#taro mizuhara
Hello there Tarō Mizuhara (Taro Tate) fans.
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parfaitkiwi · 2 years
Beymas: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
My Beymas entry! I didn't intend for this to be so long, but I had a lot of fun writing it!
Thank you to everyone who has participated! I've really enjoyed seeing everyone's work <3.
When Judy had proposed that she and Taro host a holiday party for the PPB team that year, he had been overjoyed.
Happy that he was once again connected with his wife and that their son had come into his own, not only a teammate and Beyblader, but as a young man who was a good leader and even better friend, Taro had enjoyed getting to know that team that his son and wife had slowly begun to fold into their family and was more than thrilled to host the often well-intentioned but sometimes rowdy American team. 
The team had travelled to Japan for a training camp three weeks ago, and now that they were two weeks into December, it was coming time for the team minus Max and Judy to make their holiday journey back over the Pacific Ocean until the New Year. 
Growing up, Christmas for Taro had been a calm and festive affair. A Christmas cake shared with a highschool girlfriend here, a steaming bucket of chicken with his parents the year before he went to spend his first Christmas with Judy there, but, for the most part, Christmas represented a delightful but smaller celebration that he enjoyed but didn’t think much of. 
Until, of course, that first Christmas with Judy in the United States two years after they’d gotten together, when the steaming bucket of chicken replaced with casserole dishes that were  somehow always too hot to touch no matter how long they’d been out, plates of cookies of shapes and sizes and colours that he had never heard of precariously balanced on the coffee table in the living room, and the crooning voice of a singer that Taro had mostly only heard of in sneaking into every room of Judy’s aunt’s house. 
Taro had loved it, and as their family began to grow and taking a baby on a plane seemed less and less appealing, the twinkling lights of Aunt Terry’s Ohio home had crept into the apartment over the Mizuhara’s hobby shop. 
The party was in full swing, Taro, Max, and Judy having spent most of the night before twisting strings of lights around lamps, laying garlands across the mantle, and slowly curating the evening’s festive playlist, and it had been there thatTaro had solved the one qualm he’d had about this whole event—his secret Santa gift.
Arranged by Steve, perhaps the most festive Beyblader of the bunch, each of the party participants had been assigned someone to buy a small gift for. Nothing serious, just a small knick knack or something to open, but Taro had taken pause. If he had wanted, he could have just pulled something up from the shop upstairs. Any one of the team would be more than happy with a blade upgrade; he had reconsidered quickly, though, because as grateful as they would be, their organization had more than enough funding to provide them with whatever hardware the team would need—personalized hardware, no less, and Taro couldn’t help but feel that while his Secret Santa knick knack was meant to be just that, a knick knack to bring a few moments of entertainment to fulfill a holiday tradition, he couldn’t help but feel that he could put in at least a little more effort. 
He had drawn Rick’s name, perhaps the trickiest of the bunch, as despite being on the team for a few years now, he was still the newest arrival.  Had he warmed up slightly? Yes, one could even, perhaps surprisingly, say that he could be pleasant to be around. Taro had briefly felt hesitant about having Rick on the team. He was not inclined to take direction, he was brash, and he had made being unlikeable part of his personality for long enough that it had become just that—his whole personality, early on, at least. But Judy had insisted that he was talented and that while difficult to work with, working with the PPB would be beneficial for not only the PPB, but for Rick as well, and, admittedly, she had been right.
The problem that Taro now had with Rick were not the consequences of Rick being too big for his boots. Not that he wasn’t too big for his boots—there was a going theory that there would never be a pair of boots big enough for the ego that was Rick Anderson (something that his teammates attributed to everything being bigger in Texas). No, the problem was that Rick had few “easy” hobbies. If he hadn’t met the PPB team before and was only meeting them for the first time today, he would have had an easy enough go at picking up gifts. Michael? Cap from the local Nippon Professional Baseball team. Steve? Sumo figurine. Emily? Fresh tennis balls. Eddy? The B.League had just released posters, and Taro knew that Eddy had taken to following Niigata Albirex BB in the many years that he had now been coming to Japan for tournaments. 
But Rick was a harder nut to crack, and Taro had only just come to accept his gift of a pair of tinted sunglasses that Rick could wear while sauntering around causing chaos at the PPB facilities while he was flipping through the shelves of records, CDs, and cassettes that he and Judy had accumulated over the years while curating a mix of Bing Crosby and Dolly Parton for the night’s festivities.
Taro thumbed through the shelves, flipping past enka albums that he had acquired after cleaning out his parents house after they had passed away and Whitney Houston’s first album, which Judy had played to the point that the record’s sleeve had started to split on the edges. He continued flipping, humming bits of songs that popped into his head as he thumbed before stopping. 
Hurry Up Mode. 
Taro readjusted his body so that he wasn’t sitting on his knees, pulling out the jewel case and crossing his legs. His eyes widened as he ran his hand over the black and white face of Araki, and all Taro could think about was Rick’s boom box.
The conditions of the hand off could only be described as a Christmas miracle. While not all of the gifts had been exchanged as of yet, Taro was aware that the time he had to give Rick his gift without it looking like he was avoiding doing so was running thin. He wasn’t nervous. He was a man in 40s, and he wouldn’t give a second thought to the snark of a young man. But he had a sneaking suspicion that Rick wasn’t the fluffy type, and opening a gift from your manager’s husband and friend’s mom in front of everyone at the party and engaging in niceties wasn’t likely high on Rick’s list. 
Taro, on his second glass of wine, had made his way to the patent-pending “music station” because Jingle Bell Rock had played three times in a row, and there was only so much rockin’ around the Christmas tree that could be done at once. 
It seemed that Rick had also had the same idea, because that’s where Taro found him, sat on the floor with a napkin of Judy grandmother's own patent-pending “Christmas Crack”, a sugary but perhaps oddly named amalgamation of graham crackers, m&m’s, chocolate chips—among a number of other things, some of which resulted in one of Judy’s older family members breaking a tooth and Taro losing a filling. 
“Bublé not doing it for you?” Taro asked. 
Rick didn’t turn around, continuing to look at the back of Hibori Misora album he had pulled from the self even though there was no way that Rick could know what was written on the back. “Well, whether he is or not, ‘tis the season.” 
Taro sat down next to Rick, looking at the album in the young man’s hands. “That was my mother’s favourite singer.” 
“Yeah?” Rick grunted, probably uninterested but being polite enough. “Is she yours too?” 
Taro took another sip of his wine. “Who's your mother’s favourite singer?” “Barry Manilow. Why?”
“Is he your favourite singer?” 
“Absolutely fucking not.” Rick snipped while scowling. 
Taro chuckled, “you have your answer, then.” 
Rick put the album back with surprising gentleness, making sure that the edges of the sleeve didn’t bump the top of the bottom of the shelf before he began scanning the albums again, this time pulling out a well-loved copy of ABBA’s Super Trouper. 
“I didn’t realize that you and Ms. Tate had such an eclectic taste in music.” 
“We used to have a lot of fun!” Taro leaned forward, sliding out a Bruce Springsteen album. “Judy gave me this the first Christmas we spent together. It was the first time she couldn’t go back to the States for the holidays, so we had the Japanese Christmas special. She had her brother send it over. If I recall correctly, I think it got here sometime closer to New Years. ” 
Taro handed the album over to Rick, who took and started scanning the back, muttering the names of the songs under his breath, many of them seeming familiar to him. “And what is that Japanese Christmas special?” 
“Kentucky Fried Chicken, of course!” 
Rick’s eyes were wide, looking at Taro for the first time since their conversation had begun, before starting to laugh. 
“Poultry is poultry,” Taro chuckled, taking the album back from Rick.
“And you? Did you get Ms. Tate into….” Rick paused for a second, thinking carefully, “Hibori Misora?” He had hit each syllable with care, before raising an eyebrow at Taro in a way that looked like he wanted to know if he’d said it right. 
Taro raised his eyebrows back, surprised that Rick had taken care to remember the enka singer and not just blast through the interaction by calling her “old what’s her name” or something, letting out a guffaw. “I already told you. My mother liked Hibori Misora…I took Judy to see these guys, though.” He pulled out the album with Akari’s face plastered onto the front and handed it to Rick. “Buck-Tick?” Rick read the giant white letters on the cover. “Who are these guys?” 
Taro scoffed, “only one of the best Japanese rock bands of all time. 22 albums? Almost all of them on the top 10? I thought you were a bit of a rock connaisseur, or, that’s what my son says, at least.” 
Rick opened the jewel case, looking at Taro for permission to take out the booklet from the front. 
Taro nodded again and let Rick get to work skimming over the black and white pictures of giant hair and sour faces. “I had both the vinyl and the CD. Two extra tracks on that thing, you know.” 
Rick carefully put the booklet back into the case. “They look pretty hardcore.” He raised an eyebrow, “and Ms. Tate likes them?”
Taro turned to look at his wife, who was doing her best to stop Steve from taking plates and dishes into the kitchen, insisting that he sit and enjoy himself. “She likes that I like them. She’s more of a Whitney Houston type of gal.”
Rick rolled his eyes. “Oh, we know. We’ve all walked in on her singing ‘I’ll Always Love you’ so many times that she doesn’t even get embarrassed anymore.” 
Taro left out a hearty laugh, “sounds about right.”
Rick handed the album back to Taro, but Taro raised his hand to stop him. Rick raised an eyebrow.
“Let me know how you like them next time you’re in town.”
“What?” He looked up at Taro.
“One of the things I’ve loved about being with Judy is how much both of our worlds have expanded. I think you’ll like this, and it’s always nice to add to your collection.” 
“You’re giving this to me?” 
Taro smiled, “Merry Christmas, Rick.” 
Rick stuttered, “Merry Christmas, Mr. Mizuhara, sir.” He bowed his head slightly, a little awkwardly, having seen people do it before during his time in Japan but not really understanding how to do it or when. It had just felt right. 
Rick paused for a minute. “Hey, Mr. Mizuhara?” He looked past Taro at Judy. 
“You said she liked that you liked these guys, right?” 
Taro looked back at Judy before looking back at Rick. This time it was him who was a bit confused. “Yes?” 
“Then maybe she won’t mind a little Buck-Tick during this little soiree.” 
Taro stood up, reaching down to take the CD from Rick. 
“You know what, Rick?” I think you’re right. 
Taro popped the CD into the player, and, sure enough, they ended up rockin’ around the Christmas tree once more.
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maxmiz · 3 years
Hi! Are Max’s parents divorced? What are your thoughts?
I don't think they are. They appear to still be married in canon (both on the show, and on Rising where they go on to have Charlotte). However, I do believe that, though not divorced, they might have been legally separated in the first season. It is quite obvious that Judy is a cold, absentee mother who only cared to give attention to her only son after he proved himself worthy as a champion beyblader. She did not even bother to tell Max or Taro that she had changed her job from the university to the PPB. That is a huge indicator of the fact that she is not as close to her son and husband as one would expect. Given this, it would not be a stretch to imagine her as an absentee wife who may have eventually separated from Taro. A rift between Taro and Judy may also explain why Taro suddenly chose to uproot his whole life and inexplicably move himself and his New York-raised son to a completely different country and culture - it certainly wasn't because Taro wanted to open a beyblade parts shop. You don't move your son away from his whole life and his mother because of that. And a spousal work visa would not have been an issue for Taro in the US. He clearly lived there for most of Max's life. Even in G-Revolution, we see Max and Taro hiking around Japan and living in Taro's house there - Judy is MIA in that family trip. We do see Judy and Taro flirt on and off in certain seasons and I do believe they may have tried to rekindle stuff after Judy repaired her relationship with Max, but I do strongly believe that they were separated in the first season.
There are also other indicators of this separation. And a lot of it comes from Max's behavior. He acts like the child of a divorce or at least a broken family. He is constantly looking for validation and attention from the parent in whose custody/house he does not live. For god's sake, he is the only defensive blader with a freaking turtle for a bit-beast. It is a metaphor for his personality and the shell that he has built around himself to survive. He treats his friends - his found family - as a substitute for his own and drowns them in kindness. He looks for validation everywhere - even with his purported enemies (re: Mariam in V-Force).
So my answer is: divorce, nope. Separation, most likely.
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circus-and-roses · 4 years
I watched Beyblade G Revolution special ending, and I found this scene :
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I'm starting to ship Romero with Keiko-sensei. I think this is would be interesting....
Probably Keiko-sensei thought Romero as a weirdo at first, but who knows if they starting to have 'special feelings' for each other.
And Mr. Tate will support Romero, so Romero won't do any flirt to Judy.
Notes : I don't take any screenshot for G Revolution special ending, because the picture was closed by animation credit lists. So, I took the picture from Beyblade Wikia.
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sundyze · 2 years
[#1] Beyblade original characters: Nationalities and Ethnicities
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Objective: Since there have been mild rumors and misinformation regarding the ethnicities of Beyblade characters spreading in and across the fandom, I wanted to bring up the right piece of information delivered to the fanbase.
Viewer's note: This will not cover up all the characters because of several uncertainties, and these aren't headcanons either, so don't confuse them with fanfictions. They are mostly pure canon material or statements from the author of Beyblade, Takao Aoki.
I also don’t own the Beyblade characters and any of these information related to them.
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1] BBA team
◇ Tyson Granger/Takao Kinomoya: Japanese
◇ Kai Hiwatari: Japanese. -conflicting the rumors: Kai was never stated to be Russian by ethnicity. It might have been his hometown or nationality, but ethnically speaking, he is Japanese, evident from his parents' names (Susumu and Misaki) and surname (Hiwatari). Kai is a fire festival celebrated in Japan.
◇ Ray/Rei Kon: Chinese
◇ Max Tate/Mizuhara: Japanese-American. Max's father is Japanese, and his mother Judy is an American.
◇ Kyouju/Manabu/Kenny Saien: Japanese
◇ Hilary/Hiromi Tachibana: Japanese ◇ Daichi Sumeragi: Japanese ◇ Hiro Granger/Hitoshi Kinomoya: Japanese
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2] Blitzkrieg boys
All the members are Russians.
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3] White Tigers X
All the members are Chinese.
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4] PPB All Starz
All the members are Americans.
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5] Majestics
◇ Robert/Ralf Jurgens: German ◇ Johnny McGregor: Scottish ◇ Oliver/Olivier Polanski: French ◇ Enrique Giancarlo: Italian
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6] Saint Shields
Their ethnicities haven't been given clearly, but they were stated to come from the origin of Beyblading. It must be Chinese or Japanese, yet nothing very explicit is stated about their origin.
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7] Psykicks
◇ Kane/Kein/Cain Yamashita: Japanese-Australian -conflicting the rumors: Some were presuming him to be an Australian alone, but the surname "Yamashita" is pretty famous in Japanese culture. Meanwhile, though the dub says the Psykicks come from Japan, Kane is stated by Aoki sensei to be half-Australian.
◇ Goki: Japanese Aoki mentions on his site.
In the dub, Kane says that Salima's hometown is in Canada, and in Aoki's site her name is taken from an African travel guide. Regardless, Aoki sensei says that no nationality has been set for her. Jim's name sounds European or American.
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8] F-Dynasty
All the members are Spanish.
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9] Barthez Battalion
The nationalities of this European are unclear much like Saint Shields is, but according to TV Tropes, these are their possible ethnicities.
◇ Miguel: German Named after an F-1 racer.
◇ Claude: Jamaican From his appearance.
◇ Aaron: French His name sounds more like French-speaking.
◇ Mathilda: English According to the Beyblade rising manga and her illustrations, she seems to be from the United Kingdom/England.
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10] BEGA
◇ Mystel: Indonesian This is there in Aoki's notes.
The nationalities of the other BEGA members are not mentioned, but Ming Ming is probably Chinese, Crusher might have African roots, Garland can be somewhere from South Asia, and Brooklyn has no hints.
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As for characters like Zeo, Gordo, King, Queen, etc., nothing about their nationalities or their ethnicities has been stated or even scraped as hints. Hence, it's unknown about theirs. 
Characters like Kincaid, Mr. Dickenson, Taro Mizuhara, etc. are mostly Japanese.
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dragontamer-nia · 3 years
Max [Parental figures and fighting spirits]
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Max and Judy Mizuhara 
Max Mizuhara is the child of two very different people. 
On one hand, we have Taro Mizuhara: a cheerful and friendly man who lives a simple life, owns a little hobby shop, and has taken a passion for a kids' game which requires a certain degree of technical knowledge. He's basically a mechanic, he has a rather small but very functional training ground in the basement of his shop, and he encourages Max to do his best, but most importantly to have fun with his friends. 
On the other hand, we have Judy Mizuhara: an ambitious, strong-willed woman, whose research and abilities have made her rise from the already prestigious position of university professor to the director of the most important and reputable research centre for beyblades, where she has all the resources, funds and technology she could ever need to work with at her disposal. We know the PPB is held in such high regard that her role requires her to answer directly to the goddamn Secretary of State. 
And… Taro and Judy love Max. However, while all we can gather about Taro's opinion on this whole "taking beyblade seriously and winning the world championship" thing is that he supports Max because he wants to see him happy, we know exactly what Judy thinks. 
She thinks Max doesn't have what it takes to be a champion. 
Max's crisis is, in a way, the opposite of Rei's: while Rei at one point already had everyone believing in him, and had to prove that the his actions are atypical but ultimately right, Max has to prove that he is worth believing in because the way he is is right; and that his fighting spirit is just as tough and resilient as everyone else's in this field, if not even more so than most, but his friendly, kind and bubbly personality throws people off. 
And the fact that, of all people, it's his own mother who rejects him almost crushes him. Judy loved him when he was just her fun, adorable child, but when he dared try and assert himself as a person with dreams and a fighting spirit, suddenly she turns her back on him. 
Worse yet, Judy has new children in America. Kids she personally chose as the best in the whole US. Kids who lived and breathed to follow whatever she said. Kids who are very explicitly competitive, who are sports prodigies and know it, who parade around wearing their sports' uniform like a badge of honour, knowing that they're just so much better than anyone else that they're backed up by the effin government... and people love them. They are stars, they are heroes. And so, people shower the All Starz with admiration and attention, and the All Starz love the glory Judy has granted them, and Judy loves them in return and supports them. 
Of course, not only has Max to deal with whatever is going on with his mother's behaviour, not only has he to endure his mom's new, arrogant kids, he also has to face their feelings of jealousy: after all, he is the coach's actual son. And he's a nobody. This is Max, the son of their beloved coach? He's weak, right? Not a trace of ambition, no competitiveness at all, only smiles and "lEt'S bE NiCe tO eAcH oThEr". Why does Judy love this guy? 
Poor Max is having the worst time of his life as the finals for the A block approach, and the night before the finals Kyouju bluntly tells him that he shouldn't fight at all in the coming matches. "They have your data," he says. "They don't have Kai's data," they all say. Max knows what's up: his own team is starting to believe in the All Starz, they are starting to lose faith in him too. What is his team thinking? Would the PPB not have taken his data, had he been stronger, had he been like Kai? They, his own team, his friends, think that even giving Max a mere chance at proving them all wrong would jeopardize their chances of reaching the world's finals, and they’re not willing to take that risk. 
Max is not the type to lash out at people and impose his own world view onto others, as Takao would, but he knows this is an injustice, he knows he doesn't deserve this treatment. Max storms off, leaving the rest of the team appalled: clearly, no one expected nice, friendly Max to react so strongly. They do eventually change their minds after the team finally understands just how badly he needs to. 
Because, after running on the roof of the hotel to get a bit of fresh air… Max finds his mother there. 
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Judy thinks she's being objective, because that's what she's used to as a scientist: research is based on numbers, and numbers tell her that Max truly doesn't have a chance. But she's also a professional, and the spot she was put into requires her to not help her own son at all. She can do absolutely nothing but accept that Max is bound to lose, and Max has got to understand this as soon as possible.
Judy knows what it takes to rise to the top, because she has done it. Cold and merciless, ambitious and strong-willed, tough and resilient: she is a champion, in her own way. And she didn’t obtain the most prestigiuos position in her field by being nice; this is why, when choosing the players who would represent the US in the world tournament, she selected kids with a competitive background, who are capable of being cold and merciless when required. And now that her own son is competing against the PPB, a big machine that receives all the funding they need, a whole building full with equipment and any machine they could possibly think of to study their opponents, gather data, prepare a strategy, keep their bladers in top condition… she doesn’t want Max to even try and enter this ruthless race to the top. He is nice, and she accepts it and loves him for it, but... he’s too nice to survive in this world.
I think Judy is the one who chose this role for herself. She knows Taro. She knows she has to be the realistic and disillusioned parent to balance him out, because Taro is just so carefree and happy, with no trace of ambition or fighting spirit, and Max is just like Taro. 
This is why the necklace is important. 
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Max's fighting spirit doesn't just derive from the fact that he wants to prove his own progresses to Judy. He quite literally inherited his mother's fighting spirit. Max is just as ambitious and strong-willed, Max is just as tough and resilient. Who decided that someone cocky like Michael, or cold and merciless like Judy, is clearly inherently stronger than someone like Max? Max is having none of this shit, and he's having none of this shit as nicely as he can, because he will not bend: Max is not worth believing in even though he's nice and friendly; Max is worth believing in because he's nice and friendly, and it's perfectly fine, thank you. 
And Max proves that Judy was wrong about him, he proves that everyone was wrong about him, and the moment he does, the moment he finally wins against Michael and secures the path to the finals… 
He's just happy. 
At this point, Max would have every reason to brag. He'd be justified to take the spotlight, flip the bird to the All Starz - the kids who really thought the BBA guys were just a bunch of noobs - and laugh right at their dumbstruck faces. 
But the thought of doing so doesn't even cross his mind. He smiles and he's happy, and his team is happy for him, and they all celebrate the fact that Max has won. 
On the other side of the stadium, Judy is forced to face a hard truth that she, deep down, had always known: there's no number understandable by a computer that can describe how fucking stubborn and creative the both of them can become to reach the goals they have set for themselves. 
As she smiles at her own blindness, she walks to Max to congratulate him, and as Judy recognizes and owns her mistake, Max simply smiles and lets it all go, water under the bridge. Because that's who Max is.
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The fact that, at some point, someone in the production crew decided to include Kyouju openly glaring at Judy in this fundamental shot is very telling in my opinion LOL
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araingirl · 4 years
Since the dawn of the very day, the people of the kingdom were splashing like the waves of any ocean in the yard of the ancient shrine of lord Genbu. The blossoms of Sakura were showering on the ground from the nearby trees. The verdant, fresh leaves were dancing in the gentle, cool rhythm of the airstream. Young maidens were holding hurricane lanterns and colorful paper lamps. Some were sprinkling flower petals upon the invited guests. White geese were swimming across the lake with their yellow young. When they heard the joyful, auspicious reverberations of the trumpets and drums, they stopped and became curious to know what was happening in the age-old shrine.
“Max Mizuhara, the prince of the kingdom of waves,” The minister asked, “Do you accept Mariam, the princess of Ebira, as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
“I do.” The groom dressed in green kimono and dark-olive Hakama coat announced, after taking a sharp breath, “According to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.”
“Mariam, the princess of Ebira,” Now, the priest turned towards the bride, beautified with orange chintz-patterned kimono with red borderlines and golden-ruby accessories from her top to toe, “Do you accept Max Mizuhara, the prince of the kingdom of waves, as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”
“I do.” The bride didn’t show any sign of hesitation, yet, lowering her face, “According to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith.”
“Congratulations!” The vicar announced, “Prince Max Mizuhara and princess Mariam, from now onwards, you’re husband and wife.”
From the barrier of the georgette veil covering her face, the blunette looked at her husband, smiling and flushing. However, the smile plastered on the lips of the blonde wasn’t much genuine. He was rather worried. Staring at his newly wedded wife who was cheerful, proud and satisfied, he heaved a deep sigh. He really had no right to destroy her life. What was he going to do? Would her happiness which she’d received just then last forever?
“People of the kingdom of waves!” Taro Mizuhara blurted in pride and utter joy, “Today, we’ve received another member to our royal clan as well as the new crown-princess and the future empress of your empire! Let me present: Mariam Mizuhara!”
“Hail prince Max Mizuhara!”
“Hail crown-princess Mariam Mizuhara!”
“Hail prince Max Mizuhara!”
“Hail crown-princess Mariam Mizuhara!”
When all the people were jubilating joyfully, there was someone who wasn’t satisfied at all with the entire matter. Behind the veil covering her face, she saw everything, lifting it a bit. Still, the fire of vengeance was burning through her veins. She would never let the Mizuhara clan be happy. It was giving sweltering sensations to her heart.
‘Enjoy as much as you can, the Mizhurians,’ She grinned wickedly, ‘Because it is going to end tonight. By hook or crook!’
 The chamber was large, at the top of the ten-storied building which literally didn’t have any hole or window for protection so that any snake couldn’t climb up to the room. The gigantic paintings of ancident Japanese deities were beautifying the walls of the room, fulfilling the absence of the windows. Camelias, tiger-lilies, Sakura and the flowers of different breeds were there-being garlands on the barriers and bouquets in the silver vases kept on the round tables near the bed. Fragrant candles snatched all the darkness from the compartment, it didn’t need the outer moonshine anymore. Through a secret tiny hole, the air was coming in. Cologne, festoons, tapers-everything made the environment intoxicated.
On the bed, the royal blue-haired girl was resting her head on the chest of her newly wedded husband, stroking the straps of his kimono robe. In his warmth, her eyes were getting closed. Max encircled her shoulders and pulled her closer as she snuggled with him under the green velvet blanket. The fingers of the blonde travelled through her silky tresses, covered under the red georgette veil embroidered with trinkets. Bit by bit, Max removed the veil and threw it on the ground at which the blunette blushed heavily, trying to hide herself in his chest. Cupping her chin, he raised it and dove in her jade pools, trying to find their bottoms.
“Mari….” His breaths were warm, “Finally, we’re each other’s.”
“Hmm….” She whispered, “You have no idea how long I was waiting for this night…”
“Since it’s arrived….” The gap between two pairs of lips decreased a bit, “Let’s not waste it by talking….”
Mariam lidded her eyes again, so did her groom. Getting down from her tresses, his fingers headed towards the straps of her gown and played with them, getting tangled with one another. Very smoothly, his lips landed on hers just like a bird lands on the ground from the sky. Her lips weren’t as soft as his but they had a unique taste-just like sweet-sour orange juice. Mariam’s body got goosebumps; hormones rose. She could never have imagined that her naïve lover could muster so much masculinity in his body. But she wasn’t a person to give up. Enabling her tongue, she tried to dominate which she won eventually. Sensing his defeat, the half-American tried to push her on the bed, getting rid of her lips. Right then:
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jounetsulovers · 6 years
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Introducing: Matsuoka Junior High’s soccer team bench lineup!
More information under the cut:
First year.
Avatar: None.
“A transfer student who is immensely popular online. Has dreams of being a fashion model, and wants to use soccer to boost her fame.”
YAMADA TARO (???) || #14.
Avatar: ......?
“No one knows where this boy came from, or why he’s at school. There’s rumors that he may have once been a spy for Fifth Sector, but he can’t seem to remember...”
Third year.
Avatar: None.
“An unlucky girl whom most people avoid like the plague. Some say she’s haunted by an evil spirit... but they’re probably just mad she broke something of theirs.”
Third year.
Avatar: None.
“A spirited drummer who acts like everyone’s older sister. Very popular with the student body, especially the girls.”
But wait! Where’s #16........?
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spongebobafettywap · 7 years
Beyblade Adult Bladers Headcanon (Long post)
Just a headcanon post about what Beyblades the adults in Beyblade would own
Tatsuya Kinomiya
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(Master Dragoon BBA Championship version)
Ryuunosuke Kinomiya:
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(Master Dragoon regular version)
Taro Mizuhara
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(Master Draciel regular version)
Judy Mizuhara:
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(Master Draciel Yellow version)
Voltaire Hitawari:
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(Black Dranzer)
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kentootv · 7 years
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陸王 (Rikuoh)
Title: 陸王
Title (romaji): Rikuoh
Genre: Corporate
Episodes: 10
Viewership ratings: 15.98%
Broadcast network: TBS
Release date: October 10, 2017 to December 24, 2017
Air time: Sundays 21:00
Miyazawa Koichi (Yakusho Koji) runs a small, but longstanding company which makes tabi (traditional Japanese socks). He is the CEO of the fourth generation company with about 20 employees. Due to a decrease of demand for tabi, the company is struggling to keep afloat. Miyazawa Koichi thinks about launching a new product line. The new product is running shoes. For the company's surival, Miyazawa Koichi begins to develop running shoes using their accumulated knowledge for making tabi.
Yakusho Koji as Miyazawa Koichi
Yamazaki Kento as Miyazawa Daichi
Takeuchi Ryoma as Mogi Hiroto
Terao Akira as Iiyama Haruyuki
Kamishiraishi Mone (上白石萌音) as Miyazawa Akane
Kazama Shunsuke as Sakamoto Taro
Otoo Takuma as Kido Akihiro
Wada Masato as Hirase Takao
Sano Gaku as Kezuka Naoyuki
Baba Toru (馬場徹) as Ohashi Hiroshi
Uchimura Haruka (内村遥) as Yasuda Toshimitsu
Amano Yoshihisa (天野義久) as Ebata Kohei
Yoshitani Ayako (吉谷彩子) as Nakashita Misaki
Haru Yasuko (春やすこ) as Mizuhara Yoneko
Kamimura Yoriko (上村依子) as Hashii Yoshiko
Shoji Terue as Nishii Fukuko
Uno Kentaro (宇野けんたろう) as Tachihara Hayato
Maehara Kou (前原滉) as Kase Naoyuki
Hanazawa Masato (花沢将人) as Naito Hisao
Sato Toshihiko (佐藤俊彦) as Kawai
Ishii Takanari (石井貴就) as Mizuki
Ando Yuga (安藤勇雅) as Hashii
Yamamoto Ryosuke as Yoshida
Agawa Sawako (阿川佐和子) as Masaoka Akemi
Koyabu Kazutoyo as Sayama Junji
Katsura Jakujaku (桂雀々) as Ienaga Toru
Shiga Kotaro as Tomishima Genzo
Mitsuishi Ken as Arimura Toru
Dan Fumi (檀ふみ) as Miyazawa Mieko
Kimura Midoriko as Iiyama Motoko
Ichikawa Udanji (市川右團次) as Murano Takahiko
Pierre Taki as Ohara Kenji
Ogata Atsushi (緒形敦) as Hiroki
Original writing: Ikeido Jun (novel)
Screenwriter: Yatsu Hiroyuki
Producer: Iyoda Hidenori, Iida Kazutaka, Kawashima Ryutaro
Director: Fukuzawa Katsuo, Tanaka Kenta
Official Homepage: tbs.co.jp/rikuou_tbs
Official Twitter: @rikuou_tbs
Official Instagram: @rikuoh.tbs
Official LINE: @rikuou
source : AsianWiki + DramaWiki
sorry i couldn’t give you spoiler for this drama :(
SUBTITLES: not yet available
STREAM (with engsub) still raw
*ALT = alternative
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ao3feed-mythology · 5 years
To the Max!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LwqiHR
by Darkrealmist
Sumeragi Daichi is about to learn the first rule of challenging incumbent champion Kinomiya Takao: Never come between Mizuhara Max and his Bey-by!
Words: 415, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade, Beyblade, Chinese Mythology, Japanese Mythology
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kinomiya Takao | Tyson Granger, Mizuhara Max | Max Tate, Sumeragi Daichi, Hiwatari Kai, Mizuhara Taro | Taro Tate, Dragoon (Beyblade), Draciel, Gaia Dragoon | Strata Dragoon
Relationships: Kinomiya Takao/Mizuhara Max | Tyson Granger/Max Tate
Additional Tags: Action, Anime, Battle, Competition, Episode Related, Established Relationship, Friendship, Games, Hobbies, Interracial Relationship, Japanese-American Character, Love Stories, Marshmallows, Rivalry, Romance, Shounen-ai, Slash, Sports, Team Feels, Tournaments, Toys, Wordcount: 100-500, Wordcount: 100-1.000, Wordcount: Under 10.000
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LwqiHR
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maxmiz · 4 years
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Lmao screenshots of one of the rare moments of Judy and Taro looking smug as hell about their combined skills in beyblade technology.
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crawlthesky · 11 years
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maxmiz · 6 years
OMFG!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! mmm I was wondering if you could elaborate a little bit more in Max story? I LOVE how he is Slytherin's heir
Hey there @dangpanterita​. :D Apologies for answering this so terribly late but my job keeps me incredibly busy. Let me elaborate on the two stories:
1. Max’s story in my Potter/Beyblade Headcanon
Max’s story is pretty neatly woven into the Potterverse in my head and my headcanon about him being an heir of Slytherin makes perfect sense somehow when it comes to writing a story with an epic twist. We all picture him either as a Ravenclaw (for his obvious brains), as a Hufflepuff (for his nature) or as a Gryffindor because the kid’s got some courage (he sky-dived off a damned plane to save his friends). And don’t get me wrong, I don’t picture him in Slytherin house either. But as an heir of Slytherin? Hell, yes.
I was working on a fanfic on this for some time while I was still at uni a few years back and I developed a sort of story out of it in my head. We all know that Judy is a hell of a scientist and there’s plenty of evidence in canon to show that she’s extremely shrewd, proud and ambitious - all of which are qualities of a Slytherin through and through. I’m not saying she’s evil though - but she definitely is as much of a morally grey character in my headcanon as she is in actual canon (especially in season 1 where she is undeniably cold to her son for no good reason).
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I primarily imagine Judy as the Minister for Magic in my headcanon. A cold but somewhat level headed witch who is pure-blooded,extremely gifted, headstrong and ambitious. She is for the most part motivated only by her instinct for self preservation (arguably a trait of someone who would be a pure Slytherin heir), but she has a soft corner for her half blood son, Max. That is the only thing in the world that made her break away from her family. She abandoned her Slytherin crazed family to protect her son, and severed all ties with her Slytherin roots to move up in the world and become Minister.
So how was Max born at all if she was a typical Muggle resenting Slytherin?
My headcanon is that Taro, Max’s dad, is a Muggle. That Judy, as a teenager, faced a lot of abuse in her household from her father for not channeling her gifts to terrorize Muggle-borns. She runs away one day, drinks a hell of a lot of firewhiskey,meets a teenaged Muggle Taro at a Muggle bar and ends up pregnant. Once she and Taro both sober up, she feels utterly disgusted that she slept with a Muggle. She tries to abort the child, but cannot. Since childhood she’s been wearing her dead mother’s pendant of Genbu (a gift from her father to her mother) and somehow Genbu casts a protective spell around her unborn foetus to ensure the continuity of Slytherin’s bloodline. She feels helpless because she neither wants the child nor does she have the choice to abort it. She feels cursed and knows that her father will kill her child if he knows he’s a half blood. She flees pregnant to the US and with whatever money she had run away with, she joins Ilvermony to complete her final year of education.
She realises, however, that she can’t continue into the next chapter of her life with Max. She wanted to be Minister for Magic and had no interest in being a mother. Also if  her father finds Max, he’ll kill him. But she did love Max. She couldn’t exactly abandon him.
So she reluctantly leaves him with Taro to raise the boy and deletes any permanent records of her being Max’s mother. She gives Max the pendant of Genbu and moves on. Once in every few months she would visit her son, but all of that would happen in secret. Max and Taro knew that Judy was his mother, but the world has no idea.
Max often grew up wondering if his mom is so distant to protect him or if it’s only a facade for her not wanting to raise a child. He often feels conflicted by it (much like in canon).
What is the role of Genbu here?
Genbu, as I mentioned in the earlier headcanon (in the Japanese version of beyblade, Max’s bit beast is called Genbu), is traditionally represented as both a tortoise and a serpent. You can look it up. And that’s where the heir of Slytherin theory finds more support. This is Genbu (source: Wikipedia):
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Max was always aware of the fact that the locket that he wore was the locket of Slytherin. He was aware of his heritage because he would often only accidentally be able to control ocean waves, but also speak to snakes before he went to Hogwarts. And of course, Judy told him why he could never reveal who he was.
And truly, because of everything he knew, he begged the sorting hat to not sort him into Slytherin. Eventually he gets sorted into Ravenclaw much to his relief.
Genbu is nothing more than the spirit of Salazar Slytherin trapped in a pendant which gives the heir of Slytherin wearing it the power to harness the same powers as him if ever the Slytherin bloodline is threatened. It can also mess with the head of the wearer.
In my headcanon, ultimately Max fights the spirit from messing with his head and tames it to become who he is. A powerful wizard who controls the element of water and controls serpents.
Max’s personality
In my headcanon, I’ve tried to bring out a darker side of Max. His personality is still the same of course, he’s funny, kind and has a heart of gold. But there’s an inherent darkness inside him. Let’s look at canon for a second. Max never loses his cool. But the few times that he did lose his cool in canon, he channeled his rage into his beyblading to epic proportions. With others, the rage is pretty standard. But when Max would snap, he’d snap big time. When his pride is hurt, he hits back big time.
The guy is smart as hell (calculating angles and saving a puppy with a beyblade requires some brains and skills) which is why he is in Ravenclaw in my story. But, he has all the makings of an heir of Slytherin whose dark side remains buried mostly because the Muggle born blood from Taro’s side keeps him grounded and kind.
Let’s not forget, in my headcanon he’s been raised mostly by Taro. So the kindness is natural. But deep down, he’s every bit his mother’s son too. So I have headcanons about Max having a dark side - a manifestation of his inner Slytherin.
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2. Brooklyn’s story in Potter/Beyblade Headcanon
To answer your question, yes, I do picture Brooklyn as Credence to a certain extent. I never actually got to formulating his part of the story in my head but here’s how I imagine it going.
We don’t know a lot about Credence as such. We do know that he is a pure blooded wizard who was raised by an abusive Muggle and developed into an obscurial who somehow survived into adulthood. We also know that he’s extremely powerful, had faced a lot of childhood abuse and had grown up feeling different and alone. And of course, that he was manipulated and used by Grindelwald.
Now let us look at Brooklyn in canon. Brooklyn is also an exceptional wizard. He’s brilliant, a loner and if we look at the very last episode of beyblade, he’s grown up extremely lonely and friendless. He was always different from everyone else, gifted. He has an immense amount of power, is not inherently evil by any stretch of imagination. But judging by canon, it is obvious that Brooklyn has some degree of PTSD and probably had faced tremendous bullying or some form of abuse as child. When Brooklyn is in a mad rage, he assumes this dark uncontrollable form. Also, when BEGA was formed, Beyblade’s key antagonist, Boris (I’m using the English dub name) used Brooklyn and his mad rage and pushed him over the edge.
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So here’s my headcanon for Brooklyn. Brooklyn was a gifted powerful wizard who never went to Hogwarts. He had a lot of hidden magical talent that he dared not express because the Muggles who raised him were abusive and tried to make him repress it. And he is also an obscurial. I headcanon that Brooklyn’s bit beast is like some physical manifestation of his obscurial form and Boris, for the sake of his personal gains pushes Brooklyn over the age to use his obscurial powers to wreak havoc.
Okay so that’s as much elaboration as I could manage on my headcanons.
Thanks for the question!
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maxmiz · 7 years
Beyblade Rising Manga - Chapter 3 (Spoilers)
Alright, seeing as the fandom is dead and silent about this, I’ll review this part. 
In the previous part, we saw a lot of new developments. Charlotte Mizuhara, Max’s new baby sister was one, for starters. Kai in a suit working his ass off for his grandfather’s company was another. This chapter is more Max-centric and gives us some insight into his character.  Keep in mind that there are spoilers up ahead. So, read ahead at your own risk.
The new part, ie, Part 3 is Max centric. The part starts off with an unusually overconfident Max battling Takao and boasting about how Takao can’t lay a finger on his iron clad defence. Takao, as staunchly Takao as he can be, of course, defeats him because according to the Chief, Max lost despite his defence because of a lack of endurance. Draciel simply ran out of spins.
Max, of course, takes the defeat in his stride, as sportingly as always. He puts on a smile, which of course annoys the hell out of Mao (Mariah). Also, rejoice Rei/Mao shippers. Mao has now become a regular who hangs around with our boy gang. 
[Credits of photo: Beyblade Rising - Aoki Takao.]
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Now, this part of the manga very subtly deals with one issue which our fandom and I, in particular, have touched upon extensively in several headcanons. It gives us an insight into Max’s character. Max, as we can see, often to the annoyance of others, puts up a smile and keeps a calm face in front of others even when things are not favourable for him. He is dismissed by most of the fandom as a happy-go-lucky guy, but let me tell you about guys like Max. The perpetually happy, smiling ones. I draw from real life when I say that I have known people like him who are extremely depressed deep down and who bottle up their feelings rather than show it to others. And here, in this part, that side of Max is shown. The Max who bottles up his feelings and probably spends a lot of time depressed behind the scenes. 
Of course here the matter wasn’t anything major, but seeing as this is how he dealt with it...
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....it’s probably not too far fetched to see him as the kind of person who curls up on a sofa back at home and lets it out while pretending to the whole world that nothing matters. [Credits of photo: Beyblade Rising - Aoki Takao]
In the very next frame, Judy explicitly states to Taro as well that Max chose to hide his frustration and smile in front of others as he always does - a trait that he has acquired from his parent.
However, it’s heartwarming to see how much Max and Charlotte are already so attached to each other! His baby sister sees him lying on the couch all depressed and underconfident, she just comes upto him and protests, almost as if to say - no, you can’t be sad! Max too is cheered up instantly by his adorable sister. Who wouldn’t be?
Now, thereafter, the Chief runs into Max and offers to perfect Max’s blade and he does - and how! Max now has a blade with unlimited endurance. Naturally, Takao’s blade doesn’t stand a chance against it. Takao cries foul as he refuses to lose because Max as a mechanical advantage. Max later too concedes that this is not how he wanted to win - he wants them both to start off on an equal mechanical footing.
BUT, Max’s Draciel goes rogue. Max cannot control it and the Chief cannot stop it either. It doesn’t stop spinning and starts emitting some super ominous black fumes. Rei and Takao launch their blades in an attempt to neutralize it. Rei’s Driger gets sucked in but eventually, with a little help from Takao he gets Max’s rogue beyblade to stop.
It comes at a cost, though. There is a change in Driger. Rei’s blade turns darker in colour and changes into Darkness Driger. Rei wishes to carry it like a medallion, while the others go gaga over it.
I don’t know about how Darkness Driger is going to work out in the upcoming parts, but let’s see. Could it be negative? Maybe. Either way, I’m glad that even if it was in a couple of frames Aoki touched upon Max’s character and made a long held belief of mine canon. Thank you so much. I hope that there’ll be more character development there.
[Disclaimer: All frames used in this post are purely used for the purpose of criticism and review of the manga. All rights for the same vest in Aoki Takao.]
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ao3feed-mythology · 5 years
Just a Lucky Hit!
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HfOtYZ
by Darkrealmist
Since they met, Kinomiya Takao has been trying to decipher the meaning behind Mizuhara Max’s first words to him. Today, he may finally unravel the enigma.
Words: 1031, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade, Beyblade, Chinese Mythology, Japanese Mythology, Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon - All Media Types, The Simpsons
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kinomiya Takao | Tyson Granger, Mizuhara Max | Max Tate, Saien Manabu (Kyouju) | Kenny (Chief), Kon Rei | Ray Kon, Hiwatari Kai, Tachibana Hiromi | Hilary Tachibana, Mizuhara Taro | Taro Tate, Dragoon (Beyblade), Draciel, Choppy | Sparky (Beyblade), Ralph Wiggum, Krusty the Clown
Relationships: Kinomiya Takao/Mizuhara Max | Tyson Granger/Max Tate
Additional Tags: Absent Parents, Acceptance, Acrobatics, Action, Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, Adventure, Adventure & Romance, Advice, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst, Angst and Feels, Angst and Humor, Angst and Romance, Animal Attack, Animalistic, Animal Metaphors, Animals, Anime, Art, Asian-American Character, Asian Character(s), Astrology, Athletes, Awkward Conversations, Awkward Crush, Awkward Flirting, Awkwardness, Battle, Beards (Facial Hair), Begging, Belonging, Biracial Character, Bisexual Character, Bisexual Character of Color, Bisexual Male Character, Bonding, Books, Boyfriends, Boys Being Boys, Boys In Love, Boys Kissing, Boys' Love, Boys Will Be Boys, Bromance, Bromance to Romance, Budding Love, Canon - Anime Dub, Canon Backstory, Canon Character of Color, Carnival, Cats, Character(s) of Color, Childhood Friends, Childhood Memories, Chinese Character, Chinese Mythology & Folklore, Comedy, Coming of Age, Communication, Compare and Contrast, Competency, Competition, Complete, Confessions, Confusion, Constellations, Cross-cultural, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Crushes, Cultural Differences, Cultural References, Culture Shock, Cute, Cute Ending, Cute Kids, Dancing, Dating, Daydreaming, Declarations Of Love, Despair, Destiny, Developing Relationship, Devotion, Dialect, Dogs, Domestic, Domestic Bliss, Domestic Fluff, Double Entendre, Doubt, Dragons, Drama, Drama & Romance, Duelling, During Canon, Eating, Education, Embarrassment, Emotional, Emotions, Endearments, Epic Bromance, Epic Friendship, Episode Related, Exhaustion, Explanations, Falling In Love, Family, Family Bonding, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Fanfiction, Fanservice, Fantasy, Fate, Fate & Destiny, Father-Son Relationship, Fear, Feelings, Feelings Realization, Feels, Female Character of Color, Female Protagonist, Feral Behavior, Fights, First Kiss, First Meetings, Food, Foreign Language, Flashbacks, Flirting, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Fluffy Ending, Freckles, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Friends to Lovers, Fun, Funny, Games, Geniuses, Geography, Gluttony, Gods, Growing Up, Happy, Happy Ending, Harm to Animals, Having Faith, Heartache, Heartbeats, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Hobbies, Holding Hands, Hope, Hopeful Ending, Hope vs. Despair, Honesty, Humiliation, Humor, Humorous Ending, In-Jokes, Innocence, Interracial Relationship, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Japanese-American Character, Japanese Character(s), Japanese Culture, Japanese Mythology & Folklore, Jeans, Joyful, Kendo, Language Barrier, Languages and Linguistics, Laughter, LGBTQ Character of Color, Light Angst, Light-Hearted, Love, Love Confessions, Love Stories, Machines, Male Bonding, Male Character of Color, Male Friendship, Male Protagonist, Male Slash, Mathematics, Meditation, Meet-Cute, Meta, Metaphors, Mice, Minor Canonical Character(s), Minor Character(s), Mischief, Mistakes, Misunderstandings, My First Work in This Fandom, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Nervousness, Nicknames, Nonverbal Communication, Nostalgia, Oblivious, One Shot, One True Pairing, Originally Posted Elsewhere, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, OTP Feels, Pet Names, Pets, Philosophy, Pining, Plans, Poetic, Predator/Prey, Pre-Slash, Pride, Prodigies, Puns & Word Play, Queer Youth, Questioning, Reading, Reading Aloud, References to Canon, Relationship Discussions, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Reminiscing, Riding, Rival Relationship, Rivalry, Role Reversal, Romance, Romantic Angst, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Fluff, Romantic Gestures, Sappy, Sappy Ending, Scheming, Schoolboys, Secret Admirer, Secret Crush, Secrets, Shame, Shock, Showing Off, Situational Humiliation, Slash, Smile, Spirit Animals, Spirits, Spiritual, Sports, Sports Metaphors, Stars, Strategy & Tactics, Studying, Supernatural Elements, Surprises, Sweet, Swords, Teaching, Team, Team Bonding, Teambuilding, Team Dynamics, Team Feels, Team Fluff, Teasing, Technology, Teeth, Tickling, Tongue Twisters, Tongues, Touching, Tournaments, Toys, Training, Travel, Truth, Turtles, Understanding, Urban Fantasy, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Watching, Weirdness, Whimsy, Wish Fulfillment, Wordcount: Over 1.000, Wordcount: 1.000-3.000, Wordcount: 1.000-5.000, Wordcount: Under 10.000, Word Games, Words, World Travel, Worry, Young Love
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2HfOtYZ
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