#taurus III 2023
abwatt · 1 year
Sun in Taurus III — the Litai
The Sun enters The Prayer Beads, Taurus III at 6:21 pm EDT on 10 May 2023 — how do you ornament those moments you wait in hope? How do you express patience as beauty and elegance? How do you pray?
The Sun enters Taurus III The Prayer Beads on May 10, 2023 at 6:21 pm EDT — in Greek myth, it’s the realm of the Litai, the spirits born out of the prayers of mortals. It was Austin Coppock who named this decan The Prayer Beads, as a part of the sky that’s ruled by Venus but managed by Saturn. Monastic minimalism is the aesthetic of this realm — plain unbleached linen and a sturdy rope of worn…
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sweetlady555 · 2 months
My Personal Solar Return Observations Pt III
reminder to check your degrees in your sr chart as they play a big factor in how certain sr placements would play out!
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Venus 5H 17° SR - when i had this in my sr chart for 2023-2024 i saw myself experimenting more with different creative styles/looks. i would try to find inspiration from different creatives on instagram. while i was doing this, i started talking to a well known designer in that creative scene who had messaged me because he liked my style. it was a secret relationship because he cheated on someone to be with me which i thought they were completely done but he kept going back to her then back to me. he was obsessed with me and it was a really weird relationship, he would only come to me when his lustful desires were acting up and then would go when he was satisfied 💀. i was tired of this so i started talking to someone else and he found and his little ego got so hurt and he blocked me thank fucking god 😭😭!! I was also approached by another creative because he wanted to use my face as inspiration for his clothing brand hehe ( the 17° rules leo & fame )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Aries Rising 2° SR - when i had this i felt like i was really impulsive i did lots of things without thinking twice. i had my chart ruler in the 5h that year so it might be different if you end up having your asc ruler somewhere else in your sr chart, but for me i was impulsive when it came to switching different styles. i also started drinking and partying for the first time when i had a aries rising in my sr when it was placed in my 5h. aside from this, i was very determined on finishing goals i set my mind to and i was very consistent in trying to build a good foundation for myself. ( the 2° rules taurus & early stages )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Moon 7H 4° SR - most of my relationships that i had that year were lowkey codependent, the guys i talked to that year were very emotionally dependent and attached to me. they would usually call or message me out of nowhere to vent or open up to me which would be random asf lmaoo ( the 4° rules cancer & security/protection )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Mercury 3H 28° SR - I started talking to my siblings more and my relationship grew closer with them. I also started becoming more vunerable with my siblings. My relationship with my siblings were more nurturing compared to the past. ( the 28° rules cancer & heightened sensitivity/vulnerability )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Mars 5H 21° SR - I went out a lot more when i had this in my sr chart with my sisters friends who would randomly go out just for the fun of it 😭, like it was last minute most of the times but it was so fun tho! i got to do lots of things on the trips we went to! I was also more open to expressing my creativity like making clothes and putting it out there and such. ( the 21° rules saggitarius & travel/freedom )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Jupiter 1H 8° SR - I was more optimistic about life when I had this placement in my sr chart. I also felt like I was really lucky when it came to travelling more. places ive wanted to go to forever i ended up going to! things i wanted to experience i experienced! it was a good year for experiencing new things. ( the 8° rules scorpio & transformations )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Uranus 2H 21° SR - yeah i dont know where my money went that year 💀 money would come fast and then it would go even faster 😭 i saw my money as a source of freedom and thought of money so recklessly like, “oh these shoes are $300 but i just got fired? dont worry the money will come back *BOUGHT🧾*” so i didnt care much about saving or anything 😭 it came back though!! but then it went bye bye the next day😍 also for some weird reason whenever i took money out from daily pay which is a app where you can take money out early from your check when you work, whenever i took it out it ended up saying i had to pay back the amount i took out? like uhhh im pretty sure this was my money i took out 😂🤔… so now im -$200 but they gotta catch me in person cuz im not paying that 😹 ( the 21° degree rules saggitarius and freedom )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Pluto 11H 29° SR - i ended two 5+ year friendship that year, it was hard but it was a trio and i found out that the both of them would ditch me to go hangout and do substances and i feel like that didnt align with my path because you are who you hangout with!! i also saw my goals/path changing that year, I completely re-evaluated what i wanted to do 🙏. ( the 29° is a anaretic degree that rules major transformations/completion/endings )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Chiron 1H 19° SR - I was VERY critical on how others percieved me and my self image, i had multiple identity crises. I was super insecure the year I had this in my sr chart i cant even lie, despite so many people telling me how beautiful I was I just couldnt see it. 2 months before my birthday in 2024 i ended up understanding who i was and finding out what I LIKE and not what other people expected of me. im not facing multiple identity crises anymore which i thank my nn in my 1h from that year 🙏. ( 19° rules libra & can make a person more erratic and critical )
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 1H SR in 5H SR - I was more open to showcasing my creative talents, designing clothes, starting lots of creative projects. I was also having sooo much fun that year i miss it so much but lemme stop reminiscing 💔 I was also more flirty and playful that year leading me to have a few romantic encounters this year. Lots of creativity, fun, and sexual encounters happened that year.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 2H SR in 5H SR - I spent most of my money on clothes and on creative projects just things that made me happy!!!! I was also recieving money from a lot of guys who wanted sexual things from me but they got #finessed and i didnt care because who do you think i am???????
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 3H SR in 3H SR - when i had this i started getting into astrology more, i was also reading a lot more aswell. I was really curious and i needed lots of mental stimulation from something that was neverending and astrology just so happened to be it 😹. I was also making tons of short trips that year.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 4H SR in 7H SR - my family life was lowkey stopping me from getting into any relationships, i came to the realization i wouldnt be able to get into any relationships while living with my parents because of how controlling they can be. Also my sister got into a new relationship that sr year.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 5H SR in 7H SR - I started talking to a creative designer the year I had my 5h in my 7h. I was also getting involved with creative partnerships aswell, promoting eye contacts/lashes/having my face used for someones brand. I also attended more parties and was going out more so i found most of my relationship encounters were through that.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 6H SR in 4H SR - i changed my diet when i had this in my sr. I also didnt know how to balance my work life and home life so it clashed terribly and i got fired😭. I was also going out more with my sister so my routines have changed from never going out at all to going out every week.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 7H SR in 5H SR - I met lots of new friends and different social circles through fun plans like partying, girls trips etc.. I also had lots of fun romantic encounters when i had this in my sr whether i met them when i was drunk or at parties it was lots of fun lol. There was so much childlike joy when it came to my relationships that sr year.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 8H SR in 5H SR - i lost my virginity the year i had this in my sr😶 but besides that my relationships in that sr year really shaped my understanding of love and myself. i was also recieving money from relationships i felt like a sugar baby🙈
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 9H SR in 1H SR - BABY I WAS OUTSIDEEE😭😩 okay besides that, that sr year when i had this i experienced a lot of new things that helped me discover who i was on the inside 😊. I was focused on self growth especially that year!
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 10H SR in 12H SR - I thought a lot about what I wanted to do career wise and how it would align with my goals and my purpose . I had this in my sr when I got fired 😭 and i realized I would prefer being my own boss when it came to my work life
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 11H SR in 12H SR - I unfriended my closest friends after re-evaluating our friendships that year. I also found out shady shit about them and I didn’t like that which led me to unfriending them
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 12H SR in 2H SR - i was manifesting money a lot the year i had this and im not even gonna lie it was coming!! so if you have this in your sr this year, manifest that moola$$$!!!!! i was also receiving money behind the scenes from other people the year i had this in my sr chart .
if my sr chart for that solar return year was a song it would be definitely be this song 🥲 #willforevercherishthatyear
dont forget to check out my other personal sr observations if you enjoyed this one :) !
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harmoonix · 1 year
Astro Meme Part III
X: Your house is on FIRE!!🔥🔥
Leo/Taurus/Libra/Sagittarius Placements
"Hold on let me take this selfie"
5 minutes later:
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X: I don't think you are fine, did something happened to you?
Pisces/Cancer/Scorpio/Virgo Placements:
"How do you know"?
Them: "Well you look like this "
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X: You laugh TOO much, take a break
Capricorn/Aquarius/Gemini/Aries Placements
"I CAN'T STOP Laughing help mE"
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X: "You stress too much about things you can't control, stop STRESSING, is gonna be fineeee"
"I will try"
Virgo/Gemini/Scorpio and Capricorn placements after 5 minutes:
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X: "Hey i wanted to check how you are,I know you go through many things right now, how's life going?
"Im okay, im feeling... awesome"
Pisces/Cancer/Libra/Aquarius placements at home:
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X: "I love how calm you are!!, I don't know how you can be so calm in such situations"
"Everything is fine"
Taurus/Sagittarius/Aries/Leo placements:
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X: "Isn't this your favorite song? I thought it was.."
"I like that song but is not my fav"
Gemini/Scorpio/Libra and Capricorn placements when they are alone
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X: "Why tf so many people stare at me? Do I have something on my face* I feel discomforted"
"Maybe they just like how you look like"
Pisces/Scorpio/Aquarius and Virgo placements later:
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X: "Are you nervous? I see you are acting strange, do you need any help?
"No I'm just anxious"
Aries/Cancer/Sagittarius/Gemini and Capricorn placements later:
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X: "I do have a crush on this guy, we meet at school and we made contact, tonight he invited me to a date"
"Tell me this is a joke"
Scorpio/Leo/Pisces/Sagittarius placements hearing that:
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Coming with an early morning post 🥰 by me
The end ✨🔥✨
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
BRF Reading - 12th of August, 2023
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 23rd of August, 2023
Question: Who was the source of the idea of removing Harry's HRH from the royal website? King Charles III would have had to approve it, but who thought of the idea and presented it to him? An Advisor? Prince William? Princess Anne? Someone else?
This is a one card reading
When I was shuffling the cards for this reading, this card fell out:
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The King of Pentacles
This is an earth sign person, especially a Taurus. The only earth sign people I know of in the BRF are Harry (a Virgo) and Princess Catherine (a Capricorn). Neither is a Taurus. I can't see Harry asking for his HRH to be removed from the royal website, so this is either Princess Catherine or and advisor who is a sun sign Taurus.
I finished shuffling the cards, cut the deck, and the card I drew was:
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The Queen of Pentacles
Again, this is an earth sign person, particularly a Capricorn, which points directly at Princess Catherine, or possibly an earth sign advisor.
I checked the bottom of the deck, and the card was:
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The Lovers
This card can be two people in a romantic relationship, like Princess Catherine and Prince William, or it can be a Gemini person. It indicates two people working together in partnership to present this idea to King Charles III.
The idea of removing Harry's HRH from the royal website originated with either two advisors working together, an earth sign person and a Gemini, or with Prince William and Princess Catherine. Either of those partnerships presented the idea to King Charles, who approved it (I assume) and then it was done on the website.
I'm feeling the idea as coming from Princess Catherine and Prince William more strongly than I am it coming from two advisors, especially with the water sign child indicated in the reading I did yesterday.
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diceriadelluntore · 9 months
Perchè Stairway to Heaven é considerata la canzone più bella?
Cara\o Anonima\o, Buon Natale.
Non sapendo se la tua è una domanda "positiva" (cioè perchè ritieni giustamente la canzone la più bella della musica rock) o "negativa" (cioè ritieni che non sia lei la migliore), ti scrivo che ne penso io.
Stairway To Heaven, scritta da Robert Plant e Jimmy Page, fa parte del leggendario quarto album dei Led Zeppelin, che non ha propriamente un titolo, ma è ricordato come IV, seguendo la numerazione dei precedenti, o Four Symbols, per i simboli che aveva in copertina a identificare i 4 componenti della storica band, disco uscito l'8 Novembre 1971. L'album è una sintesi del breve ma intensissimo percorso che la Band ebbe in meno di 2 anni, che li porta ad essere da sconosciuti a una delle più conosciute, imitate e leggendarie rock band del pianeta. Queste premesse vanno fatte perchè il brano è, secondo me, leggendario giustamente per tre motivi:
musicalmente, sintetizza il percorso, unico, che i Led Zeppelin intrapresero: partendo dal blues, stravolgendolo e avvolgendolo di un nuovo suono elettrico ed eccitante (i primi dischi I e II) virarono su una sorta di contaminazione folk elettrica (ascolta il III) trovando qui una sintesi di ispirazione tra le due, e proprio in questa canzone trovano una summa: l'intro acustico e sognante (che assomiglia tantissimo a Taurus degli Spirits, band che li accompagnò nei tour americani) che sale di energia fino all'assolo di Page, tra i più leggendari di sempre; e poi il testo, ispirato a Plant dalla lettura di Magic Arts in Celtic Britain di Lewis Spence (un poeta, letterato e occultista scozzese), ma anche dai miti folkloristici britannici, che stavano ritornando in auge grazie al folk rock e alla passione mai celata per le saghe Tolkeniane (già presenti per dire in Ramble On). Sulle qualità poi dei singoli musicisti, posso affermare che sono stabilmente nelle prime posizioni di sempre in ogni settore;
una componente di fortuna, perchè il brano, che dura 8 minuti tondi nel disco, non fu mai pensato come singolo di lancio. Ma i Deejay delle radio, ascoltando tutto il disco (come si faceva un tempo) decisero di passarla lo stesso, riscontrando il favore del pubblico; sin da subito divenne una sorta di prova del nove per tutte le band di giovani musicisti, e a testimonianza di ciò c'è il fatto che è di gran lunga lo spartito musicale più acquistato al mondo di sempre (se ne vendono 150 mila copie ancora oggi all'anno, nel 2023). Leggendario è un altro racconto: nei negozi di strumenti musicali americani è noto che si possono provare gli strumenti prima di acquistarli, e diceria vuole che dopo un po' fu affisso un cartello No Stairway, come a dire che avevano sentito così tante volte gli arpeggi che non ne potevano più. Fu peraltro decisivo il successo del disco, che nato sotto le peggiori paure della Atlantic, la casa discografica, per la decisione di non avere nessun titolo e zero pubblicità, divenne uno dei più grandi successi di sempre, con decine di milioni di copie vendute nel mondo;
c'è una componente più sottile, dire estetica: i Led Zeppelin esprimevano una musica che potremmo definire "maschia", nel senso che apparivano volutamente come semidei rappresentando una precisa idea di mascolinità: spesso a torso nudo, cascate di capelli, riferimenti sessuali espliciti (Whole Lotta Love è la trasposizione hard rock di un orgasmo) divennero iconici di una estetica hard rock di potenza sessuale, che ebbe successo soprattutto negli Stati Uniti, che la riproposero per anni trovando successo sia tra i maschi che tra le femmine; in Europa, dove pure ebbero successo strepitoso, si scontrava da un lato sull'ambiguità che il glam rock stava per portare sull'estetica del rock ( si pensi a Bowie o Lou Reed, per dare un'idea) e con la dimensione più intellettuale del progressive, che è il tentativo europeo di creare un genere "proprio", e che non era sovrapponibile a quello Zeppelin per idee, classi sociali di provenienza, tematiche, stesse tecniche musicali. Per una serie di motivi, tra cui la nascita del punk che aveva, tra gli altri, come preciso obiettivo estetico spazzare via la tecnica musicale del prog, è prevalso il modello Zeppelin\Hard Rock, anche perchè il punk negli Stati Uniti fu un movimento marginale e che aveva idee diverse da quello europeo.
Tutto questo, secondo me, ha reso giustamente leggendaria Stairway To Heaven.
Se invece mi chiedevi "negativamente" perchè lo è, partendo da quello che ti ho raccontato puoi capire che non saprei risponderti.
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dreamypisces888 · 1 year
Venus' Evening and Morning Dance!
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Venus' retrograde marks the beginning of a new 584-day cycle.
Venus moves in two phases: morning star rising before Dawn, evening star glowing after Dusk.
For 9 months, Venus appears as Dawn's herald. On August 13th, Venus undergoes a transformation - an emergence from evening star to morning star, heralding a reset and rebirth of the heart.
The Cycle of Venus
We can view Venus' cycle through her phases and the aspects she makes.
Phase I - Twilight Venus: Venus dims in the gloaming sky, preparing for her descent. We reflect upon desires that no longer fulfill.
July 23rd, 2023 – Venus goes retrograde at 28° Leo
July 27th, 2023 – Venus conjunct Mercury at 28° Leo
July 30th, 2023 – Venus quincunx Neptune at 27° Leo
Phase II - Underworld Venus: Venus disappears into the shadows of the unseen, stirring a longing to shed old skin. Aspects to the Dark Goddess and the Freeing One urge release.
Archetype: LILITH
August 3rd, 2023 - August 6th – Venus becomes invisible, falling below the horizon and into the underworld (the exact date depends on where you live)
August 8th, 2023 – Venus conjunct Black Moon Lilith at 23° Leo + Lion’s Gate
August 9th, 2023 – Venus (at 22° Leo) square Uranus (at 22° Taurus)
Phase III - Pre-Dawn Venus: Venus meets the Sun though hidden, signaling a new cycle. We tune into desires of the heart and set intentions for Venus' dawn rising, mindful of wishes carefully made.
Archetype: EVE
August 13th, 2023 – Venus conjunct Sun at 20° Leo. A new 584-day Venus cycle begins, and Venus transforms from an evening star into a morning star
August 14th, 2023 – Venus (19° Leo) trine Chiron (19° Aries)
August 15th, 2023 – Venus conjunct Moon at 18° Leo
August 22nd, 2023 – Venus (15° Leo) square Jupiter (15° Taurus)
The Rebirth of Venus
On August 13th, as Venus nears the Earth, we are invited to consider our true values and cherished choices.
When Venus rises remade in the dawn sky, a transformed self awakens.
Venus' retrograde calls us to embrace our heart's truth and act from authenticity. In Leo, Venus invites connection with the soul to see our light anew.
Phase IV - Venus Rises as Dawn Star
Venus emerges from the underworld, reborn as a morning star. She rises in the dawn sky, a vivid reminder of one's true desires and authentic self.
Archetype: Aphrodite, Goddess of Love
Venus Rebirth: From Evening Star to Dawn Star
Venus' retrograde is a passage - a metamorphosis from evening star to morning star.
In the cycle's heart, Venus disappears for two weeks. This intense inner retreat illuminates one's deeper needs.
At conjunction with the Sun, Venus is closest to Earth. This invites reflection on one's true values and cherished priorities.
When Venus rises anew in the morning sky, a transformed self awakens.
Venus' Retrograde: An Invitation to Truth
Venus' retrograde is a celestial call to release what no longer serves and embrace one's heart's truth.
Venus' retrograde in Leo invites connection with the soul to act from a place of authenticity. The heart always knows best!!!
Taken from Astro Butterfly !!!
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hoederers · 11 months
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constance zimmer. fifty. cis woman. she/her. ┊┊ irena zellman, better known as agent hoederer has been with cerberus corp as an eo since 2023 and is LEVEL III. A HIT AND RUN has gifted them seismokinesis, though POOR CONTROL/REACTIONARY, FAINTING AND BLEEDING has also been noted. when they aren’t protecting the tri-state area, they are fond of attending the opera and are never seen without HER 24-CARAT GOLD RING ON HER RIGHT INDEX FINGER. civilians think they are humorous & determined, but some of the other agents see them as ABRASIVE & DECEITFUL. cerberus corp should consider the fact that their last mission status was complete but with her unconcious when giving out the next one. ┊┊
name  irena heidi zellman (ee-ray-na) nicknames  none, nickname at your own risk. age  fifty date of birth  may 04, 1973 zodiac  taurus place of birth  seattle, washington current residence  manhattan, nyc gender  cis woman pronouns  she/her sexuality  bisexual occupation  conductor (former) & composer
faceclaim  constance zimmer height  5'1 tattoos  none piercings  ears distinguishing features  scar on her top lip positive traits  humorous, perceptive, quick-witted, creative, resourceful negative traits  judgemental, narcissistic, abrasive, snobbish, reserved labels / tropes  entj likes  wine, classical music, rock/heavy metal music, moxing gold and silver jewelry, coffee, high waisted pants, tailored blazers dislikes  nosy people, time wasters, plants that aren't plastic, wearing shorts/short skirts or dresses fears  death, people in masks, heatwaves, the smell of vanilla hobbies  reading french literature and plays, going to the opera, attending concerts habits  picking at the skin beside her nails, pressing her top lip into her nose, smiling when delivering a lie, running her fingers through her hair, wearing her sunglasses on her head and even at night.
near death experience… 
it was after an orchestra rehearsal. irena can't remember if it was her fault for not looking before crossing the road - she can't remember if she looked or not. a car was speeding, going way too fast. she was always afraid of dying, especially before she'd successfully become an egot. the car that hit her quickly drove off afterwards - they left her to die. she just couldn't go that way. it felt like she failed at everything: relationships, upkeeping a family - it felt like her teenage daughter hated her, not hitting her career goals... there was a lot of impact, something had knocked into her and the revving from the engine as they drove away would have been able to be felt if she wasn't in such a state of both mental and physical shock. her power projects outwards but also comes from within, reflecting her experience. she was briefly 'visited' by a member of ceberus corp but there was no reason to believe she was an extra ordinary - perhaps just a very lucky person. still, they would continue to monitor her in the months following.
it all happened at the beginning of this year. irena's power didn't manifest straight away, mostly because she felt so numb to it all. it started to show when she was experiencing flashbacks of the incident. it started off minute, her hearing warping somehow before she'd pass out she was dampening sound, that was the first sign everyone seemed to miss. it all spiralled from there. the 'shaking' of liquids around her when upset. she was always good at masking emotions but the change within her made it somehow noticeable. breathing eased it. without even realising it, irena was controlling her newly found ability without realising it until she wasn't. there is a potential to be able to bring down buildings but that is dangerous considering she's so new to her ability but also because agents are meant to protect the city, not destroy it. her power is naturally destructive. a child stepped out into traffic and it caused her to stand out into the road, shielding the child and then putting her hand out - it was a risky test and the highly pressured situation made her lose complete control. vibrations not only acted as a shield but quickly crushed the approaching car and driver, the road cracking in the direction the car had been, as an earthquake transpired. the child was unscathed, irena was unconscious - the corp located her before anyone else could. there was now a fatality on her hands. stress lessens her control over it and as conducting is very physical she was advised not to try it until gaining better control - she agreed to this almost immediately and resigned that post.
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… 
her awareness certainly hasn't helped her ability to control it, if anything the stress of it being known to her has made it worse. irena herself is vulnerable if it's triggered, not so much on a small vibration scale but anything more than accidentally breaking a drinking glass makes her bleed from her nose, bruises also appearing on her body as she's not immune to the vibrations herself. in cases of severe stress and/or when a lot of strength has been put into using her ability, it renders irena unconscious.
cerberus corp… 
irena was recruited but initially wanted to hide from cerberus corp. she didn't believe she had an ability and was more than happy keeping it that way. deep down, she doesn't really want to be a 'hero' for anything or anyone but will feign it because she wants to be able to control it. the fact of the matter is that she can't go back to her normal life without mastering that and considering she has no one to teach her, she accepted the offer to join. irena is very much still a rookie and that frustrates her. she's older, she's used to success- the woman has an academy award from composing... she wants to be able to climb up to ranks but that's not something that can be faked seen as her own ability has a very visible physical toll on her. there is a lot of frustration, she does not want to be a level iii. she's powerful on missions but then needs another to pull her out, if required. that doesn't make her much of a team player as she very much keeps to herself and would not currently do the same for anyone else unless it benefited her - the woman's treating it like a game and that's dangerous. although powerful, she's currently too much of a liability. her tactics and planning, however, is excellent, it's just her execution where she struggles. emotions and physicality trigger things from her and while her 'accident' is still fresh in her mind, it's not a good idea for her to be conducting. irena is still working on scores but had to replace her equipment after she damaged it losing control.
irena chose the name. it's a character name from the french playwrite, jean-paul sartre's les mains sales (dirty hands), a pragmatic political leader. she's quite pretentious like that and has a very high regard for herself so it doesn't match her power at all. perhaps it gives her away that she doesn't have any intention of becoming a hero that protects the city.
003.  EXTRA
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
hello..!! i have been scurrying through your blog for a while now & i was wondering if you could give me a feedback on my SR chart for 2023.. i have I: leo sun, virgo moon, virgo mercury and virgo mars in 5th house. my lilith is also in leo 5th house. II: my leo venus is in 4th house III: capricorn pluto in 9th house IV: pisces saturn & pieces uranus in 11th house V: taurus jupiter & taurus neptune in 12th house VI: i also have my aries chiron, aries nnode & taurus part of fortune in 12th house VII: my snode & vertex are in libra 6th house. what's your general take on how this year could turn out for me? i'm a little cautious of saturn being in the 11th house as 11th house is the house of friends - does that mean difficulty in relationships? also my jupiter in 12th house is a little concerning. what do you think?
This year will urge you or provide situations so you can spend more time alone. On your own. Connecting with your inner child, wisdom, and intuition. If you are planning for a baby, then this could be the perfect year to expect one, especially if transit makes aspect to the planets in the fifth house. Another alternative could be that this year could be a perfect year to work either on healing some inner child wounds (if there is one) or start working bravely towards that hobby you always wanted to try since young. Maybe to start a curse of something spiritual if you are interested in something of the sort.
Whatever you do, you are encouraged to meditate and find what it is that you want to do, to heal what needs to be healed (that it could be your inner child) and work/study the things or hobbies that you will like to do, if you can, and that could make your inner child happy and healed.
This process won’t be easy, I’ll admit it, it will be lonely, and it will require a certain level of death or transformation when it comes about the belief system you have or you were taught to follow. Maybe it relates to how society should work or act. I don’t know. But something of the sort should need to change. It won’t be easy and maybe it can create a separation from some people (Saturn in the 11th), but you could meet unexpected people along the way if you are open enough to try it.
I don't think that Jupiter in the 12th house is a bad omen. In fact, this planet is at home in the 12th house just like Neptune, so it can signal that this year you could be more open to recieve more guidance or information from your intuition, spirit guides or other outworldly beings. The downside could be about having drugs or alcohol problems during this period.
I hope this answer helped you. Have a nice day and year.
Tower Girl Anon
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nayarainchapters · 2 years
Previous I was Megan the witch, but now I am trying something new and this might help. So here I am.
For those who don’t know, my name is Nayara. I am from Brazil and I am in my mid 20s. I graduated in History and I have the license to teach. I want to expand my brain and learn much more about this area I love so much. 
History is one of the many things I love. Football was/is a big part of my life - but to be honest with you, I was away from the sport for a few years and I am slowly falling in love with it again. 
And I am a witch. I am a dreamer and being a witch just makes sense. 
I want to develop and be the best person I can be. There are many things I don’t know yet, many places to go, people to meet, things to try. I am eager to explore the world around me and the one inside me, which I call Nayaraland.
I am gonna be posting whatever I feel callled to, just because I can.
But seriously, you can expect posts on witchcraft, such as tarot, astrology, mythologies, spells, rituals... whatever I am up to. Also, I am learning about being a woman and I am loving it, so maybe I will write about it in the future. Some posts about productivity too, cause I want to keep track of what I am doing and, hopefully, stick to the things I am writing and inspire some of you. 
The Calling
Welcoming the Wanderer
Master of Magic and Rider of the Tree
All Father
Desired One
Battle God
Bale Worker
God of the Dead
God of Ecstasy
My Birth Chart: Sun & Moon
Astrology: The Planets and their meanings
SAGITTARIUS SUN: Identity and purpose
SCORPIO VENUS: The art of love
RUNIC JOURNEY: Aett ruled by Freyja
RUNIC JOURNEY - Aett ruled by Heimdall
RUNIC JOURNEY - Aett ruled by Tyr
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esoteric-butcher · 2 years
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Star Date: Helios 27’40” Pisces 18/3/2023
Day of Venus Hour of Mercury
Single Card Pull Crowley Deck: III of Cups
Correlating Aspects: None
Interesting Aspects: Luna (14’01” Aquarius) Square Urnaus (16’10” Taurus) and sextile Jupiter (15’54” Aries)
Ah the III of Cups. What a wonderful reminder from Luna as she enters her strongest phase. Right before she passes the torch to Helios on Monday here in the PNW. While looking at the chart I am reminded that now that Saturn has moved into Pisces. Luna is going to be the one traversing through the empty Catacombs of Capricorn and the Monastery on the Mountain Aquarius the most. They’ll be checking in frequently and sending letters to Saturn about how things are looking. While Saturn currently has set voyage on the vast seas of Pisces dragging an anchor behind them. Twenty-Seven years from now Saturn will return to Capricorn. Till then Luna will keep them up to date.
The III of Cups reminds me that it is through the eye’s of Luna and Helios that we are even able to perceive time. Also the caring nature of the Gaia and her wisdom of when to turn us away from Helios to allow all of her children to rest is as important as the radiant blessing of Helios nurturing beams. It is through the cycles of Luna and her changing light while she visits the stars in the sky that gave us the possibility of even having “months”. Months which is a reference to Luna (The Moon) themselves.
“Abundance”, as this card is named, is the decan of Cancer II. The center of Luna’s one and only domicile. It is the beginning of the harvest season of early summer crops. The importance of Luna’s time in the sky has been diminished in modern colonialistic culture. We have our own “Sun’s” in our houses no longer needing her illumination for comfort. We have ever running lamps on our streets. No longer needing her light for guidance. We’ve memorized her motions and set them into a meaningless hamster wheel of a calendar.
One of the many things I’ve enjoyed about focusing on the heavens through the lens of Astrology. Is that it has returned the beauty and relationship with the movement of time it’s self. It’s sweeping cycles of pushing and pulling. The outer planets trudging and making wise slow decisions while the inner planets swiftly give subtle meaning and purpose to the shape of a moment. How interacting with these time and space beings can enhance our understandings.
It is here that I will say that this year my partner and I will be giving Luna some much deserved attention. Observing her cycles. Listening in on they’re conversations with the given stars that mark her “Mansions” or “Stations”. Through these cycles I hope to engage more with them not only as a guide and emissary to the cosmos themselves. Also though, to build a meaningful relationship with my own cycles.
I hope to continue sharing these insights with you here.
Thanks for listening,
End: 6:47 A.M. PST Day of Venus Hour of Luna
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