cjrae · 4 months
Tragedy of the Jade Nightingale. Or: My thoughts on Vol. 11 of the Apothecary Diaries.
Given that this volume just came out in English a few days ago, spoilers under the cut!
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I usually think of the Apothecary Diaries volumes as pairs - usually two volumes make up an arc. If so, Volume 11 will be the first half of the arc with 12, but it also functions beautifully as a tragedy in it's own right.
** I will be only discussing information appearing officially through Vol. 11. Yes, I have read the fan translations of the web novels, but given that details can change, until it appears in official English translation, I won't yet be including it here.
The Hero
Gyoku-ou. Talk about someone who thinks he's smarter than he actually is. We knew this guy was a threat all the way back in Vol. 8, with how Gyokuyou reacted to her brother's letter and his veiled insult of sending a younger version of herself to catch either her husband's attention or the Imperial Brother's. Now we get to see him in action and he's scary - right up until he's not.
This man is charismatic as anything - he understands what makes people tick on both an individual level as well as a social level. His ability to wield a mob effectively makes him extremely dangerous, but I'm oddly put in mind of Lakan's initial impression of Fengxian. "This woman is strong, but she only knows how to fight in her own, small world."
The world Gyoku-ou inhabits is a very small, petty one. You can see it in his conspiracy theory about Jinshi's birth.
Jinshi is one of two people Gyoku-ou fails to read. When he brings Lakan and Jinshi to his puppet council to gauge support for attacking Shaoh, he thinks he's got a young malcontent in his hands, someone who wants power and is prone to the flashes of temper and insult that often drive young men. Someone who is easily manipulated. Instead, Jinshi mops the floor with him in that meeting, cutting Lakan's support out from under Gyoku-ou and making it clear that his priority is peace above war.
This doesn't take away from Gyoku-ou's political genius - this meeting teaches him that Jinshi has to be maneuvered around, rather than maneuvered directly. If the Imperial Brother doesn't want to play his part, then too bad. Gyoku-ou will see to it that Jinshi is hedged in all directions except where he wants him to go - which is to war. And even then, he's got a fight on his hands as Jinshi fully takes advantage of Empress Gyokuyou's information to undercut Gyoku-ou's support within his own family.
It's a mark of Jinshi's political skill that Gyoku-ou's move in that family council is to flirt with treason. If he can't maneuver the Imperial family through Jinshi, then he shifts tactics to turn Jinshi (and the rest of the Imperial Family) into the villain of his piece - a prince born and raised into utter depravity.
Let's just sit with what Gyoku-ou suggests to the rest of his siblings (minus the Empress) in that meeting. He implies that the Emperor impregnated his own mother in order to produce an heir. A son that he loves so dearly (and unnaturally) that he would willingly look the other way while Jinshi murders his other children in order to make sure that his brother-son-lover succeeds the throne.
This is a brilliant examination of how the bare facts of the situation can be construed by people with very different motivations to fit whatever worldview is most convenient for them. I'm a fan of the palace politics in this series because they feel very real.
Gyoku-ou doesn't lie once. But boy does he create a narrative that suits his purposes and dares anyone (namely Rikuson) to tell Jinshi. He is escalating the situation and he's doing it fast, while also challenging the legitimacy of the Imperial Family. A fact which, if it does get back to Jinshi (or the Emperor), could get the entire new You Clan wiped out just as fast as the Yi Clan was. This scene functions as a microcosm of Gyoku-ou's two fundamental character flaws; his short term thinking and his utter self-absorption.
Becoming The Wind
Since Rikuson was introduced in Vol. 5, he's been a mirror for Jinshi. He's a "pretty boy," calm under pressure, fundamentally kind and decent to other people while also being extremely competent at his job. Unlike Jinshi, he's also a bit older and more mature. He also clearly admires Maomao and sees the qualities that make her exceptional, despite her various masks.
As it turns out, Rikuson mirrors Jinshi in another important sense too - he also has a secret identity. The Yi Clan were the de facto royalty of the Western Capital and Rikuson is one of the direct survivors of the clan. He was never in the line of succession given the Yi Clan's matrilineal structure. But they were quick enough to save some of the children, namely Rikuson and Empress Gyokuyou's three ladies in waiting, Haku'u, Koku'u and Seki'u.
Rikuson, who was Gyoku-ou's excuse to trick His Former Majesty into giving him the authorization to destroy the Yi Clan. Rather than truly being an bastard Imperial prince, he's a young pawn in Gyoku-ou's hands to whip up an armed mob to hunt Rikuson down - and his mother and sister give their lives to ensure his survival - not for vengeance, but so that the Yi Clan's mission of protecting the west will live on even if the named clan itself dies. So, like Jinshi, he is dedicated to the welfare of the people above all else.
The trouble with relying on an unruly mob is that it's sloppy. Gyoku-ou left multiple survivors and they have absolutely no love for him. He's left weapons at his back.
Rikuson is the other person Gyoku-ou utterly fails to read. He spends well over a year back in his homeland, working for Gyoku-ou as an aide ostensibly from the central region, patiently waiting for an opening - even as Gyoku-ou, who knows that Rikuson has to be assigned to the west with some kind of ulterior motive, is so blind that he thinks he must be a secret member of the La Clan, rather than the Yi boy he tried to kill seventeen years earlier.
Rikuson represents the culmination Gyoku-ou's short term thinking in that he doesn't bother to think about the threat of any surviving Yi clan might pose to him.
He will not insult his mother's memory, or his sister's. But if his mission of protecting the west coincides with vengeance for his family? Sure enough, Gyoku-ou's insistence on going to war (and dragging the Imperial family's legitimacy into his motivations) gives Rikuson his opening; especially because he isn't a vigilante.
He is acting under orders.
The New You
Rikuson's point about Gyoku-ou's life being a tragedy hits home when you consider Gyokuyou's thoughts of how she knows her father loves her - but would also abandon her in a heartbeat if she is no longer valuable to him. Unlike her older brother, she has a very clear-eyed view of how their father operates and focuses on making sure that her value never drops in his eyes.
Gyoku-ou's value to Gyoku'en plummeted the day he destroyed the Yi Clan - Gyoku'en's family. He was given a second chance to show that he could still perform the single function of the men of the Yi Clan - to protect the west. When he endangered it instead, Gyoku'en sent the weapon he'd spent seventeen years preparing (Rikuson) with an execution order.
By first destroying the Yi Clan and then following it up with a proposed invasion of Shaoh, Gyoku-ou proved to Gyoku'en that he was no son of his. Given how desperate he was to be his father's son, this whole book is a tragedy in the classic sense. The Jade Nightingale was so desperate to reinvent himself as a Jade Eagle that he destroyed himself in pursuit of the one thing he never lost - his father's love. But, to be his father's heir, what he needed was Gyoku'en's trust and respect, not his love.
And he killed that seventeen years ago along with the Yi Clan.
Ironically, the foreign born girl that he despised and attempted to undermine at every opportunity, emerges as their father's true heir and mother of the nation, with the rest of the surviving Yi clan as part of her loyal retinue.
In her triumph, the Yi Clan is reborn as the You Clan as Gyoku'en, a Yi man, is given a clan name on the strength of Gyokuyou's role as Empress. So much of their history has been lost, down to the matrilineal succession and family records, but their mission lives on through the Yi men who will continue to protect the west, no matter the personal cost to themselves. There is no room for self-absorption here, therefore Gyoku-ou has no place in their new clan.
Also, a parallel to pay attention to is how the destruction of the Yi Clan and the Shi Clan are mirroring each other with the children being saved. The Yi Clan is reborn with a new name, which leads one to wonder what the consequences of saving those Shi children will be long term.
A Dagger In The Dark
Gyoku-ou sucks up a lot of air in Vol. 11 because he is driving the action - Jinshi, Maomao and their party are all stuck reacting to him, except for one character; Chue.
We see Chue attach herself to Maomao starting with the ship and it's not difficult to guess that just as Lihaku is serving as a discreet bodyguard for Maomao on Jinshi's orders, Chue is also there as protection. Chue doesn't try to conceal that she is clearly trained in espionage either.
Rikuson's proposal to Maomao is not a serious bid for her hand, but nor is it a joke - it's a message to Chue that Jinshi needs to tighten security around Maomao. As he puts it, he knows the "hyper protective" elements around her will close ranks. Because he's foreseen a strategy that may not have yet occurred to Gyoku-ou (who tends not to pay attention to the bit parts of the play), but if it does would almost certainly push the country into war.
Maomao is the lever that could move both Lakan and Jinshi.
All he has to do is kill her and make it look like a foreign attack. Lakan's instinctive ability to read a situation and Jinshi's formidable investigative skills would likely be dulled in the face of their rage and grief. Especially since they are technically Gyoku-ou's guests and don't have freedom of movement to push the issue.
Rikuson seizes his opportunity before Gyoku-ou can continue to escalate, but he realizes quickly that Chue arranged the stage and was there as both spy and backup assassin. (I think it's safe to say that Gyoku-ou's conspiracy theory AND that Yi family ledger will be reported, given that we know there were ladies-in-waiting at the meeting and that's how Chue was disguised - and she didn't actually promise to dispose of it).
Gyoku-ou doesn't bother to think that while the Emperor may be far away and the Imperial Brother is a manageable threat, that the people surrounding Jinshi may not be bound by his strictures. Hence, Chue was on standby. No matter what, Gyoku-ou was never going to make it to that ritual. He was never smart enough to realize that his crossing the line would be never be forgiven.
While Jinshi would order an execution if necessary (and has in the past), he would never order an assassination. Therefore, it's evident that Chue reports to someone else. Who that someone is, we don't know, but there's only one person further up the Imperial tree than Jinshi, so it would be reasonable for Rikuson to assume that the Emperor has placed additional protection around not just Jinshi, but Maomao.
Exclusive: Baby Swap!
Jinshi's birth is not a secret to the audience and while Maomao doesn't have confirmation, she's pretty certain of her suspicion. This volume made it patently obvious that there are others out there who are perfectly capable of putting the pieces together, even if the details are twisted.
Let's return to Gyoku-ou's conspiracy theory.
He's put together all the correct pieces. The Emperor's attitude toward Jinshi makes no sense in a traditional palace setting - a much younger, handsome, charismatic and competent brother? That's a threat to the Emperor and his direct line. But Jinshi is never treated that way - instead he's indulged on many fronts.
He's allowed to duck most of his official duties as Ka Zuigetsu (except for a few he can't, where he appears masked).
He's allowed to pretend to be a eunuch for six years and run the Rear Palace.
When he finally reveals himself to the court to put down the Shi Rebellion, he's described as "hale" and "just as proficient in the military arts as the administrative." (More proof that Jinshi is NOT the best judge of his own abilities). He emerges fully formed into court politics - a perfectly trained Crown Prince - only to have a newborn given the title instead.
Gyoku-ou deliberately put the worst possible spin on these facts. I suspect the rest of the You siblings are going to keep their mouths shut about Gyoku-ou's ugly theory, but if he could think of it, if Maomao could think of it with just seeing Jinshi standing next to Lady Ah-Duo, then so can others.
Maomao can be mad about Jinshi branding himself all she wants, but it's currently looking like an absolutely BRILLIANT move on Jinshi's part. Whatever doubts Gyoku-ou managed to plant about Jinshi and the Emperor's motives with the rest of the You clan siblings, Empress Gyokuyou is not likely to entertain it.
Also, it got the Emperor to essentially "banish" Jinshi to the edges of the Empire shortly after his new Crown Prince was born, which makes it look to other members of the court like the Emperor is taking steps to rein in his younger brother and balances the factions that have to be forming back in the capital.
This is not a secret that can be kept forever. No matter how careful Ah-Duo and Anshi were, the information is starting to leak out around the edges, as we see that the Empress' ladies in waiting that were dismissed clearly had eyes and ears - and in at least one case, a loose tongue.
The next arc is being seeded and Jinshi is inching closer and closer to that throne. He ran the Rear Palace for years (essentially managing the nation in microcosm) and as of the end of Vol. 11, he's now stepping up to govern a province and gain actual ruling experience while also having suppressed a war.
I've said before that Jinshi ascending the throne is the bad ending - if there is a single person who is more trapped by the palace than the prince, it's the emperor. We'll see what happens!
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sinisteredgirl · 4 months
The Apothecary Diaries Artbook
I finally got my copy of the Apothecary Diaries Artbook! I really adore Touko Shino's art and it's wonderful to see the light novel's art on such a big canvas.
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It contains almost all light novel art, including two-page spreads of memorable moments like the Jinmao hug (Vol.12).
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There are also additional portraits like this gorgeous Maomao art:
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The stunning princesses of the Verdigris House:
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And even this illustration for Pocari Sweat:
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We also have various character designs (Jinshi, Maomao, Chue and the fearsome Taomei and Maamei):
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Plus other assorted illustrations:
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sayammm · 9 months
Poor Gaoshun
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alexiethymia · 7 months
With the reveal that Aduo didn’t actually want to be the mother of the nation, looks like we now have a concrete path to a happy ending for Jinshi.
Though I actually really want to see him as the Emperor one day (at least for a time), it would be thematically appropriate if Jinshi takes not after the Emperor, but after Gaoshun and becomes the retainer of the future Emperor.
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randomositycat · 5 months
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Apparently Gaoshun do have kids, and I never knew that!!
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here they are btw, and he also have a wife!
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his wife(Taomei) is in the top left, and the older daughter(Maamei) is in the top right while the middle(Baryuo), and the youngest son(Basen) in the bottom, and if you feel familiar with his youngest son(for those who don't know) this is him right here-
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and yes!, he's the one who's in the short scene where Jinshi is shirtless training with someone(I don't remember the episode but that guy in that scene is Basen) and also accompany Maomao in episode 16 when they investigate the metalwork's present for his sons.
But before I end this! I just hope in future episodes we can finally meet Gaoshun's grandkids 😊
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kazonandoff · 4 months
Maomao LN 11 (spoilers)
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You know what I love about this part? Maomao openly makes a demand of Jinshi. Like, she's just said she's terrified of Taomei, she's got all these people staring at her and she wonders why she's there. But when Jinshi suggests sending her home she's like, "nope!"
Remember when she wouldn't give her opinion to Jinshi, when she would try to be as non-committal as possible so it would appear she wasn't above her station? To deny that she liked her new job? Her new friends? Remember when that got her fired? Remember when that caused a huge rift between her and Jinshi that lasted like 2 books?
Look at this:
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hekates-corner · 9 months
Apothecary Diaries | WN Translation | Arc 9 - Chapter 19
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Hi and welcome!
For a number of reasons I ended up here - I relay all that happens in the chapters, playing wine-aunt as I go about translating to the best of my abilities.
Hence, be warned: All the spoilers are down below. Want some but not all? My dm's/asks are open.
New here or missed a part? Feel free to check out the Masterlist!
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Please note that there's a a lot of chars and some new ones in this and likely at least the next chapter. I'm pretty certain on the pronoun of one chars, but the owl is just a lil question mark.
Chapter 19 | The Wind-Reading Tribe
The chapter opens with Chue guiding Maomao to the suspicious person.
“That-is-why I told you it’s all a misunderstanding.”
Maomao hears a high-pitched voice - it was too harsh/sharp a voice to be called a woman’s. Looking at the figure, even Maomao understands.
“It’s a brat.”
Narrator-Mao thinks she’s about ten years old. Her eyes are narrow and her skin is yellow (not my wording choice). Rather than being a resident of Saito, she has more characteristics of a race in Hisashi-Shu… Her face looks like a boys but her long hair is tied up, so she’s probably a girl. In Saito (the western capital), boys - even children - will often wear a tight head scarf or have their hair in a long braid.
Since she wore a mask and had long hair flowing down her face, people probably mistook her for a woman.
“I’m not a brat.”
Narrator-Mao notes something about the kid lashing out - and that it pretty much confirms her being a brat.
Within the room there are: the sus child, Maomao, Taomei, Basen and one guard who is often seen around but whose name.. Maomao doesn’t know.
“Maomao-san.” - Taomei squints her differently colored eyes.
I’m not fully sure if Maomao asks why Taomei is there or something but she’s like “Why, Taomei-sama?”.
Taomei goes on ask-stating “I thought it was a girl, but my second son said he was interrogating a boy - what would happen if he realizes it’s a girl?”
Maomao’s like “Ah-” - agreeing.
As narrator stating that generally.. Basen doesn’t like women/isn’t good with them. When it comes to his bad skills, she’s worried that it’s gotten so far that he won’t be able to have kids in the future.
“Mother… …” - Basen looks uncomfortable.
Narrator-Mao notes that the girl still looks like a child - then wonders if it’s still no good.
Me and Chue-san seem fine though. - Mind-Mao thinks (reference to him not being into them hence having immunity)
Chue seems to be a rare breed, so it can’t be helped.. but perhaps she’s classified in the same way?
“Are your interrogations not going well? Shall we do it, Chue-san?”
Chue approaches with a smile and narrowed eyes.
“Chue-san, you don’t have to do it.” - Taomei stops her.
“I see. I’m good at handling children.” - Chue pulls out a flag from her sleeve.
“I’m sorry, but what is your current situation?” - Maomao steps between Chue and her mother-in-law. Noting as narrator that everyone from their family has strong personalities, so if you don’t express yourself properly you’ll likely be left behind.
“I’m very sorry. As for the current situation, the child is Kurumu (Krum).”
“It’s written like this.” - Taomei writes it on the table and shows it to Maomao.
“Thank you.”
Narrator-Mao let’s us know that the atmosphere of the name is far from the general sound around the capital. If anything, it sounded like it was coming from the direction of Xiao (don’t ask me if that’s it or not, it’s none of the places mentioned so far)
“Please tell me clearly too/You too, speak up/louder. As you can see, I’m just a beautiful young girl that can be found anywhere/from anywhere. I was just wandering around here, trying to catch the bird that I used to keep!”
{Beautiful girl..} - all eyes are on Kurumu. She seems to have a very high self-esteem. However, if they (Maomao) complain they’ll go off-topic again.
“As you can see, there is no other intention than catching the bird, and of course there is no malicious intent. So, I’m/she’s telling you calmly to return the bird and release her.”
“That’s quite brazen.” - Chue speaks for Maomao as Taomei explains (I think during this part Taomei is like a speaker for Kurumu)
“Alright! I raised this bird originally. Look at it. Look how friendly it is/Look, it’s attached to me like this!”
“It doesn’t look like it though”
The bird turned away from Kurumu without looking at her. Up close (owly) really had a strange mask like/look on its face.
“I’m telling you, look!” - Once Kurumu puts on the mask, wearing all black the owl finally approaches her.
“Hehe. The owl hatched from an egg. I’ve been taking care of (owly) like this for a long time.”
“In other words, if you dress like that, the owl will react no matter who the person wearing this is. Even if it’s not you”
“?!” - Hearing Maomao’s words, Kurumu looked like her jaw would fall off.
“No, it’s true! Believe me! Believe in this precious child!” - Kurumu looks like she’s about to cry.
“Look, I know that this is (owly's) favorite food.”
“He’s cute, isn’t he? Here, it’s chicken.” - Taomei handed the owl a piece of chicken with her chopsticks. The owl hopped around in the cage, approached and ate the chicken.
“It seems like (owly) will take the food, even if one doesn’t wear black clothes (and the mask).”
At this point Kurumu makes a stuffy nose sound - that sounds like something I can’t quite figure out, it’s something about wearing the mask while scratching something, sometimes I get head, other times nose.
Speaking of, since his mother is in charge, Basen just stands there without saying anything. He’s a little similar to Gaoshun, who reached the state of nirvana.
“I-I raised (owly) properly……”
Maomao(?): “If you say you raised (owly), please show me the proof.”
Kurumu(?): “Even if you say evidence-” (i’m not 100% but i think the kid tries to bring across that she doesn’t know what she’s supposed to do)
Chue: Maomao-san, you are ruthless, even with children.
Chue says this as if it’s someone else’s business while offering Taomei an extra piece of chicken.
Narrator-Mao notes that it seems like she’s being careful about her mother in law. Although she seems to be free when it comes to her father-in-law and brother-in-law. (free as in doing as she likes)
Maomao: Even if you say it’s ruthless, even a child can light a fire. It would be normal for even children to be punished if they are acting strangely in the villas of Saito’s powerful people.
Chue(?): That’s right
Maomao(?): Ah, Chue-san. Raw chicken is dangerous, so please heat it before eating.
Chue: Oops, excuse me/sorry
Chue was naturally trying to put the chicken in her mouth. No matter how much of a picky eater she is, Narrator-Mao doesn’t recommend eating raw pig or chicken. (real lesson, my people)
Kurumu: Pro-Properly. I-I raised (owly)…… (owly) hatched from an egg, too
Maomao(?): Is that so. If, how did you get the egg? And how did you hatch it? Please explain why the bird you raised ran away
While sniffing (nose runny) Kurumu begins to speak.
Kurumu: I got the e-egg. Ah, the hunter who knows my dad said he didn’t want it. My father didn’t want it either.
Maomao: Hunter?
Kurumu: When you hunt a hawk or something - if you find a nest, you get the eggs. Father will buy the eggs, raise them and sell them to the rich/nobelman.
Maomao: I see
This bird turned out to be an unsold egg - Narrator-Mao notes.
Maomao: So, how did you hatch it?
Kurumu: ……Oh. Father always keeps the room warm. You burn a lot of fuel, ventilate when it gets too hot, and turn the eggs about five times a day. I wasn’t allowed to use the room, so I put the egg under my arm. I think the parent birds kept it warm for a long time, it hatched in about five days
Maomao: Hmm
Maomao knew that Kurumu was telling the truth. She only had a rough idea of how birds hatch, but she doesn’t think Kurumu is wrong.
Basen: Hey, what’s going on?
Basen, who was in the Gaoshun reserve army, asked Maomao. (let’s be real for a sec he totally napped)
Maomao: I don’t think there’s anything strange about it. I don’t think she could say this much as a quick lie
However, there was something that bothered her.
Maomao: Did you raise this owl with the intention of selling it?
Kurumu: N-No!
Maomao: Guessed so
Maomao goes on grabbing the black costume.
Maomao: It looks like you raised it with the intent of returning (owly) to the wild.
Kurumu: …… Yeah (this is not the usual hai). I taught (owly) how to catch insects so (owly) could hunt
Maomao: But do you think (owly) was sold?
Kurumu: …… Yes/That’s right. My damn old man
Kurumu balls her fists.
Kurumu: (Owly) had an interesting face and a unique color, so he sold (owly) while I was gone. Without discussion, on his own. Since there was no mate, I was supposed to return (owly) to the forest. That’s why I raised (owly) in such hot clothes and with the mask on!
Kurumu feels angry, but it’s nothing unusual. The head of the household is in charge of the belongings of women and children. That’s the general view in Li.
Maomao thinks that it feels near paralyzing for strong women to live in a place like this(?)
Going on as narrator that it’s not uncommon for daughters to be raised as instrument for a polotically motivated marriage, or marriages in general.
Maomao: I understand. Well then, can I continue speaking? This is just a prediction, so correct me if I’m wrong
Kurumu: Y-Yeah
Kurumu sniffs and nods.
Maomao: Is your father’s occupation not falconry, but selling falcons to rich people? For falconry and as pets
Kurumu nodded.
Maomao: This is the mansion the owl was sold to. To the daughter of Gyokuou-sama, right?
Kurumu: That’s not it. To be exact, she’s an adopted daughter. There’s no daughter of this age from Nightingale-King
Kurumu seemed to have stopped sobbing and was now talking in a much clearer voice.
Maomao: Nightingale King?
Maomao asked back at the unfamiliar words. Adopted daughters aren’t particularly unusual, and she expected it, so it doesn’t really bother her.
Kurumu goes on to explain that there’s a main character in a play with that name. He defeats his enemies as if.. he were a swordmaster. The story is based on the old lord and the nicknames, Gyukuou and Nightingale King, came about as people in moments of mischief tried to say them. (ik it’s a mess, i’ll explain the kanji in the notes)
As narrator Maomao tells us that while Kurumu looks pretty young, she thinks Kurumu is quite intelligent and notes the high vocabulary Kurumu has for a kid her age.
Maomao’s like “Gyokuou-sama seems to be popular among people.”
Kurumu’s like “Oh well. He’s the eldest son of Gyokuen-sama, the king who brought the city to life, and he is friendly and even talks to commoners.”
Maomao only gives back an “...... I see/Is that so”
She’s honest as narrator that she doesn’t know much about Gyokuou and has other things she needs to hear right now.
Maomao: Are you saying that the owl was sold to Gyokuou's daughter, but the owl really ran away and ended up living in the mansion?
Kurumu’s like “Sort of” and Maomao asks how she knew that the owl ran away. Kurumu explains that “the person themselves” looked apologetic as they told the news and apologized.
Maomao’s like “the person themselves?” - Maomao turns to look at Chue, who’s next to her. Both Taomei and Basen have strange looks on their faces.
Kurumu goes on explaining that despite what she looks like, she’s known the people from the Jade house for a long time, they even taught her how to write.
Chue’s like “Yeah, you’re a little dirty.” and Kurumu snaps back at Chue's murmuring “Who’s a little dirty, I’m a beautiful girl!”. Narrator-Mao notes that the child’s tear stained face seems to be entirely gone.
“What do you mean? You don’t look like someone who goes in and out of a mansion.”
As narrator Maomao says that while Taomei changed the wording, what she says to Chue is the same (as what Chue had said about Kurumu)
Kurumu goes goes on explaining that she was good friends with Kaa-Chan, the wife of Gyokuen and mother of the Nightingale King. The lady was a relative of her father(?), and was the one who sold birds to rich people and that's how she got the news. Kurumu met her daughter several times when delivering goods. But when she asked to get the owl back, the daughter(?) was troubled. Kurumu concludes this part by saying “I guess you can’t just give back something your father gave you.”
Maomao tries to check/confirm: That means she/they let the owl escape on purpose.
Kurumu: I don’t know about that. However, I received a message saying that it was trouble because (owly) escaped. In other words, I understood that they were asking me to catch (owly). I’m innocent, right?
Maomao: No, that’s no good because you unnecessarily startled the residents of the mansion.
Kurumu lets out a growl like an animal “Ugh.”
Chue: “For the most part, I was able to understand the situation. Maomao-san”
Kurumu(?): “Yes, but”
Chue: “I think Maomao-san would like to ask you something else.”
Chue was right.
Narrator-Mao let’s us know that her main issue wasn’t figuring out the reason why Kurumu was wandering around the mansion - because that part was largely predictable for her.
“Then, would you mind if I asked you to answer some of my question in exchange for the inconvenience fee?”
“Sure, go ahead.” - Taomei speaks on Kurumu’s behalf again. Maomao was looking at Taomei as she asked the question
Maomao’s like “I understand that your family raised birds, but did you do anything to use them as means of communication?”
Kurumu explains that they don’t do that at their home - however, in her great-grandpa’s time, it seems that her relatives did, but she doesn’t know about it (happening) now.
Narrator-Mao’s like “Hmm” and crosses her arms.
Maomao then asks if her family used to do falconry, back in the day.
Kurumu admits that they(?) did that - her dad just started selling them to rich people instead because he thought it’s a lucrative business. They still hunt rabbits and sometimes foxes, but the reason she was told that they didn’t need the owl eggs is because unless it’s a hawk or eagle, it won’t be able to catch large prey. They’re more convenient to use for hunting than as a pet.
Narrator-Mao agrees that this owl seems to be able to, at most, catch a mouse or small rabbit.
“Then, can you make a bird that you raise catch only certain creatures?”
Kurumu furrows her brows.
Kurumu: I’ve never done it, but I can’t say it’s impossible. If you continue to feed only certain foods from the time they are chicks, they may/can become picky eaters. Or, when hunting, you could change their bait depending on the prey. When falconers bring in the prey they have caught, they exchange it for (animal) food. Once they learn what prey they can exchange for their favorite food, they may pick and choose their prey.
Maomao thinks again that Kurumu is smart after all. Except for the high-pitched voice, Maomao feels like she’s talking to a much more grown-up person than Chou’u, who is the same age as Kurumu.
Maomao: Then it might be possible to create a bird that only targets flying locusts
“Flying locusts?” - Basen catches on.
Kurumu: Flying locusts. Then it would have to be a bird that’s not very big, like this one. And since they prefer meat, it might be more realistic to switch the meat and the prey.”
“I see. Then, the last question.”
Maomao took a deep breath, then exhaled.
Maomao: Are you part of the wind-reading clan?
For a moment Kurumu just blinked.
Kurumu: How do you know that name?
Maomao clenches her fist.
Notes | Chapter 20
A couple things, once again!
Owly is not the owls name, I just used it as a stand-in instead of pronouns because they're constantly changing in my translators and there's a ton of he's and she's as is.
The part where Maomao refers to Chue as a rare breed in context of Basen's shyness immunity towards Maomao and Chue it's a kanji that's used for rare animal species xD
As always, Kurumu's name is up in the air, it's what I get most in my translations. However, there's no character fitting her in the wiki - which is awefully behind/lacking detail and characters anyway
To get to the names 玉鶯 is Gyokuou's usual spelling. Nightingale King is this spelling 鶯王. Basically, the kanji are flipped and in Nightingale King a little line is missing. As people tried to play about, the nicknames happened. In the wiki the faux title is “King Ou”. I went with the more literal translation because it's pretty much what you usually get translating his name - like how Chue is Sparrow. A tiny translator easter egg while also making it easier to keep track, plus it's so play/theatre coded xD
Maybe there's more notes, but here's the key points. I hope you enjoyed, stay safe and I'll see you with the next one!
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maomaop · 9 months
anyone else scared of Taomei too…? Now I understand poor Gaoshun
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caelpictor · 5 years
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‪Taomei Brings It To You Every Ball‬
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annltm-blog · 6 years
About Me
Hi everyone,
My name is Taomei (Ann) Li, I have over 5 years of experience in marketing, sales and procurement in 3 different industries (home aroma export wholesale, automobile parts, and grocery industry), Currently I am looking for a career in market research analyst. By enrolling in a post-graduate certificate program of marketing research and analytics, I firmly believe that my education will equip me with knowledge of business intelligence and marketing research technologies and tools used in this field, such as SAS, Environics, SPSS, Tableau, SQL. It will help me improve detail oriented data analytical skills and ability to research effectively. I have excellent communication skills with high ability to work with colleagues, team members, clients, and suppliers. I also have over 3 years experience in SAP work environment with strong data analytic skills and problem- solving skills. I am a person who thrives in a fast-paced environment with customer-centered value to drive sales. 
You can check out my Linkedin for more information.
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linguistlist-blog · 2 years
TOC: Studies in Second Language Acquisition Vol. 44, No. 2 (2022)
ICYMI: Editor’s Message Susan Gass 303-304 Sources of Variation in Second and Native Language Speaking Proficiency Among College-aged Second Language Learners Mona Botezatu, Taomei Guo, Judith Kroll, Sarah Peterson, Dalia Garcia 305-330 Representation and Processing of Overtly Identical Complex Forms in L1 and L2: The Case of Conversion and Its “siblings” Denisa Bordag, Andreas Opitz 331-356 The Effects of Talker Variability and Frequency of Exposure on the Acquisition of Spoken Word Kno http://dlvr.it/STXWs4
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Happy and chill.
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hekates-corner · 10 months
Apothecary Diaries | WN Translation | Arc 9 - Chapter 4
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Hi, whichever way you found this: Welcome!
For a number of reasons, I ended up here - I relay all that happens in the chapters, playing wine-aunt, as I translate to the best of my abilities.
So, be warned: All the spoilers are down below. If you'd like spoilers, but less? My dm's/asks are open!
If you'd like to start at the beginning you can find Chapter 1 here | Masterlist here.
We finally get some Jinshi and Maomao this chapter.
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Chapter 4
The chapter opens with Maomao wondering what’s wrong. They got a housecall.
The medical staff had been split into three places, the main residence, a villa/annex and another one.
Maomao was in a villa/annex.. but since this is about Jinshi, she was expecting him to be in the public office building or at the main residence.
Jinshi thanks the quack for his continued support - he greets them with a soft/warm smile. The room they are in now had to be the most luxurious of the house. The fluffy carpet is made with plenty of wool, woven with detailed patterns like never seen before. The curtains probably made of silk, giving off a cool sheen as they swayed.
There were large grapes covered with condensation, indicating that they were well chilled - if you took a bite, the sweet juice would fill your mouth.
Maomao then wonders if he/they’d mind if she took a bite/look.. but Narrator-Mao knows that unfortunately her current task isn’t being a poison detector. That’s what Taomei (Gaoshuns wife) is now tasked with, as she’s serving as Jinshis lady-in-waiting/maid.
“Noisy” Chue doesn’t seem to be around either and her husband likely wouldn’t be found for a while until/unless he got used to his new surroundings. I think the next line if her not being able to spot Basen still.
Someone says hello - it’s probably the quack, who is noted by Narrator-Mao to be shaking as per usual when doing his little bit of a check-up.
Tianyu is absent. They didn’t need that many medics then and there and Narrator-Mao notes that it would actually be bad because it would just make the quacks lack of skills even more glaring.
She also notes that with Tianyu’s strange intuition, there’s no way he wouldn’t notice. He hadn’t brought it up so far but she’s unsure if that’s because he’s sensing something and being nice, or if he’s pretty much waiting for his chance to cozy up to Jinshi, preparing a convincing reason for now.
Thinking that it didn’t matter either way in her mind, as narrator she knows she has something to do. The question of why Jinshi was in the villa being one thing for sure (I also got that that’s not important either, but I’m leaning towards she’s more wise than that). She’s honestly just glad he’s not in the same house as Lakan.
The quack then says that they should head back or tells Maomao that he’ll head back first - he calls her miss/little girl btw. Maomao gives back a simple “Understood/Got it”. He heads “home” without question, Lihaku follows him.
Jinshi now starts sparkling a little more - don’t ask me, he just gets more elegant and sparkly. He asks Suiren to “Please prepare the tea.” and she replies with the usual pleasantry of seeing right to it.
Meanwhile Maomao’s like… packing her stuff to get ready to nope out - but Suiren’s already there like “here you go” with a chair, so Maomao sits down obediently. Like she expected, she wasn’t bold enough to just reach for the grapes, so she asks Suiren if she could pack her some as “souvenir”.
I think it’s Suiren who then inquires if she’s gotten used to her new workplace yet.. but Maomao can only give a “People don’t change, they just get used to the environment” back.
It’s an honest reply. She also wants to see more of the medicine that Saito(?) has to offer. Now, she not only has the quack, Lihaku and Tianyu looking out for some, but also Lahan’s brother.
She had prepared a lot of medicine for motion sickness, since they were traveling by boat - but the one thing she was lacking a surprising amount was antipyretics.
Given that they took the southern route, it was just as hot as in midsummer - meaning, on board the ship a lot of patients suffered from fever due to poor ventilation. Conditions similar to heat stroke, where it’s almost better to give water than medicine.. but it’s thought that in reality, the cause is that while Maomao was away… the quack diagnosed someone with a cold and gave them the meds.
The medicine prescribed by the quack tasted bad, but somehow the patient got it down with enough water and it somehow seemed to have worked in the end. Maomao thinks that Guen just has great luck - as always.
She heard that one of the doctors, a higher up, will take care of the missing amount of meds, before thinking that she wants to tag along.. but she has other things to do.
We then get a funny lil interaction between Maomao and Jinshi. Maomao(?) says that there’s a potato farmer here, that he’s a messenger from Lahan.
Narrator-Mao thinks that if they manage to plant potatoes here, they could export to Nishi-Shū. However, Jinshi is like “I heard that the potato farmer…. is Maomao’s cousin.” and Maomao doesn’t miss a beat “He’s a stranger.”
After that firm declaration, she says something along the lines of “It’s true that he’s here. I thought someone with more character would come, but what can I say.” and Jinshi’s like “He’s normal/ordinary, isn’t he?”
And she’s like “He’s ordinary.” Clearly Jinshi seems to share the same opinion about Lahan’s brother as… everyone outside of Lihaku.
Narrator-Mao also notes though that, if his existence is already know, then word sure traveled quick.
She then brings up that she wants to go to a rural village, but that she needs permission and he’s like.. “that would be helpful, but what about your job as medic” and she explains that she’ll be reassigned and since Tianyu came around it should be fine.
Narrator her thinks his work is reliable enough and that his character is the only issue.
Jinshi says either that it’s a great help since they were having quite some trouble in that area - or that he can help her, they were having trouble in that area.
Maomao tilts her head and is like “There’s a problem?”. Jinshi looks at her, then spreads out a map of a province with ink circles all over it.
Maomao goes “... that is..?” and Jinshi’s like “it's a rural area.” and Maomao’s like “... it's small, considering the size of Saito(?), after all.” (our girl back with her sizes)
Narrator-Mao understands that there's a lot of dead land, due to the seasons, so less fields make sense.
Jinshi then goes “And-” and Maomao(?) gently gives him the brush - he draws another large circle on the map. He tells her that the new circle is grazing land and says the name of the area.
Narrator-Mao then explains that grazing means letting livestock roam free and assumes that in Saito(?) they probably wouldn't have cows but instead goats and sheep.
Jinshi then explains that they don't have settlements per se, but wandering shepherds and Maomao basically replies with a “Makes sense.” - it sounds more like she's trying to clear her head than add something to a convo she doesn't know much about.
He then inquires if she remembers the extermination of locusts they had talked about before and she lists off some of the things he made happen as precaution - namely, not hunting certain birds, promoting consumption of insects and spreading the knowledge on how to make bug repellent to rural areas.
Narrator-Mao then adds that she had also wrecked her brain about it, coming up with as many pesticides made from local ingredients as possible.
But then Jinshi kinda connects the dots for her and is like “Well.. that's at least what they do in Li.. but…” and his tone isn't great. And suddenly Narrator-Mao feels like she understands Jinshi's miscalculations.
She says that, even if you're a farmer, you're only working on your own fields and that's solely where you'd be using pesticides. Jinshi replies that she's right.
Narrator-Mao then sums it up for us that any area with vast grasslands wouldn't get treated. There's no way that farmers can do that much.. not to forget that the messages wouldn't have reached the roaming folk in the first place, more than likely. She thinks “even if..” and as narrator concludes that there's no way they'd spray pesticides on fields livestock eats from - nor would they kill off locusts one by one.
There’s a moment of silence as they both understand that the locusts that aren’t taken out will multiply in numbers many times over. But Maomao tilts her head again and says “Excuse me. Last year, there was a small-scale locust attack in the western part of Li - but did that include the are around Saito(?)?” and Jinshi says that no such reports came in.
He now also looks visibly suspicious of it all and says something along the lines of that it’s true that the area around Saito(?) is centered around trade, so there’s few crops being planted hence the impact of crop damage would be little.
Maomao concludes that due to that it wouldn’t be strange, right? Narrator-Mao then thinks back to the previous fall, when Jinshi sent her the hundreds of “harrassment locusts” (you know, the scene where only Maomao was hype but meanwhile everyone around Jinshi thought he was nuts for sending her like 300 locusts, saying that any young woman would think of it as harrassment?).
Back then, Lahan hinted that the flying locusts might have come from “Hokuaren”, aka the rural area that Jinshi drew the big circle around earlier. Narrator-Mao also adds that the prefecture is the closest.
She then speculates in her thoughts if the locusts didn’t just so happen upon them - or - were they maybe just hiding it?
Maomao looks at Jinshi (precisely his face), but instead of panicked his face was calm - it seemed as if he was just reaffirming information he already knew.
She feels her heart groan/like she’s screaming on the inside as it dawns on her, in her mind “Was it Empress Gyokuyous brother?”.
The man that rules Saito(?) on behalf of his absent father. It seems that there’s something going on between him and the empress, even though he acts like it’s not the case but Narrator-Mao concludes that it has nothing to do with a simple apothecary.
Narrator-Mao then wonders if this has anything to do with Rikuson being all muddy from a trip to the countryside.. For some reason, it’s bothering her but despite the whole idea making her head spin the longer she thinks about it - she’d feel bad if the situation didn’t get resolved.
We then get another exchange between her and Jinshi, where she asks if it’s alright if she heads to the countryside the next day. Jinshi repeats that while it would be helpful, what her excuse is going to be and she questions if wanting to buy and collect medicine/ingredients for medicine isn’t enough. Jinshi then says he’ll go with that, but if she speaks of countryside - where exactly is she heading.
NarratorMao considers that, looking at the map, starting at the closest point would be the best but she has another idea…… and she brings up that Rikuson-sama is there and she’d like to go to the places he’s went to.
Jinshi, surprisingly, accepts that with a “... Okay. Let’s make the arrangements.”
Maomao thanks him.
The chapter ends with her bowing - as a narrator telling us that she doesn’t think she’ll be able to relax for a while.
| Notes & Chapter 5
Just a few things this time.
The part where Maomao thinks about the province, I had originally left out the name since it's kinda difficult - if you've noticed in the anime, even professional translators can't make up their minds about names with Lihaku vs Rihaku being a prime example. For readability and to follow along more easily I've switched it with my usual result now.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter where we’ve finally got some Mao/Jin interactions again! The next two chapters belong together!
If you'd like to get notified when an update drops, I'm up to tag or send dm's - just let me know!
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hekates-corner · 9 months
Apothecary Diaries | WN Translation | Arc 9 - Chapter 20
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Hi and welcome!
For a number of reasons I ended up here. I go about translating to the best of my abilities, relaying all that happens in the chapters - pretty much playing wine-aunt.
So, be warned that all the spoilers are down below. Want some but not all? My dm's/asks are open!
New here or missed a part? Check out the Masterlist.
Enjoy & please take a look at the notes, if you're caught up!
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Chapter 20 | A Twisted Past
Maomao checks with Kurumu: So you know the wind reading clan?
The self-proclaimed “beautiful girl” crossed her arms and grunted “Hmm/Well”.
Kurumu: I know, or rather, that’s what my great-grandfather used to call it when he was still living in the grasslands. Well, I only know very little/not much about it either, I’ve only asked my grandmother a few times.
Maomao: Can you tell us as much as you know?
Kurumu: Eh, what should I do?
Narrator-Mao notes that as she made a bad move, Kurumu got carried away.
Kurumu: I can’t say it’s free but/though
Grinning, Kurumu asks for money.
Taomei: Hehe, do you want to get turned in by/to the officials?
Eyes reminiscent of a bird of prey flashed behind Kurumu. Taomei looks on with a smile. Narrator-Mao notes that.. for some reason, the unrelated Basen cowered and the owl was trembling, its wings ruffled.
Kurumu’s face twitched.
As expected, Taomei is a scary wife who puts Gaoshun in place.
Maomao deliberately clears her throat.
Maomao(?): …… I think we’re making a concession here. You answer the questions. I won’t expose you to the officials. Also, depending on what you do in the future—
Taomei: Right, we can also discuss what to do with this owl
Taomei continues Maomao’s answer.
Kurumu: Understood. (it’s short and rushed, fitting for being gaslit like this). What I heard from grandma was that a long time ago, a nomadic family was hunted by slaves. I heard that most of the people who were hunted were killed, the women were taken as wives and the children were sold as slaves.
Narrator-Mao’s like “that’s info even I know”.. however, there is one thing that’s bothering her.
Maomao: I heard that the wind reading clan uses birds. Does this mean that the method of incubating and raising bird eggs has never ceased?
Kurumu: That’s it. Ah, that was a bad thing to say. The wind reading clan was destroyed. The divided half
Maomao: Half?
Maomao and the others stare at Kurumu.
Kurumu: That’s right. They must’ve been going around the grasslands for some kind of festival or something. In that case, wouldn’t it be better to move in parts, rather than all at once. There was also a means of communication using birds.
Maomao nods, saying that’s certainly true.
Maomao: But what happened to the remaining half? It seems that the wind reading clan is thought to have disappeared. Was the festival not continued?
Kurumu: Yes/Hmm. I don’t really understand/get it. Apparently my great-grandfather was one of the surviving members of the family, but he died when grandma was about ten years old. Granny said that he had taught her a lot about birds, but he was no longer grazing and was living in the city. However, there was a regular customer who would buy the pigeons he raised, so he didn’t have to worry about food/eating them.
Maomao: A regular?
Kurumu: Well, I was told that he must be some kind of big name, but I haven’t heard any details about him. I mean, even grandma didn’t seem to know much about it.
Everyone falls silent at Kurumus testimony.
Kurumu: Huh? Did I say something weird?
Maomao?: No, thank you very much.
As narrator she goes on ask-stating if that’s what’s meant with a horse coming from a gourd, which is a literal translation from a saying about a joke/something very unexpected actually coming true. But then she argues that she’d assumed it could be somewhat related to the wind reading clan, it just got to the core of it all more than she expected.
Kurumu: Compromise. Can I take this one home? I found a place that looked like a good spot for releasing (owly).
Maomao(?) asks if she’s actually going to let owly go if they hand owly over and Kurumu explains that that’s what she’d intended to do and what she’d been taught by her grandmother.
Maomao makes eye contact with Taomei. Taomei nodded quietly, so Maomao handed the cage containing owly over to Kurumu. Kurumu smiled broadly.
Maomao: May I ask you one more question?
Kurumu: What is it?
Now that the bird had been returned, Kurumu seemed to be in a good mood, saying this with her teeth showing.
Maomao: You said that your father and Gyokuou-sama’s mother are related, but is it okay to assume that your mother is also part of the wind reading clan?
Kurumu: I can’t say for sure, but…… She seemed to like birds and was used to handling them.
Narrator-Mao notes that if Gyokuou’s mother is from the wind-reader clan, there would be various connections.
Going on to think: I got some useful information though
However, Narrator-Mao’s like.. if they believe Kurumu’s story, several contradictions will appear.
Maomao thinks: If the wind-reading clan had not perished, perhaps they could’ve continued the festival even after that.
Which would mean they’d have to question what the meaning of what Nenshin, who’d become a serf, was doing actually was.
And why did the wind-reader clan become extinct?
Narrator-Mao thinks that a strange/suspicious point just appeared.
In her mind, concluding that one possible possibility is…
Maybe they pretended the wind reading clan was destroyed and used their abilities for something else. (also got that they destroyed them to use their abilities)
“The faster information is transmitted, the stronger it is” - she points out in her head.
Once you surround them with the fact that they perished, there’s many ways to use them. This isn’t strange, considering that Kurumu’s grandmother was already living in the city. It also makes sense that Kurumu’s great-grandfather passed away so early.
Maomao goes on thinking, about great-grandpa’s premature death, that once the technique has been passed down - those who know the past are in the way. (because they know too much)
Kurumu: Hey. Nee-chan. Can I go home now?
Maomao startles as Kurumu pokes her. She seemed to be in deep thought.
Maomao: Sorry. Could you please give me/us your contact information? I might also be able to introduce a customer who also wants a small bird.
Kurumu: …… Eh, I’m kind of scared
Narrator-Mao notes that Kurumu doesn’t seem to be fooled by her fake smile. (Maybe) There was a look on Maomao’s face as if she was going to let a valuable source of information escape.
Taomei: Hehe. I(?) would never do anything terrible to a child. Hey/Listen, could you please introduce me to your father?
Taomei’s eyes light up.
Kurumu reacted timidly, nodding.
Mind-Mao’s like: She’s just too strong
Going on as narrator: Even though she’s a different type from Suiren and the Madam (granny from Verdigris)
Mind-Mao thinks that it’s quiet around her/that it’s no wonder everyone around her (Taomei) is so quiet.
Chue is not as bubbly/outspoken as usual and Basen has a selfless look on his face, one that resembles Gaoshun. Maomao wonders if this is how today’s Gaoshun was created.
Once Kurumu was sent home with a/her servant, Taomei looks at Maomao.
Taomei: From the look on your face it seems like you’ve come up with a few things.
Narrator-Mao notes that this seems to be a polite way of saying: If you know something, tell me.
Maomao: This is just my assumption and it may be (wild and?) absurd
Recently, Maomao has had some antipathy with her adoptive father, Luomen, but she is basically faithful to his teachings. She doesn’t intend to judge things based on speculation without evidence.
Taomei: But my-, our master isn’t looking for a definite conclusion every single time/for every single thing. He’s a master of taking everything into his own hands, but could you please speak with him once so that we can plan for possible future countermeasures?
Taomei looks at Maomao with the eyes of a bird of prey.
Maomao?: Well then—
Maomao opens her mouth to tell Taomei to tell Jinshi her story.
Taomei: No, please meet and talk with him directly.
Maomao: I don’t think there’s a problem with talking about it here
As narrator Maomao doesn’t think that Taomei would twist around the speculations she told her.
Taomei: No. Sometimes I need a distraction
Maomao: Huh?
Maomao could only narrow her eyes at Maomao, who gave her a slightly mischievous smile
This shit’s getting wild xD
– Please note that this was originally Arc 10. I wrongly assumed since it's going to be LN 10 it would line up, but it was brought to my attention that 2 of the arcs are split up due to how long they are. It doesn't change much per se, since it's still future LN V10, but I'm sticking to the promised honesty, if I get something wrong somewhere. I've gone ahead and renumbered all the posts by now.
– A bird of prey is a bird like an eagle/hawk that kills and eats other birds/animals
– The line about the horse and the gourd was an actual chain of kanji. You can google it and it'll come up: hyōtankarakoma xD
– Which, btw is unrelated, but Basen’s often coming up in translators as “Horse flash” which is always funny. Taomei is peach(es)
– The “selfless” expression mentioned from Basen towards the end is “muga no kyouchi”, a state of self actualization. It’s a state where a person has surpassed his/her limit and starts to copy and execute techniques that he/she has seen/experienced in a random pattern. And yes, this is part of Prince of Tennis xD
– One of the only things I don’t know this time is who’s servant Kurumu leaves with.
– I most often got that sometimes Taomei (aka “I” not “you”) needs a distraction, which.. She's a married wife, with grown kids, her husband in tow - I did get it a minimal amount that sometimes “you” need a distraction, but with Maomao’s reaction and Taomei’s mischievous smile.. 6 and 9 is a number once added up that equals yoga between the sheets.
– I also got it a couple of times that Taomei has a couple of potential clients that could want birds from Kurumu’s dad, but for now I settled on one (Jinshi, the obvious target)
I hope you enjoyed. Buckle up, this is going somewhere. I just love that Taomei is domming anyone and everyone like they’re all just clay in the palm of her hands. Stay safe and I’ll see you soon!
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linguistlist-blog · 2 years
TOC: Studies in Second Language Acquisition Vol. 44, No. 2 (2022)
Editor’s Message Susan Gass 303-304 Sources of Variation in Second and Native Language Speaking Proficiency Among College-aged Second Language Learners Mona Botezatu, Taomei Guo, Judith Kroll, Sarah Peterson, Dalia Garcia 305-330 Representation and Processing of Overtly Identical Complex Forms in L1 and L2: The Case of Conversion and Its “siblings” Denisa Bordag, Andreas Opitz 331-356 The Effects of Talker Variability and Frequency of Exposure on the Acquisition of Spoken Word Kno http://dlvr.it/STTJXl
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