#victor baxter
zackmartin · 1 year
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that's so raven | (2.02) don't have a cow
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disneymbti · 2 years
Can you do MBTI types for That’s So Raven main characters? Like for Raven, Eddie, Chelsea, Victor, Cory, and Tanya
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Raven Baxter's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Cancer Moon and Sagittarius Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Cancer Moon: The emotions of Cancer Moons have no limits, restraints, or depths. This is a cosmic placement that often leads to sweetness, kindness, emotional awareness and responsibility. 
Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius risings are jovial, optimistic, and full of energy. They sparkle with confidence, and you can't help but sparkle back when you're around them.
Enneagram Type: 4w3 [The Enthusiast]
Basic Fear: Four wing threes’ deepest fear is that they have no significance in the world. They tend to express this by frequently distinguishing themselves from the rest of the world.
Basic Desire: They desire uniqueness and personal identity. They long to be authentically different, which may lead them to intense bouts of creativity and self-expression.
Enthusiasts may defend themselves by unconsciously adapting characteristics of others to seem more authentic.
Eddie Thomas' MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ESTP [The Entrepreneur]
ESTP types like being around large groups of people, whether they know them or not. They prefer being out in action to being at home by themselves.
They are very observant and detail-oriented people. They are practical and realistic, focusing on the here-and-now.
Entrepreneurs make decisions based in logic. They care more about following the truth than making other people happy.
They avoid schedules, preferring to make plans as they go. They are less aware of time and enjoy being adaptable.
Big Three: Aries Sun, Leo Moon and Gemini Rising
Aries Sun: The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by action planet Mars. When placed as the sun sign, the ram can motivate themselves to face on fears and blow past hesitation.
Leo Moon: Possessing a wellspring of inner warmth, Leo Moons are beyond generous. As an act of love, they’ll shine their light onto those they care about. 
Gemini Rising: Gemini risings are quick-witted and fast communicators, always looking for unique ways to express themselves. 
Enneagram Type: 3w2 [The Enchanter]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type three wing twos are afraid of failing and being unworthy of love. They avoid this by setting and accomplishing goals, in order to feel successful and worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be admired and accepted. They seek value through accomplishment, which may push them deeper into their work.
Enchanters tend to adjust their persona to their audience, in order to feel as though they are easily liked, which may lead to playing a character rather than being themselves.
Chelsea Daniels' MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Gemini Sun, Taurus Moon and Pisces Rising
Gemini Sun: Geminis are chatty and talkative, priding themselves on being in-the-know when it comes to news and gossip. Their dualistic nature allows them to see situations from a number of perspectives.
Taurus Moon: The Moon loves to be in the zodiac sign Taurus. Those with Moon in Taurus delight in the earthly pleasures and seek out emotional security.
Pisces Rising: The Pisces ascendant commits fully to their beliefs, and has an active imagination.
Enneagram Type: 6w7 [The Confidant]
Basic Fear: Six wing sevens’ fear losing their support system. This may be expressed through self-deprecating humor, in which they seek affirmation and assurance from other people.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel safe and supported. They show this by being loving and supportive to others. They honor their commitments and are very loyal to their friends.
Like other sixes, Confidants defend themselves by projecting their feelings, which may lead them to misunderstanding themselves and their relationships.
Victor Baxter's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ESFJ [The Consul]
As extroverts, Consuls are talkative, energetic, and thrive around people. They prefer not to spend too much time alone.
Highly observant, their focus lies more on the details than on how everything connects together. They trust facts over theories—and they make decisions based on what they can see right now.
ESFJs are feelers who prioritize emotion rather than logic in their decision-making.  Empathetic and diplomatic, they do what feels right rather than what makes sense.
They’re structured and organized, preferring to plan ahead so they know what’s going to happen. They like rules, processes and schedules.
Big Three: Cancer Sun, Libra Moon and Aquarius Rising
Cancer Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts.
Libra Moon: Moon in Libra is makes for a relationship-oriented individual. They may base their decisions upon how they are viewed by others. 
Aquarius Rising: This rising sign can speak lucidly on a number of topics, using their lofty knowledge to charm crowds and solve problems alike.
Enneagram Type: 2w3 [The Host]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type two wing threes fear being unwanted or worthless. They usually avoid this by building personal connections with others and working hard to meet the needs of the community.
Basic Desire: Their most basic desire is to be loved and accepted. They may express this by being extremely attentive and attached to other people.
Hosts tend to suppress their own negative emotions, which, when done frequently, can lead to high levels of stress or unexpected outbursts.
Cory Baxter's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENTJ [The Commander]
As ENTJs, Commanders are talkative, high energy, and thrive around people. They seek action and tend to involve themselves in events. They prefer not to spend too much time alone.
They focus more on the big picture than on tiny details—they’re interested in how everything connects together and trust their internal thought process more than they trust past experience.
ENTJs use logic rather than emotion in decision making. They tend to follow what makes sense, rather than what feels right.
They are structured, organized, like to plan ahead and know what’s going to happen. They appreciate rules, processes, and schedules.
Big Three: Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon and Capricorn Rising
Taurus Sun: The Bull tends to be drawn to a creative, indulgent lifestyle — and we wouldn’t expect anything less from a Venus ruled sign. They're also thought to have a stubborn, loyal and grounded personality.
Gemini Moon: Ruled by winged messenger, Mercury, Gemini Moons enjoy discussing their complex feelings with others in order to gain a mindful and clear emotional perspective.
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity. 
Enneagram Type: 7w8 [The Opportunist]
Basic Fear: Seven with an eight wing fear being deprived. They want to pursue new opportunities and avoid being controlled by schedules.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to content and satisfied. They love experiencing the world by travelling and going to parties.
Opportunists defend themselves by justifying others’ negative actions and rationalizing away bad feelings.
Tanya Baxter's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFJ [The Protagonist]
ENFJs are high-energy people who dislike spending too much time alone. They take initiative and tend to talk more than they listen.
They usually trust their intuition and focus on the future. They are good at analyzing complex ideas. 
Protagonists are motivated by feelings and values. They work to avoid conflict and are very diplomatic.
They like to make lists and schedules, preferring to follow a plan. They are hard-working and responsible.
Big Three: Virgo Sun, Aries Moon and Libra Rising
Virgo Sun: Governed by communication planet Mercury, Virgos are the thinkers of the zodiac. Virgos process information with diligence and use facts to solve problems. 
Aries Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason.
Libra Rising: Finding balance in life is essential for Libra risings, who prefer things to be even-keeled and civil.
Enneagram Type: 2w1 [The Companion]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type two-wing-ones fear being unwanted by those they love. They tend to take on a caretaker role to serve others and avoid feelings of insecurity.
Basic Desire: They desire love and acceptance above all else. They are service-oriented and humble, seeking to help better the lives of those in their community.
Companions tend to stifle and repress their negative emotions and personal desires. They may feel internally conflicted as they work to meet everyone else’s needs but their own.
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the-hydroxian-artblog · 8 months
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poke couple (for FangTheWeavile, and others)
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drh3nryj3kyll · 2 months
transmasc mad scientists... transmasc mad scientists...
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scarletafterglow · 4 days
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endofthe1980s · 2 months
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baxter: 2, victor: 0
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insanepoll · 1 year
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[ID: Background is a cartoon backyard. It is separated into 3 sections by golden lightning, intersected in the middle by a "VS" sign. In each section, there is a photo of a contestant. /End ID.]
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
The Last Superheroes/What Happened To The Real Steven Boxleitner Lore Update
I am making some changes to my oc backgrounds for these aus (spoilers for @melodythebunny and her New Neighbor's au story) Trigger Warning: Heavy and Dark topics. Read at your own risk. So Maddrix is named Matthew Dunner -he has no ties with his bio family -his dad is a deadbeat that left when he was very young. -he used to be the superhero partner to his uncle (Captain Valiant) but after a violent outburst was outed to the public and kicked out by his uncle and mother around 17. This created his hatred for heroes which what lead to the massacre. -Maddrix had unresolved anger issues and violent behaviors that neither his uncle nor mother bothered to fix with therapy. Maddrix didn't try to resolve them himself after he was kicked out, he just rather channeled it to his villainy and battles as well as his hatred towards heroes. -he soon met a young Professor Carl Woods when they were both in their mid to late 20s. It was love at first sight for the men. -Carl was the one who proposed to Maddrix on a date with specially designed flowers that shot out glowing spores which spelled "Will You Marry Me?" (Eris's idea for the proposal). -All of their children are clones created by Carl mixing their DNA together. Their children are Victor, Emily, and Gene Woods. (Maddrix took Carl's last name.) -Maddrix made sure his uncle couldn't continue in the hero business after ripping an arm off the man. -Maddrix was a pretty decent dad. He loved his kids. He loved his husband. He tried to be involved in the kids lives as much as he could. Gene was of course his favorite out of the kids. Instead of letting them choose their own paths, Maddrix put particular focus on Gene and his potential for villainy. He wanted Gene to become a powerful villain like himself. Maddrix was fair with his training towards Gene. He didn't push Gene into something the boy wasn't prepared for. Maddrix found Carl cute when he got angry and huffy. Compared to Carl, Maddrix was calm and restrained when it came to driving. Carl had road rage issues and could swear like a sailor sometimes. Maddrix did swear, but he could control it though. -Maddrix told Carl his family was to be considered dead and didn't want him or the kids interacting with them. He didn't go to either his uncle's or mother's funeral. -Maddrix and his family did have a happy life...that is why the massacre was so tragic and soul crushing for Maddrix's family when it happened. -Maddrix is bisexual as is Gene and Emily. Victor is Pansexual. Carl is Gay. Carl Woods -Professor Carl Woods was a well known geneticist and inventor before he was kidnapped when Gene was about 20. -Due to the time period Carl grew up in, he had no idea of his own sexuality until his first partner, a female, helped to bluntly point it out for him. They broke things off amicably and remained good platonic friends until his kidnapping. -Carl is the second youngest son in his family -His father, Jeremy Woods, married Jessica Boxleitner who had a son from her previous marriage. Her son's name is Thomas Boxleitner. Jeremy was a good father to both Thomas and Carl. These step brothers got along pretty well and Carl still kept in contact with Thomas after Jeremy had remarried when Jessica passed away from health issues. (Thomas was 22 when it happened, Carl was about 14 0r 15.) Jeremy then remarried to Alice Baxter. She gave birth to two children who were Carl's half siblings. The first born was a girl named Caroline Baxter. The second was a son named Nathan Baxter or Nate for short. The parents' last name was Woods-Baxter. Jeremy and Alice sadly divorced out of grief when Nate "died" under mysterious circumstances. He was a stage hand on a puppet show called "Welcome Home" 😈. Caroline tried to find evidence about what really happened to her brother but she couldn't find anything. Carl tried to help her as much as he could but could find no scientific reason. (He never considered the supernatural at all.) -to be continued @erraticeris
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gatutor · 4 months
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Warner Baxter-Myrna Loy-Bela Lugosi "¿Hombres o diablos?" (Renegades) 1930, de Victor Fleming.
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romeoows · 2 years
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hello, taking a break from my love for now & forever to bring in my beginning & always ocs.... as anticipation for the baxter dlc.... aaaaaaaaaa
this is Victor. he's just a pretty person ready to welcome baxter into town and eventually get his heartbroken. yippieeee
ALSO!! their tattoos are dedicated to their family!
the flowers for liz, the statue for himself, and it's a little hidden but it's a sun and moon for their moms.
i am very proud of those tattoos.
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bryan-baxter · 2 years
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“But with things like this... We’re able to love each other.”
MikitoP - Shoujo Rei (少女レイ)
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Daily Listening, Day #65 - March 5th, 2020
Album: After Bathing At Baxter's (RCA Victor, 1967)
Artist: Jefferson Airplane
Genre: Acid Rock, Psychedelic Rock
Track Listing: 
"The Ballad Of You And Me And Pooneil"
"A Small Package Of Value Will Come To You, Shortly"
"Young Girl Sunday Blues"
"Wild Tyme (H)"
"The Last Wall Of The Castle"
"Watch Her Ride"
"Spare Chaynge"
"Two Heads"
"Won't You Try/Saturday Afternoon"
Favorite Song: "The Last Wall Of The Castle"
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vanquishedmelon · 9 months
the show never confirmed it but victor and patty definitely had a shotgun wedding. i have decided this and thus it is canon.
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Warner Baxter leads the troops in World War I France in The Road to Glory (1936) including Victor Kilian with a moustache. Vic was aalso in Hawks' Only Angels Have Wings (1939). This was Howard Hawks' return to Fox Studios after eight silent films in the 20s.
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yourdarlingness · 1 year
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✦ Our Life: Beginning & Always ~ themed NPT
╰ DAY 5 of @rumblepumm ' s event !
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NAMES ︙ cove . seashell . shoal . shoaliette . sholiene . ocean . oceanide . lake . river . riverine . aqua . aqua(mu)rette . aquamarine . coralle . coralette . creek . everett . evelyn . eve . teary . tearie . tweary . tearfall(e) . teardrop . poppy . popp(i)ette . poppeine . lee . lily . leslie / lesley . lynn . francine . jackie . ari . aria . arielle . claire . elizabeth . liz / lizzy / lizzie . lizette . elyssa . elysia . reagan . noe . lain . macy . baxter . bax . baxley . barley . oakley . alexander . oliver . ollie . spade . mono . vince . victor . vincent . vinny . chester . derek . darren . dylan . daryl . darcy . darlene . devon . jaime . jamie . james . jay . taylor . harper . ash(e) . paula . pamela . pauline . miranda . randy . marissa . margot . sage . faith . melissa . terry . alex . robin . radley . marshall . max . chase . jeremy . archie . jayden . jonathan . misery . miserine . miser(i)ette . kyra . kyla . kylie . kyrelle . kier . sydney . chantel(le) . eleanor . shiloh . scout . asher . willow . adam . scott . jude . jade
PRNS ︙ sea . wa / wave . sea / shell / seashell . sea / foam / seafoam . sea / bun / seabun . wae / water / waterfall . pud / puddle . su / surf . ae / aqua . tea / tear(y) . shy . cry . fi / fish . swi / swim . co / cor / coral . pop / poppy . li / lily . da / dance . ste / steps . rhy / rhythm . mo(e) / mono . wa / waltz . fe / fetch . fri / friends . mie / mis / misery . si / silly . lo / love . ado / adore . he(a) / heart . 💧 . 🌊 . 🐚 . 🦈 . 🦑 . 🦞 . ⛴️ . 🚢 . ⛵ . 🎹 . ♠️ . ♣️ . 🖤 . 🎧 . ��� . 🎶 . 🎼 . ⚽ . 🏈
TITLES ︙ the alluring mermaid/merman/merperson . the heart of the sea . the [x] / prn who was washed ashore . prns graceful/tidal wave . prn whose soul is pure . the [x] with a peaceful life . prn who surfs . the lady / maiden / [x] of the deep sea . the one who sets sail . the [x] in the sea of stars . prns aquatic adventure . the [x] in coral reefs . prn who swims with fishes/sharks/etc (any aquatic animals) . the [x] of the blue waves . the seashell collector . the master of waltz . the born dancer / prn who is a born dancer . the ballroom dancer . the divine dancer . the charming dancer . the Victorian-era emo man . the one of all smiles . prn who is monochromatic . prn who moves flawlessly . the dancer of arts . the one with conflicting feelings . the [x] whose story begins . prns prologue . prns beginnings . prns start of dreams . prns opening acts/chapter . the [x]'s new beginnings . prns new chapter . prns divine plot twist
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[x] — any nouns ; examples below
the angel who was washed ashore
the ghost whose story begins
the boy of the blue waves
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sorry that its long :3
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endofthe1980s · 11 months
he's actually so annoying
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