#tarot rider
samanthatarotista · 2 years
Te respondo las preguntas que me dejes en comentarios 🕯️
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bloodwards · 7 months
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bene gesserit costuming + occult and religious imagery
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unhelpfultarot · 1 month
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Page of Cups and The Hanged Man
If you want the rewards of being loved you have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.
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illumi-nati-png · 2 months
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Maura said, “That’s your card.”
On the card on the table was a black knight astride a white horse. The knight’s helmet was lifted so that it was obvious that his face was a bare skull dominated by eyeless sockets. The sun set beyond him, and below his horse’s hooves lay a corpse.
Outside the windows behind them, a breeze hissed audibly through the trees.
“Death.” Gansey read the bottom of the card. He didn’t sound surprised or alarmed. He just read the word like he would read eggs or Cincinnati.
“I thought that psychics didn’t predict death,” Adam said quietly. “I read that the Death card was only symbolic.”
-Maggie Stiefvater
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a-d-nox · 3 months
pac/pap: what exists before you that you can't see?
take what resonates leave what doesn't - nothing is 100% for you because these aren't personalized so please no angry comments or dms about what i am saying not being a good fit for you or that you "don't claim" just keep scrolling if that is the case. be kind, self reflect, and have fun.
last pac/pap: how can you grow/blossom?
masterlist of pap/pac posts
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
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pile one
there is disharmony/imbalance within a relationship of yours. this could lead to a new/potential strain/breakup. there will be pain for you - to get the relationship back on track promote an equal give-and-take. you both require mutual support and emotional fulfillment. even if that means you have to say no to certain relationships or aspects of the relationship.
pile two
you are connected more with who you are than you know - you are aligning with your true self. your emotional intelligence is on the rise - keep expressing your true feelings and you will find yourself in better relationships, new opportunities, and generally gaining more satisfaction in life. keep using your intuition and being open to new ideas/thoughts.
pile three
subconsciously you are doubting yourself - what is stopping you? YOU - you are getting in your own way. is something not going your way - not getting where you want to be? it's you - i know that's a hard pill to swallow, but either reevaluate and try again OR have some patience. quitting isn't an option. you quit trying - you'll be quitting on yourself.
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bijoutarot · 26 days
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How Do They View You?
Pick an Image
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Image 1
Image 1 your person views you as someone who isn’t the loudest one in the room. You’re very low key and can easily slip out of social gatherings and can be almost home by the time people realize you have been gone for too long. You stand up for what you believe in and you often speak up for those who cannot do it for themselves. You may be working in human services/social services field/teacher or volunteer doing advocacy work. There are a lot of people/ youth who look up to you and depend on you. They view you as someone who brings positivity and finds light in dark situations.
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Image 2
Image 2 your person views you as someone who has been through a lot of things but persevered. They recognize and admire that you could have been angry at the world for the cards you were dealt yet you are quite the opposite. You might have been stuck in a bad situation for a time being in getting the feeling of being imprisoned. There were a lot of blockages in your path but you have been fighting back; fighting hard like a bad ass! There are lots of chains that were placed around you to hold you back from progressing. They view you as someone who does not know what you want but in reality you are just being very careful about who you allow to come close to you.
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Image 3
Image 3 people around you have been throwing themselves at your feet. This person sees how much people are always watching you and how they are really attracted to you. This person feels as though you are on a higher level and they wonder what can they offer to you that you don’t already have. They view you as an intellectual beauty with a dash of sensuality. The full package. You embody everything they are searching for in a partner. They also see that you are not willing to settle for less.
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Image 4
Image 4 you are seen as sexy, fiery, intelligent, and patient. They also view you as very humble and financially stable. They are intrigued by you and how you keep things to yourself. You are a mysterious challenge. You bring out a level of interest they haven’t felt about anyone in a long time (longgg long time). Part of them wants to keep watching and admiring you from afar while the other part just wants to get to know you…the real you. You seem very guarded of your personal life. You’re not the type that brings all of their problems to work and tell everyone your business. You’re more like the professional that stays to themselves which is making this person want to peruse you even more. They wonder if you have been hurt before and if that is the reason you push people away.
Comment which reading resonates ✨
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chronic-monachopsis · 9 months
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Queen of Pentacles Abigail Hobbs !
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disease · 10 months
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crystals-cave · 10 months
PAC: Your Hidden Talents
Happy Holidays! Here’s a reading on your hidden talents before the December reading 🖤
Pick a pile that sparks a memory in you - it could be a person/place/music/ object etc. If more than 1 pile sparks a memory in you, pick the pile that evokes the strongest emotions in you. However, if you feel strongly for both, you may go ahead and read more than 1 pile.
As this is a general reading, do take what resonates for you and take the rest with a pinch of salt.
Warning: This reading will be rather blunt and honest. Do proceed with caution❗️
Note: all pictures used in this reading are taken by me
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Pile 1
The Fool (rx)
The World
6 of Pentacles
10 of Cups
7 of Cups (rx)
Hi Pile 1👑
At a glance, I see that your hidden talent lies in your ability to manifest material abundance. I would not say that this talent will bring you wealth or make you a billionaire, but you’ll be able to live in comfort.
Another talent I see is the ability to know what people actually need. You have no trouble reading between the lines of what people are saying. And you also know what people truly desire - even when they do not say it.
Overall, I would say that you are happy with what you have but you also constantly desire for more. The desire for more is a fine line to being greedy. At times, you may be a little vain and ignorant of others. Maybe you are so comfortable that you often forget that there are others out there struggling to feed themselves. Remember to be thankful for the abundance you have and be more sensitive to people less fortunate out there.
Your hidden talents: manifest abundance, read between the lines, know what people trule desire
To take note: be less ignorant, be more sensitive to others
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Pile 2
6 of Wands
Ace of Swords (rx)
Wheel of Fortune (rx)
The Star (rx)
Page of Swords
Hello Pile 2 ☁️
Welcome to your reading.
Your hidden talent lies in your luck. You are who is quite lucky in general. Even if you’re not, you somehow always get what you want - especially if it’s something you care about.
You are likely somebody who thinks you’re just an ordinary guy/girl-next-door, but I would say that you often avoid the worst of outcomes. There are people who are lucky in material abundance, or lucky with people, but you are someone who is lucky in situations. You are likely to come out unharmed during a disease outbreak (covid, perhaps?). And you are likely to have experienced multiple “blessings in disguise” where you thought you lost a job offer - but in reality you avoided being a victim of a job scam.
Despite your lucky talent, I feel that you tend to act without deliberation. Sometimes, you just want instant results but do not care to read and think through properly. I advice you to calm down and think through before following through what you do. Your luck may bring you to greater heights when it does not need to save you from your carelessness.
Your hiddent talent: luck, able to avoid unfortunate situations
To take note: think before acting, be less impulsive
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Pile 3
Queen of Pentacles
7 of Wands (rx)
Judgement (rx)
Queen of Swords
4 of Pentacles
Hey Pile 3 🌸
Your hidden talents are stability and intelligence. You are someone grounded who prefers simple stability than risky wealth. You are someone who gains more living honestly than taking big gambles. You have likely felt the burn when you took a risk in the past. Feeling comfortable and stable is a talent that many do not have, given how numerous people may have acquired wealth but feel like they can topple over like a house of cards.
Pile 3, you are also someone deeply intelligent. You are often able to make sound and wise decisions to protect your stability. Even if you think otherwise of your smarts, people around you have definitely noticed it.
Something to note will be your high chance of singlehood. Your talent for stability and intelligence will likely bring you wealth, however, potential partners may feel threatened by it. They likely feel inadequate or out of your league when they compare themselves to you - although you have never said anything to make them feel this way. My advice will be to expand your social circle and befriend those who would not feel threatened by your accomplishments.
Your hidden talent: stability, intelligence
To take note: singlehood, people feeling threatened by your wealth/accomplishments, expand your social network
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Pile 4
2 of Swords
The Empress
The Fool
3 of Wands (rx)
Hi Pile 4 🌹
Right off the bat, I see that you’re a multi-talented pile.
You have a natural talent of seeing through people. You do not let appearances fool you and you’re able to hear the bullshit from people’s words. You are able to see people for what they are and will not let others convince you otherwise.
Another talent you have is related to beauty or the arts. Some of you in this pile have the gift of beauty - you may be blessed with good physical appearance. For others, beauty means having a knack for fashion or makeup. For those blessed with the arts, you could be an artist if any form - visual arts, handicrafts, music, perfumery etc. I see that you have at least 3 forms of talent mentioned above.
One more talent you carry is not fearing the unknown. Humans are usually afraid to venture into places that others have not set foot into. However, that does not apply for you. Instead, you welcome the unknown and whatever else it brings along. This can make people steer away from you as it can make you seem unpredictable and volatile.
With so many talents, people tend to be wary of you and some may even try to talk you down. Do not let the negativity affect you. My advice is to filter through who you befriend as those who are accepting of you will not be threatened by your many talents.
Your hidden talent: ability to see through people, beauty, the arts, not fearing the unknown
To take note: may appear volatile to people when you welcome the unknown too much, do not let what others think weigh you down
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askefrueee3 · 2 days
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XVI. The Devil- Sabine
After a long break (for which I'm sorry :c), the fanbase favourite- Sabine, as The Devil card. Meanings of this card include: violence, force, extraordinary efforts.
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lovepeaceandtarot · 3 days
Pick a card - What will be revealed to you?
(Escolha uma carta - O que será revelado a você?)
If you want a reading on your energy, just schedule a paid reading with me in DM!
(Se quiser uma leitura na sua energia, basta agendar uma leitura paga comigo na DM!)
If that found you, it was for a reason. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t resonate.
(Se isso encontrou você, é por uma razão. Pegue o que ressoar e deixe o que não ressoa.)
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Card 1 - Someone will tell you something new or who will confess that he is in love with you or that someone fell in love. Someone managed to achieve the goals.
(Carta 1: Alguém vai te contar alguma novidade ou que vai confessar que está apaixonado por você ou que alguém se apaixonou. Alguém conseguiu atingir as metas.)
Card 2 - Someone will reveal that they bought a house or that you managed to buy a new house. Someone will call you to travel with her..
(Carta 2 - Alguém vai revelar que comprou uma casa ou que você conseguiu comprar uma casa nova. Alguém vai te chamar para viajar com ela..).
Card 3: For some of you, it may be that someone reveals something that worries you in bed. For others it may be that someone you least expect will be the first to welcome you in a difficult situation.
(Carta 3: Para alguns de vocês, pode ser que alguém revele algo que o preocupa na cama. Para outros pode ser que alguém que voce menos espera vai ser o primeiro a te acolher em uma situação dificil.)
#tarot #tarotportugal #tarotreading #career #careerreading #generalreading #foryou #foryoupage #explore #explorar #amorproprio #tarô #tarotcards #tarotcomunity #consultasdetarot #selfcare #autocuidado #freetarotreading #generalreading #acolhimento #loveyourself #pickapiletarot
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unhelpfultarot · 2 months
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Ten of Cups and The Sun
Everything is beautiful, and nothing hurts.
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captainsieni · 8 months
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The Archduke - Gortash
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a-d-nox · 2 months
pac/pap: how can i present myself in the best way possible?
take what resonates leave what doesn't - nothing is 100% for you because these aren't personalized so please no angry comments or dms about what i am saying not being a good fit for you or that you "don't claim" just keep scrolling if that is the case. be kind, self reflect, and have fun.
last pac/pap: mid-year reflection - what have you accomplished and what should you be working on for the rest of the year?
masterlist of pap/pac posts
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
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pile one
don't be afraid to stand your ground and ruffle a few feathers. conflict is a part of life. its more important that you handle yourself accordingly than anything else. understand your triggers and learn how to put a mask on (remain composed and determined) when you really just want to snap. showcase strength. what's more important - you being right? you getting the last word? you being able to walk away from a hostile situation? continue to acknowledge and learn from the conflicts you have. learn resilience and wisdom in those moments. show others that you can be the bigger person and stand up for your ideas/self.
pile two
you definitely need to re-strategize how you are presenting yourself. y'all look like you are going through chaos and are constantly caught in a predicament. look for your new angle. no one is working against you but you. so this is your time to recollect yourself. be more honest with the world around you. by highlighting your honesty and ethics, others will gravitate towards you. own up to your imperfections and past mistakes - others will be mystified by your maturity. be clear and direct. be straightforward and tactful. others will come to appreciate your genuineness and reliability.
pile three
shake it out. you are tight and on edge right now and resisting all the things worth celebrating/indulging in. ask yourself why that is. be more present and learn to enjoy yourself a bit more - others will pick up on this change for the better. hell you will find new and improved opportunities coming your way too. show that you are resilient and can manage the hurdles that will come your way. nothing is perfect nor will it ever be 100% as planned. so might as well learn to shrug it off and just enjoy the process. others will be refreshed by your energy and appreciative of you in return.
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bijoutarot · 22 days
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Things People Admire About You 🖤✨
Pick an Image
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Image 1
Image 1 you are the life of the party. You are the perfect person to bring along to social events whether it’s something casual or something formal. What people admire the most about you is your loyalty. No matter what you will stand up for what is right. You are passionate about your morals and will stand on your beliefs no matter what you are facing. You have the biggest heart and give the love you have not received in the past. This makes you the one people do not want to lose.
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Image 2
Image 2 you are open minded and open to change. You are not the type of person who remains stagnant in situations. You are always ready to move on from things that do not serve you. People admire your flexibility and resilience. You are viewed as a strong figure in your environment, someone who evaluates situations objectively. You are not easily swayed into making decisions people may try to manipulate you into doing. You refuse to fit the societal norms people typically stress about. You walk your own path.
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Image 3
Image 3 people admire you for all you have accomplished. You have it all, financial stability, career or business, and a close knit circle of people you love and trust. People in your environment may come to you for advise because they know you are wise and solid. There is a lot of admiration from the people who have seen you grow and evolve into the person you are today. You have leveled up yet remain humble. Despite the setbacks and heartbreak you experienced in the past your heart has not hardened. You use what you went through as a way to help others.
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Image 4
Image 4 people admire your strength. You are the type of person that everyone leans on emotionally and when they are going through hard times. Although this is exhausting you don’t show it. You internalize things people say and think about how you can improve yourself. People are very attracted to you and often compliment your features; your skin, your hair, your lips, your eyes. You attract a lot of different people because of your beautiful positive energy but you are not easily captured like a Pokémon 😝.
Comment which reading resonates 🌙
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moyashidoodles · 7 months
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I’ve been holding on posting this publicly until I got the okay from @missjess5972
I’m so lucky to have people who like what I do asking me to draw things that I love. This was such a fun commission and I got to flex a bit with the visual storytelling. Thank you so much for commissioning me!!!
A few close ups under the cut
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