#tara would approve tho
flashlight-chan · 7 months
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I am slooowly crocheting the whole party of plushies
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safyresky · 3 months
Hello, hey, dropping in with a query.
Since CS has officially concluded (congrats by the way!) I wanna ask about your own interpretation of Mother Nature.
She is absolutely my girl, I adore her, queen, but I wanna know how exactly she fits into the CS world structure. How does she keep looking so young when everyone else ages normally? What was her relationship to Mother Gaia? What kind of magical creature is she and was mother Gaia also the same kind? How does she fit into the government structure? HOW IS SHE SO TALL???
Idk, she's been on my mind a lot and I'm assuming we'll know a bit more about all that at some point but I can't wait that long lol
Thank you!! You know, it's so funny, bc while I was oot and aboot yesterday/Friday I was like "I can take a breather from writing, just focus on other things--" and not 24 hours later I had the Into the Shadows plotting doc open, as I finally figured out what happens in Chapter 7 🫠🫠
I WILL NEVER KNOW PEACE! But what can I say, I love this world and I love writing. Shit's FUN
It's all kinda rough tbh??? More like scattery thoughts if anything but HERE YOU GO! HAVE SOME CS LORE!
Okay okay so Mother Gaia was essentially the personification of ALL nature, and as such, could wield all Nature :) She looks like a sprite, tho, and for all intents and purposes would call herself a sprite--same with Mother Nature
This also checks out bc in CS, sprites are specifically fae who can control weather/nature/the elements! :)
Gaia was the Goddess's connection to the people, and got a little lonely when the Goddess was like "everyone is safe, things are going well, take it easy, Gaia!" so, she created a companion. A fellow personification of nature that she named Tara, who could do everything she could do
The Goddess gave her a light life, which is like a little ball of life that brings things to life (I am soo creative at naming things I swear) and Gaia used it to give Tara, well. life!
So, Mother Gaia was in all senses of the word, Mother Nature's Mother! Tara called her Mother and meant it in all the ways :)
Gaia trained her, raised her, loved her very very much and eventually started training her to take her own place one day
And that day came faster than expected for Tara when Mother Gaia fucking SNAPPED mid fae war and scorched the land to stop the fighting, in a stretch that has since NEVER GROWN BACK. It's known as the scar. Autumn lives close to it in modern-day CS.
Once that happened, Gaia was like APPALLED. She'd been just as bad as the fae fighting over who was best, using her powers for what she wasn't meant to use her powers for: hurting the Earth
She was beside herself; went to go talk to the Goddess and was gone for DAYS. All the fighting stopped, tho!
Then she and the Goddess came up with Rosehaven and the Call, and Gaia went with the old fae during the Call, leaving Tara to be the Next Mother Gaia
And she chose the title Mother Nature and here we are!
SO. In modern day CS, she is: the connection to the goddess for the magibeans, if they need her to be; guards the magic of creation/life/balance??? (a system I'm still trying to figure out lol, I'll have to dig up those notes at some point), and heads the Council with Father Time.
She's on the Assembly because when it was formed NOBODY felt right not having her on there, so she's kind of like. She's the approver of decisions lol. She lets them do their thing but if they ever come to an impasse they turn to her, and her word is essentially law
That's sort of why when the Twin Princes were born she was called to choose who'd rule next! Well, Gaia was, but Gaia left the decision to Tara as they were at That Point in training: POLITICS. If magibeans had an issue that couldn't be solved amongst themselves OR by the royals, MN/MG would be called upon and what she'd say, GOES
Which left for a lot of last minute swerves bc Gaia was clever and MN is just as clever. See: that story about the two people fighting over the chicken???? I forget what it was, anyway, the person presiding went CUT IT IN HALF and one was like okay cool! And the other was like SOB NO MY CHICKEN and the person deciding was like GOT EM LOL. That sorta shit.
In the event of an emergency, Mother Nature and the CS Governor (so Blaise since this mans just can't seem to lose an election, and he has TRIED some years) become de facto co-rulers and both have to agree on decisions before acting on them. This would be like. In a nasty war or like. end of the world circumstance kinda thing
Why is she so young looking compared to everyone else? Well, if you asked her, she'd say you're only as old as you feel and offer no explanation. In terms of height, she'd look at you quizzically and go "Why not?" and that'd be her answer
this is Dani for "bc she can choose how to present herself and that's how she chooses too!"
kinda like Steven's gem reacting to his mindset sort of thing.
and also, tall Mother Nature just fucking SLAPS. She SHOULD be tall as FUCK! I subscribe to that! I LOVE tall MN. EVERYONE looks up to her--quite literally!
Except for like giants and trolls and other very tall magibeans and folklore creatures and the like 🤭🤭🤭
Hopefully I got all your questions! Thank you for asking! I LOVE thinking of early CS lore, it's so FUN and Mother Nature is one of my FAVES. I get so ragey in tsc fics where's she's written as a HUGE MEANER, super angry, etc etc and even borderline villain? GOD. I JUST. SHE'S A BADASS AND VERY SWEET AND EVERYONE FORGETS THE SWEET BIT!!! SHE WAS SO KIND TO SANTA AND THE OTHER LEGENDS IN THE MOVIES AND EVEN WHEN JACK WAS JACKING ABOUT, SHE WAS GENTLY CHIDING HIM!!!!!!! FUCK MAN! I'M GONNA EXPLODE JUST THINKING OF BAD MN CHARACTERIZATION! AH!
Please excuse the rant and uh, enjoy the heckin answer 😅😅😅
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bingwriterxo · 11 months
would reader approve the Romeo and Juliet with Hailee steinfeld? I mean it’s not perfect but I feels it’s good.
gonna be honest, never seen this version so i can’t really say whether or not R would approve. she would probably sit there and huff the whole time if tara wanted to watch it tho because she knows tara is only looking at hailee
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websterss · 1 year
they're little headcanons LMAOOOO
ethan is also the type to play lego star wars but in secret.
he only plays it when chad is out with tara LMAO
They’re headcannons??!!! 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m so unfamiliar with headcannons dude, I’ve only written one in my life, maybe that’s why I didn’t recognize them as such lmfao. I knew they were something tho… anyway. YESS he would. And Char would approve!!! Cause they love stars wars so much!😄 char literally just told me they bought a Star Wars Lego set, it’s fucking cool, fucking cool man!!! But yes Ethan is a precious loser who loves stars wars and has like figure made sets on his own desk or shelf of whatever is in his room. This man has collectables and gate keeps them lmfao. That man would be EMBARRASSED to bring out his PlayStation. I can see him hiding it 😭🤣
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hey-doobnnoob · 3 months
i just saw your post about your tiefling and i love him, for starters. he's pretty. but since no one else has said it: i wanna hear about him and gale.
oh no you've opened floodgates you're gonna regret opening
I'm just as bad about these two as I am about Michael and Astarion, but that's for another day if anyone opens the floodgates on my Mike playthrough of BG3 (or if anyone wants to look at his admittedly still incomplete page on his TH profile for my BG3 stuff on him)
also yes, thank you. Verrik IS very pretty, he needs to be told that more often
more about Verrik and Gale under the cut tho. this isn't all of my ramblings.. but I'll stop myself here before I have a novel's worth of it
fun fact: Tiefling tails are described as being cat-like. so more just for balance and not prehensile or anything
why is that relevant? well just like cats, when Verrik feels as if he's not getting enough attention, he will absolutely "accidentally" start to knock Gale's cup of tea over with his tail
unlike a cat, Verrik's tail wags furiously at the smallest amount of praise Gale gives him. he never knew his tail could do that before
Verrik is actually super mild-mannered and level headed. he's normally extremely quiet and more likely to try and talk things out before he resorts to any sort of violence. that being said, Lorroakan was the first person to ever make Verrik unleash the fury of the Hells all in one Tiefling after how he spoke about Gale to his face
Verrik and Gale have this mutual feeling of gods I don't deserve you. Gale because of his history of having to constantly prove himself to everyone around him in order to earn their love and because of how patient Verrik is with him working through all of his trauma, and Verrik because he genuinely doesn't know why a guy like Gale would give some regular dime-a-dozen Tiefling like him the time of day. they deserve each other
Verrik is constantly impressed with everything magic related Gale does, no matter how small. he's always in awe over how well he can just control the Weave so effortlessly, as if he can't just turn into a massive fucking Owlbear on command as a Druid and also can perform spells on a whim
everyone who loves Gale (which should just be everyone but for whatever reason there's a lot of people out there who just insist on being wrong) always complains about his asking for a kiss animation when romancing him. which fair. but also I play into the headcanon that both Gale and Verrik are just the exact opposite of Michael and Astarion (bc I bounce back and forth between combining their playthroughs) and are just so flustered at the idea of PDA. alone, they'd happily be all over each other. if there's even one other living thing nearby, it's small touches bc public affection just ain't their thing. like hand holding or leaning on each other or whatever
upon first meeting Tara, Verrik panicked to Gale after she flew off because he wanted to know if Gale thought she liked him. did she approve? does she hate me?? GALE PLEASE I DON'T WANT HER TO HATE ME WHAT DO I DO?!?! Gale had to spend the next several minutes patting his back and reassuring him Tara doesn't hate him
Gale's favorite thing to do after they move into his tower together and get married is to conjure up a little red dot and watch Verrik and Tara chase it around the room. Verrik is essentially a cat in a Tiefling's body, it's no wonder Gale fell in love with him
Verrik has a hard time reading after he allowed Volo to pluck out his eye and give him a false one. so instead he just cuddles up to Gale and has him read to him. neither of them mind, Gale likes talking and Verrik could listen to him all day
Gale teaches Verrik how to cook so after he becomes a professor, he doesn't have to worry about his husband starving at home without him. Verrik uses this as an excuse to bring Gale a freshly made, home cooked lunch every day and join his classes for a bit
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whatevssatan · 3 years
Finished btvs and I gotta say, s7? Not a whole lot of a vibe. Too many speeches, don't like how they turn on Buffy, I understand why they killed Spike off, but I mean, come on, they just left principal wood alive?? At least have the courtesy to kill him too. Andrew was cool tho. 7/10
And I'm not saying I approve of anything the trio do, but Warren, Jonathan and Andrew were fun to watch, and had a better friendship than any of them in s6/7, and that's saying a lot since they betrayed and murdered Jonathan. Also, Tara, my guy, my dude, why did they kill her off. Anya, Tara, Spike and the musical episode were the only things going for season 6. (And they all end up dead by the end, terrible). 6/10
Season 4 and 5 shouldn't even be mentioned because they are so slow. With the exception of Willow and Tara's relationship, Anya and Xander, Spike, and Hush, they're really not worth watching. Riley was a trash character imo and he was so boring. It's not even like a shipping bias or anything, him, the initiative, and the Adam were boring plot points. 3/10
Season 1, 2, and 3 were clearly the superior seasons. I mean, yes you have broody Angel, but I'll forgive him cus he's evil later (for a bit). And also Spike and Angel interactions are great. 10/10
On the upside, everyone in this show is pretty :) overall 7/10, would watch again.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Runway Job
leverage 2.10
Nate: Um, I wanna ask you something. Is, is Florence here, and you can just tell me. It's... is she here illegally?
Theresa: No, the Pans are very careful. They provide work papers, keep everything just on this side of legal. But once the women are here, they make them work off the cost of their passage.
Nate: Right. Which takes years because, my guess is, they pay them well below minimum wage. And they know because of the language barrier no one's going to complain
that’s so sad and fucked up
- - - - -
Sophie (on phone): Look, we didn't get along when we first started. And Eliot, how long did it take before you trusted me? Hm? Eliot, you do trust me, don't you?
Eliot: That's not the point, Sophie. If Nate doesn't like this chick, then it's not gonna work.
Sophie: Which is why you've gotta get him on board. Look, you need a grifter. The last time one of you tried to grift, you wound up kidnapped by Russians.
Eliot: This brother right here.
Parker: Hardison.
Hardison: We still can't let that go?
the ot3 = children
also eliot is wearing a blue shirt that matches parker’s flannel 💖
and her teal doc martens??? AMAZING
+ eliot’s lil hair braids and beads
- - - - -
Sophie: Listen to me. Tara Cole is the best. I wouldn't have sent her if I didn't trust her. I know you're gonna love her. So, just give her a chance.
Eliot: She is hot.
Hardison: She's very hot.
Parker: Hot. (everyone looks at Parker) Warm? Cold? Why are we staring
I’d die for bisexual parker, okay? bi (grey-ace???) parker I will take to my grave
- - - - -
Eliot: Touchdown.
Parker: I just miss you.
(Sophie ends the call. Parker tosses the remote to Hardison)
eliot trying to be nonchalant as nate walks in? a dork
and parker lets herself be extremely vulnerable for a moment and we’re soft for it
- - - - -
Tara: Yeah. No. I get it. I mean the word con comes from confidence, right? We gotta build her confidence. Make her thinks she's the greatest designer in the world.
Nate: There you go.
Eliot: How?
Nate: How? We need a Caprina.
Tara: What is that? So, he just says things and then walks away?
Parker: Yeah. You're gonna have to get used to that.
- - - - -
parker’s lil pool cleaner outfit with an orange polka dot bathing suit underneath??? adorable
- - - - -
Eliot: Tell me about Fashion Week.
Tara: The big designers use it to launch their new collections, but it's mainly showcases for rising stars. The investors are looking for the next big thing. Tommy Hilfiger, Marc Jacobs, Andre V. They all got their start at Fashion Week.
(Hardison looks closely at Eliot’s face)
Eliot: What?
Hardison: Is that, is that mascara? Dude, you got on guy-liner, man. And the leather pants.
Eliot: What...? This is... Listen, this is fashion-y.
Hardison: If you're Steven Seagal.
(Tara laughs. Eliot pulls off his scarf and takes down his hair)
Eliot: Don't. Don't!
Hardison: Not everybody can rock the scarf.
Tara: I was gonna say Stephen Tyler, but Seagal works.
Hardison: It's a bold choice, man. I respect it
also that marriedness tho
- - - - -
Tara (looks through Gloria’s sketchbook): Oh. So lovely. Such bold use of buckles, huh?
Gloria: I call it Pilgrim Chic
eliot: pinches the bridge of his nose, Over It™
- - - - -
Tara: No. I'm quitting. I don't need this crap.
Sophie: You're not quitting, Tara.
Tara: At least Eliot's a professional. Hardison's, you know, warming up. Even Parker seems okay with me.
Sophie: Parker showed feelings?
Tara: A feeling. Seemed like a human one, but it's hard to tell.
- - - - -
parker and the reindeer games
- - - - -
Nate: Listen to me, a car is driving 80 miles an hour. How long does it take to get to a camera a mile away?
[Leverage HQ]
Nate: That's seventh grade algebra, Hardison.
[Exterior Pan House]
Nate: Listen, the husband said that they had partners.
Parker: Forty-five seconds.
Nate: What?
Parker: That's the answer, 45 seconds.
Nate: Oh
someone make a compilation of parker being extremely smart and talented pls it’s for my serotonin
- - - - -
Eliot: We gotta go.
(they exit into the factory floor. Three men come in through a large door)
Eliot: We gotta go. Nate, I got three guys here. Armed with cleavers. That's the signature of the Triad.
[Interior Car]
Nate: Triads. We're a minute away.
Parker: The Chinese Triads.
Nate: They control the global counterfeit clothing market. It's worth billions to them. Even more than narcotics.
Eliot: So we didn't take money from the Pans. We took money from the Triads.
Nate: The last person holding their cash was Eliot
- - - - -
(Eliot keeps Tara behind him)
Eliot: This way.
(the men follow them through the rows of clothing and sewing machines)
Eliot: All right, cleavers. I haven't done that in a while. All right, listen, these rows are narrow. OK? They're gonna have to come at me one at a time. Just stay close.
Tara: You're telling me what to do? (moves away from him)
Eliot: Yeah. Don't. Wait, what did you... Tara. Tara.
Tara: Please. Please. Please. I don't wanna die. Please.
(one of the men slash at her playfully with a cleaver. Eliot looks at the other men. One of them speaks in Chinese. Tara pushes a cart at the one closest to her, making him fall over. She reaches for an iron and hits him in the head with it, knocking him down again. Eliot nods in approval. Another man comes at Eliot with a cleaver. He dodges the blows and pushes the man away. Eliot blocks the next blow with a dressmaker’s dummy, then punches the man in the face. Tara picks up a cleaver. Eliot blocks a blow from the man he was fighting and hits him several times in the face and chest, knocking him down)
also on today’s edition of non-weapons-eliot-uses-in-fights, eliot uses a mannequin (and tara uses an iron)
- - - - -
(Tara brandishes the cleaver. The man she was fighting stands up and comes at her. Eliot blocks the blow and hits the man in the face, pushing away the cleaver. He blocks a punch, then hits the man several times in the side and face. Tara comes over and headbutts the man, knocking him out. Eliot looks at her in surprise)
Tara: Admit it. You kinda like me now
I love her
- - - - -
Eliot: Thank you. (they walk away) "The only thing getting in are models and clothes.
Parker: Yeah.
Eliot: Hey.
(Eliot looks at Parker for a long moment, then walks over to a rack of clothes. Parker begins to look through the rack)
Eliot: No. No. No!
Parker: How about this?
Eliot: It's a shirt, Parker.
Parker: I know, but at least you can move in it. These clothes are totally impractical. OK? There's no range of motion, limited concealment options, and this reflective material would set off a motion detector a mile away.
Eliot: It's a fashion show. It's not Thieves-R-Us.
Parker: Fine. How about this?
Eliot: The A-line drape of the empire waist is nice but the neckline's a little weak if you ask me. What? I date a lot of models. Lot of private fashion shows, if you know what I mean.
Parker: Yes. Yes.
Eliot: Though most of the dresses ended up on the ground.
Parker: Yep. I get it. You're a guy.
Eliot: Means they were naked.
Parker: OK, seriously? (walks away)
Eliot: Yeah. I'm just saying. (watches a model walk by) How ya doing? (follows the model
eliot: I’m straight. I sleep with only exclusively women. I swear. Look how I talk. I am a Heterosexual™ man. No homo.
- - - - -
(Andre V sees Parker)
Andre V: And you. You. You're incomplete. You are incomplete.
Parker: What?
Andre V (grabs Parker): Boys and girls, incomplete model on deck. Incomplete model on deck. This is an emergency. Sit down. Sit. Sit. Sit, sit. Incomplete model on deck. Here.
Parker: Um...
Andre V: Nose. Eyes. Chin. Hair. Go.
(people converge on Parker to do her makeup and hair. She strains to see the laptop, which is still transferring files)
Andre V: Go. Come, come. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. The cheekbones.
(a few minutes later everyone moves away to reveal a fully made up Parker. They all gas)
Andre V: Perfection. Perfect. Oh. Oh, wonderful. OK, let's go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
(Andre takes her to the runway and pushes her out)
Andre V: Go. Go. Go.
Parker: What?
Andre V: Go faster. Faster. Go. And graceful, please. You're not running a marathon. Don't even think of coming back here. Find your face. Find your face.
(Parker walks gracefully down the runway, striking a pose. She turns and heads back down the runway, then falls into the crowd)
she tried, your honor
- - - - -
Eliot: Hey, this thing starts coming off the rails, don't wait. Call us in.
he’s talking about both himself AND parker being physical backup and I love that
- - - - -
Hardison: It was a simple switch. You just put an auto-run instruction file on the drive to show a set of designs for the startup and a different set for the email.
- - - - -
Parker: OK, no earpiece. How did you tell Nate you were gonna run the cop scam?
Tara: It's just 50 grand. That's what this is about, Five-oh. Capiche?
[Exterior Factory]
Eliot: Five-oh. For the cops. That's all it took?
Nate: Some people just know how to communicate.
Tara: Yeah, I just finally learned how to speak his language. Cryptic clues, slogans and code
- - - - -
Nate: And, uh, I'll give you, uh, your earbud back. And, listen, you know, I'll try, because Sophie sent you. Try to communicate better.
Tara: Thank you. And for what it's worth, Sophie was right. You guys are the best I've ever seen.
Nate: I know. (walks away)
Tara: But no one in the world is as good as you think you are.
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follyoliver · 4 years
God this was like five centuries ago but I made a note to myself to talk about how much I loved Jesus’s coming out scene and I never did and now he’s dead and so is Tara (and so are Eric and Denise and Tara’s first girlfriend whose name I never caught, she died so quickly) and we’ll NEVER have a functioning queer community at this rate!
And the nice gay nurse/PA/do these titles matter in the apocalypse? who was so in love with Siddiq turned out to be a Whisperer and KILLED SIDDIQ when he figured it out! Goddammit!
I am thankful for the interesting relationship developing between Magna and Yumiko but I still feel like I barely know them after all this time. Also: is Kelly gay? Or is she just ........extremely gay-looking? Either way I love her, and her style. Angel Theory wore a FANTASTIC leaf-printed bomber style windbreaker thing on one of the Talking Dead eps and I’m so here for it, and Kelly’s style on the show has been Extremely Good from the start. Her earring! I love her. I love her.
(Also also: is Daryl Actually Closeted???? I thought For Sure he was in love with Connie - he started learning ASL!!! Obviously he’s in love and it’s very sweet - but when Carol teased him about it he told her it wasn’t like that, and she was all like “why not? Connie is nice! And alive! There’s not that many nice people left alive you know, and you’re not getting any younger sir” and he just shrugged and insisted it wasn’t like that and would Not elaborate. Which could mean that it Absolutely Is Like That, and Daryl is just shy and cagey and guarded and doesn’t want to be hurt or rejected or get attached again only to lose yet another loved one ......it could easily mean that. But it also seemed like Daryl was seconds away from mumbling, “I ain’t into women like that” and Carol, after a second, being like “well what about Aaron then” and Daryl getting up and leaving)
Anyway, Jesus came out to Maggie at Hilltop before the War, and he said something about growing up in group homes and being emotionally unavailable with people, including boyfriends, and that maybe he’s ready to start opening up now, and it was so delightful! Look, a character who is not introduced as “hello I am a Gay Character”! A character who is complicated and interesting and competent, who we don’t always trust, who isn’t therefore Evil, who has a backstory I want to know more about, who can give Rick and Daryl a run for their money, who is kind of funny - one of our few gay characters! And he’s single, and he’s established as being Bad At Relationships (but for sympathetic reasons!) And he’s a gay Jesus! I love that. I love a gay Jesus.
I think actually he got written more and more boringly after he came out, and that the writers are a little risk averse with their gay characters - they don’t want to be problematic, which I get - and that the boringness contributes to their untimely demises - because the writers and the audience get bored with them :/ (on the other hand, Aaron started out a little boring and has only gotten more interesting as time goes by! He’s still not as interesting if you’re not already invested in him because of him being gay, I acknowledge that. But he’s got a metal arm and they’re trying to do a Dark Aaron arc right now, which I approve of, even tho I’m not sure they can carry it off believably. Aaron always seems so earnest and sweet, even when he’s Dark. Is it the writing or the acting?)
I’m so mad that Jesus died. We didn’t even get to see him and Aaron kiss even one time!!! They were never even officially together, they just seemed like they were headed that direction. Frustrating! I really wanted to see Jesus run away from a difficult emotional conversation (maybe Aaron is like, “so you could be gracies other dad” and Jesus is like “oh look a convenient zombie horde, bye”) and then Aaron is all sad, and also they’re separated, and Aaron thinks Jesus is DEAD, and Jesus continues to avoid him for a while because he feels guilty for running off and he thinks Aaron is mad at him, but then he finds out that Aaron thinks he’s dead and he races back to Aaron’s house only to find Alexandria abandoned ....or something along those lines.
We’re back down to only 3 Canonical Gays on the show and I’m mad about it. I’m mad about what’s happening with Ezekiels arc too, for the record. The best character! I hope he gets deus ex machina’d by the helicopter people like Rick did because I cannot Stand it if he dies. :(
Also they should’ve made Tara a stoner, it would’ve livened up her character arc and also I really think there’s textual basis for it, but that’s a whole other post
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mvlcolms · 5 years
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*clears throat*  is  this  thing  on  ?  hi  friends  im  mella  !  i  go  by  feminine  pronouns  n  am  19  yrs  of  achy  joints  and  random  migraines  .  basically  19  going  on  107  .  i’m  here  to  introduce  u  to  malcolm  .  fair  warning  tho  ..  he  is  the  worst  .  so  if  u  dont  hate  both  of  us  by  the  end  of  this  ,  feel  free  to  like  this  or  hmu  so  we  can  plot  smth  ? 
❛ welcome  to  new  york  ,  malcolm  hansen  .  your  resemblance  to  herman  tommeraas  is  absolutely  uncanny  .  by  the  looks  of  your  tesla  roadster  ,  we’re  thinking  you’ll  fit  right  in  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  had  your  twenty  second  birthday  bash  .  your  chances  of  making  it  in  the  city  are  dicey  since  you’re  unscrupulous  ,  but  being  captivating  gives  you  an  advantage  .  (  cismale  &  he/him  ) 
SO  let  me  introduce  u  to  malcolm  richard  hansen  iii  ,  but  if  u  call  him  anything  other  than  mac  ,  he  prob  will  throw  hands  .  he  comes  from  olllllld  money  ,  nobody  rly  knows  how  the  family  got  rich  initially  but  his  grandpa  (  the  og  malcolm  )  made  even  more  money  by  creating  a  very  successful  record  label  thats  now  rly  dominant  in  the  music  industry  .  his  grandpa  is  currently  79  yrs  old  n  just  recently  stepped  out  as  the  ceo  but  is  still  has   a  lot  of  influence  in  the  company  and  obviously  in  the  family  .  this  might  sound  irrelevant  but  it  will  be  important  later  on  i  promise  .
ok  so  mac  was  born  to  mac  jr  and  a  former  singer  named  tara  michaels  .  they  met  when  she  was  in  the  record  label  building  , for  a  meeting  in  regards  to  a  possible  contract  and  the  rest  was  history  ?  grandpa  hated  tara  and  made  no  secret  of  his  opinions  abt  her  .  basically  he  thought  she  was  a  golddigger  (  she  was  )  and  his  son  was  stupid  (  also  true  )  ,  and  even  refused  to  attend  their  wedding ceremony .  needless  to  say  ,  as  soon  as  they  got  married  ,  the  couple  left  sunny  california  n  settled  down  in  chicago  .
mac  was  his  first  male  grandchild  tho  ,  n  even  if  he  hated  his  mother  n  resented  his  dads  stupidity  ,  mac  was  kinda  like  his  golden  child  .  so  senior  kinda  stole  his  grandson  ?  not  rly  but  he  did  keep  him  in  la  every  summer  n  holidays  ,  when  he  wasnt  in  school  in  chicago  .
so  mac  rly  looked  up  to  his  grandpa  growing  up  even  if  he  also  thought  he  was  an  asshole  ?  they  werent  super  close  but  had  a  lot  of  respect  for  each  other  ,  n  mac  much  preferred  spending  his  time  with  og  mac  than  with  mac  jr  n  his  ma   (  oh  boy  this  is  bound  to  get  confusing  )  .  but  yea  ,  his  grandpa  was  a  huge  influence  on him  while  growing  up  ,  which  was  mayhaps  not  a  good  idea  .
once  he  graduated  high  school  ,  his  grandpa  told  him  that  he  wanted  him  to  run  the  company  in  his  dads  place  bc  he  wasnt  leaving  a  multibillion  dollar  company  for  that  doofus  ,  but  sneaky  old  mac  told  him  that  there  were  terms  to  this  development  .  mac  would  get  the  company  once  he  retired  ,  but  since  his  father  had  been  such  a  dumb  fuck  ,  he  would  only  get  the  company  n  his  money  ,  if  he  married  a  woman  approved  by  the  senior  before  he  kicked  the  bucket  .  mac  threw  an  absolute  fit  ,  but  eventually  came  to  the  conclusion  that  he’d  rather  marry  someone  for  convenience  than  be  poor  for  the  rest  of  his  life  .  which  tbh  so  would  i  .
ENTER  ARRANGED  FIANCÉE  .  they’ve  been  engaged  for  about  two  yrs  now  but  no  one  is  in  any  rush  for  the  actual  marriage  .  the  deal  was  that  they  only  had  to  do  it  before  senior  died  ,  n  since  he’s  in  pretty  much  perfect  help  ,  the  duo  is  just  biding  their  time  .  mac  moved  to  nyc  to  live  w/  the  fiancée  ,  but  as  of  now  ,  they  r  pretty  much  just  roommates  atm  .  so  yeah  basically  thats  how  mac  ended  up  in  this  moment  in  his  life  lmao  . 
in  regards  to  his  personality  ,  mac  is  pretty  much  a  mini  version  of  malcolm  senior  .  he’s  v  confident  (  cocky  )  n  has  a  LOT  of  trouble  trying  to  view  life  by  any  other  point  of  view  than  his  own  .  very  selfish  and  honestly  not  a  guy  u  can  put  ur  trust  in  ?  he’s  not  like  a  super  asshole  or  anything  ,  is  in  fact  rly  charming  n  can  be  a  great  person  to  hang  out  w/  but  if  you’re  his  best  friend  n  he  feels  like  he  can  get  away  w/  hooking  up  w  your  mom  ? 12/10  will  do  it  .
is  mad  into  parties  ?  always  hanging  out  in  the  hottest  spots  w  all  different  kinds  of  ppl  until  the  sun  is  comin  up  .  he  has  weird  views  when  it  comes  to  dating  which  is  lowkey  for  is  kinda  an  asshole  who  gives  no  fucks  n  usually  ends  up  being  hated  by  his  exes  .
but  he’s  also  a  super  fun  guy  to  be  around  !!  will  always  be  down  for  a  good  time  n  do  his  best  to  cheer  u  everyone  around  him  .  u  r  always  going  to  be  entertained  around  him  there  isnt  even  a  choice  .
he  works  on/off  for  the  record  label  ,  mostly  monitoring  bigger  artists  n  such  because  we  love  nepotism  around  here  friends  ,  but  he  also  does  music  every  once  in  a  while  ?  its  not  frequent  ,  n  he  mostly  writes  songs  for  other  artists  , but  he  has  previously  released  an  album  n  scored  a  couple  of  #1s  .  i  pretty  much  think  of  his  vc  n  style  as  bazzi’s  ,  but  he’s  definitely  not  super  active  as  a  singer .
so  far  this  is  pretty  much  it  for  mac  .  i’m  still  working  on  him  a   little  ,  but  this  is  an  alright  outline  of  his  for  now  .  i’m  gonna  list  some  possible  connections  but  those  are  gonna  be  pretty  basic  .  feel  free  to  hmu  in  my  ims  or  on  discord   (  mella is lost #1597  )  where  i  am  p  much  all  the  time  so  we  can  come  up  w  some  bomb  ideas ?
someone  whos  signed  to  the  label  n  they  connected  through  it  ?  could be  all  kinds  of  stuff  actually  .  
best  friends  bc  even  demons  need  those  every  once  in  a  while  .
exes  ,  all  kinds  of  them  but  mostly  bad  terms  bc  mac  is  the  worst  .
pretty  much  all  the  fwbs  no  strings   attached  things  specially  if  they  come  w/  angst   . 
hype  friends  who  r  always  there  to  have  a  good  time  w  each  other  .
first  love  type  of  thing  ?
skinny  love  that  will  never  work  ?
i  cant  think  of  anything  else  ?  pls  dont  give  up  on  me  tho  n  like  this  thing  or hmu  for plots  bye !!!
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trixiedragon · 5 years
this is super late bc it’s been nearly a month since Young Justice s3a finished, but... i have A Lot of Thoughts and Feelings about it, so, errrr, if you wanna talk about it, hmu.  there are three main points, though, that i just HAVE to spew out there...
first, i’m so, so, so glad that the fan theory that Teen Titans Go! is just the product of beast boy’s imagination/fantasy/subconscious is now canon.  that’s so reassuring.  we all thought it was teen titans!beast boy, turns out it was young justice!beast boy, which is weird, but still, so reassuring.
the other two points involve my speculation, so i’mma gonna put ‘em behind a readmore... one is a theory about Tara and whether or not she’s a traitor (again), and the other is about that glimpse of Damian in Talia’s arms we saw.
so, about Tara... i’m not going to say that i don’t think she’s a traitor (again) but i WILL say that in the first two seasons, we were led to believe Things (specifically, about traitors or people sabotaging the team) that, when it all came out in the wash, turned out not only to not be true but turned out that THINKING that it was true was part of the team’s plan all along.  s1 had the plotline with artemis butno it’s roy/will who was the mole, and then also the whole deal at the end with like, every member being blackmailed by the light just about, and then it turned out that they all talked it out and used that against the light, and in s2 there was the whole kaldur storyline, but also at the end there was that big bomb drop meeting with the light that showed how deeply they were playing them, pitting the light against the reach etc etc.  soooooo... it would TOTALLY fit the pattern for it to turn out that Tara had told them that she was supposed to report to deathstroke, and so they said yeah, do that, we need intel.  if that’s how it plays out, i will not be surprised.  here’s hoping.  (i’d really love to see them flip the script on this one... a lot of dc characters need a fresh take, honestly, where they don’t have to be trapped in the same cycles forever...)
AND THEN ABOUT DAMIAN.  i’m like.... super excited about this idea, but i’m only 50% sure it’ll happen, it’s just...
ok, so like... when we first saw Damian, lil baby in Talia’s arms, i figured, as i assume we all did, oh Damian Wayne, son of Batman, etc etc.  buuuuuut then i started thinking how... it’d be weird if it WAS Damian WAYNE, since this is young justice, and the main leaguers have always played a role, but a secondary role.  unless they were gearing up a batman inc spin off... but they’re not even sure they’re getting a s4 so...
THEN i thought... how interesting it would be if that was Damian GRAYSON instead.  i mean, it fits anyway bc Damian ‘always’ has had more of a rapport with Dick than with Bruce, but.  i kinda immediately dismissed this thought, tho, bc i thought, well, they’re not going to change a character THAT much, changing the parentage...
BUT THEN i read (reread?) the young justice comics, um, it was the Training Day trade.  in that one, we see the origin story of Clayface, which is intimately *coughs* connected to Ra’s and Talia and the league of assassins.  AND IN THAT ONE, talia VERY CLEARLY expresses to her father that she’s basically tired of chasing after a guy who doesn’t want her, who only sees her as her father’s daughter, and she wants someone who wants her for herself. 
basically, in the Young Justice universe, Talia is OVER batman.  (which is a development that i LOVE, so).
and that got me thinking about this AGAIN.  bc... if talia is over batman, does it make sense for her to sneak around to get a baby from him?  whereas... it’s also young justice canon that dick is, in wally’s words, a dog.  now, i’m not suggesting that he and talia had a RELATIONSHIP, but maybe a fling??  and after the events of s2, i’m sure Ra’s has a higher opinion of the Detective’s protege.  if talia DID get pregnant by Dick, Ra’s would surely approve...
i’m not saying this is definitely going to be how it plays out.  but it would certainly be much more interesting in the young justice world than to have batman drama going on in the background.
so there we go.  got it all out there.  now gimme more.
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adrianners · 6 years
(title written after the end) Strap in for the fucking roller coaster, kids
Men’s SP liveblog below the cut (Deepest apologies to mobile users if it doesn’t work because this is LONG. It is right there in the code, I swear.)
Probably not going to comment on every single skater, just what strikes me.
Chafik: Don’t like the taxi driver mime, not wild about the program, but damn if I don’t want more people to take this kind of “risk” with their music. There definitely looks to be a difference in nerves between people who got to do the team event and those that didn’t.
Vincent!!!!! Did that! I am so proud! I do not like “Chasing Cars.” He makes me love it.
Watching Denis Ten struggle is honestly harder for me than watching Patrick fall. I’m not ready to see the mid-20s generation get outpaced by teenagers. I’m so glad he was able to get it together and earned high enough PCS that he may yet make the FS. [I am hearing that Johnny DARED badmouth this program. Get fucked, dude, you know exactly how rough his season has been. I even hear super casual fans grumping about what dicks you and Tara are. How fucking dare you after what commentators put you through?]
So good to see MCM skate basically clean! It won’t get him into the FS by any measure, but he can feel good about that performance.
[Blast from the past: At Sochi, 60 points made the FS. Real possibility that 70 is gonna be the threshold this time. Future Anna here to say it was 74. What even. Gonna look up what that would have been in Sochi... 15th, ahead of Jeremy Abbott.]
Han! Lookit that 3A! Go, go, go! ...Oof. Still. This is more stable than he’s been. I love this step sequence and the way he throws himself into it.
Julian! Lovely! Not on board for the whiny boy music of my college years becoming the new trend in figure skating tho. Will still take it over “Feelin’ Good.” (Moris gets no commentary later. I have decided. I don’t care how he does, I’m not sayin’ nothin’.)
Why does bad music keep happening to good skaters? “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” does not deserve some kind of weird orchestral cover with an Ed Sheeran-sounding vocalist. Brendan, honey, you’re wonderful, but you’re killing me.
Keegan has such a great Gene Kelly affect going on here, I’m willing to forgive the painfully obvious choices of this whole program and its blatant Browning rip-off. We’ll call it an homage, k?
[Resurfacing break. Jesus. Denis isn’t going to make the free skate, is he? I don’t even... know what to do with that. It would take catastrophe for fully half of group 3, and I would never wish that on anybody.]
My stream must be falling waaaaay behind realtime, because Jackie is updating with like a minute to go on my screen. Unless he just threw Junhwan’s layout up there super quick without making sure he didn’t, like, fall on the final spin or something weird.
Confession: I still like “Wonderwall.” Just... not this one. (Bonus: I also still like “Don’t Look Back in Anger.” Don’t @ me.)
YEAH, MISHA! You got it done! So lovely! That PCS shoulda been higher, but isn’t that always the way.
So many people having clean programs or hanging in there tonight, and I’m just sitting here like... why did this have to happen to Denis? It’s making it so hard to be happy for people.
Daniel, the new haircut totally suits this costume and program. I approve. So glad he’s doing better. I had to tab out of Skate America the second he fell because it was so obviously going to be either a WD or staggering to the finish line, and I couldn’t handle it.
Hoo boy, group 4. Guys, I only have one bottle of wine in the house, finished off the rum while I was sick, and have maybe 200ml of vodka left. What do I do?
BEAUTIFUL, ADAM! Shame about the 3A, but it could’ve been worse. The only even marginally acceptable thing about that stupid overhead camera is that it shows how perfectly centered his layback was, like damn. I am... once again suspicious of those PCS marks. He didn’t quite have his Nat’s performance, but I was thinking more like 45. It has seemed uniformly low today, at least, but still.
New SB for Aliev! Bored as hell of his music, but well done!
Patrick. Oh god, I’m scared. 4T! 3Lz+3T! GOD FUCKING DAMN THE 3A TO HELL. He is so damn good, though. You’d never know it happened from any other movement afterward. There is no question that he earns every scrap of PCS.
Oh, Keiji. No pops, at least, and he got it together in the end. Glad he got to work out the worst of the nerves in the lower pressure of the team event, hope they don’t show up in the free.
Not quite the team event for Alexei, but nice and even overall. I love, love, love this program. Again, that PCS is annoyingly low, but what else is new tonight?
Breaking news: The 3A is hereby cancelled. I love Deniss, but I sometimes wonder if that’s mostly because he’s such a Stephane chameleon. (Speaking of Stephane, what a casual look today, gosh! Yikes, no hug in the K&C. Brutal.)
[Resurfacing break. I am opening that wine.]
oh god here we go. yuzu looks so good in warm-up please let this go well for him. Nathan, dude, I saw the new duds on Jackie’s Twitter earlier, but... I can see what you’ve been going for with this look, and it just isn’t quite happening still. You’re aiming for po-mo figure skating revolution, but it keeps landing in the “funky” pseudo-hipster section of JC Penney instead.
oh god oh god. I wish Yuzu could have Pooh-san right now because it would make me feel better. THE 3A IS HEREBY UNCANCELLED. He was so, so calm and I’m crying and I’ve only had one glass of wine which is NOT ENOUGH FOR THIS KIND OF EMOTION. Jackie says “gorgeous, magnificent, stunning” and just... yes. Doesn’t look like the TES will be enough for another WR, but damn is he back. Just hang onto that for the FS, okay?
gdi, the camera got the opening to “Nemesis” right at the team event, why not now? aaaaaand fuck. I respect this kid too much to talk about that program in more detail. I am so sorry, buddy. Hopefully Jackie will explain what happened with the invalid element, because I believe the normal procedure is to mark a failed combo as [jump]+COMBO and give points for that first jump. Score and Twittersphere suggest they put those points back in the end, which makes more sense.
Man, and the last person who needed to see that before he stepped onto the ice was Kolyada. I am just gutted for them both.
Clapping to Vivaldi is some weird-ass shit. He was so lovely, I am so proud of this boy. Mihoko looks so happy! New SB? Nope, less than a point shy of it.
JAVI, BABY, YOU WONDERFUL RAY OF SUNSHINE! I love this program. Juuuuuust short of a new SB again.
Boyang bringing it home! This was a new SB by a long shot. I just don’t have anything to say about these last programs because I was too busy holding my breath for each of them in turn.
I don’t know if I can bear to do this again with the FS. It will take a trip to the liquor store in preparation, at least.
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not-so-lonely-star · 7 years
Not So Straight Golden Boy (2/2)
Part One: here Word count: ~7,000 Rating: T+ Summary: Corbin Harvey has always had a small manageable crush on Kent Parson. Unfortunately for him, that crush remains neither small nor manageable once he stumbles upon Kent naked in the locker room. A/N: Thanks for reading/liking/commenting! A03
The next morning Harvey woke up with a painful thudding headache just behind his eyes. He groaned and buried his head back into his pillow. Harvey had spent the rest of the evening subtly avoiding being alone with Kent until Tara finally took pity on him and they left. Just thinking back to the feel of Kent’s warm toned body pressed tightly up against his set his blood coursing downward.
Harvey groaned again and rolled out of bed, heading to the bathroom for some much needed advil. He had only just dry swallowed the pills and made a half assed attempt at brushing his teeth when Tara bombarded him at the door to the hall.
“Oh my god,” she said, far too loud for Harvey’s hangover. “Why didn’t you tell me you had a thing with Kent fucking Parson?”
Harvey pushed past her into the living room and plopped down onto the couch. “I have no clue what you’re talking about and my head feels like it’s about to explode.”
Tara leapt up onto the couch beside him as though she were a cat. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and held it up to him. Harvey glanced at it to humor her and his gaze got caught on the photo. It was of him and Kent dancing and god he looked about two seconds away from kissing the man.
Their heads were bent together and a mischievous smile played at Kent’s lips, head tilted back to meet Harvey’s gaze, arms wrapped loosely around Harvey’s neck. Harvey’s hands were low enough on Kent’s waist that they were out of frame and from the angle, it could be argued they rested on Kent’s ass. The pure lust on his own face was as plain to see as the logo on his shirt.
“When did you take this?”
Tara took her phone back and bit her lip. “I didn’t.” She clicked a couple of times before handing it back to him.
The picture was small at the top of the screen, Harvey scanned down the page and bit back a groan. It was a TMZ article. The picture of him and Kent was a fucking TMZ article. He was too hungover for this shit. “Fuck,” he murmured, handing the phone back to Tara. “I can’t look. How bad is it.” He hung his head in his hands.
Tara nudged him gently until he looked up and met her gaze. “It’s not bad, don’t worry. You aren’t even front page worthy.”
Harvey stared at her in bewilderment - how were there not hundreds of articles speculating about Kent’s sexuality after such a compromising picture of the two of them together? As if sensing his thoughts, Tara shot him a sympathetic smile.
“The article basically just talks about Kent Parson, leading scorer and captain of the Las Vegas Aces,” Tara said with what he supposed was her imitation of a sports reporter voice, “spent the night clubbing with friends. They didn’t even bother to look you up. The caption of the photo is literally, Kent Parson with friend at High Tops night club.”
Harvey breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t hide his sexuality - he didn’t broadcast it either, but still he would’ve felt like complete and utter shit if he had caused problems for Kent.
“I’ve got to give him a heads up.” He grabbed his phone off the coffee table where he’d left it the night before and shot off a quick text to Kent.
10:21 am: Hey, don’t know if you saw this but I’m so sorry man.
His phone buzzed less than a minute later.
10:21 am: Dude why tho?
Before Harvey could obsess over what that meant, three texts pinged his phone, one after the other.
10:21 am: If anything i should be apologizing to u. like this is all my fault that you got caught up in  the pappparazzi shit
10:21 am: paparazzi*
10:22 am:lemme take u out to dinner tonight to make up for it
Harvey stared at his phone wordlessly.
“What’d he say?” Tara asked, leaning over his shoulder to read his screen. She whistled. “Damn. Boy is smooth.”
Harvey tapped out a quick affirmative response before looking at Tara. “Sorry, what’d you say?”
“Nothing.” Tara shook her head and ruffled his hair before getting up off the couch in search of food.
With no indication of where they were going for the evening, other than the instructions to “dress sorta fancy but not like overdone” whatever that meant, Harvey surveyed his closet. He’d tried on three different shirts before chastising himself with the reminder that he was not a preteen about to go on his first date. He was just going to have dinner with a friend.
When he walked out into the living room Tara wolf whistled at him and he felt good about his choice of dark wash skinny jeans and light blue button down. Harvey rolled his eyes at Tara’s teasing about his hot date, before hustling out the door. When he got down to the lobby of his building Kent was waiting there with his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans and missing his almost ever present snapback. His eyes lit up when he spotted Harvey and he waved him over.
“Nice place,” Kent said, as he led Harvey out of the building. He’d insisted on picking Harvey up as opposed to meeting there since that would reveal their mystery location.
Harvey scoffed. “Sure and I’m the queen of Egypt.”
Kent cracked a smile and ran his fingers through his hair as they approached his car. His cowlick was standing straight on end and Harvey couldn’t fight the urge to reach out and attempt to brush it down. His finger ran gently over the lock, brushing lightly across his forehead in an effort to keep it down. Kent froze beneath his fingers, but the second Harvey lifted his hand the cowlick sprung back up.
“Okay that did absolutely nothing,” Harvey said, eyeing the stubborn hair.
Kent shrugged and turned away, face flushed bright. Harvey felt bad for bringing up what was apparently a sore subject. He slid into the front seat as Kent walked around the car and climbed in.
“So where are we going?” Harvey asked as Kent pulled out onto the street.
Kent huffed out a laugh and glanced at him with a smile that made his heart skip. “It’s a surprise Harvard.”
Twenty minutes later they pulled up to a sort of dingy looking building far from the strip and anything else other than highway. The brick was old and weathered, and not in the intentional way that the designers on Tara’s (and Harvey’s) favorite HGTV show liked to do. A couple of windows on the first floor had boards over them, while the glass of the second story was completely, unnaturally dark. Kent got out of the car and was around to Harvey’s side, opening his door while Harvey tried to see through the dingy exterior.
“Is this the part where you murder me and sell my kidney?”
Kent laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the seat with strength that still managed to surprise him. He released Harvey’s hand as soon as he was standing and bumped their shoulders together.
“Nah,” he said. “It might not look like it, but this place is the best kept secret of Vegas.” Kent led them up to the door and swung it open revealing what looked like an ordinary hallway, perhaps a bit more upkept than Harvey would’ve expected judging by the exterior. Without missing a beat Kent walked down the hall and turned the corner to a staircase, with Harvey close behind him. Up the stairs there was yet another door.
Before they even reached it, the door opened for them and a young man wearing all black glanced at the pair of them. “Mr. Parson? West corner table for two?”  
Kent smiled at the kid and nodded.
“Right this way.”
Stepping through the door was like entering an alternate universe. The ceiling was spotted with dark wooden beams and hanging lanterns.  The floor was white marble and there were only a half dozen tables, all spaced widely apart. A waterfall decorated the far wall and a piano was in the corner, with a woman dressed in a red cocktail dress at its keys. Harvey felt suddenly underdressed.
They were led to a table next to a huge window that overlooked the city. A menu was already waiting at each of the seats and the host pulled out the chair for each of them before disappearing back to the door.
“Okay,” Kent said, gaze flitting away from Harvey down to his menu before back up again. “This restaurant is pretty exclusive. So you won’t find this place on any website or Vegas guide map. I figured we’d be safe from the paparazzi here. And since I’m apologizing for them it’d be sorta shitty of me to invite you out someplace where there might be paparazzi again.”
Paparazzi, right. Harvey had to remind himself that this wasn’t a date. Kent Parson was straight and just a friend. He could not be crushing on him. If he repeated himself often enough maybe it’d be true.  
It seemed like Kent was waiting for him to say something so he stopped silently reprimanding himself and smiled at Kent. “It looks perfect.”
Harvey glanced down at the menu and the lack of prices made his stomach twist. “Uh, should I be worried about how much this place costs?”
Kent waved a dismissive hand. “I got it man.”
“Kent Parson,” Harvey said, reprimanding.
“Corbin Harvey.” Kent smirked at him.
“Ugh fine,” Harvey threw his hands up in the air. “But you have to let me treat next time.”
Kent’s smirk melted into a smile. “Deal.”
It seemed like the instant they both figured out what they wanted a waitress appeared. She took their orders and their menus before disappearing once more. Other than the soft murmurs coming from the other patrons and the tinkling keys of the piano the restaurant was quieter than any other he’d ever been in.
“So how’d you find this place?” Harvey asked, taking a sip of his water.
“My ex’s dad actually added me to the approved patrons list.”
Harvey raised his brows. “What is he like a movie star or something?”
“Or something,” Kent said with a small smile.
“Wow,” Harvey said, not pressing further, “I can’t imagine rubbing elbows with the rich and famous like that.”
“You do realize who you’re out to dinner with, right?”
Harvey laughed, “Wow and humble too.”
Kent laughed and tilted his glass towards Harvey in a silent toast. “Touché.”
They chatted for a few minutes before the waitress came by with their food, and Harvey had to marvel at how quick the service was. He took a bite of his steak and had to choke back a moan. From the look on Kent’s face he was in a similar state of ecstasy.
“So,” Harvey said after a moment, pushing the food around on his fork.  “Sorry again if you’re getting any grief about that picture.”
“Hey,” Kent said, wrapping his fingers around Harvey’s wrist to stay his movements. “Don’t even worry about it. Heteronormativity man,” Kent shook his head, fingers brushing absentmindedly across Harvey’s wrist. “I could kiss you and they’d be like Kent and friend goofing off at five star restaurant alone together.”
Harvey’s breath caught. I could kiss you. The words were running on a constant loop and he knew that Kent didn’t mean anything by it but his stomach erupted in butterflies anyway. Harvey met his gaze and smiled.
“Yeah,” he said, “It’s pretty fucked.”
“Take me for instance,” Kent continued with a shrug before shoveling in another bite.
It took a minute for Harvey to figure out what he was talking about. But then one of the first conversations they’d shared came back to him. He smiled, remembering Kent’s confusion when Harvey had told him Audrey was having a kid. He nodded at Kent, Harvey still sometimes looked at the world with his heteronormative goggles on too.  
The sun set and the city stretched out before them, all that light and glitz nothing more than pinpricks in the distance. By the time dessert arrived Harvey could honestly say he couldn’t remember ever having a more pleasant evening. And that was before he bit into the almost orgasmic Amedei Porcelana chocolate sundae.
“So uh,” Kent said, taking a bite from his gross vanilla cake thing. “I feel like I still owe you an apology, not just for the paparazzi thing, but because I sort of freaked out on you when I first saw you at the club.”
Harvey waved a dismissive hand. “Forget about it,” he said taking another bite of literal chocolate heaven. “You were forgiven before you bought me the best fucking sundae in the world and now I feel like I should be apologizing to you again for not being a good enough human being to deserve this.”
Kent barked out a laugh and shoveled a bite into his mouth. “Well at least let me explain why I was already on edge when we got to the club.”
Harvey nodded at him to continue, trying in vain to slow down so he wouldn’t get brain freeze.
“Playing the Falconers is always kinda shitty for me, since they drafted Zimms - er Jack Zimmerman.” Harvey could vaguely remember reading something about the two of them before, but he’d honestly only been a casual hockey fan when he was growing up and he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to presume from what Kent was saying. Luckily Kent seemed to take pity on him. “We were in the Q together and supposed to be drafted together. A bunch of shitty dominoes led to me being drafted by the Aces and him spending years finding his footing before eventually ending up with the Falconers.”
Kent looked uncomfortable and Harvey ached to reach out for him but held back, unsure if the touch would be welcome or not.
“Anyway, we didn’t leave things well and it’s just gotten worse and more toxic over the years. I’d just botched up another apology when I met you actually.” Kent’s eyes were wide and his bottom lip started twitching. He dug his teeth into his lip.  
Fuck it, Harvey thought, reaching across the table to clasp Kent’s hand. Kent glanced up at him in surprise and Harvey smiled at him.
“Try again.”
“Try apologizing again,” Harvey said, maybe he shouldn’t get involved, but he never was good at keeping quiet when people he cared about were in pain. “You’re not going to be able to let it go and move on completely until you two clear the air.”
Kent pulled his hand away and took a large bite of his dessert, chewing methodically before speaking. “I’ve tried apologizing before. It doesn’t end well. I’m pretty sure there’s no way Jack would forgive me now.”
“My Nan used to say apologize and don’t make the same mistake again. If they forgive you is up to them, but at least you’ll sleep knowing you did everything you could to make things right.”
Kent was quiet for a moment mulling over his words. “I’ll try. I want to make things right. It’s just they’ve been wrong between us for so long I think we’ve forgotten how to be friends.”
“Start with that,” Harvey said. “Be sincere and he’ll have to listen.”
The next day Harvey watched the game streaming live onto his laptop as much as he could while working, wondering if Kent had already taken his advice or if he was waiting until after the game. He wanted to try to call Kent after press, but a drunken parent with a laundry list of complaints followed by the peewee manager needing to discuss next month’s schedule right now kept him busy long enough that he worried Kent was already to bed with the time difference.
Harvey sighed as he grabbed his briefcase from beside his desk and shut off his light. He stepped out into the hall and nearly collided into a woman on the cleaning crew. He apologized quickly and started heading towards the exit. His phone chimed in his pocket. A smile lit up his face as he saw the caller id.  
“Harvard!” Kent said, before Harvey could say much more than hello. “I was hoping to catch you.”
“Well you caught me. Sorry about the game tonight by the way.”
“I don’t care about that.” Kent said dismissively. “I called to tell you that I took your advice and actually made it all the way through an apology to Jack and he apologized to me too! We even have plans to grab lunch before I have to fly back to Vegas tomorrow.”
Harvey could hear the wide, uninhibited smile in Kent’s voice and he was struck by the wayward thought that he might be getting addicted to Kent’s happiness.“I like seeing you happy,” he said before he could stop himself.  
“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t shoot their  husbands, they just don’t.”
Harvey pulled his phone away from his ear for a second, wondering if he was losing his mind.
“It’s from Legally Blonde,” Kent said, when Harvey still hadn’t responded. “You’ve seen it haven’t you?”
“Uh, no.” At least it was only a missed reference and he wasn’t going crazy.
“It’s a classic,” Kent said, outraged. “Oh my god what are you doing tomorrow night?”
“Nothing really.” Harvey shrugged, he was probably just going to be at home and chill with Tara.
“Okay well we have to watch it as soon as I get back to Vegas. I can’t believe you’ve never seen it.” Kent gasped. “Oh that means you’ll get to meet Kit.”
Harvey smiled fondly. “I can’t wait.”
Kent’s apartment wasn’t as extravagant as Harvey had expected. It was nice, cozy even, but not excessively huge or ultra modern. His couch was sleek gray and huge, yet somehow they managed to sit close enough that their shoulders were touching less than halfway through the movie and Harvey had to admit it was a pretty good movie.
Harvey had sunk back into the pillows and Kent’s head had lolled onto his shoulder less than ten minutes later. Harvey’s heart fluttered. He was in so much trouble. He should’ve roused Kent or left, or shifted over so Kent wasn’t leaning on him but he didn’t and now he only had himself to blame for the situation he was in.
He must’ve fallen asleep at some point after the movie and subsequent late night tv marathon because he woke up laying on the couch with a warm pressure on his chest. Cracking an eye open revealed Kent was nestled into his side, head tucked under his chin, legs tangled together. Harvey’s arms were wrapped tightly around him.
He tried to slowly extract himself, but before he’d gotten himself out of the compromising situation Kent was shifting away and shooting him a shy smile.
“Sorry I passed out on you,” he said, rubbing his eyes.
Harvey was suddenly flooded with emotions he’d been trying hard to ignore. He couldn’t deny it any longer.
He was in love with Kent.
“What time is it?” Kent mumbled, blissfully unaware of Harvey’s revelation.  
Harvey glanced down at his watch and tried to act normal. “Quarter past seven.”
Kent groaned and flopped back down, tugging Harvey with him until they were cuddled up again. “It’s too early. Go back to sleep.”
“I could - I should probably be getting home.”
Kent cracked an eye open and peered at him. “If you want to,” he said, wrapping his arms around Harvey as though he were a giant teddy bear. “But I’ve got nothing better to do until a charity thing at noon so you’re welcome to stay.”
Against his better judgement Harvey relaxed in Kent’s embrace and fell back asleep. He was too tall for the couch really, and his neck was at a sort of odd angle with Kent’s boney elbow pressed up into his side. He’d never slept better.
A couple days later he was trying to catch up on his emails when he heard the door to his office creak open. Harvey looked up and smiled when he saw Jeff standing in the doorway.
“Hey, you busy man?”
“No,” Harvey said, turning away from the computer. “I could use a distraction.”
Jeff smiled and plopped down in the chair across from his desk.
“What’s up? I hear you’ve been texting Tara.”
A brilliant flush crept up Jeff’s cheeks and Harvey had to fight the urge to laugh.
“Yeah,” he said, running a hand through his hair before turning his sharp gaze on Harvey. “But I didn’t come here to talk about that.”
“What did you come here to talk about?”
A cheshire smile broke out on his face. “Kent told me all about your dinner the other day,” he said, voice teasing.
Harvey sighed contentedly and smiled. “It was nice.”
The grin on Jeff’s face was far too pleased and Harvey schooled his expression. He had to remind himself that Jeff lived to chirp Kent, and Harvey by extension.
“You jealous bro?” Harvey asked, before Jeff got a chance to tease him.  
Jeff laughed. “Nah man, I don’t mind sharing. I just figured Parser has been in too good of a mood lately for me not to chirp him. And the best way to do that is definitely through you. So tell him I told you some embarrassing shit when you guys talk later, would you?”
Harvey huffed out a laugh. “Alright.”
Jeff winked as he stood. “Thanks Harvard.”   
As Harvey was leaving the rink that evening he shot a text to Kent before pocketing his phone with a mischievous smile.
Jeff came by earlier to talk about our dinner.
He’d only just sat down in his car when his phone buzzed a moment later. Kent was calling him. Harvey had barely said hello before Kent was speaking.
“OH MY GOD. What did that fucker say now? I swear I’m going to murder him - ”
“Relax,” Harvey said, “Kent man chill. Jeff was just trying to mess with you. What would there be to be embarrassed about anyway.”
“Right,” Kent said sighing, “Right sorry, I just thought - well it’s not like Jeff would do anything to hurt me - just embarrass me.”
“Exactly,” Harvey said, “Hey speaking of dinner, you want to come over to my place tonight? Tara and I were planning on making tacos.”
Harvey could practically hear the smile in Kent’s voice as he responded. “Definitely.”
Kent was a tactile person, Harvey decided, when Kent swung an arm around his shoulder as he stood beside him in the kitchen. It was the fourth time he touched Harvey that evening - not that he was counting - even if Tara kept wiggling her eyebrows at him when Kent was distracted.
Harvey was cutting up tomato for the tacos when he felt a hand on his ass. He whipped his head around to see Kent pickpocketing him.
“What are you doing?” Harvey asked, voice an octave higher than normal.
Kent slipped the phone from Harvey’s pocket and held it up in triumph. “Putting on music.”
Harvey tried to ignore the look Tara was giving him and watched as Kent typed in his password and pulled up spotify, putting on a pop playlist.
“How do you know my password?” Harvey asked, as Kent walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a glass, dropping the phone into it to amplify the sound.
“Your birthday isn’t all that original of a password.” Kent turned back to Harvey with a smirk before sharing a commiserating look with Tara.
Tara laughed and passed Kent a red pepper to chop before setting a pan on the stove for the chicken. “He’s got you there Harvey.”
While not a particularly impressive chef, Kent was good at following orders, and the tacos came out delicious. The three of them ate perched at the rickety dining room table that was squished in the corner of their kitchen. And rather than marvel over the fact that Kent had somehow managed to worm his way into Harvey’s life and his heart, he decided to just sit back and enjoy it.
Later that evening after talking, laughing and half watching a dozen reruns of Seinfeld, Harvey was trying to stall Kent’s inevitable departure. Not only did he not want the particularly pleasant evening to end, but he didn’t want to be left alone with Tara either, not with that speculative - almost predatory look on her face. But all too soon Kent was yawning loudly, and shifting away from his position slumped at Harvey’s side to head to the door.
Harvey walked him out and took a deep breath before returning to what he knew would be an interrogation.
Tara was perched on the arm of the couch when he returned and patted the seat beside her invitingly. Harvey sighed as he walked over and plopped down, throwing his arm across his face dramatically.
“Okay, go ahead. I know you’re dying to.”
Tara pried his arm away from his face and squished down into the seat next to him. “You two are so cute!”
Harvey rolled his eyes.
“I’m serious,” Tara said, squeezing his arm. “He’s definitely into you - I’m pretty sure he spent less than ten minutes the entire time he was here not touching you.”
“He’s straight Tara,” Harvey said. There was no point in getting his hopes up for someone unattainable - not again.
She put her hand on her hip and stared down at him in a scary imitation of her mother. “What makes you say that?”
“Um A. because I like him,” Harvey said, ticking off the points on his fingers. “B. he plays hockey, C. I’m pretty sure he was dating some reality star a couple years ago.”
“Yeah some real rock solid evidence you have there,” Tara said with an eyeroll. “As opposed to oh I don’t know, the fact that he can’t take his eyes off you, he was hella pissed when we were dancing together, he took you out to a five star restaur-”
“Okay okay enough,” Harvey said covering his ears until Tara took pity on him and turned the T.V back on.
Harvey and Kent hung out often over the following two weeks, grabbing a bite to eat together, watching a movie, or the occasional drink. On one memorable occasion Kent and Harvey were watching a movie at Kent’s place when he put his feet in Harvey’s lap. Harvey tried to breath normally and lasted all of five minutes before he had to leap up to avoid Kent noticing his raging hard on.
One evening they had been making waffles for dinner together when Harvey almost kissed him. Kent was standing with his back to the waffle iron, eyes alight with mirth as he gazed up at Harvey. Harvey inched closer and his head tilted down of his own accord, lips parting. The sound of Tara opening the front door had him jolting out of his stupor and jumping back from Kent. He couldn’t look the other man in the eye the rest of the evening.
Harvey needed to get a handle on his wayward emotions, before he made a fool of himself. He blamed it on being overworked with Audrey out, so the day she came back he breathed a sigh of relief.
It was the first home game in months that he could actually attend instead of work, and he fully intended to enjoy himself - even if Tara couldn’t come with him. He probably should’ve felt embarrassed about slipping into his Kent Parson Jersey before heading down to the rink, but he was too full of giddy anticipation to feel anything else.
Harvey cheered along with the rest of the Aces fans when the team skated out onto the ice for warmups. The thrill of the crowd was electric - he’d missed this. It wasn’t the same from behind the scenes.
Harvey couldn’t lose himself in the crowd for too long though, because before he knew it his face was up on the jumbotron. Harvey smiled. Of course Leo would seek him out in the crowd after he let slip he’d actually be attending this game. He waved gamely and twisted around in his seat to show whose jersey he was wearing.
A moment later there were shocked gasps skittering through the crowd. He whipped back around to face the ice and saw Kent skating towards the edge of the rink with blood dripping down his face. Harvey stood, before realizing the futility of the action. What had happened? Someone met Kent at the edge of the rink with a cloth which he immediately pressed up to his nose. He lifted his gaze and sent the crowd a thumbs up.
Luckily Kent’s nose stopped bleeding a moment later and Harvey could breathe a sigh of relief. The game was fast paced and intense. Kent was stunning on the ice, bloody nose quickly forgotten. He moved with unrivaled grace and speed, scoring three times before the game was over.
Harvey waited outside of the press room after the game, hoping to catch Kent. A couple of players filed out and clapped Harvey on the back as they passed. The past few weeks he’d noticed more players acknowledging the rest of the rink’s staff as well. It was a stark contrast from the atmosphere prior to his friendship with Kent. Harvey smiled to himself as he watched some of the press filed out before Kent finally emerged. Kent shot Harvey a shy, sheepish smile when he waved him over.
“Hey,” Harvey said, pulling Kent into a quick hug to stop himself from doing something infinitely worse, like stroke his fingers gently across the purple bruise blooming on his face. “Nice hatty.”
He felt Kent bury his smile in his shoulder before clapping him on the back and pulling out of the hug. “Thanks man,” he said. “I’ve got to go shower, but maybe we can hang tomorrow?”
Harvey nodded, unable to bite back his smile all the way home.
Tara was already home when Harvey walked in and she ushered him over to the couch the instant he walked through the door.
“Oh my god,” she said, shifting her laptop so Harvey could see what was on the screen. “Did you see this while you were at the game?”
Harvey peered at the screen where a gif was looping of Kent skating forward with his head tilted back, eyes on something above him before crashing face first directly into Corey Motts’ helmet. Harvey shook his head.
“I had my back to the rink when that happened,” he cringed as gif-Kent smacked into the helmet again and again.
Tara turned to him. “Um why would you have your back to the rink?”
“It was just warm ups,” Harvey said defensively. “Plus I was showing off my jersey on the jumbotron.”
A giddy laugh escaped Tara. “You were not. Oh my god. We have to go on tumblr.” She pulled the computer more firmly into her lap and typed Kent’s name into the tumblr search bar.
A bunch of videos and gifs popped up, the most popular of which was a zoomed out video of the other gif, where it was clear that Kent’s gaze was trained on the jumbotron when he crashed into Mottler.
“He was watching you.”
Even though that was obviously what was happening in the video, it was as if Harvey’s brain couldn’t compute the information. Tara kept scrolling, stopping at a shot by shot analysis of what went down.
“Wow,” Tara said as she read the post. “This person put two and two together and realized you’re the same person who was dancing with Kent a while back.”
“What?” Harvey said, grabbing the laptop from Tara’s hands.
The post had slow motion gifs of the exact moment Kent noticed who was up on the jumbotron. He smiled up at the screen while Harvey was waving, and it was an instant after Harvey turned around that Kent stumbled and crashed into Mottler. After that was the photo of them dancing with a caption asserting Kent must be crushing on the mystery guy.
“Uhh,” Harvey said, unable to form words.
Tara took pity on him, patting his shoulder before gently prying the laptop from his hands. “Okay, enough tumblr for you for one day. Don’t worry, tumblr isn’t like the rest of the internet - I’m sure no other site has even realized you’re the same guy.”
Tara’s words soothed him, but he couldn’t erase the the glance he’d seen of the text from the post below that from his mind. People were shipping them together. They thought Kent looked happier recently and attributed it to him. Huh.
Kent called him the following afternoon and invited him over for some takeout and a movie, and Harvey was helpless to refuse. He was smiling when he knocked on Kent’s door. He’d come to look forward to their movie nights and with the Aces away all last week they hadn’t hung out in far too long.
The door swung open and Jeff Troy was there instead of Kent. Harvey’s face fell before he plastered on his smile. Jeff ushered him in, explaining that Kent was getting the movie set up and that he hoped Harvey didn’t mind him crashing. Harvey smiled and said it was fine, since what else was he supposed to say?
Harvey followed Swoops into the living room where Kent was fiddling with his DVD player because he somehow didn’t have a smart TV even though he definitely could’ve afforded one. Kent turned towards them when they entered and beamed at Harvey.
“Hey,” Kent said, standing and crossing the room towards them quickly before stopping short just a foot away. “I hope it’s cool I invited Swoops along.”
“Oh yeah, of course.” Harvey smiled and hoped they couldn’t tell how forced it was. He shouldn’t be upset that it wasn’t just the two of them - Kent had no obligation to him.
The three of them sat on the couch with Kent in the middle. Harvey was sitting ramrod straight and couldn’t get himself to relax - it felt like Jeff was watching him. Kent’s hand came down on the back of his neck and rubbed gently.
“Dude, you okay?” he asked, voice quiet, though they were all so close together there was no point.
Harvey nodded, relaxing into the touch. “I’m good,” he said, turning a little towards Kent and jolting slightly at how close their faces were. He cleared his throat and faced the T.V.
Kent withdrew his hand and Harvey tried to seem unaffected. This was going to be a long night.
Fifteen minutes or so into the movie Harvey noticed Jeff watching him from the corner of his eye and stiffened. Kent lifted his head off Harvey’s shoulder and peered at him mutely before turning back to the T.V. And when had that happened? He couldn’t remember when his arm had draped around Kent’s shoulder, or when the man tilted into him, snuggled into his side.
Harvey took a deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth to try to calm himself. He repeated the action several times until his pulse returned to normal. Kent was just a tactile person, Jeff had to know that - and it wasn’t as though he was trapping Kent against his side. If the man felt uncomfortable he could pull back at any time.
Harvey returned his attention to the screen and they were watching Neighbors? He’d thought they were watching 21 Jump Street, had that movie been on the screen the whole time? Harvey needed to pull himself together.
He shifted slightly, gently maneuvering his shoulder out from underneath Kent before standing. He mumbled something about the bathroom and fled as they paused the movie. Though there was really no use for that since he had no clue what was going on anyway.
Harvey locked the door behind him and splashed his face with cool water. He stared at himself at the mirror. Relax, fucking relax man. He thought to himself, meeting his reflection’s stoney gaze. God he was going to embarrass himself if he didn’t get it under control.
Harvey took another couple deep breaths before opening the door and walking back towards Kent’s living room. He was going to get through this evening without revealing his feelings for Kent. He had to.
“Dude, he’s definitely hella into you.” Jeff’s voice drifted into the hallway and Harvey froze. So much for no one figuring out his crush today.
“I don’t know,” Kent said, defending him. “You saw him leap up when he realized I was leaning on his shoulder.”  
Harvey’s feet were glued to the floor and he couldn’t get his traitorous body to do anything other than listen.
“Kent, I’m telling you this as your best friend. He likes you.”
Harvey finally jolted himself out of his stupor and stumbled forward into the living room before Kent could answer and break his fucking heart. Both men were standing in front of the couch, and Jeff’s hands dropped from Kent’s shoulder’s as the man whipped around to face Harvey, face flushed a brilliant red.
“How much of that did you hear?” Kent asked, voice high and reedy.
Harvey ignored his question and stepped closer to the pair of them. “I am so sorry Kent.”
Kent’s shoulders sagged and his gaze dropped from Harvey’s face. Harvey spared a glance towards Jeff who looked exceedingly uncomfortable but he plowed on nonetheless.
“I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable. I know you don’t feel the same way about me as I do you and I’m totally good with being just friends,” Harvey said, tripping over his words.
“How do you feel about me?” Kent asked, eyes wide as he took a step closer to Harvey.
“Are you really going to make me say it?” Harvey was distantly aware of Jeff slipping out of the apartment as he fought his own urge to flee.  
Kent gazed up at Harvey, brown eyes piercing, seemingly content to wait for Harvey to answer.
This is it, Harvey thought, squeezing his eyes shut. “I’m in love with you.”
“Oh thank god.”
Harvey’s eyes flew open just in time to see Kent lunge towards him, crashing their mouths together. While Harvey’s mind was still three moves behind, his body caught up. He wrapped his arms around Kent and pulled him as close as physically possible. Kent’s lips were firm, insistent, demanding against Harvey’s as he kissed the ever loving shit out of him.
Kent pressed his tongue against the seam of his lips and Harvey opened for him, soft and pliant. Kent’s fingers were tangled in the short strands of Harvey’s hair, hips thrusting ever so slightly against Harvey’s. Harvey skimmed his hands down Kent’s waist to rest on the soft curve of his ass, squeezing lightly. Kent moaned into the kiss and it was enough to jolt Harvey’s brain back into action.
He broke their kiss, watching with amazement as Kent swayed forward chasing his lips for a moment before opening his eyes and pulling back slightly, dropping down off his tiptoes.
“Not that I’m not enjoying this, because I’m really fucking enjoying this,” Harvey said, voice rough and breathless. “But I am so confused. I thought you were straight.”
Kent rested his head against Harvey’s shoulder and let out a breathy laugh before shifting to face him. “Oh my god no. I’ve been flirting with you since we met. Did you seriously not notice?”
Harvey shook his head. He’d been so sure Kent was straight that he justified anything between them as Kent being friendly. God he was so oblivious. Kent had been so pissed when he thought Harvey and Tara were dating, he didn’t shift away when Harvey wrapped an arm around his shoulder - he snuggled in to the touch, they went out to dinner at what was probably the fanciest restaurant in all of Vegas, and he’d even tripped into one of his own teammates and nearly broken his nose when he saw Harvey wearing his jersey for godsakes.
“I thought you were straight,” Harvey repeated weakly.
“Let me be perfectly clear,” Kent said, stroking a finger down Harvey’s cheek. “I am not at all straight.” He punctuated his words with a brief press of his lips to the the scruffy line of Harvey’s jaw. “And I am desperately in love with you.”
Harvey kissed the words from Kent’s lips. He wrapped his arms around Kent and lifted, smiling into the kiss as Kent wrapped his legs around Harvey’s waist and moaned.
Harvey had never been so happy to be wrong in his life.
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All the evens
Oh boy I sure hate you right now. Under a read more for length.
4: What's your opinion on Riley?
Oh boy. Right, I get it. You wanted to try Buffy with a normal guy but, oh boy, he was not normal was he? No. He was a soilder trained to kill/capture demons. Listen, I get it, but Riley not for me. I always felt like he hated Buffy being stronger than him not to mention he got pissed off & went to vampires to get fed on because Buffy was lil' preoccupied with her mother being in hospital & needing a serious operation. Sorry she wasn't there to hold your hand but holy shit. I assume he just wanted her to need him but Buffy didn't need that shit. She had to look after Dawn, take care of her Mum, deal with slaying, school, her sister being a key & a hell god. She really did not need Riley getting mad & leaving because she, unfortunately, could not priortise him at that point.
6: What is your favourite season?
Season five. Hands down. No arguments.
8: What do you think is the worst episode?
Beer Bad. I mean what other answer is there? who approved this episode ??
10: Who do you think was the best big bad?
It's a toss up between Angelus & Glory. Angelus was so sadistic because he could be. We've seen in the show before that vampires aren't 100% evil but Angelus relished in it & he was potrayed so well.Glory was amazing tho ???? Like powerful, kinda loopy & she just wanted to go home really. Plus, um, she was a literal God ???
12: Top five characters?
Buffy Summers ( duh ), Spike, Willow Rosenberg, Harmony Kendall & Tara Maclay
14: What is the strongest point of season 5?
Season five being my fave season definitely had ups & downs but one of the strongest, rawest, emotionally draining moments is Buffy finding her Mom dead. Because we all thought Joyce was fine, she was spinning around, going on a date. Things were looking great & suddenly they weren't. There was no vampire or demon involved, it was a natural death, a human death & it hit, I think, everyone so hard. Buffy's desperation at trying to wake her Mom up is just agonising to watch. Seeing her so helpless is heartbreaking.
16: What character do you with was developed more?
Drusilla. I feel like they kinda left her in the 'she is just insane' bin & never explored her. Like, she was amazing, I love her but it was like 'she is just insane' kinda thing. Even Spike started making fun of her for it ???
18: Which show do you like better, buffy or angel?
Buffy. Angel season one & two were great then it all started going to hell once he had a baby like ??? how. then season four happened like what the actual fuck was that. I didn't mind season five but when you have an episode dedicated to like, murderous puppets & angel being one you know it's the end. So Buffy. Yes. Plus no Buffy? No angel.
20: Would you want to be a vampire, demon, human, witch, watcher or slayer?
I feel like slayer is the obvious answer & it'd be great ?? but as buffy & many others have said, slayers have a short life & idk if i could deal with that. A vampire would be badass since I am already a night owl. But so would a witch. Maybe like a vampire witch ???? omg yes.
meme // always accepting ofc
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