#legolas of gondolin
glorf1ndel · 29 days
So you wanna rant about Tolkien blorbos, eh? Absolute mood, how about Legolas of Gondolin for one that doesn't get talked about as much?
This Legolas really doesn’t get talked about much! I love that he helps the Gondolindrim escape Morgoth’s attack. He must have seen Glorfindel’s duel with the Balrog (yes, I will take any excuse to mention Glorfindel). And he survives the Fall of Gondolin! Good for Legolas. :’)
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lanthanum12 · 10 months
Random AU idea
So a bunch of characters in Tolkien's Legendarium share names,
I think it would be quite fun if everyone met their name matches and had a picnic or something with them!
Denethor I meets Denethor II meets Denethor son of Lenwe
Tar-Miriel meets Miriel Firiel Þerinde
Legolas Greenleaf meets Legolas of Gondolin
Lily Baggins meets Lily Brown meets my oc Lily
Finduilas of Dol Amroth meets Finduilas Faelivrin
Bill the Pony meets William "Bill" the troll
Durin I meets Durin II meets Durin III meets Durin IV meets Durin V meets Durin VI meets Durin VII meets Durin's Bane
Frodo Gardner meets Frodo Baggins :')
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arofili · 1 year
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@gondolinweek day five | the house of the tree
There were those of the Tree, and they were a great house, and their raiment was green. They fought with iron-studded clubs or with slings, and their lord Galdor was held the most valiant of all the Gondothlim save Turgon alone.
[...] Galdor and a band of men spear-armed went ahead, and Legolas was with them, whose eyes were like cats’ for the dark, yet could they see further.
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 1
Gelmir Guilinion vs Legolas of Gondolin
Gelmir Guilinion:
A Lord of Nargothrond who was captured in the Dagor Bragollach. His brutal execution within view of his brother Gwindor was what incited the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
two-line blorbo my beloved <3 listen idk anything abt him basically at all but i WISH i did bc like. him being the catalyst for the nirnaeth… who else is doing it like him? nobody, and thank god for that, bc he very much did get tortured & then killed but i appreciate the tragedy of it all & i think more ppl should love him the way i do
Legolas of Gondolin:
An Elf of Gondolin who led the escapees to safety because of his keen sight.
Round 1 masterpost
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celebregol · 2 years
it’s just that I think it’s very interesting that Legolas of Gondolin is described solely based on his night-vision. So far, three instances of him in The Fall of Gondolin and it’s all about the fact that he can see so well in the dark, more so than any other elf here. Why does he have this special trait? Especially since one description has him with “cat” like eyes (cats in general possibly having a more villainous connotation cause Telvido) and another elf notable for something relating to his eyesight is Maeglin.
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In honor of the “legolas is old af boat” and the “there was a legolas in gondolin”
Legolas, visiting the twins: making my way down town, walking fast
Glorfindel, seeing legolas for the first time in imlardis: legolas?!?
Legolas: walking faster-
Glorfindel: wtf, i last saw you in gondolin, what happened???
Legolas: fucking sprinting
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sesamenom · 6 months
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so in the reverse gondolin au i'm debating between having oropher & thranduil (idea courtesy of @lycheesodas) or galadriel & celeborn bring elwing to gondolin (bc i need earendil & elwing to meet in gondolin for Plot)
i'm currently leaning a bit more towards galadriel & celeborn, but here's some speculation to if legolas was born in reverse gondolin!
(also sorry for how long it took me to post this my internet was super choppy for some reason)
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valardynasty · 3 months
Oropher Dynasty
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*Arthanïs et Evranï, histoire originale inventée.
OROPHER; Né durant les années des arbres, il fut l'un des Iathrim de la cour de Thingol et Melian. Il passa sa jeunesse à Doriath où il épousa Arthanïs, la mère de Thranduil. En 750 du second âge, il devient le roi du royaume des bois, le grand royaume des elfes sylvain de la forêt noir. Il perdit la vie durant la guerre de la dernière Alliance contre Sauron.
ARTHANÏS; Née durant les années des arbres, elle était l'une des dames de compagnie de la reine Maïa Melian à Doriath. Elle était connue pour ses savoirs en magie que lui avait transmis Melian. Elle épousa Oropher et eut une fils Thranduil. Elle perdit la vie pendant le saccage de Menegroth. Homonyme de Galadriel.
THRANDUIL; Né au cours du premier âge à Doriath, il est le fils d'Oropher et Arthanïs. Après la mort de son père, il devient roi du royaume des bois aux côtés de son épouse Evranï, avec qui il aura un fils Legolas. Son caractère se noircit au décès d'Evranï, il n'a d'ailleurs jamais vraiment surmonté sa perte.
EVRANÏ; Née peu de temps avant la chute de Gondolin, elle fait partie des rares survivants à s'être exilés aux bouches du Sirion. Elle abandonna les exilés et prit la route vers Doriath, peu avant sa chute. Elle y rencontra Thranduil qu'elle épousa. Elle devient à ses côtés, reine du royaume des bois et eut un fils, Legolas. Guerrière notable, elle perd la vie pendant une bataille à Gundabad.
LEGOLAS; Né durant le Second Âge, il est le fils de Thranduil et Evranï, prince du Royaume des bois. Il passe sa jeunesse avec Thranduil, attristé dès le plus jeune âge par la mort de sa mère, Evranï. Vêtu de vert et de marrons, il est un guerrier expert au maniement de l'arc, connu pour ses exploits durant la quête de l'anneau. A la fin de sa vie, il part pour Valinor en emmenant Gimli avec lui.
My OC x Création par Intelligence Artificielle.
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
The Silmarillion | Ambient Music
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
They Share One (1) Braincell between them Incorrect Quotes | Episode 1
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spideogbeag · 1 year
Legolas of Gondolin is really just LOTR Legolas who somehow time travelled
Why? Idk, to prove he can maybe 🤷
That is all
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southaway · 16 days
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@sindarweek Day Seven: Oropher, Thranduil, and Legolas
Couldn't finish Sindar Week without including the Greenwood fam! I don't know the timeline well enough to know if this is just headcanon or plausible, but I like the idea that Oropher got to meet his grandson before he died.
I think Oropher is one of those characters that gets treated a way in fandom. Hell, back in the day so did Thranduil, though, that mostly changed after the Hobbit movies came out.
Anyway, here they are having a nice family moment.
I had a lot of fun exploring the Sindar, I want to revisit these characters more in the future and there are plenty of Sindar elves I didn't get to this week
I'm most of the way the way through art I'd like to post for Imladris Week, and I'm about halfway through a Lords of Gondolin series, so we'll see how long my creativity holds out.
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maedhrosdefender · 1 year
no one ever talks about the wild ass experience that is reading ALL of great tales immediately after silm and then trying to be a functioning member of this fandom. like i don’t know what canon is anymore i don’t know what’s headcanon what’s fanon what’s earlier draft what’s silm canon and what’s something christopher tolkien said in his unfinished tales footnotes. was daeron luthien’s brother or in love w her?? melko or melkor, maidros or maedhros?? tevildo canon?? legolas of gondolin?? idek anymore bro.
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ozimiri · 3 months
Glamdring and Orcrist in the Hobbit Trilogy
Rewatching the Hobbit movies again, and I noticed something fascinating about Orcrist & Glamdring, the swords that Gandalf & the company find in the troll hoard.
Elrond identifies the sword Gandalf carries as Glamdring, the sword of the King of Gondolin, Turgon son of Nolofinwe. Turgon is Elrond's grandfather: Turgon's daughter Idril Celebrindal is mother to Eärendil, Elrond's father.
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And after that, he hands it back. He and Gandalf don't say anything to each other about how it technically belonged to Elrond's grandfather. Elrond has a hefty claim on that sword through family inheritance alone, yet he says nothing about it.
Meanwhile this little shit:
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Legolas. Honey. You are actually the only elvish prince in all of Middle-Earth who has zero claim to that sword.
Gondolin was a Noldor city, and Turgon was a Noldor king of the line of Finwe. Legolas and Thranduil are Grey-elves, and as far as we know, they have no family connections to the Noldor. In fact the line of Thranduil is notable for being one of the only lines of elven royalty still in power who were never majority or partially Noldor. (Unless Legolas's dead mother was Noldo--but even so, it seems weird that she would be and this would have zero impact on Legolas, until the moment he sees a shiny and suddenly it's essential to his identity.)
And it's not as though Legolas doesn't know what it is. He identifies it on sight as being from Gondolin, and of Noldor make: "Echannen i·vegil hen vi·nGondolin - magannen nan·Gelydh."
I know that it's an elven sword being carried around by a bunch of dwarves. Legolas does have more ties to it than Thorin. But not that much more, and not anything close to Elrond.
It speaks to the themes of greed, worthiness, and legacy that are wrapped up in these films. As soon as Legolas sees that sword, it lights something in him that makes him suspicious of Thorin and the company--he desires it. Meanwhile Elrond has an actual claim on it, yet he doesn't voice that. He doesn't need it - for his own identity, or for his own use. It shows how much growing Legolas has to do, and how much Elrond has been through.
(P.S. - it also fascinates me that Glamdring is the famous sword that's shown, because Turgon wasn't exactly known for his fighting during the first age. He literally took all of his people and hid in Gondolin. He fought in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, but he wasn't involved in the harrying of Morgoth and his forces to any serious extent before that or after. So why this sword? Why it, and not Maedhros or Fingon or Finrod's swords?)
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 1 Bracket!
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here we gooo! Hopefully the image quality isn't too awful - I can read it alright if I zoom in, at any rate. For round 1 there will be 4 polls a day for 16 days, posted at 4pm UTC starting tomorrow, 18th May. Poll durations will all be one day. I'll post links to all the round 1 polls on this masterpost as they go live below the cut; each day there'll be 1 poll from each "corner" of the bracket.
Feel free to drop any propaganda in my ask box, either before or during the polls! I hope everyone has fun campaigning for their little-known blorbos :)
Frequently Asked Questions
Bofur vs Tauriel
Barliman Butterbur vs Ancalagon
Berúthiel vs. Mithrellas
The chief dancing bear of Númenor vs. Erutáro
Dís vs Beorn
Gamling vs Bill the pony
Pearl Took vs Faniel
Ulbandi vs Miaulë
Nerdanel vs Círdan
Nessa vs Caranthir’s wife
Urwen vs Elmo
Random orc of Morgoth vs Narthseg
Elros vs Oropher
Erendis vs Tilion
Eärnur vs Mahtan's wife
Bëor's wife vs Múta
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins vs Finarfin
Tevildo vs Amlach
Gelmir Guilinion vs Legolas of Gondolin
One (1) Rivendell elf who sings tra-la-la-lally vs Bingo Baggins
Amrod vs Idril
Ilmarë vs Tar-Ancalimë
Andróg vs Fíriel of Gondor
Hiril (daughter of Barahir) vs Youngest of Finrod’s Ten
Ecthelion vs Huan
Ingwë vs Salgant
Silmariën vs Tata
Viznak vs Ælfwine
Olwë vs Edrahil
Eorl vs Meássë
Larnach’s daughter vs Jajax
Lightning Disqualification (1)
Pengolodh vs Ioreth
Lothrandir vs Nob
Golfimbul vs Ainairos
Lightning Disqualification (2)
Arien vs Egalmoth
Golodir vs Vidumavi
Ornendil vs Meril
Haleth vs Beleg
Tom Bombadil vs Beregond
Inzilbêth vs A fox passing through the woods on business of his own
Makar vs Andvír
Mablung vs Tuor
Nellas vs Curufin’s wife
Imin vs Tinfang Warble
Beleth vs Findegil
Nimloth vs Anairë
Elurín vs Rog
Corunir vs Elulindo
Nuin vs Faramir (son of Ondoher)
Rían vs Míriel
Argon vs Eluréd
Hareth vs Belen
Narmeleth vs Horn
Daeron vs Andreth
Finduilas of Dol Amroth vs Findis
Eldacar of Gondor vs Gwindeth
Gelmir (messenger of Círdan) vs Bór
Tar-Míriel vs Eöl
Thuringwethil vs Mahtan
Ilwen vs Eilinel
Enel vs Hirgon
Belladonna Took vs Bain
Finduilas Faelivrin vs Halbarad
Azaghâl vs Lalwen
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bralesscommie · 1 year
My Tolkien Headcanons
Silmarillion and Lotr characters
Has PTSD, possibly c-PTSD from the Third Kinslaying, losing his parents and growing up with the people who took away his home
Has sensory issues, mostly a hard time with crowds and loud noises (also for PTSD reasons), but also really hates some textures
Pretty bad migraines from foresight and tension headaches from anxiety to the point where a couple of times a month he can't work
Is a workaholic
Is bisexual
He/they in an elf way
Isn't white, it's kind of hard to tell his exact race with his very mixed genetics
Has anxiety from growing up in the chaotic house of Fëanor
Is depressed
Uses music as escapism
He/him but doesn't mind he/they
Is pretty fluid sexuality wise
C-PTSD from being chained to a mountain and also like everything else that's ever happened to him
Has depression
Chronic pain in his back and shoulder, as well as phantom pain in his amputated arm
Has some kind of personality disorder
Is gay
Has anxiety from and is traumatized by the escape from Gondolin
Was not ready to be a dad
Is definitely not white
Is traumatized by the Second Kinslaying, possibly PTSD
She/her, has thought about adding a they to her pronouns
Has anxiety and depression
Has anger issues but is learning healthy coping mechanisms
Has trauma from SA, and does her best to spread awareness
Enjoys being butch in everyday life, but will dress up feminine once in a while
Is bisexual
Is happy being poly, but doesn't mind being in monogamous relationships
Had really bad anxiety after Celebrían sailed, but is doing much better, though she still has occasional tension headaches
Sensory issues like her dad
Also similarly to her dad, she is mixed
Sapphic, but is open to very few men
Pretty mentally stable, at least considering everyone else around him
Is bisexual with a preference for women
Does not care about his pronouns, but is cis in some weird way?
Was born in an era with very few elflings, and as an only child hasn't had the opportunity to socialize at all
Rich whiteboy (gender neutral) privilege that they don't entirely recognize
Probably not neurotipical
Fluid sexuality, doesn't really like labels, but if asked persistantly will say he has a preference for men
He/she sometimes they
Has ADHD and anxiety
Struggles with ring addiction
Is acespec and gay
Has low self-esteem, imposter syndrome, and anxiety from his childhood with the Gaffer
Is brown
Officially he/they but prefers they/them
Is autistic
Has chronic pain post quest
Has chronic fatigue post quest
Possibly transmasc, he/they or he/him
If you would like to see other characters, or more on some characters, my ask box is always open
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