#tatsumi and chelsea
vj87g · 2 years
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ashe-tree · 7 months
Leone x reader smut. MINORS DNI, please🥲
Also, I'm well aware that I don't have Akame Ga Kill in my fandoms list. But I've been working on this one shot for a few years, and while it was supposed to be posted onto wattpad, I decided to post it here. I will not do request for this fandom unless it's for Leone. Yes, this is favouritism.
[This is either in the afterlife or an alive AU, i’m not entirely sure. it’s up to you guys :) but all nightraid characters are here :P]
“waiit, Lubbock!” Y/n hiccuped, holding their cider tightly in their hand and stumbling to get onto their feet to stop their friend from doing something stupid. “You don’t have to do this, man! just- just come back and sit with meeee!” the shorter of the two whined at Lubbock.
He just chuckled at how drunk Y/n had become from all of the cider they drank. “Noo, no, I want to do this for you! I’ll make sure she plays with us, okay?” Lubbock grinned before walking out to the hall and yelling at the top of his lungs, “WE’RE PLAYING SPIN THE BOTTLE IN HERE, COME JOIN US!” and before Y/n could say anything more, the rest of Night Raid came down to join them. “Alright, let’s get this party started!” he grinned before placing the empty bottle on the ground.
Everyone seemed to be too drunk to notice him rig the bottle. Even Mine seemed to be too out of it to notice the thin wires. “Alright, who goes first?” Lubbock grinned at everyone as Sheele raised her hand, 
“I’ll go first.” She spun the bottle and it landed on Chelsea. The two women looked at each other as Chelsea smirked cockily while she crawled over to Sheele, kissing the other, then moved back to her spot.
Chelsea spun the bottle, giving Tatsumi a wink causing Mine’s jealousy to spike as she hugged him, shooting a death glare at Chelsea. However, it didn’t land on him. It landed on Bulat. The two shrugged and kissed. Bulat immediately wiping off his mouth before spinning the bottle himself.
Finally, Lubbock's plan could move to phase three. Bulat and Leone kissed, the two laughing the whole time.
Now, here’s the thing about Lubbock. While he may be perverted and a total pain in the ass sometimes, he loved his friends and would do anything for them. So when Y/n had drunkenly confessed about their feelings towards the blonde butch of the group, he suggested playing spin the bottle. Y/n didn’t realize to what lengths he would go for his best friend. Rigging the game to set the two up.
And when Leone spun the bottle, Lubbock pulled on the strings and made the bottle stop on Y/n. Without anyone noticing. Y/n’s face turned red, almost looking uncomfortable with the result. Their best friend just nudged them with a grin and a wink. Leone had already made her way over to the two, and as she sat down on Y/n’s lap, she said, “we don't have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable. I mean, I don’t wanna lose, but I don't want to force you either.” she smiled at Y/n, it was a surprisingly sweet smile.
“No.. no, it’s not that.. er.. well.. I do want to play! it’s just.. um..” Y/n couldn’t finish their sentence before grabbing their cider and taking a big clunk. Then they kissed Leone, trying to convey their feelings through the drunken kiss. And once it was over, Y/n muttered out that they liked the blonde before getting up and leaving. Their face, as hot as a furnace as Y/n retreated back to their own room.
Leone just looked stunned before smiling and getting up. “You guys continue without us~” she winked at left, following Y/n to their room.
“Hey, don't be too loud!” Lubbock said, the rest of the group blushing and giggling at what was happening.
“No promises!” Leone yelled back, vanishing in the hallway. Once she arrived at the room, Leone knocked on the door. “Can I come in?” She asked with a grin.
The door opened to reveal Y/n, blushing and confused. “Why’re you here?” they looked up at the taller woman from behind the door.
“Well, that was pretty cowardly of you. Leaving me there with the others after that confession.” She walked in with force, not waiting for Y/n to open the door more. “I couldn't let you slip away that easily.” Leone purred as she walked up to them, towering over the drunk and timid Y/n.
“What are you getting at, Leone?” Y/n asked, taking a step back. They felt somewhat uncomfortable in this situation. Not because they didn't like it. It was for the opposite reason. 
They loved Leone and wanted Leone to love them, but Y/n also had heavy self-esteem issues and didn't think they were good enough for the lioness-like woman. 
“I'm saying, I like you too.” Leone said with a toothy grin. “I want you.” She grabbed Y/n's hands, holding them in her own.
Her statement got Y/n to blush more as they swallowed hard. “You do..?” They muttered out, like it was an impossible outcome. They weren't sure if this was a dream or not.
“If you'll have me.” Leone cupped their cheek, but not before guiding a strand of hair behind their ear. Y/n couldn't believe their eyes. Leone was blushing.
It stunned them. This woman, who seemed so confident and so far out of their reach, was looking at them with such love and adoration. They could only nod as an answer. But it didn't matter how they answered, just that they did. And Leone couldn't help but be overjoyed at this.
She leaned forward, her face stopping an inch away from theirs as she looked into Y/n's eyes, searching for any kind of rejection at the action. Instead, Y/n leaned the rest of the way in, kissing the woman they had been dreaming about since they met her.
The kiss quickly became heated, the two couldn't help it. It was probably thanks to the alcohol in their systems.
What was also probably due to the alcohol was how ballsy Y/n really was at the moment. They had always seen themself as submissive. So it came to a surprise to both parties when Y/n started to take the lead.
With Leone on the bed, laying on her back and Y/n on top of her, she was gasping and whimpering every time they kissed her neck or dragged their fingers over the skin of her collarbone and chest. “You're so pretty~” Y/n murmured into her ear. “So pretty..~”
“Stop teasing me..” She pleaded, hiding her face in her hands. This was unbelievable! She had always been the more dominant one in nature. But now the roles were reversed for some reason. “Please, Y/n..” Leone whined.
Y/n couldn’t help but chuckle at this, “wow~ you’re so submissive~!” They teased. Then they kissed her collarbone, then a little further down. Then stopped, “may I?” Y/n asked, and they may have been drunk, but they weren't about to proceed without proper consent.
“Y-” Leone took a second to clear her throat before continuing. “Yes.” She blushed. She couldn't help it. She wasn't used to this much love from someone. Let alone in this scenario. And the fact that despite Y/n's clear drunkenness, they didn't force themself onto her like others had.
They wanted her to enjoy herself.
And Y/n made good on that. They were gentle with her.
When they thumbed over her nipples and left hickeys all over her, they said a lot of small praises like “You're so pretty” and “so good for me..” or “you're so brave and so strong, but I want to treat you now, pretty girl.” Praising her was so easy when they admired her so much.
They were so gentle with her. She had heard about how they liked to bite people they loved. Hell, she had been bitten a few times before as well, but here there were no teeth. And not because they didn't think she could handle it, they knew she could. But right now, it wasn't about them. It was about her. Y/n’s bites were selfish, so their biting held no place here.
Leone gasped, Y/n had taken one of her nipples in their mouth and was sucking on it, their tongue teasing the small bud. And a smile appeared on their lips against her when they felt Leone's fingers comb through their hair and hold their head in place.
The soft whimpers that Y/n heard just made them want to do more. And so, with a rough squeeze, they kissed their way over to the other side, taking her other nipple into their mouth and giving it the same treatment.
Once their focus on her chest stopped, Y/n looked up at her face again. “Lower..?” Their voice was barely audible. And all Leone could do was nod and hum in silent plea.
Y/n moved off of the bed, and proceeded to clumsily yet somehow skillfully remove her pants. A small gasp was heard and Leone suddenly felt self-conscious. Was she not pretty? Did it not look right? Did they change their mind after seeing something they didn't like?
Instead, she heard “You're so beautiful..”
And almost immediately, Y/n fell to their knees and rested their hands on her knees. “I want..” they started, their mind seemingly drifting away under the influence of alcohol. “I want to taste you. Can I?”
Why did they kind of sound excited when they asked that? Like she was their treat? It didn't matter, since it still made her feel special, fuzzy inside. Though, that could have been the alcohol.
“Please..” She gasped. She couldn't not be honest about it. She wanted them to eat her out. And that was special. None of the others she had been with treated her this well or did this for her and not out of selfishness. Hell, if she wanted any real pleasure, she would always have to take control. But it was nice to be pampered like this. It's why she was more dominant often. But with Y/n, their focus was solely on pleasuring her. “I want you..”
Y/n’s face burned as they looked up at her with a wide eyed awe. It made her giggle. And they smiled at her at the noise. Then they peppered kisses from her knees, up her thighs and- they completely hopped over her core, where she needed them most. Instead they kissed down her other thigh.
“Y- Y/n.. please..” Leone begged, her voice weak. And it just made the smaller of the two giggle.
“So needy~” they bit down on her inner thigh, making her yelp with surprise.
The person in question could only chuckle as they placed their cheek against Leone's thigh. She was so pretty from this angle. 
Feeling as though they've done enough teasing, Y/n finally gave her what she wanted. They moved their head in, resting snuggly between her thighs as their lips found their way around her clit.
The sudden contact made Leone startle, shuddering under Y/n with a gasp. And Leone could tell that Y/n had never done this before because, this wasn’t that great. It wasn't even good. But she still felt amazing. She was drunk and honestly drunk sex is the best sex in her opinion, because it doesn't need to be that good for her to still feel amazing. That was until-
“FUCK-! Y/n- Y/n, baby, careful...” Leone gripped Y/n’s hair and tried to yank them away after they bit her. “no-.. no biting.. please..”
"Sor-sorry! you just.. I just-.. I'm sorry..” They apologised. It sounded like they wanted to say something else, but..
“What is it?” Leone asked, her voice caring as she sat up on the bed. And Y/n shook their head.
“Nothing, Leone, you just taste like candy.. I kind of forgot what was happening..” Y/n blushed with a giggle.
And Leone couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter. Y/n, the sweet little cinnamon roll, had thought of Leone as candy and actually started trying to eat her. Maybe drunk sex with this dork wasn’t the best idea.
Yea, sorry for the weird post. Might make a part two if I feel like it. But silly ending!!
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starlostlix · 3 months
ANIME REVIEW - Akame Ga Kill!
[This isn't a really formal review it's just fun for me to talk about the show I saw]
Also major HUGE spoiler warning I literally spoil all the character deaths and ending
- Released - 2014
- Episode count - 24 (1 season)
- Watched in - English Dub
This show feels very different from ones I've seen previous. Mostly because it's got much more fanservice aimed at men than any other show I've watched I think. But a general breakdown:
- Plot
So it's a relatively simple plot of a group of assassins fighting against a tyrannical ruler and its supporters. Sometimes the episodes can feel a little off in the pacing. My specific issues with pacing come in dialogue sometimes but it's not a huge issue imo. I also think that the show jumps around a lot plot-wise without spending enough time exploring its theme and more time on its characters or fights, so I think some improvements could be made there really.
I think the plot really gets very interesting with the introduction of General Esdeath and the Jaegers as a parallel to Night Raid. I think it's a very interesting narrative choice and the fights between them are really good (as are most of the fights in general).
A somewhat major issue for me is the way they present some of the romances in the show, specifically General Esdeath's obsession with Tatsumi and Lubbock's feelings for Najinda. These ones just feel kind of uncomfortable a lot of the time. Chelsea's seemingly romantic feelings for Tatsumi that kind of appear out of nowhere before her death are confusing to me really but there are romances that seem good, especially between Mine and Tatsumi. Also I think from the beginning this show is shown to be one of those ones where a large portion of the cast is romantically interested in the main guy anyway so I'm not sure I should be that surprised.
Another issue is that fact that a lot of the time Akame, our titular character, doesn't feel like the main character of her own show (but when she is focused on she absolutely shines I love her). I think some elements of that comes with an ensemble cast but I think it could have been done a bit better.
The role of the Imperial Arms is really cool and I like the variety of abilities they have. The lore behind them is really interesting and I think my favourites are Akame's sword, Kurome's sword, Balut/Tatsumi/Wave's armour, Esdeath's ice powers, Soosano, Mine's gun Pumpkin, and Run's wings (I wish we got to see him use those more). I have to give Ubiquitous' dog one a shoutout for creativity like that thing is insane.
- Characters
The majority of the characters in this show are quite likeable for me at least. Sure there's occasionally some jokes and stuff they do/say in weird or bad taste but not enough to where it's not fun to watch them.
My personal favourites are Akame, Najinda, Tatsumi, Soosano, Mine, Lione, Kurome, and Esdeath. I also lowkey had a bit of a crush on Najinda throughout the whole show but that's not that important.
I was also surprised by Bulat being openly gay in the dub, even if some of his moments felt distasteful (him flirting with Tatsumi specifically). But I don't know enough about the history of queer representation in anime to know talk in depth about that really.
In terms of ones I didn't like, there's not really that many. Prime Minister Honest is the antagonist and so we are meant to dislike him and I very much do. I also found Dr Stylish uncomfortable and his experimental creations kind of creepy (but yet I still think cool writing choices). Sometimes I found Ubiquitous a bit too intense but I didn't hate her for it, it just felt a bit annoying at times. No others really come to mine right now though. There was probably some other more forgettable ones that I disliked but like I said they aren't memorable enough.
I think the choice to make Tatsumi and Wave foils of one another is very cool and I like that about their dynamic. I actually like Wave a lot too and I wish we saw more of him. Another really good dynamic is Akame and her sister Kurome (I love sibling angst, I am a fan of Arcane after all). In terms of the romances Mine and Tatsumi are really cute together and I wish we got to see more of their relationship.
- Chararcter deaths
This gets its own section because frankly it's a pretty key part of the story on its own. Unlike some series, this one isn't afraid to kill characters from time to time. And there's a lot - until only Akame and Najinda are left at the end.
The first death, Shelle, was well done, as was the second with Bulat (I wish he got to stick around but Tatsumi needed to get an imperial arms somehow). The thing in common with the deaths is that they are all made to be impactful and this is shown in different ways for each death.
One death I have to point out for being particularly saddening is Bols. The imagery of him reaching out to his wife and child as he crawls and slowly gets weaker is honestly really heartbreaking (specifically because he is shown to have a very sweet caring side despite his crimes). I think his shyness and caring nature despite his appearance and criminal backstory made me really like him.
Other key ones - Tatsumi in the second to last episode, Lubbock being impaled, Mine passing by Tatsumi's side, Soosano :(, Esdeath (the entire Esdeath and Akame duel is awesome), Kurome (her going in for what looks like a hug from her sister and being stabbed makes me ill), Chelsea's head, etc.
The deaths are generally done pretty well even if sometimes the succession of them is a bit too quick (Bols and Chelsea died in the exact same episode for example).
- Animation
The style of the animation is pretty solid. It looks nice generally and there's the occasional more detailed frames for specific moments to create more impact which I always enjoy.
The character designs are also all very distinct and I really enjoy that, and the ones that are more similar are like that for a good reason (obviously like Akame and Kurome as sisters). Bulat's hair makes me think of Jojo characters (which I haven't seen the show of but i feel like I still know what they look like). The designs of all the imperial arms are also cool (Run's imperial arms is especially underutilised and i'm still kind of sad about it) and make them all distinct.
- Ending
I had heard that this was changed from the original manga ending but i'm going off the anime alone here. This ending sort of makes sense with Akame's character and her journey of carrying the weight of her victims with her (but now that also includes her friends). I think it's also a more realistic outcome of revolution than other shows. I'm happy that Najinda gets more time to be a girlboss even if it's not much. I would have really loved to see where Akame went next but I think it makes sense that we don't see that based on the plot and Akame's character anyway.
- Overall
So generally this is a pretty decent anime. I think it's got good ideas, fun characters and a decent episodic moments. It strikes a somewhat decent balance of fun and sadness for me, and is quite enjoyable overall. To give it a score, i'd probably say a solid 6.5-7/10. (Do not take this in relation to all anime i've only watched like 5 anime series all the way through, this is like a personal rating mostly based on enjoyment really).
[Its my first time trying something like this, since I don't have anyone to talk to about this show (my friend's bf introduced me to it but my friend still hasn't finished it yet) I thought it would be fun to post a review style thing here to talk about it! I may do more of these with new shows or seasons of shows I watch but idk yet. Also this has been in my drafts for weeks so I'm just posting it randomly now apologies if it's not written too well i forgot about it]
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midnightlee25 · 6 months
Random Yandere Headcanons: Would they want their darling to become dependent on them or stay independent? - Akame ga Kill!
Completely depended on them: 
Mixed (they will want them to be depended on them but doesn't mind some independence):
Independent enough to where they don't need to hold their hand all the time:
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madara-fate · 5 months
Annon-Guy: Akame ga Kill!
And this ask is about what you thoughts about the Jeagers (Esdeath, Wave, Kurome, Run, Bols, Seryu Ubiquitous and Dr. Stylish) are?
P.S. Like Tatsumi, Mine and Chelsea, most of the Jeagers are divided among the fanbase. Mostly with Esdeath (Too predictable and overpowered and questioning if she can be redeamed), Kurome (Was considered boring at first, than hated for how she defied Chelsea's corpse and questioned if she should be redeamed), Bols (despite being a good father/husband is called out for killing innocents despite being aware of his crimes like Night Raid), and ESPECIALLY Seryu (despite having good intentions and redeeming qualities like caring for her comrades and being fond of children, is hated for killing Shelle and having a demented case of Black and White Insanity).
Weird note to end this ask on, but do you think in an alternate turn of events that Kurome, Bols and even Seryu could have become allies to Night Raid? I do know that Wave and Kurome end up as this, but I'm curious.
Esdeath - My favourite character in the series, 'nuff said.
Wave - He was cool, I mildly preferred him to Tatsumi, and I also preferred the standard look of his Grand Chariot Teigu in comparison to Tatsumi's Incursio.
Kurome - I had a similar opinion of her that I did of Akame, and I guess that's not a surprise considering they're sisters.
Run - Not much of an opinion on him, but I did quite like his Teigu.
Bols - Seemed like a nice guy, and I really liked his family. It's a shame he got caught up in the profession that he did.
Seryu Ubiquitous - Here's a controversial opinion, I loved her character, because she just added so much spice to the series.
Dr. Stylish - Not much of an opinion on him either.
It is exceedingly common for fans to hate a character who kills a fan favourite, regardless of their reasons or however justified their actions may have been. I'm different - Whether or not a character is "good" or "evil" means less than nothing to me when determining how much I like them. Even when they kill another character that I like, my opinion of them won't lessen because of this. The only thing that matters to me when judging how much I like a character, is how well they retain my attention, that's it.
A prime example of this is Seryu - As you highlighted, she was largely hated in the fanbase for killing Sheele and having a demented case of black and white Insanity. However, despite the fact that I loved Sheele and was gutted at her death, it was precisely Seryu's demented case of black and white insanity that made me love her so much, not as a person, but as a character, because you don't have to be a good person in order to be a good character, and I found her character to be absolutely fascinating. I loved the contrast of how caring she was towards her teammates, and how unhinged she could be when carrying out her brand of justice.
To answer your last question, yes I do, but many things are possible in an alternate turn of events, so that may not be saying much.
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maguro13-2 · 5 months
Akame's New Universe.
*Door Opening*
Akame : What do you want? Oh it's you Tatsumi.
Tatsumi : Hey, Akame. Sorry that we heard that Hinowa's story got abrupted and I realized that she was gonna doom you from the start and Takahiro wasn't involved on betraying you.
Akame : So what? I heard that Hinowa Ga Crush's story was being less popularity and the sales of the manga had been low, so there! The world of Akame Ga Kill is ruined! I'm with another unvierse now, and it's all Square Enix's fault that they hired an new manga artist that ruined the Akame Ga Kill universe!
Tatsumi : I'm sorry, that it wasn't his fault that Hinowa dropped the bomb, it was the company's. No wonder why they had to axe Hinowa in the back or executed by axe, and Takahiro has made you live in a new universe, guess he wasn't wrong about you after all. They thrown Hinowa out like garbage, and did you know why the new manga that square enix made because Square Enix is such an imbecile? Come on, say it. I'm just trying to be polite, the Akame Ga Kill universe is not as dead as you think, Akame! You gotta believe that why did Hinowa Ga Crush got abrupted and axed, what's the deal with Square Enix being a piece of sh*t company, anyway? I mean, we're not shounen jump, shounen gangan and that's what we do!
Bulat : And now they're saying Hinowa Ga Crush is now being replaced by an Isekai Harem manga that Takahiro made? The nerves of our company! I No offense, but that's not what I meant. I mean Hinowa, that new friend. That is Truly wasted potential.
Tatsumi : You gotta tell me what really happened to Hinowa Ga Crush!
Bulat : (whispers into Tatsumi's Ear)
Tatsumi : Oh, I mean, you gotta tell me what's gonna happen to the Akame ga Kill universe after Hinowa ga Crush got the Axe!
Akame : Hold on a second.
Tatsumi : ...Well?
Akame : Since Takahiro made a new Isekai Harem Fantasy manga that replaced Hinowa Ga Crush, I realized that he written a new manga that was made for Shounen Jump, and therefore...
Tatsumi : ...There for what?
Akame : I just lost the Akame Ga Kill universe to the time-traveling entity that is related to Homura Akemi.
*DBZ SFX : Booming*
Tatsusmi : Oh sh*t!
Bulat : What the hell was that!?
*DBZ SFX : Loud Energy Explosion*
Lubbock : Holy Toledo!
Mine : Oh no! Our universe, our world! Everything is gone!
Chelsea : So does the empire! Hey, I'm alive! And great, I have my shoes left out.
Lubbock : So do I! It feels that I'm no longer dead, dead.
Tatsumi : Oh no! That was the Time Eater! Stupid Sega!
Lubbock : Ain't that a b*tch? Well, guess Hinowa got what she deserved, wasted potentials can truly destroy one's universe. Good thing that the script writer guy had to update this post to make look perfected and good-looking.
Tatsumi : I can't be that the world of Akame Ga Kill is gone.
Bulat : And there are no survivors that escaped before the Time Eater destroyed it.
[Wakle Portrait - Michiru Yamane]
Akame : There's that. The Akame Ga Kill universe. It's officially gone, erased, destroyed. Hardly to believe that this was the writer's fault, and that Hinowa girl that I met, I'll never able to see them again.
Leone : You right. Guess this is a big farewell to Akame Ga Kill. Now that the universe of ours won't extend, who's gonna make Akame popular again since White Fox Studio tried to destroy us all with wasted potential? YEOW! FREEDOM!
Me : (clears throat) Ahem!
Leone : I mean who's gonna make Akame popular again when all of the wasted potential tried to destroy us is gone? (Forcibly) yay, freedom!
Tatsumi : What's his problem?
Bulat : He'll get over it. At least he's not dead, he just got back from the spirit world to be Isekai'd into the real world. But at least he's happy that he finally got his freedom.
Leone : Well, I can't believe that our world is gone forever and we're never coming back to it. But at least that we are now living in Real World AU; could visit to your new universe, Akame.
Tatsumi : Well, after the anime had so much wasted potential, I knew that the Akame Ga Kill universe would go up in flames and I had to come into fruition since our last two nights at the studios. What new universe that you're currently living in now, Akame?
Akame : Oh yes, I live in that kind of universe and you are going to like it. Look up to the sign.
Bulat : (looks at something) What sign? Eh? I'm sorry, but what universe is that afaub
Tatsumi : Hmm? *Dexter/Samurai Jack SFX : Boing!*
Leone : Aw, what?! This is the universe that you live in?
Akame : Yep. I just had to make some changes for my demon lover, the hero of my new universe, he'll be happy to know about you guys.
Tatsumi : Hero of the new universe? What universe that you and lover live together in?
Tatsumi : (scoffs) Hell no!
Akame : (puts hand on his shoulder) Don't be jealous, you'll get used it.
(Iris out)
~ Welcome to the new world, Akame-chan!~
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annon-guy2 · 6 months
Video Game Idea: Gangan Clash! Dreamscape Rumble
Tumblr media
An HD-2D sprite fighting game idea featuring characters from Soul Eater, Fullmetal Alchemist and Akame ga Kill! along with the original characters from my Gangan Impact! Idea.
The story would take place in an "Alternate Universe" where the four worlds coexist as four seperate nations with fighters from the four nations traveling to a mysterious continent in the middle of the ocean and converge in a battle to decide the fate of the world with the heroes facing each other while fighting off the villains like Medusa, Bradley and Honest, who each have their own wicked plans for the island and the kingdoms.
Unbeknownst to everyone, the fighters are actually inside a dream world called Dreamrealm, which explains why canonically deceased characters appear in the story, although the living characters are unaware of what happened in the waking world due to events and their memories being altered.
(Although some facts remain true in the Dreamscape World like in the Waking World such as Soul Eater becoming a Death Scythe, Winry knowing Scar killed her parents and Mine becoming Tatsumi's girlfriend.)
The main Antagonist is Dreamscape, the mastermind seeking to control the four worlds through the dream world he crafted.
Playable Roster;
Soul Eater
Maka Albarn & Soul Eater
Black☆Star and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Death the Kid, Liz Thompson and Patty Thompson
Ox Ford and Harvar D. Éclair
Kim Diehl and Jacqueline O'Lantern Dupre
Kilik Rung, Fire and Thunder
Sid Barrett and Mira Naigus
Dr. Franken Stein
Lord Death
Marie Mjolnir
Crona and Ragnarok
Eruka Frog
Justin Law
Arachne Gorgon
Medusa Gorgon
Kishin Asura
Note 1: Spirit Albarn appears as an NPC and as Stein's Ultimate Attack.
Note 2: Angela Leon appears as an NPC and as part of Mifune's moveset.
Note 3: Mizune appears as an NPC and as part of Eruka's moveset.
Note 4: Yumi Azusa, Eibon, Giriko, Mosquito and Little Ogre appear as NPC's in the Story.
Note 5: Tsugumi Harudori, Meme Tatane, Anya Hepburn and Akane☆Hoshi from Soul Eater Not! appears as Special NPC's in the Story.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric
Alphonse Elric
Roy Mustang
Riza Hawkeye
Winry Rockbell
Alex Louis Armstrong
Maes Hughes
Olivier Mira Armstrong
Izumi Curtis
Van Hohenheim
May Chang
Ling Yao
Barry the Chopper
King Bradley
Note 1: Pinako Rockbell, Maria Ross, Miles, Sloth, Father, Gracia Hughes and Elicia Hughes appear as NPC's in the Story.
Note 2: Lan Fan appears as an NPC and as part of Ling's moveset.
Akame ga Kill!
Seryu Ubiquitous and Koro
General Budo
Prime Minister Honest
Note 1: Akame's Murasame is not a one-hit kill poison sword in this game's story, but is still a powerful sword with poison attacks that build up over time.
Note 2: Both Tatsumi and Bulat weild Incursio. In the crossover story, Bulat has Incursio Alpha, which translates to his full gameplay. Meanwhile, Tatsumi has Incursio Beta, which is a Drangon Install Super for him. However, Tatsumi's attacks with his Incursio Armor would be different from Bulat's attacks.
Note 3: Najenda appears as an NPC and as part as Susanoo's Moveset and Ultimate Attack.
Note 4: Sayo, Ieyasu, Dr. Stylish, The Emperor, Izou, Cosmina, Bols' Family and The Path of Peace Lord appear as NPC's in the Story.
Original Cast (The Warriors of Chronotica)
Snow Blossom
Diabolis Marx
Ghost Witch
Crimson Shadow
Kiku Mixel
Yumi Minazuki
Gyro Scrap-Iron
Dragoon Leviathan
Enishi Monarch
Gill Sharptooth
Wasp Hornet
Selene Astoria
Note 1: Dreamscape serves as the game's final boss with altered stats, properties and additional moves exclusive to his boss form.
Note 2: These characters are fan made characters, some of whom are inspired by other franchises. PLEASE DON'T STEAL!
Gangan Clash! Theme - Ao-iconoclast by Kotoko
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vj87g · 3 years
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animiconz · 3 years
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akame ga kill icons (300x300)
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amidrawings · 3 years
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Leone 🐯
I made this last year in November and it’s February now👁👄👁 yes very good at posting (not at all) but here’s one of my fave waifus at least! I finished the manga a week ago and boy did it gave me trauma😭👍 I watched the anime over a year ago but didn’t think much of it tbh the manga is better but it gave me so much trauma omg😭
Hope you like it!💜
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helenkwara · 4 years
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Akame ga kill
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madara-fate · 5 months
Annon-Guy: Akame ga Kill!
What are your thoughts on the ten members of Night Raid? (Tatsumi, Akame, Mine, Leona, Lubbock, Shelle, Bulat, Chelsea, Susanoo and Najenda)
P.S. I know Night Raid are meant to be anti-heroes, but would you say they're bad people? I understand why in terms of morality, as even Night Raid themselves admitted they don't view themselves as good guys, but considering the people they fight against, what do you think the author was trying to get at when he said they're no better than the Empire? Outside of being assassins, they're pretty decent guys to hang out with.
Also (this info is from TVTropes), aside from Mine (toxic shipping wars, harsh tsundere, author's favorite character and getting a coma in the manga instead of death), apparently Tatsumi (people view him as generic, don't like him for stealing Akame's spotlight as the protagonist and surviving situations others do) and Chelsea (being cynical/realist and killing Bols off) are the other Night Raid guys with mixed reception.
Tatsumi - I don't have much of an opinion on him to be honest. I have no issues with him, so I suppose that's good, lol.
Akame - I don't want to say she was kinda boring in comparison to the rest, but she kinda was in my opinion. I don't dislike her though.
Mine - Didn't like her at first, but she grew to be one of my favourite characters.
Leone - One of the more entertaining ones for sure.
Lubbock - Similar opinion that I had for Tatsumi.
Sheele - She was taken away from us too early, I quite liked her from what little we saw of her.
Bulat - Didn't make as much of an impression on me as Sheele did, but I did like him.
Chelsea - Much like Tatsumi and Lubbock, I didn't have much of an opinion on her.
Susanoo - His quirkiness with things being tidy was funny, and I very much enjoyed his final battle with Esdeath.
Najenda - I really wish that more of her past relationship with Esdeath was explored, they were quite the duo.
I never really looked at Night Raid and the Jaegers in terms of whether they're "good" or "bad" people. I looked at them all as people willing to do immoral things in order to achieve their goals. They were all fully devoted to their cause, and that was enough for me.
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bokenoboke · 4 years
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ok...two cuties...good
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beast-feast · 5 years
*in denial anyone in Akame Ga Kill died*
They didn't even get hurt what are you all talking about
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Night raid reacting to susanoo having a significant other? I don’t see anything for this guy
Susanoo having an s/o is something I'd literally die for ^~^
- "Pics or they're not real." -Lubbock, probably
- Needless to say, everyone is so supportive of him. Everyone has done such a good job making him forget he was a teigu at one point that he feels comfortable with instantly reporting when he found someone.
- Mine and Chelsea instantly asks to meet them most likely, Akame and Tatsumi ask about them a lot, Lubbock pressures for proof that they're real, the only people who really do react normally are Najenda and Bulat.
- Leone would be very excited and would be the one to have a gift ready when she meets them.
- Sheele would be the one to react very nicely also, and immediately offer herself to help plan dates and things for them to go on.
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firekingnatsu21 · 5 years
I love Chelsea and Tatsumi X Mine Spoiler For those who have not read the manga.
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