tuttilium · 2 years
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Inktober spécial FailyV de Tareg (jour 1 à 8)
(GTA RP fr - FailyV)
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444names · 1 year
the entire article on canini (tribe) from wikipedia + tolkienesque and russian forenames
Aarim Abdarasip Abnon Achindion Adarion Adondil Adragonwë Adury Afoddan Afont Agafastr Agaldoge Agaláf Agamin Agavian Agavin Agavudill Aglór Agorniel Aihiono Aihir Ailens Alion Allian Allsevoll Amburine Aminikar Amitted Anatárin Andimilm Andoce Andog Anfakip Angorin Aniend Animirsa Annar Aradree Arahalmo Arahel Aranur Ardagor Ardir Aregilan Areley Aresepped Areus Argen Argor Argymnor Arimrod Armer Aronor Arottonus Arviar Astiu Atamrotin Atangwas Atarkyan Augdogrob Auglan Aulad Aulethal Aurmer Avaitan Avder Avdeslana Avdista Avego Avegon Avelas Avelent Avends Averaham Averd Aviarfin Avinamros Aviped Avith Avksi Avkton Avraeg Avreth Avsec Avsen Avsich Avudossë Avulvent Avvan Avvant Avvatr Badûn Balack Baregas Barkya Batinae Belan Belato Belelwë Belethow Belron Beraereꞓ Beran Berey Beril Beriocyn Berry Boftel Bolcwik Bolenna Brahirsa Brant Bravianwë Burmalgor Cabor Carkyar Carmal Castinaid Celava Celetalan Ceoark Cestembel Cilavra Cilya Clast Clorba Coloth Colvel Comin Daeus Dandet Danya Danyata Darasin Darilm Deluil Deras Derus Devorn Diful Dorador Dwine Dwinennad Déalente Déotrim Eislav Elagapior Elavgus Eldilo Eldwyn Elemmar Eleph Elrongdor Eluka Enasist Endbe Ensisil Erearia Erena Erober Ervid Eucalmo Eurenil Eutely Expanara Exted Eäred Eärely Eärenes Eäres Eäreus Faltroma Famin Famir Famlim Famrana Famronwë Fanten Feassë Ferattor Feritan Fimilmast Finar Fincan Fincoya Findily Fodre Folaw Forother Frodrim Frostened Fréaw Fungen Furos Furwenya Fëanth Fília Fílibûn Fíliběnah Galdhor Gamlian Gaperind Gelfhis Gelum Genne Giman Gimin Gimind Gimirin Gliilad Gline Glirë Glora Golatar Goldin Golenca Gopus Gorachar Gorana Gorus Gothel Grapeleo Grildan Grinerth Grion Grionir Gropica Gross Gríant Haikhîm Halen Harvengwë Heleglu Helimbol Henowmar Heram Herth Herthéod Holfhen Hormarand Horonin Horostam Hostoid Hunírdeph Húriong Iběnaina Iland Illavid Ilmas Ilros Imbrand Imilzôn Imron Imurons Infantis Ingolass Iniclas Inisa Inzinyë Islar Islastery Islavrim Istjarand Isubolgel Ivaldoth Josence Kakov Kilmair Kipern Knoccina Kowynus Kílingen Ladmin Ladras Laharan Lanteus Lavakum Lavia Lavvanim Lendor Lentemy Lethos Limlod Lopetar Lopha Loser Lubog Lubor Lubtr Ludir Lumbo Léomergo Léoth Lúthamir Magales Magon Mairon Makiya Maldoce Mamillata Mances Mannair Maran Maranti Maritë Maulemes Meghâl Meninzil Menne Mentemena Merin Milka Millack Millata Mithreril Monna Morookes Mstaldwyn Mstennar Míritte Nastoh Nelpina Niellay Nimei Ninad Ninoceli Nomagapet Noviewor Nákhôn Oddan Odracir Oldoros Onduil Orria Orthorn Ossalcha Ostonomir Paletul Palmorgy Pamin Pectel Penia Perdim Pessë Phado Phylob Phyur Picomir Poriamdír Poslaghâl Preuky Prikal Primon Radakt Randir Ranimirus Ranya Reatr Rephall Rohil Rotto Rundelly Rútha Sardam Scron Shofther Shord Sifamber Sipesil Sisenomy Skumentan Smabarko Snomardir Snopeoar Socyomel Speriked Stasi Stocyon Subomes Sviel Súrin Talos Tancand Tanderigo Tanenwë Tanist Taral Tareg Telmor Temerum Temma Tendentic Tendur Terdey Teril Thernia Thesortz Thinican Thosec Threthir Thrya Théodgs Tinotin Tinya Tionwë Toron Torondus Tossi Trion Tryothode Turodrór Tyate Túrië Ullsel Ulpina Umbaláf Urfiya Vadrah Vadûna Vakulë Vanten Vatulfin Veldar Venocyon Venwë Veregoth Viafan Viely Vithrepre Vlimbaray Volian Vorts Vseus Waeus Whised Winaikir Womily Wortz Yeasy Yekal Zerry Zilya Éodgs Éoromir
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engtobangla · 1 year
Boost Your IELTS Score with Effective Nouns Uses
Nouns Preposition-এর object হিসেবে বসে অর্থাৎ preposition এর পরে বসে : wind in blowing from north.The cat is on the table.Behind Tareg stood the man Apposition – এরnoun টি: Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is a big city.Bats, flying mammals, are ghostly against any ruined castle. শব্দের শেষে যুক্ত Suffix দেখে: যে সমস্ত শব্দের শেষে নিম্নলিখিত শব্দাংশ বা Suffix রয়েছে সেগুলো Noun: 1. Ness-…
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arofili · 3 years
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elves of arda ✹ gondolindrim ✹ headcanon disclaimer ✹ @gondolinweek​
          Calto was one of the first elves, among those who woke upon the shores of Cuiviénen. At the time of his awakening, a brotherly fëa-bond was already established firmly in his heart with Tarwë, quendë beside him. The brothers were counted among the Nelyar, and though they pledged their service to Elwë as the Great Journey began, their loyalty was first to one another.           Upon Elwë’s disappearance in Beleriand, Calto and Tarwë were among the leaders of a group of Nelyar who set out to explore the lands to the northwest. With them were Alcarenna and Torhir, who would settle in the land of Hithlum, but Calto and Tarwë found their new home in the land of Nevrast.           As the language of the Grey-elves evolved, Calto adapted his name to Galdor and assumed the role of his people’s lord. Tarwë discovered he was much happier serving as deputy to his brother and the leader of hunting patrols, changing his name to Taureg. For years they lived in peace in lands near the sea, until the Lieutenant of Angband unleashed orcs upon the Edhil. Galdor’s civilization was small enough not to be a major target like Menegroth or the Falas, but they suffered from lack of soldiers, and many were killed in skirmishes, though they escaped the worst of the First Battle of Beleriand.           When the Noldor appeared out of the West, Galdor was glad for their aid, and welcomed his far-sundered kin to Beleriand. He agreed to allow Turukáno to settle at the coast, where he founded the city of Vinyamar. The Thindrim and the Golodhrim mingled in Nevrast, and Galdor found through his close counsel with Turukáno that he greatly admired the young lord, nearly to the point of infatuation. Taureg teased him of his affections, which Galdor took in stride, for he knew Turukáno still grieved the death of his wife, and he himself had no desire to act on such feelings.           When Turukáno began to order his new kingdom of Ondolindë, he offered Galdor a lordship in his hidden city. Galdor pondered this invitation, and after taking counsel with Taureg he accepted, and led his people to Tumladen to aid in the construction.           In Gondolin, Galdor became the Lord of the House of the Tree. He was a mighty lord, wielding a great club in battle and was renowned as the bravest of the Gondolindrim save for the King himself. He was the only lord of Gondolin who was fully Thindarin, and his House consisted almost entirely of Thindrim. He was deeply fond of all things that grew, having adapted his name from the early Quenya Calto, translating to “light,” to Galdor, with the double meaning of both “lord of light” and “lord of the trees.” While Taureg preferred the wilderness of an open forest, Galdor cultivated many great trees within the city itself.           Though Galdor was reluctant to march to war in the Fifth Battle, he could not abandon his beloved king. He and Taureg led a force of warriors, wielding clubs and spears as their lord and his brother did, and fought valiantly even as the battle turned ill. Amid the chaos of the retreat, Taureg was slain in an attempt to rescue the young warrior Legolas, who had been ordered to stay behind in Gondolin but disguised himself to join the ranks of the Tree. Legolas carried much guilt, blaming himself for Taureg’s death, and vowed from then on to protect Taureg’s brother with his very life. Galdor deeply grieved his brother’s death and struggled with placing blame on Legolas he knew was only partially justified, and accepted the youth’s vow of fealty as penance for Taureg’s death.           When Morgoth’s forces assailed Gondolin and the city’s fall began, Galdor and his warriors had been positioned at the northern gate with the House of the Hammer of Wrath. While Lord Rôg charged with all his folk into the fray, Galdor hung back, defending within the walls of the city rather than attacking the enemy without. Orcs fell like leaves about them, but soon the folk of the Hammer of Wrath was utterly destroyed and the folk of the Tree were forced to retreat. As they made their way to the Square of the King, they rescued the Folk of the Wing from their pursuers, saving the lives of both Tuor and Ecthelion, who had been injured and had to be carried by the Man.           In the King’s Square, Turukáno at last saw the ruin of his kingdom and threw his crown upon the roots of Glingal in grief and rage. Galdor was dismayed at the crumbling of his king’s resolve and hurried to pick up his crown, offering it back to Turukáno and begging him to fulfill his mantle as their leader. Yet Turukáno rejected him a final time, and Galdor was forced to part from the one he loved in sorrow.           Galdor joined the exiles of Gondolin with much of his House as they fled through Idril’s secret way. He was in the forefront of the survivors, leading a patrol ahead of the rest of the host. His eyes were clogged with ash and tears, making it difficult for him to see ahead, so he delegated navigation to his squire Legolas, whose eyes were the keenest of all the elves of the Tree.          Thus Galdor and his followers returned to the coastland of Beleriand, this time in the south by the Havens of Sirion. They dwelt in Arvenien by the Mouths of Sirion rather than on the Isle of Balar, and thus many of their number fell in the Third Kinslaying. Galdor fought in this battle and saw his companion Egalmoth, the only other surviving lord of Gondolin, fall at the hands of Amras Fëanorion.           Yet Galdor survived, alone of his rank, through the end of the War of Wrath, when, wearied of death and longing to see those he had lost again, he accepted the invitation of the Valar and sailed to Aman at long last. With him was Legolas, whom he released from his service upon their arrival in Tol Eressëa; though Galdor continued on to the mainland in hopes of reuniting with his brother upon Taureg’s rebirth, Legolas remained on the Lonely Isle, where he embraced his distant Telerin kin and took the name Laiqalassë.
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itssallem · 3 years
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You were the best and the real winner, you deserved the gold medal but it was stolen from you. We're all proud of you 🇸🇦💚🥈
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aileuromania · 3 years
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I have way too many Sylvari. But there’s room for one more there at the end next to Gerain. I think I can squeeze another one in, yeah?
Left to right: Gerain Tareg, Kerilsa, Teudila, Pyrif, Vertoc, Toloma, Apacea, Vyssinada, and Ranuncla.
I really need to fix the Asura one to match this, but not tonight, I think.
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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sykosan · 3 years
My first Patreon backed animation !! Sound on !!
Learn and Support: www.patreon.com/sykosan
Design & Animation: SYKOSAN
Inks: Tareg Al-Zamel
Background: Mike Cotton-Russell
Sound design: Sergio Sosa
VIP patron: Eric Larson
I wish to create more personal content, particularly animations but also tutorials and illustrations. If you fancy having a closer look at my work, learn from me and help me create more cool stuff, then check out my Patreon page !!
Created with #photoshop #aftereffects #wacom #hpzbookstudiox360
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so-mitzycal · 5 years
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It’s time to finally do my bio some juSTICE
So for those who don’t know, I am utterly obsessed with the Avari elves, and thus I’m always looking for as many notes Tolkien did on them, weather they made it into the silm or not. And that’s how I came across my favorite children: Tû (or Túro), Nuin and Tareg.
I have like,, a bunch of Nuin/Túro hcs, and accidentally made them a cheesy ass love story.
So now I’m making designs for most of the important characters from the Battle of Pallisor
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warnurse · 5 years
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Neighboring their siblings the Penni in Mirkwood are the Windan, famed smiths among the Avari. In legend, it is said that a host of Windan had followed their leader Tareg into the West, where a number of them later inhabited Nan Emloth, and that Eöl’s folk, the Eölrim, are descended from this clan of Windan. Presumably, most Windan of Beleriand had perished after the change of the world. This legend has never been confirmed, however, and is regarded as a lost tale. Windan are a minority population in Middle Earth, taking up about 10% at most of all Elves, though data regarding this is heavily underrecorded.
In more contemporary times, the Windan are known for their excellent wines and smithing, supposedly influeced by Dwarven crafts. Windan are some of the oldest Elves from the first age and prior to then, with some claiming they remember awakening at Cuiviénen, and others who say they were the first to be born with navels. Hosts of these Avari will make trips back to their birthplace in the East, for which they host religious ceremonies & tattooing rituals, marking themselves with pigment that was left behind in what was once Cuiviénen. Windan Avari are also some of the most staunch in their beliefs, and the most stubborn of Elves.
Before the arrival of the Sindar in Eryn Galen, the Windan inhabited the Greenwood with the Penni Elves and Woodsmen, their primary allies. They are also said to have been friendly with any Dwarves that came into their vicinity, and learned much of smithing from them. They are a mountain and cave culture, whereas the Penni primarily inhabited the trees. Spiders had already made homes in the Greenwood, and while they were dangerous, the Windan controlled their populations & nesting grounds almost to the point of domestication, and viewed them as a necessary part of the envrionment. The presence of Spiders meant that Orc raids were rare, for they feared them. However, after the arrival of Sauron in the Greenwood had greatly multiplied the spider population past the Windan’s control, & influenced them to evil. 
Their language, Windya, though linguistically similar to Pennya, is slightly different in that it is closer to primitive Elvish, and has scarecely changed over the past millenias. The Windan had heard of the Noldor’s arrival in Lindórinand and feared the same fate of being subject to foreign rule, that their Nandor kin had endured. The Windan only begrudgingly accepted Oropher and Thranduil’s rule, and mostly tolerate them only for the fact that they had assimilated to Avar culture. After the arrival of Oropher, the Windan had migrated further South to live in the mountains there, though some had stayed. Most Windan who speak Sindarin only do so as a second language, and very rarely speak it if they must. The Windan fight alongside their Penni allies as well as the Sindar during the Third age War of the Ring, and settle their differences when the age of peace came. 
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karategallery · 3 years
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World Championships 2021 Tareg Hamedi +84 kg (KSA) @tar.xb Olympic Games 🥈 World Champion🥇🥉 Asian Games🥉 5x Asian Champion🥇 Photos can be viewed on other platforms 👇 https://linktr.ee/karatephotobank
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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“I know what I want and I'm going to get it.”
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rickygoldman34 · 3 years
Hello everyone Ricky Goldman here.
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Its PPV time again.
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WWE is back in Saudi Arabia and here is the kick off show match. The Usos vs The Hurt Business. Its Smackdown vs Raw. I'm guessing this is just to give both tag teams a match. Usos are over in Saudi. Shelton and Jey begin the match. Jimmy and Cedric Alexander in. Lots of pin fall attempts here. Lots of super kicks and back and forth action. This was an OK match. Fans booed Hurt Business. Double splash from both Usos give them the win.
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Here it is. After 2 years of waiting its WWE Crown Jewel 2021.
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A major way to begin things. Edge vs Seth Rollins hell in a cell match. A very hot crowd popping at everything. This a big and I mean big way to start. Edge super over in Saudi. Edge bringing in a chair early on both men try to use it. Both men pulling out big moves. Seth gets booed and told he sucks he uses the steel chair on Edge he goes for con chair to but Edge moves and applies the crossface on Seth until Seth uses part of the chair on Edges eye he then goes for a frog splash kick out from Edge. We now got a table brought into the match by Rollins then he hits unprettier on Edge. Seth to the top rope but gets thrown off through a table by Edge. Steel steps introduced into the match by Edge he hits the Edgeomatic on Seth on the steel steps. He goes for a pin but Seth kicks out. Pedigree from Seth,Edge kicks out. Spear from Edge,Seth kicks out. Edge brings in another table and ladder in the ring. Seth takes it to Edge both men climb the ladder and a sunset flip from Seth on Edge through the table Seth pins him he kicks out. Seth brings a tool bag in the ring and has a chain and wraps it around his boot. Seth goes for the stomp but Edge uses the chair to stop him then a low blow. Super kick and wraps the chain around Seth head then uses a spanner to choke him. Edge puts a chair under Seth's head and hits the stomp to get the win here. WHAT A MATCH WOW.
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Next match Mansoor vs Mustafa Ali. Big pop for Saudis own Mansoor no surprise there. Back and forth action between both men. Both men looking good here. Plenty pin fall attempts. Both men pulling out all the stops and the big moves. Ali gaining heat here. Ali applying the cobra clutch submission on Mansoor but Mansoor escaped then Ali to the top rope but Mansoor hits a neck breaker to get the win. It was an OK match.
After the match Ali beat down Mansoor here comes Tareg Hamedi a sliver medalist he kicks Ali.
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Onto next match Rkbro vs AJ Styles and Omos for the Raw tag team titles. Riddle coming out on a camel. This is a very hot crowd. Summerslam rematch here. Riddle and Styles start the match. Now Omos and Randy are in. Now Styles and Riddle back in both men showing what they can do here both men with high flying action. Now Orton back in. Styles goes for the phenomenal forearm Orton hits RKO then Riddle with the Floating Bro. RKBro are still champions. This was an alright match.
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Time to make some history. Its Doudrop vs Zelina Vega in the finals of queens crown tournament. Both women covered up for obvious reasons. This was an OK match but nothing special. Both women looking OK in this 1. Doudrop looked like the warm heat was getting to her. Back and forth action and ofcourse lots of pin fall attempts. Crowd split down the middle for this one. Big moves from Doudrop but to no avail. Roll up from Zelina gives her the dub and shes now queen.
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No holds barred, falls count anywhere. Its Bobby Lashley one on one with Goldberg. Lashley with a chain wrapped around his hand he busts Goldberg open uses a steel chair and brings in a table. Goldberg looking already blown up here he really looks out of place and shouldn't be in the ring. Lashley destroying Goldberg wrapping a chair around his leg and jumping off the top rope onto it. Lashley goes for a spear Goldberg moves and Lashley goes through a table. Spear and jsck hammer from Goldberg then a spear from Goldberg to Lashley through the barricade. Action outside the ring as Goldberg takes it to Bobby. Goldberg tried to smash Lashleys head into the steel steps but Bobby moved. Out comes Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin but Goldberg takes care of them now both Lashley and Goldberg with kendo sticks. Goldberg spears Lashley off the stage and pins him. Goldberg is the winner. This was a good match.
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Some more history to be made. Finn Balor vs Xavier Woods in the King Of The Ring finals. Ground game action to start out. Balor in control from the early going with very little offense from Woods. The action picked up and both men but more Balor looking good. Lots of pin fall attempts and now back and forth action. Both men pulling it all out and stopping at nothing. Woods from the top rope with an elbow Xavier pins Finn and scores the win. Xavier Woods is king. This was a decent match.
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ijwmt · 3 years
IJWMT Vol. 10, No. 4, Aug. 2020
Free Space Optics (FSO): A Promising Solution to First and Last Mile Connectivity (FLMC) in the Communication Networks
M Mubasher Hassan, G M Rather
PRoPHET Using Optimal Path Hops
Salem Sati, Tareg Abulifa, Salah Shanab
Sagacious Communication Link Selection Mechanism for Underwater Wireless Sensors Network
Shahzad Ashraf, Sehrish Saleem, Tauqeer Ahmed
Reconfigurable Origami Antennas: A Review of the Existing Technology and its Future Prospects
Hafiz Suliman Munawar
A Deep Analysis of Image Based Video Searching Techniques
Sadia Anayat, Arfa Sikandar, Sheeza Abdul Rasheed, Saher butt
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ummnews · 3 years
Turkish referee receives death threats after disqualifying Saudi athlete from Olympics
Turkish referee receives death threats after disqualifying Saudi athlete from Olympics
www.UMMnews.org 12 Aug 2021; MEMO: A Turkish referee has received death threats on social media by Saudi trolls after he disqualified a Saudi karateka during the men’s final event at the Tokyo Olympics last week. Saudi’s Tareg Hamedi was up against Iran’s Sajad Ganjzadeh in the men’s over-75kg final and was at one point heading for victory, leading 4-1 before being disqualified over an illegal…
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faboo978 · 3 years
"Tareg Hamedi thought he had won the gold medal. Sajad Ganjzadeh learned it was his after waking up in a medical room." 
Used to be that winning gold at the Olympics meant you were the best. Over and over this year there's been wins with an asterisk. All this money, health risk, economic cost. And they're just games. Not even The Games anymore. Just some event run by greedy, heartless people. 
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