#tarkat disease
puissantveil · 11 months
(CW: Medical stuff) Speculations on Tarkat disease
Starred bits are things inspired by real life diseases. Nothing too graphic, but tread carefully.
The infectious agent is either a bacterium, virus, or microscopic parasite (e.g. Toxoplasmosis). It might be a microbe that's harmless in itself, but causes a horrific inflammatory reaction* in its hosts.
The method of infection is currently unknown, and I hope to god it's not bites/scratches because I hate zombie bullshit. I like the idea of it being spread through contaminated water coming into contact with broken skin for some reason.
Not everyone is susceptible to the disease. Among Edenians in particular, 95% of the population is immune to Tarkat, and vulnerability to the disease is genetic*, meaning Mileena had some really rotten luck. Kitana is either among the 95% or an asymptomatic carrier.
The way Tarkat attacks the brain, skin, and jaws is bad enough, but the inflammation it causes pervades the whole body, resulting in painful systemic symptoms. Headaches, stiff joints*, nausea, liver or anemia symptoms depending on what's causing the jaundiced eyes? Mileena is miserable, she's suffering.
There's a prodromal (before the onset of clinical disease) phase wherein nothing seems wrong physically, but the poor S.O.B. patient is restless, agitated, quick to anger, and generally a cranky handful. Sindel might miss a chance for prophylaxis because she interprets this as her baby girl not taking any shit and going out there and getting that bread.
This is kind of a bleak post, so I want to end it with the idea of Kitana and Mileena embracing in a warm, lingering hug. Crap, now I miss my sister...
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MK1 Spoilers for Baraka and Sad Thoughts™️
Me: *Thinking about all the wholesome interactions and details in MK1*
Brain: Hey, remember that Tarkat slowly destroys your body and your mind until it finally kills you?
Me: No wait-
Brain: Time to start imagining all Baraka’s friends and allies visiting to say their goodbyes to him in his final lucid moments and holding a funeral for him after he dies.
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turrondeluxe · 3 months
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PLUS it makes me crazy how they didn't take tarkat, a CONTAGIOUS DISEASE, more seriously after being exposed to it fr
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humanharvest · 6 months
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modern au bi-han anyone??????
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 8 months
How is Zuriya genetically part Tarkatan whatsoever? She may not manifest bone spikes or antlers like many Tarkatan relatives, nor does she have the blades. But she is MUCH taller than the average Edenian, in keeping more with her Tarkatan heritage. Her bones are on average thicker and more resilient than purely Edenian bones, and lend to far more stability and damage per a more dangerous lifestyle. AND BY GOD HER TEETH, she has very sharp teeth, though one wouldn’t notice them unless they were visually inspecting her mouth!
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scalproie · 11 months
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hello shang tsung's flesh pits 😊
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arttrampbelle · 6 months
Ok mini vent/tsimping? (Look there's good points and bad points)
I hate mk12/mk1 shang tsung's writing. And his stupid needle wannbe basic bitch claw gloves.
I will admit despite all that. He's once again THE ONLY THING GOOD ABOUT THE NEW MK GAME. and it's sad really because it's just mk11 2 electric boogaloo,but different packaging. Srsly. Fr. It really is. Nothing changes. Nothing is special. It's the same shit. Trying to pretend to be something better but it's not really.
But again like i said. Despite that. Unless you're a shang tsung tsimp.
You're not going to really like the new game. Unless you have no standards and aren't really a mk fan. And are just here for the hype.
But in all seriousness,i would like alan lee as shang more and watch more of his shang ,if people stop putting him in those stupid fugly ass gloves. Get rid of those and we good bro.
I mean really. If mk onslaught can make him look like this
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And keep his smugness in 12.
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Getting rid of those damn gloves would make this less distracting. And stop making me so pissed off. (Im petty,i hate his gloves,sue me)
And his role needs to be done better,but i chalk that up to once again piss poor writing. And even then....still the only entertainment about the new mortal kombat game is SHANG TSUNG. Once again he has to save the damn franchise because they keep making other characters shit. Ugh.
And i want him to "win" but i want it to be worth it and actually earn it and not be plot convenient for tsimps like me. Like im a huge fan but damn man. Give me something with oomf,with flavor,not imitation fake ass cheese. Gimme real chedder,ya know ehat i mean?! Like damn.
But i digress.
Shang tsung still is a cutie. Not the best in the new game as he isn't quite as delicious as the og tagawa,and im still disappointed and am rejecting canon and substituting it for my own,but still shang tsung is shang tsung and I'm out of proper kontent.
So he'll do. For now (i do 💖hate💖 how he still got charm,swag, or rizz as the young kids call it now).
Like despite the shitty writing,he's still cute.
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Honey I'm so sorry they did you kinda dirty. But despite the shitty script,mr alan lee does a decent job. At least he fucking tries. Unlike some characters!!!! *stares death glares at this mk12/mk1 lame ass version of liu kang* . Like I'm so sorry sweetie that they give you half assed villainy and call it good. Ugh,you deserve so much better.
So for me this shang's a 5 or 6 solid out of 10. But this is me being a tsimp so eh. Dont take my word for it.
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bonesrbleaching · 5 months
making silly tags on a post -> headcanon i will start bashing people over hte head with forever now
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sweetprapika · 16 days
What if Kung Lao get Tarkat disease?
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immoralkombat · 9 months
Kenshi has been blind for maybe an hour or two.
Johnny looks over at him with sympathy. He's not sure what he could possibly do or say to make things seem any less bleak for him. The man was just trying to get his family's heirloom back and now, after months of training and dedication, one of his five senses is gone permanently through no fault of his own. If Johnny were in Kenshi's position, he's sure he'd be feeling just as desolate, if not more so.
Kung Lao is sitting in the far corner, talking to Baraka. He seems genuinely fascinated by Tarkat as a disease. Were Johnny not in the same situation as them, he would find that particular conversation topic a bit morbid. Right now, it's really all they have to talk about. They've already exhausted all the small talk options you normally go through when first meeting someone. They might as well start talking about the disease that'll eventually kill Baraka.
The salve on the cloth seems to have worked a little, because at least Kenshi isn't moaning in pain every few seconds anymore. Not that it makes things significantly more cheerful, but it does help the atmosphere a bit.
Johnny taps on his knees as he sits, eyes darting between looking at Kung Lao and Kenshi. He's kind of in between where the two have sat themselves, a visual and metaphorical median between the two ways one could possibly react to getting imprisoned by a sorcerer that's almost 100% going to kill you. (To be fair, there isn't much that connects the points of "casually talking about a stranger's terminal illness with them as though you're both standing by the office water cooler talking about whatever hit TV show is airing these days" and "rocking back in forth in the corner about how a different terminally ill stranger took your eyes and you have nothing left in this world." Johnny supposes the best middle point is "looking anxiously between your two co-workers and not saying anything because Jesus Christ, what the fuck are you supposed to say in this situation besides aforementioned terminal illness.")
He really wishes that Kenshi still had his eyes, because every time he looked at Johnny, it always seemed to make everything feel okay.
Johnny thinks for a second and then scoots closer to Kenshi. It's only once he accidentally bumps up against Kenshi's foot and scares the living shit out of everyone in the cell that he realizes he probably should've given an audible cue that he was going to be approaching the newly blind guy.
After Kenshi's done having a mini panic attack over the sudden Hollywood A-lister jumpscare he's gotten, Johnny looks at him and asks, quietly, "Do you want to hold Sento for a bit?"
Kenshi turns to face him and even underneath the newly christened blindfold, Johnny can tell that Kenshi is looking at him with the most surprised and reverent eyes in the universe. The kind of look that you'd get and say "fuck this stupid sword, I'd pay $3 million just to get this guy to look at me like that again."
Kenshi's mouth opens as though he's going to say something, but it shuts again before any words or sounds can come out. He opts to nod in response and Johnny takes the scabbard from off his back, holds it in his hands gently and passes it to Kenshi. Their fingertips graze one another, a way to indicate that the blind man is in the right spot. The touch sends crackles of electricity through Johnny and he wonders if Kenshi feels them too.
It's like the tattoos on Kenshi's hands are swirling around him, colors dancing in front of his eyes. It's more beautiful than any lame fucking Disney movie ever could be.
The yakuza's voice is hoarse as he says "Thanks." It's so small that Johnny can almost see it breaking in the air. He wants to put his hand on Kenshi's and tell him that things will be okay, that he's going to pay for a sight companion, any kind of corrective surgeries he wants, whatever it takes. He wants to tell him that he's still just as strong and fierce and goddamn handsome now as he was before. He wants to kiss him so fucking badly it makes his entire being ache.
He settles for saying "You're welcome," and then sitting next to Kenshi in silence.
He watches the way that he holds Sento in his hands, feels every single nick in the scabbard, every single imperfection. It's the first time in Johnny's life that he's ever wanted to be a sword and, if he keeps hanging out with Kenshi after this, (which he hopes he can), it almost certainly won't be the last.
Johnny wishes that Mileena had taken Kenshi's tear ducts with her after she'd stabbed his eyes out, because the short sad sobs that wrack through his body are almost too much to bear witness to. When he cries, it moves through his entire being. It sends a shockwave from his gut upward, makes him lurch his shoulders forward and hug himself.
"H-Hey, what's wrong?" Johnny asks. He knows it's a stupid fucking question, obviously everyone knows what's wrong, most of all the guy it happened to. But it's all he can think to ask as he watches Kenshi continue to awkwardly jerk alongside his cries.
Kenshi's head turns to face Johnny. From beyond the thin red cloth that covers his eye sockets, Johnny can feel them boring into him.
"Cage, could I touch you? I want to remember what your face looks like."
If Johnny were operating on his full mental capacity, he would probably explode at this question. He would become the fireworks they popped last night at the banquet over their heads as they feasted. He would be attached to one end of a fuse with Li Mei holding the other end, readying herself to spark it and send him to the stratosphere.
"Y-Yeah, of course you can, Ken-doll. Just make sure not to damage the goods - people pay good money for this mug to show up on their big screens."
The smugness in his voice would normally earn him a "tch" or a groan, (or an eye roll), from Kenshi. Hearing him chuckle under his breath makes his heart soar.
He turns his face toward him and waits, but no touch comes. His eyes close, he anticipates the electricity to come back... and instead he hears Kenshi clearing his throat awkwardly.
Johnny opens his eyes and finds that Kenshi's still got his hands on Sento. He tries not to be jealous of the sword again, but as with any other time he's tried not to be jealous of someone or something that has what he wants, he fails miserably.
"Could you get closer, Cage?"
"Not the first time I'm hearing that question, won't be the last. How close you need me, handsome?"
The words come out before he can even process them. Jesus Christ, is he really that much of a disaster that he can just openly call a guy he's been crushing on for at least a month handsome without even thinking about it? He's a fucking mess. His wife left him and now he doesn't know how to act. She was gonna be the only person he'd ever be able to trick into loving him and now she was gone.
"I'm going to turn, and I suggest you do the same. I want to be facing you. You can sit with your legs touching mine if it helps."
Great, now Kenshi has a colorful blindfold that also serves as a perfect swatch for the shade of red Johnny's face turns every time the man says something that's totally fucking normal for two people that are acquainted with one another.
Johnny does as he's told, because if there's one thing he's good at, it's taking directions. (Ignoring literally every single major motion picture he's ever been in, every statement he's ever made to the press after consulting his legal teams and public consultants, and generally living life up until this point.)
His knees knock against Kenshi's and it takes him aback for a second, how giddy and childish the butterflies he feels in his stomach are. Getting to know Kenshi was so simple. He wishes he had just taken a second and been less of a dickwad back when they'd first met, because maybe then it'd be easier for him to grow a pair of cajones and tell Kenshi that he doesn't spend a single night without thinking about how much he wants to trace the tattoos on his hands and arms. Maybe if he had just given Sento over, it'd be easier to admit that the low rumble of Kenshi's voice does something to stir up the pool of heat in his stomach that he thought had been long since gone after getting married to Cristal. Maybe if he hadn't tied Kenshi to one of his kitchen chairs, it'd be easier to ask him if kissing washed-up celebrities was something he'd be interested in doing.
"I'll put my hand out, you lean forward to match it."
Kenshi's palm is extended and it takes every ounce of willpower in Johnny's aching body to not press his lips against it. He leans forward until his cheek is lightly touching the yakuza's hand.
He must be hearing things, because he swears he hears Kenshi's breath hitch when they make contact for the first time. Nah, surely not. Must've been the wind.
If Kenshi's senses are heightened because of the loss of his vision, then Johnny's senses are heightened because of the gain of his touch. He purses his lips together to stop from letting out some sort of obscene sound as he feels Kenshi's hand slowly smooth over his cheek. He thanks whatever fucked up Gods exist other than Liu Kang that he finally got on that moisturizing routine that he learned off of TikTok three months ago.
As Kenshi's hand slowly feels out every angle and curve of Johnny's face, his thoughts rush a mile a minute. He wonders if he should've done a closer shave today - maybe his stubble is gonna be too sharp and it'll hurt Kenshi and leave him with little cuts or rug burn on his pretty perfect wrap-around-my-throat-please hands. He wonders if his nose is too big. He wonders if he maybe should've invested in hair plugs after that one weird SNL dropout made a comment about his weird square hairline back when he guest starred on the Comedy Central roast of Megan Fox. He wonders if his eyes are too small or too large or too close together or too far apart. He wonders if he should smile so Kenshi can feel his dimples.
"Yep, it all feels just like how I remember it. Although the stubble has gotten a little longer."
That is certainly not the answer he was expecting to hear.
His voice is small, barely there, as he chokes out his question. "You remember what I look like?"
Kenshi nods. "I do."
Johnny goes to open his mouth to ask, "Then why did you ask to touch it if you already knew?"
But then Kenshi's fingers are on his lips, tracing them with the reverence he'd have holding Sento, and for a moment, Johnny finally thinks he's better than that stupid fucking sword. His smile has the same curves, the same edges. The only difference is that Kenshi can't accidentally hurt himself this way. (He can, however, accidentally hurt Johnny. But even that would be better than the alternative, he thinks.)
Kenshi's thumb is on his bottom lip, the rest of his hand now holding Johnny's chin. If he tilts it up even one degree, Johnny thinks it'll be over for him, that he'll be kissing Kenshi before he can even think to stop himself. He'd always had poor impulse control - why else would he have spent $3 million on a fucking sword to hang up in his living room?
"These are the same, too. I'm glad you weren't hurt in the fight, Cage."
Johnny feels so fucking overwhelmed. He wants to ask so many things. First of all, what does "these are the same, too" mean? Second, why does he care about the guy who bought his fucking family heirloom and refuses to give it back? Third, why does he insist on calling him Cage like one day he won't end up calling him Johnny and breaking his heart? Fourth, what in the goddamn fuck does he mean about Johnny's fucking lips being the goddamn motherfucking same?!
Johnny decides to play it up like he always does. "Well, 'course. Gotta keep my pretty mouth. It's what makes the big bucks. I wouldn't be the same without it."
Kenshi smirks, and thank Liu Kang's weird god siblings that he's blind right now, because Johnny is beet red, mouth agape, with his eyebrows raised (and he's fairly certain that something else also rises).
"That's true. You would not be the same without that infamous mouth." Kenshi accents the compliment(?) with a playful slap to Johnny's cheek, and then his hand is withdrawn entirely, leaving an empty ghost where he should still be holding Johnny's face in his hands.
He bites back the urge to immediately ask if Kenshi wants to know just how infamous the mouth is, and settles for clearing his throat and moving back to sitting against the wall next to Kenshi.
He looks over at him after he's gotten calmed down. His heart is still jackhammering against his ribs, but as long as Kenshi can't feel his pulse, he doesn't have to know. Kenshi seems to sense Johnny's eyes on him because he turns to face him, red blindfold all that stands between the gaping holes where Kenshi's eyes used to be and Johnny's gaze full of adoration.
The yakuza grabs Sento from his lap and hands it back to Johnny.
"Thank you. I appreciate you letting me hold it. And I appreciate your help in grounding me back to reality."
Johnny nods, taking Sento back and putting it where it so wrongfully deserves to be, strapped against Johnny's sore fucking back.
"No problem. Lemme know whenever you get the urge to feel out what an Adonis looks like, I'm happy to oblige." His comment is a means to an end. He plays up the egoism to ignore the shock that courses through him as Kenshi's fingertips touch his one last time.
He resolves then and there to give Sento back as soon as they escape from here, and they will escape.
This cannot be the last time he feels Kenshi's hands on him.
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Baraka whispers, about as well as he can without lips or an inside voice, "Do they not realize how much they yearn for one another?"
Kung Lao shakes his head, putting a hand on Baraka's shoulder and immediately regretting it once he feels a spike tear into his palm. "They've just gotta be stupid about it for a bit longer. They'll figure it out."
"Surely their pining has to cause some sort of agony for you as well, does it not, Earthrealmer?" Baraka looks genuinely confused, or as close to it as he can get from what Kung Lao can tell.
Kung Lao hangs his head, sighing languidly. "Of course it does. But what else am I gonna do about it? Tell them? They're not gonna believe me. Trust me, they've got to figure it out on their own time, or they never will."
And as he sees Johnny's hand inch closer to Kenshi's, finally overlapping the tattoos and interlocking their fingers, Kung Lao thinks that maybe the agony won't last much longer.
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sundo-li · 8 months
Intro Dialogue ❥ Flirty | 1 [Royalty]
I'm new to the fandom so don't be too hard on me. Raiden, Liu Kang, the Lin Kuei and the Royal family has my heart. Anyway, I wanted to start writing for them and this is the start of that. Enjoy! xoxo [In the future, if people want male reader content I can do that as well].
❥ female reader x the royal family + li mei ❥ intro dialogue
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──── · · · ❥ SINDEL
❥ | Who's your queen? ❥ | You are, my love. Always and Forever.
❥ | Who would have thought I would have fallen for someone after Jerrod. ❥ | No one but us, my Queen.
❥ | Do you think my daughter will flourish as ruler of outworld? ❥ | If they are as strong minded as you, I know they will, my queen.
❥ | From paramour to being your equal. ❥ | What can I say, you made quite the impression on me.
❥ | Your beauty is unmatched. ❥ | You flatter me, my beloved.
❥ | You’ve made quite an impression on the Royal court. ❥ | *Laughs* I'm only concerned with impressing you.
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──── · · · ❥ MILEENA
❥ | Even with the Tarkat disease, you're beautiful. ❥ | Flattery will get you no where, Queen.
❥ | You don't think I would make a excellent Queen alongside you? ❥ | *Sigh* By the gods-
❥ | You're not disgusted by my disease? ❥ | Heaven's no. Mildly intrigued.
❥ | Empress, do you want to see if I'll bite? ❥ | Is that a promise?
❥ | Are you going to fight me for my throne? ❥ | I'm going to fight for you love.
❥ | Am I to fight Tanya for your love? ❥ | Best you win, Empress.
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──── · · · ❥ KATANA
❥ | Do you have eyes for me, Queen? ❥ | Of course.
❥ | How would you serve by my side, Princess? ❥ | With a iron fist. Let me show you.
❥ | There’s a fire about you that has enchanted me. ❥ | Let me put a spell on you.
❥ | My heart burns for you. ❥ | By the gods, have you been hanging out with Johnny?
❥ | How are you this stunning, Princess? ❥ | Simple. My mother.
❥ | Enchanting is the word you used for me, yes? ❥ | Enchanting. Beautiful. Gorgeous. All the above.
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──── · · · ❥ LI MEI
❥ | You trust me, Queen? ❥ | With my life.
❥ | What role would I have in your kingdom, Empress? ❥ | With me, you won't have to worry about such trivial matters.
❥ | Come be my queen. ❥ | I-I’m flattered but I belong in Sun Do.
❥ | You deserve to be treated with respect and loved with a passionate fire. ❥ | I deserve this for letting Jerrod die. Though I’m flattered.
❥ | Are all Constables as stunning as you? ❥ | *flustered* I-I don’t know. Beauty is subjective.
❥ | What will it take for you to accept me? ❥ | Beat me in combat and we’ll see where it goes.
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© 2023 › SunDo-Li || All Rights Reserved. 🐰 DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. Thank You!
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puissantveil · 11 months
CW: Chronic/terminal disease, body horror, survivor's guilt
I know it's too much to ask for even a smartly written game about people beating each other up, but I want to see Kitana struggle with survivor's guilt. No, Mileena hasn't croaked just yet, but a long, thankless road full of suffering awaits her, ending in the warping of her body and the obliteration of her mind. The empress of tomorrow, Mama Sindel's pride and joy, her very own Big Sis, doomed just like that.
And Kitana, the younger daughter of Outworld, who just wants to live her life quietly in the palace and soak up all that tasty privilege without actually doing anything of value, who might even be a little afraid of the duties of an empress, is just fine.
And that fucking bothers her. If they're twins, why does Mileena have to suffer and not her? Even worse, if Kitana was with Mileena when the latter got infected, could she have done more?
If you're wondering "what about Mileena? She's the one who has to go through all this bullshit!", a) all hours are Kitana hours on this blog and b) I'm considering a speculative write-up on Tarkat Disease, which would at least touch on Mileena's misery and how Kitana is not always as helpful as she thinks.
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khaosrealms · 7 months
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a/n: this is a request that is dedicated to @odditycircus-2002 ! compliments to my work mean so much to me— so the least i can is do something for y’all in exchange 💕 thank you so much again as always for supporting my work ! 🧡
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- It's suicide. That's what your associates told you when you'd made the choice to begin trade with the diseased folk of the Tarkatan colony. A fool's idea, tantamount to throwing away every bit of life you might have left in you. Yet, you'd refused to be told what to do with your own choices. Perhaps it was seeing the diseased be wrangled around Sun Do, maybe it was knowing there was business opportunity there untouched--- either way, taking all your goods with you and traveling by cover of the night, you made your way towards the Tarkatan colony with your head held high. Your goods held even higher.
- You'd prepared yourself for all kinds of terrible things. Whispers from those who had spoke of bloodshed and gore and the horrid smell of death and miasma. Draped yourself in big fabrics that touch would not invade. Covered your lips and nose with a scarf to keep the bacterium away. You'd expected brutality, crudely, but what greeted you instead was--- a community. A community lead by a well-spoken man, infected with Tarkat. If the weather hadn't already made you sweat, your own egregious precaution was enough to make a bead fall down your forehead.
"You put yourself in harm's way, traveling this far, merchant." In-between his rasping words, you can sense a degree of professionalism. A man, who much like yourself, had walked the world of trade. He keeps his distance from you as you stand on the precipice of the colony's entrance; arms locked over his chest. Protective, it seems. Making his body the barrier between the community he seems leader of and yourself. It's admirable, and even though you don't vocalize it, you hope your neutral posture is enough to show that you respect it. "I'm well aware." There's a flicker of confusion in the man's eyes. Hesitation lapsing over it. Then, with a pause of silence, curiosity. Flicking over at you and the large sacks of goods that sit behind you. "Aware that Tarkat has no sentence but death?" You don't know what to call the expression he makes when you take off the scarf covering your face. You think-- it's hope. But for now, you accept it as relief. "Aware that there is always trade to be found wherever hungry mouths wait." His laugh is deep and ghastly; so rough you can almost feel it in your chest. And even though his features are marred with scars and extra incisors, you can tell he's smiling. You'd never breathed such a large sigh of relief.
- His name was Baraka, as you'd come to learn well and fast. The people there practically calling his name once every minute. To discuss, to ask for assistance, to mediate. Everywhere you'd go in the colony, it seemed he was needed; and in a slightly less measure, it seems you were needed to. The hungry mouths. Citizens who needed shelter from the elements and clothing to keep themselves warm at night. Medicine, not for Tarkat, but for all the other afflictions that danced alongside of it. The fact that there had been so many people even still alive in the colony was proof enough to you. The people here needed external aid--- and the man who'd welcomed you at the gate was holding them altogether better than anyone you'd imagined could. A man who, after seeing the goods you'd be willing to trade, and some you'd been willing to give free of cost, requested you stick around. Who were you to say no to a good business offer?
- It was nice having a consistent business partner. Outworld was a savage mistress for traders, and though you hadn't expected to continue returning to the Tarkatan colony, you did. For months, you went back and forth from your home to the colony. Spending longer each time, even given a small corner in the commune to reside on your own when you were there to trade large quantities. Then, sometimes at night, you'd get the rare opportunity to spend time with your business partner. Share a drink or, often times, more than two--- talking for hours on end on all sorts of topics. Always across from a fire; as if the flames themselves would prevent the Tarkat from diving out to you. Baraka reminiscing on his life before his disease, his time as a merchant, now as a leader-- all while you listened, and you could see the relief in his eyes to being heard. As if it's been years since he's confided in another soul. Sat beside another living being when you'd planted yourself beside him to share another drink. Not fearing his Tarkat or his teeth or his crimson red eyes, turned ruby under bonfire light.
- Baraka wouldn't risk touch. He hasn't been touched since the disease took to him. Maybe it's the liquor that makes it seem possible. Maybe it's the reason why he doesn't pull away when you nudge him with your shoulder, cackling from a raspy, dark joke he had made. That small safety the shirt over your skin gifts. The momentary warmth that he can feel against his skin as you tap your thigh against his, pointing out the wide moon smiling down at you both. Not on ounce of fear or disgust in your features. Making the wine you’d begun to pour into his cup even sweeter. The hand you leave on his shoulder as you wish him a good night even warmer on his skin. Whatever small moment had passed that night, enriched with mulled wine and liquor, stayed in Baraka’s mind— even as the next day passed, and the day after that. Remaining on that moment; and the way you’d looked at him. Something he hadn’t felt in years— not since Tarkat had taken to him. Something he feared. The thought of someone like You.
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moronkombat · 8 months
Baraka cuddling hc with a SO who isnt afraid of getting tarkat or him hurting them? My boy needs more love
Hope u have a great day♥️♥️♥️
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Even though Baraka is starved for touch and wants it so desperately, he is hesitant to touch his partner
He lost his entire family to this disease and he would be damned if he gave it to you, the person who he cares for the most
Baraka is not the first to initiate physical contact and even shies away from it when his partner tries
He will warn you of how tarkat may be spread to you or that he sometimes loses control of himself
But his partner is persistent. In fact, during one of his verbal warnings you cut him off by just rushing into a hug
You wrap your arms around him so tightly, bodies pressed against each other
Baraka is stunned, frozen in time. He doesn't know what to do or think. All these feelings overwhelm him and threaten to ruin him
You tell him that it's alright and that he won't hurt you and Baraka just gives into the emotions and holds you tightly
He cries, it's a silent action but his body trembles and you hold him and soothe him very softly as he begins to remember the feeling of being touched
He asks if you're alright or if you feel ill after you two have embraced and no matter how much you offer reassurance to him, he will still worry
That is something you will have to get used to as the fear of infecting you will never go away
You try to make up for it by holding him and cuddling with him as much as possible
Most of the time, Baraka will cling to you. His head is resting against your chest and his eyes are closed as he enjoys the moment
However, the longer you two embrace, the more his tarkat begins to manifest. He begins to twitch and growl, wanting to cling to you tightly
When this happens you shush him and caress him veery gently in the hopes to calm the rage within him. Most of the time it works
He apologizes each time that happens but you are never bothered by it. You assure him that it is alright and no matter what you will always be by his side
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theemissuniverse · 9 months
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SUMMARY : Mileena is worried about you. After the events that led up to Armageddon, you made it a priority to always be on patrol. (Also reader is immune to the tarkat disease because I said so). You’re also an Earthrealmer in this technically but live in Outworld with Mileena
WARNINGS : MINORS DONT INTERACT. I’m not typing all that. It’s lesbian smut. Read it or don’t
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Mileena first thought it was endearing. The way you vowed to protect her. She couldn’t help but feel loved. Truly cared for. Now, she found it obsessive.
You would not go to sleep with her. You would instead help patrol the palace at night and even during the day.
Mileena wanted to snuggle with you. She wanted to care for you. She wanted to lay in your arms and for you to play with her long brown hair.
You wouldn’t though. It was like after her mother’s death, you became obsessed with protecting her. She had to put a stop to this.
Mileena was in her bra and underwear, getting ready for bed. When she walked out of the bathroom, she had seen you gathering your weapons and placing them on your arsenal.
She sighed at this. “Darling, you don’t have to go. The other guards will be fine with protecting the palace.” You were so in tune to what you were doing, you didn’t hear her. Mileena snapped her fingers to get your attention and you broke out of your trance. “Hello! Outworld to (Y/N)! Do you not hear me talking to you?”
You looked at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Alright, baby. I’m about to go out.”
You walked past her and that’s when Mileena drew the line. Mileena turned to face you, your back facing her. “As your Empress, I forbid you to go out there. There. I said it.”
Your hand was touching the doorknob. You let out a sigh and removed your hand before turning to face her. “Really? You’re going to pull the ‘Empress’ card on me?”
“When is the last time you slept or ate?” Mileena questioned you.
You shrugged, not really caring. “Why does it matter?”
“Why wouldn’t it matter? What wouldn’t you matter?”
“Mileena, I’ll say this the nicest way possible but you’re acting crazy.”
You went to open the door to leave her. Tears filled Mileena’s eyes. She felt as though she was not being heard of seen. She thought you of all people would understand her.
“I get it. My mother died and you’re scared that the same will happen to me. Do you not think I fear for that too? Not only do I fear that it will happen - I fear that my lover will die as well. You keep putting yourself in positions, positions that are disastrous and I can’t keep standing here. I can keep watching it happen.”
You didn’t look at her. Your hand was steady on the doorknob but by her cries it loosened. It took a lot for Mileena to show you emotion. You knew that. So, that meant she was truly scared.
Then she said the three words. Something she had never said at least out loud to you. “I love you.”
It was at that point in time, you turned your head in her direction. You saw the tears escaping her eyes. You not only felt bad but felt an overwhelming sensation of love suffocate your heart.
You walked up to her and instantly kissed her. Mileena kissed you back by wrapping her arms around your neck.
The kiss continued for some time until you both pulled away. You stared in each other’s eyes like time stopped itself.
“I love you too.” You wiped away the tears that were rushing down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just want to protect you. I always want to protect you.”
“Show me how much you love me.”
Mileena’s fingers traveled to the belt of your jeans. She started to undo the belt with your arsenal on it and you just watched as she did so.
She slid the belt off of you and onto the floor. “I need you, (Y/N).”
You knew what that meant. You lifted her chin up and brought her into a slow, sweet kiss. As you did so, you removed your jacket and threw it on the floor.
Mileena didn’t break the kiss when she helped pull your pants down, leaving you in your underwear.
She pushed you gently on the bed and got on top of you. The two of you continued kissing when your hand went inside her panties and you started to play with her clit.
Mileena moaned against your lips. She tried to remove your hand from her. “I want to please you.”
There was no stopping you though. You made her lay on her side and you continued kissing her. You didn’t break your pace on her clit and kept rubbing it in circles.
Mileena kept moaning in your mouth, letting you slip your tongue in. The two of you tongue wrestled each other.
When you felt that she was wet enough, you stuck two fingers in her. Your index and middle. Then you began to pump in and out of her.
“Oh, (Y/N).”
Mileena went inside your underwear and started to rub your clit too. You moaned against her lips a little. You weren’t as vocal as her when it came to intimacy. (Which she hated.)
Mileena rubbed your clit in circles but at a faster pace than you ever could. “Oh, shit.” You said. Her applying pressure to your clit made you break your pace a little.
She realized this and just made you lay back on the bed. Mileena broke away from the kiss. She then grabbed your underwear and took them off for you.
Mileena took off her bra leaving her completely naked up top. You played with her breasts and rubbed at her nipples making her throw her head back at pleasure.
She took her own underwear off before holding your leg up a little. She then positioned herself where her clit connected with yours.
You moaned at the sensation. Mileena began to move at a steady pace. “Damn, you look so good.” You told her.
Mileena moaned in response. She brought her body even closer so she could feel your clit more. “Oh, (Y/N). Yes.”
Your hands gripped Mileena’s hips. You helped Mileena move on you back and forth like your life depended on it.
“Just like that, baby. Mmm. Don’t stop.” You told her. Mileena gripped on your thighs. You were absolutely beautiful to her.
Mileena played with her breasts, giving you a show. You licked your lips at the sight and it made you grip harder on her hips.
Your fingernails dug into her hips which she loved. “Oh, I missed this, darling.” She told you with a slight pant.
You flipped the both of you over so that way you were on top of her. You then placed your clit on top of hers and went back at the pace.
Mileena usually was the more dominant one but she was at your complete mercy. “Yes. Please don’t stop. I need you, (Y/N).”
You didn’t break your pace as you rubbed all on her body, taking in her beauty. It still amazed you how you ended up with an Empress.
“Fuck…” You mumbled to yourself. You watched as her breasts bounced up and down making you inch closer to your release.
“Oh yes, (Y/N). Yes.” Mileena grabbed onto your hips, making you move faster.
“Damn. I’m close.”
When Mileena heard you say that, she turned you two over once more. Mileena was back on top while you were underneath her.
Mileena ripped open your shirt, including your bra, with her strength. Once your breasts were free, she started to play with them.
Your hands darted to her ass and you gave it a smack which resulted in her moaning loudly. “Your pussy feels so good.” Mileena complimented. She grabbed one of your hands and placed it on her chest. “You want to cum on me, lover?”
You tilted your head back at her dirty talk. “Chill, Mileena. I don’t want to cum before you.”
It was always a game to see who would cum first between you two. No prize really just satisfaction. Mileena smirked at your words slightly and she noticed you were playing with her left breast. “Oh come on baby. Cum on my pussy. I know you can do it.”
You fought hard to not cum but the release was reaching to your stomach. “Oh fuck. Mileena.”
“That’s right. Cum all over me. Say my name.”
You tried to move her but she overpowered you and continued to go at her fast pace. “Mileena. Yes. Oh my god.”
With you moaning, it made Mileena edge to her release. She instinctively grabbed onto her breasts and kept going. “(Y/N). Yes. I need you.”
You realized that Mileena was losing her pace. You gripped her hips and helped her move back and forth on you. “Aw. Don’t give up on me now, baby. You’re almost there.”
“Oh my gods. (Y/N), yes. Please let me cum on you.” Mileena begged while playing with her breasts. You tried to shut your eyes hoping that maybe if you didn’t look at Mileena, you wouldn’t cum faster but that didn’t really work.
Mileena placed her hands on your stomach and in that moment it felt like fire. The two of you kept going and that’s when it started to wash over you. “(Y/N), yes. Yes, yes. I’m cumming.”
You made sure to open your eyes so you could watch your girlfriend cum. Your right hand reached her breast and you played with her nipple. “Give it to me, baby.”
“Oh my gods. You’re so amazing. I love you. Yes. (Y/N).” You felt Mileena’s clit start to come undone and it made you cum.
The two of you let off a stream of profanities as you rode out your orgasms. Mileena bent down to kiss your lips and you kissed her back.
When she pulled away, you gave her light butterfly kisses on her neck. “I love you too.”
Mileena lifted your chin so you were facing her. “I’m still hungry.” She crawled down to you and made you spread your legs before starting to eat you out.
“Damn Mileena.” You moaned out. Your hands went in her hair and you started tugging at it.
This was going to be a long night.
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vampireimiko · 9 months
For MK1 Mileena ( and if it's okay to add in Baraka? ) after everything that have happened, what if one of the earthrealmer fighters ( gn!reader ) decided to stay in outworld as they are very skilled medical doctor and military medical officer who research about virus and disease
And let's say after many months doing ethical decisions and experiments the found a cure for the tarkat that stabilize not also the animalistic of the agresstion but also keep the individual actual stable mentally and not have intense hunger, like they are back to normal in some ways, but they can't fix the physical aspect due to them theories that it have some magic involved
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warnings, none ^_^
note, i don't know if the request was insinuating mileena x reader or not, so if it was my apologies 😭‼️
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"How are you feeling Mileena?" You asked carefully as she was just waking up from being sedated.
Mileena's eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the light. She blinked a few times before focusing on you. The remnants of the sedation still lingered, giving her a dazed expression.
You repeated your question, concern evident in your voice. "How are you feeling, Mileena?"
She groggily attempted to sit up, wincing slightly. "I feel like I got hit by a carriage.. but other than that I'm fine," she muttered, her voice raspy.
You nodded, noting her discomfort. "That's expected after the procedure. You'll need some time to recover. We managed to stabilize the aggression and hunger aspects of your condition. How's your mental state?"
Mileena frowned, contemplating. "Clearer, less chaotic. It's strange, but not bad."
You smiled at her, happy that signs of your treatment working showed in her. "That is wonderful Mileena. If you have anymore concerns, you can always contact me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I had to check on Baraka."
Mileena nodded, acknowledging your words. "Thank you," she replied, her tone a mix of gratitude and curiosity. The transformation she experienced, was a journey that held promise and uncertainty.
"Also, before I go, I do believe Tanya is still outside." You said with a subtle smirk on your face.
Mileena's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and realization. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she caught your subtle hint. "Is she? Well, I should go greet her properly. Maybe flaunt my newfound stability," she said, chuckling lightly.
As you walk towards the room Baraka is currently occupating, you start to feel a bit guilty. Baraka had always talked about the struggles of Tarkat and how it basically ruined his life. You knew you hadn't fully cured Tarkat but hopefully the suppresser you made would soon lead into a full blown cure for those inflicted with Tarkat.
Entering Baraka's room, you found him in a state of post-procedure recovery. His characteristic blades were momentarily retracted, and the aggressive stance had softened. Baraka glanced at you, a hint of gratitude in his gaze.
"How are you feeling, Baraka?" you inquired, your tone carrying genuine concern.
The Tarkatan warrior grunted, a gesture that could be interpreted as a positive response.
"I feel normal again. The hunger I once felt is no longer there."
You took a moment to examine his vital signs and overall condition, ensuring that the stabilization process was proceeding as intended.
"That's encouraging, Baraka. The suppression of the aggressive tendencies and hunger is a significant step forward," you explained, your voice reflecting a cautious optimism. "However, it's essential to monitor your condition closely as we work towards a more comprehensive solution."
Baraka nodded, a rare expression of gratitude crossing his usually fierce features. "I appreciate what you've done. It's a change I never thought possible."
As you continued your examination, the weight of responsibility for finding a permanent cure for the Tarkatan condition weighed on you. The progress made with Mileena and Baraka was promising, but the complexity of their physiology posed unique challenges.
"We're not done yet, Baraka. I'm committed to finding a complete cure. In the meantime, rest and let the stabilization take its course. If you experience any changes or discomfort, don't hesitate to inform me," you assured him.
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐒𝐎 𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 ☹️ 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐦 (𝐢𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥) 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !!
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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