents.
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when raven thought eddie and chelsea were doing a little some-some 
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