#taylor selfridge
teenmomcentral · 11 months
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I Can See You is Quarfridge Coded, thank you Taylor
And we kept everything professional But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like They keep watchful eyes on us So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet
Jake and Neytiri have "I see you"
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Quaritch and Parker have "I CAN SEE YOU"
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wh0rezs · 1 year
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SUMMARY: Being the Sullies only human child is much more difficult than most realize described by Taylor Swift’s “Mirrorball”
WARNINGS: angst, mentions of parents death, abandoned issues, seeking comfort in anyone, major character death (not Neteyam)
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“And they called off the circus”
“Burned the disco down”
Your family at the RDA was something you called a circus. Not all only was it your soldier mother and your scientist father but Grace Augustine and Max Patel. Parker Selfridge even took you under his wing, and your mother’s team lifted you onto their shoulders.
Trudy took you flying, Grace gave you piggyback rides on her avatar body, Colonel Quaritch would let you fire a gun, Lyle once let you glue a wig onto his bald shiny head. Your own circus. You were even deemed “honorary sister” to the child growing in Paz’s stomach. The RDA was like non-stop disco but everything good must come to an end.
And the end came with Jake Sully. You liked Jake, he was buff soldier surrounded by a bunch of skinny armed scientists, and he raced you in his wheelchair. But something changed when Jake got accepted into Omaticaya.
The scientists left RDA, moving to remote location and along with them went your father. Your mother cursed his name, saying he had gone soft hearted on the animals which plagued this earth. You felt trapped but you still had some of your circus left.
But then it burned down. A war came with both of parents fighting on the opposite sides of it. Your father in his avatar body and your mother in her helicopter. You were left alone with Max Patel, praying that they would both come back to you. Neither of them did.
Your mother had been taken out by Ikrans and your father was shot repeatedly in his avatar and then choked on Pandora’s air.
So your circus was called off and the disco burned down.
“When they sent home the horses”
“And the rodeo clowns”
After the war, humans were forced to leave, expected you and MJ. You watched as Jake, Norm and many other Omaticaya guided your family into the ship.
You had hidden out of sight but Parker Selfridge had seen you. You liked Parker. He had sure you were entertain expect that one time he forced you into school. Your parents often describe him as a clown, so you did too. But you mentioned right in front his face.
You remember everyone in the room going silent, waiting Parker’s reaction. He laughed, saying that you had spunk. Oftentimes when he was taking care of you, he would carry on the circus theme by calling the workers under him horses.
Yet here they were leaving you. You knew they did terrible things but they were your circus. Parker nodded his head for you to come out, so you did, running to him for one last hug.
“You gonna be alright,kid. I am giving you my number in case you need to call but I heard that Sully has adopted you, per your father’s request.” Parker spoke as he wrapped his arms around your back. Parker would never admit to it but he really thought of you as his kid.
A large blue landed on your shoulder, pulling you away. Jake stood way above you and signaled for Parker to start walking again. Once he reached the plane’s entrance, he waved and headed inside. You turned into Jake’s legs and cried.
They had sent home the horses and rodeo clowns.
“I’m still on that tightrope”
Before your father met his untimely demise, he asked Jake to watch over you if he died. Jake honored his promise. He had spoken to Neytiri many times about you and Neytiri knew your father’s avatar, so she agreed.
The whole adoption process was like walking on a tightrope. You had to balance out, carefully staying on that thin line. Most Omaticaya couldn’t say stuff to you, due to you being the Olo’eyktan’s daughter but you didn’t want to lose your balance, tipping off any of them. Omaticaya would never really accept you as human, especially after what they did as Hometree. Many of the People would send glances full of fury with their hands tightening around their bows.
Your adopted parents took care of you but soon they were welcoming a son. An Na’vi son. One who looked like them.
So you remained on that tightrope once Neteyam, your brother, was born.
“I’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me”
You found yourself in Parker’s position, a mascot. The human mascot for the growing family of the Sullies. You liked your baby siblings but they couldn’t tell you how proud they were of you.
As the mascot, you tried to keep your family happy. Trying to get them laughing even on the days when your adopted mother would send hateful gazes towards you.
Soon you realize that you just power through those days, and still make sure your family was laughing.
“I'm still a believer but I don't know why”
You liked to believe, considering yourself a believer. You liked to believe that you were the first born Na’vi daughter of the Sullies, a profound warrior like your mother or future Tsahík like your grandmother.
Yet you were pulled back into reality as you peered at your reflection in a stream. You had your father’s eyes with your mother’s hair. You shared their skin color, which wasn’t a blue.
You like to believe that they were still alive,too. You and them had nice little cottage inside the forest along with your human brother, Spider. Your mother help teach young Omaticaya fighting while your father took care of injuries. Spider and you grew up close with the Sullies, and at night your small family would join them, then walk to the cottage.
Yet once again you pulled back into reality as you heard Jake shout your name, calling out it was lunchtime.
You were a believer yet with painful stuff to believe and you didn’t know why.
“I've never been a natural”
“All I do is try, try, try”
Contrary to what any people believe, you couldn’t do anything relating to Na’vi training.
Unlike your siblings, you couldn’t shoot an bow nor climb a tree under 3 minutes. You couldn’t fish, hunt or fight. You were useless. Your father would tell you nonsense, saying you helped Mo’at and Kiri with healing and injuries but you couldn’t help your feelings.
So all you did was train but you were no natural. Even Spider could do more than you, but you tried. And tried. Tried again but your abilities never honed.
You weren’t a natural at anything but you did try, try again and try.
“I'm still on that trapeze”
Many years had passed since your adoption and you finally made it off the tightrope, yet now you were on a trapeze. Swinging from being a honorary Omaticaya to trying to catch onto being a human. Luckily, this time you had Spider being your trapeze partner.
Spider knew the pains of being a human in a Na'vi world but sometimes he felt closer to the Omaticaya unlike you. You felt at home with humans considering 7 years of your life you were raised by the RDA. So you lost your trapeze partner, flipping onto one bar waiting for the other one to come without the force of another.
So you were still on that trapeze.
“I'm still trying everything”
“To keep you looking at me”
In the forest, you had always tried to have someone’s eyes on you but in Awa'atlu you can’t get away from watchful eyes. As your family settled into the ways of Metkayina’s, you remained a stranger.
Strange and dangerous creature is what the Metkayina would tell their children, as they glares bullets into your skull. Then after a half of year living with them, the RDA found your family again.
Everything after that point was a blur, you can remember Lo‘ak leaving to rescue his ‘brother’, your siblings and you with the help of the Metkayina children pulling off the tracker off of Payakan.
Then the ship came and some of your siblings were taken but you and Neteyam saved them. Lo'ak convincing Neteyam to rescue Spider, which you three did but then every stopped.
You had pushed your three brothers into the water, has you held off the avatars. Just you were about to jump into the water, a searing pain flared in your chest— a bullet had hit you. Stumbling into the water, your brothers cheered until you announced you were shot.
You were brought to an rocky island where Tsireya began to address your wound while your brothers comforted you— Spider holding your hand as he talked about your childhood with him— as your parents arrived. Your final wish was to see home again— your circus, rodeo clowns and horses. To stop believing, and trying. To finally come down from that tightrope and trapeze.
You felt peace as you walked through the forest,reveling in your new home with your father and godmother Grace.
Jake and Neytiri were brought to first time you three were a family. Oftentimes, you would flicker in between you as child to you as an adult. Though you would always mutter the same sentence.
“I tried everything to keep you looking at me.”
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rorywritesalot · 4 months
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived.
Prologue: Welcome to Pandora
Warnings: cursing
Ensley's POV
When you’re 20 years old, you’re usually in college, or moving out of your parents house or whatever. Not me! No, I’m on a different planet to learn more about the wildlife and the natives. I like to think that I’m pretty lucky. I get to do what I love and be mentored by the best of the best, Dr. Grace Augustine. I arrived on Pandora just after I turned 18. I’m the first of the Sully siblings to be here. My brother Tom is supposed to join me here soon. I haven’t seen my family in two long years. I miss my parents and above all, I miss my big brothers. They are only a little over a year older than me. Our parents loved to say that I was a perfect mix of both Jake and Tom. I had the wit and humor of Jake and the smarts and curiosity of Tom. Jake and I were the troublemaking duo. We would taunt the kids of the neighborhood and play pranks on our family. Tom was the brother I could seek out for guidance. He and I could sit and talk about theories forever. It was him who got me extremely interested in the Avatar Program and I studied as hard as I could in order to be considered for the program. Growing up, they were the perfect brothers. They still are. 
When I started my process to get my own avatar, there were some complications with my DNA and it was denied. So I do not have an avatar. My brother Tom does, and he’s here waiting for Tom’s arrival. I work directly under Grace kind of as her right hand. I will be honest, I thought Grace hated me when I first showed up here. She probably did because I was so young and she “didn’t want to be a babysitter”, and I quote. Once she realized what I could do, she started to come around. Since my arrival, Grace has taught me so much and helped me grow as a scientist. She has taken me under her wing and has very much become like a mother figure to me. 
Above all, working with Grace has its perks, but it definitely has its downside. One of those is being her runner. Grace will send me on coffee runs at random hours of the day. She also likes to have me run errands for her too. I get tasked with taking files to Selfridge or sitting in on the boring meetings that she refuses to go to. I didn’t mind running her errands in the end because that was how I met him.
I’ve only ever heard of Colonel Miles Quaritch, I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting the well known Head of Security, until now. The first thing I noticed about the man, other than his piercing blue eyes, was the trio of scars on the right side of his head. If the story is true, he was attacked one his very first day on Pandora by a viperwolf, because he decided it was a good idea to go check out the forest. What an idiot. 
On a trip to one of the breakrooms to get Grace her coffee, I space out. My mind is running rampant, thinking of all the things I have to get done that day. In the middle of running down my mental to-do list, I fail to pay attention to how I turn a corner and run right into a muscular chest and take a tumble to the floor, landing flat on my ass.
“Geez, you need to watch where you’re going cupcake. You okay?” The man says as he reaches down for my hand and hoists me up to my feet. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I guess I was just really out of it.” I say, visibly embarrassed. He lets out a soft laugh.
“It’s fine. Hey, I can’t say I’ve ever met you before. What’s your name?” He flashes his little smirk at me. This man is so devilishly handsome and I think he knows it. With his tan and defined arms, his silver hair and those damn blue eyes. He knows he’s attractive.
“Um, ha, I’m Ensley, Dr. Ensley Sully. I’m a botanist.” I put my hand out for him. He takes it.
“Ah you’re one of those science pukes ain’tcha?” He says, his smirk replaced with a neutral expression. I can’t tell if he now has a sudden distaste for me or something. Since I've been here, I’ve quickly come to understand that the soldier and scientist have never fully seen eye to eye. All because of their different views and since the important people in RDA favor soldiers over scientists. 
“Yeah I am," I say, going into defense mode. "I don’t believe I know your name either.”
“Oh yes, I’m Colonel Quaritch. You might know me as the head of security.” Why, he’s very modest isn’t he. I mentally roll my eyes.
“Well, it’s nice to finally put a face to the name.” I say and he chuckles. He locks his eyes with my brown ones and he looks almost as if he’s analyzing my face. I feel my confidence cracking under his gaze. Part of me wants to run and hide and another part of me wants to fall to the floor and cry. But I don’t. I stand there until I feel like I’m done with the situation.
“I should probably get going. My boss is probably wondering where I am.” I say as I step around him. He turns his body to keep me in sight. 
“Yes, don’t want to keep them waiting.”
“Mhmm, it was nice meeting you.” I say as I turn and continue my trip to the breakroom for Grace’s coffee. As I walk away, I have the feeling that eyes are on me. As I round the corner to the breakroom, I glance back and see the colonel still looking at me. I hesitantly stop and gaze back at him. I softly smile and wave my fingers at him. He subtly nobs and turns to continue to where he was going. 
I turn on the coffee machine so I can make Grace’s drink as well as making a cup of tea for myself. I’m not a big fan of coffee. I hate the bitterness of it as well as the after taste. So I don’t drink caffeine or anything, I just run off of sheer willpower. 
As I’m doing what I’m doing, I think back to the encounter I just had with the colonel. Everyone made him out to be so mean and cold. He didn’t seem that way with me. Maybe everyone only ever met him as the colonel and I just got to meet him as just him. 
I finish making the drinks and I make my way back to the lab. Upon my arrival, I look around to find Grace. I find her hunched over a microscope. I set her mug down by the scope and she shoots her eyes to look at me.
“Jesus E, what took you so goddamn long.” She says, visibly irritated that she had to wait longer for her precious coffee. She takes a sip and looks back at me signaling that she wants to know what happened to me.
“I just ran into someone and I got to talking to them. It's not that big of a deal.” I say turning my back to her and heading to my desk.
“Who did you run into?”
“Fuck Grace, why do you care?”
“I want to know.”
“If I tell you, will you stop pestering me?” I grumble. She nods her head.
“I ran into Quaritch.” I say and Grace's face slightly drops.
“Oh, are you okay? He didn’t give you any shit did he?” She asks and I shake my head. She seems relieved. She and Quaritch have always had it out for each other and couldn’t be in the same room as each other without wanting to bite the other's head off. So I understand why she doesn't want him to give me or any of her scientists shit or anything.
“Okay well, let's get back to work. There are some Mist Blooms I want you to analyze and make some reports about. Okay?” Grace motions to the pile of papers and files sitting on my desk. I take a seat, sip my tea and dive back into my work.
Note: This is my first ever fanfic and I'm so happy to share this with you. Most of my titles are going to be based off Taylor Swift title tracks. So if there are any swifts here, I hope you enjoy that. Chapter 1 will be out soon!
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geraldofallon · 8 months
In case anyone was wondering, these are the faceclaims I used for the (canon) Romance in the Neath series (lots of Phantom of the Opera)
Artist and Artist’s Model: Aaron Taylor-Johnson in Anna Karenina/Ana de Armas
Master Jewel Thief and Honey-Sipping Heiress: Alexander Dreymon in The Last Kingdom/Lise Slabber in Black Sails
Melancholic Curate and Enigmatic Sister: Aidan Turner in Desperate Romantics/Joanna Vanderham in The Go-Between
Acclaimed Beauty and Barbed Wit: Leslie Odom Jr/Ramola Garai in The Crimson Petal and The White
Affectionate Devil and Quiet Deviless: Clark Gable, one of the pictures is from Gone with the Wind/Clara Bow
Revolutionary Firebrand and Secular Missionary: Sean MacLaughlin in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway and in the US Tour/Carey Mulligan in Far From the Madding Crowd
Cultured Attaché and Cultured Attachée: James Norton in Little Women/Katherine Kelly in Mr. Selfridge
Academic Intriguer and Devout Intriguer: Louis Garrel in Little Women/Daisy Head in Shadow and Bone in one picture, Harlots in the other
Promethean Rogue and Incendiary Tastemaker: Derrick Davis in the Restaged US Tour of Phantom of the Opera/Phoebe Fox in Life in Squares
Blooming Wallflower and Flexible Intelligencer: Bryce Pinkham in A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder on Broadway/David Oyewolo in the 2018 Les Misérables series
Joyful Charter Clerk and Joyful Illuminator: Jean Steinberg in Saint Joan/Mei Pang
Infamous Mathematician and Roguish Semiotician: Freida Pinto in Mr. Malcolm’s List/Domnhall Gleeson, one of the pictures is from Anna Karenina
Cheery Man and Last Constable: Joseph Mawle in Ripper Street-Jennifer Ehle in Possession in one picture, Pride and Prejudice in the other
September and the Clay Highwayman: Johnny Harrington/unknown model in a photography series by Jason Sinn
Paleontologist and F.F. Gebrandt: Bilal Baig/Helen Mirren
Sardonic Music-Hall Singer and Poor Edward: Denée Benton in The Gilded Age in one picture, and in Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 on Broadway in the other/dummies used for the Masquerade scene in the stage production of Phantom of the Opera, the Copenhagen production
Silk-Clad Expert: Audrey Tautou in Coco Before Chanel
Once-Dashing Smuggler: Rami Malek in Night at the Museum
Captain Amelia Whitlock: Sonequa Martin-Green
New Dreamer: Cynthia Erivo
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unit2-ss24 · 10 months
The 1970s - part 1
Some trends from the late 1960s carried through into the early 1970s, the Woodstock festival of peace and music marked the end of the 1960s hippie movement however, the hippie flower child look carried over into the first half of the decade in a non-restrictive bohemian silhouette with a heavy folksy influence.
Arts and crafts were very popular to the era, things such as tie-dye, batik, knitwear, crochet and macramé were present during this time and created a great sense of ease and comfort to early 1970s fashion.
1970s folk style.
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Angelica Huston wearing Ossie Clark for Miss Selfridge, Cosmopolitan, May 1972
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Designers like Laura Ashley and Jessica McClintock popularized the prairie dress phenomenon. The Prairie dress was typically made up of romantic silhouettes with delicate details like floral prints, long billowing skirts, and lots of ruffles.
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Thea Porter
Thea Porter pioneered bohemian chic, her shop in Soho instantly drew a crowd of rock and film stars, clients such as the Beatles and Pink Floyd to Elizabeth Taylor, Faye Dunaway and Barbara Streisand took a liking to her style. Thea Porter celebrated ethnic styles in Indian style prints, free flowing breezy gauzy tent dresses and wide legged pants.
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Thea Porter had seven signature looks:
the Abaya & Kaftan
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the Gipsy dress
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the Faye dress
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the Brocade-panel dress
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the Wrap-over dress
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the Chazara jacket
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Sirwal skirt
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As well as this her fashion photography featured on the pages of Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and Women’s Wear
During the 1970s skirts could be seen in a variety of lengths, mini, midi or maxi. The maxi dress was a must have of the decade in a multitude of styles and shapes. Rich earthy tones dominated the era, warm browns, burgundy, rust, mustard, and avocado green took centre stage.
The 1970s saw women emerge in to the work place, they began to dress more "masculine" wearing pantsuits, day wear and separates echoed in the film'Annie Hall'. The image below shows Diane Keaton wearing a fitted vest with a collared white shirt and men’s neckties in the film.
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From then on, the pantsuit became the next big thing. Bianca Jagger wore a YSL pantsuit at her wedding to Mick Jagger in 1971.
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darksxder · 2 years
characters i write for
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favs = bolded
avatar (2009)/ avatar: the way of water
jake sully
trudy chacon
norm spellman
colonel quaritch (human or recom!)
grace augustine
parker selfridge
 prue halliwell
piper halliwell
phoebe halliwell
paige matthews
cole turner
leo wyatt
chris halliwell
criminal minds
aaron hotchner
spencer reid
jason gideon
emily prentiss
jenifer jareau
penelope garcia
derek morgan
kate callahan
dragon age
alistair theirin
zevran arainai
varric thethras
iron bull
cullen rutherford
jim gordon
barbara kean
lee thompson
oswald cobblepot
edward nygma
butch gilzean
fish mooney
bruce wayne
selina kyle
alfred pennyworth
salvatore maroni
carmine falcone
harry potter
harry potter
hermione granger
draco malfoy
theodore nott
tom riddle
remus lupin
sirius black
mass effect
commander shepard
garrus vakarian
liara t’soni
Jeff “joker” moreau
kasumi goto
thane krios
urdnot wrex
miranda lawson
jacob taylor
liam kosta
nakmor drack
jaal ama darav
tiran kandros
wednesday addams
morticia addams
enid sinclair
xavier thorpe
larissa weems
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seositetool · 2 months
How Cory Wharton and Taylor Selfridge’s Relationship Grew After Baby Maya
Cory Wharton and Taylor Selfridge. Instagram @can_seco Cory Wharton and Taylor Selfridge’s relationship has grown stronger after watching their daughter Maya experience an open heart surgery. When catching up with Us Weekly at The Children’s Heart Foundation’s Congenital Heart Walk in Los Angeles on Sunday, July 28, the pair celebrated how far they’ve come as a couple and family. “I don’t think…
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megrimmervm · 10 months
For this visual merchandising project we are making our own 3D replica of a shop window! This will be based on summer/spring 2024 so I first looked into what events and styles are predicted for this time period. Looking into events such as film, music, sports etc I found - general festival season, Taylor swift eras tour, Olivia Rodrigos GUTS tour take that tour and girls aloud reunion tour. Things that happen regularly this time in the UK such as proms, easter, mothers and fathers day, pride, St Patricks day, ladies day and all the races, may the forth be with you (Star Wars day). Some film releases are inside out 2, wicked and king of the planet of the apes. Finally the 2024 olympics start in June hosted in Paris. Out of all these events I decided I wanted to base mine on Taylor Swifts the eras tour which first comes to the UK 7th June 2024. It was also necessary to pick a store for our window design to be in, from the choices of Selfridges, Nike, Liberty of London, River Island, Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie. After looking at each of the stores websites and searching some previous shop windows of theirs I narrowed my choices dow to River Island and Anthropologie. After a discussion with sally I realised that for me to go ahead with my idea for my eras tour window the best choice would be river island, as they are more of a fun vibe that would fit the idea of my window and the target audience for river island will be slightly younger so more fitting for Taylor swift fans.
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sophisticatedswifts · 10 months
Harry Styles’ brand Pleasing launched a release through Selfridges today and these are the prices. I know Taylor’s merch is super expensive but I guess it could be worse. And at least Taylor’s is cute.
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teenmomcentral · 9 months
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Giovanni Ribisi as The Guy who was manhandled by their daddy
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Giovanni Ribisi is babygirl
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Parker Selfridge x Coronel Miles Quaritch
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Sneaky Pete (3 Seasons)
Marius Josipovic x Officer Taylor Bowman
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swiftdupes · 10 years
taylor for asos magazine
december 2014/january 2015
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sequin sleeveless party sparkly top in dark silver from allegra k // $30.80
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trend set vest top in creme from riley hubatka x peppermayo // $45
collared halter crop top in stone from showpo // $25
satin low rise mini skirt in soft pink from miss selfridge // $12.48
high waist mini skirt in pink from verafied new york // $98
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meghna metallic mini skirt in metallic rose gold from tropicali beauty boutique // $58
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truna sweatshirt dress in pastel lilac from lark & lily boutique // $31.47
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queenofgraveyards · 1 year
I feel like I’m texting you when you reply and it makes me so happy! Haha but here’s my reasoning.. Rebekah always thought she could get Harry to do anything and be whoever she wanted him to be so to see him be himself and be so happy with someone else pisses her the fuck off. Like how could he ever get over her? That was my thought process when she tried to get them to break up the first time she came around and relentlessly called Ivy
ofc i’m always texting you bestie 🩵 and you know what that is really good reasoning!!! yes like she’s hot shit or she THINKS she’s hot shit and to see h so happy with someone else (someone Rebekah thinks is not as hot shit as herself) and being so unapologetically him bc you KNOW Rebekah wouldn’t let him be himself n be dorky about things or touch her all the time that she’s like seething mad abt it bc (and I hate to do this to my girl taylor but she’s pissing me off lately) who could EVER leave Rebekah? and yes maybe she’ll somehow see them being their dorky very in love selves …maybe in a fancy shop too like in selfridges or even just a brand store like Versace or Burberry or something and h is just buying all this shit for ivy who’s like 🙄🤢 and he won’t take no for an answer and Rebekah is just soooo mad abt it bc he wouldn’t buy her SHIT towards the end so she’d just use his cards and they’d fight and she just can’t believe he’d rather date that CHILD than her who’s hot n has own money let’s be real or she’s at least semi famous like love island level fame not real fame lmaoooo
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huntymades · 3 years
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。・゚゚・ like or reblog if you take ・゚゚・。
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infinityxpremades · 3 years
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